#i'm at a loss
John & Paul rehearsing "Two of Us" in LET IT BE
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misswoozi · 5 months
,,,,,bro I don't even have a reaction meme for what I'm feeling right now lmao
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airanke · 4 months
I have also been trying to understand my attraction to Dabi for the past 3 years and I still don't get it. Like why am I attracted to you sir I'm SO confused.
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Whenever I see one of your posts that was uploaded recently (for example like the one from 12? Mins ago) some bad shit always happens. The first time my car broke down the second time (now) my power shut off lmao. Atp your arm alone freighters me.
Lots of Love
Haha It's probably a coincidence that would be weird if my posts could there are rats in your walls there are rats in your walls there are rats in your walls there are rats in your walls th
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andmineisyellow · 1 year
Okay, I knew the moment Emily said Garcia had to end things with Tyler that she wouldn’t, but... the execution of this storyline is just so, SO baffling. 
Content Warning: Discussion of Suicide
Let’s start with the “I like my job again,” line. You know there was a really compelling plotline going on about Garcia having to readjust being back in a place she clearly didn’t want to be, and now? Now she suddenly likes her job with the FBI again even though there’s been no indication that that’s true or why she would suddenly feel that way. Excellent writing y’all. 
And secondly, let’s talk about the lead-up to Garcia sleeping with Tyler because that is maybe one of the grossest, most infuriating things I’ve seen on this show in a long time. Tyler is clearly traumatized and still grieving his sister. Tyler admitted he was going to commit suicide. Tyler’s trauma should not under any circumstances be the thing that pushed Garcia to cross the line. Garcia was a counselor for victims’ family members just like Tyler for years. She knows better. And on Tyler’s part, yeah it does feel a bit manipulative that he tells her she is the reason he didn’t commit suicide when she is actively trying to put up boundaries between the two of them. Garcia’s first thought when Tyler told her this information should not have been to kiss him or to smile like it was some kind of compliment. She should have been suggesting he go to therapy or get some help. Maybe the intention is that Tyler is actually manipulating Garcia for some sort of nefarious reason, but the end scene really makes it seem like that’s not the case. 
It was bad enough last episode when the show didn’t acknowledge how unethical what she was doing was. Now that they have, it honestly feels so much worse because again, Garcia knows better. 
Lastly, I do think it’s very interesting that Emily brought up dating a co-worker to Garcia for... no reason??? It’s pretty blatant foreshadowing for what’s to come, but my God the journey getting there has been so frustrating this season, I’m not even sure it’s going to be worth it at this point.
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
Me writing insanely bitter drafts re: DAI and media literacy and then carefully tipping them all into the trash
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ratuszarsenal · 10 months
I begin to feel I just don't understand historical rpf :/
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klonoadreams · 1 year
(it's called looking at pixiv, and JP twitter tags *COUGH* アオチリ *COUGH*, it goes a lot ways because there is a MASSIVE following there, but god damn, I'm losing MY MIND over what I have become, I have never seen such a massive reversal, USUALLY I"m IN ABSOLUTE HELL OVER THIS)
(I'm starting to get desperate to write my own content, but no, I have other stuff I'll focus on, BUT my brain is like, SOON)
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emzchaos · 2 years
I came home to my eldest 20 year old cat Possum not doing too well and showing signs of her being on her last few days. She has slowed down so much in the past month or so.. I will be taking a little break from here and spend as much time as I can with her.
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kiss-this · 1 year
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I know Marvel could do better if it just tried
Oh yes, they have proven that with Moon Knight: it's a cohesive story, a standalone that might connect with the MCU but doesn't need it at all to shine, the fights are secondary and the characterization of every single character in the series is absolutely awesome. Oh and the framing is exquisite, the costumes beautiful and the scenery is one of the best in the MCU.
That's kind of the issue with Marvel these days, they still got it. And when they really want to they do it great which makes this whole thing so damn frustrating. Why aren't they putting this much effort in every series and movies?!!!!
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exposingtheidiocy · 1 year
I'll just go ahead and say it in an official capacity: I do hope Ian Flynn dies and would be happy to be told news of his demise. Not because I dislike him enough to think he "deserves" it. But because Flynn simps are SO UTTERLY GOD DAMN FUCKING INSANE that it would bring me nothing but satisfaction to bare witness to their misery at the realization that their god can bleed. Flynn simps are a cult of dangerous lunatics. They are the ones the world would be better off without the creepy little fucks would probably bomb a kindergarten if they found out one of the kids in the classroom didn't like the Tails Anniversary comic. And then say "pics or it didn't happen" when you bring it up, then try and get you banned if you do indeed show pics of it.
What the FUCK is wrong with you?!
Your huge diatribe about "Flynn simps" means nothing after you just wished he'd die just to spite them. You are the problem, not them or anyone else.
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cour4geous · 1 year
i love when i follow someone back & they immediately soft block me.
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kitsune-guuji · 2 years
Honestly Yoimiya is so so so adorable, I was in love the moment I saw first leaks of her last year 🧡
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ft-rj · 3 months
boom boom boom boom i want you in my loom knit you into a sweater then sew it up forever
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crunchywho-comix · 28 days
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