#i'm procastrinating on writing
beastsovrevelation · 4 months
Imagine you are a demon, and get captured by Heaven, but the Most Glorious She-Prince
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takes you as her companion... Meaning, she takes you to wherever she spends her time, and puts you between her thighs.
...Diplomatic relations, am I right?..
Wonder what the'd say in Hell, once they find out you had your mouth on the enemy General's pussy.
I mean, the softness of her pussy certainly contrasts her rough soldier's fingers in your hair.
Oh, and she's in Roman armour.
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
Adriel about Ava in the show: this insolent, petulant child is really getting on my nerves, but I'll take delight in breaking her, as I'm glad the Halo has finally been received by a perfect fool
Adriel about Ava in my WIPs: Holy Seraph veiled in mortal existence, you have set me aflame, I can only fall to my knees before your beauty and wrath, suffer me to worship you, and lay my lips on your spotless breast, suffer me to corrupt you, for I shall never mar your heart, nor your unconquered glory
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xmimiteh · 1 year
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Here we go again. I have been back from my business trip for a week now. Slowly recovered from my cold and now I am about to head out for another week - this time on a private vacation. My first real one this year, so... I was looking sooo much forward to it! It is not long and we will not be going far away.
Just a bit away, one or two driving hours into the countryside. Away from my PC. Somehow I would wish to use the freetime for so much stuff on my PC, but that will come afterwards. I have a free week after that as well. So... look forward to being flooded with original Mimi content soonish! Though, I have to finish FF16 as well at some point. So I will utilize that free week so much for catching up on basically anything. At least that's the plan. Unless I catch another cold. Let's hope that will not happen.
Also have some new prompts (thank everyone for that!), still need to catch up on the older ones and maaaaybe I might look into some ask prompts as well. Been rather hesitant with that and only asked other people about their OCs so far. But maybe I will give it a try as well. I am just a bit afraid those asks might pile up in my inbox and I might procastrinate too much.
So, don't worry if you do not see me online as much the coming week. I will be back on Sunday and then I will be back and make it your problem again. No, just joking. Just happy my cold is nearly gone and I am really excited for our trip. We planned some hiking, but considering the constant rain the last week, maybe it will be mostly some chilling in the hotel. Luckily we booked one with a spa and swimming pool. So it should not be a problem.
See you on Sunday again! Okay, maybe I will see you sooner, because I do have my mobile phone with me and will check in on tumblr. But as I hate typing on my mobile phone, I probably will not write much, but simply throw some likes on your awesome content. Thanks for being such an amazing community! You truly are my favorite FF14 bunch - aside from my friendlist in game, of course. Truly appreciate you all and your positivity!
So, I'm going to wake up, get up and get out there! This earworm is sponsored to you by, well ... me! But really, if you have not played Persona 5, what are you doing? Seriously!
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ramzawrites · 3 years
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listen, this was in my brain and I couldn’t let it go
love you guys 💙
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aeducanka · 4 years
character stats tag
I was tagged by @bitchesofostwick​ (thank you so much, Isabella!). I couldn’t resist the temptation and for the purpose of this tag I remade Emerald in my favourite picrew.
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Face claim: I don’t have any!
Name: Emerald Aeducan.
Age: 22-23 (DA:O).
Height: around the height of the in-game model, 1,43 m (4 ft 7 in) or a bit shorter.
Species: dwarf.
Gender: cis woman (she/her).
Birthday: it’s 14th of August in our world, but I still haven’t decided whether to keep it as “14th of Matrinalis” or to compute to find the closest equivalent (since a year in Thedas is 5-6 days shorter than ours).
Residence: Orzammar, briefly Denerim in Ferelden, Orzammar again.
Marital status: married (politically, to Prince Consort of Orzammar).
Love interest: Alistair Theirin (DA:O, ex).
Alignment: lawful good (though it could be argued that she was bordering on neutral good) -> neutral good.
Drink: kompot, Fereldan cider, Orlesian wine. She finds dwarven ale disgusting but wouldn't admit to it on her deathbed.
Food/snacks: Orzammar cuisine - culturally that's probably the thing she has missed the most during her stay in Ferelden. That being said she occasionally indulges herself in something tooth-achingly sweet like icing-covered cinnamon buns.
Day or night: given her connection to Orzammar, you wouldn't be able to press her for an actual answer. (It's day, though. Have you ever seen a sunrise? A sunset? Beautiful.)
Pet: a mabari named Barik.
Flower: carnations, with roses being a close second. That being said, Emerald is the kind of a person who collected deathroot because she found its flowers pretty so she sure doesn’t discriminate against... unconventional flowers.
Color: to wear - jewel-toned purple, though I often dress her up in jewel-toned green and she likes it. In general her favourite color would be an extended version of "Have you seen the color of the sky?" meme.
Sexuality: biromantic, demi bisexual.
Body type: buff, though there’s some elegance to it (while by the end of the game she was surpassed in raw energy only by Sten, she’s not a pure tank - she relies quite a lot on her agility and wits).
Eye color: emerald green.
Hair color: mouse brown that looks almost strawberry blonde in the sunlight (like that of Jennifer Jason Leigh).
Tagging @allisondraste​, @bitchesofostwick​, @bluekaddis​, @consulaaris​, @dekudoodle​, @etoilebinaire​, @gingerbreton​, @gremlinquisitor​, @latenightvampire​, @lotrificationer​, @thestarcabal​ and everyone who wants to do it!
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oceanid-writes · 3 years
hi-hi, may i have a mha matchup, please? otherwise just ignore me lol.
bisexual | girl | INTP
appearance: I'm 164cm(~5'4) tall, slim&athletic, and I usually give off the 'cute good girl' vibe, so ppl are shocked when they hear me cursing a lot lol. Long brown hair, my deer eyes have the same color, I have purple circles under them - I wear eyeglasses. My clothing style is very girly, mostly wearing skirts and dresses(soft girl/light academia - kind of a mixture of them). There's a tiny, barely visible scar above my right eyebrow, I've opened our car's door on my head lmao.
personality: I have a confusingly dual, hard-to-like personality. First impression is either a stoic resting bitch face bitch or the awkward, cute and polite girl.
I'm faking myself and good at keeping my emotions under control, I'm really adaptable(sometimes full-stoic, other times talkative) too. I HATE showing weaknesses, I'm hiding them from even people I love, I simply can't stand emotional vulnerability. Making me talk about my issues, problems? Nearly impossible.
My way of thinking is quite realistic and highly critical, I have opinions about everything, I get passionate while sharing them, deep conversations are keeping me alive. Though, I rarely share these lol. Sometimes I'm even told that I'm wise? Kind of.
I'm the CLUMSIEST person, and kinda awkward too, cringe situations always find me. Quite easily get jumped/scared/pranked. My humour is colorful: TEASING, dark, morbid, absurd, trollish. Sometimes I can come off phlegmatic, rude and very-very mean. Gonna roast the shit out of you. Also, I zone out a LOT always asking back 'what did you say?'
I'm generally a kind, polite, caring and patient person tho. I take loyalty quite seriously, but I don't get attached easily. I have a kind of unapproachable, 'emotions ew' vibes, but I have a softie side who adores cuddling and giving love, affection to people - it's kind of a selfish coping mechanism for me at the same time, bc the feeling being needed is incredibly comforting for me - so I it's a mania, an inner-pressure for me to be a reliable figure. Also, I can be just a dumb idiot and loosen up with my little gang if I'm in the mood. Once my close friend told me that I'm an unpredictable person. I need a lot of alone time&space.
I'm also vain, snobbish, pro procastrinator, lazy and selfish just to mention some negative traits. I have massive self-hatred spirals, thinking I am a burden, unworthy for love, useless on my bad days; slight imposter syndrome I guess.
My love language is words of affirmation&quality time, and when I have to express it, I'm best with acts of service. I'm not so romantic, valentines day and similar stuff just gonna make me roll my eyes, but I'll adapt to my partner's needs.
hobbies/likes: classical literature, theatre, politics, hiking, sightseeing, travelling,  mysteries, reading about disappearances(crimes, like Sodder siblings, Tara Calico etc.) and (unsolved) crimes, trying out new things, yoga, running, horse riding, table tennis, listening to music, cats, thunderstorms, rainy days, cider, tequila, going out and drinking with friends, smoking sometimes, family time, psychology, sexual psychology, reading trash/funny FB comments, massaging others, deep converstaions, surrealism, anything indie
Hi! Based on everything you said, I think the yandere best fit for you would be Miruko! Sorry if this matchup is a bit short, I am not feeling well but I’m trying to push through these and it’s hard to write a ton when I can’t think completely straight.
Warnings: Kidnapping, yandere behaviour.
Boku No Hero Academia Yandere Matchup
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With most other yanderes, it does matter who their darling is, but Miruko won’t care if you’re a civilian, villain, or pro-hero. She still finds you adorable. Even if she meets you will your mean-looking resting face first, the second she sees how polite and cute you are, it’s all over. Miruko is a very confident person, so I do see her getting along best with some more awkward and less happy-go-lucky. It’s a good thing that she’s also pretty realistic (being a pro-hero who has to risk her life on a daily basis can do that to you) and she loves to talk about important matters with you and get feedback. You better show her your soft side though, because sometimes after a long day of work, Miruko just wants to cuddle with you. 
The other great thing about Miruko, is that she does not care what you’ve done, or how you act. If she wasn’t a yandere sure, she might not see you in the same light, but Yandere Miruko completely infantilizes all of your bad actions and behaviours. She thinks of it as “oh y/n’s negative traits are so adorable”. Of course, this does expand to worse things too, like if you need to be alone or just have time away from her, she will twist it into being a joke or you being in a bad mood. She’s completely delusional, and while she will listen to what you say, if it’s something she really doesn’t want to hear, she ignores it and continues on. 
She will totally kidnap you too, (it doesn’t matter if you’re ignoring her or accepting her feelings, she’ll just want you all to herself) and make sure you can’t see anyone else. Miruko gets very jealous easily, and she likes being the center of your attention.
When she’s home just look at her, ok? She wouldn’t want to take away your tv and book privileges, again.
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alfalfaaarya · 3 years
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4/21 DOP ✨
I can either type a greeting which I do not feel like saying or just keep writing because I'm not happy right now , I choose the latter.
I do not want my blog to just have the positive parts of my journey cause then it won't be real and I created this space for me to feel motivated and if I start faking it , there is no point in the existence of this blog.
Well , I did study today for a solid 7 hours . The reason that has got me bummed is my test score , which wasn't up to my expectation, I have started doubting myself , whether I'll be able to get into med school or no. And , I hate this feeling .
But it needs to be dealt with .
What I am going to do is , work to rectify my mistakes . If some chapter needs more attention , I will give it that attention. I will put in more hours and be as efficient as possible.
I will try my best not to procastrinate . Time is short and what I want demands sacrifice , I thought about my goal today and how badly I want to achieve it and why I chose this path .
Whenever I feel demotivated or feel like a lost cause those are the questions I ask my self .
I answer them . I get back to work.
Right now I'll be doing the rest of GOC . Then I'll solve some physics numericals , read a chem chapter and then a biology chapter.
I have less time and I want to give it my all.
It felt great writing about it .
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years
4, 5 & 25! <3
Omg hi ♡
4. Movie of the year?
I don't rly watch movies tbh, but? Maybe I'm still pod dojmom because I just watched it, or maybe it's the Nostalgia Factor, but the new Spiderman movie was really good! Idk i don't watch a lot of movies, especially the year they come out. I can tell you I hated Black Widow, though.
5. TV show of the year?
Same as above, I very rarely watch shows the year they come out. Tbh I'm liking Mrkomir I so far tho😔 it's kinda funny lol
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Been waiting for this one, hoping I'll be able to infodump ab my boy Dragan, but then I remembered he was among the first original OCs (ik "original original character" i mean for my WIPs instead of for games) I made by the end of 2020. Shucks.
So, anyway, Dymitr was created later on, since he's a side character. The most important thing to remember ab him is that he's a dilf. But he's more than a dilf. He's also a painter, an artist, if you will. He's a guy whose head is constantly in the clouds, which perfectly complimented his wife's down-to-earth personality. She's unimportant, though, a soldier who passed before the story even starts, but they had a daughter together. (Hence, dilf.) Considering this'll take me decades to write given my penchant for procastrination, I'll spoil it immediately, he's gonna get together with his wife's comrade (who himself was wracked with guilt bc it was Technically His Fault, so he ended up helping out the family which is the reason why they fell in love, it's this whole thing but it sounds stupid when summarised), which sounds scandalous, but she would have wanted him to move on and find a capable second parent for their daughter, because... he tries his best, but he's still an Artist at heart, and the kid'd need someone grounded, too. I can't say he's my favourite character, but I wanted a single dad who actually cares for and loves his child, and tries his best despite everything in my story, because I was bothered by having to hear my classmates talking shit ab single dads in my socio class, and you know. That entire WIP was created because I was annoyed in the first place.
Thanks for sending these in! It's been a while since I talked ab that WIP. And, uh, yeah. I'm just a bit boring when it comes to shows and films dhhdnsnd
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bracedfangirl · 3 years
Someone help I'm through a very hard couple of days, can barely stay awake but have hours of studying to do and it's 8 pm (I didn't actually procastrinate at all this time) and I still gotta shower and actually sleep so I can write my test tomorrow-
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writingonesdreams · 5 years
Novel Prep tag Game 3 - New wip: Flickers in the dust
So a new wip, another Novel prep tag game. These questions are just perfect for testing and developing ideas so here we go.
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! Even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
The question: How can a bunch of people with "useless" skills survive an post-apocalyptic world?
Impassive procastrinator Alysa travels with her self-destructive childhood friend Kyle, and the energetic 8 yeal old neighbour Iris, with the delinquent but vigorous boxer Roman and his werewolf friend Wes through the desolated world left after the apocalypse, trying to reach a better life in a bigger city.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
A novel for now.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
Dusty wastelands. Long field road. Vacant ghost towns and abandoned cars. Dust storms. Constant dark cloudy sky.
4. What other stories inspire your novel?  
Megalo Box, Wolf’s rain, The promised Neverland, Ergo Proxy
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel
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6. Who is your protagonist?
Alysa is a talented, thoughtful girl and former child prodigy, but she had trouble deciding what she wanted from life and started to fail her university exams. Her lack of self-discipline, motivation or healthy socilaization led her to believe she is quite unfit for the adult life or the world in general. After the apocalypse happenes she is forced to drastically change her priorities and negative thinking for the sake of survival.
7. Who is their closest ally?
Kyle is emotionally abused, burned-out genius with a self-destructive streak and fondness for dark humor. His will to live and emotional stability has steadily decreased over the years. Staying alive has been enough of a challange, so activelly fighting to survive seems like a pretty impossible feat to him.
8. Who is their enemy?
The desolated world after the apocalypse and it’s survival challanges, including insane mutated humans, ruthless gangs, isolated research centers, way too intelligent wolf packs and their struggle not to give up on their will to live.
9. What do they want more than anything?
The main characters want to be capable enough to survive and in addition to that live in a somehow meaningful way. To find out what's really important and what's the main difference between survival and living.
10. Why can’t they have it?
Alysa was pretty much a failing existence when it came to finding her place in the adult society and now she is supposed to survive in a world that's 100 times worse after the apocalypse. How can she do that when she had trouble surviving in the normal one?
Kyle struggled to find reasons to stay alive after his emotional abuse and depression. He has been saved by his friends and family from this, but now it's not just his survival at stake. Will a boy that had to be constantly saved from himself, be able to save someone else?
Roman was a boxer and convict before the apocalypse happened. His violent past marked him as unfit to decent people, but ironically made him exceptionally suitable for this destroyed world- he pretty much has better chances for a good life now then before. Does this make him a bad person? Does he deserve to win against the world or will he change to match it's cruel conditions?
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
Alysa believes she is worthless and incapable as a person.
Kyle feels like he is living on borrowed time anyway and doesn't see any perspectives for himself.
Roman isn’t sure if his abilities to survive that are based on his violent past don’t make him a bad person.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
Alysa is tall and slender girl, has middle long wavy blond hair, light blue eyes and ivory skin. She has very delicate features and is rather pale.
Roman is muscular and tall with tanned olive skin, black curly hair and amber eyes. He is covered in scars, most notably on his chest, arms and neck.
Kyle is tall, lanky and not visibly muscular even though he is trained in martial arts. He has a bit longer black hair, with bangs falling in his eyes, very pale skin and grey eyes.
Wes in his human form has dirty blond curly hair and eyes that change from green-blue to black according to his mood. He has dusty grey fur in his wolf form.
Iris has short red hair and vibrant green eyes.
Plot Points
13. What is the internal conflict?
The characters struggle with their will to live in a destroyed world and with their feelings of worthlessness and inaptitude to fend for themselves or build happy lives.
14. What is the external conflict?
Surviving in the destroyed world, maturing and growing stronger, adapting to change and fighting for themsleves in a world that is aiming to make it as hard as possible for them.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?
To die because they gave up on life instead of the world actually killing them. Losing to the harsh conditions of the world would be better then losing to themselves (albeit not much).
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?  
How do you not give up when everything seems hopeless? Who is the worse enemy in this destroyed world - the mutated monsters or the humans left? Where does the will to carry on come from? Is it possible to hold on to humanity in a world of ruin? And what is it that makes us human?
17. Do you know how it ends?  
Nope. I’m happy I don’t, since it makes it seem like a very exciting story to work on!
18. What is the theme?  
Self-worth, aptitude for life, will to live, not giving up, true companions, bonds, drive, meaning
19. What is a reoccurring symbol?  
Dust, wind, dark sky, endless road, storms
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)  
A destroyed post-apocalyptic Earth, where the majority of the population died and the rest flocks together in desperation into cities for protection from the zombie-like humans affected by the radiation and mutated over-intelligent wolves.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?  
Many scenes, dialogues, themes, flashes of setting and atmosphere.
22. What excited you about this story?
Something about the destroyed post-apocalyptic world fascinates me. It’s a plot around survival and hard conditions forcing the protagonists to face their inner demons and self-doubts if they want to survive and have the will and drive to fight, witch often makes the difference between life and death. Also the necessity for the characters to trust and rely on each other and their group dynamics development is very exciting.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
I always start with characters that I stick in different scenarios or in my favourite movies and series or books and let them interact. From those I mostly get inspiring scenes that I try to connect through a plot. Afterwards I work on characterisation, world-building, research details and outline stuff a bit. I also write little snippets that sometimes turn long and can be used as chapters.
I'm tagging a few peeps I haven't seen doing this game if you are interested: @piratequeenofpixies @imaghostwriter @tenacious-scripturient @writingwhithotchocolate @cabaretofwords @nemowritesstuff @emmathenovelist  @bos-ingit @my-desk-is-full-of-used-pens @purpleshadows1989 @whiteblack-raindrops @surroundedbypearls & anyone who wants to!
Wip tag list:  @tenacious-scripturient @hyba @urbanteeth (tell me if you want to get on/off)
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beastsovrevelation · 2 months
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Fem!Crowley, how she looks in my fics. 🐍
Reference: Teresa Palmer
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
I haven't made moodboards for a long time...
Hell, I need to stop ✨procastrinating✨
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skepsisyphus · 7 years
Im alright, watching some concerts and stuff, now i'm ready to write some fics i have way to many ideas and sometimes kills me but also i procastrinate way to much and i have fics of two years ago to finish... Thisis my life well... Haha -🐈
(lol what can i say? story of my life) you sound a bit off, u sure u're okay??
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beastsovrevelation · 1 month
My goals in my Good Omens fics:
Create content for my beloved rarepairs
Work with my beloved OCs
Smash AziraCrow with a hammer, thow it in the garbage can, set the garbage can on fire, and send it rolling down the hill, where it gets run over by a tractor
Fix the way c*non portrayed Heaven and Hell, and certain characters (*cough* Michael *cough*)
Make Michael one of the main characters
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beastsovrevelation · 5 months
Anyone want Crowley x Readers? Or War x Readers? I don't know how long I'll take to start uploading my WIPs, and I don't like to not upload. Female Reder. Both male and female Crowley (not at the same time). War'd be... Herself.
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What are you saying? I'm procastrinating? Why, ✨yes✨, how did you know? On my WIPs, original works, and papers for uni.
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beastsovrevelation · 5 months
I've written the Lady x Demon in snake form smut before, but I kind of feel like I should do it again, in a Good Omens fic.
Now, it could either be Fem!Crowley x Michael, or Crowley x Fem!Lucifer. I'm leaning more towards the former. It has the serpent tempter vibe, which makes no sense in the latter (I mean... You could try and tempt the Devil, but she's better at it). And, I could for once write sapphic smut that includes (non-fingering or tongue) penetration. Also, I feel Lady Crowley's more slick than male Crowley. That... Was not a pun. I swear.
Now, I can't make it an one-shot (my previous snake smut is)... I guess, it could do for one of my current long story WIP's. But, it might be far ahead, as I doubt pregnant Crowley would shapeshift. Or, maybe I'm just weirded out by the concept of a snake pregnant with an anthropomorphic fetus. No, no nursing snake in that story, either... I think. I doubt Crowley has nipples in serpent form. Seems uncomfortable.
If I really wanted to, I guess I could write it, and set it for later.
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