#i was smiling to myself when i woke up and saw this ask đŸ„ș
littlespacereader · 5 months
I saw that ur criminal minds agere fic is just one so here is my request
Daddy hoch x dada derek x little reader where something is bothering her but she regressed to a headspace where she is non verbal (she is always tiny in her headspace but today she was extra tiny) and they try to find out what's wrong but there gotta go to work but dont want to leave her alone so they go all to the Bau and after a while she falls asleep with her paci in mouth a stuffy under her arm a blankie in her hand and wrapped in a very big cozy weighet blanked 😍😍đŸ„ș
GET OUT OF HERE! Don’t actually because this fic is absolutely adorable!! I’m a sucker for a good CG!Hotch fic but CG!Morgan too!! I’m dead!! I absolutely love the ideas you added to the request so I made sure to include them all! I apologize for how long this took me to write. Between school and all the rewriting I’ve been doing it’s been a bit of a hassle. But I’m very happy with how this fic turned out! Please enjoy!! Thank you for the request!
Baby in the Bullpen đŸŒđŸąđŸ“„
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Caregiver! Aaron Hotchner, Caregiver! Derek Morgan, & Fem Little! Reader
Tags - SFW!, hurt/comfort, hugs, cuddles, forehead kisses, pacifiers, sippy cups, low key mentions of pull-ups, BAU family
Nicknames - Princess, sweetheart, baby, sweet girl, Daddy for Hotch, Dada for Morgan
Picture a day where everything is perfect. It’s a perfect day where everything goes well and there’s no problem or pressure at all. Almost like you’ve been floating on a happy little cloud.
Today is not one of those days.
Today is a day where everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong. Like a rain cloud that’s only centered on you.
I knew the moment I woke up it was going to be one of those days. Snuggled between my Caregivers in a nice warm bed, what more could any Little ask for? But my alarm went off and off to work I went.
It wasn’t every day my Caregivers had the day off, so I was especially mad I had work while the two of them were home. But trying to match my schedule with theirs always seemed like an uphill battle.
I arrived to my job at the bookstore to a line, let me repeat, A LINE of angry customers! How you could possibly be angry in a bookstore is beyond me, but today wanted to test me to see my limits.
So there I stood, listening to one complaint after the other, all while trying to keep my composure.
My book came with scratches on the cover!
My book’s cover was supposed to be purple!
I didn’t like the ending!
You didn’t say it was a sad book!
Blah, Blah, Blah. All utterly stupid and pointless complaints that were more ridiculous than the next. Despite their ridiculous claims it’s began to ware me down with one right after the other.
I longed for the day to end, for my Caregivers, who were probably on each others nerve by now without me as their favorite buffer. The thought brought a smile to my face.
Then my manager came over and decided to ruin it all. “Y/N, I’m going to need you to stay later today. Elizabeth called in sick.”
“I can’t I have plans.” Do I actually have plans? No, nothing besides a nice early dinner and cuddling with my Caregivers. But she didn’t need to know that.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to cancel them. You’re the only one here so you’re going to cover it.” And with that she walked away.
Suddenly I felt the weight of the day layered on again. I became overwhelmed with emotions I wasn’t allowed to have at the moment. I took my break and went into the restroom to pull myself together.
Frustrated tears fell from my eyes but I couldn’t break down now, not yet. I would have time for this when I got home. I just needed a minute and then I could go back out there and deal with everyone once again.
Morgan could see Y/N’s headlights going up the driveway before he heard the car door slam shut.
“Hotch, she’s home.” He called out to him, before the front door opened.
The moment Y/N entered the house, Morgan and Hotch immediately looked over. Morgan sat by the television and Hotch had popped out of kitchen. But immediately they could both see that something was wrong.
“Princess? You alright?” Morgan right away asked. His usual smile replaced with a worried look.
Y/N didn’t say a word. She just dropped her bags and started crying. Morgan jumped from the couch and quickly made his way over to her.
“Hey, hey, hey, what happened? What’s going on?” Morgan lifted the sad Little into his arms.
Y/N didn’t say a word, she just grabbed Morgan’s shirt like her life depended on it and cried. Hotch crossed the house, joining Morgan and Y/N at the door.
The two Caregivers shared a worried look. “What happened sweetheart?” Hotch tried to ask but still Y/N didn’t say a word. She just buried her head against Morgan’s chest and continued to sob.
Morgan began walking around the room with the Little in his arms, lighting bouncing and shushing her cries. One arm wraps around her back with his hand cradling her head.
Morgan and Hotch continue to share worried looks to one another as the two Caregivers turn their profiling sides on for a moment.
“She was supposed to be home at 3 right?”
“Yeah but she texted me saying they had to keep her there long.” Hotch replied.
“So a bad day at work?”
“This isn’t just from a bad day at work. This is a build up. We were gone all last week and now the first day of our break she has to work. Mix that with possibly a bad day and
” Hotch trailed on.
“Poor baby,” Morgan coos, “Missing your handsome Caregiver today huh?” He jokes hoping to get anything from his little one, but it doesn’t get a smile. Instead she just rests her head on his shoulder as tears still slip from her eyes.
Thankfully all the walking around bouncing seemed to work, at least a little bit. Y/N was no longer crying but she didn’t seem too happy either.
“There we go, no more tear gorgeous. You’re okay now. We’ve got you.” Morgan sat beside Hotch on the couch, pulling Y/N in his lap.
Hotch leaned over and wiped the remaining tears from her face. “It’s been a long day hasn’t it?” He asked but Y/N just cuddled closer to Morgan instead of answering.
All at once the two realized their baby was feeling a bit non verbal today. It didn’t happen often with Y/N, but when it did they knew she was feeling especially young.
“Not in the mood for talking? That’s okay princess. We’ve got you.” Morgan starts to say.
“How about this? How about we go upstairs and get changed out of these big uncomfortable clothes and into something a bit more comfortable? Squeeze my hand once for yes and twice for no.”
Morgan took her hand in his. After a moment of thinking he set a single squeeze. He looked to Hotch and nodded. “Alright, let’s get you changed.”
He stands and immediately smells something burning. “Aaron
you’re burning dinner again.” Hotch’s face dropped. He jumps up from the couch and runs into the kitchen.
Morgan smirked and shook his head. He carries Y/N upstairs and while chuckling, “It isn’t really a Daddy dinner if he didn’t burn it?” He joked. That got a small smile from Y/N. They were heading in the right direction.
Once in her light pink bedroom, he set her down on her bed and began going through her dresser drawer. “Okay, I think for you tonight we’re going to get you dressed in the absolute softest pajamas. And the absolute softest pajama you have arrrreeeeee these!”
He turned back to the bed to see Y/N sitting patiently with her favorite stuffie Sharky the shark in hand. “Ta-da!” He held up the fluffy pink long sleeve onesie complete with footed feet.
Y/N squeezes their stuffie as they took a moment of consideration. They decided with a simple nod of the head as a yes to Morgan and the footed onesie.
“Great! I thought I picked a good one,” he winked, “Now let’s get you changed for the night.”
Morgan helped Y/N take off their normal work attire and changed into the soft onesie and a pull-up for good measure. “There we are. Now let’s get your hair out of your face.” Morgan moved to get their hair tied and brush when there was a knock to the door.
Daddy walked in and he had that look on his face. You know, the look that says something’s wrong and he’s not happy about it.
“Derek I need to speak to you for a moment.”
That’s never a good thing.
“Y/N, we’ll be right outside the door okay? Just for a minute.” Dada reiterated.
My two Caregivers left the room and closed the door behind them. Then, once again, I was alone. The terrible feelings start to come back again.
Dada scared them away with his gentle rocking, shushing and jokes. He always knows how to make me feel better when I’m upset. But now my sadness was returning and with it fear. It’s never a good thing when your Caregivers go to talk about something first without you there.
I squeezed my shark stuffie a little tighter as I stared down the bedroom door. Was I in trouble? Was there trouble? My mind started to spiral with ideas.
It sounded like they were arguing, not with each other but about something. Again, that’s never a good thing to hear. My sadness took a backseat for a second as curiosity took the wheel. I hoped off my bed and walked over to the door with the hopes of maybe catching what they were talking about.
“Call them back and tell them we can’t. I mean you see the kind of night she’s having.”
“You don’t think I know that? *sigh* I tried everything, every excuse in the book. Rossi knows us, he knows Y/N. He wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t life or death, you know he wouldn’t.”
“So what are we going to do? She can’t be by herself tonight-“
I backed away from the door as I processed what they’re saying. Uncle Rossi called? That means they were going to the office. They’re leaving me.
The realization brought sadness back to the drivers seat. I walked back over to my bed and crawled under the covers. Maybe it’s better if I’m alone. I don’t want them! I don’t want anyone!
I cried into my shark stuffie as I heard the door open and close again. Then I heard the sound of footsteps over to my bed before I felt someone sit next to me.
“Sweetheart it’s okay. You don’t have to hide it’s just Daddy.” Hotch said as his hand rubbed the top of the blanket.
Okay maybe I was lying when I said I wanted to be alone
because I don’t. I want him to stay!
I peeked my head out from the blanket and was met with Daddy’s worried eyes. He opened his arms to me as a silent invitation, one I happily took. He brought me into his lap and hugged me close. I rested my head on his shoulder as tears fell from my eyes.
“There’s my sweet girl. Now, there’s something we need to talk about.”
The last scared me, and all at once I started crying some more as I shook my head no. I don’t want to hear the bad news.
“It’s okay, you didn’t hear it yet. It’s not a bad thing I promise. It’s just
a change of plans.” Hotch sighed as he began to rub my back to calm me down, “You see, Uncle Rossi called me and he really needs Dada and I to go to the office and work on something. Now normal I would rather you stay home and stay far away from the office. But I can see you really need Dada and I tonight so
you’re going to come to the office with us.”
My sniffles here and there stopped for a moment as I process what he was saying. I would come into the office with them?
I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him confused. I would go to his office, like this? And he was okay with it? I mean, his team knows about my regress. One of them even regresses too. Spencer and I are best friends because of it. But everyone else at the FBI doesn’t know.
I guess Daddy could see my confusing because he explained on. “It would only be us, just our team. It’s too late for everyone else to be at the office anyway. Just Aunt JJ, Aunt Emily, Aunt Penelope, Uncle Rossi and Spencer. No one else.”
That put my worries at ease, but it didn’t answer million other questions running through my mind. Before I really understood what was happening, he stood up and made his way over to the dresser.
He paused seeing my hair ties and brush sitting on top. Daddy chuckled, “It’s a good thing I stopped Dada before he brushed your hair. Isn’t that right?”
I mean he wasn’t lying. When it came to doing my hair, Hotch is my favorite person
well after Aunt Penelope, JJ and Emily of course. Morgan
he wasn’t the most gentle when it came to brushing my hair. He sat back on the bed and began to brush and tie my hair.
Once satisfied, he went to my closet and grabbed my usual Little to-go bag. He began packing it with the usuals some coloring books, crayons, toys, my pacifier, and a weighted blanket. But speaking of paci

Immediately when I saw my favorite pacifier I whined and made grabbie hands for it. Daddy immediately held it up for me as if to say “is this want you want?” When I nodded my head yes repeatedly, he walked over and handed it to me.
I immediately popped it in and felt the rush of relief. There’s something about a paci that just melts away the stress. I held Sharkey close and closed my eyes for a moment, soaking in the nice fuzzy feeling before it disappeared.
Daddy walked back over with a little pacifier clip. He wrapped it around and clipped it to my onesie so I wouldn’t lose it.
Dada popped in with a sippy cup on his hand. He handed it to Daddy before he zipped the bag up. I looked over at Dada and notice the new outfit he was wearing. Actually, now that I’m thinking that I notice Daddy was the same way. Out of their usual at home comfy clothes and back into their stupid work clothes.
“All set?” Hotch asked Morgan.
“Yeah I’m all set. Is she all good?”
“She’s all packed up and ready to go.”
Then they both looked back to me. I just squeezed Sharky and looked away. Dada walked over and kneeled down beside me.
“I know the last thing you want to do tonight is go out. But
” he dragged the but on, “Think of this whole thing like an adventure. Going undercover with your Caregivers at the FBI. You’re our Little agent tonight.”
I lifted my head up and met his eyes. That did sound cool the way he was saying it. I put my arms out to him and made grabby hands to be held.
He never needs to be told twice. He smiled, lifting me up into his arms. “Come on baby, let’s start our adventure.”
Dada carried me to the car with Daddy right behind. In Daddy’s arms, my backpack and his brief case in the other. Daddy hoping in the drivers seat while Dada buckled me into my seat. Once he hopped into the passenger seat, we were off.
The ride to the BAU wasn’t long at all, but with the emotionally exhausting day I’ve been having, I kept nodding off the whole drive. I really only woke up when the SUV came to a stop in the underground parking garage.
Daddy came to my side of the car, helping me with my seatbelt before I hoped out. It was weird seeing the parking garage so empty. Usually it would be filled with cars. Now it had our SUV and the others cars inside of it with the rest of the spots empty.
We made our way to the elevator. “Wanna press 15 for me sweetheart?” Hotch asked. I nodded and happily pressed the button. With that the doors close and we start to go up.
Once the doors opened I immediately started to feel shy. It’s very rare that I go out regressed like this, walking around in my onesie, stuffie in my hands and my paci in my mouth.
But today was a horrible, horrible day. And there was no way I was going to be much older than I am now.
I walk closer to Dada and grab his hand. He holds onto it tightly as I walk sort of hidden behind him.
Once in the bullpen Rossi greeted us. He began briefing Morgan and Hotch on what’s going on. All the big words fly over my head as I stay hidden against Dada’s side.
After a moment he turns and looks at me, “And hello my beautiful niece! How are you doing tonight? Out on a late night adventure?” Rossi smiles.
“She’s not feeling very talkative tonight David.” Hotch explains.
“Aw! That’s no problem. Whatever is most comfortable for my favorite niece in the whole world.” His kindness starts to bring me out of my shell a bit. I turn from Dada’s side to Rossi with a small smile across my face.
“She’s your only niece.” Morgan chuckles.
“Doesn’t make her any less my favorite.” Rossi winks towards me. Again I can’t help but smile.
With my free hand I lift Sharky up to Rossi to see. “Ahh! Well if it isn’t Sharky! He scared me! I thought there was a loose shark in here! You better keep an eye on him Y/N.” He winked.
Rossi looks back up towards Morgan and Hotch and explaining what they needed to do.
Morgan looks to me and squeezes my hand before letting it go, “Alright princess I gotta go do some work. You’re going to go with Daddy, okay? I’ll see you later.”
With a pat to my back and a kiss to the top of my forehead Dada he made a move to leave. But before he could I grabbed his hand again, a whine sounding behind my pacifier.
I could feel Daddy place a hand on my shoulder as Dada turned around and took his hand from me. “I know baby, I know. I promise I’ll be back soon. You stay with Daddy.” He tried to reassure but I shake my head no.
Tears fell from my face as I watched him walk into the middle of the bullpen and take a seat at his desk. I didn’t want this! I want to be home with the two of them!
Daddy picks me up and carried me towards his office, all while rubbing my back and trying to reassure me. Looking over his shoulder I could see the whole team gathering to talk about the case.
Aunt JJ and Emily stand next to Morgan’s desk chatting with him. Not unusual. What is unusual is Spencer. I’ve never seen Spencer outside of our headspaces before. Whenever we hang out he’s regressed with me. So seeing him working and being his usual adult self was an odd shock to my system.
But soon we were in Daddy’s office with the door shutting behind him. All at once the overwhelming office became less overwhelmed with just the two of us together.
He sat his briefcase down on his desk before crossing the office and taking a seat with me on his office couch. “It’s okay. I know, it’s a long day isn’t it? And it keeps getting longer. But I’m here and Dada’s just a few feet away. We’re here.”
Daddy spends a moment reassuring and comforting me. Once my tears stop falling he coaxes me to start to color at his coffee table. “Alright, Daddy’s got to go do some work and while I do why don’t you color a picture for Dada and I? If you need anything you just come over and I’ll help you.”
With a kiss to my forehead, he picked me up and placed me on the couch. He grabs my coloring book, my crayons and my sippy cup and places them all infront of me before he heads to his desk to work.
For a little while I try not to bother him as he types away on his computer and makes phone call after phone call. But after a picture or two I get a bit antsy. I want to be by him or Dada! Not at this stupid coffee table!
So, grabbing Sharky and my weighted blanket, I make my way over to Daddy at his desk. I round the desk and pull on his sleeve.
Hotch, who can’t even remember his name at the moment with the amount of work he has, snaps out of his fog when he feels a small tug on his sleeve.
Then a small smile creeps across his face as he sees the tired Little standing infront of him, rubbing their eyes with their fist, a yawn or two escaping behind their pacifier.
“Oh, Y/N. What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asks before remembering.
He takes a moment to look them over before asking, “You wanna go to bed sweetheart?” That gets a nod. “Okay, give me a second and I’ll get the couch set up for you.”
But before he even turns back to his computer, Y/N whiles and shakes her head no. That seemed to upset her.
Hotch turns to her once again, this time confused. She wants to sleep, but not on the couch. “What’s the matter honey?” He asked concerned.
Y/N, with tired tears in her eyes, reach out to him with her stuffie and blanket in her arms. Ohhhhhhh. Finally it kicks in.
“You wanna snuggle honey? Okay. Come here, let’s bundle you up first.” Y/N holds onto her shark as Hotch leans forward and wraps her weighted blanket around her. Then he picked her up like a little burrito and sits her on his lap. Her head rest comfortably against his chest as he wraps his arms around her.
“There you go. Comfy?” He asks getting a small nod in agreement. “Alright, you go to sleep. Daddy will be right here to protect you.” Hotch adds with a kiss to her forehead for good measure.
Hotch continues on working with Y/N peacefully sleeping in his arms. Her head pressed again his chest listening to his heart beat, her paci still in her mouth and her shark stuffie held tightly inside her blankie. She’s the most relaxed she had been all day.
An hour flew by before Hotch received a knock at his door. Garcia popped her head in to ask Hotch a question but that quickly flew out the window as she got a look at how adorable Y/N was.
“Oh my gosh!!! Look at her!!” She whispered, practically dying at the sight of Y/N peacefully sleep in Hotch’s arms.
Garcia couldn’t help herself and alerted everyone to the cute sight. Soon everyone was taking a break from their work to pop into Hotch’s office and see Y/N. They all cooed and awed at the adorable Little who only cuddled closer to her Caregiver.
Morgan smirks and rolls his eyes plays fully, “Hey! When is it my turn?”
“Your chances of being president of the FBI are better than you getting Y/N from my arms.” Hotch jokes back. Now that he had the sweet sleeping Little in his arms, he was not letting her go.
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klarex · 5 months
My main idea was to write Alastor x reader, but it kind of turned out to be Niffty, too. I love an idea where reader is a friend of Niffty or just taking care of herđŸ„ș
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none!
Summary: Just a sweet morning in a Hazbin Hotel. Reader mostly wears braids, but one day, she left her hair loose.
Paring: Alastor/Niffty (platonic) x Long-haired! reader
Long braids
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Pov. (Y/n)
I woke up pretty early and decided that I could wash my hair today. My long hair was always a struggle, but I loved it either way. Mostly, I weared it braided, but after a few days it always got a bit greasy.
So I walked into my bathroom and turned on the water. I undressed myself and jumped into the shower. Because of the length of my hair, I had to use a lot of shampoo to clean it.
When I was finished, I knew that drying my hair would only work to lightly dry them, but I did it anyway. I used a hairdryer, and after about 15 minutes, surprisingly, my hair wasn't really wet. I brushed my hair and put some comfortable clothes on. I left the bathroom afterwards.
I went downstairs to grab some coffee and breakfast. I saw that Alastor, Niffty, and Charlie were already there. I smiled and waved to them.
- Hello!
I said, and they looked at me. Charlie's jaw hung open when she saw me.
- O.M.G. Your hair looks so pretty!!
She squeaked and quickly ran to me. She immediately looked at my hair and gently touched it. I sighed with a light smile and nodded my head in a 'thank you' motion.
While Charlie was playing with my hair, Niffty ran up to us when she finally looked at me. She looked at me from the ground with a wide eye with sparks in it. Her smile was so big. Alastor's usual smile seemed to widen as he slowly made his way to us.
After a bit of Charlie asking me questions about my hair routine and playing with my hair, she finally pulled away, saying 'sorry' a few times. She then walked into the dining area, getting out of my sight.
- I see that you finally let your hair loose. I thought I will never be pleased to see it like that!
Alastor said with his static sound and a smile wider than before. I chuckled, tugging my hair behind my ear.
- Well.. there must be the first time for everything!
I said and winked at him. He laughed and leaned on his cane.
- I must say, you look really beautiful like that, my dear.
He said, and his words made me blush. He was now nearly face to face with me.
- I- Thank you, Al..
I breathed out and nodded my head. Then I felt Niffty crowling onto my shoulder. She sat on it, and I laughed.
- (Y/n), can you sit on a couch?
She asked, and I walked to a sofa, sitting on it. She jumped off of me and sat at the headrest of the couch. She started brushing my hair with her small fingers and making a small braid on the back of my head. Alastor stood and looked at us interested. He loved seeing us interact, and I could tell that.
He teleported through his shadows to sit on the couch next to us. He put his arm on the armrest and leaned on it, watching us closely with that smile of his. Just this time, it was soft and lovely.
I rolled my eyes and let Niffty play with my hair. Then I remembered what I mainly came downstairs for.
- Al? Can you do something for me?
I asked, gently turning my head to the side to look at him, and also not to disturb Niffty. He hummed and tilted his head a bit.
- Could you make me some coffee? A black one, please.
I asked with a sweet smile, and he laughed.
- Ha Ha. Of course, cher. Anything else?
He asked when he got up. I shook my head, and he nodded, disappearing into the shadows of the halls.
After a few minutes of silence, I tried looking up to see Niffty, but I was unsuccessful.
- What're you making, Niff?
- You will see...
She said mischievously and started laughing.
- Just- please.. make it like I can comb it out later..
I said and sighed. When her laughter calmed down, she hummed.
She was quick, and my hairstyle was finished before Alastor came back with my coffee.
I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror. I had a 1950s hairstyle on my head. I giggled when I saw a proud look on Niffty's face.
- Beautiful hairstyle, Niff! I must say.. I'm impressed!
I said, and she looked at my face with a look full of joy. She then giggled and covered her face with her hands, closing her eye.
We heard soft humming of a song and footsteps behind us, and the sounds kept getting louder. I looked around and saw Alastor with his eyes closed and a cup of coffee in his hands. Then he opened his eyes and looked at us. His mouth got slightly agape, and his usual static broke for a second, but he was still holding his smile.
- How'd you like it, Al?
I said and twirled around, laughing. I walked up to him to take my coffee from his hands.
- Oh my.. You look stunning, my dear!
He said, and his smile grew bigger. I chuckled and took a cup from his hands. I took a quick sip and hummed.
- Thank you, but it is all Niffty's work. I did nothing here. Also, thanks for the coffee. You're such a gentleman..
I said with a sweet smile, walking away from him to sit on the couch. Alastor nodded his head and observed me.
- Any time, darling~
He said and bowed gently. Niffty followed me and sitted on the couch next to me.
- Can I have a sip?!
She said as she stretched out her hands, but I pulled my cup out of her reach.
- No, Niff! You are already full of energy today.
I said, and her arms fell down. Alastor shook his head and walked up to us with a chuckle.
I could already tell that this day would be a calm and pleasant one.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 4 months
john marino fluff next đŸ„ș
Just because | John Marino x reader
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Summary: cute way to end the night with the man you’ve been with for four years.
Warnings: language I think? That’s it..
A:N- i think a Jack smut is next?
John and I had just came back from sweep the deck in the prudential center. Many events had taken place at this fun night party.
“How’d you like it?” John asks me, he hooks his hand onto my waist as he walks me out of the crowded room where the ice would normally sit. I hold onto him as support, I recently just injured my knee, I was an elite track star- like literally I was an all star track athlete for Harvard. Obviously it’s been years since my college days, but being a 26 year old is tuff in my joints- especially working and over training my body for the last 23.
John and I have been together for years! It’s been a long lasting relationship and I’m proud to say that he might be the one to marry. “Oh, it was fun! I enjoyed it. I loved curling.” I reply, almost forgetting the question he asked me. I go back to day dreaming as I look up at him. How dreamy he looks. I can see his dimples- if he smiles hard enough.
I love the way he handled me, and he only wnats to love me, and that doesn’t mean having to fuck every night. We go down on eachother every other night, and yes, that means we fuck off and on all week. “It helps keep his stamina for hockey.” He says. It’s embarrassing to even admit- but I love the way he just carry’s himself. It’s like no one matters except me and you.
He knows what he wants, and he’ll beg.
John loves me like he’ll buy me Lego’s. Why? I don’t know, but I love building. I love going out. I love snuggles. I am in love with John Marino.
A couple years ago, I had told John I will never love anyone. I barely love myself, I told him that I’m incapable of being loved and loving. I’m cold hearted.
“You’re not cold hearted! And I love you. So you’re Not incapable of being loved. I will make you love me anyway.”
Has he been successful since then? Yes. I do love him.
We get in the car. I’m hoping that we don’t fuck tonight. I’m just really tired. I do hope we can sleep tonight.
If anything, I’d want to recieve a blowjob in the shower. I’d rather suck on John in the bed as well, and maybe do the business in the bathtub, or maybe the couch? I don’t know, but I pray I won’t have to have sex with John tonight. Maybe tomorrow just not tonight, I’m just so drained from the party.
We get home, John unlocks our house and he walks in, leaving me in the car. It’s pitch black out. I cannot see anything, and I’m too scared to walk in. “I’ll be back.” John said as he turns on our lights to our home.
He opens the door wide, and grabbed a blanket. He came running out of the house with a white fluffy blanket wrapped around his arm. He opens my car door and pulled me into his arms.
He holds me in a baby cradle and hides me away in the blanket. “John, I’m perfectly fine! I can walk!” I beg John to just put me down. “No.” He responded.
What a gentalmab. What did I say? This guy knows his priorities- and he will do whatever he wants.
We make it back to the door and I’m almost asleep, I gave up on begging to let me down. He sets me on our white couch. John turns the lock to ensure we’ll be safe tonight. He turns the light switch if and he takes my hand leading me to our room.
He undresses me, he tried looking for my pajamas- as a result of not finding them he takes his clothes off as well. He cuddles with me and or skin touches skin. His front on my back, John being big sooon, and I, being little spoon. The star lit the room.
The moon glares down at us and I fall asleep feeling loved and warm in his presence.
When I woke up, I saw flowers on my bedside table. John wasn’t next to me in bed.
I slide my slippers on and walk out if the room. I head towards the kitchen, hearing sizzling on the stove from possibly John cooking.
I step down the stairs to see John in a tight apron watching the office. He is shirtless under the blue apron and has a hot ontop of his curls.
His feet are covered in his fluffy socks I gifted him on our 3rd year anniversary. John has green shorts over his lower half, he walks over to our countertop. There is a wood plater holding a glass plate full of eggs, hash brown and newly cooked bacon.
John slides in a cup of orange juice on the platter and sets a bowl of fruit that I cut up yesterday before sweep the deck. I walk down the stairs fully to see John smirk at me. He runs over to me to give me a big hug. “Nice boobs.” John mocks me, he takes his apron off and slides it over me.
“Get dressed, Curtis is bring his kids over. We’re watching them so he and reanne can have time alone.” John lets me know. “Thelyll be here in 30 minutes.” He informs me. I run up the stairs and to my suprise I see a note next to the flowers that John probably provided me.
I slide on my sweatpants and a hoodie over my bare chest. I read the note as I slicked my hair back into a messy bun.
Dear y/n,
I love you so much, hope you had a good night of rest. I woke up early for you so I could make breakfast and have time to run to the store to pick up your favorite flowers!
And yes, I thought you flowers just because.
Anyway, love Johnny.
xoxo- cuteness.
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justice4canyonmoon · 2 years
harry being all shaky and scared after having a bad dream đŸ„ș but you wake up because you hear him crying and you comfort him with kisses and stuff
wow, this is the first thing I've written in a long time! Couldn't get myself into the headspace I need to write smut, but I really liked this prompt, so here we are :) It's a bit on the short side, but I think it's quite cute! Hope you enjoy :)
warnings: nightmares, car accident
WC: 641
He woke up with a gasp of his sister’s name, hands trembling with shaky breaths. The dream was awful: you, his mother, and his sister were all driving to one of his shows when a drunk driver hit you head on, killing you and Anne on the spot. Gemma had been taken to a hospital, and the near scream of her name that happened when he woke up was when the heart monitor stopped beating. His heart thumped in his chest, and he turned to the bed beside him to look at you, focusing on the way your chest moved with every breath, assuring him that you were alive. 
Harry turned so he was facing away from you, trying to regulate his breathing without waking you. But every time he took a breath in, it was harder and harder to take the next. It wasn’t long until he found his face wet with tears, thinking about the way he was forced to watch the three people he loved most leave the world. He kept his sniffles and sobs as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake you for something as silly as a nightmare. But it felt so real. 
He felt his body tense, hearing your voice, still thick with sleep, calling his name.
He hummed in acknowledgment, not wanting to speak in fear of you hearing his shaky voice.
“Are you crying, honey? Is everything okay?”
Maybe he wasn’t as subtle as he thought.
“‘M fine, love. Go back to sleep, didn’t mean t’ w-wake yeh.”
He heard the tremble in his voice and knew you would do the same.
“Oh, honey,” was all you said before you wrapped your arms around his waist, “what’s wrong?”
“Just a dream. Nothing too important, that’s why I didn’t want t’ wake yeh,” he mumbled.
You got him to turn over so he was facing you, and now you could see the fat tears rolling down his cheeks. You reached up, gently wiping them away with your thumbs.
“H, I never want you to feel like you can’t wake me up if you need me. Whether it’s an emergency or you just can’t sleep, I’ll be here. Maybe sometimes I’ll be grumpier than others,” that got a chuckle out of him, which you were proud of, “but I am always happy to help you.”
He smiled, leaning into your touch, “Thank yeh, my love. Best partner I could ask for.”
You smiled back, kissing the spots you had been rubbing with your thumbs, “Of course, honey. What kind of dream got you this worked up, hm?”
He sighed, dropping his eye contact with you as he struggled not to cry again, “Saw you, Mom, and Gem die in a car accident as yeh were drivin t’ one of my shows.”
Your lips turned into a deep frown, “That sound so scary, H, I’m sorry you had a dream like that. But I’m right here, very much alive, and if you want, we can call Anne and Gemma in the morning. Promise I won’t leave you like that. None of us will.”
“I’d really like to call them tomorrow. It’s been too long since we’ve spoken, anyway.”
You nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”
You pulled his body closer to yours, wrapping one arm around his waist and rubbing his back, while the other moved up to smooth his hair back. You leaned forward and pressed loving kisses to the top of his head, trying simultaneously to provide him comfort and lull him back to sleep. 
Just as you thought you heard his breathing evening out, you hear him murmur, “I love yeh.”
You smiled against his hair, “Love you too, honey.”
He relaxed into your arms, finally falling back asleep, and now that he was feeling better, you could do the same.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
SofiiieeeeđŸ„șI miss Twig and Ark. Are they doing okay?
They're being adorable as ever :>
Twig was an early riser. Try as she might to sleep in, she never could outlast the sunrise, no matter how little sleep she got the night before. During the times when insomnia reared its ugly head, that would have spelled disaster for her mood the following day— but she hadn't struggled with more than an occasional bout of restlessness in years. These days, she slept soundly, and she woke refreshed at dawn. 
She stretched out all her limbs while she laid in bed, blinking away the fogginess of sleep before rising. She pulled on a new shawl for the day— one that was all soft sky blues and deep, rich indigos— and slipped out of her room. She checked on Opal like she always did, creaking open the nursery door to peer in and make sure she was okay, and couldn't help the fond smile that found its way onto her face when she saw her baby curled up cozily with a stuffed ekans doll hugged against her. Ark had the worst time putting the thing together, but Opal didn't notice the poor shaping and asymmetric stitches he always worried so much about. She only cared about being able to toddle around with the thing and pretend to feed it during mealtimes. 
Twig closed the nursery door partway, leaving it open just barely so that if Opal started to fuss she'd hear, and then entered the main room. 
Ark was sitting at the dining table, his back to her, with a series of colorful swatches of fabric laid out before him. She leaned over his shoulder to get a better look at the pieces of his latest sewing project, and he leaned back to rest his head against the side of her jaw and sigh.
“Rough night?” She asked, frowning, as her arms came up to hug him. 
He shook his head, and his downy hair tickled at her cheek with the motion. “Not at all. I only find myself debating the right color to base a landscape on. There's so many possibilities
 A lighter blue would lend itself well to a misty forest scene, while a rich brown could become a vignette of the same forest’s floor during daylight. I've been in a bit of a stupor of thought at what I should choose.”
Twig leaned forward a bit more to analyze the fabric swatches. Knowing Ark, every last one of them would get used eventually, and he certainly had plans for each of them, but she knew he was always anxious when deciding on which project to do next. It was something he put a lot of emphasis on— almost like he thought he had to choose correctly or it would ruin the subsequent project somehow. She didn't really understand it, but she knew it mattered to him, so she'd do her best to give a good opinion. “How about that darkish purple over there?” She indicated the swatch she meant. “That's a nice one. You could make a pretty wreath design on it, or maybe something with stars and the moon and that kinda stuff.”
He took up the swatch in his hands, stroking a thumb across it as he hummed in thought. “I think I very much like your latter idea. Though I'm afraid I've made far too many similar pieces.”
She shifted to stand at his side and lightly bonk their heads together, rolling her eyes when he turned to her. “You don't tell me that I've made far too many similar pieces when I come home from a walk with another wildflower bundle.” She pressed her forehead to his, and her stern expression wavered into a smile when he leaned into the touch and set a hand on her shoulder to further it. “I know you really like making those embroidery projects about the night sky. You're always smiling when you work on them. Let yourself have a bit of crafting junk food once in a while, man.”
He chuckled, and Twig could just melt at the light, carefree sound. Ark stood from his seat and moved aside his bangs to press a kiss onto the tip of her nose. “How could I refuse my wife’s advice? Very well. I'll indulge in the project.” He smiled as he kissed the crown of her head as well. “Many thanks, Twig. Your counsel is appreciated.”
“Welcome.” She pulled him down for a quick peck of her own, grinning wide when he laughed happily at the affection. Gosh, she loved this guy. “Hey, how about putting that one constellation in your project? The one with that story you told me about how the earth started orbiting the sun?” 
“For you, anything.” He pressed their foreheads together once more and sighed— though this time, it was a sound free from frustration and full of contentment. “Anything and everything, up to and including the very world itself, should you ask for it.”
Twig smiled again. “You're such a nerd, holy frick.” 
“You're the one wearing your shawl inside out.”
“Wh— Oh my gosh, seriously? Holy— that's embarrassing. I didn't even notice.” She hurriedly corrected the mistake, but stopped short of retying the knot securing her shawl when Ark laughed again, fond and soft, shaking his head. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing— just—” He took the corners of her shawl in his hands and flipped it back over, opposite of Twig's righting it, then gingerly tied the knot himself. “It was correct the first time. You'll have to forgive my mischief.”
Twig narrowed her eyes. “Hey, you know how I said you're a nerd?”
“Yes, you say it often.”
“You're a dork, too. And I'm saying that the mean way this time.”
“Understandable. Though I will correct you and say I'm your dork,” he asserted, eyes all crinkled up with his smile. She huffed a laugh. “Yeah, yeah.” He let her pull him down for another kiss. “My dork.”
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
hiii ves! congrats on 1000! 💗
how about a joel miller fluffy piece with
how is it you always know what i need, huh? for the prompt? đŸ«¶đŸœ
Hiiiii my lovely Mari!!! đŸ„°đŸ’— Thank you so so much for your words but thank you even more for being a ray of sunshine in my life đŸ„șđŸ«¶ istg i wanna give you a thousand kisses
Aaaand here you go! I spent much more time on this lil fic than I should but I really like how it turned out and I hope you will too!! Thank you LOTS for requesting, love you!! 💕
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You haven’t been feeling well since the morning.
Joel knew it must’ve been because of the rain which caught the two of you during the patrol the day before, leaving you completely drenched despite his efforts. How was it possible that he gave you his jacket and you still catched a cold while he didn’t even have a runny nose, was a mystery to him. But it didn’t really matter since here you were, unwell and not even able to leave the bed.
Good thing Joel knew how to take care of his girl.
He passed by Tommy’s early in the morning to pick up some medicine for you and went to the market to buy that citrus tea he knew you liked. When he got back you were still asleep but woke up several hours later with a headache and a runny nose. Joel stayed with you, catering to your every need and only leaving to prepare you breakfast. A sweet little thing you were, you didn’t want to let him do everything by himself, but he managed to convince you it’s no problem at all.
You were so difficult sometimes, though.
“There you go, babygirl,” he crooned, helping you sit up and propping up the pillow for you some time after you finished eating. “Easy now. Don’t rush yourself.”
“Joel, I’m fine,” you rasped with a sore throat, but he sent you a doubtful look and you groaned in defeat. “Okay, that was a lie. I feel terrible. But it’s not a reason for you to baby me.”
“M’not babyin’ you.” It was your turn to lift your eyebrows at him, unconvinced, and the corner of his lips twitched in a soft smile before he leaned in and planted a lingering kiss on your warm forehead. “‘Kay, maybe I am. But ya like it.”
“You wish.”
“And you don’t give me many chances to really coddle you,” he continued in a murmur, slowly brushing the hair away from your face. You closed your eyes and let out a weak moan, and Joel smiled with compassion. “So honestly, you can look at it as a favor t’me. Can you do that, babygirl? Let me take care of you and make me happy?”
“Always the caretaker,” you laughed breathlessly and peered up at him through your eyelashes. Even though your nose was red, your eyes swollen and your complexion had that sick look to it, you still were the most beautiful sight Joel has ever beheld. “You don’t need to stay with me, though. I can manage by myself.”
“I know. But I want to.”
“Stubborn man.”
Joel opened his mouth to tease you back, but then he saw you shivering and furrowed his brow.
“Are you cold?” he asked, though he was already sure that was the case. You nodded.
“A little. Can you grab me
“...that blanket with little ducks on it?” he finished for you, causing you to giggle and gaze at him with affection. “I know ya like it ‘cause it’s the fluffiest.”
“The softest,” you said at exactly the same time. “Yeah.”
Your eyes were filled with so much love that Joel felt weak in his knees. He tore his eyes away from you and turned around to the closet to grab your blanket from the highest shelf. You shifted to one side of the bed, probably so that Joel could lie down by your side, but before he did that he tucked you in carefully, making sure you were warm and comfortable. Then he dashed to the kitchen, bringing back a glass of water and another pill for you to take.
Only then he laid down behind you, enfolding your cocooned form and pulling you closer to his chest. You closed your eyes with a blissful smile and sighed deeply.
“Don’t even say anythin’ about infectin’ me with it,” Joel murmured, knowing that you’re probably already worrying about him in that pretty little head of yours. He wrapped his arms tighter around you through the many blankets. “I’ll be fine. And you’re still cold.”
“Wasn’t gonna say anythin’,” you answered softly with your eyes still closed. “Joel?”
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“How is it you always know what I need, huh?”
He chuckled and adjusted the duvet by your neck, making sure that no cold air could sneak its way under the covers.
“My psychic abilities,” he whispered in response and his smile grew when he felt your torso shake with laughter under his arm. Joel kissed the back of your head and then went lower to press his lips to your neck, causing you to squirm slightly. “But truthfully, it’s ‘cause I love ya so much.”
You snorted. “Such a romantic.”
“Well, I love you more.” He hummed in a ‘you don’t know what you’re talking about’ fashion, and you groaned in weariness. Joel felt your body relaxing in his hold. “You’re so warm, baby. And so good to me.”
“Anythin’ for you, love.” He wanted to kiss your head once more but suddenly you started to wiggle, forcing him to move back a little to give you room to maneuver. “What’re doin’ now?”
“Shh.” You made a couple more adorable grunts before you finally stopped, now facing Joel and beaming proudly. “Ta-da!”
“You’re silly.” Joel shook his head, but internally he was spellbound by the significance of your action. You wanted to be face to face with him and he was glad for the opportunity to kiss your forehead now. ïżœïżœïżœMy sweet babygirl. You should rest, not wiggle ‘round.”
“Tsk!” you silenced him again and kicked his leg, though because of how many covers you were under, it felt more like a gentle nudge. “Gimme your leg.”
“Give ya it where?” he asked in response with a faint smile, and you huffed impatiently, your head hitting the pillow again when you grew tired of keeping it up in the air.
“Throw it over me. Please?” you added when he initially didn’t move. Joel indulged you, though not without hesitation.
“You sure? I don’t wanna crush you
“You won’t.” You assured him and snuggled your face into his chest, causing butterflies to flutter around in Joel’s belly. “I like feelin’ your weight on me.”
“Like an extra blanket?” he joked, to which you snorted as well.
“Yeah. Exactly.”
“Better than the one with ducks?”
“The best one.”
He smiled with adoration and pulled you in closer, caging you in his arms. You didn’t seem to mind, though, and freed your hand from the blankets to wrap one arm around his stomach, keeping the other one between your chests. The heat from under the duvet instantly started to become too much for Joel, but he tried to disregard the uncomfortable feeling for now.
“Stay for a while, darling,” you asked suddenly, your voice muffled from the way you had your cheek pressed against his chest. Joel looked down and saw your eyes closed and a serene smile on your face, the sight of which made him swoon. “I feel so warm like this with you. And safe.”
“You are,” Joel assured you softly and put his palm on the back of your head. “I’ll keep ya safe, sweetheart, I promise. You can sleep soundly.”
You sniffed and whined weakly. “M’not sleepy. Let’s just stay like that.”
“You need to get your strength back.” Joel moved his head to kiss your hot forehead again and smiled faintly against your skin. You opened your mouth to retort, but he cut you off before you could even start. “And no buts. You said it yourself, after all
You grumbled quietly, but Joel could see you were tired, your eyes already closing again. He took a deep breath, not caring about the risk of catching the cold from you and followed suit, deciding to stay with you for a nap as well.
“I always know what my baby needs.”
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themorningsunshine · 2 years
Woken up today with a full body rash from an allergic reaction to something I ate :( how do you think Bucky would react and look after you? I’m feeling v sorry for myself sat here lathered in calamine lotion and napping with a fever đŸ„șđŸ„ș
I am so sorry to hear you had to go through that. đŸ„ș Hope you're doing better now.
I am sorry this took me so long. I am in the middle of the exhausting process of college applications and spend days without even opening Tumblr.
I have written a tiny drabble. Also, I know absolutely nothing medical-related so please let me know of any mistakes.
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You woke up with a slight itch on the knee. Ignoring it was easy in the beginning until the constant itching started to drive you crazy.
Your friend at work approached you and asked if you were okay when she saw you itching your forehead with sheer irritation. That's when you noticed the itching wasn't localized to just your knee.
You took a leave from work as soon as you could and rushed home.
Running to your bathroom, you stripped down your clothes and looked in the mirror only to realize that you were covered in rashes.
Horrified, you called your personal doctor who was kind enough to come to your house to check up on you.
You lay in your bed staring up at the ceiling. The doctor had left the house about half an hour ago and things had just gotten worse. The doctor had told you that this was an allergic reaction to something you ate yesterday and it was going to last at least for the rest of the day.
She had given you calamine lotion to apply and had warned about a fever that you could feel coming up. So, you didn't want to get up from the blanket and tried all that you could to make the itchy feeling go away. The calamine lotion sat on your table as if glaring at you but you didn't have the energy to get up.
When you heard the main door opening, you pulled the blanket closer to your face.
You could hear frantic footsteps rushing toward your room but you weren't scared. You knew exactly who that was.
When the door opened, familiar concerned blue eyes met yours and you could swear you saw Bucky leave a breath of relief.
He rushed towards your bed and you pulled the blanket further. You didn't want him to look at your rashes.
"Buck, how the hell did you reach here so soon? Your office is at least a half an hour drive and called you 10 mins ago."
Bucky rubbed his neck and gave you a sheepish grin. "I was just worried about you, doll."
You gave him a smile that you hoped was convincing. "I'm okay, really. It's just an allergic reaction to something I ate. I am guessing it was the Thai food last night. Too bad it was so tasty." You chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood and ease his nerves.
Bucky took a step ahead and kept a hand on your forehead. "Gosh, doll. You're burning up."
"It's just a side effect. I swear I am fine."
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you and then the lotion sitting on your bedside table caught his eye.
"Doc gave it. Supposed to make the rashes better. I was about to apply it."
Bucky picked up the lotion and sat on the bed beside you. "Sit up straight for me, doll."
"B-Buck, you don't have to do this. I can do it on my own. Trust me, it's fine." You knew that you were too tired to apply it yourself but you didn't want to trouble him either. You would pull yourself together.
"Doll, I know you can. But you don't have to. Let me help, please?" And then he gave you his infamous puppy dog eyes. You almost gave in. Almost.
"Buck, it's - it's not pretty under this." You shook your head towards the blanket.
Bucky just shook his head. How you could think that you would ever look anything less than an angel to him, he would never know.
He slowly leaned ahead and took the blanket away from you. You half expected him to flinch away but he just looked at the rashes with soft eyes and gently caressed them.
You couldn't help but smile.
After about half an hour, you slept, covered in calamine lotion and down with fever, while Bucky sat right there, looking at you. In case you needed something, he didn't want to be even a minute away.
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judgementdaysunshine · 1 year
I found your blog today and would like to make a request :)
Prompt two from the second prompt list on your prompt post:
" And till you can see the raw beauty that lies within you, I'll be the reflection of your soul,"
For Paris and a fem reader.
( It's so lovely and reassuring, i can totally imagine Paris saying this 💕)
Omg omg đŸ„ș
You may not see it but you're my heart
Pairing: Paris of Troy x Fem reader
Description: During an emotional and intimate moment Paris tells you everything he thinks of you
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You had just got done bathing and laying in bed when you hear the door creak open and gently close feeling a gentle touch on your cheek smiling to see Paris above you. You and Paris have known each other since you were children and had always been attached at the hip practically since you were born as your mothers were friends for years and years before the both of you were born. You get up considering you couldn't sleep and hug him "Sorry I woke you" he changes into the loose robe and clothes he left in your room earlier that day when he had to leave for battle training that morning. "It's okay I couldn't sleep anyway" you look at the night sky as he stands beside putting his hand on your back "Why do you love me?" you stare at the floor as he looks at you confused "Why do you ask that?" he gently lifts your head to look at you kissing your forehead then your nose. "I love you for you, I have loved you ever since I saw you when we were kids in the lake that sunrise, I fell in love with you when I saw you helping the poor, You may not see it but you're my heart and till you can see the raw beauty that lies within you, I'll be the reflection of your soul" he kisses your cheeks and soon the two of you were in a gentle, affectionate, and loving kiss leading to kisses down each other's body, I love you's and words of cherishment, and sleeping in each other's arms hours later when you wake up smiling at him pressing a kiss to his chest "You are my heart too but you are my life and as long as I have you I will never treat myself bad again" you go back to asleep on his chest as he opens his eyes smiling wrapping his arms around placing a kiss on your eyelid going back to asleep a second later.
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stretchyyonko · 10 months
I saw something saying you have a bf mixed with Law and Sabo...
I wanna know your stories đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș please?
ANRKGKDKWJE SUREEEE btw I just woke up hihi
Well his visuals, and humor is more likely Law yet his intelligence is a mix of them..
He rarely smile around people and a little introverted as heck yet when we are both alone he smiles around my corny and dark humor things and was keeping up with my energy LMAO i often ask him sometimes "are you tired of taking care of a girlfriend with ADHD?" and he's like "No" with a freaking straight face.
And when I tell you his intelligence for me is kinda a plot twist cause that man knows advance math and was helping my friends from their math assignments and even mine even though I told him not to 😭.
Even some girls are lowkey falling for him due to his brains and some for visuals but he rejects them immediately and sometimes he reject them bluntly 😭, yet his kindness is like sabo with pure intentions and just like I said he rarely smiles, it's like he smiles i the said person deserves it which is funny to me.
Also the way he thinks about me is kinda like law on those LawLu fanfics where he cares too much for luffy and YES HE REALLY IS 😭 plus he was understanding since I'm a mentally unstable person so he's very careful of things he wanted to seriously say and do.
Sometimes I always ask him "What did you found in me that you didn't found in others?" and he said "You're kindness and the big energy you have despite of being down, like I just wanna take care of you and give all the love you deserve" AND I WAS TOO CLOSE TO CRY AT THAT MOMENT 😭 HE WAS LIKE A BIG BROTHER LIKE SABO WHO CARES TOO MUCH but it feels good that he cares yet its funny he doesn't care to others even to his family since he has a little problem when handling his family.
And to his humor...well let's just say I am more concerning than him and when I told you I always got surprised whenever he cracks a chuckle or laugh whenever I dropped the more dark and concerning jokes out there.
That's the Law and Sabo thing I saw him but he himself see Law too to himself and Shirogane since Shirogane was lowkey his fav character and his fav anime was of course Love Is War and one of the things he saw in me was the way I acted sometimes like kaguya BUT I MYSELF CAN'T SEE IT 😭 LIKE HELLO WHERE?, anyways there's also a reason why he like shirogane due to that one manga panel i forgot what chapter tho but that panel reallyotivated him up until today.
And the thing is last week I was just like jokingly told him that he suits a trafalgar cosplay since of his visuals and height, AND BOY HE DID BUY A TRAFALGAR COSPLAY THE PUNK HAZARD ONE WHICH WAS MY FAV. (but I didn't told him that) At first I thought he bought the onigashima one but I almost screamed when he revealed that it was the punk hazard one and he will put it on once I get to visit him by next week and BOY I AM NERVOUS RNFKVKSHAHAHA (please pray for me and my sanity).
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kpopsickies · 1 year
hey there, don't know if you write for ateez but if you do, I would like to request a sick whining wooyoung with a cough with caretaker jongho who's quite a germo but can't resist taking care of him cause he sounds so bad <3 (sorry if it's long or too specific đŸ„ș
sorry that its kinda short
Sickie: Wooyoung
Caretaker: Jongho
Wooyoung p.o.v
I wish I could have enjoyed my day off like my members all were. But unfortunately I was cursed with the most worthless immune system ever and instead was spending it sick. Thankfully it was more of a bad cold than anything, but I still was annoyed. I woke up with a headache, a sore and itchy throat and a blocked, stuffy nose. I trudged downstairs, groaning softly at the spinning in my head. Downstairs I only saw Jongho, "Where's everyone else?" I asked, cringing at ow my voice sounded. I must have startled the maknae because his head turned quickly to look at me. "good morning hyung, they all left already. I didn't really want to do anything so I stayed behind." I nodded, clearing my throat, trying to fight a cough. "you okay hyung?" Jongho asked, looking worried. "yeah, just a little cold" I admitted sniffling lightly. "oh" he looked a bit uneasy, when I suddenly remembered how nervous the maknae was about germs. "Shit!" I said, stepping back from Jongho. Im sorry I forgot
"Its okay hyung" he said softly, I turned as far away from him as I possibly could and ducked as far into my elbow as physically possible and coughed, the coughs hurt my chest and caused my already aching head to throb with the feelinh. "Woo? Are you okay?" I nodded, my eyes pricked with tears, a combination of the force of the cough and the pain. "how long have you been sick for?"
"woke up like this" I said, coughing through the words. I heard movement coming from the maknae, and was shocked when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "bed time hyung" I shook my head, "Jonho, I'm okay"
"I cant leave you alone like this, you're obviously sick"
"But you dont like germs."
"I know. But I also cant bring myself to abandon you when you're obviously sick."
I shook my head, "I'll be ok-hhtch! Htchh" I said getting as a far away from him as I could, "bless you" he gently patted my shoulder. 
"I'll be okay Jongho, trust me. I'll take care of myself"
"I know you can, but it's not fair to ask you to, especially when you're sick" 
"But I-"
"Hyung it's fine. You guys have taken care of me so many times. Let me return the favor" I nodded, feeling a bit unsure, "go to the couch, I'll get you medicine and stuff" I nodded and did as he instructed. 
Jongho p.o.v 
I hurried to the bathroom and washed my hands all the way up to my elbows, I forced myself to breathe, genuinely scared. But I knew Wooyoung needed me. I put a mask on and grabbed the medicine that he needed plus a box of tissues and some water. I went to the living room. "Hey hyung" he looked up at me, I noticed how pale he was. "Here" I set the medicine and water on the table and slid the tissue box next to him. "Thanks" he swallowed the medicine then blew his nose. He went to set the tissue down on the couch, "don't do that" I said quickly, hoping I didn't sound too panicked, "I'll get a bag for the trash" 
I brought him a bag and he put the tissue in it, and set it opposite of me on the couch. "So I got a text from Seonghwa, him and Hongjoong will be home soon" Wooyoung said, he coughed after, thankfully turning very far from me. "Okay, do you know when?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too anxious. "I think he said 15 minutes" I nodded, "I'm sorry that I'm not very good at takong care of people." 
"Jongho it's okay. You've already done amazing. I know it's not easy for you. Remind you I owe you dinner when I feel better" he smiled, "just doing my job" I shook my head, "you've done more than that" I smiled, he shrugged. "Glad I could help" 
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani đŸ‘‹đŸŒ ÂżcĂłmo estĂĄs? That place looks beautiful 😍💚 I hope you're enjoying yourself!!
OMG Dani on Wednesday I had a LBAF IV related nightmare, it was BAD I actually woke up crying (well there were tears in my eyes) and I never get nightmares or dreams really, so yeah... your story has reached the deepest parts of my subconscious đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
The One with the Goodbye
Her fingers gripped the blanket tightly. “I’m scared for him.”
I'm scared for him too đŸ„ș
“Mallory,” the man chuckled bitterly at the name. “Who knew, huh?”
David!! He knew!! 😒
“Then I will have a word with Gabriel,” her father promised. “With my sword.”
The woman’s hair was not as long as Selena’s. But it was just as short as Selena’s now.
OMG that is so sweet!!!!! đŸ„șđŸ„ș
“It’s not silly,” Gabriel shook their head. “Selena, you just went through something horrible and traumatic. Again. Your feelings are valid.”
Gabriel is the bestest best I am love them so much!!! đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ„°
Gabriel opened their eyes. They smiled too. “Sirenita. What does it feel like?”
Ay!! I can't... 😍 😍
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Her hair was growing.
O mai gaaaa!!!!
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David, who was painting Nico’s cane with blue paint, looked up. “Nico said it’s okay.”
David with my son is the cutest thing to ever cute!!! đŸ˜đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ„°
“I will be fine,” David told her.
Of course you will... my twin won't let anything happen to you and is not like Dani can kill you twice... right?? Right??
“You can play with Nico,” David suggested. “He is nice.”
He is... he is still grounded tho 😒
Something inside the room crackled. Like it always did.
Something??? Like glass???
It was heavy. It was red. It was perfect.
I need to redo my Nico moodboard ASAP 😯
“No,” Nico said. “I just saw darkness. Like I always do.”
But why???? Why???? I need answers!!!
Goodbye, David.
That sounds final and I don't like it!
See... David doesn't like it either!!!!
“Then I’ll come to you,” Max said simply. “You and I. We always find our way back to each other, remember?”
Daniela you're making me cry
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“This is all your fault, by the way,” Max glared at his parents. “This is what happens when the two of you have kids. I’m too hot for this world and now everyone wants me.”
“Goodbye, Max.”
No no no... I don't like it!!!!
“I’m not sure what is going on, but I don’t like it.”
Same!!!! So much same!!!
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"Not yet," Anjali cut him off. "Keep looking. Nobody can find out about this."
Excusez moi!! But I think I have the right to know!! I granted it myself!! 😌 SPEAK!!
She hated it when she had more questions than answers.
Ok now you’re just writing my reactions for me!! đŸ€Ł
Or am I becoming one with the story? 😼
“David can come home,” Max whispered tiredly. “Fucking fine. I’ll go on the fucking date.”
That's not gonna work!!
“Although the older man with the blue eyes looked familiar.”
Why??? Why do they look familiar to each other???
“He won’t complain to anyone again,” Marcus promised. “Let me take care of it.”
No no no no!!! I don't like it!!!
“I’ll handle him,” Mallory said. “Logan, summon the arrow from my room.”
Don't you DARE!!!!!!!! STAY AWAY FROM MY TWIN!!!!!!!!!
Wait!!! They're going to activate BOTH jammers at the same time?!?!?!
Marcus looked at his sister. “Find Alec Lightwood’s parabatai.”
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Well fuck everything!!!
The suspense is killing me!!!! I want to know everything but I also want this story to last forever and ever!!! đŸ˜«đŸ˜«
Thank you Dani!!! I AM LOVE YOU!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
I am begging for tumblr to post this ask I’ve been trying since Saturday omg 😭😭
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levi-supreme · 2 years
My name is Levi and my favorite emoji rn is đŸ€ș
Levi my love my beloved my baby my husband my most precious person my entire world đŸ„ș❀❀❀❀❀❀ I will give you the moon and the stars and the universe if you want me to <333 also because you're Levi, I'm giving you the best of the best and everything I can 💖💖💖💖 and of course, you're getting more of everything because you're my love <333
Chinese name: 拇漉 (Yong An): 拇 (Yong = brave, courageous, fierce); 漉 (An = peaceful, quiet, tranquil, safe)
Japanese name: 翔 (Shou = soar, fly, glide)
Korean name: 쀀용 joon-yong (Hanja: äżŠèŁ Jun Rong): 쀀 [俊] (Jun = handsome, talented, capable); 용 [èŁ] (Yong/Rong = honour, glory, flourish, prosper)
Bubble tea order: Earl grey milk tea, 0% sugar, no ice
Dessert: Lavender cookies // Palmier // Hanami dango
Send me your name and I'll give you three things!!
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forever-rogue · 2 years
hi P đŸ„ș i was wondering if you could write some soft sunday morning fluff for Frankie? like pure domesticity, waking up together and making breakfast together and eating it outside to enjoy the early sunlight, idk i just miss him sm. i love your fics so much
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AN | You can have whatever you like bb, we want some best boyfriend Frankie? You get some best boyfriend Frankie! đŸ„°
Pairing | Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 1.9k
Masterlist | Frankie, Main
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
You couldn’t have asked for a better morning. You were currently tucked under your big, warm duvet with your heater of a boyfriend next to you, his arm draped around your waist. You’d left the window open the night before, letting in the cool air which had turned into a light, early morning drizzle. It was the perfect contrast to the warmth you were enveloped in. 
It was getting later into the morning, but the sky was cloudy and gray. Fall was slowly turning into winter, and more and more days were filled with your favorite weather. Frankie insisted that you liked it because it was perfect cuddle weather and gave you an excuse to cuddle him even more than normal. You loved it for many reasons, but you couldn’t lie - that was definitely a compelling enough reason. 
You could feel his warm breath against your back as he snored lightly. It was nice to have him like this, able to rest and relax and not have to worry about anything. If it was possible, you would have stayed like this forever; there was no better place than in his arms. You took his hand in yours, slowly lacing your fingers together and held them against your chest. He made a small sound but didn’t move, which only caused you to smile. There was no need to get up just yet, no urgent or pressing matters that needed to be attended to, so you allowed yourself to drift back to sleep. Just a little bit longer in your lover’s arms sounded perfect. 
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
You woke up to gentle, soft kisses behind pressed to your cheeks which made you smile from the tickleness from his stubble. You cracked an eye open and found him leaning over you with a gentle expression on his face. You reached up and touched his face, gently stroking over his cheek, “good morning, little honey bee.”
“Good morning, my love,” you shifted so you were sitting up, and slowly kissed him, causing him to lean into your touch and sigh wistfully, “how long have you been up?”
“Not long,” he admitted with a sheepish smile, “just watching you and couldn’t help myself.”
“Watching me?” you teased with an eyebrow raised, “I don’t think there’s anything even remotely appealing about watching me snore and drool.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” he insisted as you just giggled at his silliness. You were an absolute sucker for this silly, dopey, goofball of a sweetheart of a man, “you are incredibly sexy no matter what. Even if you sound like you’re sawing logs when you snore.”
“I’m kidding,” he laid back down as you gently pushed his chest before pulling you on top of him, “it’s not that bad. I can tune it out with ear plugs.”
“Frankie Morales, you’re the worst,” you took his hands in yours before tilting your head down so you could nudge your nose against his, “and I am so in love with you.”
“How funny,” he caught your eye and smiled softly, “I happen to be very in love with you.”
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
“Something smells delicious,” you padded into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear as you spotted Frankie in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he watched something cooking while scrolling through something on his phone. He looked up and his expression faltered for a second before it softened. You’d just taken a shower, hair still damp, and you’d pulled on one of his shirts and a pair of boxers, “Frankie?”
“How do you manage to look a million times better in my clothes than I do?” he asked as you dramatically rolled your eyes before walking over to him. He set down his phone before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the crown of your head, “hi.”
“Hi,” you replied softly, “just so you know, you always look super fuckin’ sexy to me."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you spied the bit of red creeping into his cheeks. You ghosted your fingers along his jaw, gently scratching at his patchy beard. His fingers wrapped around your wrist and he slowly brought your hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
"Flattery will get me everywhere," you winked before patting his cheek, "don't act like it suddenly won't."
"What can I help with?" you looked at the small stack of pancakes he'd made. He tutted lightly and put his hands on your waist as he gently maneuvered you out of his way, "Frankie!"
Without another word he easily set you on the counter, and you let out a small sound of surprise. You shook your head in amusement, "I can handle it. Besides, there's not much left to do."
"Which I can do-"
"Nope," he popped the p, but you could see the amusement on his face, "let me take care of my girl, huh?"
"When you put it like that, how could I possibly say no?" you swung your legs back and forth lightly before you tugged on his arm and pulled him back to your lips. You kissed him softly, which only caused him to blush harder, "I love you."
"I love you," he grinned, that boyish expression on his face, "how does my girl want her eggs?"
surprise me?"
"One surprise coming right up!"
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
"I don't think I can move," you put down your fork after swallowing your last bite of pancakes. You leaned back and let out a long groan, "I ate way too much but it was all worth it."
"Me too," he agreed, catching your eye before the two of you shared a giggle, "I don't even want to think about cleaning up and doing the dishes."
"I don't think we should think about it all," you agreed, "that sounds like something that could wait until later. Like until we need the kitchen for dinner later."
"I like the way you think," he grinned, "I knew I fell in love with you for good reason. Beautiful and smart. But I'm going to suggest something even better."
"Oh? Do go on."
"How about we get a fire going and then just
lay on the couch and watch some Netflix?"
"Now that sounds like a perfect afternoon. But the real question is - will there be cuddles and kisses?” you batted your lashes at him and offered up the best doe eyes you could manage. You knew neither were necessary to get what you wanted, but you liked doing it nonetheless; you knew it was his weakness.
“There will be cuddles and kisses,” he crooked his finger at you as he leaned, and you followed suit, “there will even be some making out and inappropriate touching.”
“You really know how to win a girl over, Morales. I’d be a fool to turn you down,” you leaned in just a little and quickly pressed your lips to his. You could still taste the faint bits of syrup and fruity sweetness clinging to his plush lips, which just caused you to grin at him, “you’re a true romantic.”
“‘course I am,” he slowly stood up and wiped his hands before coming around to your side of the table and offering you his hand, “how else would I have gotten you to agree to go out with me?”
“Hmm,” you mused, “I mean
to be fair we met in a bar when we were drunk and had a one night stand. It just happened to work out for us, baby.”
“Because I’m a true romantic,” he insisted as you sighed in amusement, “come on, we have to get a start on our lazy afternoon of cuddles!”
───  ïœĄïŸŸâ˜†: *.☜ .* :☆. ───
Just as you had opened the window the evening before, you likely cracked some of the windows in the living room while Frankie started the fire. It would just be enough to bring in some fresh air along with the cozy comfort of the crackling fire. After pulling some of the fluffiest and softest blankets on the couch you made yourself comfortable on the couch and motioned for Frankie to join you. He grabbed the remote before quickly getting into your little blanket cocoon, lying down and stretching across the couch, resting in between your legs with his head on your stomach. Out of habit, you reached down and started playing with his soft hair. His eyes instantly closed and he made a small, happy little sound in the back of his throat. 
“What do you want to watch?” he asked as he started flicking through netflix, scrolling through the saved list, “horror, comedy, drama, romance, a combination of all of the above?”
“Okay but what movies combine all of those?” you snorted in amusement; you could tell he was trying to think of something just so he could tease you.
“I mean technically, you could consider Star Wars to fit
it’d be a stretch on the drama but Darth Vader can be pretty intimidating,” you immediately dissolved into a fit of giggles, “don’t laugh! Do you remember the hallway scene at the end of Rogue One? Pure horror!”
“Fine, fine, fine Morales, I’ll give you this one,” he turned his head so he was looking up at you, “but perhaps not today. How about a comedy or something? That way in case we fall asleep-”
“Or end up getting a little too handsy!”
“In case we fall asleep or you lack any self control, my love,” you teased, “we won’t be missing too much if it’s comedy.”
“Smart girl,” he agreed, “let’s do that. I make no promises or guarantees on not falling asleep though. You are a very comfortable pillow.”
“I do take my job very seriously,” you promised, “I would do anything for the best boyfriend ever. Best boyfriend Frankie.”
“Best girlfriend Bee,” he whispered through a yawn, the large breakfast and cloudy weather already getting to him. You couldn’t help but yawn in response which caused him to shake in silent laughter, “umm
I think it’s naptime for me.”
“I’m absolutely going to be joining you,” you pulled the blanket tighter around the both of you, “I love you so much, Frankie.”
“I love you so much and more, Honey Bee.”
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justwritedreams · 2 years
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Baekhyun Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Jongin Ver.
Word count: 1401 Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
Father of a cutie little boy!!!!
Ok so he and s/o wouldn't be thinking too deeply about it
Right they want a child but don't have a well-planned effort
Sehun wouldn’t notice the differences in his s/o
Well, he saw that she got more beautiful but didn’t thought it could be something else
Although even vivi has noticed
So to catch him by surprise, s/o decided to record his reaction when opening the box she set aside.
And oh my God he has no idea what's going on
Would look confused at the test inside the box and spend a good 5 minutes trying to decipher
Like it's the hardest thing in the world
Would argue because he thinks it’s a cov!d test and has to fly to a fashion show that same weekđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
And she would look so discredited and confused at him like “Sehun, I’m freaking pregnant”
And he would be like “from who?”
“What you mean from who? YOU, dummy.”
“oh...OH. OH!!!” sehun pikachu shocked face
But don't get it wrong, even if he doesn't react or doesn't know what to say, he'll be happy. Extremely.
So his s/o should expect him being protective 24/07 since day one!!!
He would also accompany her on all appointments
Would be completely confused on ultrasound because he cannot see the baby as the doctor is describing
But the moment he listens to the small and strong heart, it would be hard to hide the tears.
And when the doc said that it’s a boy, he would giggle proudly and happily
Would probably go back to the house kissing his s/o's hand đŸ„ș
And while she is too busy with the million things she needs to do with the baby, Sehun is planning to propose in secret
Like he got caught by surprise then he will do the same with her
But it wouldn't be any surprise
He would buy a house, decorate it all, including the baby's room, and take his s/o blindfolded
With the excuse that it would just be dinner
And when he took the blindfold off her BAAM “this is our home, you wanna marry me?”
And she would cry, thrilled of course because she hadn't expected it, but deeply touched that the house was exactly what they had both planned.
She would be like “you can't do this to me, I'm pregnant, I might pee myself”
And he would just look at her with a smile of pure pride because he got what he wanted
And of course she would say yes, half crying half smiling
I feel like Sehun would feel everything that his s/o feels too
Like motion sickness? He woke up feeling that.
An uncontrolled hunger? He would eat with her without even realizing it
Oh and he couldn't watch her throw up without feeling the urge to do the same
The bond they have, plus living together, would be much stronger.
Spending nights lying in bed while he caresses her belly and vivi is lying between them 😭
Kisses her forehead. Every. Single. Day.
Always to remember how much he loves her because he realizes how emotional she is these last few days
The first kick, she would stop in the middle of the house with her hand on her belly and a shocked face, Sehun had just arrived home when he saw the scene and of course he was already desperate
“The baby is coming already?” he would ask, already thinking about the maternity bag that they hadn't even organized.
“No, he just kicked me”
He would look with such a wonder and drop everything he had in his hands to place on her belly, to feel it too
“I want a kick too” and would probably scream when felt something 
After that he would keep his hand on her belly at all times and say that the baby is kicking more with him
“That’s just me laughing, Sehun”
“You lying”
Do you remember when I said that he’s super protective?
Yeah well, his s/o should expect him making a judging face to anyone that wants to touch her belly
“Can they stop touching you? The baby just kick with me, they don’t have to try it”
And even if his face was serious, his pout would be so cute that she would just laugh
They say boys are always born earlier than expected
So the day before they had scheduled the labor, they would be in bed ready to sleep and talking about how their lives had changed
And sharing the insecurities, he assured her that he knew she would make a great mother even if inside he was scared too
Then they would both feel the bed get wet
“Honey, if you wanted to go to the bathroom I could have helped, you know” he was going to joke but when he saw that she didn't laugh, as she used to do, he was worried
“I think my water broke”
Man not even the flash would have gotten out of bed as fast as Sehun
He would take anything he thought was important to take to the hospital with them while he looked for his car keys and she would just look at him with a "why are you so desperate?" face
“If we are not fast, he will be born in the car. I've seen it in a movie.”
“It's still going to be hours before he arrives and put that dryer down, Sehun”
I can see him calling everyone that the baby came early as he drives to the hospital
Like “Hyung, the baby is coming WHERE ARE YOU?”
His expensive cars make a lot more sense now and it was the perfect excuse for him to race
He would try to tell her to calm down but in fact he would be trying to calm himself
Wouldn't leave her side for fear the baby would come too fast and tell her to grip his hand if she was in pain
Would regret saying that because her grip was too tight
He would have been much more worried when the doctor said they would have to do a cesarean as the baby wasn’t in the right position
And would probably pass out when saw the baby coming out
He would justify after it was from emotion
But the moment he woke up in the hospital and went to see her in the room, holding the baby, he would cry
More kisses in the forehead of both of them
Would be desperate to hold his son but scared because he doesn't know how to do it
But the baby would fit perfectly in his arms đŸ„ș
When the members arrived, he would be learning to bathe the baby and would have a proud smile on his face.
Until his s/o said he passed out and they started making fun of him đŸ€Ł
But he wouldn't even care because he had everything at that moment, his family
The return home would be quick and without many complications, the baby was healthy
I think sehun is the kind of dad who will put his son to sleep and end up sleeping together, like, he would put the baby on his chest and they would both be drooling when his s/o shows up
But it’s kinda cute 
Changing diapers wouldn't be his favorite chore, I can see him cover his nose with something so he can't smell it đŸ€Ł
But he would be a fun father
The type who plays with the baby in the bathtub more than bathing the child, who dances for the baby to give a toothless smile, who holds the baby on top of the vivi to pretend it's a little horse
He is the father of small details, each evolution and new discovery with s/o and the baby transforms him and makes him much happier, fulfilled
Dress the baby up as if it were him and they are the cutest father and son in all of korea 😭
The son would be so close and so connected that his first word would be daddy, and s/o wouldn't be upset because she sees the effort he makes to be a good father
And even though he's a playful dad, he's a great dadđŸ„ș
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
I've decided to distract myself from myself by spamming differenr mutuals with asks...hi my friend 👀
Imagine waking up beside Dazai. Sunshine streaming over his face like liquid gold. His face is peaceful, no shadows of pain and sorrow. Imagine him waking up and smiling softly when you're the first thing he sees, in a way you have never seen him smile before. Imagine how he presses your face against his shoulder and how he nuzzles his face into your hair, mumbling sweet things you can't quite make out. Imagine how his hands wander over your back, legs firmly entangled with yours. Just imagine that he's content and he's deeply lost in this new feeling.
Waking Up Next to Dazai
Summary: For the first time, you wake up before Dazai
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A/N: JADE OMG PLEASE IT DOESN'T HELP THAT I JUST WOKE UP WHEN I FIRST SAW THISđŸ˜©đŸ˜– you planned this didn't youđŸ‘€đŸ˜© But ahhh I love this so much😭😭💕 It makes me feel so at peace and it is so comforting honestlyđŸ„ș I died of softness😭 I know this isn’t a request but you literally gave me a brainrot which led me to write a whole fic about this (yes I know, kinda ridiculous haha), I hope you don’t mindđŸ˜¶ Also this is the first time I’m writing in 3rd person in a while so bear with me. But my heart is now content😌
Pairing: Dazai x reader
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Warnings: None just a soft DazaiđŸ„°
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My Masterlist
As the bright morning Sun shone through the crevices of the curtains, you found yourself awakening from the bright light that landed on your eyes. Blinking to adjust your eyes to the light and awake yourself from your slumber, you are faced with the ethereal sight of Dazai fast asleep with the sunlight streaming just over his face softly. The sunlight painted his face in liquid gold, highlighting the small smile that dawned his face in his sleep, and the lack of tension on his features.
At this very moment, you knew you've seen something rare as you found yourself studying the present look on his face, trying to commit it to memory. There was something almost otherworldly about Dazai's current expression, you could recall the different faces Dazai have put on, from his usual melodramatic self, which sometimes contains a flash of something darker in his eyes; to the almost empty look on his face that sometimes appear whenever Dazai felt no one was looking. And yet at this very moment, there was no hint of pain, not shadow of sorrow as you gazed at the serenity he displayed before you. Noticing this small change in him, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight and wonder when you will be able to see such a relaxed expression on him once again.
Resisting the urge to brush the bangs from his face as they fall atop of his closed eyes, you continued to observe this sight before you with a warm heart, knowing fully well how much Dazai needed the sleep he was getting at the moment. And at the same time knowing how much this sense of vulnerability meant to him caused your heart to swell with a certain lightness in the enlightening of how much you could possibly mean to him.
“You do know it’s rude to stare,” you heard the familiar voice of your significant other remark in a voice that is so soft it could rival a feather as you saw his eyes flutter open, his lips breaking out into a smile. 
Though it held a similar teasing tone to his usual antics, there was something undeniably gentle about this present moment, perhaps it was the almost lively glint that you saw in his eyes the moment his gaze met your being, or it was the uncharacteristically soft tone of his statement. But perhaps it was the smile that had slipped onto his face just moments ago that held a certain balminess that could rival every bright smile you’ve ever seen that made your heart race yet fill with tranquility.
“I-” met with this unexpected statement and act from Dazai, lost in thought, you paused in your sentence momentarily attempting to figure out what to say.
“I’m only teasing, my love,” Dazai let out a small chuckle before reaching out and wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. 
Your legs tangled together firmly as he reached almost carefully for your back and pulled your into a cuddle, it almost felt as though if he touched you too hard you would disappear. Then like he finally convinced himself that you are there with him, you felt him nuzzle into your neck softly, breathing in as if he were taking in this moment with contentment. At this, you felt him mumbling something incoherent into your hair, his breath tickling the side of your neck in a feathery touch. 
“Dazai, did you say something?” you asked, mimicking the tone he used when he first spoke, fearing that if you spoke too loud it would be like a pin popping the balloon of tranquillity that enveloped the two of you.
“Hmm?” Dazai hummed, pulling away from you for a short second, gazing into your eyes you could see the spark in his eyes more clearly now. It felt as though his aura has shifted slightly, and perhaps it was an illusion, but it felt lighter.
“Just how much I love you.”
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Tag list @requiem626k @shadyteacup @alittlesimp @greenshirtimagines @jadegreenimmortality​ @sakikoshi  @kenmasbbygrl @dazaisusedbandages  @jessbeinme15 @mikasa-stan-account @missrown @ginswife @tender-rosiey @bsdparadise @internetkilledtheroxstar @n1kolaiz if you would like to be added, interact with my tag list post (preferably a comment) or send an ask! <3
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laylaswriting · 3 years
You Belong With Me
Title: You Belong With Me
Pairing: Bo Burnham x fem!reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: None
Tags: fluff, h/c, friends to lovers, college au I guess?
Prompt: “I don’t think my heart can take watching you love someone else again.”
A/N: I read all your crazy good Bo fics and got inspired so I wanted to write one myself, I've never written anything with him so bear with me if this sucks lol. đŸ„ș Heavily inspired by @pseudonympls 's amazing work. 😳🎃 Also please let me know if you find some silly grammar, English is my second language! Love yous!
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3 years earlier
She walked through the classroom door with a shaky breath. Every pair of eyes were glued to her once she did, the teacher raising his eyebrows at her. She hated to be late, but it wasn’t her fault – the weather was insane and public transport went crazy. Her hair was dripping wet from the rain as she just stood there, being super uncomfortable with the situation.
‘Miss (Y/L/N), I presume, would you mind to sit?’ The professor asked, gesturing towards the crowd of students in the auditorium, urging her to finally move after a few awkward seconds. She looked at her classmates, searching the room for an empty spot. She walked towards the back, and stopped at the edge of the long desk. There was one spot next to a guy she hasn’t seen at the orientation.
‘Um-, excuse me!’ She said in a low voice, making him look up from his notes. His hair was dirty blonde, a little scruffy, like he just woke up. His blue eyes found hers and after what seemed like a few seconds, but was mostly like a fleeting moment, he answered, looking a bit lost himself.
‘I’m sorry, please take a seat!’ He said, standing up from his chair, letting her take the one next to his. She leaned back, and let out a loud sigh. Being late on the first day of Uni. Great start – she thought.
‘Rough morning?’ He whispered, trying not to bother the others who were paying attention to the class. She scoffed.
‘A way to put it.’ She said, a small smile on her face, looking at him. ‘Such a clichĂ© to be late on the first day, isn’t it?’ He let out a small laugh and put out his hand towards her.
‘My name is Bo.’ He said, looking at her.
‘(Y/N).’ She answered and shook his hand.
‘Goddamnit, Bo!’ She said laughing. ‘This is our last Halloween party before graduating, and you don’t want to dress up?’
‘No!’ He said, a wide smile on his face. ‘I’m planning to dress up as a miserable asshole, who just happens to look a lot like me, duh!’ He crossed his arms, leaning against her desk. They were in her dorm room, talking about the Halloween party on Friday.
‘Oh, come on!’ She mimicked his movements. ‘You can’t do that!’
‘Ugh, okay, okay, calm down. I’ll think about it, alright?’ He surrendered. ‘What are you dressing up as, anyway?’ He asked with furrowed brows, and she felt like a blush was forming on her face. It’s not like she was keeping it as a secret, but she didn’t know what to tell about her date to the party. It’s not like he would mind, right?
The truth was that (Y/N) was madly in love with Bo. Every time she saw him, her heart skipped a beat and butterflies formed in her stomach. He was her best friend since freshman year, but it didn’t take a lot for her to fall for him. He was funny, sweet, caring and extremely handsome. Through the years she studied every inch of his face, his gestures, how he carried himself, how he acted when he was happy, when he was sad. But even like this, she was oblivious to the fact that Bo loved her too. They were both seeing others during college, mostly just brief dating as it never seemed to work out for either of them. This shouldn't have been that different, right?
’I actually got invited to the party by Liam, and we’ll dress up together.’ She scoffed at the idea, rubbing her fingers against her forehead. It sounded extremely cheesy. It was in fact extremely cheesy. But it could’ve been cute with the right person. Her heart clenched at the thought of doing the same thing with Bo. She couldn’t help herself but smile thinking about it.
‘Oh, that’s cool.’ He said hesitantly, forcing a smile on his face. ‘You seem excited about it.’ He added, referring to the wide smile now spread across her face.
‘Oh, yeah. It’s going to be great, I guess. I haven’t had a date in a while.’ She said, messing with her fingers in her lap. She felt weird about feeling this bad about this whole thing. They weren’t a thing, he wasn’t her ex. He was her friend, and he’d be happy for her right?
‘So, Liam, eh?’ He asked, smiling at her. ‘I didn’t know he was your type!’ He teased.
‘He’s not!’ She quickly answered, only realizing after how stupid that might’ve sounded. She furrowed her brows while he let out a small chuckle.
‘Hey, I hope you’ll have a great time!’ He said, still smiling. But under the facade his heart felt like it was broken into a million pieces.
‘Do you want to grab some food?’ She asked after a few seconds of silence. She didn’t realize Bo’s awkward reaction because she was too busy with her own thoughts about the situation.
‘Actually I have a thing to take care of this afternoon, so-‘ He answered, running a hand through his hair. He used to do this while thinking, and it always drove her crazy. She didn’t hate it when he did this – she only hated how much she loved it. She stood up from her bed, walked towards him and hugged him.
‘See you tomorrow then?’ She asked, looking up at him with a smile, his expression unreadable.
‘You bet.’ He answered, and left her alone in the room. She covered her face with her hands, dropping down on her bed as she let out a shaky breath. She couldn’t help but think this was a stupid idea. She loved Bo, but she didn’t want to make a move on him and risk losing his friendship. He never really showed interest in her during their years at college, and he dated – no matter how briefly – other girls as well. A small lump started to form in her throat as she let her thoughts wander. She felt tears starring to gather at the corner of her eyes which she quickly blinked away and sat to her desk, opening a book and starting to read it.
‘So, will I see you there?’ She asked, holding her phone to her ears while digging through her closet.
‘Yes, of course!’ Bo answered on the other side of the line. ‘I will meet you at the party, don’t want to third wheel on your date with Liam.’ She wanted to object, tell him that he wouldn’t be a bother, that she would want to be with him instead, but that would sound weird. And she definitely understood that it would be weird for him to ‘third wheel’ on the date. But still she kind of wished she could spend more time with him tonight.
‘Okay, promise?’ She furrowed her brows, waiting for his reply.
‘I promise, (Y/N).’ He answered in a soft voice, which made her heart swell. They spoke a few words and then she hung up. She was looking for a green t-shirt she knew she had somewhere. The idea of their costume was some super casual Mario & Luigi costume. She thought going as Mario and Peach would’ve been a bit too much for like their second date. She wasn’t sure at all how she felt about this. She just knew she can’t keep waiting and being devastated about Bo all the time. She thought this way she could be over him sooner, but deep inside she knew she didn’t want to be over him. She never wanted this bittersweet feeling to go away.
She put the ‘costume’ on – a green t-shirt with denim overalls and sneakers. Liam said he’d bring the hat for her with him. She looked at the clock: 6:20. He would come pick her up in ten minutes. She paced the room in that time, furrowing her brows, messing with her fingers. She was nauseous from being nervous all day.
‘(Y/N)?’ She heard a knock on her door, snapping her out of her thoughts. She took a deep breath and opened it. Liam stood in front of her, his brown hair hidden by his Mario hat, a black fake mustache on his face which made her laugh. He was a sweet guy, he was handsome and a bit taller than her. Probably under other circumstances she would’ve fallen for him already.
‘Are-a ya ready Luigi?’ He asked faking a Mario voice, handing her the green hat he brought. She laughed and took it, putting it on her head, twirling a little to show her costume, which he awarded with a wide grin.
‘Let’s go!’ She said, locking the door behind her. She still felt weird, but Liam being cool calmed her down a bit. He was funny too – not as funny as Bo though. They walked to the party and on the way, laughter filled the air, she was nervous but he was sweet, didn’t push her boundaries. She couldn’t help but kept checking her phone, waiting for a text or call from Bo.
At the party she saw all her friends, and as soon as they arrived Liam disappeared to bring some drinks for her. Her eyes scanned the room restlessly, looking for her best friend.
‘Have you seen Bo?’ She asked her friend, Tessa, who shook her head and shrugged. The music was too loud, so there was no point in really trying to have a conversation. About an hour passed with mingling around the party and he was nowhere to be found. It was still early – she thought, he could be here soon. Liam was sweet and attentive, always asking what she wanted to do, getting drinks, dancing with her. But she couldn’t help checking her phone every five minutes, the alcohol slowly creeping to her head was no use either.
‘I’m sorry, can you give me a minute?’ She asked, trying to speak over the loud music.
‘Are you alright? Are you feeling sick?’ He replied with a question, worry in his voice. She shook her head.
‘I just need some fresh air, if that’s ok?’
‘Sure thing. Want me to come with you?’ He asked, nodding towards the door. She just shook her head and held her fingers up, showing that it will only take five minutes. He nodded, then turned to their friends while she made her way towards the door. Phone clutched in her hand, heart beating in her throat. He promised he’d be here.
She felt the cool October breeze on her face, which made a shiver run down her spine. She dialed Bo’s number, and it started ringing. Actually, it started ringing very close to her. She turned her head towards the direction of his ringtone, and she saw him – walking towards her in the dark, hands in his pocket, head hung low. Looking at his phone, then looking at her. She hung up the call, tears gathering in her eyes, which she wasn’t sure why. She could swear her heart was going to jump out of her chest any second.
‘You’re not wearing a costume.’ She said, voice barely above a whisper as she smiled at him. He responded with a faint smile and a shrug.
‘I told you I’ll come here as a miserable asshole.’ He answered, messing with his hair, but there was no joking in his voice this time. She felt her heart skipped a beat.
‘Bo please.’ She said, putting a hand on his arm. ‘Tell me what’s wrong. I know something is, please let me help.’ He finally looked up on her face. She could see he was troubled, his brows were furrowed, lips trembling, but barely noticeable. Probably no one else would’ve noticed other than her.
‘(Y/N), I’m sorry, but –‘ he started, but cut himself off, pressing both his palms to his eyes in frustration.
‘Please, Bo.’ She pleaded, taking one of his hands in her own, pulling it away from his face. He ran the other through his hair, gripping at the roots. Then he looked at her.
‘I don’t think my heart can take watching you love someone else again.’ He finally said, which made her heart stop for what felt like an eternity. She blinked a few times unconsciously, her mouth fell open just the tiniest bit. Tears started to gather in her eyes as she furrowed her brows and shook her head a bit.
‘What?’ It was all she managed to say to him. His face was unreadable for her. His lips pressed into a single line, eyes searching her face.
‘Come on (Y/N)!’ He scoffed, looking at his feet. ‘Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about. You’re so smart. How can you not see that this is killing me?’ He asked, gesturing with his hand. His words slowly registered in her brain. Love someone else – he said. Someone else.
The tears that sat in her eyes up until now started flowing, as she closed the space between them. She threw her arms around Bo’s neck, which he willingly helped by pulling her up by her hips. She pressed her lips on his, they were just as soft as she imagined them for all these years. His big palm pressed against her lower back, with his other hand he cupped her face and held the back of her neck while he deepened the kiss.
He poured all his emotions into it – it was desperate, sad, excited, happy, hungry. His lips explored hers like he never wanted to let go, like any second, she could disappear. He wiped her flowing tears away as they broke the kiss to catch their breath. He pressed his forehead against hers, their noses touching each other, lips barely separated. She could feel his sweet breath on her face, the scent of his aftershave and couldn’t help but laugh as her tears wouldn’t stop falling. The overwhelming emotion taking over her body, she pressed another kiss on his lips.
‘I love you Bo.’ She said, hand tugging on his grey t-shirt at his waist. He put his other hand on her face as well, now cupping it from both sides. His baby blue eyes would never leave hers for a second, and she could swear there were some tears glowing in them. His smile spread across his whole face, it could’ve lit up the whole town. Hell, even the whole universe.
‘Are you serious?’ He whispered, never letting go of her. She nodded, tears starting to flow again. Her chest felt like a fire was consuming her heart, so overwhelmed with the emotions. He pressed his lips against hers again, this time with more urgency. He was an amazing kisser – his lips and tongue danced in perfect harmony with hers.
‘I love you too.’ He said between breaths, pulling her into a tight hug, arms wrapped around her shoulders, his chin resting on the top of her head. ‘I’ve loved you since freshmen year, (Y/N). Do you remember the first time I saw you?’ He asked, not expecting an answer. Of course she remembered.
‘You were standing next to me, drenched from the horrible rain from that morning. I immediately thought you were so beautiful. And then I found out soon enough that you were funny too.’ He said, his palms caressing her back, while she was hiding her face in his t-shirt, devouring this moment so she could remember it forever.
‘Why didn’t you say anything?’ She asked, her voice muffled into his chest. He scoffed, lifting her chin to meet her eyes.
‘I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I thought –‘ He stopped for a second. ‘I thought you deserved so much better than me.’ It was her time to scoff.
‘You are crazy.’ She said, standing on her tiptoes to plant another soft kiss on his lips. He raised his hand to plant it on her neck again. The kiss was interrupted by someone scratching their throat next to them. It was Liam.
‘Oh shit’ Bo exhaled, absolutely forgetting about the situation at hand. Just as (Y/N) did.
‘Liam, I –‘ She started, but she got interrupted by him.
‘It’s alright, (Y/N).’ He said with a laugh in his voice, raising his hands in surrender. ‘I would lie if I’d say I didn’t expect something like this. No hard feelings here.’ He said, extending his hand towards her. She took a step away from Bo, she felt his hand linger on hers as long as it could, fearing that if he’d let her go, she could disappear. She threw her arms around Liam, giving him a warm hug.
‘Thanks Liam.’ She said, and let him go back to the party. Bo stood behind her, his hands rested on her hips now, hunching down to nuzzle his face into the crook of her neck.
‘Do you want to go back to the party?’ He asked, his breath giving her goosebumps.
‘No way.’ She answered, turning towards him. He cupped her face and pulled her into another kiss.
‘I’m glad you didn’t have a fake mustache as well.’ He said, his grin wide across his face, his dimples showing. His blue eyes sparked with happiness, and she felt her heart burst. She laughed, and wrapped her arms around him.
‘Let’s go home.’ She said, and Bo took her hand, leading her towards the dorms.
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