#i'm just happy bein me rn :>
keeps-ache · 2 years
happy gender thoughts :D
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discoreptile · 5 months
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#heyo again posting in the ol tags#At a moral quandary but I guess I'll update yous on my life while I think of a way to sound it out#I am currently single. This is a big deal for me because I am coming to terms with my status as a serial monogamist#I think my ex has been not single longer than I have so I'm not feeling guilty about it. Just feels weird being single is all.#I'm doing the whole dating thing again. Have been on 2. First one I stayed at her spare room and freaking cried. Haven't spoken to her sinc#Second one I stayed in her spare room and she stayed with her roommate. Both times I didn't want things to go physical. Both over now.#The second one I was more optimistic for tho.Prominent thing was that she wanted me to date her and others. So I'm not exclusive with anyon#And I still maintain that. Doesn't feel good bc when I go on a date with one it feels like I'm cheating on the others.#But i have such low confidence that I don't want to turn anyone down or keep anyone waiting for me to ask them out. So idk what I'm doing#anyway. moral quandary. I just realized I can't actually talk about it. But I have to choose advancing my own career at the cost of my sou#it would be really nice to get some big £$£$ but I'd have to sort of betray new boss a little. Who has already given me permission to do so#it doesn't feel right. Shellycoat here is from new project. Ugh I dunno. I think I'm going o have to sell out just a little.#Bein single again shows me how behind I am for my age. Still can't drive still living with my best pal. Probably goin bald soon#then again I've been saying that for years now. Maybe I have a few years left of it. But yeah. I don't earn very much rn. When I get those#questionaires I'm often in the lowest bracket so i'm like “I am among the poorest of ppl then??” One lady stopped talking to me when I#told her I rented a flat. Which implies a lot of men my age own property already. But did they get them with their morals intact or did the#have to do a bit of backstabbing on the way? Anyway. I guess I'm happy that I'm not just whining about my love life.Maybe being single is o#still wanting to get out there. Maybe I'll make another post about that or whenever I'm not single lol
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the-kr8tor · 2 days
Okay listen the reason I made R throw hands is cus I was salty at one of my friends (who I kinda...maybe...have a tiny itty bitty little crush on) kept complimenting my smile and I can't handle affection well so I had to self project ALSO THE NEW CHAPTER? I NEED TO READ IT BUT I GOTTA STUDY (I read like half and I am speechless istg i love ur writing katy- it's insane how much you've improved from ur first fanfic to now) Daily Hobie HC! Love languages time- personally, I think he's all of them (+teasing), both giving and receiving. Hobie likes to know that you're there with him, whether it's holding onto the pinkie of your hand with his or looping a finger into your belt loops. Subtle, nonchalant clinginess, basically. Unless he feels like being an ass. He'll sometimes come up behind you and lightly tap your hips, letting you know he's there as he just unwinds silently, leaning against your back with his face buried into your hair. His arms are usually wrapped around your waist, resting lazily there as he calms his mind with your presence. (Or perhaps, if you're like my sona and wear layered necklaces, he'll gently attempt to untangle them) In large crowds, in order not to lose you, Hobie will silently loop a finger through your beltloops, or slip his hand onto your pocket, or even just grip the edges of your pocket. Whatever gets him to be able to at least hold you, in a way, he's happy. With gift-giving, no doubt he'll be leaving little trinkets with notes attached to them. Sometimes, it's something from his inter-dimensional travels, or just a nice smelling candle he nicked that he thought you might've liked. The notes he leaves with these little gifts always manage to make you smile, with a tiny doodle of you and him, a few scribbly love hearts around both of you as well. No doubt you have a little box dedicated to these sticky notes, always bein sure to put them in immediately after receiving them. Unbeknownst to him, you pull that box out and look over the doodles whenever you feel a bit too worried about him, and it calms your nerves easy. Quality time with Hobie is always amusing one way or another. Whether it's a sleepover leading to you waking up to him DIY-ing another leather jacket on the floor with silver studs scattered every where, or both of you just have a relaxing time painting each other's nails, or even allowing you to colour in his tattoos as he dozes off. If you're currently struggling to overcome something, he's your number one supporter, and always by your side. He'll always make sure you know how much he's proud of you, planting little kisses on your shoulder and muttering how well you're going. He'll murmur how much he loves you against your lips as you kiss a hundred times if he needed to. Hobie is always up for doing something for you if you're dealing with something, cue the multiple times he's helped you through stress or periods or just overall with life. Although he isn't really the best therapist, he'll still let you rant to him while he focuses on making some snacks for you, simply just making you 'sit there and look pretty', while in reality you're watching him carefully to make sure he doesn't try to blow anything up. Istg I'm getting jumped rn it aint letting me do these daily hobie hcs >:( -🐦‍⬛
🐦‍⬛ anon is actually Y/N bc you're having a friends to lovers arc innit?
Study first! You can read it after like a lil treat! Thank you so much 🥹 I think my writing has stagnated a bit but I'm glad to hear that it hasn't! Ly muah i needed that ❤️
Oh i forever stand by the fact that he loooooveesss pulling you in by your belt loops 🥴 highkey my favourite trope ever
The little doodles with the notes oh im dying that's so sweet i want that 😍🥹🥹🥹 (when will it be my turn?)
Colouring in his tattoos!!!!! So cute! Until you accidentally use permanent marker 😂😂😂
Who's jumping you? Imma throw hands real quick!
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boydholbrookfanpage · 6 months
Update: Good news and bad news. The good news is that I will have about double the amount of gif icons of Clement Mansell for the gif pack, thanks to @boydholbrook-fan - Thank you, Kamila! <333 She has allowed me to edit some of her gifs to provide y'all with more Boyd content, which is awesome! I only have access to so much, but I did also manage to find and gif three more clips from the show that I didn't have access to until now! So about double what I had been attempting to get made. The bad news is that...
1) I had to save about 100 under a .webp format and then change them all to .gif before I could edit them and it's taking me A LOT longer than I thought. And 2) on top of that, my body hates me rn. I might be going to the doc's on Monday, if they can fit me in. Tests will determine if I have to have surgery or not, but I'll need to get checked out first. I'll be alright, either way, but until things get sorted out, I'm sort of in pain. I've got some pain meds, but it's not helpin' a whole lot. But no worries. It's nothin' too serious. I may just need my reproductive parts taken out, which I'm totally okay with. I already had two kids and am happy to get them yoinked outta me. Lol! Just... I'd appreciate it if my system didn't kick my ass so damn hard. Lol!
All that bein' said, I apologize for the delay with the gif icons. I was aiming for Monday night, but it may be more like Wednesday or Thursday, depending on how I'm feeling. Possibly later, but I'm really tryin' to get them done asap.
Thanks for your patience! But hey, y'all will have a good 250+ gif icons of Clement Mansell so that'll be awesome! I'll even use some for my own muse, eventually.
Take care and much love! And a HUGE thanks again to Kamila for allowing me to edit some of her amazing gifs!
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bloggingboutburgers · 10 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well. I've got a coupla questions (sorry if they've been asked before and/or are dumb)
Can I be aroace if I daydream about The One but like most of the time it's paired with a fictional version of me not me actually? Or am I just tryna be something I'm not?
Cause like I'm married rn (arranged marriage! Huzzah for culture roles amirite) and it's. Not. Goin well. I act so toxic with the guy and everything he does is like taken as a threat. Everyone says he's a nice guy and he is, probably. But every time I see his face I'm tired. When I have to talk to him, I don't want to. I don't want to spend time with him. I don't wanna hug him or touch him or look at him. He's like super bummed out cause I don't wanna do any of those things or even just be friendly with him. In my monkey brain I think I've got it figured that if I do get friendly then it'll just keep goin and goin and then I'll have to marry-marry him (biblically, if you will). I'm confused if this is just cause I don't like this guy in particular or if I just don't vibe with the whole idea of this in general. Cause I've always dreamt of a soulmate I guess. So maybe I'm just tryna use this to excuse my toxic behaviour? (The toxic behaviour in question is a lack of initiative, failure to communicate and no reciprocity of affection and even instances of revulsion btw) (everyone also keeps pointin out that I get along well with all of his family and that it's just him that I have a problem with, so it's not like I have trouble communicating it's like I choose not to)
It's only been a month and everyone says I'm bein too hasty and dumb but I've been feelin awful for so long now because of this haha. Idek why I'm sending this to you I should just get over myself and be happy with what I got
Thanks either way yo
Hey! So sorry I replied so late... I wasn't sure how to approach this, because I don't want to pass judgement on another culture when I'm not part of that culture while seeing things from the paradigm of my own culture only like it's so easy. I see too many people do it and it rubs me the wrong way so to speak. But I'll say this... As an aroace I am definitely grateful myself that I live in a culture that doesn't force me to get married (knock on wood), because I'd definitely feel similarly to you, I'm pretty sure.
I don't think you're being hasty and dumb for not feeling comfortable in a situation you didn't have a say in. I don't think it's as simple as a "get over yourself" matter like everyone in your surroundings seems to be implying. With that said, I don't know if any of what I'm saying is helping because I have no idea how much area of manoeuver you actually have in this situation, really. Maybe "get over yourself and be happy with what you've got" is all you can afford at that point. Still... You're valid for feeling the way you do.
That being said, unless he's the one who personally originated the arranged marriage, I doubt it's entirely the guy's fault either – as much as this is something anyone should reasonably prepare for, he probably wasn't expecting anything different than the stereotypical way most people say these things go. Not that it justifies expecting things to fall into this stereotypical place without considering the possible variables, but... Yeah. I don't want to tell you to do something that would potentially put you in danger, so please definitely disregard what I'm about to say if that doesn't feel like a safe option to you, but I hope you can talk things out with him on the long run so that he understands why you're this way with him. Of course in an ideal scenario he should understand on his own, but... Yeah it's not necessarily as simple, right? And I know even my whole thing of "talking things out is key" is idealistic thinking and doesn't always work. But in this case I wish it could TwT
Either way, to answer your first question... Deeefinitely nothing wrong with that. If it's anything that helps you get by on a day-to-day basis, by all means, hold on to it. If all else fails that's still the best thing. I hope you can stay as safe as you can T^T
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
Hey! A while ago I think you posted your acne treatment tips and I tried it and it actually worked! I wanted to thank you cause it’s been making me feel real insecure for a while now. I hope you’re doing okay, please remember that regardless of what happens your works make a lot of people happy and will always have a special place in our minds. I know I dont say much cause idk how to communicate and got up the courage just recently… but trust :D im bein honest
(at least i think it was your skincare, this is real awkward if not 0_o)
(yes it was me lol)
aaaa I'm so glad my advice worked for you!!! seriously that makes me so happy to hear. I love skincare stuff and I love sharing what I know about it so I'm thrilled it actually helped you
I'm doing as best as I can rn I think. I'm so glad my works have made so many people happy, and currently I'm stuck in the debate with myself about where to go from here with my writing so we'll see how that turns out. but either way I'm so happy that at least for the last 3 years, I've written things that were special to you guys <3
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hareofhrair · 2 months
Shafan, if you could- no questions asked and no danger attached- become unquestionable emperor of alternia rn, would you do it?
Well damn, who wouldn't? If anyone answered no, they're lyin. Ain't no one so happy with tha way things are they wouldn't jump at tha chance ta change things, or just ta live in luxury and power fer a while.
Tha real issue here is, if all that's changin is they put a crown on my head, I ain't gonna be emperor fer long.
So there's this fella, Hegel, I think his name is? Philosopher type. And he had this speech about consciousness, and it's complicated but that part that matters is there's a master and a slave, and tha master forces tha slave ta acknowledge tha master's subjective experience a reality as tha objective truth- tha master's always right. Tha slave used ta think their subjective experience was objective truth, but by bein forced ta also acknowledge tha master's experience, they realize they ain't tha center a tha universe, that other folks have internal realities in contrast ta theirs. They become aware of their place in the universe and achieve self consciousness, which tha master can never do on account a never havin their subjective experience challenged. But then tha master realizes, he's only master if tha slave recognizes him as such. He needs tha slave ta confirm his idea of reality is tha truth. He becomes conscious a his place in the universe in opposition to tha slave, and that without the slave, he ain't nothin at all.
Anyway, that's a big complicated way a basically sayin government rules by tha consent a tha governed. Its power depends on its ability to persuade or coerce tha consent a those it rules over. Fella can say he's emperor much as he likes, unless everyone else agrees, it don't mean squat. Power comes first from control a resources, and then from control a tha folks what control tha resources.
In tha empire, lowbloods make all tha stuff, but they don't have control over it. Tha midblood bosses do, and tha highblood nobility control tha midblood bosses. And they all stay in line and listen to tha empress, cause if any of em act up, empress can tell all tha rest of em ta wipe that sucker off tha face a tha planet.
Now say I magically become emperor today and declare equal rights fer rusties. What power have I got ta actually make that happen? If one a tha nobles said nah I'm not doin that, tha empress could have em killed and replaced easy. If ALL of em decided ta cause problems, she could call in tha military ta take em out. But me? Not a single damn one of those nobles is gonna listen ta me. Military neither. I got no way ta coerce their consent through force, and they damn sure ain't gonna follow me willingly when I tell em ta give up bein rich and lordin it over everyone.
So I can say I'm emperor all day long, wear tha crown, sit on tha fancy chair. It don't mean shit if tha people don't agree.
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narutomaki · 5 years
im either dying or have an ear infection
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Not sure if I should be alarmed or just happy with how nice he's bein again
I think it's just a good mood but I can never tell anymore if there's some kinda bigger play happenin behind it
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
may i just say that wusyaname is one of my favorite universes to throw myself into too 😭 i love Tyler the Creator and i binged your series on my old account and i just have all the comments saved in my drafts on this blog abt your stories ready to reblog (cause i be anal abt posts bein all neat on my blog n hoard my favorite fics im so srry LOL) but i just saw your post about how you wrote the next three chapters and sorry for being corny, but your comment made me smile bc it’s so obvious that you put so much work into the story and enjoyed it because it is. so. good!! fr i was literally rolling around in bed—found myself at the top of my mattress, hugging my pillows, rolled over and then i was hanging off it reading it an screamin 😭 i wasn’t really watching jjk at the time you wrote this, but you made me love the characters and i felt compelled to read the manga 😂 you just did such a great job and i wanted to gush with you haha. anyways, happy writing and love your work!
AHHHHH thank you!! I remember when I wrote the first chapter I was like this is kinda lame and corny I'm probably not gonna continue. I let one of my best friends IRL read it and she was like "I need more!!" but I was still like idkkkk. I think around two weeks later I was like, okay, I'm gonna see if I feel any better about this series if I write a second chapter! And then second turned to third, fourth, and now I'm all of the way up to fourteen!! It's seriously wild because no matter how many breaks I take and how many hiatuses there are so many fans of wusyaname that have stuck around and are still supporting me and excited for the next chapters 😵‍💫 I think it definitely helps that I always send the chapters to @twicesangel to read before I post and she gets SO excited about them it motivates me to write more! Same goes to everyone who fawns over it and comments or sends me an ask. The feedback really makes it all so worth while bc it's so so fun to get giddy and silly and excited over what's going down every time I post. It makes me think "OKAY I GOTTA WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER RN" so thank you for telling me all this it was so lovely to wake up to this morning I was smiling like a goofball. I hope you have a gorgeous day and take care of yourself!! 💗💗
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pinkydude · 3 years
Ok so I'm like 100% sure someone else (maybe even you fuck if I can remember) has written about this but its about mitch so?? I figure ur a safe bet to ramble about this to. I think ur the mitch anderson content curator (MACC)
I can't get the idea of street kid V never really looked at the sky at night bc light pollution even tho they (in my head) prefer going out at night (less people to run over and its fun to ride bike fast)
But mitch! Bein like 'hey look, fucking stars!' And V forgot they like, exist! And just looks at the sky for a while in wonder and mitch like??? Looks at them and its just a 'I love this fucking idiot so much' moment?
Has that been done yet? If so, follow up; mitch knowing a good place thats clear and safe but private and he invites V to just! Look at the night sky together and its like a date but neither wants to fuck things up w/ eachother so they tiptoe around it until they do that classic 'got caught staring so like we kiss now right' and they lean in at the sAME TIME and they're so! Gentle and tender w/ eachother!! And just cuddle till its too cold out and have to go back to camp I'm so upset rn
And sometimes V will look up while they're still in the city but they fucking know whats there now and it reminds them of mitch and they feel! Happy?? WHAT. Why are quiet evenings stargazing and sitting around a campfire the most romantic thing to me jfccc
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It’s actually @itshazell  who posted this vid and I fucking loved it FUFHHFHFE
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johnnyseod-remade · 7 years
river,, i cant believe youre cheating on johnny
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kimnamsjoon · 7 years
Good night I love Kim Namjoon 🌙💜
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prospails · 7 years
Hey! Mind if I ask... What's your favorite music? Also, do you have any Klance songs recommendations? (It can be more than one!) I'm just... Needing some good music xD
I like a lot of music!My favourites tend to be ones that make me feel like I own the room i’m in and just go hard afi mean like, this is my youtube watch list rn so??? that kinda stuff rly just makes me go nuts 
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or i like tender emotional ones that leave u feelin a bit emptyA whole load of 80′s stuff
honestly i’m just gonna dump a bunch of songs i like to put to all my otps here, wether or not they’re klancey is up to youSemisonic - FNT  please god watch 10 things i hate about you it’s like, my favourite movie everSpin Doctors - Two Princes literally, my favourite song in the world, have listened to this repeatedly since i was like 10 and still feel joy every timeAlter Bridge - Wonderful Life not a happy song sorry but i put this to every otp i have and cry, think angsty character death fics
The Fratellis - Whistle For The Choir this is just a damn cute song
Passenger - The Last Unicorn again, not happy, really angsty, a love that never was, longing for someone else, one of my favs to sing
Of Monsters and Men - Love Love Love Possibly the angstiest song ever about a one sided love from the other persons perspective, very much a klance song from Keiths point of view. I have a personal connection to this song.
and because I can’t not include these CLASSICsAngel With A Shotgun
Accidentally In Love
Ever Fallen In Love
Honourable mention: Snow Patrol - Dark Roman Wine not many people like this song but it gives me a certain tender vibe that sticks??
it’s about now I’m realising i specialise in angsty songs like I legit have like SO MANY song for otps that don’t work out/break up/never confess/one sided love etc
if u want angst then come to me i’ll set u up
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Rio & Indie
Rio: Are you sitting comfortably? Rio: Because I have POTENTIAL GOOD NEWS FOR ONCE Indie: im cotched baby ✌✌ come thru Indie: whats good? Rio: I found a place Rio: well, Buster did but 'low letting him get all the credit Rio: The lady just rang and said I can go see it at 4 Indie: IS IT??? omf dats so sick Indie: who did mckenna have to mesh like? Indie: bring me w i can leave school rn Rio: Yeah, I know right Rio: Jammy sod but we're well in with a chance as long as it's not like, nothing like the pics Rio: it's a bit outta the 24 but still only a bus ride in so Rio: [Sends said pics] What you think girl?! Indie: hes gon be flexin for days b ready for that 😂😏😂 Indie: bitch we movin up Indie: that place is bare hectic Indie: like a real madness Indie: 😍😍😍😍💖💖👑👑 Rio: 😏 Nothing out the ordinary then Rio: Yeah? I really like it too Rio: I'll swing by, say you've got dentist, whatever Rio: One of the rooms got an en-suite and everything like, no queues for the bathroom what Indie: this got me some type of way Indie: im hyped Indie: they gon let me keep 🐶 w us tho?? Rio: It didn't say nah so we're keeping it quiet but not not bringing him obvs Rio: keep up his training it ain't gonna be an issue, like Indie: BITCH WHAT IS THIS FEELIN Indie: tryna recognise it Indie: buzzin Rio: 🙌🙌🙌 Rio: I got a good feeling about it, it's near St Stephen's green like so Bomber can have walks and not have to worry about glass and shit everywhere Indie: bout to happy cry all up in this lesso Indie: n Indie: i can take my younger w too Rio: I love you babe Rio: it's gon' be so much better and Drew ain't got no claims or no key this time Rio: exactly, Ro be way more hyped letting her in these ends Indie: how this real?? it feels jokes Indie: heads are 👀ing me & i aint care Indie: ya girl havin some emotions step off it Rio: That's what I kept saying man Rio: like such an idiot like what, is this real life, nah, not me 😂 Rio: serious, they ain't know we living the good life, gotta go Indie: ITS HOW YOUR MANS BE LIVIN 💸💸💸 Indie: imma lips him Indie: soz bout it Rio: 😂 I'll let you live, you highkey in your emotions Rio: 'bout him though Rio: you're okay if he wanna live there too, when he comes for Uni? Rio: He doesn't have to, not like they don't have a house, not that far away, like Indie: babe you kno i aint tryna borrow your garms big love but like daddy delivers in all them ways and aint none of us vexiin Indie: he gotta respect my 🐶 mans but if they bros then yeah Rio: Yeah? Rio: Good Rio: we can do it on our own regardless but it'll be easier if he twos it Rio: and obvs, I want him there, ew 😜 Indie: imagine if you be like nah mckenna pay dem bills & dont be comin round 😂😂😂 Indie: its chill fr he aint no wasteman i be tryna avoid Indie: he havin his daddy moment Rio: Ain't tryna be that kinda daddy like soz taking away all dem perks Rio: Rude 😂 Rio: He loves you too, babe Indie: ri we all been knew what kinda wifey you gon b 😂😏😏😂 Indie: he comes for my gaming shit he getting merked tho keep that discipline fo yoself in your bed Rio: Hush child 🤐😏 Rio: Double hush, I don't even know if he 'bout that life so you safe Rio: though challenge him at ur own risk I ain't being part of that 🙄 Indie: thats how it gon b i 👀 Indie: i got a serious q but i aint tryna bring the mood ⬇ Rio: Seen not heard, with you? Doubt that 😉 Rio: go for it Indie: drew cant stop me innit Indie: like for real Rio: I don't see how, like Rio: who's he going to to 'fight' for you Rio: where's his case for us not looking after you/him ever doing it Indie: ✌✌✌✌✌ Indie: he probs not even gon show but Indie: he always coming to take me from home wen i was lil u kno Rio: I know baby Rio: but he never could keep you Rio: and lbr you gonna be actual grown soon, he really ain't got a leg to stand on, I promise, even if he comes through chattin' Indie: i love you Indie: more than Rio: I love you too, it's gonna be so legit, promise Rio: all the shit we liked from our old, but better too Indie: true man we did the most but that yard was clapped Indie: it was a time & imma miss it but this b a better one Indie: a fucking extra hype era or some shit Rio: 👑 Rio: that's the vibe Rio: can bring the 24 realness with without the bullshit, yeah Indie: innit tho Indie: lowkey repin for all my years but Indie: bitch im 🔥🔥⬆⬆ Rio: We should celebrate 'fore we go Rio: also you need diff garms 'cos not showing up with you in uniform like I'm your single muvva Rio: giving the game away shh Indie: lets break into our former & give it the send off it shoulda had Indie: ruuuude Indie: you is my ma deal w that Indie: still sexy w it so Rio: nah shadier to let him keep it Rio: welcome for the glo up boy Rio: 💋 i'll take it Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Indie: im only vexed cos he aint had my baby sis there but you kno he bringin them other young girls back how he do Indie: waste Rio: 😬 Rio: too real Rio: too gross Rio: does anyone know if he's tried to talk to ro or they have orrrr Rio: like what's going on fr Indie: she blockin hardcore Indie: she dont want him near but from what i 👀 & 👂 he aint tryna reach anyway Rio: 😒 Rio: even if he did just to say i know u don't want me here but if u do Rio: bare minimum Rio: whatever Rio: their drama, not ours Rio: we gettin' good Indie: fr if he aint tryna see her i is Indie: she got real fam Indie: & me too Indie: we all good Rio: mhmm Rio: him doing his part on him Rio: we all doing ours Rio: she's cute then, yeah? Indie: o you aint seen Indie: my bad Indie: u wanna? Rio: nah not yet, like it weren't explicitly stated but Rio: we know she don't want me near either Indie: i got you Indie: ill bring her to you mama Indie: my girls can meet Rio: Are you sure? Rio: idk if she letting her out of her sight like that yet Indie: its chill man Indie: if step ma be startin i got the other to back me Rio: We'll sort that Saturday yeah Rio: can't be giving her the cribs exclusive or the estate agent will be coming at me with catchment areas fr Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: boo how we celebratin Indie: mckenna aint here thats dry Indie: boy earned his place Rio: I know 😕 Rio: we go out and do it again when he is Rio: we keep it lowkey for now, get some food 'forehand 'cos know you ravenous Rio: then if we fucking with it we can get something extra that we gon' need Indie: truuuuuuu Indie: yeah girl this is beast Indie: im so about it Rio: It's a new block so if we get it we can be in there like, straight away Rio: no one has to move out, it ain't trashed Rio: 😍 Indie: safe Indie: can i roll out the school gates now cos ☁ 9 mood Indie: floating like Rio: I'm omw to pick you but lemme call 'em and you can roll out and meet me somewhere else 'cos I'm still like 15mins away Indie: 😍😍😍😍 Indie: I'll be boardin & 🚬 catch me wen Rio: 👍 Indie: here i be thinkin my day was bare decent cos a lad chirpsin me in the science lab Indie: naaaaaah bitch Rio: Ooh Rio: 'bout it tho Rio: made School worth attending Indie: innit he just rolled up Indie: new boy vibes Rio: 😍 Rio: literally never happened when i was here so rude Rio: known everyone from day 1, blessin' n curse Rio: gimme deets as they come in tho Indie: ikr but its bare long in the year to be criss and showin face 1st time Indie: suspect Rio: wys Rio: he a 30 spy pretending to be a kid orr Indie: idk Indie: but if he a fed he looking fresh on it Rio: 😂 Rio: Mystery, love that Rio: only one way to find out Indie: but like Indie: can i? Rio: Why not? Indie: u kno Rio: Yeah Rio: Take everything at your pace, however that be Rio: this is just chatting we talking about, you good Indie: yeah i can trust innit Indie: bills is right not all lads be like Rio: yeah, if he get it twisted off a convo then he the thirsty cringe one Rio: give it a shot Indie: he so lush lookin tho 😍😍😍 i been knew i said this afore but actual Indie: 👼🏿 Rio: so 'bout that Rio: defs why you wanted to bounce tho Rio: not want me 👀 like the nosy ma I is 😉 Indie: nah dont want him spying you cos you 🔥😍👑 Rio: 😏 gas up your old woman Rio: never gon' say no Indie: you kno its the mood of the century Indie: mckenna beggin for you still Rio: Hope so Rio: need that rent boy Indie: can always shot the 💍 baby Indie: 💎💎💸💸💸💸 Rio: 😭 Rio: Baby no Indie: jam babe i got jokes Indie: we playin Rio: I can't Rio: if he bounce I gonna just wear it forever Rio: awkward for him, soz Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: he too cuffed to run now Rio: Thanks Ann Summer Indie: i aint never been there Indie: soz bout it Indie: sure she a real one Rio: it's a bit retro these days but you know Rio: not missing much babe Indie: 👌👌 Indie: all lube & lace yeah? Rio: 😂 in a word Indie: no catch me rollin up then i aint need none Rio: okay babe Rio: lemme know if you need anything though, I got you Indie: you wild Indie: what you think i need ma? Rio: well idk Rio: not gonna give you ideas you ain't have but s'a whole world beyond ann and her rabbit Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: you always tryna get me riding batteries Rio: i am not 😂 make me sound like such a wrongen Rio: tryna make sure u know what u want Indie: we been knew i dont Indie: going for those wronguns myself Rio: gotta explore babygirl Indie: 😒🤔 Rio: Not now, like Rio: we busy bitches Indie: catch me on the street bein indecent hold up Rio: 😏 behave Rio: got mark on your name as is Indie: what you sayin bout Rio: that police always after you without that madness Indie: keepin things fresh for the jakes and the rollers least Indie: they welcome Rio: miss me with that underage bait gurl 😏 Indie: 👌👌👌👌 Indie: 👵 Rio: 😡 cheeky bitch Indie: 💋 Indie: big love baby Rio: I see u Rio: get in 'fore I give you a love tap, like Indie: keep it peaceful Indie: ✌✌ Rio: 💋
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xphanuel · 5 years
Oh lord this cheesecake is to die for
I locked up with the partner I had on dishes tonight and he sort of forced me to get a dessert which is alright bc I need the sugar, and he dressed it up all nice for me and I'm just curled up in my blankets eating this feeling the best I ever have
Why does everyone wanna force me to eat shit lol I swear to god everyone thinks I'm anorexic, even my doctors?? Idk why people cant just accept that I'm chronically ill on top of having little to no appetite after stopping seroquel as an answer lol, but I appreciate the concern/care none the less.
Shes so small and her smile just makes me go ajaldhakfhwjfnwutn I will protecc I will attacc, shes so precious. It's completely platonic too but I absolutely adore this fucking woman to pieces I am overwhelmed with love when shes happy!! Idk how this became about natalie but w/e tumblr is my personal fucking diary now bc I have people who follow my vent account on Instagram who I dont feel like soft blocking rn
And the app vent can suck a whole chode, I made good friends there, but the community sucks now imho. I've never been genuinely helped after meeting my mutuals lmao so it's been years, I'd rather just scream into this specific void and have that be that
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