#i'll do more if anyone's interested though
tizniz · 3 days
The negativity is making me not want to read 911 right now. Like I have a few authors that I will still read cause they aren't spreading hate, but other than that, I'm staying away. I've unsubscribed from a couple of people cause they were doing bashing fics, and that wasn't what I wanted. My main ones are you, spots, hoodiebuck, monsterrae, and lozerdiaz for now. If you have any recommendations of authors I could read, I'd appreciate it. I just joined the fandom in August.
Hi anon :)
I can definitely understand where you’re coming from and why you may be pulling back from reading. Totally respect that.
It’s sad though, because it discourages writers (not including myself since you kindly continue to read my stuff) who are not spreading negativity but aren’t getting read because people are pulling back.
This isn’t me telling you what to do though - if you feel like you need to pull back, then definitely do. Your wellbeing is important. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise.
I get not wanting to read bashing fics either - I do try and avoid them for the most part, personally. But I will say that if people want to write and post bashing fics, that's totally fine as well, because it's their right (not that I'm saying you are implying people cannot). I myself have posted a Diaz parents bashing fic myself, and will fully support Buckley parent bashing. I just hope those people are tagging appropriately so people like yourself can avoid bashing stories when searching for new stories to read and want to avoid that.
This negativity and toxicity that has been growing lately is one of the sad sides of fandom. Unfortunately, we will never escape it. We learn to shift and adjust who we follow, what we read, and who we support so that we can curate our own happy experience. Not that I think there is a reason for being so negative or toxic. (Honestly, why can people not ship multiple ships??? Jeez.)
But anyways...I'm sorry that you are struggling to find enjoyment in reading. Because as I've said many times before, there is so many wonderful ideas being created for us to enjoy.
The authors you've mentioned are all ones I also read frequently (although there are a few of their stories I haven't read because of the pairing, but that's MY choice to not read and no shame to them - because newsflash to the haters- you do NOT have to read every single story, especially if you don't like it), so well done on your choices.
I'm happy to share some authors that I enjoy reading (I'll format it as Tumblr user // A03 user): @cal-daisies-and-briars // Daisies_and_Briars @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels // letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @princessfbi // princessfbi @eddiebabygirldiaz // Underhung_Aura @theotherbuckley // theotherlucifer @exhuastedpigeon// 42hrb @elvensorceress // elvensorceress @dangerpronebuddie // I_still_dont_understand_13 @daffi-990 // Daffi_990_ao3 @watchyourbuck // tinygiantsam @bigfootsmom // bigfootsmom @devirnis // devirnis @wikiangela // wikiangela These are all people who I actively follow and interact with one some level. I think they are all lovely people on Tumblr and are wonderful authors with amazing ideas. I probably have more I could recommend too, but I did try to stick with more active people. And there are some authors on this list who are leaning heavily towards BuckTommy while others are still going strong with Buddie, so there's a mixture for people's interest in pairings. (I want to mention @hippolotamus & @lemonzestywrites as well -both of whom are working on amazing stuff but have life in the way and are currently unable to be super active with their writing but go read stuff they've posted on their A03 and support them, pelase. And also special special shout out to my lovely @actualalligator because how can I NOT mention Al?) And a few more A03 authors who I'm not certain of their Tumblr are: allisonRW96, justhockey, fleetinghearts, bccalling These are authors who I have been subscribed to since essentially the beginning of my entrance into the fandom and they have never disappointed me with their works.
I'm more than happy to make a post recommending some of the amazing stories I've been indulging in lately too. But this post is plenty long enough as is haha
Thank you for stopping by :)
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bellaxgiornata · 23 hours
OH MY GOD OKAY- so hang on- first off, BELLA, how are you? how's the newborn? how are the kids in general?! i'm happy to hear the birth went well, i hope you're recovering well and that you're not pushing yourself too muchhhhh
ANYWAY. i just found out how my godfather/uncle met his wife and- HOLY SHIT it gives me SUCH Frank or Matt vibes (more frank than matt in my opinion, but 100% either of them) and i had to tell you about it to see if you agreeeeeee (+ it could be a cool oneshot idea if you want it hehe, i'll give it for free)
OKAY SO for the purposes of clarity, my uncle/godfather's name is now Peter, and his wife's name is Molly, because why not?
Peter is invited to his best friend's wedding, and the bride at that wedding warns him "hey, don't you dare talk to Molly" (while pointing Molly out in a crowd) "she just went through a really difficult breakup and though you guys are 100% eachother's types, she is absolutely not ready for another relationship and i don't want you to break her heart if the relationship isn't going to last."
and Peter respects that. except the bride wasn't clear about who she was pointing to. so Peter was avoiding another random girl in the friend group he'd never met and had been talking and flirting all night with Molly without realising it was Molly and he legit spent the whole ceremony and most of the reception sitting right next to her and chatting.
and then during the reception, the bride realises that Peter and Molly are talking and she tells Peter like- "why are you talking to Molly, I told you to stay away from her!" and he's like "that's Molly? well you were right then" and then the bride is like "about what?" and he's like "that we're eachother's types. I gave her my phone number an hour into us meeting and I've already asked her out on a date and she said yes."
and now they've been married for 10 years or so and have two daughters
LIKE IT'S ALL SO CUTE- when i found out i wanted to die because of how adorable it is- like it's genuinely the meet-cute in a rom-com kind of shit- and to me it's SO Frank or Matt-coded (helps that my godfather/uncle is military and is built nearly exactly like Frank- like seriously shave frank's head, make him look slightly less worn out and traumatised and you have my godfather/uncle + they have the exact same sense of humour and stuff).
Hey, friend!! 💖 My response is a bit long so I put it below the cut. But enjoy this Frank gif to break things up (and because I wouldn't be able to resist that man looking at me like that at a wedding...).
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I am doing well! I've had a cold shortly after coming home from the hospital which has been rough on top of everything else, but I feel a little better today and I have been taking time to try to take care of myself. Our little baby is doing well, boy can down milk like no one's business and he's generally a pretty happy little guy all the time. My toddler absolutely adores him already, but he's been an only child for almost 4 years so he's been having a hard time sharing our attention. The birth had some scary ups and downs last week, but things ended up okay and both baby and I are alright! I will say that I've had enough experience with child birth and don't want to do it a third time after that, though 😅
Ahhh!! OMG! I love stories like this! I used to be a wedding photographer for about 11 years before becoming a stay at home mom and I LOVE hearing stories of how couples met (or got engaged) because it's so interesting to hear about! And I can actually see a story for either Matt or Frank so I may keep that in mind for a one shot now, thank you 😆
But yes! I could absolutely see an innocent Frank at a wedding getting the women mixed up and genuinely talking to the "wrong" one and they end up hitting it off in the end and he sticks by her side for most of the night. Sweet Frank would soothe anyone's broken heart. As for Matt, well, I could see him making an innocent mistake, but truly I could see Fog warning him to stay away from a family member or friend and Matt "accidentally" talking to her and pretending he thought it was another woman Fog warned him to stay away from. I mean, it's Matt and he's a little shit sometimes 🤣
But that's so crazy!! Thank you for sharing this story with me!! I always love taking real life moments and then thinking about how the guys might react if it had happened to them! But I do agree that this screams more Frank than Matt (unless it was about intentionally ignoring the friend's warning because that screams Matt).
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cuubism · 9 months
hello friends. despite my 9 million existing dreamling wips i'm feeling the need to branch out a bit for the sake of my mental variety. what pairing other than dreamling should i write a little something for? could be romantic or platonic
other way of phrasing i guess: any pairings you really want to see more fics for in the fandom?
#i actually do have one someone asked me for ages ago i've been meaning to get to so i'll try to do that too#bonus points if it still involves dream bc you know i love dream XD#probably wont do any romantic pairings /between/ the endless because well yeah#but open to exploring pretty much anything else... feel free to send whatever if you want. dont worry about if i'll like it#if i can't vibe with it or find it uncomfy i just won't write it no harm no foul#not me soliciting little prompts fully knowing that motivation is a fickle beast and who knows if i would get to writing them XD i want#to though! or like. idk. if anyone wants to share headcanons about their favorite pairings i am happy to receive them#the sandman#a couple that are bouncing around my head already:#rose meeting desire. this could be really interesting i think (they are of course her grandparent)#calliope and lucienne post-calliope's imprisonment: i think their dynamic could be interesting since they both have/had close relationships#with dream. but of course calliope's relationship with him fell apart. i think lucienne with whatever context of it she had would probably#be sympathetic to calliope's perspective but still staunchly On Dream's Side so the speak bc she is ultimately very loyal to him... could b#an interesting convo.#additionally - calliope and johanna. both suffered things recently. both had curious interactions with dream where they recently saw both#his vicious side AND a kinder more understanding side of him... [dream gave rachel a peaceful death at johanna's request etc]#but they've come out of their suffering really differently (granted it was different types of suffering. but)#wow here i am asking for people's ideas and then just coming up with my own XD#anyway#wait two others: i'm fascinated by the potential dynamic of lucienne and the corinthian they only had like one short scene together in the#show but can you imagine. spending eons being loyal to dream and then going opposite directions with that loyalty. being among dream's inne#circle so to speak except lucienne is her own entity while corinthian was /created/ by dream. they have the most fascinating venn diagram o#personality traits and narrative positions...#secondly. and this is kind of crack. but like. imagine johanna and corinthian in the same room XD 'hi i'm an exorcist and this is my pet#serial killer' 'yeah my lord gave me a vacation to go kill some demons' why doesn't he try to kill johanna? bc she tried to destroy him#first time they met and he can't help but respect it XD
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beesorcery · 3 months
hello it's part 3 of 3 for my cool fun graphic design adventure!! part 1 and part 2 got too long. to recap i am recreating this t-shirt design but with the magic 8 ball songs instead of city names:
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here is the current draft, updated through 3/27 (pittsburgh) (!!!!)
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pine-arten · 1 year
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i spent all yesterday making a semi-realistic slugcat base. i used sphinx cats as a reference, so they’re pretty cat like here
 i imagine they hold themselves different than an actual cat though, plus more robust shoulders for bipedal-ism
this is the survivor btw :) i think i’ll do monk next
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phioneplatinum · 3 days
some harmoknight headcanons i have!! this isn't all of them, but here's some for lyra and tempo!!
Lives in Symphony City, near the exit close to Calypso Beach and the Tori Gate.
Ever since she was younger, she always wanted to protect the people she cared for most. This was her main drive to eventually become a soldier of Melodia.
She mainly patrolled Calypso Beach before the Noizoids struck, but after they did, she found herself patrolling Rock Range and Marching Hills more.
She sometimes gets into small fights with Tyko, but thankfully they simmer down before they get any worse…
Has a weakness for sweets.
Doesn't like talking much. However, he feels comfortable talking to Woodwin and Tappy. Maybe if enough time passes, the same will go for Lyra, Tyko, Cymbi, and Ariana...?
Has a big Allegro plush in his room thanks to Octarina. Sometimes, he's even seen sleeping while hugging the thing…
Sees his mentor as a [grand]father figure of sorts.
He visits his friends quite often! Sometimes they all get together in his house to have fun :D
Can be seen drawing sometimes. His art isn't the greatest, but they're charming enough to make you smile!
Despite saving the world, he still does training. Can't have his skills growing rusty!
Doesn't like going to Baroque Volcano. You know why.
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Come on, you know you want to, give us the character bingo for Viktor.
don't mind if i doooo
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#ask me#okay there's a lot going on here but first things first#viktor has transcended the favorite character tier where I want to protect him or whatever#like yeah he did that shit! I support him but I also don't! the more trouble he gets himself into the happier I'll be!#do you feel me#like one of the things I love most about Viktor is that I feel so much sympathy for the circumstances he's in that are out of his control#but he has so much agency in his own story that everything he's gained and accomplished are because he makes choices#and GETS HIMSELF places#and now the same thing is happening with his BAD choices and I find that just as delightful if not moreso#he is the agent of his own salvation and his own destruction and I will be in the front row seat with popcorn for both or either#so writing him is mostly me studying him under the microscope poking him until he does something untoward it's very fun#I only hesitantly say that Viktor is like me but the Balkan ties and the grumpy-but-kind and obsessive personality#and the strong opinions about a chosen STEM field#are inescapable okay#mommy issues is not circled because I have mommy issues but bc I have convinced myself that Viktor WILL have them#if Nikola Tesla is anything to go by#the jayce-mel-viktor trifecta is ruled by mommy issues and i will stand by that claim#also viktor is more interesting with no therapy - with as little therapy as possible would be my preference#WITH THE EXCEPTION of the lonely genius shit that Singed planted in his head#that is absolutely the lie that Viktor believes that he MUST discard in order to progress as a character and I am excited for it#I genuinely think that Viktor will be happier and more eccentric as [REDACTED] but it won't last#he will hit a VERY LITERAL -if thy right hand offend thee cut it off- situation and then he'll have peace but he won't call it happiness#I can't say that I'd hate anyone who hurt him because that is half of why I'm excited for s2#but I will probably lose it at any scene where he loses to [REDACTED] for rivalry reasons#I genuinely do want to see Mel completely own his ass as [REDACTED] though like can you imagine the banter#and both of them secretly having fun with it
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canary-song · 9 months
This is definitely a minority opinion, but I personally find it more fun to depict the Spider God as a bit less involved, or at the least not actively malicious with her treatment of Peter.
(short explanation below the cut)
Peter being the most active participant in his actions and the way his story goes is pretty essential to my characterization of him, as it follows that he's willing to be Spiderman because he thinks he can help people (or stop others from hurting people). It also adds that it's not the Spider God forcing his inevitable mental health decline, and that its Peter's own poor consideration of himself that's making him so isolative. Just as much as he's active in trying to save people, Peters also actively harming himself in the process, rather than just being at the whims of some higher power.
Furthermore, for a less Deep Reason, I just find the concept of not-actively-malicious but still harmful deity-like entities fun to write. She's not trying to make him a puppet, she's just following along holding to his story like a life-raft while her grasp over this reality is narratively slipping. He's highly motivated and determined to keep going, which makes him perfect for the perpetuation of her presence. She doesn't want full control, but he's her tether, so perhaps she pushes him just a bit to pull the trigger that first time, or she gets him out of bullet fire.
Maybe she doesn't realize any of this could be construed as overstepping or evil because she's not human. She doesn't understand - she just knows what she needs to do to keep going (and of course we can't understand her; her existence is beyond us). But she's still not calling all the shots.
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udog · 1 year
I absolutely adore how you draw rito and especially Revali! I still can’t get enough of him no matter how much time has passed. I know it’s been a while since you last posted—be it because of life or art block, or both—but I still will offer you my sincerest gratification for the artwork you have deemed worthy enough for us to see! I hope the Rito in Tears of the Kingdom provide us with the same kind of “inspiration” (brain-rot) as in BotW. Even if Revali probably doesn’t make a big appearance; and possibly even Harth as well 😩
this was 😭 so nice to come back to HWUEUFHEJEEHEB THANK YOU 🥹 revali may not be in totk but hey at least harth is ‼️‼️ I have. bigger issues with another particular rito that isn't in totk though 😒
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sorry all I could provide was a messy sketch ‼️ idk it probably has to do with reagan 🤥
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By the way if you comment on this post I'll assign you a Frances Hardinge book I think you'd like based on Vibes
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medicinemane · 2 months
#I get tired of people trying to explain what lens I should view the world through; what way I could think that would make everything better#forgive me but I don't care; I do what I do and I do what I can and you don't see the work I do under the hood#I don't want advice on self validation or whatever; I want... I want someone to hold a mirror up so I can actually see myself#by which I mean I want input on how I'm doing; if it's good enough; if it's worth anything; if anything I make is good#everyone things I'm nice; everyone has always thought I'm nice#but given nice leaves me profoundly isolated I don't think I care#not to mention in my opinion what nice in this instance means is that I'm capable of listening#it's mostly that I have manners rather than some quality about me#I'm well behaved and polite and can listen; and that's perceived as nice or even sweet#and it's not like I'm offended by people seeing me that way; but maybe you can get why... I can't do anything with that information#but if I'm doing enough... if I provide any value to the world... I might have heard that less times in my life than years I've lived#that's where I'm totally blind#people don't tend to offer any input; and also people don't tend to let me know what they're thinking#and I in fact am not a mind reader; I can often accurately infer things; but no of that means a thing till it's confirmed#and... well... hopefully no one reads the stupid shit I say and especially not the tags so this is safe and hidden#but truthfully people just like to hear that stuff they're doing is wanted and matters#and I do not#I don't know... gotta go do more cleaning cause I need to#and I have no idea if... I've got a reason for fighting so hard to clean; but I get very little input so... I expect... well...#and thankfully I don't think they read my tags so I can say this#but I really expect they won't take me up on my offer to come out here and get away from their parents; so there will be no pay off#not that I blame them in the slightest... it's just the only possible pay off for this cleaning would be helping someone I like out#and a scrap of company#but then again... in many ways anyone coming out to live with me is the worst thing they could probably do#sorry... I have a rather bleak outlook on many things surrounding myself purely cause of what I infer from the past#there is never pay off; only more shit I need to get done#I will never be loved; I will never be wanted; I will always just kinda be an afterthought that's occasionally worth venting to#no one will ever be particularly interested in anything I'm interested while I'll chase their interests or at least try to#certainly let them talk about them when they want#...though I take that over my normal total isolation... better to at least be permitted to follow in someone's shadow than have nothing
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doctorweebmd · 2 months
coming out of my baldurs gate 3 delirium (aka i am working a night shift and can't physically play it. at work.) to say that horikoshi. horikoshi when i GET YOU. you are NOT leaving izuku with no quirk and no arms. i am in your walls
#bnha spoilers#also. more evidence that horikoshi read zero-sum game#like come on the twins thing the izuku losing his quirk thing the losing his arm thing the shiggy getting decay from afo thing#TELL ME THE TRUTH HORIKOSHI. DID YOU READ MY FANFIC.#i'm joking of course. he's just done a really good job of foreshadowing through the series. its a marker of an amazing author#and i know that izuku probably won't lose both his arms and his quirk. i fully expect it to be a happy ending in some way shape or form#this is a sixteen year old boy who sacrificed EVERYTHING. more than he ever had to give#and he had less than a year. LESS THAN A YEAR.#sorry i'm already crying thinking about the scene of him holding shigaraki's hand even though it will decay him........#izuku who knows better than ANYONE what shigaraki's power can do.... reaching out to him. caring more about others than about himself.#he's just. he's so good. he's SO GOOD. he deserves the world#tbh i feel like eri HAS to be involved at this point. she's the deus ex machina in all this#that or overhaul#both of their abilities can at least physically restructure izuku's body#it would actually be a very interesting redemption point for overhaul.......#i mean WHY ELSE RESCUE HIM. and why give him THE SAME FUCKING INJURY#what a powerful thing it would be to have eri give overhaul his arms back#and overhaul learning about goodness and forgiveness from this girl he's done nothing but abuse and torture#and saves izuku........#its about ATONEMENT. its about GROWTH. its about IT NEVER BEING TOO LATE.#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU MY HERO ACADEMIA#... ok. i'm normal. its fine.#on another note#i loved the ending to my first bg3 run which i think i finished Tuesday/Wednesday. i cried.#IMMEDIATELY started a durge run where i'm playing a male human bard instead of the female half-wood elf ranger#i was like 'haha. i'll make a character based on hisoka from hxh! i'm gonna be SOOOO evil! >:))#and guess who still isn't good at being big evil. ME. at worst i'm probably chaotic neutral.#its wild i'm already finding SO MANY new scenes i missed on the first playthrough even though i'm making a lot of the same choices#so it still feels super fun and fresh. more so now because i kind of know the characters and the mechanics better#my current playthrough i'm with lae'zel shadowheart and asterion with no intention of switching out
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oh. I almost forgot that I'm currently in the fun place of being a tutor/TA I guess? kinda? for a class that a professor I had last semester is taking. you may have nearly a whole PhD in linguistics but which one of us knows more japanese grammar. that's right hehe it's me, how's that shoe feel on the other foot
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tue, aug 1st (day 2)
I finally did a successful workout today (only 20 minutes but it was more intense than the workouts I used to do before I got a trial on a workout app (The subscription is way too high so I'm just using it to try something new and collect new exercises)) and made oatmeal with honey and strawberries and some coffee because I was still feeling hot from the workout. I didn't use to drink coffee almost at all until this summer when I needed something to cool down so I tried to make something that was basically a spoonful of coffee with sugar mixed in a glass of milk, added ice and have been making a better (and iceless) version of that since even when it's colder. But I still prefer tea in the morning and can't wait for autumn.
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Anyways. Spent most of the morning turning a thrifted shirt into a pillowcase while rewatching a whole season of The Good Place and then ate a whole pack of paprika-flavoured crisps instead of the pre-made pasta for lunch (they were delicious. and left some marks on the fabric.)
And because I was so excited about it and really wanted to finish it, I kind of strayed from my routine only the second day in, and arrived at the library almost two hours later than I was supposed to. Which is kind of a point I'd like to talk about for a little bit.
It took me literal years to find a balance between perfectionism and complete chaos. I kept putting everything into stupid school presentations just to make them tip-top, getting migraines from the stress and then had a long period in the past half-year when I was just letting myself do anything I wanted and eventually started having slight breakdowns when something wasn't going according to my expectations. It's rooted in deeper psychological issues that one has to work on, therapy is recommended, and you might need to sever ties with some toxic people in your life.
What I'm trying to say is, I still got a lot done today, I still arrived at the library and took more notes on rabbits. I used my time well, even though not perfectly according to the schedule.
There will come a time (maybe when you lose your daily schedule completely) when you realize that it's all made up and you need time off just as much as you need some time spent working and accomplishing something. You do need both. Burnout is hard to recover from. But if you play all day, every day and bend to your own every whim, you'll eventually start feeling like shit.
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I'll be posting something about my own new (temporary) daily schedule soon, about putting it together and how I manage it in practice. For now, have some evening reading aesthetics and my new cosy pillow, and enjoy your day :)
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songtwo · 2 years
Omggggg a band just replied 2 my email for the first time and agreed 2 meet <3<3<3<3<3
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
I think it says nothing about me that 98% of my favorite characters are the ones who absolutely do not trust anyone, always consider how bad people can be, rather than how good they can be. The ones who cannot read social cues well, and for whom intimacy, trust, and being comfortable around people is a foreign concept. The ones with childhood trauma who learned to adapt to a world where nothing could be considered to be save and no one could be considered to be trustworthy. The ones who never show their true emotions but if they do they do so violently breaking down. The ones who get treated as outcasts and have accepted this role.
But like i said. That says nothing about me as a person
#not all my faves combine all of these characteristics. but it's a theme. i relate to them. and i love them‚ which is funny#because i really don't like myself at all.#but it explains why i got imprinted on juwon and not dongsik. because i find myself in him#(do Not understand this as 'i like juwon more than dongsik'. i would die for dongsik. it's not about liking him more or anything#can't quite explain it)#and it explains why kang yohan is so very dear to me. despite me really not liking him the first few episodes the first time i watched#how he puts on a show in public and gets awkward around the people he loves and how he expresses his love by letting people hate him#(i love how we have a similar dynamic between gaon and yohan and juwon and dongsik but vice versa. but that's a different topic)#that's why i so very dearly love do hyun soo who got demonized so much throughout his youth he started to believe he wasn't capable of love#who put so much effort into trying to seem normal without realizing he Actually felt So much love the entire time#lee ji-an who doesn't even try to act friendly. who thinks she's a terrible person and cries when told she's actually good#mijeong who feels uncomfortable all the time who doesn't like anyone completely who's exhausted all the time#i have more but I'll leave it at this. i really want to point out every single thing i love about all of them (especially juwon and yohan#)#my heart beats a little faster whenever someone shows interest in me or implies/actively expresses they like me somehow#despite my very obvious lack of social skills. and i feel like I'm tricking them even though i don't usually approach people#but I'm not myself when I'm around people. I've recently started to try to be more me but i know i wouldn't be very likeable#(yeah idk where this is supposed to be going so i better stop. i just. Love these kinds of characters So much okay?!)#shut up amy
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