#i'm resisting the urge to move to a new blog for the new year
thirt13n · 6 months
content set in her main verse; especially once she's working out of london station & also post london back home in brooklyn ( as a bonus incentive, post london timeline comes with her two dogs apollo + icarus jsyk )
mission based threads; either both in the field doing recon, etc, or with share in your muse's ear because i really love that angle, idk why
.... or your muse in share's ear what could possibly go wrong when she doesn't like being told what to do......
undercover where share has to use one of her several aliases so your muse might know her by another name entirely
content in her burn notice arc where she's on the run 
stuff that means new au's and / or arcs which uh .... hint hint this is the link to my interest tracker / this is the verses page on her carrd.
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norrisleclercf1 · 6 months
Hiii! So I recently just found your blog (about a month ago) and I absolutely adore how you write! You know the body shot blurbs you did? Can you do one of Oscar Piastri please? I feel like he’d be even more blushy and flustered than Charles was 🤭
I know you said no continuing oneshots and I’m not too sure if you consider this one. I HOPE THIS ISNT CONSIDERED ANOTHER PART, BECAUSE IF SO, IGNORE THIS!
Anyways love you and hope you stay safe and well!! 🤍
A/N: It's New Years Eve and this is the perfect time to write this
If there was one thing Oscar didn't want to be doing, it would be standing in a club with the other drivers, their friends, and his best friend. New Years Eve and all Oscar wanted to do was to sleep and maybe a beer or two, instead he was watching you dance with Lando.
Thankfully he had no reason to feel jealous, you kept a clear and obvious distance between you two dancing and Logan was trying to explain the beer he wanted to the bartender. Oscar stood, leaning against the bar as he held your drink watching it closely.
He can see you tip your head back and see the familiar crinkles on your face as you laugh. Lando pulls you close and either whispers or yells something, the music was so loud Oscar could feel his brain move with each beat.
"Nevermind!" Oscar gets jostled out of his staring and turns to Logan who grumbles about beer and some language barrier. "Hey, you're burning a hole into her head." Logan pokes Oscar who hisses and goes back to watching you and Lando.
"I'm just making sure she's safe." Oscar mumbles, looking away when he sees Carlos join and your smile grows wider. "Ugh, you make me sick." Logan groans, tired of Oscar moping around. "She wouldn't go for me, she likes someone else." Logan closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Swear, alright you know what. Come here," Logan hauls Oscar up who almost drops your drink and Logan slaps his best friend hand forcing him to put it down. "Yo! Y/n!" Logan yells loudly getting your attention.
You wave off Lando and Carlos and run up giggling and fling yourself into Oscar's arms. Oscar smiles, pulling you close and fixing your hair, resisting the urge to kiss you. Logan fake gags at the two of you but waves over a waitress.
You giggle and move closer to Oscar. "Happy New Year." You tease, moving your hand up and down and his stomach as he helps you get your ground. "Y/n, love, you're a little drunk." He whispers stopping your wondering hand.
He was confused as to why you were being so touchy when Logan gets between you two. "Hey, let's do body shots!" He screams all your friends cheering as the do rounds of body shots.
You tighten your grip on Oscar, who leans against a table holding you close. No way in hell was he letting you do body shots, not in this state. He turned a sharp glare to Lando who he offered you to take one off him.
"Not a bad idea! Hey, Y/n. Why not do a body shot off Oscar instead?" Logan recommends, Oscar looks up shocked as Logan just smirks at his buddy. "Yeah! Oh, come on Oscar please, it'll be so much fun." You beg, jumping slightly as Logan wiggles his eyebrows.
"Please Osc?" Your nails scrap the back of his neck, close to hairline right where you have him weak in the knees. Oscar holds back a whimper, but his eyes get heavy, and he nods. "Mkay." You giggle at his response and drag him to the table, and stop.
"Come here baby boy, get up." You pat the table and Oscar turns bright red at your nickname for him. "Y/n," He whines, but you stick out your tongue and smirking. "Yeah, baby boy. Get up." Logan teases and Oscar scuffs yanking his shirt off.
He moves, laying down on the table and shivering from how cold the table is. "Here." Logan shoves a lime in Oscar's mouth and covers it stopping Oscar from spitting it out. You splash a little bit of vodka on his stomach and lick your lips.
God he was so good looking. Sprinkling the salt there you watch his stomach grow taunt and his eyes grow heavy at the feeling of your hands roaming over his body.
"Ready?" Logan asks, and you nod your head as everyone whoops in excitement. "Have been for a long time." You smirk and Oscar's eyes widen.
You waste no time and down the shot and slowly move up to the salt licking it as Oscar pushes his hips up and body starts to grow hot. Logan removes his hand quickly and you replace them with your mouth. Both your tongues moving quick and feverish, you pull away with the lime in your mouth.
Oscar lays there as you pull the lime out everyone cheering, he thumps his head against the table as he tries his best to calm down. Fuck, he was truly in love with you now.
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Hey, remember the soulmate au by tiyoin(?) I recently read your post abt idia and Leona reacting to yuu being their mates, but I wanna take it a step further since I saw idias line abt the family curse (this has yandere implications so if it's not your cup of tea please feel free to just ignore, nothing is outright mentioned tho)
What if yuu has a family curse similar to the aishi family in yandere simulator? (It's been years since I touched the game so if the lore changed I'm basing it off of 2018 ish lore, just with my own twist) basically yes, yuu CAN feel emotions, they're just muted and barely there. Given the right conditions (like falling in love or spending time with friends) and/or antidepressants they'll basically be like any other person, without them it's like a less severe version of the aishi women pre-falling in love
So, afab ppl born in yuus family, once falling in love, start losing their sanities and adopt yandere like behavior (stalking, increasing rage and jealousy, willingness to murder, etc) unfortunately this means they usually die young (20s or 30s) how quickly/young they die is based on their willpower (resisting the urges) and when/if they fall in love (so someone falling in love for the first time in their 40s and having insane willpower, caving in 20 years later in their 60s has more luck than a 16 year old falling in love and caving in almost immediately). Unfortunately everyone is a carrier, men carry the gene and can pass it to their daughters, but it only presents in the women/afab ppl, so transfems won't be affected but transmascs will.
What if yuu fell in love already (in their own world) and has just been doing a really REALLY good job at Resisting The Urges™️. Like, sometimes they slip up and cave in to anger or get ridiculously jealous, but they try their hardest to tamp down the feelings. Yuu has sworn off falling in love (again) and has given up their dream of having a big family bc of the curse, they're even distancing themselves from their object of affection in an attempt to "be normal again" at the cost of their own sanity.
So yuu gets transported to twst, and without their darling, they have the chance to be normal again, assuming they can get past the initial panic frenzy. Then the soul bond is revealed and they just go "nope. Not this shit again" and spouts cryptic messages about a family curse and swearing off love. I'm pretty sure most of the boys would feel a bit hurt by that lmao
This is mostly made for idia since his segment is what sparked the idea in the first place, but which characters from most to least likely do you think would try to pursue mc and figure out the truth to leave them alone and try to move on? I personally can't see someone like kalim giving up on both but I think the octatrio would try to look for the truth but be 50/50 on pursuing yuu or dropping them like a hot potato. Idia I think would try to relate to yuu and try to pursue them, but I think he'd probably be a bit put off once yuu starts dropping hints about the curse (he's a weeb so it won't take long for him and maybe Ortho to put 2+2 together and figure out the curse)
tiyon's soulmate au can be found here, their first post inspired some asks, which led to my own soulbound au the rules of which can be found here. Please support tiyon and interact with their soulmate au! They're a very creative blog and deserve the attention~ give them some reblogs!
so. uh. I got this ask when I first woke up and 1) very happy to hear from you Rose, always lovely to get a new ask and 2) yandere? sim? has lore? I did not think people actually played the game? help. i've fallen and misplaced my life alert. As a rule I don't really write for a Yuu who is just x character from y game/anime (it is in my rules) so while I was at work realizing I might be old I was trying to think of a way to do this that wasn't just yan sim (I wanted something properly gn) and I think I've got something? I am currently beating away the desire to info dump on you about the myth of Sigurd and Brunhilde (i could scream about that for hours oh god oh please i have written an actual au for that but efkjbekjrgbjrthnytrh) So here is the basic idea:
Yuu ran afoul of a witch in their world and was appropriately cursed. Given the myth I was inspired by I don't think Yuu did anything bad, but they still made the witch mad so they got cursed to lose all reason should they ever fall in love.
"You will be thine own destruction!" Cackles the witch and Yuu, who is actually normal unlike trey this person takes a deep breath and resigns themselves to researching a way to minimize the effects and maybe break it? They don't know they thought magic was fake until they thought they were just doing a favor for someone but turns out they pissed off Baba fucking Yaga.
They start to isolate themselves since they notice the curse starting to eat at them when they are around anyone the love; they consider going back to the witch and asking for further clarification but they can't seem to find them anywhere so they take some deep breaths and do their best to just be normal.
When they end up in Twisted Wonderland, and start feeling... weird. And it only gets worse when Crowley speculates that they might have been brought to Twisted Wonderland because they posses a soulbond.
And Yuu immediately freaks out because they don't want to kill anyone.
Now as for your question for who would try to pursue Yuu vs just leave them... well I don't really like writing un reciprocated feelings so I hesitate to say any of the cast would drop Yuu. In my au it isn't possible for soulbonds to not be reciprocated, and they are already sort of seen as a curse by mages so this... complication might not be normal but it isn't unexpected if that makes sense. Which would probably make Yuu swearing off love hurt even worse.
Kalim wouldn't want to abandon Yuu. Not ever, no matter how much of a danger they could be to him. Hell, he's willing to forgive people who are trying to poison him on the off chance they might regret it. But he is the heir of House Al-Asim, and I could see his dad paying someone to take Yuu out to keep his son safe. Something Jamil sees coming from a mile away and has to just keep quiet about. Something I can see Jamil feeling bad about, he might not like Kalim but you didn't ask for anything that happened to you. And yet the Asim's took your life from you anyway.
Have to disagree about the octatrio just a bit. Floyd would be into this. And so would Jade. But especially Floyd, oh hee hee ha ha his soul mate wants to kill him? Say less he is on his way to get his ass eat beat with an engagement ring in hand. Both he and Jade would be a little disappointed when the curse is broken and you aren't actively trying to kill him anymore... maybe you could try and poison him huh? Like old times?
I wrote 20 paper pages of soulbond au stuff for Azul so I will try to be brief here but... I don't think this situation would be one that made him try to break the bond. He has... complicated feelings about soulbonds already. If anything I could see him thinking he deserves this.
Now Idia. He's complicated. Pre-overblot he has given up on the concept of breaking his own curse, and I could see him feeling the same way about yours. Ortho on the other hand... even before he gets his soul he wants to help. After the overblot I can see Idia pursuing Yuu determined to find the truth and save them. Not that he wouldn't interact with them before that, he's a bit nihilistic so I can see him just making a bunch of jokes about the situation or promising to let Yuu kill him "after this next round." Or just straight up asking them to when he has to hit pity in one of his gachas. It's just cringe enough that it snaps Yuu out of the curse fog for long enough for the two of them to be normal around each other. And by normal I mean incredibly awkward
Anyway that's all I've got. Thank you for the ask ♡
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pedroshotwifey · 6 months
New fic alert!!!
Hey, y’all! Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be putting a new fic out within these next few days. It will be the first part of a series, but I've been working on it and dreaming it up for so long! I'm hoping to have a new part out once a week.
It's going to end up being a dark fic with Javier P. It's going to start more fluffy, and get darker as it goes on. Involves age gaps, manipulative behavior, and physical and mental abuse at some points. Here's a little excerpt to see if anyone will be interested! I'm thinking the title will be "To the Flame", (or something to that effect) so look out for that!! I would really appreciate any reblogs to spread the news <3
The sound of someone clearing their throat startles you from your spiraling thoughts, your cheeks reddening once you realize you have been staring blankly at the same page for a good few minutes.  You have to steady yourself so you don’t drop your book on the dirt below you, which has you almost falling out of your chair in the process.  You glance up at the stranger as you situate yourself, which doesn’t do much to help. The man is drop-dead fucking gorgeous. He’s staring down at you, clearly amused. His full lips are tugged up into a half-smirk. You think for a second that he looks familiar, but you would for sure remember seeing a man like this. His hair is dark, a bit long and shaggy, but in the way that makes you want to run your fingers through it. He wears sunglasses, you notice with disappointment. You don’t know why you have such a strong urge to see what’s hidden under there. You’re guessing they’re brown. He seems to carry a kind aura, it’s a fitting idea that his eyes would be warm. Even though you sense such a kindness emanating from him, there’s an annoying nagging from the back of your head that makes you uneasy. His stare is almost imposing, the way he carries himself adding so much to the effect. Your stomach bunches up in a frustrating way that signifies both anxiety and lust. You don’t really care much to figure out which is dominant at the moment.  All you know is that you’re drawn to this man like a moth to a flame, and that after all you’ve been through, you deserve to admire him at the very least. It’s not often you come across such a good looking man. A fictional looking man.  He cocks his head after you stare for what could probably be considered a second too long. Your face must be about the shade of a tomato at this point. The weight of an object in your hand quickly reminds you of the task at hand.  This is a potential customer. You need to stop staring like a schoolgirl. Besides, he must be what… ten, fifteen years older than you? God, you can’t even tell. He looks mature, but somehow ageless at the same time. He has strong, masculine features, but a sort of boyish quality, too. If someone told you he was some kind of a god himself, you would have no trouble believing them. “I-I’m so sorry, let me just put this down,” you say to the god, trying not to stumble over your own words after getting caught ogling.  “No problem at all, sweetheart,” he says, clearly unbothered. Fuck, his voice. It’s deep and rich, and he has some sort of accent,  like he grew up speaking another language. Spanish? Probably Spanish. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Down, girl. You take a breath in through your nose, willing yourself to relax as you set your book down on the table in front of you. You resist the urge to shut your eyes out of embarrassment as he looks down at the erotic cover, and then back at you with an arched brow and an amused smile. You move quickly as you snatch the book back to flip it back-side-up
Pls lmk if you have any thoughts or if you would like to be added to the fic taglist!!
And also thank you to my wonderful friends, @kewwrites and @nerdieforpedro for taking a look at my first draft and for supporting my absolute delusion!! I love you babes!! (Also, if you haven't checked kew's blog out, please go look because she is the QUEEN of dead dove fics and also like 99% of my inspiration to have started writing fics in the first place.)
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intrepidacious · 11 months
time after time: reread edition [3]
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series summary: After what starts out as a fairly normal mission, you find yourself stuck in a time loop. Which would already be bad enough in itself if it didn’t also mean having to watch Bucky die over and over again.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
word count: 10.1k 💀
chapter warnings: one last reminder to internalize the premise of the fic, i will just assume you know what’s up from this point on; canon-typical violence; mention of alcohol; some more permanent damage; even more banter. please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
read the full chapter here | series masterlist | reread masterlist
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after an unexptected second week off (i got sick after going on vacation, yay summer!) we return for the third part of the reread event!! as always, if you're new, this is a reread commentary on already published chapters—an extended a/n, if you will. by clicking on the read more you're going to see spoilers up to and including chapter three 💚
every day's a holiday – tl;dr:
in the flashbacks, the reader officially meets sam and bucky for the first time. after hearing rumors about ULTIMATUM, a newly formed group taking after the flag smashers, sam wants reinforcements to find out more. he knows about twelve's time powers from steve, and cashes in an old favor she owes to steve to get her help. bucky, not knowing anything about her yet, is sceptical.
in the loop, twelve is getting nervous about being unable to stop the loop from repeating. experimenting with the timing of the mission doesn't help; neither does entering the downstairs labs through the tunnels as bucky investigates on his own and lands in an explosion. after more than a week on her own, twelve tells sam about her time loop situation. he insists that bucky be told as well. while going to get coffee, bucky writes a note to himself on twelve's arm and asks her to tell only him about the loop during its next iteration. she does, and they attempt to figure it out together—to no avail, as bucky gets shot through twelve and her wounds stay through the next loop. she decides that they're both going to involve sam again and that she will try to contact strange for help.
behind the loop
i'm not gonna lie to y'all, these chapters are getting harder and harder to summarize. there's a lot going on and i have work tomorrow, so let's just crack on.
believe it or not, when i started writing this fic, no way home wasn’t even out yet and i was absolutely convinced that my whole thing with the tower would be canonically impossible. and then we just never found out who bought avengers tower. so that was that.
Like a pesky little voice of conscience. And on your day off, no less.
the chapters i’ve recently been writing have been more serious as the loop continues, and i kind of miss this really fun narrative side remarks that tell so much about twelve as a character. i really love writing her and her concerning habits.
this flashback is the closest i come in the actual fic in tying the whole thing into canon chronologically, i think. the mcu timeline is an absolute mess, but since tfatws takes place in early 2024-ish and the time loop happens in 2025, that gives us about a year or so that the characters have known each other by the time the main plot starts. that is, in normal human time. at least that’s my headcanon.
“Ah-ah-ah.” You wrangled the mug out of his hands before he had the chance to move, barely resisting the urge to kick his shin for good measure.
even though they’re happening in consecutive chapters, a bit of time passed between me writing the nat flashback and this one. i thought it was very funny that my instinct clearly was that everyone would just start trying to break stuff around her to see if her powers were legit. and isn’t that poetic in a way? (there were no deeper thoughts behind this but wouldn’t it be fun if there were?)
despite me sending all of my characters to therapy in this fic (because let’s face it, they all need it desperately), they’re all so bad at expressing their emotions, honestly. then again, what kind of therapist would actually be able to really help you if you’re a super-powered person who loves going into emotional shut-down and guarding themselves with sarcasm? whoever they are, they’re not getting paid enough.
An entire conversation seemed to pass between the two of them without either saying a single word. Sam held up three fingers with a sly smirk; Bucky ended up rolling his eyes.
i loved that little subtle reference to the big three. i was so proud of that one. also continuing to develop sam and bucky’s friendship partnership next to the actual plot is always fun.
He ignored the question, but the way he looked at you and then crossed his arms made you decide to put salt in his coffee.
yay, another little callback to chapter one!! all these months later and sam still won’t let that one go.
“I’d like to see you try.” […] You’re trying. You really are.
this parallel i actually got complimented on in the past and that made me very happy. i’m always trying to make the shift from the flashback to the main plot the least jarring it can possibly be, and this transition just worked so well. also, bucky’s "oddly bright blue" eyes are a little nod to a wrinkle in time, so there’s another little chapter one parallel for you.
this is the first chapter where the first communication blocks are really starting to kick in. the fact that twelve won’t talk to anyone about what’s actually going on with her despite being stuck in a literal nightmare is so integral to her character. not to get to deep but that whole refusing to get help when you should theoretically be able to do something on your own is something we have in common <3 i’m also sending her through the rest of the stages of grief in this chapter, which was very much on purpose. unsurprisingly, anger was the most fun to write.
It’s not like you can google something like “time loop problem” and come up with a list of practical steps to follow. You know this because you did google, and if you have to read the name Phil Connors one more time you are going to scream.
the different approaches to trying to get bucky through the mission alive were also really interesting to come up with. i made a really bad drawing of how i imagine the setup of the whole facility, but i won’t show that to you because it’s embarrassing. anything you can come up with in your heads probably looks better anyway.
this is also the part where twelve officially gets her nickname!! finally!! why only now, you ask? well, on the one hand, bucky really does only use it in specific situations. on the other hand, i literally only came up with it by the time the first two chapters were already posted and i didn’t want to go back. i remember col was posting in the embers at the time and i loved her reader having a nickname so much i wanted to give mine a special little nickname too. i also had to text two friends to confirm it wasn’t stupid as hell. me? insecure? never.
you know when you’re doing a group project and you’re feeling really good about the work you put in and the direction it’s all going and then someone comes in and completely derails the whole thing? that’s bucky in this loop. i love him, but jfc.
"What the hell did you do, rob an ambulance and take a bath?" […] "I don’t know what your problem with them is, and I don’t need to know. But is it worth more than Bucky’s life?"
i love sam. i love him not taking things seriously until he realizes that they’re serious as hell, and then switching to compassionate and level-headed. i know this is a bucky fic but sam deserves all the appreciation and i truly hope i’m able to show that.
i also like the contrast between his reaction and bucky’s to twelve telling them about the loop. we don’t see the first time bucky gets told, but her incoherent rambling at him while he’s just trying to take it in means so much to me. but we’re not there yet. we’re getting coffee first.
holy shit, i just had to double check but i’m pretty positive that this is our first lucy scene. she was never supposed to be in the fic much, but i’m not gonna lie, she grew on me. she’s based on several of my favourite former colleagues of mine, and this is not the only fic of mine she’s infiltrated. we are all but living in the lucy cinematic universe. on a side note, she got her name because i like the name and also because i’m relatively sure there’s no super relevant lucy in a marvel … thing. i often like to include characters from different marvel properties in my fics (like ULTIMATUM themselves), but i just wanted someone without any obvious ties to anything.
“What do you want?” you turn to Bucky. “Coffee.” “What kind?” “Just … coffee.”
any ordinary days fans in the house tonight?
the coffee quest was another side plot i didn’t expect when setting out to write this fic, but it’s served me so well in establishing their dynamic a little bit more. also, the writing thing!! i’m so fond of twelve not being able to decipher bucky’s handwriting at first. and i like that he just comes up with something so practical on day one of the whole thing.
“Crazy?” His expression hardens somewhat, and an irritated flush appears on his cheeks. “Why is it crazy?”
is it just me or do these two seem to be having two entirely different conversations? :)
You don’t think, moving purely out of instinct.
ah, i do enjoy upping the stakes near the end of the chapter. as if twelve’s whole situation hadn’t sucked enough already. but don’t we all love a good 'patching each other up' scene? i’d say it was worth it but then again i know how it ends. also shout-out to sam once again for being a great friend and a good brother. sarah i love you i hope you’re having a great, calm july 4th. sadly, we have a wizard to seek out.
“What do you say, Barnes? Think you can trust me?”
and isn’t that the whole thesis of the story, really?
how it's going
well. not gonna lie but things are not going according to plan!! after my holiday (which was great by the way, thanks for asking) i went back to work for the two days i was scheduled that week, went home and immediately got sick for eight days. i've only been feeling significantly better yesterday, and so writing hasn't exactly been a priority. regrettably.
but fear not, because today i'm pretty sure i had a breakthrough with the thing i've been struggling with in chapter seven. i'm optimistic i'll be able to write the rest of it over the course of the weekend and then finally move on to chapter eight. which is hopefully gonna be a little shorter for a change. oh, i also wrote a bit of an unexpected bonus chapter today so look forward to that at some point.
i'm still not sure if i want to move my schedule backwards or if i'll try to squeeze in another reread chapter next week. i guess we'll all find out together.
until then, take care of yourselves and i'm always here if you're lonely and stuck in a time loop and just need someone to listen 💚
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vantaeries · 2 months
Hello👋🏻 hope you are doing well i wanted to participate in your game
my initials is AIA
1) what career would suit me best to be rich
okay so i don't know😭 but i wanna be rich or get some decent money to be independent and travel to different countries😄 i'm getting into a new college this year so anything about this will help me a lot
2) my question about things i should know about my FS
Thank you for opening this game😊💟💟
Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience.
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QUESTION 1 : 8 of Wands , Eight of Cups Reversed, King of Wands
Okay, I will interpret this as what you can do to achieve your dream job and tell you about what field that might suit you as well.
Something exciting is on the horizon. As you mention about travel, the card indicates that either travel or a new person will soon enter your life. However, the Eight of Wands also suggests "moving quickly." It could be urging you to seize opportunities swiftly or warning against hasty decisions. Be mindful of impulsive choices. The reversed Eight of Cups suggests you may prioritize wants over needs and resist change due to fear. If a job or situation isn't right for you, don't linger. Trust your instincts, take calculated risks, and invest in your future. Research your career options to minimize potential risks. Consider the pros and cons of each job. Possible fields that may resonate with you include travel blogging, expedition guiding, photography, consulting, executive management, or entrepreneurship. It seems your career is likely linked to travel, entrepreneurship, and aesthetics. I would like to add writing as the recommendation since I get an image of paperwork and computer on the table
QUESTION 2 : 6 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Hermit
Their career might be related to teaching, writing or as a spokesperson because they are seekers for knowledge. They have childlike or carefree energy. They like children because the word 'children' keeps popping out in my mind. They are hard workers and they might demand praise from others. They are full of ambition and passion, so sometimes they might overproud about their achievements. When you are with them, your dates will be full of nostalgia and fun.
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owiesintheback · 2 years
Tonight is the worst one in years. Maybe ever.
It woke me up and at first I was more bothered by the pressure, but the pain escalated fast. I tried to pace, but the pressure was so bad that I couldn't resist the urge to try to go to the bathroom.
As soon as I sat down, the pain got so intense that I almost vomited. But the pressure just kept pressing. I stayed at it a couple of minutes, and obviously only a tiny pebble came out, but that was enough to alleviate the pressure. Which left only pain.
When I rose to flush and wash my hands, I got tunnel vision and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked super pale and felt the urge to both faint and vomit. I turned and sat in front of the toilet, prepared to puke in it, but my body kept insisting: "Lower elevation! Farther down!" So I lay at an angle away from the toilet so my head would be on a less contaminated portion of the floor and breathed slowly, struggling to stay conscious as my butthole seemed to be actively ripping apart.
After a minute or two, the faintness got better. I moved from the bathroom to my guest bedroom to rock on my haunches in front of my space heater. It's now been about 10 minutes and the levator spasm feels like it's released, but my stomach still feels a little queasy. It feels like it's trying to process an influx of adrenaline, which I guess fired off when I thought I might crack my skull fainting in the bathroom while also possibly puking. What a vision. On second thought, it feels like it does when I have a hyponatremic attack, which would explain the gastro distress and faintness. The problem is, I normally only get hyponatremic after too much prolonged sweating and exertion, which I obviously wasn't doing either in bed or while trying to treat my levator attack. I'm going to drink some gatorade and see if it helps.
Overall, this episode still resolved faster than they used to, but DAMN was it painful. Lying on the bathroom floor, I considered calling my husband to take me to the hospital, but I waited because I knew it was likelier than not that it would resolve before we got there. Before we even got in the car. And the added layer of (maybe?) hyponatremia just adds to the pain and distress.
My stomach is starting to calm down as I sip the gatorade, which suggests further that hyponatremia is the problem there. No clue what could have incited it, and the possibility that I can now have those attacks at random too is most annoying. It would certainly alter the scope of this blog. "My Butt Hurts" is an intentionally jocular title; if this is the new costar, I might have to expand it to "Everything Between My Navel And My Anus Can Go Straight To Hell."
ADDENDUM: Subtitle would be "...except the clitoris. why can't the rest of my organs act like her?"
0 notes
hi I love this blog so much, you’re doing such amazing work!! do you know of any Sterek bad at sex fics? Like it’s awkward but they’re working through it? Or any sterek fifty shades inspired fics, where Derek is rich and Stiles moves in?
I love awkward sex! Cause it's much more realistic.
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Lightsaber is a Euphemism For Something by 42hrb
(1/1 I 994 I Teen)
Derek and Stiles both need to get a lightsaber from Target and there's only one left, this means war.
blood and lightning by Myulalie
(1/1 I 1,000 I Mature)
Derek probably heard him coming already, but Stiles has a bad feeling, and he would rather keep the element of surprise should he be right.
He dreamed of blood and lightning tonight.
(Take It to the Back Seat) Run It Like a Track Meet by kototyph
(1/1 I 3,653 I Explicit)
Wherein Derek tries and fails to be not actually dating a sixteen-year-old, and Stiles makes it to third base.
Accidents Happen by Fr333bird
(1/1 I 6,523 I Explicit)
Derek is in heat but doesn’t recognize it for what it is. Stiles knows that Derek needs him but he doesn’t know why. The knotting is a surprise to both of them.
“Fuck.” Derek’s breath is hot across his chest where his face is buried. “I’m sorry... I didn’t know... I didn’t realize.” “Didn’t realize what?” Stiles pants into his neck, trying to relax, resisting the urge to try and pull away again. He can feel the unforgiving pressure of Derek’s cock inside him, the tug of where they’re joined. “What the fuck’s the matter with your dick?”
I'm tired and I'm wasted, irrational by LunaCanisLupus_22
(1/1 I 8,171 I Explicit)
Derek reads the message twice just to be sure that he isn’t dreaming.
Help, it reads, accidntly kidnpd somr dudew
He takes a moment to compose his reply. What the hell Laura?
Or the one where Laura wakes him up in the middle of the night because she's kidnapped some random guy from the club and it turns out he's Derek's mate.
Mail Order Stiles by Green
(1/1 I 17,489 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles laughs. “The day I become a mail-order bride is the day I eat my hat.”
“You don’t even wear a hat."
“I’ll buy a hat for the occasion,” Stiles says. “A white one with a veil.”
(Stiles doesn't eat a hat, but that's just because he's too busy with his new husband, his five children, his new husband's ex, and a deadly feud with the neighboring ranch)
I, Me, Mine by 1lostone
(14/16 I 41,605 I Explicit)
Derek Hale tries to do the right thing, even though he inevitably fucks it up. When Derek finally leaves Beacon Hills, he does it pretty much without a backward glance. He's no good to anyone there, especially one Stiles Stilinski.
He forgets though, how stubborn she is. He should have just changed his damn phone number.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back. by ColdHeartedBitch
(40/? I 81,299 I Mature)
“It’s a private property.”
Those are his first words to Stiles who stands with wide eyes and jaw hanging low. He should say something. Like simple sorry, for example. He truly had no idea this part of the forest belongs to someone. So yeah, it is appropriate to apologize for trespassing. But guess what? Stiles' brain to mouth filter isn’t having it so instead of apology, what comes out is:
“Oh my god, your eyes are beautiful.” _
Or, the one where Stiles meets Derek in the forest. Somehow, they become friends, boyfriends, lovers, family.
This is Beacon Hills by Weesageechak
(10/12 I 177,760 I Mature)
Stiles is the new kid in town. He's not amused at the prospect of having to spend the rest of his high school years in the pit of utter boredom that is Beacon Hills, with its painfully suburban neighborhoods and mind-numbingly tedious citizens. However, Stiles can't shake off this peculiar feeling - like he's missing something, like the whole town is in on a conspiracy, even his dorky dad, and - what on earth is up with this dude called Derek Hale?
As the veil is gradually being pulled back on the deeply magical place that is Beacon Hills, Stiles suddenly finds himself in the middle of supernatural affairs in a town full of crazypeople and before he even knows what hit him, he's already in too deep. Beacon Hills has profoundly and irrevocably changed him, and Stiles - he wouldn't want it to be any different.
@felinitive suggested this one!
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, and One Giant Leap for the Things We've Shared by Sheepnamedpig
(2/2 I 11,535 I Explicit)
Stiles and Derek have sex. It's awful, but things get better. And better and better and better.
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Hi💕!!! I'm new and i just found your blog I hope you don't mind with the red can you make Akai Shuichi angst? Because I'm in the mood for angst and Shuichi😅. Thank you
Hiiii ☺ I'd love to. This is actually the first half of my own Akai Shuichi day dream scenario and the beginning is pretty angsty (and always pretty much the same). Hope you enjoy it ☺
At the Gate
Akai Shuichi x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: angst, no happy ending, but kinda open, break up, but sort of mutual? Right person wrong time type of thing, only slightly off canon, Shuichi is taller than Reader, I think he should be between 1.90 and 2.30m, the picking someone up during walking thing (i do think he's pretty strong though, considering he's a literal sniper)
Wordcount: 992
Note: *laughing, full of dread* that took long
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He never planned to be in a committed relationship, especially not now, with his plan to find his father and hunt down the black organisation. But as he watched his significant other greet his mother, who was immediately taken aback by their kind nature, he couldn´t bring himself to regret his selfish change of plans.
“I can´t believe my brother could pull someone like you,” Shukichi laughed, bringing you in for a hug.
“And who are you?” your voice, laced in soft curiosity, drew him out of his thoughts and he nodded to his mother as greeting. The woman rolled her eyes at her son, before motioning her young daughter to leave the hiding place behind her legs.
“Masumi,” the small girl whispered.
“Masumi. That´s a very nice name, I´m (Y/N).”
As you talked to Shukichi and Masumi, Mary moved closer to her son, sending a glare at him.
“He´s right you know. Far to nice for someone like you.”
Shuichi rolled his eyes.
“Such a sweet mother I have,” he replied, hands still deep in his pockets.
“I´m just saying. I hope to god you won´t break their heart.”
At that Akai´s eyes darkened.
“Shuichi, you better not.” Mary´s voice had gained a threatening edge. Akai only shot her a quick grin:
“Calm down, mom,” before strolling over to his significant other. Mary watched him warily.
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“This is how you work,” you stated, looking down at your boyfriend hunched over the arm of the deceased man. He looked up at you, sending you a smirk.
“Does that make me more attractive?”
You rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to shove him.
“That´s not a no,” he yelled after you. You only waved as you left to accompany Masumi on her own little quest.
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The summer breeze flowed as if beckoning you to a dance. Your hand was enclosed in Shuichi´s and he looked down at you, an amused glint in his eyes as you rambled on. Light steps, feet sinking into sand as the waves brought the smell of salt and the sound of water rushing ashore, bringing pretty shells with them. He laughed after you finished yet another anecdote, coming to a stand to bring you closer by the waist and kiss you. Your heart beat faster and even though he hadn´t told you yet, his actions told you everything you needed to know. You broke the kiss, scrunching your nose at him and, after another short peck to his lips, you beckoned him to walk on with you. A laugh left his lips and he walked faster to keep up with you before picking you up for a few steps.
His arm around your shoulder held you close as you passed playing children. His eyes were trained on you the entire time as you recounted a story Masumi had told you earlier. You pressed closer to him, a sigh nearly escaping your lips as you talked on. For a moment you wondered if he´d rather have you acknowledge his weird behaviour. But you knew him, you knew him better than anyone. So, you did not.
To this day you couldn´t believe that he had agreed to a date with you all those years ago. He had seemed so unattainable. He might have been surprised himself at his quick response, not that he ever let you know.
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“Can you tell me another story?” Masumi cried out, hands outstretched to where you leaned against the headboard of your hotel bed.
“Another one?” you laughed. Masumi nodded.
“This time with a locked room and, and a spear of ice as the weapon! I´ve watched a movie where that happened once.”
“In that case you already know the story,” Akai intervened, looping an arm around your body and tugging you to the edge of the bed. A surprised gasp left your mouth at the sudden movement, before you send him a scolding look. He only shrugged his shoulders at you.
“She’s stealing you from me,” he whispered against your mouth, before pressing a lingering kiss to your lips. Than he stood up straight: “Go to sleep or watch a movie. I want to spend some time – adult time – with (Y/N).”
Masumi groaned and stuck out her tongue at him. You slapped Akai against his shoulder as he mimicked his sister, and called hm childish. He pouted at you.
“But you always have them. And after the holidays you will have them again, and I won´t,” Masumi complained, but she picked up her things and left the room.
“She´s right, you know.”
Both of you knew that she wasn´t.
Akai bent down to rub his nose against yours.
“Well, I´m feeling needy.”
Both of you pretended she was.
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The longer you stayed at the hotel, and walked on the beach, the more Shuichi wanted you on his side, alone. Even when Masumi asked to play with you, he would pester you until you paid attention to him, and only him. But then the sixth night came and you could see it in his eyes that he wanted to keep pretending nothing was going on, but you did not want that. You deserved more. And he knew that too. So, when he saw that look in your eyes, full of acceptance and understanding, he smiled at you. It was a sad smile that graced his lips that night. And it was there even when he woke you later that night. His hand was placed on your thigh during the car ride and sometimes he brought you closer to him to place a kiss to your head.
He placed his forehead against yours. Two smiles coloured blue meeting in a kiss. Hope. Patience. And then he left through the gates.
Only when he was gone, did you break down. But maybe, maybe, he would come to you again.
One day he will return. One day. And you will be waiting for him at the gate.
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theji · 3 years
Things Yizhan Made Me Do
It's BXG Day today! 🐢💛
To commemorate the occasion, I thought of making a list of 13 out-of-character things that I've done since falling into the fandom. (OK I'm a bit late I meant to do this sooner, the day is ending soon in a couple of hours).
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1. Start a blog
And a public one, no less. I had a blog when I was in my teens but that was private, like a personal diary. My day job already involves writing so off-work I would usually like to indulge in mindless activities. Now, here I am, maintaining a Yizhan blog. I have not even used Tumblr prior to this but I'm enjoying it now, rambling about our fav boys. Writing is not a chore if it's about them.
2. Join a fandom
I joined a boy band fan club once upon a time, some 15 years ago, but I was never as invested in it as I am now with Yizhan. Back then it was just buying some merch, attending their concert/autograph sessions, listening to their songs. Apart from work, dog mum duties, personal relationships, other hobbies like kombucha brewing, most of my free time is now spent on the fandom. My Netflix account is crying. There is just so much to do and catch up on (I'm not complaining). I also enjoy interacting with and learning from other bloggers here. Antis are no fun and some industry news/developments/hate messages are upsetting but ultimately, you curate your own fandom experience. And I choose positivity and rationality.
3. Indulge in RPS
I don't ever 'ship'. What is 'ship'? 😆 I was always a dutiful audience, just enjoying whatever drama series and moving on after that. I started with CQL like most people and I didn't even notice/like GGDD until much later. Didn't even set out to 'ship' anyone but now I'm a self-professed turtle. SZD is SZD, and anyone can see something special between them if you keep an open mind. I wrote about my SZD reasons here previously. That said, GG & DD are individuals, each with their own successful careers. They come first, the ship comes second. That I'm very clear of.
4. Use Chinese apps
Gosh, my phone and tablet are now full of Chinese apps. I used to have only WeChat cos I needed it for work but now I have Weibo, Oasis, Douyin, WeTV, MangoTV, Youku, etc. Some of them are not even available in the app store so I had to find alternative sources to download them. haha..I even have paid membership for some of these apps. And now, browsing Weibo daily becomes a routine. If you wish, you can just get stuck browsing Weibo for a long long time. It's entertaining.
5. Read fan fic
I only started about 6 months ago but now I'm hooked and fics are largely the only thing I read these days, apart from news. But I only read Yizhan or WangXian fics (p.s. calling for fic recs of other pairings!) I know some might have different feelings about fan fics but to me, I really just see them as fiction, with characters (and sometimes traits) bearing similarities to GGDD. Similarly, I separate the platform from the incident so I have no problems going to A03 despite GG's incident. I just enjoy seeing the characters named XZ/WYB having happy endings in many different timelines and universes. While most of the fics I read are explicit (by design), I don't use them as tools to play out certain fantasies or to think of GGDD in a sexual manner. In fact, I really hate fics that have little substance and just go into the explicit parts without plot development. I like those with interesting premises too, like one I read recently where XZ is a serial killer and WYB is a police officer investigating the case but also in love with him. I do have plans to share my list of fav fan fics some time down the road so keep an eye out for it!
6. Willingly read Chinese
Yes, Chinese may be my mother tongue but I don't use it much in daily living unless I have to. I also find it tedious to read Chinese cos the characters are just so squashed together. If I have a choice, I will always pick English. But now, I read so much Chinese from my daily weibo browsing. I even read fan fics in Chinese! Who am I? On the plus side, I think my Chinese comprehension and translation skills improved. I also picked up some internet lingo used by Chinese netizens, which are pretty interesting like doi, 🐮🍺, 🖍. My all-time fav is yyds.
7. Act like a cougar
In real life, I have always maintained that younger men are childish. At least those I have encountered. But look at me now, fangirling over two younger men (I am closer in age to GG, but still..). I even jokingly call them my 'China Boyfriends'. I look at them very respectfully most of the time.
8. Buy merch
Seriously, once you start, you can't stop. At least that was what happened to me, although I'm still quite selective when it comes to supporting their endorsements. I usually go for consumables like food, cosmetics vs collectibles cos I'm more practical. Also, GG says to support their merch within reasonable means so that's what I'm doing. Just buying things that I'm interested to try and not because it has their faces or names slapped on it. In a way, this suits me cos I like trying new brands and stuff anyway.
9. Keeping a Yizhan archive
Photos, weblinks, videos, songs, fan fics list..my phone is full of these things now. I think my Yizhan photo gallery is only second to the folder with my dogs' pictures. But how can you resist when we are blessed with new pics of them almost every week?
10. Camp for livestreams
I'm lucky I live in the same time zone as the boys so I don't have to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to watch something. But that's the thing, being in the same time zone sometimes make me feel like I HAVE to watch that thing live because, why not? Why wait? Not shy to admit that I once watched a live programme in the middle of work but I made sure I finished what needed to be done. I think so long as we don't let these livestream schedules run our lives, there's no harm in camping for them.
11. Watch c entertainment
I am one of those who used to pass over Chinese productions, simply because it's a Chinese production. Not in a scoffing manner but I'm just genuinely not interested in them nor the celebs. I was more of a US/UK production kind of person, occasionally Korean/Japanese. Now, I'm learning to enjoy them although I just watch those with GGDD in them. No energy to follow other Chinese celebs anyway. The other programme I'm contemplating watching even if it doesn't have them in it is Who's the Murderer (GG was only in one of the cases) cos I like the premise. On the flip side, now my sis and partner keep making fun of me cos to them, all I do now is "watch China shows". That is so not true. Or is it?
12. Write fan mail
I wrote a letter to GG once. A long-ass letter. I hope he read it. That's all I'm gonna say. 🙈 hahahahaha
13. Desire to visit China
China was never on my list of to-visit places. Just wasn't interested. I have been to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou a few times in the past for work but even then, I never felt the urge to revisit for leisure. Now, I wanna visit GG and DD's home town, visit Chongqing to see the graffiti wall with Bobii Zanbii on it, eat mala hotpot and try out their sauce recipe, attend BXG events, dine at the CQL restaurant... Watching TTXS also made me realise that there are many beautiful places in China with natural landscapes and all that. I used to be clouded by my disdain for the regime and some behaviour of its citizens but now, I recognise that the country is separate from the regime or a smaller group of poorly behaved citizens. China is a beautiful country and I would love to visit some day. I will fly over immediately on my own if someone gives me tix to ADLAD!!
Well, I hope some of these things resonate with you. Feel free to share the OOC things that Yizhan made you do.
Once again, Happy BXG Day! 🐢💛🐆🐇🐷🌶🦁🍑🐶🍍🛹🎋
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lancetuckershairgel · 4 years
Part of the Phone Sex Series
Phone Sex
Wrecking Ball
Birthday Surprise
Characters: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: 2180
Warnings: real person fic, BDSM, established d/s relationship, spanking, dirty talk, Sebastian speaking filth in Romanian, teasing, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, multiple orgasm
Tag List: @southernbell91 @marvelgirl7 @jobean12-blog @anxiousamandapanda @loricameback @louisianaspell @cchellacat @book-dragon-13 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @randomfandompenguin
"I'm an old man, baby" Sebastian chuckled when you had asked him if he wanted to do anything for New Years Eve. "Let's just stay home and have our own party" 
You tried to argue that thirty seven wasnt that old but Sebastian's mind was made up. The two of you were to stay home, but little did you know that Sebastian had a plan to have a very exciting evening. 
The morning of December thirty first your eyes fluttered open and a soft gasp left your lips. Sebastian was between you legs and already having his morning dessert, lapping at your pussy hungrily.  Your hand moved to lazily tangle in his hair, giving what you could grasp a tug in effort to urge him on. He sucked against your swollen nub, flicking his tongue over the sensitive head as his fingers moved to push into your hole. A comment about how wet you were went unheard as you arched your hips into his touch. He lifted himself to his knees and bent your legs back, his mouth still latched onto your pussy as you moaned out his name. 
"You're too good at this, Seb!" You gasped out "I'm gonna..I'm close...dont stop"
"Not yet, baby" 
Sebastian pulled away, hovering over your body with a smirk upon his wet lips. You whined at the loss of his mouth and looked up at him with a pout. 
"Oh good, you figured out the theme for today" 
He grinned, moving your arms to pin them above your head before lowering to take your mouth into a heated kiss. You could taste yourself on him and moaned, his tongue finding it's way inside your mouth to give you more of the flavor. As his erect cock slid along your pussy you shifted your hips in an attempt to have him enter you but he just hooked your leg with his, pinning you to the mattress. 
"You're going to abide by my rules today, understood?" 
"Ohh, is daddy feeling dominant today?" 
Your teasing remark was met with the sharp thrust of his cock entering your pussy, bottoming out and stilling until Sebastian willed himself to move. The walls of your pussy squeezed around him, begging for more. He laid still inside of you as he continued to kiss your lips and softly. You whined, attempting to roll your hips but his weight held you taught. 
"Don't make me punish you." He murmured, lips soft as a feather as he lightly brushed them over your collar bone. 
"I need you" you whimpered out
With a low growl he began to fuck you, slow and deep so that you felt every inch of his thick cock stretching you open. He held you against the bed, taking his time, ignoring your pleading as he took his pleasure. When he began to speed up his thrusts you cried out, the head of his cock hitting your sweet spot straight on and you leaked juices around him as you felt your orgasm building in the pit of your belly. He buried his face in your neck, his hips snapping in quick and sharp motion. 
"Oh God, Sebastian! It feels so good. Harder!"
His hand clamped over your mouth to silence your commands. This wasn't about you, this was about him taking his pleasure and leaving you a mess for the rest of the morning. 
"Dont you dare fucking cum" he ordered in your ear as he began to relentlessly pound into you 
You now knew his goal and your pussy gushed even more upon the realization that you would spend the entire day being teased and tortured, another one of his games that you both loved and hated to play. 
You could do nothing but lay under him as his cock greedily slid in and out of you, his moans and Romanian swears causing you to begin the inward battle to resist having an orgasm. You closed your eyes tight and tried your best to think of anything else besides the large clock's punishing thrusts, or the muscular body holding you down, or the heavy hand still pressed over your mouth, or the scent of expensive cologne and last nights cigarette wafting off or your lover. It was too much, your pussy seized around him as you began to tip over the edge. 
"No!" Sebastian growled, pulling out quickly before your orgasm could come full circle
He flipped you over onto your stomach and began slapping your ass, surely leaving handprints. You squealed under the blows your aching pussy leaking its juice down onto the sheets with every strike of his hand. As he spanked you he stroked his cock, the animalistic grunts and growls he was making almost sending you over the edge again. He came, hot streams of cum falling onto your red ass as you panted. As he finished, Sebastian slid his cock between your ass cheeks and dipping the head into your neglected hole just to tease you more. You shivered as he peppered between your shoulder blades with light kisses, his panting breath hot on your skin. 
 The entire day was spent having Sebastian relentlessly teasing you, keeping you on edge of orgasm any chance he got, only to deny your release with a grin. While the two of you made breakfast he kissed your neck, whispering the filthiest Romanian in your ear that made you squeeze your legs together and squirm. You let out a sigh of relief when it was time for the morning run,  meaning he'd be too busy to torment you but being the masochist that you are you put in your headphones in and turned on the playlist of songs the two of you had made for the bedroom. Even at the grocery store Sebastian made sure to tease you. In an empty aisle he pushed you against the shelf, sliding his hand inside your yoga pants to rub your clit with his fingers as he kissed you. When he pulled away you caused after his lips, wanting more of his taste. He just chuckled as he picked up a bag of corn chips, tossing them into the basket. 
"Asshole." You muttered, the heat between your legs driving you mad
That night Sebastian had you splayed out on the bed, hands tied to the headboard  with velvet ropes and a black ball gag was pushed between your lips. You laid waiting for Sebastian to come in and finish his plan for you, your pussy soaking through  your black lace panties as you tried to press against the Hitachi he had strapped with bobdage tape against your thigh. He left it turned off just to fuck with you and went diwnstajd to get the champagne. It was ten thirty, you noted the time as you turned your head to the clock on the nightstand. The sound of the door clicking open made your oussy clench, knowing that your boyfriend was entering. Holding two glasses of champagne and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries, Sebastian made his way over to stand next to the bed and look down at you with a smirk. 
"Comfortable, baby?"
"Fuck you." You grumbled behind your gag, eyes playfully gleaming up at him
"Oh what was that, Prinţesă? You're not being mouthy are you?" 
You shook your head and he smiled softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He pulled the gag out of your mouth and dropped it to hang against your neck before he ran his fingertips over cheek as he leaned down to kiss you. 
"Want some champagne?" He asked
"Before midnight?!" You gasped in mock offense 
"Yeah. I have a feeling you're going to be quite busy at midnight"
Sebastian's hand trailed down your body and inside the hem of your panties, pushing between the vibrator and your mind until he found your clit. 
"Incă atât de umed pentru mine" 
His words sent a shiver down your spine and you mewled beneath him. You hardly ever knew what he was saying when he spoke his native language but it sounded so incredibly hot that you didn't care. 
"Dont worry about it" He chuckled, rubbing his fingers in a circular motion over your clit  "I could read you my grocery list and you'd cum, wouldn't you, Prinţesă?" 
"Probably,  yeah" you shuddered unashamed 
"Asta e curva mea"  That's my whore
You knew what that meant and you nearly came then and there but he quickly removed his hand and placed his slick fingers against your lips. You placed your mouth on them and sucked him clean, eyes rolling back at the taste of your own arousal. When he removed his fingers, he picked up one of the champagne glasses and took a sip, leaning down to press his lips against yours allowing the alcohol to pour from his mouth into yours. You swallowed, eyes filled with fiery lust, hungry for more.  He repeated the action, giving you another drink, then held one of strawberries up to your mouth and smiled as you took a bite. He fed you champagne and strawberries until the first glass was empty. He picked up the second glass and took a sip, swallowing as he looked at his watch. Grinning and without warning he switched on the vibrator onto the lowest setting. He then stripped himself of his clothes and laid down beside you and replaced the ball gag. For the next forty five minutes Sebastian made you edge close to orgasm as he played with your breasts and spoke the filthiest words in your ear as his other hand tangled in your hair. 
"Don't you dare fucking cum" he would growl when you got close 
When you thought that you couldn't take anymore Sebastian checked his watch again before he sat up and laid your panties to the side, causing the head of the Hitachi wand to press directly against your ready clit, still on low. 
"Its 11:58 and some odd seconds. At 11:59, I'm going to turn it all the way on high. If you cum before midnight, January won't be a fun month, mă înțelegi?"
"I..I understand" you panted, fingers gripping the headboard tightly as you prepared yourself 
"Fata buna" Good girl
Sebastian watched his clock count the seconds and then right on the minute mark, turned the vibrator on high,  causing you to shriek. It was too much, too high against your overly sensitive clit and it almost burned. There was no way you would be able to cum not like this. Sebastian waited until there was thirty seconds left in the year and wrapped his hand around your throats applying pressure. He hovered over you, his face inches from yours as he began to speak again. 
"Tine-l copil" That's it, baby
"nu cum încă" don't cum yet
"asta este fata mea bună" that's my good girl 
"dracu 'ești atât de frumoasă" you're so fucking beautiful
"curva mea murdară" my dirty little whore 
"ai face orice pentru mine nu-i așa?" You would do anything for me, wouldnt you?
"da, ai vrea." yes, you would
"esti gata, draga mea?" Are you ready, darling? 
"zece" ten
"nouă" nine
"opt" eight
"asta este fata mea bună" that's my good girl
"Șapte" seven
"şase" six
"poți să o faci" you can do it 
"cinci" five
"haide, suntem aproape acolo" come on baby, were almost there
"patru" four
"Trei" three
"Două" two
"unu" one
"cum pentru mine!" Cum for me
Sebastian inserted two of his fingers inside of you and began to thrust them in and out hard as you came, soaking the entire bed and his arm with your cum. Everything went white and you felt as if you had flown off the bed and was floating in space as your orgasm ripped through you, the vibrations from the sky unrelenting as it took what Sebastian wanted. Your pussy gripped his fingers tight as he pressed them against your gspot, more of your juices flowing from you. Your stomach muscles seized, your breath hitched mid orgasm and you didn't breathe again until he had removed his hand from you and switched off the vibrator. You collapsed against the bed in a heap of sweat and exhaustion, your calf muscles twitching and your eyes still seeing sparks. 
"F-f-fuck me, Sebastian!"  You managed to gasp out "I need you" 
Sebastian needed not be told twice, within seconds he had the vibrstir and tape removed and he pushed his cock inside of you with a low groan, burying his face in your neck as he rocked against you, for how long you didn't know, all you knew is that you couldn't stop cumming. 
He kissed you as you rode the wave of your third, maybe fourth orgasm, clenching around his cock and milking him of his own. Holding you close. Sebastian stilled his movements and remained inside of you, continuing to plant soft kisses on your lips as you drifted off to sleep in his arms with a murmur. 
"I love you too, Prinţesă. Happy New Year."
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
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For @oceanwaves-blog, because you are lovely person and sometimes life can be rough, but we always have people who care about us.
Summary: Gray's not feeling great, so Natsu comes up with a surprise to help him feel better. Rating: General Audiences Pairings: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Depression, Music, Inspired by Music, Family Feels, chosen family, sweet husbands, Best Friends, Fluff, minor hurt/comfort, Happy Ending, Gray's a bit depressed, but Natsu's a good husband
“You okay, Snowflake?”
Natsu slipped up behind Gray in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Gray’s waist and kissing the back of his neck. Gray sighed, leaning back into the embrace and putting his hand over Natsu’s on his stomach.
“I dunno,” he said quietly, waiting for the hiss of the Keurig to stop before grabbing his coffee mug. He didn’t turn around, just ran his thumb over the back of Natsu’s hand and stared at the tiles along the counter. “Just tired.”
“You always say that when you’re sad,” Natsu murmured against Gray’s neck. He pulled Gray tighter against him and kissed behind his ear. “I love you.”
“Love you too, mon coeur,” Gray said softly. “I dunno, I’ve just been... work is stressful and stupid things are getting to me.” He rubbed his face, then took a sip of his coffee. “My shoulder’s been hurting which is dumb cause it’s been seventeen years.”
“Not dumb,” Natsu said, taking Gray’s hand and placing it on his scarred left arm. “This still hurts sometimes too.” Gray ran his fingers gently down Natsu’s forearm and across his wrist. “I’m sorry you’re feeling shitty,” Natsu added. “Anything I can do?”
“Mm.” Gray set his coffee down and turned around slowly in the circle of Natsu’s arms. Natsu gave him a soft smile and leaned in for a kiss. “Kisses are good.”
“You guys are so sweet it’s disgusting.” They both looked up to see Sylvie standing in the doorway of the kitchen, a smile on her face and her arms crossed over her chest. Gray laughed, letting go of Natsu and moving over to hug Sylvie.
“That’s new,” Natsu commented, kissing Sylvie on the cheek and pointing to the ring in her septum. “What’s your mom think?”
“She thinks you’re a bad influence,” Sylvie said, rolling her eyes and gesturing to Natsu’s own piercings. Natsu laughed, leaning back against the counter. “It’s better now that I’m in the college dorms, though. We fight less.”
“Told you,” Natsu said. “You want a coffee before we head out, or you ready to rock?”
“Already stopped at Starbucks, your frappucino is in the car.” Sylvie grinned.
“You’re my favorite niece,” Natsu said. “Don’t tell Kiya or Ada.” Then he turned and pulled Gray into another quick hug. “You gonna be okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” Gray said, kissing Natsu’s forehead. “I’ve got a bunch of work stuff I’ve gotta get through. Go have fun with your music.”
“’kay.” Natsu waited until Sylvie was back at the front door before pressing another soft kiss to Gray’s lips. “Text me if you need anything, okay? Je t’aime.”
Gray sighed, pressing his face into Natsu’s hair before letting him go. “Je t’aime aussi.”
“Why do you have Uncle Gray’s meeting notes?”
Sylvie stood in the middle of Ryos and Sting’s basement, frowning at the sheaf of papers on Natsu’s chair. There were several crumpled pages, covered with Gray’s neat handwriting and various doodles in the margins.
“’cause I have an idea,” Natsu replied, grabbing another chair. He turned it around, straddling it and crossing his arms over the back. “But I need your help.”
Sylvie raised an eyebrow and Natsu grabbed one of the pages, pointing at the doodles - they were actually lines of music that Gray had written. “I wanna learn to play this,” Natsu said, “but I can’t read music, it’s almost as bad as reading books.” He made a face. “If you play it on the piano, I can pick it up by ear, though.”
Sylvie took the music from Natsu and glanced over it. Sting appeared behind her, peeking over her shoulder and shaking his head.
“This is why I play the drums,” he muttered. “No music.”
Sylvie started humming under her breath, fingers following the hand-drawn staffs and notes that Gray had scribbled down.
“C’mere,” she said, gesturing for Natsu to grab his guitar and come sit next to the piano. She sat down and hovered her fingers over the keys, tapping out a few wrong notes before falling into a rhythm. She played the first few lines twice, then turned to Natsu, who closed his eyes and started picking it out on the guitar.
“How do you do that?” Sting asked, leaning against the piano and watching Natsu’s fingers dance over the strings as he corrected himself.
Natsu shrugged. “It just sounds right,” he said. He plucked out the melody a few more times, then nodded for Sylvie to keep going.
Half an hour and some creative flourishes later, Natsu was able to play the song from memory. He switched over to the electric guitar, fiddling with the setting on the amp before running through it again.
“I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be a classical piece,” Sylvie said, kicking her feet up on a chair and twirling a strand of purple hair around her finger. Natsu grinned at her, running through a quick series of notes and ending on a loud chord.
“It’s more fun like this,” Natsu argued, looking up at Sylvie and Sting. “Now all it needs is some drums and bass.”
Gray sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. The comptuer screen was making his head hurt, and part of him desperately wanted a nap. He wished Natsu were home.
As if reading his thoughts, a text popped up on his phone.
hey snowflake, hows work? u wanna come for super? ryos is maknig that pasta u like. but if u dont wanna be with ppl i can come home. love u. <3
Gray smiled, tapping his fingers against the phone screen as he contemplated the question. He glanced out the window – it was still light out, and the drive to Ryos and Sting’s place would take him along the beach. And as much as he felt like curling up under the blankets right now, spending time with friends was probably a better idea.
The sun was just setting as Gray drove along the beach, soft layers of gold and pink slowly slipping behind the curve of the park behind him. It helped calm Gray’s nerves, and by the time he got to Ryos and Sting’s place, he was already feeling better.
“Hey, you,” Ryos said as he opened the door. He examined Gray’s face, then pulled him into a hug. “Bad day?”
Gray shrugged, returning the embrace and then leaning back to kick off his shoes. He resisted the urge to repeat the usual just tired, and instead said, “sorta.”
“Well, I made linguine,” Ryos said, motioning for Gray to follow him into the kitchen. “They’ve been downstairs all afternoon, I haven’t seen them since they got here. You want something to drink?” He opened the fridge and gestured to the bottles of beer in the door.
Gray shook his head. “Not supposed to drink with the new meds,” he said, settling down at the kitchen table and fiddling with the napkin on his plate.
“Are they helping at all?” Ryos asked, grabbing the water jug from the fridge and setting it on the table.
“I dunno.” Gray shrugged. “It’s only been a week, it’s hard to tell. I still feel weird about taking them, which is dumb because Natsu’s been on meds for forever.”
“I’m sorry,” Ryos said, sitting down across from Gray. “I hope they help.”
“Me too,” Gray said softly.
The door to the basement opened and Natsu popped his head out, smiling when he saw Gray.
“Hey, handsome,” he said, moving over and kissing Gray’s head. “I knew you wouldn’t say no to pasta.”
Dinner was comfortable and familiar, and Gray felt some of the melancholy slip away as they ate and traded stories back and forth. Sylvie talked animatedly about her mechanical engineering program, and Natsu teased her about the guy she was dating.
“You still think kissing is gross?” he asked, laughing. Sylvie rolled her eyes at him, sticking out her tongue.
“You know I do,” she said, grabbing another slice of garlic toast. “And so does he.”
“Have Ur and Xavier met him yet?” Gray asked around a mouthful of salad. Sylvie shook her head.
“I was actually thinking of bringing him for brunch on Sunday,” she said. “I just hope papa doesn’t embarrass me.” When Sting raised his eyebrows at her, she elaborated. “He wore socks with sandals to Félix’s graduation last week.”
“The horror,” Ryos mumbled from behind his wine glass.
“It was atrocious,” Sylvie muttered.
After dinner, Natsu grabbed Gray’s hand and pulled him toward the basement.
“C’mere,” he said, “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Gray frowned, but followed Natsu down the stairs into the practice space they’d set up. Natsu and Gray had spent a weekend helping Ryos and Sting soundproof and paint it, and they kept all of their instruments there.
“Go sit,” Natsu said, nudging Gray toward the couch. Ryos sat down as well, kicking his legs up over Gray’s lap and watching as Sting settled down behind the drums. Natsu grabbed his guitar and fiddled with the amp a bit, while Sylvie did the same with her bass.
“What song is it?” Gray asked, tipping his head back against the couch cushions.
“Surprise,” was all Natsu said. He did some quick tuning, then settled down on the stool and began to play.
Gray watched, fascinated, as Natsu’s fingers flew across the fret, dancing through a ridiculous progression of notes that ended in a loud chord. It was quickly followed by Sylvie and Sting joining in.
The song was bright, energy flowing through the notes, and Gray tapped his fingers against Ryos’ legs to the beat. They were almost thirty seconds into the song when Gray realized it was his music.
“I... wrote this,” he said softly, and Ryos raised an eyebrow at him. “H-how...”
Natsu’s eyes were closed now, and Gray knew he was playing from memory, fingers picking out each note. Natsu had described it to Gray once as colors, splashes of light that jumped out at him and dragged his fingers to the right places.
Gray’s face softened as he watched, memories surfacing of Natsu at seventeen, curled up in the corner of the youth center with his acoustic guitar, hair falling in his face while he played. He was always so gentle with his instruments, even when he was dancing riffs down the fret of the electric guitar. Gray thought of those hands on him, tracing circles on his arms, curling in his hair.
Natsu was gorgeous, and Gray was so, so lucky.
The song ended on a flourish, and Natsu bit his lip ring as he looked up at Gray while the final chord rang in the air. Gray realized his cheeks were wet and he wiped them quickly.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Natsu said softly as he set down the guitar and moved to the couch, crouching down in front of Gray and running his hands up and down Gray’s thighs. Ryos slipped out of the way, giving Gray and Natsu some space.
“You stole my notes,” Gray said softly, reaching out and brushing Natsu’s bangs out of his eyes.
“I did,” Natsu said, sliding onto the couch next to Gray. He kissed Gray’s cheek, then rested his head on Gray’s shoulder. “Did you like it?”
“Of course I did,” Gray whispered, sliding his fingers between Natsu’s and squeezing his hand tightly. “You’re amazing.” He sniffed, looking up at the other three, who were all pretending not to look. “Thank you,” he said, loud enough for Sting and Sylvie to know he was talking to them as well.
“It was fun,” Sylvie said, plopping down on Gray’s other side and snuggling up next to him. Gray sighed, leaning his head against hers and feeling an overwhelming sense of nostalgia for the little girl who used to climb into his lap and demand he read to her. “But I told Uncle Natsu it was supposed to be a classical piece.”
Gray snorted. “I don’t think he’d play classical music if you paid him,” he said, and Natsu nodded in agreement. “And it sounded good.” Hearing Natsu’s interpretation of his notes was... Gray couldn’t think of a word to describe it.
“Well, you know what that means,” Natsu said, bringing Gray’s hand to his lips and kissing it. Gray raised an eyebrow at him, and Natsu smiled. “You’re just gonna have to write more music for us.”
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godofvillains-a · 3 years
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I posted 3,982 times in 2021
1510 posts created (38%)
2472 posts reblogged (62%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.6 posts.
I added 4,841 tags in 2021
#mv: god has entered the game - 2278 posts
#ti speaks - 958 posts
#thereddishmuse: if you fall i'll catch you; i'll be waiting; time after time - 405 posts
#thereddishmuse - 262 posts
#quirkidol: you're better than drugs - 223 posts
#plaguebearing - 197 posts
#mobile - 168 posts
#plaguebearing: doctor doctor gimme the news; i got a bad case of lovin' you - 133 posts
#omgcoffeeandmurder - 109 posts
#nsfw// - 108 posts
Longest Tag: 105 characters
#and the person who made my icons for most my ocs didn't wish to draw god characters due to their religion
My Top Posts in 2021
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Cleaning up my following list by June 2nd. I will unfollow anyone who doesn’t interact with me or this post.
If you wish to remain being followed, PLEASE like or reblog this post. if you have side blogs, reblog this and list the name of your blogs you have. You can also do so if you have multiple main blogs (and don’t wish to reblog/like on all of them.)
If we are interacting, or have interacted recently, I will remain a follower (I may make a mistake tho and unfollow!) Which is why, if we ARE interacting, to still like or reblog this post to make sure I don’t accidentally unfollow.
Please do NOT interact with this post if you have NO intentions of interacting with me. I do NOT want to follow people who do not want to interact with me or have no interest.
If you ARE unfollowed, that doesn’t mean I will never follow again! If we interact, I will follow again!
70 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 20:52:02 GMT
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I’ve come undone I think I’ll kill everyone My, what have I done? Fuck it let’s kill everyone
Loved by Ti - Non mutual friendly - Semi Selective - Shigaraki RP blog with side muses (upon request.)
Credit: Art | Edit
77 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 16:54:56 GMT
"I'm fine just.....blushing a bit....don't worry about it." Lynn said chuckling then nodded at the thought of the beach. "you know I like that idea. Been a while since I got to hang out on a beach and splash around in the water. Let's go." Lynn said resisting a urge to move closer to the male and steal a kiss. She wanted to so bad seeing as he was feeling in a affectionate mood but she would wait for him to let her know it was okay to do so.
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     Shigaraki quirked a brow at her. “Oh... blushing.. what are you blushing about?” he questioned and let go of her cheek. “I don’t have clothes to play in the water.. But I am up for making sand castles and the sorts. It’s good weather for the beach anyways...”
    The villain god made a nod and turned to head towards the beach that was nearby.
85 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 17:32:15 GMT
Lynn pulled away a moment after and folded the blanket and placed it someplace out of their way and nodded. "I had a nice sleep. How was your games?" Lynn asked as she pulled a coffee cup from the cupboard and placed it on the counter and poured herself a nice cup of hot coffee and added what she liked and stirred to perfection before taking a nice long sip.
"I don't remember falling asleep so I must have been really tired. So thank you for carrying me to bed I was really comfortable under all those blankets." Lynn added with a large smile on her face.
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     “It was nice. I beat one of the games I was playing. But I found there isn’t much to do post game...” He set their plates on the table to eat, beckoning her to join him to eat. “I am glad you slept well. I’ll probably sleep here soon, within the next day or so. Not all that tired actually, but I now soon I’m gonna need my sleep,” he hummed as he began to eat his food.
126 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 20:08:41 GMT
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176 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 00:44:03 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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renasrouge · 6 years
A Student Seating Shipping Planning Session
read on ao3
summary: in which miss bustier is a shipper who just wants her otp to be canon, and she’s willing to recruit her colleagues to do it.
word count: 1311
a/n: this is the first fanfic i wrote from over a year ago, so i figure it should be the first that i post on here too. just a warning, it’s not meant to be realistic, and the genre leans heavily toward crack. hope you enjoy!!
“Welcome to the first student seating planning session of the school year,” Miss Bustier announces cheerfully as the screen behind her illuminates in a full-screen presentation. “Let us begin!”
Ms. Mendeleiev and Mr. D'Argencourt stare back at her with blank faces. Miss Bustier guesses they’re a bit upset that she called them for a teacher meeting so early in the morning.
Mr. D’Argencourt slowly raises a hand. “Excuse me, but why am I here for this?”
“Essentially,” Ms. Bustier starts, “I know that all of us have been taking our student... pairings into strong consideration for a few months, and I know it's not necessarily in our job descriptions, but we need to talk about our students.”
Ms. Mendeleiev takes this pause as a cue to slam her fists on the table. “These teenagers have too many personal problems and absolutely no regard for lab safety. No respect for their educators! Just this last Wednesday, I found Alya Césaire blogging during my lecture. Blogging! Those uncultivated 21st century children... and don't even get me started on Alix and Kim, always betting in my class! Caline, you've had the same issues, correct?”
But Miss Bustier is already far gone, plotting ways to make DJWifi a reality.
Miss Bustier snaps out of her reverie and realizes that she still needs to start the meeting. “Sorry. Yes. The shipping fates of our students are a matter to all of us, so I think we should start with the first topic. First, you two are strong student shippers, correct?”
“I'm sorry, shippers?” Mr. D'Argencourt asks.
Miss Bustier gapes at her coworkers' ignorance. “People who ship.”
This time, Ms. Mendeleiev jumps in, continuing her rant from earlier. “Those pesky kids still have no regard for lab safety and listen to that sickening music during my class—”
Miss Bustier sighs, wondering why she even bothered with this. “Shipping. Ships. Pairing students.”
Mr. D'Argencourt strokes his mustache with the tip of his fencing epee (which he had brought to the meeting despite multiple glares of disapproval). There’s a pregnant pause as Miss Bustier waits for him to catch up.
"I still do not see... ”
As a last resort, Miss Bustier swipes the remote from the table. She absent-mindedly flips through the presentation slides, scrolling past the seating charts of every class in the school. She stops on one particular class with too many ships for its own good and draws a line with her finger, linking the yearbook photos of a sweet pigtailed girl and a blond boy with green eyes.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste,” she says. “This is a ship.”
The recognition on Ms. Mendeleiev and Mr. D'Argencourt's faces is instant.
“Those two!” Ms. Mendeleiev shrieks, and Miss Bustier swears that the dogs across the street start to bark at the sound. “Always late for everything and going to the bathroom just when I'm about to reach the climax of my lecture! The ungrateful hooligans—”
"My star fencing student!” Mr. D'Argencourt jumps at the same time. “And... some other girl.” He tilts his head so that it rests on the epee's handle. “They may make a good couple.”
Miss Bustier feels like crying tears of joy. At least the PE teacher isn't a lost cause.
“Yes, yes, Armand! Look, they're right here—”
Miss Bustier trips over her words as she flips through the rest of her slides, finding one that she snapped in literature class last week. Adrien is sitting in his usual seat, diligently scribbling at his desk. Behind him, Marinette is gazing longingly at the back of his head. While Miss Bustier supposes that she should have reprimanded Marinette for daydreaming in class, it was such a golden ship moment that she couldn't disturb the peace.
"This is Adrinette,” Miss Bustier explains. “Marinette has a hopeless crush on Adrien—the entire school can confirm it—and from this picture that I took from the courtyard window, he likes her back at least a little.
“This is Adrien writing some sort of letter—a confession letter, maybe?—in class on Valentine's Day, and this is Marinette falling onto him on the school's front steps. She's a little clumsy, but I think Adrien finds it endearing. My point is that it’s our responsibility as teachers to advance this ship to its full potential, and—”
Miss Bustier has Ms. Mendeleiev's interest now. “So, Caline, you're proposing that if we move around the seating so that Marinette and Adrien are together, Miss Dupain-Cheng will be motivated to come on-time to class to see Mr. Agreste? And my teaching will be interrupted less often?”
“Well, I guess that would be a bonus, but we should have them sit next to each other to let Adrien realize his feelings for Marinette and fulfill one of many ships in the class.”
There's silence once more.
“Many? So there are other... ships?” Mr. D'Argencourt twirls his epee in one hand, and Miss Bustier resists the urge to confiscate it.
Focus on the ships. Focus on the ships.
“Yes, of course. Let me draw them out.”
Miss Bustier flips back to the seating charts and begins to connect the pictures.
"Here, you have Alya and Nino, DJWifi. Alya manages the Ladyblog and Nino is an aspiring DJ and filmmaker—you can see how they would help each other out in the future and be a media-savvy power couple, and they both even wear glasses—”
Ms. Mendeleiev stares.
"—and over here there's Alix and Kim, who sit diagonal, or alternately Kim and Max, which is a pretty good ship too, except Kim apparently liked Chloé back in February, which we can hope he got over, since that would invalidate both of the possible ships, and then right behind them there's Juleka and Rose—also a bit of a problem since Rose has shown clear interest in Ali, but she’d better get over it because Julerose is so cute—and, oh, Mylène and Ivan sit way too far away in class—”
Mr. D'Argencourt slowly shifts away.
"—but right now the only good thing we've got going on the whole right side of the seating chart is that Nathanael is far, far away from society where he can impact the golden beauty that is Adrinette, and we have to make sure that he doesn't move up behind Marinette, or my secondary OTP will in sincere danger, and there's the problem of how to put Chloé farther from Adrien, and Ivan closer to Mylène, and Alya where she can actually talk to Nino, and Nathanael preferably even farther away from Marinette, and Sabrina who-knows-where—I mean, we could ship her with Max, but I'm not sure how they would interact considering the current seating—and just augh! We need a new seating chart to promote my ships! Now! I can’t do this anymore!”
Ms. Mendeleiev and Mr. D'Argencourt sit in silence, watching as Miss Bustier catches her breath.
“Caline…” Ms. Mendeleiev starts softly.
“Ladynoir!” Miss Bustier wails, dropping to her knees on the meeting room carpet. “My OTP! There hasn't been an akuma attack in weeks!”
By now, she's sobbing, and Ms. Mendeleiev cautiously places a hand on the literature teacher's shoulder.
"I'm—I’m facing separation anxiety,” Miss Bustier admits between cries. “I spent f—f—five hours sorting ships for my classes yesterday night! The Ladynoir fandom is inactive!”
"Is there... anything we can do to help?” Ms. Mendeleiev says hesitantly as Mr. D'Argencourt backs away.
"Thank you, Silvia, but I'll... I’ll be fine.”
Miss Bustier collects herself, swallowing her tears and climbing into a standing position. Mortified, she realizes that she’s just completely embarrassed herself in front of her colleagues. In one swift motion, Miss Bustier swings her purse over her shoulder and yanks her laptop from the projector monitor, striding away down the hallway as quickly as possible.
She supposes it's time to calm her nerves and read some more Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction.
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mythharvester · 3 years
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Over the next three weeks I intend to journal my dreams and use the info and my interpretations as the basis for a short story entitled Walking In My Shoes. Each day I will probably be a chapter and I will eventually post each chapter.
Chapter One DAY ONE - What A Year.
He woke to the ping of his mobile phone going off. Resisting the urge to immediately check the phone Cassidy tried to centre himself. He must have nodded off reading, his Ipad was next to him. The room was dark and peaceful but the pull of technology got to him and he reached over to check his messages. It was 10:30, he had a new message. "HAPPY New Year! Not quite there yet, they probably decided they won't make it to midnight so triggered the message early.
Still it was 10-30 on December 31. 2020 was all but done, a year that will go down in history no doubt, a year that even the youth will remember, the year the world shutdown. As he lay in the dark an urge popped into his head, he Laughed at the notion that even his thoughts had a Scottish accent. (say a wee prayer for everybody big yin don't be shy, its been a hard yin for everybody, it's no goin tae dae ye any herm ). He Laughed again at the fact he was having a debate with himself then he closed his eyes and asked for the right words.
Thank you heavenly father for the challenges you have provided us this year. Please accept our brothers and sisters who have departed us into your loving arms. Continue to shine your light on those who dedicate themselves to providing support, assistance and solutions to those who require their attention. Thank you for guiding us to a working vaccine. Lastly holy father, please continue to shower us with your holy spirit so that more of us can walk a path of empathy, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, humility and unconditional love. Thy will be done.
Ping, whose this one from? Happy New Year.
He dragged his attention away from the phone and focused his thoughts on reflection. "The year that was! How did he feel about his year? Was he happy how it unfolded? What were the main changes he had noticed? Did he feel like he moved forward?
As he pondered over the year he felt a shift almost like a synchronisation as he connected with his truth.
Overall it had been a fantastic year. Ok, that book is still not written, but from a spiritual point of view he has moved forward dramatically and he was writing blogs and maybe honing his skills. He felt happy and at peace. The first shift he recalled Happened in May. It creeped up on him a bit, and he did not realise it till September when he was reading about it. He stopped worrying about stuff. Kay serra serra. The second shift happened in October, the power of intention at work. 10 months of setting intentions to, be a beacon of light, be kind, compassionate, forgiving, non-judgmental and he noticed himself consciously stepping around insects, his natural instinct to seek to kill any fly or spider in the room was gone. No longer squashing ants that find there way onto his office desk. Being in tune to the oneness of nature.
So what now its a new year, 2021, a new beginning, where to now? Honestly he thought I'm still a long way from Enlightenment and truthfully he was not sure he wanted to get that high up the mountain. Fact is he would be satisfied if in 2021 he reached a level of joy, of unconditional love, the level of healing.
As he Lay on his bed, the room still dark, breathing deeply, relaxing he could feel the Project Manager in him butting into the room.
Lets map out what worked for you in 2020. So the list began.
His four anchors:
• Maybe- the importance of acceptance, detachment from
outcome. Good news, bad news, Maybe, smile, this
too shall pass. Good fortune can also change so make it a simple process to release stuff. Live life with a mind open to anything.
• Frozen-emotions can be really powerful chains to
break away from. If we hold a glass of water at arms length it is not a burden, however 6 hours Later our arm is shaking, emotions are worse if we hang on to anger, jealousy, resentment we get bitter. Frozen is the cartoon-its about the song. Let it go. More of Wayne Dyers 10 principles, "There are no justified resentments and you can't give what you don't have. (if you squeeze an orange you get orange juice, squeeze an angry person you get anger.) Fill yourself with love what will come out when you get squeezed? Let it go! Forgive and moves on. Let it go.
• Is that so- increase the gap between stimulus
and response, don't react, don't defend yourself or your opinions, you don't need to prove you are right, to win. Acceptance, we are all one, I see you brother and I see God's high in you.
• Edith Pieff-No regrets, there is no such thing
as a bad decision, only the best choice available to us at that time. Sing it Edith.
What else worked? The long drive Mondays and Fridays and taking the opportunity to listen to audiobooks. In fact being informed that the the New Testament vibrates over 700 and that keeping things that vibrate that high close raises your own vibration is the reason I've been sleeping next to it and reading it.
Then there was using cards to set daily intentions in line with his quest to raise his vibration.
It still surprises him how, more often than not the card he pulls is so pertinent to what is going on at the time.
Oh and obviously there are the fundamentals of meditation and prayer. Find silence, find God? and ask and it is given, Dear Lord, how may I serve, why am I here? how can I help raise the consciousness level?
Enjoying lying back on the bed in the dark he thought the List is getting a bit long but he believed the little writing course he did deserved to be in there. It got him back on track with his writing but more importantly the fact that some of the others got him interested in Angels and spirit guides. (Live life with a mind open to anything) It led in his belief to the second shift. Talking to them as part of his bedtime ritual asking for guidance led to some surprising synchronicity.
He checked his watch 11.45 almost midnight, almost a new year, almost 2021, a new beginning. he felt alive and his thoughts went through the motions of his strategies and connections that helped him make the progress in 2020. More of the same was his initial thought, but as usual with thoughts his brain filled with with the cry-You can't solve a problem at the level it was created. You need a breakthrough, a new teacher. In a world where 78% of the population calibrate below the level of integrity and only 4% get to where you want to go or higher you are going to need something else to help get to the next camp on the mountain. As the relaxed and focused on his breaths he knew there was something he was missing. Like those times you maybe know a song, its on the tip of your tongue but, it's not there. The one that jumps into your head 3 hours later and slaps you in the face.
He focused on his breathing, in breath, out breath. Ping, Happy New Year, Midnight or in Scotland, the Bells. As his thoughts wandered to his homeland it came to him. The audio book on rising up the calibration scale. What the orator said. "In my experience progression to this level comes after the person manages to open their third eye.
Six days Later he woke to the alarm, time to get up for work, another crazy dream? He thought it was similar to the previous 5 nights. Since new year! Was there something in that? He had been asking his angels, spirit guides, and higher self for guidance and assistance to help open his third eye.
Showered and dressed in his hi-vis protective clothing he absentmindedly picked up his deck of Angel cards and started shuffling. He stopped and pulled his card for the day. His card was Dreams. It always makes him Laugh when it happens (thinking about a subject, pull that card). He pulled the book to find out what the card meant. Turns out the universe was involved, The angels want him to record his dreams so he will remember the messages they will deliver to him. Are these messages going to enable him to open his third eye? Will this be a case of when the student is ready the teacher appears?
Later that evening he meditated for a while and got into bed. Holy Father, my guardian angels, my angels, spirit guides, my higher self and ascended masters I give you permission to join me in my dreams and please guide me and help me to clear and unblock my Chakras and open up my third eye. Help me to remember my dreams and to interpret any signs or messages I need to help me on my journey. Thy will be done.
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