#i'm going insane i am Not Normal about how pretty the sky is and how pretty it CAN be
toaster-boi · 8 months
going feral over the first piece of art made in space again. 1965, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov performs the first ever spacewalk and barely survives. gets back in the capsule and the first thing he grabs is a piece of paper and the pack of map pencils that were sent up with him, and he sketches the sunrise.
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AND THAT'S EXACTLY HOW IT LOOKS!!! it's made fast and loose but trust me that is exactly how the sunrise looks and feels from the upper atmosphere!!! i've only seen it from a plane but it's UNCANNY how close it is to what i saw!!! he was the first human to be outside a spaceship in space and survive and his first thought on getting back in was "i can't be the only one to know how beautiful this was for any longer than i have to." ohmy g od, ,, AND I KNOW EXACTLY HOW THAT FEELS!!! the first thing i thought seeing the sun rise at 13,000 meters up was to take a picture because i have to hold on to this in some way hol y sh it
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sunshineluverr · 2 years
• Touch Starved • Hk •
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Pairing : Huening Kai x reader
Words : 2.5k
Genre : highschool au, fluff
Warnings : kissing, angst if you squint
Synopsis : your adoring relationship with Huening Kai lacks a very important factor.
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The main thing that anyone would expect with a romantic relationship, is the closeness. Not of just of the hearts but the bodies too, close proximity, warm touches and comfortable embrace with the person you love so much.
But it was odd why that wasn't the case with you and your boyfriend.
You look up at your bedroom ceiling, snuggling a Molang plushie, the plushie that was a gift by the person you wanted to hold so bad instead of it. But it does the job for now.
You get up, sighing to look at the shoujo manga that was flipped over. You took a pause from your night reading time, getting caught up in your own thoughts.
"Gosh why am I reading this when I have a boyfriend of my own!" You screamed in frustration tossing the poor book on the carpetted floor. You blush, embarrassed at your own little tantrum and burry your face into the soft white plush.
You look up in determination, deciding to end your lonely suffering, you grab your phone which was sitting on the bedside table.
And immediately you went to call the specific contact ID of..
"Hyuka♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⊂)"
A few seconds of ringing later, he picks up. You gasp, slightly surprised because it wasn't really the best timing for a phonecall.
It's a mere normal response, but his voice making you already feel giddy by just that. JUST THAT!
"Hey Kai... you're not asleep yet?"
"Hmm I was going to, but you called so.... Did you need anything?"
"No I don't need anything I just..." Your heart races and you bit your lip, unable to confess how much you missed him, to the point you were driving insane.
"Hey? You there?"
"Yes! Actually...I do need something"
"Oh? What is it?"
He was silent for a full 30 seconds or so, you could only hear his breathing, making you lose patience.
"Well, I miss you too" and he chuckled, making your cheeks heat up, and a smile pulled at your lips.
"You do? Really?"
"Yeah of course... I'm always thinking about you"
"Gosh you...so you don't mind if we talk for a while?"
"Not at all! I would really love to"
"Alright then...huening, can you move to the window?"
"Okay" you hear rustling and you also, get up on your knees and lean towards your bedside window, resting your elbows on the window sill.
"The stars are so pretty during this time of the year" you smile wider, looking up at the magnificent distribution of glittery dots across the dark night sky.
"I see it, it is indeed very beautiful" he said as he does the same in his own room, staring up at the starry sky. you hum to him in response.
"Not as beautiful as you though.." he suddenly said, making you blink twice, face immediately flushing with heat.
"I- wha- me- uh- um- but- huh?!" You could only blabber as a complete natural response.
He laughs "Aw, I wish I could see the look on your face right now! I bet it's super pink and adorable"
You take in deep breaths, trying to compose yourself from all his sweet compliments that let your mind run haywire.
"Hueningie...I want to see your face too..."
"Oh? Should we switch to video call?"
"Ah...no no, we'll see each other tomorrow at school anyways. Meaning we should probably sleep now." You reject the tempting offer.
"Alright then, good night, my uh honey?" He said, feeling a bit shy about using that nickname. 
"Bye, Sweet dreams honey.." you use the same to show that you liked it. After that it was a whole minute of silence because the both of you hesitated to hang up.
You flop on your bed, now screaming into your pillow, kicking your feet on the mattress out of frustration.
Frustration of how loving Huening kai would be the death of you.
The next morning was all normal, you got ready for school and everything was going fine until, it was even better when you saw your boyfriend, of course heading in the same direction as you.
"Hyuka! Good morning!" You wave to him cheerily and he reciprocates the same energy.
"Good morning! Shall we walk to school together?"
You laugh "Is that even a question?"
You both walk side by side with your shoulders occasionly bumping into each other. It was peaceful, rather it should be, but you could not get one thought out of your mind.
"Why doesn't he just hold my hand?! We're dating for god's sake!"
Although you were also very much responsible for the absolute lack of skinship in your two week relationship with Huening Kai as much as he is, but shouldn't the guy in the relationship be all bold and cool and lift his girl off of the ground in a swift move, making her flustered?!
And just by that idea you were already flustered. You get so shy and panicky, which was to you, reason enough to not make a move on Huening kai.
Your gushing thoughts were interrupted by feeling a light brush of Hueningkai's fingers on yours. Your heart immediately jumping out at the slightest bit of contact. You turn your head to look at him.
He had his lips pursed and eyes fully concentrated down on the spot where both of your hands hung next to each other as you walk.
Your eyes lit up, realising that Kai had the same thought as you! This gave you the much needed boldness and encouragement to grasp his awaiting hand and intertwine your fingers with his, holding it tightly.
Kai stiffened for only a second, surprised at your action but also delighted which immediately brings a smile to his blushing face.
You're overjoyed at the feeling too. His hand is much bigger and warmer than yours which made it so comfortable to hold it. You never ever wanted to let go of this new and wonderful feeling.
But eventually when you reached the school entrance and stopped by the lockers, you had to. Very unfortunately.
The school day went on, average and boring as usual. Fourth period was a free one. Which gave your classmates some ideas.
Everyone gathered around one desk to play Spin the Bottle. Now generally you aren't the most participative in such type of games or activities but since you were bored and didn't want to feel left out, you joined the circle. Your friends and Huening kai were playing anyways too so you thought, why not?
The game began, loud and full of energy, making you laugh a couple of times at your classmates' antics. Countless of teasing and noises on every round.
Shy teens made cheek kisses, and bold ones full on started to make out, leaving the crowd well impressed.
As the game went on, and on about the 6th round, you felt anxiety course through your spine when you noticed the one end of the bottle, pointing to you. Nervously you lift your eyes to look at the other end, the other person the bottle stopped on.
You felt relief wash over you, when you realise it stopped on Huening Kai. He's your boyfriend so it should be easy to kiss him.
You looked at his face, expression is so shocked you're starting to feel offended. His eyes are practically popping out of his skull. You watch his reaction as he swallows down a lump in his throat, cheeks turning pink.
"Oooohh! The class couple! Put on a show!"
"Booo! That's too easy! Re-spin! re-spin!"
"Aw shiiippp!"
"Make out! make out!"
Your yelling classmates started to deafen on your ear because all you could focus on Hueningkai. You're going crazy to know, what's going behind that confused pretty head of his?
"Come here Kai. Give me a kiss" You say rather boldly and cheers and whoops burst between the crowd.
Everyone reacted in a positive way at your proposition, of course everyone except Hueningkai.
He looked away, averting his gaze. "I can't..." He mumbled.
And all you could react to that was a scoff to hide the fact that you were on the verge of bursting out in tears.
Still, you couldn't take it anymore so you rushed out the classroom, leaving behind more dissapointed noises and a "wait!" from a very sad and guilty boyfriend.
You run, unsure of where to go, you run out the school,  finally making a stop to catch your breath in front of some of the cherry blossom trees that surrounded the building.
You can hear loud footsteps approach you. You make an obvious assumption as to who they might belong to, so you refuse to turn around. And prepare to make a run for it, again.
But he won't let you get away, so he grabs your wrist and pulls you around by your shoulder to forcibly turn you around to face him.
You only realise you're crying when Huening Kai brings a finger to your face, to brush off a teardrop from your cheek. You look up at him, as he's breathless but his eyes show determination and yet they're scared too.
You blink away more tears, pushing his hand off you.
"I'm so sorry. Listen to me, I can explain-"
"What's there to explain Kai? Actually I really don't get it. What did you want when you confessed your feelings for me? What do you expect in a relationship? That we just send hearts at the end of every text message and that's it? Because that is not what I want. I want to touch you Huening Kai. I want to hold hands all the time, I want to hug, I want to cuddle, I want to kiss you all over your face and especially on your lips. Because I'm so attracted to you! But are you even attracted to me?! I don't understand it at all Kai! I just want to be able to touch the boy I love if I want to! But if that's not something you want then- hmmpf-!"
Your endless rambling was interrupted by a soft pair of lips crashing into yours. Your eyes widen so big, and your heart beat rapidly increasing.
It lasted only for a moment, before he pulled away with the slightest smirk pulling at his lips.
"I... what?" You were dazed, unable to compute what just happened.
"I'm sorry. I really am, but it isn't true what you're thinking of me. I love you so much and I'm so attracted to you, to the point that I don't think I'll be able to control myself whenever I'm around you. You're so cute, I just want to squeeze the life out of you. But I tried my best to always resist such feelings because I was nervous, I was stupidly scared that you didn't actually like me, that you just accepted my feelings out of pity and that's why I didn't dare do anything because I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable ever. But that's not true at all and instead I ended up hurting you even more, I'm really sorry for that. Back there in the classroom, I'm sorry for rejecting you I would never reject the girl I love so much. it was only because, I didn't want our first kiss to be part of a silly game, I want it to be special because that's what you deserve. I don't know how you'll forgive me for my dumb mistakes but I want you to know how much I deeply love and treasure you and I really do find you the most beautiful person alive."
He responded to your ramble, with a ramble of his own. But his words were so genuine and so real, you felt butterflies fluttering in your belly and your heart ached as you felt your love for him grow stronger in this moment itself. His reasoning made sense, almost making you feel embarrassed for having such conflicting feelings when you should be happy for being so lucky to find a boyfriend like Huening Kai.
"Kai... you're so- ugh! I'm sorry I just-" He immediately hugs you, taking all of your body in his arms and burrying your face in his chest. You sigh into that warm feeling you've desired so much.
"Don't you dare apologise! Please just let me know if everything is okay now right? that you believe me?"
You look up at him with a smile "Yes, it's okay, never been better, I believe you Kai and I love you"
His smile was so wide he was practically beaming. "Then I hope it's okay...if I do this.." Huening kai took your chin in his fingers, slightly tilting his head and leaning down to meet your lips again.
You sigh into the kiss, at the wonderful contact, this time the kiss being slow and deep, lips brushing against each other perfectly and you felt sparks fly. His lips were so soft and sweet, it was almost unreal. Your bodies pull in closer to one another, his hand firmly at your waist and your hand moving up slowly to tangle your fingers in his soft hair.
You pulled apart for merely a second, feeling so giddy so you placed more kisses leaving smacking sounds on his lips and the entirety of his face. His lips and cheeks were unbelievably red and so were yours.
Your heart was so full, you ended up giggling because of all the overwhelming emotions bubbling up inside of you.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that!"
"Me too" He said and placed another peck at your lips.
Suddenly loud claps and hooting sounds could be heard from a distance. The two of you pull apart from each other, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you both turn around together to look up at the source of the sound.
And it was your entire class watching and applauding from the first floor of your classroom window. Everyone was crowding, sticking their heads out to apparently watch the very intimate scene between you and your boyfriend that was very entertaining to them, judging from their wide grins and cheers that you can spot from the given distance.
Huening and you just look at each other, bursting out in laughter at the funny situation. It was a little embarrassing but it couldn't beat your happiness of the moment.
After that incident you did not know what you had in store for the Kai Kamal Huening boyfriend experience.
Aka, clingiest boyfriend in the whole world.
Huening kai does not just hold your hand when you walk together, no. He's joint to you by the hip wrapping you around in his arm everytime you walk next to him.
He's constantly surprising you with back hugs or by covering your eyes from behind, to the point it's not even a surprise anymore but you will never question it because of how much you enjoy it.
If none of your parents are home, he'll immediately pop up at your house and vice versa which was one of your favourite times together. You'd make plans to study or play games together but all that is thrown out the window once you're in his arms, resulting in fluffy cuddles on the bed or couch.
Kisses are endless, the two you would make any and every excuse to kiss each other, whether it be on the hand, cheeks, forehead and lips. But you still get super flustered when he sometimes places them on your neck.
Even your mostly supportive classmates were now fed up with the over-bearing amount of PDA. They gave you two the title of "cheesier than cheese itself"
But you couldn't be happier to have and love this wonderful, soft, clingy and cuddly boyfriend of yours!
A/n : Thank you so much for reading so far! I hope you enjoyed this short fic! I'm fairly new at this so comments, critisism and feedback are highly appreciated! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I got jump scared by a pedestrian on my way to get groceries because I was thinking about this, and I don't have a good excuse because I am also a pedestrian.
Adding a "half out of control ADHD" disclaimer on this one.
I have been seized by the brainrot, and it is holding me hostage until I finish writing out Legend and Wild meeting for the first time in the vigilante AU, and that's why the next chapter of poor Hyrule's fic hasn't been touched today.
Legend gets to be happy in this AU because I think he's earned it. He's been around for like... basically forever, so he gets to have all the friends he wants. I am aggressively improving his quality of life here. I went to the effort of finding him a sandwich recipe (and honestly might try it myself because it looks tasty).
Back to the point, which is that I was thinking about what powers everyone would have in this AU when I was going to get groceries. It's a very tough question, and the fact that my area of expertise in high school was Marvel is not helping because there are too many options to pick from. So I only managed to work out the abilities for two of the boys so far, which is half the reason why I'm making Wild and Legend play nice with each other today.
Long story short, I decided Wild should actually get a copy-and-paste ability AND I HAVE A GOOD REASON, OK. I love love love the idea that the Shrine of Resurrection's Sheikah Juice stuff is actually liquid information and since I can, I figured why not just replace his blood with it or something?? It's fanfiction I can do what I want. So now Wild has blue Shrine Juice blood and is sort of partly like a computer I guess, which means he has the ability to copy "files" and store them in his "system memory." Which... actually kind of explains the amnesia, I guess. Had to delete a few "files" (memories) to make space for the new "files" (abilities/powers). Obviously I've got to put a limit on him otherwise he'd be WAY TOO POWERFUL, so I'm thinking that each "file" either has a cool-down period of 1x every 24 hours or he has to pick 1 power to use for each 24-hour period. This explains how the Champions' gifts and the abilities from TotK work, and it makes me feel Very Smart.
Legend is actually pretty boring in comparison. I didn't really want to have to pick between his numerous items, so I gave him a very basic enhancement ability with an emphasis on speed and agility in the legs so he can run around on top of buildings and do parkour. His power isn't anything special, it's how he uses it that's actually interesting because he's had to make up for being Very Vanilla. It DOES let him keep up with most people, though, with few exceptions. And I like this because I think it kind of does reflect on how he's not really a special person by himself and that his being interesting comes from his experience and knowledge and inventory. He's the guy who's been everywhere, done everything, and knows everyone, and that's where a surprisingly large amount of his flavor comes from.
I have a rough idea for Sky, but I'm not completely sold on anything for him, yet (because of the whole deal with Demise and all). I'm extremely tempted to make him think he's a normal guy when he just uses his Terrifying Prophetic Abilities in his sleep. Like, he thinks he probably sleepwalks so he tells Twilight and Warriors when he moves in and the first week goes okay, but then for the second week he is walking in his sleep and doing Crazy Shit while spitting out Creepy Prophecies about stuff. It's concerning, and they're trying to figure out how to tell Sky to go to therapy because he is An Absolute Ray of Sunshine during the day. (Maybe he just has remlit powers?)
Legend gets to be happy in this AU because I think he's earned it <- OBSESSED WITH THIS.
dude oh my GOD i fucking love all your au’s so much, the insane amount of detail you put in em???? I eat it up every goddamn time. thank you for bestowing upon me your brainrot every day 🙏
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strawberrydracos · 4 months
Playing Ace Combat 7
Started playing the game today! I'll go little by little and updating this post through reblogs sksksksks
@technoblade-apologist-and-proud this is for you buddy, since you asked :] Starting with Mission 1 and 2 today
(Putting stuff on read more bc I get a little self concious of long posts)
First impressions of the game upon opening it: Menu music is beautiful "Wow this is so. Graphic design. Wow." upon seeing the actual menus "Why do we have cowboy music on the cutscene?" Girl talking about loving the color of the sky instantly made me remember the damn "Don't you love the color of the sky? / Which one?" classic tumblr post. "That plane looks like a tesla" upon seeing the drone in the cutscene Started laughing for a whole minute when rave music started playing in the plane selection screen before the mission.
Right out of the bat we start Mission 1 with DEATH from controller. I didn't know what to press and the screen only told me about R2 to accelerate so I killed myself by crashing on the end of the take off thingie. This was a warning to what was about to come.
I need to publicly apologize to every Ace Combat fan that has ever lived because inverted controls make me feel insane so I had to "invert" them back to normal. I am very sorry. I have failed you all. Don't look at me.
Anyways, first mission went TERRIBLY. WHO have me a license. I was DRUNK driving in the skies. Absolutely dogshit piloting skills. I didn't know it did a neat little replay of the mission at the end + the replay with the tiny lowpoly planes. Humiliating. Everyone was flying to neatly and I looked like I was using my plane for a ribbon dance.
As someone that played Drakengard on the ps2 and Armored Core on the ps4: Piloting a plane is much more similar to riding a dragon than piloting a mech.
There's a lot going on in the cutscenes, the story seems cool and I have an idea of it already but by god they just feel so goofy sometimes, very silly, I am very lost.
Second mission started terribly as well, I still fly like I'm drunk, I died at least 5 times because I turned a little too much and crashed on the ground. At some point when I was managing to stay alive I thought I was gonna fail from the time running out because I just couldn't hit the targets.
Also. Did you know? In Armored Core you press X, Square and O for boosting and movement, and L1/L2 R1/R2 for your weapons. Ace Combat is the opposite. I've been playing Armored Core for a month already. My brain is having a hard time trying to grasp the controllers, somebody help me.
Second half of this mission went better than the first half bc I *am* learning but by god. I died once because I hit the ground again, I keep doing it, my pilot craves the safety of the ground. It was a nightmare trying to get to the targets to properly hit them but I did manage to do it.
All and all? Game is pretty fun! It will be a challenge to actually learn how to play, specially with expert controls, but that's the fun of every game, learning and mastering!
Had to stop for today but I'll reblog this once I play more :]
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weirdfanfic · 2 years
Guardian of an Earl
The letter of Lies
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As a Noble, my morning routine is normal. Waking up by my personal maid with some tea, instead, I woke up by Tanaka, our head butler, holding a tray with my tea. "Good morning my lady, Your morning tea "Good morning Tanaka, What's my schedule for today??" I sipped my tea detecting a nutty flavor; it tasted similar to coffee but with a few different flavors. "Is this a new tea?" Tanaka replied with a grin. "It's a gift from one of your father's Japanese business partners. The tea is called Hojicha."
"I see. Please convey my gratitude, as it was quite a taste ."Well, they also sent you a little letter, My lady would like to read it ?" He asked, holding a small letter;I put away my tea, the sun shining through my open curtain. I knew little about my brother's business partner, but one man's eyes lingered in my mind for years. As the memories came flooding in at one of my brother's dance balls it was magical but I was a young unmarried lady. Fortunately, I could blend in well enough but somehow one man found me asking me to dance with him it was elegant like we danced in the sky. I'll never forget that day. I thought came back to reality by the sound of small feet on the wooden floor.
"Auntie, breakfast is ready!" "And we're hungry," yelled a little blue-eyed child, while his twin responded shyly. As I climbed out of bed, one of them gave me a soft smile and looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Good morning, Ceil, and don't worry Sirius, I'll be down in 10 minutes, let me just get dressed." I hug the boys. "Tenaka, I'll read the letter when I go to breakfast. Please send boys to the dining room and send one of the maids to assist me in changing." He nodded and left with the boys.
After painful minutes to get into my morning corset and my dress, I finally was able to go to the dining table where I saw my brother and his lovely wife while the boys were playing on the ground next to the table. "Ah, my sister still well I see have you gotten the gift I made sure it was well prepared." My brother is snarky as always "If this is a way to get me to marry one of your business partners you are surely mistaken."  I sat next to his wife she gave me a small wink handing me the letter from before. "Is the opposite really more of a business opportunity for you. "Alright, we will speak about this 'business opportunity' after breakfast and not in front of the children." I ended the conversation and start to eat.
The letter...it was nothing but lies to me I couldn't understand why but this man wanted me to start a phantom company in Japan. He's mad! And why did my father agree to this letter I barely knew this man and he wanted me to do business with him. I know I am a woman unable to work, but I was taught business the same as my brother.  "This is insane in Japan I know you have business there but setting up a factory and 2 stores immediately sounds insane!" I exclaimed to my brother only for him to show me the papers. "It already agreed upon the only thing we ask is to work by pretending to be his wife, you two get along so well the last time." "I was young Vincent I know how your partners are they are demons in disguise only to overcome greed!" Envy in my voice he grabbed me by the hand pulling me to him. "Don't even try to act like our mother you will do or at least think about the offer. He is visiting tonight to speak with you so you better behave as a lady this is business.  Now get pretty and go get a pretty dress for tonight we want him to see you as his wife and not a burden..." His threat went down my spine giving a small nod and hurried to the door slamming it shut.
"Now that was just anti-climatic you two fight like cats and dogs. Is actually pretty funny." A familiar chuckling voice said as I stare at the couch outside my brother's studies. His eyes were covered by his white hair "What's is it you want Undertaker I'm not in the mood for your jokes." I said seeing him picking at his long black nails before giggling "Your brother wants to see me for a case but before I go maybe I can help you with a little problem with a little practical joke on this poor man." I stared at him with his grin giving a short nod that I was listening and hoping this will get me out of this situation.
The night finally came to meet this man yet again, another greedy man wanting the phantomhive name. To do so he must go on a trial of the test that Undertaker has set up. This night will surely be remembered by both of us. As I was waiting in the game room the door opened and I saw my brother walk in as my escort to make sure nothing between us will happen before the marriage. As a woman, I wasn't allowed to be with a male stranger who wasn't my husband or a relative. "I hope you have time to think about this opportunity if not I may have something that might change your mind." I  glared at him hoping it might drop him dead only for him to sit on his lovely throne on his throne chair. "You don't have to marry this man or live with him only use him as a cover...I know your independent woman but you won't be accepted as an owner so please this is a big opportunity for you and the company." I only stared at him but was more of fear I will be alone in a foreign country away from people I loved and cared for. My brother got closer and hold me only to realize I was crying I was so covered with anger that I didn't realize to think about what I might lose if I leave. "You never will be alone "(Y/n), You'll never be alone I'll make sure you are always safe don't worry." With those words, I burst into tears not knowing what the future holds.
『• • • ✎ • • •』
Yo guys sorry not really a writer but hope you enjoy it.
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bloodnikki · 3 months
Flashback scene of Alastor's first meeting of Esme. A scene from Broadcasting chapter 2 that I'm still working on
In the year 1927, a young man stood before the corpse of his third victim. He wondered how murder could be so easy. It was strange. All the books and literally that talked about death made the act seem awful. It was something that drove people mad. Yet, it made him full whole. Like, he was acting with purpose, a calling deep within. Besides, this man deserved to die. 
They both have been killers, but this young man, Thomas A. Leblanc wasn’t anything like his victim. For one, Thomas didn’t kill young ladies. He only killed men that deserved to die. Two, he didn’t kill only for the thrill. He made sure that the death didn’t go to waste. He had been raised better than that. Good meat was never to be wasted. He wondered if this was enough to be accepted by the club. It would be nice to meet like minded people. He didn’t want to go his whole life doing it all alone, but he would if he had to.
“Ugh,” He heard a voice cry out from the back of the room. Strange. He had been sure no one was here. He picked up the knife from the floor and carefully tried to find the course of the sound. “I did it? I did it. I did it.” The womanly voice repeated with increasing joy. It unnerved him how happy she sounded. He peaked around a corner to find a woman clawing her way out of the dirt. She was giggling to herself as though deeply amused. “I did it. I did it. I speak. I breathe.” She cried out as climbed out of the makeshift grave. “I feel. Dirt. This is dirt and earth.” She leaned down to smell the ground before finally freeing herself from the ground.
“The sky.” She looked up in awe. It was a cloudy night but she still found it beautiful. “This is how they see? Interesting.” 
She limped forward as she studied the dark sky. Her legs gave out from under her and she realized she didn’t know how to move. Thomas wasn’t sure what was wrong with her. Was she insane? Was this from trauma? She must have been a victim of the man he just killed. This wasn’t good. 
“Hello?” She paused to laugh. “Hello?” She touched her throat with joyous amazement. “I’m speaking. I’m speaking like them.” He could hear her mutter to herself. “Do not be afraid. I will not harm you. I am a friend. I am kind. I am good.” She assured him. Confused, she looked around. This wasn’t anything like she imagined. “Please, come out.” She scanned the area and found no one was coming forward. “Please… please, I… I came… I came so far…” Her check felt wet. She touched them to find tears. “Is this… what sadness is?” She questioned the cold night.
“I…” Thomas couldn’t understand it. He was moving towards her. “Just a moment.” He tossed his knife to the side and quickly stood before her. “Are you hurt?”
“I… hurt?” She frowned. “This body seems well enough. “Alastor?”
“I don’t know that name.” Thomas informed her. “Is that a friend of yours? Is he here with you?”
“You.” She pointed at him. “I thought that was your name. I came here for you. I see you in mama’s tree and I-”
“Have you hit your head?” He took hold of her face to look her over. “I can’t see anything, but a few cuts. Still, we should get you to a doctor.”
“The wounds on you? Where you are bleeding?” He sighed. She must have hit her head pretty badly. She looked at the areas. She placed a hand over one of the cuts and her hand started to glow. Thomas marveled at the sight.
“There. Is it fixed now?” She pushed her body closer to him. She wanted him to tell her if she had done it right. The man fixed his glasses before looking over her shoulder. It seemed that the flesh was as good as new. “Is it better? Did I fix it? I haven’t been near a human body in ages and ages. It’s good, right? What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?”
Thomas stood up and realized that she wasn’t a normal woman. Magic.
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So recently on a bit of a whim I went to see Player Kings
So I'd got a ticket for the cheap seats with restricted view up in the sky. But excitingly, I got upgraded to the stalls on the day of!
First things first, this play was long. Like check the run time on this before you go because I did not. "It's abridged, it will be fine!" ... I was in the theatre for almost 4 hours. Luckily I had been to pee before I went in because that would have been a horrific wait for the interval. Prepare your mind and bladder is all I'm saying.
[Side note about the toilets: the women's toilets are off the main foyer, are really narrow and there are only about 6 of them? Insanity. There will be a queue.]
I haven't watched Ted Lasso at all so this was the first thing I've seen Toheeb Jimoh in and he was great. I imagine it must be intimidating to act Shakespeare with Ian McKellen but he really shone and they had great chemistry. It was sort of nice to root for a more serious character without there being a tragic downfall at the end? Also he starts the play topless if that's your kinda thing.
So I decided to go see this in spite of my dismal knowledge of Shakespeare's histories as I thought this would be a good opportunity to see Ian McKellen do Shakespeare and I was at a bit of a loose end that day. I did look up the synopsis of Henry IV parts one and two beforehand and that was pretty much sufficient to be able to follow the plot successfully. I know it was an abridged version but I was surprised by how little Henry IV shows up in it. (Obviously I haven't seen any other productions to compare it to, so this could be the same in the full plays too for all I know!)
Obv Ian McKellen was great, and he was on stage for the majority of the play. I'm not being funny but I went to the matinee and we only exited the theatre at around 18:20, and the evening performance was due to start at 18:30? I cannot imagine how intense that turn around is - that's like an 8 hour shift of being almost constantly on stage? He's what, 85 odd? I emerged from the theatre essentially staggering and half blind after being in the dark for so long where I had done nothing more taxing than sit down, and they had to go and do it all again? Incredible.
I think Falstaff is generally supposed to be a bit younger, but him being older didn't really bother me any; the body padding took longer to get used to because you are so familiar with McKellen's normal frame. I guess the real challenge for this is that he is so recognisable and has such a recognisable voice (and let's face it, I imagine the vast majority of the audience are there to see him) so at the beginning your brain does waste a bit of time going "omg that's Ian McKellen" before you sink into the play properly.
The promo photos were bizarre in comparison to the actual set design, so I'm not quite sure why they chose to do that. The posters were of the cast in an American Diner/ Greasy Spoon type set up, but this had no connection to the direction/ set design of this production. They were still in the Boar's Head tavern; it hadn't been replaced by a cafe and the red and white colour scheme of the posters bared no resemblance to the actual set. (Which was essentially a fancy brick wall back drop). I did hear people comment that they were expecting something quite different based on the posters as they were leaving.
It was quite cinematic in places and particularly the battle scenes were impressive. (I am easily swayed by fancy pyrotechnics). I liked how the opening and closing scenes mirrored each other with the same staging for both coronations.
The music choices were interesting - they had some really loud sections where it was blasted through the speakers at a volume which made me jump at least once. But most of the music was sung onstage as a solo at certain points. This was quite powerful but did leave me a little confused (are the other characters aware of this guy who just turns up and sings? Or is he just for the audience?)
I thought the first half (which basically covered Henry IV part 1) was more cohesive than the second half, although I guess that could just be personal preference of the two plays. I do feel like I need to look up some film versions now to get a better idea of the choices made in the abridgement and production. My other take away from this (don't @ me) was that my assumption that Shakespeare histories were dry crusty old things that are so boring that they daren't even attempt to teach them in school was probably incorrect and maybe I should try some others.
Basically this was a cool production to see especially with affordable tickets still being available, but definitely be aware of the run time because I was not prepared and that is now my overriding memory of the play. 😅
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hospitalterrorizer · 9 months
new year's eve is okay.
we were invited out but couldn't / can't go, since my gf is sick. that's okay because i feel ugly today and don't want to go outside ever again. there was another shooting today on the strip/ around the mgm, i guess maybe not actually a shooting, just a man going crazy and firing a gun into the air, a poker player, a guy who did some pro stuff i guess, even. nobody died, hopefully no one was injured by the bullets as they came back to earth or whatever. idk how 'in the air' he shot them really, maybe just vaguely towards the sky, instead of directly up. he probably hit some kind of losing streak. the big vegas shooting, the one in the mandalay bay, happened for likely similar reasons. that guy wasn't a pro but it probably had something to do with gambling, maybe not even losing, maybe something to do with not being comped. that's at least my favorite theory, i hate the people who talk about conspiracies with that one. all those annoying people who say 'no motivation' or whatever, it's basically proven at this point that human life as something that happens on its own terms instead of by a law one projects, and life outside that valuation process, is utterly meaningless and gives anyone license to kill anyone. think of all the incel shooters, the shooters consumed by irreal fantasies, adam lanza wanting to 'save' kids from suffering so killing them. that is the essential pulsion, i think.
the end of this year has given me lots of reasons to be unhappy, i am going to sleep before the year is in i think, i'm already tired, i feel sick too.
2024 is going to be fine. this year was fine. probably good. i don't know. it was another year i was alive. that's all. maybe not. i love my girlfriend, we've lived together this whole year. she made me travel with her, which was nice except for when it wasn't.
what right do i have to complain at all though, i didn't pay anything for any of that. i am such a stupid bitch honestly.
today i learned about a fashion designer from 2009 who made clothes that i think are cute who seems to have gone insane. his name is paul griffiths, his brand was babycakes, his website is totally insane.
the book seems like it's entirely nonense, the guy is into annunaki alien conspiracy stuff, he's like way into rishi sunak on twitter it seems like. i don't find it annoying, that stuff, it just makes me really sad. maybe it's because of this video from 8 years ago.
there's parts in this vid that make me feel something terrible, like when he talks about not wanting to ever go outside, and how he's okay with just going crazy in isolation, then he begins going on this tangent about how you have to be truly kind, and how he's failed himself in that, and then he talks about how he hates the times where he's hidden behind a character and coldness instead of being himself and being kind. and then he launches into a thing about genetically altering human dna to correct human evolution.
it seems like his brand was doing really well in the whole like, i wanna say 06-09 period, and up to 2014 he seems like he was pretty normal, even in the vids from 2015 where he's not freestyling while watching himself obsessively build in minecraft he seems lucid. even now he seems lucid, he just seems to get lost in these pretty schizoid/delusional things, that whole kind of conspiracy spiritualism got to him like it did a lot of millennials it seems like. really depressing to see. it's good to remember how that happened though, it helps put a damper on nostalgic revisionism, to treat this stuff like it truly died, or something. even the aesthetic he was doing in 06 and onwards, that whole thing still lives on in like meow wolf big room edm bro psychedelia. it's sad because i half like the stuff that fomented all that, the super weird japanese pop art inflected stuff, harajuku excess and so on. it's so ugly/frustrating where that all ended up, the big brostep festival edm world, all the cool music that came from that weird nexus too, absorbed by that, where metalcore warped tour bros absorbed electronic music, creating some of the worst aesthetic strains we still are around today. that stuff is ignorable maybe, for some people, but it's still all around out here.
here are his clothes/the photoshoots he did for his clothes that i found on his blog, which is here:
here's something i read on the blog that made me want to cry just now:
"im gonna be meeting Panic at the disco tomorrow and ill be at the show in Manchester. ill get them to wear Babycakes with the silly outfits that they wear ;D
business is going crazy. greg got a hair cut today. BCthelabel is going well, you will all hear lots about that soon :D kyle is amazingly hot ;] Mummy and Daddy are splitting up but ive got my mum a cute new house :D
I love taking photos…
This is where i work, I employ all my best friends and my mum."
the falling off and going crazy after reaching this kind of high is devastating, he really was featured in all kinds of magazines and stuff, he went to warped tour to promo his clothes. anyways the clothes and stuff:
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it's such an annoying and particular thing the brand did, but i am into some of it, there's this one rainbow shirt that i think is really cute but i probably just want that because it reminds me of the some girls album art. the site also has some other crazy stuff on it, he's made little games, apps, one thing is a whole drawing app, one thing is like this mental clone of minecraft he made.
it all makes me feel like this song:
the ugly cheap synth stuff, oh to add to it, paul is super obsessed w/ chiptune stuff, which i'm super into, anyway, that ugly cheap synth and then the dirty feeling of the song, the bombed out remains of 2008 still living. too many cultural images in my head informed by american apparel. right now i'm wearing american apparel thigh highs. isn't that fucked. no matter what i'm going to be someone obsessed with always being skinnier, trying to figure out ways to be pretty, seeking eyes on me while hating it always too. i'm so sick with my own self. ugh.
all the reading i've been doing is obviously related to that. but i wonder about how that stuff condemns basically, how much of this is anyone's responsibility, any of the cultural images i take up are given to me, yeah, but i can't tell if they're happy gifts, gifts i received happily and only realized later, or i know that's not the case, these were things i'm stuck with, or stuck to, given to me because they seemed to be the only things i really responded to. weird skinny girls, and like 8 year old me, seeing that, thinking, that's something to tether myself to. it spoke to every negative thing, rather than being a fantasy of 'womanhood' or whatever, like terfs or gender critical people would put it. the only thing that made sense of my disolcation or whatever.
back to paul, now he's also really into ai stuff, generating women (really they look like kids but i don't know if that's his fault or something the ai does when he tries to get it to generate people) wearing clothes that look related to the brand and putting the logo on the pictures. i don't think it's false advertising, he's just fallen for another scam.
it's the end of the year, and i'm just thinking about this.
this year really has had beautiful moments for me, going to japan with my gf, or my gf taking me, my gf taking me to chicago and me us getting to stay with a long time online friend, us staying out really late, us just being in this apartment, me cooking for her. i want to cook every night, i want to get back to that, the fact i'm not makes me feel sick. like i want to do something bad to myself, i don't know why i'm feeling so fucked up right now.
all of reality is queasy, lo and behold this song:
and i am tired. tomorrow i am going to listen to my album again, and see what now needs correction, and see if there's anything i want to delete, but i don't think i'll be looking to delete anything off the album. we'll see though.
anyway i really am getting tired. happy new years, and
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Not the most eventful day, to be honest. I slept decently well. I think I got woken up once or twice by neighbors but got back to sleep okay. Oddly enough, ever since I ditched the earplugs I've been sleeping better. Maybe they were messing with me, idk. So much for trying to like... take preventative measures to practice sleep hygiene. The whole point of doing the earplugs was to get better sleep. I expected this massive night-and-day difference because I was finally getting undisturbed sleep, but naw... it somehow made it worse.
It's been a pretty cool week to be an insomniac, the moonset and sunrise have been syncing up, so I get to look out the window from bed and see the pale blue of morning start to soak the sky as the moon grows larger and yellow on its way down. Very picturesque, very memorable.
So yeah, again... not too much today. I had some dreams about my ex last night. Not my most recent ex (who I broke up with in 2018...), thank god... those dreams are rarely good... But my ex from college, actually. --- There's a duck quacking outside my window... at this hour, that's... not often a good sign... best of luck, buddy. --- After studying my dreams this long, I've started learning a lot of how my subconscious expresses itself symbolically. Despite the brevity of the relationship (that one was only about 8 months) and how... kinda horribly it ended... that relationship usually represents... idealism in a relationship, to me. At a subconscious level, at least. Because the experience of that relationship, for me at the time, was pure idealism. It was "I am so insanely lucky and blessed to have this opportunity". So, despite the blindness that came with that at the time... that's typically what she represents when she pops up in a dream. The focus of an ideal relationship or an ideal partner, even though the girl herself wasn't that in real life at all.
I wish I thought to record the dream, I've started to notice that I don't often journal the "normal" ones or the "good" ones as often as the "surreal" and "bad" ones. But, from my almost empty recollection, it was mostly just like... normal relationship stuff. Going and doing stuff in the world, buying things for the apartment, stuff like that. I remember it feeling very... normal. And that inspired me to hop on the dating app the second I woke up. And I went through everyone available, swiped a few that looked like we might mesh well, and... nothing came of it. As usual. 3 years of this, you think I'd learn by now not to get my hopes up with that.
I'm sure that was on my mind because I was watching a stream last night where the streamer was playing an FMV dating game, and one of the dates in the game was... a bit too close to my current identity. I mean, if you subtracted the kombucha, the veganism, the parents in political office, and the activism... and swapped genders... it wasn't far off from me. And there's one line from it that hit me pretty hard. This chick ran her own business making customized clothing and crafts and stuff, and the guy - on the first date - asked "wow, are you really making enough to do that full-time?" And that just... it's still stuck with me. That's a big insecurity and I have gotten a shit ton of judgment from former "friends" for it. I still don't like telling people what I do for work because of it. What helped me ground myself? The fact that the guy scoffing and rolling his eyes at a practical business like that... plays video games for a living on Twitch.
You can fucking scoff at any job, honestly. You really can, if you really try hard enough. "You answer phones for a living? That doesn't sound hard." "You pick up peoples' garbage? Why don't you just get a better job?" But creatives get shit on the hardest. Because people who have spent fuck-all time actually applying themselves to performative or expressive crafts, who wouldn't set foot on stage or put their art on a wall in front of an audience if you had a loaded gun to their head, just kinda feel like that person is "cheating at life" or something. It's like... if you love what you do, suddenly that means it's not hard... or demanding... or you don't deserve to be compensated for your labor or something. It's mind-blowing. I honestly don't get it. Starting your own cottage industry shop and pursuing your lifelong passion is like... the epitome of the American dream, isn't it? The whole "Land of Opportunity" thing? And yet... these people don't see your career as legitimate unless you're working... for someone else. Unless you're on someone else's payroll. It's very odd. Maybe that's just what they see as the definition of success, maybe they can't even process a freelance or business owner kind of thing. Idk. I've just had my head poisoned by that shit for well over a decade and a half and it sabotaged my future many times, and now I'm looking down the barrel of 37... and I'm just...
Okay, my thoughts are going too fast to keep up with so let me connect a bit here. I drew another ink drawing today - a big chunk of one, at least. I drew until my thumb ached to the bone, until I could feel the tendons in my forearm tight as guitar strings and straining, rubbing against the skin from underneath. I drew for close to 4 hours straight with a pee break and a break to get a banana and come right back. When I'm in the zone, I work until I can't anymore. And then I do more. I don't need money to motivate me to do it. I don't need fame or fortune or sex or drugs. I do it because it's what I'm here to do. And I have dedicated my life to putting as much of my life into that purpose as I possibly can. So... when I have people near me... who are supposed to be in a supportive position... instead of like... helping me connect with others who appreciate what I do, who benefit from my work, who see its importance, who value and support my work and its continued creation.... Instead, these people.. for years... convinced me that my time and efforts, were better suited laboring for someone else. At very least, the majority of my time and labor should be dedicated to someone else. And it really doesn't matter who benefits from it, or what I'm doing. Just literally anything else than what I do. Great support, yeah?
So... yeah, I'm still reeling a bit. That's a raw nerve for me. I took the leap of faith to finally embrace the title of artist again like... 4 years ago? And I'm still plunging. It's scary as shit to dedicate yourself fully to something that people actively tell you will not succeed. That takes a lot of faith. But for me... I mean... What the fuck else am I going to do?! It's what I'm wired to do! It's how I'm wired to function. I swear, I just need someone who knows like... social shit. Networking, gallery connections (?), community connections, shit like that. I'm just no good at that shit. I came from a family that considered their clients their "friends" and their idea of going out and socializing was going out to the same restaurant and ordering the same food and small-talking with the waitress for like 5 minutes while ordering food, while me and my brothers just sat there awkwardly... We barely even went on vacations and shit. I can do social shit, but it takes a lot of oomph and I really have to be in the right headspace. But good fucking lord, it would be so much easier if I had someone in my life who was willing to do that for me, who it actually did come naturally to - or at least... with me.
Ugh, I didn't want to get into that tonight. I did a good job of keeping the stitches in that wound last night, I guess it worked its way out now. My family and "friends" did a fucking number on me with that one. And yeah, I guess slaving away on this drawing for... nothing... nothing more than just another doodle in a notebook... It makes me feel really unvalued. And really unappreciated. And that hurts so bad, because I love doing this work so much, and I really feel like it is worth something. Like the decade and a half I've put into this work is worth supporting. Like this life is one that others can benefit from. But no one really seems to want to. They'd rather go to a "professional", or someone with 2k 5-star ratings, or buy something a computer made, or get an AI to make a cheap imitation for them.
Aaaaaand I'm cutting off this existential crisis right here. A big part of this is the void created when I finish a project. That void being filled with my only work today being a sketch, which... was actually really cool... but just... doesn't feel like it's going to help me get my rent paid. And that, combined with the thousands of chat reactions to a character from the stream last night, it just... it's tinder and a spark. But it's gonna take more than that to stop me. Sorry.
I don't know if I have any good vibes to end this with, honestly, though I could really use them right now. ... I'm overdue for a trip out into the world, honestly. I should go for a walk. Or, better yet, go take my electric board and go skating or something. Wow, I just have a ton of really anxious thoughts swirling around in my head right now... Like "I just don't want to go alone", and "I don't feel safe", shit like that. Over going skating on a sunny Monday. Welcome to trauma and severe anxiety, and depression. Yay.
Okay, well here's something, fuck it. I applied for the new RP server. I'm going to get declined, I guarantee it. Not dooming, I say that because people who have been RPing for years and have a video resume to back it up and paid to have their applications reviewed first? They are getting declined. So... I'm most likely not getting in. But I applied. And I barely felt anxious doing so, so that's a good step. And I didn't feel anxious on the dating app either, which is also good. So, there's some good vibes there. It's frustrating how quickly I can spiral with this shit, and how little it takes to tear apart the seams, but... I'm handling it much better than I used to. The thoughts swirl and poke through, but they don't overwhelm as much, it's not as visceral and emotional, it's just like... loud and overwhelming. But I can put it aside a bit better than I used to, and that's great progress.
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heyheyheyhaikyu · 4 years
twenty four - nickname
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⚠︎︎𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝⚠︎︎
Kuroo had stayed awake through the night, unable to find sleep as he restlessly imagined how the day ahead would go. How will he react? Does he even feel the same? Questions towered in his mind as he laid awake.
The sun was already beginning to rise by the time sleep finally found its way to him. The few hours he slept in the morning he managed was enough to get him energized and ready to take on the day.
A message dinged on his phone and woke him from his light sleep.
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He shook his head with a chuckle, putting his phone down. After a nice shower, he got dressed and headed out to the park. Kenma and Lev already happened to be there setting up a few things.
“Oh, you guys are already here?” Kuroo said as he slid into his secret area.
“I figured you weren't going to be able to sleep last night, so I thought maybe we should get an early start for you,” Kenma said without looking up from what he was doing.
“Honestly, how do you know me so well?” Kuroo sighed and shock his head with a smile.
“Well, it's not like we’ve been friends since we were little kids or anything,” Kenma said sarcastically.
Kuroo rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Kenmas shoulder. “Oh yeah, definitely not.”
“Well, what's your vision, big man?” Lev asked as he slapped Kuroo on the back.
“I feel like its lame, but here.” He showed the two a few photos to get the idea across.
They worked for a few hours, putting lights up, getting blankets and pillows laid down and just getting everything put together like Kuroo had imagined.
“Wow, it's really coming together guys!” Kuroo said excitedly.
“Do you know when Bokuto and Tsukishima are supposed to get here?” Lev asked.
Just as that was said, the two poked their heads in. “What was that about us?” Bokuto asked with a bright smile as he walked over and slung his arm around Kuroos shoulder.
“Nothing interesting, but that’s kinda hard to do about you anyway.” Kuroo nudged with a teasing smile.
“Ah- I'll have you know I'm the most interesting one of us here,” Bo said with a huff and crossed his arms.
“Sure you are.”
Everyone laughed and shook their heads at the twos banter while Bo just rolled his eyes and ignored Kuroo for a few minutes until he forgot about the incident.
It all seemed to be going smoothly. Bo and Tsuki brought a screen and projector to add to the setup. Everything looked perfect and just how Kuroo had imagined.
Since everything was ready to go, the group decided to go get a small meal together. The walk was nice and refreshing. It was nice to be able to really talk to Bo and Tsuki, catching up on everything going on in their lives.
As they were all sitting in the small café, a familiar face walked through the door. Lev and Tsuki were the two that saw him and they tried to discreetly hide and not be seen.
“What are you two doing? You look insane,” Kuroo said with a confused look.
“A wild y/n just walked through the door.”
“Oh shit- umm... just stay calm and try to act normal. Maybe he won't see us and just leave?”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to work.”
Ah, a nice refreshing boba and a sandwich sound so good right now. The past few days have been weird to say the least. Everyone had been just sort of weird...? Honestly, I don’t know what Kuroo has planned, but I can only assume it’ll be... something.
I ordered my drink and sandwich on auto pilot, lost in my head. Once I got my order, I turned to look for an empty table I could yoink.
Across the room sat all of my friends in the corner booth. My head spun with confusion and hurt. What are they all doing here? Why wasn't I invited?
Bo had been avoiding me all day and wouldn’t even talk to me at practice this morning. What if this thing Kuroo wanted to talk to me about was the fact that they all hate me now and don’t what to be friends with me any- No, stop thinking like that, y/n. Just go over there and ask them. It's not that hard of an issue to figure out.
I shrugged off my thoughts from a second ago and walked to the corner they were in. “Hey guys, what are you all doing here?” I shot them a confused smile as I leaned against Kuroo and looked at him, trying not to think too hard about why I hadn't been invited.
“O-oh! Hi y/n,” Kuroo stuttered out. It was clear he was nervous about something.
“Uh hi?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Am I intruding on something?”
“No, not at all!” Bo yelled excitedly, making us all flinch.
“Well in that case do you mind if I join you guys? But if you were getting ready to leave or anything, no need to feel pressured. You guys are obviously up to something.”
“Nono, we just got here a few minutes ago. Please feel free to sit,” he said patting his lap with a smirk plastered onto his pretty face.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him over, sitting on the end next to him. “In your dreams, kitten.” The nickname slipped passed my lips with ease and before I even knew what I had said, everyone was looking at the two of us like:  
I glanced up at them after taking a bite of my sandwich. “What’s with the staring, geez. If you guys need me to leave your little secret meeting I can, but just stop looking at me like that,” I said as my forehead crinkled in confusion. I glanced at Kuroo to see him blushing a crimson red.
I thought back over the last minute, trying to pinpoint what happened. Realization struck and I burst out laughing. “Oh, this is about your nickname,” I snickered. “I didn’t even realize I said it, but I also thought I had said it around all of you guys already.” I looked out them and we all laughed.
From there forward, it was smooth sailing. Conversation flowed smoothly and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I glanced down at my watch and sighed. “Hate to leave you guys so soon, but I have a couple meetings I have to call into from home.” I frowned and started to stand up. “Oh hey, Kuroo, so this “surprise” at the park tonight. What time are you thinking? I'm afraid I won't be free for quite a while with these status report meetings. It might be late before I can meet up. Is that okay?”
“Oh yeah, that’s perfect actually. Just call or text me when you’re on your way.” He smiled and gave my hand a little squeeze before I stood up.
I smiled back at him and ruffled his hair as I said my goodbyes and headed out.
Geez, it's been a long day already and I bet it's only going to get worse. I sighed and walked home. The sky was bright, without a single cloud accenting the vibrant shade of blue.
Everyone seemed to relax more once y/n left. The relentless teasing about his nickname and interactions with y/n made him blush a bright red once again.
“You’re so soft for him- it's kinda sickening honestly,” Kenma complained.
“Y/n almost never gives me head pats anymore,” Bo whined.
“Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that you won't have any trouble sealing the deal tonight,” Tsuki said.
“Who really knows? Y/n is an affectionate person and it's hard to really pinpoint what he thinks about you. He’s too good at hiding his emotions towards people,” Bo said as he sipped his drink.
“I’ll never know if I don’t ask, right?” Kuroo said with a smile as he stood up and started cleaning up the table.
“I agree. I'm only saying don’t assume anything too fast or you’ll just end up getting yourself hurt.”
Kuroo nods and after getting everything cleaned up, the group heads out and goes to the store before splitting up and heading in their separate directions.
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masterlist || next || previous
☞ Fateful encounters happen all the time. When you find yourself after a bad breakup getting pressured by friends into making an online dating profile, you give in and do it. The fateful encounter to come wasn’t quite what you were expecting though.
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A/N: this took a while, but oh well- hopefully it’s not horrible. The party really begins next update😌
taglist: @kookie-doughs @sparklylandflaplawyer @azztronut @channiechanchan @choke-medazai @420-uwu @afire24
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izzytheauthor · 4 years
Peppermint Winter (Weasley Family x Weasley!Reader)
Pairing: Weasley Family x Weasley!Reader (I'm pretty sure it's gender neutral, but let me know if I missed something!)
Summary: Christmas Eve is always magical at the Burrow, but there's something special in the air this year. Based on the song Peppermint Winter by Owl City.
Author's Note: I meant to have this done last night for Christmas Eve, so sorry for the delay! I don't think I've ever listened to a song as many times as I did for this fic. Thanks to my new website I now know exactly how insane I am listening to this song for 5+ hours. Whoops. I picture this fic happening in the Twin's first year and the year before you attend Hogwarts, but I suppose it can be read however you wish. Just a really fluffy fic for Christmas because it's my favorite holiday and this is one of my favorite songs.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Food, but I think that's it. Just a bunch of fluff.
General Taglist: @dogweedanddeathcaps @jenniweaslee @sanitisegermsfree @lostaurorax @loony-loopy-lupinn @freddielupin @lxvegoods
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There's the snow, look out below // And bundle up cause here it comes // Run outside, so starry eyed // A snowball fight breaks out
Life at the Burrow was always a bit crazy no matter the time of year, but there was nothing quite like Christmas with your family.
This year was even better than normal. You hadn’t had a Christmas all together since Bill graduated from Hogwarts to become a curse breaker. That changed this year when he finally got to take a few days off to be with the family.
But even with the extra magic in the air that came with having your family together, there was something missing this year. Something big.
For the first time in your life, there was no snow on the ground here at the Burrow on Christmas Eve.
You had made the best of it though. You and Molly had baked dozens of cookies to give to the neighbors. Celestina Warbeck’s Christmas album had been playing every waking moment for the last week. And of course the house was decorated from top to bottom like something out of a muggle magazine (minus the stupefied gnome that topped the tree).
Christmas Eve dinner had been delicious, as usual. Molly was quite possibly the best cook in the world, and she always proved it during the holidays. The meal had been filled with smiles and laughter, as well as the occasional argument between Percy and the twins. But overall, it was everything you could have asked for from your family.
Molly passed around a tray of cookies you’d baked together earlier that day, everyone taking more than their fair share.
“These look great mum.” Charlie complimented.
You coughed dramatically and stared at him expectantly.
“And Y/N of course. How could I forget? You helped by licking the spoon.” He winked.
Your jaw dropped open, but Molly interrupted before you could get a single word out.
“Now, now. Y/N helped me decorate some of them.” She smiled, digging through the pile to find one you had done. “Ah, there’s one. Doesn’t it look wonderful?” She asked, showing off the cookie that was completely covered in frosting and sprinkles.
“It looks like a unicorn threw up on it.” Fred said, causing the table to erupt into laughter.
You sat pouting, but Molly came to your rescue.
“Well I think it looks wonderful.” She said, putting it on her plate before passing the tray to you.
“LOOK!” Ginny yelled, pointing out the window.
You almost dropped the tray in surprise before turning to see what she was pointing at.
Outside a steady stream of fluffy white flakes drifted down from the sky, illuminated by the light from the full moon. At some point during your dinner a blizzard had started outside, creating a pristine layer of snow.
You abandoned the cookies, rushing to the window and pressing your face to the glass. Within seconds you were fogging it up, but you didn’t care. You were just happy to finally see the snow.
“Let’s go!” Ron exclaimed, already out of his chair and running to the door.
He stopped in his tracks, turning back to face his mum with wide eyes.
“You can’t possibly think you’re going outside at this time of night.” She scolded, hands on her hips.
His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, unsure of what to say.
Arthur looked around at the longing eyes of his children that were still trained on the window behind him and smiled.
“Now Molly, it’s Christmas Eve. Let them go play.”
“I’ll go too mum, I’ll keep an eye on everyone.” Bill added.
Everyone’s eyes drifted to their mother, waiting as she thought over her answer.
“Oh, alright!”
She had hardly gotten the words out when the sound of chairs scraping against the wooden floor filled the room, all of her children eager to get their coats on and head outside into the winter wonderland.
You were halfway to the door when you spun back to grab a cookie. As you did, you saw that Percy was still sitting at the table with your parents and you shook your head with a smile.
“Come on Perce!” You said, tugging on his sleeve.
Despite his protests, you didn’t miss the little twitch of a smile he tried to hide. You knew he loved you all, he just didn’t always know how to show it.
You and your siblings stumbled over each other trying to get your snow gear on and be the first out the door. Ron won that race having had a head start, but the rest of you followed quickly behind.
You and Ginny held hands and spun in circles together, heads thrown back and mouths open to catch snowflakes on your tongues. Giggles erupted from the two of you as you began to get dizzy, but neither of you wanted to stop.
That is until something hard hit your shoulder.
The two of you snapped your heads to the side, seeing the twins laughing to themselves.
You had hardly processed what had happened when you felt a half-formed snowball slam on the top of your head. Your jaw dropped as your hands moved to your hair, suddenly regretting that you’d forgone a hat in your hurry to get outside.
You turned to Ginny who was now laughing so hard she could hardly breathe.
“It’s every wizard for themselves!” You yelled, quickly packing a snowball and throwing it at an unsuspecting Ginny, running away before she could get her revenge.
Runny nose, my frosty toes // Are getting cold but I feel alive so I smile wide // The snowflakes start falling and I start to float // 'Til my mean older brother stuffs snow down my coat
The snowball fight died down after a while, a truce being declared when your fingers became too cold to form any more snowballs.
Unfortunately, the terms of the truce included the twins claiming victory. You all disagreed with that call, but the fight would have gone on for another hour if you hadn’t agreed with it.
You could hardly feel your toes anymore, and you’d begun sniffling about halfway through the battle, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. As cold and tired as you were, you never wanted this moment to end.
While the snow was no longer untouched, you still thought it was the most beautiful sight you’d ever seen. The snow was still falling, but at a much slower rate, and the wind had died down as well, leaving the flakes to dance gracefully to the ground on their own. The tree branches were topped with a layer of snow, and you wondered how long it would last before it melted and turned to icicles instead. But best of all, the front yard was now home to eight snow angels, one for each of you.
A figure appeared at your side, and when you turned around you found George next to you studying the snow angels just as you had been.
“I can’t believe we got Percy to make one.”
You shrugged. “He’s not that bad.”
He turned to look at you in disbelief. “He sucks the fun out of everything. Hogwarts has been great, but he seems to be around every corner ruining all the fun. I’m sure it’ll be even worse next year if he makes Prefect like Bill and Charlie did.”
“You probably deserve it though.” You laughed, but your smile faded as you noticed the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Perhaps.” He winked.
Before you could turn around, you felt something ice cold drip down your back.
Your eyes widened as you spun around to catch Fred laughing behind you, his mittens still covered in snow.
“FRED!” You screamed. “What happened to the truce?”
He and George spun around and ran, laughing all the way.
“That wasn’t technically a snowball!” They chorused in sync.
You grabbed a handful of snow of your own, and ran after their retreating figures, determined to give them a taste of their own medicine.
All this holiday cheer // Heaven knows where it goes // But it returns every year
Molly eventually put an end to the winter shenanigans and called you all back inside. As you walked through the doorway and stripped from your winter clothes, she handed you each a mug of hot chocolate.
“Thanks mum.” You smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek as you walked into the living room to cuddle up by the fireplace.
You and Ginny sat on the floor together, sharing a blanket. It was just large enough to wrap around both of your shoulders as long as you sat close enough. The warmth that radiated from the blanket and the fireplace was nothing compared to the warmth in your heart as you looked around at the rest of your family.
Molly and Arthur sat together on the couch cuddled up together, Arthur pressing a gentle kiss to Molly’s cheek. Percy had hardly touched his hot chocolate, instead giving his complete focus to the book he was reading. Bill sat in the rocking chair with his eyes closed, gently rocking back and forth to the beat of Celestina Warbeck’s Nothing Like a Holiday Spell as it played on the radio. Fred and George sat by the tree whispering to themselves as they pointed at different presents, probably trying to guess what was inside them. Charlie seemed to be doing the same thing you were, sitting in the arm chair and stirring his hot chocolate as he looked around the room with a content smile. And you could just barely see Ron from where you were sitting. He was in the kitchen by the cookies, and you had no doubt he was stuffing his face with them.
There was something in the air tonight. Maybe it was the Christmas miracle of getting a white Christmas just hours before Christmas arrived. Maybe it was because for once in your life your family was quiet and peaceful, just enjoying each other’s company. Or maybe there was just something about the holidays that felt magical.
Whatever it was, you wanted to savor it while it lasted.
What's December without Christmas Eve?
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hqxreader · 4 years
feel sad... just thinking about soft sachi holding my face and telling me he loves me... maybe a kiss on the forehead and nose and lips if i'm lucky... that's all...
*sniff* me too 😭🤧kid you not my whole week has just been ‘Sachi? mhm Sachi’ all day long and then tiktok going and rubbing in my face how freaking single I am. it’s great
let’s write quick little blurb cause this is adorable and me and Ellie both need it
*lets write a quick blurb i say HA 750 words later here we are*
Okay Enjoy! I suggest listening to your favorite cheesy romance song while reading this, cause why not? 💕
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Not everyday is a great day, that much is known about the world. Maybe you spill coffee on one of your favorite shirts, that only 10% chance of rain turns into a 100% downpour on your way home, or it was simply a rough day at work. 
Or if the world really hated you that day, it would be all three combined. 
Walking into your shared apartment, you felt as if you had been submerged in a pool. You were drenched, soaked shoes squishing with every step. 
Closing and locking the door, you stood on the welcome mat for a moment.
Footsteps echoed through the apartment as your boyfriend rounded the corner towards you, “Welcome home, love- y/n? Hey, what happened?” Sachirou grabbed a towel that lied on the dryer machine as he quickly walked towards you.
He wrapped the towel around your shoulders, the material soaking up some water. “So, I’m going to assume you didn’t go dancing in the rain?”  
You shook your head, pulling the towel closer around you. Sachirou bent down, taking off your shoes one at a time. “Yeah, you can’t go dancing without me, can you?” 
Another shake of your head and a small smile grew on your face at the tall brunettes question. In all honesty, he wasn’t wrong, dancing without him didn’t feel right. Even if it took awhile to drag him out on the dance floor, whether that dance floor the street out in the rain or at an actual party, he was always fun to dance with. 
“It was just a really rough day, Sachi. It felt like everything went wrong.” 
Sachirou hummed in understanding, standing back up to grab the towel and dry other parts of your body such as your arms and legs. “Well tell me love bug, what went so horribly wrong today?” 
Exhaling a deep breath, you weren’t sure where to start. 
Since you woke up late this morning, you weren’t able to make your morning cup of coffee here at home. Using the crappy brewer at work, you were just about to take a sip when your clumsy co-worker stumbled into you, spilling the hot coffee all over your shirt. They apologized profusely, but you knew the damage was done and there was no way you could get the stain out.  
“Ah, that would explain the brown spot and why you smell like coffee.”
After that incident, your boss gave you an insane amount of work, nearly double the amount you normally did on a daily basis. You were able to finish it all by the end of the day, proud of yourself for completing it all. That didn’t mean you weren’t nearly drained of all your energy and felt like dozing off right there on your desk. 
“My poor love doesn’t deserve all that work. You work the hardest out of anyone there. If anything those lazy jerks should’ve gotten the work and gotten a wake up call.”
And lastly, the reason why Sachirou stood in front of you towel drying your hair. When you had checked the forecast that morning, it only read as a 10% chance of rain that evening. Therefore you departed home without your umbrella or raincoat. Oh how the weather forecasters like to lie. Leaving work, there were dark clouds in the sky, waiting for the message to start a downpour. You hoped you could make it back before it started, but just five minutes away on your walk home, the warm rain came crashing down. 
“Well you know what they say, y/n. You should be careful when it rains cats and dogs, you just might step in a poodle!” 
Grins broke out on your faces and both of you started laughing uncontrollably. “Hirugami Sachirou, what am I going to do with you?”  
His grin softened into a smile as he cupped your face. “Well that’s up to you,” he whispered, leaning down closer to you and tilting your chin up.
“But just know,” he placed a light kiss on your forehead. Your eyelids fluttered closed, grin turning into a smile. 
“I really, really,” Sachirou peppered butterfly kisses across your cheeks and nose. A quiet giggle made its way from you at how it tickled.
“love you.” He murmured against your lips, before pressing his lips against yours in a slow, gentle kiss. You took a step closer, hands wrapping around him.
Yeah, you really, really loved him too. 
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I hope you enjoyed! 💕💕
Taglist: @akasgisrightsactivist @yams046 @sunarincakes @kkoalaworld @sachirou-senpai @osamusriceballz @edvigelacivetta @tris-does-stuff @ylxxia @kageyuji @isentsworld @aaakaaashii @ahkaahshi @sachrious @pretty-setters
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imastrangeone98 · 5 years
Lost and Found - Chapter 13: Dante
(A/N: chapter 12 took a while to write... sorry about that. this also took a while to write... again, I am sorry. midterm season is here and I need to get ready for all the shitty essays I'm about to pull out of my ass XD. I'm now simultaneously writing for two stories- this one and bnha... maybe three if I'm considering the mandalorian... yea I just love putting work on myself)
TRIGGER WARNING: brief description of murder and suicide. nothing graphic, but it’s mentioned. again, I cannot emphasize this enough- plz don’t hurt yourself. you’re worth more than you can imagine, and there are so many people who care and love you. faith loves you! <3
(ps this will follow the same key as the last chapter- italics for memories, bold for memory within the memory, and normal for present events)
I found this poem on Pinterest- I think it’s pretty accurate
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It felt like hours.
Logically, Dante knew that it was probably shorter than that- maybe half an hour, at most.
But as he stared down at the three glimmering shards in his palm, he felt as if time had stood still as he remembered-
“Please don’t do this,” Faith pleaded to her friend, arms outstretched. “There’s nothing wrong with who you are!”
The boy just gave her a sad smile. “You’re wrong, Faith. Everything’s wrong with me. Everything.”
His feet slipped on the railing-
“Leave me and go,” Vergil spat, clutching his amulet to his chest, “if you don’t want to be trapped in the demon world.”
And Dante watched helplessly as his only family slipped through his fingers, watched as his twin sailed to his death with a smile on his face-
As if he was happy to leave him behind. As if he was happy to abandon him.
Dante flinched. The shards nearly spilled to the bone-laden ground, and he brought them close to his chest.
“You don’t understand anything.”
He gritted his teeth. His grip on the shards tightened.
“You know nothing of what I went through!”
His fists clenched, and he considered punching himself in the face.
He messed up.
Thoughts clouded his vision so heavily that he almost walked past the shard.
The whispers caught his attention.
He stumbled towards it.
“...don’t leave until...”
He reached out to grab it-
He was stuffed in a small cabinet, a little girl sitting next to him. The soft light above was blocked out by the tall figure squatting in front of them.
“Listen to me, 믿음아,” the man whispered, gently cradling the girl’s face in his hands. “You need to stay here and hide. Don’t leave until I come back to get you, okay? Promise?”
Dante looked at the little girl, and noted her unmistakeable golden eyes. He was surprised to see how animated they were.
“Where are you going, 아빠?” she asked as she reached out to grab his hand. “Am I in trouble?”
“No, honey,” he reassured her. “I just need to check that loud noise we heard earlier. I promise I’ll be back.”
“I need to find Vergil. I promise I’ll be back.”
Dante’s head ached.
“믿음아, listen very carefully to what I’m about to say,” her father said. “No matter what happens, don’t come out until I come to get you. And if I don’t come back, wait for 30 minutes- remember how to count time?- and run to Ms. Baxter’s as fast as you can. Don’t stop for anyone, understand?”
“You need to hide, Dante. No matter what happens, you mustn’t leave! Be a big boy... A man, huh? If I don’t return, you must run. By yourself, alone.”
His heart felt about as heavy as boulders.
“What do you mean, 아빠?”
“Promise me. Pinky promise.”
They linked their pinkies.
“Are you coming back?” Little Faith asked.
“...Yes, I will,” her father assured her. His voice trembled as he spoke.
Dante knew instantly that he was lying. He wouldn’t come back alive. He wouldn’t come back at all.
Just like his mother.
It was dark and quiet in the cabinet. Little Faith sat silently, her hands folded neatly in her lap. Though there was no smoke, Dante’s lungs felt like they were about to collapse.
And then they heard the screams. Muffled, full of pain, just like-
Just like his mother.
Little Faith tensed. “Daddy...” She pried open the cabinet door.
Dante froze. “No!” He reached out to grab her, but his hands phased through. “No, don’t!”
She would see the blood. The glassy eyes. The cold skin. The death.
Just like he did.
“Faith! Wait!” He phased through the cabinet door and ran after her, watched as she snuck out the door, watched as she carefully approached the shadowed lump on the floor-
His nose wrinkled. The air stank of death.
“아빠?” Little Faith nudged the body of her dead father. “Are you sleeping?”
Dante moved close to her and kneeled next to the body. Words bounced around his mind, but none of them went close to his mouth.
I understand, he wanted to say. I understand now.
I was wrong.
“아빠,” she repeated, nudging her father harder. “It’s cold outside, let’s go back in.”
The sound of fluttering wings grew louder in the background.
Dante’s hand phased through her back. “You need to go. The angels are coming.”
Naturally, Little Faith didn’t hear him. “아빠, you’re not feeling anything.” Her voice trembled. “You’re... you’re just sleeping, right?”
He didn’t respond.
The beating wings began to grow even louder than before. Dante began to panic. “Faith! Come on, you need to get out of here!”
Little Faith must have noticed that it was no longer silent. She carefully rolled her father onto his back and closed his eyes. “I’ll go to Ms. Baxter’s now. I’ll be back, okay? Please start feeling again.”
“He didn’t.”
Dante blinked. Little Faith was still running down the road, but it was like the world had slowed to a standstill. The moonlight above moved like liquid silver. Technically, nothing should have moved, let alone speak.
But that voice...
He turned around to see-
“Faith?” he asked, bolting to his feet. “Is that you?”
She was silent as she drifted past him, and approached her father’s body. She kneeled beside him, lovingly patting his head.
“Faith... I-“
“My dad was a violinist,” she murmured, her fingers phasing through her father’s hair. “He taught me everything I know about playing. I... I think he knew I was a nephilim; that’s why he wanted me so close to him. He knew who my mom was.”
His tongue felt like lead. His mouth tasted like metal.
“I never got to see him again. I never got to say goodbye.”
His hands shook. In the darkest corners of his mind, he could see brief flashes of blond hair.
He never got to see his mother again. He never got to say goodbye.
“He died protecting me.” Her voice trembled. “He died because of me. It’s all my fault.”
“You don’t understand anything. You know nothing of what I went through!”
...It’s all my fault.
“No, it’s not.”
Faith stared down at her father’s body. When she spoke, her voice was hollow. “You don’t know that.”
“But I do.” He sat next to her. For a second, his hands reached out to hold her. He forced them back. “I do understand. We’re the same.”
Without realizing, his fingertips grazed the skin of her arm. She flinched away; her eyes burned with an emotion that was all too familiar to him- fear.
His heart ached.
“But we’re not the same! You said so yourself, didn’t you?!”
“...I did.”
“So how are we the same?! I’ve seen your past- you didn’t mean to hurt them! You didn’t know what was going to happen! I DID! Everyone I loved died because of me! I felt the bad things about to happen, and I didn’t do anything to stop it! You’re nothing like me, because YOU’RE NOT A MONSTER!”
Her knees buckled, and she collapsed to the floor. Loud, horrible sobs erupted from her throat.
Dante stared at her. His hands twitched at his sides. She was wrong; he knew she was wrong. But what could he say? That he didn’t know how that felt? That he didn’t know what it felt like to be a monster? A demon?
But he did know. He knew that feeling all too well.
He kept his mouth shut.
“I- I’m sorry,” she whispered, feebly wiping her tears. “I’m sorry.”
Dante sat next to her, and wrapped his arms around his knees. “Why? You have nothing to be sorry about.”
They sat there together. Little Faith had disappeared. The stars above them dimmed; the moonlight began to fade at the edges.
“Everything,” she croaked. “I have everything to be sorry about.” She wiped her tears again; more kept coming. He fought the urge to wipe them away. “The angels were right: I brought nothing but death and despair everywhere I went. I’m nothing more than a harbinger of misery to all the people I love.”
He bit his tongue.
Not to me.
She sniffled. “I see them everywhere. In the sunlight, in the dandelions, in the children playing in the park. And it hurts. It hurts to see them alive in so many different things, and not have them with me.” In the dim light, her gold eyes looked like tin. “I miss them. I miss my dad.”
He inhaled the fresh air. A slow breeze swept over them. “I miss my mom.”
She turned to look at him.
Dante swallowed. The lump in his throat disappeared quicker than he realized. “When she died, I thought I lost everything. I had no one to turn to- everyone I met was always trying to kill me. Demons, insane bank loaners... my own brother.” He ran a hand through his hair. “To be honest, I was scared through all of it. I do my best to try and block it out, and I look all apathetic and shit... but I miss her. I miss her everyday.”
The stars twinkled out of existence. In the distance, the horizon began to turn gray.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Faith murmured. Her fingers gently brushed over his hand. “Losing someone you love is the most painful thing in the world.”
“Yeah.” His hand turned upward and their palms connected. Their fingers laced together. “I’m sorry. At the office, when I said that you didn’t understand me... I was wrong. You’re probably one of the few people who understand me better than anyone else.” He gazed into her eyes; in the lightening sky, they were like amber.
He finally understood what bugs felt like before they were trapped in it for eternity- lost in their beauty, and unwilling to leave it.
“I’m sorry.” He gripped her hand a little tighter. “I hurt you. I was a horrible friend.”
Faith started to shake her head, but he kept going.
“The more I learn about you, the more I realize that I’m not good enough to be your friend; I’m not good enough for you. I’m not good like you are.” He pressed his forehead on their intertwined hands. Tears stained their skin. “I’ll be better. I’ll work hard every day to make myself a better person for you. I’m so sorry, Faith, I’m so sorry...”
A warm hand ran through his hair. It drifted down to his cheek, and gently nudged his chin upwards. It felt so comforting; he closed his eyes, unable to stop himself from leaning into her.
“You were always good enough for me,” she whispered. “Please don’t think otherwise.”
And when she hugged him, he didn’t think. How could he when he felt so much at home?
Surrounded by warmth. Surrounded by her scent.
His nose brushed against the skin of her jawline.
The urge itched.
His teeth sank into her neck.
But if she was upset, he couldn’t tell. Her warm hands continued to rub small circles on his back. A small song erupted from her throat, soft and sweet.
It felt like home.
The sky turned gold at the edges.
The three of them laid side by side. The bones underneath them shifted.
Faith’s eyelids twitched.
A/N: IM FINALLY DONE! This thing has been kicking my ass for a while
Also finals are coming so updates are probably gonna be longer..... sorry 😅
Edit: read chapter 14! :D
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lukasmcsbr · 6 years
MCSM Season 3 Chapter 4:The Ender Pearls
Hey guys,it's the writer here,just want to remind you all to please share this chapter so more people can see this,nos let's get this reading started:
When Aiden,Lukas and Jesse arrive at the Old Order's temple,they met with Axel,Olivia Petra and Radar,who were talking about the heist at the treasure hall in Beacontown
Olivia:Did someone got hurt?
Radar:A few guards got killed,we saw their inventories,that's why i came runnig here,to alert u guys
Petra:Look it's Jesse and Lukas
All(except Radar):AIDEN?!?!?!?
They all draw their weapons
Jesse:Guys wait,he's with us!
Lukas:Yeah,he's no longer our enemy,he ditched the Blaze Rods and now is a member of the New Order of the Stone
Aiden:That's right...
Olivia:Now that's a surprise...
Petra:This is more surprising then the raid at the Treasure hall
Lukas,Jesse and Aiden:WHAT?!?!?
They all get silent
Jesse:But...How?There were guards and...wait,who raid it?
Axel:The group that your new friend says he ditched,like we would believe him
Radar:Yes Jesse,they were in a large group and they...killed the guards...
Petra:Were sorry...
Jesse:I...what did they stole?
Axel:An relic that we got a few months ago...some pearl
Ivor:[Sneaks behind them]Not some pearl...
Petra:Ivor you bundle!!!
Lukas:Where did you even came from?
Ivor:A ninja never reveals his secrets,you should know that
Jesse:Wait do you know something about the Pearl that The Blaze Rods stole?
Ivor:Yes,it's not just a normal Pearl,it's one of three Pearls called:The Ender Pearls
Olivia:Ender Pearls already exist and are pretty rare actually...
Ivor:They're not some normal warping pearls,these three main Ender Pearls were created by the Admin know as Fred,each one have powers that can be given to it's wearers,if they place the Pearls in their bodies,they gain the power of revenge,the power to deceive and the power to hate
Axel:What if the Blaze Rods get ALL three?
Ivor:You must not let that happen!
All(except Jesse Lukas and Aiden):WHY?
Jesse:They would have the power to bring back...The Admin!
Petra:Can...they really do that?
Ivor:I'm afraid yes
Radar:We have to stop them!
Jesse:We will,If they bring Romeo back from the dead,he will have an absolute power given by the pearls
Petra:How do you know that?
Aiden:I told them
Axel,Olivia and Petra:YOU?
Radar:Wait who are you by the way?
Axel:He's a punk that destroyed an entire city and hurt lots of people with his friends,we can't trust him,nor accept him in the Order!
Olivia:Axel calm down,we should give him a chance,it's been seven years since we fought him
Aiden:Yeah,please,i swear i have good intentions to join the Order,listen,to prove that i've changed,i'm gonna tell you guys were the second Ender Pearl is hidden
Jesse:Wait,you didn't mentioned THAT in the forest!
Aiden:It wans't relevant at the moment,but it's gonna be easy to get it,Isa haves it in her new palace at Sky City's lands
Jesse:Then let's go there to warn them
Petra:Wait,he's coming?
Ivor:C'mon,i can be very useful with my ninja abilities
Jesse:Whatever...let's get to the Treasure Hall,take the Enchanted Flint and Steel and get ourselves there
Aiden:Can i...go with you guys?
All(except Lukas,Jesse,Ivor and Radar):NO!
Jesse:Guys,he's on our side now,he wants to make amends with us all
Ivor:Can we go now please?
Petra:Okay...[sneaks behind Jesse as they're heading to the Treasure Hall]Hey Jesse,are you sure we can fuly trust Aiden?I mean,he kicked you from a cliff,didn't he?
Jesse:Yeah,i'm not to sure about my decision of letting him join us,but what choice do we have,The Blaze Rods out-number us very greatly,we need all the help we can get,besides,i'm keeping an eye on him
They arrive at the Treasure Hall,see the deceased guard's inventories,and mourn over them
Axel:They fought bravely
Olivia:So disturbing...How could they do this to them?
Aiden:Well,spending seven years in jail made Gill and Maya a little...sadistic over you guys,Maya specially got crazy and insane,she giggles at random times for no reason,i could hear her laughing beaneath my underground prison,Gill got very psycopathic too,i mean,he enjoyed beating up other prisoners in lunch time at prison
Olivia:Weird,they only stole the Ender Pearl of Vengeance and left all these other rare treasures and relics?
Aiden:Nah,they don't really care for treasures and stuff,their main goal is ressurrect The Admin and use his powers for no good
Ivor:Hey,i am the redeemed historian here,you copycat
Lukas:Just quit it you two
Lukas:Jesse...are you ok?
Jesse:[Looks distraught at his personal security general's inventory]They're gonna pay for this...let's go to that temple and light up that dimensional portal
They take the enchanted flint and steel and head to the temple's portal
Jesse:Light it up!
Olivia lights up the portal with the flint and steel
Lukas:Is everyone ready?
Olivia:I sure am
Axel:Let's do this!
Petra:Let's kick their butts
Radar:Um...yeah,let's show them what we got
Aiden:I'm ready
Jesse:Guys,lets be heroes again!
They start to go into the portal
They go throught the portal,then the Blaze Rods show up
Maya:Um,this is gonna be fun!
BR member:Man,she gives me the creeps
Maya:I heard that,who said it?Say it so i can raise my sais to the dead one
(she uses two iron sais as weapons ok?)
BR member:err...
Gill:Calm down Maya,were gonna have better...espectators...to threaten hehe
They all go throught the portal
So guys,here's chapter 4 of my concept plot for Minecraft Story Mode season 3,i hope you all enjoyed this chapter,which focus around Aiden being accepted by the other members of the New Order of the Stone and the return of Ivor,please share this so i can keep having the motivation to keep writing to you guys,i hope u all enjoyed😅
PS:Chapter five may come out very soon,so stay connected✌
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
oh heyyyy can i please have pirate mechanic and 22?? I'M SO EXCITED
…in a rush of adrenaline.
Raven wasn’t one to be afraid of anything, ever. She was a zero g mechanic, a literal ASTRONAUT, who had been to OUTER SPACE in nothing more than a space suit, for fucks sake. She’d been sky diving, bungee jumping, zip lining, she used to go bouldering off the sides of mountains for fun before she got hurt and her leg wouldn’t let her. She was an adrenaline junkie, to put it mildly, but the one thing she never, ever did, was ride a motorcycle. Everything else, every other insane crazy thing she did, there was a modicum of safety to it. In space, everyone was trained to know exactly what to do, and everything was tested to perfection before she went. Sure it was dangerous, but it was all SCIENCE. She wasn’t afraid of science. Sky diving and bungee jumping and zip lining were SAFE, they had to be for people to be able to pay to do it as excursions. Normal average people could go bungee jumping on vacation. Bouldering was a little risky, but she never went high enough that she could have DIED from the fall, maybe gotten pretty hurt, but she went with friends, and knew the safety rules. Motorcycles though? There was nothing safe about that. In a fast car, you had some kind of buffer, some level of protection from seatbelts and airbags, but on a motorcycle you had nothing. You were out in the open, strapped to nothing, a helmet and some leather if you were smart, flying down the road. When she saw motorcycles weaving in and out of cars on the freeway, she scoffed, and hoped she wouldn’t see them being scraped off the road with a shovel later. She assumed no smart person would ever put themselves in that kind of danger.
And then she met Ezekiel Shaw.
Zeke used to be an Air Force Pilot, and then he was a scientist for NASA. He worked on the crafts on the ground that she worked on in space, and was damn good at it, though she’d never tell him that. He was brilliant, the first person she ever met who could match wits with her day in, day out. And Zeke Shaw rode his Harley into work. Every. Single. Day.
She scolded him for it when they first met, spouting statistics about deaths by motorcycle at him from memory, but he just smirked, waved her off, called her a “fraidy-cat” (yes, he used that exact phrase. He wasn’t catholic anymore, but he had been raised that way, and never swore, ever), and tugged his helmet on, roaring away out of the parking lot while she climbed into her car.
Her relationship with Zeke was a complex one. On the one hand, he was her friend, a great friend, a confidant who she bounced ideas off of and worked well with, her equal in brains and wit. On the other hand, he was delicious to look at and Raven wanted to jump his bones. This combination made the fact that he rode that stupid motorcycle very troubling to her, and it took a toll on her mental state. She got in the habit of calling him around the time she knew he’d be home every day, under the guise of wanting to talk about work or some new theory she was studying, but really she was just checking to make sure he made it home every day, alive. She always offered to swing by and pick him up when they would make plans, even though it was well out of her way, because the idea of him getting on that bike to come see her and then becoming road burn in the process made her sick to her stomach, but he always turned her down, and always showed up in one piece.
They had known each other about a year and 3 months, when the universe conspired against her.
She had called Zeke to see if he wanted to come into work with her on a Sunday and help her run a simulation she had been tossing around, and he lept at the chance, like always. He had been helping her write the simulation, and plan the program for almost two months, and she knew he’d want to see it through. It was pouring rain, so she offered him a ride, as always, and he turned her down, as always, showing up to work at the same time as she did even though she knew he lived an extra 15 minutes further away. They spent the whole Sunday in the lab, downing espresso shots from the bosses machine in her office and running and re-running the simulation, ordering thai takeout while they tried to get it perfect. It was late, almost 9pm, when they finally called it a day, and headed out the door, walked into the parking lot, and Raven realised she had left her lights on all day long. She tried to start her car twice, but she knew she would need a jump and there was no one around , the lab was almost 10 miles from town. She thought about calling a tow, but calling a tow for a jump seemed stupid, there would be people at the office tomorrow who could give her a jump, and she was halfway through trying to price out an Uber when Zeke shoved a helmet in front of her face.
“Come on Reyes, you’re really gonna pay for an Uber when I can just take you home myself?”
“No way. No way in hell am i getting on that deathtrap.” She kept typing in her address.
“You’ll have to get one back in the morning too, and you know its like… 30 bucks both ways. Thats $60 you could avoid by just strapping on this helmet and letting me take you home.”
“No way!! I dont care how much it costs, im so not doing that.”
“Look. I know you think its unsafe, but the rain stopped at like noon, the roads are bone dry, and I promise ill go slow.” He had this twinkle in his eye that was very distracting, and the sight of him holding that helmet, leaning against the hood of her car, was doing funny things to her stomach. She glared at him.
“Do you kn-“
“do you know how many people die on those things every day?” He raised his voice a bit, to a squeaky annoying pitch, and had to jump away when she smacked at him.
“The only reason you got away is because im a cripple.” She snarked, and he laughed. “Yeah sure, blame the leg.” He said, dancing a little further away, and then coming in close, holding the helmet out. “You can pay for that Uber if you want, but I promise, I wont let anything happen to you.” She eyed him, and the bike, wary.
“Come on Reyes, you ride up into space on a ship i work on.” His voice was all teasing, but there was something else dancing behind his eyes. “Don’t you trust me, Raven?”
He barely ever used her first name, but his sincerity was like a gut punch. He was standing really close now, just enough space for the helmet between them. Finally, she took a deep breath, shut her eyes, and grabbed the helmet in both hands.
“If we die on this damn bike, I’m going to spend our entire afterlife beating your ass.” She said, pulling it down over her head, walking over to the bike.
He sat down on the front, popping the kick stand and sliding forward enough for her to fit. He pulled out a small metal bar that had been hidden in the bike, on her right side. She knew she looked shocked, and even though he couldn’t see it through the helmet, he knew anyway.
“I was always hoping i’d get you on this thing, so i added a place for you to put your leg, since i know you can’t keep it bent for so long.” She couldn’t see his face either, and she thought maybe that was a good thing. She slid onto the bike, behind him, and propped her leg up on the stand, wrapping her arms around his solid middle.
“Remember. If we die. Perpetual ghost world ass kicking.” She called, as the bike roared to life, vibrating underneath her. He laughed, nodding, and they took off.
The speed of it was unreal, the wind whipping all her clothes and the hair that was coming out of the bottom of her helmet, and she held on tighter as the sped up. He zipped down the roads, taking every turn with ease, and even though she knew he had to be going slower than he normally did, her heart rate was a million beats a minute and she could feel her adrenaline rushing through her body. She squeezed him again, and he took one hand off the bike for a second to squeeze her forearm, to reassure her. She kept her head on his shoulder, and somehow keeping her eyes open was better than closed, so she just watched as the trees zipped by, and headlights from other cars came in and out of view. The longer they rode, the more comfortable she got, and soon it was just a rush of adrenaline, and she could feel herself loosening up, smiling, until she finally sat back a little, keeping herself still firmly around his waist, and whooped into the night air. He turned his head, and she couldn’t see his face but she knew he was laughing at her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The ride took about 20 minutes, and when they pulled into her complex parking lot, her heart rate wouldn’t quit. He popped the kick stand on his bike, and they pulled off their helmets. He got off first, and helped her off, and maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the blood rushing through her ears, or maybe it was just him, close and tall and grinning ear to ear, but something came over her.
“See, Reyes, told you you wo-“
She cut him off with her lips, throwing her arms around his neck, running her fingers over his scalp and pulling him down to her, kissing him hard. He was frozen in shock for a second, but then he responded with ferocity. He opened his mouth to her, letting her tongue slide across his teeth, and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her into the air and spinning her around. When he set her back on solid ground, and they broke the kiss, she tucked her face into his chest, holding him close.
“If you say I told you so, I’ll never kiss you again.” She muttered into his chest.
“Does that mean if i DON’T say it, you will kiss me again?” The hopeful tilt to his voice got her to look up, and his eyes were bright, a smile threatening to break his cheeks. She leaned up, pressing a kiss into his cheek.
“So I’ll definitely need that ride in the morning.” She whispered, into his ear, close and intentionally low.
“Yeah,” he said, failing at nonchalant, “what time should i swing by.”
She smirked up at him, taking him by the hand, leading him towards the door of her building.
“I’d say just whenever we wake up is good.” He tugged her back in for a kiss, quick and easy. The adrenaline was still rushing in her ears as she tugged him into her apartment, towards her room, but she wasn’t sure it was from the motorcycle anymore.
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capriciouswrites · 7 years
"She stares up at him and then at the sky. Jemma would be dead without him – he showed up with water after she’d walked around in another endless circle; she doesn’t know how long she’s been here – but then, her sense of time has been damaged for a while – but she thinks she’s already sick of the perpetual twilight." from the "I'm not surprised you killed him" drabble please?
This is for the 500 word section DVD commentary, which I am still accepting! (I’m just being slow about it)
Please read not really surprised that you murdered him (and also “princess dragon dream” and continuation, since it’s all the same...story or something.)
She stares up at him and then at the sky. Jemma would be dead without him – he showed up with water after she’d walked around in another endless circle; she doesn’t know how long she’s been here – but then, her sense of time has been damaged for a while – but she thinks she’s already sick of the perpetual twilight.
Under a cut for potential spoilers, I guess? Since there’s more than one part? Yeah, that seems reasonable.
Jemma is not doing well here. She hasn’t been doing well in any of these three little drabbles, so that’s really no surprise. Part of Grant’s attempts to ‘break’ her, as it were, before she jumped through this hoop, definitely involved throwing her off balance by making her unaware of the time. So lights going off like it was “night” when it was barely noon, then on again just a few hours later -- feeding her on irregular schedules (but insisting it was the same time and acting all concerned when she wasn’t hungry/was really hungry b/c it had been too long). Also, she is terribly out of shape -- we don’t think of Jemma as being a fitness guru at any point, but she’s at least healthy and (in canon) can survive on her own on scary alien planets when she’s normal. Here she most definitely can’t. 
When the monolith first spit her out she ran as far and as hard as she could -- because she assumed Grant was going to follow her and this was different and then he didn’t (she would’ve heard him calling or he would’ve found her) and she honestly hasn’t moved much from that spot, since. She’s walked a little, because she does want to survive, but she’s also weak and thirsty and hungry and some small part of her is clamoring to go back to where it was safe, locked up by Grant and she is pretty freaked out to find that part of her existence is there -- and that’s when Hive shows up.
And he gave her water. And she’s grateful -- but at the same time she hates him a little, because he saved her, because maybe he’ll be like Grant and try to keep her, because he isn’t Grant -- and because she doesn’t want to dwell on any of that, she turns her attention to the sky and to the twilight. 
She is...ridiculously glad to be seeing a sky, but this twilight is just...not what she wants. She hasn’t seen the sun in...forever. She wants the sun.
(And the whole time, Hive is watching her and trying to decide if she’s loyal, insane, stupid or suicidal -- and he’s not sure which.)
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