#i'm rambling oops but really!! thank you anon <3
darkkbluee · 1 year
What are your lawlight headcanons?
Oh, an ask? In my inbox? It took a while to realize there really was something in the inbox and it wasn't a bot this time. Anon, this is my first real ask, I'm so touched <3
To the topic! Lawlight headcanons! I have so many, I don't even know where to start. Some of them are AU genre specific, some are based on which arc/timeperiod it is. So many thoughts, how to summarize...
Warning: Below is a long ramble of a few headcanons and why I think that way. They're headcanons, and don't need canon or authorial proof to exist, thanks. Some of them might be AUs too, oops.
For AUs set in the early 2000s, where Light is first arc age. L realizes he's in love first. Not because L's older. Because of the circumstances Light grew up in.
Light is the eldest (and only) son of his family. He had his life figured out since childhood and never doubted he would do anything other than follow that path: Become a detective, chief, and eventually director. Get a girlfriend, buy a car and a house, marry said steady girlfriend, have two kids, the whole traditional family thing. You can even see hints of that in second arc.
When I first read the manga, I could see it in manga!Light. It seemed that way to me because it is sort of a common cultural thing between some Asian countries. Not anime!Light though, which is interesting, but not the point here.
So, Light does not realize he's in love, because he's never had the question of whether he's gay, because he never thought the reason he can't keep his eyes off L is because he's attracted to L, because 'attraction to L' is a non-existent concept in his consciousness.
Light is not dense, nor homophobic or anything. He recognizes when other men are attracted to him, he accepts that people can love whoever they want. He just never superimposes that image on himself.
It takes a whole long while for his brain to cook enough, to separate himself from the image he has in his mind. Then, he questions his sexuality and realizes he is, indeed, attracted to men as well. Or rather, one specific man. He has no sexual and romantic interest in anyone else and by that age, Light has experimented enough to know that.
Between Older Light and L, Light would be the first one to figure it out. But between 18 - 21 year old Light and L, it would L.
2. L is very specific about textures. His favorite, the one he discovers when he meets Light, is Light. Light takes very good care of himself, his face and body being as much a resource he uses as his brains.
Cue touchy L. L likes to run his fingers through Light's hair, he likes it when he can touch Light skin-to-skin, likes it when Light touches him back with his fingers.
As much as L likes watching Light (because L will freely admit he is a shallow creature and Light is very attractive to watch indeed), L loves touching Light more. He may or may not miss body language cues if he's too close to observe the full picture, but the trade off is worth it to L.
3. Light's long list of ex-girlfriends and admirers has stumped L many times. Especially when Light admits they all knew about the others. And that they don't begrudge Light for not committing 100%. And that they still happily help Light with whatever he wants them for even decades later.
Sometimes, it makes L wonder if he is just another victim of Light Yagami's charisma. Then he discards that thought because it doesn't matter. He has Light and Light is just as obsessed with him right back. L is the eventual winner and it doesn't matter who caught whom when they're both in it together.
4. They're both highly competitive. It translates over to board games as well. It's a Rule TM, posted on the fridge, notarized, signed and stamped by their friends and family, that they are never allowed to play Monopoly. And Uno. And Catan. And- [an increasing list of trade focused games].
Addendum - Twister should only be played in personal space, behind closed locked doors! — Sayu and Mello
Addendum 2 - Light is forbidden to play Jenga with Near. — L
That's all for now! If I continue, I'll never stop XD
Thanks for the ask, Anon!
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
self harm talk in this ask as well as some kinda depresing regression stuff
feel free to delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable in any way, your wellbeing comes first and i want you to know that
one thing i have, i guess struggled with is regressing after sh-ing. the whole mentally smaller mindset really gets freaked out by pain in general but that specifically is really bad. i was wondering if you have any ideas on how rain dew and phantom would react if they were to regress after that?
oooh, this is a topic that i've actually given a lot of thought to, so thank you for inadvertently giving me an excuse to spill my thoughts, lovely anon. i hope things get easier for you soon, love. if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm here &lt;3
i think i could probably split my thoughts about this particular topic into extensive sub-sections (with footnotes upon footnotes of extra information) for each of these three ghouls, but for now, let's just see where the rambling leads us, shall we ?
under the cut. cw for discussions/descriptions of self harm in relation to regressed ghouls, INCLUDING DEWDROP SELF HARMING WHILE REGRESSED.
let's start with phantom (because i don't have as much to say about them, oops).
they're the newest in the pack, and in my personal headcanons, they regress to an infant/very young toddler. there's a number of reasons why they regress and in what ways, but after self harming they never find themselves in a positive regressed headspace. when they regress they're nonverbal, so there's a lot of crying, whining and distressed wiggling when they can't verbalise their thoughts. sometimes calming them down enough to stop their tears is as easy as putting a pretty band-aid on their wounds, kissing over the plaster, and sticking a teether in their mouth. but there are times when even that isn't enough to distract them and they're stuck in their nonverbal distressed state until they return to their non-regressed self.
rain is a little bit different.
rain also regresses for a multitude of reasons, but after self harming, it can be guaranteed that the pain and guilt of the aftermath is the cause of their regressed headspace. when they're little, they're still "big" enough to vocalise their thoughts, even if their usual articulation and well-spoken-ness isn't present. the pack find it much easier to take care of them because rain doesn't usually have any trouble telling them exactly what happened with the right amount of coaxing. they get very freaked out by the pain that comes afterwards because even though their head is a bit fuzzy, they know that they are the cause of their own pain, and they don't like that at all. if they've regressed after self harming, it's common to find them curled up on aether's lap in the common room (in front of the nice, warm fire), hugging them tightly while their cuddle buddy strokes his fingers through their hair as they do their best to calm down.
although, sometimes, if their headspace is bad enough before regressing, that craving for hurt will carry over into their regression. they don't ever do anything about it though apart from curl up even tighter in aether's lap and hug him with more ferocity as they sob and whine into his chest (but perhaps the only reason they haven't self harmed while regressed yet is because they can't quite coordinate their hands to do their bidding).
dewdrop on the other hand... (ohh i've thought about him so much, i'm not sure i can even remember everything i want to say !!)
i like to think that a lot of the time dew regresses is because something in his head pulls the emergency alarm to shut down his brain in whatever way it can. he doesn't necessarily become distressed from the pain that comes after self harming while regressed because a lot of the time, he barely ever reaches that stage without regressing first. his brain recognises his thought processes as dangerous and shuts him down until he's small enough that theoretically he can't do anything about it. but has that ever stopped him ? well... not really.
there are times where he self harms and regresses due to the specific type of pain it brings, and there are times when he self harms and doesn't regress afterwards at all. but in my mind, most of the times he self harms are when he's regressed. yes his brain flicks that switch to keep him safe, but by the time it's been registered in his head that he isn't safe, he's too far down that line of thinking to stop it. of course, when he's regressed, he can't ever self harm to the extent he can when he isn't, which brings around all sorts of feelings of uselessness that, unfortunately, keep the cycle going. it's not that he doesn't get freaked out by the pain simply because he inflicts it on himself when he's regressed though, not at all. something that happens quite often is that dew will regress to a toddler or small child, self harm, and then regress even smaller from the distress it causes him (on some notable occasions, he's even been sent spiralling into a pet regressed headspace rather than an age regressed one in his head's frantic attempt to keep him safe after he's managed some particularly bad self harm (kitty dew, my beloved)). this is partially because he knows he's not supposed to be doing this while he's regressed, he's not supposed to have a craving for self-inflicted pain (he is, quite literally, just a lil guy) but he can't ever find ways to stop himself and it worries him a lot. he gets very scared and lost in his head when he's like this, so the pack have to keep an especially close eye on him and keep him extra safe as much as they can.
aaaaand i think that's about it :0 thank you again for your ask, anon. i'm very happy to be given an excuse to talk about it. if anyone has any questions of a similar vein, please feel free to drop them in my ask box, i could talk about this particular topic for days and not get tired of it :')
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mysticalsoot · 7 months
Everything you've said on this situation is something I 100% agree and stand with and honestly is such a breath of fresh air to see after spending so much time in the official Lovejoy discord.
People in there were at first being civil with their opinions despite the tense emotions, but it's quickly turning into a "Fuck Wilbur" train since many are straight up convinced he was the one Shelby was talking about, while those trying to stay neutral or are wishing Wilbur luck in changing for the better should it actually be him are being attacked. Mods have been trying to calm the attackers down but it hasn't worked too well from what I've seen. And it's only gotten worse since one of the Sr Sootmods came out and said how they're all leaving their mod positions since they're also convinced he's the abuser. What especially hurts is that one mod went into the chat and even said "Abusers will always be abusers" as if people can't genuinely change for the better.
Also, while we're all here speculating and all that, what happens if it's officially confirmed that it wasn't Wilbur and was instead one of the many other British musicians who had an ant infestation and mold problem (both of which are very common problems in the Uk from what I've heard)? This isn't something you can fix with an "Oops sorry for jumping ship without proper confirmation." It just feels like it's quickly gotten to a point where "Damned if something is said, damned if not."
Sorry for rambling/ranting, but that discord group really got me heated up. Keep your chin up, king. You deserve the crown on your head for sticking to your guns and dealing with the assholes coming to you.
Honestly the more messages I get agreeing with me, the more I'm shocked. When I first started questioning things, I felt if I even uttered them to my sister I'd be crucified. So many people agree and support me and it's insane. It outweighs the hate by millions. (i say that as if my chest wasn't so tight earlier today that I couldn't breathe!)
i checked the lvjy server and wil's server earlier today. lvjy I didn't read much on, and when I found that wil's was closed, I wasn't surprised. i was told by an anon ask that the mods know more, but if they did, I feel as though they all wouldn't have waited until the rest of the internet said it was wilbur.
people can change. hurt people who hurt people can change. abusers are a different level, and oftentimes are unwilling to change or are aware they can. sometimes they do! I've seen it, abusers can change but it's so so so very rare.
but jumping on the bandwagon based on rumor and speculation and then saying that shit is not cool.
something I've been trying to say is that those who've left and abandoned ship will most likely regret it when and if things come out in favor of wil (which my gut leans to yes, but we'll see), theyll have to deal with the consequences of being rash.
i understand not wanting to support a possible abuser, but Shelby didn't say a name. she didn't say one for a reason, whatever that reason is, I don't know. and I have my own feelings on that but I won't voice them yet.
don't apologize for rambling, I understand your frustrations and I see you. thank you for the kind words and the support, it means a lot and it's helping me keep going<3 I will continue to say my piece until I can no longer do so, for whatever reason.
anon asks are off, don't try sending hate to me or the asker
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hey, i hope you’re ok. i’ve been watching this whole thing unfold from the sidelines since it first started, and it’s been wild because it’s been like watching what i went through when i first watched GO, from the outside. i’m so sorry we as a fandom introduced you to this godawful heartbreak, but also, if you’re anything like me, you wouldn’t want it any other way because it’s just. so perfect. good omens genuinely rewired my brain chemistry and is easily the best piece of media i have ever seen. even though it has destroyed me, i am so grateful i decided to watch it. i share all your feelings about crowley. i have So Many Feelings About Crowley. after s2 i reacted just as violently as you did lol. i will say, it does get easier with time. for the first two weeks i genuinely could not think about anything other than the Pain (lol), but now i’m fully functional again! i still think about Them every hour of every day, but now i think about other things in between too. so it gets better! commiserating with fellow Good Omens Brainrot sufferers helped make me feel a lot less alone, especially in the beginning. and now that it hurts less, i’ve actually found quite a comforting family of sorts in this fandom. make sure you make room for other things too though!!! take a few days just to be emotionally devastated, but after that try and go outside or spend some time with friends or family. eventually it will fade to a comfortable level of obsession and you’ll feel okay again. it’s a lot less scary now that we know season 3 is coming. and even though it hurts. there’s something sort of beautiful and exquisite about being moved this strongly by a piece of artwork, i think. sorry for this long ramble, i just wanted to express my support and let you know that you’re not alone i guess.
Hello anon maggot! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, please don't apologise, it's so touching to read. This fandom really is beautiful, isn't it, and it's so crazy to see how much art and creativity inspired it as well as was inspired by it. It's such a kind community and it's wild how strangers have bonded over Good Omens and become so tight-knit. And yes, Crowley. Just Crowley. I am in love with them. I'm glad you've also found a family in this batshit insane and loving fandom.
Yeah, I'm trying to remember to take a break *looks away guiltily* whenever I'm not on tumblr I just seem to pull a Crowley and sleep through the day. It's been such a rollercoaster of emotions.
Why did I say that. Everyday, it's a-getting closer, going faster than a rollercoa-
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whumpbug · 2 months
Hi Whumpbug I'm the same anon who asked the question about Sylvia and Clint, and I'm only disclosing that because I wanted to say that when I said "I'm sure I don't speak for everyone," what I meant was "I'm sure I speak for everyone"
so. oops
Out of curiosity, how does Archie feel about superheroes? Partially as a vigilante (like, does he think their portrayal in media is realistic to the superpowered crimefighting experience) and partially as a fan (is the genre super cool)
Also, does he take inspiration from any of them? You've mentioned that he banters with his enemies while fighting and smiles at the people he saves, which is very reminiscent of Spider-Man to me (one of my very very favorites) so I'm wondering if he does that on purpose or if he's just a sweetheart who wants to dissolve the tension for the people in danger and it leads to him acting like that
HI YES OKAY. i was hoping someone would ask this because archie is based off of so many different superheroes... i am a dc nerd and also a mild marvel fan so. YIPPEE!!
(also youre totally good anon i didn't even notice the typo!)
so i want to start by saying that archie is like. well he's kind of meant to replace spiderman and/or daredevil in this universe. its hard to explain. like i'd like to think he lives in a universe where no other well-known comic book superheros actually exist and they are all fictional in his universe.
if that makes sense.
i feel like im getting really into the meta here but to put it simply, archie's story takes place in new york (which means archie has a new york accent btw). he's like an alternative universe spider-man/daredevil combo (if you look at his powers specifically) so those characters no longer exist but every other comic book character exists as fictional characters. especially dc because the cities in dc are mostly made up.
SO back to the question at hand.
i think archie sees their portrayal in comics as a bit dramatic. like batman is always brooding in his little cave and archie is like "yeah right." i feel like he's amused at when superheros get injured in comics because hes like "that guy would NOT be doing those flips after breaking three ribs and getting a severe concussion. i'd know."
BUT he does enjoy the comics anyways. he thinks they're very entertaining and hes just a Nerd so he looks past all the inaccuracies for a good story!
i feel like the character he identifies the most with is nightwing (my beloved) because hes a vigilante working on a small scale and he likes how silly he is. he looks to him for the most inspiration because he loves how down to earth he is with civilians. he also related to having his World Rocked at a very young age
and as for who my (author) inspirations for him were, it's a combonation of 3 main ones that i've already mentioned but i'm going to briefly explain why/how:
peter parker/spider man - this one is kind of obvious. archie is this sunny, quippy, young guy from new york who goes around at night beating up bad guys and buying hotdogs from the hotdog vendors.
matt murdock/daredevil - i took this man more for the concept of having an accident happen to you as a kid and gaining enhanced abilities from it. obviously archie is not blind, but he does have heightened senses and operates in kind of the same location and on the same small scale as daredevil!
dick grayson/nightwing - tbh i included him because i love him and i modeled archie's sass on him. he's different from peter parker becasue he's older and so is archie, but the similarities also come in their humor and quips! the vigil suit is also vaguely inspired by nightwing's suit
all three - all of these guys have a (sort of strict) No Killing Rule and i'd like to think archie does. he'd never killed anyone, ony beat them up quite badly, and he wants to keep it that way
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stunie · 15 days
GOAT HAHAHA NOOO ITS A DEER AND SO TRUE IT WAS TRULY ANNOYING!!! I REMEMBER WHEN THAT PATCH WAS RELEASED THEY HAD TO NERF THE DEER LOLL and yess i hope you enjoy omg !!! do share your thoughts as you continue playing hsr,, i love reading your cute posts <333 it lowkey brings back my own brainrot since lord knows i haven't opened that game in awhile ( irl responsibilities breaking my back 😞)
also don't be afraid of any possibile mischaracterization!!! knowing you, you’d definitely hit the mark no matter what <3 do it at your own pace and we WILL be awaiting and ready to devour whatever you choose to share ‼️
aand yess i like jing yuan !!!! (too much for my own sanity.. he had me doing rituals and shit back in feb for me to get him (after making me loose my 5050 AND THEN coming at like 82 something pity 💔 but thankfully i got his lc on accident at 12 pity so.. i forgave him)) but truly he's so adorable i really used to log in just to stare at him for awhile and then log out.. IT WAS BAD FOR ME HAHAHAH && yes you're right he's absolutely sweet, the sweetest of them all. his idles are so adorable too 😞 cute sparrows always around him.. he's so.. heart eyes..
have you met bailu yet? jy always goes to meet her once a year under the guise of a full body checkup which he most definitely doesn't need (bailu’s words) and brings with him the most delicious foods from all over the loufu that bailu loves 😭😭 bailu usually runs away from the commission where she’s strictly kept so this is basically her getting a whole day as a break where she can happily eat all the delicious food as much as she wants and jy also asks about how she’s doing and her health and stuff LIKEEE i swear you think you can't fall more in love with him AND THEN HE PROVES U WRONG 😭😭💔
i'm sorry for rambling too much TT
🤍🤍🤍^ ^ HIHI
ITS A DEER. OOPS. THEY ALREADY NERFED THE DEER ?? NO BC AS SOON AS I SAW “phase 2” AND THE HEALTH WENT UP I WAS LIKE nooooooo stoppp😭😭😭 ur so sweet sjsjsnmdm im glad those posts are fun!! most of my friends in uni don’t play / watch anything so i only have u all to share the chaos with🥺
EEEE AAAAA i’ve been so excited to write for them !! i’m still able to write for wind breaker… but it’s been taking me a lot longer. for hsr i literally cranked out an entire drabble in under an hour— without pausing to take a break and rewatch scenes for inspo or anything !! i had a lot of fun with that one :’) ur so sweet hsmsmsndn ughhh i love you
IM GONNA BE HONEST I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT U SAID ABOUT THE NUMBERS AND STUFF BUT LFGGG 🎉 U GOT HIM THOIGH THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS!! please you’re so cute talking about him like that :’) i have to learn his character for u anon omg. i must. THE SPARROWS SHSMMS he was so gentle with them too !!! and he looked so peaceful gardening n all. so excited. i love your love for him
BAILU? IS THAT THE DRAGON NURSE? i met her i think !!! and are you fr. that is the cutest thing i’ve read all day. an unnecessary full body check up and he brings snacks and gives her a well deserved break ): please ): i love this planet a lot. they’re all so cute
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pancho-pinto · 2 months
here to tell you that sweet talk is AMAZING and its my roman empire, very well written and though my brain DID get lost at a few parts (maybe its because im reading very late at night and woke up very early in the morning and i've been tired all day-) it was still amazing and thank you so much for writing it
you're a great writer and i hope this inspires you to write more fics in the future (going to check your other works after sending this ask because i havent yet)
your fic was exactly what i needed after a breakup, which i'll admit sounds a little odd because it was very romancy and i dont think it makes a lot of sense to anyone else but in my brain it does- idk it was my first relationship, plus i'm autistic so maybe some of that plays a role? im rambling its 1am and i've been awake since 6am- this is probably really hard to read- ANYWAYS love love loved and still love your fic, you're officially on the list of my top 2 fics (which isn't saying a lot as i havent read many) and i cant choose between yours and the first fic i ever read
i feel like i've rambled too much but i needed to gush about your fic somewhere and i deleted discord off this device a few days ago and have yet to reinstall it and cant be bothered, plus i cant log into ao3 right now to leave a comment i'm too cozy (even though the password book is literally 3 meters away)
aaand somehow after saying i rambled too much i rambled more.. oops
keep being you and keep being awesome!! (and mayhaps write more.. stares at you with beady little eyes /nf /pos)
-anon (they/them)
my response under the cut because i dont want to subject my friends to my rambling. they already deal with it plenty xp
THANK YOU SO MUCH. sweet talk is really gotten to be my 'that one fic' lol adored it though. it was such a fun yet stressful experience. one day i will learn to write multi-chapter fics i swear!!!
and yes, i dont blame you if you didnt understand some parts. honestly, i have plenty times i could still work on for my writing. but hey! we all start somewhere, and im very proud of how it turned out either way.
and this was my reaction when i saw your ask
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so yes. yes very much going to motivate me to write more. ya have no idea. i thrive on validation. dopamine rushes make brain and writing go brrrrrrr.
anon, sweet anon, i love rambling too. you are at home here! and i hope you feel better after that breakup. there are more fishes in the sea, and if you dont fancy fishing, there are more things to do like swimming, kayaking, walking on the beach and such. you will be fine. i believe you will because you kick-ass!!!!
and and and whoa!!! if i had a nickel for every person who told me im one of their fav writers, id have a couple nickels. which, crazy ngl. thank you. genuinely. that means so fucking much
you keep being plenty awesome yourself<3!!!
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angeltism · 4 months
Like. Um. Fuck it you're all getting rambles about how much I love them.
Nursey I knew I loved from basically the first moment I had met her. I was so anxious to talk to her and one of the first instances of me using The Fool as a title was signing off anons. I always admired her, and I desperately wanted her to notice and like me it's a bit embarrassing looking back on? A little. Even after I came off anon we weren't too close but I always had this want to be her friend, and I always felt like my feelings weren't fully platonic (..I think at one point I thought I had an actual crush on her but bc she IDed as just aroace so I. Ignored it and made it go away after like a month.) but she's the reason I even started considering queerplatonic love as a thing, y'know? Because then she really started feeling the platonic but,, queer,,, feeling I have for her to this day. She's who I've loved the longest and ngl I feel she knows me better than most people irl do. I'm so happy to have her in my life. ♡♡♡
Rook was more passing admiration turned into my feelings kinda exploding everywhere when he confessed to me. I had suspected I was starting to like him in a not strictly platonic way when we started talking more on discord. I remember clearly panicking and getting flustered bc at one point he said I love you to me and I didn't wanna assume anything other than strictly platonic so I stared at my phone a little before just saying I loved him back. And hoping I didn't embarrass myself. As if he could have known I was blushing so much behind my screen for a reason that was unknown to me at the time. After a moment I realized the vaguely similarish queerplatonic feelings and. Well. Here we are! I love him so much, he's so amazing <3
Ivette was. Oh god. How do I even. I'm at a loss for words on what to say without sounding stupid because a lot of my attraction is often reciprocal and it's hard for me to develop feelings unless someone likes me first, and even then I can never be sure if it's really me liking them because I get in my head about that kind of thing idk. But with Ivette, over time, his asks became such a ray of light and I had begun longing to be able to know more about him more than I had anticipated and before I could even realize I soon had become utterly head over heels for the sweet-talking knight in my inbox. I'd say oops here because one may advise against that, falling in love with someone whose name you don't even know all that well, but it ended up being wonderful and I'm thankful every day I'm so thankful for him having sent me his first ask. I was practically bouncing off the walls when I got his discord, and shaking when I asked him to be my boyfriend. He's so damn cute and caring, I love him so so much :3c
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darishima · 1 year
hello it is i anon who is definitely not you. you should show everyone ur super cool manga collection and also tell me about your favorite characters in great detail . btw
why hello anon who definitely isn't me!! thank you for asking because i have been waiting for someone to ask!!!
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here's the main shelf and my bulletin board!!! closeups + unnecessarily in depth rambling + other collection stuff under the cut (please please click keep reading please click it please please ple)
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closeup of the top shelf, this one mostly has my hero academia and one piece stuff. also has my junji ito books, and the demon slayer funkos i couldn't fit anywhere else. the mha figures along the top are knockoff wcf figures, not the real thing </3 bought them as cake toppers actually. i don't have all the mha manga i'm missing quite a few, but i have smash 1-2, team up missions 1-3, and all of the school briefs light novels
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middle shelf, this one is half midari ikishima shrine and half assorted manga and figures. plus the kyoka jiro plush that wouldnt fit on the top shelf
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bottom shelf! the manga is double layered on the sides for space conservation, the ones in the back are et cetera 1-9, chronicles of the cursed sword 1, psychic academy 1-2, .hack legend of the twilight 1-3 and .hack another birth 1-3. those and the buso renkin books were all given to me by a friend
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this is one of my favorite figures, himiko toga by banpresto. it was surprisingly cheap for how good it is, i think it was like $38? the kyoka jiro sticker is something my friend got for me when he visited japan, and it still has the original price tag on it which i think is cool. in this pic you can also see the shoyo hinata funko pop (held up by sticky tack lmao) and the kurogiri + twice funkos. these (and my many other tiny funkos) are actually keychains but i removed most of the keychain part and i display them as figures instead
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jiro section!! i really want to get her other funko variations, the school festival version of her with her guitar and the gamestop exclusive ofher with her microphone. and i REALLY want a scale of her, the newest one that's on preorder right now is so fucking cute but i'm too broke for it rn :( someday she'll be mine, but for now i just have a counterfeit wcf lmao
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YAMATO !!! goddd i love him so much. got this figure super recently actually, it was like last week. i saw him in boxlunch and couldnt resist
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the one piece section! i accidentally cut off the nico robin wano figure in this one oops :( i have the two ace's story light novels, the heroines ln (in japanese), the first manga volume in japanese, and the first fullmetal alchemist volume in japanese (doesn't fit the theme here, i know, but it didnt fit on the other shelves). here, i also have a vinsmoke reiju figure, a boa hancock figure in the back, a robin figure (dont ask why she's in her underwear i dont know either. but man do i like it), a yor forger figure, matching wano zoro and luffy funko keychains, and all my demon slayer funko keychains. i'm pretty sure this is the full set of them, i might be missing a nezuko variation though
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this small bakugo figure (which sits on top of mha ultra analysis) is the first figure i ever got, i think i got it like five years ago? i don't even remember where i got it from, it was probably a gashapon machine somewhere idk. i lost his original stand ages ago so now he's sticky tacked to a lego :(
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here's a closeup on my beloved midari ikishima shrine!! on the side is stickers of her sticky tacked to the shelf, and to the left is a hatsune miku drink can and a small yuji itadori figure. the shrine consists of 6 acrylic stands, 3 keychains, 3 button pins, 2 enamel pins, two sets of stud earrings, 6 stickers, 1 playing card with her on it (above the stickers but its cut off in the pic) and a bottle of purple nail polish that exactly matches the shade of hers. and kakegurui volumes 1 and 3 ofc (i plan to add kakegurui midari and the other kakegurui manga volumes to this soon). i really want more officially licensed midari merch but it's so hard to find and there's barely any of it. the white stand that some of the stuff is sitting on is a funko pop box with paper attached to it lmao
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moving down to the second shelf! here's a brook figure, i really love this guy. the sculpting on his hands is SO good
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next to brook is a zenitsu figure, a giyuu tomioka figure i got from a gashapon machine, and two tbhk pins
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meruem and komugi funko pop on top of the manga :') my god i love these two so much. i really want to get that bandai figure of them but its like $500 at the CHEAPEST and it's not even good quality :( i'd like to get the hunter fan studios figure of them but alas, its also $500 dollars. someday i will </3 there's also a yuji itadori acrylic stand and a yuji funko keychain to the left that i forgot to take a closeup of
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i've also got the komugi funko because of course i do, and it's displayed in front of hxh vol 25 because of course it is. someday i'm gonna get the meruem and pitou pops and i want them soo fucking bad but they're harder to find. also a zoro figure! from the same set as brook and the robin and otama figures from the top shelf.
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had to do a closeup on this adorable killua and alluka pin, and the killua funko keychain
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bottom shelf closeups! here's the middle of the shelf, with the rets of my hxh funkos (netero, bisky, and kurapika), my radical ed funko (i want the other two so bad but they're expensive :( got a matching keychain though), a honey senpai funko and a kuromi one. plus a cool large miku pin, a yor forger pin, and a pochita plush. i really love the all in one death note book. also, death note volume 3 (the blue one that's slightly taller than the others) was the first manga i ever got! i got it at a thrift store like four years ago i think. the k-on omnibus is the most recent manga ive gotten
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yugioh section! duelest 1-4 and millennium world 1-3 were both gifts from a friend, and i got zexal 1-2 at a thrift store. they were from a school library, hence the stickers on the bottom that say west and south. really annoying, but i mostly covered them with a yugioh gameboy cartridge (i do not own a gameboy lmao). also ohshc pins!
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on top of the yugioh manga is my other mha funko keychains, cubone and pikachu figures, a gudetama keychain, and a pochita necklace (which is actually a friendship necklace with my friend @/fartfeild)
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other side of the shelf! the demon slayer pins have a glare on them in the pic which sucks. also have a miku pin, a gudetama coin purse thing, a mimukyu plush and figure (there's another mimikyu figure on top of the k-on manga), and four one piece pins
btw, the way i prop up the pins is by sticky tacking them onto legos!!
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that's all for the shelf!! the shelf below this one is just full of empty boxes from the scales and funkos. onto the bulletin board!!
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kyojuro rengoku, denji, zero two, tamaki suoh, takashi mori, honey senpai, and katsuki bakugo enamel pins! the chainsaw man and one piece things are cardboard packaging from other things that i cut out.
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i LOVE this power pin, she's so fucking cute. the nami pin is gorgeous <3
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two my melody pins, a hello kitty pin, and a chainsaw man button! plus an iguro keychain i got from a gashapon machine, and midari ikishima panels i printed. cause obviously i did
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sailor mercury keychain! it's from 1999 (does that count as vintage? i think it does)
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anya forger, all might, and bakugo keychains! plus a really high quality boa hancock enamel pin and a kurapika pin. the pretty flower is a pin i got from a melanie martinez concert, and the pink paper is confetti from the concert
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dr stone lanyard, hxh keychain, kuromi pins, more midari panels, and multiple enamel pins (2 zoros, straw hat jolly roger, decidueye pokemon, yumeko jabami, and a dragon pin i got from a local artist at a fair)
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jet black keychain (got it in a blind bag and im still mad i didnt get ed. i love jet too though), an emma keychain, more manga panels (ririka momobami and himiko toga) and a joey wheeler keychain that tragically got cut off in the pic. the chopper and luffy pins are part of a set with the zoro one, and i wish i'd put them together instead of splitting them up. i'll probably rearrange this sometime and then i'll pt them all together. there's also another melanie martinez pin from a concert, and two more pokemon ones
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this thing came with one piece heroines, it's basically a second dust cover that advertises other one piece books. i kept it because of this cute nami drawing and oda's signature
also, the way i hang the button pins up is by sliding the wire piece behind a thumbtack :) please ignore my awfully chipped nail polish
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tumblr won't let me add more images so i'll have to do a second post for all my posters. sorry this was so fucking long i know literally nobody cares or will read it but i needed to ramble about all this somewhere :3 my animanga collection is my favorite thing ever in the world. also on the off chance that anyone who does care reads this, if anyone wants to know more about a specific thing (where i got it, how much it cost, etc) please send an ask or dm and i'd love to tell you!!!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
together we can convince the bee tumblr community to become as obsessed with it as us
on a side note-
hold up
on a side side note: i get so distracted in these asks bee omfg im so sorry, i feel like my high energy can get too much sometimes KFDSJKDF pls let me know if u need me to turn it down a notch, i just get excited whenever i talk about fics soo aksdfjkSKJDF
anyways on the original side note: talking about the bee tumblr community just made me think about it, it really does feel like a sort of family <3 i love seeing all the random updates from the different anons here and getting to connect to you and to each other, it feels much more wholesome and secure than places like twt LMFAOO but idk it's just nice <3
i had tumblr for awhile but i never used it until i started reading the asks here, and it took me awhile to join in bc i felt intimidated skfdkjsd which is ironic bc yknow i could always go anon? but idk it just felt like everyone had their groove going and i didn't want to intrude, but i joined and i never felt that way
anyways oops this got long (as it always does kjfsdkj), but i just wanted to say that i appreciate you bee <3 for letting us anons n non anons ramble in ur ask box and analyze ur fics and/or just straight up scream noncoherent things
this has been a bright spot in my life lately and it's really special to me <333 and ur genuinely like . one of the kindest authors i've met, but you also have such a good sense of your boundaries n stuff, i admire you really. ur super cool
and also to all the other sillies in bee's asks, i appreciate u guys too <3 ur all super cool people, and i love hearing what you have to say :)) it's genuinely really nice and comforting to be a part of this community <33
lol no you're fine icy!! while it can be a Lot it always makes me laugh whenever I post a chapter of something that has sandduo in it and my inbox just fills with you screaming. it makes me so happy to know how excited my fics make you and the others though so :D
the thing you said about the tumblr community we have here is so sweet though and it's more right than I think even I realized initially. it's really nice when I see regular askers/anons pop up in my inbox and get to catch up on tiny parts of your lives and then in turn you guys talk to each other—it's just so sweet y'know? the thing I really love about having such an active inbox especially with asks about my fics is that it's a lot easier for me to respond to tumblr asks than ao3 comments. I rarely reply to ao3 comments because it's really just overwhelming and then I'm like "well if I respond to one person I feel bad about not responding to everyone else" but sometimes I just don't know what to say or there's just too many comments y'know? I LOVE my ao3 comments they mean so much to me but it's really nice to have people come into my inbox here to tell me their thoughts on my chapters bc it gives me a chance to reply with my own thoughts in a way that feels a lot more like a discussion I guess
so yeah. thank you guys for coming into my inbox to give me your thoughts it seriously makes me so happy and is definitely part of the reason why I have so much motivation to post so much.
also I'm really glad you decided to start popping in here one day icy you're very fun to have around :)
one thing I've always been very aware of since getting 'big' in this fandom is how to maintain things like boundaries while still connecting with the community and my readers specifically. because I wanna talk to you guys and I love interacting with you and all that, but also sometimes people in fandom who get 'big' can be a bit strange to others or get way too involved with discourse and just stir the pot and to each their own do fandom how you want but I don't wanna do that y'know. I'm here to have a good time and I want this little community we've built to also just be a nice, welcoming place for everyone
thank you for this icy it really made me smile to read <3
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jadeacereigen · 1 year
sooo... jade's 80s jp songs playlist for serirei when? :3
Urgh I greatly appreciate the interest anon but I definitely don't know enough songs for a full playlist. I really just listen to one band/singer that my mom really liked back in the day, so there's no variety either 😭
The band in question is Off Course and the lead singer was Oda Kazumasa, who went on to sing solo after the band broke up. Their vibes just remind me of Serirei even when the lyrics don't (and I don't know Japanese so it's easier for me to just feel the vibes when listening).
Two of these songs in particular are among The Serirei Songs for me though! At least, judging from online translations of their lyrics. Apologies for the long ramble, this is embarrassing:
Oda Kazumasa - Tashika na Koto
(oops apparently this is a 2000s song sorry for the lies)
(YouTube Link)
(Lyric translation)
I feel like this song really fits how Serizawa sees Reigen and wants to be with him no matter what. Especially these verses:
As time goes by, can I love you? Can I really protect you?
As I looked up at the sky I thought, what can I do for you now?
(This one reminds me of how Serizawa probably felt when Reigen walked away from him during Mob's storm 😭)
Never forget, because no matter when, I'll surely be beside you
That's why we're here now
Being blown by the same wind, living in the same time
I'd rather trust than doubt, even if the wounds in my heart never go away
Let's go looking for the things we've lost, I'm sure we'll find them someday
(...Do I need to explain these)
Off Course - Yes-No
(YouTube Link)
(Lyric Translation)
This one makes me think of how Reigen feels about Serizawa! I think the lyrics kinda speak for themselves here but I'll paste the last three.
Aa, time embraces two of us and flows without a sound.
Aa, you're right. It is getting cold. Thanks for today.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Don't listen to anything, don't look at anything.
Don't look at anything that makes you sad.
Can I just hold you? Whereabouts is your heart?
Can I just hold you? Can I just love you?
Sorry, can't resist pining Reigen. I'm sure Serizawa would say yes if the man just asked these questions out loud...
Idk if anyone will read this far/actually listen to these songs but ahh I appreciate it if so? Anyway, those are the best for Serirei that I've got so far. I should try and listen to more Off Course songs someday cuz they really do inspire me to write Serirei 😭.
As a bonus here's the cover of Yes-No that Oda Kazumasa later sang by himself. I like this one because it feels more personal, it seems more Introspective Reigen to me if that makes sense.
(YouTube Link)
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Thank u for the welcome, glad to be here :D
I have so many things i wanna say about these guys wjdjdd
Spoilers for those who hasnt read 'em i guess KEKW
First of all, how dare u give me feelings with pearl's appearance /pos. And the fact you used an oh hello song title like hello??? I cannot. From the first time i read about her 'desth', i knew it was kinda a lie cause c'mon, pearl be slayin dem bitches away. But i still am kinda surprised she's here wjdjs. And the fact that she meets grian again?? SIBLINGS REUNITES LETS GO
And the fact that u manage to make grian so badass but also kinda a pathetic guy at times?? Hello i cannot with this man ESP WHEN SCOTT TOLD HIM HE WAS IN LOVE. I swear i cant get over how scott had to be the one to say it. OFC THE GAE ONE HAD TO KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO HIM. GODS. Scott here be the matchmaker of the centuries LMAO
And Mumbo??? Big guy mumbo?? My wet blorbo has been portrayed so well here jedjejdj like whenever i read these fantastic fics, i always get so into it that i can just visualise how the look like. And u just made him like how i always thinks of mumbo jumbo. A man of many skills but still a pathetic mess /pos
Anyway sorry for the ramble i just love these guys wjdjd
- Purp anon
ehehehe thank you !!! also never apologize for the rambles, I always welcome/encourage them >:3
but !!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! I love writing the main trio sm. on the outside yk they all look like these really intimidating guys that you don't wanna mess with, but when you get to know them they're all just. pathetic GFHGFGFJ
god especially mumbo... that man is SO pathetic. he's been through the ringer, oops :p <3 but !!!! I'm glad you like how he's been portrayed considering mumbo's characterization is something I Constantly worry about when writing him in good crimes fjgfhfjg
goodtimeswithscar, the holder of Gender. love me a silly mayor man <3
we've got a lot more on the way :D and I look forward to sharing more hehe >:3
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spectralpooch · 1 year
hi!! i'm a little too shy to leave a comment on your fic for everyone to see, so i'll put it here: i know that recent additions to canon have had you second guessing your writing and interpretations, but i just got done rereading your fic and i want you to know that i still sincerely believe that your choices are still spot-on! the divergence points thus far aren't as bad as you worry. i think of it simply as "oh, gilles showed up in this timeline!" and "oops, wataru missed keito's visits!" lol
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im on the floor. ah. ahuifodijlkgrhgjhlklfhj. i will never recover from this ask. gootbye
i am going to return your love with a pile of my own ramblings, so for everyone else's sake, putting the rest of this ask under the cut!
first off: "i just finished rereading your fic" rereading??? 😭 that behemoth?? that is such a huge honor!!!!! i really hope that it holds up when you read it straight-through like that (not in one sitting i assume, but in a faster time frame than spread out over five months)
"oh, gilles showed up in this timeline!" ah, yes, a fellow gilles truther... it genuinely helped me cope and re-immerse myself in my "canon" when i arbitrarily decided that he was the key point of divergence between my fic and enstars canon. he set the events of blackbird into motion. he is the mastermind. he played wataru and eichi like pawns on a chessboard.
"oops, wataru missed keito's visits!" abhfdghb but fr, where was keito during blackbird? i really had to take a step back and mull over whether i'd missed something vital in pre-established canon--because i was certain that he'd be stuck to eichi's side like glue at this period in time? a possible explanation is that eichi just banned him from visiting... but if that was the case, i wish it'd been stated. because as it stands, it just feels like a plot hole to me </3
ahghh yep, i definitely went through a million stages of grief. i rly felt selfish for personally being disappointed in the new developments while everyone else was freaking out--not because i disliked blackbird/element, but because it was crushing to lose my canon-compliance. i know i've taken liberties with this fic, but i'd really tried my best to stick as closely to canon as possible and work under the pretense that "there's no evidence that things didn't happen this way"
but now that pretense is dead and gone! and i don't have to worry about it anymore. i'm still going to stick as closely to pre-april 2023 canon as possible, but the reality that this fic will never be canon-compliant does relieve some of the pressure i'd put on myself
(there are a couple of things i'm pondering yoinking from the new canon, however! i'm still pondering... but we'll see!)
it really, really, really, truly means everything to me that you still enjoy my plot and characterization. and it's incredibly reassuring that to hear that you think that i'm overblowing the canon divergence in my head. it's very grounding to hear an outside perspective on that, and i appreciate it so much
thank you so much anon ;-; i'm going to cherish these messages forever
also. for anyone reading this: don't save an ask as a draft. tumblr will send it to the shadow realm, never to be seen or heard from again. don't even bother looking for it. it's gone.
if it's an anonymous ask, you'll just have to copy+paste the text and send it to yourself. and feel like a complete fool.
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aureatchi · 2 days
hello reverie!! tis i, ⭐️ anon again! i've been sooo busy with my work that i forgot to stop by (i think i might have said that in my last ask too oops) but how are you? i hope you've been doing well, making sure to take care of yourself, drinking water, etc. etc.
me, i've been so preoccupied with school that i haven't really worked on much writing myself (i'm in my final year of school so i have exams, followed by exams, followed by more exams...) but i have been thinking so much about just soft moments with dazai..... i think he would love just laying with his head in his lover's lap at the end of the day, just gazing up at them with stars in his eyes...... and if they dipped down to press a kiss to his forehead, he would just melt.
oh, oh, i am also eagerly awaiting tdwda chapter 2 though!!! (ABSOLUTELY no rush though, take as much time as you need to finish it, i will be waiting here patiently) i loved chapter 1, and i will most likely be back with all of my ramblings on the next one if you don't mind (๑>ᴗ<๑)
aaahhh i don't want to make this too long!! i'm going to go make food, but you enjoy the rest of your day and night!!
- the brightest ⭐️ in the sky <3
MY STAR ⭐️ !! :< no worries about stopping by, i totally understand & i’m js as busy too, but i’m SO SO HAPPY to see you again <3 i’m doing well thank you !! the weather is finally getting a bit colder so i’m rly happy about tht :’)
AHH I’M WISHING THE BEST OF LUCK W/ YOUR EXAMS, you got this nonnie !! ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ ugh this makes me feel so cozy 🥹 i want to give him sm forehead kisses too…in the moment, all is serene, no worries of chaos in the back of your head. js you two under the blanket of the night, mesmerized by how the soft light rests on each other’s faces. omg i js realized this is perfect for you hehe bcz UR THE STAR !!
thank you so so much (╥‸╥) i’m sorry i’ve delayed the 2nd chapter for so long :< i rly thought starting college early would b a breeze LMAOO BUT I FEAR it’s putting up the best fight against me…i’m SO GRATEFUL for all the love + patience on it though, i love u & i hope you enjoy the next part when i can finally get it out !!
nothing is too long for me ml !! but pls take care of yourself as well & I HOPE YOU HAD THE BEST MEAL >:) !! i cherish you to the stars & back (hehe), have the loveliest day/night too <3
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strawberrymilksystem · 10 months
Oh dear, do you all need anything? (In regards to that panic attack. I get it, I got something similar last week and it made me sick again. Damned immune-system-) Same anon again, btw. Thanks for clarifying! And... to be honest... i'm starting to wonder if I should go off-anon actually, but I… well… You see… I'm kinda endo-neutral leaning into inclusive. I personally haven't had bad endo experiences, but I've heard and seen them (especially pro-endo bad experiences, like shhhhhh- I could make a list if I just went back to recollect them all) But I also have a few anti-endo opinons that I'm personally scared to talk about incase I *would* get bad experiences from endo folk ;W; ...i'd probably also make you uncomfortable since this entire time I'm actually a soulbonder. Although my connection does feel tied in with being vulnerable due to trauma... that doesn't change the fact that I am what I am. So, that's why I haven't gone off-anon, and why I keep feeling like *I* am making you uncomfy; even if that's not the case. But you do make me feel comfy in having some anti-leaning opinons, like another person I've been interacting with... So... you sure you wanna have civil convos with me off-anon? (oops post long since it became a ramble my bad I'll stop it here)
I need meds /j
I think the fact that you’re scared you’ll be attacked for staring opinions says. A lot about end0s there man. Like I haven’t gotten it as bad as some people but, ya know, being told to get sexually assaulted and burn in hell ain’t great, trust me.
You don’t have to get off anon, only if you feel comfortable :3
It’s fine that you’re that btw, I barely know what it is and I only really care about disorders, if people are spiritual like that for any reason I don’t care I just don’t like talking about spiritual stuff myself lol. Unless it’s like, bigoted or appropriated stuffs.
I don’t care if you’re on or off anon man :3
0 notes
levi-supreme · 2 years
My name is Levi and my favorite emoji rn is 🤺
Levi my love my beloved my baby my husband my most precious person my entire world 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I will give you the moon and the stars and the universe if you want me to <333 also because you're Levi, I'm giving you the best of the best and everything I can 💖💖💖💖 and of course, you're getting more of everything because you're my love <333
Chinese name: 勇安 (Yong An): 勇 (Yong = brave, courageous, fierce); 安 (An = peaceful, quiet, tranquil, safe)
Japanese name: 翔 (Shou = soar, fly, glide)
Korean name: 준용 joon-yong (Hanja: 俊荣 Jun Rong): 준 [俊] (Jun = handsome, talented, capable); 용 [荣] (Yong/Rong = honour, glory, flourish, prosper)
Bubble tea order: Earl grey milk tea, 0% sugar, no ice
Dessert: Lavender cookies // Palmier // Hanami dango
Send me your name and I'll give you three things!!
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