#i'll take that thank you
allimili · 2 years
* Alice Knocks on your door.
"ma'am/sir would you like to buy some honey?" He then show you a small jar of honey.
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"it's only the small price off--"
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hello i am coming in the anon to tell you that you are very cool and correct about most things
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roguedeck · 2 years
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You should be playing #12 - Peer Pressure
So let me tell you about a game I got in this weekend.
I'm playing Derevi "Creature Types Matter" against mono red beats and Licia Vampire Tribal.
My board is full of useless dorks. A Spirit Mirror. A token from Irregular Cohort. Timin Youthful Geist and his buddy Rhoda. And a Vesuvan Doppleganger who'd been copying an Elenda the Dusk Rose for a handful of turns.
Licia had been attacking and growing since around turn four. Luckily I had a Spirit Mirror reflection to keep blocking with, but between all the attacks and blocks, Licia and Elenda were getting pretty scary.
I wasn't in a position to win the game, but until that point I at least had enough of a board presence to keep everything pretty even.
Then the mono red player suited up his commander with a Commander's Plate. And the vamp player dropped a Vona Butcher of Magan.
All of the sudden, I found myself in a position where I couldn't just sit back and grow. Vona could kill off any of my prison pieces, and Commander's Plate meant I could neither block nor tapdown 6+ points of commander damage each turn.
When the Licia player decided to kill off my Vesuvan Doppleganger/Elendra before it got too big, I took my shot and played Peer Pressure.
The 8 vampire tokens I got from my newly deceased Doppelganger trumped his 7 real (scary) vampires in play. It was better than a one sided board wipe. It was absolute devastation.
I passed the turn. Vamps did nothing relevant as he was low on cards in hand. Red attacked for minimal damage. And my turn I attacked with a dominant board state against nothing to win the game.
Folks. Play more Peer Pressure.
Pairs nicely with:
Unnatural Selection
Maskwood Nexus
Unnatural Selection
Irregular Cohort
Progenitor Mimic
Birthing Boughs
Mirror Entity
Shields of Velis Vel
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strawberryamanita · 1 year
Observation #1: The prefix "a-" means "none", such as in "asexual", "apolitical" and "Atheism".
Observation #2: The word "unicorn" is a combination of "uni", meaning "one", and "cornus", meaning "horn".
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This is an acorn.
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bitterly-almond · 5 months
more Kuina lived AU with some slight changes
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it feels like every time i draw her she gets bigger. i still want zoro to have wado as a symbol of their promise so i gave kuina the nidai to go with zoro's sandai :))
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cute-sucker · 19 days
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all i can think about is boxer!rafe with his cute clumsy gf??
𐙚˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚
rafe being a boxer did not help your situation as an unnaturally clumsy person.
you're always on the brink of failing down, head face first into concrete, or something even worse. you feel like an idiot every single day as you try to get through obstacles that face your everyday life.
going up the stairs? yes, you have fallen going up the stairs.
going down the stairs? check that off the list too. that was done a hot minute ago. it's all a blur to you, but when you and rafe first got into a relationship it was alarming the amount of bruises you got.
it was strange to be with someone so coordinated as him, as if every single on his moves was coordinated. you had watched him box and every move deliberate. power and strength oozed off of him, and you wondered what you even offered in the relationship. after all he was the one taking care of you.
he could tell when you were about to fall - his hand stuck out to catch you, he could tell when you were going to trip, hands reaching for your shoulders. you would always give him a cute smile afterwards, and a welcoming kiss.
but there were other times when you felt worse about it, crying to him about how incompetent you were, "can't do it, rafe. i'm so, so clumsy," and you could tell that he was fighting the urge to laugh as you pouted.
"nah. i like it," he would mutter, before gently smudging your lipstick with his finger as he tilted down to give you a peck, "keeps me on my toes."
and yet there were times when being clumsy did not help at all.
you were snuggled to his side, smelling his hoodie in deeply before sighing. the movie was playing in the background as he held you close to his chest, as a soft humming escaped your lips. it was a moment you knew you would always remember, and you raised your arms to stretch.
little to your knowledge the sleeves of your shirt went down to uncover a litter of blue and green bruises. they looked fairly recent but still were blossoming on your skin. unbeknownst to you, rafe's eyes quickly traveled to your arms.
"hey? you good?" he sputtered out, and you gave him a smitten nod, burrowing deeper into his chest. rafe looked even more concerned, readjusting - which forced you to get up as a short whine left your mouth.
he tugged at your sweatshirt, "what the hell was that?"
you furrowed your eyebrows, "what the hell was what? you have to be more specific rafe-" you hated this, and even though you didn't know what he was talking about there was this inkling of fear that stuck into your heart.
rafe let out a grunt, before pulling away down your sleeves again, and then he pointed at the bruises, "these? who hurt you?"
dumbfounded you stared at your arms, and then looked at rafe - his eyes practically bugging out of their sockets, jaw clenched as if a vein was about to burst and you couldn't help but start giggling.
"hey. hey, focus," a hand reached for your jaw as you stared into his steely eyes. suddenly you saw another side of him, the rafe that everyone talked about. the one that could knock out a guy with one punch, the one that came home with bloody knuckles and a chewed mouth guard. and yet it was the same rafe that slept in your bed comfortably and whispered your name gently as if he wanted to etch it on his heart.
that rafe.
you had zoned out again before you noticed his furious expression, and then an unpleasant smile that crossed on his face. it looked as if he was trying to feign being calm, and you felt tears prick your eyes.
"no crying. c'mon baby, just give me a name."
now you were chuckling through tears, and he gave him an incredulous look.
finally he pecked your lips, his words oddly sweet, "listen. i've always told you i'm gonna protect you right. it's jeff isn't it-" his words came out sharp, and you knew exactly who he was talking about - your boss at the restaurant you worked at who complained about your inability to do anything right.
but that was definitely not it.
"rafe!" you finally sputtered, "rafe it's me."
finally he stopped, his mouth gaping open, "what do you mean it's you sweets?"
you huffed, looking down at your arms, "i'm so darn clumsy that i have bruises everywhere. i always check before i go to bed, yk' to check how many i have."
rafe's concern quickly shifted to a mix of frustration and worry as he examined the bruises on your arms, letting soft clucks. he let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before turning to you with a furrowed brow.
"sweetheart, you have to be more careful," he said, his tone tinged with annoyance but softened by genuine concern, and then he finally tugged you in closer as you started to protest.
"we'll talk about this later. maybe you'll start boxing, huh? you'll be my little champ."
𐙚˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚
taglist for all my fics; @wearemadeofstardust0
taglist for boxer!rafe: @maybankslover @vogueprincess @spookyscaryspoon
let me know if you'd like to be added!
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valiantvillain · 10 months
You can't convince me Gale wasn't totally advertising himself as marriage material throughout the entirety of his romance. He's got a tower. It's got a great kitchen and a wine cellar. He can cook. He'll formally introduce you to Tara over a nice dinner. His mother will love you. And after so many years of the bar being in the pits of hell for irl men I fell for that shit hook, line, and sinker. Feel his shirt that smells like a library. It's husband material.
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kuradex · 4 months
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day 260 Swampert
buy stickers, commission a pokemon, or support me on kofi!
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emeryhiro · 8 months
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Loki the God of Stories - 02x06
This is now my favourite scene in the entire MCU, and you can't convince me otherwise.
He has literal tears in his eyes; he had no idea if he would make it, but he still took the risk just to save his friends, and look at him now! An actual selfless hero and one of, if not the most powerful being in the entire MCU! Frigga would be so proud ♡♡♡
[Part 1][Part 3]
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werewolfaday · 2 months
Sire, I'm going to have to ask you to draw the biggest booty werewolf you've ever drawn in your life with no pants, I crave ass and cheek :P
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day 117 everybody
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ruushes · 3 months
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tagged by @ghostwise for wip wednesday and thinking abt Them (':
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gotchibam · 4 months
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Raboot ko-fi doodle for @lakefoundtheirexit!
I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
Ok but I’m still gagged by the choice of the white dress covered in her spilled ink for the TTPD set.
The way it’s almost certainly meant to reference a wedding gown just like the music video and how that ties into the narrative of TTPD in general.
The way so many of these songs are about how she’s been wronged and how she’s angry.
The striking image of her floating around on stage unleashing her anger in Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, or her collapsed on the platform in Down Bad begging to be beamed back up to the space ship. Very much giving dying on the altar waiting for the proof (in both meanings). She’s the jilted lover and the runaway bride. She’s the old widow who goes to the stone everyday and she’s the girl heading towards a shotgun wedding if she keeps this up. She's the unhappily married woman whose life is turned upside down by a man beyond her reach, with the chasm between them widening the longer the set goes on. And then!!! she's taken away (held back?) by the nurses at the asylum -- the crazy wife being committed for hysteria!!! (Actually I don't know what order that comes in in the set -- I'm going to have to find better videos.)
She said that the TTPD set is Female Rage: The Musical, and a lot of that is "I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free." She sacrificed her youth to her demons and to people who never had her best interest at heart. She sacrificed her youth to bad actors who wanted to ruin her. She sacrificed her youth to men who traded promises of commitment for their own safety.
So to see that all symbolized in the white gown, saying "I love you, it's ruining my life," is so powerful. By the time we get to "The Smallest Man," she's covered up in the band (or army dress?) uniform, those dreams finally dead and buried, marching to her own memorial service. They all finally kill her, and her dreams of her future.
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builtintripping · 5 months
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never forget...
read again?
no you did not see me repost this, shh
hemlo!! thank ya'll so so much for enjoying this lil comic series!! i know it's been a year since the first part, but most importantly i finished it 💀✨️
every single tags ya'll leave on me posts and past questions i recieve about this au is super appreciated, they make me smile the widest you have no clue!! im just a lil mad at myself that i couldn't expand on this au more so yall could have had more crumbs. irl stuff happened + still getting the hang of drawing and socializing again after years of doing neither of those 😭
but still, im glad i could share this comfort comic i made for myself, and for you guys too. it's a pretty personal one despite the characters not being mine 😅 i hope that you can walk away from this story believing (entirely or not) that someone out there still thinks of you, whether they're from a late/absent loved one who still wants the best for you or a dear friend who will make room in their hearts for you. life will never not be hard, but if you keep them close to your heart, adulting will be bearable 🫂
thank you so much for reading 💕
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 81
Danny blinked at the small children Ellie was holding the hand of, looking quite proud of herself. The small children- between ten and twelve so somewhere similar to Ellie’s age- who both practically stank of magic and Gods. 
He took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose even as Dan cackled while opening the door more to let them inside. “Alright, what’s your name, kids?”
“B-billy…um, Billy Batson...” “‘m Percy! Percy Jackson.” 
“Nice to meet you two- any idea where in your family you have a god or two, because one of you definitely smells like Zeus and I’m pretty sure Poseidon and I am not dealing with either of my half-brothers.” 
#prompts#dcxdp#dpxpj#percy jackson#percy jackon and the olympians#billy batson#Danny was adopted by Clockwork who is the origin behind Kronos#Oh they're both orphans? No one to take care of them?#Goddamnit Clockwork you made sure Ellie found them didn't you#Liminals are hidden from monsters thanks to feeling like them & the dead#CW: If they won't take care of their kids then I'll give the lil demigods to my favorite son :)#The JL finding out Billy is a child: You need a guardian- how could we let this happen#Billy: Actually my older sister has looked 12 for the last 100 years and my younger brother looks 20 so that's very human-ist of you#Percy peering out at some camp people who are trying to see if he's home: MA There's some weird ass cats outside!#Percy: Am I allowed to throw the pool at them 'cause they aren't taking no for an answer#Danny teaching the kids how to use powers: Alright and now we're going to your other dad and moms to learn magic#Danny: And how to shoot a gun in Val's case because I will forget gun safety#Everlasting Quartet#Phantastic Four#“Hey Marvel how do you know that info about Dr Fate he looks so pissed??”#“Oh one of my parents know him and they don't get along so now we always take the chance to call him a lil Bitch but politely”#Percy: Billy if you can summon lightning and I can control water can we combine them#Billy: One way to find out- hey Daaaaan#Camp people trying to find Percy: Wtf wtf wtf#The pantheon: WHAT DO YOU MEAN KRONOS HAD ANOTHER CHILD?! WHERE?! HOW!?#Clockwork: Look at my Favorite Child who doesn't Fuck with the Timeline or are Raging Hypocrites & takes care of his kids#Clockwork curled up with Danny & new grandchildren in his chest like a mother crocodile: Everything is as it should be :)#Marvel: Look at my lil brother isn't he adorable he's a year younger than me but takes more after our other mom#Percy: Hi Mr Aquaman I can control water & talk to fish and was wondering if you have any tips#“Marvel we're going to die-” “No we're not lemme call my big brother- if he can destroy the timeline he can fix it” “If he What”
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zu-is-here · 5 months
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