#i'll go sleep in some pit now bye
bragganhyl · 2 years
&. 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. "you don’t have to be gentle. i won’t break. " With casters/writer's choice.
Thanks, Anon, I kinda paraphrased the prompt, I hope you don't mind. And I also hope you don't mind that this got stupidly long (5.8k words... roughly... yeah). So here's some Aloth x Watcher x Edér filth.
Cw for graphic depictions of a threesome, including my Watcher getting dp-d so don't even look at this if you're a minor, don't even look at me, just... don't, just go.
Gaura couldn’t contain her excitement. She hummed a cheery tune to herself as she tied the straps of her nightgown, occasionally interrupting herself with giggles she couldn’t hold back. Her gaze kept wandering to her desk and to a book upon that desk: the fruit of her labors as an explorer working with Sanza. For the period of their partnership, the Watcher could feel like she was back in the Living Lands, discovering and rediscovering hidden corners and long abandoned wonders of the unknown. However, even her old profession didn’t offer her the privilege of recording her journeys as stories. On paper, the book was an explorer’s guide, but it felt more personal than the ones she used to pen all those years ago. Not that she ever had an issue with her name being left out of the pamphlets and travel journals that wanderers, researchers and would be settlers would use heading out into the Valleys. She was never the point – her findings were. But now, the book on her desk reflected her own name back at her, and now Captain Gaura would be remembered along with the Watcher of Caed Nua.
Once she was ready to head to bed, Gaura picked up the book and joined Aloth, who was engrossed in a surprisingly thin tome of his own. He only reacted to her presence when she gave his cheek a playfully forceful kiss. A quiet chuckle escaped him and the tips of his ear turned red. To his luck, the Watcher got distracted by movement by the cabin’s window.
Edér stood up from the footlocker when he finished his last smoke for the night. He reached his pipe out the window to empty the ashes within into the sea. He was momentarily distracted by the sound of Gaura’s lips on Aloth’s face and the chuckle she received as a response. The Watcher’s eyes met his when she noticed him standing and when her attention was turned back to the wizard, he was no longer holding his book. Edér closed the window with a fond smirk then joined them as well. He grabbed Gaura as soon as he reached the bed and pulled her as close as he could without burning himself with her flames. She let out a surprised laugh, then as she too became aware of their proximity she turned around and lightly pushed his face away from her. Edér merely laughed back at her, and leaned in again, now at the right angle to steal a kiss from her.
‘Love it when you get like this before bed,’ he said, still grinning at her as he let her go, and reached his hand towards Aloth, wordlessly asking him to cast protective spells on him.
‘Savor tonight, then,’ he answered, ‘with the Explorer’s Guide printed, who knows when we get to find some gods-forsaken place that will offer her the thrills she seeks.’ Aloth flashed a smile at the Watcher that somehow looked both apologetic and mischievous, before he granted Edér’s request.
‘Come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t have some fun too.’ Gaura lied down, and almost immediately, Aloth moved to her side and buried his face in the curve of her neck. Edér lied down on her other side and wrapped an arm around her belly. He left one absent-minded peck on her shoulder after the other.
‘Ah, yes, the joys of nearly being buried alive in some sandy tomb,’ Aloth’s sarcasm was undermined by his fondness in his voice.
‘Or watching you drink that weird swamp water,’ Edér added.
‘Or battling powerful lich wizards.’
‘And now travelers in the Deadfire will know how to avoid all those things,’ Gaura retorted. She realized that they’ve lied on her copy of the travel guide and blindly started looking for it, reaching under their pillows. ‘Because Captain Gaura ventured far and wide to find the most exciting places and the safest routes to reach them,’ she said triumphantly as she pulled out… the wrong book.
‘Huh?’ As the Watcher held up the thin red book, it opened at a seemingly random page – at an intricate illustration of two men making love to the same woman, entering different orifices at the same time.
Edér pushed himself up to take a closer look. ‘Huh.’
Aloth looked up a mere moment later, and his eyes widened as he recognized the volume. ‘Oh gods,’ he sat up surprisingly fast, snatched the book out of Gaura’s grasp and hid it, in what seemed like the same move. He sat then, with his hands elegantly laying in his lap and his back perfectly straight. A single, stray lock of hair fell into his face. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore it. When he failed, he tucked it behind his lowered, red ear. He did his best to avoid Edér’s and the Watcher’s gaze. But once again, he failed. He lied down, once again, propping himself up with his elbow.
‘It seems mine is not the only explorer’s guide in this bed,’ Gaura commented, a faint, amused smile hiding in the corners of her lips.
‘Yeah, but yours ain’t got any pictures.’ Edér took out the travel guide from under his waist and quickly flipped through it.
‘You’re supposed to use your imagination,’ the Watcher took her book from him.
‘Sorry, mine ain’t as vivid as Aloth’s.’ He winked at the wizard, whose blush somehow turned to an even deeper shade.
‘Right, laugh it up’ Aloth lied on his back, pointedly looking at the ceiling, ‘but you can’t fault me for being curious. And studious. And prepared.’ He crossed his arms, defiantly, drawing an adoring laugh out of Gaura.
‘I’m not making fun of you-’
‘Even though it’s very funny.’
Edér’s interruption earned him a light, backhanded slap on his chest.
‘You just… never mentioned you had such fantasies and I… never pegged you as someone who would.’
Aloth looked to her, then to Edér. Slowly an expression of anguish appeared on his face, as if he was trying to fight off an irresistible urge. Even without looking, Gaura could picture a grin slowly brightening Edér’s face next to her. The wizard eventually shut his eyes tight as he gave up with a sigh.
‘I wouldn’t mind if you did peg me,’ he said, barely louder than a whisper. Edér burst out in happy laughter, satisfied hearing the effects of his and the Watcher’s questionable influence.
‘Yeah, good one! Up top!’ He sat up and raised his palm.
The wizard rose as well, fondness and feigned anger written on his face, as he slapped the broad, inviting palm. ‘I loathe you both, with all my heart.’
‘Sure, you do,’ Edér reached behind his head and pulled Aloth on his lips. The farmer chuckled into their kiss and kept it up even as he let him go and lied down again. The wizard in turn lied on top of Gaura and rested his head on her collarbone.
‘Yeah, this does feel like pure hatred,’ she teased as well.
Aloth groaned. ‘Can we just drop the subject?’
‘You did say we might not have decent opportunities to explore…’ Gaura ran a finger down along Aloth’s spine, ‘and that we should savor tonight…’
The Watcher’s barely subtle suggestion was met with silence. Aloth looked up at her, flushed, meanwhile Edér pushed himself up to stare down at her, shocked.
‘What?’ Her tone was flat.
‘I thought you were just teasing me.’
‘Thought we were just messing with him.’
The two men spoke at once, but while Aloth sounded astonished and almost relieved, Edér seemed more baffled with each word.
‘Well… I wasn’t. That illustration did look pretty fun,’ Gaura shrugged, then wrapped her arms around Aloth, hoping that the comfort of his presence would repress the shyness threatening to overcome her at the sudden attention of her lovers.
‘Really?’ They spoke in unison once again.
‘You know me,’ she chuckled, ‘I’m a pretty curious sort too.’
‘Yeah, I mean, I did know that-’ Edér began, and plopped down next to the Watcher again trying to find the right words to continue.
‘But you also don’t give the impression that you like-’ Aloth spoke tactfully until his words seemed to have stuck in him. He gestured at his book as best as he could lying on top of her instead.
‘Backdoor stuff,’ Edér helped him out.
Silence filled the room for a moment that seemed to have stretched infinitely.
‘I don’t know if I do, I never tried it before.’
‘Yeah, now that I figured,’ Edér turned to her. His gaze was warm as he lightly touched her shoulder with his knuckles. ‘All the girls I’ve been with told me it’s an exit, not an entrance and that it can hurt pretty bad if you do it wrong and just…’ He shrugged, unable to explain himself further. His worry was written into the movement, however, as was his affection into his eyes.
The Watcher smiled at him reassuringly. ‘And you always preferred being gentle with me,’ she reached out to cup his face. Edér moved his hand from her shoulder and pressed her hand against his cheek harder. ‘You can still be gentle with me,’ she went on, ‘and even if you weren’t, I can handle it. I trust you, both of you, with all of me,’ she said as she looked down at Aloth, who was watching her intently.
‘That means more to me than you know,’ the wizard said with a faint smile that disappeared a moment later. ‘Still… don’t you think this might be a little too much, too fast?’
‘As if I could ever get enough of you,’ Gaura laughed fondly, ‘of either of you.’ She sighed. ‘Anyway, I won’t make any of you do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing, so… if you ever change your mind, you can just let me know.’
Aloth looked towards Edér for a brief moment. ‘If you’re certain,’ he began, turning his attention back to the Watcher, ‘then I’m willing as well. Just… don’t overextend your limits for us.’
The farmer was silent, even when all attention was on him. ‘Yeah, you keep talking to us,’ he looked to Gaura, ‘things don’t feel anything less than great, you let us know. Don’t care if you think you can handle pain, I don’t want you to have to handle anything.’
Gaura chuckled to herself. ‘You’ll be the first to know.’ Her response was met with a gentle caress on her cheek from Edér, and an affectionate smile from Aloth. The wizard then sat up, seemingly having remembered something.
‘I did buy some waterproof massage oils the last time we went to the Luminous Bathhouse,’ he said as climbed off the bed and made his way to his pack, ‘we probably will need it.’
Edér and Gaura looked to one another, both wondering how long Aloth may have been planning the night. The thought enticed the Watcher. Curious, studious and prepared, indeed. She sat up so she could keep an eye on the wizard. She cocked her head to the side and bit her lip as she watched him. There was something thrilling about seeing this side of him - an undiscovered corner of his mind where his desires lay - and having been invited to explore it. A touch snapped her out of her musings, however. Edér wrapped an arm around her belly and pulled her down to lie next to him. Before she could react, the farmer changed his grip on her, digging his fingers into her hip and guiding it to his own lap. Gaura gasped at the feeling of his bulge growing hard against her already.
‘And here I was worried you weren’t really on board,’ she noted as she backed up against him slightly more. Edér stifled a groan and slid his hand down her thigh to edge of her nightgown. He tried to push the fabric up slowly, but his impatience got the better of him. The Watcher laughed at that, joy and relief clearly ringing in her voice.
‘You know, I got a weakness for you, Honeycake,’ Edér leaned right over Gaura’s ear, ‘and I’d lie if I said I wasn’t getting any ideas, so…’ He now reached for the straps of her nightgown and untied one with a single but excruciatingly slow pull. ‘So just leave the worrying to me, and remember what we agreed on.’
‘Keep talking to you?’
‘Keep talking to me,’ Edér kissed the soft spot under the Watcher’s ear, slowly and sloppily, while he revealed her breast and began fondling it. Gaura exhaled a quiet moan and instinctively pressed her thighs tighter together, trying to slow her arousal already building within her.
‘Well… for starters,’ she rolled her hips against him, matching his pace, ‘this feels very nice. It’s getting me really, really eager to please too.’ She let out a wistful sigh, as she turned around and pushed lightly against Edér’s chest. Her breath caught when she felt his heart racing under her hand. ‘You might not like it though,’ she leaned over him, close enough to feel his mustache against her lips, ‘after all, I won’t be able to talk.’ She claimed his lips, her teasing smirk turning the kiss shallow but not any less hungry. The farmer chuckled at her intensity and answered it with lightly, and slowly caressing her back.
‘I think I can forgive you,’ he gently pushed her away, eventually. His face was clearly flushed, but it was also red from the heat of Gaura’s flames.
He got out of the bed, just as Aloth approached them with a clear, elegant glass bottle. The farmer stopped him by his shoulder before he could climb on the bed and he in turn gave him a knowing look. He gave Gaura the bottle then reinforced his protective spells on the both of them while she examined the exquisitely blown waves adorning bottle.
‘I bought this because it reminded me of you,’ Aloth sat beside her and rested his chin on her shoulder. He easily removed the plug even with one hand and brought it to the Watcher’s nose. The smell of sandalwood was palpable the moment the bottle was opened, but as she inhaled more of the oil’s scent, she smelled a sweet, floral fragrance as well. It evoked an image of massage rooms, the penumbra born of the light of scented candles and the smoke of burning incense. Under any circumstances, it would have relaxed Gaura, but in that very moment it only fueled her anticipation.
It didn’t help that Edér was busy stripping naked right at the edge of the bed. Gaura bit her lip to hide the hungry grin brightening her face, but it only added an impish quality to it.
‘What do you think, Edér? Should we cover your chest in it?’ She teased, then turned to Aloth. She gently lifted his chin from her shoulder and left a short, gentle kiss on his lips as she handed him the bottle of oil. She moved to the edge of the bed but before she could say or do anything else, Edér pulled her on his lips. He blindly untied the one strap keeping her nightgown on her, and as the fabric pooled at her knees, she felt a second pair of hands reaching for her underwear. Aloth carefully pulled it down her thighs then with the same care and tenderness, he traced a crack on her thigh back to her hip. A gasp escaped Gaura, but the farmer didn’t let her move away from him: he kept her in place by the back of her head. Aloth completed her loving prison by embracing her from behind. She heard a kiss by her ear, but she didn’t feel it. She could only assume he was kissing Edér’s wrist, since he let her go a moment later. The next kiss the wizard gave away landed on the curve of Gaura’s neck. As was the next, and the one after that. He set himself a pace while his hands on her hips moved to her front. One hand remained on her belly, the other slid down, right between her thighs. The Watcher leaned her head back against Aloth’s shoulder as he began lightly rubbing her clit.
‘Yeah, I think I’ll pass,’ Edér said with a smirk. Gaura responded by reaching for his erection, quickly wiping his expression from his face.
‘It… it doesn’t have to be your chest,’ the last note of her suggestion turned into a moan. The farmer watched her lips and a chuckle bubbled up from her.
‘Doubt I’d like it more than what your mouth can do,’ he glanced at Aloth, ‘you think you can let her lie down?’
‘I was about to suggest it,’ the wizard answered and let go of the Watcher. Gaura backed away from Edér as well, slightly so she could lie on her belly, when Aloth grabbed her hand. ‘I’d prefer it, if you were on your back.’
Gaura turned towards him, clumsily, obstructed by her clothes at her knees. She laughed at her herself as she dropped down on her back and she heard Aloth echo her. He quickly slipped her constraints off her and leaned over her. He claimed her lips, still smiling, only to have them be interrupted by a voice coming from above them.
‘Not to bother you, but…’ Edér tapped the wizard on his shoulder. Aloth looked up at him and sat up. The farmer in turn reached for the Watcher’s chest and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, drawing a surprised yelp out of her. He left a sloppy kiss on her cheek as he straightened again, only supporting her by the back of her neck. It was only then, that Gaura realized that her head would be dangling off the bed, if it weren’t for that loose hold on her. Edér’s cock was right by her face and she instinctively angled herself to take him in her mouth. ‘Wow, you weren’t lying about being eager,’ the farmer laughed, only for his laughter to turn into a short, low groan as he felt a kiss land on the base of his shaft.
‘Or about trusting us,’ Aloth noted as he climbed over the Watcher again. ‘Are you sure you’re comfortable like this?’ He asked her, prompting her to try and lift her head.
‘Well, now I’m not,’ she feigned a complaint as she leaned into Edér’s hold again. ‘This is kinda nice, though.’
‘How about now?’ Edér angled her head slightly downwards. Gaura’s gasped – it hasn’t fully sunk in how much she’ll have to rely on him. The farmer smiled down at her as he lightly caressed her neck with his thumb. ‘I got you,’ he reassured her, ‘won’t do that again, don’t worry.’
‘Then…’ she began, her heart easing as she got used to her position, ‘yeah, I’m good. This is…’ she was interrupted by Aloth’s lips touching her collarbone. His kisses were featherlight as he traced a faint crack down her breast. ‘This is very comfortable.’ She reached for the wizard, and lazily rested her hand on the top of his head. She enjoyed the feeling of his hair between her fingers as her grip tightened with every kiss he left on her chest, working his way down to her sex. At the same time Edér guided the tip of his cock to her mouth, wordlessly asking her to let him in. Gaura parted her lips for him just as Aloth ran her tongue along her folds. She took a deep breath and within a fraction of her moment, Edér lightly thrust into her mouth, muffling the moan she exhaled.
‘Tap on me, if you need air,’ the farmer said as he pushed further into her, ever so slightly, further and further with each thrust.
Gaura’s eyes fluttered shut from the sensations Aloth evoked, however. His mouth closed around her clit as he lapped at it, setting the Watcher’s nerves ablaze. His thumb rubbed her folds, much slower than the movement of his tongue and the contrast got her squirming, barely visibly. She wanted to hold him by his hair and grind against his face, she wanted the waves of pleasure his touches promised, and her restraint was quickly fading as her senses grew slowly overwhelmed by Aloth and as her focus was occupied by Edér. Then, almost as if Aloth could tell what she was thinking, he dragged his tongue along Gaura’s slit. She wanted to throw her head back and let her voice out, to show him a glimpse of the pleasure building in her. But the best she could do was a staggered moan that was rhythmically pushed back into her throat by Edér’s cock. Her grip tightened on the wizard’s hair, and he took that as encouragement: he loved her labia up with ever changing pace and ever changing patterns. He spoiled and challenged her, and Gaura answered without realizing – all her focus was on breathing. She rocked her hip at the same rhythm as Edér, and Aloth followed it, but his pace remained quicker. Gaura lost her sense of time and soon, she realized, she had a truly hard time breathing steadily. She tapped on Edér’s thigh, hesitantly, with a trembling hand and he pulled out immediately.
‘That felt pretty damned great, Honeycake,’ the Watcher could only vaguely make out the words over the sounds escaping her and her heart beating like a war drum in her ears. Edér changed his grip on her and knelt down. Her eyes popped open as she felt her head against his chest, her horns lightly scratching his collarbone. ‘Relax,’ he spoke with a voice hoarse with lust.
Gaura wanted to answer something witty. Or anything at all. But almost as if to emphasize Edér’s words, Aloth slipped his fingers in her. The Watcher could only curse as he brought back the familiar rhythm and as his tongue teased her sensitive clit again. And this time her body gave in to his care. Ecstasy washed over her in waves, each stretching into infinity, even as Aloth gently guided her senses back to her.
‘Help her back onto the bed,’ he told Edér, who merely helped the Watcher turn on her belly, then she pushed herself up, unable to stop grinning and unable to resist Aloth’s touches as he hugged her from behind. She twisted herself to claim his lips, disregarding the awkward angle. He kissed back slowly, allowing her to savor her taste on his tongue, and in turn she allowed him to enjoy Edér’s taste on hers. Aloth then backed away from her, allowing Gaura to lie down again, on her stomach, casually propping her head by the elbow and crossing her ankles lifted in the air. She would have looked bored had it not been on the excited, mischievous grin tugging at her lips.
‘You think you could go for more?’ Edér flashed a cheeky smirk at her as he sat on the bed as well, right beside Gaura. He idly traced the cracks on her back with a finger as his grin slowly faded and left only a gaze warm with care.
‘Mm-hmm, ready and eager,’ the Watcher smiled up at him. Edér turned away for a moment, following Aloth gathering pillows behind the two of them. While he was distracted, she reached for his still erect cock and began stroking it at a lazy pace. The farmer let out a satisfied hum as he looked to her again. He shook his head in disbelief, with a fond smile plastered on his face.
‘You’re really something, you know that?’ His voice rang with affection.
‘All too well,’ she smirked at him impishly. Her attention was then claimed by Aloth, who gathered their pillows and now busied himself propping her up by her abdomen. She let herself down, her head now rested by the edge of the bed and she thought back to the feeling of being supported by Edér alone, and as she did so, she noticed her strange imbalance. Her hips were higher than her head. Just slightly, but the realization drew a giggle out of her.
Aloth then pushed against her thighs. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t rather face me?’ He asked as he caressed the inside of her thighs with his knuckles.
‘Is this not comfortable for you?’ The Watcher turned her head towards him, but failed to truly see him.
‘What matters is that you are comfortable.’
Gaura smiled to herself as she rested her head on the bed again. ‘I am comfortable. And I trust you.’
She felt a soft kiss being placed on the small of her back. A moment later, a now familiar scent filled the Watcher’s nostrils. The next thing she knew, cool, viscous liquid was dripped onto her ass. Aloth applied the oil generously on his hands and his fingers moved gently and precisely. And to the Watcher’s surprise, his touch against her anus felt… strangely pleasant.
‘Try to relax,’ he said and Gaura couldn’t quite tell if it was aimed at her or himself, ‘being tense is the surest way to get hurt,’ his words sounded like a recital. A moment later she felt his fingers again, this time pushing further inside her. Her breath caught in her throat as the wizard pumped one finger, than two, carefully introducing her body to the strange new sensation. A kernel of arousal formed in the Watcher’s belly as she enjoyed the friction of his fingers entering her and the gentle sparks that friction ignited along her nerves.
However, that was all she felt. Aloth’s presence in her was pleasant as always, his touch, tender and precious as always. And yet the kernel in her didn’t sprout, the sparks within her didn’t spread. There was only a pressure building towards… nothing, and it only left her frustrated.
‘Don’t you think, that’s gonna be enough oil?’ She asked, her impatience getting the better of her.
‘I’d rather use too much of it, than too little,’ Aloth answered and left a reassuring kiss on her back.
‘It feels more than enough, if you ask me.’
Aloth’s movements stopped at that. ‘If you say so…’ he said somewhat shyly and a little hesitantly. Then the feeling of his fingers was gone.
‘How do you feel?’ Edér’s voice came from above her, and Gaura didn’t know what to say without offending. She was certain that if the lack of intensity can be explained, the reasons would be found on her end, rather than on Aloth’s.
‘Like there was something in my ass,’ she said with an awkward chuckle.
‘Does it hurt?’ Edér followed up.
‘No, it’s kind of nice, just… I don’t know I expected things to be more intense.’
‘Well, those were just my fingers. Maybe it will feel more intense as we go on,’ Aloth chimed in, as he lined himself up behind her.
Gaura held her breath when she felt Aloth enter her. He only pushed the head in first, as if he was testing waters, then when he concluded how easily the Watcher’s ass would receive him, he continued. She tensed up at the discomfort he evoked, prompting the wizard to stop and lightly rub the base of her waist.
‘Remember to relax,’ his reminder almost sounded like a plea. Gaura couldn’t help but wonder how he was feeling. As he moved again, slow and deep, a quiet moan escaped him. The sound enticed her, his touch comforted her and in a matter of few, careful and graciously slow thrusts, she grew used to him. Aloth took his time as he reached further and further in her, until her ass was right against his lap. He stopped then, as if he needed a moment to comprehend what he was feeling. The Watcher took that moment to push herself up on her knees and to start rocking herself against him. Aloth grabbed her hip and in that contact she could feel a tremor running through him. She chuckled at that, lovingly, a little smugly, the way she would whenever she pleased him. Maybe that was the intensity she was supposed to look forward to, she mused, as she enjoyed the faint arousal his friction brought, even though the pressure within her brought no release.
‘You look like you’re having fun,’ Edér commented as he was stroking himself, watching her intently.
‘Only as much as I had with you down my throat,’ she teased him.
‘Oh, thank the gods,’ Aloth sighed behind them. ‘I… I was starting to feel quite guilty,’ he spoke breathlessly. ‘You feel… beyond anything I can describe… as you always do.’ He leaned over her and showered her back in kisses. The Watcher laughed, but she still pulled away from him. She gave Aloth an apologetic look as she turned around.
‘Then I hope you can forgive me for getting a little greedy,’ she stole a kiss from him, then she gestured towards Edér. Aloth understood her voiceless request. He lightly touched his shoulder as he cast his spell on him, then left a quick kiss on his hair before he turned back to the Watcher. Gaura pushed against his chest as she hungrily sized him up. The wizard let out a faint grunt as his back hit the bed, then a wide smile brightened his face as he watched her climb on top of him. The Watcher claimed his lips, and poured all her affection and gratitude into their kiss. For a moment, she laced her fingers with his, sealing her trust and comfort into their touch. Then she pulled away, and turned her back on him. She moved on to crouch over him, and braced herself for the now familiar discomfort that would follow. She guided his cock into herself again, but this time a single move was enough. A loud groan came from behind her as she got comfortable on top of him, then with a wiggle of her finger, she invited Edér to join them.
‘You sure, I won’t be too much?’ He asked as he closed the distance between them. He held her by her waist and rested his forehead against hers. He craved her closeness and she felt it in the smallest brush of his fingers against her skin.
Gaura smiled and tenderly cupped his face. ‘Trust me,’ she spoke softly, ‘I won’t break.’ She leaned back slightly as an invitation. Edér gave her a nod, a little unsure in himself, but fully confident in her. He lined up his stiff cock against her heat, and ground against her a few times, slowly and gently.
But even that took the Watcher’s breath away.
She hasn’t realized how ravenous she was, how sensitive she was. As the farmer entered her, she felt like a missing puzzle piece falling into place. Her arms threatened to give out under her.
‘Fuck, you feel tight like this,’ Edér grunted, failing to notice Aloth slightly squirm under the Watcher as if he too could feel his presence. Gaura involuntarily rolled her hips against them both, a high pitched, silent moan was carried by the heavy breath she exhaled, and she felt like every last of her nerves flared up by merely feeling the two men within her. She couldn’t even hear the groans she drew out from her lovers over the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears.
‘F- follow my lead,’ she breathed the words as she lied down on top of Aloth. The wizard wrapped his arms around her tight and instinctively, almost desperately, left one kiss after the other on her neck. Meanwhile Edér held her by her hips, or at least he tried to. His hands wandered along her thighs, to her hip again, to her belly, as if he couldn’t stop them from moving, as if he needed to touch her everywhere. ‘I’ll set a rhythm for us,’ the Watcher rolled her hips again, slowly, both to let the men with her find the right time to meet her with their thrusts and to let her mind catch up to her senses.
She felt like she was dancing. Presence and movement, movement and presence, everything Edér did was amplified by Aloth, everything Aloth did was amplified by Edér. Edér’s movement, Aloth’s presence, Aloth’s movement, Edér’s presence. Like colors building on top of another, like melodies forming a harmony. Gaura didn’t even notice she stopped moving, once they found the perfect rhythm and her stillness was soon followed by her release. She just about rode out the waves of her ecstasy when she felt her lovers picking up the pace.
‘Gods, but I love you both, I love you so fucking much,’ she whispered without care, without knowing if either of them even heard her. Her mind felt ablaze by the loving assaults on her senses and she could only hope she could come again before her lovers did because nothing else felt enough to relieve her.
‘I… I love you too,’ Aloth’s response was quiet and staggered, meanwhile Edér seemed to have been spurred on by the Watcher’s words. It took him every bit of restraint he had to remain gentle with her. Gaura might have told him he didn’t need to be, that he won’t break her, or maybe she just wanted to. Somewhere between her thoughts and her sounds, her words kept losing their coherence. The wizard on the other hand, seemed to have had a harder time to keep his movements up. He buried his face in the curve of her neck and tightened her hold on her. Her eyes fluttered shut when she heard the familiar rise in Aloth’s pitch, and sure enough, he filled her up soon, pushing her to her climax once again. And a mere moment later, she felt Edér finish as well, unable to resist the precious squeeze of her core.
Neither of them knew how long they stood there, waiting for their senses to return to them. Eventually, Edér pulled out and carefully helped Gaura get off Aloth. Shivers kept running through her, even though she wasn’t cold.
‘I… I should probably get cleaned up,’ the Watcher said but she wasn’t sure if she could walk just then. The next thing she knew was Aloth snuggling against her. He rested his head on her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her chest. His breathing was slow, as if he was ready to fall asleep. Edér moved closer to her well. His fingers kept trailing the cracks adorning her belly.
‘So… how’s that for exploration?’ He asked, his own awe-struck answer clearly hiding behind the question. ‘One for the history books?’
‘It was more of a hidden treasure for me,’ Aloth said without bothering to open his eyes. ‘Our little secret,' he let out a short, sleepy chuckle, 'I… I can’t help but feel rather greedy too,’ he yawned.
Gaura merely smiled to herself. One day she might find the words to describe the findings of that particular discovery.
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gguk-n · 2 months
Grand Prix Morning (Oscar Piastri x Reader)
Congratulations Oscar on his first win!!
Summary- After watching the Hungarian GP and seeing Oscar apologise after his first win, you wish you could make him feel special and that he deserved it. So, you go to bed and wake up on the day of the GP!
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{Reader's POV}
I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad right now. Oscar Piastri just won his first race in Formula One and in his second season. That was such a proud moment until you remember the actual shit McLaren pulled on their drivers. I had been watching the race today, Oscar was pretty good in the beginning and being his fan I obviously hoped that this was the race he finally got his first win. But after the pit stop and Lando leading I didn't think possible; until I heard the radio message. I had mixed feelings. I rejoiced watching Oscar cross the chequered flag. But then I heard his message, apologising. It broke my heart into a million tiny pieces. But what could I do? My voice would be a tiny whisper in the sea. I shut my TV off, not in the mood to watch any of the post race stuff; because I felt bad for Lando too. I couldn't bear sitting through the interviews. So, I made myself some dinner, watched a rom-com to get my mind of things and went to bed, earlier than usual. I would deal with my emotions tomorrow.
Now when you normally sleep, you expect to wake up in your own bed, as an adult at least. When you were kids, that was a different story. My eyes were adjusting to the dimly lit room and a figure in front of me, walking around the room as quietly as possible. The room looked like a hotel room and the figure in front of me was Oscar Piastri. "Oscar" I said out loud. "baby, did I wake you up?" he asked like a deer caught in headlight. "No" I replied tentatively. Was this a dream? Was I this sad that this is how I was coping? "What's the time?" I asked reaching for the lamp. "It's 6 am. I'm gonna get some exercise done before I head to the paddock" he said while tying up his shoe lace. "I'll come with you when you leave for the paddock" I stated; scared to be alone where ever I was. "Sure babe" he replied, striding up to my side of the bed, leaning down and leaving a peck on my lips before whispering a bye against my lips and heading out.
My brain had short circuited. Oscar Piastri kissed me and called me terms of endearment. This has to be a dream but those pink lips were so real, warm and slightly dry and peeling. The way his hand cupped my cheek when he pecked me, the warmth still lingering against my skin. I reached for my phone to check what weekend it was; to my surprise it was the Hungarian Grand Prix today. The race Oscar won, maybe I'm here to wrong the right. I quickly showered and got dressed. If I got to be a WAG even for a day, I was gonna enjoy it. I wore a pretty coral midi dress. As I sat there in the room waiting for Oscar to return, a smile etched on my face as I went through my gallery.
We had been dating for a while, since his F2 days. He was all the bit romantic as I imagined him to be. My parents loved him, his parents loved me. This felt like a fairytale. There was one problem, Oscar would probably know that I was someone else and not his 'girlfriend'. I don't know how this version of me acted. The jig would be up so soon.
Oscar walked through the room, all sweaty and red from the work out. "Lemme shower and then we'll get breakfast" he said not even looking up while taking his shoes off. The moment his eyes travelled up from my legs to my face, a smirk plastered across his face. "You look gorgeous" he said almost breathless. I couldn't help but giggle. "You look hot" I replied. "Only for you" he shrugged. I felt the heat rise up from my cheeks. "Can't believe I can still get you this flustered, even after so many years" he smiled with amusement. I got up from where I was sat, "You'll get me flustered even when I'm an old lady" I muttered. "That's the plan" he grinned.
A freshly showered Oscar was proving to be the bane of my existence like out of the gym Oscar was. I wanted to jump him, but it didn't feel right and I wasn't taking advantage of him like this. The way to the paddock was filled with casual talk. Who knew Oscar could talk. At the paddock, we greeted the other drivers and fans we saw along the way. The McLaren hospitality was bustling with both pole and P2 starts were McLaren's. I tried to speak to their race engineers to gauge the strategy but I wasn't allowed. I even tried to talk to Lando and Oscar about the race, but they were busy discuss the details amongst themselves to pay much attention. I spent the majority of my time trying to figure out what I was supposed to do to change the scenario. I wanted Oscar to win but not with the mess McLaren created.
As the race progressed, like I had watched it play out. I realised, I wasn't meant to change the process or outcome. I was just here because I hoped and prayed to be able to comfort Oscar and celebrate his win like I hoped he was supposed to enjoy his first win. I watched McLaren fuck it up whilst I stood there next to him. I heard Oscar apologise for the second time, shattering my heart again. I rushed to see Oscar with the staff in tow. Oscar got out of the car and looked around, our eyes met. He came running with his helmet in hand, "I won" he whispered, only for me to hear. "I saw" I replied with tears in my eyes. "I'm so proud of you. You've come so far Oscar. You're the Hungarian Grand Prix winner, don't apologise for your win whatever it may be" I whispered. Oscar's face inches from mine, his eyes glistening with tears at what I said, "I love you, Y/N Y/L/N" he said out loud while wrapping his free arm around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. The kiss was a mixture of tears and sweat, since the two of us had started crying. I cupped his cheeks, deepening the kiss, our emotions were all over the place. "Go and get your trophy, I'll wait for you" I said while pulling away from the kiss. "Be right back" he grinned and left to get weighed.
The podium celebration was bitter sweet, but I was not gonna let this over shadow his win and do what I was here for. I quickly got flowers delivered to the hotel and some sweets. I waited for Oscar to be done with the media and stuff while scrolling through my phone. The discourse was on another level, but the pictures of me and Oscar kissing were circulating every where. I wish I could take this back with me. Oscar's mum called and we were on the phone for a while. My parents called us to congratulate him as well. It felt so weird to hear Oscar was my boyfriend.
Oscar found me in his drivers room. "There's my grand prix winner" I stated. Oscar wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up in the process. My hands stabilised myself on his shoulders. "I'm so happy we got to celebrate this together" he mumbled against my skin. "Me too" I muttered. "By the way, your mum called. You should talk to her later" I said urging Oscar to put me down. "Are you angry with me?" he asked, placing me on the ground. "What? no" I replied. "You've been calling me Oscar or nothing at all the whole day. I didn't think much of it before but now you said your mum when you normally say mum" I was caught off guard, "It's nothing like that" I tried to diffuse the situation. "My mum texted me too about your win and yours called. I just wanted to clarify" I said. "Oh" he hummed. "Now, let's go. Let's have a Oscar Piastri worthy celebration" I continued. "Like what" he asked. "Dinner in bed and a movie of your choosing." I answered. "Finally, I get to choose." he laughed.
We got back to the hotel, where there were quite a few flowers. I may have gone over board. We entered the room which looked like a botanical garden at this point. Oscar smiled taking the scene in. "For me" he whispered. "For you" I whispered back. "I wanted to show you how much I love you and how proud of you I was. This is just a small token of my happiness Osc" I said. "You're the reason Lando calls me Osc. Find a new nickname. I don't like sharing it with him. But thank you for this" he remarked. "Sure darling" I announced. He walked through smelling all the flowers. We spent the rest of the night watching a movie Oscar had picked and eating our hearts content.
I was scared to fall asleep, what if I woke up back where I was supposed to be. What if this 'reality' ceased to exist? As my eyes got heavy, keeping them open was a task. Oscar had started succumbing to sleep having switched the TV off. "Thank you for making my day even more special then it was." He mumbled. "Thank you for letting me show how loved and appreciated you are. I love you Oscar. Today, tomorrow and always." I whispered kissing his forehead; letting sleep take me. If I woke up back in my world, so be it. At least I made Oscar's day.
When my eyes opened to the bright sun shining from my window, no Oscar in sight. A silent tear fell from my eye. I wiped it away. Happy that at the very least I was able to heal my heart, and maybe his in another universe.
my heart wanted to write this for a while
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Series Masterlist
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"Listen to me and listen to me good Y/N L/N. Don't come back if you go out there on your own, don't call, don't text, pretend I'm dead!"
I jolt awake, buckets of sweat pouring down my head. I don't realize I'm crying until I feel my eyes burn. A stinging migraine takes over, pressure building up in my head. I gotta stop dreaming about that over and over. It was probably one of the worst days of my life.
Checking the time I see it's 5 am. I'm only a couple hours away from Jericho now, I took a pit stop at midnight because I was exhausted and still kinda hungover from the night before. Which is weird because I usually don't get hungover.
More or less I'm trying to avoid sleep because of these stupid nightmares, as hunters we don't get much sleep regardless but we're only human...until we're not. Pushing the blanket off of me, I climb out of bed and get ready for the day ahead of me. My heart skips a beat for a second, remembering I'm gonna be seeing Dean....and Sam obviously. I'm more excited to see my best friend of many years.
I think about calling my dad. I initially decide against it but I give in. He's still my old man. Growing up my dad always had high expectations of me when it came to hunting. It's clear he expected me to be psychic like my mom but after I turned 18 and nothing came, his disappointment was clear.
Mom's abilities helped him out a lot when they hunted together, according to dad, she couldn't predict the future as much but she more or less communicated with the dead on ghost cases along with her telekinetic powers. It came it handy whenever they needed to gank a monster.
The look in my fathers eyes when he talks about my mom, breaks my heart everytime. You can see how much he loved her, I could only imagine how much she loved him.
After taking a shower I try to call Dean but it goes to voicemail. So I just shoot him a quick text that I'll be in Jericho before lunch.
I put my phone to my ear after dialing my dads number and hitting call. In seconds I get an answer. "Y/n/n? Is everything okay??" My dads voice is more rugged than usual, clearly he was asleep. Concern seeping through his voice. "I'm fine daddy, I just missed you. I called to see if everything is alright?" Tears sting slightly from my eyes. God I'm such a pussy.
"I'm great baby, I'm surprised to hear from you-not that I don't want to. I'm just happy you called" He breaths out relieved. "Great well Dean called me, told me his dad was missing. I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna be meeting up with them." I say quickly as I check out of the motel room and make way to my beautiful Quinn after checking out, doubling checking to make sure I have everything.
"Understood. Update me along the way? Maybe we can do a case of our own soon?" He asks hopefully. "Yeah maybe, we'll see. I gotta go daddy. Bye, love you" I shock myself saying 'love you' I haven't told dad that in years. I grew up always saying it to my dad and whoever we considered family. The habit just stuck.
Hopping on my bike and starting her, I'm off to whatever adventure awaits.
Third Person POV
"Goddamnit Dean where are you?" Y/N mutters to herself after calling Dean for the millionth time only to go to voice mail. This feels like karma. She decides to say screw it and go herself, hopefully they show up within the time or Dean calls back. She's still in her casual attire. A grey tank top, layered with a red flannel covered in her favorite leather jacket. Paired with combat boots.
Currently on the Sylvania Bridge, a bunch of cop cars blocking a crime scene. A deputy on the bridge speaking to some divers down in the river asks them. "Did you guys find anything?!"
"No! Nothing!" The diver responds. The deputy turns around to see Y/N. "Woah miss no civilians" He goes to usher her out of the premises. She pulls out her fake federal marshal badge and flashes it to the Deputy Jaffe according to his name tag. He seems to take the bait with a nod.
A fake smile plastered on her face "Federal Marshal, got called in on my day off. So what seems to be the situation brothers in blue?" Y/N asks nicely. "Still trying to piece it together ourselves, pretty lady. No sign of struggle. No footprints. No fingerprints. It's spotless. It's almost too clean" The other deputy investigating the car in question answers her question.
Stooping down next to Jaffe, out of view to look at the car herself. She recognizes the roar of Baby's engine. Smirking to herself as the officers talk about the boy that's missing, Troy Squire. "So this kid Troy, he's dating your daughter isn't he?" Jaffe asks Hein. "Yeah" Hein confirms.
"Hows Amy doing?" Jaffe asks. "She's putting up missing posters downtown" Hein responds. "You fellas had another one like this just last month didn't you?" Dean voice booms, surprising the deputies. "Who are you" Jaffe asks suspiciously. "They're with me deputy" Y/N covers for them, now standing up in view. A shocked yet happy look takes over Sam's face and a smirk rising on Dean's, eyeing her up and down for a split second. They both quickly recover now back to their serious faces.
"You fellas took a pit stop? Was expecting ya earlier" She says to the boys. Crossing her arms over her chest "You lot a little young for federal marshals aren't you?" Jaffe says, still suspicious. "Thanks. That awfully kind of you" Dean chuckles cockily, causing Y/N to roll her eyes. "You did have another one just like this, correct?" Dean presses his question, walking around the side of the car where Hein is.
"Yeah that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that" Jaffe confirms. "So the victim. You knew him?" Sam asks. "Town like this. Everybody knows everybody". Jaffe nods. "Any connections between the victims besides the fact that they're all men?" Y/N asks curiously. "No, not so far as we can tell" Jaffe says.
"So what's the theory?" Sam asks as he moves follows Deans movements to the side of the car in question and Y/N follows Sam. "Honestly? We don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?" Jaffe says honestly.
"Well that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect from you" Dean says sarcastically. Sam stamps on his foot and Y/N elbows him in his ribs the same time. A smile on his face towards the deputy while Jaffe looks at the trio suspiciously.
"Thank you for your time" Y/N says, a sweet smile on her face. "Gentleman" Sam greets the officers before walking past Dean. Y/N and Dean following behind. Y/N sees the seething look on Deans face. "Don't you dare think about it Winchester" She mumbles. Dean huffs, tapping his brother on his head and Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Ow! What was that for?!" Sam mutters angrily to his brother. "Why you gotta step on my foot?" He says back angrily "And you missy, why you gotta elbow my ribs" He points his finger at Y/N, rubbing his right ribs. "Why do you have to talk to police like that?" Y/N retorts back angrily. The argument between the three subsides as Sam turns to Y/N, a smile on his face.
He wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug. "I missed you too Sammy" Y/N says chuckling at the sudden affection, though she meant it. "I didn't know you were coming" Sam says smiling.
He ruffles her hair as they pull away from the hug. "Dean called me, told me your dad hasn't been home in a couple days. Looks like I'm on the family emergency contact list" Y/N jokes, looking over at Dean, his head to the floor slightly. Indicating he's feeling a bit left out.
"Come here youuu" She says teasingly, wrapping her arms around Deans shoulders. His arms automatically go around her waist, burying his face in her neck, he smiles into the hug. Sam smirks at this and wiggles his eyebrows at his eyebrows at his brother suggestively. Knowing where Sam is getting at Dean flips off his younger brother the bird, meanwhile Y/N is oblivious to this.
"Still a short stack aren't ya princess" Dean teases. Y/N pulls away, tapping Dean on his shoulder while Sam laughs, agreeing with Dean. "Shut it you morons, I can still kick both your asses" Y/N threatens them, pointing her fingers at the brothers while they chuckle.
"Those cops don't know squat. If we're gonna find your dad, we gotta get to the bottom of this thing ourselves" Y/N changes the subject. Sam looks over her shoulder, clearing his throat. An man who looks like the sheriff with two real FBI agents behind him asks the trio. "Can I help you guys?"
"No sir, we were just leaving" Dean says and they begin walking to their respective vehicles. Not before mocking the two agents "Agent Mulder, Agent Scully" Y/N says. Dean biting back a laugh at her humor.
"You still driving that gorgeous 67' I see" Y/N eyes Baby up and down, wolf whistling. "Course I am, Baby's a chick magnet here" Dean smirks proudly, patting the hood of the Impala. Y/N snorts and Sam rolls his eyes. "Still riding that stunning Harley I see" Dean nods over to her bike. "Course I am. She's my pride and joy" Y/N smirks, echoing Deans words.
Picking up her helmet "Race you to town?" She challenges. "You're on, Princess" Dean retorts, jumping in baby and they're off.
Now walking through town, Dean spots a young lady putting up missing persons posters with Tory Squire on them. Putting two and two together , this must be the deputy's daughter "I'll bet you that's her" He says. "Yeah" Sam agrees.
They walk up to her "You must be Amy" Dean inquires. "Yeah" she confirms. "Troy told us about you, we're his uncles and aunt. I'm Dean, this is Sammy and this is Y/N" Dean introduces everybody. "He never mentioned you to me" Amy says walking away, they follow behind her.
"Yeah, that's Troy. I guess. We're not around much, we're up in Modesto" Dean lies causally. "So we're looking for him too and we're kind of asking around" Sam says and a young lady who seems to know Amy asks her "Hey you okay?"
"Yeah" Amy reassures. "You lovely ladies mind if we ask you a couple questions?" Y/N asks the girls nicely, hoping to make them less weary. They agree.
We're all now sitting in a diner booth. The girls across from us. Sam on the inner part of the booth, me in the middle and Dean to the end. His arm rests on the top of the seat, practically around me.
"I was on the phone with Troy, he was driving home. He said he would call me right back. And, uh, he never did" Amy explains the events of the night Troy went missing. "He didn't say anything strange? Or out of the ordinary?" Sam inquires. "No, nothing I can remember" Amy shakes her head.
"Here's the deal ladies" Dean says leaning forward, arms now on the table. "The way Troy disappeared. Somethings not right. So if you've heard anything..." Dean trails off and I notice the girls have a skeptical look in their faces. Looking at each other. They're hiding something.
"What is it girls?" Y/N asks. "Well it's just ....I mean with all these guys going missing. People talk" Amy's friend says. "What do they talk about?" Sam and Dean say in perfect unison, causing me to jump a bit. Jesus. Brothers.
She looks at Amy before continuing "Its kinda this local legend. This one girl, she got murdered out on Centennial, like, decades ago. Well supposedly, she's still out there. She hitchhikes. And whoever picks her up. Well they...disappear forever" She finishes and the tree of us share a look.
We're in the library now. Deans researching the info the girls gave us on the computer and sitting between me and Sam. No hits come on on 'Murder on Centennial'. "Let me try" Sam goes to take the keyboard but Dean slaps his hand away harshly "Got it" he says annoyed.
Sam pushes him away, rolling his chair behind his and I snicker at their childish behavior. "Dude!" He exclaims, tapping Sams shoulder "You're such a control freak" he grumbles, fixing his chair behind the two of us. And Sam types. Then something dawns on me.
"Wait, aren't angry spirits born out of violent death?" I ask. "Yeah" Dean nods confirming. I push Sams chair away "Dude!" He exclaims like Dean did, tapping my shoulder. Dean snickers at the instant karma. I type on the computer "Maybe it's not murder" I say and I type 'Suicide on Cenntenial' and got a hit on an article.
"Sharp thinking princess" Dean smirks, patting me on the small of my back. I smirk "Thanks charming". Sam begins reading the article. "1981. Constance Welch, 24 years old jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in river" Sam reads out loud. "Does it say why she did it?" Dean asks "Yeah" I say. "What?" Dean asks.
"An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute and when she comes back. They're not breathing. Both die" I briefly summarize the article, skimming through it. "Hmm" Dean hums.
"Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it. Said husband, Joseph Welch" Sam quotes the article and I notice a picture of the bridge we were on earlier. "That bridge look familiar to you fellas?" I ask rhetorically, pointing to the picture on the screen.
Later in the night we were at the bridge where Constance jumped to her death. We walk to the edge, looking down. "So this is where Constance took the swan dive" Dean says. I grimace at the sight of the dirty mucky water. The scent filling my nose and I resist the urge to gag.
"So you think your dad would have been here?" I ask, while we all look down at the river. "Well he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him" Dean says and we all begin to walk down the bridge. "Okay so now what?" Sam asks. "Now we keep digging till we find him. Might take a while" Dean says.
"Dean, I told you I have to get back..." Sam starts and they both finish "...By Monday" they say in unison. Brothers. Scares me everytime.
"Right. The interview. Yeah I forgot" Dean nods. "You're really serious about this aren't you" I ask Sam, crossing my arms over my chest. "You think you're just gonna become some lawyer. Marry your girl?" Dean says. "Maybe. Why not?" Sam shrugs.
"Does Jessica know the truth about you? About what you've done?" Dean presses. "No and she's not ever going to know" Sam says, walking up to Dean and I. I stand in-between them, already knowing somebody's gonna either get pushed or punched. "Well that's healthy." Dean retorts sarcastically . "Come on Dean, don't start" I warn him calmly, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"No y/n/n, he can pretend all he wants. But, sooner or later, you're gonna have to own up to who you really are Sammy" Dean walks back down the bridge towards Baby after saying this. Sam follows behind "And who's that?" Sam queries, agitation in his voice. "One of us" Dean says as if it's obvious, gesturing between me and him.
"No, I'm not like either of you. This is not going to be my life" Sam says kinda disgusted. Ouch, but valid. "You have a responsibility" Dean says. "To Dad? And his crusade?" Sam says, his eyes welling with tears. "If it weren't for pictures. Me and y/n wouldn't even know what our moms look like." Ohhhh boy, here we go. The look on Deans face alone could scare a toddler.
"What difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed them...they're gone. And they're never coming back" Sam finishes and Dean pushes me gently to the side from in between them. He grabs Sam and slams him against the edge of the bridge. "Woah Dean! Easy!" I try pulling Dean off of his brother but his grip is too strong.
"Don't talk about them like that" Deans tone is deadly. He lefts Sam go and turns to me. "Sorry for pushing you Princess" He says sincerely, I nod reassuring him. I look behind him and I see a woman standing at the ledge of the bridge in a white dress. "Uh....fellas...." I point at the woman. They look in the direction I'm pointing at. She turns to look at us for a second before allowing herself to fall off.
We all run towards the area where she threw herself. Looking over the edge, we don't see anything. "Where'd she go?" Dean asks. "I don't know" Sam breathes out. All of a sudden we hear Baby's engine starting. Her headlights flickering. "What the....." Dean says stunned.
Then Quinn starts, her engine roaring. The headlights flicker just like Dean's car. "Who the hell is driving your car and bike?" Sam asks us. Me and Dean hold out the keys to our vehicles, still stunned. Then the Impala and Harley tires start screeching, driving towards us. "Boys! Go! GO!" We all split into action, running away from the vehicles.
They gain on us and the three of us hurl ourselves off the edge of the bridge. Me and Dean end up slipping off the ledge, falling into the river while Sam grabs onto the ledge and pulls himself back up when the coast is clear. Baby and Quinn come to a stop.
Me and Dean fish ourselves out of the mucky water, laying on the shore edge. "Dean! Y/N!" Sam screams before seeing us. "Hey, you guys alright?" He asks worried. "We're super" Dean yells back sarcastically and I give him a weak thumbs up. Sam laughs at our state and we go to make our way back up the bridge.
I pull myself up and give my hand to Dean who's still laying on the floor like he's half dead. "Get up piglet, we gotta get back up" I tease him while groaning in pain, he huffs taking my hand and pulling himself up. "Shut it, you're covered too" He chuckles while groaning in pain from the impact too.
We're back up on the bridge checking on our vehicles. Quinn seems alright and I'm sure so is Baby. "Your car and bike alright?" Sam ask the both of us. "Yeah whatever she did to it, it seems alright now" Dean says. I nod assuring that my bikes ok. "That Constance chick, what a bitch!!" I scream out over the bridge in frustration because she almost hurt my girl.
"Well she doesn't want us digging around that's for sure" Sam says. Dean leans on the hood of the Impala, I follow and so does Sam. "So, where's the trail go from here geniuses" Sam asks the both of us.
Dean throws his hands up in defeat, grimacing at the smelly mud all over our skin and I scoff. Sam smells the air before turning to us "You guys smell like a toilet" Neither of us answer, Dean's head drops while I turn to glare at Sam. He smirks at me snickering.
Now at a motel, Dean plops his credit card on the book in-front of the receptionist. "One room please"
The man picks up the card, looking at it in recognition. "You guys having a reunion or something?" The age-able man queries. My eyes cork up at this. "What do you mean?" Sam asks now curious. "That other guy Burt Aframian, he came and bought out a room for the whole month" The man tells us whilst typing on his computer to book us a room. The boys and I share a knowing look. John was here.
We find out what room John was in. Currently I'm on my knees picking the lock to room 10. Sam and Dean have their backs turnt to me, looking out incase someone sees us. After about a minute, I hear a click and I slide my trusty hairpin out of the knob.
I open the door and walk in but Sam and Dean don't seem to notice, still looking out. I grab them both by their collars and roughly pull them into the room, locking the door behind us. We look around the room for a couple seconds and Dean goes over to the lamp, turning it on.
I notice the walls lining with paper of what seems to be Johns research on the case he was working here. Dean spots a day old sandwich and sniffs it. Gagging at the smell. "Ugh" He plops the sandwich back down. "I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least" He states the obvious.
"Yeah, no kidding Sherlock" I say sarcastically and Dean rolls his eyes at my dry tone. Sam stoops to the ground, dusting it with his fingers to find "Salt. Cats-eye shells. He was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in" Sam says getting back up. Dean notices what I'm staring at, it's the victims.
"What do you got here?" Sam asks, walking over to us. "Centennial Highway victims" I state. "I don't get it." Dean says and I see Sam walking over to the other side of the room. "They're different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection right? What do these guys have in common?" Dean ponders.
I walk over to Sam, my eyes scanning for the lord written in the wall. I catch something at the corner of my eye, walking a couple steps I turn on the lamp and I nudge Sam to check it out. I internally laugh, shaking my head. John Winchester, you smart son of a bitch. Of course you figured it out.
Sam chuckles ironically "Dad figured it out" he says. "What do you mean?" Dean asks. "He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's our woman in white" I say. Dean turns back to the wall looking at the pictures of Constance's victims. "You sly dogs" he says almost as if he's complimenting the unfaithful presumably deceased men.
"Alright so if we're dealing with a Woman in White. Dad would've found the corpse and destroyed it" Dean states. "She might have another weakness" Sam says. "No. Dad would wanna make sure. He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Dean asks walking over to us, looking at the notes on the wall.
"No, not that we can tell" Sam answers. "If I were your dad though, I'd go ask her husband" I say, point to the picture of Joseph Welch on the wall. "If he's still alive" Sam adds. "Alright why don't you see if you can find an address. Me and y/n gotta get cleaned up" Dean says and I clutch my duffel bag with my clothes on my shoulder.
"Hey guys?" Me and Dean turn to Sam. "What I said about Mom and Dad earlier. And your mom, y/n. I'm sorry" Sam says guiltily and sincerely. Dean puts up his hand stopping Sam. "No chick-flick moments" Dean says and Sam chuckles, I shake my head laughing. "Alright, Jerk" Sam says. "Bitch" Dean retorts.
"Oh shut it, you're a sucker for Notting Hill" I quipped teasing him, bumping Deans hip with mine causing Sam to laugh. "Hey! Julia Roberts don't count! That woman is a national treasure!" Dean exclaims defending himself. Sam bends over clutching his stomach in laughter. "Yeah...sure" I laugh ironically before pushing him when he least expects it.
"DIBS ON THE BATHROOM!" I yell, bolting to the bathroom whilst Dean stumbles on himself trying to catch his balance. I lock the door behind me quickly and Dean bangs on it. "Ahhh screw you ya nutcase!" He yells frustrated. "You wish asshat!" I retort back laughing and getting ready for my nice hot long shower.
After my shower, Dean goes in and me and Sam are left outside. Sam tried calling his girlfriend and I'm on the chair, smoking a cigarette by the window. Texting my dad and updating him about the case. Dean walks out of the bathroom, putting on his jacket and takes off the light.
"You used up all the hot water y/n" Dean says. I chuckle, taking the last puff of my cigarette and outing it. "Snooze you lose, Winchester" I smile widely at him, winking. He scoffs and chuckles at this. "I'm starving, I'm gonna grab something to eat at that diner down the street. You two want anything" He asks the both of us.
"No" Sam says. "Aframians buying" Dean says smiling and Sam shakes his head. "I'll take my usual please" I smile. "(Your favorite food/usual order) and (Your favorite soda/milkshake) coming right up, Princess" He smirks at me, winking. My heart flutters at that smile he gave me and the wink he sent my way. The fact that he remember my order. But I cover it up with returning the cocky wink "Thanks charming"
When Dean leaves I turn to Sam. We haven't really been alone for us to talk like we usually do so I take the chance now. "Hey Sammy?" I say softly. "It's Sam" he groans in annoyance at me calling him Sammy. "Whatever you say Sammy" I grin widely at him, getting back to my serious expression. He looks at me curiously. "What's wrong y/n/n?" He asks.
"I just want you to know. I don't blame you for going back to college after this case. Your brother might not be very warm and cuddly about it but you know how he is. He loves you and misses you. You're making the right choice" I say. He sighs sadly and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"You of all people deserved a shot at the Apple pie life. So does Dean. He would never admit it because he's too stubborn but he'd kill for the apple pie life you're hoping to achieve." I reassure Sam, he looks at me smiling sadly.
"You do too Y/N." He says softly. I take my hand off his shoulder shaking my head. "I don't want that. I'm where I need to be" I assure him and Sam chuckles shaking his head. "You're just as stubborn girly" He teases me and I lightly punch his shoulder. "Shut up dipshit" I say laughing.
"Never, crackhead" He laughs punching my shoulder back. God I missed my best friend. "I gotta say though" I say, a smirking taking over my face. "Jess is quite a foxy lady" I compliment his girlfriend and he smiles proudly.
"I'll never get what she sees in you" I added causing his smile to drop and me to laugh. "You're dead to me" he said flatly and I laugh louder. "I love you too Sammy" I pat his shoulder. I go to sit back down but my phone rings.
Metallica blurring from the ringtone of my phone. Sam gives me a "really?" look and I just roll my eyes taking my phone out of my pocket. It's Dean. "That's some speedy delivery. You're in for a great tip." I tease him over the phone but he doesn't respond with his usual banter.
"Guys. Five - 0. Take off." Dean says quickly. Me and Sam stand up now panicking on the low. "What about you?" Sam asks his brother concerned. "Ah, they kind of spotted me. Go find dad" Dean says and abruptly hangs up. Son of a bitch.
Me and Sam tiptoe over to the curtain by the front door. Pulling it open slightly we see a deputy walking towards it and Jaffe, the deputy from the bridge, questioning Dean. We hurry to the window I was smoking by and we open it up, grabbing our stuff we shimmy out fatasses out of the window and make a break for Baby.
We decided to go to Joseph Welch's house, husband of Constance Welch, the Woman in White, and question him. I settled for leaving Quinn at the motel as much as it broke my heart. The cops would've heard her if I started her.
I knock on Mr. Welch's door. Within a couple seconds he opens it. He takes a second glance at me before looking at Sam. "Hi, are you Joseph Welch?" I ask nicely. "Yeah" he confirms, eyeing me up and down.
We're now walking through his yard and Sam shows him a photo of him, John and Dean from the 80s, asking Mr. Welch if he had come by at anytime. "Yeah. He was older but that's him" Mr. Welch confirms that John was here. "He came by three or four days ago. Said he was a reporter" he said.
"That's right. We're working a story together" Sam lies to keep our cover. "Well I don't know what the hell know of story you're working on. The questions he asked me..." Mr. Welch trailed off and I injected "About your late wife, Constance"
"He asked me where she was buried" He said. "And where was that again?" Sam asks and I mentally facepalm. Real smooth Sammy. Real smooth. "What? I gotta go through this twice" Mr. Welch said slightly agitated. "It's just fact checking sir, if you don't mind." I say calmly, he eyes me up and down again before nodding. Sam notices this too.
"In a plot, behind my old place over on Breckenridge." He tells us where she's buried. "Why did you move?" Sam asks. "I'm not gonna live in the house where my children died" Mr. Welch stated obviously. "Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?" I ask him.
"No way, Constance. She was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I've ever known" He assures us as if he's trying to convince us and himself. "So you had a happy marriage?" Sam asks and Welch hesitates for a second before saying "Definitely" he says.
Sam and I share a look before he takes a deep breath. "Well that should do it sir. Thank for your time" I say we pretend to walk off. Sam takes out the keys to baby and I look at him with a "I'm gonna do it" look. He nods and I call out for Mr. Welch.
"Mr. Welch, you ever heard of a woman in white?" Welch turns around confused. "A what?" He asks. "A woman in white. Or sometimes a weeping woman" Sam repeats my words, explaining it further. "It's a ghost story. Well..." I start to explain and I chuckle. "It's more of a phenomenon, really" We start walking back towards Mr. Welch.
"They're spirits. They've been sighting for hundreds of years. Dozens of places" I say, looking over to Sam to continue. "In Hawaii, in Mexico. Lately in Arizona, Indiana." As he lists the places I hold up my fingers, counting them. "All these are different women you understand but all share the same story". Sam says
"Kids, I don't care much for nonsense" Mr. Welch says now aggravated, turning to walk off but I stop him. "See when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them. And these women basically suffering from temporary insanity murdered their children. Then once they realized what they had done. They took their own lives" I explain and Sam takes over.
"So now their spirits are cursed. Walking backroads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man. They kill him. And that man is never seen again" Sam further digs. "You think.....You think that has something to do with....Constance. You smartasses!" Mr. Welch, now horrified at the possibility, breathes heavily.
"You tell me. You hesitantly claimed you had happy marriage but by the way you were checking out my friend here... I'd beg to differ" Sam says, his gaze soft. Ohhh that's cold. "I mean, maybe, maybe I made some mistakes, but no matter what I did, Constance, she never would've killed her own children. Now you two get the hell outta here! And you don't come back!" Mr. Welch shuns us angrily, shaking trying to hold back tears.
"Jesus Sam, that was a bit cold" I say as we walk back to the car. Sam sighs opening baby and jumping in, opening the passenger side from inside for me. "One man was unfaithful and now people are dying. I'm not saying they're saints but it's messed up" He says putting the car in reverse driving off.
I sigh, "That's the job for ya, hey, gimme your phone" without hesitation he gives me his phone "Sure, what for?" He asks while in dialing. "You'll see" I smirk putting the phone to my ear. I take my gun out from my waist, rolling down the window and aiming it out the window to the sky.
"Y/N what're you doing?" Sam questions now worried. I shush him with a finger to my lips. "911 what's your emergency?" The lady operator says on the line. I let out a fake scream and Sam now realizes what I'm doing, holding back his laughter.
"Help!! Please!! My husband and the neighbor are f- " I pull the trigger before I could finish the sentence. A ear piercing scream leaves my throat "HE HAS A GUN PLEASE!! HELP US!" Sam is biting his fist from laughing. "The blood!! Oh the blood! HONEY!!" I quickly give the operator address on the other side of where we are and hang up handing it back to Sam who is hysterical.
"You..really are ...a crackhead.." He says in-between laughs and I chuckle. "Whatever dipshit" I retort. Within a couple minutes my phone rings. I answer putting it on speaker. "Fake 911 phone call, princess. I don't know. That's pretty illegal. Aren't you a bad girl?" Dean teases me from over the phone.
I scoff rolling my eyes as Sam chuckles, grimacing at the last part of Deans sentence. "You're welcome, charming" I chuckle. "Listens guys we gotta talk" Dean starts to say but Sam interrupts. "Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a Woman in White. And she's buried behind her old house so that should be our next stop."
Dean cuts Sam off "Sammy would you shut up for a second?" Dean tries to interject but Sam continues "We just can't figure out why he hasn't destroyed the corpse yet" Sam rambles. "Well that's what I'm trying to tell you two. He's gone. Dad left Jericho" Dean says.
"What? How do you know?" I say surprising, my mouth agape. "I've got his journal" Dean says. My jaw falls further, practically on the floorboard of Baby. "He doesn't go anywhere without that thing" Sam says. "Yeah, well, he did this time" Dean says. "What's it say?" I ask. "Same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going" Dean explains what's written.
"Coordinates. Where to?" Sam confirms. "Dean, what the hell is going on?" I question now confused and irritated by the vague messages John's leaving. Suddenly Sam hits the brakes of the car and my phone slips out of my hand. I catch a glimpse of the Woman in White infront of the car before he hurls straight through her.
"Sam! Y/N!?" I hear Dean yell for us from the phone that's now on the floorboard. Me and Sam try catching our breath. "Take me home" is all we hear, the woman in white appears in the back of the Impala. Looking at Sam. We don't answer and she says again, more irritated this time.
"Take.Me.Home" I can see her ghost flicker, I reach into my boots to grab to iron knuckle cuffs, gripping it in my hand "No" He says sternly, holding his ground. The doors of the car lock automatically, trapping us in. We try opening our sides but it's stuck. The Impala is now driving itself to Constance's old house where she killed her kids. Me and Sam still trying for the doors.
"GODDAMIT!!" I yell in frustration, punching the window with my iron knuckle cuff but it barely cracks. We pull up to her house, against our will, and baby shuts off. "Don't do this" I plead with her but she doesn't seem interested in me, expected. "I can never go home" She says in a somber voice, her ghost flickering.
"You're scared to go home" Sam says and it clicks. She's scared to face her kids. In a split second, she was in the middle of me and Sam. A force throws me to the backseat, pinning me down and she jumps on top of Sam, straddling him. "Get off of him you bitch!" I scream at her. "Hold me, I'm so cold" she breathes out needy.
I cringe at this and break out of her hold. I reach over and punch her with the iron knuckle cuff ring. She disapparates, but not for long. "You okay Sammy??" I reach over to help him, before he could answer. She appears back on his lap. Backing handing to the back seat. The knuckle cuffs fly out my hand and onto the floor in the back seat.
"You can't kill me, I'm not unfaithful I've never been" Sam argues, groaning in pain as she passes her hand along his skin. "You will be" she says before kissing him. "YOU SICK BITCH!" I try to get out of her hold but the force is too strong.
Sam struggles to turn the keys in the ignition. She disappears for a quick seconds and we both look around. Sam starts screaming in pain "SAM!!!" I yell, feeling powerless that I can't do more, I see the knuckle cuffs at the corner of my eye, I try reaching for it but it's too far.
She appears back on him, her face now decayed. Her fingers digging into Sam's chest. "NO!!" My voice is pained, still attempting to reach the cuffs. I finally get a hold of the cuffs, gunshots ringing through the driver seat window. I see Dean outside of the Impala shooting Constance.
"My hero" I grumble sarcastically to myself at the fact that Dean is shooting a ghost. I throw the iron cuffs at her again, this time seems to work a little better. Sam gets up and starts the car. "Take her home Sammy" I say and Sam nods curtly. Driving Baby head first into Constance's house to face her kids.
"Sam! Y/N!" Dean yells but the impact from the crash, throws me over into the front seat. How? Don't ask me. "Guys!?" Dean yells for us. "Here!" I yell back to catch his attention. "You two okay? Can you move?" He asks, moving a piece of wood from infront the window. "Yeah, help us" Sam says groaning in pain.
I feel a bump starting to form on my head. Dean pulls me out from the passenger side and I lean on the side of his car. Next taking Sam out. "There you go" He says holding Sam up and checking on me, I give him a thumbs up and we see Constance infront of us, holding an old picture of herself.
Her eyes flicker up to us angrily, she tosses the picture aside and a chest of drawers come hurling towards us, pinning us again the wall by our mid regions. We groan trying to push it off but it wouldn't budge. The lights in the house start flickering and we all look around.
The stairs starts leaking water, assuming that's foreshadowing the water she used to drown her kids. The boys and I look up the starts to see the shadow of two kids holding hands. "You've come home to us, Mommy." They say in unison, reminding me of when the boys speak in perfect unison.
Shit gave me the heebie jeebies.
They appear behind a terrified Constance and they start hugging. Constance is a screaming mess, her spirit flickering from decayed to her normal self. She and the kids spirit diminish, melting to the ground where the water from upstairs is leaking. That has got to be where she drowned them.
Once her spirit is gone, the boys and I look at each other. Grunting from the pain, we push the chest of drawer over with an ease compared to earlier. We walk towards the puddle of water. "So this is where she drowned her kids" Dean states the obvious. "Thats why she could never go home" I say and Sam nods. "She was too scared to face them" Sam confirms.
"You guys found her weak spot. Nice work kids" Dean pats Sam on his chest and me on my head and we laugh in pain. "Yeah I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?" Sam mocks his brother and I laugh rubbing my head. "Hey. Saved your asses" Dean defends, pointing at us.
"No smartass, it was my ironcuffs" I snort holding it up to show him, joining in on making fun of Dean. "Whatever" Dean grumbles. He puts his hands to his knees bending down. "I'll tell you another thing. If you guys screwed up my car....I'll kill ya both " He threatens me and Sam and I snicker.
"Yeah, be sure to burn my body. Before you shoot my ghost when I haunt ya" I quipped, Dean glares at me and Sam laughs and we high-five.
Third Person POV
Sam and Dean are driving down the empty road. Y/N on her bike side by side to the Impala. Dean glances at her, admiring her physique. He admires her a lot, the way she handles herself on hunts. She did a hell of a job today. Growing up together he watched her go from a timid shy girl to a confident badass woman.
He holds her in high regard, never backing down from a fight. Her smartass mouth keeps him on edge, she always finds a way to keep him in his toes. Sure he dropped his flirty comments here and there and so did she. But Dean would never do anything to mess their friendship up.
He cherishes their friendship too much to allow himself to let his little crush ruin that. Even if he doesn't accept his feelings for her. Growing up together he protected her the way he did for Sam.
Feeling a sense of responsibility for her. He missed her this past year. He doesn't regret calling her to come on the search for their father, he feels bad never called before even though he wanted to.
She wanted her space to grow and he respected that, unlike her father.
Sam is talking Deans ear off about some place their dad should be after analyzing the coordinates he left in the journal for them. He realizes his brother isn't paying attention to him, looking over to see Dean staring at Y/N riding next to the Impala.
He smirks at this, knowing his brother has had a bit of a crush on Y/N for a couple years now. Y/N has liked Dean basically her whole life but would never admit it to Sam. To protect their friendship but he doesn't mind. They're good for each other. Too damn stubborn to admit it though.
"You're still crushing on her" Sam teases his brother, this sentence snaps Dean out of his daydreaming and his head spins to his younger brother. "The hell are you talking about? I do not have a crush on Y/N dude. She's like my little sister" Dean scoffs denying the fact.
Sam chuckles shaking his head. Stubborn ass.
"Yeah, sure" Sam says ironically, changing the subject, he tells Dean that their Dad went to Blackwater Ridge Colorado.
"How far?" Dean asks. "About 600 miles" Sam tells him, flashing the light on the map. "If we shag ass we could make it by morning" Dean says looking at Sam and back to Y/N next to baby.
Sam looks at his brother awkwardly. "Dean, um...." Dean turns away disappointed, staring at the road. "You're not going" He says turning back to Sam. "The interview is in like 10 hours. I gotta be there" Sam tries to reason with his brother.
Dean nods sadly, "Yeah. Yeah whatever. I'll take to home." He says and Sam turns the light off. Dean makes a turn to lead onto the highway.
Outside, Y/N notices this turn and follows them, she assumes they're dropping Sam back to Stanford. It saddens her to know she might not see her greatest friend for a long time but she knows it's for the best. It's what he deserves.
They arrive in front of Sam's apartment. Y/N parks her bike infront on the Impala and turns her engine off. She takes off her helmet and hops off her bike at the same time Sam is getting out of Deans car.
Taking her time to walk towards the brothers she hears Sam say, while he's leaning down to face Dean in the window after he closes the passenger door. "Maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?" Sam half promises. "Yeah all right" Dean nods, not convinced and Sam taps the door twice.
Dean starts his engine while Sam turns to Y/N. "Sam? Y/N?" He calls out for his brother and best friend. They turn to him. "You know we made a hell of a team back there." Y/N nods sadly "Yeah" he responds. Turning back to Y/N, he smiles at his longest friend sadly.
"Don't give me that look boy, you better lawyer it up when I call your ass from jail to bail me out" Y/N attempts to ease the situation by joking. Sam chuckles and pulls her into a hug. Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, she wraps hers around his waist.
Quickly wiping the tear that's been threatening to fall from her eyes so they don't see. He ruffles her hair for what he thinks is the last time and says "Hang in there kid". She scoffs lightly punching his shoulder.
"You're only a couple months older, now go before I kick your ass" she pretends to chase him while he walks to his apartment. Y/N sighs sadly, turning to the Impala and jumping in the passenger seat. She sees Dean isn't facing her, his eyes on the driver side window and that could only mean one thing.
Placing her hand on his shoulder she says, "He'll be okay Dean". He turns to her, his face stained in a couple tears. Her heart breaks seeing this "Come here" she ushers him to hug her, he leans into her chest. Allowing a couple more tears to fall from his eyes to her chest.
She comforts him as he always did her, reassuring him that Sam will be alright. That his little brother loves him. That she will always be there for him. Stroking his hair, she feels butterflies fill her stomach now realizing their position. She tells herself now is not the time or place.
Ignoring it but she can't help but feel something is wrong. Like if something is going to happen. It's been bugging her all day. Dean starts chuckling a little at her words earlier to Sam.
"Don't give me that look boy, you better lawyer it up when I call your ass from jail to bail me out"
Even in a time like this, Y/N is the only person who could put a smile on his face. "What're you laughing at" Y/N asks, chuckling with him, confused how he went from crying to laughing. Before he could tell her, they hear Sam scream "NO!!" Pain in his voice.
They snap out of it, bolting out of Deans car. They kick the door down to Sam's apartment. A blast of heat gushes out through the door "Sam!" Dean yells for his brother. Y/N smells smoke.
'Oh no. This is it. This is the bad thing that was going to happen'. Y/N thinks to herself. "JESS!!" Sam screams in agony, Dean and Y/N rush to Sam's room.
Upon running in they see Jess pinned to the ceiling, engulfed in flames. No fucking way.
"Sam! Sam!" Y/N and Dean yell. "NO!! NO!!" Sam screams still on the bed, blocking himself from the flames.
"We gotta get out of here!" Dean screams, he and y/n pull Sam off the bed. Hauling him out of the room. "JESS!! JESS!! NO!!" Sam screams in shock. They make it out of the apartment in time before the blast takes over the whole building.
Hours have passed since Jess' death. Dean is looking at the burning building being sprayed by the firefighters. His mind flashing back to that unfaithful night when his mother was killed. His heart grieves for Sam knowing that pain is now twice as hard on his little brother, who he fought so hard to protect.
Sam spent the first hour crying into Dean and Y/N's arms. Currently at the trunk of the Impala, he's loading his rifle, a grim look on his face while tears still fall from his eyes.
Y/N's heart pains seeing her best friend like this. Leaning against Baby's boot, taking a drag from her cigarette in this stressful time. A habit she picked up from her father. Sam ushers her to pass it. She looks at him surprised. "You sure?" he just nods curtly.
He hands Y/N the rifle, as Dean approaches them, so she can finish loading it. Passing the almost burnt out bud to him, Sam takes a few pulls, letting the smoke out. Before finishing it, flicking it to the ground and crushing it with his boot.
Turning to face his elder brother. Y/N throws the gun into the trunk. "We've got work to do fellas" She says grimly and Sam shuts the trunk.
Authors Note
So this chapter was supposed to be uploaded since last night but right after I finished proofreading and editing. My dumbass accidentally deleted the entire chapter!
The tears that were shed. Holy Fuckk. That's a pain I never wanna go through again. And I've watched all 15 seasons of Supernatural😂
Anyways. I hope whoever is reading that enjoyed the first episode. I'll try my best to finish the next one by Thursday for the latest. I'm planning to do a lot with Y/N's character. I'm trying to avoid leaving plot holes but I'm kinda new to consistent writing so bare with me.
I forgot to add in the fact that Sam and Deans mom grew up with Y/N's parents. I added into the prologue. Please forgive my lack of planning. Xoxo
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
all i think about is karma
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summary: you and rafe take on a mainland bush party where he knows no one, and you know too many people for his liking.
this can be read as a stand-alone but it's technically a part four to getaway car, big reputation, and this is why we can’t have nice things.
pairing: rafe x fem!reader
wc: 2.1k
tags/warnings: jealous!rafe, highschool au, (some) nondescript nudity, cursing, mean kook!reader, underage drinking, (i think that’s it??)
a/n: hey y’all!! sorry i haven’t posted anything in a little while, i’ve been busy but now im back home and on my usual schedule so there shouldn’t be any serious interruptions for a little while. i missed y’all and i hope you like this! this is what won my getaway car poll quite some time ago so im so happy to finally get it out!
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"No, Y/N/N, I'll be fine. I don't want to dampen your week, you'll have so much fun!" Bella insists, adjusting where her phone is laying in her lap while she lays in bed, surrounded by tissues and snack wrappers. She came down with the flu at the worst possible time: right before you were meant to go on your spring break trip.
"It won't be the same without you! I should just stay home, I can come over and we can have a movie marathon or something. That'll be just as fun." You reply, watching her through the facetime camera while you sit at your vanity.
"No. Absolutely not. You're going- and you'll get to hangout with Rafe! It's worth it for me to get all the juicy details after." Bella giggles, sniffling and quickly wiping her nose.
You roll your eyes, rubbing your forehead. "Okay, yeah, but nothings gonna happen- you know I swore that off."
"Yeah, whatever. The two of you, alone, drunk and sharing a tent? Whatever you say." Your friend teases you. "It's actually worth it for me to stay home so you can come back with tea."
"Okay, fine," You agree, not admitting that the idea is very tempting. "But I'm not sleeping with him again."
"No! Of course not." Bella laughs, shaking her head. "But if you did, at least be safe this time. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time-"
"Okay! Okay! Bye, Bella I'll call you later!" You quickly cut her off, hanging up the phone.
Several long hours after texting Rafe the update that Bella wasn't going to make it, you found yourself in his truck on the mainland, driving into what seems to be the middle of nowhere for a bush party you caught word of from some friends you met playing soccer on a local team. You were excited to see them, and meet some new people, but you're honestly so glad Rafe still wanted to go. You'd rather not go alone if you didn't have to.
Judging by the large space in front of you full of various groups of kids your age putting tents together or starting fires around makeshift campsites at the edge of the water, you assume you're in the right place and get to work setting up your own tent off near the edge of the lake.
It wasn't long before the sun started to set over the abandoned gravel pit, and you just finish up when you crack open your first drink from the cooler. "So like... are we actually going to talk to anyone or just hide over here and be weird all night?" Rafe asks as you bring the can to your lips.
You roll your eyes a little and nod. "Well, duh. My friends are coming. I don't know what your plans are." Rafe looks around at that, seeing if there's anyone he might be able to talk to, but he was counting on hanging out with you.
"Wow, you're ditching me?" He asks, reaching into the cooler as well and grabbing a beer. "Cold."
You go to reply with a matching, somewhat snarky attitude the two of you almost always share when you recognize the purple jeep that's pulling in. "That's them! Good luck making friends!" You call back, jogging over to where they parked.
Rafe flips you off as you turn your full attention to your friends, sighing a little to himself as he lays eyes on a group of local boys who look enough like his friends that he's comfortable talking to them.
By the time that the area is lit only by the orange glow coming from the several cooking fires and the large bonfire everyone is centered around, you're already stumbling over your feet with a half-drank bottle of some liquor you didn't bring, and you're not even sure where you got it.
Rafe has been trying to keep an eye on you from a distance, but now he's lost you. He's drunk himself, so he's not overly concerned, but he would just at least like to know where you were. He looks around frantically, trying to keep his cool as the boys around him are laughing about something he didn't care to pay attention to. His eyes land on some figures out in the lake, and he squints to see if he can make out the shape of your hair in the dark. He takes a few steps away to get a closer look, hearing you laughing and shouting over the music coming from an on shore speaker. He walks down to the shore with a smug look on his face, polishing off his beer when he looks down and notices piles of clothes on the shore. Are you naked?
"Hey, Y/N!" Rafe shouts, waving to you in an attempt to grab your attention.
"Rafe!" You shout back, smile never fading as you push your wet hair out of your face. With the liquor warming you, the water feels amazing and so soft on your skin. "Come out here! Come join us!"
Rafe sighs as he finds your stuff, relieved to find only your shirt, shorts, and bra. At least you weren't fully naked in front of all these strangers. He strips of everything but his boxers and grabs your bra, wading out into the cool lake water to you and your friends as they cheer and laugh.
"Rafe! Where have you been?" You giggle, throwing your arms over his shoulders once he gets close enough for you to reach.
"I've been around- apparently I should have been babysitting you ladies." He chuckles, trying to hide any frustration in his tone as he avoids looking at your friends who are just as well clothed as you are. "Put this on, at least." He adds, pulling away from you and handing you the article of clothing, crossing his arms to watch you put it on despite his better judgement.
"Hey! Girls! Come on in, we're going to play chandelier!" One of the guys Rafe had the pleasure of talking to for the last couple hours shouts, and quickly everyone makes their way in to shore.
"Y/N, hey, we don't want you to get sick. Come warm up." Rafe turns his head as he gets his shirt back on, watching as one of the other guys, Jesse, is quickly wrapping you in a small blanket and guiding you up to the bonfire with a hand on your lower back. He scowls at the two of you behind your back, following as he urges you up the small hill and towards the large fire pit ahead.
You walk side by side with the boy, until you can feel the warmth of the flames on your skin where you stop and stand to dry off both your skin and what little clothing you have on. You don't know you're shivering until Jesse is tugging on the blanket around your shoulders. "Here, let me help you warm up.." He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you from behind and draping the blanket over both of you.
"Oh, thanks, Jesse." You say, teeth chattering from the soft breeze. You lean back into him, swaying from the alcohol still in your system and he steadies you.
"Anytime, sweetheart." He mumbles, pressing his lips to the back of your head.
You are well aware of his hands wandering, fiddling with the waistband of your underwear as you have your arms crossed tightly over your chest. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you gaze across the fire and your eyes land on Rafe, who's staring at you intently.
You smile and wave at him, but he just rolls his eyes in response and looks away. Is he upset with you for ditching him? In hindsight it wasn't very nice, even if that is the kind of relationship you normally have. If it was you you'd be upset- he didn't know anyone, and he was left to fend for himself, granted; he was clearly fine.
"Hey, Ashley?" You find yourself calling over to your other friend, but she doesn't hear you as your eyes well up with tears. Why do you feel so bad right now? Does Rafe being upset with you really bother you that much? You've hardly felt like this before.
"Ashley?" You ask again, but she hardly glances at you as she's got another boy draped over her shoulder- one who is definitely not the girls boyfriend.
"You okay?" Jesse asks, leaning his head over your shoulder to get a better look at you.
"Uhm, yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom and I was hoping she would come with me." You explain, watching Rafe again as he buries himself in conversation with the two girls standing next to him.
"I'll take you." Jesse offers. "Come on, I won't watch. Swear." He says, already guiding you away and tossing the blanket back to his friend.
You glance back at Rafe over your shoulder as Jesse walks you off into the dark. Just as you look forward again to try and watch your step, Jesse's hand is smacking your butt playfully, making you jump. You laugh it off and give him a shove, but he's grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of his truck.
The swing of Jesse's arm to where his hand hit your exposed skin drew Rafe's attention again fully, and he furrows his brow as he watches you stumble away. You were sharing a tent with him and you were really about to hook up with that mainland loser? He quickly downs the rest of his beer and storms after you, fists clenched at his sides after discarding the bottle on a nearby pong table.
"Hey!" Rafe shouts, making the two of you turn just as Jesse backs you up against the side of his truck and starts kissing down your neck. You're confused, but not one to turn down an opportunity like this- especially when you never have to see him again. As soon as Jesse turns his head, though, it's snapped back again with the contact of Rafe's fist into his nose.
He groans and quickly brings his hands up to his face, tipping his head back as blood pours from between his fingers. You gasp, reaching out for him but hesitating, not sure what to do.
"You think you can hook up with any girl who accepts a blanket from you when she's cold? She came here with me." Rafe spits, and you feel your features pull into an expression of anger as you quickly step towards him and shove him back. "What?"
"Come on." You mutter, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the now bleeding boy. "What the fuck was that about?" You ask, storming back to where your shared tent was in the corner. "Do you think you have some stupid claim over me just because you drove me here?"
Rafe rolls his eyes, stopping with you next to the tent as you drop his arm and turn to face him. "He was taking advantage of you!"
You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms. "No, Rafe. He wasn't. Did you ever consider that maybe I wanted that?"
"Whatever, Y/N- don't act like you weren't eyeing me up for the whole drive here."
"Oh. My. God." You find yourself laughing suddenly, realizing what this is about. "You were jealous."
"What? No I wasn't." Rafe replies defensively.
You smile at him cockily, tilting your head and waiting for him to spiral on it.
"I wasn't! I tried to help. That's what I get, I guess!" Rafe throws his hands up.
"And here I was thinking you were mad at me for ditching you. Turns out you were just horny." You smirk, knowing you were just pushing his buttons this time for fun.
"Oh, fuck off, Y/N, you're just trying to piss me off now for fun."
"You're not denying it." You shrug, looking back over to the fire for a moment, seeing Jesse sitting there with paper towel pressed to his nose and a few girls surrounding him.
"You're making it difficult not to be when you’re walking around like that.” He replies, smirking as he looks you up and down.
“Don’t be gross, Rafe.” You smile, dropping your arms from they were crossed over your chest.
He takes a step closer at that, delicately placing his hands on your hips. “You love it, Y/N/N, you know you do.”
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie , @whore-4-drewstarkey , @slut4drudy , @winterrrnight , @totalswag , @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron , @urfaveluvr , @chenslucy , @hxnnah-397 , @s-we-e-t-t-ea , @tahliac11 , @ragingsammie , @ietss, @dee127
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derekscorner · 3 months
Bleached Ramblings: What happens to Ichigo once dies?
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I've been wondering this ever since I posted this about Ichigo being paid by the Soul Society. (link here)
I saw a bunch of "he's loaded once he dies!" jokes but that got me thinking...what actually happens to Ichigo when he dies? He's not just human, he's a substitute soul reaper.
Yes, yes, he has other latent abilities since he's part everything but the "reaper" part is the most important because Ichigo exists in two states.
He has his physical human body and his soul takes the shape of a Reaper's spiritual body. We also see regularly how damage or age to one is reflected upon the other.
When a normal human dies their soul, which is chained to their body literally, is separated from said body.
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What becomes of you after that is ultimately up to luck. Most souls will go to the Soul Society where they essentially continue their existence in a spiritual form.
After they're there for a while they'll ever develop spiritual energy and thus begin to require food, sleep, and water. Or they'll keep lingering until they "disappear" (aka reincarnate) or fall victim to some form of violence from other spirits or even hollows.
A few truly unlucky folks will even grow ill since illness does exist in the Soul Society.
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This isn't even counting the alternatives. Other souls are unable to cross over into the afterlife and thus cling to the living world. They'll either be food for a hollow, become a hollow themselves, be exorcised by a reaper via soul burial, or you'll find Hell's Gate waiting for you if you're a truly horrible person.
Now you probably wonder why I recap this at all. Why is this relevant to Ichigo himself?
Simple, Ichigo's soul isn't a normal soul. His soul is that of a Reapers. He literally takes on that form when he exists his body.
That means he wont have that usual process upon the death of his human body. However, I can't just claim that'd he pop out of said body should it die early.
Damage to his human body is reflected on the reaper body and vice versa.
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So let's just do a thought experiment. What happens to Ichigo Kurosaki if he dies of old age?
If we argue that his soul just ejects in it's reaper form then he'll pop out as the age he was when his physical body died.
Or since the body and soul reflect age and damage it's more likely that the soul reaper form would also be close to dying from old age if not doing so simultaneously as his physical form does.
What becomes of Ichigo then? Will he immediately reincarnate? Or will he suffer the same fate as the captains.
"what fate" you ask?
See that's the funny thing, Bleach released a one shot called the Hell chapter or Hell arc which dropped this bombshell on us:
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You see, upon death, a soul/spirit's body will break down into pure reshi. Similar to how a living body breaks down into minerals, bacteria, and the like.
You return to the dirt of the earth in both worlds.
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But souls at captain level or higher are too powerful to break down. Sure, their bodies may vanish but their souls won't easily return to the reincarnation cycle.
In order to deal with the potential imbalance the souls are chucked into the only place they can go. A pit of chaos according to the Bleach novels, a pocket of space remnant from the original unified world.
They're thrown into hell.
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This doesn't just apply to Soul Reaper captains either, they're just using that position as a metric of power. Someone as strong as a captain, a level of power that Ichigo eclipsed a very long time ago.
Now that doesn't mean for sure Ichigo will go to hell upon death since there seems to be a ritual needed to send such souls there but it is an outcome one can't easily write off either.
Ichigo's entire situation is unique so he may just immediately reincarnate due to what his soul is but who knows. Just a fun thing to dread over.
I'll leave you to ponder this nugget by adding on that this may apply to Isshin as well since his special gigai makes him essentially human.
Bye now 8D
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damonrutherford · 4 months
Tales of the insanely wealthy and alone...
He got like this sometimes when the clock rolled over to the early morning hours and the high of his evening wore off. When there were no more skirts to chase and no amount of liquor in the world could drown out the dull roar in the back of his head. Hardly meant he wouldn't try to find another outlet though.
So there he sat on the otherwise dusty floor of his mother's tomb–– a vague mental note made to get someone in here to clean more often than the current cadence. A ridiculous luxury considering the subject, but if Andrew insisted that they weren't going to be buried in the ground like everyone else, then the least Damon could do was spruce the place up. Flowers, too. He'd get more of those.
Then, as he did in childhood, Damon rattled off about his day and spared absolutely no details. An odd sight he imagined, speaking so candidly to the walls of this crypt, but if she were still around, Cerys would encourage it. In fact, she'd probably be a bit hurt if he left anything out. Or at least this was how he preferred to think of his mother, despite the three decades since her passing somewhat muddying his memories.
Didn't all kids elevate their mother to a version of sainthood after losing her so young? At least in his case, she actually had been one.
In the middle of recounting his idea for investing in a tech driven hedge fund, the familiar ping of a text notification drew him up short. His phone was an endless abyss of unanswered messages, emails, and voicemails–– most professional, some scathing, most which remained muted to avoid inundation. Only four people had their settings converted to bypass that feature and all but one shared his last name.
It used to be five.
The reminder hit him unexpectedly when he read over Lara's brief response to their earlier conversation. Without thinking, he closed her text and opened his contact list, barely scrolling through the A's before the name jumped out.
On low nights, genuinely deep pits in the midnight hours, he sometimes thought about calling that number just to hear the other man's voice on the recording. Call it personal cowardice or misguided altruism (because what if Revati hadn't turned it off?), Damon could never bring himself to press the button. Not even once in the year since he received news of yet another devastating loss in his life.
Amir hadn’t deserved to go out like that. In his opinion few did, but especially him, regardless of how familial loyalty and complications drove them apart. Now the lack of closure or goodbye festered forever beneath his skin, the burgeoning what ifs would always linger; too bitter a pillow to swallow.
Another message flashed across the unlocked screen, this time a reminder from his assistant.
The Malaysian investors will be in-office soon for your scheduled conference call. 3:00 sharp. I know you're up, drink some water and be ready in 40.
Only six months on the job and already Dana managed the insurmountable feat of both organizing his entire calendar and keeping Damon somewhat in check. Maybe he would take care to not sleep with this one and ensure she actually stuck around long enough to matter, as Gideon so rightfully suggested. Or perhaps he should simply refrain from hiring beautiful women to avoid any future temptation.
Well, the plight of old dogs and all...
"Duty calls, I'm afraid. I'll have to regale my plans for world domination next time." His thumb traced over the inscription of Cerys' name. "Bye, Mum." With that, he turned and departed into the muggy cemetery air.
All at once, his formerly somber expression fell behind the mask of public charisma as he dialed his assistant's number. Since apparently she was also awake at this hour ––enough to send him a cheeky text–– it shouldn't be an issue. “Dana, love, can you send a car to the location I’m about to drop?” Morbid to share like this, but she knew precisely who was buried here. Everyone did.
Answering without apologies nor puttering for her earlier message, Dana only offered to reschedule upon reviewing the address he sent over. Which was precisely what he liked about her, respectful with enough moxie to snap him back to reality.
“No need to cancel, I wouldn’t want to keep our prospective friends waiting.”
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blemishezarchive · 1 year
character study. (alice and adam. brooklyn, new york.)
she doesn't wait for a hello.
"i have something of yours," alice says when he picks up the phone.
it's just past midnight - an odd hour for anyone to be calling, much less alice, of all people. they haven't spoken at all since the other night when he drove her home. up until that night, he'd been making progress; he'd finally started to get used to not talking to her, only for her to call when he least expected it. so much for progress.
"what's that?" adam replies hoarsely, like he's just woken up.
"your jacket." she pauses. "i forgot to give it back the other night."
he'd forgotten about it too, to be fair. now, his mind is wandering; he's recalling the image of her, frail and shivering, tucked away in his worn out leather jacket. it'll probably smell like her now - that light, floral perfume she always wears that has a name he can't pronounce. he tried to push the thought out of his mind.
"that's alright, i know it's in safe hands." he exhales a deep breath. "you can pass it on to jodes if you wanna and i'll get it back."
alice is silent on the other end. adam feels his pulse quicken.
"okay," she says finally.
"cool. whenever's good for you."
quiet, again. that's the thing about alice that kills him - her innate ability to prolong silence for as long possible. he wonders sometimes if she knows, if she does it purpose just to spite him. there's a lump in his throat; he worries if he speaks, it will dislodge and all come spilling out, both the things he wants to say and the things he shouldn't.
his breath hitches in his throat.
he can hear her breathing on the other end; he tries not think about how close it sounds next to his ear. he bites down on his tongue.
"thank you," alice's voice echoes on the other end, soft and melancholic, the way she gets when she's thinking about something other than the topic at hand. he wants desperately wants to pry, to know, to unravel all her thoughts and figure her out. he's never had much patient for puzzles, but he thinks maybe, he would if it were her.
"it's cool." he doesn't dare ask.
there's a sound on the other end, alice sighing. she sounds tired, more than usual. he wants to ask if she's been sleeping well, if she's been eating.
"it's late," he says.
"oh," she sounds as though she's only just realized this. "sorry. i've been writing."
he wants to know what she's been writing about, he wishes he could read every word she's ever written and bury himself in all her intimate thoughts.
"it's okay, i was up anyways. just thought you might be tired."
they're both quiet now. for once, adam feels like he has nothing to say, or rather that he's forgotten how to speak. he hears footsteps on the other end - alice pacing around the room.
"i should go then," her voice cracks slightly. it feels likes a knife in his gut.
adam finds himself clutching onto the phone tighter. he worries, that if he hangs up now, it'll be the last time she'll ever speak to him.
"it's okay - i can stay up, if you wanna talk a bit." he hears the desperation in his own voice, regretting it immediately.
"no, i should really go."
there's a sinking feeling in his stomach, like an open pit.
"okay." he knows better than to ask her to stay, to do anything other than let her go. "yeah, we can talk another time. if you want."
she pauses again. he wonders if there's some reluctance on her end, if she's just thinking of a polite way to turn him down.
"yeah," alice replies after a minute. "maybe."
he knows she doesn't mean it like that, but the echo of that maybe is almost enough to give him false hope. the pit in his stomach grows wider, deeper; it may very well swallow him up.
"happy birthday."
deafening silence. he forgets what he's supposed to say (thank you would be appropriate, but it doesn't come to mind at the moment) and lets the silence sit with them for too long.
"bye adam," she says.
before he can get another word in, there's a click and a dial tone, and she's gone.
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nilolol30 · 3 years
Sundrop (Moon) x Reader
New assistant pt: 4
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"Okay Sun I need to go now" I stood up and started walking to the door Sun quickly stood up and followed me.
"W-wait why don't we have a puppet show? Or or play in the ball pit!" Sun desperately tried to convince me to stay it only just add guilt over guilt.
"I'm sorry Sunny but I really need to leave I'll see you tomorrow I promise" I said giving him a reassuring pat on his arm I closed the huge doors and locked them.
While I was walking to the exit I saw Nic picking up random trash around the area she saw me and smiled "Hey how was the first day?"
"Not bad it was pretty fun" I replied Nic abandoned her plastic bag full of trash and came over "That's good to hear Sun and Moon didn't give you any trouble?"
"No he was wonderful working with but I didn't see Moon through" Nic nodded putting her hands on her hips.
"Yeah he's a bit shy and aggressive I think we get a lot of complaints about him but so far nothing big they mostly complain about his eyes saying it gives there kids nightmares or whatever and how his smile is creepy"
"Really? Why did they give him those red eyes though they are a little bit creepy" Nic thought for a moment "Probably to scan the area Moon is also somewhat of a security guard here too so they gave him some night vision and a couple of other crap"
That does make sense he's the night attendant of course he's going to have night vision Nic nudged her elbow on my side "well I need to get back to work or I'll get in trouble again have a good one" Nic waved running back to her bag and equipment.
"Thanks you too bye"
Once I made it home I immediately changed out of uniform and took a nice shower after that I put Sun's drawing on the fridge.
While I was putting the uniform in the washing machine I released there were a sundrop and moondrop candy in one of the pockets Sun must have dropped them in when I wasn't looking I couldn't help but smile.
I have been having trouble sleeping so a moondrop will do some good I put the Sundrop in my handbag for tomorrow and got reddy for bed.
In the morning
After putting on my uniform I got my bag reddy and left for work on the way there I ate the Sundrop it tasted like lemon the Moondrop tasted like one those eucalyptus cough lollys.
When I walked into the building I didn't see Nic but it was pretty early so she probably doesn't work at this time.
Walking past all the Glamrocks rooms I unlocked the daycare the lights still on but Sun wasn't anywhere.
"Sun?" I walked around the daycare calling out to Sun but no answer I even checked the break room even though no animatronics and go in there.
"Sunny? C'mon man where are you" after a few more minutes searching for him I heard something moving in the ball pit I walked over and saw no one in it.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and then suddenly I was picked up and spun around.
"Yay Y/n your back I missed you soooo much it was super duper boring without you!!" Sun squealed jumping up and down.
"As much as I appreciate you being excited can you stop spinning be around" Sun stopped and put me down.
"Sorry sorry I got too excited"
"That's okay so what's the schedule for today?"
"Oh we're going to play a lovely game called head's down thumbs up! And then we will have a nice free time and then we will watch a movie while giving yummy snacks you can join us as a break if you'd like and then home time" Sun announced.
"Cool what movie will we be watching?"
"Oh I have a few Disney movies the children will vote for which one to watch" that's good I haven't seen any Disney movies for a long long time.
"Nice oh that means I'll be able to properly meet Moon right?" Sun jerked up a bit and started picking at his hands "Y-yup you sure do."
"Cool we should go set everything up"
"Oh I already did! I made extra sure no messes are anywhere everything is squeaky clean" Sun put his hands on his hips proudly "that's great thank you."
After hanging out with Sun and waiting for the children to arrive a few already ran in excited and already full of energy.
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sweethvnny · 3 years
late streams
request: yes | no
Can you write something where quackity needs reassurance from the reader? You can choose if you want to make it about his looks or whatever comes to your mind. Any pronouns you want🌷
genre: romantic, fluff, irl, gender neutral, they/them
warnings: none.
notes: i just realized reader kinda sounds likr a parent lol. also this is relly bad but i already wrte it so yeah👍 like all of my future works and this one, not proofread
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"bye everyone, thank you for joining the stream." alex said, making his voice softer as he had just ended stream. 'your welcome' and 'bye's' erupted from the call.
alex had done a jackbox stream with some of his friends and it was finally over. he shut his pc off and stood up to walk to your shared bedroom.
"hopefully they're still awake," alex got a glass of water while passing by the kitchen. "it's pretty late."
thr clock read '4:37 am'
he pushed open the door lightly, trying not to make it creak. to his surprise, you were still awake. but you looked drowsy as you scrolloed through your phone.
you felt your eyes get heavier but you kept blinking to stay awake. alex lets out a sigh and walks in the room.
"hey baby." he puts the glass of water on the nightstand and sits next to you. you open your arms signaling him to lay on top of you.
"what are you doing up so late?" alex says as he positions himself comfortably on you. "what are you? my dad?" you say and he chuckles.
"no but don't you have work tomorrow?"
"yeah but i think being late is worth it if i can fall asleep next to you. i mean, you've been streaming a lot recently so i haven't seen you a lot."
an 'o' shape forms on alex's mouth. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean it." he intertwines his hand with yours an lays a small kiss on it.
"it's alright."
you both sit there in silence for a few minutes, "i think we should sleep now, i'm pretty tired." you say while yawning.
alex just nods and lays next to you. as soon as you both in eachother's embrace, yoh fall asleep immeadiately. on the other hand, alex was still awake.
it wasn't 'cause he wasn't tired, it was 'cause he was reflecting.
did he really stream that much? how many nights have you've been waiting for him? was he a good boyfriend these past few days?
alex felt bad. you should rest, not wait up for him.
he started to feel anxious. he pulled you closer to him, as if he were to let go, you would be lost forever.
after what felt like hours, he finally went to sleep.
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this went on for days. he would stream late, you would wait, he would arrive to you being tired and drowsy, and he would go to sleep with thoughts flooding his mind. the cycle repeats.
however, you started to notice. you noticed that he felt so distant yet so close at the same time. like he was trying to do two things at once.
you decided to confront him since you started to get worried.
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alex was on staring at his monitor, editing a video. "alex?"
"yes?" he responds, not looking away from his screen. "we need to talk."
"it'll be quick, i promise." you reassure.
"oh- sure i'l just do something real quick." he stutters. you nod, "meet me in the dining room, 'kay?"
"yup." he says, trying to sound as calm as possible. as soon you shut the door, alex goes on full on panic mode.
'oh god, oh fuck, is this because of what i did?' alex thinks to himself.
it's like getting the "talk" from your parents. there's a 50 percent chance that ut's good news but at the same time there's a 50 percent chance its bad news.
right now, all he has to do is hope that he wins that 50 percent chance that it's good news.
he met you in the dining room where you sat, legs crossed on a chair. alex walked over and sat on a chair. he cleared his throat and twiddled with his thumbs.
"so, why did you call me here?" he said, eyes on his thumbs. "are you okay?" you reach over to hold his hand.
"what?" he stopped looking at his thumbs and looked up at you. "what do you mean?"
"you've been acting really weird lately and i just want to know if you're alright."
in response, alex just bit his lip. like he wanted to say something but he couldnt.
"i'm sorry." he said.
"i'm sorry for not spending enough time with you. i'm sorry for negleting you." alex started to feel a pit from in his stomach. "i'm sorry i'm not good enough."
you look at him softly and sigh. "you don't have to apologize alex. it's not your fault." you pull alex into a hug and peck his forehead.
"you were busy with school and streaming, but you never neglected me." you reassure. "i'll always love you, even if we don't often see eachother."
alex doesn't respond and justs hugs you back tighter. "thank you." he whispers while burying his head in the crook of your neck. a sigh leaves your lips as you run your hands through his hair. "no problem."
you both sit there, in eachother's embrace as you enjoy the comforting silence.
"so," you click your tounge. "wanna watch a movie?"
"yes please."
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omori-civilwar · 2 years
[CW: This story post will contain a description of the game's ACROPHOBIA scene, as well as depiction of emetophobia. Keep an eye out for the RED and GREEN tags indicating the beginning and ending of these sections if you wish to avoid them! Stay safe!]
Some things... are better off forgotten. ...right?
Thankfully, Omori spared Sunny the discomfort of White Space before he woke up this time, and he found himself in his room instead, staring up at the ceiling as his brain struggled to process what just happened.
The thoughts were already fading away, a relic of Headspace that the real world wanted to push away. Maybe that was for the best right now.
The room was dark, and the only sound was the chirping of crickets outside -- well, that, and the faint beeping of the phone indicating a new message.
He took a moment to gather himself before standing up, going to the phone and listening to the message.
"Hi, Sunny! It's Mommy. I'm still in the city setting things up for our new home. Did you finish packing your things yet? There are only a few days left before the movers come. I've left a list of chores for you to do before they arrive. Also -- sorry, Mommy messed up! I forgot to let the electric company know that we need a few more days before we're ready to move, so the lights might cut out sometime tonight. Anyways... I know it may seem scary to move to a new place right now, but the change of scenery might be a positive thing for both of us. I know you haven't talked to anyone in a while, but... you might want to see your friends before we leave. I know Kel has been trying to get a hold of you ever since we put our house up for sale. He's been calling at least once a week for the past few months! He seems lonely... maybe you should pay him a visit? It might do both of you some good. But... that's it for now. Mommy loves you! Bye, honey!"
The phone clicked as the message ended. Sunny stood there for a moment, processing his mother's words in his head.
Of course, there would be things to do. Moving is a big deal, apparently. He can't just sleep the days away anymore, unfortunately...
But what about Kel? He didn't recall any calls from Kel.
... he'd have to worry about that later.
He looked back at the bed, ready to go back to sleep, but his stomach growled. He hadn't eaten in a while... maybe it would be better if he got a snack first.
His eyes drifted to the note on the wall. 'Hi, Sunny! This is a note from Mommy. I left some food for you in the fridge downstairs. It's steak, your favorite! Love you, XOXO'
Steak was his favorite. He turned and left the room, feeling his way through the darkness.
[WARNING: ACROPHOBIA AHEAD. Look for the GREEN tag to skip it!]
He found the edge of the stairs and took a deep breath, grabbing onto the railing and slowly taking a couple steps down. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his body trembled with it, making his movements uneven. His eyes drifted towards the bottom, putting a pit in his stomach and making him feel dizzy.
... I can't do it.
He quickly went back up instead, leaning against the rail and taking a few deep breaths to steady himself.
I'll eat later. I just... wanna go back to bed.
He quickly went back to his bedroom and flung himself back into his bed, closing his eyes and trying to will himself back to sleep.
... his stomach growled. He was still too hungry to sleep.
He had no choice but to go back.
He sighed as he got up and left his room, his ears ringing as he stepped out. The whole area was blanketed in shadows, and the only thing illuminating it was an eerie red light shining through the window. It was almost like it was calling his name.
A moment of panic ran through him and he quickly tried opening the door instead, but it was locked. He fiddled with the knob desperately, but to no avail. It wasn't going to budge.
He trembled as he finally went to face the staircase again.
... was it always that tall?
He started trembling again as he stared down it, slowly descending it, step by step. He gripped the railing with both hands as he walked, keeping himself from falling to, presumably, his death.
He could see dark hands reaching out of the shadows, trying to grab at him and pull him down. Whispers echoed in his ears, but he forced himself to ignore them. His hunger was the only force driving him forward.
A kitchen knife rested on the steps in front of him. He picked it up and kept going, holding it out as if it would cut through the darkness in front of him as we walked.
The whispers grew louder. The hands came closer. His heart beat faster. His ears were ringing. His head was spinning. He had to keep going. Just keep going. Don't look behind you. Don't look beside you. Keep walking. Keep walking. You're almost there. You're almost there. You're almost --
Something suddenly grabbed him from behind, stopping him in his tracks.
He trembled more as he stared into the darkness. The darkness stared back, grinning up at him with a wide smile.
He wanted to run. He couldn't run. There was nowhere to run, anyway.
Desperately, he slashed at the darkness, hoping to hit whatever was out there. Whatever was mocking him. His attacks did nothing.
He could feel something pushing him... something pulling him... something dragging him down further. He felt like he was falling. He tried gripping the railing. There was no railing to grip. There was nothing holding him in place.
... suddenly, a familiar voice.
He paused for a second, trying to single out the voice over the sound of the mocking whispers.
"Take a deep breath... don't be afraid. It's not as scary as you think."
Who was talking to him? It wasn't the darkness. The darkness was mocking him. This voice was trying to help him.
Nonetheless, he didn't really have any better ideas. He listened to the voice, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
He felt his heartbeat start to level out, and his trembling slowed. He was calming down.
He continued to breathe, blocking out the darkness around him, and it finally faded away.
[END OF ACROPHOBIA. Continue reading from here!]
He found himself back at the bottom of the stairs. Everything was back to normal -- the darkness was gone... well, mostly. The house was still dark, but nowhere near as shadowy as before. The red glow from the window was gone, too.
A bit of relief washed over Sunny, and he went to the kitchen. He earned his food now.
Funny... the knife had ended up on the counter. He was sure he was just holding it a moment ago. No matter... he picked it back up anyway.
He then went to the fridge and opened it, and sure enough, there was a steak inside.
... it was raw cold. He should probably heat it up before he ate it.
He placed it in the microwave, turning it on for a minute. He watched it spin around inside, and the beeps rang through the house once it was finished.
He pulled it out and set it on the counter, going to dig in. At last... something to fill his belly!
[WARNING: EMETOPHOBIA AHEAD. Look for the GREEN tag to skip it!]
... or not.
He had only just swallowed it, and already he felt nauseous. It didn't agree well with him. Of course it didn't.
Ugh... he had to go back up the stairs to go to the bathroom.
He held his breath as he dragged himself back up the stairs, hobbling his way to the bathroom and keeping a hand over his mouth to keep himself from heaving right then and there.
Finally... he made it. He quickly went to the toilet, hunching over it as he threw up his dinner.
Gross. It always tastes worse the second time.
He flushed it down and stayed there for a moment, taking deep breaths to settle himself.
[END OF EMETOPHOBIA. Continue reading from here!]
... a knock on the door distracted him for a moment. Who could be knocking this late at night? Maybe Mommy came home? But why would she need to knock?
He slowly got back up, going down the stairs and walking to the front door.
"Hey, Sunny! It's Mari! I'm finally home... but I forgot my keys. Could you get the door for me, please?"
... Mari?
He stood there and stared at the door for a bit, his heart racing. Could it really be Mari? Maybe it is. Just maybe! He wouldn't want to keep her waiting. But what if it wasn't Mari? ... but it sounds like her. It must be her. It must be!
He slowly opened the door...--
That's not Mari.
He immediately slammed it closed again and held it there, trembling. That wasn't Mari. That was definitely not Mari. What was that? Not Mari. That's all that matters. It's not Mari. He can't let it in. It can't be in the house. That... creature isn't allowed here.
He raced back up the stairs as fast as he could, ducking into his bed and pulling the covers up. Sleep would distract him from this. Sleep would keep him safe.
He closed his eyes, letting his mind drift away...
He finally woke back up in White Space, his body and mind calm again. Omori crouched over him, blinking and tilting his head.
"You're back."
"... y-yeah... sorry. I was just..."
His voice trailed off. What was he doing?
"... never mind."
Omori stared at him for a moment longer before shrugging and standing up.
"Let me know when you're ready."
"... okay."
He stayed laying there for a bit longer, enjoying the feeling of safety that White Space provided. It wasn't much... but it was enough. A place to survive.
Mewo padded over to him and sniffed him.
"... hi, Mewo..."
He gently pulled her in closer, stroking her soft fur gently.
His eyes drifted around the space. Omori laid nearby, taking a moment for himself... and, for once, leaving the laptop up for grabs. Sunny seized the opportunity and sneaked over, booting it up.
... the screen glitched the moment it turned on.
What remained looked like... a list? "HANGMAN" was written across the top.
Hangman... why did it want him to play Hangman?
He brushed the thought aside and closed the laptop instead. He wasn't in the mood for games, especially on Omori's laptop. If he got caught, he might get in trouble...
A soft thud rumbled through White Space, catching his attention. He got up and went to look, avoiding the hands standing guard around the area, and found a map.
All of Headspace was sketched out on it, but it was all blacked out. No matter... a map is a map. It might come in handy.
He tucked it away in his pocket, returning to the center of White Space. He gazed towards the door, an adventurous feeling soaring through him again.
"... Omori? I'm ready..."
"... okay."
Omori stood up, calling forth the red hands again as he led the way back through the door -- of course, their friends were waiting for them again.
Aubrey ran forward first, followed by the boys.
"Thank goodness you're both here! We were getting worried!"
"Have either of you seen Basil..? We can't find him anywhere..."
Sunny paused and blinked a bit as he tried thinking about what happened to Basil. The last thing he remembered wa--
The thought quickly erased itself from his mind, replaced by another one.
"No need to think about that now."
Why not? Basil was his friend.
"It's not important. He's fine. No need to worry about him. All he does is cause trouble, anyway."
He blinked a bit, feeling a bit fuzzy. Maybe it was better not to think about it for now...
"We should go tell Mari you're okay..." Hero suggested. "She's been worried sick!"
Sunny nodded, and Omori took the lead again, guiding them back out into Headspace.
The moment they made it out, something caught Sunny's attention. A black key sat on the ground -- the letter "A" was sketched into it.
He slowly went over, lightly brushing it with his fingers. It felt cold and sharp, but it faded away nearly immediately, leaving a tiny hole in the ground.
"Sunny. What are you doing?" Omori called him back over, and Sunny paused as he went back to the group.
"... sorry."
One of the red hands went to his side, making sure he stayed close. Great.
The park was bustling as usual, and Mari sat on her blanket, an anxious look in her eyes. She gazed into the trees, seeming to talk to something there, though the group approaching caught her attention and she perked up, relief flooding over her as she got up and ran to greet Sunny, scooping him into a hug.
"Sunny! There you are -- thank goodness you're okay! Don't worry me like that, little brother!"
Sunny paused, hugging back onto her and closing his eyes as he enjoyed her presence. This was Mari.
"... sorry, Mari..."
"... I can't stay mad at you." she sighed out, giving him a final small squeeze before pulling away. "Where's Basil...? Isn't he with you?"
"... no."
"He's right..." Hero nodded solemnly. "The last thing I remember was sorting through his photos in his house... then, next thing I know... me, Aubrey, and Kel are waking up in our room."
"At least we found Omori and Sunny..." Aubrey chimed in. "... but I still hope Basil's okay. Who's going to protect him now...?"
"Don't be such a downer, Aubrey! We'll find him together!" Kel huffed encouragingly, and Mari nodded with a smile.
"You're absolutely right, Kel. It's times like these when we gotta stay positive!"
"Well... we might as well start looking at Basil's house, since that's where we last remember seeing him." Hero offered. "There might be something we missed..."
"That's the spirit, Hero! You know where to find me if you need me." Mari encouraged. "Good luck!"
"Thanks, Mari!" Aubrey grinned at her, and Omori went to lead the group back down towards Basil's house.
The trail there felt... sad. The flowers were starting to wilt, so naturally, Sunny insisted they stopped and watered them. It only felt right, with Basil not around to take care of them. Other than that... it felt empty without Basil's voice rambling on about each of the plants and worrying over them.
The house itself already had a small hole in the floor. The potted plants inside looked sad and tired, but Basil was nowhere to be seen. There wasn't even any evidence of him being there.
As the friends discussed where he could be, Sunny gazed into the hole. It was dark and deep, and it almost felt like something was staring back up at him. Voices filled his mind again, blocking everything else out...
Basil sat alone in the darkness, sniffling and trembling. Not here again. Please, anywhere but here again. He didn't want to be here. He didn't. He didn't--
"... back again, are we?"
The sudden voice made him jump, and he looked back with fear in his eyes.
There stood Stranger, escorting Abbi back to Blackspace. His glowing eyes were all Basil could see, piercing straight into his soul. The gaze sent chills down his spine.
"... so he's started the cycle again. I feared this would happen. But don't worry... I'll make sure this is the last time."
"... what... what do you mean..."
"You is... lost here? Basil... flower boy..." Abbi tilted her head as she studied poor Basil. He shifted back uncomfortably, giving her a wary look.
"How do you know my name...?"
"Oh... sorry! I am... no mean to... afraid you. My name... am Abbi... a friend!" She offered her hand to Basil, and he stared at it warily before very reluctantly going to take it.
"Um... nice to... meet you? I think..."
"Very nice!"
"... enough with introductions." Stranger sighed, shaking his head. "If you wish for the cycle to end, you must join us. Please..."
"No way!" Basil immediately snapped, glaring up at him. "Why would I do that?"
"It's the only way we're going to survive this."
"I don't believe you!"
"I only speak the TRUTH, flower boy. You should too, if you want this to be over."
"... I don't know what you're talking about."
Basil snatched up the key on the ground beside him, backing away again and putting his wings around himself in an almost protective stance.
"I'll die here before I join the likes of you!"
The words sent a shudder down Stranger's spine, and he flinched back before forcing himself to calm down.
"... die here you will. I thought you'd know that by now. But it seems we're going to keep our separate ways for longer than I hoped."
Basil ignored the warning and bolted through the first door he saw, leaving them alone again.
The group had searched through the entire forest, but still no sign of Basil anywhere. Finally, they went back to Mari in hopes to regroup- though their discouraged faces only made her worry grow.
"How's it going? Any sign of Basil yet?"
"No luck so far..." Hero sighed out. "We've searched the entire forest."
"Oh... I'm so sorry, guys. I wish I could help more..."
"We're all doing our best... but maybe we should look beyond the forest."
The idea suddenly made Kel speak up.
"I know! Why don't we try that really tall ladder east of the stump?"
The very mention of it made Sunny's stomach drop -- but luckily, Aubrey was there to defend him.
"We can't do that! Sunny's scared of heights, remember?"
"But what if Basil is up there somewhere? We gotta take our chances!" Kel insisted.
Aubrey huffed at him, crossing her arms. "I know, but--"
"Sunny..." Mari stepped in, going up to Sunny. "You're growing stronger every day. You can handle climbing a ladder... can't you? Come on, little brother! Face your fears!"
"It's natural to be nervous at first... but we all believe in you. You know that, right?" Hero reminded.
"Come on, Sunny! It just a ladder! What's the worst that could happen?" Kel chimed in again.
Aubrey and Omori both turned back to Sunny.
"I'm not sure about this, Sunny... do you think you're going to be okay?"
"There's no shame in saying you can't do it."
Sunny trembled a bit, a little overwhelmed by the sudden pressure, but he nodded.
"... I'll do it."
"Okay, if you're sure about it..! But don't forget... I'm here to back you up if you get too scared, okay?" Aubrey offered, and Sunny gave a small nod in response.
"Thanks, Sunny. You've got some real courage..." Hero nodded, smiling down at him. Wow...
The admiration couldn't last forever, though, and Kel's cheer interrupted them.
"WOO-HOO! Let's go, let's go! To the ladder east of the stump!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down, but Omori huffed at him.
"... too energetic."
The group said their goodbyes to Mari before they set off again, following the trail up to the ladder. The actual sight of it, however, made Sunny question his choice...
It was so tall that he couldn't see the end of it. Straight up into the sky...
"Remember what Mari said, Sunny..." Hero reminded. "You're stronger than you think."
"We're right here behind you!" Aubrey chimed in.
"And we'll be able to catch you if you fall!" Kel added, but that only earned a smack.
"Don't scare him, Kel! Don't listen to him, Sunny... you won't fall..."
"You can still back out, y'know." Omori reminded. "It's not too late."
Sunny stared up at the ladder, taking a deep breath. He could feel the shadows reaching to pull him back again, but he shook his head, clearing his mind.
You are no longer afraid of heights.
He grabbed onto the ladder and started to climb, hearing his friends cheer for him down below.
"Way to go, Sunny!"
"You've got this!"
Together they climbed up the ladder, admiring the stars as they went...
... little did they know, someone was watching them when they got to the top.
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in-superbloom · 3 years
did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? (a.i.)
right where you left me: prologue
Tumblr media
pairing: ashton irwin x olivia jones (oc)
warnings: uhh a kinda grieving theme i guess? but no deaths. it has a sad tone overall, but nothing major (in this chapter hehe). foul language because i can't help myself. the tiniest mention of alcohol, but as a memory. think i should probably warn you that this contains a very sad ash. also not much dialogues. this is mainly for explanation and introduction, but very important for the story. if you find anything else that might be triggering, please let me know so i can add it here !!
author's note: oof okay. so. this is the prologue of a series very very dear to my heart that i've been working on for what it feels like my whole life but really it's been just a few months. but i'm in love with the story (which rarely happens with my own writing) so i hope you can enjoy it too !! this is also my very first time posting a fic since 2013 so pls keep that in mind <3 no i am not shaking as type this ofc not also: although i have the full story ready in my head, this is the only chapter that's written. i wanted to wait until i had at least a few ready before posting this but i'm too anxious for that lmao just saying this bc it will take a good while until i have any more chapters, so <3 (p.s.: i went over this thing a million times since may so if you find any errors pls look away, i'm not fixing this thing anymore. thanks <3)
another note: anna from the future here to say that i completely forgot about the playlist i made for the story lmao here it is in case you're interested k thanks bye <3
credits: title is from taylor swift's song right where you left me. model in the picture: paola locatelli. banner by me.
i also wanted to take a minute to thank some really nice friends that i've made here over these past few months & that i'm extremely grateful for @wastelandcth @suchalonelysunflower @littledrummerangie i cannot thank you babes enough for inspiring me the way that you do & for letting me yell about this to you && for encouraging me so much 🥺 i'll never be able to explain just how much this means to me, so i'll have to settle for saying thank you at any change that i can get <3 i love you all 💜 also gem my baby, thank you for the inspo with the banner 💚
@bluesdelis look babe i did it 😌 you know how grateful i am for you & for you letting me have a breakdown every week about my writing for the past 8 years so let's not dive into that or else i will write something bigger than this prologue jsjsjdjd love you 🖤
i hope you all have a good reading and a nice day ♡
let me know what are your thoughts about the fic ! ♡
word count: 4.1k
Cold. That was the first thing that Olivia’s brain processed.
Still with her eyes closed, she buried herself more into the duvet, while her arm blindly reached for the furnace in human form that she calls boyfriend. However, as soon as her arm was only met with cold sheets, her eyes shot open.
Blinking the sleep away, she sat up on the bed, searching for the infamous red clock resting on Ashton’s bedside table that was supposed to look like a vintage alarm clock. Olivia had ordered it online at an auction website a couple of years back, as a gift for his 23rd birthday, since it was something he had mentioned multiple times prior that he was looking for, but still hadn't found. But when it finally came in (two weeks after the due date), it looked nothing like the picture she saw on the website. Feeling beyond frustrated, she wanted to send it back immediately and ask for a refund and maybe leave a not so polite review on the seller's page. But Ashton stopped her right away, laughing like the situation was absolutely hilarious to him, while saying, 'I like it, it’s quirky'. So, the clock stayed and found a home right next to him in their room.
Some days, however, she would wake up at some ungodly hour because of the blaring noise of the only ringtone the clock had. But whatever annoyance she could feel towards the object, it always vanished as soon as she felt Ashton's lips gently touching her face in a good morning kiss before he would get up to start his day, leaving her to catch some more hours of well deserved sleep.
As the furthest from a morning person as a touring musician could possibly be, Olivia had always feared that living under the same roof as Ashton would turn her into an early bird like him, but she's thankful that it never happened (not that he needs to know about that).
When she sees the red clock, she smiles at the sudden but welcome memories of them flooding her foggy brain, but frowns slightly when she realizes it reads 12:13 pm. Ashton rarely lets her sleep past 10 am.
Gathering all her strength and will, she rises up from the bed, smoothly picking up a grey wool sweatshirt from the chair (way too baggy on her slim body, but it smells like him), pulling it over her head and relishing on the soft material warming up her body. Making her way to the door and calmly going down the stairs, she can’t help but stop for a minute to admire the picture frames on their walls, one in particular catches her attention – probably one of the most prized pictures and memories they had. It felt older than it actually is, but it was around 4 years ago, she's sure – a little while after the two of them met. The picture was of their group of friends that still remains the same: Ashton and his best friend, Luke; Olivia, her best friend, Calum and their old hometown friend, turned into Calum’s new friend at college, turned into everyone’s friend, Michael; and her then newly band members, Suki, Eli and Ravi. Together, their group was the life of the party through all their college years, and it showed by the big smiles and drinks in hands they all had in the picture. It was a very special night, the first time Olivia’s little band played for the public – for a small audience sure, but it was a wonderful night nonetheless. What a long road it had been since that night.
Her nostalgic thoughts were interrupted by a shiver that went through her whole body, and it made her realize how oddly cold the whole house was, not only their bedroom. Which, granted, it was November in New York and the weather was just getting colder, but that’s exactly why Ashton always made sure to keep the house warm enough. As much as she loved the chilly season, the warm weather always reminded him of his hometown, and who was she to deny him that?
The smell of fresh made coffee could be sensed even before she reached the kitchen. Arriving there, the curly haired woman still found no signs of her boyfriend, so she went straight after the coffee maker pot sitting on the far left corner of the cream marble counter. Smiling softly at the tons of memories of Ashton's sleepy figure making their favorite beverage, she reached for a coffee mug on the cupboard on top of the counter and poured the remainder of the hot liquid on it (it's her favorite mug, if she must choose – it was a gift from a fan, and it had printed on it a collage of the pictures of her and Ashton that were posted on social media through their first year of relationship).
Moving to the glass doors that lead to the mini garden they cultivate, she didn't have to open them to spot the 6-feet-tall man sitting on a bench outside, looking oddly small in his oversized clothes, coffee mug tightly held between strong hands. Something about his figure made Olivia frown, however: he was staring with an unwavering look at her small but eye-catching pot of yellow daffodils that were almost as much of a pet to them as Stitch at this point. Sensing that there’s something definitely off about his semblance, she made a mental note to talk to him and find out what’s wrong later. So she goes back to the kitchen, knowing that he might need this quiet and private moment for himself.
She lost count of the minutes that went by (couldn't have been more than five) before she hears the garden's door opening and closing, and then his bare feet are dragging his brawny body to her. Except, he goes over to the sink, walking right through her, not showing any sign that he even saw her hunched figure over the counter table in the middle of the room.
Alright, someone's in a mood.
Olivia tries to swallow the annoyance already bubbling inside her – he knows how much she hates to be ignored, no matter how mad he might be – by trying to think of what she can say that won't piss him off. This is always a hard feat to accomplish when Ashton gets in these moods, but there’s a reason for them to work so well together.
“I missed my favorite body heater when I woke up,” she says in her best sweet voice, knowing how quickly his resolve crumbles when he hears that voice.
Still, no reaction.
That settles a worry at the pit of her stomach, because Ashton is never like this. Even when he's not in the mood to talk, he always gives some kind of reaction to her words; it doesn't matter how small, just enough to make her feel acknowledged.
When he's finished washing his mug and the few scattered dishes across the sink – she noticed that he already had lunch, if the lone plate in the drying rack is anything to go by –, he dries his hand in a towel, turns around and throws it on top of the same counter Olivia was leaning up against. Once again, he walks away not even sparing her a look.
Indignant, she leaves the now empty coffee mug on top of the table and follows him as he walks up the stairs, any determination to not aggravate his mood now well gone.
“Hey! In case you didn't notice, I'm right here. Whatever got you in this sour mood, I'm certainly not to blame, so can you stop being a child now and talk to me?!”
Ashton just keeps walking – more like sluggishly dragging his body – until he reaches their bedroom and suddenly stops just merely two feet inside the room, looking around with vacant eyes; like he was expecting to see something that wasn't there.
“Okay, that's really mature of you. Are you planning on ignoring me all day then?” Olivia questions exasperated, staring angrily at the back of his neck, where the condor tattoo lives – her favorite of his, but that sight doesn't bring her any peace today like it usually does.
Her glare only breaks when she hears the familiar sound of dog tags swaying on her right side. Shifting her gaze to the direction of the sound, Olivia notices Stitch, their small, black & white French bulldog – who she thought was outside in the garden – slowly trudging his way from around the bed until he stops at Ashton's feet, looking up at one of his humans with sad eyes. That realization only makes the worry in her stomach grow uncomfortably.
“Hi buddy,” Ashton's voice cracks a bit from the lack of use, but he smiles softly at the sweet dog, and crouches down to pet him.
Olivia can't help but gasp as she notices three things all at once that leave her overwhelmed: first, how she didn't even notice Stitch was in the room when she woke up – which never ever happens, in fact, most days he wakes her up whenever he deems her bedtime as finished and can't ever contain his excitement when she finally gets up; second, how the windows blinds are closed, which, again, rarely occurs under their roof, not if Ashton can help it. And third, how sad and melancholic the whole scene in front of her is – how sad and melancholic Ashton is. Pointless to say by now – that's also a very rare occasion.
A chill creeps up Olivia's spine, putting her body into high alert and also serving as a reminder of how everything looks out of place today. Trying to keep her head from spiraling down way too soon, she wraps her arms around herself and crouches down beside her two favorite boys, trying once more.
“Ash? Can you hear me?” even with her throat closing, she softly asks, purposefully putting her face in Ashton's point of view. Her only answer is the low whispers he's letting out to Stitch, while cradling the tiny dog in his arms, spreading gentle kisses on his head.
“I know, bud, I know. I miss her too,” is the only whisper she could understand and immediately wishes she hadn't. The weak wail that comes from Stitch's throat seems to fit perfectly with how the three of them feel.
Ashton then looks up and for a couple of seconds, and Olivia can swear he’s staring right into her eyes. But when he shows no reaction, she knows he’s just staring ahead and not at her, with that look that says there’s too much going on inside his head. She feels the urge to embrace him and get him to talk about whatever is on his mind, so they can share that weight like they always do, but when Ashton gets up from the ground and settles on the bed with Stitch, Olivia can physically feel the crack in her heart caused by the feeling she’s left with.
While Ashton is pulling the duvet over him and the dog, with clearly no intentions of getting up anytime soon, Olivia stands up on her feet with a new-found determination – she needs to figure out what the hell is going on.
This nightmare had to be just that, right? Nothing but a very vivid dream – she's had those before. Scary sure, but they always go away, and soon enough she's back into Ashton's arms, with Stitch jumping on the bed ready to lick their faces off. She just needs to wake herself up from whatever fucked up dream this is – right?
She's running down the stairs this time, frantically in search of something, of what exactly, she doesn’t know – but she knows she needs an answer. The more she looks for something, the more desperate she gets, not knowing what to look for. Then suddenly, something catches her eyes.
The white and blue calendar that's held up by magnets on the side of the fridge. She knows their calendar is red and yellow. They got it from their favorite flower market. Slowly, as if scared of what it might be there – “It's just a calendar, for fucks sake” – she approaches the damn thing. Upon inspection, she deems it as a normal calendar – she really doesn't know what she was expecting – until.
She knows what's wrong with it now.
It's November. She knows it, because the Asian and last leg of her first world tour is about to begin November 21st, eleven days from today. Right after Mike's birthday, she knows this.
Then why does the calendar say today is January 14th?
☆ ☆ ☆
Ashton woke up with a jolt. He quickly sat up, frightening the little Frenchie that was asleep right next to him on the bed. Trying to make sense of his surroundings, he roughly rubbed his face to get some sleep off of it and soon reached for the dog that was staring at him with sleepy but sad eyes. Ashton is sure Stitch understands far more than a dog is supposed to understand about their current situation.
The room is covered in shadows, almost pitch black, but he can see the sunlight even through the thick dark grey blinds covering up the windows. Ashton knows he won't be able to sleep again at that moment, so he gets up from the bed – much slower than he used to. His heartbeat is still out of control because of the nightmare that woke him up, but he can't bother to pay attention to it when Stitch is softly wailing beside him. Ashton lets out a ghost of a smile when the dog rests his head on his right upper thigh, looking up at him with an expression Ashton knows all too well.
“C'mon you little ravenous creature, let's feed you,” the bulldog excitedly jumps to the ground, already running his way down the stairs, not even waiting for Ashton to get up.
That gets a real smile out of him, but it vanishes as soon as he glances at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It reads 5:13 am, nothing out of the ordinary for him. But that small and inoffensive clock, with its red paint peeling off, holds a lot of memories for him. Memories that two months ago would bring joy to his heart, but now he almost wants to throw the object across the room.
It was a stupid thing, really. He had been wanting a vintage alarm clock and Olivia got one for his birthday. But the product they received was definitely not the one she bought, and if he's being honest, he didn't like it as much as he made out to. But seeing her so excited in the weeks before it arrived, and how disappointed she was when it did, he couldn't help but try his best to make her smile that luminous smile again. It's part of his nature by now.
That's also the reason why he lets her think that he doesn't notice when she wakes up at some ungodly hour (her words, not his) along with him, because of the annoying and only sound the alarm clock is able to produce. He always leaves soft kisses in every inch of bare skin he can find on her sleeping figure, so she goes back to the dream land and doesn't wake up before 10 am. No one wants to deal with that kind of bad humor, not even him.
As much as he likes being a morning person and absolutely enjoys her company in the mornings, he knows she'll take any and every extra hour of sleep she can get before starting the day. And that's why he loves that she's so stubborn that his early bird tendencies never got to her – he knows she feared that this would happen when they moved in together, but he met her like this, fell for her like this. He wouldn't change a single thing about her.
Ashton drags himself out of the bed, wincing slightly at how cold the wooden floors are under his bare feet. He doesn't bother putting some socks on, or a sweater – the cold weather in the house is uncharacteristically comforting to him. Nothing feels warm without her anyway.
While descending the stairs, he mentally curses himself for not being strong enough to look past the picture frames on the wall. One in particular catches his eyes – a picture from the night of Olivia's first concert with her band. The memories of that night are still painfully vivid in his mind: the laughter among their group that eventually infected everyone at the pub, Suki and Luke's first kiss and the silly smile that didn't leave his best friend's face all night, the standing ovation Olivia got after her three-songs set, and her captivating and breathtaking smile that made him realize right then and there, while watching her sway to the music, that he was definitely falling in love with her and there was nothing he could do to stop it – not that he wanted to.
So many memories held up on that wall, in the relatively short time since they met, that he can't help but wonder if that's all they'll get in this lifetime.
Ashton is abruptly taken out of his thoughts by Stitch's barks coming from the bottom of the stairs. He quickly jogs down the few steps left and goes straight after the dog's food in the kitchen's cabinet. After Stitch starts to happily devour his breakfast, Ashton goes to make his coffee, doing enough for two people like he always does, since Calum drops by most days for a chat or to drop Duke before going to work. Although all three of them know he just can't bother to make food for himself in the morning, while Ashton is the group's elected chef. Ashton always says he just needs a boyfriend – Olivia says Calum already has one who makes him breakfast every day.
He grabs an apple from the fridge and makes his way outside to their garden. Even though a lot of their memories took place there, the garden is the only space in the house where he doesn't feel like suffocating all the time. At least here, he can breathe some fresh air and look at the sky when he's feeling overwhelmed – which is basically all he's been doing for about a month now.
Yet, a lot of the garden has Olivia's name written all over.
He remembers vividly the day she came home after spending two weeks in LA doing some pocket shows, with a pack of daffodil seeds and the largest smile. She excitedly told him that a friend gifted it to her when she mentioned the little garden they were planning to build together at their new house. The friend told Olivia that daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings, so as the good lover of symbolism that she is, Olivia loved the idea of having those flowers to symbolize their new beginning.
Ashton, on the other hand, wasn't a fan of the flowers at first – he just didn't see the appeal to them. But nonetheless, he indulged her, letting Olivia plant the seeds near the bench they used to sit during the quiet and unrushed afternoons, so they could admire the sunset, and she could happily look at the daffodils.
Pointless to say – the damn flowers grew on him.
Now, however, looking at them without Olivia and her contagious joy next to him, they were back to be as dull as they were before, if not more so.
Still lost inside his head without any sense of how much time went by since he sat down, Ashton doesn't hear the front door closing, and doesn't notice that he's no longer the only person inside the house until someone sits next to him on the bench. Yet, he doesn't show any sign of acknowledgement to them.
A few minutes go by before either of them speaks up.
“Luke said you didn't go to see her yesterday,” Calum starts softly, not wanting to disturb the calmness of the morning.
Ashton takes a few seconds to respond, “No point in doing that.” The black haired man licks his lips while thinking carefully about his next words.
“You know staying inside this house all day by yourself won't help either,” Calum turns his head to his left and takes a good look at Ashton's uncharacteristically hunched over figure, and immediately thinks that anyone can tell this man is not himself anymore. His second thought is that Olivia would hate seeing him like this.
“And what exactly do you expect me to do? Move on with my life like nothing happened? Like I'm not slowly and painfully losing the love of my life? Just because it’s easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for me.”
Calum closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He knows Ashton doesn't mean it, it's the anger and frustration talking. He knows it. Doesn't make it sting any less.
“I'm not telling you to move on with your life, because that's far from what I'm doing, and I certainly don't expect you to do it. I'm just saying you need to occupy your mind or else–”
“I'll go insane? Think it's a bit too late for that,” Ashton interrupts with a bitter tone that doesn't belong to his usual chirpy voice.
“You know it's not,” Calum sighs and drinks the rest of his coffee, moving his body slightly, so he's facing the blonde man, “I got a job interview for you at that school you talked about so much last summer, the principal said you can go any day this week. I went ahead and sent her your resume as well as explained everything that she needs to know about Olivia, so you don't have to. You just gotta put on some decent clothes and show up.” he sees Ashton's face softening a little and takes it as a victory. A few beats go by and then, “Maybe take a shower too. That's gonna make you feel better.” Calum leans in closer to his friend's personal space and takes a sniff, causing Ashton to deflect from him slightly, but not to push him away – another small win.
“Definitely take a shower, you stink. When was the last time your hair saw shampoo?”
“Fuck off,” is Ashton's only reply to the younger man's inquest. But Calum can see a smile creeping up on the blonde's face, which brings out a smile of his own.
“I'll send you all the details later today,” he checks the hour on the watch on his wrist and gets up, “Just please, Ash, go. I can't lose you too.”
Calum gently lays a hand on Ashton's shoulder and squeezes a little. The man doesn't look up, but gives a curt nod to his friend, who's satisfied enough. Calum stops on the threshold of the garden glass doors to give some kisses to Stitch – who came to make Ashton company as soon as he finished his food –, and then he puts the coffee mug on the dishwater. And soon enough, he's on his way out of the door. But not before snatching a tangerine from the fridge.
Ashton is left by himself once again. As he hears the sound of the front door closing, he thinks that this might be his life from now on. Just him and Stitch, trying their hardest to make it through another miserable day without the love of their lives. While everyone else comes by just to make sure he's still breathing. Breathing, maybe, but alive?
Swallowing the tears, he looks up at the sky. It's a deep, beautiful mix of orange, pink and blue, but he knows that it won't last long and soon the rain will be pouring down. He thinks about how much Olivia loves the rain.
God, he needs to pull himself together. She would hate to see him like this. Maybe he should take Calum's offer after all, he really needs to occupy his mind.
Making a mental note to thank Calum later, and also to apologize for how rude he was to him this morning, Ashton slowly gets up from the bench to put his mug on the sink and makes his way to the living room, with the small dog loyally following his every step. He puts on some cartoon that for once doesn't remind him of her (she always lovingly made fun of him for still watching those) and cuddles with Stitch on the couch. He can take a shower later.
Not half an hour goes by, he falls asleep and has a good dream for a change. He dreams of the days he spent with Olivia in the Philippines last February, right before her first world tour started. Some of the most magical days of their lives – surrounded by delicious food, a whole new culture to learn about and the warmth of the sun. Infinite counted days full of love and passion, where they were the only people in the world.
Even his subconscious knows to hold on to that brief moment of happiness, because he might never live that again.
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Dean Winchester: Miracle and Simon
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Pairing: Dean W. x Wife!Reader Pov: Dean Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst, Dean, dogs, talk of infertility, sadness, overall fluff, comforting Dean, Sam is mention. Summary: Y/n and Dean learn after a long time of trying for children that Y/n is unable to bare a child. With this news, they decide to wait. When Dean comes across two very cute pups how can Dean pass it up? Word Count: 2.3k A/N: Written for band-psychos 1.5 followers writing bingo challenge. This is sad, but good at the same time. By the way, I have absolutely no clue what it's like to be told that I won't be able to have children, so what I may say may be wrong. Also, I'm sorry if this is something that affects you. Square: First Pet
Dean Winchester Master List
Main Master List
Tag list: @band--psycho @akshi8278 @deanswaywardgirl @hit-meup69 @doctorlilo @fofisstilinski @wonderfulworldofwinchester
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Month, turned into years of trying for a baby. It was okay in the beginning, but it turned into constant disappointment. Not disappointed in Y/n or myself. Just overall disappointment in the situation.
How we had been stripped of the ability to have kids. Y/n being stripped of the chance of being the best mother I know she can be. I felt more hopeless, and helpless than I had in any other part of my life.
My darling wife unable to bare a child, unable to be the most gifted thing in life. Unable to become a mother. That day was horrific, She cried in my arms and spent the drive back home in silence.
She stayed away, she had moved back into her old room. Forcing everything that we had built to be crushed. She pushed everything and everyone away.
It was horrible, she wore her ring still. Years of marriage, years of trying. Years of our life being shut out. Being put behind a wall because she felt as if she wasn't enough, wasn't worth being with.
There were nights of course I'd try and make conversation with her, but it always ended in silence, or in me talking enough for the both of us.
The few months that she pushed me away were the hardest, hearing the loud sobs echo through the halls. Not hearing her voice at all was the worst of it all, not being able to see the bright smile that used to blossom on her face was horrible.
So many things that I wish that I could change for her, so many things that I wish that I could make better. Better for her, better for me, but most importantly better for our relationship.
Finally one night.
Hearing a soft knock on my door, even with it being ajar. "Dean.. Can I come in?" Y/n asked, barely poking her head into my, our room. I was still a little confused on that one.
"Of course honey," I said pulling the bedspread back so if she wished she could climb into bed with me. She walked in slowly, not bothering to shut the door behind her.
She wore an old shirt of mine, sleep shorts, and her slippers. She looked just like she has always looked comfortable, but the look on her face was a displacement of how she looked. Her voice was white, heavy purple and black circles under her eyes, her face even looked a little bit too skinny.
Y/n say slipping her slippers off before climbing to the bed with me. "Hey." She said timidly like, "Hey baby," I said. During the time she had taken to be by herself, I had done more than enough research about what happened when women learned that they were infertile.
How they need space, or how they didn't like to be touched, how they could have outbursts of many different emotions. It's been five months and now Y/n's back in our bed. I'm hesitant to touch her, I think she can tell.
"Let me first say that"
"I missed you"
We spoke at the same time, speaking at the same was something that we always tended to do... God to hear her voice was amazing, like cutting butter so smooth and calming. She was so perfect to me no matter what was going on outside of this moment right now.
I smiled, and Y/n smiled back at me. It wasn't a full smile, but it was true and halfway there. "Do you want me to go first?" I asked not wanting to push her if she wasn't fully comfortable with it.
But if she wasn't comfortable with it then she wouldn't have come to my... our room and sat down next to her husband. Right? 'Stop asking so many questions.'
"If you want to Dean." She said her voice starting to waver. She's going to start crying, start talking Dean.
"I'm going, to be honest with you here. I don't know what to say.' Smiling afterward, ' I... I want you to know that you aren't alone in this, I know now that you needed your space, I want you to know that no matter what you think I don't blame you at all, not once. Because I'll forever love you. I've also been reading a lot,' Y/n was smiling now, raising her eyebrows at my reading comment. 'Anything for you Y/n you know that, but regardless I've been doing some reading on this situation, how this may affect us, you and myself. I just want you to know that I'm here for you." I said finally shutting my mouth.
She didn't look like she was going to cry anymore. Y/n was smiling a bright tooth-grinning smile. "You know Dean even when you don't know what to say you always manage to say the right thing, every single fuckin' time," She said through her smile.
Is it weird to say, but I know when Y/n is at her most happy because she curses. She spouts out every single bad curse word there is known to man. Just to tell you how happy she truly is.
God, I missed her smile. You don't realize just how much you miss something or even need it until it stops coming into your life and then comes back into your life a bullet.
I reached out to touch her, but I'm still hesitant. Very hesitant she most definitely saw that. When I went to take my hand back to my lap, she reached out grabbing my hand.
She's so soft, and her hands god how I've forgotten how much smaller her hands are to mine. Look at her hands, look at that ring, still shiny and glistening under the light of our room. That ring I think is what brought her back to me, no scratch that I think our love for each other is brought her back to me.
I had been looking for weeks after Y/n finally came back. Everything needs to settle down before I can even prompt the question to her. I want her to feel safe, I don't her to feel pressured or like I might be trying to replace the idea of children.
I again dived in and did the research for my idea. Sam even helped me, helped me to try and find the right one for her and me. Sam knows a lot of things but he especially knows this about me. When I do something I do it all the way, no half-assing anything and that only becomes ten times more when Y/n is thrown into the situation.
Doing the best research I could with the help of my brother of course. I found the best thing, not something I necessarily like the idea of but anything to help Y/n.
Anything for her.
They passed my screen, and before I knew it I was scrolling back up to them. In the loud and bold letter, it read.
These two come together, a pit bull and a golden retriever. Price is free, just come and pick them up today.
It just clicked, you ever have those types of moments. Where you can feel deep down in your mind, and body. Gosh, I'm really starting to get more and more like Sam.
I shouldn't say that because honestly, that's how it was for me when I first met Y/n. But that is most definitely a story for another time. I jumped from my seat sending the library chair to slide and then fall against the tile floor.
"Are you okay?" I heard Y/n's sweet voice ringing from behind me. 'Shit I forgot' "Yeah I'm fine, I just remember that I forgot to grab something when I was out earlier," I said, turning jamming my phone in my back pocket, calmly walking over to her, and kissing her temple saying bye.
I rushed, driving down the gravel road that leads to home sweet home. If nobody knew what I was doing they'd probably all think I was trying to get away from a murder that I just committed.
The drive to pups was silent. I'd driven baby so many times alone, but this time it just felt different. My impala was the first one parked, a few people close behind me. I rushed up to the fairly older man. He looked over my shoulder, he huffed before waving the other people off.
"Now listen heree son, I'm given' you 2 pups for nothing, so I don't want to hear anything." He said stepping down the porch and walking in front of me to the red broke down barn.
"They're in here. All yours." He said pulling back the door and then walking back to his barn house. Pointing in a very general area, there were 2 pups as the old man called them. Curled up into each other, 'cute' I thought to myself.
'I've already been gone for too long, hurry up Dean.' I said to myself. "Do they respond to commands? Like come, or no?" I asked as I slouched down to the height or near height of them. He hummed and said a few things under his breath.
"Come here," I said gently, just like if I were talking to Y/n. I know that as husband and wife you're supposed to talk about things before you just go outright and do them, but I kind of figured that Y/n wouldn't have any cons to having some furry children. It would most definitely take her mind somewhere else for the moment.
Waking them up from their shallow sleep, they were both wary at first, but grow to be giving me kisses had me rolling around on the dirty ground.
"Come on son!" The old man said. I jumped up from the ground dusting my clothes off and whistling for the dog's attention. "Let's go" They followed us out of the barn and chased after each other. There was no need for a transaction seeing as he just wanted them gone.
I whistled again, both chasing each other and coming to a fast stop in front of me. I was hesitant to let these pups in my baby, but anything for my girl, for her happiness, anything for her.
Both jumping up and finding a comfy spot and laying down. I speed back home, I'd already been gone for much longer than I originally wanted.
I once again speed down the gravel road heading to my home sweet home. Parking in the garage caused the pups to raise their heads. That being the first time, at least they don't complain about my driving like Sam does. That's rather nice.
I opened the back door and let both of them slip out. Yes at that moment I had realized that I had in fact told nobody of my plans, and I also had nothing to give them food-wise.
Letting them into the bunker they seemed to feel at home, but the more odd thing was that they didn't seem to care about anything other than finding Y/n.
An odd moment, it's like Sam said years ago sometimes animals can sense evil, so why can't they sense happiness or even sadness. I wonder?
The two of them led their own ways to the door of our bedroom. "Sit," I said quietly. They looked at each other and sat down, well actually they laid down.
I knocked and then came in seeing at it was also my room. "When'd you get back?" Y/n's honey slick voiced asked. "Just a few moments ago, love...." There was a comfortable silence between us, but Y/n always knows.
"What are you hiding Winchester?" She asked, pulling the sheets from her body. 'No don't get out of bed' "I need you to stay in bed for this surprise if you will." I said gesturing her to lay back down. " Be ready okay?" I said opening the door,
There sat a golden retriever and a pit bull. I heard her gasp "Dean?!". Behind me I saw the two dogs slowly sit up fully, they looked over at me, then over at Y/n.
I nodded and whistled. The pitbull was the first one to reach Y/n his nose nudging her arm. "Dean?" I heard again, so I turned I was smiling, the dog has already made a way onto her lap. "We.. are.. you." Y/n was most definitely stumbling over her words.
"Yes, they're ours. I thought that if we y'know. We could find a way to take care of something. I think he likes you, baby." I said walking all the way into the room having the golden following close behind me. "Yeah and I think she likes you, Dean." She said, patting the pits head.
"They need names," I said nodding to let the golden know that it was okay for her to jump up on the bed. I want my bed to remember them too, cause my bed is memory foam.
"Miracle and Simon. What do you think." Y/n said resting her hand on top of the pits head. "Whos who?" I asked, Y/n pointed at the dog taking up most of my lap, "That's Miracle" then moving and pointing over the sleeping pup in her lap snoring "This, sweet boy is Simon." She said a single tear falling down her cheek.
"What's wrong honey?" I asked "I know that I didn't even ask you if this was okay," I said worrying as more tears fall down her soft warm-toned cheeks.
"Nothing is wrong Dean, I just remembered that I wanted to maybe name our son Simon when we finally got pregnant." She said, I wiped her stray tears and said, "We've got our son and daughter just in fur version. And being together is enough for me." Kissing her forehead. A whispered, "Thank you Deanie Beanie." I rolled my eyes and kissed her forehead again.
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Completed on: 05/24/2021
Posted on 05/25/2021
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Locked -
Smut with Taehyung in Paris what could be better? 19+
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Happy Birthday Taehyung! You are my sun my moon and all of my stars.
Part of the The Juis Suis Fou de Toi Universe.
Artist Tae AU. 4213 words.
While convincing his girlfriend he should paint her, things get a little sexually abstract.
Contains sex (M/F), Oral (M) Mutual Masturbation (M/F), Swearing, Slight Dom Tae, OC is insecure. Do not be fooled before the read more, there is no cheating in this fic. 
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"We're almost home, please don't make me carry you."
Yeontan looked up with big eyes as he defiantly sat in the middle of the sidewalk. Crouching down to his level in defeat you tore a piece of your pastry off and began bargaining.
"It's strawberry your favorite, you can have some if you just stand up."
He let out a little bark seemingly in agreeance with the bribe and stood, tail wagging frantically.
"Tannie," Taehyung scooped the excited dog into his arms while placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Camille, this is my girlfriend Y/N and this," Yeontan wiggled in his arms while licking his face, "is Tannie."
"Oh, Hi."
Shocked you took in the tall gorgeous blonde who accompanied you boyfriend. Why Taehyung was walking around the streets of Paris with her you were unsure, and honestly not very happy. 
"It's really nice to meet you Camille."
Suddenly feeling self conscious you pulled your coat tighter around yourself.
Taehyung, noticing the sudden shift in your mood wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Camille is helping me with the gallery opening. We were going to grab some dinner before we started. Do you want to join us?"
Your mind raced, what do you do?  He hadn't invited you in the first place so obviously you'd be intruding.
If you stayed he'd be looking at you side by side, comparing Pomme to Pomme De Terre. But, if you left they'd be alone, getting to know one another or worse. Maybe they already knew each other better than they should.  
In either scenario your insecurities would be winning. 
"Tannie's getting pretty tired and I was going to stop at the Butcher to grab us dinner." Your eyes fell on his searching for guilt and found nothing but adoration. "But I guess you've already got plans so I'll just catch up with you later." 
He passed the dog back to you, a new look of concern on his face.
"Okay, I guess I'll just see you at home later," he kissed your cheek. 
"Bye Tannie, bye Y/N."
The woman smiled and looped her arm through Taehyung's as they walked towards the cafe. 
"That doesn’t mean anything right Tan? It’s just a French thing I’m sure.” You must be going crazy standing in the street talking to your dog. “So, how do you feel about stopping for some wine?"
You frowned at your four legged companion and for once he seemed sympathetic offering a head tilt and a whimper.
"Don't worry, you can have his Steak." 
Walking home in a daze you searched your memory, had he told you about this? Taehyung liked to work alone, surely you'd remember him mentioning he'd hired an assistant. 
Your feet had suddenly become as tired as your mind. The blue mansard roof of your apartment peeked through the greenery of the blowing trees urging you forward, calling you home.  
Rounding the last corner, the Pont Des Arts had been covered in gaudy yellow caution tape. In the hour and a half you'd been out, workers had begun pulling off rail sections of the love locked bridge.
You felt dizzy, was this a sign? The lock that you'd placed on it signifying your commitment was being taken away. Helpless you stood watching thousands of couples promise's to one another being disassembled.
Pulling your phone from your satin lined pocket your first instinct was to text Taehyung. 
Y/N: I can't believe it, they're dismantling the bridge and taking away our lock 💔 I'm so sad Taehyung, It really meant so much to me. 
Tears rolled down your cheek as you reevaluated the message. Instead of hitting send you deleted and replaced your words
Y/N: The bridge is under construction, maybe take a different way home later. 
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You hadn't heard him come home and had no idea how late he'd been out. With sadness and worry getting the best of your brain, sleep seemed like the only way to curb your anxiety. It had been quite an effective method until you found yourself wide awake tiptoeing through your house in the wee hours of the morning. 
The worn floorboards creaked underneath your slow step, the vintage wood was cold to the touch of your bare feet. The old apartment was drafty on the best of days but 4 am carried its own specific type of chill.
A shiver ran up your spine, perhaps one of Le Marais famous revolutionary ghosts had joined in on the quest to find your boyfriend. Or maybe it was just the ominous feeling in the pit of your stomach that the universe was trying to tell you something. 
A faint light glowed yellow under the warped door at the end of the hallway and the sounds of Thelonious Monk's piano drifted through the air the closer you got. 
The painted metal door handle gave way opening to a wall of heat from the radiators lining the enormous windows. 
"Go figure I'd find you in the warmest room in the house."
He was shirtless and seemingly debating the fate of the canvas before him.  With his paintbrush clenched between his teeth he turned, a huge smile warming you instantly. 
"Why aren't you in bed?" He set the brush down and walked over to wrap you in his embrace. 
"I don't like sleeping without you, you're the only thing that keeps me warm in that freezer of a bedroom." 
You stood on your tiptoes to place a peck on his lips. 
"What are you working on? Is it for the gallery?" 
He sighed heavily, "Just another Lavender Field I guess. I'm so uninspired. Why won't you just let me paint you, hmm?" 
His fingers splayed over the lace covered small of your back pulling you in tighter. "What are you so afraid of."
"Tae," you buried your face into the crook of his neck. "Isn't the point of art painting things that people want to look at? You should be painting women like Camille not me."
Pressed to his chest you swear you heard his breath halt. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully before he spoke softly.
"Camille is pretty but there is absolutely nothing unique or inspiring about her."
He kissed the top of your head before tugging on your chin to make you look at him.
"You are the most beautiful woman in the world, but you are a terribly uncooperative muse." 
"I don't want to be Tae, I'm just afraid" 
"What is there to be afraid of? It's just you and me, If you don’t like it I'm the only one who will see it." 
"That's it though, what if…" a tear slipped from your eye, "What if you don't like what you see, what if painting me makes you see all my flaws. I can't stand looking in the mirror for 5 minutes and you want to immortalize my every imperfection on a canvas." 
His face was soft and serious, the lights from the city streaming through the large windows across his honey skin. 
"Sweetheart, how do I make you believe me? I never want you to be uncomfortable but I think if I can show you how you look through my eyes you'll understand what my heart sees every time I look at you.”
Stepping back from him you nodded. Sliding the thin straps off your shoulders you stepped out of the white lace puddle that now lay at your feet. 
His face lit up like he'd received divine inspiration.
"I have an idea." 
He scurried for a palate, squeezing colors on it like a man possessed. Rummaging for the right brushes he returned presenting them to you like a cat who'd dragged home a mouse. 
"Trust me?"
You nodded, "I do." 
Loading his brush with paint you stood waiting for him to lay the first stroke to the oversize canvas leaning on the wall beside you. 
Raising the tool to his mouth he exhaled a warm breath over it as if trying to take the chill off.
"I've never seen this technique before" 
"It's because I've only just invented it." 
He ran the paintbrush down your torso sending a shiver from head to toe. 
You gasped, "You're not just painting me... you're literally painting Me?"
The biggest smile overtook his face, "You said you trusted me." 
Trying to remain still and not ask questions you watched him work. Diligently mixing colors and trading brushes his design slowly revealed itself. 
"Are you painting me as starry night?"
He stepped back to admire his work. "Like the stars, you guide and inspire me. I think it captures your spirit." 
He shifted the canvas so it was flat to the wall. 
"Come over here." He reached for your hand, "Are you ready? I want you to press yourself against it." 
Sliding in close behind you he raised your arms into position, holding them up.
"Like this, right here." 
His breath felt hot on your skin and your nipples hardened with his words. Gently he used his body weight to press you onto the canvas. 
"Now step back to me slowly." 
Pulling back, the paint had transferred to the canvas. It was stamped with starry breasts, stomach and thighs, it was you and it was beautiful. He dragged his lips down your shoulder as you stood looking at it.
"Now let's do the right side." 
You repeated the process but this time you could feel him growing hard against you. His hands trailed down your sides and his lips moved warm against your ear.
"You've never been sexier."
His rumbles of admiration set your insides on fire. 
"Taehyung I want you."
All the gentle brush strokes and touching had left you aroused aching for him to fill you. 
"Do you need me to take care of you baby?" 
He slid his cloth covered cock over your bare ass, grinding, teasing, slowly torturing your needy cunt. 
"Fuck you until you're screaming my name?" 
Sliding two long fingers deep inside you he held them there motionless. 
Leaning over you, dominating, he growled into your ear.
"Show me how you like it, fuck my fingers like you want to fuck my cock."
You clenched immediately around his digits and he laughed, "that's my dirty girl, now use me to make yourself feel good." 
Throbbing wet and desperate you used his hand to pleasure yourself. Harder and deeper it felt good but it wasn't him.  
"Tae, It's not enough I need your cock."
He snickered again, "why is that, maybe you should tell me." 
He reached his free hand around to pinch your nipple. 
The truth was, nothing could satisfy you once you'd had him inside you. He was huge and perfect and he knew how insatiable you were for him. 
"I need you to stretch me, wanna feel you against my cervix fucking me so hard."
You sounded whiny and it flipped the switch inside him from teasing to wanting instant gratification. 
Pulling his hand away from your breast he undid his pants and kicked them away. His erection fell against your ass as he pressed you back to the center of the canvas. 
"Right here, arms up for me." 
You did as you were told as he took a stance behind you lining himself with your entrance. He could be the most generous gentle lover when needed but right now you both wanted something animalistic and dirty. 
Thrusting hard and deep your whole body slid in an upward motion streaking the paint vertically onto the canvas. 
It was pleasure, it was pain and it was satisfying to your core. 
"Is that enough for you?" His large hand feel heavy against your ass. 
"Such a greedy little girl you are." 
Another thrust and you were seeing stars. Splayed across the canvas your cheek dragged through the midnight blue acrylic.
Trying to desperately catch your breath your mouth hung open panting the words fuck me and faster while he pumped furiously into you. 
His fingertips traveled from their grip on your hip to the protruding bud engorged with arousal that lay starved for attention between your thighs. He pressed and rolled your clit softly in contradiction to the rough pounding your pussy was taking. 
His name moaned out of your mouth and it was the only signal he needed to know he'd done his job. He slowed his hips and pulled you down impaling you onto his cock until your walls convulsed around him. He held you there, still for a minute until your senses had come back and you were able to stand on your own. 
His mouth hung open in a grin while his erection still stood hungry for more. 
Pulling the canvas from the wall he laid it on the ground. 
"I think this painting needs some pretty little knee marks on it."
"Show me where." It was your turn to tease. 
He pointed where he wanted you to kneel and shoved his finger into your mouth.
"Right there, and right here," he stroked your tongue with his thumb. 
He pulled his finger away and rubbed his tip around your lips. 
Opening up wide for him he gently began fucking your mouth. Head was always a challenge given his size so it was never rushed.
Gingerly you wrapped your hands around him stroking the length that didn't fit in your mouth. His head was thrown back, eyes closed as puffs of air heaved from his chest in pleasure. 
He was getting close, his now careless thrusts began making you choke around him.
"Fuck, sorry," he pulled back.
You kitten licked and sucked at his tip while he wrapped his hand tightly around himself and began rubbing. 
You looked up at him from the position on your knees. His beautiful body was covered in paint splatters everywhere it had connected with yours 
"Fuck Tae, I love watching you touch yourself." 
"Yeah?" he took a long stroke thumbing the tip. 
"Yeah," you could feel yourself getting worked up again. 
"Lay back. "He stood over you, "Can you see how beautiful I think you are now?" His hands wandered between his legs and he rubbed his balls with one while he resumed stroking with the other. "How sexy I think you are?" 
His words washed over you, arousal peaking you nipples. 
"When I can't find inspiration I imagine you just like this and I masturbate thinking about your perfect tits." 
Your pussy was pulsing at the thought of him in here clearing his head by milking himself. 
"Can you touch yourself for me? Give my imagination something to use next time I'm stuck in here?" 
You nodded, breath heavy in anticipation of cumming again for him. 
"Stick your fingers in your pussy for me." 
You did, moaning instantly. You were sensitive, every nerve was lit like a fuse ready to explode. Pumping your fingers in time with his strokes you were both unravelling quickly. 
His exasperated breathing got louder signaling his immanent release. Picking up speed he came in warm droplets that landed on you and over the canvas on which you lay. 
So turned on watching him you finished your own orgasm mere seconds after he did.
Opening his eyes looking down at you shocked he smiled, "Did we just do that?" He held out his hand to help you up. 
"Yeah, I think we did." you blushed.
Grabbing a clean drop cloth from the shelf he draped it around you as you both stood looking over the painting. 
"It's really not bad, I can still make out the important parts. The way the stars smeared looks intentional like their shooting through the sky." 
Laughing you shook your head, "It's definitely an abstract." 
"As are you," he turned you to the mirror. Painted cheeks, wild hair, dried yellow stars flaking off the skin of your stomach.
"Let's go out!” He abruptly declared. “I want to see you all messy and fucked out with the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop." 
"You're crazy Taehyung, What will people think?" 
"They'll think they're in Paris and that an artist and his muse just made wild passionate love in the wee hours of the morning because they couldn't stand to keep their hands off of one another."
He grabbed his coat from the corner and tied the belt tightly around your waist. 
Placing his hands on your cheeks and cradling your face his lips pressed and lingered against yours.
"They'll think, that must be what true love looks like and they’ll all be jealous."
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Taking leisurely steps across the bridge the quiet of dawn was only broken by the water lapping beneath you. The absence of the locks amplified the little wakes and you tried to mentally record them as one of the many new memories you'd made tonight. 
Coffee in one hand and Taehyung's in the other. He pulled pieces of chocolatine from the bag tucked under his arm and fed them to you as you walked.
"I don't think I'm ever going to get over the fact you don't like coffee." You took a big sip. 
"It's strategic. If I had to hold a coffee and the pastry bag I wouldn't be able to hold your hand."
He stopped abruptly lightly jarring your arm. 
"Hey, Did you know that right here, this is the exact spot we first met."
His dark eyes reflected the lamplight just like they did as he looked at you that night.
"You were leaning over the rail," he pointed, "right here, waving to the passengers in the boats."
"Ughh, I was such a tourist." You laughed in retrospect. 
He took the coffee from your hand and set it on the base of the lamppost.
"Go pose for me, I want to take your picture so I can paint you from the night we met, I'll even add the locks back in."   
"It won't be the same." You sighed, "I'm covered in paint, my hair's a mess and all I have on is your trench coat."
"You're crazy if you think I don't remember everything about the way you looked. How that loose strand of hair fell," he tucked your hair behind your ear, "and still falls over your eye.  You had on that green sweater, I remember It was so soft against my fingertips when I reached out to hold your hand.” 
He kissed you and whispered, "Let me have that moment again." 
"You're such a hopeless romantic my love." You smiled fondly and obliged. Leaning over and looking down you re-enacted the opening scene of your meeting. 
After a few minutes of waving to an imaginary boat you turned giggling. "Did you get what you wanted?"
He was kneeling on the ground a few feet away looking pensive.
"Do you want me to do it again?"
His smile grew as his hand reached into his pocket and he held up what appeared to be a padlock. 
"No," He paused. "I want you and I to be locked together forever."
Turning back towards the rails you inspected them closely. "I don't think we can Tae, they pretty much made them lock proof." By the time you'd spun back to face him he was standing beside you. 
His large hand was wrapped around the lock with only little glimmers of metal peeking out.
"But this is a magic lock. I'm going to give you the key and you're going to have to make a decision, just like when we first met." He pressed the lock's pronged companion piece into your palm while simultaneously unfurling his fingers. 
"Marry me?"
Shocked floored, not even an ounce of intuition had told you this was coming. Hooked onto the shackle an enormous pear shaped diamond awaited your answer.
"Tae," your hand shook and tears blurred your vision as you moved to free the ring from it's restraint.
"Of course, Yes." Turning the key Taehyung pulled the lock apart and slid the diamond onto your finger.
Under the lamp, on the bridge in the middle of Paris it was like lightning had struck twice. You stood kissing the man who'd once again changed your life.
"But what are we going to do with the Lock?" The bridge was stark under the first rays of sunrise and heartbreakingly void of the promises it once guarded.
"So superstitious." He put the lock back in his pocket. "You're just going to have to hold on to that key until the time is right."
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Fresh paint overwhelmed your senses. Guiding you with his large hands he steered you forward for what felt like forever.
"Is the blindfold necessary?"
"In order to surprise you, yes, yes it is."
He'd been working hard on his new exhibition and it had been kept tightly under wraps. One advantage of sleeping with the artist was the private advanced viewing from the curator himself.
"Are you ready?" he stilled you adjusting your angles. "Hold out your hand."
"Oh, it's an interactive piece?" you chided him. "I agree to do one painting and suddenly we're Marina and Ulay."
Placing something that felt like cool metal into your palm he slipped the blindfold off. 
Before your eyes stood a huge section of railing, thousands of padlocks adorning it. Behind the rail, a life size painting, a girl in a green sweater. Leaning forward she waved, looking happy, as her hair blew softly. Her eyes naïve, not knowing she was about to fall in love.
The words on the wall named the piece, "Locked"
"Tae," a tear fell in awe at his recreation. "You made me look beautiful."
"No mon petite, you make you look beautiful. Do you have your key?"
Lifting the chain from around your neck you held it up for him.
"Let's find our lock. It was closer to the top if I recall correctly."
"There's no way? This isn't a recreation? This is the real bridge?"
He laughed, "I know what it meant to you. They were selling pieces for charity. That's what I was really doing with Camille that day. She's a broker for the auction house."
The memory of your insecurities came back in a flash and your cheeks blushed pink at how foolish the notion of him straying seemed now.
"Here it is!" He crouched down holding it in his hand, your inked initials a little worn but still visible.
Slipping your key into the new lock you popped it open and knelt down beside him. Hooking it through the original it stood out higher than the rest and you both smiled.
"You're stuck with me now, triple locked." He fiddled with your ring suddenly shy.
"I don't need metaphors to know we'll be together forever Taehyung." You kissed his soft lips. "but I really like them."
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The gallery had been taken over by a hum of excitement, the air hanging heavy, was full of compliments and bids. Everyone was clamoring for the chance to own a Kim Taehyung original.
You hadn't seen the man of the hour in a while. You'd been kept dutifully in one spot regaling everyone with the romantic story behind the girl waving on the bridge. 
Finally breaking away you grabbed a glass of champagne from the nearest waiters tray and made your way to the back of the gallery. He stood by a painting you'd yet to see with an eclectic looking woman in large red framed glasses. Her bangle bracelets chimed together as she theatrically asked him questions about his work.
Noticing you moving towards him, his face pleaded silently with you to come to his social rescue.
"Ah, the girl in the Green Sweater!" She pulled you into her side grabbing and holding your hand. "Are you also The Reluctant Muse?" she pointed to the secretly cum splatterd piece.
Taehyung held back his smile, biting his lip.
"Yes, I guess I am."
"The abstract way he displayed your body, it's very sexy. You know I used to be someone's muse." She patted the back of your hand. "From the size of this ring I'm guessing you're not nearly as reluctant anymore."
Knocking back your champagne you reached for another, "I'm currently working on lowering my inhibitions."
Focusing back on Taehyung she continued, "I simply have to have this painting, it reminds me so much of my younger days."
He shook his head to reinforce what he was about to say. "Unfortunately this one has already been curated to a private collection." He winked nodding discreetly in your direction.
"Don't be silly, I'll give you $20,000."
You choked on your drink surprised while he reiterated his statement.
"I'm sorry, It's just a very special painting to me."
You had to interject, "Let's not make any hasty decisions."
Taehyung raised a scolding eyebrow, "The piece is simply priceless, I've put too much of myself in it to sell." 
You smirked at his secret admission. "What if," feeling emboldened with confidence you put forth the suggestion, "we make it a series?"
Taehyung's eyes lit up as you explained.
"It'll be one of a kind, just for you madam."
Her bangles declared her excitement as she clapped. "Yes, I love that! But I have two conditions."
Leaning forward you both eagerly waited.
“I want extra splatters, I really like the way they look. And I'm going to need it finished in time for my party next week.”
Taehyung shook the woman's hand and grinned proudly at you.
"No problem, we'll start working on it tonight."
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 6
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(Y/n)'s POV
Once I get over the fact that my brother's Latin teacher was half horse, we have a nice tour.
We pass by the volleyball pit. Several of the campers nudge each other. One points to the Minotaur horn Percy is carrying. Another says, "It's them."
Most of the campers are older than me. Their satyr friends are bigger than Grover, all of them trotting around in orange CAMP HALF-BLOOD t-shirts, with nothing else to cover their bare shaggy hindquarters. I'm not normally shy, but the way they are staring at me and Percy makes me uncomfortable. I feel as though they want us to do a flip or something.
I look back at the farmhouse. It's bigger than I'd realized - four stories tall, sky blue with white trim, like an upscale seaside resort. I'm checking out the brass eagle weather vane on top when something catches my eyes, a shadow in the uppermost window of the attic gable. Something had moved the curtain, just for a second, and I get a distinct impression that I'm being watched.
"What's up there?" I ask Chiron.
He looks to where I'm pointing and his smile fades, "Just the attic."
"Somebody lives there?" Percy asks.
"No," he says with finality. "Not a single living thing."
I get the feeling that he's being truthful, but I am also sure something had moved that curtain.
As we get closer, I realize how huge the forest is. It takes up at least a quarter of the valley, with trees so tall and thick, you could imagine nobody had been in there since the Native Americans.
Chiron says, "The woods are stocked if you care to try your luck, but go armed."
"Stocked with what?" Percy asks. "Armed with what?"
"You'll see. Capture the flag is Friday night. Do you have your own swords and shields?"
"My own - ?" Percy is cut off.
"No," Chiron interupts. "I don't suppose you do. I think a size five will do for you, Percy, and a size three for you, (Y/n). I'll visit the armory later."
Finally, Chiron shows us the cabins. There are twelve of them, nestled in the woods by the lake. They are arranged in a U, with two at the base and five in a row on each side. And they are, without a doubt the most bizarre number above the door.
Except for the fact that each has a large brass number above the door (odds on the left side, evens on the right), they lock absolutely nothing alike. Number Nine has smokestacks, like a tiny factory. Number Four has tomato vines on the walls and a roof made out of real grass. Seven seems to be made of solid gold, which gleams so much in the sunlight it was almost impossible to look at. They all face a commons area about the size of a soccer field, dotted with Greek statues, fountains, flower beds, and a couple of basketball hoops (which were more my speed).
In the center of the field is a huge stone-lined firepit. Even though it is a warm afternoon, the hearth smolders. A girl, maybe nine years old is tending the flames, poking the coals with a stick. I wave at the girl and she looks surprised, as though no one acknowledged her often, and waves back with a smile.
The pair of cabins at the head of the field, numbers one and two, look like his-and-hers mausoleums, big white marble boxes with heavy columns in front. Cabin One is the biggest and bulkiest of the twelve. Its polished bronze doors shimmer like a hologram, so that from different angles lightning bolts seem to streak across them. Cabin Two is more graceful somehow, with slimmer columns garlanded with pomegranates and flowers. The walls are covered with images of peacocks.
"Zeus and Hera?" Percy guesses.
"Correct," Chiron says.
"Their cabins look empty."
"Several of the cabins are. That's true. No one ever stays in one or two."
I stop in front of the first cabin on the left, cabin three.
It isn't high and mighty like Cabin One, but low and solid. The outer walls are of rough gray stone studded with pieces of seashells and coral as if the slabs had been hewn straight from the bottom of the ocean floor. I peek inside the open doorway and Chiron says, "Oh, I wouldn't do that!"
Before he can pull me back, I catch the salty scent of the interior, like the wind on the shore at Montauk. The interior walls glow like abalone. There are six empty bunks with silk sheets turned down, but there is no sign anyone had ever slept there. The place feels so sad and lonely, I am glad when Chiron puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Come along, (Y/n)."
Most of the other cabins were crowded with campers.
Number five was bright red—a real nasty paint job as if the color had been splashed on with buckets and fists. The roof was lined with barbed wire. A stuffed wild boar's head hung over the doorway, and its eyes seemed to follow me. Inside I could see a bunch of mean-looking kids, both girls and boys, arm wrestling and arguing with each other while rock music blared. The loudest was a girl maybe thirteen or fourteen. She wore a size XXXL CAMP HALF-BLOOD T-shirt under a camouflage jacket. She zeroed in on Percy and gives him an evil sneer.
"Oh, look," Chiron says as we approach Cabin Eleven. "Annabeth is waiting for us."
The blond girl I'd met at the Big House is reading a book in front of the last cabin on the left, number eleven. When we reach her, she looks me over critically, like she was still thinking about how much I drool.
I try to see what she was reading, but I can't make out the title. Then I realize the title isn't even English. The letters look Greek to me. I mean, literally Greek. There are pictures of temples and statues and different kinds of columns, like those in an architecture book.
"Annabeth," Chiron says, "I have Masters' Archery class at noon. Would you take Percy and (Y/n) from here?"
"Yes, sir."
"Cabin Eleven," Chiron tells us, gesturing towards the doorway. "Make yourself at home."
Out of all the cabins, Eleven looks the most like a regular old summer camp cabin, with the emphasis on old. the threshold is worn down, the brown paint peeling. Over the doorway is a caduceus.
Inside, it is packed with people, both boys and girls, way more than the number of bunk beds. Sleeping bags are spread all over the floor. It looks like a gym where the Red Cross had set up an evacuation center.
Chiron doesn't go in. The door is too low for him. But when the campers see him, they all stand and bow respectfully.
"Well, then," Chiron says. "Good luck, Percy, (Y/n). I'll see the two of you at dinner."
He gallops away towards the archery range.
Percy's POV
We stand in the doorway, looking at the kids. They aren't bowing anymore. They are staring at us, sizing us up. I know this routine. I'd gone through it at enough schools.
"Well?" Annabeth prompts. "Go on."
So naturally, I trip coming in the door, and (Y/n) grabs my upper arm, straightening me up. There are some snickers from the campers, but none of them say anything.
Annabeth announces, "Percy and (Y/n) Jackson, meet Cabin Eleven."
"Regular or undetermined?" somebody asks.
I don't know what to say, but Annabeth says, "Undetermined."
Everyone groans.
A guy who is a little older than the rest comes forward. "Now, now, campers. That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy, (Y/n). You can have those two spots on the floor, right over there."
The guy was about nineteen, and he looks pretty cool. He's tall and muscular, with short-cropped sandy hair and a friendly smile. He wears an orange tank top, cutoffs, sandals, and a leather necklace with five different colored clay beads. The only thing unsettling about his appearance is a thick white scar that runs from just beneath his right eye to his jaw, like an old knife slash.
"This is Luke," Annabeth says, and her voice sounds different somehow. I glance over and swear she's blushing, but after a moment she sees me looking, and her expression hardens again. "He's your counselor for now."
"For now?" (Y/n) asks, looking rather curious.
"You're undetermined," Luke explains. "They don't know what cabin to put you in, so you're here. Cabin eleven takes all newcomers, all visitors. Naturally, we would. Hermes, our patron, is the god of travelers."
I look around at the campers' faces, some sullen and suspicious, some grinning stupidly, some eyeing me as if they are waiting for a chance to pick my pockets.
"How long will I be here?" I ask.
"Good question," Luke replies. "Until you're determined."
"How long will that take?"
The campers all laugh and (Y/n) facepalms.
"Come on," Annabeth tells us. "I'll show you the volleyball court."
"We've already seen it."
"Come on."
Annabeth grabs my wrist and drags me outside. I can hear the kids of Cabin Eleven laughing behind me and (Y/n) waves good-bye shyly.
When we are a few feet away, Annabeth says, "Jackson, you have to do better than that?"
She rolls her eyes and mumbles under her breath, "I can't believe I thought you two were the ones."
"What's your problem?" I'm getting angry now, (Y/n) watching us cautiously. "All I know is, we kill some bull guy -"
"Don't talk like that!" Annabeth tells me. "You know how many kids at this camp wish they'd had your chance?"
"To get killed?"
"To fight the Minotaur! What do you think we train for?"
I shake my head. "Look, if the thing we fought is really the Minotaur, the same one in the stories . . ."
"Then there's only one."
"And he died, like, a gajillion years ago, right? Theseus killed him in the labyrinth. So..."
"Monsters don't die, Percy. They can be killed. But they don't die."
"Oh, thanks. That clears it up."
"Percy," (Y/n) says calmly. "I think what Annabeth is saying, is that monsters eventually reform."
Annabeth nods and I think about Mrs. Dodds. "You mean if I killed one, accidentally, with a sword—"
"The Fur...I mean, your math teacher. That's right. She's still out there. You just made her very, very mad."
"How did you know about Mrs. Dodds?"
"You talk in your sleep," Annabeth answers and (Y/n) suppresses a laugh.
"You almost called her something. A Fury? They're Hades' torturers, right?"
Annabeth glances nervously at the ground as if she expects it to open up and swallow her. "You shouldn't call them by name, even here. We call them the Kindly Ones if we have to speak of them at all."
"Look, is there anything we can say without it thundering?" I sound whiny, even to myself, but right then I don't care. "Why do we have to stay in Cabin Eleven, anyway? Why is everybody so crowded together? There are plenty of empty bunks right over there."
I point to the first few cabins, and Annabeth turns pale. "You don't just choose a cabin, Percy. It depends on who your parents are. Or...your parent."
She stares at me, waiting for me to get it.
"Our mother is Sally Jackson," (Y/n) says softly. "She works at the candy store in Grand Central Station. At least, she used to."
"I'm sorry about your mom, (Y/n). But that's not what I mean. I'm talking about your other parent. Your dad."
"He's dead," I say simply. "We never knew him."
Annabeth sighs. Clearly, she'd had this conversation before with other kids. "Your father's not dead."
"How can you say that? You know him?"
"No, of course not."
"Then how can you say -"
"Because I know the two of you. You wouldn't be here if you weren't one of us."
"You don't know anything about us.
"No?" She raises an eyebrow. "I bet you moved around from school to school. I bet you were kicked out of a lot of them."
"How -"
"Diagnosed with dyslexia. Probably ADHD, too."
I try to swallow my embarrassment. "What does that have to do with anything?"
(Y/n)'s POV
"Taken together, it's almost a sure sign. The letters float off the page when you read, right? That's because your mind is hardwired for ancient Greek. And the ADHD—you're impulsive, can't sit still in the classroom. That's your battlefield reflexes. In a real fight, they'd keep you alive. As for the attention problems, that's because you see too much, Percy, not too little. Your senses are better than a regular mortal's. Of course, the teachers want you medicated. Most of them are monsters. They don't want you seeing them for what they are."
"You sound like...you went through the same thing?"
"Most of the kids here did. If you weren't like us, you couldn't have survived the Minotaur, much less the ambrosia and nectar."
"Ambrosia and nectar."
"The food and drink we were giving you to make you better. That stuff would've killed a normal kid. It would've turned your blood to fire and your bones to sand and you'd be dead. Face it. You're both half-bloods."
A half-blood.
I am reeling with so many questions I don't know where to start.
Then a husky voice yells, "Well! Two newbies!"
I look over. The big girl from the ugly red cabin is sauntering towards us. She has three other girls behind her, all big and ugly and mean-looking like her, all wearing camo jackets.
"Clarisse," Annabeth sighs. "Why don't you go polish your spear or something?"
"Sure, Miss Princess," the big girl says. "So I can run you through with it Friday night."
"Erre es korakas!" Annabeth says, which I somehow understand is Greek for 'Go to the crows!' though I have a feeling it was a worse curse than it sounds. "You don't stand a chance."
"We'll pulverize you," Clarisse says, but her eye twitches. Perhaps she isn't so sure she can follow through on ht threat. She turns towards me, then she looks at Percy. "Who are these's runts?"
"Percy and (Y/n) Jackson," Annabeth says, "meet Clarisse, Daughter of Aries."
Percy blinks. "Like . . . the war god?"
Clarisse sneers. "You got a problem with that?"
"No," Percy says, seemingly recovering his 'wits'. "It explains the bad smell."
Long story short, Percy made the toilets explode.
Yeah, I said it. He made the toilets explode . . .
Word Count: 2455 words
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 20
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she’s brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues both of them, my girl Sofia kinda messy.
Series masterlist
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Sofía opened up her eyes because there was so much fucking sun on the bedroom, as soon she opened one eye she knew. She knew she fucked up when she realized it was Chris's bedroom and his fucking thing about sleeping without curtains. 
She turned around on the bed and indeed, he was there, sleeping as an oak. On his belly, one hand under the pillow and looking peaceful as he can be. 
She sighed and looked under the covet, not naked but she wasn't on her clothes, one of Chris's shirts and some basketball shorts, real sexy. 
"I need to get the fuck out." She whispered to herself and stood from the bed, as quietly as she could and tipped toe out of the room just to be received by Dodger, jumping and barking because he was happy to see her. 
"Oh God, I love you but shut up baby," She tried to sush the doggo by rubbing his face but Dodger wasn't having it. She cursed under her breath as she heard Chris moving on the bed and beeline to the living room to grab her things. She only wanted her phone to get the fuck out because she was remembering the shit she pulled last night on her fucking alcohol mania episode. 
"Morning," Chris said, walking up on her throwing the sofa pillow to the side as she was looking for her phone. 
"Have you seen my phone!?," She asked without even looking at him. Chris hummed and walked past her to the kitchen, where he left it charging before sleeping. It's started to ring on Chris's hands. 
"It's Ron, " He said, showing her the phone and Sofia grabbed the phone from his hands and started talking business right there, hangover as she could possibly be and her ex boyfriend watching her pacing in the living room with an amuse smile on his face. 
"Ron, hold on a second," She said on the phone and put it on mute. "Where's my shit?" Sofia asked Chris and he pointed at the other sofa and indeed her clothes were there. "Thanks," She muttered and went there and started talking with Ron again, ignoring Chris as much she could. "Yeah, okay. Look, we will figure it out, I'll be there as soon as I can." she said and hung up. 
"Everything okay?" He asked, looking how she was quickly getting dressed. 
"No," She muttered and took off the shirt and put on hers. "Look, whatever happened last night I was drunk," 
"I know, don't worry—
"It won't happen again," She said and sigh. "Thanks for not leaving me alone, I was pretty fucked up."
"Sof, it's okay…" He said and gave her a side smile. "Want breakfast?" 
"I can't, I have to go—work and stuff," She looked down and put on her shoes. "Thanks." 
Sofia took a step forward, wanting to say something or at least hug him but she decided against it. "I'm just—" She pointed at the door and started walking towards it. "Yes, bye thanks."
"Bye," Chris said, watching her go and rubbed his face, signing. "Jesus Christ."
Sofía was literally screaming while she was taking shower, memories flooding her mind of the things she did last night. 
After Chris told her that, all that she had left to do is either cry or get fucked up. She chooses the second and proceeds to drink all she can. 
"Okay, what happened?" Scott asked once Chris reunited with them by the grill, grabbing a cold beer. 
"Nothing, we just… Talk." He shrugged. "I don't know, men. It's so complicated between us. I don't wanna lose her by any means but," He shook his head. "We both stupid around each other."
Sofia was again by the little bar and Alex was there, still talking with Ryan. 
"Hey," She said with a smile, he did too. "sorry about that, you still got that drink?" 
"Yeah, yeah. Beer it's good?," He asked and she shook her head. 
"Let's try something stronger, shall we?," She said and pointed at the vodka, Alex chuckled and went for it. 
And they did, a lot of shots later they were still chatting and chasing down the vodka with some beer. She was drunk as she could be, all inhibitions were out of the window and Chris was staring at her like a hawk the whole time.
"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" She asked, giving him a look and Alex laughed. 
"God, yes," He said, biting his lip and looking her up and down. "But I gotta be straight with you," 
"Alright, shoot."
"I was told you're off limits so I can't mess with you," 
"Excuse me?" She said surprised at what he just said and instinctively looked at the crowd outside and saw Chris looking at them, beer in one hand as he smoked with the other. 
"Yeah, you're Chris Evans ex and he's here… Boston ita a pit stop for me and I want to be an actor, if you know what I mean—
"Oh my God," She rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed grunt.
"Believe me, I would absolutely love to rail that ass you got but he's an A lister, think of the connections he—
"Just shut the fuck out." She wave a hand at his direction and grabbed the vodka, taking a sip and bee line to Chris not fucking caring at all about making a scene. 
"Excuse me," She said walking between the little circle of friends around Chris and all of them went quiet, knowing that was about to go down. "You," She said pointing at Chris and he looked at her, giving his beer a chug. 
"Yes, Sof?" 
Sofia scoffed and had to take a swing at her vodka, straight out of the bottle. She literally don't give a fuck anymore.
"Don't yes Sof me. What the fuck are you doing?" she muttered and Chris frown.
"What are you talking—
"oh, don't you pull what you are talking about, bitch. You know, what the fuck I'm talking about." She said with an accusatory finger pressed to his chest. 
All the guys ohh at them and Sofia had to laugh because she went for it, she was mad but not that mad. 
"Baby," Chris said, smiling and grabbed her by the hand. "Come on." he led her again to the side of the house where it was somehow private. 
"Not your baby, you dumped me." She reminds him again as he leads the way to talk, again. 
"And I told you I'm an asshole, what are you talking about?",
"You're cockblocking me with your fame." She explained with a pout and Chris had to chuckle. "Why are you laughing? This is-is bad. Like—
"Why is it bad?" he asked, drinking his beer, still smiling. "I Don't want to see some other asshole kissing you."
Sofia had to blink four times, slowly as her drunk brain tried to process. Was that… Christopher… Jealous? 
"Oh, my Dios mio. You—Christopher. The audacity, oh-" She was throwing her hands on the air and ranting in Spanish at him. "Boy, imma throw hands at you right now. I swear to God almighty I want to slap the shit out of you." Sofia pointed her finger at him and let out a scream with both hands on her mouth. 
"At least I'm saying what the fuck I want."
"Well, I don't want to see you getting back with all your fucking exes right on my fucking face." She rubbed her face messing up her eyeliner because she was feeling anger, frustration and honestly a little aroused at him behind fucking toxic because she was used to that and bring her some twisted type of comfort and validation. 
"That includes you?" He asked and leaned on the wall right beside her and Sofia turned around so fast that she tripped on her own two feet. Chris pulled her into his body, right between his legs and held her there. He tossed his beer on the ground and put both hands on her hips. He's drunk, he has to be drunk. She thought for a moment as she just…let him… touch her. 
"God, fuck you." She said pressing her lips onto his mouth, he kissed her back with no hesitation. 
"You didn't answer my question." He said pulling back and Sofia rolled her eyes at him and tried to pull away but Chris grabbed her by her neck and pulled her in again, Sofia let out a subtle moan and curse. 
"Fuck," She breath out, closing her eyes as Chris pressed her lips against her jaw, nipping and kissing. 
"I'm answering you shit." Sofia whispered and grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him again. Chris grabbed her ass and pulled her up, Sofia wrapped her legs around his hips and Chris turned around and pressed her against the wall, she forgot everything for a moment and it felt exquisite. 
Kissing him, feeling him against her skin, his perfume, the softness of his hair between her fingers and the roughness of his hands on her body. 
"God, I love you," She muttered as he nipped her neck and Chris stopped right away to look at her, making Sofia open her eyes and find him looking at her, serious. "What?," She asked, leaning. "Kiss me." She murmured against his lips but Chris didn't respond. 
"You meant it?" He asked and Sofia stared at him. 
"What?" She asked avoiding his eyes and lean on again but he pushed her away. 
"Do you love me?" He asked and Sofia let out a sigh. 
"There's no point. We're never getting back together," She now pushed him away, untangled her legs around him and tried to walk away but her legs gave up as soon she hit the floor. 
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First Impressions - YangYang
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Warnings: drug usage, cursing, and violence
Credit to the original owners of the images.
GN "Bad Kid" Reader x "Good Kid" YangYang
Soulmate Au: First words to each other
"Y/N, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Song questioned from her position in front of the board.
"Yes ma'am", you said, trying your hardest not to roll your eyes. She looked at you for another moment before her eyes turned back to the notes written on the board, which you had already copied all of them down. You felt a poke in your ribs, your eyes moved over to your right where your friend Andy sat. Before she could speak the bell rang. You instantly moved to put your binder in your bag and waited for Andy to do the same. The two of you quickly walked out and waited in the back of the parking lot for the rest of your friends.
"I swear that woman has it out for you", she says pulling a bag out of her backpack.
"So help me you get us caught-"
"Don't worry", she cut you off, "I'll be careful."
"You better be sharing", Darren said as he walked over motioning for Andy to hurry up. She rolled her eyes and passed him the pipe. He instantly took it and inhaled, handing it to you who did the same.
"How dare you start without us?" Ryder said as he and Bridget joined your group, stealing the pipe from your hands.
"Hey no smoking, you have to drive your cousin home and your aunt will kill you if she finds out your high", Bridget said as she took the pipe from him.
"Speaking of which, where is the little shit?" He said, his eyes moving around the parking lot.
"That reminds me, anybody wanna gimme a ride? My sister has to work so she can't pick me up", you asked the group.
"Yeah sure. I'll need someone to keep me sane after I take Bridget home", Ryder said.
"Trust me. I'm not too happy about riding with you either", a voice said from behind him.
"We'll leave in a few. First, lemme introduce you to the gang. The blue-haired girl is Andy. The one with all of the piercings is Y/N. Green haired dude is Darren and you know Bridget. Guys this is YangYang."
"Sup", Darren told him as he took the pipe from Bridget. YangYang just nodded, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. You felt a bit bad for him, but that didn't stop you from taking another hit before leaving. Bridget got in the passenger seat, leaving you and YangYang in the back. It didn't take long for the two of you to arrive at Bridget's. She kissed Ryder and told you all bye before getting out.
"I need gas and snacks, so we're making a pit stop", he said as he pulled back onto the road. He was in and out of the gas station passing you a bag of chips and YangYang a candy bar.
"So I gotta ask. Why do you guys smoke?" YangYang inquired to his cousin after a bit of silence.
"Numbs things a bit. And with it, things hurt less. Y/N is better at describing it", Ryder replied. YangYang turned to you.
"Let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore. That's what it's like without it", you said. He nodded and turned back to look out the window.
"That answer your question?" Ryder glanced in the rearview mirror to look at YangYang, who nodded. The moment the car arrived at his house YangYang thanked his cousin and jumped out of the car.
"Hopefully I don't have to give him a ride again", he said as he backed into the road.
"Eh, he didn't seem that bad."
"Let's just hope he doesn't tell my aunt I'm a stoner", he whispered. You let out a little laugh and continued to talk until you got back home.
It became a tradition for Ryder to take you home, and for him to drive YangYang home on Thursdays. It had been a month since the first time you had met him, and he still hadn't talked to you. But you couldn't really blame him, you were the classic "bad kid" that literally got stoned in the school parking lot, and he was the "good kid" that had the perfect record. It still amazed you that he and Ryder were even related at all. Just like the first time you rode together, Ryder had to make a pit stop at the gas station, though this time he was taking much longer. You found yourself growing more and more tired as you waited. It didn't help that you were unable to sleep last night and had smoked some with the group before leaving. You forced yourself to stay awake and pulled out your phone, hoping to distract yourself from the temptations of falling asleep.
"Awake and unafraid", YangYang whispered, so low that you almost didn't hear him. Your eyes widened and they moved to your wrist, which was covered by your sleeve. The exact same words were etched into your skin. The words that had been there since your birth and would be the first words your soulmate told you.
"Talk about a plot twist", you mumbled, causing YangYang to laugh.
"I wasn't expecting it either", he admitted
"Wait a second", you said upon realization, "I talked to you the first time we rode with Ryder. You've known for a month that we're soulmates and didn't say anything?"
"Admittedly I was a bit concerned when I figured out that we're mates. But then I realized, things aren't that simple, that I know nothing about you and have no reason to have concerns. But I wasn't sure what to say, so I waited for the right time."
"I hate the fact that is reasonable. Second off, what the heck did you mean by unafraid?" Your torso moving to face him.
"You're unafraid of what others think. And to say what's on your mind. I've noticed that after learning we shared some classes."
"We have classes together?" You asked, your face twisting in surprise.
"Several", he answered with a laugh.
"Dang I'm blind."
"To be fair most times you're stuck in your head. And most likely stoned during class", he responded.
"Okay, you're not wrong on that. But lemme guess, you don't want people to know we're soulmates?" As you asked the question the driver's door opened.
"Hold the phone. Y'all are soulmates?" Ryder asked as he entered the car. Tossing candy at you two. The two of you nodding in response.
"And to answer your question. I'd much rather people know we're soulmates."
"Why though? You're the golden boy and I'm one of the resident stoners", you inquired as you opened up the chocolate.
"Because we're soulmates? The differences will definitely cause some trouble, but we'll be able to get through them", he told you.
"I still can't believe you two are mates", Ryder said as he started the car. The conversation was then put on hold, you assumed it would most likely be continued tomorrow.
It was lunchtime when you finally met up with YangYang.
"Sorry I'm late", he said. He dropped his bag onto the floor and sat next to you. He kept his head down and eyes trained on the table.
"You good?" You asked.
"Uh yeah, fine."
"YangYang, you do realize that I can tell your lying, right?" You said as you leaned closer to him. He finally peeked up at you, his eyes were a bit red.
"I hate the fact that I can't lie to you", he said with a slight pout.
"What happened?" You questioned.
His shoulders sagged as he mumbled something incoherently. You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Just Blake and Liam being their usual selves." That's when you noticed the scratch on his cheek.
"Woah hold up. They did that?" You could already feel the anger rising in you. YangYang must've seen it in your eyes and began rambling about how it usually is worse, but as your fists clenched in anger he knew he messed up. Instead, he started backtracking, but it was too late, you were already storming out of the cafeteria to behind the gym. You knew the two boys hung out there during lunch, as cliche as it was. You could hear YangYang trailing close behind and begging you not to do anything.
"Y/N, what's up?" Blake greeted upon seeing you. Before you would've returned the greeting, but now you just grabbed him by the collar.
"Hey what fu-" Liam started, as he moved to you. But you glare turned to him, he immediately paused.
"Wanna tell me what you did to YangYang?" You asked, backing Blake up until he hit the wall.
"Why do you care?" Liam asked.
"One chance to tell me. I might not hit as hard if you answer", your grip tightening.
"Okay we roughhoused a bit, so what?"
"Is this the first time?"
"Yes?" Your right knee jerked up to hit I'm in the stomach. He groaned in pain and would've doubled over had it not been for your hold on him.
"What the hell Y/N?" Liam asked, his eyes widened in shock.
"Shit, fine. We've done it before", Blake panted.
"Oh so now you wanna tell the truth?" You asked rhetorically as your left fist reeled back and connected with his jaw. You dropped him from your hold as you heard Liam rush over to you. His knee made contact with your ribs, but you lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. As his back hit the concrete he let out a huff. You wasted no time on landing the punches. You rolled off of him when Blake attempted to yank you off. Your right foot landed on his chest and he stumbled back after the kick. You stood up, as he hobbled back towards you, and you grabbed onto his hair. He yelped at the pain of you pulling him up by it. You landed a final punch on his cheek and let go before shoving him to the ground where he sputtered up the smallest amount of blood.
"Bully anyone else and you probably won't make it out of the hospital next time. Understand?" You informed them as you moved to stand in front of them. Blake nodded and Liam groaned.
"And tell anyone that if they touch YangYang they're dead. Spread the word that if they mess with my soulmate, I will find them", you told them before grabbing YangYang's hand and walking back to the cafeteria.
"Where were you guys?" Darren asked when you sat back down.
"Had to take care of some assholes. And Andy blacklist Blake and Liam from your selling list." She nodded.
"So what'd they do?" Bridget asked.
"They messed with my mate", you told her as you pulled a blushing YangYang into your arms. Everyone at the table was surprised to say the least, well besides Ryder who was dying of laughter.
YangYang had decided to ride with Ryder again, he had asked his cousin to drop the two of you off at a local park. You waved Ryder off as he and Bridget backed out of the parking lot and walked with YangYang to a nearby bench. The two of you didn't get to talk after getting back to the cafeteria and you knew he had something to say about the whole situation.
"Alright, go ahead and say it", you told him. He gave you a confused look.
"That you don't wanna date me after the whole lunch fiasco."
"That's not at all what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that A) next time please give me a warning if you're gonna kick someone's ass. B) that was awesome. And C) let's go on an official date and actually start dating." It was your turn to be confused.
You could feel your eyebrows pull together as you asked him, "You still wanna date me?"
"Uh yeah?"
"Why?" You blurted out, prompting the boy next to you to laugh.
"Well I know you'll always protect me. And you're fun. And my soulmate."
"Well, I didn't expect that." He laughed again and stood up, pulling you with him as he walked to a nearby bakery.
"Now let's go on our first date, soulmate", he winked. You smiled, thinking about how it was definitely gonna be interesting to see everyone's reactions on Monday morning. And how the two of your story plays out, but you're looking forward to it.
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