#i'll often mention if i have something stressful or exciting coming up
HFKSHIDJDJ I really, really enjoy reading your ramblings in the tags after I finish reading your writings :∆
hehe thank you it's where i put all the unorganized thoughts that i couldn't fit into the writing/brainrot itself :D i am glad you find them enjoyable :)
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atinystraynstay · 3 months
Off Limits - Jeong Yunho
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Synopsis: Going to college for you was very serious. Nothing could stand in the way which meant often rejecting social events and saying no to anything to risk. That was until you met Yunho, someone you would risk it all for.
Pairing: College!Jeong Yunho x fem. reader
Genre: mutual pining, strangers to friends with benefits - MINORS DNI
Contains: mentions of celibacy, mentions of alcohol consumption, nudity, oral (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), dirty talk, slight begging, protected intercourse, characters losing their virginity, orgasm
Note: based on a request from @jonghoslvt ☆ no joke, I adore you and never thought you'd take up my offer. I really hope this doesn't disappoint because I literally fell in love with the idea the moment you hit my inbox
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Word Count: 7.8k
"But y/n, it's not even a frat party," your best friend whined. "Yeah! We're too old for that anyways," your other friend chimed in.
You currently found yourself in a standoff. At first, you had situated yourself in your bed with your textbooks to have a quiet night in. Your friends, however, took it upon themselves to propose an alternative idea. One that you often rejected.
"Are you forgetting that we have midterms next week? I would like to start spring break stress-free."
Your entire life has been focused on going to college. If asked about your childhood, you would always recall how happy you were growing up. But you never overlooked the sacrifices your parents made for you. Going to college was never realistic or them, so they worked overtime I order to provide you with the opportunity to live a better life than they ever got a chance for. Their struggles were something you can never ignore, which made you want to work hard to make them proud.
And since getting to college, it was about doing well to be able to show them why their hard work was worth it. You also had a personal goal of being able to afford to repay them for everything.
To get to that point, that meant often saying no to social obligations so you could study. Your weekends often looked like you were crammed in the library. Or, if you needed human interaction, propping yourself at a coffee shop to mix in with the crowd.
Breaks were the opportunities to let loose and have a little bit of fun. Yet, your breaks often looked like doing work for internships. Now that senior year has arrived, you are also adding in time to scroll through LinkedIn and Indeed for potential job openings
"Y/n, I adore you, and what a little studious bookworm you are. However, it is senior year. We have less than 3 months to make stupid decisions before adult obligations. There is also the chance we might not be living even in the same state or country! Do you really want to live life only when we come to visit or you visit someone else?"
You never went to a frat party. You never had a random hookup. You always played things safe.
You couldn't help but let out a sigh as you gazed down at your lap where your textbook rested. She had a point. While you were very excited about being that true adult version of you, you weren't ready for the hard parts of it like no longer living with your best friends or really having little interaction.
"And I'll tell you what. We don't have to stay all night. If you get overwhelmed or are over it, we will come straight home and watch Love Is Blind."
You perked up at her compromise. When you looked up, hopeful eyes were staring back at you before you silently nodded. That was enough to send them into squeals and start to drag yourself out of bed.
What were you getting yourself into?
Little did you know, across campus, a similar debate was going on.
"Guys, I really don't like house parties like that," Yunho huffed. "And how do you know if you've ever been?" Mingi challenged him.
Yunho couldn't help but narrow his eyes on his best friend. He had a point, but damn, did he hate it when he was right. Out of the two them, Mingi was the more social one. Before a party was finalized, Mingi was already receiving texts about the details so word could spread like wildfire.
On the other hand, Yunho often opted for quiet nights in. He would spend nights either gaming with Seonghwa or drinking at home with a few friends. What was the point in going to a house party when they already had beer in their apartment?
There was also a part that loved hearing Mingi's retelling of what went down. Yunho simply didn't like parties, the situations that could arise from consuming too much alcohol, and the morning recovery.
"You owe me!" "For what?!"' "I mean," Mingi began. "I am your best friend. I'm sure you owe me something!"
Yunho rolled his eyes but couldn't fight the smirk curling onto his lips. It amused him greatly the antics Mingi always tried getting into, and how he basically became a whimpering puppy for attention.
"What will you do for me if I go?" Yunho challenged. "I will literally never ask you to come out again if you absolutely hate it. Or I will do all the chores in the house for the next month."
That caught Yunho's attention instantly. He liked to consider himself a very clean man, never knowing who might step into their humble abode. However, Yunho still liked to maintain a welcoming household and seemed like he had things together. First impressions mattered the most to him. And it was no secret Mingi often dirtied up any clean space, no matter how recently Yunho finished cleaning.
"Wait? Are you being serious?"
With Mingi cleaning, that meant that Yunho could just spend time the way he wanted to - playing video games and chilling with his friends. Yunho definitely was a person who liked being around people, but he didn't like situations that could get messy quickly. Hence why there was a slight aversion to going to parties where things could go 0 to 100 too quickly.
At home, Yunho was in control. He was the mood maker who kept a warm, welcoming environment. That meant one that was clean and safe for everyone. An oasis from the chaos of university.
"I'm dead serious, Yunho." "Deal!"
Little to Yunho know just how overwhelming the atmosphere would be. Even though Yunho certainly liked making memories with his friends, he was almost intimidated. All around him were drinks being passed left and right, not even knowing what was in the drink but it made his noise scrunch up as all he could smell was cheap perfume and alcohol. It practically burned his nostrils.
"Relax, Yunho," Wooyoung laughed. "You are about to give away that you've never had pussy before."
Yunho's head snapped towards his younger friend, a look of shock on his face. "Do you ever not think with your dick?"
"Will you ever sleep with someone? Come on. You're in college. Make a bad decision." "I'm fine with sticking to this one," Yunho sighed.
It wasn't that Yunho didn't want to have sex. However, he knew just how special being intimate with someone is. What mattered to him was waiting for the person he felt like he could be that vulnerable with. Just finding a random person and doing it sounds disgusting. Not how he wanted his first time go.
Nobody has caught his attention yet.
"Oh ease up, Yunho. Woo just is looking out for you," Mingi laughed. "But if you do find someone, bedrooms are open upstairs.
I think I'm going to be sick.
"Well, to be the bearer of good news," Jongho called out. "It seems like Yunho has a pair of eyes on him."
What was he talking about?
Slowly, Yunho looked over his shoulder whereas his friends seemed to wipe their heads around. Way to be subtle. There was this pattern that always occurred where girls seemed to have taken an interest in Yunho, but he never reciprocated. He was just content with the way things were in his life - no drama, no mess.
His eyes widened slightly at the sight behind him. There's no way.
Yunho has seen you around campus before. The two of you have never had a class together, seeing as your respective programs were in two different buildings. Yet, there were always ways you two crossed paths. You were heavily involved on campus or often in the library studying. Yunho did frequent the library, but if there was no immediate open spot available, he would leave. He always thought you were cute, but the opportunity never presented itself where he could make a move.
He didn't quite think that asking someone, a complete stranger, out on a date in the library when they were obviously busy was romantic.
To be honest, he never saw you as a party girl. You were often studying out of your mountain of textbooks or typing like your life depended on it on your laptop. He adored that side of you. When your hair was pulled back and your glasses framed your face, highlighting your big eyes.
Tonight, you opted for a different look. You ditched your sweats for a short black skirt that had a small slit on the right side. You wore a white shirt but that was mostly hidden underneath the leather jacket you wore. Your hair was downing loose curls. Your makeup also looked like it was light, but he was drawn to your cherry red lipstick.
I wonder if it also tastes like cherries.
Yet, tonight, you seemed like you had no agenda. Your eyes did glance in his direction, followed by whispers and giggles from your friends. To say his interest was peaked is an understatement.
You were someone who caught his attention. And his friends seemed to notice.
"Hey y/n," Mingi called out.
Yunho's head immediately turned towards Mingi who wore a smirk on his face. He wouldn't.
But it was too late. Mingi was already halfway across the room to greet you and your friends. And Yunho was hot on his trails.
"See you finally are breaking out of the library to join the rest of us," he commented.
You rolled your eyes before greeting him with a hug. Of course, Mingi knew you. He knew everyone. How did you two meet though? You weren't an ex-girlfriend or else you would have been over to the dorms. And you had a face that was impossible to forget. Maybe Mingi got tutoring from you?
"Don't hold your breath, Mingi. I was offered an out if I want to take it," you warned.
Your voice was just as angelic as Yunho imagined it. You often studied alone, unless you were shoved into a group project by your professors. Hearing how you speak made his heart flutter.
"Well maybe I can offer a reason to stay?"
You tilted your head in confusion. Mingi nodded over his shoulder which caused you to instinctively look over.
Everything else froze the moment your eyes met. It was like a scene from a romantic movie where the lights highlight the dream girl, music fades out. Nothing else matters at the moment besides you.
"Y/n, I want you to meet my best friend, Jeong Yunho. Yunho, be nice. This is y/n."
I was brought back to reality by Mingi gently patting me on the shoulder and giving me a slight shove. Luckily, I was quick on my feet to prevent myself from stumbling into this girl and making a fool out of myself. The wouldn't be a great first impression.
By your body language, Yunho could tell that you were out of your element. But so was he. Your eyes bounced around as you noticed your friends and his had left the two of you alone.
"Why don't we head out of here? Maybe go to the kitchen? Away from the crowds?"
Your eyes instantly lit up at his offered. The sight of you feeling relieved made Yunho felt proud, but also served as a motivating factor to ensure you always felt that content especially around him.
With a hand on your lower back, Yunho escorted you two out of the main part of the house. His eyes flickered all around to see where there were less people. However, people were playing drinking games in the kitchen. He glanced down at the cup in your hand to see you still had something to drink. The stairs, on the other hand, were vacant.
"Come on, let's go upstairs. I've been wanting to get to know you, y/n," he confessed.
Instantly, you felt your cheeks heat up. You nodded before following Yunho's lead. Your friend groups watched almost in astonishment at how quickly things progressed. Mingi was the proudest, as he played cupid after all.
As the two of you descended up the stairs, you could hear the bass of the music from below but could not quite make out the words. The loud conversations faded out to where you could just hear the footsteps of you and Yunho. You swore though you could feel your racing, and you were nervous Yunho could hear it too.
He flashed you a warm smile as he began trying the doorknob on the first door he saw.
"Occupied!" Someone shouted from within. The two of you felt yourself get hot in the face.
Quickly, he maneuvered the two of you to the bedroom across the hallway. Luckily, the door was slightly cracked and lights were off. An indicator that it was unoccupied. And to confirm, Yunho stepped in first by gently pushing the door. He let out a sigh of relief as there was no one.
"Perfect. Now I can actually get to know you."
He wanted to know me? The girl who is always studying?
He stepped out of the doorway, his back against the bedroom door to allow you inside. You thanked him with a soft smile before stepping into the room. You did notice he closed the door but also left it unlocked. It honestly made you feel a bit safer just by his gentle gaze and consideration.
Whenever you've seen Yunho walking around campus, you've always taken note of his soft aura. Maybe that's why it was so easy to lean into the potential friendship with him.
You found yourself walking into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. Your hands flattened out the skirt so it covered a bit more of your legs. Yunho joined you, keeping a bit of space but nothing too much. Just enough so you could speak one another but be respectful and mindful of your own personal space.
"I'm surprised to see you here tonight," Yunho commented, a smile still on his lips. "You just never seemed to be the party girl." "You know me already," you laughed. "I'm honestly not but my friends want to make lasting memories before graduation," you explained.
Yunho couldn't help but chuckle which caused you to raise an eyebrow. He quickly cleared his throat, a light hue coating his cheeks.
"Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I promise. It just seems that our friends are in the same mindset since that's why I got dragged out of the apartment tonight." "I guess it isn't so bad now that I'm here with you."
You swore that Yunho's cheeks got darker. You also noticed how his smile widened to the point his eyes became hidden. He was just too adorable.
"So mystery girl knows who I am," he chuckled again.
God, his laugh was so infectious. I could just sit hear and listen to it all day.
"And I'm surprised my campus crush knows even who I am." "Oh? I'm your campus crush?" He smirked.
Now it was your turn to blush a bit. Damn, caught red-handed.
"Well yeah. I've seen you all over with Mingi or when you are trying to study in the library. Guess you could say I've always been curious."
Yunho's ego soared. He didn't come here to get lucky, but he was. He felt as if he had one the lottery.
"There's something else I've been curious about," he admitted.
Your upper body had turned towards him. The moonlight shining from the window made your eyes sparkle. It was as if you had the whole universe in your eyes. Your head was tilted slightly, a habit Yunho was quickly learning about you and equally adored.
One hand remained at a respectful spot in the space between the two of you. Yet, his right hand reached across to cup your cheek. His thumb caressed your cheek affectionately as your eyes widened slightly. Yet, your body felt relaxed underneath his touch.
He never wanted to take things too far, but a little kiss never hurts, right?
"Is it okay if I kiss you, y/n?" He whispered.
Your name coming from his lips sent butterflies in your stomach. "Yes," you whispered back.
He offered another gentle smile before he leaned in to press his lips against yours. His lips felt soft and gentle as he didn't want to pressure you to kiss him back. But you would be a mad person if you didn't. You matched his tempo, allowing him to lead the kiss.
Tiny electric shocks were sent throughout your body. You couldn't help but allow your arms to wrap around his neck, which gave him the green light to move his hand off the bed to your knee. His warm hand caressed your exposed skin.
"I like the feeling of your hands on me," you murmured against his lips.
Fuck, Yunho, you're in trouble. Your statement made his brain all fuzzy. Yet, he didn't want to get too ahead of himself. He was almost positive you meant innocence in your statement.
His hand moved from your knee to your hip where he lifted you with ease. You gasped softly, pulling back from the kiss. You never expected him to be so strong! Your mouth was slightly open as you were positioned on his lap.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Yunho said. "Did I move too fast?"
You turned towards him and shock your head. Your heartbeat was felt throughout your whole body. If it was anyone else, you might have gone running out the door by how overwhelmingly intense the moment felt. With Yunho? All you wanted was to stay.
"No, this is perfect," you confessed. Your one hand stayed wrapped around his neck, your fingers running through your hair. "Is this okay? I mean, I've never done anything like this before. I don't just kiss cute boys who I barely now."
Yunho couldn't help but smile softly at your sentiment. You were too sweet. "Well, maybe we can become more than strangers?" His hand caressed your side affectionately, easing any nerves left in your body.
"I'd like that," you whispered.
You were about to go in to kiss Yunho again when the bedroom door busted open. You gasped as Yunho gently moved you off, shielding your body. The people who busted in just gasped before quickly closing the door behind them, muttering apologizes.
Way to kill the mood.
That was three weeks ago. Yunho and you kept in good contact, especially now that Mingi prided himself in bringing two of his favorite people together. Even though you and Yunho were as far from being a couple as anything else. If anything, you two were beginning to deepen your friendship.
Yunho now had a reliable person to study, with who would keep him accountable for actually getting work done. And you had someone who made life fell less lonely.
And it was a bonus that each study session ended with a makeout session at your apartment. It was almost a ritual between the two of you. At the end of the night, Yunho would make sure you had eaten before walking him. You would then offer to come in for some water or coffee, depending on what else he had going on in the evening. Which were ultimately excuses to go to your bedroom.
Never before had you felt so safe with someone. Yunho looked after you, which honestly blew you away considering how new the friendship was. Yet, for Yunho, taking care of you was a duty. Even if you weren't official, he always wanted to make sure you knew someone was looking out for you.
That was as evident as ever when you two were behind closed doors. Light kisses led to light touches. His hands often wondered to your lower back, maybe underneath your shirt to cup your bra-covered breasts. Your hands would fall on his chest, sometimes down his abs towards where his belt was. Kisses on your lips led to neck kisses then to hickies which your roommates teased you relentlessly about.
Nothing more though. You had told Yunho that you were always anxious when it came to sex. You didn't want to jeopardize everything you worked for. And Yunho always respected that, especially since he was waiting for the right person. He didn't want to regret something so meaningful. And you respected that too.
Yet, you couldn't ignore your own urges anymore. There was something powerful between the two of you. You just weren't sure how to tell Yunho how you were feeling without scaring him off.
The past three weeks have been the time of your life. He made you feel warm and fuzzy, as if you were the main character in a Nicholas Spark's novel. And Yunho felt like he was on Cloud 9 with you. He never wanted to lose that feeling.
Buzz buzz
You were currently in the kitchen of your college apartment, slicing up an apple and peanut butter. A favorite study time snack of yours. Your eyes warned over to see Yunho's name flash on your phone which instantly brought a smile on your face.
"Oh! Y/n must be talking to Yunho," your roommate teased.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't fight the smile growing on your lips. Yeah, you were down bad for him.
"Hey pretty girl, what are you up to today?" "Not studying! I got everything done." "So you have time for me?"
Your smile grew wider at his text. You literally felt your heart flutter.
"Maybe.. is it worth it though?" "Oh darling, don't you worry. I'm going to make sure you feel on top of the world." "Where are we going?" "My place? 7pm?"
You glanced at the time at the top left corner of your phone. 5:41pm. Not much time to get ready.
"Anything I should bring over?" "Just yourself. It is all I need."
Lord have mercy.
Your snack was long forgotten as you ran up the stairs. The excitement about seeing Yunho, being alone with him drove you in ways academic achievement and goals accomplished never could.
You wear wearing a loose sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. Nothing too suggestive but also easy to remove. You never wanted to go in assuming any situation, but you couldn't help but be hopeful. Your roommates also noticed your change of perspective since Yunho came into your life. They liked seeing this side of you - the side where you were allowing yourself to enjoy life rather than focus on work and outcomes.
"Make sure you say hi to Yunho for us," your one roommate teased as you rushed to grab your wallet and keys. "Should we expect you tonight or tomorrow afternoon?"
Your cheeks were a bit red, not from embarrassment. There was not one ounce that was ashamed to be so scandalous with Yunho. Maybe it was because it was your little secret, the part of your that you were allowing to flourish for the first time, that was being exposed. While you weren't sure if you and Yunho would be anything more than friends, you were safe to say you were no longer strangers.
"I'll just text you guys when I'm heading home," you laughed, trying to ease your own nerves. Yet, you felt all the butterflies in your stomach which mad you jittery.
"Oh, no need. We have your location, y/n." "Creeps," you huffed. "Or just care about your well-being! But we also know Yunho will take care of that part."
I need to get out of here. Glancing at the clock, you saw it was 6:47pm. Yunho was just a 5 minute walk away from your apartment, so you were in no rush but any excuse to get to Yunho quickly.
"Hey, I'm heading over now :)" you texted him. "Can't wait to be with you."
You waved goodbye to your roommates who sounded off in encouraging cheers. You shook your head playfully before walking out the door to Yunho's apartment. With each step, your heartbeat is faster and louder. He had you wrapped around his finger and you didn't even know how to tell him.
"Hi pretty girl," Yunho said, answering the door. His height always left you breathless. You knew you were down bad when his height is something you adore. He was dressed in a grey sweatshirt with a yellow smiley face in the middle and black sweatpants.
Gently, he stepped out of the way to allow you to enter. You smiled appreciatively before walking in and slipped off your shoes. Mingi was in the kitchen, wiping down the countertop after dinner assumedly.
"Hey y/n. I'm about to head out!" He exchanged a look with Yunho, but you were too hyper-focused on Yunho's hand on your lower back. You could basically turn into Jell-o. "I'll see you around," he snickered.
"Bye Mingi," Yunho muttered. His demeanor softened when he turned towards you though, offering that gentle smile that makes you want to do anything he says. "Wanna go up to my room?"
You nodded before taking the lead. You've been all too familiar with the staircase that led up to Yunho's bedroom. Each time you walked in front of him, Yunho struggled. He surely had the best view in the world but wanted to do his absolute best to remain respectful.
Once you arrived in his room, you were a bit taken back. This wasn't the usual setup. You were much accustomed to the floor lamp being on, his laptop ready for a movie.
Tonight, the no lights were on. Instead, he had lit a few candles that were new additions to the top of his dresser. It created a glow in the room that was warm and welcoming. It also had a smell of vanilla and cashmere, two of your favorite scents. He was a good listener. Soft, sensual music was playing in the background from the speaker by his desk.
You stepped into the room but didn't go to the bed this time. You turned towards him, keeping a bit of distance but yearning to be close to him.
"What's all this for, Yunho?"
He loved the way his name sounded from your lips. It sent shivers down his spine. He smiled gently before taking a step closer, closing the door behind him. Once again, he didn't lock it right away. Yunho was the exception in a world of boys where he was a gentleman. He always offered you an out, always a way to leave if you so choose. Yunho never placed expectations on you. He followed your lead.
"Y/n," he began. One of his hands gently reached out for yours, fingers gently wrapping around your own but not quite holding it just yet. It was endearing. "You mean so much to me. I mean, I've always been mesmerized by you, but I never knew someone could have such a large impact until you came into my life. I've never wanted to open up to someone the way I open up to you."
Your eyes widened slightly, stepping even a bit closer to Yunho. Your mind was jumping to conclusions but you did everything to stay calm.
"There is just something special between us, angel," he whispered. His hand fully slipped into yours as the other gently moved to hold your hip, keeping you close. His touch was gentle yet firm, almost as if he was begging you to say but also allowing you to move if you desired. "You complete me in ways I never imagined. Both emotionally and mentally, and our physical connection is something I'd like to explore more."
Oh my god.
"I understand if maybe that's something you never wanted with me but-" "But just kiss me. Please."
His eyes now widened this time. You were biting your lip gently as you gazed up at him with your big doe eyes.
Come on, Yunho. Get it together.
No longer hesitating, he leaned in fully to press his lips against yours. His hand squeezed your hip affectionately. Unlike the other times he's kissed you, this was more passion. He had a certain level of assertiveness that made you melt. Your hands moved from holding his to resting on his chest and the other on his arm.
With ease, Yunho picked you up which caused you squeal. He pulled back from the kiss to look up at you. You noticed this time his gaze was a bit more seductive which made you feel all tingly.
"Oh darling, I'll get you squealing for another reason soon enough," he promised you.
Your legs wrapped around his waist. You knew he'd never let you fall, so your action was more to lure him in closer. His hands moved to hold your ass, giving a playful squeeze which indeed sent your squealing again. Even though the sensations were newer to you, it felt so good when it was Yunho touching you.
Gently, Yunho tossed you on his bed. Your sweatshirt moved a bit to expose your midriff. Your hair was sprawled out on his comforter. And with the glow from the candles, Yunho swore you looked angelic.
"You can say no at anytime, darling," he promised you. His voice was in a soft tone but firm. This was serious for him which made your heart swell.
"I trust you. This is new for me too, but I want to experience it with you."
At first, he remained standing at the foot of his bed. Just enough so he could slip his own sweatshirt over his head. You couldn't help but stare at his exposed chest. He was built so beautifully.
Yunho noticed which caused him to smirk. Not wanting to be apart from you any longer, his hands gently then moved to your exposed skin. "What do you crave first, darling? I want to make sure you're all wet for me."
His words caused your cheeks to warm up tremendously. Your brain was all fuzzy just coming to realize this was actually happening. You were about to have sex with Yunho, your campus crush. This felt just too good yet nothing extraordinary has happened yet.
"Could you eat me out? I've always wanted to know what it feels like," you confessed. "Your wish is my command, princess."
His hands moved from your hips to the waistband of your leggings. He glanced up at you once more to make sure you were comfortable and okay with proceeding. You couldn't help but giggle before running your hand through his hair comfortingly, giving him the nod he needed.
"So gorgeous, y/n, baby," he murmured. His lips kissed the exposed skin of your tummy before both of his hands began to move your legging dow your legs. "You look amazing in these leggings, but I'm so honored to be the one to take them off of you." His eyes then noticed the pink lace panties that you were wearing underneath. A tiny bow was in the front which made his mouth water.
You shivered as his hands gently began to tug off your panties. It was a bit chilly in the room for which Yunho smiled apologetically.
"I'll warm you up in no time, darling." "I have no doubt, baby. I know you always look out for me." "Always," Yunho vowed.
With your leggings and panties on the floor, Yunho crotched in front of you. His hands rested on your knees gently, thumbs caressing the outer part. He was a bit surprised how you opened them almost automatically for him, but he was overjoyed to know you wanted this just as much as him.
His cock twitched at the sight of how wet you already were, a slight glisten already noticeable. "My baby girl needs me, hmm?"
"I like when you speak to me like that," you confessed, letting out a shaky breath.
Yunho moved your one leg over his shoulder as the other rested on your thigh. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable. "What? You like knowing that I want you all to myself? That I want to be selfish?"
You were propped up on your elbows, gazing down at him. Your teeth were sunk into your lower lip in anticipation. All you could bring yourself was to nod in confirmation.
"Well, y/n, sweet girl. You are mine. You've been mine since the party, so don't doubt it again."
His tongue then licked a long strip along your pussy up to your clit. You let out a loud gasp, head tilting back. His hot breath hit your pussy causing you to shiver and spread your legs a bit wider, offering yourself completely to him. He hummed in satisfaction before letting the tip of his tongue circle your clit.
Your back arched slightly off his comforter. Your eyes fluttered shut as you let yourself immerse fully into the pleasure.
He loved the taste of you. So sweet. His tongue ventured up and down your pussy before sticking into your tight hole. You let out a soft moan. It was music to his ears, knowing that he was capable of making you feel so good.
His cock was hardening by the sounds you were making. Twitching and began for attention. Soon though, he would get the relief he's always fantasized about.
You were his main priority though. He wanted this to be just as special, as meaningful for you as it was for him.
He pulled back which made your head snap down. Yunho couldn't help the small pout that formed on your lips. "Don't worry, darlin'. I'm not going anywhere." His lips began to press kisses into your thighs as his one hand left your knee to gently trace along your pussy.
"Is it okay if I finger you, angel? Just want to make sure you're stretched out for me. Don't want to hurt you."
His speech was a bit slurred, almost as if he was drunk off the taste of you.
"Please. I want to feel all of you, want to feel of this for the first time with you."
Yunho leaned down to kiss your thighs. He moved his kisses towards your clit. He could imagine the feeling might be a bit uncomfortable for you at first, so he wanted to help ease you a bit.
When his lips met your clit, he kissed it delicately before wrapping his lips around it. He began sucking on it which had you moaning sweetly. He couldn't help but smile before sliding one finger into you. His eyes looked up at you to see your mouth slightly open. Yet, your body remained relaxed on his bed.
He moved his finger in and out of your pussy slowly. He let out a groan at the feeling of how warm, how wet you were. You just felt so inviting it sent him into a frenzy. He craved more that he was struggling to hold himself back but he knew all good things come with time. His cock was straining against his pants painfully.
"I'm going to add another, sweetheart, okay?" He murmured against you. The vibration of his voice against your pussy caused you to whimper out in euphoria as you still nodded your head.
"Can I hold your hand, baby?" you begged softly.
Instantly, his free hand left your thigh to rest against the comforter for you to hold. He didn't need to be told twice. Whether it was for reassurance or to feel close to him, he would do anything for you.
Slowly, he slipped another finger into you. This time, at the feeling of how full you were, your body tensed a bit. Yet, Yunho kept his fingers still inside of you. He didn't want to rush in as he kept his gaze on you. Feeling your fingers slip into his hand, he squeezed your hand reassuringly. And this time, you squeezed back. "Keep going. Please."
His fingers moved slowly. He couldn't help but stifle the moan from his lips as he wanted to suck on your clit a bit harder, to make sure you were still feeling good. When you started moaning again, he began to curl his fingers gently into your g-spot. That made you moan louder than before, an encouragement for Yunho to proceed.
He then began to spread his two fingers apart, stretching you out properly. Your eyes widened, your breathing becoming shaky and shallow.
"Speak to me, baby girl. How does this feel?" "S-so good, baby." "Tell me what you need." "You. Please." "How do you want me? You've already got me. Right here, angel." "I want you to fuck me."
His fingers stilled inside of you as he pulled back from your clit. He looked up at you as he knew there was no going back. He knew he wanted to continue, but he just wanted to make sure you weren't too caught up in the moment. He didn't want you regret such a vulnerable moment with him.
"Are you positive?" He asked in a gentle voice. "I've never been more sure of anything."
Slowly, his fingers slipped out of your pussy. You whimpered at the lose of contact but quickly moaned when you saw his fingers enter his mouth. He sucked on them gently, humming against his digits. You've never witnessed something so attractive before. Your cheeks were flushed at the sight too.
"So delicious, angel. Thank you for letting me have a taste."
Now standing fully at the end of his bed, his hands moved to undo his belt and unzip his pants. Your eyes widened when you saw the tent in his pants. You couldn't believe he got so turned on by tasting and touching you.
Seeing the effect you had over him made you feel powerful.
Noticing you were staring, he winked at you. "You are the only one with this effect over me. Only one I ever want." His belt clinked against the floor as his pants soon joined, exposing his grey boxers. He was so hot. Does he even know that? You were going to move up to offer to jerk him off or suck him but he stopped you before your upper body could even leave his bed.
Did you do something wrong? You frowned a bit as your eyes quickly landed on his. Was he regretting going this far with you?
"Tonight is all about you, sweetheart." "But I want to make this special for you too," you frowned. "You just being here is enough to make this special. I promise."
You were a bit hesitant, wanting to be insistent on making him feel good. But with the look in his eyes the lustful gaze, you knew it was not a topic up for debate. You settled back onto his comforter as he moved to grab a condom from his bedside table.
He was a man prepared for any scenario. Whether it be one of his friends needing a condom or when a moment like this finally presented itself.
His boxers soon joined the floor. His cock instantly slapped against his abs. You noticed the veins running around the sides and the angry red tip, begging for attention. You made a mental note that you just had to suck Jeong Yunho off.
He grabbed the gold wrapper to tear it open. His right hand grabbed the base of his cock to hold it still as his left hand skillfully slipped the latex on. It just made his cock glisten, make it more appealing.
Finally, Yunho joined you on the bed. His knees rested in between your legs to keep you spread for him. His one hand rested by your head as the other cupped your cheek. You felt his forehead press against yours but not once did he look away from you.
"I mean it when I say we can stop at any point, angel. Just say the word." "Yunho, you're too sweet to me but I need you."
You needed him. God, his eyes nearly rolled at the words you spoke.
He pressed his lips to yours for a moment. Even the room felt hot and heavy, he wanted to remind you just how important you were to him. You kissed him back for a moment until you felt his tip against your pussy. He kept his gaze on you, wanting to make sure you were okay with what happened.
"You ready?" "Yeah," you breathed out.
As slow as ever, Yunho pushed his tip into you. You bit you lip as you kept your eyes trained on him. It felt familiar, just like when his fingers entered you. You nodded slowly before he began to push more of himself into your pussy. His head nearly rolling back at the feeling of how warm and tight you were around him. "Fuck," he breathed out.
The sound of you letting out another whimper caused him to snap back to reality. He frowned when he noticed the tears in your eyes.
"Oh angel," he whispered. He didn't dare move another inch. This wasn't about his pleasure, this was about you. "What's wrong?" "It's just a lot," you confessed. Salty tears began to leave your eyes as you let out a shaky breath. "Do you want me to stop?" "No, no," you begged. "I just need a moment."
Yunho nodded understandingly. He began to press soft kisses along your cheeks, your nose - anything to distract you from the pressure and temporary pain. He wanted to kiss you fully but he noticed you were breathing in deeply, trying to collect yourself and he didn't want to be inconsiderate.
"Take your time," he whispered. His hand moved to wipe your tears. "I go when you say go. I stop when you say stop." You took in another deep breath, really being able to feel how deep he was as your puss instinctively gripped his cock. He bit his lip to not moan, not wanting to do something that pressured you to say go.
However, in the few seconds of regulating your breathing, the pain began to feel like pleasure. It felt good. It was an odd feeling for sure, but one you wanted to continue with.
"Yunho?" you called out gently.
He pulled back so he could look into your eyes. His lips were curled up into that signature soft smile.
"Keep going. Please."
His eyes were trained on yours, almost as if he was looking for any hesitation. Yet, when he didn't see any, he nodded his head gently.
Before continuing to slip himself into you, he offered his hand for you to hold again. He really was a gentleman. Your fingers instantly slipped into his and you gave him a reassuring squeeze. That's all Yunho needed to continue slipping into your pussy.
Your breathing hitched again, but you remembered to breathe through it. And while it was a bit uncomfortable, it wasn't as bad as when you two started. You moaned when he eventually filled you completely.
"You okay, darling?"
He kept still but you could feel all of him inside of you. You felt so close, so vulnerable with him. It was overwhelming in the best sense.
"Never been better," you breathed out.
Satisfied, he began to retreat his hips before thrusting into you. Your head rolled back against his pillows and he rolled his head back at the feeling. "God damn," he breathed out. "You feel so good, angel. All for me."
His thrusts were slow at first, at an even pace. He was treating you as if you were the most delicate thing in the world, something that needed to be fiercely looked after. And while you might have enjoyed the sentiment, you just needed him.
"Baby, go faster, please." "Fuck, are you sure? If you say yes, I might not be able to hold myself back anymore." "Let loose, baby boy." That's all he needed to hear. His hand planted firmly on the space by your head, his other hand still holding yours. However, his thrusts became quicker, became deeper. It was as if something primal took over him.
Your moans were louder as you felt all of him entirely with each threat. He was so big, so thick. He filled you up just so heavenly, in ways you couldn't describe besides perfection.
"That's it," you whined out. "Right there, baby." "God, I could die a happy man this way."
You couldn't help but giggle as you moved your free hand to rest on his shoulder. Your fingernails dug slightly into his skin which seemed to send him pounding deeper into you.
The sound of wet skin slapping made him nearly delirious. He never imagined this would be happening especially not with you. Yunho truly won the jackpot. He watched as your eyes rolled back, your cheeks a light pink color. Your lips were slightly parted as you moaned without any control.
"You're so gorgeous, y/n."
Your walls began to tighten around him, a fire-like feeling taking over your stomach. His jaw was clenched, almost as if he was concentrating. You were a bit curious but began to notice the veins protruding out of his forearms from how hard he was thrusting.
You began to put the dots together.
"Are you close, baby?" "So fucking close," he huffed out. "Are you?"
His eyes were practically glued on you. All to make sure you felt on top of the world. He loved knowing that you two were sharing this experience together. The grip you had on his shoulder further encouraged him to give you everything he had.
No room to hesitate or overthink. "Yeah," you whimpered.
Sweat was beginning to coat his skin. You early drooled at the sight of how delicious he looked. How did you get so lucky?
"Let go, y/n, baby. I'm right there with you."
With one particularly hard thrust, you lost it. You felt like you were being sent into another dimension but the intensity of your orgasm. Nothing could have prepared you for the feeling as you truly believed you saw stars. Your legs shook slightly as Yunho groaned loudly, spurting his hot cum into the condom.
The heavy breathing from the two of you filled the room. The world outside of his bedroom seemed so far away as you felt so consumed by Jeong Yunho. You wouldn't want it any other way.
His cock started to soften inside of you but you two couldn’t bring yourselves to move. Your arms moved to wrap around him softly as he laid gently on you, keeping you close.
There was no other place you wanted to be. I guess sometimes you do need to take a risk and do something that might seem like it is off-limits.
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
Just Let Go
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Alexia and Jenni know precisely how to rid you of your stress and frustration. You're hoping they'll be able to help Misa out, too. If she's willing to give up control.
not really smut yet but still, 18+
You and Misa had hooked up before; normally, after el clásico, you'd meet up at the other's house Madrid or Barcelona. You would be celebrating, and Misa would, inevitably, be taking out her frustration on you. It had happened a few times.
You'd had an idea, though. You'd gone off at the 73rd minute, after getting 2 goals past Misa. You'd watched the rest of the game from the bench, sitting next to Jenni, who didn't miss the way your eyes kept straying to the opposing goalkeeper.
The game was one to celebrate for Barca, especially for you. You'd been going through a frustrating dry spell in regards to scoring, and today you'd broken through. Your team was ecstatic, planning to go out. You had... other plans. Evidently, as did Jenni and Alexia.
You were in the empty hall, smiling to yourself at the sounds of celebration emanating from the locker room, having just got off the phone with your sister, who was congratulating you on a game well done. As you were about to hang up, Alexia and Jenni slipped out of the locker room. Alexia wrapped an arm around your abdomen, resting her chin on your shoulder. Jenni took the phone out of your hand the minute you'd hung up, looking around before lightly pressing a kiss to your neck. Your head dropped back, giving her more access.
"No, no, not here," Jenni scolded lightly, as if she hadn't just initiated the contact.
"We have much to celebrate, hmm?" Alexia murmured. Both of them were close enough to you that it bordered on the edge of too friendly.
"Come back to ours? We can make sure you get a proper reward for those goals," Jenni's words were hot against your ear.
"I had an idea," you mentioned casually. You were normally content to let Alexia and Jenni do what they wanted to you, so they perked up at this. "You know how Misa and I..." you trailed off.
Both of them nodded. If there was any hint of jealousy on their faces, you couldn't detect it. They knew Misa from the national team, were friends with her, and they knew you two had an arrangement, not dissimilar to the one you had with the couple.
"It was a rough game for her," you started.
"Partly because of you," Alexia smirked.
"It was a rough game for her," you said, continuing as if you hadn't been interrupted. "I was thinking we could help her out. In the way you guys have been helping me out?"
They exchanged a long look, seemingly communicating without words, as they often did.
"What do you mean, help her out?" Jenni asked, pretending she didn't know very well what you meant.
You rolled your eyes, and Alexia pinched your arm lightly in warning. "She's frustrated. The two of you are... very good at getting rid of my frustration."
"So you want to bring her back with us, and have us fuck her? Watching doesn't seem like much of a reward," the blonde said bluntly.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll find something to do." You smiled.
"Will she be interested?" Jenni questioned, and you felt your stomach leap with excitement, taking her question as an agreement.
"Who wouldn't be?" You said, running a hand up and down Jenni's side.
She chuckled at you. "Alright, if that's what you want your reward to be. You're in charge of getting her there, though."
You looked to Alexia, who you knew held the real final say. She nodded. "If that's what you want, bonita."
You all returned to the locker room, as you began to figure out how, exactly, you were going to get Misa on board with this. She was stubborn, and probably in a horrible mood. You knew it would be good for her, Alexia and Jenni providing her with the release they'd given you so many times. Misa had always been a little weak when it came to doing what you wanted though, so you're sure you can find a way.
You waited outside the visitors exit, near the bus that would take the Real players back to their hotel. Players streamed past you, and you felt their glares, but ignored them. You were much to preoccupied thinking about what was to come, not really caring, even a little, about the opposing team.
Misa stormed out of the locker room, alone, after you'd been waiting for only a couple minutes, the winter air barely chilly enough for you to be shivering slightly in your sweatshirt. You saw her before she saw you, and you grabbed her wrist. She turned with a scowl on her face, which didn't really lessen when she realized who had grabbed her. She let you pull her back into the building, though, until you were standing out of the way, somewhat obscured from view.
"Hi," you said, trying to get a read on just how upset she was.
"Hi." She replied flatly. You decided to just jump into it.
"Come back with me?" You asked, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. She nodded slowly, a contemplative look across her sharp features. "To Alexia and Jenni's?" You finished, watching as her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"You seem upset," she scoffed at the obviousness of your statement. "You know I get upset to,"
It wasn't a secret, you could be hot headed just like Misa could, although you'd gotten better over the past few months. The reason it had gotten better, though, was because Alexia and Jenni had grown tired of your moodiness after you didn't play perfectly. You'd snapped at Jenni in the locker room one day, when she'd only been trying to make you feel better. Her and Alexia had brought you into an empty conference room, going back and forth as they told you that your behavior was bratty and not acceptable.
To this day, you didn't remember who made the first move, but suddenly, Jenni's lips were insistent on yours. When she broke the kiss, you'd looked, terrified at Alexia, who squashed your fears by pulling you in for an equally searing kiss. They told you to come over that night, and you had.
Since then, whenever the girls had noticed that you were a bit too frustrated, they'd instruct you to come back to their apartment, and they'd push every thought from your head.
"Alexia and Jenni have been helping me. I want them to help you to." You tell the keeper, and you know you don't imagine the spark of interest in her eyes.
"Help you how?" She asks, echoing Jenni's earlier question. Just like Jenni, she knew the answer, but she wasn't teasing you. She was trying to figure out if she was possibly right.
"How do you think?"
"I'm not sure," Misa said. She looked uncertain, and you knew she was conflicted on whether or not this was a good idea. You knew Misa; pushing her too hard would only result in her pulling away. Instead, you did what you knew would work. Getting her intrigued, and leaving.
"You know where I park, no? I'm leaving in probably 20 minutes for their place. If you want to come, you can. Otherwise, we'll just have fun without you." You turn without another word, heading back to the home side of the stadium, not a doubt in your mind that Misa would follow.
Sure enough, when you exited the stadium a bit later, you spotted Misa leaned up against your car. You bit back a smile, heading towards her.
"Knew you'd come." You teased. Misa shook her head at you, before pulling you tightly against her, ghosting a kiss over your lips, before pulling away, smirking when you tried to chase the kiss.
"Do not tease. It doesn't work for you." She said seriously. You laughed, unbothered by the threatening undertone. Misa was dominant, for sure, more so when she was in such a bad mood. She would be no match for Jenni and Alexia, though, that you were sure of. You let her have her fun, thinking she was in charge of the situation, knowing things would change quickly once you arrived at your destination.
You drove, Misa's hand possessively removing your hand from the center console, and lacing it with her larger one. The older couple didn't live far from the stadium, so you arrived rather quickly, pulling into the familiar parking lot.
You were excited to say the least, and you unbuckled, moving to climb out of the car as soon as it was off. Misa didn't move, though.
"You okay?" You asked, getting her attention.
"What if they don't want me here?" She questioned. Her face was hard, defensive, but you knew that underneath, she was hurting after the day she'd had, and probably couldn't stand the idea of being rejected.
"They do. Trust me." You spoke with so much confidence, that Misa nodded once, climbing out of the car.
She kept her hands on you all the way up to their floor, and as you knocked on the front door. She was tense, but you knew it wouldn't last very long.
Jenni answered, oozing confidence as she leaned against the door frame. She was only in a sports bra and shorts, rippling muscles on display. Her hair was damp, and loose around her shoulders. A cool smile adorned her face, eyes moving back and forth between you and the taller girl behind you.
"I didn't think you'd get her here." Jenni said to you. "Come in, Alexia's waiting for you both."
You took Misa's hand in yours, pulling her in the apartment behind you. You'd barely made it a step past Jenni before she was moving in between you and Misa, shutting the front door with a soft slam.
"Go to Alexia," Jenni said over her shoulder, eyes fixed on the brunette in front of her, and you obeyed, squeezing Misa's hand before dropping it and walking down the hall to where you knew your captain would be.
Jenni moved in, keeping her movements slow and cautious, until her body was pressed up against Misa's rather stiff one, one hand carefully cupping the goalkeeper's jaw.
"You're tense." The striker commented.
"You just put 7 past me." Misa scowled back.
"You need to relax for us," Jenni insisted, leaning in closer until Misa could feel the other woman's breath on her lips. Misa's eyes flicked down, and then back up to Jenni's eyes, before she leaned in. Misa had every intention to take control of the kiss; that was what she was expecting. To take her frustration out on you in the way she normally did, in the way you thoroughly enjoyed, while Alexia and Jenni watched, or perhaps helped.
Instead, Jenni's hand gripped the back of her neck tightly, pushing her lips against the other woman's hard. Misa suprised even herself when she melted into the kiss after a minute, allowing Jenni to grip Misa's face tightly in her hands, tongue pushing into her mouth.
Jenni smirked against the other woman's mouth, realizing that Misa had given up control, even if it was only a bit, even if it was only for a minute.
Jenni walked Misa back into the bedroom, breaking the kiss with a huff when they made it through the door. Alexia had you straddling her, sitting on the edge of the bed, lips working steadily against your mouth. Alexia was dressed similarly to Jenni, and Misa had to pry her eyes away from the blonde's arms, holding you tightly against her. The two of you also broke apart at the sound of the other woman's entrance.
You looked blissed out already, lips slightly swollen, eyes bright as you turned to Misa. She moved forward without another thought, intending to pull you off of Alexia and into her own arms.
Jenni caught her, though, wrapping both arms around Misa's muscled stomach. "No, no. That's not how this is going to go." Misa let out a noise of frustration that turned into a small exhale of air when Jenni's lips found her ear, nibbling on it lightly.
"I want-" Misa started, eyes still on you, watching as Alexia's hands moved up to your chest, kneading you gently through your shirt. The blonde kept her eyes on Misa as she did so, an almost teasing look in her eyes.
"I'm more concerned with what you need." Jenni murmured. "You're gonna be good for us, do what we tell you. And if you are, you can have her any way you want. After we've had our turns." She continued, nodding in your direction. Misa still looked unsure, and Jenni wasn't really sure how far to push her. So she looked to you, and you got the unspoken instructions. You climbed off Alexia's lap, ignoring the grunt of frustration that left her mouth, and moved to stand in front of Misa.
She settled slightly, leaning just a bit back into Jenni's body. The striker began to moved her hands, teasing over Misa's lower stomach.
You looked up at Misa's dark eyes, taking in the combination of her furrowed brows, and the unmistakable flush in her cheeks. You knew she wanted this by the way she leaned into Jenni's touch, almost begging for someone else to take charge, even if she wouldn't ever actually admit it.
"Come on, Misa. Just let go." You pressed your lips to her pulse point, before pulling back. "It'll feel so good, baby. Just trust us."
She looked between you and Alexia, who was watching her from the bed, an intrigued look on her face, and finally turning to look at Jenni. Both of the other woman obviously wanted her. And then there was you. You'd asked her to trust you, and she did.
"Okay." She said finally, feeling a flutter in her stomach at the smirk that tugged at Jenni's lips.
Wordlessly, Jenni nudged her toward Alexia. Misa moved as she was directed, standing in between Alexia's legs, feeling the Catalan woman wrap her arms tight around Misa's muscular body. Jenni turned to you, whispering instructions into your ear as she began to slowly, slowly, strip you of your clothes.
"Hey." Alexia said in her friends ear, the close contact between the two not feeling weird, somehow.
"Hey." Misa replied, her voice slightly shaky.
"You want this?" Alexia checked. "We won't go easy on you."
"If she can take it, I can." Misa scoffed. She prided herself on being strong, willful. She could take what they gave her, she was sure.
"Hmm. She can take more than she looks like she can." Alexia said, watching as her girlfriend pulling your shorts down your legs. "You're overdressed."
"You should do something about it then." Misa replied. Alexia was so close to her, hands rubbing soft circles on her back, it was impossible to deny the arousal that was filling her body.
"I will when I feel like it. First, you're going to watch." Alexia ordered, pulling Misa to lay between her legs on the bed, back to the blonde woman's front. They were facing you and Jenni, who had begun to bend you over the end of the bed, hands gripping your ass tightly.
Misa shuddered at the sight of your completely naked form, attempting to cross her legs, and relieve some of the pressure growing in her core. Alexia hooked her legs around Misa's spreading them back out. Her hands held tight to the other girl's wrists, leaving her completely unable to do anything but watch.
It was going to be a long night for her, she could tell.
a quick setup chapter before we get to the more fun stuff :)
also... ps. me?? making an actual graphic for something i wrote instead of using one [1] picture i found on pinterest? unheard of.
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lj-lephemstar · 4 months
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Thanks for 600,000+ downloads on the Scratchin' Melodii demo!
I feel like I'm on the right track now, so in case you didn't catch me mentioning this before, there will be no more public demos of the game. From here, I'll just be focusing on finishing the full game and I'll try to occasionally show some progress too!
But real quick, let's talk. For future games I make after I finish this one, I don't think I wanna do any public demos for them. I don't exactly regret the Melodii demos, they've helped me shape my first game for the better, but it's led to a lot of stress on me too.
For starters, I don't like how often my test demos are treated as if they're normal game releases. Being brought up as a "free trendy indie game!" before the game even comes out kinda concerns me. (Especially since the game's definitely going to cost money when it does come out!)
The 2022 demo in particular got way more attention than I ever intended/anticipated. Now a good chunk of people hold the way the game was back then as something "sacred" that should be preserved in the final work, while I really just want to move on and keep growing with my art.
The level of attachment some people have with the replaced/unfinished content is something you'd expect between sequels or remakes of an old game, but it's happening here between mere months of development of the same game. I don't want to feel nervous when pushing the game, its music, or anything else about it closer to my vision. Artistic growth is exciting to me, and frankly I don't want this to ruin that for me.
So yeah, TL;DR I'll probably be handling unfinished game stuff more privately for now.
Sorry about the long thread, I truly appreciate all the support and I hope you'll look forward to the future of the game :)
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ratherbefangirling · 1 month
Mi casa (3.5)
Previous | Next
Genre: omegaverse, Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Warning ⚠️: funeral, insensitive comments, suicide ideation(please if you feel this way please get help)
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It's rare that you and namjoon fight the two of you avoid fighting each other like plague. Always ready to be understanding, to forgive, to let go , to kiss and make up. When one of you is stubborn the other yields and is generous.
But when it did happen then the two of you are stubborn as mule and it gives Jin a headache. Because every one comes to complain to him. He's the pack alpha. He knows it's his job. Normally he loves being the Alpha. But in times like this he can feel his blood pressure shoot through the roof.
The most common fights he has to break are between Taehyung and Jimin. But it's usually simpler. Yoongi and Hobi try to make Jimin understand and Namjoon and Jungkook handle Taehyung. But when it's about the other soulmate pair namely you and Joon it's tough. Because you are closest to each other. Like some sort of cocoon. He doesn't mind he sort of gets it. But in such situations. He's extra stressed about not hurting the either of you. Because its easy for both of you to feel alienated.
If he takes Namjoons side you may feel like he hasn't accepted you as pack and if he takes yours Namjoon may feel like everyone is against him and its not a pretty scene.
Jungkook comes in the kitchen whistling as Jin sits and contemplates the situation. Jugkook takes a bottle of water from the fridge and chugs it and keeps it back. He slaps Jin's butt as he sits next to Jin and opens a bag of chips and starts eating.
"Ya Jeon Jungkook. I've told you not to eat those they are Y/n's"
"I'll buy her more." Jungkook replies and Jin gives him a look of disbelief.
"It's fine. She'll forgive me. She's too busy being mad at Namjoon hyung anyway"
"Do you have any idea why they fought."
"I do." Jungkook says taking another bite.
Jin rolls his eyes.
"And when were you going to mention it?"
Jungkook shrugs. "No one asked me. Besides you always say not to interfere between the two."
"I know. But from now on tell me... only me"
"Y/n-ie found invitations to Namjoon's company dinner. So she asked him. He said it wasn't a big deal. But he's getting an award and perhaps bonus. He said he didn't tell her cause he knows she hates the events and he didn't want to force her."
"That's it?"
"Nope. Then she said are you embarrassed of me. To which he was like you're my soulmate and then she said that's not an answer to what I'm asking and then it got pretty ugly."
"And how did you hear this?"
"I was using her bathroom cause the others were busy."
Jin can't help but smile at the other boys antics.
Yoongi comes in carrying a parcel.
"Jungkook did you order something?"
Jungkook perks up excited. "Its here. Me and Y/n-ie ordered embroidery kits. I'll go take it to her." Jungkook takes the parcel.
Yoongi pats Jin's back. "It'll be alright we've been through worse."
Jin nods. Its true.
Jungkook decides to take a banana milk and other flavored milks pack and grabs a couple snacks. Seamlessly balancing everything and going towards your room.
You and Jungkook often did things together. The two of you bonded over buying new things and DIY kits often taking help if needed or even just including other pack members. Like the time you needed Joons help with the planting kit and Yoongi's help finding sand paper to complete your DIY wooden ship. The time you tried Resin was fun. You still use the trays you both made with Jimin and Tae. You'd even made a book mark for Joon. You also did self DIY projects like the time you had begged Hobi to give up some of his shoes so you could paint them. Sometimes when you went to the Sunday Market. You'd stop with Joon at the book stall. Once you'd found an old recipe book and then it was you and jungkook and Jimin and failed attempt at some sort of microwave cake which was as hard as a stale cookie though the kitchen did smell great.
Your life now was filled with all these little moments which made it so beautiful. Ofcourse sometimes you do wonder. Was it really necessary to loose your old family for this one and you put the thought away because you cannot be ungrateful you must not be or you might loose this as well.
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You've worn a mourning black dress. You're exhausted from meeting the lawyer to doing paperwork and emptying your room at the shelter. It was a bit silly but you'd stayed till the very last moment. Hoping against hope and silently praying that your mate would come. But hope was a painful thing and a luxury you couldn't afford. So you cried a little inside your new bathroom or rather your old one at your uncle's place. Which was now your own. Wondering when would it be over.
You're the chief mourner. And you can't help but think it's good your soulmate chose their pack over you because you seem to kill everyone around you.
A lot of people come. Offering their condolences.
He was a good man.
He loved his wife so much.
A great man the likes of whom we don't see.
He will be missed.
Such a loss.
Untimely death.
You supposed the death of a person forgave their sins.
The whispers are everywhere.
You go outside for a while. To get yourself water. The panic is settling in its too much its all too much. You hide behind a tree gulping the cool water and its heaven down your throat. It's almost magical one pill and the world is more bearable.
"I heard his niece put false charges on him. Poor man." A lady discusses
"Not only that she's going to inherit his assets." Her friends adds.
"They said her pack died in a car accident and she was the only one who survived."
"Not only that they said she doesn't have a scent."
"What a freak."
"It gives me the shivers."
Someone covered your ears. You could smell it the sweet familiar scent.
You turned. Face to face with yoongi.
"It's fine." You said gruffly removing his hands from your ears harsher then you intended to.
Your alpha awakening had given you more strength. Strength that scared you. Strength that made you even harder to kill.
The words were already branded in your brain.
"Are you ok?" He asked softly.
"Why are you here?" You asked instead. He smelled like your old bestfriend but he wasn't. It would be better to remember that. He too had a pack. Just like your soulmate. Just like everyone else except you.
"We need to talk."
"About what?... wait don't tell me... you're not my soulmate are you?" You stagger backwards clenching your fist. You want to hold him someone anyone.
"No I'm not but.."
Ofcourse he's not it can't be that simple ofcourse.
"Then there's no reason. Excuse me I have to wrap this up. People will be wondering why the chief mourner is missing."
Before you could leave Yoongi stopped you giving you his card.
"Call me if you need anything. I'll come see you later."
You don't say anything. So he leaves.
You wonder if you can have two pills quickly. You wonder if you can mention those ladies in a suicide note. Won't that be funny though you won't be there to see it.
You stare at the casket as it lowered down. You envy your uncle. Wishing you could trade places.
Would anyone cry if I disappear?
It's fine I wouldn't even know the difference once I'm dead afterall..
Everyone leaves. Some people even try to comfort you. You put on an understanding face as you tell them words they want to hear.
And thats that. You go to a convenience store nearby. Sit eating instant noodles. The noodles taste bland so you play with them more than you eat them.
What next?
The world is right infront of you. What are you even supposed to live for. The person you might have wanted revenge on is dead. You can't kill yourself after surviving your family. You have money and a house. You could go to college but studying you don't think you can do that anymore. You used to have dreams. But they seem a childish fantasy and nothing more. Even your soulmate doesn't want you. You don't blame them you wouldn't want a person like yourself. A joke of an alpha.
A can hits the noodles. And the scalding hot broth falls down your hand and lap. They seemed to have been trying to throw the can in the Dustbin right infront of where you sat. And with your terrible luck it ruined your dinner.
You instinctively stand up. Someone takes your hands pouring cold water over them.
"Are you okay?"
You look up to see the most charming face. Kind eyes, strong hands, taller than you and the scent that makes you want to dissolve in it.
"No.." Your voice is foreign to you as you reply. Tears dripping out of your eyes.
He hugs you wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry I won't ever leave you alone again I promise."
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Yeah so that's that. I've been away for a while. I haven't written anything but I wanted to post something.. so I did this.. If you've read belong. I'm not in the mindset to write belong currently it's way too happy for me and I can't do it justice right now.
Please let me know your thoughts!!
Taglist : @kaceypdf ; @ghostlyworld ; @thelilbutifulthings ; @hijabae2019
Permanent taglist : @exfolitae ; @cryingpages ; @outrobtsnd
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ But I Still Love You ゚☾. ࿐
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summary: your relationship was all you could have wished for but what if it turned out it was just a little more?
pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
prompts: 8. "you're a monster", 19. "i can't do this anymore", 23. "what's wrong with me?"
warnings: [heavy angst] murder, somewhat graphic depiction of violence, emotional abuse+ manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, mentions of suicide, yandere (?) themes, you know i normally love scara but he’s a totally messed up asshole in this, i do not condone this type of behaviour; do not engage with this fic if any of these could potentially jeopardise your health!!
a/n: i can happily announce that this is my first collab fic ever and i’m very excited!! i just had to join after reading the prompts in @versadies’s “farewell, love” collab, my brain was running wild with ideas and settled on the darkest one, don’t ask what possessed me that day; thank you to @mari-on-dragonspine and @yaesnovels for reading this ahead of time and boosting my confidence about it, couldn’t have done it without you; now… soft scara stans, look away, this is not your man
happy halloween🍁
genshin impact masterlist
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It was a dream come true.
Every time you’d meet him, the butterflies in your stomach would create a whirlwind of emotion and your heart would soar higher than any bird ever could. That fact that he’d chosen you out of everyone still didn't feel real to you.
Always bright-smiling and elated to see you, he had your heart wrapped around his finger but you didn't mind, you'd gladly given it to him. Taking you out for dinner, escorting you home from work, planning weekend trips with your interests in mind…
He was perfect.
But he was also the Balladeer, who could make anyone dance to his tune. Your friends were wary of his flawless performance from the start. Something that seemed too good to be true was usually just that; a short-lived dream at best, an intricately woven tapestry of lies and illusions at worst. But you ignored all their warnings as your rose-coloured glasses blended every possible red flag with the bouquet of dendrobiums he had gifted you on your date.
As time passed, you saw your friends less and less and eventually they stopped reaching out to you; there were no more letters in your mailbox, you didn't run into them on your trips to the market and their excited knocks on the door faded away into memories. Besides your colleagues at work, you spent most of your time with Scaramouche, whose role in your life was growing more significantly with each passing day.
From helping you with everyday chores to helping you secure better business deals with his position as the Sixth Fatui Harbinger to even going so far as lending you money or straight-up buying whatever you needed or wanted, you were starting to wonder how you managed to navigate life before he waltzed into yours.
Then, Scaramouche asked you if you wanted to move in with him. Considering how evolved he already was and how often you saw each other, you thought living together would make everything easier. Besides, waking up next to him and coming home to him every evening did sound rather enticing, so you agreed.
Relocating all your belongings from where you had grown up to the far side of Inazuma was quite the challenge but of course, Scaramouche came to your rescue, lending a hand in sorting through your stuff and leaving behind what you didn't need anymore.
It was hard to find a new job. Every interview you attended ended up in you being turned down without a specific reason given, even though you more than met the required qualifications. After continuously being rejected you couldn't take it anymore as the venomous fangs of failure sank their teeth into you. Luckily, Scaramouche was there to catch you when you broke down.
“Shh, it's okay, little dove. Why don't you rest for a while and let me take care of you? Can't you see how all this stress is weighing you down? Let me handle everything while you recover, I promise I'll cover whatever you need, so don’t worry. Take all the time you need and then you can start looking again.” As he pressed his cold lips against your temple, you couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine. Somewhere in the back of your mind, the notion of Death marking its next victim had taken root while he securely held you in his arms, letting your falling tears stain the shirt clutched in between your hands. “You’re doing so well for me, I'm very proud of you, my love.”
Grasping the fact that you were unemployed and solely relying on your boyfriend’s, admittedly generous, income took a while. Up until now, you’d always stood on your own two feet, a philosophy your parents had instilled into you from a young age and something you had prided yourself on. 
At first, it was hard facing yourself in the mirror, too ashamed of yourself and too afraid your mind would zero in on your every flaw to tear your confidence down even further. But whenever your eyes averted from your figure, two hands would wrap around your middle from behind, Scaramouche’s face appearing next to yours to whisper sweet words into your ear, saving you from shattering completely.
And frankly, your income couldn’t compare to his anyway, so you working would only be worth a drop in the bucket, if at all. 
To keep yourself busy with all your new free time gained, you started working around the house, doing chores just to pass the time and distract you from your feelings of uselessness.
One of your greatest joys was going grocery shopping at the local market. With no new coworkers to speak of, it had been increasingly difficult finding a connection to the people. With the title of being a Harbinger’s partner, they were wary and kept their distance, a precautionary measure you couldn’t fault them for.
As you stopped by more often, however, their behaviour changed. The elderly lady selling vegetables started sharing recipes with you, the young pair from the flower shop were waving you over to catch up and the guy from the herb stand handed you free samples to try around with.
Finally, for the first time since moving here, you felt like you could become part of the community, so naturally you told Scara about it. What you didn’t notice was how his smile strained the more excited you grew. 
"How long has this been going on for?” Even he couldn’t hide the venom lacing  his words. “Remember, you have to tell me. Not telling me is just as bad as lying.”
“Wait, Scara, you aren’t upset with me, right? I just wanted to help out, you know.“
“Am I upset? Why? Should I be?“ The hairs in the back of your neck rose and your skin tingled as if someone had shot a bolt of electricity through you. It was like the ground around you broke away at his tone and you knew you had to tread carefully if you wanted to make it out of this safely.
“No, don’t be.“ You gingerly extend your arm as if not to scare a cautious animal and cupped his cheek. “I love you like I’ve never loved anyone else, you know that right?“
Leaning into your touch and trapping your hand under his own, his purple eyes zeroed in on you. “So you knew after all?“
You froze. “What?“ It was barely more than an exhale as your gut seemed to plummet. His grip on you tightened as you started squirming.
“Oh come on, you’re smarter than this. You knew I‘d get jealous and you told me anyway. Or maybe that is why you told me in the first place?“ Apparently your appalled face gave away how impossible the thought was to you because he merely sighed deeply before dropping your arm and turning to leave. “Whatever. It’s not like I care anyway.“
The silence he left behind that day left you stunned, weighing down on your chest and pressing the air out of your lungs only to be shattered by the sound of a plate smashing against the wall a few rooms over. Yet, despite flinching and despite the acidic sting in your eyes, the tears wouldn't fall.
In the wake of that incident, you desperately scrambled to make it up to him. There was no need to go to the market for groceries anymore, instead you found a basket with produce in the kitchen with no trace of the Fatui Agent who brought it. So, you devoted your time to cooking homemade meals and cleaning the house. Only to have your heart broken when Scaramouche picked at his plate with disinterest or had someone clear the decorations you had put up in careful consideration.
But he still loved you, he always reminded you. From showering you in expensive fabrics and jewellery to treating you to fancy dinners in high-class restaurants to sweet words of praise dripping from his lips like honey, making it hard for you to taste anything but their saccharine flavour. Of course he still loved you when he responded to your gratitude with “I would do anything to make you happy. I just want you to do the same for me.”
Maybe you were the one who wasn’t showing their affection enough. Otherwise, why would you feel this sharp stab of guilt piercing your heart whenever you refused him? How could you stay unmoved when his glassy violet eyes drooped as he mumbled “I guess you just don’t love me enough after all.”
And when you brought up an issue you wanted to discuss with him, his cold “I could just leave, you know” didn’t mean he actually would, he still loved you after all. Surely, he just had a bad day at work and needed some space. Your theory was cemented when Scaramouche sat you down one evening, expression unreadable as he took hold of your hands.
“Listen, little dove, something at work happened that I need you to know about. I’m telling you this for your own safety, okay?” You silently nodded at his genuinely concerned voice. Normally, he never told you anything about his work and completely shut you out if you asked about it, so you figured it must be pretty serious. “You understand that my job is dangerous, right? That shouldn't be news to you. And while I’m always very cautious to keep any kind of information about my personal life away from the Fatui, it seems that recently some of that information trickled down to our enemies through a mole.”
You didn't need to voice it, the anxiety sparked within you at his words apparent in your expression and Scaramouche gave your hands a reassuring squeeze as he continued with a softened tone.
“I'm sure you already figured out what kind of information has been leaked if I need to tell you. Yes, the enemy knows the location of this estate. It's unclear, however, if they know about you.” At that you couldn't help but clench your fingers into fists; enemies of the Fatui weren't to be taken lightly. “Don’t worry, I already made sure that traitor got what he deserved. Despite all of that, he wouldn't talk about the reason for giving up this particular intel, the working theory being that someone is after my life. Personally, I don't think you are their target; all the same…”
Pulling out a silver dagger, he handed the razor sharp weapon to you. Its handle felt like an icicle against the warmth of your palm and the weight of it seemed to sink into your gut rather than your arm. Certainly he wasn't asking you to…
“I want you to have this. If the situation calls for it, you need to be prepared to use it.”
“Scara, what is it that you want from me? I’m not like you, I can't just…” Lost for words, your currently empty hand was waving through the air trying to grasp the meaning of all of this. 
Your lover reached forward and clasped his hands tightly around your shoulders, his stern gaze glued to your shaky one. “Your life or my life might depend on this, (Y/N), do you understand? If you really cared about me, you'd do what I'm asking.”
For the first time in a long time, you cried. Bitter tears seeping out of the corners of your eyes before starting to fall faster and faster and broken hiccups echoed around the room. The knife clattered noisily onto the floorboards as Scaramouche pulled you into his arms as you clutched onto his robes, gasping for air. 
“Shh, shh, I understand, little dove. It's scary,” he soothed. “But you have to see my side of things too. If something happened to you, what would I do? You’re the most precious thing in the whole world to me, I can't lose you, ever. I promise you, we’ll be together forever, so don’t cry.”
You didn’t sleep well that night. Or any of the following for that matter. It was even worse when Scaramouche had to stay out on Fatui business, leaving you all alone in the estate. Even the agents you knew where stationed somewhere in the vicinity didn’t help quell your fears.
Had this really become your life? Waking up in cold sweat, thinking you heard a noise? Flinching at the curtains blowing in the night’s breeze? The dagger didn’t pacify your worries either. Instead, the wretched blade seemed to follow you into your dreams, cutting through the pleasantries to reveal subconscious terrors slumbering under your quiet surface.
It was one of those nights where you were startled awake by your own hammering heart and the sweat rolling off your temple, the other half the bed cold and empty. Just as you slid your legs from under the blanket in hopes that a glass of water would help you calm down, you heard a thud. 
You wanted to play it off as your mind playing tricks on you, like every other night; that it was just the blood thumping through your ears that made you hear things. But then it was there again. 
There was someone else in the house with you.
It couldn’t be the Fatui nor Scaramouche. They were better trained than this, stealthier than to make a sound twice. In the moonlit room, you groped for the cool metal under your pillow, shaky fingers wrapping around the handle. There was no way you could win against an enemy who’d go after a Harbinger in one-to-one combat, much less if you were outnumbered, so you hid in the shadows of your room.
The creaking of the floorboard grew closer and you tried to stifle your ragged breathing. Even when you wrapped both hands around the hilt, they were still trembling as you recalled what Scaramouche had drummed into your head… “Go for the throat”
You didn't dare inhale or exhale as the door slowly slid open and a shadowy figure stepped into the room. The person was wearing a straw kasa shielding most of their head from your view but, from what you could make out, it was a young man. 
There was no time to think. In the few seconds he took to advance to the middle of the room, you lunged forward, driven mad by fear alone. Just before the sharp blade made contact with his skin, the man whirled around, startled by the noise. And then, merely a fraction later, the dagger was lodged to the hilt in his throat. 
When he tried to speak, nothing but a gruesome gurgling sound left his mouth. From the proximity, you could finally see under the hat, just to meet familiar eyes. You staggered back, mortified. It was as if someone had punched out all the air from your lungs as realisation struck you.
How didn't you recognise him? You had seen him so often. If you had just taken a second longer to properly look at him, he wouldn't…
The person burbling unintelligible noises sounding too similar to the letters of your name was certainly not an enemy of the Fatui. No, he was a simple herb farmer, selling his products on the local market. And you…
…just killed an innocent man.
The dull thud of the knife hitting the floor barely registered as your knees gave out and you sacked downwards. Two cold hands wrapped under your arms and stopped you from joining the blood-slicked blade. You didn’t put up any resistance as you were pulled against an all too familiar chest, your body limp like a puppet with its strings cut as he lowered both of you to the ground slowly.
“Look at you. You’re a monster,” he cooed and you could feel his grin curl against the top of your  head as he placed a frosty kiss there. “You just murdered an unarmed farmer, just like that. But it’s okay. I still love you.”
“No, I– I didn’t… I cant–” Guilt crushed your chest and wrangled your airways. You might as well have been the one with the slit vocal chords, judging by the lack of sound coming from you.
“Mhh, but you did, little dove.” Scaramouche’s soft hands were caressing the side of your face as he softly spoke to you. It took a few caresses for you to realise that his fingers were sticky and you forced yourself to focus on the scene in front of you. There was a pool of dark liquid slowly expanding from where the man's neck would be, the metallic smell filling the room, making you nauseous. You saw the knife lying next to the slumped over body. As in trance, you reached for it, anything to make the pain go away…
But Scaramouche was faster in pinning your arms back to your side “None of that, don’t be dumb. It wouldn't remedy what you already did.” When you sagged back against him and he was sure you wouldn't try taking the knife again, he let go of your arm. “Did you know? He was here to ‘save you’, isn't that funny?”
“I know, right? It's ridiculous,” he chuckled. “Apparently, the townsfolk were concerned about you when you stopped showing up at the market, so they waited for an opportunity where I wouldn't be home, those fools. But you made nice work of this idiot without my help. You did so well for me, love.”
“You… you knew about this?” You couldn't prevent the way your voice cracked from lack of energy. “But… the enemies of the Fatui… and the information that was… you said that… I thought..”
“Hm? Oh, that? I told you, didn’t I? We took care of them a couple of days ago. I definitely told you, little dove; you were so relieved when you heard the news. You didn't forget, did you?”
Did he tell you? You couldn’t remember; surely you would, if he had told you something so important. The Fatui, however, were notorious for dealing with their problems quickly, so it was possible this had been resolved so swiftly. No, you'd definitely remember…
You were ripped out of your thoughts when something warm touched your bare foot. Violently jerking your leg towards yourself as vermillion smeared across the wooden floor. Suddenly, it wasn’t just your lungs caving into themselves but also your stomach being compressed into a fraction of its size. Flopping onto your side you pulled yourself up onto shaky arms and knees as acid burned your throat and your body tried to rid itself of nonexistent content. 
Throughout all of it, Scaramouche lovingly ran his hand up and down the length of your spine, cooing at you to soothe your nerves, all the while praising you for doing so well. When you stopped throwing up for the moment, he gently lifted you up and brought you to the bathroom and helped you wash up. Frankly, he did most of the work, whereas you merely stood there, watching your reflection in the mirror. 
This was the baseline behaviour for the next few weeks as you processed what you had done. Naturally, by the time you exited the bathroom that night, there was no body or crimson trace left of what had transpired there. Nobody would know, except you, Scaramouche and the Fatui agents under his command. Although, the guilt and shame within you remained, most possibly until the day you died. He was right, you were a monster.
But underneath all the easily-accepted self-loathing, another sensation reared its ugly head. Denial spilled into the numbness and slowly warped into scepticism. And it culminated the morning you looked at yourself in the mirror. What had your life become? When did it all go wrong? 
Quietly, meant for nobody but the reflection on the polished surface but with the force to shake you awake, you mumbled a long overdue question: “What's wrong with me?”
However as you turned the situation over and over in your mind, there was only one answer. It was him, it all started with him. Your life was good before him. You weren't the problem here; you weren't the monster in this house. And there was only one solution to your problems.
“I can't do this anymore.”
“What?!” It was pure fury, the way he sliced the air with that single word. “You’re kidding, right? Well, it's not funny, so cut the crap, (Y/n).”
“I’m not. We’re done, Scaramouche.” It took every ounce of willpower for your voice to remain composed and unwavering. But you had made your decision and you wouldn't let him charm you into your downfall again. “I'm leaving. Don't follow me.”
“Have you completely lost your mind? You killed a person, remember? You should be grateful I’m willing to stick by your side; who else would love a freak like you? And that’s given the chance you’re even allowed to walk free.” The sneer was contorting his face into an ugly grimace and in the back of your head you wondered if those were the true colours you were just too blind to see all of this time. “You do realise, my position is the only thing keeping you from prison and poverty and homelessness. You need me. You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you anything for ruining my life,“ you spat, thoroughly done with him manipulating the narrative. It felt good to finally stand your ground and argue with your own agency in mind, no matter how terrifying it might be. Turning on your heel you marched straight to the front door, belongings in hand. Before you could make it there, however, a hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, spinning you around forcibly.
“You don't want to do this, little dove, trust me. You don’t know what I'll do if you dare leave me,” he gritted out. “I told you, we will be together forever.”
Merely raising an eyebrow as you held his stare you noted, “What you do no longer concerns me.” And so, you took the first steps to your regained freedom.
It had taken months of gentle caring to nurture the wilted shell in your chest back into a living sapling, hopefully strong enough to fill the empty void where your heart had been carved out.
It had taken years of genuine reassurance for your friends, who readily took you in again, to finally be fully let back into your life as you slowly broke down the high walls you had erected to keep the tiny sprout safe. 
Finally, the lively breeze that had carried you from adventure to adventure before had returned to ruffle your rusty wings once more and you were ready to rejoin the path you used to walk on.
So when you were waiting for your friend to pick you up and you excitedly answered the knock on your door, the dreaded amethyst staring back at you made you stagger back, the bouquet of crimson dendrobiums tearing open scars you thought had healed.
“Hello, little dove. You seem surprised to see me.” Every nerve in your body was screaming at you to run, far far away, put as much distance between you and the person you had once called your lover. But the weight in your stomach was dragging you down and you could only stare with wide eyes as you were once again pulled under and into your own demise.
“I came back for you. I promised I would.”
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tag list: @mccnstruck @silentmoths @teyvattales @ainescribe
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huxleys-kinhelp · 2 years
hi hi omg i got so excited when i saw bsd and vnc on your fandom whitelist!!!!! would it be alright if i requested some agere/petre headcanons for ranpo and/or vanitas?? idk if it’s against the rules to request stuff for 2 characters but if you’d rather only write for 1 i totally understand!!! i’m not picky, so pls feel free to do whatever you’re most comfy with ^_^
no matter what you decide, tysm for your time!!!!!! i hope you have a wonderful day!!! :D
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Ranpo Edogawa Agere Headcanons!
Ranpo typically regresses to 4-7, but he’ll rarely regress to 2-3, mainly when he’s been stressed or upset over something.
He’s been regressing since he was younger, around when he’d first joined the agency. At the time he didn’t have a word for what he experienced, but Fukuzawa would look after him and keep him out of trouble.
He’s confident with his regression, and isn’t anxious about mentioning it around new people, or acting childish in public.
He loves playing pretend! He’ll go all out with making props and costumes and perform plays for the Agency! Most of his stories are dramatic retellings of his adventures as World’s Best Detective, in which he stars as the main character and hero.
He loves playing with Atsushi, and usually casts him as his assistant in his stories! Atsushi often buys him toys and sweets.
He sees Yosano as a big sister, and looks up to her. Yosano finds it adorable to have a small sidekick following her around, and always has his best interest in mind. She can get rather protective at times.
Dazai is always in the audience of Ranpo’s performances, he adores them and always gives Ranpo encouragement and advice on how to make his stories even better! He’s usually the one that helps Ranpo create costumes and props for his shows, and always has the best ideas! Tanizaki never minds looking after him, even if he is a bit anxious when it comes to kids, since he worries he’ll do something wrong. He always carries sweets on him just for Ranpo, and participates in his games.
Naomi reads him stories, she gives the characters different voices and always manages to make him laugh! She also makes the best angel milk out of anyone in the agency. She’s usually in charge of getting him to sleep, but she plays games with him as well.
Kunikida is a busybody, and is nearly always working on something, but he does his best to work in time in his schedules for Ranpo’s shows and other things. Whenever Ranpo wants his attention randomly and it’s not pre-planned, Kunikida will let him color next to his desk while he works.
Fukuzawa is who Ranpo sees as a father figure! He hangs around him constantly, and often tries to mimic what he does since he looks up to him. He loves to stay in Fuku’s office and color, play with toys, etc! He has a HUGE collection of toys, stuffed animals, games, and sweets. The agency members are almost constantly buying him new things to add to it.
Ranpo loves getting up and moving when playing. Jumping, running, skipping, chasing, he’s very energetic and almost always doing something new to hold his attention! But when he’s regressed younger, he usually goes nonverbal, and is much sleepier, so he likes to watch cartoons! The Agency members always let him win when they play board games.
He invites Poe over for playdates often! Whether Poe is another regressor or an adult playmate, is your interpretation. Poe has begun writing children’s stories for Ranpo, and helps him come up with his own stories too! They love to get creative together.
Mushitaro doesn’t look after him much when he’s regressed, but he does get roped into his shenanigans whenever Ranpo comes over to Poe’s mansion for their playdates. He’s like a stressed mom when Ranpo is around, he’s constantly fawning over him and cleaning after him as well.
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note : no worries at all, anon! i don't mind writing for two characters. I'll write headcanons for vanitas tomorrow in a separate post, i would have done it now since i've already written ranpo's, but it's quite late where i live. thank you so much for requesting! these were so fun to write ♡ (image at the top is from user waterrr on tumblr!)
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
I like to think slow Grimm just starts noticing a change in their dynamic while he’s carrying, as PK just isn’t willing to be picked up because he doesn’t want Grimm to hurt himself or the child because I know you said he doesn’t like causing harm to people and would probably feel bad if Grimm hurt himself picking him up. Grimm understands the concerns, but sometimes hormones make him a little more cuddly and he just reaches out to PK and PK compensates for the lack of lifting with purring a nuzzling. He just curls up by his neck and purrs.
Another thing I thing would change is the spooning position—which your art work for it is so beautiful and so soft—PK just lays behind Grimm or faces him as to not cause harm, and nuzzles him or purrs. Grimm would probably find it soothing, though would probably prefer facing him to him close. Sometimes PK’s tail flicks in happiness, as after seeing that character reference sheet I just think it was cute he holds his tail when cold. He probably also flicks his tail in worry. Though it’s your design and it’s completely up to you and I don’t wish to intrude.
Another thing would be he’d cooperative with baths as well because as previously listed, doesn’t want hurt Grimm. So Grimm is surprised probably to see him seeing the bath after coming back from hunting. Or he probably cleans himself and Grimm notices the lack grime on him.
On the side of making things, depending on how along Grimm is, I doubt he could teleport often. So for a long while PK has been building a wheel chair for him and had to go through several blue print designs before he began building. The chair is foldable if the Troupe or they needed to store it, it has various wheels in order to handle the rocky ground, and I don’t know if he could add a self driving mode because he can’t push Grimm and already taught Brumm how to push the chair.
Terribly sorry for rambling and intruding. I just thought it would be an interesting dynamic switch up for them.
oh anon this is all so great, thank you for this! it makes me so happy that someone gets so attached to the au to think so much about the characters and the events, it's really wonderful! i don't have much to add myself, i haven't even thought of it so extensively myself, so i'll just comment on each point you mentioned hahah
one thing i will mention is that i don't actually think carrying the egg would have a huge impact on grimm. i imagine the egg is quite small, so really you can barely even tell that his body has changed. but that doesn't stop pk from being extremely careful around him, even if he doesn't always have to
so yes, he would not want grimm to pick him up out of fear that it could hurt grimm or the child, like you mentioned. grimm often insists, but he doesn't want to fight so they resort to just cuddling. and even then, pk is still afraid that he might hurt him by accident, grimm has to remind him that it's fine and that there's nothing to worry about. + absolutely yes to purring. maybe not cat like, but he does make purring like noises when happy, and you always hear a lot of that whenever he's around grimm haha
as for the tail, yeah, its tip flicks around whenever he's excited, so you'll see that happening a lot here. when he's worried, he tends to curl it around him to feel safer, it's also why he hugs it whenever he's stressed out (which is the part of the reference sheet i think was a little misinterpreted, likely my fault for not making it more clear. though he still does it when he's cold, it's just not what i meant to portray on the ref sheet haha)
definitely agreed on the next part. he often forgets about them because he gets sleepy after meals, but since he spends most of his time at grimm's he would be much more mindful of that for sure. buuut he would avoid full-on baths due to his fear of deep water, so quick showers it is
i think the wheelchair thing is something pk would consider, after all, he does spend most of his time thinking of how to make grimm more comfortable, but also something that wouldn't be necessary, so it didn't go past the idea phase since grimm quickly let him know that there's no need for such thing. he's perfectly fine moving around on his own, like i said before, the whole deal isn't as taxing on him as you'd expect from something like a human pregnancy. all he really needs is more rest than usual, though that doesn't stop pk from overthinking it. he's very awkward about this whole situation, which grimm finds tremendously charming
again, this was a great read! thank you so much for all of these ideas, they're very inspiring! and please, don't apologize, i don't think you're being intrusive about it at all! really, this is very sweet and i appreciate it <3
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evirlihs · 2 months
Hello everyone, so I've been meaning to make a post about... something very major in the future, that'll explain further inactivity and because I've been keeping it a secret for a while, especially in this specific website because this is my safe space website, but well... can't ignore it anymore I suppose.
TW FOR: surgery, death mentions, possible E/D mentions but briefly.
so, I've been mute since childhood, not even childhood but since I was a baby, I can't talk, I've been like this my whole life without a voice, I use sign language and writing as a way to talk and communicate to everyone but... yeah as every other disabled person it's difficult, everyone ignores you, everyone treats you like a major burden, it wasn't fun these 18 years treated like this, I don't know what I've done to deserve this treatment from everyone
so eventually, I fell in a deep deep depression and developed an... eating disorder, bulimia to be exact, I've had an eating disorder for over four years now, I looked through pinterest for images to make myself feel guilty for being... me, I thought, since I can't express myself, maybe if I looked like someone else people wouldn't treat me awfully? but unfortunately that ruined my life, and my health. especially my heart.
a few months ago, like let's say three or four, i went to the hospital because I passed out, and apparently, I had gotten heart issues for this, it got so bad to the point of me needing to stay forced awake so my heart doesn't completely stop, they'd wake me up from sleep too so mu heart doesn't stop, luckily after a while I managed to pass that point but, now here comes the therapist and the surgery part
they obviously had a psychiatrist visit me during my hospital days and I wrote down everything and he was very patient and everything, and I heard the news, the very amazing news, apparently since I'm now a legal adult and my body fully developed I can have a surgery to have a voice! I was so so happy... until the doctors said it.
Medialization Laryngoplasty, that's the name, it's basically a special treatment for vocal cords paralysis, but I was too excited to pay any part of the details, I was so happy! I'll finally have a voice! but then.. the doctors said it
there's a 50% chance I could die, if I didn't have... that eating disorder, if I didn't receive heart issues from it I would've been 100% safe from the surgery, especially since it's VERY rare to pass from a surgery like this.
my surgery is on the 15th, aka four days from now on, I never meant for it to end this way but I have hope, I have genuine hope I'll make it, I'll make it and have a voice... but there's always this part in my brain, 50% chance I could die. it means it's very possible. I don't want to die. nobody wants to die.
so this might um... explain further inactivity in the future, because if, and by god forbid it happens, and I actually... die,
I just want to say you guys are amazing, you guys always supported me since day one and my total drama days and I love you all so much, drawing was my number one coping mechanism and you all supported me for it, always liked my art, and I was the happiest person on the planet.
I never meant for it to be this so sudden, and I know I don't owe anyone an explanation but... I could die, I can't die and leave people that mean so much to me concerned about me suddenly disappearing, no one deserves that, all I can wish from amazing people like you is to pray for me and wish me good luck.
my doctor ordered me to delete social media because well, as mentioned above I would often look up girls to make myself feel guilty to starve, and also because of social media stress and anxiety and my heart can't handle it, so um... I'll miss you all so much, and this is a goodbye... for now.
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How do you feel right now? I feel excited/ nervous. Found out today that I got an interview for a job at my top company in a couple of days. I'm trying to manage my expectations. Even if I don't secure it this time round, I am just pleased they invited me for an interview.
Are you sleepy? Yes, it is almost time to sleep. Hopefully I don't overthink the interview too much and my brain switches off. 
Have you ever cut yourself? Accidentally, yes.
Who do you dream about most? Friends usually. Sometimes happy situations but sometimes sad.
What do you want more than anything right now? To have secured the job at the company today and be telling all my friends and family that I am coming out of unemployment and my first job is at my no.1 company. It would be really great.
Do you have something you want to say, but never could? I feel like I say pretty much everything. I never let my pride or ego get in the way of saying how I feel no matter the consequences.
Where is your favourite place to be? Currently, my room, safe from judgement by potential future employers and colleagues - refer to interview mentioned above haha.
What makes you happy? Catching a pretty sky on my walk.
Who makes you happy? Friends and family!
When are you happiest? Getting a good nights sleep.
What is the funniest thing you have ever done? Too many things to count! I suppose it always felt great to make a group of people laugh.
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? Honestly, the last movie I remember laughing out loud to was We're the Millers!
What candy/drink makes you most hyper? Maybe Fanta
Do you talk to yourself? YES best convo
Do you have to sing those catchy jingles on TV commercials every time? I hardly watch tv commercials now
Do you have more than 5 celebrity crushes? Hmmm not right now.
Do you find joy in making other people mad? No
Do you answer the phone by saying anything besides ‘Hello’? If it's a close friend or family I might mix it up with a joke etc
Do you get mad easily? I have gotten better. As a teen, I was quick to anger and annoyance and while things do still annoy, my reactions aren't as end of the world types.
Do you get jealous often? Too often, this is the next habit I need to kick.
What makes you mad? Anti-social behaviour in public spaces, especially public spaces where you are trapped, e.g., public transport.
Are there any people that often make you mad? I suppose it is whoever those you are closest to that have the power to make you really mad.
Do your friends comfort you when you’re angry? I keep to myself and try to calm down. Maybe I'll text them my frustrations and they'll send supportive words but I think physically I need to be alone. Really don't know what I would want a partner to do.
Do you like to cause drama? Nope, I am almost 25 and choose peace.
Where did you go today? Dropped my brother off at work, went for a drive and to the big Asda store for some snacks. Really should have gone out for a walk but my mind was too preoccupied by securing an interview and what it could mean - relocating to a new city, not seeing family/ friends as often, settling into a new environment, meeting new people.... both exciting and nerve-wrecking!
How late do you usually sleep in? Unemployed: 9am or 10am but try to have an alarm set for 8:30am more recently to have more of the day.
Do you like traveling? Yes, but I used to idealised travelling a lot more when I was younger. Now I realise it is an energy draining task. It's not all comfort and relaxation, in fact it can be stressful and hard work to get those moments of comfort and relaxation but usually it is worth it!
Are more of your friends girls or guys? GIRLS!
What is your favourite song right now? Bleachers "Tiny Moves" - excited for their album release.
What do you want to do right now? Brush my teeth! :D
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a-tale-never-told · 6 months
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Okay, okay! I'll tell you why I went to Hope's Peak in the first place. Just... promise me you won't tell anyone about the reasons why I wanted to attend there, okay? It's kinda sensitive for me to say.
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Absolutely. I swear that I won't tell any part of this to anybody besides you and me, alright? Now what are the main reasons of why'd you decided to attend Hope's Peak in the first place?
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Well, it's not that complicated. I mean, I first started out as a mechanic cuz my family ran a bike shop. We didn’t have a lotta work or money, and oftentimes, we were balancing between makin' a decent living for ourselves, and almost on the verge of going broke. So I just spent time taking stuff apart and puttin’ it together to impress potential customers, to help my folks with the expenses that we'd often had to pay for buying stuff.
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I always just kinda made stuff for me, y’know? I had my own ideas and I wanted to make ‘em. But my folks always got pissed at me over it, calling ‘em "worthless toys," and saying that I ain't gonna make a career buildin' anything besides bikes. And that's not to mention the issues going on at home.
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Family issues? No offense, but I'd never taken you for a guy who has parental issues, considering how laidback you seem to be.
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It’s a lot to go into, but…well, my mom wasn’t a great…anything
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She was kind of a stalker who followed Dad through high school, but nobody else wanted to date him, so the two of them just sorta ended up together. And when they did, she didn’t even let him look at other women. Not even ones he wasn’t interested in.
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And she didn’t do much to help him around the house or improve our situation. He ran the bike shop, did the cooking, cleaning, and just…a lot of things for me. He was stressed out a lot of the time, and so…he kinda took it out on me. I don’t blame him though.
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Mom hardly gave a shit about me anyway. If I was a girl, maybe she’d be better to me, maybe she’d have been worse. I dunno.
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However, they finally got divorced back in 2008, and since then, things started to improve for me and Dad. We ended up makin' more money than we used to thanks to a genius advertising campaign I'd come up with for the bike shop. The amount of money that we've raised was sizeable enough that we were able to move out of the cruddy apartment we'd been living in since I was a child.
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So, we settled on making a livin' in the countryside, bought this gorgeous, summer vacation house, and even started up our own automotive repair shop to pay off the expenses that came up when we'd moved in. At the same time though, there was this nagging, weird feeling in the back of my head.
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I couldn't quite put down what I was feeling, but then I realized that I felt obligated to owe my dad something in compensation for all the hard work and sacrifices he'd put in to make sure I had a healthy upbringing, even if it means dealing with my crappy excuse of a mom. The problem is, I didn't know how to repay him for all of that. After all, he'd always exclude me from doin' most of the work, calling me young and inexperienced when it came to handling bigger projects.
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But, when I overheard that a talent scout from Hope's Peak was searching for people with skilled talents like me, I decided to sign up for the opportunity to attend not only because I like makin' and fixin' things, but also to prove a point to my old man that I'm capable of taking over the family business once he retires, and trying my hardest to impress him. I was excited to be enrolled there... sorta.
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Hope's Peak... isn't what it's cracked up to be. Behind this mask of politeness and sincerity, the school is packed with racist, selfish, rotten, jerkasses who'll basically do nothin' more than betray each other for the pettiest of reasons. And the teachers aren't any better, teaching us that talent is everything we're supposed to live up to in society, or how commies are the new Nazis or something comparable to that.
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At the same time, I didn't really bother to pay attention to all of that political crap and occasionally ignored it whenever I could. All I was concerned about was impressing my dad and creating some sweet, radical, gadgets for everyday use.
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While we're on the subject of Hope's Peak, how exactly did your dad officially react to you attending Hope's Peak? He must've been overjoyed to hear that you got recognized as being part of an elite group of talented people, right?
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S-Souda-kun? What's with that terrified expression on your face? Did something happen between you and your dad?
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... See, my old man's really not a bad person, but he's not what I would've liked to call the calmest person that I've known. Even though he and Mom had been divorced for four years now, he hasn't really recovered from the aftereffects of the divorce. Probably affected him a whole more than I'd thought. But when he figured out that I was attending Hope's Peak... it wasn't gonna end well for both of us.
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The moment I'd arrived home, he started yelling at me to my face, gettin' pissed off over how I'd never explained to him that I was attending the academy, which is understandable. What wasn't was when he started to insult and mock the rest of the student body, calling them "low-life bigoted freaks that only embody the absolute worst of society" and how Hope's Peak is nothing more than a school shoving down vile, shitty propaganda about talents and white supremacy, while being run by corrupt, greedy assholes.
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Looking back, it's perfectly clear to see that he wasn't wrong about this school and how it works, but back then, I was too stupid and naive to even listen to whatever damm reasons he'd had, and I certainly wasn't going to take his insults laying down, after I just built a career for myself. It all escalated into a full-blown argument about me attending.
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However, I took it one step too far when I called him a drunken coward, calling him out for all of his crappy mistakes as a father, and then... I brought up the whole divorce situation that happened a while back. Out of all the stuff I've said to him that day, bringing up the divorce was the last straw for him, and he...he...
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He slapped me... hit me so damm hard that I collapsed to the floor, holding my cheek, all red. My dad kinda always had a particular habit of taking his anger out on me whenever he was stressed... but this hurt way more than the other times it'd happen... at least back then, he didn't directly call me a failure... an embarrassment... and wished that I'd never was born...
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jungwnies · 2 years
hello darling ^^ my birthday went pretty well! i ate some korean food, cake, brownies and it was all soo gOOD my dad sent me some flowers and money (haha yes dad for the win), my mom bought me an ariana grande perfume and omg so cute like she’s been nagging about wanting to buy me a perfume so I literally only once mentioned that i liked the way one of ariana’s smelled and she retained that information for i don’t know how long like cute 😭
my sister bought me a shirt with a design painted by hand of (you guessed it) ariana grande hagshgs i swear i do like ariana but i wouldn’t consider myself the biggest fan yet here I am, (whatever ariana slay I guess yuh) it was either ariana or harry styles and my sister is more of a harrie than me so :3 (also fun fact, we call harry styles “uncle harry” in this household lol)
a friend bought me a skzoo plushie ㅠㅠ but it arrives til september :D
this week i've been making good use of the money my dad sent me and bought a lot of stuff I’ve been wanting for moNTHS (i swear im not buying compulsively i actually needed most of these stuff), this week also kinda sucked cause I wanted to watch avatar and its no longer on my disney+ 😭🤬 idk if just on my country but man that’s a bummer what am i supposed to watch on a daily basis cause it became my comfort film? 🥺
besides that everything’s been great ^^ slow but great <33
how has your week been?
sending you lots of hugs and kisses maeby baby 🤧💓
-🧸 anon
i'm so glad to hear your birthday wen't well, also yes! who doesn't love some money here and there 😝 when i was in the 5th grade about i got an ariana grande perfume and the one direction one (it's a memory i'll never forget) and they both smelled amazing, ariana never misses with her scents LOL atm i don't have any more since i used it up since then, but recently i've been wearing this nice dior perfume because my mom buys it quite often LOL
» more under the cut
i have a feeling you love grande, but i used to love her too when i was younger, ever since i was immersed into the world of kpop my ari addiction has died down HAHA i actually never really keep up with american pop culture, but harry styles just performed in new york and i'm pretty close to the stadium so that's all i know, everything else i find out from like tiktok lOL! ?!?! also, yeah i heard the removed avatar off disney+ because the sequel is coming out soon, it's probably some PR stuff for profits and what not, but since avatar is no longer an option, then i would totally recommend watching any tim burton animation on disney, his movies have become my comfort movies for i don't know why
my week has actually been pretty good but school coming up still has me super stressed, ughugvhbdk but that's me every year to be honest... school is always something to dread for me
but i went shopping, and hung out with family, i'm also hanging out with family again later today so i'm superrrr excited since i haven't seen half of them since last year
sending you lots and lots of love as well !
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ren-a-ren · 2 years
I have mixed feelings about Fire Emblem: Three Hopes (though having said this, I haven't completed all routes in the demo so far. Not to mention, I really don't think it's at all bad; I just feel conflicted overall).
I understand the collaboration from a logistical point of view; I think why they did it is quite smart. It would give Fire Emblem devs time to polish everything noncombat related and allow for fresh gameplay without reinventing the Fire Emblem system on its own. Bring in fans of the musou games I suppose, as well (though it is first and foremost a Three Houses sequel/notasequel, and honestly probably not a great entry point with the extremely brisk start to the game, not to mention with so much background information they may be missing).
From a player aspect, it really is more polished than Three Houses, and if this were simply Fire Emblem: Three Hopes minus the Warriors part, I suspect it'd tredge too similar waters for a decent about of fans (even if the storylines are quite different, from what reviews seem to say). I think a large part of the Fire Emblem systems integration is pretty clever, and I'm glad they kept in so much even if it does make for some clunky parts.
Considering the amount of alternative timeline shenanigans of Fire Emblem since Awakening (and honestly it wasn't new of the franchise then either, like how it was somewhat there in Sacred Stones and FE7). Frankly, I've been enjoying Shez as a character and I'm excited to see where their flaws take us even if the whole vengence thing was already sort of forgotten in the demo (I know it'll come up later, but for how it was focus on at first, it's still awkward). The voice acting is good (I enjoy the female Shez's VA a lot), everything looks pretty good (even if base camp looks dreary).
But all that aside, I feel my greatest mixed feelings come from the fact that Fire Emblem only has a few consistent things between games. Dragons, magic, often too obvious big bads and the Fire Emblem strategic system and mechanics (and permadeath, ish nowdays with casual mode). Not to say Musuo isn't strategic, but it does feel like a loss for people who don't enjoy that. I LOVE the grueling hard and maddening mode strategic, and just how much love and knowledge has to go into that slow, specific game play loop. That and decent enough fantasy story are the draws to the franchise. Having gameplay that is fast paced action is... the opposite of all that. It's stressful for me personally, relatively boring after a while, and something I'll be somewhat enduring instead of enjoying since I do very much love the Three Houses world. Honestly, I'd mind quite a bit less if it wasn't Three Houses; a remake of an old title, a new combined title, ect. I get Three Houses draws in customers, but it does leave a lot of Fire Emblem fans in the dust who love Three Houses. I'd still play it, honestly, but it wouldn't be alienating to people who like Fire Emblem for its true staple: the turn based strategy.
I say this as somehow who will probably still end up enjoying Three Hopes a hell of a lot, and will definitely be clocking in well over 100 hours again. It's just. I really do wish they wouldn't have done this with a potentially cannon, or to say "best end" storyline tucked into Three Hopes. I want my little lords to be happy and defeat TWSITD; it's just annoying it's going to be enduring a large part of the gameplay instead of enjoying myself fully.
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mzannthropy · 6 months
🎄🎄🎄Merry Maudmas 🎄🎄🎄
A Christmas Mistake
The Grants are excited for Christmas Day tomorrow. A dinner of turkey and cranberry sauce and a pound cake--and then a whole week off school!
But their mother, tired and stressed out, informs them that there won't, actually, be any Christmas dinner. She has barely been able to make ends meet after the death of their father. The kids are flabbergasted, but she reminds them that they should be grateful for what they have, as some folks don't even have the little they have. She will still make her special bread pudding and molasses taffy, which they should ask the little Smithsons next door to come help pull. It seems the Smithsons are poorer than the Grants and Mrs Grant wishes could prepare a big Christmas dinner and invite them too, but it is not possible, not this year.
Keith, the oldest boy, reminds them it's time to leave for school, and the subject of conversation switches to their teacher. Who is, apparently, an incredibly absent-minded man, often not watching what he is doing. But as it's really now time for school, the kids are off and Mrs Grant is left alone with the baby. She starts on her usual chores, when she spots the very same absent-minded teacher coming up to her door. She assumes, naturally, that Teddy got in trouble again. But that's not why he came.
Gazing at something in the distance behind her, he announces to Mrs Grant that Miss Millar, the owner of the house where he boards, invites their whole family to Christmas dinner tomorrow. Mrs Grant, surprised, responds that they will come, and the teacher goes on his way.
Mrs Grant and Cornelia Millar are cousins and once upon a time used to be besties, but fell out years ago. Mrs Grants often wanted to make up, but she didn't think Cornelia would want it--they both have that stubborn, prideful Turner streak. Miss Cornelia is unmarried and wealthy and aside from providing accommodation for teachers, she is active in the church. The Grant children are delighted about the prospect of having a Christmas dinner at her house.
Meanwhile, Mr Palmer, the absent-minded teacher, comes home that evening. Miss Cornelia asks him: "Did you call and invite the Smithsons up to dinner as I told you?" To which he replies that yes, he did, and he goes up to his room. Miss Cornelia is relieved that he didn't forget. She is just now preparing the dinner, including her famous mince pies, with the help of her faithful maid, Hannah.
Only, minutes later, Mr Palmer appears at the kitchen door, all agitated, as he remembers that it was Mrs Grant he invited for dinner--not, as he was instructed, Mrs Smithson. He offers to go back and tell her it was a mistake, but Miss Cornelia stops him, bc of course, that wouldn't do. She sits down to think, and decides that she will indeed have the Grants for dinner, and sends Mr Palmer to invite the Smithsons too. She is, after all, glad, bc the Turner blood was too strong in her to initiate the reconciliation herself. She tells Hannah to make more pies and runs to the store to buy more presents.
And so Mrs Grant and Miss Cornelia rekindle their friendship on Christmas Day and the children of both families enjoy the dinner to their heart's content, as well as the pulling of the taffy. After they've gone back home, Miss Cornelia catches Mr Palmer trying to clean the taffy off his boot with a kitchen hairbrush. She sends him to the woodshed to get a proper shoe-brush--and laughs.
Hannah, what will become of that boy yet? There's no counting on what he'll do next. I don't know how he'll ever get through the world, I'm sure, but I'll look after him while he's here at least. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude for this Christmas blunder. What an awful mess this place is in! But, Hannah, did you ever in the world see anything so delightful as that little Tommy Smithson stuffing himself with plum cake, not to mention Teddy Grant? It did me good just to see them.
That's what I'm talking about! A quintessential L.M. Montgomery, including a resolved feud, characters with a streak of setness that runs in their families--and a mistake. It's an early writing of hers, dated 1899. Interestingly, she was to use a similarly absent-minded character decades later in Mr Meredith.
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kuroos-babie · 3 years
falling in love with a single mom hcs
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INCLUDES: nishinoya, tsukishima, yaku
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you spent a good part of your childhood with nishinoya, chasing away the dogs that had a penchant of scaring your best friend shitless, climbing trees and playing treasure hunt
it was funny, to say the least, seeing how he grew from such a scaredy-cat to the energetic and confident noya everyone knows
throughout highschool you watched him chase girl after girl and he watched you turn down guy after guy
the dynamic you two had was that of a feral gremlin child and its chill owner holding the leash and everyone, including you two, thought you would always be together
everyday was fun with nishinoya's energy hanging around you, no doubt
but when he asked you to travel the world with him right after graduation, he was met with a hesitant refusal
"i'm planning to go to college, yuu"
"it'll be fun, y/n! like going on an adventure!!"
"visit me once in a while"
his heart clenched at the way you smiled at him with teary eyes, "i can't change your mind can i?"
with a soft shake of your head, he sighed
he leaves in three days
the first few months of him being away were filled with calls and pictures of his trips, smile seemingly wider and brighter than before and a part of you regretted not coming with him
but college starts in a week, and with that came missed calls and ignored messages
at some point, neither of you just remembered to hit the other up, caught up with the stresses of your own life and before either of you knew it, 5 years have passed
he came to visit home for the first time in years, no longer the boyish noya you knew but he still had that warm aura around him
you were the first thought to come to mind the moment he step foot in town, his whole body buzzing with excitement at the mere thought of seeing you again
so of course he went straight to your house, feet taking step after memorized step and hands clutching bags of things he got from his travels
"Y/N!!!!!", he calls out as he enters your house which was answered with a harsh shushing
turning a corner he saw you in the living room, lovely as ever-- he thought, and with a baby sleeping soundly in your arms, "the baby's sleeping, yuu"
you laughed at the cracking in his voice, "mine, who else's?"
man, he looked like he was about to cry
he quietly approached you, careful as to not wake the baby
"for you", he mumbled while handing you the bag of snacks and stuff
the room was filled with silence after you hummed a short thanks
he was looking at the child's face, it looked like you, he thinks
he asked when you got married, "you didn't tell me, didn't even invite your best friend to your wedding", he whined
"i didn't, i'm not married"
his eyes were wide as they looked at you
you told him about getting pregnant shortly after college graduation and getting ditched
he thought of himself selfish as he heaved a sigh of relief
"it's fine though, my parents are helping me a lot", he notes how you looked at your baby with such fond eyes and his heart swelled, he felt like crying
you chuckled at the look on his face, "hey don't look so sorry for me, can't be happier to have her"
"what's her name?"
you looked at your daughter's face and pet at her cheek with a finger, "yui"
nishinoya couldn't hold it in anymore and so he let himself cry and pulled you close
and for the nth time since the day of your college graduation he asked you again, "come with me, y/n, let's travel the world" but you have a child "i'll stay with you here until she's old enough", he said while kissing the tears that slipped down your cheeks
"then we can all go travel the world together"
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he liked working at the museum, he really does
at least that's what he tries to tell himself as he led the group of preschoolers through the sendai museum
they were cute, yeah, but also very chatty
especially this one little boy with the frog hat
"what's this called?"
"it's a fossilized remain of--"
"how about this one?"
"it's--", and before he could answer, the child was already running to the other side of the exhibit
he just sighs
the tour ended and he was getting ready for his lunch break, proceeding to the cafe by the entrance as he always does
his eyes almost caught the flurry of green that passed beside him but he chose to ignore it
but of course it wasn't long after he sat down with his order when he heard a familiar bubbly voice
"mama that's the dinosaur guy!", he heard the little boy whisper loudly, "he's so tall, like a brachiosaurus!"
he couldn't supress the chuckle at the child's remark and he turned in his seat, "so you were listening, i thought you were just bouncing all around the place"
"oh sorry, did he give you a hard time?"
your voice drew his attention and he smiled at the sight of your worried face, something that surprised even him, "not really, no"
he invited you two to sit and eat with him and he listened to your son ramble all about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals
"a smart one, i like him"
your son really liked him too and asked you to take him to the museum again and see tsukishima
and so it became a habit for you to visit the museum every friday with the little boy, waiting for the tall blonde to get off work so you three could grab something to eat
and every time he sees you in the little cafe by the entrancne with your son, tsukishima couldn't help but smile a little and pat at his chest to calm the subtle fluttering as he push the door open
it was a weird feeling he never knew would come so naturally at the mere sight of you two
he bought your son picture books and and figurines and copies of the "walking with dinosaurs" documentary
"we should watch it this weekend..." his eyebrows shot up for a moment at your meek suggestion
of course the little boy was elated, excited to have him over at your house "yes! let's go now! i wanna watch it with tsukki now!!!"
tsukishima returned his gaze on you, "if it's not too much trouble then i'd love to go now"
and so the rest of the friday night was spent on your couch with all the lights turned off and a narration of al the allosaurus' life
you looked over at the other side of the couch to see your son laying on tsukishima, eyes fluttering shut with the man passed out and lightly snoring
he must've been tired
you draped a blanket over the two of them and waited for sleep to visit you too and it soon did
morning came and you woke up to the smell of coffee
"i borrowed your coffee maker, i hope you don't mind", his voice was still low, trying not to wake the little boy
"yeah, sorry i didn't wake you up last night... you looked tired"
he chuckled as you walked over to the kitchen to take out two mugs and prepared some toast, "i don't mind, it was the best sleep i've gotten in a while. i hope it wasn't too much of a bother for you though"
you leaned on the kitchen counter as you took in his appearance; hair ruffled and eyes puffy with sleep, "i don't mind it one bit"
he huffed a laugh and looked over to the sofa where your son still laid
"he likes you a lot"
"so it seems, i hope you do too", his face was smug but you didn't miss the red that tinted his cheeks when you told him "of course i do, in fact i was thinking maybe we should do this more often"
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his smirk grew, "just say you want to wake up everyday to the sight of me and leave it at that"
you rolled your eyes at his comment but smiled nonetheless, "oh shut up"
he had just come back from the nekoma volleyball team reunion, head lightly buzzing from the few bottles of alcohol kuroo forced down his throat
making his way through the carpeted hotel hall, he could barely make out the sound of little feet hurriedly padding on the floor and quiet sniffles
taking out the keycard to his room with the blissful thoughts of finally sinking into the soft mattress was interrupted by a soft bump on his thigh, a muffled thud and a small "ow..."
it took a few moments before the sight of the little boy on the hotel floor registered properly in his brain
it was well past 2 am... why the hell is there a child running around the halls
"uh... hi?"
big bright eyes looked up at him and he can't help but sigh at the sniffles increasingly growing louder
"where's your mama, little guy?", yaku crouched to the little boy's level, careful to keep his balance as the booze and exhaustion was catching up to him
however, at the mention of his mother, the little boy's eye filled up with more tears and was ready to burst anytime, "mama..."
"oh no no no no"
yaku's too tired for this
so with a sigh and a groan, he took the boy in his arms and entered his room
"let's look for her in the morning, okay? i think i still have some cookies in my room, would like some?"
the little boy nods his head, earning a relieved sigh from yaku
the rest of the night was spent with cartoons playing on the large hotel room tv, yaku leaning against the headboard with the little boy snoozing away while being tucked in his arm, cookie on his hand and crumbs all around
morning came and panic surged through your body the moment you realized your 3 year-old son was nowhere inside your hotel room
your hurried to the security desk to report and hopefully make an announcement, head reeling and aching with the sudden rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning
with your head in your hands, you let out a groan while trying not to cry at all the possibilites flashing through your mind
your wallowing was cut short with an "excuse me, i found this child last night"
turning your head back to the security desk, you see a man in his pajamas and slippers, hair ruffled from sleep and a sleepy little boy laying on his shoulder
"oh my god"
the whole conlict ended when you came up to them and introduced yourself, the little boy quickly recognizing your voice and whipped his head over to you, "mama!"
your son reached out for you and yaku couldn't help but notice how pretty your glossy eyes were despite how disheveled you looked
"mama, yakkun gave me cookies and we watched cartoons aaaaall night!"
yaku's eyes widened at the little boy's words and let out a nervous chuckle, "you make me sound so suspicious"
he turned to you and explained how your son bumped into him at 2 am and he was just too tired to bring him down to the security desk
"my tired tipsy brain thought it was a better idea to just let him sleep in my room and look for mama in the morning", he ended with the tips of his ears tinged red
you laughed at his nervousness, "well we can talk more about it over breakfast, what do you say yakkun? my treat"
with the way you were smiling at him, how could he even refuse?
the rest of the morning was spent with coffee and waffles, juice and fruits and chatter
he learned you and your son were in town for a few days, "i wanted to go see the fishies in the aquarium!", the little boy quips
with the new volleyball season just around the corner, yaku knew he'd have practices but he offered to tour you two around tokyo
he wanted to see you two again
briefly taking care of the toddler last night and having breakfast with you, he realized, were very much a welcomed change of pace in his hectic pro volleyball life
"are you my dad? mama told me daddy was working in tokyo" he remembered your son quietly mumbling last night, "i haven't seen him though, not ever"
the rest of your stay in tokyo was spent hanging out with yaku, your son growing more and more attached to him and slept over at his room every night
as promised, he took you and your son on a tokyo tour and even brought you to practice, introducing you to the national team and teaching your child receives
of course your trip eventually reached its end, promises of meeting again drowned in the little boy's tears as he tried to reach out to yaku
"we'll meet again, little guy", he says while ruffling the boy's hair, "i'll even go visit you and we'll play lots, okay?
of course he made a point of contacting you frequently, often video chatting during meal times and bedtime and a few more hours after, relishing in the time he could spend talking alone with you
"i can't wait to see you two again", he always says right after "good night"
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trueshellz · 3 years
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Subby Boys Collab for @httptamaki
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Warnings: sub!Hawks, female reader, collar and leash, spreader bar, mild bondage, ballgag use, facesitting, anal play mentioned, overstimulation mentioned, some comfort, injured Keigo
Summary: Hawks has just had enough of his work and you know the perfect way to help him relax...
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Dragging his feet through the hallway to your shared apartment, Keigo fumbled with his key before opening the door with a slam loud enough to make you jump. His jacket was dirty from the fight, wings drooping from exhaustion and ends of his hair singed from the fire thay broke out afterwards. Body hurting, feathers depleted and completely wrecked from the crap week, he walked behind you and buried his face in your back with a loud sigh.
"Bad day, baby?"
"Bad week. I'm done. I got a week off to recover and I don't even know where to start."
Turning around and wrapping your arms around him, you could smell smoke and the metallic undertones of blood on him. Rubbed your hand up and down his back, smiling when he almost flitted in happiness, you drew back and kissed his forehead and mouth before tugging his jacket down and taking his hand. This was a routine for you every so often Keigo would get some time off and instead of pinning you down and fucking you stupid, he would let you have control.
"How about you let me take care of you today, baby? Hmm? I'll look after you."
Keigo let you guide him to the bathroom, stripping his clothes off and throwing them in the bin before you cleaned and treated the small wounds. After the week from hell, he knew this would be the perfect way to de-stress and unwind from the horrors he had seen. He could already feel himself relaxing from your touch, the anticipation and excitement growing with each passing second.
Smiling when you squealed in glee, hands pumping the air as you moved him to sit on the side of the bathtub while it filled. You let him touch you for now, a right he would lose after the wash, something you knew he needed now just to reassure himself and give him the closeness he needed. You felt his fingers trace the skin of your legs as you bent down, hand cupping your ass as he rubbed it and caressed it. Pulling you to sit on his lap while the bubbles became frothy and the bath salts dissolved.
"In you get, baby."
Hissing as his body hit the water, warmth seeping through his skin and pores as he lowered himself down. Keigo let his hear drop back with a small hum, moaning when you sat behind him and began rubbing his scalp gently with some shampoo. Gold eyes peering up at you with affection, head leaning on your knee as his skin tinged pink from the heat. The room getting foggy as your warms breaths mingled together, adding to the atmosphere.
"My pretty boy. You're all tired aren't you? I'll take care of you today."
You washed away the grime and sweat, hands running down his chest and rinsing it off until his skin was shiny and glowing. Hair washed and pushed back, cutting off the singed ends with some scissors so it looked neater. Helping him out the bath and rubbing him dry with a towel until he was dry, his head drooping onto your shoulder as he leaned into your touch. Taking your hand as you guided him to the bed and lay him on his back. Warming some oil between your hands and the hard planes of his back, giggling a little as he groaned at the clicking his back made. You could hear his breath come in pants, hands curling into the bed cover under him as he began rocking his hips slowly.
"Naughty boy, not yet."
"Angel, please."
Turning him over and repeating the process, sitting on his lap and grinding on his hard dick as he whimpered behind his fist. A small blush on his sculpted cheekbones and chest, eyes rolling back as your clothed pussy hit the tip of his dick. Hands rubbing down his chest and up to pinch his nipples as he arched his back off the bed. Leaving him, you rubbed the spreader bar and padded cuffs from under the bed before attached them to your boyfriend. A small grin on his lips when you clicked the bar into place and looped the cuffs around the headboard until you waved the ballgag in his face, then his eyes widened a tad, letting you click it into place before huffing through his nose. Moving down the bed until your mouth was near his thighs, hands rubbing up and down the corded muscle there as you mouthed the side of his dick. You could hear the groan echo behind the gag as your mouth closed over the tip.
"You taste so good, baby. If you're a good boy maybe I'll let you fuck my throat." Another whine. "Yeah? Sounds good right?"
Moving your head up and down, hands fondling his balls with each stroke, you heard the bar click against his resistance. A giggle, which must have vibrated because you heard him moan again, scraping your nails lightly up and down his chest over his abs and down until your hand met your mouth. Moving faster now, feeling his legs tremble and his back arch as he neared his orgasm, choosing that point to pull off and hold the base of his dick as he whined loudly behind the gag. His foot kicking on the bed in indignation, eyes narrowing at you when he was ignored worse so when you simply shrugged at him. You could see the tears gather in his eyes, frustration and the sheer willpower not to cum, knowing far too well what would happen if he disobeyed. The one time he ignored your instructions, you ended up tying him up and stuck a vibrating dildo up his ass making him cum over and over again milking him dry.
"Aw, baby. You look so cute all flustered and pissed off." Giggling when he growled behind the gag. "Wanna fuck my throat? I know how much you get off on that."
Keigo nodded, his blonde hair falling in his eyes which were streaming from overstimulation. You always knew how to make him feel better, even if he wasn't happy with the lack of orgasms, he knew you would take care of him and look after his wellbeing. He could feel the drool seeping out the side o the plastic, leaking down the side of his face while his hands rattles in the cuffs. Back arching as you mouth swallowed him down again, your hand tapping his thigh to signal for him to move. Absolute heaven as he started rocking his hips to meet your mouth, feeling the wet and warm cavern surrounding his dick. Your hands rubbing the sensitive area behind his balls, itching to hold your hair and fuck your mouth like he wanted. He sighed in relief when your hand reached up to tug the gag down, jaw flexing as he regained control if it even though the drool was everywhere he could not curse and moan without it being smothered.
"Feels so good, angel. Fuck, baby. Don't stop please. 'M so close."
Head thrown back, sweat gathering on his forehead as hedug his heels into the bed Keigo groaned loud and long as he emptied himself down your throat. Feeling your throat close around him, tongue lapping at the head as your hands massaged his thighs and chest. He couldn't stop the long groans when he felt your mouth move up and down his sensitive length, hissing when it became too much. Sighing in relief when he saw you pull down your underwear and climb up his body to ride his tongue. Hissing out a 'yes' when you unlocked the cuffs, hands quickly grabbing your ass and bringing you closer as his tongue moved through your folds. Your essence bursting across his tongue, fingers weaving through his hair as you rode his face. Pushing his tongue into you, fucking you with it in small strokes he moaned when you tugged his hair a little harder.
"Slow down, baby. I don't wanna cum yet."
Another whine as you held his dick in warning, pulling back and sucking on your folds to appease you. Keigo hummed as his lips closed around your clit, fingers pushing into your hole when you signalled for him to. Curling them and flicking his wrist to make you cum, the dual feeling of you pulling his hair and grinding on his face while making those pretty noises made him feel better already. He felt your legs tighten around his head as you moaned, hips stuttering in pace as he left small kitten licks on your clit swallowing up the slick you left behind. Taking a deep breath when you moved away to remove the spreader bar and clean him up, tugging your arm back to kiss your hand with a tired smile.
"Thanks, angel. I needed that."
Dropping a small kiss on his forehead and wiping him down, shushing him when he made a protest against the washcloth, you switched off the lights. The room darkened with only the sounds of the diffuser and your breathing as your wrapped yours arms around him from the back and shuffled closer to him.
"Anytime, baby."
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