#i'm gonna throw you off a cliff lol
prettypinkporkchop · 14 days
Hear me out, paul x reader, who's super oblivious like paul will flirt with them relentlessly, trying so hard to let them know he likes them, but readers just like "Yeah we just made out bet we do that some times because he's such a good friend🤭" and paul and the rest of the pack are just riping there hair out because omfg
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Your phone lights up on the table next to you. Quil is sitting beside you, eating sandwiches Emily made. You knew it's a snap from Paul, but you left it alone for now. The sandwich is too good. Quil side eyes you. "You gonna get that?" He raises an eyebrow. "In a minute." You stuff your mouth more. "You that boy is madly in love with you." He chuckles and looks at Emily for support. "Yes, duh, I'm his imprint. But, it doesn't mean he likes me like that." You roll your eyes. As Paul and Billy Black said, the bond could be anything. "Y/n, don't be dumb. He flirts with you so hard. It's pathetic." He laughs. Emily laughs with him. You ignore them, making Quil open your snap since everyone knows you don't have a pass code. (LOL me). Quil bursts into laughter and shows you what he sent you. You look and see the gif above. He just got off patrol. "He's just letting me know that he's about to be here!" You grab your phone and watch it in awe but try to be chill about it.
Later that evening, you sit in the back of Paul's truck, playing on your phone. Everyone is in the woods on the cliff. The pack is cliff diving. Emily and Kim are wedding planning for Kim and Jared. They sit on chairs right next to you.
You're jumped out of your phone when a pair of hands grab your thighs. Your eyes land on Paul's eyes. He smiles down at you and kisses your cheek. "Hey, pretty lady." He smirks. "Hey, Paul!" You pipe up. He sits next to you on the truck and wraps his arm around you, his hand gripping your waist. "You're driving me crazy today." He whispers in your ear. You giggle and face him. "I don't mean to." You aren't so sure what he means by that.
A couple of days later, you and the pack are playing in the water. It's a bit cold and you didn't pack any extra clothes. It was a last-minute fun thing. You step out of the water, shivering! Sam is sitting in the sand and calls out to Paul. "Lahote! She's cold!" You sit next to Sam and see Paul running up to you. He has the ball in his hand. The pack joins behind him. "Paul! You took the damn ball." Quil calls out. Dropping the ball on the sand, he grabs you and places you on his lap. Your shivering stops as you feel the heat going through you. You lay your head on his chest. "I should get you into my clothes tonight. That'll be hot." Paul laughs. The whole pack groans.
"So, is Paul your boyfriend yet?" Jared looks at you. Embry raises his eyebrow at you. "No, guys! It's not even like that. Boy doesn't like me.' You argue and throw the pen you using at Jared. You realize what you did when you look down at the paper that has the wedding stuff planned out. "Damn it. Jared, could you go-?" He laughs and shakes his head. "You're out of your mind." You groan and lean your head back. "Oop. Here it comes." Embry laughs. You feel a pair of lips on yours. You know who it is, and you grab his face. He pulls back, and you open your eyes. "Hey, my girl." He smiles. "Hey, my friend."
The guys start laughing. Paul pinches the bridge of his nose. "FRIEND ZONED!!!" Embry calls out. Paul starts to walk away. You get confused and walk after him. "Maybe he'll tell her." Jared looks at Embry.
He turns to face you and sighs. "Y/n, you do realize what we have, right?" He grabs your shoulders and looks into your eyes. "Yes. A bond." You reply. "You know everything. Do you... like me?" He asks. You blush and look down. "I do. But I get it if you don't like me back." He groans and grabs your face. "I'm in love with you." He crashes his lips on yours.
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nerdygoth77 · 3 months
Some of my favorite Porter Gage lines!
“Keep your irradiated ASS away from me” 
“Piss me off and I’ll still kick your ass from here to the Atlantic.” 
“Sure was fun! Huh Boss?” 
“I ain’t got the brains for mazes” 
“How's it go? “This town ain't big enough for you and me?” Awh nevermind :(“ 
“Ain't no way people paid for this shit, I refuse to believe it.” 
“Who the hell's idea of fun was this shit?”
“Ever feel the tiniest bit hurt that the institute hasn’t tried to replace you with a synth? I mean c’mon! I’m important. I-I’m worth replacing......” 
“Think about it…. If beer is still good after two hundred years.. Is it really something worth drinking?” 
“Personally, wouldn’t ever trust anyone to knock me out with gas or whatever, even if they claimed they were going to help.” 
“Can you imagine… having so much extra shit you’d need someplace to store it all” 
“Not paying ATTENTION-” (I fuck up a lot and trigger traps LOL)
“Not a big fan of being underground, so the sooner we wrap this up the better.” 
“Once upon a time, I suppose folks had nothing better to do than sit around outside”
“Greeaaat, because I ain’t seen enough trees and grass.” 
“Like I hadn’t already seen enough glowing shit to last a lifetime.” 
“Believe it or not, this is more civilized than some places i've lived”
"One of these bugs ever takes me down you tell people I died from trippin’ over my gun, fallin’ off a cliff, anything! It would be less embarrassing.” 
“Places like this….Makes me realize life was mostly shit before the bombs fell” 
“God…. Being in here is soul sucking.” 
“I hope you know where you’re going, I forgot my map.” 
“Least we ain't gotta worry about being hit by a train…..Right?”
“No question that shit was made to last…Maybe the wrong shit but still.”
“Me? I like night time. Something about it just feels right.” 
“You’re a real stunner, ya know that?”
“Are you shittin’ me” 
“Ever seen a dust angel? Bettin’ I could make one.” 
“Shiiiiitt I hate getting weeettt” 
“I’ve got a strong stomach, but ewwugh.” 
“You’re my kind of crazy boss.” 
“Boy do I love watching you work.” 
“Anyone ever tell you….your ass looks great in that vault suit.” 
“Don’t know about you, but I can’t see in the dark.” 
“You’ll always be the overboss of my heart- Hehehehe I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t keep a straight face.”
“Don't mind me, just throwing up a bit in my mouth here.” 
“Damn, I hate insects. Like I needed something else to wipe off my fucking shoes” 
Everything. Just everything he says is wonderful. His voice is so fucking sexy.
"I'm not that big of a dick"
"Bullshit. Without me I'd be scraping your guts off the floor"
"Before you start pissing all over the plan, why don't you take a minute to hear me out."
"You ready to listen?"
"You're one ruthless son of a bitch aren't ya?"
"Awwwhh C'mon :("
"Just give this a chance, you might even have a little fun."
"Tell yuh whut."
"Everything all peachy with our friendly neighborhood psychopaths?"
"Welcome home, boss."
"I knew you had it in you."
"Next, the fun stuff."
"You look like shit."
He refers to getting high as "Getting blitz." LOL
"Well that oughta make things more interesting"
"hehehe OOPS."
"The fun we can have in this thing!"
"That one have pictures in it?"
"I like a good haul as much as the next guy-"
"You sure you got everything? There's a few more rocks you haven't picked up."
"I never had the hands for that kind of shit. Glad you do."
"You got some nimble fingers there huh?"
"You okay?" (When he shows concern?? UGH)
"Well now, would you look at that."
"Oh for the love of-"
"You gonna build me something nice?"
"Lookin good, Boss."
"oooh, gutsy."
"Pretty tough mutt you got there." (Any dialogue about Dogmeat is great)
"Aww, look at how nice and clean this is, and I here am, dirtying the place up." (one of my favorites)
There's so so many more but I didn't want this to get crazy long
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joykai · 1 month
Maxley Fanfic idea
Okay so people are actually interested in my ideas it seems lol so I'm gonna write it here for any writers who wanna use it as a plot <3 (plz credit me if you write this and if you have any questions about the plot DM me <3)
Okay so It's a Spy/Agent x Assasin story
Bradley comes from a line of assassins and Max became a spy because he worked his ass off after his mom was killed in a gang altercation (she was just around the area and got caught in the crossfire). Max wanted to become a cop or something in law enforcement to help people so this wouldn't happen to anyone else and to bring the fuckers who killed his mom down. He ended up getting noticed by the ICA (Yes from the game Hitman) and got recruited.
Bradley's dad is a leader of a network of assassins but works as a CEO for some big company that sells security (that's how he breaks into stuff because basically everyone buys from him and he can disable stuff). Max get's put on the uppercrust case and he finds this one personal because he is investigating if they have any ties to the gang that killed his mom.
Important to note that Max's has a strict no killing rule, he doesn't want to be as bad as the guys he takes down. His job is to take the guys and bring them back to the ICA to get punished accordingly.
He decides that his best bet is to tail the son of Mr Uppercrust himself...Bradley. He goes undercover as an intern for Mr Uppercrust and becomes very close to Bradley. He is certain that Bradley has nothing to do with it so now he's in a situation that he is an Agent to sent to take down the father of the guy he's friends with (the guy he loves). He hides his identity from Bradley and Bradley hides his from Max. Max ends up on another case unrelated meanwhile to raid a gang hide out and he gets cornered and is in a bit of a pickle when one of the guys falls down clutching his neck. Something moves in the shadows and suddenly a figure comes out and takes down the men. It's bradley, Bradley explains everything to Max and they have a "I have to take you in" moment. Bradley explains how he can't let that happen and how he was forced into this role, how he never wanted this life for himself and just wanted to be normal. Max opens up about how his mother died and how the ICA believe that Bradley's dad is working with the gang and he has to take down everyone. Bradley has a moment of clarity and promises to help Max take down his father by being an inside man.
Bradley turns himself in and is working for the ICA (If he helps take down the gang he gets full immunity and a possible spot on the team but if he betrays them he gets either a bullet in the head or a longer sentence than everyone else involved).
Eventually Bradley's dad catches wiff of what's going on (Someone from the ICA was actually working for the uppercrust family to add some angst make it someone Max trusted or somone that bradley had a bad feeling about since day one but couldn't put his finger on it). Mr Uppercrust kidnaps Max and Bradley and as punishment forces Max to watch as he beats the ever loving shit out of Bradley and throws him off a cliff before knocking Max out and Leaving him there.
Max is found by some ICA members and turns out they imprisoned the traitor and kept him in a safe house for interrogation but he's not talking yet. Max get's taken off the case and sent back home to his apartment.
He ends up going rogue and vows to kill every member of the gang including Bradley's dad. He goes to the safe house and tortures the traitor for info before leaving him dead on the floor.
He is now wanted for manslaughter and has to hide out at his dad's place (He doesn't have the best relationship with his dad because his dad remarried too quick for his liking and it seems like he was already trying to replace his mom, he knows it's unrational but he can't let it go). ICA workers come to Goofies door and ask him about Max but Goofy being the good dad he is lies through his teeth to protect his son and Max hears all this from the top of the stairs and breaks down into his step moms arms about everything and how he wishes Bradley was here and how he could say sorry to his dad. Goofy ends up coming in and they have a bittersweet moment and hug.
Max's next stop is the gang hide out and he's been training so he's bulked up significantly and he's gotten better with his pistol and shit. He takes down a few guys but once again is outnumbered and cornered. One more time a figure in the shadows takes down a few guys before a figure steps out and fights hands on, It's Bradley (Turns out when his dad threw him off he landed on a ledge a little further down and once he woke up he dragged his barely working body to a friend of his who nursed his wounds, he saw on TV that Max was wanted and he tracked him down.
They fight together and re unite. They go back to Goofies and you know how that goes, he is gushing and taking about how happy he is and Max is embarrassed. They make a plan and decide to attack right at the source, they're gonna take down the uppercrust empire.
Max get's help from the few people he knows he can trust (P.J, bobby and bean scene girl. He also enlists the help of Roxanne who is a God on a keyboard the best hacker he knows, There is a sort of cute jealous scene that ends with Max telling Bradley he's the only one he wants.) Bradley also asks for the help of Tank <3
Bradley, Max, Tank, Bobby and P.J all storm the upper crust mansion and take down a few guards, Bradley is hit and Max runs back to help but Bradley tells him to go on and he can hold his own. Max ends up face to face with Mr Uppercrust and to make a long story short cuts off his head and places it at Bradley's feet almost like an offering to a god.
It ends with the gang running away and on a private island never to be bothered by the ICA or any remaining gangs (can have a part two that I will give the idea for of can be a stand alone fic)
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emblazons · 2 years
So this started as a post in response to this by @mel-hyperfixates but turned into a whole thing so. I'm gonna quote them & then go into...what has turned into an analysis of El's S4 narrative through episodes 1-3 in regards to Mike lol.
The basic premise was this:
i don’t think i’ll ever be over the fact that mike literally jumped off a cliff at 12 years old because of bullies, el saw it and literally saved him, and then 3 years later she’s like “you don’t know what it’s like” when mike tried to open up to her about being bullied as well
—and I wanted to expand on why that might be, so here we are.
forewarning: this is a very anti-mileven post. Also...YES. Its much more complex than just this. I'm just talking about a side of this breakup subtext we gloss over a lot lmao
In regards to El not having any thought of how Mike was trying to relate / how it seems as though she "forgot" he was also bullied...I feel like that's the thing. If you've ever been ready to break up with someone, you know exactly what El was going through, because when you're checked out of your relationship, all you focus on is the negative—even at the expense of the other person, and regardless if there is evidence to prove the person isn't as bad as your mind is making them (at least historically).
From the second we see her this season, El had stopped being vulnerable or honest with Mike entirely (see: her lying in all her letters) and had probably emotionally distanced herself before he even got there. The entirety of the first three episodes of S4 we are watching her care very little for Mike or his feelings because she is already distancing / distanced from him in her own mind—their relationship was on its last legs in El's mind even before we got to see the events of the season, but you need to look at the context clues surrounding her words and actions to see it.
From the very start, El was doing + saying things that were her last ditch attempts to throw herself into being invested in Mike by lying to him and herself ("I want this day to be about me and you, all her over-affectionate behavior, on top of how enthusiastic she sounded in her letters), but from minute one of them together we already see her honest emotions about their dying romantic relationship show up in her expressions (a theme with all characters this season)—
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—and the SECOND things start getting real (see: Angela bullying her at Rink-O-Mania) the facade El was trying to maintain (in regards to her investment in her relationship, among other things) breaks down.
Even after her lies about enjoying Lenora + being friends with Angela are exposed, El isn't interested in being genuine with Mike at all, and doesn't ask Mike to protect her or even be present with her after she is bullied—she only comes out from hiding to demand Angela help her put her facade back up, because she doesn't want to be vulnerable with Mike even after he finds out she was lying.
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People like to focus on how Mike wasn't paying attention to El / call him a bad boyfriend (and lets be real, he is lmao) but...in doing so we are glossing over how El is contributing absolutely nothing to sustaining her perceived closeness with Mike, or meeting Mike in their relationship in all his attempts to reconnect either.
Like, sure...we get Mike not looking at her in the van + being petty at the dinner table yes. But we also get El stonewalling him by not talking to him at all before their fight in The Monster and the Superhero, when she storms off at dinner, not sad, but angry—
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—only to go to her room to mull over how she feels about herself...while making comparisons to Mike saying "what have you done" to Brenner, thinking back to several things that happened in the lab that she (at that point) thinks she did (because she had no memory of One)...aka her struggling with thinking she's a monster.
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No matter how deeply you think she loves him at this point (highly debatable, no matter who you are) this is hardly the stuff of the surface level interpretation of it being at all about Mike specifically for her, never mind as shallow as something like "My main issue is I'm sad my boyfriend can't say he loves me." In fact, all of these things point not to Mike even being her primary concern at this point...even before they get into a fight about how he isn't saying I love you.
By the time the fight in her room happens, she's shutting down even his most genuine attempts to relate (see: admitting he was bullied too) because what El is actually struggling with wasn't (and never was) about him.
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What starts the actual argument is her trying to say "I'm thinking I'm a monster" and him not understanding that its not about Angela, the roller rink, or even him being a shitty boyfriend, but her identity crisis over something that happened before she even met Mike, and that Mike has no experience with or even knowledge of—
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—only she is unwilling to let Mike into her headspace about any of that, because (as I said before) she's already checked out of both honesty and emotional intimacy their relationship.
By the time we get to the "care" and "you don't love me anymore" part of the argument with those those letters (the secondary part of her concern), El has already put Mike on the defensive by 1) moving the conversation away from his perception of the issue without clarifying the real problem and 2) latching onto him saying he cares & putting him on the defensive by undermining his attempt to connect with her—going back to that idea that she's not been invested in telling him the truth or being close to him since the very start of the season.
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Now, I don't absolve Mike of any of his wrongdoings in regards to their relationship(of which we all know there are many), but...the irony is that El isn't saying anything that would show she is invested, trusts or loves Mike either, to the point that her accusing him of not caring is borderline projection.
By the time we get to him calling her a superhero, we see that she's even more displeased than she was at the start—not even necessarily because Mike is saying something, but because 1) she doesn't feel like a superhero, and 2) he's not hearing her...because she's not communicating what's going on in her world anymore.
Mike doesn't understand what's going on with El because she's not telling him...and she's not telling him because she doesn't view their relationship as worthy of either her honesty or vulnerability anymore which is especially ironic, considering she's always cared a lot about the idea that friends don't lie.
(Maybe I'll follow this up with a "this is how El transformed when she was gone" + "why Mike saying You're My Superhero after what happened with Brenner / Vecna was literally the nail in the coffin post-Nina," but. For now, we can just stick with how the breakup / distance context was build into their relationship from minute one...and not only because Mike was trying to be "normal." In truth, El has been checked out from her relationship, emotional closeness and honesty since the first seconds of the season...and nothing Mike could have said would have brought her back into it).
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bloodymarymorstan · 9 months
Ok so I just watched the latest episode of What If where Captain Carter (Peggy if she was Captain America) fights the Hydra Stomper (Steve if he was the Winter Soldier) because I KNEW they were once again gonna do the thing where they give all of Steve and Bucky's interactions to Peggy and Steve and say that this time they are romantic even though they definitely weren't when it was 2 very straight bros (lol) so. Let's get into it (spoilers for s2e5 of What If, obviously):
When Peggy finds out Steve is alive she goes to Nick Fury and he tells her there have been rumors of this for decades; Peggy's angry he and Natasha didn't tell her - this is interesting because in TWS Peggy was part of the organization that was hiding rumors about Bucky from Steve. Peggy is objecting to something she was part of in the actual MCU
Natasha says "the Steve Rogers that you loved died in 1953" - a similar sentiment to what people were saying to Steve about Bucky but more overtly romantic. They throw the word "love" around in the episode quite a few times, like they need to make it extra clear
Bucky (who's old and working for SHIELD) finds out Steve is alive and his reaction is pretty tame, like he's surprised and I guess happy but he doesn't really seem to care that much which is just ridiculous (especially bc in this timeline Steve and Bucky kept working together for several years after the war) - Bucky is also stated to have had a wife and kids and has clearly moved on from Steve in the way Peggy did in the original movies
The Hydra Stomper (Steve) is going to kill Bucky, Bucky stands in front of him to talk him down. He doesn't want to kill Steve which is obviously good and in character. The thing he says to try to get Steve to snap out of it is "let's get a drink" which cracked me up because is that the no homo version of "end of the line" for these writers?? Anyway, Steve does lower his gun but then he raises it again (we don't see if he would have actually killed Bucky because Peggy intervenes at this point)
There's a romantic scene where Peggy and Steve bond over their shared traumas which... shared life experience, anyone? (What If I threw myself off a cliff?) - it does turn out that Steve is secretly still brainwashed at this point and is trying to lure Peggy in so idk how seriously I should take this scene
In terms of dialogue, the final fight scene between Peggy and Steve is very similar to the one with Steve and Bucky in TWS. Eventually, Peggy drops her shield and tells Steve that she doesn't want to fight him, and is going to let him kill her. The line she says that gets him to stop is "I want to be with you. Even if this is the end. I want you." She also says "I can't lose you again." This is basically EXACTLY what "I'm with you til the end of the line means", but a bit less ambiguous (and also less poetic, the original line is obviously much better)
Steve doesn't kill Peggy, he flies off (but he also doesn't save her life like Bucky does for Steve in TWS so. Inferior)
At the end, Peggy is planning to go find Steve, even though nobody thinks she'll be able to save him (again, basically the exact same as TWS)
My concluding thoughts:
It's hard to say what Marvel's exact goal is with the phenomenon of giving so many of Steve and Bucky's interactions to Steve and Peggy in EU content, but it's definitely gotten pretty ridiculous and out of hand. There is an instinct to accuse them of homophobia and wanting to rewrite Steve and Bucky's story to make it straight/less significant, but I also wonder if the bigger factor is that the writers know that Steve and Peggy's canon ending makes no sense considering how underdeveloped their relationship was, and they want to trick viewers into thinking they had a better written romance by giving them more meaningful moments in What If (and also Rogers The Musical but that's for another post). That being said, if the best way to write a better romance you can think of is to use the exact same plotline the supposedly straight protagonist had with his male best friend (but that people have been interpreting as a romance for years and years) then maybe you should be reflecting on why that is. Ultimately though it's just lazy writing (have some originality!) and will never erase the fact that the real movies were gay as hell. I'll definitely be taking this as further proof that TWS was a romance all along.
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alverrann · 11 months
My last post for Miami Vice Day will be a self-indulgent AU from a monster (me) who wanted more h/c and angst from the Burnett arc.
What if instead of recognizing (somewhat) and chasing Tubbs from the lighthouse at the beginning of Redemption in Blood Part 2, Burnett says Tubbs' name and then handcuffs him to the stair railing? What if Burnett plans on coming back later after getting rid of his men, to find out just who Tubbs is and why he remembers him?
Here's a bit of that angst:
Okay, Cooper." Sonny tossed the key to the handcuffs. "Get up, we're goin' for a walk."
Cooper caught it in his free hand, expression unreadable. He looked from Sonny to the gun pointed at him, seeming to understand that he wasn't going to escape. To some extent, Burnett admired the cool calm with which the man unchained himself from the stair railing, rubbing his wrist as he stood. 
"All right. Walk." Burnett kept his distance, taking no chances. 
Handcuffs in one hand and key in the other, the cop walked. Sonny stayed behind him, following till they were out of the lighthouse. Cooper paused after exiting, turning to look back with a slightly furrowed brow. "You came alone." 
"I didn't need to bring anyone else." Burnett said. "Get on the ground - face down. Drop the key." 
Cooper knelt slowly, setting the key down beside him, "Did you come to kill me?" 
"On the ground." Sonny repeated. "Hands behind your back." 
"This isn't typical dealer behavior, ya'know?" Cooper said as he complied. "You gonna execute me? Throw me into the ocean? Or do you remember?" 
Sonny didn't respond verbally, but dug his knee into the other man's back when he used the handcuffs to restrain him, pocketing the key again.
Now he stood up and back, gun pointing again. "You and I are gonna have a chat, cop. Get up." Cooper - with some difficulty - pushed himself to his knees, then stood up. Burnett strapped his gun away, putting a hand on Cooper's back to shove him towards the car. 
"What are we gonna chat about?" Cooper asked, sounding almost confrontational, or even accusing. "The explosion? The killings? The fact that you've been missing for six months?" 
Burnett opened the passenger door, shoving the cop in before leaning down - inches from his face. "I'm gonna be askin' the questions, pal." He closed the door, cutting off whatever response the man might have given. 
When he opened the driver's side to get in, Cooper's expression had changed, looking melancholic rather than belligerent. "You really don't remember me." 
"Just your real name, Ricardo Tubbs." Sonny started the car. "But you're gonna tell me what I'm missin'. You're gonna tell me who you are." 
There was a long silence as he pulled out, driving away from the lighthouse, but not towards home. Finally, Cooper said, "Rico." 
"What?" Sonny glanced over, but the man was looking forward, face expressionless again. 
"You always called me Rico." 
Burnett wasn't sure he wanted to respond to that, but he had questions that he needed answered. Questions whose answers might change his whole life. "Were we close?" 
"Yeah." Cooper breathed. "You could say that." 
"I was a cop." He hadn't said it out loud since the memories had started stirring, and the words tasted like acid on his tongue.
"And what are you now?" Cooper asked. 
The question cut straight to the heart of Sonny's problem, and he pulled the car to an abrupt stop, looking straight at the other man. This man who haunted his dreams along with a dozen other phantoms from his past - nameless and forgotten.
But this man was no phantom. Not anymore. 
"I'm not here to play games, Cooper." The words came out in a rushed growl, but Cooper didn't flinch. Cliff might have flinched. Celeste would have flinched. Burnett almost never lost his temper - not like this - so what was it about this man that made him so angry?
And there's you go! I hope you all had a fantastic Miami Vice Day, and now I'll be done spamming posts, lol.
It's 11:54pm here, and I'm cuttin' it close. So that's all, folks!
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emcapi-gaming · 7 months
so I have to share how the Cazador fight went in Tactician mode because hoooo boy.
I know I was talking about trying out some barrelmancy but also I wanted to kick his ass fair and square, especially in preparation for doing it in honour mode (where I'll be saving all the explosives for the final fight).
My only previous experience with the Cazador fight, from my first run, went as follows:
Run in there like a bunch of idiots at level 10 because that fucker just tried to kidnap our boy and immediately get our asses kicked so so bad.
Look up fight strategies, go back in, hit the fucker with a sunbeam scroll and have Karlach punt him off a cliff (this was before that tactic got patched out)
Take forever struggling to mop up the rest of his truly ridiculous number of minions
Elf Emotional Breakdown x2 Combo (on account of Tezalin was literally Too Paladin To Paladin and broke their oath by freeing the spawn)
All of this to say that I did not have any Actual Experience with the full fight, so I was going in mostly blind.
As such, my first attempt on Tactician went... very poorly. I went in with Ardwin (Warrior of Light and Darkness of FFXIV fame, and currently throw-build barbarian), Gale, Jaheira with Daylight on her weapon, and obviously Astarion, along with a very good supply of sunbeam scrolls, one Otto's Irresistible Dance mostly just for shits and giggles, and a few Globes of Invulnerability.
Plan pretty much immediately went to shit because mist form Cazador has a necrotic aura that does a stupid amount of damage and the ghouls were stankin' up the place. Gale and Jaheira got downed really fast and things were not looking great. And for SOME FUCKING REASON, throwing health potions bugged out and did litereally nothing except break the potion. Still no idea what went wrong there.
But I went "okay, how can I turn this around." The answer was reviving Gale and Jaheira, casting one of the Globes of Invuln, and having everyone just camp out inside there and take potshots at the bastard between healing back up. It was really, really silly. I was literally just sitting there laughing because this whole fight was such a ridiculous trainwreck and the current strategy felt so incredibly stupid.
Key word, WAS. It very promptly stopped being funny when something SHOVED ASTARION out of the invuln globe and, because we were all camped out in there and thus only blocking one of the ritual sources, Cazador immediately murderized the hell out of him in one turn. To my absolute fucking horror.
"...First of all fuck this sunbeam scroll, Ardwin is going back to rage mode because she is MAD. Astarion, oh my god, I'm so fucking sorry, you just hang on for a second, I'll get you back up after he's done, it's gonna be okay." (Cazador was almost dead at this point thankfully.)
Back to Invuln Globe Potshots to wrap things up, and then once we had mopped up the last of the minions I revived my poor boy and then had Jaheira use up all her remaining spell slots to heal him because I literally felt SO BAD.
(not quite bad enough to let him ascend though lol)
I wound up redoing the fight because obviously I needed the extra practice (and also still felt terrible about the death-by-Cazador). Second time went a lot smoother. I started the fight by having Astarion sneak-attack with Arrow of Shut The Fuck Up (aka Arrow of Arcane Interference which if it hits, guaranteed silence effect for a round with no saving throw!) instead of starting the conversation. He still dragged us into the dialogue at the start of the next round, but after getting Astarion freed, it turned out that Astarion continuing to hit him with Arrow of Shut The Fuck Up every round was really effective and also very satisfying. We also actually did the mechanics and stood on the ritual spots, which, shocker of shockers, helped quite a bit. (Ascension still denied. Sorry buddy. Not gonna happen.)
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grapecaseschoices · 9 months
1234wqer roflmao i meant YALLS ocs!! <3 :-D
I have three infamous mcs. One of them is my favourite, she's such a menace and I love it. She's so mean to seven and I'm honestly here for it. I mean she's kind of blunt and sarcastic and that sometimes can come across as rude, but she is reasonable she's not gonna go out of her way to be a complete asshole to someone who's being civil to her. But if you're rude to her she's sure as hell gonna be rude to you back, and seven especially gets on her nerves bcs she just gets tired of their attitude, acting like a a chihuahua all the time. I love her chemistry with orion though, but she and seven is kind of a funny dynamic. Idk if it would be a healthy romantic relationship, but like it's not real so. My other infamous mc is a full on orion simp and he's so down bad for orion, but he'd rather throw himself off a cliff than ever admit it. He's a lot more chill and spontaneous than my seven-mancer on the exes route. He's also a lot more of a people pleaser than she is, not looking like he cares but he does in fact care a lot about people's perception of him. And being around orion makes him feel comfortable especially bcs orion kind of showed him the care that he never really got from the people around him and he is able to read him like an open book despite his defense mechanism of using humour to hide his feelings. And for my final mc is also a seven mancer but for the best friends to lovers route and lemme tell u they're my child but they're a hot mess. They drag seven every chance they get bcs they find their feelings for seven terribly frustrating. But I tried to make them have some similar attitude to seven and it's hilarious honestly. They are less chill than the other two and have more of a temper, but they're still fine as long as u r civil to them, but if u r rude they won't hold back either. They are I think the mc I have who's as equally mean as seven as they are to them, but if u listen to their songs u can tell they're down bad for their es best friend lol but they'd rather roll off a mountain than let seven know. I mean they did tell seven in the van with the option of "my plan is to make you fall over heels for me" or something like that but seven didn't believe them and my mc was half serious and half joking. They secretly enjoy pushing sevens buttons lol. my other seven mancer is mean to seven but she will ignore them for the most part if they are being childish bcs she just can't be asked to. As for my orionmamcer he would just rather chill and avoid conflict, he makes his jokes and stays in his corner. He still has a crush on seven as seven is his ex and he still has a crush on him, but also has a secret crush on orion bcs I'm here for the drama. My female Sevenmancer also flirts with Victoria bcs she is a simp for pretty women. She is a fan of Griffin, but she likes his wife more. 😂😭
This is my first time creating ocs for a game and I'm honestly having so much fun lmaoo. I am so sorry for the ramble, but you asked so I delivered. 🫣
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I have never felt more tired in my life why are exams a thing I hate finals. A lot happened so I'll tell you
But! I'm going to buy Chain Of Thorns on the last day of this madness so it's fine everything's fine I'll get through this madness
Also you know what's not fun? Having to talk and make relationships work. What happened to going up to people and simply going "you're my best friend now. Have candy" Shit's hard. May, Sarah and I had to have difficult conversations lately but what matters is that we came out on the other side! Wow I'm a mess
Oh I told Sarah I liked her. Everything's just like it was so thank god for that. I know she's straight but I needed to like get it out so I can move the fuck on so anyway there's this cute girl-
We kinda tiptoed around my crush and I made up a whole other people and she was like "IF THEY GIRL HAS EVEN A SINGLE BRAIN CELL EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE" Anyway we're doing better than ever now!
I reconnected with an old friend who makes me feel so at home. It's amazing how close we got so quickly and then did it again. I'm moving tomorrow and it's in her neighbourhood so we get to be even closer and I'm really excited for that. She means the world to me
Also remember the cute girl I mentioned 2 paragraphs ago? There was a terrifying moment where I thought she was pro-hitler and I wanted to go throw myself off a cliff because how does my brain find these people to obsess over oh my god. SHE'S NOT SO IT IS OKAY!
A new discovery! My taste in men is six feet under the ground... IT'S HIS SMILE OKAY?? LEAVE ME ALONE
Okay now unfortunately I must study because the world hates me. Sigh...
How was your week? Spill bestie! ❤️
okay so wait. when you see finals...does that mean it's over? like it's your final exam and then you won't write them anymore (for school?) TELL ME IT'S OVER.
I would recommend you to treat yo self with something other than Chot because you deserve better but you didn't hear it from me oops
the next time you complain about fic characters and not communicating, i will show you this. i have receipts now :))) but glad you worked things out. GOOD FOR YOU.
I'm just gonna glide past the pro-hitler bit because i don't know what led to that assumption and i don't want know lmao and DO NOT FALL FOR HIS SMILE THAT'S EVIL I HAVE WARNED YOU.
i was sick this entire week and am currently in recovery but i am travelling for work and will get to stay in a nice hotel for three days so good for me lol.
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transskywardsword · 1 year
Oh hey!! I've finished sksw so I was really curious and wanted to hear your thoughts about Ghirahim and Demise :DD only if you wanna of course!! I had no idea that Ghirahim's and Link's last confrontation was gonna be THAT dramatic lmao. Though there is one thing I'm curious about!! I've seen a handful of Ghirahim enjoyers saying that Ghirahim resented Demise for throwing him aside? When if anything Ghirahim looked more than happy to serve Demise even if I meant being back into a sword?
Really I'd just love to hear your thoughts cause there's So Much going on there that I don't have the slightest idea where to start sjsjsjs
okay im an totally out of it rn (gotta love heat exhaustion, i work outside and it was 105 degrees today and i got very heat sick) but i could talk about ghirahim for hourssss so THANK YOU
so, i think people so often simplify ghira to just 'minion', but that does both him and demise a huge disservice. so we know ghira is a sword spirit like fi-- she is the master sword and he is demise's blade. so just as fi was 'programmed' (for lack of a better word) to serve link and then grew attached regardless, i see the exact same happening with ghira. pre imprisonment, he served demise out of expectation, but throughout the battles and demise's temporary defeat, that grew into actual emotional attachment. the sheer amount of emotional outbursts he has in skyward sword is proof enough to me of his connection w demise, but i think hyrule warriors REALLY shows how he has grown past simple duty into genuine dedication. ghirahim serves hw ganondorf bc ganon is tied to demise, but his fight dialogue shows a very fast, very intense devotion. ghira isn't the type to jump to serving someone so quickly; i think his connection with hw ganon is a sign of his dedication to demise, even after demise is sealed permanently. he is desperate for any connection to demise, and hw ganon is a means to an end to get that.
i don't see ghirahim as tossed aside by demise right before the last battle as much as i see him be a little frightened of loosing the agency he had developed. he'd been given rule of the surface, and obviously enjoyed that, and demise returning him to the sword rips that away from him, which i don't think he enjoyed very much lol. BUT i also think he got over that reaaaal quick, bc to him, he means nothing in comparison to demise. demise is his master, almost godlike in ghirahim's dedication to him. if demise asked him to walk of a cliff, ghira would skydive off it. demise placing him back into the sword was a little upsetting to ghira, but ultimately was minuscule emotionally in comparison to the pleasure of serving his master.
ultimately, while ghirahim is a sword spirit, i see him taking the spot of demise's champion/hero, just like the first hero did for hylia. he seems too valued (based on him being made ruler of the surface) to be 'just' some spirit, and demise obviously trusts him to resurrect him, which ghirahim ends up successfully doing! they are not equals in any means, but i do think ghirahim is seen more as a companion to demise than hylia saw fi. (i could take for hours abt hylia and fi but thats for another time) After all, if he was just some spirit, why would demise give him a personality, especially such a big one? demise made him like that instead of a calculating robot, and that makes me think he did so with the intention of ghirahim being in a role of power, fighting beside him, more than he intended ghira to be 'just' the sword, ya know?
and a note on ghirahim and fate: i think demise goes after the triforce not bc he's ~evil~ demon king, but bc he's been forced to take up the mantle of a god of darkness by the golden goddesses and fate. hylia is a goddess of light, of purity, and in loz it is made explicitly clear in multiple games that light needs a dark. i see din/nayru/farore as creating demise to be that dark. he is fated to be evil, and wouldn't that piss you off? wouldn't that make your furious? to be born just with the intent to be horrible? to be fated to be evil? so i think demise accepted fate and went 'fuck it ill be evil'. seeing his master do so really convinced ghirahim that fate is real, and that things happen for a reason, though he still very much feels he has control and free will.
anyways, this is mostly word voimit bc im sick and can't think straight but ahhhhh ghirahim is my fav villain in the whole franchise i love him so much!!! thank youuuuuu
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
GAME FOUR MADDAFAWKERS from you know who ;) the fanfic author
Jotaro stays at the cornucopia??? for resources??? hunny get yo ass outta there
Avdol and Joseph fight for a bag and Joseph gets the bag les gooo
Abbacchio breaks Jolyne's nose for some bread in classic Abbacchio fashion
Kakyoin grabs an empty back pack lul
Mista and Anasui fight for a bag and the Mista gives up like. Bro you coulda just grabbed him by the hair and fucking throw him. anyway
Emporio and Abbacchio go hunting for other tributes. Unlikely pair but ok
Caesar and Avdol work together :>
Mista goes hunting for people as well as like- 8 other people in groups of their own
Polnareff tries to run away from Weather Report but sprains his ankle like a dumbass
Bucciarati picks flowers <3
Both Speedwagon and Rohan make slingshots like. What do you do with those things anyway
Joseph, Mista, and Speedwagon sing songs together. Tbh I can see this
Anasui lets Weather Report into his shelter >:) keeping with canon relationships I see
Foof and Oku huddle for warmth. besties tbh
Rohan...lets Koichi into his shelter...we're thinking of the same scene right
Emporio destroys Avdol's stuff like the small child he is
Jotaro cries himself to sleep the hell
Giorno then tries to sing himself to sleep? these mfs sad as hell
Naranchia Kills Josuke and Joseph like how. 6'5" god killing machine and idfk- Josuke the hand fetish defeater
Ok so like we got Koichi, Mista, Rohan, and Okuyasu raiding Bucciarati's camp while he's hunting and Caesar, Anasui, Polnareff, and Jonathan raid Giorno's camp while Giorno is hunting. Street rat Aladdin ass behavior you guys have
Kakyoin questions his sanity as one does
Ok so the arena event that happens is everyone having hallucinations???? They must've put that good stuff in the ventilation system iykyk
Mista and Foof eat scorpions thinking they're deserts
Anasui hugs a tracker jacket nest bc he thought it was a fucking pillow. like ok.
Rohan drowns Jonathan because he thought that mf was a shark lmao
Jolyne does the same to Abbacchio
Bucciarati jump down the rabbit hole to wonderland but it's a bunch of fucking rocks y'all wtf
Kakyoin thought Koichi was a bear and killed him like???? he's so short tho????
Jolyne can't start a fire lol
Emporio, Jolyne, Rohan, and Naranchia go out man hunting as one does
Okuyasu runs away from Avdol. It doesn't even mention why like. why u runnin
Jolyne stays awake all night. iykyk
Rohan, Avdol, and Okuyasu sing songs together. Nah, more like Rohan tries to shut them up with his grumpy ass
Polnareff tries to sleep thru the entire day bruh
Caesar sprains his ankle trying to run away from Giorno. He's scared of the Italian youth of today
Kakyoin eats toxic berries bc why wouldn't he. Bet they looked like cherries
Jolyne gets an explosive. tbh I'm just used to it by now
Naranchia goes spear fishing for a trident like hunny no. You can't do that you're gonna stab your toe or something
Avdol starts a fire...yk..."Magician's Red!" type beat he's on
Giorno passes out from exhaustion bc of course
Ok so during the feast Polnareff AMBUSHES Caesar and KILLS HIM. Not very honorable of you Polnareff
Emporio then receives an explosive...and later down the line Naranchia steps on a land mine...do you think these two events are related
then Emporio dies of thirst for no goddamned reason. Game just wants it to be over with at this point tbh
Woohoo Giorno won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he got two kills like a lot of other people tbh
but also now I have the mental image of Koichi just. Wearing bear suit but he's still tiny-
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trixeraptops · 2 years
This is gonna be a long ass commentary piece as I finally stop procrastinating and I watch the SGE movie.
Buckle up prowlers and princexs and make sure to follow the rules. This line is headed to the school for good and evil.
Not even watching and the cover photo makes me excited. Is she wearing a crown of thorns? Slay. Love the font they used too
The orchestral music and the effects as the title rolls in... I understand what happy crying is now
I usually hate silent reading in movies but I think it was the right move here and the music is kinda eery but also ethereal. A balance of good and evil ♡
I love Rhians coat and the automatic way you can tell who is evil with their mannerisms
Non Canon compliance or a red herring?
Straight into decadence and a fancy ball after the intensity. This is such a beautiful interpretation of what I think is Sophie's dream.
I kinda wish they had stayed with this like in the book but also the fight was epic so I won't complain
SOPHIE IS SO PRETTY hate her dress love the actress LOVE THE GLASS SHOES
And the narrator saying how she sees herself mwah chefs kiss
Wait does Helena already live with them? That's not meant to happen til the 2nd book. But it does explain further why Sophie wants to leave Gavaldon so I'll let it pass
HER DRESS ONG I'm in love costume design is on point so far
Why is Helena, if it is Helena, blaming Sophie for throwing tomatoes her devil children did that
But then again the whole point of Sophie was she had a good life where she had a living family and was narcissistic and beauty obsessed and that's why she was evil even though her actions were 'good'
Ooh Aggie's turn!
Wait are they not starting on the choosing day? It seems like everyone is going about their normal lives which is the exact opposite of what happens when the choice night happens. Idk what the proper term is for the kidnapping
Side note I wonder if Sophie is ever gonna read the story book she does in the beginning with the witch who had a bracelet of bones so that the connection between Ansdil and the witch is present (or was it Hester? Sure wasn't Dot)
I'm 6 minutes in btw. I'm never gonna finish at this rate lol
I love the design of Graves Hill
I love Agatha's design! And Callus too
I love that their first shot together is them separated by a road being jeered at four being weird. I hope it's echoed later in the movie it'd be such a good recurring theme of separation between good and evil and then they kiss and go home to connect them (at least in the book they kiss)
As much as I love it I do miss the idea of Sophie having to drag Agatha out of the house and having the small interaction with Radley that shows she isn't as good as she makes herself out to be
Wait Sophie ignored her mothers grave (book) and now she's reading at it (movie)? Why not just have a funeral scene instead? Though she is a (adorable) child in this scene so maybe it's different now that's she's grown? Or maybe they just nixed that detail?
Also Sophie made friends with Aggie as a good deed now its a genuine friendship? Or was 5-7 year old Sophie already plotting ahead?
I do like the first actual conversation further solidifying Sophie's emphasis on beauty trying to give Aggie a makeover.
The causul insults and the way the two are in synch is so good though, the chemistry of these actors is amazing! Can't wait for them to fight each other later
[Agatha chortles] idk why that's funny
I feel like book Sophie would be offended being called a prig but idk what that even means
Aggies social anxiety and everyone being mean to her
Omg this guy is threatening a child
Wait Sophie I can see as a major customer but Aggie denounces all things fairytale (except for her secret stash). Also don't the books come like every for years and the kids all line up to get a copy? What happened to that? This store should be empty
I spoke too soon Aggie is ridiculing her for reading kids books while holding an edgy story.
Sophie should 200% own Cinderella already are you joking? I get why they did it though they can't just info dump like in a book plus it's the og copy she's looking at
I feel like they could've done a flashback to explain the SGE. Everyone in Gavaldon knows it. They'd be stupid not to, they have a big event where bad kids join the choir and good ones cut off their hair and all the adults hold torches In a ring around the village. But if they are kids they wouldn't know
Love the insane asylum line from Aggie though
Why twenty years ago. This is a every 4 years deal. Wtf making it rare changes fucking everything
And only one girl? They're supposed to be in pairs! One good one evil
I feel like Sophie's letter could have been written to convince the school master to take her WITHOUT CHANGING THE ENTIRE FUCKING KIDNAPPING HOOK
They are supposed to be special because they are good and evil who are friends. Not because they're the only ones to be taken in a Fucking pair.
That kid that bites people is thereby going erased so how is Agatha going to realize the fairies and wolves are failed students? She gonna recognize Leonara who's she's never seen in her life?
I was so excited to see the Schoolmaster chase scene where Agatha jumps through fire to save Sophie but I don't that will happen
And the terrible home life justifies Sophie wanting to leave. Originally it was cause she thought she was better than everyone else but now it's cause she has a bad life. They haven't built up her "good but actually not a good" side at all.
I was so excited but everything's changed and not in a good way. Fucking Wishing Tree. They just did it cause it's easy not cause it's accurate.
I hope the rest of the movie is less... disappointing. It had so much potential just to slap me in the face with its utter ignorance of Canon.
I love Agathas emotional speech to get her to stay and Sophie betraying her that's the only close to evil thing she's done so far
Oh I love this chase scene this was what I was excited for
The castles are so cool I love them
Hahahaa Hort is such a creep now THAT is Canon compliant
These good girls omg, pretending their nice and calling Aggie an it in the same breath
Loving the costume design and I have a feeling I know who Beatrix and Kikyo are~
Can't wait to see the baddies
Sophie is finally showing her bad side and LADY LESSO IS SLAYYYYING
Still wish it was every 4 years like the books but I'm gonna have to let it slide if I want to make it through this
Wait they gotta Memorize everything on the first day? That's true evil. I love it but I do miss the snake basket maybe they'll have the uniform in one
Hahaha I love Agatha
Professor Dovey AHHHH She is a golden goddess
She comes off a bit condescending but also kind. But threatening jeez
Armour she says while hundreds of dresses come in. Also they're meant to have uniforms why is she getting a choice? Is this for casual wear?
Omg they look so out of place even in clothes that fit their school it's perfect.
The Evers chatting ever and then the school for evil chants kill you? Mood.
Why are they starting before the boys get there that's rude.
Ohh ok so instead of the theater moving the first year boys have to sword fight in front of the school. Much more practical ngl
Damn Tedros swung in on a rope, the drama
NO USE THE SWORD YOU DUMB DRAMATIC BITCH bringing fists to a sword fight smh
Yup Beatrix for sure who I thought she was, Kikyo currently uncomfirmed
School for Evil represent!
Ok I understand why he didn't use Excalibur fighting his own side for fun now
I hope the Cyclops wins but I know he won't unfortunately
I love the rose toss. If he hadn't looked back he wouldn't throw it to Agatha and now it's a set up for Sophie and Tedros's relationship
Ooh ok a Lil nice moment btwn Ted and Agatha I see you foreshadowing lovely
Who is this bitch please say it's not the Schoolmaster please say it's fucking Pollux or something
The dorm is so cool
Also what fucking dorm room locks from the outside? Or were those bitches holding the door?
Also who introduces their father with themself? This isn't a descendents fanfic
Your name is Dot but Sophie is weird
The Evil room has the perfect aesthetic
So it's cupids instead of gargoyles?
Demon cupids
I love the dynamic between Dovey and Lesso
I'm sorry is that blood? RAFAL
Bitch just threatened Aggie and poofed the fuck out
Wait where is the mirror in between the bridge
We got off on a rocky start but 42 minutes in and all is forgiven your my fate to the trial by tale tonight
'Something' acting like it wasn't a whole ass man dancing in blood
Shit is going fast
Oh no it is the schoolmaster :(
He's meant to be mysterious :((((
I wish they waited a bit for the Storian reveal but I get it, they've got a time limit can't be as drawn out as the book
The height difference kills me Aggie is so tall lmao
Wait everyone moved out of Aggies room why are their people in there? No one wanted to bunk with the witch?
Sophie is wearing a crown of twigs♡♡♡
The kiss list omg
Oh no red head isn't Tristan. That's disappointing. I bet he's the bite kids replacement
Why be revolting? None of them are they're all stunningly beautiful. Ig that's why the uglification class exists
Um I'm sorry I thought Anemone was the classic cone hat princess who taught animal communication? Nvm checked my book she is the beautification teacher I was thinking of Uma
This scene would've worked better with the original Aggie who never smiled instead of this one who smiled a fuck ton at the beginning. This scene makes no sense more that we've seen her smiling and know she can do it. Though maybe it's harder to smile on command?
Also Good is prejudiced against neurodivergents I can't tell you how many posts I've read of people having to practice smiling and facial expressions. It's the first day cut her some slack Anemone jeez
Also you give grades at the end Anemone. Prejudiced and rule breaker
HORT YOU BITCH but it was sweet that he said she'd always look beautiful to him we stan a creepy half wolf who loves women despite what they look like
Gregor is the fake Tristan! Is he replacing Kikyo or have we just not met her yet. Anyways be seems sweet
He wants to run a grocery store that's so cute
Why are they fighting on a hill? We saw that there was a courtyard they could use that is much flatter and safer
Sophie pulling bold moves, she's clearly never heard of consent jeez
Ooh nice moment btwn Tedros and Agatha it's Canon divergent but i like it alot better than hating each other until they recognize they're meant to be (she said condescendingly)
It's more like playful teasing than hatred. They're actually friends in this i love it
Why is Yuba's group only Evers it is meant to be the only mixed class other than lunch
Yuba is very different not only in height which I don't mind but in personality he's not as gruff and jaded
She's literally watching him fail Jesus she gonna have some trauma after that
Awww lady lesso doesn't have a class made of ice? Unfortuanate
Oh and now she teaches special powers? Bruv
Oh ew Hesters skin is pulsating gross
Oh Hort told her to watch out sweet
The demon is so cool though
Yeah Sophie call the squirrels to fight a demon
Wait but she called them with a scream she meant to sing to kill them
Oh the bees turned into Rafal
Also Lady Lesso X Rafal???
Oh this is so sad Hester baby :(
Also no spiffy professor Sader :(
Aggie babe middle of class ain't the time to bring up Gregor
What no Uma? Dovey stole her class smh
Shit her name is Kiko? Whyd I think it was Kikyo?
Oh Aggie is so pure I love her "I wish for home for all of us"
Oh the wish fish were a baby girl I'm gonna cry this is so sweet
Fuck Agatha just saw two deaths in what to or knowledge is a row
Oh Gregor is a birdie now ♡
Now they're enemies
Dovey is angry at the present but she showed it towards Aggie at first but I'm glad they got there now
Wait where is the White Wolf
Is she not going to kill him in this version
Oooh damn she yanked her extensions out (cut her hair)
Oh ngl she looks so fucking good with short hair
Omg shut up Rafal go away you vampiric creep
oh Teddy is actually nice to her after the punch in this version that's new and welcomed. Can't be meant to be if you want to her each other
Just like the Og Kiko is adorable
Oh ew the key pierces into them like a knife
Damnnnn Sophie looks like a baddie fucking slay queen
How'd she know what's going on she came in late
The costume dept killed this film
The arrow flies straight if you're pure? Homophobic smh lmao
Calm down Hort, possessive much?
Oof if Hester doesn't kill Sophie I think Beatrix will
Ayo Bea I thought Evers never attacked
Wait Trial by Tale is meant to be an annual school thing now its a test of true love? Stop ruining my school traditions movie :(
What's next no talent show?
I wish the relationships were more developed. But there is so much that happens in the book I really can't blame them
Wait do Nevers not get a Survival class? Wtf this is rigged!
Hell yeah Aggie the dove for the win!
Sophie help him you dumb bitch you have to have learned something. Use your talent!
Don't blame Aggie for saving Tedros's life while you were being a Fucking coward. All you had to do was throw a sword at him
Stop smiling Rafal your a creep
You tell her Aggie! Fuck her up with your words!
Wait did they lock her in room 66? Does that mean that they kicked out Dot Anadil and Hester?
I saw your brother Rafal your too old to be calling Sophie love
Oh my god there is no talent show :,(
Gross she just pulled out her tooth
Lesso is Leonora? Twist
I'm glad the skipped the part where Tristan tried to be Tedros and Kiko tried to be Beatrix but i miss the talent show it would've been so dramatic and I wish they have Aggie what I believe to be her iconic night blue gown with the gold
Instead she looks like Cinderella
Damn make up team did well
Sophie and Bakugo would get along "Shut up Aggie the protagonists are talking"
I love the drama of the blood magic
She drops a bomb and then dips like a Fucking badass
Ok I know I was complaining about the talent show being canceled but I love how Sophie showed her evil by turning the teachers to dolls
Oh I just realized Agatha and Tedros were kinda matching
I miss the cupid guy he was a bitch but he was so loyal to Sophie
The Never Ball, is just a bit off but that's why I love it. Oh to be a evil student dancing in an off kilter way with no one to judge and everyone dancing with me. The one social event I long to be at
They look so happy the Evil darlings
Oh so all that happened was their clothes turned white that's not very- SOPHIE IS NORMAL NOW
What will happen to the Evers their clothes will turn black
Yes that's what happened they also they have *gasp* cuts and scars! How atrocious and also offensive to people with scars
At least they didn't put a wig on the bald kid in evil
Hester look so pretty ♡♡♡
Wish we got to see more of Anadols rats we only saw them once :(
But then I would have been like ew rats
Hort is in sicko mode damn
shittt she's gonna kill the school master
Oh no he was pretending to his brother
Um excuse me evil doesn't have to be murder it can be forcing kids to memorize their schedule on the first day
Oh Aggie your so hopeful I love you and your optimism
Don't kiss her Rafal your such a creep ugh
Wonder if his face will crack and turn into a decrepit old man one well see when I unpause
Oh no he's killing children the blood is literally pouring out the school
Oh his face is cracking
Hell yes run to Aggie
Ooh killing Sophie meant that the csstles were put back nice
Ngl beatrix looks hella good in black
Goth girl supremacy
Tedros! Yessss struke the final blow King
Oof nvm lol
Oh shut Teddy's gonna die lmao
Hell yes we live we laugh we love
Rest in pieces Rafal
Id be crying if I wasn't so dehydrated rn
I mean rip Sophie but yay kiss
Oh who could've guessed true platonic loves kiss would have saved her? What a surprise she said roboticly
Oh is she gonna stay with Teddy, for real? NOPE
Girl power but also this time it was more of a choice then the og where it just kinda happened
Oh they're in their office clothes with the new hair
The road is repeated but this time their on the same side i told you it was power
They legit just used magic to make birds shit on their enemies lol
♡♡♡♡♡♡/5 went through some tough spots and I miss the little details but love some of the new additions and overall the movie was amazing surpassed my expectations
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imy2 · 9 months
again w notes
3-6 ok ngl s3 so far has been mid.. i think i'm paying attention less.. high10k was funny•
3-7 murphy looks cool this ep.. •
"it's weird." "how?" "well - everybody likes him." ..... "that's f'd up." •
hector looks cute this ep, so does kaskae ... also kaya :-) •
"fear no more" on van w 'fear' repeating on speaker n 'fear' on back was a cool bit .. •
i meant to note it then(2-6) but didnt so will now bc theyre going to her.. when murphy left lucy, just no one questioned it.. they rly thought he killed her ? interesting. . •
the man watching murphy eat this brain rn feels sexual .. lmfaoo then he puts a gun to him •
operation bite-mark need a spark, did u carry on need to hear ur call we've been gone - you've been gone too long c-z wannabe, that's me i need to see murphy talk to me - please don't freeze on my knees beggin hear my plea whoo! • ready? i'm kaya on the wire can't get by ya, why ya try it ain't a liar, mama mercy is my business and my business is on fire still alive at the northern lights we had a fright but we alright we ok, we hold tight every day, day by day x5 day by day • kaya in the sky-a B)
lol the man leaving his hand w his middle finger up for murphy•
3-8 sketchy n skeezy r baack .. tbh they r worse than i rmbr .•
"lost causes are worth dying for! yeaahh, wooo!" my lovr (inmydreamsofc)•
"fear turns us into monsters; no less violent than the enders and no more alive than the z's." •
"who won the election anyway?" "everyone wrote in the same thing.. 'that weed doctor'" •
3-9 i forgot abt vasquez... ahh damn... well hi n bye vasquez :/ .... i feel like if roberta warren n teresa mendoza could team up, in either of their worlds.. pheww ... o hi lucy .. wth's happenin w hector •
3-10 murphy -_- 10k :(.. here we go w lucy.. doc looked cute this ep•
3-11 doc at the table ... •
oh hell no..
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3-12 perhaps murphys best look.. damn he changes sm.. lets see 1. s1e1-4, skin - white, hair - br/shaggy . 3/5 2. s1e5-12, skin - white, hair - bald 2/5 3. s1e12-s2e12, skin - blue, hair - br/buzzed 2/5 4. flashback s2ep14, skin - white, hair - br/fancy? 3/5 5. s2e13 - s3e6, skin - blue, hair - bl/shaggy 3.5/5 6. s3e7-s3e11, skin - blue+white, hair - bl/shaggy 4/5 7. s3e12-?, skin - lavender?+blue, hair - wh/fancy 5/5•
ahhhh murphy n warren purpleroom scene... the tension, the looks! ooo when warren pulls out the brain n looks at him like :/ •
lol 10k n red r cute but sun mei bein completely over them is funnier •
"you dont understand." "if i did, i'd kill myself." ooof. .... "you know what they'll do to us." "i know." "we need you. - help me, warren." n warrens facee :') •
•^i need to rewatch killing eve.... n mayb the 100 but idk abt that.. but gahh enemies to/and(lol) lovers •
3-13 lucy ep, fun.. doc n addy at end were cute•
3-14 man ending the season w not 1 but 4 ppl jumpin off a cliff + 2 ppl shot. incredible •
• overall .... 2.5 .. not my fav apparently •
4-1 "2 yrs later, things have gotten worse" then showing warrens helldream, so funny •
intro - bulletbulletbigbullet.. •
aww warren n murphy this ep r so cute •
4-2 addy n 10k bullet moment, cool ... hi sarge •
4-3 "no one said anything about frickin canada!" "you got a problem with canada?" "yeah i do it's far" murphyagain •
4-4 "well if you're going im going. idk what's going on in that head of urs but i'm gonna throw a little faith ur way." murphy n warren 🤝•
4-5 warren n this elevator is reminding me of beef.. man that still is one of the most surprising n disturbing scenes ever .. i think beef was the best show i seen in 2023.. outta 66 •
10k "i love dog food! puppy chow's my stuff, man!" sarge waking up - "we saved u some puppy chow" "oh! *eats it quick* *notices bird w her* bird? bird. bird! i found a bird! *shoves fist w bird in air* it was alive when i got it." doc n murphy n warren "hey, let me see that." .... "murphy?" "hmm?" "did you eat the bird?" "*coughs feathers* no." "never mind that." lmaoo one of the funniest scenes •
"well now what are we gonna do?" "i don't know abt u but i'm just gonna curl up and die." doc lmao •
"what is our fate?" .. "i'm not sure. i just feel it. it's like i felt the first time i laid eyes on you, murphy. i didn't know the how, why, or any of the what was coming next. the second i saw you i knew my job in life was to get you wherever the hell you were going." "..when you put it that way." warren n murphyyy •
4-6 sarge is so pretty ugh, warren ofc is gorgeous .. aww lucy :( ughh murphy n warren </333 "goodbye july, hate to see u go - so fast that i got a bloody nose" •
4-7 warren n murphy getting pissed for each other.. warren when theyre zapping murphy 2x, murphy "you son of a bitch, i'm gonna beat you til the clown meat shows" •
4-8 awww kaya n jz :') nana tooo.. •
warren n murphy being in mindscape together but her seeing dreamhell n him seein a nice field , til he burns "i felt it - what she's feeling. it's excruciating." n them lookin at each other ....... •
"you think this will be over? i call that faith." "nah, that's just basic survival. you gotta believe this will end, right? if you don't - hug a zombie." pftt •
4-9 awww kaya n cz n jz :') •
0 notes
borathae · 10 months
chapter 16 lets gooo im soo excited
oh her stuff is still there NO NOT THE ACCIDENT THOGUHT SHUT UP BRAIN *feeling like throwing kook off a cliff for the emotional rollercoaster
oh shit i forgot to ramble here in between reading
THE SMUT AS always wass soo emotional and disgustingly in love and hot as fuck
jungkook styling his hair, all i could think was the gcf 😩😩
I could finally go full starfish in New York. ...... I did it naked once too.” ... “Didn’t like it, I crushed my balls when I flipped over."  very noodle coded indeed
"I swear to god I shouldn’t curse cause it’s one of our models, but piece of shit technology who invented you?” he grumbles. 💀💀💀
"There are kimchi delivery services?” yeah kookles your mom works there
ok now im loving the dad uwu
I felt like some gang boss when I came to their office cause I had like ten security guards with me and they all had guns, can you imagine that? I felt so cool. manz turned into mafia daddy from wattpad all of a sudden hold on why did i feel tony stark vibes lol
if you didn’t have that lingering thought of your surprise in the back of your head. i got scared and all that suspense for going to piss. im gonna squish ur cute lil ass aaah AH WHAT DO U MEAN SHE DOESNT HAVE TO PISS??? IS SHE GOING TO PROPOSE TO HIM OH MYG GOD
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You realise that you were an idiot back then. A hug like that is possible god its me again when do i get this
“You know I love your facts, but don’t ruin it now." 
You laugh, "hey don’t attack my attempt at being less awkward." shush stop exposing me
we are talking very - ugly sob afterwards. oh how long has it been since i cried like that
Me choosing violence in the beginning:
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but also, I wanted to showcase how anxiety can sometimes mess with your thoughts and give you scenarios which are so very unlikely and yet they seem like the most logical thing to you in the moment. So I'm glad that you could feel his nervousness, because it means I did a good job at portraying what I wanted hehehe
jungkook styling his hair, all i could think was the gcf 😩😩
JAIL. the gcf messed me tf up like fndnfnadn
I could finally go full starfish in New York. ...... I did it naked once too.” ... “Didn’t like it, I crushed my balls when I flipped over."  very noodle coded indeed
PLEEASE NOODLE CODED OMFG HAHHA I might have to borrow this for a fluffy drabble one day hahaha where she is all like "very noodle coded indeed" after he did something silly :(
hahahha the cat memes after finding out she quit her job is such a mood afhadhsf me when I wrote that part fjdjfja
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
For the ask game,
Teyvat, Archon, Venti, and Freedom?
thank you for the ask!!
teyvat: which released region do you prefer and which unreleased nation are you most looking forward to visiting?
for released regions, liyue ofc; there's no way I wouldn't love a fantasy China and the favoritism mihoyo gives it in game goes a long way too lol. the events are super endearing (lantern rite cutscenes hello????) and the landscape is so yellowy autumn (favorite season) <33
aboveground chasm is probably my favorite subregion b/c of the colors the absolutely banger soundtrack and two very good archon quests (shoutout to perilous trail and dainsleif halfdan!!!!!)
Unreleased: honestly, probably Fontaine, I'm afraid of what's gonna happen with Natlan and Snezhnaya just makes me think of sheer cold 😖 sorry Childe I'll visit your hometown another day. I'm actually pretty excited about whatever water mechanics they're going to put in, swimming/diving would be dope lol like we get to go underwater there?? no more waverider?? hell yeah
archon: which nation’s known ‘ideal’ do you like the most: freedom, contracts, eternity, wisdom, justice, or war?
maybe eternity.. I feel like the archon ideals are always like "they appear to represent xyz at first, but actually..." and then they subvert that first impression, so I like makoto and yoimiya's interpretation of eternity and its counterpart transience :3 the whole thing about an eternal moment and keeping forever in your memories was a nice spin on the textbook definition of eternity. also I just really like the idea of the past as a place that you can't go back to
venti: which character(s) do you think you’d actually get along with if you were to meet in person and who do you think you’d actually dislike interacting with?
would smack xingqiu over the head with a book if I met him, I like him but dear lord his dynamic with chongyun makes me want to throw him off a cliff (<- person who hates practical jokes where the complaints of the person being pranked aren't taken seriously OTL)
if xiao decides to constantly be a downer while we're just chilling I would also dislike interacting with him (not his fault he's always pessimistic but man,,,,, get some therapy)
characters I would get along with.. yoimiya or tighnari? yoimiya is a talker which means that even if I can't make small talk she can, and idm people who can talk my ear off <3 tighnari because he's straightforward but no-nonsense, also touches grass and knows a lot about plants what more could someone want
other candidates would be shinobu (I feel like she's straightforward with her intentions and we could just hang out) and chongyun (simply because if we didn't get along I would be incredibly sad)
freedom: if you were blessed with a vision, which one would you want to have (and which one do you think you’d actually get)?
goodness I have no clue. in every version of reality I don't think I'd get a vision at all, hydro might be useful because water, probably would get either electro or dendro though
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sehleste · 7 years
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1 of ⛭ : when sehun paints the stars in the sky ➜ happiest bub on knowing brothers for @r-velvets
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