#i'm imature
acerola-tree · 1 year
shima is just like me fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr
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melissa-s23 · 2 years
I just want.... to meet  apretty girl and befriend her... I want to make friends.... I want to hang out....
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agnesthecartoonfreak · 5 months
⚠️Age gap, smut, dilf⚠️
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You were warned
(Also be kind. English is my second language)
Price always knew the power he had over woman in general. He was a fit military man with who could pick them up and throw them over his shoulder anytime he wanted. That gave him confidence. After being almost a month tied to a wheel chair not much confidence was left.
Despite his confidence he was never a fan of his own body, growing old does not go easy on anyones selfesteem, his fit shereded body became a dad bod. Which he did not like. Fun fact about our captain, he is pretty much a perfectionist when it came to his own phisical appearence.
That specific day he was looking at some old photos of his young adult days in the army. The peak of his phisical shape. He would get so much attention back than. But now? Price sighs not noticing
From the other side of the room you notice tho.
"You've been nostalgic Captain?" You ask a bit worried about his mood today
He smiles warmly in your direction
"Remembering the glory days hehe"
You don't exactly understand
"Glory days?"
Price chuckles
" My youth... I miss having a body like that. I wish I met you back then darling. We would have fun" he kind of did not notice his last words
But you did...
You kneel next to his wheel chair. Looking at his old pictures. He was indeed handsome. Most likely a ladies man
" I think I wouldn't be into you back then"
Price looks in confusion
"What? Why?" A bit offended but he wouldn't admit that
"You were still growing up. You were probably reckless and imature... The things I admire in you were not there yet"
He chuckles
"Like your patience, your soft but rough voice, your charm , your beard and your body"
A bit surprised he talks back
"My body was way better back then"
"I disagree" you insist
He looks at you waiting an aswer
"You were trying too hard I think. Too skinny I think, probably in some crazy cut diet to show your abs. You look much more manly now a bit bigger but still strong as a bull" you reply
He seems touched by what you just told him. He gets a bit closer to you and you do not pull away. Both of you glance uncontrolably at each others lips.
They touch... Softly, like a slow dance. The soft kisses continue till they are interruped by a annoying ringtone
" Shit..." price mumbles
It's his daughter he has to answer it
He talks to his daughter on the phone for a while. You recompose yourself setting his bathroom so he can have a shower afterwards
She makes a promise to herself to keep on acting normally, like nothing happend. That would be professional right?
He comes back and you announce
"Sir it's time for your bath"
Price is a bit confused by the sudden change of topic. He gets a bit disappointed
Maybe you regreted? However he caries on with the task
As you shower him he cracks jokes making you feel more confortable during the task. When he thinks the mood is apropriate he says
"Listen I don't want you to feel forced to please me just because you admire me or something. I get it. I'm too old for you. I'm not mad at you I just want you to feel confortab-
Suddently you interrupt Jonh's speech by sitting on his lap and kissing him. You two kiss in silence for about 5 minutes before both of you completely run out of breath. Keeping your foreheads connected, both trying to catch their breath.
"I thought..." Price starts
"I wanted to be professional. Sorry for making you feel unwanted"
He laughs.
"What are you laughing about?"
"I wanted to do that for so many weeks..."
You chuckle looking down at his lap
"I can tell"
Price closing his eyes realizing he has now a huge boner
"That is embarrassing"
You shift your hips on his lap so you can feel him. He grabs you hips with his good hand by reflex. He open his eyes, they are now darker with desire
"I wanted to be a gentleman and take you out to dinner first..." he says but he clearly doesn't want you to stop. He uses his hand in your hip to rock your hips together
A deep shy moan escape his lips
" We can do that later Jonh. But I think now we need to take care of your needs"
Taglist: @sillylittlereader
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luisssblog · 11 months
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Okay, I'm still enjoying My Adventures with Superman. The show still has the same problems that I talked when episode 1 and 2 released. The writing is not very mature, it has a lot of fanfics/YA tropes.
Also, I have to say that characters don't act very smart and sometimes they act very dumb and contradictory just because the script needs them to act like that, for example: Louis wants to be a profissional journalist, but everytime she has a chance to prove herself, she acts imature, reckless and pretty dumb, like in episode 4 she has a chance to interview important people and her approach is going direct to them and ask if they commit any crime or corruption, sis please, there are better ways to work your career! She also keeps repeating actions that Clark already discuss with her and told her to do better or do in a different way and then she apologizes and next episode she does it again.
Another thing that is contradictory is Jimmy. During first and second episodes he is super supportive of Clark and Louis getting together, but in episode 4 he is totally third wheeling and he is not supportive anymore, now he acts a bit clueless about the others feelings and that doesn't make sense when you think how he acted before. Also, I know he is a supporting character and he is helpful and charming as a character, but he is lacking development and importance and he needs to be his own character instead than just a sidekick/shipper/third wheel/token black character and I hope we can see more of him in the next episodes, but I have a gut feeling that the writers don't really know what to do with him.
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Now for the things I liked about the new episode.
Thank you for making Louis find out Clark is Superman already in episode 4. This girl has being this close 🤏 from both Clark and Superman and she not realizing that they are the same person for a whole season would have been ridiculous. I'm glad they are putting things together fast and not wasting time with unnecessary stuff.
Another important stuff I have to say is that I love that Clark and Louis are already building a romantic relationship, they are not going for the "We are so good friends" route and making me wait for a whole season for small demonstrations of love, no! We have four episodes and they already smooch twice. Good for them!
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Well, I don't have anything more relevant to say. I just want to point out how the picture where they draw glasses to Superman reminds me from that one scene from one of the animated Batman movies where Bruce finds out who Joker is by drawing a smile in a picture. It's so funny! 🤣
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Can I talk about my experienc here, and be honest? Sorry if I will bother you with this ask.
I tthink people sooner, or later will leave this "Vive is so good of a writer" thing behind, especially if they are younger, or children. I have been somewhat of a toxic fan if thingsbut as I got older, and started enjoying, and being fan of more things, and interact ed with more people I started criticaly thinking about the things, and creaters I enjoyd, and realise it's better to have a critical look, and see the negativ in things you like, then never seeing them. I know that Viv will always have her super fanatic fans, but a lot will leave. This was the honest part, now I would like to talk about my experiences, or how should I call them.
Okey. So I was a really big Vivziepop fan. I enjoyd both Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel. I was always on the look out to watch a new fan theory video, and fanart. I did not see the problems of both. I was around the age of 16, or 17 when it come out. I loved it, and given me hopes of having my own animated series. I watched drama debunking videos, where Viv was shown as a victom of a baseless hate mob who fabriceted lies, over reacted things, and made things up only to cancel her, and ruin her career. I believed that the things were lies, and slender. I did not see any flaw the show had. But I grown. I speant less and less time in the Viv fanbase. I went back and speant more time in fanbases I was already a part of, and joind new ones. And I grown, I started critisising the things I like, and listen to critics of it. I went back to look at the fanbase, and I imidietly feelt old, and didn't wanted to be there. Especially when I listen to critics.
Now I'm here more found of the critical side, then the fan side. I feel imature about the fect that I ever believed the Viv defender's lies, especially when they call her critics like you "Lifeless low lifes who can't see someone being more sucsesfully then them sucsed so they speand they life traing to ruin it". I know that not all fans of Hazbin Hotel, or Helluva Boss is like that. I know a guy who doas not know about the dramas, doas not like Stolas, and did not like parts of episode, and a girl, who just casually watches, it and knows nothing about Viv's dramas. I like her, she seem to understand my fustretion whit getting Helluva Boss result at first when I type Stolas into the Google, and is genuenly intrested demonology beyond how Viv represented it, when I told her about it. But they way other fans act online I just get a really bad feeling.
I'm just taird. I just whish that I was not imature, or impresionable, enough to believe in what Viv defenders told me.
I'm sorry for venting here, I know this is probably not a place for it, and that I sound pathetic. I'm sorry, I just wanted to say, that what Viv defenders can do.
Also sorry for the bad English, it's not my first launvige.
Never be sorry for venting, and don't let it get you down. You can only do the best with what you know and Vivzie's a chronic manipulator.
Glad to have you here now!
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koszmarnybudyn · 8 months
asking this to my fav dndads artists, do you ship any of the teens, if so whom with?
Aww I'm your fave artists that's so nice :)
To answer your question, yeah I'm kinda a multi shipper to be honest, oakworthy (hermiexnormal) gothcleats (scaryxlink), swiftli (linkxtaylor) and kickworthy (linkxhermie) are some of my faves. (Yes I mostly ship link ships, he's cool okay).
Im not big on scaryxtaylor, hermiexscary or normalxscary (escpecially the last one, unless its like all teens in a poly relashonship, cause i just see those as platonic mostly, or in scaryxhermie case very one sided). Polywagon is great, scarica is fun (scaryxerika), honestly most saphic Scary ships (like with margarita or hero are intresting), not big on any d00d ships tbh, they just feel too imature to be. I think im open to most ships, and am not a hater of any (unless like incest or parent-guardian/child are involved), althought as i said im not a fan of a few.
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oxyyyy1787 · 1 month
Introductions about I/Me/Myself!
It's not my first time here, I remember I did created an account on this website when I was only a child. But surprise, surprise, I have NEVER actually wrote a post here. So why don't I start my first post introducing myself to the blue haired Steven Universe shippers- I MEAN- Tumblr users?
So basicallyyyy: I'm Sally, but you can call me Looper, Oxy, Cassidy or Yards. I'm a minor so don't be weird, creep. I'm from southern Brazil, and I'm very proud of being born here, yet i hate my country for it's horrible politics and education. My pronouns are: She/Her, They/Them or This/That, i hope you, reader, can respect that lol. I LOVE to make friends!!!! I'm an artist that does lots of cool stuff and i have a ton of paracosms!! I'm also in a lot of fandoms, principally in Sally Face, Hazbin Hotel, Animation Meme, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Filthy Frank, so be prepared cuz i'm gonna post TONS OF FANARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Before you follow or wathever that is called:
Sometimes I post vents;
Sometimes i'm formal, sometimes not;
Sometimes I give my personal opinions about especific topics (For example: politics.), But i respect all opinions!;
I'm kinda emotional, imature and I have abandonment fear;
I swear a lot sometimes;
I REALLY like to draw gore;
I won't treat you with respect if you don't respect me either;
Sorry for any grammar issues!;
There will be times I will post stuff in brazilian-portuguese;
I make acid and dark jokes, so if you're offended by such thing, FORGIVE ME I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE U SAD!!! D: ;
I make a lot of referencez hell yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh;
General intolerence, ableist "Jokes", bullying, debates about abortion.
Basic DNI criteria (Pedophiles/Maps, Adult attracted child, pro-shippers, zoophiles, necrophiles, nazis);
DiCE.org members;
"Columbiners", or any person that glorifies evil people;
Religious intolerants;
People that doesn't respect different political views;
Bigots (Transphobes, ableists, homophobes, racists, xenophobes);
Ships people from real life;
Fetish accounts;
Hates on alternative people for no actual reason at all.
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I'm just a mask covering up an imature child. I've only ever been playing roles my whole life. I have nothing where anything counts.
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You know, the parentification thing...
So my mom would say how there was only one time when I threw a tantrum, and it was cause their was this stuffed dinosaur I wanted and was tired, so they ended up leaving but coming back another day
Well, couple years back somehow this comes up with my dad and he kind of pauses and is like...
"What happened is that there was a stuffie you really wanted, and one your mom really wanted, and we didn't have enough to get both. So you were around 3, and you were sitting there trying to find a way to both get what you wanted and make your mom happy, and it upset you so much you started crying about it"
So uh... yeah... I don't know... can't really talk much on this stuff cause like... this is all stuff I normally repress to get by on. Just uh... yeah. Had to pay my mom's rent one time when I was like 10... eh, don't really like to think about it but... there was a fair bit of stuff with her and having to play parent
Wouldn't normally bother mentioning it, but since people are talking about demographics a lot on that post, I'm an only child and a boy so... there you go
Hope you have a nice day though. Just uh... thought I'd weigh in. Probably could offer other examples but... even just remember this has me not doing so keen so rather not search for any other memories
Yeah, parentification and emotional incest are....a hell of an experience.
My wife is trans and like. I get that for a lot of people when you're trans, you were "always" your gender just "misperceived" as your AGAB, but wifey doesn't see it that way. She lived nearly 30 years as a queer black man with 2 sons, and has only recently found herself in the position of associating with herself as a black woman with two brothers. Funnily enough, both changes happened in tandem, in part because she felt that she was officially done raising her boys (the youngest had his 18th birthday shortly before my wife came out and had moved out on his own before she told him) and so her life was no longer about being a mother to them, and she felt more able to be a woman without being a mother, just as she finds it easier to be a father without being a man.
Between my personal life and my professional life, I have seen a lot of parentification in a lot of demographics (women, men, youngest siblings, oldest siblings, kids in 2 parent families, kids in single parent families, it literally does not matter). The emotional/cognitive processes that result in parentification aren't concerned with who "should" have which responsobilities, they are simply incapable of holding themselves accountable to it rather than foisting it off on the kids.
My mother and my wife's mother both equally depend on us for their self-validation as good and loving mothers who cared for us despite their utter failures on all counts with each of us, and they both put the same responsibilities on us despite our different AGABs because it was never about us. It was about THEM. It was about their need for an adult companion who could support and validate them and the utter emotional imaturity that drove them to seek it with their children instead. It was the way that being a child made us captive audiences to our mothers' self destructive tendencies. It was the way our money paid the bills without ever staying in our hands long enough to better our own lives. It was the way they looped us into every interpersonal conflict they created with their misbehavior. It was the way they treated us like friends when they needed validation but like property when we dared to have needs that weren't compatible with theirs. It's the way they comodified and fetishized aspects of our sense of self as something that they could use to control, humiliate, and erase the reality of us from their awareness. It's the way they raised us to know deep in our souls that there is no distinction between them and us to the point that we routinely sacrifice our boundaries again and again in their name without it even occurring to us that we COULD have boundaries there. What they want was always what we wanted, and after a while it's hard to tell how much of that is real.
That's the parentification. And hey, we can even talk about how eldest daughters in particular can struggle to identify what they went through as parentification because of how normalized it is for them to be treated this way! But we do that by acknowledging that what they went through WAS IN FACT parentification rather than by insisting it was some special different thing. That actually reinforces the same cultural issues that make it hard to call out eldest daughters being abused through parentification.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Well you've done it. I'm actually feeling sorry for the Romanians and the fact they have to deal with a bunch of imature vampires thinking they are the greatest. Honestly won't blame them if they decide to give up after few more months
Look, @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, praise!
Watch Stefan and Vladimir get so annoyed they just kill the Cullens. They can wait another thousand years for a new gift to arise, what they can't do is put up with these people.
As Muffin put it (and this will be the most succinct parable you ever read if you're a dweeb), the Romanians thought they were getting Death Note (ridiculously intelligent masterminds do glorious cerebral battle) but it turns out they're getting Legend of Intergalactic Heroes (ridiculously intelligent masterminds have to put up with incompetent leaders who refuse to listen to sound advice) instead.
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haroldstylcs · 8 months
To say he has been activily avoiding coming near Maddison was - well it was quite accurate actually, he spotted the singer walking into the elevator the minute he checked in on day one, and since knowing she was there, he has been careful in what rooms he walks in, and which table he sat at, always making sure to keep his distance. Call him imature, he really doesn't care anymore, he left her on read after she texted him by mistake - or so she says -, and he was planning on keeping the silence and distance as it was. "How many times am I getting lost in this godforsaken castle... ridiculous..." Harry whispered to himself, walking inside the next door he finds after he took a left, which leads him to yet another dead end, this room looks like a small library, with books filling the walls to the brim, a couple of armchairs by the fireplace, with one single window from floor to ceiling, from where you might be able to go outside to the grounds. The sun was setting, and the golden hour gave the room a natural golden light all around it, making it look even cozier and welcoming. Humming a random melody that was stuck with him since morning, Harry couldn't help but to roam throufh the shelves for a while, reading through some of the titles, getting lost in quite a few he would like to read and mentally creating a list, until the noise of a door closing snapped him back to reality. "Oh shit, you gave me a fright- I'm sorry, I got lost, not sure if I was allowed here..." he started off, stopping in his tracks the moment he turns towards the entrance, and of course fate wanted to laugh at him, because what other reason would Maddison have to have just walked in the same room as him. "Right. I'm leaving" only problem was, in order to leave, he would have to get through her. Fuck. @mdisons
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just-antithings · 2 years
Something that has me confused about DNIs... Sometimes (mainly on Twitter) I see people putting 'dni if you think you love [character] more than me' and I'm like... How do you enforce that??? Or even what kind of criteria is that??? I mostly see it from minors which would explain why it's so silly and imature but it still confuses me so much. (Unless I'm missing something???)
I always thought those were jokes? At least I hope so.... I cannot believe a real person would include that on a serious DNI.
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uglydbzmerch · 2 years
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2. Who is your favorite character? This is actually a hard question because I love several characters SO MUCH, but 75% of the time my favorite is Piccolo. I love his character arc from villainous jerk to heroic sweetheart, his friendship with Gohan is the cutest thing ever, I love how smart he is, his attacks are seriously so cool looking, and just... EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SO COOL <3
5. Who is your favorite villain? Out of the major villains, definitely Frieza! He's one of the most iconic anime villains ever for a reason! I love how unrepentantly evil he is even after helping out in the Tournament of Power, all of his forms are so cool looking, the way he swings between classy and dignified to angry raging murder machine, his occasional really cute moments.... I could go on! If we're including side characters, I have a major love for Babidi. He had an interesting story and motivation, cool powers, looked like a cute little hairless cat, and was hilarious.
10. The Dragon Ball series isn’t exactly known for being consistent with its story, its characters, and various other things. Which inconsistency irritates you the most? Hmm... there's a couple that really annoy me tbh, but one of the biggest is how he wronged Yamcha by claiming he was a cheater when his entire character up to that point suggests otherwise. He dreamed of getting married, was nervous around women, and put up with a lot from Bulma (she was the one who had wandering eyes and showed a lack of commitment in the actual manga/show but since it was played for laughs people seem to forget this). I say this lovingly, because I adore Bulma and it was imaturity, not malice, that motivated this, but she wasn't a great girlfriend and it makes way more sense that she was unfaithful than he was. But oh well. Toriyama needed to break them up and it was easier to throw Yamcha under the bus since he wasn't a major character at that point I guess. Heh, now I'm probably gonna get an angry anon or something XD
23. What is your favorite technique? Easy! Special Beam Cannon aka Makankosappo. It just looks cool as heck. Plus, when Piccolo first busted it out in the fight with Raditz it was a real 'WOW!' moment. And I loved how it was used in DBS Super Hero but won't say more about that to avoid spoilers in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.
Thank you so much for asking! I had fun answering these. I have two more in my inbox, and am still accepting them if anyone else wants to humor me.
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thirtheenprimes · 2 years
Reading a self help book (Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents) and I'm so far not learning anything new, I already know most of this because I am self aware, but I've notice a trend for the sections. The title for the sections are titles that sound like they're going to describe autistic adults in an in-depth but negative light, and then it describes emotionally imature parents, like Surprise! They are everything some assholes think autistic are!
For example:
They Demand Mirroring
Mirroring is normal and healthy, but in this case the emotionally immature parent expect their kids (any age) to mirror their emotions without being told, expect your pity for things they blow out of proportion, and consciously refuse to put emotional work into caring for others. It isn't that they outright struggle to understand others' emotions its that they don't care and won't let themselves feel two emotions at once or any emotions deeper than surface level because they are scared of what that means. Ha ha you thought we were going to describe an autistic person? Well, they could be, but that isn't relevant, we're talking about duchebags and parents that hold the gift of life over your head your entire life.
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bluesmason · 2 years
How rude of all of you. I'm not here to judge, though, but the fact that you guys make so much fun of this "TJ" that appreciates all of your posts, is extremely childish and imature, like for real? What's so wrong with liking each post? The fact that he/she admires you, doesn't seem funny to me for any reason whatsoever.
i continuously ask them to stop liking my posts, to me they don’t do it to support bc they would know by now it makes me uncomfortable if they like every single post of mine on every one of my blogs. i’m not making fun of people being supportive and loving my account, they’re the best but if i say it makes me uncomfortable and they don’t stop i will choose to believe they’re not doing it to be nice but for some other reason.
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luiseporcelana · 4 months
i'm too sane and normal to be neurodivergent and have a personality disorder, but i'm too weird, sensitive, imature, incovenient, distressed, stressed, quiet, disorganized and weird to be neurotypical and normal.
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