#i'll lose my mind a thousand times over before we get this skin in-game but it'll all be worth it
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they literally can't do anything else but give us his skin after teasing us like this with it. like. come on now.
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tideswept · 7 months
For the writer questions, "What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?" and/or "How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?" (what a fantastic list)
(from this ask game!)
What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
UM. So this might sound strange, but I read while I write? If I get to the point where my brain starts lagging, or I hit a block, or I'm just Not Happy with what's on the page, I always have a book (or ebook, in this case) open that I'll switch back to for 1-3 pages, because keeping one's nose to the grindstone doesn't work that well when you lose track of everything else, you know? Tunnel vision.
It helps refresh my brain as to what "good writing" is supposed to look like. Varied sentence structure, a reminder to describe the background with more emotional depth, that scene changes can be abrupt, that I'm allowed to summarize events before picking a point to enter a new scene.
I also usually try to match the book to what I'm writing in some way. Is the fic set in 19th century England and skews to gothic horror? So does the book. Otherwise, the change in tone/setting is too abrupt. (For me, anyway.)
It almost feels like being fed encouragement? I dunno. Weird parasocial phase with a book.
How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Close to absolutely none! I usually just start fics and then feel my way around. I've tried to do prep work, but it doesn't provide good results. I'll get stuck on the research phase forever and never be happy with whatever I write to start off, because I've made the fic already bigger and more important by being armed with so much knowledge, that just starting it becomes a repetitive task of failure, a constant rolling of that boulder.
Mind you, I enjoy research! I just do it while I write. Like, I won't hesitate to stop writing for 20 minutes just to tumble down a rabbit hole of researching when halogen lights were invented, what form they first took, how available they would have been in X country during X time period and how much they cost, all for a tiny, nothing sentence like "the halogen lights flickered over their heads" that impacts nothing in the story if I just omitted that they were halogen lights. So no prep work, but a decent amount of research still happens.
Oh, and, um, if prep work meant more like outlines and such--no. None. The way I describe my process is that when an idea/notion occurs to me, I'll start writing and usually throughout the first couple thousand words I'll hit upon what the fic is, at the core, rather than just me going OKAY SO ANAKIN WANTS TO BREAK INTO PORN-- and suddenly it's about the fear of true intimacy and the raw honesty that you feel when texting a stranger. So, boom, now I have my bones. Everything else, muscles, organs, flesh, they form in pieces as the story takes shape in my head. I'll usually have specific scenes/things I want to happen, but I leave it very loose as to how I get there.
(It's why my bestie and beta knows that when I describe the stage of the process as "light surgery" I'm referring to cosmetic surgery, aka, it's superficial and the very least stage before I'm satisfied with how far I can take a fic, and now it's her turn to check my work. If it's deeper editing that's needed, it's a system of like "superficial skin", "flesh", "muscle" --if I need to edit the organs that's MAJOR rewriting of scenes or removal of them. If I say there's a problem with the bones? That's usually code red for "we need to spend 2 hours discussing where the fic went wrong, why, and how it can be fixed.")
Uh. So I guess now everyone knows I'm weird. Sorry, friends.
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unforth · 1 year
For the meme thing Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi (from Thousand Autumns) playing chess, please?
Hi anon! You don't need to tell me who they are, Yanshen is one of my top five otps rn! I love that old gremlin and his boytoy, lmao.
(Qian Qiu, Yanshen, post-canon I guess?)
"Oh ho, looks like I've lost..." And, saying this, Yan Wushi stands up, his hands going to the belt holding his outer robes closed.
"What are you doing?" Shen Qiao knows better than to ask. Engaging with Yan Wushi's antics is the surest way to ensure he escalates. But he's unable to stop himself before the strangled question emerges. That's even worse - his tone will convince Yan Wushi that Shen Qiao is affected.
(Shen Qiao is definitely affected by the glimpse of under robe and pale skin beneath that's revealed by Yan Wushi's in-progress disrobing, but Shen Qiao wishes he hadn't revealed that he was affected.)
"Exactly what I said I'd do," Yan Wushi says smugly. "Remember the rules?"
"Of weiqi? Obviously I remember. I just defeated you..."
"Indeed you did. But do you truly not recall what I said when we began this game?"
Frowning, Shen Qiao replays the afternoon in his mind. They hadn't seen each other for a while, and after catching up over tea, Yan Wushi had pulled a weiqi board and a bag of qizi from his qiankun sleeve and suggested they play a game. Shen Qiao had agreed, and Yan Wushi had said...
Our usual rules, yes?
Not "the" usual rules; very specifically "our" usual rules.
Shen Qiao's frown deepened. "What are 'our' usual rules?"
"Tsk, tsk. Your memory must be playing up again."
Stop engaging, stop engaging, stop engaging... but it's so hard to enforce that stricture on himself when Yan Wushi has his belt fully undone and has let it drop to the ground, when his purple outer robes are hanging loosely over his powerful figure. "Should I prepare the board to play again?" is the closest Shen Qiao can get to distancing himself from Yan Wushi's behavior.
"I'll have to make sure I defeat you this time," Yan Wushi says thoughtfully. "I'd much prefer to see you disrobe than to do so myself."
The mental castigation imploring that he end this discussion is useless. "Why should I disrobe?" Shen Qiao asks.
"Because of the rules," explains Yan Wushi as if his emphasis clarifies everything.
And then he clarifies nothing.
Shen Qiao knows that Yan Wushi is trying to force him to ask. Shen Qiao absolutely does not want to ask. But Yan Wushi has now shrugged his shoulders, has now dislodged the purple to slip down his arms and pool about his narrow waist, is now leering at Shen Qiao daring him to react.
What choice, really, does Shen Qiao have?
If he asks, he'll have fed into Yan Wushi's shenanigans, and Yan Wushi will continue to remove his clothing in the most alluring way he can.
If he doesn't ask, he won't know, and Yan Wushi will continue to remove his clothing in the most alluring way he can.
Shen Qiao lost this so-called "game" the moment he agreed to play by "our usual rules" without clarifying what Yan Wushi meant by that.
"What rule?" asks Shen Qiao, resigned.
(Sometimes, resigning to whatever Yan Wushi has in store for Shen Qiao ends up infuriating; other times, it ends up delightful; still others it ends up...well, it ends with them in bed together. Shen Qiao still hasn't decided if that's infuriating or delightful but he also hasn't made much effort...any effort...to put a stop to it, so...)
"Well, a loser must lose something, correct?" Fortunately, Yan Wushi continues without expecting Shen Qiao to confirm that. "I'd never ask an honor daozhang such as yourself to gamble for mere money, so the stakes are one lose, one garment discarded." As if to emphasize his statement (probably to emphasize his statement), Yan Wushi let the robe fall completely from one arm, snagged the hem briefly with the other hand, then let it fall to the ground. Rich purple silk flowed about his feet like water.
"We've never discussed that." Shen Qiao tries not to sound like he's grumbling, but he can't repress a sigh.
"We did." There's a twinkle in Yan Wushi's eye and yes, damn him, he's got Shen Qiao completely ensnared. "The first time you and I played weiqi, I offered the stakes, you demurred at the time, suggesting that perhaps another time would be better."
"The first time? When I had amnesia?"
"I assumed that was because you were blind at the time," Yan Wushi continues, nodding thoughtfully, "the potential allure of stripping was presumably lost on you at the time." He stretches suggestively, and Shen Qiao would give a lot to be able to pretend there was no allure to the movement, no allure to Yan Wushi. "Our rules, yes?"
Yan Wushi gestures at the board, an invitation, a trap.
Shen Qiao heaves another sigh. "Fine..."
Hours later, they're lying entangled on Yan Wushi's bed; Yan Wushi is completely naked, Shen Qiao yet fully clothed. Being garbed in layers of robes did nothing to protect him from Yan Wushi's advances, though, and now they're both hot and sated. Shen Qiao lies atop Yan Wushi; his legs straddle Yan Wushi's hips, and Yan Wushi's arms encircle his back.
(If he'd wanted to protect himself, he would have.)
(He didn't want to protect himself.)
(He doesn't need to protect himself, not from Yan Wushi, not anymore.)
A deep, sinful chuckle interrupts the quiet evening afterglow. Yan Wushi lifts a hand, drawing patterns over Shen Qiao's back; with the fabric separating them, his touch feels far too distant, but Shen Qiao can't bring himself to move however much he'd like to feel skin on skin.
And then he realizes.
"You lost on purpose, didn't you..." Shen Qiao sits up enough to glare an accusation at Yan Wushi, and he's met immediately with a confirming smirk.
"I win," Yan Wushi announces.
Anger bubbles through Shen Qiao's mind, struggles toward expression...and then dissipates into nothing.
It's not like Shen Qiao had any actual complaints about how the day had gone. "We both win," he says.
Yan Wushi shakes his head. "No, definitely me. I got you."
That he does. Shen Qiao can't even explain how or why, but Yan Wushi does have him, and while he can't imagine Yan Wushi would ever admit it...Shen Qiao has him, too.
"You win," allows Shen Qiao graciously.
He can let Yan Wushi have this one.
As soon as I got this prompt I kinda knew it'd end up being a prequel to my first previous Yanshen ficlet, "A Game of His Own Devising." That one is Yan Wushi pov...and Shen Qiao finally gets to win. :D
Also, I started this ficlet yesterday morning; I wsa like 80% sure that Shen Qiao played weiqi in the donghua, but it's been so long since I watched it that I couldn't remember for sure and I was like "fuck it, I'm just gonna roll with it." But then yesterday evening I (finally) started reading vol. 1 of the official English translation...and Yan Wushi actually plays weiqi against Yan Shengyuan in the early chapters! So I'm feeling like I nailed it. I hope you're okay with me using weiqi instead of literal (western) chess, anon...
Anyway, I've only got one more ficlet prompt left (it's for Destiel...). Want a ficlet, especially for a danmei or cnovel fandom I'm in? Drop me an ask!
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1a-imagines · 4 years
Forget me not
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Fairy!Izuku x reader
A/n: It’s here!! The post I've been making every one worry about for the past week, I hope you all enjoy. :) 
This is Day 3 of the Izumonth collab!! You can find the announcement post here. 
If you squint there is angst.
Word count: 5500+ words.
Overview: You've waited years for him to come back, when you find him again; what secrets will you share under the moonlit sky?
Laughter echoed in the open air, the sun peeking up over the horizon signalling the start of morning. Most of the world was asleep, but this back garden was as lively as ever. Little feet raced around the garden with purpose. A child, no older than 10, chased a ball of green light around the grassy terrain.
You jumped over toys, crawled under the slide, hid behind trees and bushes to trick your opponent into a false sense of security. Anything to win this game he had challenged you to.
You stood as still as you could from behind the tree trunk, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Finally, a green glow entered your peripheral vision and you jumped for it.
Your chubby fingers outstretched, both hands clasping around the light as you captured the target.
"Gotcha Izu'!" You laughed, opening your hands as you brought them up to your face. The glow from his wings bounced off your skin, accentuating your cute, childish, features.
The fairy rubbed his head sitting in the middle of your palms, giggling,  "I was going easy on you!"
He flew up, getting level with your face. You hummed in a mocking tone, not believing him. He pressed his lips together, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Well, if that was so easy for you then how about you try catching all of us!" He exclaimed.
More glowing lights emerged from beyond the bushes in your garden. Each one a different colour, red, blue, yellow, white. Only when they got up close could you see the outlines of their bodies. You had expected fairies to be smaller than they were. They were about the size of your palms and according to them, they were still growing. You wonder how they would compare to you when you got older.
You huffed, stomping your foot on the floor with a pout. "Fine! I'll do it! But after we're paying hide and seek, ok? We only have one hour until my family wakes up!"  
Izuku nodded, flying over to his friends with a grin. "I promise! Now come catch us!"
You smiled at the memory. Remembering how that night was filled with laughter and games. Even as a ten year old staying awake all night, you never got sleepy. Whenever the moon was up, you and your friends went out to play. It was the only time they came to visit you. All night you would be awake, laughing, singing and playing with them in your secret garden.
It surprised you, the memory was so vivid in your mind, like it had happened merely a day ago. As time went by, childhood memories started to fade, making them feel more like dreams than reality.
You bent down, your eye peering through the door of the little mushroom house. Just as you had expected, it was empty. You sat back on your knees, letting out a hefty sigh.
The handcrafted house brought back so many childhood memories. Memories that in one way made you happy, and in another way stung your heart like a thousand wasps.
You used to see the fairies everyday, hiding around your garden, in bushes, behind mushrooms. They particularly liked your flower beds and vegetable patches. It was where you often found them sneaking around, as if playing a never ending game of hide and seek.
Eventually, they approach you, and they become your mystical secrets. There was one in particular, your little forest haired fairy. Even before you became friends he would smile and wave at you from behind flowers and leaves.
He was too shy to talk to you at first but with time he made his way to you. His friends soon followed his suit and began talking and playing with you. As much as you adored all of them, there was just something about Izuku that made you feel more attached to him. He came to visit you almost every night, sometimes flying through your bedroom window, where you would read him stories or vise versa, until you fell asleep.
There were so many fond memories he had left you with.
You reached out a hand, caressing the petals of a nearby snowdrop, more memories flashing through your mind.  
They always adored your garden, how it was filled with different flowers and vegetables. In honour of them you continued to upkeep it. Never a day went by that you weren't in your garden, pulling out weeds, watering the colourful array of flowers, tending the vegetable patches. You wished to create the perfect human-made fairy garden in the world, for them to come play and relax, laugh and dance just as you used to in your childhood days. You even went as far as making houses for them, each one filled with miniature furniture you had hand crafted yourself.
You had dedicated so much time to them. Put your heart and soul into everything you made, not a leaf out of place in your perfect garden.
So why haven't they come back? It has been six years and you haven't received so much as a goodbye from them. They just stopped coming to see you.
Your family had always brushed off your claims of fairies visiting the garden as just your childish imagination running wild, but you were much older now. Your obsession was starting to worry them. You mother thought it was nice you had such a big imagination, the rest of them called you crazy and childish.
Despite their words, you couldn't bring yourself to believe that it was all just mere imagination. They were real, you talked to them, you played and danced with them, and you were going to prove them all wrong!
Your beliefs had stood strong for six whole years, but after reciting the same old routine of tending your fairy garden and checking the small mushroom houses, everyday single day. Your beliefs were dwindling.
Where had they gone? The more days that went by, days without signs of your magical friends, days that consisted of you being mocked and ridiculed by your family. You couldn't help but lose a little faith. Fears starting to invade the cracks left in your heart, fears of never seeing them again, fears of them never having existed in the first place.
Despite the ever growing shadow on your face, you continued your weekly routine of cleaning the mushroom houses. Even if they never came back, it would be a waste to let all your hard work catch dust. You couldn't even begin to guess how many hours you had spent on this project.
You grabbed a cloth and unclipped the roof from the walls so you could clean all the nooks and crannies, Beginning with the first house you had ever crafted. It was rounded like a fat mushroom, the roof was a dark green with lighter green polka dots decorating it. It was your favourite design, Made carefully and with a little green haired friend of yours in mind.  
It had taken you months to finish this house alone, your face scrunched up remembering all the cuts, bruises and burns you had gotten in the process. It hadn't been easy, and a few times you almost gave up completely. However, seeing the fairy-sized bed, with small sewn duvets on top of it, an actual working fireplace, a kitchen with running water and a stove. It was all worth it. Who else could say they had tiny, fully functional, homes in their back garden?
You wrapped the cloth around your index finger, it was slightly damp, you used it to clean the floor first. Removing some of the furniture so it would be out of your way.
You picked up the couch, but once it was out of the way you noticed the floor was shining. Not from your careful cleaning but it looked like tiny green glitter had fallen to the ground.
Your heart stopped.
Tiny green glitter? Could it be? You used your finger to poke at the glitter, it clung to your skin and you brought it up to your eyes. How could something so small feel so familiar? They were like tiny green sparkles of hope.
Had he been here recently?
Your head shot up and you looked around for any more signs of life, rummaging through the other houses, the flower beds, the vegetable patches, anything you could think of.
As usual, you didn't find anything, yet you stood, grinning from ear to ear at the thought of not being crazy after all. Maybe they had been coming back and you hadn't noticed!?
You placed all the furniture back and put the roof on top of the house. If he had been coming back, then you had to find him! Just like when you were younger, you were going to play a game of hide and seek, but this time you were serious.
You were going to prove to everyone that you weren't crazy. You were going to prove that fairies are real! Most importantly, you might get to see your old friends again!
That very night you sat, curled up, by the window. The log fire offered a dim glow across the room, you didn’t want the lights to be on, fearing it could dissuade them from coming back. You draped a blanket over your shoulders, watching the mushroom house, your eyes not daring to move away in fear you would miss something.
Your family had tried to talk you out of this, telling you it was unhealthy to be so obsessed over this after you shared your findings over dinner. You still remembered the twisted frowns on their faces, even your mother looked worried for you. You sighed, head dipping down. Maybe they had a point, but after dedicating years to these fairies how could you just give up on them? Especially not now that you had a sign of their existence.
Hours went by, the log fire burning out along your hope, leaving behind nothing but a pile of  blackened ash.
The moon was high into the sky, illuminating your garden. It looked exactly like it used to when you would stay away with the fairies all night. Except now, instead of toys, there were more vegetable patches and flower beds scattering the grass floor. As you looked out at it, ghosted memories flooded back to you. You could almost see your childhood self running around with them again.
You felt your eyes droop. What time was it? You weren't sure, all you could do was battle with your body for the ability to stay awake.
Your head was snug in the crease of your arm, the blanket falling from your shoulder. When the blanket finally fell off and hit your feet, it startled you awake. You gasped, your body jolting up as you slapped yourself awake. How could you almost doze off?! What if you had missed something!? You pulled the blanket back around you and leaned onto the window. The cold glass against your skin made you shiver, but it helped keep you awake.
The moon disappeared above your house, but your garden stayed illuminated by its light. It looked enchanting, like there was a spotlight on your garden and the audience was the universe. Through the beam of light your eyes caught sight of something, you rubbed your eye, wondering if it was just your imagination.
You gasped, diving behind the couch, your eyes the only part of you peeking out behind your cover, like an animal waiting to pounce on its prey. A trail of green dust danced in the wind, enticing you to follow it. You shot up from your seat and walked to the back door, as you pulled it open you prayed it wouldn’t creak too loudly and alert your visitor. You bit your lip, creating a gap just big enough for you to slip out of and walked across the garden, the grass tickling at your bare feet.
Your eyes widened, seeing the lights in the house on, you knelt down. Your legs were shaking so you steadied yourself with your hands. The door was shut, you knew this was your only chance to know the truth, to prove you weren’t crazy, and if it really was him, you could finally get some answers as to why he left. your hands were shaking as you were overcome with emotion, you hesitated to move, what if the answers weren’t going to be what you were looking for. Ignorance is bliss as they say.
You sat there, unmoving, knees tucked under your body and the chill of the night air caressing your skin. You could hear the sounds of pot’s clanking from behind the door. Had you any courage you would have peered in already, but your anxieties were holding you back.
After taking a shaky breath and mentally hyping yourself up, you curled your index finger, it hovered above the doors surface as you pushed against an invisible barrier. You closed your eyes and knocked on the door. Everything went silent. The feeling of wanting to slap yourself grew as the seconds ticked by and not a movement was made. The pit of your stomach churned, it felt like you had been sat there for an eternity.
Much to your delight, the door was pulled open and out poked a familiar face. “Izu..” You breathed out, tears pricking at your eyes. You hand flew up to your mouth as you choked back a sob. He hadn’t changed much, he was bigger now, but still only around the size of your palm. His jade curls fell around his face, sticking up in all directions as if he had just rolled out of bed, his rounded eyes filled with inner conflict. The door wasn’t opened fully but you could still see his wings peeking out from behind him, glowing brighter than ever.. Leaves were sewn together to create clothes on his body. A creative yet uncomfortable way to avoid nudity. His eyes were staring up at you like you were a three headed monster, come to end his life. He was frozen in place.
Your lips parted, words threatened to spill from them. You weren’t sure what to say, you had thought about this moment so many times, about what you would say, and yet your mind was blank. As you wrecked your brain to form a sentence a slam brought you from your thoughts. You blinked, the door was shut before you even got to say anything. It felt like a giant slap to your face. After years of imagining the moment you would see your friends again, this was never an outcome you expected. Your hands slipped from your face, trembling in front of you.
You didn’t understand, didn’t he remember you? You still lived in the same house, your looks hadn't changed that much apart from getting taller and your chubby child features melting away, you were practically the same! Maybe he hated you? Maybe that's why he stayed away from you all these years. Thoughts swirled around your head like a whirlpool, your bottom lip quivered, tears rolling down your face.
No matter how much you were hurting, you were insistent on having a conversation with him. You finally had him back, the least he could do was give you some answers. You lifted your hand to knock again, but before your finger could tap on the wood it opened, revealing a much more bashful looking fairy than before. Instead of his usual green glow, he was now glowing pink. How strange...
“Sorry, I panicked.” He chose to look at his feet instead of your face, he couldn’t see. You let out a dry laugh, you tried to relax now he was in front of you again, but you could barely hold back the sobs. “Do you remember me?”
He nodded, his curls bouncing as he did so. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. It felt like a dream but you knew it was real. The cold night air on your exposed skin, the sound of his voice as he admitted to panicking; Not even your imagination could be this vivid, he was here, in front of you.
“How could I ever forget you Y/n?” He rubbed his arm, holding himself for comfort. The blanket fell from your shoulders when your body finally relaxed. “You are real.” you breathed, gaze fixed on him.
Your outspoken confirmation had sent yet another slap to your face. You felt like you were being thrown into a frenzy. You swirling thoughts were making you dizzy. They were real, if your family could see him they would finally believe you! All those jokes about you being crazy would be put to an end! You’d be free from ridicule! All you would have to do is take him inside, “I- I have to show you to my family! They think i'm insane! But you’re real! You were all real, and-” You shot up from the ground, stumbling in the process from the erratic movement. “Please! You have to come with me-”
“No!” He panicked and flew up from the stone steps on the mushroom house to be face level with you. It had been so long since you were able to see him up close. “No one can know about us!”
“But-” You wanted to argue but one look in his eyes and you saw how scared he was. You looked down, biting your tongue from saying anything else. His eyes had always reminded you of the forest on a sunny day, peaceful, filled with warmth. So seeing them filled with sorrow had, theoretically, stabbed your heart. “Why did you show yourselves to me then?”
He expected you’d have many questions.. He sighed and slowly fluttered forward so he was closer to your face. It felt like you two were in your own personal bubble, the rest of the world trapped outside of your secret space.
“When we were children, my friends and I found you playing alone in your garden. Our parents never found out about it, we were interested in humans and didn’t see the harm in approaching you. We watched you for weeks, you were always alone but you seemed so nice. We were only going to do it once but, eventually, one day turned into everyday but what we did was stupid and very forbidden by our people. We had to stop before our parents found out if they had, they would have erased your memory using their magic. I didn’t-.. We didn’t want you to forget us.” He corrected, mentally kicking himself for the slip up
You hadn’t caught his slip up, your brain was trying to process the new information. At least you finally had the answers you had been looking for. It finally made sense, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
You sat back down on the grass, pulling your legs to your chest. They felt like jelly, and you didn’t trust them to support the rest of your body right now. Izuku flew down with you, hovering just above your legs. He took the break of silence to study your features. You looked a lot more mature now, as he assumed he did to you. You were both only 10 last time he saw you, now it had been about 6 years, a lot had changed yet you were still just as beautiful as he remembered you to be.
You remained silent, did you really have nothing to say to him? Or perhaps you were mad? The look on your face said otherwise, your features were relaxed yet your eyes seemed so distant. As if you were in another world to his. You weren’t sure how to feel, you had more questions now than ever before.
“Did you make these?” He finally found a way to break the silence, he gracefully glided down to the mushroom houses you had hidden amongst the blooming flowers. It was the perfect height for him, which was surprising. It was a beautifully designed house, he noted all the little details you had, each carved design was a pattern of passion. The fact you placed them into your flower beds made it even more perfect, it kept them surrounded by nature and beauty just like fairies loved to be. He wasn’t sure how you were able to know all of this, but it was the perfect fairy home, he really wished he would stay and live here in your garden. Not only for the beautiful environment you had created for them, but to see you everyday, to play and dance just like you used to do.
Your head lifted, a smile gracing your lips. “Yeah, I made them for you guys in case you ever came back.”
Your words struck him through the heart without the intent. He was facing away, his hand placed onto the frame of the door, caressing the hand carved design. He was guilt ridden, he had been for years but seeing this, how you waited for them to come back, it tore him up inside. He knew he should’ve said something before leaving you, he really tried to. His friends convinced him that he should be the one to deliver the message, you two had always had this unspoken bond as children.
However, when the time came, he couldn’t do it. He was nothing more than a coward. The words wouldn’t come out no matter how hard he tried to force them, like there was an invisible force squeezing at his neck, trapping the words in his throat. He didn’t want his last image of you to be a sad one. He didn’t want to have to fly away to the sounds of your cries. The thought crushed him, so he ran away from it, and now he was stuck regretting it for the rest of his life, he knew he couldn’t make up for what he did to you.“You have to leave again don’t you?”
Your voice ripped him from his thoughts, he dared not turn around. The sorrow in your voice was enough to make him wince. Just like the day he had left without warning, his voice failed him. He could barely manage a nod but you caught it. “For good?” Another nod, his head hung low, shoulder trembling. Suddenly feeling grateful for being sat down you hunched over. Your hair covering your eyes as you breathed out. Perhaps you would’ve been better off if this was a dream after all.
Another silence hung between you two, it was painful. The air felt heavy, a pressure weighing down on both of your shoulders that had built up over the last six years. Izuku shook his head, he couldn’t let things end like this. He couldn’t do it to you again. He may not be able to stay but there was something else he could do.
Tear’s silently escaped your eyes, falling onto the grass floor beneath you like sorrowful raindrops. You kept your eyes and mouth shut tight, you didn’t want him to see you crying before he left, but how could you not be upset by such a cruel fate? He had always taken up such a big part of your heart, and now he was telling you he was going to leave and you’d most likely never see each other again.
A pair of smaller hands cupped your cheeks, lifting your face up. Your tears soaked his hands but he didn’t mind. He smiled, rubbing at the wet trails on your cheeks with his forearm. Without a word between you, he flew down and grabbed one of your hands with both of his. He tugged at it and you stood up, allowing him to silently guide you.  He took you out of your back garden and into the forest that resided on the other side of your fence. The thought of going into a forest at night scared you, even with a trusted friend guiding you. The further you strayed from home the darker it got, trees obstructing the moon's light as you stepped into the forest. Izuku's green glow acted as a torch, keeping you safe from darkness.
After 5 minutes of walking in silence, your lips pulled into a frown, “Where are we going?” You finally asked with a bit of hesitance, one of his hands held onto your index finger, pulling you through the maze of trees with expertise. You stumbled and winced as stones and twigs poked at your bare feet like tiny needles. You had to rely on the glowing of your friend and what little of the moon's rays peaked through the trees to light your surroundings.
He didn’t reply to your question, but he didn’t need to. He guided you around a giant oak tree, and once you did your jaw dropped.
Fireflies danced around the open space between the trees, gathering together to create a soft golden glow in the cloud of darkness, like a million little lanterns floating in the sky. Flowers and vines decorated the trees wrapping around like snakes. There were no more stones and twigs for you to worry about as your feet hit the grass. It felt like a soft blanket under your sore feet. It was a grassy stage, the moon hit down on the open area like a spotlight, much like it had back in your garden. There were no overhanging branches that blocked it's path with shadows. It was enchanting, like something right out of a fairy tale.
Subconsciously you stepped forward into the light, your breath knocked out of you. You were so entranced by what you were seeing that you didn’t get to see the way Izuku was staring at you. It was something that you would never be able to see again. The way his lips curled up, eyes sparkling with fondness for you. The moon's light hit you perfectly, giving you a white glow, like an angel. Maybe you were an angel in disguise, he wouldn’t be surprised.
“It’s… amazing.” That was an understatement, but how were you supposed to put this into words? It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. He smiled and flew in front of you so he could take in your expression, your lips were parted and slightly curled at the edges. He could see the reflection of dancing fireflies in your doe eyes.
He couldn’t care less about the fireflies behind him. In his eyes, you were way more breathtaking, and to see your smile again after so many years, it made his heart melt.
"There's something else." He brushed past you, making you  finally snap from your trance. He flew over to a particularly large tree, there was a small circular hole in it, showing its hollowed out insides. He disappeared into, and when he came back he carried a vial with a strange blue liquid inside. "I was saving it for something special and I suppose there's nothing more special than being here, with you, right now." He pulled the cork out and drank the strange liquid.
You watched silently as a blue light circled around him soon engulfing him in a blinding light. You turned your head away and closed your away in fear of being permanently blinded. You didn’t know when it would be safe to turn back, so you waited until a hand cupped your face.
A much... larger hand. You opened your eyes, gasping when you saw your fairy was human sized, he was just a touch taller than you. The increase in his size made his features more prominent, you could finally see how handsome he really was. You could admire his freckles, the way his hair brushes against the top of his eyes, you even got a closer look at this leaf clothing. They were skilfully stitched to fit his body, you wondered if he did it himself.
He smiled, watching you lean into his hand, nuzzling into his hold.. "Care to dance?" He asked softly, the pad of his thumb brushing over your cheek. Such a simple action, yet it held so much love, you felt breathless. Your heart was beating too fast for your lungs to keep up with.
You nodded and stepped forward. His hands placed themselves on your waist as your hands went up to his shoulders. His hands trembled, his touch feather-like, as if he was scared to break you.
The lack of music didn't bother either of you, with the orange glow of the fireflies, the moon's lights shining down on you, and the blissful sounds of nature, it was perfect the way it was. You followed his lead as you swayed back and forth together, this offer to dance had been nothing more than an excuse to hold you close one last time. It didn't matter that neither of you knew how to slow dance, or that you were in your nightgown, barefooted. You were in each other's arms and that was all that mattered.
Before he knew it, your head was resting against his shoulder, a melodic light humming filled his left ear. It sent shivers down his spine, his wings fluttering behind him as you hummed a secret song. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against yours, your hair tickled his nose as he tried to memorise your scent. He wanted this moment to be engraved into his brain forever.
You slow danced for so long, he had lost track of time. Neither of you were willing to let go, it was too hard to do this again. Everything felt so perfect, so tranquil. like you were the only two people in the world.
He finally got the willpower to peek his eye open, the sun's rays peeking over the horizon and disturbing the moon's glow. The stars, that were witness to your dance, were disappearing from the sky. It was time to go, yet you were blissfully unaware of this as you continued to hum into his ear. You hadn’t opened your eyes a single time since you’ve been in his arms, you were too scared to open them and have to face reality.
With every ounce of strength he had in his body his hands trailed up to your shoulders, memorising the feeling of your skin, he hesitantly pushed you away. He held you at arm length, your eyes opening and staring into his.
You looked scared.
He smiled at you, moving forward to rest his forehead against yours. "Close your eyes." He whispered, and without hesitation your eyes fluttered close. Your hand gripped onto his, as a way to make sure he wasn't going to disappear.
He released a shaky breath as he took your hand into both of his. Cupping it protectively. After a few seconds of nothing but shuffling, you felt something being placed into your palm. It was thin and light, you almost peaked an eye open but one hand came up to cover your eyes.
You patiently stood there, not daring to question what he was up to. A few seconds went by before you felt a feather-like kiss being placed onto your lips. You sharply inhaled through your nose. His kiss lingered for a long time, silently telling you he loved you. His hand squeezed yours when you kissed back, eagerly leaning into the affection. Lips moulded together, with no haste to pull away anytime soon.
When his lips reluctantly left yours, the hand covering your eyes didn't move. You smiled, your heart racing at the sweet gesture. His hand fell away, but your eyes remained closed, you felt another kiss be placed on top of your head, his nose bumping against your skin.
“I love you.” He whispered, a quiet confession confined to your shared bubble.
He pulled away, his hand releasing yours. You waited for him to do something else, to tell you to open your eyes now, but there was nothing…You figured he was done and so you opened your eyes. You gasped for breath, placing a hand over your heart. It felt like a knife had stabbed through your chest.
He was gone.
The fireflies had disappeared, the moon had disappeared, and so had your beloved fairy. The only sign that he had really been here was the lingering feeling of his lips on yours, they tingled with leftover electricity.  
Looking down to the gift he had left you, you found a flower, a forget-me-not to be exact.
You swallowed, eyes stinging as pools of tears gathered in the corners. You used your fingers to gently caress the petals. It figures that he would choose to leave you with this of all flowers.
You held it close to your chest, staring up at the newly lit sky, the sun cast orange hues over the forest, it was beautiful, but you couldn’t admire it, too bitter at the star for ruining your night. You wanted to see the moon again, to dance under the stars for hours more,
"As if I could forget you." You let out a breathy laugh, closing your eyes so you could pretend it was still night. "I love you too."
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acciowests · 4 years
From Lorcan With Love
SUMMARY: A "From Lukov With Love" inspired ice hockey x figure skating AU featuring Lorcan Salvaterre and Elide Lochan from "Throne Of Glass"
Lorcan and Rowan arrive early for training and walk in on a figure skater finishing her session. It isn't until she falls that Lorcan rushes forward, helping up the woman he learns is called Elide and immediately begins to fall for her charms.
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"You know, you didn't have to wake me up this early, right?" Rowan drawled as they pulled into the Orynth Rink parking lot. With their first game of the season taking place next Friday, Lorcan Salvaterre - Goalkeeper of the Terrasen High Hawks - had booked out the rink for three whole hours of practice. Along with being Lorcan's best friend, Rowan Whitethorn was also the captain of the Hawks, their school's ice hockey team. Despite having napped for most of their journey, Rowan's brows were furrowed in a tired frown, his lips in a thin line as he stretched in his seat.
The capital's Ice Rink mainly housed ice skating: including singles figure skating, pairs ice dancing, as well as the annual sectional competitions and sometimes the national one also. None of that meant much to Lorcan, he just knew the Orynth Rink also showcased professional Hockey Teams, such as the Orynth Stags; a team he had dreamt of being a part of since he started his ice hockey journey at seven-years-old.
"Stop complaining, old man," Lorcan chuckled, smirking at the silver-haired boy. "Get the bags from the trunk will you?"
Sticking up his middle finger noncommittally, letting it fall into his lap, Rowan climbed out of the car, rounding toward the back of the vehicle. Lorcan switched off the engine and stepped outside. Grabbing the gym bag full of their gear, Rowan hauled it over his shoulder as Lorcan locked the car, the two boys walking through the parking lot and toward the rink.
The changing room was empty, as Lorcan expected, and the two boys changed in comfortable silence. They pulled on their team jerseys: deep green with silver writing that displayed their name and number. Paired with sweatpants and their elbow and shoulder pads, as well as their shin guards, the boys shoved their bags into the lockers, along with their phones, and headed out to the rink. Walking off the ice with skates on had always felt weird, even with the skate guards that protected the blade. Heading down into the stadium, Lorcan's eyes locked onto the lone figure skater within the rink. The clock overhead told him she still had fifteen minutes left, which meant he and Rowan had fifteen minutes of waiting.
Slumping down into a seat, Lorcan set his elbows against his knees, leaning forward and watching the petite, raven-haired girl dance across the ice. Beside him, Rowan drummed his feet lazily, Lorcan ignoring him completely as he listened to the sound of her blade across the ice.
When, and if, he saw figure skaters, they were always wearing glittery costumes in shades of reds, purples and blues. And though he was sure most skaters did dress down for practice, the girl before him looked like she dressed in the dark. Which, if she had booked a three hour practise, she just might have. Ignoring the grey leggings and burgundy sweater showing a Perranth Skating Club logo, she skated as though she was in front of thousands. Each turn was sharp but smooth, each of her jumps or leaps landing perfectly - to Lorcan's untrained eye, anyway.
"I was thinking we could do some new drills. As captain, I reckon we have a good shot this season. I think we could rank high, come out on top," Rowan started, interrupting Lorcan's gaze.
"Right, yeah. If the others even get here," Lorcan sighed, not that he minded. He was much enjoying his time watching the beautiful skater.
"Chill out, Lor. There's still five minutes, they'll be here," Rowan insisted, nudging Lorcan's shoulder.
Shrugging, Lorcan turned to face the rink, just in time to watch the skater turn back into a jump. She took off from the back outside edge of her skate, using her toe pick to help her spin twice, and just as her foot hit the ice, her ankle gave way. An echoing thud rang out around them as she hit the floor, her thigh and butt slamming down onto the ice as she fell.
Before he even realised what he was doing, Lorcan stood, rushing down the rows of seats and towards the rink. Removing his skate guards and tossing them to the side, Lorcan stepped onto the ice, skating over to the girl who was now curled up, a hand against her thigh and stretching a leg out before her.
"Hey, you okay?" Lorcan called, coming to a stop beside her and offering her a hand, "That looked like a pretty nasty fall."
The girl chuckled, rubbing her thigh once more and taking his hand. Her palm was surprisingly soft, cold enough to send a shiver through him as she gripped tightly. Hoisting her up, Lorcan didn't miss the wince that slipped between her lips. Before he could say anything, she shook her head, "It's fine, it's just my ankle."
As she stood before him, Lorcan tried not to smirk at the immense height difference between them. At least a whole foot. Instead, he just nodded, "Well, that jump looked pretty hard. From what I've seen you're a pretty good skater. You shouldn't let one fall get you down."
"Not good enough. I should be able to do that jump in my sleep. There's no way I'm going to win sectionals like this," she sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her left hand, Lorcan realised, was still in his. She hadn't put her ankle back down onto the ice, instead, she rested it against her other foot, off the ground where there was no pressure on it.
"What happened? Is it just a strain?" Lorcan asked, hoping he wasn't being too curious. His eyes were drawn to the flush of her cheeks, bright red against the pale shading of the rest of her face. With her mop of black hair against glowing skin, she looked ethereal.
"I wish," she scoffed, "No, I broke it a few years ago and it never healed properly. I lost my axel completely, had to relearn my entire program and make all the moves easier. I already lost regionals, I can't afford to lose sectionals too," she explained, her chest rising and falling.
"Well, how long until sectionals? Maybe with some assistance, and physiotherapy on your ankle, you might be able to win?" Lorcan suggested, watching the girl's eyebrows slowly furrow as she looked up at him. They were thick and black, arching over her face and defining it fiercely.
"You don't know when sectionals are?" she asked, as though it was the most obvious question in the world.
Lorcan chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh, no. I'm not a skater. I play ice hockey."
The girl blinked, her eyes widening, "Oh... Oh my god, I'm so sorry. You probably have no idea what I was just talking about, do you?"
Lorcan couldn't help but laugh, loving the way the girl's lips curled into a smile as he did so, "No, but it's fine. I can tell you're very dedicated. I'm Lorcan, by the way, Terrasen High Hawks."
"Terrasen High? Wait, Lorcan as in Lorcan Salvaterre?" she asked, brows raising. Lorcan knew he recognised her. He could have sworn she was in the year below him, he would remember her face anywhere.
"The one and only. You're a junior, right?" he replied, helping her skate back across the rink and toward the entrance. She reached for her skate guards as he remained on the ice. Slipping his hand to her elbow, he helped her balance as she stepped back onto the stone ground.
"Right. Elide Lochan, Perranth skating club," she smiled, sticking her hand out. Lorcan shook it happily, loving the warmth that radiated from her like electricity.
"Perranth is lucky to have you represent them," Lorcan smirked, biting down on his bottom lip. There was something about the girl before him, something that made him feel completely giddy inside. If his teammates saw him like this...
Elide rolled her eyes. Chocolate, Lorcan noticed, the perfect shade of swirly hazelnut. "Now you're just being kind!" she laughed, a melodic sound that he wished he could capture forever, "Thanks, by the way, for helping me up. I probably would have just laid there until my session was over."
Lorcan grinned, something he didn't do too often, "Well, you're lucky I was here. Couldn't have you catching a cold, can we?  I heard hypothermia is a killer."
Pressing her lips together, Elide shook her head slowly, "No, I suppose we can't."
With an obnoxious slam, the doors to the rink swung open. The remainder of his team poured out, dressed and ready for their training session. A blur of green and silver, plus the grey, black and navy blue of Adidas sweatpants. Gavriel was at the front, the oldest on the team, his golden hair tied back in a bun and a grin on his face as he reached Rowan.
Rowan stood, patting Gavriel's shoulder and moving down the rows of chairs. "Lorcan," he called, heading toward the equipment cupboard in the corner of the rink, "Help me get the stuff out!"
They always borrowed sticks and pucks from whatever rink they were training at. Lorcan only used his own stick for final games, an object of good luck. They would also have to drag the goals out, setting them up to actually have something to shoot at.
Offering Lorcan a smile, Elide stepped back, rocking on her good foot, "So, I guess I'll see you around then?"
If he had his phone to hand, he would have asked for her number right there and then. But, he didn't. As she turned to walk up the steps toward the changing rooms, Lorcan called, "We have a game next Friday, will you be there?"
Elide stopped, looking over her shoulder and smirking, "Depends, are you inviting me?"
Pushing down the chuckle that tickled his throat, Lorcan nodded, "I am, and maybe we could hang out afterwards... Just the two of us?"
"Sure, sounds fun. See you Friday, then," Elide confirmed, turning almost immediately and rushing up the stairs.
Lorcan watched until she completely disappeared from view. He could smell the cinnamon and elderberries scent that lingered in her wake. Elide Lochan. Friday couldn't come sooner.
* * *
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Games (soulmate au)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word count: 2,382
Warnings: Making out?
Request: hi! It’s me again, could I request a Fred Weasley soulmate au? The type where their soulmates first word’s to them is tattooed on their body? Please make it fluffy and cute, thank you! :)
A/n: I am so sorry this was late. I had a grad party I forgot about! Also I'm probably going to have the other request out on Wednesday I'm so sorry but I have another grad party 2mmaro and I wont have time to write. Hope you guys like it!
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The words in Fred's ankle had always been, well controversial at his household. His mother sure didn't like them. George thought they were hilarious. Ginny thought they were almost sad, sad that was how him and his soulmate would meet. Ron agreed with George, Percy thought they were ridiculous and his other brothers thoughts were pretty neutral. Fred simply thought they were odd. And as he looked down at the words, he couldn't help but smile, this was going to be one interesting person.
You snickered watching as your seeker checked his hair in the mirror again.
"You know Malfoy maybe if you spent less time putting grease in your hair and more time practicing then we would be winning for a change."
He whipped around glaring at you. "That's not very good team spirit y/l/n." He seethed.
"And since when are Slytherins known for their teamwork?"
He rolled his eyes and snatched his broom from the rack and joined the rest of the team in the horseshoe they had made around their captain.
You glanced around trying not to look as bored as you were. You have heard it a thousand times before; kick Gryffindors ass. Nothing new, except for the fact that your seeker was almost ok and theirs was amazing. Which meant it was basically up to you to score a shit ton of points before the snitch was caught. It was all quite stressful.
As you walked out onto the pitch you heard a mix of boos and cheers, the former as always, over powering the latter. You ignored the crowd and boarded your broom. You flew a couple feet in the air and waited for the whistle. When you took a deep breath and then sped upwards. If everything went right Montague should have the quaffle ready and waiting for you. And he did. You snatched the pass and made your way toward the goals where you could see Wood waiting.
You ducked under a bulger, dodged some girl in a red uniform and made for the large hoops. You reached for the quaffle tucked under your arms and shot it in the far left hoop. It soared through and you whipped around to get back to your position.
The game had been going for hours. It was hot and sunny and you had already ditched your outer layer. Currently you had scored 160 points, you were doing pretty well. All together your team had 210 points while Gryffindor was 50 points behind. Things were looking up.
You were headed towards the hoops once again the quaffle locked securely under your arm. You were about to shoot when out of nowhere something hit you straight in your side.
You dropped the quaffle and tipped off your broom with a scream. You managed to keep your feet wrapped around the handle and was hanging there attempting to reach your arms up. When you finally did, the pounding of your heart on your ears stopped and you could hear shrieking laughter.
You turned to see Fred Weasley pointing and laughing at you.
You flashed a brilliant shade of red before shouting, "If you don't shut up Weasley I'll shove that bat up your ass."
His smile dropped. A look of absolute astonishment replaced his joyful features. He felt his heart stop. You flew away with a scoff and an eye roll, you had no clue what you had just done to that boy.
For the rest of the match Fred could simply not focus. He hardly hit any blunders and most of them were completely off target. George scolded the boy and tried to get his head back in the game but it was helpless. He wanted to say something to you but what? What could he possibly say, "Oh hey what's up, your my soulmate by the way." It was all so stupid.
Gryffindor lost when Draco caught the snitch and Slytherin was celebrating in there locker room as Oliver almost killed Fred in their locker room.
"What the hell!" He yelled at the red head. "You couldn't hit a thing this whole match!"
"Look I'm sorry. I was distracted." Fred apologized.
Oliver didn't seem to care for his apologies at all. "You were doing fine." he sighed, "And then suddenly you knock y/l/n off her broom and you cant hit the broadside of a barn with a bludger."
"Look Wood, I'm sorry." Fred apologized again trying to make it sound sincere although his thoughts were elsewhere.
"What in Merlin's name could have made you so distracted any way Fred?"
Fred paused, the whole team was listening there was no way he was saying anything. "I just umm was?" He raised his eyebrows, hoping that his captain would buy it. Which of course he didn't.
"What eas it Weasley?" Oliver practically growled
Fred cast his gaze downwards trying to aviod eye contact with anyone.
"I swear to Merlin Wweasley if you don't tell me what gave Malfoy a free ride to the snitch I will-"
"She's my soulmate alright!?" Fred yelled his patients wore through.
"Wait, y/l/n is your soulmate?" It was George talking this time. His eyes were wide and mouth slightly agape, he was mimicking the rest of the team.
"Yeah." Fred looked down blushing a bit, he wasn't used to these situations. "But she doesnt know so don't tell her." He added quickly.
"Alright, sorry for laying into Fred." Oliver said.
"Its fine." He waved it off. He then turned to George panick in his eyes.
"How is she my soulmate?" Fred asked his twin desperate for an answer. They were now sitting in the Gryffindor common room eating candy they got from honeydukes.
"I don't know mate, but I wouldn't be too concerned. I mean she's hot." George pointed out, stuffing a chocolate frog in his mouth.
"Yeah but she’s Slytherin." Fred groaned.
"It probably won't be that bad Fred, you are destined to be together."
"How are we destined to be together? I mean we sure as hell aren't best buds." Fred said popping a fizzing whizbee in his mouth.
"So what," George started his voice muffled by chocolate, "You'll get along, just wait till Ron finds out he'll flip."
"Ok then what should I do?" Frdd asked
"You have to talk to her idiot." George pointed out.
"WWhat do I say?" The older twin asked.
The younger just shrugged, "Wwhatever you say will be on her ankle anyway so just try and make it romantic."
"Alright." Fred said still quite unsure on what to do.
You sat in potions trying not to laugh your ass off as Angelina a girl from Gryffindor totally ditched her potion.
You had finished ages ago and were simply waiting to be dismissed. You glanced down at your watch. Five minutes.
You had been anxious to get back to the quidditch pitch. You had to get in some more practice before the next match. You were playing hufflepuff and wanted to stick iit to Cadwallader. You had five gallons on the fact you would score more points then him in the upcoming match and you'd don't lose.
So when Snape finally said you could go you practically slept from your seat in excitement.
You sprinted down the hallways as quickly as you could only run striated into someone. You fell backwards landing hard on your butt and letting out a yelp of pain. You book bag had slid across the floor and hit the opposite wall of the thin hallway.
"Oh Merlin, are you alright?" A voice asAsked and you about passed out. Those were the words on your ankle. You looked up to see a mess of red hair with matching red robes and red cheeks. His eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight as he stuck his hand out for you to grab. You felt the heat rise in your face as well, since when was Fred Weasley so attractive?
"Shit, I said something didn't I." He looked upset, as he pulled you to your feet. You felt your face grow even brighter at contact with his surprisingly soft hands.
"Uh yeah ya did." You practically whispered your y/e/c eyes big as golf balls.
"So then you know?" He asked fidgeting with his robes.
"Know what?" You asked completely bewildered by the things that had happened in the past minute.
"That your my soulmate." He laughed.
"Yeah I guess I know that." You said your mind was going crazy. Fred Weasley was your soulmate? What? I mean sure he's incredibly good looking and funny and smart and great at quidditch but, what?!
"You probably don't even know which twin I am." He laughed a bit although the idea of his soulmate not knowing who he was hurt. "Im-"
"Fred." You finished for him. "I know who you are."
"Really?" Fred asked eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Yeah I do. Wait, how did you know o was your soulmate?"
Fred blushed as your y/e/c eyes gleamed up at him. Your y/h/l y/h/c hair framed your face beautifully and he was suddenly struck with how attractive you are. Your face was dusted pink and it made you look incredible. "Well umm, remember when I knocked you off your broom yesterday?"
"Vividly" you answer eyes narrowed a bit, your arms now crossed.
"Well afterward you said-"
"If you don't shut up Wesley I'll shove that bat up your ass." You finished for him again doing your best to contain the laughter inside you. You failed miserably and burst with giggles. He thought it was the most amazing sound to ever grace his ears.
"Wait wait wait," you managed to squeak out still giggling, "Is that seriously tattooed on your ankle?"
"Yep." And to prove it Fred pulled his sock down and showed you the words printed on to his pale skin
You burst in a wave of fresh laughter, "I'm sure your mom loves that." You said between laughs.
"Glad you find my misfortune so hilarious." Fred said rolling his eyes playfully.
"Oh come on. If it was me with those words on my ankle you would be losing your shit." You pointed out still laughing.
"Your right, I should have said something closer to, 'Look where the fuck your going." As payback." He smirked and you burst into laughter once again.
"You should have!" You were crying with joy at this point, "It would have been one hell of conversation starter!"
Now Fred was laughing too, his smile bright. He looked down at your giggling form and he was once again talking by your beauty. Your eyes shining with tears and gleaming with joy. Your extremely soft looking lips a light pink color were stretched into a wide slightly lopsided smile.
As he stared your laughter died out and you had looked back up at him, you blushed a bit to find his gaze on you, "Like what you see Weasley?" You asked a cocky smirk on your lips.
"In fact I do." He said smirking right back and leaning down a bit to be somewhat level with your eyes.
"Well you aren't exactly ugly." You bit your lip as you did so and Fred about lost it. Keep it cool he reminded himself. So instead he placed his hand over his heart dropped his mouth and blinked a few times feigning hurt.
"That's what I get as a complement?" He asked in fake surprise, "I'm offended."
"Ever the dramatic Weasley." You smirked.
"I am quite a good actor." He said leaning closer to you, you could feel his breath on your cheek and your smirk dropped. He had to know that he was doing right? That wasn't fair.
"Im good at more than acting though." He winked, smirking as you blushed a deep crimson.
You attempted to stay on track, "A-and what else might you be good at? I haven't seen much." It would have been fine if you didn't stutter but damn he was really close to you and smelled like a mix of smoke and chocolate. It was completely infatuating.
"Oh, you'll see plenty." You wanted to smack the smirk off his face. He was playing with you, but you weren't in the mood for games anymore.
"Oh shut up." You whispered face burning. With that you yanked him down to meet you lips. He was clearly taken off guard but kissed back quite quickly once your lips moved against his. He quickly pushed you up against the wall and grabbed your waist. Your hands found their way to his fiery hair, it was surprisingly soft. You felt his tongue glide against your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, granting it access.
When he pulled away your lungs were burning and you gasped for air.
"I hope you know this doesn't change anything on the pitch." You said.
"Of course, I'm just going to have to make sure not to hit your face with any bludgers. Wouldn't want to ruin its beauty, would I?" He winked.
"What every weakness you show I will use to my advantage." You smirked shrugging.
"I like the sound of that." He winked again.
"Keep it up and you will only be able to blink with one eye." You said eyebrows raised.
"Winking won't do that." He pointed out.
"Yeah but me poking one of your eyes out will." You deadpanned.
"Has anyone ever told you your a little scary?" Fred asked as he leaned in again.
"Yep-" you were cut off by his lips.
You pushed Fred off of you to see Malfoy standing a few feet away a disgusted look etched on his face.
"Captain wants you, so get the Weasel’s tongue out of your throat so you can actually talk." He scoffed
"I'll see you later." You whispered to Fred. Before walking towards the platinum blonde. "You call him weasel again and I will cut your tongue off and make you eat it." You flashed the now terrified boy a cheeky smile and walking towards the pitch the young seeker sulking at your heels.
"See ya later Mouthful!" Fred shouted saluting the boy as he walked out the door.
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meadows-of-light · 4 years
Anna Clendening song lyrics writing prompts:
1) On the surface, everything's just fine.
2) But nervous doesn't describe what's going on behind these eyes.
3) It's just too easy to fake a smile.
4) But you got my heartbeat on repeat going 'bout a hundred thousand miles.
5) My mind's racing but I could never out run you.
6) You're two steps ahead while I'm tripping over my shoes.
7) A-N-X-I-E-T-Y.
8) No matter how hard I try, you will never leave.
9) H-A-T-E Y-O-U.
10) And all the stupid things you do.
11) I give in so easily
12) You get the best of me.
13) I wish I could just let you go.
14) But the truth is, you are all I've ever known.
15) You're an infection, a medicine just numbs my brain.
16) I'm doing anything and everything to feel normal again. What's normal again?
17) Playing games with me that I will always lose.
18) It's crazy, my thoughts start racing and my mind's erasing everything I knew.
19) It's just pills and therapy bills just to keep me away from you and it works for a little while, bullshit smiles but I'm just walking through the motions.
20) Either that, or losing track of my emotions.
21) 4 a.m. panic attacks taking red eyes back home.
22) I feel by myself but with you, I'm never alone. Damn.
23) Mama said there'd be boys like you.
24) Tearing my heart in two, doing what you do, best.
25) Taking me for a ride, telling me pretty little lies but with you, I can't resist.
26) Before I met you, I never felt good enough.
27) Before I let you, in, I'd already given up.
28) Left on read, no reply, left me just wondering why.
29) Now I'm skeptical of love
30) So when you hold my hand, do you wanna hold my heart?
31) When you say you want me, is it all of me or just one part?
32) When you say you want me.
33) Maybe mama doesn't always know best.
34) I'm terrified, but I'll never let you know.
35) Social suicide, if I ever let it show.
36) Everything feels just right.
37) I fall in place, we fall in line.
38) I'll never let you go.
39) So when you hold me, am I the only one?
40) Do you wanna know me, or is this all just for fun? But for you, for you, for you I'll take that risk.
41) Do ya think about me every night when you turn out all the lights?
42) TV on so you don't have to sleep alone.
43) Do ya think back on all the fights?
44) Still convinced I'm out my mind?
45) Or did ya get drunk and just pick up the phone?
46) I got you tattooed on my skin to remind myself that I'm better than this.
47) So did you think you'd show up and I'd let you in?
48) You didn't get me then so you don't get me now.
49) I didn't understand how you could walk out but I do now.
50) Now I'm better, better than I ever was.
51) You used to hate when I got sad said it always made you feel bad.
52) Never got that it wasn't about you at all.
53) Used to think that we were so good, sometimes.
54) Thought that maybe if I gave you your time.
55) You'd come around, now you're coming around.
56) I found myself in a sea of busy places in a world of blurry faces.
57) I found myself .
58) On the edge of insanity I found, I found me
59) My heart was beating, barely breathing but still alive.
60) Lost along the way I'd given up my fight.
61) Scattered to pieces all along the floor.
62) Within the brokenness I found something more.
63) I was broken, torn apart.
64) Scars line my arms, on my sleeve I wore my heart.
65) They remind me of what is real.
66) No longer needing pain to feel.
67) You got your issues I get that, but so do I.
68) That's not an excuse to hide behind your ugly pride.
69) How was it so easy, so damn easy for you to lie?
70) When I gave you my heart, my trust.
71) You just wasted my time.
72) But if I'm being honest I miss you but I hate you at the same time.
73) You broke your promise now I don't know what was real or a lie.
74) If I'm being honest I don't want to let go but I fell in love with someone that I don't know.
75) There's no coming back from this.
76) You did what you did and you gotta live with it.
77) You called me crazy but you made me feel this way.
78) I gave you so much, it wasn't enough.
79) All you did was take.
80) Messed with my head.
81) You made your bed now in it you lay.
82) You're all alone, ignoring your phone.
83) You've got nothing to say.
84) So tired of trying and trying.
85) While you were denying that you never lied and now you've gone in hiding.
86) You can't even try to fix what you did.
87) You ripped me to pieces, yet you're the one speechless.
88) Now my nights are sleepless 'cause you saw my weakness.
89) A little naive and I gave more than I had to give.
90) I hate you, what you did and I can't get over it but the sad fact is I can't get you out of my head.
91) Avoiding this disaster seemed impossible.
92) My heart is beating faster fast as it can go
93) 'Cause I'm overthinking every word that was never said or heard.
94) Happy ever after? I don't think so.
95) I'm in love with someone who doesn't know I exist.
96) I stare from afar in my hand-broken heart while I play pretend.
97) And it's you, yes, it's true, you don't even know it, I can't ever win. Am I invisible?
98) Should I let it go?
99) Would you ever know?
100) Am I just another crazy laying on the low? Am I invisible?
101) Will you ever see what you do to me?
102) Breaking hearts in the dark so easily. Am I invisible?
103) Tangled up and tongue-tied.
104) What have I become? Always got you on my mind.
105) Got me feeling dumb and I'm tripping over my own feet.
106) And I'm mad you got the best of me
107) Falling for you slowly from a distance.
108) In a room full of people I still feel totally alone.
109) I'm in the back left corner by the bar I'm stressing texting on my phone.
110) My friends think that I need a drink, but I don't drink anymore.
111) I'm searching for the door.
112) The last time I got drunk I wound up passed out on the bathroom floor.
113) Wasted, shitfaceded I wasted too much time trying to numb a pain, feel nothing and ease my mind.
114) I spend two years of tuition in college but I lost it, my ambition it went missing.
115) So I started drinking.
116) I lost myself at the bottom of a bottle but it cost me.
117) I was self medicated heavily sedated, understated that I hated every last part of who I was, who I was, or who I'd become.
118) I was numb, I was dumb, I was foolish, I was young.
119) Took me two whole fucking years to get back where I started from.
120) The bottom of a bottle.
121) Straight up to a role model.
122) Well I refuse to lose it all.
123) I found solace, staring soul-less at the bottom of a bottle.
124) I'm sorry mom and dad I know I've messed up bad.
125) I should've done better.
126) I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time I had to get my life, to get my life together but I didn't.
127) You gave birth to me, sweet little baby girl.
128) Had the world at my feet before I could even stand.
129) Cradled me in your right and your left hand.
130) A precious bundle of unmade plans, hopes and dreams of bigger things.
131) A bright future so it seemed but that light grew a little less bright as I grew up and we began to fight.
132) When I was 13 I was so damn mean.
133) Running away had nothing more to say than "I hate you".
134) You never talk about me to your friends because you must be so embarrassed
135) I dropped out of college without any plans.
136) Moved back home, I couldn't even pay rent.
137) I was living on your couch trying to figure it out.
138) Cutting myself up and tearing myself down.
139) I'm sorry that I couldn't buy you that house upon the hill or take care of all your medical bills.
140) I know I didn't make you proud.
141) I should've been someone by now but I never figured out how.
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jadekitty777 · 5 years
I debated so hard on what words to pick for my request but! I think I've finally settled on "Trust" and "Dance"! Tbh I know you only sent me one word, though, so if you would rather just pick one or the other and go with that, that's totally fine! Whatever tickles your fancy, honestly. I'll be happy to read any Taiqrow you write askldfm
Me: Drabble? That’s like five thousand words, right?
I’m pretty sure getting me to write something concisely is moreimpossible than finding Atlantis. But I’m so super pleased with how this oneturned out. Also, I re-wrote the summary no less than six times.
Title: Won’t Say, Don’t Say (I’m Falling in Love)
Summary: A bitter loner and a hopeless romantic walk into a bar onenight… and you all know how this joke ends, don’t you? [Modern AU]
Rating: T
Pairings: Taiqrow and Raven/Summer
AO3 Link: Right Here!
The bumping sounds of bass spilled out the door of the danceclub as it was opened and then closed with the admittance of another patron,moving the rest of those waiting in line another blissful inch. Tai steppedforward, grateful they were almost to the front. He rocked on his heels toalleviate some of the ache in his knees, looking down when he felt Summer latchonto his arm. She had probably spent an hour in front of the mirror, each bitof her make-up so immaculately placed, with glitter accents around her eyesthat would sparkle under the colored lights once they hit the floor. She wasdefinitely dressed to impress tonight.
“Ooh, I can’t wait for you to meet them!”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It was probably thefifth time he’s heard that since he’d agreed to join her.  “Don’t get tooexcited Sums. I came along to have fun, not find a date.”
“Yeah, you say that, buuuut-” She trailed off, letting therest of the sentence hang.
“Hey, I’ve been getting better!” He argued, tucking his facein his collar.
“To get better, you need to actually date someoneTai. Not avoid dating entirely. That’s called ‘ignoring the problem.’.”
“I’m not ignoring it. I’m just… taking a break!”
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
Tai sighed. He knew there really wasn’t any use in arguing.He was pretty sure there was some unwritten universal law that if you knew aperson for more than fifteen years, it was impossible to lie to them. Or maybehe just couldn’t lie to the one girl that he introduced himself to by placing acrown of dandelions on her head while declaring her as his ‘forever flowerprincess’. She responded to such an honest declaration of love in the way anyeight-year-old should: By calling him a stupid dum-dum and throwing sand in hisface.
They’d been best friends ever since.
Of course, having such an honorary place in his life alsomeant that she got to watch from a front row seat whenever he got his heartbroken. Almost like a true movie-goer, the first few times she saw the storyplay out, her heart-strings tugged at his every struggle and pain. By the tenth time,she was yelling at the screen for him to stop making the same stupid decisionsbefore the first scene was even over. Eventually, those criticisms and hisaching chest got through to him, and he decided to just stop performingaltogether.
He had a suspicion that because the screen had stayed blackfor more than a year now, his biggest fan had grown bored with the lack ofentertainment. Why else would she try to turn herself into a director?
“I’m just saying, if you meet someone you like, you shouldgive it a chance.” She jabbed her elbow into his side. “I know you miss beingsomeone’s prince.”
He nudged her back, but her smile was too infectious not tocatch. “Oh, shut up.”
“You know you love me.” She said. A buzzing drew herattention and she pulled out her phone from her handbag. Tai’s assumptions thatit was her girlfriend was proven right when Summer announced, “Raven saidthey’re at the corner of the bar when we get inside.”
Just in time too, because they were next in line. Afterbeing carded and screened, they were allowed inside. It was like walking fromnight into day, the air turning from brisk and breezy to heavy and hot withinseconds of entering the club, the ground under his feet seeming to shake withevery beat of the rhythm blasting from the speakers. Tai had to blink awayspots as he adjusted to the flashing lights.
Summer stood on her tiptoes, scoping out the room. “Oh, Isee them!” She tugged him along as she weaved around the crowd and straighttowards a pair sitting at the quieter end of the bar. His eyes were drawn tothe female of the two, impressed by the wild, black hair cascading down herback. “Rae!”
And it was she who turned to that call, giving him his firstgood look at the mysterious girlfriend he’d been hearing about for weeks. Shewas as stunning as Summer had gushed over, her facial features a perfectcontrast of sharp in the nose and chin, yet delicate in the pale moonlit whiteof her skin and eyes red like gemstones. He may have even thought herdangerous, if not for the way her lips eased into a welcoming smile.
Summer unlatched herself from him, skirting the last fewfeet forward and right into her arms. And then she leaned up and – okay yeah,he didn’t need to watch his admittedly gorgeous friend kissing an equallygorgeous woman. It probably wasn’t good for his health.
Taiyang avoided it by focusing on the second half of the pair,whom was now leaning back against the counter. As he met dusky red eyes, heswore he heard his mind screech to a halt.
For if there was ever a person that perfectly defined bothstrikingly handsome and breathtakingly beautiful, that was Qrow Branwen. It washard to pinpoint exactly what made him so, other than to say all of him. From slicked back, coal-darkhair to the hint of stubble that accented an angled jawline or the too-tightdress shirt with the top two buttons undone, revealing just enough to tease, tothe long legs that couldn’t teasetheir flexibility, every bit of him seemed to just be another something to appreciate.He was like a puzzle; the pieces alone didn’t seem like much, but when puttogether the correct way it became a work of art.
Qrow shot him an easygoing smile, tilting his half-fullglass as a greeting wave. “Hey, you must be Tai.”
Dear gods, and a voice that sounded like it was constantlywrecked by sex. That was just notfair.
He swallowed hard against his suddenly dry throat. “Yeah.And you’re Qrow. Hey.” He tacked on lamely. What a night to lose his charisma.
Thankfully, he wasn’t left to flounder long as Raven spokeup, “And I’m Raven. Charmed, really.” Her arms made a loose circle aroundSummer’s waist, tugging her close. “So, now that we’re all acquainted: Drinksor dance floor?”
Knowing there was no way in hell he was getting on the floorwithout being at least semi-drunk, Tai quickly offered, “I vote drinks” just asSummer said, “I want to dance!”
Qrow gestured to his own glass as a sign of his own opinion.
Raven shrugged, slipping off her bar stool. “Guess we’resplitting up then.” She pulled off the leather jacket, tossing it over herbrother’s head. “Be a good coat rack and hold that for me.”
He yanked it off, saying irritably, “Three songs and thenwe’re switching.”
“We’ll see.”
As they bickered, Summer turned to him, the glitter aroundher face only accenting her puppy-dog gaze as she held her girly handbag towardshim. “Please?”
Tai rolled his eyes, hooking his fingers around the strap.“Go have fun.”
“You’re the best!” She beamed, before following after Raven,walking so close they practically melded at the hip.
In the wake of their departure, the appointed coat racktipped his head towards the now empty bar stool, in which the appointed pursehook gratefully took.
Qrow swung himself around, flagging down the bartender as heasked him, “So, what’s your taste?”
It took Tai a moment to realize he meant for alcohol. “Oh,uh, Four Roses, if they have it.”
A whistle. “A bourbon man, huh? Didn’t take ya for thetype.”
“Didn’t used to be. I tried it on a dare. Just ended upliking it.”
“Wonder who that was.” The way he said that implied Qrowknew exactly who had been the instigator. He lent towards him. “Hey, can I dareyou to try another?”
Tai met his gaze, not sure what to make of the almostmischievous grin gracing those pretty features. “Uh, like?”
“What’ll ya have boys?”
Qrow winked at him, before turning to the bartender. “I’lltake another double of scotch, on the rocks. My friend here’ll have some OldCrow, nice and neat.”
Tai could immediately catch the bourbon’s scent the momentit was placed in front of him. It smelled almost sweet, more like a fancymartini, than the bitter, burning whiskey he was imagining. Entirely aware ofthe eyes watching his every movement, he lifted his glass and took the first,brave sip.
And, it was…
He lowered the glass, mildly confused. Why did it taste likelightly buttered toast?
Beside him, Qrow had dissolved into laughter, restrained butlively. “It’s weird, right?”
“Not really what I was expecting.” He took another sip,adjusting to the flavor. He’d had better, but for a bottom shelf drink, it wasn’tbad. It had that tame, moderate sort of kick he’d grown to enjoy. “It’s fineenough to drink.”
That mischievous smile was back. “Oh good. Because you’ll bedrinking a lot of crow tonight.”
Tai choked on air. “E-Excuseme?!”
Qrow pounded at the counter, howling with laughter. “Youshould see your face! Man, that was one of my best lines!”
He sighed, setting his glass down with a decisive thud. Evenat only twenty-five, he was too old for this game. “Alright, are you flirtingwith me or messing with me?”
He held his forefinger and thumb a millimeter apart, “Lil’bit of both,” before reaching out for his drink.
Tai watched him drown it, asking, “Why?”
A second thud as another glass hit the counter, ice cubescackling together. “Did you know every time I walked into the room, you justconveniently became the hot topic of conversation?” Qrow finally looked to him,raising an eyebrow. “Summer’s not exactly subtle.”
“Oh Gods.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, wishing theground would just open up underneath him and portal him straight to Hell. “I’msorry. She means well. She’s just got it in her head that I’m lonely.”
“Bet it came with a bunch of ‘You’re not getting anyyounger’ and ‘Love is worth the risk’ speeches, right?”
He groaned. “Yep. Guess the pain’s mutual, huh?”
“Eh.” He shrugged. “Honestly, it was more a change of pace.No one has ever felt they needed to play Cupid for me. I mean, of course not.When you look this good, the romance comes to you.” He gestured grandly tohimself, and had Tai not been practically drooling at his feet not ten minutesago, he might have called him out on his ego. Qrow spared him another wink. “Tobe frank, you don’t look like you need it either.”
Oh. Tai felt hisface flame up, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thanks.”
His smile went from coy to relaxed. “To also be frank, I’mnot looking for a commitment and from your response, I don’t think you reallyare either. I am however hoping to have a good time tonightand if I can do that with a sexy guy, all the more reason. So, what say we getdrunk off our asses, make fools of ourselves on the dance floor and call it anight?”
It was amazing just how much that simple suggestion easedthe tension out of him. He grinned back at him. “I say let’s do it.”
“Alright, then. Cheers!”
The clink of their glasses sealed the promise, and as Taichugged his drink, he figured the night might just be looking up after all.
It was probably their fourth round on the dance floor and itwas practically sweltering. He could feel sweat clinging to him, head spinningwith a wonderful dizziness. Qrow was a better sight; his hair had fallen into amess at some point, bangs plastered attractively along his forehead, and he’dundone a few more buttons of his shirt, revealing a bit more of those nicelydefined pecs. Watching him move to the beat, Tai couldn’t figure out if thefloor was so hot because of how many people were around him, or if it wassimply because Qrow was on it.
Wait, that was a good one!
He caught his fingers into his dance partner’s belt loops,yanking him in close. He had to lean into his ear, just so he could hear him. “Hey,got something to tell ya!”  
“Yeah?” Qrow slurred back, slinging his arms up around hisneck. The sudden closeness had broken their rhythm, just leaving them to swaytogether.
Tai searched his brain, trying to remember. What was itexactly? Oh, Right!  “You’re pretty.” Henestled himself into his shoulder, hiding his goofy grin against the other’sneck. Fingers ran through his hair, petting him in soothing motions that made hiseyes flutter shut.
So nice.
Qrow was nice.
He liked him.
He wanted to dance with him forever.
“Hey. Listen.” Qrow’s lips touched against his ear, creatinghappy tingles that rushed down his spine. “This song’s for us.”
Tai did his best to focus as commanded, a few of the lyrics driftingaround them becoming startlingly clear.
“What are the chancesthat we’d end up dancing?
Like two in a million,like once in a life.”
The music lifted away, the words becoming inaudible. He liftedhis head, trying to follow their retreat, but his head was heavier then heremembered, and he had to rest it again – this time with his forehead layingagainst Qrow’s own. The magic of them staring into one another’s eyes broughtthe song back.
“Is it love? Is itfate?
Where it leads, whocan say?
Maybe you and I weremeant to be.”
Qrow laced his fingers around the back of Tai’s neck,tilting just enough that their lips brushed together. A second later, he triedagain, kissing him with more earnest.
Whoa, too fast! Toofast! His brain jittered in alarm.
The sweep of a tongue along his lips halted the warningsaltogether.
…Ah, screw it.
Tai tangled his own hands into Qrow’s hair, opening hismouth to him. Their tongues took the place of their feet, dancing together tothe music of their souls. Every breath between them harmonized, every nerve ontheir bodies sang, every beat of their hearts rose up, up, up to the crescendowithout ever needing to fall.
He really wanted to dance with him forever.
It wasn’t meant to be. Qrow broke back first with a gasp,stumbling into him despite the fact they were not moving. “Got to sit. You’regiving me a fever.”
“’Kay.” Tai obliged, tugging him along by his waist as theybumbled about the crowd. It could have been seconds or minutes before they sawthe line of the bar again.
His partner continued to cling to him, head lolling againsthis arm. “Like you. You’re built like a tree.”
The words tumbled out without thought, “Perfect for you toperch on.”
Qrow laughed loudly. He reached out to pat his shoulder,missed, and hit his collarbone instead. “Sunshine, you are so getting mynumber.”
Number of what? Taipondered as the night faded to a blur.
He woke up at home, headache pounding behind his eyes andmuscles aching from the night.
On his phone was a single text from an unknown sender, apossibility in the words:
Call me soon, Sunshine.
As Qrow added creamer to the two cups of coffee, the soundof songbirds made him look back towards the kitchen table. His phone had lit upwith a new notification, but that wasn’t his ringtone. He glanced at theobvious culprit. “Did you really?” He asked.
“Whatever do you mean, dear brother?” Raven said, lookingjust a little too smug not to be guilty.
He shook his head, trying to hide his own amusement. Hedidn’t understand how she kept figuring out his password. At least it was tamerthen the death metal she had chosen last time. He stored the creamer back intothe fridge, and as he set her cup down in front of her, said, “You know, if youever decide to use your powers for evil, you’ll be a force to be reckonedwith.”
“I’m shocked and appalled that you don’t already consider meas such.”
“Pff, whatever.” He plopped down beside her, taking a drinkof his own coffee as he reached for his phone, absently wondering if it wouldbe a joke or just a peppy hello today. Qrow didn’t usually like the clingyones, but somehow, it was hard to be annoyed with Tai about it. It was likegetting mad at a puppy.
So used to their routine that had built over the past twomonths, he was caught off guard by his disappointment when he realized it wasKimi instead.
Hey babe ;) Lookingfor a good time tonight?
He hesitated.
For a moment.
And then typed back a reply. Your place or mine?
He dropped the device back to the table, trying to drown theunexpected twisting in his stomach with half a mugful of coffee. Nothing couldsoothe the burn of Raven’s eyes on him though. “What?” He asked tersely.
“Oh, nothing.” She replied, taking a sip from her ownflower-patterned cup. He thought that would be it. “Summer told me somethinginteresting about your new boytoy.”
He really should have known better by now not to hope forthings. “Yeah? What about him?”
“He’s apparently a hopeless romantic.” She gestured betweenthem, the sudden singing birds from his phone accentuating the motion as shemimed a rainbow. “Disney-Level hopeless.”
“So? Tai knows I’m not in it for the long game.”
“Does he now?” Before he could react, Raven’s hand struckout like a viper, snatching up his phone. “Then I guess you won’t mind if I tellhim you’ll be busy hooking-up with someone else tonight.”
“What-” Qrow lurched after it, trying to wrestle it from hergrasp, spewing obscenities all the while, “Fucking – god damn – Raven cut itthe hell out!”
He got a grip on her arm, but as he made a grab for hisphone, she caught his wrist, twisting it back. As he ceded in pain, Raven spokesharply over his whimpers, “If you’re this scared about it, then why do it atall?”
He spit back in her face, “Don’t act like some fucking saintRae. You used to be worse than me.” Another hiss escaped between his teeth whenher nails dug into his skin, but it would take more than that for him to backdown. “I’m not dumb. You don’t care about me. You’re only acting like thisbecause you know if I break his heart, it could mess things up with you andSummer.”
“Well.” Her grip finally relented. “You’re half-right atleast.”
He took the opportunity to yank his phone from her. Wantingnothing more than to get as far away from her as possible, he wrenched himselffrom his seat, intent on sealing himself away in his room for a few hours.
He didn’t even get to the living room before there was ascrap of another chair being shoved back. “Qrow?” She called after him. Thetemptation to ignore her was strong, and he would have, had she not added, “Youwere half-wrong too. I do care about you.”
Qrow stopped, frowning down at the water stains that warpedthe wood floor of their cheap apartment, before finally looking back at her. Itwas odd, seeing Raven look so kind, so soft. When had she changed so much? Ormaybe he was the one who hadn’t changed enough.
“I get it you know.” She stepped towards him. “What ourparents did, it hurt me too.”
He crossed his arms, avoiding her gaze. “At least you didn’tget thrown out twice.”
Raven would sometimes still joke about how, with the waythey grew up, they could have been the poster children for television’s nextbig family drama series. Their parents argued about everything, sometimes gettingso heated they’d scream at the top of their lungs. Once, cops even showed up attheir house, having been called out by a concerned neighbor. He remembered thatnight with more clarity then he liked. What had spurred that argument had beenone about Raven.
It hadn’t been anything major – she had bit another kid atschool and got sent to the principal, who then informed their parents of theincident. Pretty typical stuff, and other than some detention, she wasn’treally in trouble. But at eight, he couldn’t understand that. He thought thepolice were there to take his sister away. They had both been so terrifiedabout losing the one person that made their home bearable, they had jumped outthe window and climbed up the oak tree in the backyard. The deputy only foundthem because they thought cawing like the birds they were named after wouldthrow him off from their hiding spot.
That night was only a precursor to what would come when, atten, their parents finally divorced and split them as if they were just anotherasset, a bunch of knickknacks to be bargained for. Not their own children. Children who begged and cried tobe allowed to stay together. Children who knew being separated would hurt in away they couldn’t bear.
They might as well never have said a word for all thenothing it changed.
Four years they spent apart, until their father decided hewas done with that title and signed away his custody rights, kicking his ownson to the curb like unwanted trash. It should have been a relief, walking backthrough the front door of his childhood home. But it was already too late. Thedamage was done. To him and Raven, they had been taught the meaning of love wasa nightmare and they wanted no part in it.
For Qrow, that meant he spent his time throwing himself intomeaningless flings and short-term relationships that eventually dead-ended.When things started to get too serious, he bolted or self-sabotaged his wayout. Because if his parents had only ever taught him how to fail, how could heever do any better?
The brush of Raven’s hand on his arm brushed away thememories. He fully turned to face her, seeing his reflection in her, but it wascracking in spots. No longer a perfect mirror. No longer the same.
“Look, I’m glad that this commitment thing is working outfor you. Proud of you, even, that you’re getting past it.” Qrow sighed. “But Ican’t. I told myself I was never going to let anyone make me feel rejected likethat again. So, I won’t.”
She shook her head. “You’re hiding behind excuses, Qrow, andyou know it.”
Chirping made them both looked down. A new message hadpopped up above Kimi’s invitation.
G’morning babe! Do you have the night off? Maybe we couldcatch a movie?
Qrow could almost laugh at how simple it would be. How hecould just lie and jump into bed with someone else. To start calling off plans,avoid messages and calls, until Tai got tired of it and walked away from arelationship that would never go anywhere. How easy it was to break someoneelse’s heart and never risk his own.
As if she could see the dilemma running through his head,Raven reached out, blocking out the screen with her hand. “Listen, I’m notgoing to stand here and tell you that if you give it a chance, it’ll all justwork out in the end. When things fall apart, it hurts. But I will tell you for all the bad that could happen, thegood that does is what makes it worth it.” She looked away, lips quirking up ina gentle smile. “You haven’t let yourself fall in love, so you don’t know, butwhen it’s real, you’ll want to fight for it with everything you have.”
Wait. She couldn’t actually mean-?
The realization hit him like a train. When had things gottenthat serious? “You’re… falling in love with Summer, aren’t you?”
That soft look was back. The immovable stone wall he used tosee his sister as was crumbling, the dust of the destruction blowing away inthe happy laugh that escaped her. “I, yeah. I am. I’m not sure where things aregoing to go for us from here, but I am sure I want to see it through with her.And I know how hard it was for me to get this far. Giving her that much ofmyself, it’s scary. I can’t ask you to do the same.” She gave his arm a solidpat. “But if I can’t ask that, then I am going to be selfish and ask you tobreak it off with Tai honestly. For me.”
He shut his eyes, heaving a sigh against the weight that hadsettled on his chest. “Okay.”
“Thank you.”
As she walked back into the kitchen, Qrow called after herthis time, “Hey, Rae?”
“It’s really that good?”
She peered at him over her shoulder, a knowing gleam in hereye. “Let me put it this way: Love and Nirvana work the same way. To find it,first you need to take a leap of faith.”
Those words stuck with him, repeating in his mind as he saton his bed, thumb hovering between the two messages.
“A leap, huh?” He whispered to himself.
He swiped across the screen and typed a reply:
Sorry, can’t tonight. Maybe another time?
Now if only he could be brave enough to jump.
Qrow walked down the sidewalk, hands stuffed in his pocketsto hide from the evening wind’s late-night chill. As he approached the frontdoor, the streetlamps combating the overhead lights from the building split hisshadow in two, one forever reaching the direction he could have gone as theother stretched before him.
He followed its guide, pulling open the door and walkinginto the warmth of the cinema. Above the noise of popping popcorn and the vibranttunes of arcade games, he heard a faint call of his name.
“Qrow!” Tai waved as he strode towards him, grinningbrightly.
He was smiling before he even realized he was, meeting Taihalfway. “Hey Sunshine.” He said, wrapping him up in an embrace and kissing himchastely. “Got the tickets?”
“Yep. We’ve still got some time to get snacks too.”
Never one to pass up an opportunity to gorge himself onsodium and cholesterol, they got some popcorn and soda before heading in to thetheater. They bantered over where the best place to sit was – all argumentssuspiciously stopping when Qrow mentioned if they sat in the back, they couldjust make-out if the movie ended up being terrible. They got settled in, mostlyignoring the pre-commercials in favor of each other, Tai telling him about theracer he was getting to build at the machine shop while Qrow made him laugh ashe recounted his run-in at the gun range with a rather stiff-lipped upperclassman whose prosthetic arm just fell off while shooting.
“And so, he turns to me, right? And says ‘Little help’? AndI was so taken aback by what had happened, I didn’t know what to do! So, Isaid: ‘Buddy, there are a lot of hands I can give you. That ain’t one of them.’And then I just walked away like a total jackass!”
Tai held his stomach, saying between his hearty guffaws,“Nooo, you didn’t! That’s terrible!”
“I know.” Qrow ran a hand over his face, embarrassmentmaking his cheeks redden. “It was the worst.”
“Nah, what’s the worst is that you missed the opportunity tomake the best joke of all,” He was grinning hard enough to clear a manure field.“‘Well, that’s one way to disarmyourself.’”
“No! That’sawful!” He cried, throwing popcorn in the blond’s face as they dissolved intolaughter. Qrow was still struggling to get ahold of himself when he felt thesolidity of a strong arm coming around his shoulders, Tai dropping anaffectionate kiss against his temple. That arm stayed there long after thelights had dimmed and the real previews got going. He snuggled back into thecomforting hold, trading off mini-reviews with Tai as each trailer ran throughuntil the last one finally came to an end and the room became completely dark.
As the movie logo started to scroll across the screen, Tailent over, murmuring, “Hey. I’m really glad you’re here.”
Qrow froze, warning sirens going off in his head. Get out! Get out now!
The brush of warm fingers along his cheek silenced themcompletely.
His heart took the chance to skip closer to the edge. Stay, stay, stay, it beat.
Qrow caught Tai’s hand with his own, pressing his lips to hisknuckles. He then turned to him, staring into eyes so deep blue he could easilyfall forever in them, and whispered back in earnest, “Glad you’re here too.”
Tai closed the distance between them. As they kissed, Qrowfound he still wasn’t quite ready to leap the rest of the way.
But he was closer then he’d ever been before.
And maybe, whether it be tomorrow or next year, he wouldn’t justleap.
He’d soar.
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firekracker77 · 5 years
A Match Made In Heaven
Hi guys! This is my first fanfic I have done so I decided on doing a Perfect Match fanfic since PM is one of my favorite stories.
In this fanfic, we pick up on what happens after Hayden's housewarming party. I felt like a 3rd book would have tied up any loose ends but my imagination will work I suppose lol
I love the blonde haired blue eyed male Hayden and he's the only one I play as on the game. He's too cute!
Disclaimer: All Perfect Match characters belong to Pixelberry as well as some dialog.
Rating: I'm setting it as 18+ due to some smut and swearing. It wouldn't be Perfect Match without sex now would it? 😉
Trigger Warning: Anger towards the idea of Adoption (remember it's how HAYDEN feels, not me.)
As I watched all of mine and Hayden's friends leave his housewarming party at 5 am in high spirits and a bit too buzzed from drinks, Hayden sat down on his couch looking absolutely exhausted.
"Riley, I could sleep for just about forever", he groaned.
"You can start on that after I leave", I teased.
I turn to leave when I feel arms wrapping around my waist. Hayden smooshes his face into my stomach then says, "Wait..before you go, this is important..I love you."
"I love you too Sleepyhead", I reply, kissing his forehead.
"Hayden..." I hesitate but with a deep breath I continue, "Can I come by around noon? I have something on my mind that I'd like to discuss with you."
Hayden sits up straight, looking alarmed. "Are you okay Riley?"
I stare into his beautiful blue eyes and almost lose myself in them. He is so gorgeous, I think to myself.
"Yeah I'm more than okay", I say with a smile. It's nothing bad, just something I wanna talk over with you."
He breathes a sigh of relief. I didn't realize until now how stressed Hayden must be after everything we'd just been through. He endured it so well I thought, but maybe he just suppressed his fear and anxiety on my behalf. If anyone deserved a massage, it was him. How I wish he would have taught me his amazing massage skills!
"Sounds good! I'll make us some lunch while you're here", he beamed.
"Good night baby," I whispered, kissing him softly.
"You mean Good Morning!" Hayden smiled.
I woke up at 11 am, after 5 hours of tossing and turning off most of the time I was in bed. After a quick shower and blow drying my hair, I brushed my hair up into a ponytail then grabbed a cup of coffee in hopes the caffeine would perk me up.
I spray on some of the perfume that Hayden bought me for my birthday last month. I breathe in the scent in deep and think of him.
I quickly put on the new outfit I bought 2 days ago. Hayden hasn't seen this one so I hope he likes it. The crop top is a beautiful baby blue, like Hayden's eyes and has a delicate flower print. The denim shorts I paired with it are..well, form-fitting and are short like booty shorts. I slip on my sneakers and head out the door.
It's quarter to 12 noon when I leave. I arrive at his apartment door right on time and I knock on his door.
"Riley!" Hayden grabs me in a crushing bear hug. "I'm so happy you're here. I missed you." His eyes scan my body from head to toe. "Wow..you look so sexy", he blushes.
"Hayden, watch the super strength babe", I choke out gasping.
"Sorry!" He sheepishly grins. "Come on in!"
He invites me over to the couch and sits beside me. "Oh would you like anything to drink? I have iced tea, milk, water, and...booze", he giggles.
"No thanks, I just wanna talk", I replied.
Hayden's face takes on a serious look. "You upset?" he asks worriedly.
"No, nothing's wrong. Hayden, I..." His eyes are fixed intently on mine, locked in.
"Hayden, I have been thinking about where you and I go from here. We've been through so much together. Damien gave me a key to his apartment but..." My words trailed off.
"But?.." Hayden prods.
"But I only want to be with you and you alone." I pause then continue. I had asked you at Nadia and Steve's housewarming party out on the fire escape if you thought you and I could have that someday and you seemed open to the idea."
"I was, yes." He replies.
"Well, do you still feel that way now?" I shyly asked.
Hayden looks at me wide-eyed, as if the idea just dawned on him.
"Of course I do! I know everything's been crazy and a whirlwind but the truth is, I was gonna ask you the same thing", he admitted.
"Hayden, I'm so in love with you it's unreal. You're the first person I think of every single day. You're constantly on my mind. I miss you so much when we aren't together..." My words trail off as tears form in my eyes, everything going blurry.
Hayden wraps his strong arms around me gently, stroking my back then kisses the top of my head. "Same here. I'm honestly miserable when you're not here Riley." he admits.
My tears fall and Hayden gently wipes them away. "Riley, I would love nothing more than to have you here with me all the time. I love you so much it scares me but..." he trails off.
Oh God he's gonna say something like things aren't working out...I panic inside.
Hayden looks at me then says, "Stay here for a sec. I'll be right back."
He goes into his bedroom and after a few minutes, he stands in front of me. I can tell he's nervous about something and that's making ME nervous.
"Riley, close your eyes please."
I do what he asks but can hear his feet shuffling. "Okay open your eyes," I hear him say.
I open my eyes and gasp. Hayden is kneeled down on one knee with a velvet ring box open in one hand. Hayden takes a deep breath and then says..
"I've told you that I loved you many times. I told you at the Gala that I had fallen in love with you during combat practice in Indonesia but I think I actually fell for you after our first date. I may be a Match who was programmed to think and behave according to the personality traits you found desirable but THIS is something I've thought about many times on my own."
Hayden takes my left hand in his free hand and continues.
"Riley, love of my life and keeper of my heart, will you marry me?"
I sit there stunned as if the wind had been knocked out of me. My heart starts racing and my tears fall once again. "Oh God Hayden...YES, a thousand times YES!" I cry, kissing his soft lips.
When we part, Hayden's face is literally shining with happiness. A smile so big it goes ear to ear, his eyes glittering with tears. He stares at me then embraces me again.
He lets go then gently takes the ring out of the box. "Look at what's inscribed on the inside of the band." I look closely and see the words- Riley + Hayden = Forever.
He takes the ring and slides it on my left ring finger. The half carat diamond solitaire sparkles brilliantly. "It's beautiful but it doesn't hold a candle to you," he gushes.
"I have to call Nadia and let her know about our engagement!" I excitedly proclaim. "She's gonna want to see the ring too."
"She already has, hon." Hayden smiles. "She..uh, bought it. But I told her I'd be paying her back once I start my career and make some money." He continues, " But she didn't know when I would propose."
"You two are something else!" I playfully poke his ribs.
Hayden laughs and stands up. "I'm going to go make us some lunch now. What sounds good- sloppy joes or chicken alfredo?"
"Either one sounds good to me babe," I reply.
Chapter 2
We talk and laugh into the late evening then I ask Hayden when he would like for me to move in.
"Tomorrow. I don't wanna wait any longer. Tonight though, you're mine. Please stay the night with me Riley," he implored.
I reply, "You don't have to ask me twice."
I grab Hayden's hand and lead him to the bedroom. I embrace him tightly, devouring his mouth with fervent kisses. Hayden groans and shoves his tongue in, kissing me as hard and as deep as he can. I rake my nails down his back and he comes up for air, gasping and says, "Clothes off NOW". He tries to help me but his hands are shaking with desire and his movements are uncoordinated. I quickly strip him down and take a look at his naked body.
"You have such a sexy body, you know that?", I say.
Hayden replies, "EROS was evil as hell but they knew how to build a decent body."
"Hayden, take me now please..I can't wait any longer.."
His blue eyes flash ravenously. "Then get on your knees on the bed," he growls.
"I do as he asks and he positions himself behind me, his hard shaft begging for entry. Grabbing onto my hips, Hayden slides his entire length deep inside then shudders.
"Oh God Riley!" he gasps.
With every thrust forward he makes, I slam back, taking him as deep as I can. Hayden is huge so he stretches me with every thrust.
Before long all we hear is skin slapping skin, moans and groans begging each other to go faster and rougher. As I get to the edge, I tell Hayden to stop so I can flip over onto my back.
He wraps one arm around me and flips me over like a pro. I throw my legs over his shoulders, which changed the angle and allowed him to go even deeper. We hang onto each other tight, my nails raking red lines down his back. Hayden sucks on my breasts, panting hard. Both of us are so sweaty, it runs down our faces and bodies.
I beg him for more but he's giving me every inch. Finally I feel the familiar warm tingling. "Hayden..I'm gonna come!" I shout.
He pounds harder and says, "I got you baby, give it to me." My warm juices flood over his dick, pouring down his thighs. "Oh damn! Riley..yes.."
I feel the hard throbbing as he gives a final loud moan which gives way to shaking and finally he rolls over beside me breathing hard.
"Baby...you are incredible," Hayden sighs.
We lay in comfortable silence. Hayden slowly stroking my back, smiling.
"Will you want kids someday?"
Hayden stops stroking my back and is quiet, deep in thought but frowning. Finally with a sigh, he replies.
"I would love that but I can't..."
I reply, "What about adoption?"
"Riley, if you want me to be honest, that'd be my last resort. I want a biological child."
"I know Hayden and so would I but that's not possible for us."
Hayden sits up, an angry frown on his face.
"Why didn't you make Damien your one and only then? At least he could probably give you a baby. I'll never be able to!"
With that, Hayden jumps up and quickly gets dressed.
"Hayden?!" I didn't mean..."
"Don't worry about it. The engagement is off." He storms out the door slamming it hard behind him.
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