#i'm literally boiling i hate this stupid fucking planet
yelenapines · 10 months
seeing that i just had to block one of my mutuals for standing with litteral genocide and saying extremely racist things i'm gonna say this right now:
if you support genocide or think that Palestine deserves what is happening or call Arabs inhuman and violent or stand with colonialism get the FUCK out of my page .you will not be welcome. i will not stand with a litteral genocide or allow people who follow me to be saying things like literal fucking children and innocent citizens deserve to be murdered and have their whole past/legacy erased. hope this helps.
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blue-banditt · 29 days
I can tell my mental health is deteriorating for realsies if I'm watching doctor who for the 200th time. I've seen it already so many times I have the episodes memorized atp. I have no reason to be watching it— bc I don't ever gain anything new from it, I've actually continually had the same thoughts and ideas about every episode since like,, my 50th rewatch?? ish— except for the fact that I need to pretend like I don't exist and like there's a 2000 year old alien out there in the world who could hypothetically appear outside my door with a time machine and take me away from everything without doing any real harm to my real life adult commitments and responsibilities (bc I'll be back before my kettle is done boiling... In theory). I would genuinely drop everything and go no hesitation IDC how life threatening and dangerous it is. Anything is better than whatever this shit is that im currently living through
when I was a kid I genuinely believed he was real. Nobody could tell me otherwise and part of me still holds onto that hope even tho ik it's so so so stupid. Also I fucking hate him lmao he's such an asshole and low-key incredibly terrifying? Even twelve, my pretend surrogate father figure, if I think ab it he scares the actual fuck out of me. bc ik, if hypothetically he WAS my father figure, and he liked me as much as he has the capacity to when it comes to humans, he would literally blow planets out of the sky for me.
BUT I've thought about this in incredible depth and I know he would HATE me, he would despise me, not in the fun kind of way where he pretends to hate you but secretly he actually has a soft spot for you. No he would actually constantly be trying to get rid of me.
But hey what friendship isnt fun without a little toxicity
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I know there's all those platitudes about how you can still be figuring your life out in your 30s and you can still find happiness, but like at 31 my burnout is so high and mental health is at such rock bottom that I literally don't know what to do. From the state of the world and the state of this country to the hopelessness I feel in my own life. It feels like stupidity/ignorance and hate are at all time highs and critical thought is at an all time low. The planet is boiling. Genocide. No one can afford anything and they want us to work until we die. People are just fucking mean and stupid. I feel so alone in a way that's hard to put into words... Like even reconnecting with old friends I don't feel right. I have trouble caring about anything in my own life anymore, even my interests that I'm passionate about. Are other people going through this? Are we all just going through the motions of life? Most people I know seem happier than me and it feels like there's something wrong with me. But I feel like I'm going insane because how can anyone be happy? Lol
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fireflyghoul · 1 year
Another short fic
Had this in mind and had to write it really fast before I forget it again.
Just some cute short stuff, hope you like it.
Aurora was shaking. It was cold outside and everything was white from the snow. Her nose was running and she hated everything about that time of the year already. The cold, the darkness. That was horrible.
When she walked into the kitchen to make herself some tea she met Dewdrop there. He looked up at her when she walked in and instantly walked over. "Aurora, are you okay? Your shaking.", he said, looking at her kind of worried. She laughed lightly and nod, but then shook her head.
"No. It's literally fucking cold. I'm freezing. How on earth are you guys are not dead yet? You've been on this planet since years now." It was then that he realized she was new to this. "Oh. Yeah, well. That's the winter. You'll get used to it. Maybe even like it. Especially the snow." He smiled but she just shook her head. "You're crazy, seriously."
Then she walked over to boil some water for tea. When she leaned against the counter, Dewdrop was next to her again and took her hands in his own. "Your hands are really cold", he noticed and Aurora rolled her eyes. "Wow.. surprise, stupid. It's fucking cold, as I already told you."
"Yeah, sorry. Wait." It took a few seconds until she understood what he meant with 'wait', because then his hands started to get warm and she felt her hands slowly coming back to life again. "Better?", he asked, looking up from their hands in her eyes. "A bit, yes.." He smiled, but didn't let go of her hands. "Still a bit could", she then added and then he let go of her hands, which made her miss the warmth instantly.
But then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. His body was not cooled down as much as her own. Must have been the pleasure of being a fire ghoul. He started to stroke his hands over her back and she sighed pleased, leaning against him more and wrapping her arms around him.
"That's much better", she mumbled, eyes closed because of the comforting warm feeling. "Happy to hear that, little one", Dewdrop said with lowered voice and made her grumble. "Don't call me little one, gremlin. It's not like you're tall at all too."
Dewdrop laughed. "True, but I like the fact that I'm not the only small one here anymore." Aurora didn't answer, just grumbled and enjoyed the warmth coming from his body. They stayed like this a few more minutes, until they pulled away from each other again and Aurora could finish making her tea. While doing so Dewdrop stroke his warm hand over her back again.
"Feel free to come over when ever you're freezing", he said, and then left the room. But even though he was gone, the small Ghoulette felt much warmer then before.
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3mmafr0st · 3 years
Loki, the Little Shit
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Loki x Reader Nsfw Challenge Request
Request: Heyy if you are still open to your smut requests, with your kink list thing can I request Loki with number 31 - knife play? Thank you x Word count: 1400
WARNINGS: Smut, but I went easy this one, its been a while and I'm trying to make myself comfortable again, knifeplay, swearing, slight angst, and loki, as the title says, being a little shit.
Support Me on my Etsy! Coupon code: BIPRINCESSDOLLY
“Fuck you, Loki.”
“I’d be happy to oblige, Y/N.”
The conversation was of the usual variety for the two of us, Loki getting on my every last fucking nerve and him not giving a literal shit. I knew I was playing right into his hands, but i couldn’t help but react. Loki had this way about him, this superhuman ability to get under my skin so easily. No one else was bothered by him still at this point but he still knew exactly how to get to me. Today, he decided that it was going to be absolutely hilarious if he transformed all of my very important personnel files into miniature versions of the people that they were about.
“Loki, if you don’t fix this shit right now, I don’t care if you’re a god, I will murder you myself,” my voice was harsh and extremely agitated as I pulled apart a miniature Bucky and Sam as they had started hitting each other like children. Loki held a smaller version of himself in his palm.
“I think I quite like them, much less boring than your paper files, surprised these aren’t all digital.”
“These files are far too confidential to be digital, hard copies are the safest way to keep them. Are you trying to get me fired or something? Those files have all of the teams information on them, their personal lives, professional behavior, even psych eval reports. I have to be able to get to those things to properly organize everyone and to keep things running smooth and prevent team-wide disaster, don’t you get that?”
“What can’t you get from them that you couldn’t get from the files?” My rage boiled over as he put down the smaller Loki, smirk plastered over both of their faces. As I spoke, months and months of incidents, of stupid pranks and inconveniences, of annoying comments and infuriating actions. The loathing bubbled into words as I stepped towards him.
“Loki Laufeyson, you, and I say this out of the bottom of my heart, are the most infuriating man that I have ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. Please, for the love of god, please explain one thing to me, why the hell have you made it your sole purpose on this planet to make my life miserable? It seems to me that a literal Norse god should have better things to do with his time, but no, you have to make it so I have to interrogate a small Romanoff every time I need file information on her, because that woman would never give up information willingly, or have to bribe a tiny Tony with snacks if I need psych eval reports.” I stopped my tie-raid for a breath, anger fueling every action in my body in order to make Loki feel as crap as I had for the past few months. It was like a breath of fresh air, as I expelled months of almost targeted harassment since he moved into the tower. I was shocked out of my frenzied state by the feeling of breath on my face. I didn’t even realize that I had gotten so close to him, inches away.
Thoughts began to bubble up into my head. I hated when this happened, because this was Loki, this was the man who had been bothering me ever since he got here, but every time he got too close, or something would happen, those thoughts would start pushing into the forefront of my mind. He looked good like this, really good. No, I can’t think about him like that, I’m angry. This was the last straw and he needs to know that. Loki looked down at me, the ever-present smirk still on his face.
“Why do you think I like to mess with you, Y/N? Maybe it’s because you always react like this, and you’re adorable when your mad,” his eyes flitted back and forth from my eyes to my lips, a look on his eyes that I had never seen from Loki before. I could feel it in my whole body, tension straining in every limb.
“Fuck it,” I closed the short distance between us, pulling his neck down to me so I could reach. He was in shock for a fraction of a moment before reciprocating the kiss, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer. I felt a slight breeze behind me, which was strange because we were inside, but I was too distracted to care. It’s like all that anger and frustration was being poured into the kiss, every slight that I had experienced, every off handed comment. Why did this annoying, infuriating man have to be so damn good at this.
When I finally broke for a gasp of air, we were no longer in my office. The room was a collection of green, gold, dark greys and blacks, the look smooth and put together, Loki’s own quarters. I would know, I helped design the place. This was the first time I had ever experienced Loki’s magic first hand, and I had to say, I’m surprised I barely even noticed. I didnt have much time to think, as Loki’s mouth was on mine shortly after, rougher than the first. The back of my knees hit the mattress as he pushed me over to the bed, not letting his lips leave mine. He pushed farther, pinning me to the bed sheets as our lips moved in sync perfectly. It was strange, really, how the two of us could move in such harmony granted how much I couldn’t stand him. But then again, was it really that I couldn’t stand him, or that I just didn’t like how he seemed to always get to me, in more ways than one. I gasped as I felt something cold and sharp against my thigh
“Now, I could have just used a little magic, but I think that this is going to be much more fun.” Loki’s signature smirk makes an appearance across his face as I felt the sharp metal drag lightly against my skin. I couldn’t help but squirm as the knife began to run it’s way up my stomach lightly, before pulling forward, cutting my shirt in two. I knew I should care about the shirt but I couldn’t when I was so very excited. His eyes raked over my torso, watching as my breath made my chest heave, my heartbeat speeding up by the second. There was a look in his eye as he watched, almost analytical in nature. As his hand came towards my chest, it stopped before it hit my skin, waving his hand over, and as he did, my bra vanished into thin air. I gasped at the almost shocking feeling of cold against my breasts, followed by a moan, as Loki’s lips attached themselves to my breast, his tongue swirling and teeth biting at the nipple, as his hand made work with the other. My back arched into him as he pinched at my nipple.
“How responsive you are, you can’t know how long I’ve wanted you.” His breath was felt against my skin, as his hands trailed further downward. His fingers hooked against the waistband of the dress pants I had been wearing, and tugged, pulling them clean off my legs. I could tell you this, this is not where I thought I would end up this morning but I can’t say that I’m upset about it. Loki’s knife appeared in his hand once again, as it danced down my body, leaving small red lines in its wake, not enough to make me bleed, or really hurt. As the knife approached the line of my panties, I took in a breath as in one clean cut, the panties were being discarded. In almost an instant, Loki was as naked as I was, his cock twitching slightly. Before either of us could even think, KNOCK KNOCK, the loudest knock that I had ever heard.
“Brother! Barton has broughten pizza for us to enjoy! If you would like any food, you may join us in the kitchen!” Thor’s voice could be heard through the door. Who else would knock that loud? Loki’s eyes rolled, but stayed silent, hoping that he would move on, and he did.
“Now, let’s continue where we left off, shall we?”
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sunshine-alibaba · 3 years
some excerpts from various Magi stuff i have in drafts:
*notes are bold
He’d either shrivel up into the fetal position and cry on the floor of the parking lot, randomly start throwing hands at the next person he saw, or he'd drive off and probably crash his car in the process (again). Any of them work.
He was soon startled out of his deep thinking when a hand tapped him on the shoulder--shocking him so bad he screamed like a dying ostrich and fell onto the floor with the grace of a chicken being chased by a feral coyote.
The taller man smiled in a concerned way, making Alibaba feel as if he was the biggest idiot on the planet because he didn’t know something as simple as how to cry (which he did quite often, so he does know how, thank you very much).
He was such a fucking dumbass. Dumb of ass. Dumber than ass. Dumbest of the ass.
Buffie cleared his throat. “Well, anyway… Uh, where did you hit my car?”
Alibaba was confused. “Here… In the parking lot…?”
Buffie blinked for the fifth time. “I meant on the car…”
"I died and was brought back to life; I am outside the god's jurisdiction."
"My bones are filled with rage and my blood with anger. You think you could kill me with fire? All you did was make my blood boil, like water boiling over a flame."
"I have experienced death face to face in the most intimate way one ever could, and yet here I am, standing right in front of you. What makes you think the likeness of you, a mere solider controlled by the hands of the monarchy, could ever hope to quell me?"
“My name is Ugo. You are currently in the Sacred Palace. You’ve just died, but you were not meant to die so soon.”
“What the hell is the Sacred Palace??”
“It’s like a control room of sorts. I am essentially the governing body of your world.”
“So… you’re God? Our Lord?”
“N-no… Not really… I am a god of sorts, but I'm not the God--”
[squints] “You control our world, right??”
“Well, yes--”
“Then you’re God, aren’t you?”
“I--” [sigh of defeat, shoulders slump] “Sure. Yeah, I’m God.”
“Great! How the fuck did I get here.”
If you think you’ve ever seen emo before, wait till you meet this bitch
she literally Jumps Off The Boat And Swims To Port just as the boat takes off
they make out and cry its great
these last ones are more of a bonus. i was taking down notes when trying to get info on the other demons from the Lesser Key of Solomon for AUs and OCs and i think some of them are very funny. the stuff in brackets [] is my commentary, otherwise its notes. ill put the name of the demon in parentheses () in front of the note. all the info i got is from wiki bc i just wanted a vague idea and nothing big, wanted to leave the interpretation up to myself.
(Asmodeus) Hates water and birds apparently [weird but go off ig]
(Gaap) Steals familiars from others [????] [*takes ur dog*]
(Gaap) Can make men stupid [LMFAOOOOO]
(Seere) Helps in finding hidden treasures or in robbery [Alibaba getting this Djinn instead of Amon: ayo? *calls over the Fog Troupe*]
(Sallos) Rides a crocodile [ohh this guy fucks, thats wicked]
(Gremory) Described as the “Munich Manual of Demon Magic” [okay it said described in the “Munich Manual of Demon Magic” but im leaving this here bc its funny]
(Gremory) Appears in the form of a beautiful woman, but still uses he/him pronouns [so valid]
(Vapula) Depicted as a griffon winged lion [isnt that just what griffon’s are?? Um ok]
(Orias) “3 riding upon a Horse Mighty and Strong” [like has three horses or theres three of him?? Whats happening here]
(Andrealphus) Appearance of a peacock [ooooohhh fancyyyy]
(Andrealphus) “but also including the ability to make men subtle in all things pertaining to Mensuration” [I THOUGHT THAT SAID MENSTRUATION SEND HELP]
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