#i'm always down to write the two of them together in one thread hell yeah
taleswrittena · 1 year
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@malumxsubest sent
‘ should the nightmares revisit you, i will be here ’ @ ciri with geralt???
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The nightmares have plagued her relentlessly. Usually, it's easy enough to get her to go back to sleep. Geralt promises her he will protect her and she believes him and so her eyes flicker between Geralt and to Amelia.
She is still unsure of what she thinks of Amelia but the woman is clearly powerful and someone that Geralt trusts. Should she trust her too? If Geralt trusts her, perhaps she shouldn't be so cautious.
"I don't want to go back to sleep. The man in the helmet will frighten me."
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"Ciri. You need your rest." Geralt says softly, reaching forward to brush a strand of ashen hair out of her face. The smile upon his lips is warm, fatherly, as he brings the woolskin blanket up and over the girl. "We will be right here, protecting you. Both of us."
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Hi Ava!
First thank you for your fics 🙌🏻
How about Sirius hate fucking the reader? They are kinda ennemies? Slytherin vs Gryffindor or any other house (up to you) but when they see each other in another context (party - alone together) they are goiiiiing for it like damn rabbits okok I'm gonna burn in hell 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Losing Game
CONTENT: Switch!Sirius, Switch!Reader, hate fucking, angry and rough sex, they're mean to each other, Sirius is a secret simp, everyone is 18+, no beta; we die like sirius
NOTES: I can't stop making these into mini fics rather than dialogues / blurbs. I just can’t stop writing. Hope you like it!
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"I fucking hate you," she hissed, careless and mocking, sinking herself back onto his cock. Sirius' head rested on the board of his bed, hands gripping her thighs and waist hard.
Sirius didn't know exactly how it happened — how he, Gryffindor's Beater and she, Slytherin's Seeker — managed to have a screaming match to having her pussy clenching around his length.
Sirius chuckled lightly before being cut off with a sharp groan. They were loud, knowing the music thumping from the common room and through the thick walls was loud enough to drown them out.
And of course, Gryffindor had won. The ruckus from the party served as another cruel reminder.
"You're such a bitch."
"You complete arse. At least I'm not Gryffindor's slag."
"You’re just mad that Gryffindor's always win, unlike Slytherins. They don't buy their way in," he seethed, kissing her; hungry, impatient.
They always won.
And she — her house — always lost.
"Yeah?" She breathed, pace slowing. "Is that so?"
Her voice was deadly and Sirius' hand moved to grab her breast, running the flat his thumb against her nipple, pinching it hard.
She gasped — arousal crashing into her anger with the intensity of two tidal waves. They were almost designed to push each other's buttons.
A hand threaded through Sirius' inky hair, yanking his head to tilt up to stare at her. His hips bucked at the sudden pain, and she relished in his reaction. "You like that?" She gripped her hair tighter, rolling her hips, setting a harsh speed to match the anger that flowed off her.
He bit back a moan. "Ah — fuck you."
"Godric," she gritted, attempting to hold back her moans. "That's supposed to be happening. For someone who was begging to fuck me, you're doing a shit job."
He wanted her like a starved man — that never ending ache that roared in his veins and blood until his head pounded with the idea.
Sirius pushed her off of him, flipping her over before she had the chance to register it. He sank his cock back with a sharp, hard thrust.
He kept her in place, pinning her hips more forcefully to the bed as he set a fast, cruel speed — pouring out his frustration.
His heart hammered against his chest, wanting to buy himself deeper, faster, feeling her squeeze around him, pouring all the rage he had into her.
Fuck Slytherins.
Fuck her in particular.
It was always her — managed to worm her way into his mind that he could never get rid of. She latched herself on. Never letting him be.
He kept fucking her hard.
He kissed her, tongue running up the side of her neck and kissed just below her ear, sucking down. His fingers slipped between her legs, stroking her clit until she was a loss for word — whimpering replacing her harsh words and mocking lilt.
She finally gave in, moans high and sweet, and Sirius smirked against her skin. It was a sound he couldn't get enough of and he lost himself in the addictive sensation of the warmth of her soft skin, her beneath him — withering, grasping onto him.
The thought was too affectionate for what they were.
But he clung onto her, his feelings too tangled and wrapped around her. It was the one game he could never win.
Fucking Slytherins.
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ace-nlis · 3 years
How they met you & fell in love
a/n: This is the first time I decided to actually write something with the intention of posting it. I hope that whoever reads this enjoys it. I'm sorry if I've misspelled anything, English isn't my first language. I hope I did well for my first writing post >.<
WARNINGS: none apart from slight violence. Female reader. Cussing.
Otherwise; fluffy content.
(Y/n) - Your name
(L/n) - Last name
Like or repost if you enjoy <3
When you first met him, you thought he was a pretty boy with a resting bitch face. He is an extremely straight forward 'say it how it is' type of person and you respected him for that because it isn’t always easy to just speak your mind upfront in this day and age. He didn’t really look all that friendly or approachable, but since you were friends with Bokuto you just had to suck it up and stick around. It was pretty awkward talking to him or even just being around him at first, until you realized that his exterior was an act and he’s a total softy when he isn’t trying to call Bo out on his bullshit. You found him to be an intriguing person, but also rather intimidating. He was peaceful, he didn’t talk all that much and kept to himself like a true introvert. You were the opposite, more of an ambivert type. You tried your best to befriend him, but little did you know that friendship would spiral into something else along the line.
After a while of being friends, Akaashi got red in the ears in your presence. He was easily flustered around you, and the both of you often tended to flirt and bicker as if it was second nature. The two of you in a room together never got boring. Everyone around you could tell the two of you were head over heels for each other. You thought the opposite though, you felt that the friendship was never going to progress into anything more and that your crush was meaningless because nothing would come of it. After being friends for several months, nearly reaching the 1 year milestone, you eventually started to distance yourself.
You always thought the way Akaashi acted around you was purely just because the two of you had a close bond as friends, nothing more, nothing less. Akaashi on the other hand was devastated when he noticed the drastic changes in the close bond you both shared. He noticed that whenever he walked into a room, you’d disappear. Whenever he tried to call you, you wouldn’t answer the phone and make up some excuse that you were busy. The poor guy felt like his sanity was hanging on a thread and all he wanted was to speak to you, figure out what he did wrong and at least go back to how things once were. One day, he cornered you in an empty classroom. His eyes seemed frantic and he made sure to trap you between his arms and leave no room for you to escape so he could get answers. “(Y/n), are you okay? Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?”
It seemed like the questions that were wracking his brain kept tumbling out, and in an overwhelmed panic she stopped him. The next thing the both of them knew was that her lips were pressed to his. At first his eyes were wide and body was stiff with shock. He didn’t know how to respond, and he firmly believed that this was a dream. In her mind, she thought she had just made the biggest mistake of her life because he wasn’t responding to it, he was just standing there and embarrassment slowly started to flood her. Before she could pull away from him, his arms slackened and his hands slid down the wall beside her, eventually placing them on her hips and pulling her body flush against his while kissing her back feverishly. When the two pulled away, they were out of breath and their eyes had a dazed look in them as they locked eyes. He leaned his head against hers and sighed in relief, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he kept his eyes locked on hers. I think that’s when you both knew that there was no way in hell you’d let go of each other at any point in time because it really felt like you were meant to be together.
You knew of Oikawa Tooru but you never actually wanted to be acquainted with him. To you he sounded like a total sleazebag, a player that loved breaking female students’ hearts left and right. Unfortunately for you, you just so happened to bump into him on Valentines day after having to reject a poor freshman. When you bumped into Oikawa, he thought that you were another girl ready to confess to him due to the box of chocolates in your hands and a smirk instantly made its way onto his face as he reached over to take the box. Your immediate response was to slap his hand away. If looks could kill, he sure as hell would be more than 6 feet under because you were not up for anyone's bullshit. Oikawa gasped in shock and retracted his hand immediately with a pout. “Hey! I know you. You’re (L/n), hmm. Aren’t you a friend of Iwa? You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed about trying to confess to me. I always appreciate a new follower.”
A mix between a scoff and a laugh of disbelief made its way out of you as you immediately shoved the box of chocolates into your bag. “Wow, I knew you were vain but I guess I underestimated just how much. If you think I have any interest in an asshole like you then you must be smoking something. I have no interest in being one of your petty little toys that you hold on a string. I refuse to be one of your little puppets that follow you around to show my undying admiration for someone as shitty as you. No wonder he calls you Shittykawa. You truly are a self centered douche.”
Oikawa’s face was burning red with embarrassment as she pushed past him and continued going to her class. He was astonished, shocked beyond any words imaginary as he stood there and tried to process what had just happened. Eventually he was brought back to his senses when Iwaizumi smacked him over the head and told him to stop staring like a dumbass and get to practice. “Iwa, How do you know (L/n)?” He asked suddenly after they walked in silence for several minutes, which was very unlike Oikawa. “I’m in the majority of her classes and she lives a block away from me. Why?”
“She’s weird. I thought she was gonna confess and then she slapped my hand and called me a douche.” Oikawa said, his tone was completely flat for once and Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Yeah, well what do you expect? She has better things to do than fawn over you, Shittykawa.”
*Insert offended Oikawa noises here*
Needless to say, his first encounter with you was not exactly what he would’ve liked it to be. Slowly though he tried to fish more information out on you, he wanted to understand why you weren’t like the other girls who practically fell in love with him at first sight and why you were the way that you were in general. That meant that any time Iwaizumi would meet up with you at a park to study together or whenever you guys would spend any type of time together that Tooru would tag along. Teachers thought that you were having a blooming friendship with him though and much to your dismay you ended up getting partnered with him on a school project. You felt sick to the pit of your stomach because you truly didn’t want him to come to your home, but he kept insisting and you knew that there would be no point in trying to convince him otherwise so you gave in to his stubbornness.
You felt ashamed the moment he stepped through the front door, your parents were never home and you had to take care of your younger twin siblings. The house was a mess, and that was when he understood why you had such a cold persona around others. You wanted to distance yourself from people and push them away as much as possible in order for you to not have to go through the embarrassment of looking like a train wreck to everyone else in the circumstances that you were in as opposed to your usual well put together attitude. To your surprise though, he was patient. He jumped in on helping you clean, he even helped the twins with any homework questions they had in between working on your project together and showed no judgement. In fact, he gave you a look of understanding.
After that, you were able to tolerate him more and you allowed him to visit the twins more often while even bringing along his nephew for all of them to play together. He taught them how to play volleyball while also helping you in the kitchen when you needed it. He didn’t want to admit it, but he honestly fell in love with you because of how genuine you were. You guys flirted, but it was suffocating to him like all the other girls who flirted with him on a daily basis. He only had interest in you, and you bet your ass Iwa teased the shit out of him for it. Your project got an incredible score of 100% and the two of you celebrated together by playing some volleyball even though you were complete shit at it. He didn’t care though and had fun. You found yourselves hanging a lot more often, being around each other almost 24/7 and you even met his family at some point. They absolutely loved you, and so did he.
He tried to figure out how he’d confess to you, he wanted it to be special. He wanted it to be a moment the both of you would remember because he quite honestly couldn’t see him spending any of his time with any other girl apart from you. Of course he was extremely nervous and skeptical on how to approach it, it was a 50/50 chance of you liking him back. The thoughts left his mind when he heard your voice outside a local supermarket, asking someone to leave you alone and that immediately flipped a switch in his brain. He quickly tried to look for you and found you trying to tell some tipsy guy that you didn’t want anything to do with him to which he immediately went over with his hands tucked in his pocket.
“Hey (Y/n), everything okay?” he asked as he coldly stared at the man that had been harassing you. A quiet “Oh thank god” was whispered underneath your breath as you managed to force your way closer to Tooru. He immediately wrapped one arm around your waist and kept his eyes locked on the other older gentleman that had been bothering you. The guy smirked, “Oh nothing man, I was trying to have a chat with her and she got all bitchy. That’s all.” (Y/n) could feel his body language immediately became a lot more tense, but you quickly pulled at him and tried to evade the situation. “It’s not worth it, Tooru. Let’s just go, okay? We can get some milk bread and watch movies or something.”
“I don’t appreciate the way you talk about my (Y/n)-chan. In fact, I’d advise you to leave her alone before I make you regret even breathing the same air as her. Got that?” He spoke calmly as he gently nudged you out of the alleyway next to the store. “Hey, who the hell do you think you are? Huh? Can’t just take my woman like that, dude.” This is when you truly saw how angry Oikawa could get as all he did was throw a punch and the guy was down. You could only stare in shock at what had just unfolded in front of you. “If you ever talk about her like that again I swear I’ll make you regret you ever existed.” At that he tugged you along and when the two of you were a few blocks away you grabbed hold of his hand and inspected it. “You seriously didn’t have to go that far. I don’t care what a low life has to say about me, at least I don’t live in the streets and I’ve got a roof over my head.” He remained silent for a moment before latching his hand onto your wrist and pulling you into his chest. “I’d never let anyone do or say anything to hurt you. Remember that. I’m just sorry you had to witness me get like that. I’ll make it up to you though.”
“Oh? I think a date would be a pretty nice way to make it up to me since you insisted on calling me your (Y/n)-chan” you said, giving him a cheeky smile to which he could only reply with a teasing smirk. “Hm, seems only fair after I saved you as heroically as I did.”
“Whatever you say, douche”
*insert baffled Oikawa noises here*
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" from The Owl House
Wow. They are really pushing it for that secret message, huh?
Anywho--Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
I think it goes without saying at this point that Season Two of The Owl House is setting itself up as a season without filler. Now, filler episodes aren't always bad. Yes, it hurts when a series turns away from the main plot for a week. But at best, they're utilized as a chance for the writers to play around with the characters and developing said characters without it relating to the overarching story. So, some people who see that consider it a bad thing that a series doesn't have that many filler episodes.
I like to call those people: F**king morons.
Don't get me wrong, I see where some of you are coming from. And I'd be willing to agree...if The Owl House was a plot-driven series. Which it's not. It is a character-driven series. Because for every plot thread and narrative that the show presents, they always relate to the characters and develop them further each time these threads get brought up. For example, look at "Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty's Door" (It pains me just to write that). Several narratives move forward, and it’s all done to make the characters grow. And to explain how requires going into spoilers. So keep that in mind as you continue reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Hooty: Might as well start with the character that this episode is about.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't a huge fan when I found out we're getting a Hooty-centered episode. I've grown to love him over time, but he is a comedic character that's best used in small doses. Primarily due to how his voice is grating to me (My ears are still bleeding...). With that said, I do really love his contributions in "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (Seriously, there couldn't have been a less awkward title?). Hooty's antics when trying to help everyone are as hilarious as they are heartwarming. He deeply cares for his friends but just doesn't understand how his plans could do some unintended harm, which is pretty lovable if you ask me. We also get some surprisingly great insight into his character, as he feels insecure about basically being the comic relief who doesn't really do that much other than being funny. Rarely do you get that level of dimension from a comedic character, and it's even more uncommon for that to work out as well as it does here. It once again proves just how competent the writing is in this series to the point where we get an episode about Hooty, and it's funny and heartwarming instead of being annoying. And whoever is responsible for that, you're the best.
Lilith’s Letter to Hooty: I mean it when I say that I love how Lilith kept her word about her and Hooty becoming penpals. Their friendship was something I would have never expected to love, and I'm still shocked that it works so well, so seeing it continue like this just warms me to the bone. Plus, it is pretty sweet that Lilith's kind words are what inspired Hooty to do what he's done in this episode...meaning it's Lilith we should thank here--SON OF A WITCH! Even when she's gone, she's still working her way into my heart!
King going through Puberty: What?! KING IS EVOLVING!
(There, I made a Pokemon reference. Do I get my cookie now?)
Eda Keeping Herself Awake to Train Herself: I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that this has everything to with Raine getting captured last week. If Eda was still the most powerful witch in the Isles, she might have actually saved them. But she isn't, and now the love of her life is in the clutches of a tyrant planning something that could potentially be the end of everything. So I can understand Eda pushing herself to her limit to get back on top again, as I would probably do the same. It's not healthy in any way, and Eda would be doing more harm than good. But when it comes to the people you love, logic doesn't always win out in the end.
Luz Wanting to Make her Way into Amity’s Heart by Making the Echo Mouse Happy: ...That's it. I Just...I just love everything about it, ok?
This was also when I knew that I was wrong to doubt that there would be zero Lumity in this episode. I realize my follies now, and I humbly apologize.
Hooty Teaching King About Demons: This was so funny. So, so funny. Probably doesn't come as a surprise, especially since The Owl House proves itself as a comedy before, but the jokes have never hit as frequently and as hard as they did here. From Hooty getting offended by King's dance to him and Dana's insert wanting a "DNA sample," everything managed to successfully make me lose my s**t. It does come at the expense of King suffering, but I can stomach that much more than if it were Eda or Luz. And, as a bonus, we get lore about how demons work, added with another great joke of King getting in trouble with Hooty for saying he already knows this stuff. Humor isn't always the show's strong suit, but when it works, it f**king works.
King Wanting to Know What he Is: But despite how funny King's vignette was, we still get to see more of his character grow. We learn that he's frustrated now that there's this big question mark over his life now, feeling extra angry that his father "abandoned" him to leave such a present mystery. It shows the hidden resentment he has that Lilith inadvertently brought out, made even worse when King's father hasn't responded to the video yet. King hasn't really gotten that much development until "Echoes of the Past," so it's pretty cool that the writers haven't really slowed down on it. Especially when it leads to these great moments of King venting his frustrations.
King’s Shouting Powers: KING learned FUS RO DAH!
(And now that's a Pokemon reference AND a Skyrim reference. WHERE'S MY GOSH DANG COOKIE!?)
Eda’s Nightmare: If King's vignette hits you hard with the laughs, Eda's will absolutely hit you harder with the feels (never make me say "feels" unironically again). Knowing that Eda's life got thoroughly screwed over by the curse is something we could figure out on her own. But seeing just how much the curse ruined her life and tore apart relationships that mean the world to her really does a swell job at ripping apart the soul. What's even more tragic is, technically speaking, it's all sort of Eda's fault too. She kept hiding the curse, refusing to be a burden to others who would do all they could to help. If she had only been open and honest, things probably wouldn't have changed much, but they most likely would have been better than they are now.
Eda Attacked her Father as the Owl Beast: ...I don't know what I was expecting when "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" hinted that there was some possible tension between Eda and her father...but it definitely wasn't this.
The fact that we see blood where his eye used to be doesn't make things any happier, either.
Raine Broke Up with Eda: Before we get into anything else, let's celebrate the fact that it's now confirmed that Eda and Raine really did use to date in the past. Because this show is just f**king phenomenal with its LGBTQA+ representation!
But, seriously, this is a fantastic reveal that goes far beyond just shipping...well, sort of. It shines a new light on Eda and Raine's interactions from last week, revealing that while they're not a couple anymore, they still very much love each other. It helps make their last interaction especially tragic, as they were both on the same page now and could very well be together again. Only for them to be forced apart for the second time in a way that's much worse than the first. And I frickin' adore that this series changes the impact of one episode one week later. Again, it shows just how competent these writers are, and kudos to them for making something so...perfect.
The Moon Person: WHO THE FU--Nope. Nope! We have more than enough mystery bulls**t to deal with through CreepyLuz and Philip Wittebane, so I am PUTTING YOU ON THE BACKBURNER FOR NOW!
(They're probably nothing more than a one-off character, anyway)
The Owl Beast and Eda are Connected: Through visuals alone, we, the audience, can clue into what the curse really means. The Owl Beast doesn't want to be a part of Eda as much as she doesn't want it to be a part of her. Whether they like it or not, and they very much don't, they're stuck together. The thing is, and this is what I love the most, they still decide to make the best of their situation rather than let it ruin their lives even more. This might be the best possible turn Eda's curse could have made. It'll still affect her, and there are probably more negatives than positives, but at least now, it's not the worst thing in the world. And I feel like that's all anyone can ask when in a position like her own.
Eda's “Pretty Dream”: I don't know what emotions are toiling inside me more with this moment. Awe and wonder over how beautiful Eda's dream is, or heartbreak over the implication that she has only had nightmares since getting cursed...I'm gonna say both. Yeah, it's definitely both.
Eda’s Harpie Form: Well, fan artists are gonna have a field day with this...especially the freaks.
(You know who you are. And you're weird!)
Luz Calling Amity a “Cotton-Candy Haired Goddess”: ...Have I ever mentioned how much I love this show?
Hooty Kidnapped Amity: ...Hooty, if your stupidity wasn't charming, I would be more than willing to call the authorities over how you kidnapped a girl in your version of a knapsack and locked her in the basement. For that is going to ring SO MANY alarm bells in people's heads.
Amity and Luz Stuck in a Tunnel of Love: *Smacks lips* Mmm. The adorable awkwardness of this moment is just *chef's kiss* magnifique!
Luz being afraid of getting made fun of:
Amity’s look of hope: I mean...just...f**king--LOOK AT HER:
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That is the look of a girl who, while embarrassed as hell, still is ecstatic to learn for a brief moment, everything that she is hoping for has a high chance of being real. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't go "Aw!" at something so pure and innocent?!
Luz Destroying the Tunnel of Love: This is how to effectively utilize dramatic irony. The audience can understand why Luz is tearing the place apart because she explicitly states that she's afraid of Amity rejecting her in the end. They also know that's bogus, thus making it extra painful to watch Amity's heart break more and more with each second (which is perfectly represented through Amity's expressions). You feel bad for both of them, and even worse when you know that it can easily be prevented by the simple art of communication. That's what makes it great dramatic irony. Knowing the point of view of each character results in a scene that evokes emotions in two different ways.
Hooty’s Breakdown: This was...genuinely hard to watch. Not that it was badly written, far from it. It just...hurt seeing how destroyed Hooty was when he realized he failed the people he has such an admiration for. On the upside, a wholesome moment follows soon after as the Owl House gang tries to reassure Hooty that he's done a lot of good that night. It's a pure action that shows even though Hooty gets on their nerves all the time, they still care about him...damn it. I think I'm gonna cry.
Eda’s Advice for Luz: ...Eda...You're the best.
You found out that your surrogate daughter wants to ask a girl out, and not only were you quick to deliver the best possible advice ("Just go for it!"), but you also quickly reassure her that it doesn't need to be perfect.
And you know what? That's it. Eda is the best cartoon mom! She might not technically be Luz's mom, but I don't give a s**t because she is the best!
Luz and Amity Ask Each Other Out: Shh-sh-sh-sh...
Do you hear that?
...It's the sound of dozens of Lumity fans collectively losing their s**t...and I'm one of them.
HOLY S**T! Holy s**t! Holy s**t...might just be the best way I could possibly describe this! Finally, after all the waiting, speculating, and praying, THESE TWO IDIOTS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! AND IT WAS PERFECT! I mean, it was awkward as s**t, but that's what makes it perfect! You know why? You wanna--Hey! *snaps fingers*. You want to know why? It's because they're teenagers. Of f**king course, it's going to be awkward! This is their first relationship, so there will be a lot of missteps along the way. And that, in itself, brings me to the best (second best part?) thing about it happening in episode eight of the new seasons. Most endgame couples get together in the climax or even at the end of the series. But to have them get together this early on, means there will be quite a few episodes dedicated to showing them grow as a couple.
And better than that--EVEN F**KING BETTER THAN THAT--dozens of kids are going to see these two, a realistic depiction of young love that just so happens to involve two girls, and are going to learn once and for all that there is nothing wrong with being who they are. That fact alone is f**king incredible. Yes, it sucks that season three got cut short, and we'll have even less time with Luz and Amity, but knowing how many kids have felt seen today almost makes it worth it in the end.
And if I see one mother f**ker saying this was poorly paced, I might just hunt them down for SPORT...Sorry if that was an overreaction. I'M JUST SO HAPPY! Because they're happy! Look at them. Listen to them! It's so...GAH-HAHAHA!
“They’re adorable! And deserve all the happiness!”: You're darn right, Hooty! You're darn right.
King’s Father(?) Shows Up: What the--WHAT?! They're doing this now?! Here?! After everything else?
Oh, man. What could this mean? What dynamic changes will this cause in the main cast? How could the writers fit this in during the next two episodes? And what--
Hooty Eats the Letter: ...Pfffft--HAHAHAHA!
Oh, man...I should be mad, and I wouldn't blame others if they are...but that is too much of a brilliant f**k you that I can't help but appreciate it. Bravo writers. Bravo.
...Dislikes? Dislikes? You would honestly believe that after everything I witnessed in this episode, that I would have the gull to list anything wrong with it?!
HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I WOULD BE SO CALLUS TO--Actually, I do kind of have an issue with the episode's title. It's just too much of an awkward mouthful for me to get behind. I understand that the writers wanted to sneak the K into the secret message, but were there really no other titles starting with K that they couldn't come up with?
But that's just a personal issue, and in no way do I think anybody else would feel the same way. Especially with how well-written everything else is anyway.
"Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (title aside) is another A+ episode. It was hilarious, heart-wrenching, and downright adorable while keeping me entertained with every minute. I'm sure there are some issues I was willing to ignore due to how expertly written everything else was, but why bother looking for the chinks in the armor when I could just enjoy a perfect episode for being so...perfect! Some of you might be willing to disagree with me, but to that, I say: Don't knock it till you've tried it.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I'm going to go lie down. It's...It's been a day.)
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dtrhwithalex · 3 years
TV | Leverage (Season 1, Rewatch)
Rewatch of the first season of TNT's LEVERAGE (2008-2012), created by John Rogers and Chris Downey together with Dean Devlin and his production company Electric Entertainment.
In anticipation of the show's reboot / revival / sequel LEVERAGE: REDEMPTION coming to IMDbTV on 09 July this year, I am rewatching the original 77 episodes and writing about my favourite moments and things from each episode, season by season.
(Just a note, this first season was aired out of order, so the dates won't actually form a chronology, since I'm going with the intended order rather than the one they were aired in.)
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D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS & CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 07 December 2008.
I have lost count of how many times I have seen this episode (or any episodes of this show to be completely honest), but it holds up every single time. It is one of my favourite, if not the favourite TV pilot episode I have ever seen.
The way this pilot sets up who the main characters are and what the core of this show is, is simply perfect. The introduction of Nate at the bar being approached by Dubenich, then the intercut between him convincing Nate to do the job and the actual job happening -- just wonderful. The same goes for the individual introductions of the other players. Nate's comment about Parker ("no, but Parker is insane") which plants a thread for the rest of the show already, the flashbacks of each character to exemplify who they and what their talents are, combined with the episode then showing you those talents and what Nate can do with them -- which is, of course, his talent -- sets up this whole show so well.
So many seeds that come to fruition throughout the show are already planted right here. Nate's mentoring of Parker to become his eventual successor as Mastermind ("Haircuts, Parker, count the haircuts" -- "I would've missed that"), Eliot's role as protector, the iconic overhead shots and the gloating, the alternate revenue streams, "Hardison dies in Plan M" -- it's all already right here in this episode. A brilliant piece of writing. Hats off to Rogers and Downey, no questions asked.
Rewatching this episode made me think of what this show is about, in its essence. Yes, it is about standing up for those who can't do so themselves, taking on the bigger bad, showing how corrupt and terrible the world can be, but also how much good there is to still find in the world. But also, this show is about a lonely man being actively bullied into the family he didn't know he needed or wanted, but will eventually come to realise is the one thing, the only thing that is keeping him alive. LEVERAGE is the story of a man and his crusade to avenge the death of his child, but is is very much also the story of a man who finds a reason to keep getting up every morning in the four people who are on this crusade with him. And this pilot episode already holds the seed and the potential of all of that. And that is why this show is to this day still my favourite show of all time, because it is utterly perfect in every way.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 09 December 2008.
I absolutely love how John Rogers was like okay first episode, some greedy asshole who does whatever he wants for his own gain, we'll take him down a notch. Episode two? Hmm, oh yeah, the government is completely corrupt, filled with rich greedy assholes who do whatever they want for their own gain and always get away with it. Not on my watch (I love him very much, thank you).
This episode, once again, so good. The re-introduction of every character in this new reality of Nate's crusade is just as brilliantly done as the original introduction of them all. Sophie at an audition (love the John Rogers cameo here) completely butchering it once again, Eliot beating up some thug, Parker stealing valuable art, and Hardison doing what he does best: creating a beautiful office-slash-home space for the team, putting his all into their backstories, the equipment, the behind-the-scenes workings of what they need to get the job done. My man.
The message of this particular episode is also just something I am very fond of. The rehab facility doctor's words in the beginning, and then in the end again -- "people don't just show up to help. that's not the way the world works" -- as well as Nate's ultimate answer to her, "so change the world." That right here is the message of this show. It's already right here, all up in your face, episode two.
I completely adore what this episode does for the character dynamics already. The detail Hardison puts into the other's backstories, the interactions around the conference table, Eliot sharing his knowledge, Nate explaining the money laundering scam, the whole thing about laws being in a wooden box, Sophie elaborating why she knew Congressman Jenkins was lying to her -- they don't just work together, they already start giving the others insight into their talents and their knowledge and share that. It's beautiful. I especially adore the shot of them at the end, everyone leaning against the car while watching Corporal Perry and the other veterans debating what to do with the money. They are already so comfortable and at ease with each other, leaning into each other's spaces. They're family. You can see it here already.
Absolutely fantastic episode. For a long time, whenever I thought about The Homecoming Job, I somehow associated a more negative emotion with it than with other episodes, but I don't quite know why, because this is a brilliant episode and I love watching it.
D: JONATHAN FRAKES. W: CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 13 January 2009.
We love Jonathan Frakes in this house and every single time his name shows up with the director tag on this show, I know that I will enjoy every last second of the episode I am about to watch. Frakes directed the hell outta this thing. The Wedding Job is an absolutely excellent episode. Dan Lauria as our main baddie Nicky Moscone is perfect casting and there are so many great comedic beats in the scenes with him and Nate. Everyone, generally, is so weirded out by Priest!Nate, but Moscone just takes the weirdness in stride. This episode holds a very special place in my heart because it contains the introduction of my favourite FBI duo -- McSweeten (McSweetheart, as we call him) and Taggert. I adore these two bumbling fools so much, and I am so glad they kept being brought back, because they are both just so lovely. McSweetheart especially is very dear to me because of the D.B. Cooper Job from the last season (where, I ask, do I start my McSweetheart for Leverage: Redemption campaign?). Overall just such an excellent episode, really. So many great moments between our main characters--Sophie and Nate and their little "relationship" problem, Hardison and Eliot talking about marriage, Parker pretending she was waiting in the screening room to have sex with Hardison, Hardison appreciating Eliot's cooking. I also absolutely adore the beginning, the four of them convincing Nate that Teresa is definitely the type of client they take on. And Nate's resigned "Yeah, okay, yeah. Let's go rob Nicky Moscone. A guy who kills people and lives in our city. Yeah, let's go do that" as if they weren't going to go above and beyond any of that in the five years they will spend together on this crusade of his. You're so precious, Nathan. Of course, the ending of this episode is beyond brilliant, and lives both in my heart and my head rent free. It is such a magnificent found family moment. Getting Teresa the restaurant back, the news footage regarding Ray's appeal, and of course, Eliot cooking for them all, and them celebrating together, all of them. It is such a beautiful moment.
D: TONY BILL. W: ALBERT KIM. Original Air Date: 27 January 2009.
I adore what the client says to Nate in the beginning of the episode: "You work hard, you play by the rules, but when you need help, you really need help? They let you hang. They let you hang and it's your kid who pays the price." This show hammers home its message so many times in such great character moments and it makes watching these brilliant people take on these greedy bastards and robbing them for all they've got that much sweeter. It is such a satisfying thing to watch. Especially because they're all so damn good at this.
This is a great episode but it is infinitely funnier if you know and speak German, because it makes the scenes between Sophie and Eliot absolutely hysterical. And the delivery of the line that Ute Ausgartner says when she discovers they replaced her with Sophie is just wrong enough to crack you up.
Again some wonderfully brilliant comedic beats -- the Frakes cameo in the hospital waiting room, Parker casually hanging off the ski lift, Hardison and Eliot arguing over who puts dye in the dead body, Eliot carrying off a pissed of Parker, and so many more.
This episode also, for the first time, really gives insight into Nate's drinking problem. We had the one moment in The Homecoming Job, but this episode starts to explore it more in depths. And something that I've always appreciated about this show is that it never glorifies the drinking, but Nate is also never vilified for it. It is a fact of Nate's life and they explore different aspects of it, and everything is done with such care (which does not surprise me one bit since this is John Rogers' show).
The ending of this episode is also, once again, so beautiful and nicely done. It is just so incredibly satisfying to watch these greedy bastards get what's coming to them, and to see the clients be compensated beyond anything they'd ask for.
D: ROB MINKOFF. W: AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 20 January 2009.
Another fantastic episode (you will realise that I will say this about every single of the 77 episodes this show has)! Amy Berg wrote some excellent stuff for this show, and this episode is one of them. Always a lot of great character relationship moments, and absolutely brilliant comedic beats.
I am very fond of the fact that here, in the early days, we have the whole team present around the table during the client meeting. We see all their reactions and inputs here already, and not later when Nate or Hardison (usually) relays the information of their next job to the rest of the gang. It's a very lovely moment.
I am also very fond of the entire recon bit at the GenoGrow office. Sophie's French rave-girl act, the others having to climb stairs, Hardison's absence, the cut from Parker's bomb to the microwave at the HQ, Nate, Eliot and Parker yelling "Oh it's right behind us, it's chasing us!" and grabbing Sophie on the way out, meanwhile the security guys completely buying it. Absolutely brilliant, all the way through.
Both Hardison's adventure at GenoGrow as well as the others on the plane contain so many great comedic moments. Hardison's Spanish maintenance guy act, his interactions with both Cheryl and Steve (talking into the cupboard? His fake meeting and getting Steve to take a dive? The whole birthday thing? A+ all around. Amy Berg, everyone) and of course the reaction he has to the plane safely landing on the highway ("lord I was so scared, I wanna cry and call my momma" I love him so much, y'all). I also have big feelings about Nate's pep talk to Hardison, "you can do this, I trust you ... the only guy I can count on in a situation like this." Sir, I am experiencing an emotion alright.
The sequences on the plane are of course also absolutely fantastic. Nate and Sophie's domestic, Parker's day job and her interactions with Marissa, Eliot being a big softie who holds Marissa's hand all the way up to the in-flight bar and hugs the woman he sat down next to when they safely land (womaniser, big softie. tomayto, tomahto). Also big shoutout to the fake names Nate and Sophie have. We love our DOCTOR WHO references in this show. I love these nerds very much, thank you.
D: CRAIG R. BAXLEY. W: MELISSA GLENN & JESSICA RIEDER (GRASL). Original Air Date: 16 December 2008.
This episode also holds a very special place in my heart because it contains the introduction of our dearly beloved antagonist, Mr Jim Sterling, the absolutely amazing Mark Sheppard. We love Sterling in this house, yessir (again, where do I have to address my Jim Sterling For Leverage: Redemption campaign to?). Every moment he is in is fantastic, but I especially adore the conversation he has with Nate at the race track (especially the "Nathan Ford is a common criminal" -- "Common. That's just hurtful" bit of it).
This, of course, is an episode by our wonder twins, Glenn and Rieder (now Grasl), which they ended up naming the in-universe safe company after. Always fantastic work when the two of them are involved. Some amazing character moments again here.
We get to see some of Eliot's backstory with Aimee which in turn gives us two fantastic moments with him and the women of the team. I love his interaction with Sophie at the racetrack: "I like Aimee, I do. I mean it, I like you both, Eliot. I just, I don't know what comes of chasing the past, you know." -- "Well Sophie, sweetie, I don't think you and Nate get to serve me that particular meal." Just fantastic moment between these two, who I like to call The Conference of Mom Friends whenever they are in scenes together. The other interaction is with Parker in the car: "We need you to do this. I need you to do this." I adore Eliot and Parker's relationship and this already is a very early glimpse at the dynamic they develop which will eventually lead to beautiful moments like that in the ice cave in The Long Way Down Job in season four.
I also love how it is Hardison and Parker's discussion about horses that ultimately reminds Nate of the Lost Heir con. Aldis' delivery of "Wilbur loved Mr Ed! He loved him like a second cousin twice removed" is absolutely brilliant. Unsurprisingly, however, my favourite interaction of this episode is the one Eliot has with Aimee at the end: "You're never gonna be the kind to settle down, but I'm glad you found a family." -- "Th-those guys?" Yes, Eliot, those guys. You might not know it just yet, but that is absolutely your family, and the fact that an outsider already comments on it this early is simply perfect. My deepest gratitude to you, wonder twins.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 30 December 2008.
Amy Berg on the typewriter once again (typewriter? Alex what are you talking about this was 2008...)! I really like this episode a whole lot. An excellent one for Nate/Sophie, as well as Hardison/Parker. I have a huge soft spot for my crime children pretending to be law enforcement. Any combination of them is good, but Parker and Hardison as FBI agents especially is just exquisite.
This episode is also just fantastic for illustrating some of the small town criminal activity that happens from the top down. Judge Roy's entire bit about how "these little people" will do and say whatever he tells them to do and that, because he is the law in the town, he gets to decide what is actually true and what is not. To then have Hardison fake security footage and them turning the story against Judge Roy is of course poetic justice. I adore the moment when the bank manager Frank decides that sticking with the false facts these random people have come up with is the better choice than having the judge remain in charge.
I also really love the interaction Derrick has with Sophie and then later with Parker, as well as the moment of uncertainty in-between. His "I don't know what to do with that" when Sophie tells him she's a thief is so funny and so good. The turn of "but they're criminals....then again" when he looks out of the window on the way to Parker is also just a nice moment to illustrate exactly what Parker then later says, "sometimes bad guys are the only good guys you get." Ethics and justice are such muddy concepts and especially in situations like Derrick is currently in, there is no way of knowing who is actually good, who is bad, and who is just trying their best. It is a lovely moment and once again, one of those great instances of "important message within character moment" that this show does so well.
Of course, I am also very fond of Hardison's mention of DOCTOR WHO, his "Geek power baby, stay strong" line, Eliot's fight scene with the crack dealers ("stay in the car!"), Hardison's bullshitting the demands at the bank (Hall & Oates!) and, of course, last but not least, the return of my favourite FBI fools, McSweetheart and Taggert, getting yet another win laid in their lap by the Leverage crew. This episode is filled to the brim with greatness.
D: ARVIN BROWN. W: CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 23 December 2008.
An absolutely excellent Nate-centric episode! We finally get a bit more of a view into Nate's past, aside from the ever-present flashback to Sam's death at the hospital. I really like the relationship of Nate and Father Paul, which I think is very interesting and so well done. Through Paul we get another side of Nate, which may have stayed hidden otherwise. I am also very fond of how Maggie is introduced here. She doesn't get a voice yet, but we learn about her through Nate, Sophie and also Paul, and I quite like that. It sets up expectations for her appearance in the finale, which is really intriguing.
This episode has so many great comedic beats as well, and I barely even know where to begin. From the team's inability to deal with Sophie's acting talents (or lack thereof) to the whole "It's not Santa" gag, the amazing faces Sophie pulls when the mark tells her about Bibletopia, Hardison's "God will smite us" thing -- there is just too much good stuff in this episode.
One of my favourite interactions in this episode was on the construction site, after Grant takes what he thinks are his meds.
Sophie: What is that you just took? Grant: Xanax. For my nerves. Parker: Actually caffeine. With a dash of dextroamphetamine. Eliot: You have him speed? Hardison, shrugging: He beat up a priest!
The look Eliot gives them then with a half-shrug, an expression which cannot be described as anything but "aight, fair enough" -- just absolutely excellent.
What I also really loved about this episode, is that we get to see more of the HQ than just the conference room. We have the team meeting in Nate's office, we see Sophie picking through her mail, Hardison making space so he can build fake Saint Nick statues. Added to that, the team is setting into such a nice familiarity with each other. Eliot brings Sophie a cup of coffee to the meeting in Nate's office. The fact that they all do get mail at the office. This is their space. I love it so much.
What this episode also gives us, is a first instance of the con possibly going side-ways because of how convincing it is. I adore that their possible downfall will never be incompetence, but rather over-competence. They are so good at what they do that sometimes their talent comes to bite them in the ass. We see this again, a bit different, in The Juror #6 Job.
The ending of this episode is very dear to me. It is a very lovely moment between Nate and Paul, but also Nate and the team. It creates such a beautiful moment of intimacy between these characters, which I think is done with extreme care, and it shows. This episode also very nicely sets up a nice sort of grounded-ness for the next episode, which I think the subject matter really deserves and needs.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: ALBERT KIM. Original Air Date: 06 January 2009.
This one and the next episode are excellent Parker-centric plots and this one in particular also has some wonderful Parker/Hardison content. Nate, also, is just very good in this episode as well. Keeping the tone the last episode established especially toward the end, this episode has such a nice grounded-ness to it. Nate's first meeting with the client is so careful in a way, and we don't always see that. Generally, Nate is careful and considerate in this episode, I think. Even when Parker goes rogue, he is so good with Parker (I attribute the brashness entirely to his director role here). It meant so much that he doesn't shoot down the idea of coming back for the other orphans, he knows how important this is to Parker (and Hardison).
With this episode we learn that both Parker and Hardison have grown up in the foster system. I really adore the conversation they have at the van after they find out about the orphanage -- Hardison telling Parker about his Nana, Parker's fear that foster system will be cruel to those children, Hardison's "I like how you turned out" -- it is such a lovely and meaningful moment. This and the "we're a team" / "a little more than a team" moments are such great instances that highlight the importance of these characters and their relationships in this show. It isn't just some crime procedural where every characters is replaceable at any given moment -- this show is about people, and about these specific people.
On a lighter note, I also really adore Nate and Sophie's dynamic in this. How they coach Parker and Eliot individually but at the same time, while also arguing about Sophie conning Nate back in the day, is just brilliant. Their "delightful banter" as Hardison calls it, is so good, and I absolutely love that Nate figures out the way to con Irina is the same way he would have to con Sophie. It's just too good.
David S. Lee as Nicholas is also incredibly good, although since watching THE LIBRARIANS I always expect him to swoon over a blonde and call her Duchess any minute.
D: JONATHAN FRAKES. W: REBECCA KIRSCH. Original Air Date: 10 February 2009.
The lighter of the two Parker-centric episodes, but a brilliant one nonetheless. This episode also brings us the introduction of Peggy played by the lovely Lisa Schurga. We love Peggy in this house and, once again, I ask: where do I address my Peggy For Leverage: Redemption campaign to?
This episode is great for many different reasons, one of course being that Hardison is so good at what he does, that Parker's alias has to go to jury duty. What a talent, we absolutely have no choice but to stan. I love him so much. Other fantastic things that make this episode absolutely excellent are
- Nate's "there is not some evil conspiracy lurking behind the curtain of every routine civic activity" speech which he then has to retract,
- Sophie teaching Parker about persuasion with the help of Eliot who is absolutely precious in this interaction,
- Eliot's friend Donnie, who poses as another employee from the company Sophie pretends to be from, who then turns out to be Scottish,
- Nate and Sophie sending the kids off to work at the door, with a briefcase and handshake for Hardison and a snack and high-five for Parker,
and Hardison's entire act as a lawyer. He is so good. Of course his stalling is brilliant, but the turn-around once he has to actually try and win the trial? A masterpiece. I love how he tears the doctor apart for his drunken airplane misconducts, but what takes the cake by miles is of course his closing statement. He is just, so good, and such a goodhearted, wonderful person. I love how he directly addressed Parker. Hardison is full of sunshine and I love. him. so. much.
And I would be remiss not to mention how incredibly fond I am of the rest of the team watching the feed of the jury room from the HQ with such proud looks on their faces as Parker leads the other jury members and they vote in favour of the plaintiff. This is their girl and she's done so well. What a brilliant episode. My love to Becky Kirsch, honestly.
111: THE 12-STEP JOB
D: ROD HARDY. W: AMY BERG & CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 03 February 2009.
Another episode, another instance of me asking the question: Where do I address my Hurley for Leverage: Redemption campaign to? We love Hurley! Drew Powell is absolutely fantastic, I adore him. Also huge shoutout to Joseph LoDuca for that absolute banger of a song that plays during the intro and the credits.
This episode has some fantastic Eliot/Hardison moments that are very dear to me. The two of them looking for Hurley and fighting over Hardison's slushy spill is just lovely. The whole car bomb sequence is also just completely brilliant. It's such a step in their relationship and I love it so much. The moment of "D'you want me to kick it?" / "God, I'm gon' die" is a wonderful comedic beat in this tense situation, but it is the bit after that I really adore. Hardison figuring out how to trick the bomb and then,
Eliot: What's our margin of error here? Hardison: 'bout half a second. Eliot: Run the ba-bag of bricks by me again? Hardison: Are you ready? Eliot: No.
I am just, so fond of these two. Also the fact that Eliot's hand shakes when he reaches for the cables and waits for Hardison's signal always puts me all up in my feelings about him. I also of course adore the scene at the rehab facility with Hardison's "I'm with him. No, I am with him. See, he thinks the flirting makes me jealous, but it doesn't. But if you was like Brad Pitt or Denzel or somebody, oh girl it would be on." It love it so much.
Nate, of course, is also just great in this episode. His entire experience in rehab is another wonderful insight into his character, his issues, how he sees himself and so on. The hallucination of Sterling says so much about him. I think this also very nicely sets up how Nate behaves in the finale double episode.
I also really want to mention Parker here, because Parker in rehab is also something I am very fond of. I love the moment where she pickpockets the Koreans searching for Hurley and then so innocently comes to Nate to confess what she's done and tells him in this tiny voice "I didn't meant to, it was just instinct." I love her so much. And her, at the end of the episode, skipping along and then running toward her people, jumping on Eliot while tossing her stuff at Nate, and then going to hug Hardison, is such a lovely moment. I love how the three of them then walk toward the car arm in arm, too. I love these kids.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 17 February 2009.
First half of the first finale! I gotta say I really love the David Jobs very much. It is such a fantastic first finale. I really adore how the opening of this episode is mirrored in the opening of the second half.
Given the set-up of the previous episode, I really like how for a first time watcher, this opening sequence very much looks like Nate is completely off the rails doing his own thing getting revenge on the man who, basically, killed his son. It isn't until Blackpoole introduces Nate to 'Portia' and we see Sophie turn around that it becomes clear that we're on the con, which I think is done very nicely. Only then giving the viewer the "how we got here" part is just great.
This episode of course also brings us, finally, Maggie (yes, I'll ask again: where do I address my Maggie For Leverage: Redemption campaign to?). I absolutely love how she is introduced here as Eliot's date. I also love how absolutely terrified Eliot looks once he realises that she isn't just anyone, but Nate's ex-wife. Maggie is such an excellent character, and I adore her. I also am very appreciative that this episode holds the singular moment of jealousy Sophie has toward Maggie. After her momentary outburst as Maggie tells Nate she hasn't stopped caring about him, we never see it again. Even better, once Maggie learns about Nate's crew, Sophie and her even become friends. And it is lovely.
We also have some great Parker/Hardison moments in this episode as well. I adore Parker and her enthusiasm for their "little naked man" and Hardison being weirded out about it (and turning the little David around so Parker can change in private). I, of course, absolutely love the kiss (and Eliot's grinning question at Sophie who of the two of them Parker had kissed) and then the theft of the First David. Hardison is so in awe of Parker and it is a sight to behold.
I also quite enjoy the "downfall" in this episode. Sterling showing up (we love the bastard), the fight between Eliot and Mr Quinn, the conversation about Sophie conning them on the roof, and then of course the final confrontations on that same roof as well as the HQ. This whole thing of "and then I asked myself, what would Parker do?" / "but then I thought, what would Hardison do?" is just brilliant and lovely. It shows how far they have all come throughout this first season and how much they have learned from each other already. I am very fond of it.
I am sad about the offices being blown up, though. As much as I love both McRory's pub and Nate's apartment in Boston, as well as the Brewpub in Portland, I've always really liked the LA offices as well. It was their first home and it was lovely. I am however very happy that Old Nate made it out unscathed.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS & CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 24 February 2009.
And the last episode! As I've said above, I adore how this opening sequence mirrors that of The First David Job. Similarly, I also love how until Sophie notices Parker's laser pointer and Eliot sees Hardison, as a viewer you assume they are on the job together, which is again the reversal of the first half of the finale. Just lovely storytelling, I adore it. Speaking of mirrors, the scene in the MC Hammer mansion where Nate inconspicuously manages to get them all thinking about the con together and putting their differences aside once more, also mirrors one of my favourite scenes from the first episode of season two, where the team does the same to Nate.
This episode on the whole I also just marvellous. Eliot's awkward date with Maggie, Nate finally telling Maggie about Blackpoole's involvement (or lack thereof) in Sam's death, the team involving Maggie in the planning of the con and her, precious as she is, questioning Nate's ability to just get people to do what he wants -- it is all just so good. I love Maggie on the con, too. Sophie coaching her, how good Maggie is at it immediately. Just lovely.
Then, of course, the entirety of the con from the moment Nate shows up at the museum. Sterling hurrying all over the place trying to figure out what Nate's plan is, finding out about the mummy, the release of the gas, the evacuation, the David statue replicas, them finally getting in and finding Nate alone in the exhibit room. I adore that shot of him leaning against the display case with the two Davids still inside, only highlighted from the open hatch in the roof. It is such a beautiful shot. I really enjoy Nate and Sterling's dynamic here, too. And I am very happy that Maggie gets to punch Blackpoole just like Nate got to in the episode before. They both deserve to give this man hell.
The ending of this episode and therefore this season always has me in all of my emotions. If I didn't know there would be more after this, I would just go lie down and weep for a while after watching it. The trademark overhead walkaway shot is of course a must, but the fact that they stop, that all of them hesitate, thinking about turning around, thinking about changing their minds. And then it cuts to black, and if this had been it, we would've never known! Ah, what a show, what a first season. I am completely in love with this show, as pretty much everyone knows, but I just -- this show is so damn good. It gets me every single time. Every time.
[image taken from the electricnow website]
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cursedfortune · 3 years
Sends you my URL ((and you should send me your URL 🔪))
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following; @myloyalty
my opinion on;
character in general: We got an orange, a tv, a hot sis and a clown. Like, is this not the band you wanted? I can't pick who even to focus on so you get them all, nerd. I found you because tumblr actually recommended me something good for once, and that was you (and Jeremiah). My brain was like, "that is not a Jeremiah rper in 2021 is it?" fuck yeah it is. Then you sent me your other blog with Hisoka and I was like, bro. These two are so differently wtf. But men of strong wills? Digging it. Then Lilicia? I'm still excited to get to see more with her but I adore everything you've told me so far and that I've seen. Finally, IV. The hot mess that I love and want to kick in the booty. GOSH. Good shit. how they play them: I had to pause there in case I entered this section but like. Wtf. Jeremiah's pride and all the trouble it can get him into. I fucking love it. I enjoy your different verses for him, too. The effort you put into merging him into a universe just sells me. I love how he treats the world like an enemy most of the time (save for what he's really loyal to) but he's usually an enemy to himself most of all. His sister? Fucking baller. I really want to see more dynamics between the two of them. Lilicia is a rad OC so far and I'm excited to see more of her development! Hisoka is. Okay, look. I can't think of him without hearing the clown horn noise from that cursed post you made. I enjoy how you write him and the focus you put onto a driving factor for his character in the series, he's fickle and follows his own personal interests. I feel like this is easy to do in thought but in practice it can get bogged down by things happening that you might not want to separate your muse from but your muse has no interest in participating in. Or, alternatively, vice versa between you and the muse. When he's showing the sharp or dull part of a blade (or card) I think you choose very well when either shows. IV. FUCK. Like, I love how you write him. I love his shittiness and confliction and afflictions and just all of it. He's prideful like Jeremiah, which leads him to being his own downfall a lot. But he's also so readily available to bleed emotions and you've never shied away from every ounce he feels. the mun: You're wonderful. We started talking asap and it just clicked and I've been enjoying it pretty regularly. I love our one on one chats or seeing you and @bluestmoons going off in the group chat and slipping in commentary from reading your stuff. ^^ hehe. You're too funny for me to handle and so ready to just strip a character bare bones and call them out and I die each time. I appreciate your love for your muses and just for being a solid person in general. u///u
do i;
follow them: Hell yeah. I couldn't hit that button fast enough. Your rules also were chill and made me feel encouraged to engage instead of doing the 34657865445 year dance. rp with them: Yes and man we make good shit. want to rp with them: Always. Never stop with our content ever. ship their character with mine: WHAT EVEN IS THIS WITH OUR LOSERS? I don't know how to define the relationships that are developing but I love them all. Jeremiah and Mortem are so on edge, which given the verse makes sense. A monster hunter and a witch forced together by HIS BAD CHOICES. Her trying to see if there's potential between their people, him holding his views he was raised with. Them slowly coming to understand one another better, mostly through unfortunate circumstances (tho beach episode thread is NOT UNFORTUNATE). Hisoka and Mortem are wildly chill. They both serve their own natures and accept that of each other and I am so thrilled by it. IV and Mortem just. Wtf. Him a dad and her just there unintentionally mamabirding his son (because he's perfect) and sometimes even the prince himself. It's wild seeing him pause in his usual manner of thinking to let his walls down a little and seeing his reaction to her acceptance still there. I feel like our ships are just people with a lot of shit on their plate that are learning how to still maintain being people.
what is my;
overall opinion: I have so much joy in my heart. Fuck me up. No fear in the suffering we cause. I enjoy the discomfort these characters experience, the learning curve. I love listening to you go tf off and it just makes me fucking melt. Brainstorming out verses, plots, relationships is so much fun. I enjoy developing with you and seeing the trials these nerds all go on. Thank you so much for spending time with me. u///u
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Well now I need touch starved Liebgott something! I always imagined Webgott to work the other way around. Y'know Web being unused to hugs and Lieb having no sense of boundaries. But I'm really intrigued by a concept of switching it up.
hello i’m in tears bc this took so long to write, but...  enjoy an extremely touch-hangry boi.  be warned, for copious amounts of obscenely soft cuddling.
Long story short, it goes like this.
David’s just finished an article, two hours ahead of the frankly unreasonable deadline sent by his editor; he collapses on the couch, promptly kicks his sock-clad feet up on the coffee table, and slumps against Joe’s side.
Joe goes very still.
At first, David thinks it’s because of his feet. Joe can be weird about things like that; he values cleanliness, and “not acting like fuckin’ animals in the house, Jesus, Web”. All the things David was never allowed to do growing up in his family’s Manhattan penthouse  ---  like leave dishes out or discard his clothes in messy piles  ---  are exactly the sort of things that drive Joe insane. He kind of relishes doing them, just to see the twitch Joe gets by his eye, and for the way he grips his hips roughly when he growls at him to “quit leaving your shit everywhere”. David’s natural sloppiness leaves Joe needing an outlet for his frustration… and their shared bedroom is kept very clean. It works out great for both parties.
So, sure, it’s probably just the feet on the table… he thinks for a grand total of eight seconds, before looking up to catch Joe’s eye.
His boyfriend’s gaze has gone impossible soft. It takes David’s breath away, a little, because Joe isn’t like that as a rule. He’s sharp edges and broken glass, jagged teeth and bladed grins. He’s harsh as sandpaper and smooth as steel. He’s frustrating, and his gentle moments come and go like fickle summer storms.
To be fair, impromptu cuddling on the couch isn’t like them either… but David needs it tonight, and stepping outside the bounds of their normal relationship can’t be the worst crime in the world. He holds Joe’s gaze for a moment, questioning and careful… but, instead of pulling away, Joe just takes a moment before sighing. His arm wraps around David’s shoulders, pulling him close.
“Rough night, Web?” he asks, an undercurrent of implication in his voice. This ain’t like you. You alright?
“You have no idea.” David rests his stubbled cheek against Joe’s chest, sighing deeply as the tension slowly drains from his muscles. Joe is hesitant to react; his actions, even as he rubs up and down David’s shoulder, lack his usual fearlessness. Joe can grab his ass in the middle of a crowded bar, or ruffle his curls just to get on his nerves… but this casual intimacy is uncharted territory for him.
He needs a distraction from his own head. David’s got just the thing. “How would you,” he sighs, “like to hear about the plight of Heteractis anemone? Because I just wrote four thousand words on it.”
“Heter— huh.” Joe sighs into the crown of his head, ruffling his curls. “Pretty sure Guarnere caught that once.”
“Knowing him, he’s still got it,” David replies. When Joe laughs, it reverberates in his chest, a low rumble in David’s ear.
“Yeah, alright, Web. Tell me all ‘bout your anemoles.”
“Yeah, what’d I say?” Joe presses his grin into David’s hair. “Amenemes.”
“Anemo-- damn it,” he mutters, burying the words against his boyfriend’s chest. Joe laughs even harder… and, like it or not, the sound it a balm to David’s frayed nerves. Even better are the strong arms which wrap around him, fully encompassing his shoulders and pulling him against Joe’s body. It’s… more than he was anticipating, more than they probably need, but it feels nice, and he doesn’t want to pull away. David melts against him, curling his legs with Joe and letting himself drift off. Fingers card gently through his hair; his boyfriend’s warm breath caresses his temple… and being this close feels so good that he forgets to remember it isn’t ordinary at all.
If he looked up at that exact moment, he might have found Joe enjoying it even more than he was… but David, as usual, preferred to sail away.
That really should have been the end of it… but after their night of unexpected intimacy, it’s like a dam has broken.
Joe does it at unexpected moments. While David is flipping pancakes in the kitchen, he comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, chin looping over his shoulder. They just sort of… stay there. David is so surprised that he ends up charring the pancake, which Joe eats anyways, because he’d inhale charcoal if he was hungry enough… but while his boyfriend is wolfing blackened pancake lumps down his throat, no explanation is offered. David doesn’t know how to ask.
He’s brushing his teeth; Joe comes up behind him and holds his hips, just staying there for a few minutes. He’s reading a book in bed; Joe lies down, curling into his side like an automatic reflex. They’re watching whatever B-rated action flick Joe just insisted on going to see at the Cineplex, and Joe holds his hand the entire time.
Calling it strange is an understatement. It’s fucking bizarre.
Which isn’t to say Joe’s been shy about physical contact before, because he hasn’t. He’s just always been measured with it. Joe doesn’t hold back from touching people, grasping their shoulders or clapping them on the back… but he never goes overboard with it. His touches don’t linger. He’s a handsy person by nature, but David never considered before that he weighs every touch before giving them out. 
If that’s the case, what’s changed? Why has he suddenly become so free — even apparently craving — touches he’s never asked for before?
David doesn’t know much about the scientific method, but any good journalist can test a hypothesis as well as a lab tech. Early one night, before either of them have gone to bed, he sits down next to Joe on the couch and sets the remote in his boyfriend’s lap.
“Anything but reality TV,” is all he says, and Joe smirks as he turns the station to some late night show.
He’s paying attention; David is not. Instead, his attention is fixed firmly on Joe, not even trying to hide it. The curve of his profile, the shadows along his neck and collar, the way he always lounges when he sits… like he’s trying to take up as much space as possible. Something about him seems inexplicably, undeniably lonely.
David leans over and wraps an arm around Joe’s shoulders. The reaction is expected; Joe goes tense, like he’s trying to figure out what the hell is going on. David counts back in his head:  ten… nine… eight… seven…
Before he gets to five, Joe’s relaxed into him. Easy as that — it’s like teaching a puppy to eat food, or a baby to cry. Joe and touch go together like authors and caffeine. Touching is easy for him, but being touched is the most natural thing in the world.
A flame kindles to life within David’s chest, and soon it’s warming him from the inside out. He can’t keep a fond smile from his lips. After a moment, his hand strays up to Joe’s hair, threading gently through the well-maintained strands. Joe’s always had a weakness for having his hair touched, and tonight is no exception. He makes a tiny, content noise and leans into David, the tension slowly draining from his body. It doesn’t take long before he’s leaning against him, head balanced against David’s chest. Arms still around him, David holds Joe tenderly, caressing his hair while occasionally pressing kisses to the crown of his head. Joe’s heartbeat is steady, his muscles lax. David charts the gentle rhythm of his breathing until he’s sure his boyfriend has dropped off to sleep.
When he looks down, a wave of tenderness washes over him. Joe Liebgott with every guard down is a thing to see. He so rarely looks peaceful. There’s something restless about Joe, a relentless hunger thrumming just beneath his skin, determined to break free. He’s always had an edge of urgency to him… but now, dozing against David’s chest, he looks without a care in the world.
He ought to be this way all the time. He deserves to be happy all the time. God help him, if David has any say in it, Joe will be.
“Is it my birthday or something?” Joe asks, when David, completely unprompted, begins massaging his shoulders. “Shit, don’t tell me I’m another year older and just forgot.”
“Not for another few months, old man,” David replies. On reflex, Joe tries to twist and grab him, but David’s massage doesn’t let up; after a minute, he relaxes into it, slumping further back against David’s chest.
“You been acting weird lately,” Joe declares — as though David needs to be good, and as though he wasn’t the one acting weird to begin with. “Everything fine at work? You didn’t… gamble away our savings to the mafia, or promise Sobel our firstborn kid or something? If you got news for me, Web, I can take it without a bonus massage.”
“Why do you think — wait, we’re going to have kids?”
“Head in the game, Web. What’s going on?”
At once, he’s glad Joe is facing the other way, because David’s not sure what he could say otherwise. He frowns at Joe’s back muscles, kneading into them with a bit more force than necessary. Sure, he’s been… more physically affectionate these days. Joe no longer has to seek it out, because he gives it willingly… and even if touch doesn’t come naturally to David, the obvious way Joe eats it up when his touches linger in public or they draw close to each other in private makes it all worthwhile. Joe seems happier nowadays, so clearly it’s working fine.
Why’s he getting interrogated now?
“Am I not allowed to touch you?” he asks. “Just because I want to touch?”
“You ain’t a touchy-feely person. Never have been.”
“People change.”
“Not you.” Joe’s observation is too neutral for David to justify flaring up at it. “Come on, Web. What’s going on?”
He’s silent for a long moment before summoning a reply. “I want you to be happy,” he declares, finishing off Joe’s back massage with a caress of his neck. “I want you… to feel loved.”
Joe is silent for a beat before turning his head to look back at him. “That’s all, huh?”
“Yeah,” David huffs. “That’s all.”
It’s hard to make out Joe’s expression when one half of his face is cast into shadow, but David spots the amusement in his eyes… and something else, too, something softer that he can’t put his finger on. It sparks a familiar warmth in his chest, and he smiles.
“Well, don’t stop on my account,” Joe sighs. There’s no warning before he’s leaning back against David’s chest, but David’s ready this time. He opens his arms, embracing him as they go. Slowly, Joe relaxes into the comfort of his touch, and the world feels a little warmer.
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oikawa-tuwu · 4 years
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Linen Closet (gn!Reader x Kiyoko)
Rated G, 1.3k words
Not Home for the Holidays Masterlist
“Are you... crying in a linen closet?”
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When you’re a child, crying is a catharsis. Stub your toe, cry a little, get up and keep playing. Pain, physical or emotional, was temporary, and tears were as good of a placebo painkiller as it got. It used to feel so good to cry. Children aren't exactly eloquent creatures when it comes to emotions or injuries, so when worst comes to worst… cry about it and keep going.
Eventually, crying becomes less of a catharsis and more of a guilty pleasure, except with less of the pleasure and more of the guilt. It might feel good in the moment, but, god forbid, you accidentally burden anyone else with your troubles, because, frankly, that would just be embarrassing for both parties, so crying is left for quiet nights in your cold bed or sniffles held back by a thread on your way home or, in this case, frustrated explosions of emotion in the linen closet of your bed and breakfast.
But we all grow up eventually.
Another shudder wracks your chest, a sob letting loose before you can clamp your mouth shut. You know, from unfortunate experience, just how thin the walls of this old house really are, and the last thing you want is for Maria, your employee, changing sheets next door, to decide to investigate those weird noises.
You try to take a calming breath. In. Out. In. Out. 
It's not so much breathing as it is wheezing, but it's getting oxygen in your lungs, so who are you to complain?
And then you think about it again.
It. Whatever the hell it is.  Money problems, relationship problems, mental health problems, all of the above problems piling on top of each other like a snowstorm until the front door won’t open-
Another whimper, about ten decibels louder than ideal, and you hold your breath and you hear footsteps. Pass, please. Pass this door and move on. Nothing interesting here.
The door opens.
For a second, all you see is a silhouette. About average height, skinny and lithe, like a runner, with dark hair. And then the light adjusts, and you see her face. She’s beautiful, no doubt about it, and with the halo your (slight) lightheadedness from the crying session, the scene is somewhat… holy… in nature.
But she’s frowning, and the worried expression is rather upsetting to see on such a beautiful face.
The woman asks, carefully, “Are you… crying in a linen closet?”
Your mouth, apparently working faster than your brain, asks, "Are you an angel?"
Silence. Well, mostly silence, because your brain is currently screaming.
"That was a weird thing to say. Sorry."
Thankfully, the woman laughs. She laughs, and you melt, firstly glad that she's laughing it off, but also because her laugh is melodic. "Trust me, that's not the first time I've heard that one. But... uh," she hesitates, looking you over, and you remember that five seconds you were bawling your eyes out. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you say, and brush away the last of your tears. Thankfully, seeing her was enough of a shock to stop them for now, but you have a feeling you haven't seen the last of them today. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry. After all, I'm sure you didn't expect to spend your vacation dealing with an overly emotional host."
"You'd be surprised," the woman says, with a soft smile that speaks of a quiet inside joke, possibly, an inside joke for her alone. "Let's just say I've been in a somewhat similar situation before. My best friend used to have pretty bad anxiety. Actually, she's the one that checked us in yesterday, Yachi Hitoka?"
The name rings a bell. "Short, blonde, blushes a lot?"
"That's her."
Ah. You were wondering when you'd get to see the second of Yachi’s party, since she requested a room with two single beds. And here she was right in front of you. An angel on earth.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
An angel.
"No, thanks. It's sweet of you to offer, but..."
But you don't even know why you're crying.  It could be any number of things. Being (relatively) alone during the holidays, stress from your job, or just plain sadness and loneliness. Missing family, missing friends, wanting hot chocolate but knowing full well you ran out a week ago and haven't restocked yet. It could be any and all of those reasons and isolating a single culprit is nearly impossible.
“It’s just a lot,” you end up saying. “The holidays. Everyone likes to talk about the good parts, the food, the celebration, the presents… that you end up forgetting the bad parts too. Until they’re staring straight at you.”
No one likes to mention that your room feels colder in the winter without someone else there to warm it. No one likes to mention that your house feels emptier without the laughter and conversation of kin.  No one likes to mention the stress of throwing together a holiday dinner or coming up with the perfect gift idea or looking at your bank account and realizing you might need to rethink some things.
And there it comes again, that wave, and you blink, blink, blink, praying the tide will recede until the next time you get the chance to be alone. A cocktail of anxiety and guilt and salt slowly rising, rising, rising. This woman shouldn’t have to see you like this, you don’t even know each other, and honestly, it's a little unfair to burden one of your guests with your emotional problems and-
“You’re spiralling again, aren’t you?” The woman asks, in that soft voice of hers, and you wonder when you got so transparent that a literal stranger can tell when you’re close to breaking.
The dam cracks, and the tears start to fall again. “I’m sorry,” you manage to get out. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to deal with this-”
Instead of saying anything, agreeing or disagreeing, the woman drops to her knees, crouching down next to where you’re sitting on the bucket. She looks up at you, her hand holding yours, and says, very softly, “Stop apologizing.”
Amazingly, you do. You close your mouth and let the tears flow, with the woman still there, offering hand squeezes and quiet company through your mental breakdown.
It’s… nicer than you expect it to be, just having someone there. She doesn’t say anything else, but you know she’s there to talk it out if you really needed to. For now, she’s willing to sit there and listen to your woes and remind you that there’s someone out there that does care when you’re struggling.
So you cry. You cry and the guilt and frustration slowly lessens and all that’s left of the broken dam is an empty reservoir.
It's… cathartic.
With her sweater sleeve, the woman wipes your cheeks dry. “Better?”
“Better,” you agree, and your mouth forms the first syllable of I’m sorry, before the woman gives you a look. “Thank you. For being here with me. I do have to say though, I would have liked meeting under different circumstances. I don’t think I look incredibly attractive mid-breakdown.”
The woman shrugs, and you see a little faint dusting of blush on her cheeks as she stands, offering a hand to help you off the bucket. “I think you might be surprised.”
You smile. You take her hand, and let her haul you to your feet.
“The name’s Kiyoko, by the way.”
“Well, Y/n,” Kiyoko says, that flush still on the tips of her cheekbones as she averts her gaze, a little self-consciously. “How about the next time you need a break, you come knock on my room door and we can go out and do something to take your mind off it?”
“I’d like that.”
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Ngl, I had trouble writing this one because I wasn't sure if it would be relatable enough? But I figured of all years to talk about the worst parts of the holiday season, it was this one because oh lord do the holidays remind us that covid-19 sucks butt. Anyways, this is your reminder that you're allowed to feel sad right now. You might be separated from your friends and family or maybe you had to be laid off and money is tight, or maybe you just miss the way things used to be where we could go out and do things. Maybe the holidays just aren't for you, and the negative emotions weigh out the positive ones every year. All those feelings are valid, and take this as a sign to reach out to someone if you need to. My dms are always open if you need someone to talk to <3
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angelsfalling16 · 4 years
Hiii I love your writing and I'm in LOVE with 5 Times it Doesn't Mean Anything and 1 Time it Does. Thank you for blessing us with that masterpiece. Do you think you could do 9 and 22 for the cliché tropes and prompts? Thank you in advance :)
Hello! I am so glad you like that fic, and I hope you like this one!! :) So, I thought that it might be fun to combine these prompts into one fic, so I hope that’s okay, Nonnie. Also, it’s a little over 2k (might’ve gotten a little carried away...) so I’m putting it under a cut.
9. There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
22. You’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute.
No one ever comes to Simon's door except for his friends, so when he opens it to find a complete stranger, it comes as a bit of shock.
The man is standing there with his arms behind his back in dress pants and a button up shirt. It looks like what might be considered business casual, but there doesn't seem to be anything casual about the guy.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Is that how you always answer the door?” the guy asks, quirking a perfectly groomed brow.
“No, but you shouldn’t even be able to get in through the gates. So, again, I ask, who the hell are you?”
“Your bodyguard.”
“I don’t need a bodyguard.”
“My employer thinks otherwise.”
“If my father thinks I need protection, why wouldn’t he tell me? How do I know that you’re not just some random guy pretending to be a bodyguard so that you can get close enough to kill me?"
"I am certain that there are much easier ways to kill you. Besides—.”
“Forget it,” Simon interrupts him, not really interested in what he has to say. "Come inside."
He turns and leads Baz through the entryway and into the kitchen where he was just about to eat the scones he baked. Simon doesn’t look at him as he spreads a mound of butter on one, closing his eyes as he takes the first bite.
He finishes that one off and eats two more before he says anything more.
“What is your name?”
“Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch at your service.”
Simon wrinkles his nose.
“What kind of a name is that? Sounds made up."
“It's my name, and I have the birth certificate to prove. If it makes you more comfortable, you may call me Baz if you would like.”
“Not necessary. I am going to call my father and have him ask you to leave. That would make me more comfortable."
“He thought you might say something like that, so he asked me to give you this letter," he says, pulling it from his back pocket.
“Of course, he did because he can’t be bothered to call his own son.”
Simon takes the letter but doesn't read it. It won't change anything, so it looks like he is stuck with this complete stranger following him around.
He spends an hour wandering around his house, straightening things and killing time. 
“Are you planning on putting a shirt on any time soon?” Baz asks at one point, and Simon turns to him, surprised at his sudden outburst.
“I’m good. I run hot, so this is more comfortable.”
Baz frowns, but there's something underneath it. Discomfort but also something else that Simon can't quite figure out.
“Why? Do you not like what you see?”
“That is not my job. I am only here to keep you safe.”
“Ugh. You are no fun.”
“That is not my job either.”
Simon groans. “Whatever. I’m going out to meet up with a friend soon. You can stay here. Make yourself at home. I will be sure to tell my father that you were a most unpleasant bodyguard but did your job.”
“I cannot leave your side.”
“My father will never know.”
“I would. And what if something were to happen to you?”
“Nothing has happened to me yet. My father is just being paranoid because he likes to have dealings with bad people.”
“Still, I must stay with you wherever you go.” 
Simon sighs. Are all bodyguards like this? Annoying and insistent on saving people’s lives? Why would anyone want to go into business to do something like that?
“Fine, you can come. But you have to give me space. I don’t need my friends thinking that I have a babysitter.”
Simon spends the day trying to ditch him, but Baz is very good at what he does. At least he's nice to look at.
Simon meets up with Agatha late in the afternoon in front of a little sandwich shop that they like to frequent. Her blond hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, a few strands hanging loose to frame her face alongside her bangs, and she’s got pink streaks in it today.
She’s got on her combat boots, bringing her almost eyelevel with Simon. It’s paired with black skinny jeans and a white top.
The only jewelry she has adorned herself with today is a bracelet that Simon made her with purple, white, grey, and black thread back in junior high when everyone was learning how to make friendship bracelets. The thread has begun to fray, and she could afford to buy something better, but she still insists on wearing it every day.
They hug as soon as she sees Simon, and she whispers in his ear, “Who’s your stalker?”
“Just some loser I can’t seem to shake. My father sent him.”
“Gross,” she says with a grimace, pulling back but keeping her hands on Simon’s arms. “Want me to help you get away from him?”
“I already tried. It didn’t work.”
“I have a few tricks we could try. Her look is mischievous, and this is exactly why they have been friends since childhood.
Simon considers it for a moment before shaking his head. “It’s not worth it. He’s already practically holding my hand like I'm a child."
“At least he’s good looking.”
“Shut up,” he hisses, nudging her with his elbow. “But yeah, you’re right. If he wasn’t working for my father, I might try to seduce him.”
“Okay, that’s disgusting. I’m done with this conversation. Let’s go get lunch.”
“Great idea. I’m starved.”
Fortunately, Baz grabs his own table when they get lunch, and now that Simon is with a friend, he gives him a bit more space, but not enough that it isn’t obvious that he’s following them. He follows them the rest of the day, and they part ways when Agatha says she has plans to meet a friend for dinner.
Simon would usually go home at this point, but just to irritate Baz, he decides to spend the night in a club dancing with strangers and pretending like Baz’s eyes on him for an entirely different reason.
When he’s finally grown bored and a little too tipsy, he stumbles his way over to where Baz has been leering at him.
“You should stop staring at me or people might get the wrong idea, you know.”
“And what idea might that be? 
“That you’re interested in me.”
“Maybe that’s my cover." He smirks, and Simon is even more aware of just how attractive he is. "Are you ready to go?”
“Yep. I’m heading straight there, so you can go home now.”
“I won’t be going home. My job is to stick with you day and night.”
“So, you’re moving in with me. Cool. You could have at least bought me dinner first.”
“I will buy you dinner on the way home if we can leave now.”
“Sure. But we aren’t going home.”
“What else could possibly be open this late?”
“A hotel.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head. Your partner hasn’t got anything to be worried about.”
“I’m not seeing anyone.” Good to know, Simon thinks. “You still haven’t told me why we’re going to a hotel.”
“I’m too drunk to get home, and there’s a nice hotel down the street.”
“I could drive you home.”
“No, thank you. I have to be somewhere early tomorrow morning anyway, so this will be easier.” 
Baz sighs. He’s been doing that a lot since meeting Simon this morning.
“Alright, but I’m still driving.”
The hotel has only one vacancy, and of course, that room only has one bed. It doesn’t bother Simon too much, but Baz is obviously discomfited by it.
“We can share the bed,” Simon suggests. "It’s plenty big.”
“I’ll just stand guard. I’m not tired.”
“You’ve been chasing me around all day. Of course, you're tired. You need some sleep if you plan to do it all over again tomorrow. Now, shut up and get over here.”
“Your father will fire me if he sees us like that.”
“My father never comes around to check on me. Isn’t that why you’re here?”
“What will your girlfriend think?”
“What girlfriend?”
“The blond you spent half the day with.”
Does Simon detect a hint of jealousy? Surely not.
“She is just a friend, and I doubt she would mind. Now, get over here.”
He purses his lips then sighs. “Fine. Let me go change.”
Simon sniggers when he sees Baz's pajamas. They’re dark green and silk, the most proper pajamas he’s ever seen. He didn’t think people actually wore those kinds of things.
Baz glares at him, pressing his lips into a tight line.
“Nice pajamas,” Simon finally manages to say through a laugh.
"Is that what you're wearing?" Baz asks, taking in Simon’s boxers and t-shirt.
Simon shrugs. “You didn't seem to like it when I wasn't wearing a shirt, and we don’t all keep a change of clothes in our car.”
Baz doesn’t make any more comments after that, silently climbing into the bed and scooting as close to the edge as possible. Simon does the same, and it isn’t long before he falls asleep.
When Simon’s alarm goes off in the morning, he groans and pulls the blanket up over his head. He doesn’t want to get up. His head hurts, and the sun is far too bright. Maybe he’ll stay in bed all day.
He’s about to reach over and turn off the alarm when something shifts against him, or rather around him.
He pries his eyes open and comes face-to-face with Baz’s silver-grey eyes. It takes him a moment to realize that he and Baz are wrapped up together, their arms holding each other and their legs entangled.
It takes another moment for Baz to jerk away, nearly falling out of the bed in his attempt to get away.
Baz clears his throat, his cheeks heating up as he stares down at the bed. "My apologies, sir."
"Sir?" Simon asks, a little taken aback by the formality.
"This was highly unprofessional of me. I promise it will not happen again."
"Oh, shut it would you?" Simon says, rubbing a hand over his face.
"I'm sorry?"
"I don't care how professional you act. You're hot and in bed with me and all I could think about last night was kissing you. I'm not in the least bit bothered by a bit of cuddling."
"I see. So, is this what you do with all your bodyguards?"
"No, you're my first."
Baz's eyes widen just a fraction and Simon feels his face warm. That isn't quite what he meant.
"Bodyguard I mean. You're my first bodyguard."
"Great and I'm doing a rather shit job of it, aren’t I?"
"I wouldn't say that. My body feels pretty safe right now, but you know what would make it feel even better?"
"You," Simon whispers then he grabs a fistful of Baz's silky pajama shit and yanks him back down on the bed.
Baz grunts as he half lands on top of Simon and he pushes himself up on an elbow so that his face is hovering above Simon's.
"Can I kiss you?" It surprises them both when Baz is the one who asks this.
"Yes," Simon breathes.
Baz leans down and captures Simon’s lips in a desperate kiss that has Simon groaning involuntarily. Simon pulls on Baz and shifts his legs so that Baz is now fully lying on top of him his legs resting between Simon's.
Simon starts rubbing Baz’s stomach, and his fingers slip between the buttons of Baz’s shirt sliding over his soft skin.
“Wait,” Bad says, jerking away from him. “I thought you had somewhere to be this morning.”
“I can cancel.”
“I will need to speak to your father, tell him that I can’t keep being your bodyguard.”
"Could we please not talk about my father when we're in bed together? Or ever?"
"But he has to know that I can't work for him. It would be a conflict of interest."
Simon groans. "Seriously. You're ruining this moment."
"Fine. We'll talk about it later."
"We'll see about that," Simon says with a grin. Then he kisses Baz again before he can say anything else.
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dragon-temeraire · 6 years
Could you please do "I come to the library everyday to 'study' but I'm actually watching Netflix over your shoulder and I'm really invested in the series but the day we were going to watch the season final you weren't there and I feel personally betrayed" with Sterek please
Finally got a chance to write this! (On AO3)
Derek isn’t actually here to study.
Sure, it looks like he is—he has a couple of random booksoff the shelf open in front of him—but in reality he’s just screwing around onhis phone, and wishing he’d thought to grab his laptop before being sexiled byhis roommate.
He flips a page in one of the books, stares critically at apicture of a statue. Boring.
He stares at the ceiling, then at a row of bookshelvesacross the way, trying to figure out if there’s somewhere else he should go.He’s not particularly social, or rather, he’s not great at social interaction, so none of the popular spots on campus appealto him. He’s not looking to spend money on the terrible coffee at the campuscafé, either.
Maybe he should just head downstairs to the computer lab,see if he can—
A guy is suddenly pulling out a chair at the table closestto Derek’s, sitting down with his back to him.
Derek didn’t really get a good look, but he has theimpression that the guy is pretty attractive. His shoulders are nice and broad,anyway.
When he pulls out a laptop and fires it up, Derek feels anirrational surge of jealously, then rolls his eyes at himself. He tries to readthe guy’s name as he logs in, but all he catches is an S over the guy’s shoulder.
He can’t see much of the screen as S plugs in his headphonesand starts typing. But then he shifts his chair to the side, leaning back in acomfortable sprawl, and Derek suddenly has a perfect view.
S is on Netflix, starting some show Derek’s heard about, butcan’t remember the name of. It had sounded really interesting, though. Andsince he’s too cheap to actually have a subscription, he’s tempted to get upand ask if he can join S to watch it. But before he even starts to get up fromhis chair, S clicks the subtitles on, which Derek can read if he just leansforward a little.
So he stays right where he is.
If he’d tried to talk to S, he’d probably have just made afool of himself anyway.
 Since Derek’s roommate has an absurdly high libido, Derekfinds himself in the library again the next evening. At least he got his essaydone before he and his girlfriend starting moaning and grinding on each other.
He only has one book in front of him this time, because he’snot even trying to pretend to study. In reality, he’s just waiting to see if Swill show up again.
He ducks his head, starts casually flipping through thepages when he catches a glimpse of S coming through the door.
This floor of the library isn’t busy, so there’s a lot offree tables and study carrels for S to choose from. But he passes them over,and comes to sit in the same spot as last time. That makes Derek smile alittle, even though it probably has nothing to do with him.
It doesn’t really matter, though, because S has the nextepisode pulled up, and Derek is quickly absorbed.
 The next night, Derek’s roommate is out on a date with hisgirlfriend, which leaves the room delightfully free of moaning and wet kissingnoises. He takes a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, then glances at thebooks on his shelf and considers just staying in. After all, he probably onlyhas a few uninterrupted hours before they’re back.
But he ends up stuffing his phone and keys into his pocketand heading over to the library, anyway.
He just really wants to know what happens next in the show.That’s all.
 It becomes a regular thing. Derek hangs out in the library,sometimes actually working on hisassignments, and waits for S to show up. Then they sort-of watch an episode ortwo together before S packs his stuff away and heads back out.
And every time, Derek considers going over and talking to S, but at this point, hefigures it’d just be weird. Especially because his first impression was right:S is really cute, and that just makes him more intimidating. The fear ofmessing up outweighs the possibility of having a nice conversation and gettingto know S.
Derek’s always been best at playing it safe.
 “Hey, did you make a friend?” Derek’s roommate asks idly ashe taps at his phone. Probably texting his girlfriend.
“What?” Derek says, because the two of them don’t reallyhave conversations outside of ‘are these your socks or mine?’ and ‘don’t lockthe door, I’ll be right back.’
“You haven’t been in the room as much lately. I figured youmade a friend, or maybe started dating someone. Either way, good for you, man.”
Even though his roommate is a horny, inconsiderate asshole,Derek is a little bit touched that he noticed anything different. “Thanks,”Derek says, even though he unfortunately has neither a friend or a date.
Though it’s probably time for him to go hang out at thelibrary like a weirdo again.
 Derek is fairly humming with excitement. They’ve made itthrough nearly all the episodes, and now everything is culminating in theseason finale. He can’t wait to see how all the loose threads are finally goingto come together.
He’s also wondering what show S is going to start watchingnext, and whether or not he’ll be interested in it.
He taps his fingers against his random book, trying not tolook like he’s eager to be here. That would be extra weird.
He’s distracted enough by his musings on the show, that atfirst he doesn’t notice the time.
S is late.
Derek tries to shrug it off. S doesn’t always show up atexactly the same time. And he might be sick, or he might have gotten held up,or maybe had a test to study for.
Derek sighs, flips to a new page, and decides to wait alittle longer.
It’s not like S knowsDerek is here, waiting for him. Derek’s never really on anyone’s radar.
Despite that, when S doesn’t show up at all, Derek feelsdeeply disappointed, almost betrayed. When he drags himself back to his dorm,and his roommate asks him if he got dumped, Derek honestly doesn’t know how toanswer.
 Despite his irritation with S, Derek goes back to thelibrary the next day.
But it seems like S might have bailed on him today, too.
Derek didn’t even grab a book this time, wasn’t in the moodto fake-study, so he pulls out his phone and decides to burn a little more timebefore completely giving up on S.
He’s just checking the weather forecast when he hears achair being pulled back, and looks up to see S sitting down across from him at Derek’s table.
“Hi,” he says, smiling. “My name is Stiles.”
Derek blinks a little at that, but he’s glad he at least gotthe first letter right. “Derek,” he replies, when he realizes Stiles is waitingfor a response.
“It’s nice to meet you, Derek,” Stiles says cheerfully. “Ithought I’d come by, and see if you wanted to watch the finale with me whileactually, you know, sitting next to eachother. Possibly while also eating snacks and making side commentary. It’syour call.”
“Um,” Derek says, because he can’t believe this is actuallyhappening. Stiles noticed him, and apparently doesn’t think he’s a weirdo. “Sure, that’d be nice,” he answers,because it seems like social interaction is a lot easier when someone else doesmost of the talking.
“And then, after that, we could go on a date?” Stiles askshopefully, and Derek freezes.
He really wants togo on a date with Stiles, but he doesn’t know if he should. It won’t take long for Stiles to figure out how awkward andquiet Derek is, or how little experience he actually has with dating, and willlikely lead only to embarrassment and—
“You totally have this ‘I’d live alone in a lighthouse if Icould’ vibe going on, so I’ll promise you now that the date will be totallylow-key,” Stiles says, still smiling, though it’s more tentative now. “It canjust be eating hot pockets in my dorm, if you want. I’d just like a chance—”
“Yes,” Derek cuts in, because he wants a chance, too. “I’llgo on a date with you.”
“Let’s go then,” Stiles says, beaming, and takes Derek’shand in his own before heading toward the library doors.
 “Of course I noticed you,” Stiles says a week later, tuckedin close next to Derek on his dorm bed, clicking through Netflix to find them amovie to watch. “It was cute, they way you would sit there and frown at thebooks. I kept trying to figure out a way to get you to talk to me that wouldn’tbe weird. Especially since you seemed kind of shy.”
Derek laughs. “Kind of,” he agrees.
“But after twelve episodes, I realized my plan wasn’tprogressing, and that I would have to take matters into my own hands,” Stilessays, nudging Derek with his shoulder.
“I’m glad you did,” Derek says, smiling back. “I feel likethings worked out pretty well.”
Stiles leans over and kisses Derek softly on the lips. “Hellyeah, they did,” he says, and forgets about picking out a movie for a while. 
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of DC: Week of October 2nd, 2019
Runner Up: Batman #80 - Tom King, John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson, Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles
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Batman is Broken no more.
For 79 issues, Bane has been orchestrating a convoluted plot in an effort to prove himself Batman's most superior foe, the man who broke the Bat twice. He's pulled Bruce's father, Thomas Wayne, from another universe, caused Catwoman to leave Batman at the altar and has completely taken over Gotham City after Thomas defeated Bruce at Ra's al Ghul most powerful Lazarus Pit.
Everything has been in an effort to leave Bruce broken, without help, unable to stop Bane. It would have worked too, if not for Catwoman. The last two issues have been mostly filler issues for Batman and Catwoman to rebuild their relationship by fighting crime together again. They've recontextualized their relationship with Bruce realizing that he can be happy and still be Batman and Catwoman realizes that she's not taking anything away from Bruce by being with him.
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They make each other better with Bruce taming her more criminal aspects and Selina taking away some of the more brutal rage that got him in trouble for beating the crap out of Mister Freeze several issues ago. 
Tom King does very well with writing relationships like this even if sometimes it seems heavy handed on the part of it being a woman’s duty to fix her man. Catwoman and Batman ounce off of each other in the most adorable and loving ways, but when it’s time for business, no one can hold a candle to them. Batman #80 succeeds on the merits of their skills and the skills of the entire creative tem of this book.
Right off the bat, the book begins with a noir Batman feel as Bruce, in his beach disguise (or rather his Matches Malone guise) walks through the streets of Gotham on a rainy night before being stopped by Officers Pyg and Dent. The two criminals attempt to accost him, not knowing he’s Batman and they get the crap kicked out of them. Batman doesn’t even break a sweat before he’s punched them both in the throat and gives Harvey another to the face for good measure. Harvey shoots him in the chest twice, but Bruce slowly opens his shirt to reveal a Bat emblem before tossing the bullets away like a boss. 
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John Romita Jr. knows his way around a fight scene and conveys Batman’s strength and the terror of his presence in general by how Harvey reacts upon realizing it’s him. Tomeu Morey sets the scene with his amazing coloring by tinting these pages in yellow, DC’s general color for fear before it transitions into darker colors when Batman reveals himself. Klaus Janson’s inks set the tone for how unknown this mysterious stranger is before the ultimate reveal and in only a few pages, this book has me sold.
Opposite Batman who likes to be seen and feared, Catwoman strikes from the shadows. Mad Hatter is just patrolling Gotham when he spies a cat, musing about laws over strays and pulling the longest pistol ever recorded in comics out of his hat. I’m not kidding, this gun was comically large. While Batman’s scene was tinted in yellow, these pages are split between the cool blue of a street light and the seductive purple of the night sky in another, non-rainy, part of Gotham. It plays well into Selina’s finesse as she quickly and quietly takes down Mad Hatter, saving the cat.
Batman pretty much makes the rounds, letting his villains know that he’s returned to Gotham, Kite-Man gets an amazing scene as Batman drops him from a building while saying “Hell yeah” in response to Kite-Man asking if it’s actually him and later has a standoff with Officer Hush. The stand off has no reason to happen other than it’s  badass visual as these perfect opposites just trade philosophic barbs as Batman disables Hush with a batarang. In all of it’s rainy, sepia toned glory, it’s a nice double page spread, made even better by Janson’s inks giving everything the perfect black shadows.
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Throughout the issue is a thread for Thomas Wayne as well. Because he's a father that lost his child, he treats Gotham Girl as if she's his own, giving her a new costume and consoling her however he can. He's gotten very close to her and as such when she's in distress over not having any more of the serum that can keep her alive as she uses her powers, Thomas is there for her. He tells her that she doesn't need powers and that she's skilled enough without them. He tells her to just rest as Arnold Wesker walks in to tell him that Bruce has arrived. 
Bane gave a standing order that if any of the Batfamily were to reenter Gotham City, then someone close to them would die. Damian did it and got Alfred killed which left the child as the only prisoner. Batman had to know this as well as he monologues after defeating Hush that his father has to make a decision: will he kill his own Grandson? 
Batman is getting very intense as Tom King is reaching the end of his run with this book. With only five issues left, I'm actually shaking in my boots with excitement. 
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In reflection, I'm also mostly glad with the entirety of this almost three year story and the leaps and bounds it's made to cement Bane in a firm place at the top of Batman's Rogues Gallery. Bane had always been one of Batman's most deadly enemies, but this manipulation, the guile and deception, the audacity that he had to hatch such an amazing(ly insane and convoluted) plan just to ruin the life of his most hated enemy is insane.
Joker may always be Batman's most popular villain… but Bane will always be his greatest.
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Hey, I was wondering if I could have scenarios with tsukki, oikawa, and noya helping their s/o get over losing one of their best friends? I'm having a hard time myself with this and your writing is also amazing so I thought I'd ask~
i’m so sorry that it took me so long to get to this. i’m the queen of getting friend-dumped so i know exactly how tough it is. i hope since you’ve sent this in, you’ve been able to find happiness and grow closer to the other friends you have and that if you have, that these don’t dredge up any bad feelings
i’m looking for new admins to run this blog with me! details are here for anyone interested
if you like what i do and want to show your support, consider supporting me on ko-fi!
“I think you understand, ____, why we’ve reached this point.”
It’s time. You’d been anticipating this for a while, it was just a matter of how it would happen.
The sun starts to set when they say this. Club activities concluded a little while ago, and though you’d normally bid your friend a goodbye and walk home with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, today was different. Instead, the two of you loitered around the sports club rooms while you waited for the boys. You made a seat out of the stairwell while you friend stood, arms crossed over their chest.
Your silence and downcast gaze is answer enough for them to elaborate. “I don’t know how I can continue to be your friend if I barely see you outside of school. And texts and phone calls don’t cut it. The only person you spend time with anymore is Tsukishima.”
Another silent moment passes. You let out a sigh.
“This is the part where you’re supposed to apologize,” they say, hostility dripping from their tone.
You shake your head. “I’m not going to apologize for something I’m not sorry about. I knew that this was coming, but I didn’t expect it would happen for this reason.” You stand up and adjust the bag hanging from your shoulder. “The only thing I am sorry about is that you don’t understand why your reasoning is so messed up.”
As you walk away with your head down,  your negative thoughts fester. You were right, though: the only reason you’d spend more time with Tsukishima than them outside of school was because you didn’t get to see him all that much during the day. He wasn’t in your class while your friend was; the two of you were in the same club while Tsukishima was at volleyball practice. It only seemed fair that you’d be able to see your boyfriend when your free time matched up with his. If you were to count hours spent together outside of school, then yes, he occupied more of that time. But overall, the person you once called your friend had beat out Tsukishima by a decent amount. And you still made a good effort to communicate with them even when you couldn’t see them.
You don’t get very far from them before you stop walking. There’s a person standing before you, not moving. This whole clichéd setup brings a bitter smile to your face when you stop staring at the ground and see who it is. Of course it’s Tsukishima.
“Let’s go home,” you say quietly.
He doesn’t reply, and doesn’t move right away when you do. You don’t see, but you can only guess he gives the other person a cold glare before turning and easily meeting your stride. The walk home is quiet, marked by the distinct lack of Yamaguchi and the sour mood hanging around you. You decide to ask about the former.
“He had something he needed to do, so he went ahead,” Tsukishima says.
“You’re a bad liar, you know that? He saw it too, didn’t he?”
He lets out a sigh somewhere between frustrated and disappointed. It was nice that Yamaguchi wanted to give you to some space to digest what unfolded, but it still stung knowing that he had seen it too. You look to Tsukishima; he’s concentrating on the path ahead, but you can tell that this whole thing has irritated him enough.
“It’s okay, you can ask about it.”
Tsukishima raises an eyebrow but his focus remains ahead of him.
“You look like you want to ask me about it,” you explain.
“Not really…” he murmurs. “You look like you don’t want to talk about it.”
You shrug your shoulders half-heartedly. Something about this action is the final tipping point. You didn’t think you were going to cry, and yet tears flooded your vision as you tried to hold them back. This is the first time you’ve cried in front of him, and you feel ashamed when he looks at you almost curiously. You turn your head away as if it’s going to make a difference.
“But if or when you do, I’ll listen.”
Maybe it’s because there’s no one else around to see it, or maybe it’s because he knows it’ll give you some comfort while you try to sort this out, but either way, when Tsukishima takes your hand in his, you smile.
for most of the afternoon, you’ve been staring almost angry at the worn embroidery floss around your wrist. Oikawa notes that you tend to concentrate on it when you think he isn’t looking. Sometimes, you’ll slip a hooked finger underneath the bracelet and tug. He wonders if you’re testing its durability or purposefully trying to rip it.
Whatever vibrant colors the threads were, are now faded and browned from the elements.
You let out a heavy sigh and pull on the bracelet again. Nothing happens.
“Can I use your scissors?” you ask. There’s something exhausted in your voice and it’s hoarse. Oikawa hums and shuts his eyes.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong,” he says. The small yet playful smile on his lips is far too cheerful against the heavy mood lingering over you.
“It’s stupid. It doesn’t matter anyway.” You move your hand to tug at the bracelet once more, only to be met by Oikawa’s slender fingers wrapping around your wrist. It doesn’t take much effort on his part to stop you from your ministrations. Before he can say anything, you murmur, “It didn’t mean anything.”
He remembers asking you about the bracelet when you first met. Your face brightened when you explained to him that you and your best friend made them when you were kids and still wore them to the day. 
This is the first time Oikawa’s seen you look anything but happy regarding it.
You sniffle once and exhale shakily. He lets go, but your eyes remain focused on your wrist. Tears gather in the corner of your eyes and a few spill out.  Though your vision is blurry, you can see him stand and step in the direction of his desk. When he returns, he places the scissors on the table before you.
It was never a question earlier in the day: you wanted lose the bracelet forever. Now that he’s given you the power to cut it off, you hesitate.
“It’s because it would really be the end, right?” he asks. “Something that’s lasted so long can be ruined in one quick snip?”
It’s almost unfair how perceptive he is.
“It’s your choice, but look how tattered and dull it is.”  He takes your hands in his, runs his thumbs over the back of yours. Now he looks at it with the same concentrated contempt that you looked at it with before. “____, you deserve much better than this.”
His words alleviate any second thoughts you have. Oikawa lets go of your hands so you can take the scissors and finally get rid of the gross, old threads. With a small snip, it drops from your wrist and lands limp on the table. The tears fall harder, but something about this is so... freeing. And you find a smile make its way to your face. You turn back to Oikawa and wrap your arms around his neck, and bury your face into to his chest.
“You look so much better already.”
Nishinoya lets out a breath through his nose, eyebrows furrowed together.
“Who the hell does that? Just says to their best friend that they don’t want to be friends anymore without any explanation?” he snarls.
You’re seated on your bed, hugging your knees, with Nishinoya right next to you. He has been for the past hour while the person you called your best friend decided to cut you out of their life and through text, nonetheless. You know that his words are supposed to be comforting, but somehow they only make you feel worse. While he’s getting fired up, you can only hug your knees closer and fight back the tears.
“Well, everyone says that if you need to cut someone out of your life you don’t owe them an explanation,” you say, voice trembling.
The whole matter still confuses you. Just last week, while the two of you walked home from school together like always, laughing about something that happened in class, they said that they were so glad you were friends. You can’t help but wonder if that was some sort of test, and your response was the deciding factor if they wanted to still be your best friend. You know you said the same for them--it warmed you inside that they brought  it up--but maybe that wasn’t enough.
“If that person was shitty to them, then yeah. But everyone else knows you’re awesome!” he jerks a thumb at his chest. “Especially me. Because I’m not just your boyfriend. I’m also your best friend, and I call it like I see it.”
His words cut right through you. Even though Nishinoya would never say something he didn’t mean when it came to this, you can’t help but cry. When you tuck your head in against your knees to hide your tears, you feel his arm drape around your shoulder.
“They’re the shitty one, ____. Not you,” he says. His voice is markedly much softer. “Considering how torn up you are about this and how they couldn’t even say it to your face is proof enough.”
“I know but--”
“Nope! No ‘but’s’! And I’ll keep telling you how great you are until you’re sick of hearing it.”
You lift your head up enough to look at him. He’s got on his reassuring smile. It’s surprisingly contagious even in your current state, so you can’t help but smile too.
He’s really good at that.
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