#i'm just envy
solroskajan · 4 months
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lunarin64art · 9 months
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Day 6: AU
Scott Pilgrim if it was good
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Anyway, I find it really cute how protective Wallace is over Scott when it comes to Envy. He'd definitely want to rub it in her face if he ever ended up dating Scott in the future.
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aimasup · 2 months
inside out scribbles from memory + go-getter leader problem solving skills
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Stop it anger you're scaring her
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sunlit-mess · 5 months
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I can only take so much, but lately, they have replaced my reflection. And realize I'm just as bad as them.
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everchased · 9 months
so, Astarion and Finch. which one of them watches the other fight and thinks "that's so hot"?
finch finds astarion's skill and deftness with a blade VERY sexy admirable but i think the person who has that immediate "HOT" moment is astarion himself.
there is probably something immediately attractive to astarion "technically not a murderhobo but only because he dresses nice" ancunin about seeing a man who (for the most part) tries to favor persuasion decide that a situation is bad enough to call for killing someone
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and swiftly, effectively, and mercilessly
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following through with that decision.
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gamergirlsex · 10 months
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cnth-rb · 4 months
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Drawing some siblings.
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waitineedaname · 1 year
shoes in FMA rated on how comfortable they'd be to fight in
Edward Elric
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considering Ed's uhhh very distinct taste in aesthetics, these could be a lot worse. they look relatively comfortable and don't seem like they'd be difficult to move around in. they are platforms though, which I imagine makes things more difficult. I'll be generous and give these a 7/10
Most of the Amestrian military
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pretty much everyone in uniform wears the same shoes, so I'm lumping them all together. these are Roy's, if that matters. they look fine. I imagine that because it is part of a military uniform, it's designed to be moved around in and worn for hours on end, so ideally they're relatively comfortable. it doesn't look like there's much traction, but they're usually fighting on flat surfaces so whatever. 8/10
Fu and Lan Fan
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these shoes fucking rule. the picture I've included is Lan Fan's, but they wear p much the same shoes. I fucking love these things. they have spikes. Edward Elric fucking wishes. considering this seems to be part of the bodyguard uniform, I'd imagine they're as easy to run around in as the military shoes, if not better since they're expected to be doing martial arts in them. but most importantly, they have spikes. 10/10, no notes.
Ling and Mei
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on the topic of doing martial arts, both Ling and Mei wear these.... I'm not sure what they are. flats? slippers? it's unclear. (EDIT: they are apparently Kung Fu shoes!) they seem relatively easy to move around in I guess since they're not very cumbersome and both Ling and Mei rely on being very nimble. they look like they have absolutely no support in the soles though, which is gonna get painful after a certain point. also depending on what fabric they're made of, they could definitely start chafing. I've worn flats. I know that hell. 7/10 for the potential blisters, but at least they're designed specifically for martial arts
Greedling and Bradley
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it's hard to get a good shot in this scene because neither of them stop moving, but I swear to god, they're fighting in dress shoes. I cannot stand them. this CANNOT be comfortable. I know Greed prioritizes aesthetics over function so this was probably a compromise between his and Ling's tastes but ohhh my god. he was probably wasting so much of the philosopher's stone just passively healing the million blisters on his feet from running around in these things. there's a chance Bradley is wearing the military uniform shoes but I think he was in more formal dress when he got blown the fuck up, so I don't think so. no wonder he complains about being sore, quit running around in dress shoes you fucking moron. 4/10.
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THESE FUCKING THIIIIIIIINGS. WHY ARE THEY POINTY AT THE END. WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SOMEONE HIT HIS FOOT WITH A MALLET AND FLATTENED THEM. he's so dumb. I love him. looking at these things tells me he would probably wear goth cowboy boots if he could, and tbh that would probably look better. 3/10 for Greed's overall silly as hell fashion sense
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okay. the heels make sense considering her whole vibe. however. these are part of her fucking BODY. when she gets incinerated, they grow back. can she even take them off???? I'm scared to ask. I guess if theyre part of her body, she doesn't have to worry about adjusting to balancing in them like you would normally with heels, but oh my god. she can never wear normal shoes. I would also be murderous if I had to wear heels all the time. 4/10.
Father and Izumi
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guys. these are sandals. it has been four hundred years and Father is still wearing the same outfit he was wearing in the damn desert. find a new outfit man. Izumi is apparently wearing bathroom slippers (hence the WC) so idk why she's even wearing those out of the house. Father gets 0/10 and Izumi gets 1/10 because she still manages to kick everyone's asses while wearing these, so respect
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thefourfan · 8 months
I love the Tumblr side of the Murder Drones Fandom, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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dangerouscakes · 28 days
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
The thing that sucks sometimes about transition envy is that, I guess you almost expect yourself to "grow out" of it the more you transition. I used to feel so much envy, and it was something I hoped would stop once I transitioned medically, and while it's absolutely less frequent... man, when I experience transition envy, it's still just as bitter a cocktail as I remember. It can be hard to move past that, and almost... resent the other person/s, but what helped me is knowing that the person you're envying isn't specifically trying to make you, personally, feel like absolute shit. Just as you can't always help what you are envious about in other trans people, they can't help that they have traits or transition experiences or opportunities you do not have, you know? And absolutely, it sucks. But it's something that helped me because then it's a reminder that the world isn't Out To Get Me, you feel?
I think a lot of us can relate to the experience of transition envy, and it's shameful to admit to it, I suppose. It's hard to admit to envy in general, but it's important to not be judgemental about yourself. Your transition is as unique and beautiful and worthy as literally everyone else's and I hope you remember that forever
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dr-mothman · 2 months
I think not a lot of people talk about AM's self-esteem issues and self-destructive tendencies and it makes me sad.
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mommyashtoreth · 9 months
I think it's Easy but also extremely lame to reduce Crowley's element of "temptation" down to "he's horny and he Awakens Lust Within Aziraphale." Like don't get me wrong, I love gay sex, but Any of the deadly sins can be gay sex if you try! Isn't it more interesting to represent Aziraphale's desire for Crowley through something like, idk, "gluttony" which is more in line with how Crowley repeatedly "tempts" him (ox ribs = gay sex, anyone?)? Look I'm gay I know how this stuff works, all-consuming 6000-year desire stops being just Lust at some point. Crowley made Aziraphale realize he's been starving his entire life and that's not gay sex enough? Just in general Crowley awakening "sin" in Aziraphale and Aziraphale awakening "virtue" in Crowley is sooooo sex to me. Girls we need to talk about this more
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tyriongirl · 6 months
Controversial statement but i do think there's an aspect of womb envy in Jaime's relationship to both Cersei herself, and the idea of Cersei. The fact she can create, and has created, life, and he can only cause death. They have created life together but he has no part in them and can never truly have, but she also created death for them (Robert's babies, Robert himself) which he never could. The fact he wants to kill Robert so many times but never gets to, but she does. The fact he means to kill bran but never gets to. There's something there
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morethansky · 3 months
Oh my god, absolutely FEASTING on fanboy tears tonight as I repeatedly rewatch not only a sexy, well-choreographed and performed fight between an Asian man and an Asian Canadian but also one between a nonbinary person and a woman (who's even playing her character as queer), holy shit!!!
And, like, do you understand what it means to me to have an evil Asian character who's not a racist caricature??? Like yeah, in Star Wars, but also in Western media in general! Also very important to me is that he's ACTUALLY HOT. Asian men never get to be hot on screen in Western media, especially Asian diaspora folks. It's not only shitty in a racist way but also a travesty for hot people enjoyers such as myself!! (And I mean like one of the few times they attempted to give it somewhat of a shot, the role went to a former incel ffs.)
This is also important because Qimir getting to be hot means people are thirsting after him!!! That's an important part of representation people don't talk about enough. Just reading posts and chats where people are seeing him as physically attractive and salivating over his body makes me so emotional??
The casting director, the costumers, and the hair and makeup teams on this production, my god. First Mother Aniseya and now Qimir. They're just casually dropping some of the hottest characters in Star Wars into this show, bless.
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themintman · 28 days
I am filled with HATE and SORROW y'all know how like Nurm is my favourite character my number 1 guy out of any piexe of media ever I love him dearly which sucks cause he's pretty unpopular but whatever whatever. N I'm like "man I really want to see some new Nurm content but everything I find I've either seen before or I created ☹️" and then I. I go on tiktok and I KEEP seeing edits that start with a clip with Nurm in them and then haha surprise it's actually a Petra edit!! Cause it's ALWAYS PETRA GOD DAMN IT and I love her. I love Petra so much. She is a fabulous character but ohm y god I am tweaking. I genuinely started crying y'all I am not sane nor normal. I'm so normal about him. Oh my good god I am going insane I am 💥💥💥💥
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