#i'll use the entirety of this year to write for next year lmao
miam0re · 1 year
I thought I would try kinktober but I don't think I have it in me :(
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yoongiaahh · 1 year
First Day - Me or Him
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title: first day
series: me or him
pairing: yoongi x reader(f), namjoon x reader(f)
genre: love triangle ; rating m (18+)
summary: as you and your best friend start the first day of senior year you realize you have no classes together. you don't like people and stray away until someone catches your eye in class, not only that but you're assigned to sit next to each other. this is not how you wanted to kick off the first day of school… will feelings bloom? does your bestfriend approve?
note: hiiii this is my first fanfic so im really nervous lol. i decided on a series because as i was writing my mind was RACINGGG lmao i had so many ideas and didnt want it to be forever long. so i hope youll stay along for the ride. please let me know how you like it! im trying to work on my writing skills so any tips are appreciated :) as for the fic its gonna be spicy but itll be a slow burn so dont get your hopes up lol i want to give you a good taste of the characters before jumping in. i wanted to keep this chapter pretty short to begin so we can leave off with a little cliff hanger SORRY itll be worth it i promise! im also new to the tumblr writing scene and still figuring out the controls AGAIN tips appreciated! thank you <3
warnings: none YET
estimated total wc: 1.6k
Your alarm is much louder than you're used to. Not that it matters, you had woken up a whole two hours before it went off.
It’s the first day of your senior year, you can hardly keep your smoothie down due to the rumbling pit of nervousness in your stomach. As you are pacing the room waiting for your brother to come bursting through the door you get a phone call. It's Namjoon, your best friend since middle school and suddenly you feel a little better about how the rest of your day is going to go knowing he’ll be right by your side.
“You ready? I'll be there in five.”
“As ready as I'll ever be Joonie.” You say with a smirk and major sarcasm wondering how you landed a friend so opposite from you.
“Perk up, it's our senior year… what could go wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever see you soon.” Hanging up the phone quickly you grab your bag and run down stairs. You practically plowed through your brother as he was running up to make sure you were ready.
He’s pissed you can just tell by the way his eyes bolt directly to yours.
“Are you fucking kidding me, I had the courtesy of coming to get you and you repay me by messing up my hair.” His words come out like an avalanche as he immediately runs to fix what you supposedly messed up, yet it doesn't look like one strand fell out of place.
“Tae maybe instead of worrying about your appearance so much you can put more effort into school this year.” You scream through the house.
Your brother is a year below you and a complete douche. It comes across your mind more than ever how the two of you can be related. He's the king of his class, making new friends every day while you have had one friend for the entirety of the time you've been in this city. You’ve never really had the want or need to have anyone else than Joon, and you’re glad you havent had to share since he’s never kept another friend besides his gaming buddies.
Joon finally arrives at your driveway. As you're walking out the door you remind yourself there's only one more year of this hell you've been going through for the past three years. You atleast need to get through today, leave your worries for tomorrow and do your best.
The car ride to school lifts your spirits as you listen to Joon gawk about all the clubs he wants to enter and all the classes he signed himself up for. You’re happy for him but not at all what you are thinking about at the moment. Playing your favorite tunes through his amped speakers you reflect on the amazing summer you had and wish that it never had to end.
Gathering your things you and Joon walk up to the bulletin board to check what classes you got put into. Just as your morning got better all the nervousness you had earlier hits you like a truck. You don't have a single class together with him, which in the five years of knowing each other has never happened.
Immediately you both turn your heads in shock. You knew one day this would happen but why the first semester of your last year. You're sweating bullets not knowing how you'll get through today without him.
Trying to make you feel better, Joon offers to switch a class in hopes the teacher would approve.
“It’s alright Joonie, you already said how excited you were for the classes you picked and you got into all of them. I’ll manage somehow.” As soon as you say it you regret it. He would definitely switch if you had just agreed but you don't want to hold him back.
“Well we still have lunch together so just keep your cool till then.” His smile is the nausea pill you wish you had.
He wraps you up in a hug, letting you know everything will be alright. Once separated from the embrace you needed you make your way to your first class of the day.
The bell rings and students come piling in to take their seats before the teacher starts going over the plans for the semester. Writing everything in your notebook to keep your mind off this lonely day that has just started.
It’s not that you don't like school, you actually very much enjoy it and have always kept good grades. You’re just horrible at conversation and not much of a people person to begin with.
Joon and you had been paired together for a project way back when, which is how you and him ended up being friends. He is a very straightforward person so making conversation with him was never an issue, and you actually had quite a bit in common. He could clearly tell you were shy so to say the least he started most of the talk between you two. Once the project had been turned in everyone had returned back to their chosen seating to sit with their friends and you were surprised to see that he chose to continue sitting by you. Since that day you had been inseparable.
Lunch is finally here. Classes fled by quick since it was mostly introductions and receiving your sylbasses. Your backpack feeling like a brick from the textbooks you gathered you make your way to the cafeteria. You quickly find Joon and walk up to the line to get food.
“So how’d it go? Make any friends?” Joon snickers as he says the last part, knowing you all too well.
“Oh yeah I actually already have a new best friend so I guess i'll go sit with them.” Turning your head pretending to look for someone as Joon lets out a laugh. You spin around to smack his arm knowing he saw right through your mockery.
“As much as I would hate to be replaced, it wouldn't kill you to make a friend or atleast find someone else to talk to.” Nudging your shoulder as he says the words.
“I’m good with my small circle, thanks”
You both go back and forth with how the day has gone so far. He couldn't go on enough about how happy he is with his classes, which makes you forget the regret you had earlier about his offer.
The lunch bell goes off so you both clear your trays and head out to the hallways. Study hall is next for you so the nerves have suppressed as you know you can put your earbuds in and tune out the class. Joon gives you a wink and lets you know to meet back at his car when the day is over.
Heading to your locker to put the stack of textbooks you received away you get a text.
Whatever loser❤️
You giggle as you put your phone back in your pocket and head to your class.
“Hello class, I hope your first day of senior year has been great! As you all know, study hall is your hour window to get caught up with your work or take a breather and relax before heading to the rest of your classes.” The teacher says much too loud for your liking. “I have put a seating chart together in hopes everyone can meet some fresh new faces. Please follow this chart as it is part of your participation grade.”
The last thing you wanted was to meet ‘fresh new faces’.
You grab your assigned seat and whip out your airpods in hopes that the person who's placed next to you takes the hint and stays to themself. Though to your surprise the bell had rung and the seat next to you was still vacant.
As you get out your syllabi to scan and send to your mother you hear commotion at the front of the class. You take out an airpod to see what is going on and you're taken aback when you see a boy with bleached blonde hair rolling his eyes as the teacher is complaining to him about being late. You don't know why but there are butterflies in your stomach as you look at him. Retracting your gaze he turns to meet your eyes. and the butterflies only get worse as you see him heading to the seat next to you.
He throws himself down in the seat and you can feel the heat in your cheeks rising. You don't know why your body is reacting this way.
In all of your other classes you had gotten a seat to yourself luckily but that wasn't the case here.
Hoping he doesn't notice your face looking like a cherry, you press play on your phone and get back to sending the photos to your mom.
“From the way you look you either really didn't want someone sitting here or you must be absolutely enthralled that I’m the person to sit here.”
You barely make out the words as you throw your head around to look at the all too cocky boy taking up the seat next to you.
“I-I don't know what youre talking about.” Turning away with a flushed face. Your mind racing wondering why he would even spout out those words.
“My name silly, I’m Yoongi.”
“Oh okay”
The smirk on his face is absolutely annoying. You want to slap it right off his face.
“So do I get to know your name?” The smirk slowly turns into a grin as his eyebrow cocks up.
“Alright class, enjoy the rest of your day, I’ll see those bright faces tomorrow.” Your teacher says as the class ending bell goes off.
You have never gathered your things into your bag with such haste. Not realizing you left your notebook on the desk you throw the bag over your shoulder as you dart out the door to get anywhere but that classroom.
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genericpuff · 1 year
How long do you usually take to plan for a really long story/comic? Do you do a rough plan or a fully detailed one? Any apps you use for planning?
Thank you in advance!
It depends on the project. For my long-term series, it definitely takes me a good while to finalize everything from start to finish, but as a general rule, I try to keep my writing one step ahead of where I'm drawing, for two purposes: so I can have a goal in mind to propel the comic forward (I don't want to be writing or drawing on the fly more than I have to), and so I can have enough planned ahead for editing, because by the time I get to the thing I've planned, my writing has likely grown more and my perspective on it has shifted, so I'm not releasing "first takes", so to speak.
Usually I use LibreOffice and just sort of keep a few separate files for different purposes. I always have a "[story] shit" file of some kind where I just dump thoughts and notes that I don't wanna lose lmao but then I usually also have a file that's meant for outlining. I think Rekindled is the first comic where I haven't employed my spreadsheet method, which is when I'd use Excel/Spreadsheets to lay out panel descriptions and dialogue. So like this:
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(Episode 14 of Time Gate: [AFTERBIRTH])
Rekindled is more just note-taking, what I want to happen in each episode, and if there's any dialogue I come up with that I definitely want to include, I write it down in there. I've done all of Rekindled's process through Scrivener, which I learned how to use shortly before starting it. IDK yet if I like Scrivener enough to use it for my bigger projects, but it's been helpful for organization and keeping my files all in one central "hub" area.
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So right now I have up to about Episode 70 drafted out like that ^^^ but things do change during the actual production of the episodes. Sometimes I'll write something in my notes that doesn't flow well in actual comic form. Sometimes I'll write dialogue during the sketching stage that I don't like anymore by the time I get to the final rendering. It's all a stage-by-stage process from drafting to final release.
The question of "how long" really just comes down to the note-taking process. I tend to work in bursts, the last time I did any written episode layouts was a few weeks ago and that was because I got like, 40+ episodes done in a day LOL So I'm all set for the next little bit, but I'll have to get back to planning by Episode 50 if I haven't done any before then. I'd like to have the entirety of Rekindled plotted out by the end of the year so I can get a more exact answer of how long Rekindled will be :' )
When it comes to software/apps, keep it simple, use what you know. I've been using standard word editors and spreadsheets for years now because it works for me. Scrivener's been fun to learn but as I mentioned, IDK if I'm gonna be able to stick with it for bigger projects like Time Gate because it feels like I'm wearing different shoes that I'm not used to lol But that's just me, feeling "at home" with my software is just an important thing to me, for others it might not matter so much. Scrivener definitely has the most features for drafting/writing/editing, but it's also not very beginner-friendly and there's a huge learning curve to really understanding how the software is designed and what it fully offers.
There's also Plottr which I've been using for [AFTERBIRTH], it's really helpful for people who need visual aids because it allows you to lay out story timelines through imagery. But I really only use it for laying out story beats from end to end, I don't use it much beyond that, any extensive note taking or scripting happens in actual word documents.
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(idk if this is how you're actually supposed to use Plottr but it's how I use it so w/e lolol)
Ultimately it's all up to you, what works for me might not work for others so don't be afraid to try things even if it ends up not working out for you. Obv that might be a bit more of a "nah" when it comes to paid software like Scrivener and Plottr, but there are loads of tutorials on Youtube that teach you how to use the software that you can hopefully use as a glimpse into how they work to see if they'd be up your alley before paying money for 'em.
Hope that helps! ˋ( ° ▽、° )
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ultimatefartwizard · 6 months
Agonies of a Late Homestuck Reader Pt.1
(Note: Alot of these entries coming up will be posted later than the initial reading and writing, but the writing and replies to any comments are live) -If anyone knows Hussie's current pronouns lmk I hear they are clowngender I think? Just wanting to be sure so I'm not using the wrong set) Okay so first part, only got to where John is starting sBurb before I put the thing down for other activities Starting from the top!
Very beginning, was a little perplexed yet amused with the strange inclusion of a lot of computer programming and data structure lingo, and that the kids somehow have personal hammer-space like data slots for their personal belongings in the real world. I'm just barely learning coding languages myself so it's both as lost on me as John and I also simultaneously understand what nonsense they are blabbing about with the sylladex.
There's quite a good amount of unexpected flowery language and vocabulary, I'm assuming its part of Hussie's strange weird perplexities to vomit out a ton of vocabulary words a mere 10 year old won't know (at least at first), shit I didn't even know half the words and I'm a grown ass man, so I guess this will ALSO be a learning experience for fancy word vomit too lmao
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excuse me how is it legal for this utter freak-clown of a person to be this good at writing some insane poetry drop like this? No wonder why people around me during my middle school years were frothing over this work this fool is shockingly insane with the effort and lack there-of in this webcomic, if its really even labeled as such? This whole thing even has its own music score and animations and it's baffling especially for 2009, my experiences with back then was a huge lack of that unless it was like youtube comic readings with royalty free music. Then again I was a weird kid and only stuck to a very small amount of media back then so my worldview is rather small, beyond the little info I got about Homestuck from fanworks during its golden era.
Of course, a work written by the Huss themself is not without its flaws already, and I already knew about the issues surrounding them so I wasn't necessarily surprised to find the weird two race related comments (what the hell man?) early on and casual throw of the r slur (which, with it being 2009, the R slur hadn't net fully been recognized as a slur so had to remind myself when seeing it, not an excuse at all for Hussie adding it but not surprised).
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Genuinely what the hell does anything in the second image mean???? Maybe i'm not uber galaxy brained enough to understand the nonsense lipflapping Hussie is going on about with the McConaughey Wall, I don't even know who the FUCK this guy is.
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Still holding out since this is really early on and not even SCRATCHING the surface of this insane piece of media that's got more words than the damn Bible, though with high doubts due to things I've heard and the mere existence of... eugh... Homestuck 2. But I'll still try to read Homestuck in its entirety and hoping at least Hussie will pipe down and not make as many weird ass things like this as the comic progresses.
Anyways I got to where Johnny is blabbing to TT and they are destroying the bathroom, seems this game SBurb affects reality? Interesting yet strange.
Till next time folks, Wizard will blab again about stupid media he missed out on during their golden years!
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ughscara · 9 months
end of the year post.
heads up. if i sound sappy in some parts, i'm not sorry 🤍
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as of me writing this, it's but a mere 20 minutes before it is officially the start of a new year.
it's a little surreal to believe that 2023 is coming to an end. a year that admittedly, was more emotionally and physically hectic for me. but i pushed through, and here i am going into 2024 as hopefully a better me.
to be honest, this year has been nothing but self reflection, realization and a lot of acceptance as well as embracing parts of myself that i thought i'd never return to. hobbies of mine like writing and drawing were ones i strayed away from for so, so long in 2023. but it more or so lead back into the tribulations i was facing then and still recovering from now.
it's a little surreal to me that months after months of doing nothing but reflection and getting back into what i love doing most just months before the year ended resulted into the me who decided to step into tumblr again and share my kuni ideas for the fun of it. that halloween fic i posted? just for shits and giggles at the time. but the fun i had writing it was a fun i wasn't able to feel throughout the entirety of 2023, and i admit the motivation boost i got from posting the fic afterwards, alongside checking in on the authors i used to follow just made something inside me click. and i went for it.
a bit more off topic but i still remember how i came back to genshin after a good five months or so in version 3.6 and doing the main event without knowledge of the sumeru quest line because i was avoiding spoilers. that day, i just finished taking an entrance exam for college and was exhausted from both the exam and from wearing myself out. midway into the introduction of the contestants; i was greeted with wanderer, or kuni in my vocabulary, being in the event and i was just smiling from ear to ear at the mere sight of him. feeling that same overflow of good emotions just take me whole to be honest, i was simply beyond happy. the way he spoke about writing about inazuma's societal issues because he was bored genuinely had me laughing for the first time that day.
i guess it's that simple little moment that hit me hard. it's silly, i'm aware, but it meant everything to me in a way. since that day in june; i was determined and full of creative drive to hopefully share at least one thing before the end of this year. look at me now, i have a series published that's yet to be finished so i can start on the next one in spring ( hopefully ), a one-shot to share for a moot and lastly... just a lot. i have a lot in store.
i have no right to say such things regarding my immense gratitude for the support i received from the few things i published, but the support i ended up getting on said few things — big and small — has made me realize that maybe i still feel very passionate about writing. that maybe i want to pursue the desire to publish all i have for that one fictional character that had my heart swoon the moment i saw him in a promotional trailer three years ago.
the ending note to 2023, starting october 31st when i published my first fic was a day that i'll always hold dear to me, my mutuals as well as the wonderful authors i follow made these past three months an absolute joy, and i cannot wait to make the most of my journey supporting each one of them ~
honestly i'm just rambling. but i am a professional yapper and to be honest i am writing all this on one cup of tea and like, six something hours of sleep i am absolutely not in the right headspace lmao. regardless! i am so so very glad to be here, to have survived an emotionally draining bitch of a year that was still an eventful year regardless to me, and starting the second of january... i shall be the bane of the scaranation's existence <3
we don't talk about how being that is actually a goal of mine because i think it'd be funny but i digress... 2024 will hopefully be just as much of an eventful year for me, for you, and everyone too. i believe that this year will be at least a little kinder to those who got absolutely shat on by 2023 ( pleek no more physical torment for me ) and if you're reading this, remember that this random stranger on the internet who's attempting to spread the kuni agenda is cheering you on for the year <3
i have a lot of stuff to share going forward. december was initially gonna be the month for all that but i had stuff going on that i ended prioritizing ( mainly my health ) so those initial plans will now move to the first month of a new year. mundanities with kabukimono will be finished in january, january 2nd will be interlocked eternities and lastly a late winter special that's actually a birthday gift for a mutual of mine ( mochi i am coming for you /menacingly )
oh it's 12 a.m. now, happy january first and happy 2024 everyone 🤍 may you be blessed with many wonderful days ahead. i shall see you on the second and third of january ~
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darkovika-games · 2 years
Trust Me, Obey Me Update
I do live, the Project is Still Going
I know it's been radio silence since I last updated you guys, so I'm here with both a very brief explanation as to said silence, and then a roadmap for ya'll to prove I'm not nuts and I do know what I'm doing, sort of XD
We had a lot of family activities for quite some time, and as family's important to us, I put all of my energy into that
NaNoWriMo started and I was extremely excited about that and spent some time working on the project. I got to 25k words about 4 days into NaNo, until...
My one year old got sick. His sickness lasted 5 minutes.
I got sick. My sickness was UNHOLY and BRUTAL and I am still recovering, even though this was a week ago. For various reasons, I had no back up, so... mentally, I'm not sure how I got this far.
Current objective: Finish the second route for Chapter One.
Chapter One currently consists of just the option to choose the Nobility route, wherein the Player and their sibling are the children of well-off, successful parents who have done very well for themselves as Merchants.
The second route will feature the ability to be an orphan, wherein the Player and their sibling were orphaned after the brief but hard-hitting plague Mage Rot took out both of their parents. Both will roughly end in the same scenario, with the Player being whisked off to attend the College for Mages, which in this world, is required for ALL mages.
Next Objective: Chapter 2, the College Vignette Years
After I finish the second route- and barring editing that will likely happen to both routes, as the Merchant route is still very much in a rough draft state- there comes the College Years.
Chapter 2 will consist of a collection of vignettes that take place over the course of a decade, as the player and their sibling grow up in the Mage's College together.
The player will be able to choose the episode that plays out each year that passes, making for a minimum of 20 vignettes to choose from that play out in entirety, but after completion, skip to the next vignette.
There's no Earth-shattering reason for this- the ending will not be affected by your choices. My entire plan with this game was so that players wouldn't feel pressured to make the "right" choice all the time based on what ending they wanted, but that choices that drive what ending they get were super obvious, and other choices were purely for their own enjoyment, allowing them to feel like they can still be themselves... without getting a bad ending.
So during Chapter 2, you can choose episodes that entertain you or interest you. They'll play out in entirety, but after each episode ends, the year progresses to the next year, where you'll be able to choose your next episode.
Yes. This is a lot. It's going to take a while lmfao. It's also one of the things I'm most excited to write.
Following Objective: Returning Home
This isn't as fleshed out as Chapter 2 is, but mostly because I'm still in the state of fleshing out Chapter 2. Make no mistake- I know how this story ends, in all endings. At this stage, you and your sibling will return home together to find that things have changed drastically in your absence.
Some Problems
I'll be frank lmao, there are some things I'm juggling in my head with indecision. Some parts of the story I am absolutely SOLD on, but my initial plan for how the Player's past would play into the main story isn't as solid or as unique/special as I'd have liked. I'm now struggling with how to better incorporate the pasts in a way that doesn't feel like just replacing a character with a different one, based on who your childhood villain is.
There is an overarching plot that will really pick up starting in Chapter 3, involving a vast mystery that you can either solve, or mess up, depending on who you're trying to impress. There is a Good Ending and a Bad Ending, based entirely on who you choose to go with.
Because I'm trying to make choices very obvious, there isn't going to be as much of a sense of mystery for the player, unfortunately, in who the "bad ending" really belongs to. I'm sure most of you kind of know already. That is a draw back to this kind of formatting, but I still want to go ahead and experiment with it, partly because I do really wish there was a way to actually "be yourself" and still have the freedom to get the ending you want, regardless of your personality. Endings or characters requiring you to be something you're not always bugged me a little, lmao.
At any rate, there's still a lot of fiddling I'm doing, but I've got entire notebooks devoted to the drama, shenanigans, and episodes you can choose in Chapter 2, and I'm genuinely so stoked to write it lmao. I already have little snippets started because I'm just that impatient XD
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smokestarrules · 1 year
18 for the ask game. Ramble as long as you can
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
Lmao sorry I took so long to answer this, [REDACTED] kissed and I lost my entire shit for like four days and I'm not much better now. It's Fine. Anyways! My passage:
Then, horribly, appallingly, the next thing Ava says is: “I love you.” 
And it’s not as if that’s something Beatrice has never heard before. Ava’s said it dozens of times over the years; she’s flirted, teased, joked, she’s used it in every way under the sun. She’s said I love you when she meant See you later. She’s said I love you when she meant I want you to give in and do this thing with me. She’s said I love you in hundreds of ways, with hundreds of meanings. She’s said I love you and only meant I love you.  
Now Ava says I love you and it sounds like Goodbye.  
I wonder if I'll ever not choose a passage from Reincarnation AU. I wonder if I'll ever be prouder of a fic. Who knows! Anyway, I wanted to talk about this one a little because it's always stuck with me after writing it and it didn't actually undergo a lot of revision. There was maybe a little different wording in the beginning, but overall this part stayed about the same from when I first wrote it throughout the editing process.
This moment is largely about grief, I think, which is something I wanted to touch on in the entirety of Reincarnation AU. Characters being flustered and nervous is good, but sometimes there's just no time for that, and I've always been interested in portraying that side of things.
Ava, too, is such a bright character. Not optimistic all the time exactly, sometimes, but someone who never tries to waste time, someone who lives her life to the fullest that she can, and this is no different. Beatrice, on the other hand, has always felt that she's not worthy of the way Ava feels about her (platonic or romantic) but again, here there's no time for any of that. There's no time for anything except to say it. So Ava does.
Despite how it ends, I really loved writing this moment.
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
Annie my love, I'd love to pick your brain on all of these for the ao3 wrapped game, but I'll pick some! ❤️
18, 19 (I'm looking at this like any pairings within a fandom or a different fandom! Let me hear it all!), 26, 28
diana my love!!! you are an angel and I adore you always
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
uhhhh okay this is a hard one but i think I'm going to have to go with Fez from Euphoria. i am completely enamored with him (and Lexi) but I can't ever seem to get him quite right, so I've never published anything for them. usually, when I'm starting to write for a new show/ship, I write a bunch of little snippets that never really see the light of day, and I word vomited a lot of those types of thoughts into my google doc folder. Fez has a very distinct voice, and that usually helps me find a character, but for some reason, I just wasn't able to. Every time i wrote something, it didn't feel quite right. I think this might also have to do with the fact that I haven't re-watched s2 of Euphoria in its entirety since it came out. watching Euphoria is kind of like…. emotionally draining, lmao.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
ohh!! in terms of new pairings.... well, I'm finishing Wednesday right now, and I have a predisposition to a certain ship, so I'm thinking I might find a little inspiration there (but also… i think the fandom is vvveeeryyy split between the ships so we'll see). I also want to actually try to publish a Nancy/Ace fic next year!! I have one that's like 75% written, and we'll see if I can get it the rest of the way. oh - and I want to finish the spideychelle fic I've been working on since NWH came out. These are all lofty goals, lmao. other than that, with s3 Jiara and s4 Rina fast approaching.... I'm really, REALLY excited to see what kind of inspiration the new content might bring. next year is gonna be wild I'M SO EXCITED.
26. What’s your most common category?
i might be a dumbass ("might" lmao) but i confused myself about what category means so I'm just gonna take it to mean tag. my most common tag is JJ Maybank/Kiara Carrera (shocker), and I think other than that, I've used "so slow it's almost no burn" a couple times. i have a brand to maintain, people. other than that, the way i tag fics is completely and utterly unhinged so most of my tags are like "margaritas as a love language" or something equally useless that i only use once.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
i think my favorite might be turn it right around, even though it's not quite finished. i wrote it in a haze after s3. sometimes, I get this compulsive need to get a fic out of my system (if that sounds insane it's cause it is asdlkjfhasdkjf i get blinders on and i can't focus on another fic for so long). anyways, it's a very specific feeling and it's only happened with pltc, trun it right around, and one other fic that i never ended up publishing, but those are usually the ones that mean the most to me personally. plus, you know my love for circular plotlines and self-callbacks, and I really let myself lean into that again in this fic, especially in the last chapter. there are parts of it I am very excited about aksdjfhlksjdf
ao3 wrapped!
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Oi oi Alice 🥰
How are you these days ?
You posted a Fic Writers ask game so here I am [as the big fangirl I am lmao !]
3/ Is there a trope you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole ?
12/ Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more ?
20/ Describe your perfect writing conditions.
37/ Talk about your current wips.
I can't wait to read your reply !!
Hugs 🥰
Hi Val 🥰
The current temperature in my city is 32°C, so I'm melting into my phone as I type this, but other than that I'm fine lmao hope you're good too!
3) Is there a trope you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole ?
It's a pet peeve of mine when the plot (specially a romantic one) revolves basically around characters missinterpreting something, making wrong assumptions or failing to share vital pieces of information they have no good reason to withhold.
I believe if used in small doses, and if it's befitting the characters, miscomunication can spice up a story, but it's hard to pull off well 🤐
12) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
This is a tough one!
At first glance, I would say no, because when something stirs my feelings to the point of motivating me to write, it's usually the narrative working as a whole rather than its specific parts. For example, I have a hard time pinpointing when I fell in love with Levihan. It just happened, throughout all their interactions with each other and other characters, and when I realized it I was already hooked. That being said, there are definetly some moments that stand out to me when I think about Levihan, and that I try to channel when I'm writing this pairing. These are:
1. Their first iteractions, with them teasing each other.
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2. The parallel of Levi and Hange threatening the female Titan.
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3. The entirety of the Ilse's Notebook OVA, specially these parts:
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20) Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Basically being alone in my house with no other pressing tasks on queue, which unfortunately happens once every 84 years 🥲
37) Talk about your current wips.
My only WIP at the moment is my Levihan X-Files AU, The Truth Is Out There But So Is Love, and things are going... pretty slow (I'm so sorry guuuys 🥺). So far I've written scene 1 out of 5 from the next chapter, but it's because I haven't been able to write as much as I'd like.
Since this is my first ever multichapter fic (13 yo Twilight fic excluded lol) I'm refraining from writing other stuff, because I fear I'll get sidetracked. Hopefully, I'll get more chances to write, so I can post the final 2 chapters before march 3rd!
@youre-ackermine thank you so much for the ask, mon ami 💕 sorry for taking so long to answer!
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seventeenfluff · 4 years
A/n waaahhh this blog already reached 50+ followers huhu thank you T.T I'll try my best even more
Previous Member: KWON HOSHI
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ctto to the pics
let's all be real here, among the members of svt, wonwoo will be a sapiosexual aside from Myungho 😏
Anyway, Wonwoo needed someone who is extroverted who will adopt his introverted ass.
Like there's no way he will be the assertive one in the relationship, he needs someone who could pull him out of his comfort zone and someone who could make him talk. Why is the 96 line so introverted?
The type of boyfriend who doesn't empathize (feels the same as you) very easily but rather someone who looks at the problem rationally.
Like if you're feeling down, he will not comfort you but instead would give you solutions and alternatives from what is keeping you down.
Honestly, that's the only downside of dating Wonwoo. He is not an empathetic but he is very sympathetic (feeling concern or sorrow for you) and compassionate (feeling care and warmth for you)
Will write you poems lol dont fight me on this one, Wonwoo is a very subtle romantic but yes he would do this for his special someone.
Love language consist of gifts, attention and act of service
only said i love you once in the entirety of the relationship
despite not being showy of his affection Wonwoo never failed to make you feel that you are enough.
He doesn't really need to say it because his actions are enough, though if your love language is different from him, this might be a big problem.
Will join u on ur antics like no matter how weird and random it is, wonwoo will join you which is really unexpected from him
Wonwoo is a sarcastic person lmao like his way of flirting is through sarcasm and that is so sexc of him
lmao he is so annoying when he needs your attention and you're not giving it to him
like bombarding your inbox with your name
or literally bugging the hell out of you until you finally cave in and give what he wants
the type of boyfriend who needs a lot of care like dating wonwoo means also having a 7 year old son who still needs a lot guidance most of the time
wonwoo is someone who doesn't warm up to people very easily, like it actually took him several months before he could act like a couple with you despite knowing each other for so long
dating wonwoo is domestic kind of trope once he became more comfortable though
like even if you're only dating it already felt like the two of you are married for several years already
remembers small facts about you as if it is his own agenda
wonwoo needs someone who could match his sense of humor specially he really loves joking and playing around
Wonwoo would talk to you about deep philosophical stuff at 2 am, whether from text or while the two of you is just chilling shoulder to shoulder
deep talks about life with him is really frequent
The kind of guy who would stop to read the labels on museum and will share you his new found knowledge (hey did you know that- kind of guy)
really know a lot of useless knowledge and uses them as conversation starters lmao
despite being quiet and reserved, Wonwoo is an easy to read person, like his emotion gives in what he is thinking.
someone you don't want to anger because Wonwoo is a calm guy, him blowing up is pretty rare, so if you made him angry, it really means it is pretty serious.
Don't expect wonwoo to know what you thinking or feeling without saying it. He is not the type of guy to be intuitive about something so he really needs a partner who is vocal and knows how to express their thoughts and emotions
wonwoo really knows how to push your buttons and uses your weakness to get what he wants lol
despite his negative sides (we all have), wonwoo is a gentleman
not as gentleman as Joshua but he would put your needs above his.
basically dating wonwoo is having your own strong indepent man who needs guidance to survive his daily life
Next Member: LEE JIHOON
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floralseokjin · 3 years
hi jordan, its kinda late where I am rn and i'm kind of caught in a weird mood while rereading mls(blame the mini drabble lol)
I'm not really much of an expressive person, nor do I have many friends and I've been a shut-in for about the entirety of the pandemic. I also graduated college in january and i'm still super unemployed so I'm kind of at maybe one of the lowest points in my life so far. despite all of that, i genuinely enjoy reading your fics so much, to the point where i will read them with a little eye crinkle(bc smiling is illegal duh) and be thinking about it for days afterwards even if I have read the fic(looking at you crystallised) dozens of times before. just knowing that the characters go through their rough patches and struggle through their problems to resolve them and be happy gives me a little hope. Not that I'll figure it out too, but that hope that others struggle too and even if we're struggling in different ways and different paces, we still go on living our lives, and if we're lucky we make it out happy and well.
I didn't mean to just throw all this on you out of nowhere but I do send you asks quite often and you have responded to most of them, I believe and it gives me a kind of comfort knowing that even if i have no one to turn to, i have jordan and her adorable, yet wonderful stories that lighten my heart a little.
This might be the third time i've attempted to write this ask bc a) anon has a character count and b) i kinda forgot my own username to override the anon character count and c)I don't want you to feel burdened by my sob story bc there really is nothing to worry about. I'm just having a bit of a rough time trying to get everything working for me and that's okay! annoying as hell but i'm still here to deal with it.
just wanna end with how i'm really grateful for how much you interact with your anons because it is honestly one of the sweetest parts about your blog(not including the dilfs and the hot college boys lol) and I hope you're doing wonderful bc you deserve some good energy from this low energy dumpster fire and also bc I've noticed you've been somewhat less active and i'm hoping you're just busy and not drowning in another world of problems
sending love to you, bear and his other two siblings as well and i can't wait to meet my godchild in the future pbn drabbles xx
This is such a sweet ask and made me feel a little emotional lol 🤧 First of all, sending love your way and hoping that next year will be better for you 💖 These past couple of years have been so weird and it’s totally unfair but I truly believe normality will find us again. I’m incredibly touched that my stories have lightened your heart a little (and me?? wth 😭) Sometimes when I’m feeling down this blog is one of my biggest comforts and even if I haven’t been as active as I usually am the latter half of this year, my feelings remain the same! I’m also so, so surprised that you not only remembered bear’s name, but also that I have two other cats 😭 but also side note: pbn baby is going to have so many godparents LMAO
Thank you again for all the lovely things you said. I really am thinking of you and want you to stay positive. You’ve got this, you’ll be okay! It’s just a bad patch in your life, you’ll come out the other side eventually <3 I’m always here if you want someone to vent too!
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uwuch9n · 3 years
hey person !! today i'll be writing some 2AM sugawara fluff because i'm bored and not tired :D hope u enjoy reading !
characters: sugawara & nb y/n (self insert or oc)
warnings or possible triggers: hands are touched, making out, neck being grabbed (not aggressively!!,) suga and y/n both tear up, goosebumps, a confession, & hugging ! please do not continue reading if any of these things could trigger any unwanted reactions ! maybe the next time i write some fluff or sfw fanfics you’ll be able to read ‘em !
picnic date after practice.
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you watch sugawara, asahi, and daichi all laughing and messing around after practice, while kageyama and hinata do their gay little thing. you've been watching them play for the longest time, cheering them on in the crowd, and now that you're in the official karasuno volleyball team, you can't even believe how pretty sugawara actually is up close. or how good they cooperate in the team, that too. sugawara caught your attention the most though, and you knew exactly what it was. his beautiful smile and his soothing voice. though he's never actually talked to you as anything more than a teammate, you felt as though he was just.. special.
of all the boys in the volleyball team, or even in the entirety of karasuno, sugawara was the one you really would like to know the most.
that's when you finally snap out of your little fantasy world and realize that THE sugawara is walking up to you with the biggest smile. you start to tense up, obviously. you've been crushing on him since when..? ever since you saw him? yeah.
"hey there y/n ! i got a question for you, if you don't mind taking a few minutes to talk!" he says enthusiastically. woah. sugawara knows your name and wants to talk to you. SUGAWARA. WANTS. TO. TALK. TO. YOU. and he knows your name.
"wh- yeah sure i've got all day! what's up?" you say acting like this was totally cool with you and you totally weren't just thinking about him. his smile doesn't leave his face, in fact it only grows bigger. he seemed glad that you were free all day. you just didn't know why he was so happy about it.
"awesome ! well i was trying to reach you yesterday but i guess you aren't the type to pick up random numbers are you," he giggled, "i should've messaged you instead... but anyway! i wanted to talk to you about your blocking.. it's really impressive. and i just wanted to say that for a new addition to our team, you really are very skilled. and im so proud of you for that y/n! but im getting off track here aren't i.." he rambled on and on about how impressed he was by you and how he wanted to get to know you better. you sat there flustered and shocked, but still willing to listen to every compliment he threw at you.
his rambling continued and you are able to understand all of it, but then you hear him ask you... a very WATTPAD-ESQUE question.
"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a little picnic date with me so that we could talk about the team.. or if you'd like, talk about each other! whatever you want, i'll make sure to make it happen and-" you cut him off. "MHM! let's totally do it!! i'm so down !! SO PUMPED !! woohOOO! i would love that !!" you blabber out excitedly.
"awe great! when would you like to go? like in a few minutes?? maybe tomorrow? i mean we could go get dressed at home and then bring all the supplies and stuff and meet up at a park if you're fine with it! i'll send you the address of my favorite park.. here lemme just..."he proposed while reaching for his phone. you nod in agreement and both of you exchange numbers, giving each other nicknames in the contact list.
fast forward; you two are already at the park, setting up the picnic spot. (i know im lazy im sorryy)
"alright doll, would you mind bringing over the food basket i set up for us? it's right- yeah right there!" he giggled as you quickly pointed at where it was while he was mid-sentence. he brushed off any unnecessary leaves and dirt on the picnic blanket, and sat down, moving around the food items and snacks to make the setup look cuter and more enjoyable. you finally finish bringing over all the snacks you brought from home and set them down, organizing them alongside suga.
"is that a separate bowl of konpeitō??!" you ask shocked. it was your personal favorite candy and you were curious to know how HE knew that. "yeah it is! i love konpeitō a lot so i brought some for us to share, it's my favorite candy." he replied while scratching his head. "no way! it's my favorite candy too! that's cool!!" you say very hyped. you both giggle and talk about how you two were feeling. things like "how was your week?" and "did you enjoy practice?" were probably the first few questions of the bunch.
of course, the conversation didn't stay dry, and you two talk about lots of things, ranging from why your favorite song was actually a meme song to why sugawara doesn't like to share his snacks with daichi because he eats them all.
you both enjoyed the delicious konpeitō, nommed on some homemade suga-sandwiches, and sipped on fruit punch flavored juice happily while talking about how cute the ducks at the park were.
then sugawara's curiosity kicked in.
"hey doll, i think you already know what i saved you as in my phone, but i never found out what you saved me as.. is it alright if you tell me?" he asked suddenly. he was itching to know what you decided to call him. this was very important to sugawara and you could tell, so you quickly followed up. "i got you saved as suga-bear with a white heart next to it!" you said, smiling gently. he blushed a bit from how calm you said it. your smile made his mind go blank.
"that's.. adorable y/n.. that's so cute..." he lets out after finally finding out how to breathe again. you look away, clearly blushing because of how cute he looked while saying that. he finally mustered up the courage to caress your soft tender hand, squeezing it, not too tightly, and then slowly redirecting his hand to your warm, rosy cheek.
"y/n, honestly.. if i didn't ask you on this date would i have even known how incredibly cute you actually were?" he said as he looked deeply into your eyes, getting lost in them by each passing second. your thoughts raced as his warm hand rested against your left cheek and the wind slowly hit your back. you could hear your heart beating much faster than before. it was a very tense yet relaxing moment.
before you could even respond to his rhetorical question, he leaned in and slowly kissed your lips, his tongue accidentally slipping in. neither of you regretted it though. you kissed back; and for a short moment, your mind went blank. you could feel both his hands moving towards your neck and shoulders. he grabbed your neck gently and only fell into a deeper kiss than when his lips first met yours. his fingers wrapped around your neck and even just the feeling of it gave you goosebumps.
"i don't know if it's too soon to even say this but it's just... it feels right to." he says as he pulled away from the kiss. "doll..." he sighed. "i love you.. and im not holding back from saying that because i know that if we spend even just one more minute together i'll already want to give you the world and all of the universes on a silver platter." he confessed.
you couldn't even believe what was happening. i mean, the kiss alone was enough to make you pass out and yet here you were listening to your crush of 3 years confess his love to you at a cute picnic date.
"i... i love you a lot. im not just saying that because we're here on a little picnic date and i'm not saying it with hopes to make you feel better or give you false hope. i truly feel like you just.. make me feel even more comfortable being myself. even if it was just a short picnic date, even if we played together once or twice during practice, even if this is our first time actually having a full-on conversation. i really do love you... so so much.." you could see a tear rolling down his cheek as he mouthed "thank you" and kissed your cheek.
he went in for a hug and moved his hands and arms up and down against your back. he laughed off his tears while still rubbing your back, and pulled away to wipe his tears. you could tell he wasn't joking about it and that made you get a little emotional too. he grabbed your face and kissed your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, a small peck on the lips.
"suga... i didn't know you felt the same way i did.." you said, reassuring him that you loved him just as much. he laughed through his tears and then sniffed. you could see how he was quickly getting much more comfortable with you.
"i always have... it's just now i'm able to actually tell you about it.. yknow?" he laughed. he intertwined his fingers with yours and tightly held your hands, putting them both close to his face and gently planting kisses on them. both of you looked into each other's eyes and leaned in for a final kiss while the sun was setting.
from the second you saw him, to the moment you two kissed, you knew suga was the one.
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that’s all ! i hope you enjoyed this self insert x suga fluff fanfic ! i can't even tell if this one's good or not, but that's because i wrote this at like 2AM and i'm just posting it now because of the lil mistakes lmao. i dont rlly expect this to do any good, just a random fluff i wrote :,)
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x688plsloveme · 5 years
Whumptober Day 2 - Explosion (Danse)
Danse hates being out of power armor. He feels naked without the armor, but it’s not like he has any choice after his forced exile from the brotherhood. Operating without its extra protection isn’t as hard as he thought it’d be. He does still have memories of his trainee days, even if they aren’t actually his memories. He’s still the same force to be reckoned with, he just needs to remember that he’s not as indestructible anymore. 
Though he certainly feels like it next to his partner, Rubi. She helped him when he was at his lowest and saved his life more times than he could count. Not even power armor makes him feel as powerful as just having Rubi by his side. It’s no surprise that he’d readily give his life for his loved one. He was completely serious but also knew that Rubi would never let him do that. They’re both self-sacrificing dorks and they know it. Thankfully, the trip they’re taking now is a routine one that they’ve gone dozens of times before. They’re heading to Diamon City to visit Nick and Piper and catch up on the latest gossip. They know the way like the back of their hands. There’s no way something could go wrong. 
Downtown post-apocalyptic Boston is just lovely this time of year. The gray, crumbling buildings and occasional corpse really do give the place a special kind of charm. Danse isn’t really paying attention to all that though - his attention is elsewhere. Specifically, It’s on his girlfriend Rubi who is currently ranting about how much she misses cars. He focuses on little details that are a result of her wild way of talking. Her hair, shorter than usual on account it being set on fire awhile back, was sticking up in ways that want to make Danse laugh, and her expressive brown eyes (which Danse adores) shines with both mirth and annoyance. An impressive combination in Danse’s opinion. Rubi throws her hands in the air and huffs. “Everyone used to have cars! They’d get people around fast! But noooo. Now we have to walk hours just for a short visit!” Danse can’t help but stare fondly at his girlfriend. “How could so much rage be contained in such a sweet woman?” This went on for quite some time, Rubi talking about whatever happened to pop into her mind, and Danse watching fondly. They liked each other’s company, but it’s also a way to distract the both of them from the exhaustion slowly creeping into their bodies.
With both of them occupied with the other, they don’t notice the gunners who have very recently set up camp up ahead until it was too late. A shout was their first indicator that something was wrong. The next was the bullets that zipped past their heads. They quickly duck behind an old car - ironic - and start popping shots themselves. The good thing about gunners is that, despite being organized, they are terrible at teamwork. They’re always competing to who can get the most kills. The couple is safe behind the car for now, but they can’t stay there forever.
Danse gives Rubi cover fire as she scans the area around them to look for alternative cover, but of course, lady luck never liked them and this time was no different. the only other cover is a few dozen feet away and it seems that the gunners are starting to get bored and are aiming for the car’s engine. Rubi points this out, and, even through his growing panic, Danse sighs. “Great. Just what we needed. Not every car will blow up after being shot at, but if that smoking is any indication, we need to think fast.” 
Rubi looks up at her boyfriend as he knows what she’s thinking the moment the two lock gazes. His eyes go wide. “You can’t seriously be thinking of running for it right!?”
“We have to! There’s no other choice!”
“We’ll get blown full of holes!”
“Better than dying in an inferno-!”
The two are interrupted by a bang behind them. The engine hood had just blown off. Danse and Rubi look at each other with equally panicked eyes and start running at the exact same time. Danse was never the best runner though and he got slightly behind his partner. YetThe gunners stopped bothering with them a couple minutes ago when a group of raiders wandered by to see what all the noise was about. Rubi ducks behind cover, but Danse is too slow. Seconds before reaching cover, the car explodes, sending fire and shrapnel up and out around it. The brilliant flame throws Danse fowards right past where Rubi sits. The sight of him is absolutely horrifing.
The entirety of his back is covered in burns, making the air smell disgustingly of charred flesh. There are also several lacerations caused by the bits of metal slicing him open which are oozing sluggishly with his blood. He keeps gasping in pain and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Rubi starts to run to him but is stopped when he lifts himself up a bit to look at her.
"Go! Hurry up and shoot them while they're distracted!" Rubi seems torn, but does what he's asked of her even with dread sitting heavy inside her.
She goes into the fray and drops the remaining gunners and raiders one by one until there's no one left. After double checking, she runs back to Danse to treat his wounds. He's still lying on his stomach when she's gets to him. When he hears her coming he doesn't exactly smile, but he does relax a tiny bit. He knows he'll be okay with her around. Rubi is, of course, way more worried. She doesn't trust herself to speak without crying for now, so she just takes as much shrapnel out of her boyfriend's back as she can and administers a couple stimpacks on the worst areas. She kisses him every time he seems to be in more pain.
When he is more or less stable, Rubi helps him up. "C'mon you big baby. We're close enough to Diamond City that you can just get patched up there." Danse smiles. "Since I'm injured does that mean I have permission to use you as an armrest?"
Rubi glares with enough venom to make a deathclaw back up. "Do it and I'll finish what the car started."
"Yes ma'am."
He says this, yet still ends up doing it ten minutes later. It's fine though, she'll make him take the couch when they go to sleep at Piper's place, injured or not.
@dumbfuck-mojave I hope you like it!!! 💖💓💝💗♥️❣️💙💛💜💚💖💓💓♥️ It was fun to write and I hope it was equally as fun to read!
I forgot to make Rubi's sprite lmao. Here it is:
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