#i'm rarely talking here on this blog lately lol
Another random unhinged thought but we all know and want megaten boys to interact with each other cross-series but what about megaten girls? Ngl I would want to see Isabeau and Yukari interact with each other so much, I think they could be a good friends tbh (like idk she just reminds me of Yukari so much lol dont know why). Or what about Lisa and Ann? Or Chie and Tamaki? There is so many possiblities here hahaha
If only I was more inspired I would definitely wrote megaten girls being besties and having girls nights and having fun hahaha
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leejeann · 7 months
That Hermitcraft clip of Impulse, Gem, and Scar forcing Grian to work on the back of the base in the name of it being good for him to not procrastinate any longer, meanwhile Grian is like "but I don't waaannnnnaaaa ;-;" while he begrudging places some blocks is basically me recently with practicing figure drawing expect it's just me @ me
Like, I'm bad at drawing figures and that means it's no fun and I do not like it but I can't make a good manga if I can't even draw people so ugh fine I'll take my stupid pen and find some stupid reference photos and practice some stupid anatomy until I'm good at it >:(
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scara-writes · 11 months
orange juice
Beta Female Reader x Y! Omega Male
Beta X Omega I rarely seen those so why not. Let us make it more spicy by making the lead yandere. I still don't understand some concept in omegaverse so... I'm gonna make my own rule lol.
Just a heads up, grammatically errors incoming. Not proof read. Anything that is in this fiction does not meant to offend anyone. That is why it's called fiction.
CW: yandere, cursing, mention of killing.
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"H-hello!" You turn around to see a familiar face visiting your spa. His pretty purple eyes were eccentric the way it brightened up when he saw you acknowledging him. It's the pretty boy you've saved last week from being pick on by the Alphas.
He was surprised that a beta like you actually didn't get intimidated by the presence of them. Well technically you did, but you pretended to be a police officer showing your fake badge and that 'back-up' is on their way to apprehend them when you noticed they were not buying your bluff at first, thankfully the Alphas that were hovering on him retreated. It was kinda funny they weren't intimidated by you until you held out a fake badge that could get them in trouble by their own law.
That idea was dumb but most people always fell for your trick, though you might get in trouble someday for the false identity which is why you only use it for emergency. Long story short, your aunt taught you this for survival in this dog water society.
At first, the pink haired male glared at you, you could careless about him since you were getting annoyed by the fact that they are giving a ruckus outside your spa and its driving away your customers. You don't want your boss finding out about this. The Alpha who guards outside the house is still taking care of his wife, so all the responsibility falls onto you the only beta employee present the rest are omegas because the other betas and alphas employees has different schedule. You were the 'strongest' among the employees inside.
You stare at the omega for a second.
The heck did you do? Why's he glaring at you?
You mentally shrugged before turning around to go back to your shop, not waiting for him to whether or not he should thank you.
A sudden angry shout from him made you pause from your tracks, "You are the same as those men earlier! I-I don't need you to save me!"
You turn to him with a deadpan look. "What are you on about?"
"Y-you think omega's are powerless and need to be protected, that's why you saved me, right?!" You can see he was quivering a little bit, his eyes are starting to show disgust look towards you. "Y-you think we don't need a jobs or—or we just need to sit still and look pretty—to be use like an incubator!" You can feel in his voice that his emotions must have been bubbling out seeing that his talk is becoming incoherent.
You scratched your head and sigh irritation, "Calm down dude. First of all, that is how Alphas that are 'leading' the society viewed omegas which is bullcrap and I don't believe in that, People who thinks like that need to check their brains in the nearby hospital. Also, I believe everyone can be independent and take care of themselves long as they can, I could careless about what the society says they can't control my life. True, omegas may be weak in nature against others but that doesn't mean all of them are weak or they are only used to look pretty for giving an offspring, they can be independent too if they wanted to. Second, you probably know how to handle them seeing you are very composed earlier but this loud noise is giving me a headache and my customers are leaving because how noisy it was. Now, If I offend you in someway well then I apologize. Bye." You gave him a small lazy wave before turning away not waiting for his response, quickly strolling back to your parlor.
So here he was, late at night. You in a closing hours shift since you are the only masseuse left in the parlor on work except your friend who was waiting for you in the employees room clock out for the work and playing, from the game he just downloaded in his app called something impact. Gin san impact? Gone wrong impact? Whatever it was you were hooked when you saw it earlier and will probably download it once you got home.
"Ah yes, welcome." You acknowledge him, awkwardly. You didn't expect him to meet you on your work. He trudges towards you requesting for service menu. You quickly handed him the said item on what were on the lists of your parlor was offering for customers, telling him to sit down while he read the list of services. He skims around the menu for a few seconds before pointing at the service list and you wrote it down; Shockingly, you witness the stranger you met a week ago was going for too many services.
"Oh umm... We are 2 hours closing in. So I think I can only do the first three." You told him. He gave you an 'oh' before agreeing he will try the others the next time when he visits.
"Do you have a partner?"
He was surprised at your sudden question. So you cleared your throat."It's.... In our protocol to ask our customers...and We know that it is personal question."
You can tell he was weirded out but he told you he doesn't have one. You muttered alright and went ahead to take the menu from him. You put them back on the rack as you walk pass him to put the sign close from the glass entrance before going to a cabinet to carry a towel and some thin white cloth for him to change. You wrote his room number and guide him to his room.
He stood up and follows you.
Through out the walk you can feel him staring at your move, making you feel a little tense as the walk in the hallway of doors feels like forever.
You twisted the knob before letting yourself inside first. He smiles at you and walk inside, you gave him the items you brought earlier telling him to change and knock on the door when he is ready.
That's weird, last time you met him. He was very resentful and now he was being smiley and friendly to you. You don't mind at least he was tolerating you for now.
You closed the door behind you putting on surgical mask since some others weren't comfortable smelling their pheromones.
You heard a knock and a small 'I'm ready' and you go in.
He was sitting down. His top were bare, abs were shown on his frame except for his lower part since it was covered by the thin cloth you gave earlier, you can definitely see how smooth his skin was—no scars just a little bruise on his left thigh which is something you definitely won't asked, you quickly look anywhere before he catches you staring at him. The towel were neatly folded along the clothes he wore earlier at the other table.
The pink haired omega was looking at you and he did caught you staring but you don't know that. A small smile escape on his lips. You cleared your throat and lit up three incense candles for relaxation and turn on a relaxing music, you went on the other side of the room where the sink was and washed your hands, sanitizing it using your own towel. You look back at him to see that he was still gazing towards you. He was still sitting, you assumed this must be his first time going to a spa or massage parlor since he should be already laying on his stomach or he must be waiting for you to give him an order since he ask for three different types of session. "You should lay on your stomach so we could start now."
"Why are you wearing a mask?"
You stop applying oil on your hand at his question before resuming again. "...both parties might not be comfortable when a pheromones were smelled."
There was a silence between the two of you.
"I'm going to start now." He nodded, doing what you'd asked earlier and close his eyes. The small round stones were place on his spinal before proceeding on messaging him with your oily hands.
The first few minutes were the same awkward atmosphere except for the jazzy music on the background, Both of your hand slides to his shoulders, wrapping around and gave a small squeeze. You hear him whimper.
"S-sorry!" You shrugged his apologize saying that is normal for customers.
"I umm didn't say thank you when you saved me last week..."
He continued,"sorry for bothering you with your customers."
"Don't mention it. I actually didn't plan on going outside if it weren't for my coworkers since like I mentioned last time you can handle them pretty well." You bit your tongue inside since you don't know how to talk back when someone compliments you or apologize to you. You only wanted to let him know that
He must have noticed that so he continued, "...I didn't catch your name earlier."
You answered him,"It's (Y/n)..."
"(Y/n)." The way your name rolled on his voice makes your body feel a little bit weird.
"(Y/n), huh.. that's a weird name for a beta." You blink at him before chuckling at him. "You're weird. It's a normal name."
He giggled. "My names Luke."
"Your name doesn't suits you." You teased him before telling him to turn around so you can do second session.
He obliged scoffing at you as he lay back down on his back. "H-hey! Luke is pretty cool name."
"I never said it wasn't, I said it doesn't suit you."you gave him a smirk which he pouts. He look cute when he did that.
"The badge you'd shown were fake wasn't it?"
Ah shit, someone noticed it. No use of hiding it then.
"..uhh..yeah, I use it only if things goes out of hands."
The two of you talk for a bit laughing resuming the second session until it was time for his third and final session which is to massage his face.
"Is this your first time... Ummm..doing service for omegas?" His voice were small but you didn't notice he was anticipating at your answer. You hummed thoughtfully before answering. "Hmmm.. not really... I get omegas as my clients but I guess I would say this is the first time that I could finish my sessions with them."
He seemed confused which made you continue, "Ummm... Most partners of theirs were jealous and would almost instantly attack us, telling us that we shouldn't touch them, but we know that we were only doing our job as masseuse so. Of course, the customers paid us of any injuries or damage properties as well as others, we don't blame them, and it was starting to get out of hand.... Since, we don't have any other choice, we hired an Alpha to stop any ruckus. I would lie if I said I don't want to hit one of my clients' unreasonable partners."
"Oh..." You noticed his reaction when he got your question earlier about his status.
"He already went home though. He excused himself just earlier, his spouse needed him so we let him go now." You tell him. He must have realized there was no guard around earlier. Just you at the receptionist counter.
".. What's your thought about Alphas?"
"nothing much, regardless how some of them are uhh... unreasonable when it comes to greed. I'm pretty sure not all of them are all like that."
He didn't respond but you caught him rolling his eyes before closing them. He muttered something but you didn't quite catch it.
You slide and pressure your oily hands on his, you heard a purring, making you look around the room in confusion. Was there a cat somewhere?
You scan your eyes around the room for a bit more only to register that it was actually coming from him.
A little heat coming from your cheeks but you squash it down the feeling as it was inappropriate, it was good thing you were wearing a mask before he can see your reaction.
You didn't do anything about it and continue your work. Luke on the other hand felt euphoric, your hands were doing the God's work. He hasn't tell you what he felt when you save him from the bunch of alpha's trying to court him. He was grateful—no, he wasn't grateful; he was lightened up the fact you view omegas like a normal person and not dehumanising or infantilize them—considering you are a beta and has nothing to do with omega but still! He just felt happy that he wasn't the only one who has that kind of perspective.
You cleaned him up with a towel, you noticed his eyes were half dazed as if he was relaxed, you told him that he can now change back, as you blew off the candle and turn off the jazz music, washing your hands again and drying it off with your own towel. You put the other materials back to where they belong and look at the timer to see you over time. You opened the door and twisting it open to see your friend/co-worker.
He was pouting.
The pink haired male saw him through the doorway before you close the door behind you, and starts talking with your friend. His purple eyes realise he was an omega.
He felt a little pang from his chest.
"Hey, I thought you said you are going to clock out once it hits midnight~!" Tyrenn whined out. He tried to help you carry the items you were holding but you refused as the both of you struts back to the employees room, "He's the last customer."
You threw the towel and the cloth at the hamper before stretching yourself up. "Man, I'm tired." He threw you a bottle of orange juice and you catch it, twisting the cap open and drink a little bit before clocking out of work. You grab your bag and change at the changing room with your casual wear and goes outside from the employees room only with your co-worker. He tells you that you're gonna be excited on what he discovered on the game he played earlier while the both of you starts trudging at the main lobby where the counter was.
Luke was waiting, his eyes brightened up when you arrived. he waited to give you his money but your friend who was clinging at you took it from him, thanking him for accepting your service, putting them at the cash register before locking it.
He lick his dry his lips before turning to you, "Umm...thanks again. The service was great. I-I'll see you next time. It was nice meeting you." He smelled the scent of orange juice that you were holding. It was half full, there were some in the corner of your lips.
Tyrenn grabbed the bottle from your hand and you let him drink it as you start conversing with your last customer.
You nod at him, noticing he was a little taller than you. "Likewise. Should I call you a taxi? It's already past midnight."
He shook his head, smiling. "No it's fine! I live few blocks away from here." He put his left hand on his pocket while the other one was slowly pulling the glass door where he comes in.
"Oh, Be careful. I just heard that there was a serial killer roaming around this time at night killing Alphas. That doesn't mean you should be careless about it. You might never know when the killer change their mind on killing the others." You warned him. The pink haired male nodded again, smiling even more when you're worried for his safety. Tyrenn waved him a goodbye before talking to you again about the game he played earlier as he clings even more to your arms. Luke's eyes slightly twitches at the scene.
"Yes, yes I will! Thank you again!" He walked out of the parlor smiling. When he is few blocks away from the spa, his smile disappear.
He might change his mind on killing your friend though.
want more of him? Tap here
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
4/8/2024 eclipse notes
Overall it was a hopeful day for me despite the ever-looming sense of mourning. but the eclipse made it feel special. this eclipse was so mathematically rare because of the exact EXACT chiron conjunction. down to the minute. never experienced something so precise in my 15 yrs observing astrology.. i lit a candle for sammy & spent a while praying then did yoga n journalled outside as the eclipse waned. u couldnt see the full thing here but i saw a little ^.^
i've talked about chiron on the blog b4 but if ur not sure basically it's a major asteroid named after chiron the centaur, "The Wounded Healer". i feel that nickname sums up wat chiron's about, it's your deepest pain, isolation, rejection, & it's where your greatest potential to heal others (+yourself) can be brought forth. so chiron was turbo-activated today. it's digging up a lot of sh** for me truly. like this is rly crazy. but what i realized today is that i'm in the best place i've ever been to grieve, that was my eclipse revelation i spose.
and this is the most painful loss i have experienced in a loooong long time bcus this was someone i spoke to basically every day for the past year. but even then, i feel sm more equipped to get thru it , even if i feel rly quiet rn & not like myself, i kno it'll pass & i'll feel like i can be normal again. dnt feel much like posting rn but i'll get back to it eventually cus sammy rly loved my blog like sincerely i never felt embarrassed that he read my posts. although i do feel this is causing me another minor crisis over internet usage & how to exist online, i know i have to keep posting for sammy P..
yeah ahh the sadness comes in waves but im really glad i am where i am rn to process it all. it's weird to know this will impact my whole life going forward. it makes me think back to sain;t's death and how that changed the course of everything. except back then i was in the WORST environment to cope with it. it's so different now. saint's full name was saint chiron too !! so i always think of them when new chiron sky theatrics are happening. i'm like Awww Saint Wouldve loved writing a 10 paragraph introspective post about this ...They trained me in this manner :>
couldnt resist a late night ramble as i am ever so restless. tomorrow i have therapy for the first time since the day before denji ate a ziploc bag and got emergency surgery. i think that was like 3? weeks ago?? so basically i'm convinced time isnt real anymore because there's no way it hasn't been 3 months. rapid fire trauma lol o_o like please wonderful lord in heaven can we just pick, a struggle , one single struggle is enough. tysm. thats all for now.. trying not to scroll the dash because everything make me feel too crazy rn so pls dont think im ignoring u everyone Ok ilu.. gn
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stormblessed95 · 20 hours
This is random, but I finally got to watch the full d-day concert!!! (i was honestly super disappointed as a european fan that I couldn’t see him live 😭) And Yoongi is so amazing, he was thriving during this tour!
But I wanted your opinion on the lyrics of haegeum? Because I feel a bit crazy, but I’m 99% sure I hear him say “slaves to youtube, slaves to sex” instead of “flexing”? Am I the only one who hears that? If I hear it right, props to him! It’s rare to hear anyone say the word “sex” (I know “sexy” is said all the time by the members haha, but that’s a different thing)
Literally “liberating yourself from banned things” 👏
(Reminds me of when Hoseok wore the condom shirt - I’m actually looking forward to post-military times when they may take more freedom to show more mature sides of themselves honestly instead of placating “fans”.)
When I apologize for letting asks sit in my inbox for freaking ever, this is a good example in case anyone was wondering how old some of my asks are lol. I'm so sorry anon!! But I'm here now! I'm relaxing this morning before my part 2 date this evening and going to do that while gushing about Yoongis genius!
How many times can I make everyone watch Yoongi perform before talking about it? 😏😂
Okay well first, I'll say that I do hear slaves to flexing and not sex. Lol but that also would've been quite the line and I can see where maybe it could sound like that, but I disagree there. And the lyrics also say flexing. So I think that's pretty open and shut.
Second, I too, am enjoying the solo era where they are a little bit more free with who they are as people and individuals and how they've approached things lately. I'm throughly looking forward to seeing this energy continue but as a group too!
And finally! My thoughts over Haegeum:
Literally it means to allow/unlock something that is forbidden or to lift a ban on something that is forbidden. The main "theme" of the song centers around this idea and these controversies that spread through free speech. I personally think Yoongi is liberating himself from the "forbidden." Rejecting the state of the world and the stereotypes constantly forced upon him from people who don't even really know him.
He specifically points out a scene of him smoking, something normally very looked down upon for idols like himself, something that members of BTS have actively received hate/criticism on, but he rejects things that are forbidden for him and he embraces this new style and era he is crafting for himself.
He pointed out being essentially tired of and gives criticism of this "information age" we are living in currently. With information accessible at the drop of a hat, literally constantly at our fingertips, people are just regurgitating someone else's thoughts and opinions rather than engaging in critical thinking and coming up with their own.
(no hate to anon truly, this is not really directed at you, but it's a lot like how a lot of anons on my blog want me to give them their thoughts and opinions about Jikook moments and explain it all rather than finding their own opinions about it)
I think he also relates to this information age as something that restricts us not only in critical thought. But also how it's constantly forcing people into purposeless debate and controversy online. An overflow of information from everyone, most of which is also opinion and not fact, can make it HARDER for people to think for themselves, figure out what they believe and engage fully and factually.
He points out and questions why we are so bound to money, validation, hatred and prejudice. Why we allow these things to shape who we are and how we think. It's like we are living in a society that almost encourages that too.
I think he wants this song to encourage hope. Encourage a future where we reject these things, reject what holds us back, reject the idea that free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences or freedom to be hateful. Reject the idea that we need to live for validation and instead live for a better and kinder future. Where we speak for what we believe in and not just spew hatred and prejudice and half baked opinions based off what someone else says, where we don't create senseless discourse or create baseless complaints and debates.
Yoongi, I think, hopes for a future, a better age, where it's more based in realism and a people with less superficial tendencies and desires. And in my opinion, a healthier world that would be.
And all this is literally just my thoughts based on the lyrics! We didn't even get into the trilogy together, the possibilities of colors used, an MV analysis, the visual architecture.... The man does everything with a purpose!! We could get into that more too if people want
I highly encourage watching all his behind the scene stuff for more of his thoughts and his process. Yoongi is and always will be my bias because of the way he thinks and the way he processes stuff and the way he writes and puts those things out into the world. I also relate so much to him.
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sinningtamer · 6 months
Not sure if you’ve answered this before but what are your favourite fics and ships?
Love all your art btw! <3 Thx for all the food!
i might've years ago, so let's go again! i'm gonna answer this question as only NSFW/kink related, otherwise the list would be way too long haha
alright let's start with the obvious: ParviII is and always will be my #1 one ship, even when I dip in and out of the fandom a lot (i feel the term OTP is super outdated these days? but if there was one ship i could use it with it's them...)
so obviously i'm gonna say Talking Body and Payment and Payback by @sparxwrites. because. you know. how can i not. oh yeah, Good Vibrations is also a classic. hiii sparx, i'm sorry for picking your older fics, i just have such a bias. they've written a ton of great stuff over the years though, so go give the account a peak! there's something for everyone, especially if you like darker stuff.
...speaking of accounts with a lot of content who lurk around here, shoutout to @pawpunkao3. lmpᴇarI is one of my favorite ships, and they're still such a rarepair somehow?? anyways I think about Between Bedrock and a Hard Place at least once a week tbh. A New Religion That'll Bring You To Your Knees is fantastic, and i have a soft spot for I Spy (even tho i didn't watch too much empires). again, another author with a whole arsenal under their belt, so don't just take my word for it and check the rest of his fics!
back to lmpᴇarI being a rarepair... @thatstoomuchsoup has Chicken Soup for the Soulbounds (okay it's more pearI-centric but they're both there) and is another blog that specializes in some of my kinks and these fandoms. same with @anon-teddy's content, gotta give a shoutout to full. this is also making me realize i haven't sought out enough poly S0up Group or GᴇmpuIse/PᴇarIgem fics...maybe i'll get back to you on that...
there's a bunch of good explicit trᴇᴇbark fics, but i said i was gonna keep this list concise, so the only one i'll specifically point to is how to deal with your supernatural lust for blood (and other things) in a completely normal and god-honoring fashion. for...reasons. also because it's good!
edit: oh my GOD i realized two seconds after posting this i completely forget to mention @also-an-art. go read (this is) hungry work and honey don't feed it right fucking now. i've read both of these in full (pun intended) multiple times they're that amazing. it's rare that the plot is just as good as the horniness, when i tell you i lost my mind at some of the development in these. also hot and dirty (like the la air) is a guilty pleasure. AND it introduced me to a song that ended up being #20 on my spotify wrapped LOL (RPF warning on that one! trust me tho)
let's get to my other bias, shall we? RᴛSpiff and RᴛS00t don't....have any explicit fics. nor does poly lᴀds. CMRᴛ does, though! I'm kinda picky about how people characterize them, but play it cool and Every Stumble and Each Misfire are lovely (note that the second one is also blatant RPF! don't say i didn't warn you o7)
speaking of lᴀds, if you follow me on main, you know i got into Bᴀnᴀna Bᴜs Sqᴜᴀd just last year (I'M SORRY, OKAY, DON'T @ ME-) you'd think getting into an old fandom late would mean a ton of great smut fics, right? to be honest, i haven't found many that i care for, but maybe i'm just picky... however, i remember your lips, they're the ones i miss, and smoke in your lungs, your lips on mine are SO GODDAMN GOOD i'm not even mad it's only those two i like because i could reread them 20 times. god. such fun characterization. shame the author orphaned them because i badly wanna read more of their stuff.
this is the part where you go, spirit, do you read anything besides (mᴄ)yt fandoms??? and i go, not really.............well, sort of. i like 0verwatch! and M0icy!! Reciprocity is a delightful PWP long fic. i'm also not really an omegaverse guy, but Water Me has such a good take on it i fell in looove.
okay, i'm gonna cut myself off here, enough though i could probably name dozens of more fics if i sat and thought about it. if anyone i tagged wants to be untagged, feel free to reply here or shoot me an ask/dm!!
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dimonds456 · 6 months
I'm Dimonds456, and welcome to my garbage pile. I'm a bat who stays up way too late and cannot decide whether or not to be productive. I draw, write, animate, play/write music, and I'm also insane so watch out for that.
I'm neurodivergent, disabled, queer, white, a singlet, fictionkin, and a proud cat papa. I am a cartoon character who is way too bouncy for their own good lol.
They / he / xe!
This is my main blog, but my ADHD ass also has a bunch more.
@dimonds456-art - my art blog! Almost all art gets rbed there!
@dimonds456-but-only-hlvrai - my HLVRAI sideblog! Because yeah why not. This is one of me current hyperfixations lol it's bad
@rubberhose-roy is my sideblog used to gush about 1920's-40's aesthetics, music, culture, ect., as well as an animation blog! All my animations specifically will be reblogged there, as well as any animation rambles or gushes I do.
I have more but those are the main three.
My fandom-specific blogs are:
@dimonds456-but-only-hlvrai (again)
@hlvrai-stuck-together - HLVRAI AU I run!
@halfnautica - Half Life / Subnautica AU!
@a-second-chance-su-au - Old SU AU that has been discontinued, but the blog is still there!
@batim-rewritten - a Bendy and the Ink Machine rewrite I'm working on
@cuphead-contract-au - A Cuphead AU where Mugman makes a deal (discontinued)
And, I have my own OC story, Follychromatic! I reblog all that stuff here, but its main blog is here!
To see pictures of my cat, check the #Checkers tag! :D
Okay great. Now, DNI, trigger warnings, disabilities, special interests, and more below the cut. Make sure you read at least once, k? Thanks.
Welcome to my cave!
Trigger Warnings
Do not FUCKING interact if you are:
- A proshipper
- A bigot
- An LGBTphobe / transmed / ect
- Trump supporter
- Nazi / fascist / conservative
- Weird about furries or furry art
- Weird about fandom headcanons (specifically trans woman headcanons)
I will add more if anyone wants me to, or we can come up with a custom tag, like what I do for one of my friends! (#dimond don't look)
I will tag as much as I can, and if you want me to tag something specific, let me know! But as a general blog cover, things that appear on this blog often are:
- Current events
- Talk of / discussion of sexuality (sometimes boardering on NSFW but not usually)
- Blood
- Guns
- Flashing
- Talk of proshippers (I try to be respectful but also I don't stand for them and I don't support them. I block and move on, and try to explain why proship is bad, but eh. I've only been listened to like once lol)
- Swearing / swear words
- All caps
- Bugs
- Suggestive content / NSFW (RARE DONT WORRY)
Hiiii I'm disabled! Both mentally and physically. I talk about being disabled a lot and try to generate positive talk about it. I also vent about it. I've had quite a few of these, and I also try to reblog as much about others I don't have as I can to increase awareness and understanding. So yeah! These are just the ones I have, but they are not the only ones that appear on my blog!
Graves Disease
Graves Eye Disease
Audio processing disorder
Trauma / PTSD
Brain fog / disassociation / memory loss
Cane user
Weak / trembling limbs / trouble walking / trouble holding onto things sometimes
More to be added lol.
This is also a meds/treatment positive blog, a self-diagnosis positive blog, and my general attitude is just "if you think something is wrong you're probably right, you know yourself the best, even if you don't know what exactly is wrong." This attitude has saved my life and other people I know. You don't need a diagnosis or medication to be disabled.
If you are Jewish, black, brown, Muslim, indigenous, any religion, any race, any sexuality, any weird gender, anything at all- I love and support you. I'm still learning, and I try to learn as much as I can, but I'm not perfect. If I say something offensive or something adjacent, it was NOT on purpose. PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what I said wrong. I will make an effort to improve in the future.
I directly support:
- All races
- All religions*
- All sexualities (except pedos, y'all aren't LGBT, I'm sorry. You're actively hurting children. I've seen it again and again. Stop.)
- All genders and pronouns
- All "weird" identities outside of that as well (I'm fictionkin myself)
- Protests and protesters
- Neurodivergent people of all types (and yes, this means NPD, schizo, and all those other types that are often seen as bad or evil. I love you, I see you, and I support you.)
- DID & OSDD systems
If I have reblogged or said anything that aligns with the bottom list, that was a mistake. PLEASE let me know and I will fix it as fast as I can. You reading this right now, I love you. I hope my blog can help you feel welcomed and like you have somewhere to go if you need it. /gen
I DO NOT support:
- Antisemitism
- Genocide
- Cults (*stuff like Jehova's Witnesses. I support the members, as they are victims, but I actively dislike the people on top who perpetuate the cycle. Not just JWs, but those are the big ones who come to mind. Hearts out to all the victims, I hope everyone gets to a better place soon)
- Racism in any way, shape, or form
- Religious discrimination of any way, shape, or form
- Israel specifically
- Trump, conservatives, Nazis, ect.
- Endo systems
The current special interests are HLVRAI and Half Life, current hyperfixations are Half Life and Poppy Playtime.
- Minecraft
- FNaF
- Undertale / Deltarune
- BATIM / BATDR (unfortunately)
- Subnautica
- Biology
- Steven Universe
- Cuphead
- 2D Animation
- Writing
- Half Life
theres more but my brain is an egg :/
HYPERFIXATIONS (interests but not the special ones):
- Little Nightmares
- Hello, Neighbor (unfortunately)
- Petscop
- Portal
- Freemanverse (HELP ME)
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- The Owl House
- Gravity Falls
- Monster High (very first from what I can remember! I remember nothing though! But it's there!)
- Poppy Playtime
- Half Life
- Wild Kratts (I didn't even know there WAS a fandom until very recently, hi guys)
When it comes to ✨me,✨ I have a couple of original works as well! Specifically, Follychromatic! I won't get too into it here (bc shy) but it's 2D animation, rubberhose animation, magic, character-driven, action/adventure, mystery- yeah!
Outside of fandom, though, my special interests are biology, 2D animation, and writing. I am an animator and I suffer for fun.
YOU MADE IT! Have some Checkers for your time! :)
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16 notes · View notes
Matcha×Truffle or MossyCobweb as i call it a total of never cause no one cares for the ship but me and no one cares for matcha but like 2 ppl [me and some rando] so i wanna ask what would you rate this ship....and how do u rate them?
Hello! Sorry for the super, super late reply. It was my first time running a blog and first time going to college, so I was extremely burnt out about a month ago and just...forgot about the blog. Again, I promise that I will not throw a random hiatus without a warning in the future. Again, I'm sorry.
Funnily, I was looking at Matcha earlier today and I manage to stumble across a comic creator image for Matcha x Truffle. I was literally thinking to myself: huh, what an interesting ship!
If you mean rating them as in giving a numerical rating, I will give them a 5/10 personally. I see why they are shipped: both of them are eccentric (and elderly?), and that's cute. It's just that their aesthetics together does not really match my taste--or maybe more importantly, I can barely see Matcha with anyone romantically. HOWEVER, I do wish the best things for Matcha and Truffle! They both deserve lots of love in-universe because they both feel very isolated from other cookies.
Anyways, if you mean rating them as in giving pros and cons, here they are!
Friendly elderly people hanging out in creepy mansions (v i b e s)
Misunderstood by the outside world; bond together to heal their loneliness!
Potentially super intersting plot where Matcha shows up randomly one day to Truffle's mansion because she was abandoned by DE. Truffle takes her in and realized that Matcha barely talks (canon) and seems naive about common sense (this is just a headcanon), and slowly bonds with her
Matcha likes plants (Herb's relationship chart), so she can decorate Truffle's mansion (cute!)
Honestly all cons are subjective, and I kind of already gave me reasons above
I guess objectively, they are a rarepair? But the fact that I'm running this blog clearly means that I don't consider being a rarepair a bad thing lol
You need lots of imagination to justify how they'd meet (not a bad thing imo! I love imagining headcanons and scenarios)
Yeah, I hope this answers sufficiently! Feel free to DM me to chat more about the ship or send another ask!
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kickingthehornetsnest · 4 months
KTHN - Common Mistakes 2
Number One. camera tapes? Surprisingly expensive, given how vintage they are. No one has that much memory on their phone. Do not give Apple your money to film this. It's not worth it. Besides, who the hell still has working handheld video cameras in 2024?? Point is, You don't need "proof" because you don't need to "prove" shit to anyone. There will always be those of us out here in the dark of night ready to hear your stories and support them. That's why I started this blog, reader, to hear your stories and to try to save who I can while I still can. Next, let's talk about the obvious, will just list them off fast in bullet points. If you need these explained, message me or ask away in the replies and I'll get straight on it. -Do not look the faceless guy in the face. It’s just… really bad for you. You will get sick or hurt. I’m sorry. It’s just common sense. -Do not invoke HIS name and ask for help. He's not going to help you, and he might have answers but the cost of those answers aren't worth the price Evan and his friends paid.That would be considered kicking the hornet’s nest, and it is not something you want to do. I did and I’m suffering for it.-While I have no evidence of any entities from other countries, do not assume you are safe and this is just an America problem. The Operator/The Administrator was a German based mythos before he was spotted anywhere else. Most entities, including but not limited to The Operator, can travel through interdimensional spacetime. An ocean will not stop them. -If you have questions about any of the known proxies, ask and I'll try to answer, the two I'm most familiar with are Kate, and Patrick (who I'm not convinced actually works for 'Stick-in-the-mud', seeming to co-exist tangentially alongside him, much like HABIT.) (Is it typed with all caps? Have we all agreed on this?) There are other lesser known individuals who work tangentially to The Operator but I'm not clear on the details. -Calling him by his name will not inherently doom you. The internet made him a joke for a reason. Stopping the spread by ignoring it rarely works, so all you can do is laugh about it. - on that note: Just avoid the entire east coast lol (obviously this is a joke. if you live in the east coast i'm sorry, it's too late for you lmao) -While he is commonly associated with biblical imagery, I believe this to convey his age and how long he's been recorded existing for, rather then actually being some form of 'god'. Then again, humans sure like slapping the word god on anything bigger then them that they don't understand sheerly because a being has power. -The knife was never recovered, nor was it ever successfully used, and as far as I know no one else has attempted to complete what HABIT and Vinnie started. -and finally, for now, do not just start telling everyone you know what you saw, unless you genuinely truly think they will: A) believe you, and B) be able to help. (i.e. through public spaces, and company, not that they can truly help you.) Now that that’s dealt with. I think the next order of business is to discuss symptoms! Be ready for that, because hoo boy, that’s gonna be a long one. I might have to start breaking these up into multiple parts just to post them. When did Tumblr start limiting post lengths?
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void-wolfie · 3 months
Hi, here are some asks that you wanted, hope it's not too many lol
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
🍅 least favorite food
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
📌 what is the fic you’re know for
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you?
this definitely is a lot, but not too many at all (honestly I've been bored out of my mind all day so I'm happy for the interaction) 😂
(thank you for the asks <3)
🖤 - favorite hobbies outside writing?
gaming and drawing, I'm not very good at either but who says you have to be good at your hobbies lol
I generally game by myself since most of my friends like first person shooters and those might just be my least favorite lol, and when it comes to drawing I usually just trace stuff and then put my own twist on it
🍅 - least favorite food?
to be honest, so many... I have the diet of a picky five year old and it pretty much consists of like 5 meals and that's it lol
ironically enough, my girlfriend is a chef, and you would not believe the amount of teasing I have to endure for my picky taste buds 😂
but to answer the question, probably tomatoes? or pickles maybe? the smell of pickles alone will make me nauseous 😂
🍌 - talent I wish I had?
singing, hands down.
I was this close 🤏🏻 to being an actor and pursuing that until I realized I hate the sound of my own voice (especially the sound of my singing) and the theater program at my school only did musicals 😂
✏️ - when did I start writing fanfics?
highschool, I was in tenth grade I believe (so roughly 15yrs old) 😂
I would always get bored doing assignments or finish early, and parents would work late, so I turned one of my hyper fixations into a hobby, and here I am 5 (?) years later still enjoying it 😂
📚 - how do I come up with ideas for my fics?
most of the time it's just day dreaming, I get bored in class and my mind will wander, happens a lot when I'm in my math classes (college professors are so boring guys) 😂
a lot of the time my mind will wander before I fall asleep too, making up fake scenarios about things I wish I could experience or cute scenes I saw in a movie or something lol
and then the very rare occasion, sometimes it's actually based on true events, I don't think anything I've posted on here is based on true events, but I'd have to reread to tell you for certain 😂
📌 - which fic am I known for?
honestly I'm not sure, I don't think I'm very well known as a writer so I wouldn't necessarily say I'm "known" for something (other than apparently my angst stories lol)
but anywho, my most popular fics (in order) are Music to My Ears, Puppy Love, and Inhale... so hopefully that answers the question 😂
💔 - is there a fic I wish I didn't write?
honestly not really, I'm proud of most of my fics. even the ones I'm on the fence about or don't exactly like, I wouldn't say I regret writing them
so to answer your question, no 😂
🌝 - a show I'd recommend to anyone?
honestly a bunch, but depends on what you like lol
sci-fi? stranger things
historical drama? reign
supernatural? supernatural, teen wolf, or originals
drama / crime? criminal minds
drama / doctors? the good doctor
comedy / sitcom? the big bang theory, modern family, or how I met your mother
(this is so many, my bad, but honestly these are all good shows and you should check them out if you're bored 😂)
🌚 - a show I'd tell people to stay away from?
I have no serious answer to this so I will leave u with this;
cocomelon 😌
⭐ - biggest accomplishment?
it's not a fact I talk about often, especially because it was so long ago, but I'm actually a first degree black belt
I started taekwondo when I was maybe 9 (?) and it took maybe 4 or 5 years but I worked my way up and earned my black belt, I wanna say it was about a 3 hour long test and it was hard to push myself to do it, but after lots of hard work and determination I got there, and I'm proud of myself for that lol
🍀 - comfort show?
it may sound a bit funny, but teen wolf, yeah it may not have had the best plot or special effects, but I started it one day and couldn't stop. I've watched that show so many times I can quote it like the back of my hand and it's always something familiar I can turn to when I need comfort
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mtkyllene · 1 year
Hello! And welcome to the chaos!
Bigotry of any kind, including but not limited to: ableism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
Pro-ed blogs
SH/traumacore/vent blogs
Pro-lifers that push their ideals and opinions on others
Lgbtq+ exclusionists, including panphobes, aro/acephobes, biphobes, anti xenogenders, anti neo/xenopronouns.
Anti sfw agere/petre
Additionally, nsfw agere
MAPs, Pedos, and whatever other acronyms y’all are using to ID yourselves. We don’t support pedos here.
Western Medicine/Medication deniers (if it’s not for you, that’s fine, but if you think no one should be on medications, esp for mental illnesses or disorders, get out)
White supremacy/n*zis/n*zi sympathizers
Sandy Hook deniers
Religious/conspiracy extremists of any kind.
Fascist rhetorics, ideologies, and organizations
Now that all that’s out of the way let’s
Mod Reg
Hello I’m Regulus or Reg. I use they/them and hy/hym pronouns.
I’ve been a practicing pagan since 2018ish. I began working with Hermes in late 2021 when I was traveling both by myself for the first time, and for the first time since COVID lockdown. I was insanely nervous and began to pray to Hermes before, during, and after my trip. As I began to do more research about Hermes I began to slowly realize that he has been present in my life for most of it, and I started to officially work with Hermes in early 2022. As of right now (June 2023) he is currently my primary deity and the only one I’m working with, however in the past I have worked with other deities including Loki, Apollo, and Aphrodite, and I will probably work with other deities in the future as I continue to grow and explore my path.
Fun facts about me: Audhd babie! My current hyperfixations/special interests include Critical Role Campaign 2, autism (lol), Hozier, and Languages/linguistics. I also have POTS and a handful of mental illnesses/disorders that I’m untangling. I write my own music and Poetry (which you may or may not see on here if I write anything related to Hermes/witchcraft). :D
Mod Fern
hello! i'm fern and i mainly go by he/him pronouns :>
i've been worshipping hermes since january 2022, which kickstarted my ACTIVE hellenic polytheist practice, although arguably i've been practicing since 2016. like reg, i started praying to him when my family was stuck at a hotel and unable to get home for the foreseeable future, and when i finally got home and set up what was supposed to be a temporary altar, he didn't want me to take it down! i have since realised he's my patron (with a mix of the neopagan and ancient greek definition of that word) as i'm a cross-culture kid in ib, a writer, a huge language fan, currently working to become a guardian of the dead, and much more.
i also have been practicing witchcraft since early 2020 and am an omnist with agnostic tendencies (but "hellenic polytheist" works just fine too) as well as an animist with a very eclectic folk-based practice
if you'd like to speak to me outside of this, you can find me as @rainbluealoekitten on tumblr, and i'm occasionally but rarely also active on @hellenic-worship, and i'm @/ferns_n_ravens on insta!!
Mod Lav
Hi!! I'm Lav and my pronouns are she/they.
I'm 19, and I got into witchcraft when I was 12. I'm what my friends call a "creature of chaos". Hermes is my patron god and has worked with me for more years than I can recall. He was the first deity to ever reach out to me (it took years to recognise it was him, though). I'm hypersocial and love talking, so please feel free to strike up a conversation!! Feel free to DM my main @vushadoration
Join us on discord! https://discord.gg/ZhtmfqakUq
tags we use:
#witchcraft, #witchy tips, #spells, #divination, #elements, #cleansing, #neurodivergent witchcraft
#hermes, #general helpol, #hermes epithets, #hermes devotion
#art, #goose moment (<— to clarify this is for non-serious/funny posts), #resources, #spoonie, #poetry, #greek
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moondragon618 · 2 years
I should probably make an intro post huh
Well here it is ig lol
You can call me Moon or Moondra, and Luna or Lunar is okay too :) My pronouns are they/them, it/its, she/her, + multiple neos which I'll list here:
xey/xem/xeir/xeirs/xemself (this one works like they/them, eg. xey are/xey're)
drae/draer/draers/draerself (this one works more like she/her, eg. That's draer cat, That cat is draers)
Feel free to use any of these, and also feel free to ask me about how to use the neos if you're confused :)
I am bi and questioning if I'm aroace-spec, and I'm a genderfluid enby- more specifically I'm fluid between any combination of feminine aligned, neutral/androgynous aligned, and an assortment of xenogenders lol :) I'm fine with any gender-neutral terms and pretty much all gendered terms outside of male/female and woman/man, though I do prefer gendered terms to be used in a lighthearted/joking way rather than seriously lol <3
I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD + Autistic and have social anxiety- be warned I'm often very slow to answer asks/reblogs/DMs/etc and that's probably why lmao
I'm currently a dsmp/c!primeboys enjoyer as you've probably noticed lol but my other interests include Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Undertale/Deltarune, the MCU (specifically Irondad lol), Markiplier/Unus Annus, and the Legend of Spyro trilogy (my first fandom <3)
I am also fictionkin- my c!Dream kin tag is ad infinitum :) and my Protegeinnit kin tag is everlasting daydream ❤️
I tag all of my c!primeboys posts with c!prime thoughts so they're easier to find bc I reblog a lot and post rarely lol
Here's a link to my Ao3 and here's my writing tag which has all my fics + me talking about my writing lol
Some AU tags I use sometimes:
Immortal c!Prime (also includes Divine c!Prime where c!Dream becomes a god and makes c!Tommy into an angel)
Shapeshifter c!Dream AU (exactly what it sounds like lol)
Hybrid c!Prime AU (in which c!Dream in an ender dragon hybrid and c!Tommy is a cardinal avian)
Reblogs from my c!Prime RP blogs (@haver-of-wives and @your-eternal-nightmare) will be tagged with rp c!Prime :)
My reblogs will all be fandom tagged except for non-fandom stuff which will just be untagged.
And just to be very clear about this due to Certain Recent Events: I absolutely Do Not support cc!dream in any way.
I enjoy c!Dream strictly as a fictional character. I completely understand if others personally find c!Dream posting uncomfortable and if that's you, then you might want to block me. If you harass me over this, or for not supporting cc!dream, or any other reason lol, enjoy getting blocked on sight <3
As for a DNI, I don't really care as long as you're not on some terf shit, generally just hateful and/or bigoted, super NSFW, or shipping incest or adult/minor ships (p*ppytwit/blr this means you too stay tf away from me istg). Also cc!dream stans will be blocked on sight, and c!Dream apologists I Do Not fucking trust you lmaooo
Oh also I tend to avoid discourse posting but if I do it will be tagged as such. I try to tag for triggering content as well and feel free to let me know if I should tag something. (also be warned that I occasionally forget to tag if I'm doing some late night reblogging and really tired lol. I usually notice it and fix it the next day though)
And don't be alarmed if I suddenly switch fandoms at some point that just kind of happens sometimes lmao
Anyway that is all and welcome to my deranged fandom blog <3
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sassymajesty · 1 year
Hi!! is there any added story/draft/ficlet about 'oifan fic' here on your tumblr blog or everything you ever written about it is on the ao3 link? Just wanted to check if there's something more because I just finished reading the fic in ao3 and maybe there's a little plus written here I reaaaally loved it!! by the way, I LOOOVE the floor plan! ugh I love these kind of things, houses/apartments/stores plans yes gimme, I'm a hoe for these kind of details lol and your floor plan was really helpful! I love visuals about what I'm reading! thank you!
everything i have for oifan is on ao3 already! i have a few tidbits in the f: oifan tag though. but hey, here's a lil sneak peek at the next chapter (that should be up sometime soon, i'm so close to finishing it up i can taste it)
The answer comes almost instantly “Good. Did it take you almost an hour to convince him?”
“Eh, no. He was game in twenty minutes or so. We were making plans for Sunday lunch. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him.”
As soon as she presses send, Clarke wants to take it back. They might have gotten closer over the past week, the usual animosity between them dying down to a mere annoyance, but Lexa is still her boss and talking about missing her dad is still oversharing.
“Oh” is all the answer Clarke gets, after a couple agonizing minutes. She’s about to throw her phone clean across the living room and head to bed when it pings in her hand, “She’s alive. I did not think she’d be alive.”
Hard as she tries, her brain can’t make sense of it. “Who?”
“Amy Dunne. I’m watching the movie.”
Clarke turns her TV back on to the monologue scene, Amy writing about a whole story she never lived. “I didn’t think you’d really watch it.” It makes her smile to her phone like a teenager with a crush. But Lexa, the most stoic woman she knows, is watching a movie she recommended — Clarke reserves the right to be smug about it. “And how did you make it so long without watching it? It’s been out for almost a decade.”
Amy has just taken a mallet to her cheekbone when Lexa answers. “You don’t see me poking holes in your pop culture knowledge. It’s just not something I usually watch.”
“You like romcoms, don’t you?” Clarke texts back in a whim, in a teasing tone.
“I refuse to answer that.”
Clarke bursts out laughing, full belly laughter. She should have known — Lexa has a pink water bottle and the pen she favors the most has a little golden charm on it, of course she’d like romcoms.
“We can watch When Harry Met Sally next time.”
Their lives have been so chaotic lately that this is a rare peaceful moment. Neither can tell when the next one will be. But Clarke will find a day —maybe a Saturday afternoon, or even another Wednesday night when they’re stuck in the office— and she’ll get Lexa to admit her favorite movies are all romcoms.
“Deal” is the answer that comes through.
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I've been thinking, there are multiple ways in which the Choices fandom seems to not give a damn about wlw players and I think the gender coding issues is one of them.
When I see gender coding discussions on Reddit, most of the time it's trivial bullshit like male MC players complaining because their male MC stayed in feminine behaviors/roles like the female MC got put into. Male MC sat in the LI's lap, male MC walked down the aisle, male MC was saved by the LI, male MC acted gushy/"princessy", boo fucking hoo. Most of this is just lazy coding in general.
Rarely ever on that sub do I hear about the actual coding errors that straight up don't match with the chosen MC gender like "I now pronounce you husband and wife" for Hana and MC, male CA MC being called "thee my daughter" during the promposal, female Sam being called "dad", Paolo's "women don't belong in the workplace" bullshit despite that his daughter is marrying a female CEO, outfit descriptions that don't match the male AME MC's outfits, the fucking description of Surrender 2 initially referring to Pat as "husband".
And notice how majority of the actual coding errors take place in wlw routes? But they rarely get talked about. Deadass I've seen way more people complain about male MC getting walked down the aisle in AME than I have about MC and Hana getting pronounced "husband and wife".
When I really think about it, I'm very convinced that a lot of people believe that the female players (both wlm and wlw, lbr the wlm routes have their own different set of issues as well) "don't have it as bad" because every book in Choices has female MC options, like "well you're the ones PB is catering to so you can't possibly be having any real problems with the romance routes".
And don't get me wrong, I 100% sympathize with the people who want more GOC MCs. I'm very pro-GOC myself . It's clear that PB often does not care about their male MC players, but I am so tired of seeing that in regards to male MCs acting super-feminine as if wlw routes don't often have even more terrible coding and wlm routes don't constantly rely on pandering and gender stereotypes. If that makes sense.
I 100% agree with you! I think the reason why wlw issues with PB's books are downplayed so much on here and other sites like reddit, Twitter and so on is because gay guys and women who play as a male mc to romance the male LIs outnumber women who only romance the female LIs.
Also, I've noticed over the years of talking and interacting with other lesbians on tumblr that it seems like a lot of us are being bullied, harassed and chased off of the other sites and they're starting to do the same here on tumblr now. I just feel that there's a dwindling amount of lesbians in the choices fandom lately.
But I totally understand how tiring the coding is for wlw, everytime I make a post about it, there's always someone trying to speak over me in the comment section about how bad the coding is for mlm players. Like I get it lol! PB is lazy! But let me have my moment of ranting! Stop trying to silence us by telling us that we have it loads better! Plus, if you come onto a lesbian playchoices blog and try to talk over them about other issues, it's a lot like walking into a save the rainforest committee and asking, "well what about all the pollution in the oceans? Why do you not care about the oceans??" Like yes, there's a lot of stuff PB gets wrong with their obvious catering to wlm crowd and I feel for the male readers but for them to say that PB caters to lesbians JUST as much as wlm?? Lol nah they don't
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staycalmandhugaclone · 11 months
Hey Jenna! This is more of a private DM that you don't have to post but I just wanted to say I'm sorry about all the drama going on in the community lately. I saw your 'correction' post and just wanted to share a few things: 1. I am SO happy to know that I'm not alone in the 'older' fic readers on this site. I'm almost 30 so I usually feel shy interacting with a lot of the blogs I read and support because I feel that I am so out of the element haha. It's nice to know someone else here is in the same life phase as me (Just moved into our first home and getting married next year! No kids yet but in the future for sure) 2. With that said, I have a full time job that pays for that mortgage and that wedding- and friend, it is STRESSFUL. You get it. So after a stressful day of work responsibilities, wedding planning, family craziness, wedding paying (did I mention the stress yet?) I just want to let my mind escape to somewhere more wonderful. That's where this site comes in but more specifically that's where you come in. Your stories have truly given me so much joy and comfort in ways I didn't know could be satisfied. I don't have a lot of friends who enjoy some of the things like I do (Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic but none of them would be willing to talk for hours on end about Hunter's waist, Echo's gentleness or how handsome Rex is when he's serious haha) Your series with Doc is truly one of the best stories I've read in a very long time- and I love to read! There's just something about how you capture pure emotion and your words truly feel like a dance as I read through Doc's internal monologue. It's a long-winded way to say that I appreciate your work here and even though I may not be as active as others, I very much look forward to when you post and when I have the time each week to come here and read what you've done. I hope you don't feel discouraged when someone comes on here with such entitlement they feel they are owed your work. I am just happy to see that notification turn on whenever you post, no matter the time between.
I hope you don't mind my answering this - I kinda went back and fourth given your initial comment (I'll delete this if you didn't want it to be public!!)
But I wanted to say, on so many levels: Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to write such a heart-felt note. Thank you for putting yourself in such a vulnerable position as to share your age group (and thank you for making me feel not so alone in that! There are a couple of us on here, but it does feel a bit rare lol), and thank you for your incredible warmth and support! So many people in this fandom strive to enjoy our shared passions and use that connection to bolster others, but, unfortunately, greed and envy are human conditions and are bound to make themselves known in such a thriving and varied community. All we can do is stand together when that happens and try to help those who are hurt when those emotions cause people to lash out. For what it's worth, the friend that I mentioned who was so terribly bullied is still on here and still creative amazing works, and has found themselves in an amazing little family of supportive, loving friends.
Also, can I just say: CONGRATULATIONS!! What an incredible time in your life! New home, new husband, and, maybe soon, a growing family of your own! I have to admit something here: I hated dealing with almost every aspect of my wedding. My mother was amazing, my friends were supportive, but, gawd, that is just not my scene. I wanted to do the courthouse thing and have a fun little ceremony in the woods, which is, decidedly, not what happened lmfao. So I sincerely hope your wedding is everything you want it to be, but, even moreso, I hope the honeymoon and the many, many years that follow are even better! And I am so, so honored that my little blurbs of self-indulgence grant you even brief moments of reprieve from the very real and overwhelming stress of your crazy life.
Thank you
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pashminalamb · 2 years
hi belle !!! i felt like i had to come in and clear things up since the lil discourse started in my ask box lol and now i feel bad :,( in no way do i feel like there was any sort of even the slightest inspiration taken from the asks on my acc ! we've even talked abt it a bit here on ur blog lol (and i still need to reply 2 u, too 😭) so i'd also be thankful if the discourse stopped altogether cuz i strongly believe coincidents happen and i do not even feel like the idea was mine in any way so !
i hope what i said makes sense :// even i myself dont see any issue with this situation and i am absolutely frothing at the mouth to read interrupted lol SO with that being said, i hope the whole discussion dies down <3 im so sorry it ruined ur mood, sending u the biggest hugs rn ! :(
Thanks for dropping in and clearing the air, Zari
And yes, it does make sense. There are so many times when i see people literally paraphrasing my work and making plot lines with a similar synopsis as mine; like the other day i was going to call this author out in the bllk fandom and i spoke to my friend about it with screenshots and everything. And after thinking about it realized that erotica and romance are not unique genres and that includes dark content as well so themes can overlap and at the end of the day- it is not literally published work.
I'm not a fan of discourse myself tbh. and i don't understand why most people don't take it with a sense of rationality?
I've been on tumblr for over 4 years now, yes I started here when i was 16 and began posting last year. When i was at 250 followers, i released a fic and the idea was stolen by an author who had over 10,000 follows+ than me (who i had interacted with) and it went at a very fast pace of gaining over 170 likes in two hours or maybe less. I know what it feels like to have your work taken away from you and used by someone else for the purpose of their content. Why would i wish that on anyone else? Most of my followers follow blogs apart from mine that have blue lock content. so if i did copy someone's idea, they would notify me about it; and even if i knew that you had an idea like this in your blog i would have never used it as we're both writers for the same fandom. It would literally give me nothing but backlash from readers and ruin a reputation i've spent time building here -causing me emotional instability which is the last thing i want for myself (since i have already got a lot going irl) given the fact that hate spreads more faster than being liked; speaking from experience since i have seen enough number of discourses take place here and also on how bad it can get.
And even late last year, i had a whole wip list out for different fandoms including haikyuu and other animes that i watched, explaining what the fic was about and everything. But even that got taken away from me (one of the anons dropped a word for word title in the inbox of a famous author/ writer here + it turned up in the 'x reader' tags) so i rarely discuss what fic i'm going to write next and just decide to keep it a secret and release it when its done.
Thanks again for dropping in Zari (hope you enjoy reading 0^^0 *sending hugs back*); and since the discourse has been settled by both of us, on further notice any ask regarding 'interrupted' will be deleted.
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