#i'm so excited for this new change though
cassandraclare · 2 days
Alexa: Will we ever get to hear about Tessa's time in the Spiral Labyrinth? I think that would be so cool. 2) Why does Jem always say that the Carstairs owe the Herondales? I know that Jem feels that Will saved him when he was a child, but Jem saved will just as much as Will saved Jem. I'm curious if you have any more thoughts on that, like if it is just part of Jem's personality that he feels so keenly that he owes Will.
Sure, Jem saved Will just like Will saved Jem, but that isn't going to make Jem feel like he owes Will less, because indeed, that's not his personality (or Will's — Will would say the Herondales owe the Carstairs.) For Jem, this is a very pure feeling, that he will always owe this debt to Will and to the Herondales, and even though he wouldn't deny he also saved Will, he wouldn't qualify the statement — "The Carstairs owe the Herondales, though, you know, the Herondales also owe the Carstairs and so it's basically even but I'd still like to help out" because it would undercut the strength of his conviction. None of that means he doesn't know he did a lot for Will and Will's family too! As to whether there's more to Jem's belief that the Carstairs owe the Herondales than the obvious, we will have to see.
Ack, the caps! Hello, friend. It is true that not every moment of every day of every decade has been described in a series, but that is fairly normal! We don't know exactly what transpires between Last Hours and Mortal Instruments (though we have many hints in the various short story collections, especially where it comes to the time of the Circle) — nor do we know what, for instance, was happening in the New York Institute during The Infernal Devices. With a big universe, you're never going to know what's happening in every place at every time. There will always be gaps; it's neither a bug nor a feature, more a natural consequence of the format.
I totally understand being like, "The Shadowhunter world cannot end with Wicked Powers, there are more stories to tell" but — whenever it all ended — there would always be more stories to tell.
princeash asked:
Hi Cassie!! So excited by the announcement! My question is, are we getting a Ash pov in tlkof?and could we maybe get a snippet of him 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 (also, I'm very happy about finally getting a release date and i dont mind waiting because i know you'll make it worth the wait!! 🤎)
Hello! We are not getting Ash's POV in TLKOF, unless something major changes. Ash is a bit of a mysterious figure for quite a while. Figuring out what makes him tick and what he's really up to is part of the fun. Also I'm working on not overwhelming people with so many POVs. :)
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polaris-stuff · 2 days
Hey Noffy again.
You know ... I had planned on writing out a post today. Of why my view on this whole situation is so different. Maybe put it finally all into words.(And I still might make it) Talking through here has been...easing on the nerves of ever making a post about tsams. That I always hesitated on for various reasons but
This episode on Tsmas. (Montys plan to bring old.moon back)My thoughts on the celestial family hasnt changed.
But personally even as someone who was/is defending the celestial family.
I HATE the idea of killing new moon to bring the old moon back. Just because he is spiralling and hurting. Lashing out at his family and wanting to kill ruin/Bloodmoon. Doesn't mean Moon doesn't love and care for his family.
I don't think Monty talked to sun about this. AT ALL I don't think sun would want this either (I hope so at least i really really hope so) considering he ran off during the last discussion after firmly stating he didn't wanna do any of the things they were suggesting. I am holding out some hope.
I am not making my judgement on old moons feelings yet. Guy ain't got the full context. Just what Monty told him (wich was heavily skewed imo) and whatever flashes he gets when active. But based on the context he got. New moon hurts his family of course he wants to do something.
The only reason I would be okay with old moon returning is if it DIDNT kill/destroy new moon.
Killing never solved anything in this show anyway.
(also not liking computer just listening to monty to shock moon. But that is a whole another can of worms)
So yeah. While I still be defending sun ( and to a lesser extend the families) desissions.
If Monty goes through with this. Without talking to any of them??? I be so pissed.
(also weird thing I seemed to notice. A lot of people in the YouTube comments seemed really excited for new moon to be gone and old moon to return. While here on Tumblr. The opposite seems to be the case. Either way. If I could have my cake they both be around in the long run. But that's a hopeful idea that likely won't happen. )
Hi, Noffy! Sorry if today's answer isn't that long, I'm a little tired😭
But yeah! I totally agree with you! Monty didn't talk about what he did to Moon with Sun today, Sun has no idea that Monty went to talk to Old Moon and I hope the computer notifies Sun what happened. Although, honestly, I'm starting to not expect anything because I'll be disappointed when it doesn't happen
I genuinely do NOT want Old Moon back. I know that Old Moon loved his family and he loved Sun even though he hurt him but... Killing New Moon now... Just because he is having psychosis episodes and in a bad mental state...? Keeping him locked in a cage, electrocuting him until he faints... It sounds like torture.
I don't want Monty or Foxy to fix anything that's happening tbh, this is the SUN and MOON show, not MGAFS, so keep the protagonists on their own show.
And yes! Please don't read the YT comments, they are full of toxicity and little kids XD
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So I was reading your meta about why Tom/Minerva wouldn't be a thing or work out in the long run past a date or two, and thought I'd take a stab at how Tom and Alphard did make it work in your and Vinelle's fics.
Alphard's high tolerance for relationship shenanigans
Tom might care about his partners (he wouldn't start a relationship in the first place if he didn't), but he's often bad at letting them know, and also pulls a lot of obnoxious shenanigans/is pushy in general, which can drive off many potential partners. Being in a relationship with Tom means having to put up with a lot.
So Alphard is one of those people who can tolerate this. Maybe part of it is just his natural personality, but I feel like Walburga being so domineering during their early childhood (she's like this in their early adulthood too, and I doubt their dynamics have changed that much) also plays a major role. Alphard's still capable of being assertive and stubborn over things he finds particularly outrageous, but his default reaction to things he doesn't like is to give up after his first few attempts to change it fail, and just grumble and despair to himself in a corner. So when first-year Tom comes along beating him up, Alphard just goes with his well-practiced response of letting the other party have their way and getting it over with already.
He's also introverted and uncharismatic, which means he doesn't have much of a social life and gets lonely as a result. So having a boyfriend who values him for his thoughts and he can have a deeper connection with is something Alphard really likes, so even if said boyfriend is sometimes being negligent or pulling/having pulled crazy stuff (ie constantly beating him up in the past), it's still better than nothing. The fact that he's gay which massively cuts down on potential romantic partners, and would make him stigmatized if he got outed doesn't help. Neither does his massive crush on Tom. (Lily's more charming and doesn't have the orientation issue, but she's still lonely and without deep connections. In any case, she also displays the same high tolerance for less-than-stellar boyfriend behavior)
Minerva, who probably has a better social life and isn't so lonely, would be less tolerant of all of Tom's baggage.
2. Alphard already being aware Tom isn't all sunshine, and in general gets to see past the facade more
He's in Slytherin, and they're dormmates to boot, which means Alphard is getting a front-row seat to Tom being a horrible menace to their housemates (and him). Nonetheless he still finds things to admire about Tom, and though that could be kickstarted by teenage hormones, a good chunk of that attachment must come from Alphard himself or the crush wouldn't last so many years. Alphard is already at the point of being able to accept liking Tom while still knowing he does unpleasant things. So if you drop the revelation of Tom doing worse than just nasty school bullying onto their heads (ie the basilisk and horcruxes), Alphard will still be in for a shock, but that's less for him to process than Minerva who only gets the shattered charming perfect facade of Tom to work with.
Also, being dormmates means that Alphard in general gets to spend more time observing Tom, which combined with his perceptiveness means he knows Tom as a person rather well, maybe better than Tom knows him (Tom spent several years not paying attention), dirty secrets aside. Even the less observant Abraxas manages to see more of Tom by virtue of his position than Minerva.
3. Tom's actually interested because of circumstance and the mystery/newness factor
Tom is fresh from all the crazy stuff that went down last year and in the summer, and while presumably still having a mental breakdown has gotten some of it out of his system. He's still unhappy and restless and wants to do something to distract himself, but he probably wants it to be something less, uhh, exciting than what happened earlier. (I'm assuming what was described in OOI is also canon to TMWWBK or other fics)
And then while going through his usual kicking housemates in the stomach so they know their place routine, he notices Alphard's choice of reading material. Come on, there's no way his stupid dormmate actually understands that stuff, right? He's probably just being pretentious and wants to make himself feel smart. Nonetheless, there's nothing lost if he asks, and then when Alphard doesn't give the expected answer he gets curious. Isn't this exactly the kind of harmless pursuit he wanted? (Alphard, meanwhile, sees what's happening and decides to deliberately bait Tom into following up) One thing leads to another when Tom realizes Alphard himself has some pretty interesting thoughts sometimes, and then they're friends and romantically involved.
This also seems to be the case for other fics where Tom gets romantically entangled with someone. More than even intelligence, Tom seems to need that other person to have hidden depths or a mystery that he can pursue. Bonus points for them being evasive, which eggs him on. Minerva, as a known factor that he already gets the gist of, just doesn't interest him enough.
4. General romanticism and Alphard's willingness to commit
So you said Tom's romanticism makes him want to skip the dating stage and do relationships in an all or nothing way. Either they commit or there's no relationship at all.
And Alphard, who isn't exactly swimming in other options, is quite attached to Tom, and does have a dramatic streak himself, is willing to take the plunge. The fact that it's a taboo relationship (both same-sex and a pureblood seeing an apparent muggleborn) and they have to see each other in secret, demanding a higher level of commitment, just amplifies it.
5. The blood purism and societal issues thing
This is the part where it doesn't work. Well, those two have other things going for them, and have enough of an established relationship and care for each other that they try to work around this issue, but it never gets fully resolved in the canon and near-canon timelines. The blood purity debate is one of those things that comes up every now and then, and always ends with them deciding to call it quits because neither party is convincing the other anyways, and don't they have more productive things to do with their time?
So Tom of course struggles to get anywhere in the wizarding world as himself, and concerned, Alphard tries to help by giving him financial support, which often is turned down. Alphard might think it's just Tom being too proud to accept handouts, and that is part of the reason he won't take substantial gifts unless Alphard gets smart about it, but it's also a matter of principle. The issue is the wizarding world being built on nepotism and closing its doors to outsiders, and Tom only managing to do well with his insider boyfriend's help kind of proves the point.
Alphard is better about understanding muggleborn issues than most purebloods, but he isn't muggleborn himself, and there's still a remove between watching something happen to a loved one and experiencing it yourself. So he's aware of Tom's struggles to get anywhere in society legitimately, and acknowledges it's unfair, but the same tendency towards resignation that helps him put up with Tom's nonsense also works against him here, in that he gives up on the system changing too easily. For him, yes, the system is broken and there's a lot of things that could be done better so muggleborns don't get screwed over, but it is what it is, and it's not like they can actually change things. Tom, of course, refuses to accept this, and this tension eventually leads to Alphard being unable to prevent the Voldemort thing because he can't fully get it.
So that's at least what I got from analyzing things. Please let me know if I missed anything significant or got something wrong.
This is a truly beautiful post anon, I love it, but unfortunately confirming or denying anything would be spoilers to a lot of things..
Look, @therealvinelle, ship thoughts!
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Herald of Gozreh: Personification of Fury
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CR 15
Neutral Huge Outsider
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 290
Now we're getting somewhere! The tumultuous Herald of Gozreh is said to have been born when the dualistic god of nature blessed a terrifying storm with sapience, which is quite the backstory! And lends itself to the honor of being the Herald with the most ponderous name to say and type out, so from here on out I'm going to be referring to it as either POF or "Fury" (which it is stated to prefer) depending on if I want the sentence to be silly or serious. Gozreh is one of the few full deities which bodily resides in the Material Plane, and as such POF is often found swirling around on various planets within the universe, dancing among clouds and along shorelines, wreaking devastation or saving swaths of nature as Gozreh commands.
Fury is a force of both destruction and salvation, and sometimes the two are the same thing. Though it doesn't go out of its way to harm innocents, much like the terrifying storm it resembles, Fury doesn't often pause to consider their lives as it enacts Gozreh's will. It may arrive to save a town from a terrible wildfire by summoning a torrential rainstorm without care or consideration for the consequences, or it may stop a flood by freezing the water and giving the surrounding area only until the water melts to evacuate. While it will obey followers of Gozreh which summon it and fulfill their orders to the best of its abilities, Fury is almost exactly like the god it serves when it comes to solving a problem: direct and dramatic. If commanded to evacuate innocents from an area, it will punch straight through every intervening obstacle on its way to and from its target if going around would take even slightly too long. If commanded to destroy an enemy, it strikes them with the force and subtlety of a hurricane.
It is far from a mindless brute, though; its description in Serpent's Skull: Racing to Ruin brims with personality, showing POF to be something of an impatient child and trickster that's not above claiming to be Gozreh themselves when the whim strikes or if it believes that's what the situation warrants. When idle, it can take on the shapes of beasts to frolic among nature as Gozreh intended, and summons minor elementals into the world specifically to let them play and get up to mischief, watching them with the same affection a human may watch a bunch of kittens prance about their back yard. It frequently, accidentally causes cataclysmic destruction simply because it wished to investigate a new natural phenomenon somewhere in the world and couldn't contain its excitement about the new spring or storm or mountain, which caused bolts of destructive lightning, gusts of freezing rain, or blasts of howling wind to cascade off its body.
And if it's this destructive by accident, you probably have an idea of what it can do on purpose. Let's take a look!
Personification of Fury has all the powers of both an Air Elemental and a Water Elemental combined, and can freely use Change Shape to swap back and forth between either of them if it needs to disguise itself. Air Mastery and Water Mastery are both available for it, the former imposing a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls from flying creatures, the latter granting Fury a +1 to its own attack and damage rolls if both it and its target are touching water. Given that water constantly sheds off its body, it can cast Create Water at-will, and it can cast Control Weather 3/day, the ability may as well always be active.
Its connection to the winds and waves makes it immune to Cold and Electricity damage, but allows it to tack both onto its attacks. It usually pummels its enemies with two gigantic, stormy fists for 2d10+9 damage and either 2d6 Cold or Electricity damage, but not both, and can augment it further with Power Attack if need be. With a perfect 100ft fly speed, Fury is likely going to use its Flyby Attack either on its own or in tandem with its tremendous 15ft space and 15ft reach to pummel its foes with zero risk to itself, forcing enemies to fly up with it (which imposes the Air Mastery penalty onto them) or use ranged attacks against it... Ranged attacks it's most assuredly immune to.
Have you ever tried punching a hurricane? Shoot arrows at one, perhaps? You just can't, and that's true for Fury as well; it's got an absolutely backbreaking insurmountable DR 15, making it outright immune to most projectiles and a great many weapons players have access to around levels 10 to 15. You can't even rely on a crit to pierce it, because it's an Elemental and thus immune to critical hits and precision damage! If you want to harm Fury, you're going to need elemental damage (it's immune to Cold and Electricity, but nothing else), or to pour buffs into the Two-Handed-Weapon Enjoyer of the party and/or find some way to reduce or override Fury's DR... And maybe keep it grounded, because its 100ft fly speed is ridiculous.
Just don't be standing too close together when you do! Like its constituent elemental parts, it can also form its body into either a 10ft wide, 60ft high Whirlwind or, even more dangerously while in the water, a Vortex with the same measurements, essentially becoming a destructive whirlpool. Anyone and anything caught in either of the resulting maelstroms will take damage from Fury's slam attack every round they fail to escape (DC 27 Reflex) while the Herald itself can still freely fly or swim in this form, carrying victims who failed their save with it and potentially dropping them from hundreds of feet in the air after battering them with its slams for round after round.
Its Energy Rays almost feel like an afterthought at this point; it can fire upwards to four of these beams as a Full-Attack or just one at a time as a standard action, the damage a meager 2d6 Cold or Electricity. They DO resolve as touch attacks, so they're unlikely to miss (+27 at their most accurate, +9 at their least), and they threaten to critically strike on an 18 or above... but POF is so sturdy it really loses nothing by just getting into melee. Indeed, its Energy Rays are often used for their utility or as warning shots rather than a true offense, the book stating it will often blast people and beasts painfully but (hopefully) non-fatally if they offend or annoy it.
Perhaps the most insulting part of POF's kit, however, is what happens when it starts to lose. There are many ways POF acts like a child, including throwing a tantrum and just leaving when the tides turn against it. Say you've finally managed to whittle it down to around 30 or so HP... and suddenly it disappears. You hear a rush of wind, a distant crackle, and suddenly the initiative order is gone and the party is free to go. POF has Fast Healing 10, you see, and can turn itself invisible at will to retreat into the skies or underwater, where the party is unlikely to ever find it until regains its full HP to come after them again. A DM that wants to be extremely mean will have it do this every time until the players bring See Invisibility and/or Invisibility Purge to counter it, to the point the "Fury" it personifies is likely going to be the party's.
You can read more about it here.
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vxlkirayaxo · 2 days
Character: wanderer (referred to as Kuni)
Tags ig? : angst with comfort, mention of suicidal thoughts, slight cursing, reader needs therapy fr
First fic on here ^^
Enjoy ~
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To say that you had a phobia of losing someone you love was almost an understatement...
So when your boyfriend Kuni started drifting away due to the stress of school [which you didn't know]you began to overthink things a bit, like you are now as you sit on your bed staring at the ceiling and desperately grabbing your chest at an attempt to fill the empty feeling in your heart.
You glanced at your phone anxiously as it alerted a new message. It was from your boyfriend, your hands slightly trembled with a feeling of anxiety and excitement.
"we need to speak. Do u have a moment?" You read quickly. You were about to reply when your thumbs wouldn't move, you were frozen. Last time that one of your partners tried to talk to you they broke it off with you.
After multiple heart breaks you started developing a never ending feeling of Thantophobia.
Oh how exhausting it was overthinking over the slightest sentence or action, your mind always went back to what your parents taught you.
And just like now, you were overthinking. Your teeth chewed on your bottom lip as your eyes scanned the message for a hidden meaning, you tried to imagine his voice saying it to see if it was in a good or bad tone.
Actions speak louder than words.
Your mind was overtaken by the thought of him breaking up with you, being lost in thought you didn't notice that he double texted you after a minute of him being left on read.
"babe? Everything alright?" He sent. You glanced at the phone slightly taken out of overthinking when he called you 'babe', your hands tightened their grip on your phone as you typed out a message.
"Yup :3"
"what do ya need?" You stared at the typing icon, it was like it was the only thing in the universe, you needed to know what he was going to say, if he was going to break up with you...you wouldn't survive. Maybe it was your fault for being so attached and clingy, no one would love you as deep as you love them right? Maybe you should just end it all so that no one would have to deal with you? You slightly grimaced at the thought
The typing icon disappeared for a second before popping up again. Did he just delete the message? Is he trying to make the break up text nicer? Your mind spiraled as you found yourself slowly sinking in your bed, oh how you wished it was water so you could finally drown out these thoughts of abandonment.
Thantophobia sucked, you wished you never had it. Fuck, you had problems no wonder he was trying to break up with you.
"Psychotic bitch.." you mumbled to yourself as you curled up slightly in a ball, your hand went to your hair and slightly tugged on it as if it would take away these thoughts. When you heard the 'ding!' you immediately sat up over your phone. You tugged at your hair as you started to read.
"We need to talk about our anniversary plans, do you want to meet up at the park or should I ride my bike over to your home? Either is fine my luv." You glanced at your attire. Would he care if you weren't exactly glammed up right now?
"Can you please come and get me?" You typed before tossing your phone across your bed and hugging your pillow, scared that he'll change his mind about it being fine, after all he lived a few miles away, would he really be fine with biking all the way here?
"Alright, be there in ten :)" you slightly smiled, the thoughts weren't as bad when you knew he'd be around you soon, you still couldn't find the strength to get out of bed though. You felt too disgusting to move, you hadn't taken care of yourself in days since Kuni has been growing distant.
About ten minutes later there was a knock on your door and you heard one of your parents open it. Light laughter and chatter was heard from downstairs before your door opened.
"Babe, I'm here. Your parent is worried for you they said-" he stopped speaking when you turned in bed and looked at him. A small sigh left his lips as he walked over and hugged you.
"What are you overthinking now?" He asked in a gentle voice. You immediately snuggled your face into his shoulder.
"I thought you were going to break up with me because you were being distant and I'm sorry...it's just a fear of mine.." you mumbled as he gently patted your hair.
"I promise I didn't mean to be distant, school has been stressful lately since it's the end I've just kind of been tunnel visioned on it. I'm sorry, I love you and I'm not breaking up with you ever. You're stuck with me." He slightly smirked at the last part as he spoke. His hand brushing your tangled hair.
"I'm sorry too, I jump to conclusions too quickly." You sat up and looked him in the eyes. He then peppered kisses all over your face.
"I know, Thantophobia is very valid. I wouldn't judge you over something you can't control. I have it too." He smiled at you before giving you a kiss.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next one! Requests open!
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aljones137 · 3 days
Ok... So I have never written fanfic before, but I got this idea during Zutara month. Being a teacher, I thought it might be fun to put one of my favorite ships into a teaching situation. Maybe this is silly, but I would love some feedback just to see what I should change? Or is it worth pursuing? I'm not sure. Also, what do I call it?
Zuko was excited to be back. He might not be a student anymore, but the White Lotus School had been his home for many years, and it held many fond memories. Ursa had enrolled Zuko a year or so after their father had been arrested, with the help of their beloved Uncle. Azula was enrolled a year later. 
His Uncle Iroh had stepped up and helped both him and his sister after his abusive father was taken. His father had incited a riot and was trying to start a revolution to undo integration. The old ways had died nearly a century ago, but his father, grandfather, and great grandfather felt that firebenders and fireblooded families should not be integrated with what they considered “riffraff”. But after he had burned Zuko's face because he had made a new friend that Ozai deemed an “enemy” Ursa had left quickly, and Iroh had taken them in. A few weeks later, Ozai was in jail for inciting violence elsewhere. 
Zuko had been nervous about joining the most prodigious integrated bending school in the country. He was worried he would get judged for his scar and that others would find out about his father and assume terrible things about him. Only 12 years old and completely alone out on the coast of the old Earth Kingdom, he was thrilled when he made a friend with a young water nation boy. Sokka had been a breath of fresh air helping him feel at ease, making him laugh, eating practically nonstop, and even though he wasn't a bender, he desired to be a fierce warrior. 
This was one of the main reasons he was so excited to come back to teach. This school had really blazed the trail on integration. Not only was every student taught about the culture of their ancestors, but about each other's culture, which helped open more doors to friendship. Even non-benders could come and study many different things. Sokka and Zuko had quickly signed up for sword classes with Master Piandao, though they ended up leaning towards different styles eventually, and of course Sokka had practically fallen all over himself to join the multicultural cooking classes all 6 years at school. He had pressured Zuko into joining him the first few years at least. 
As Dean Bumi showed Zuko around to all the different classrooms in the school (though he didn't really need the tour), so many good memories were going through his head. As they passed the culinary room, he remembered all the times he snuck fire flakes or spices into Sokka's food and laughed at his watery eyed reactions. As they passed the training rooms, he remembered many a sparring session with Sokka, then later sparring with other benders of all kinds. The two that came to mind first were Toph, who, during her 3rd year, Zuko's 6th, had absolutely handed him his ass. The other was Katara, whom he had sparred with several times despite her being two years younger. They had been pretty evenly matched. The final tally when he had graduated was Katara 5- Zuko 4.  Toph became a good friend pretty quick, always greeting him with a punch to the shoulder. Katara was a friend from the moment she arrived at school, since she was Sokka's sister, though she tended to hang out with Yue most of the time. 
He hadn't seen Toph or Katara or any of their friend group since him and Sokka had graduated from military boot camp, about 6 months after graduating from White Lotus. It may have been 5 years ago, but he could still remember almost everything about that day. He and Sokka hadn't seen anybody else for three months during that time, and it had been nice to see them all there. Azula had been so proud of him and gave him a rare hug. Despite his father always pitting them against each other as kids, and even Zhao (his awful firebending teacher for his first two years and Azula's 1st) doing the same, they had a good relationship. They had probably been lucky that Dean Bumi had walked in unannounced to a class and heard Zhao's abusive language during Zuko's 2nd year. With short notice, Uncle Iroh was asked and graciously accepted the job. Iroh had only planned on teaching that year, but enjoyed it so much that he decided to stay until Azula graduated. Zuko’s bending grew quickly under his uncle's tutelage, and soon, his sister and him were also fairly evenly matched. 
Toph got to him and Sokka first and punched them both in the shoulder and commented on their military uniforms. Katara had looked so beautiful in her blue dress and boots, but he had quickly quashed that thought. She was his best friend's sister and was dating an earth bender named Haru at the time. Plus Aang, who was Toph’s best friend in her class,  was waiting anxiously for Katara and Haru to break up, much like it had been with Jet. He wasn't sure if it would go Aang's way, but he had come to really like the kid, and besides, who could completely deny the avatar. There was only one every generation, and Aang was funny, capable, talented, and often thoughtful, though immature. 
After the graduation, Aang had insisted that they go have some fun before him and Sokka would be shipped off to their first military posts. They had all met at the beach an hour later to celebrate. Aang and Toph had somehow snuck some old Fire Nation wine to the beach, which Katara and Yue greatly disapproved of, but still enjoyed. Katara and Yue had fun soaking unsuspecting beach bums with their bending, while Toph and Aang had quite the sand bending competition, trying to outdo each other's newest sand sculpture. Sokka and Zuko had both been irritated with Katara's and Yue's water antics, though Zuko had been a bit pleased with how Katara's eyes had scanned his soaked body. Later on in the evenin, Zuko and Azula lit up a massive bonfire and they all sat around and drank from the bottles of wine. When Haru arrived late, Zuko had shoved down the tiny bit of jealousy that reared its head as he watched his arm snake around Katara's waist. He glanced over at Aang and was relieved that he was better than Aang at covering his emotions. Beside, he was an adult now and Katar was still in school, who knew when he would see her again. When his cousin,  Lu Ten, arrived late, he broke up the party and made sure all these silly drunk children got home safely. As he had been driving, Yue had loudly whispered to Katara that his cousin was cute and Katara had agreed. He tried to remember to keep his jealousy in, but 10 seconds later Zuko's heart flipped when Katara agreed with Toph that Zuko and Lu Ten kinda looked alike. He argued with himself that she was just drunk and probably didn't really think that. When they dropped off Sokka and Katara at hom, she gave him a hearty, giggly hug and made him promise to watch out for Sokka while they were out saving the world. He had blushed greatly and stammered out the promise. He and Sokka left the next day. They had gotten lucky enough to stay in the same company for 8 months before Sokka was moved to a different group where he could focus more on his engineering ingenuity. 
Zuko was immediately brought out of his reverie as Dean Bumi walked him into the health office. The health clerk was Yue! She looked up to greet the new hire and did a double take, looking up from the paperwork she had been dutifully filling out. 
“Zuko!?” she said, beaming up at him. 
“Hi Yue! I didn't know you were working here now?” Zuko said, stunned. 
“I didn't know you had been discharged! But I guess it has been a bit over 4 years, huh? I thought if Sokka decided to stay in, you might as well.” 
“We haven't been together in the military for a bit now. He's been stationed in the Caldera, working in a company of engineers for the last several years. We've seen each other off and on, but it's been a little different with me outranking him after our first year or so. We still text every so often. He seems pretty happy.” 
“Well good, it's good to see you, and I'm glad to hear you are still friends,” Yue said with a wistful look in her eye. 
“What about Katara, are you still friends too? What's she up to nowadays?” Zuko tried to sound as conversational and casual as possible. Sokka hadn't kept Zuko up to date on his sister really, only mentioning her occasionally. 
“Of course we're still friends. You haven't seen her yet?” Yue asked with a small blush. 
Bumi interrupted before Zuko had a chance to reply, “No, we haven't yet visited Master Katara's classroom. We will after we visit the earth bending class.” 
Zuko was trying to process that she was a teacher now. That she was here! That he was going to see her shortly! The last time he had seen her and Yue, they had still both been kids, and now they were both here, all grown up and teaching/healing the next generation. He wondered how Sokka had never mentioned this or how he had never seen it on Katara's social media? But then again, Katara would post on social media rarely, and it was usually more about the progress that still needed to be made into the integration of all women, regardless of their ancestry. It had been a fight she had been making since coming to the school. 
Master Pakku was still somewhat set in the old ways and often pushed the female waterbending students more towards the healing arts than anything else. She had been surprisingly determined to change things for a little 12 year old girl. She worked hard enough to be one of the very rare female students Master Pakku allowed into his higher bending classes. Once she was in Katara immediately created a club where she taught every other female waterbender who had been pushed elsewhere all the skills she learned in his class. When Master Pakku had tried to get her in trouble for creating an unsanctioned club she had asked for a sparring match between all Master Pakku’s top male benders and her little club of girls. The girls did their best and took out a few of their male contenders, but it was ultimately Katara who took on the last 5. She took them all out with a fancy move she claimed she had learned from watching Zuko firebend. After that Bumi fully sanctioned her club and Master Pakku started integrating at least a few more girls into his upper bending classes. The misogyny of the whole situation was something he had heard many a rant about during their school lunch hour and he had always been relieved it hadn't been something Azula had to deal with. 
After Zuko and Bumi had left Yue's office all Zuko could think about was seeing Katara. Suddenly, instead of living in his memories as he walked through the nostalgic halls of their old school, he was wondering to himself what she looked like now. Was she still dating Haru or had Aang finally gotten a chance? Would he have a chance? Should he even think about taking a chance? She was still his best friend's sister and now his coworker, maybe there are too many lines to cross anyway. 
Zuko was so in his own head, barely listening to Bumi's tour comments, that he was surprised when his arm was punched. 
“Earth to Zuko!” Toph mocked him. “Are you there, Zuko?” 
Zuko just gawked at Toph and then slowly smiled and sarcastically asked, "Do you greet your students this way too?” 
“Of course not, Sparky! That greeting is only ever for my favorite people. You, Twinkletoes….” Toph looked off thoughtfully, “and Snoozles whenever I might see him next?” She looked at Zuko questioningly. 
“I'm not sure when Sokka will have his next leave.” Zuko said knowingly. Perhaps Sokka had been too focused on his crush on Yue during his last 2 school years to notice that Toph had a massive crush on him. Zuko had sometimes wondered if that was the only reason Toph had insisted on being his friend. 
“Well next time you talk to him, tell him his sister and his best friend deserve a visit.” Toph said.
As he and Bumi walked out, he smiled wondering if he, as Sokka's best friend, was who she was really concerned about. He was positive that Toph would still be flirty with Sokka if he ever came back for a visit. 
Being a firebender, Zuko hadn't really been in the earth, air, or water areas of the school a whole lot during his school days. However, as he walked into one of the waterbending classrooms he suddenly understood why the school had been built on the coast instead of in the neighboring city of Ba Sing Se. He had always appreciated being on the coast when his friends would drag him down to different parts of the beach during the weekends, but he had never realized just how close some of the school buildings were to the water. As they walked into the room he could see the French doors at the back of the class were propped fully open to a gorgeous view of the ocean. He couldn't quite see the beach below the small cliffs, but he could see the staircase that would lead students down to the water. Bumi led him out the doors and 30 yards down the stone path to the staircase. As he looked down to the beach, he could see her, working on her waterbending forms. The students who would arrive next week were surely lucky to be learning from such a capable teacher… a beautiful teacher. He swallowed hard as she turned around and caught sight of him and Bumi. Her face broke out into a smile and her blue eyes made all thoughts of what he might say disappear. 
“Hey Zuko! What are you doing back here?” Katara said as she walked towards him barefoot. 
“He's going to be teaching our next generation of sword masters and helping the firebending teacher on occasion,” Dean Bumi answered for him when he couldn't seem to form any words despite him opening his mouth. 
Finally, he stammered out, “Katara, it's good to see you again.” 
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grifff17 · 2 days
Audiodrama Sunday 6/9/2024
I have so much to say this week! I usually take some very quick notes as to what I want to say in these as I listen to stuff, but this week I have a ton of notes. Also, I made a Tumblr Community for audiodramas. If you want an invite, please ask me! Also, if you can figure out how to reblog posts into a community, which is supposedly a thing you can do, please tell me.
To start off, season 16 of Lost Terminal started this week. It feels great to be back in this world, this show is so cozy. I love the little programming tidbits in this show, as a nerdy programmer into conlangs and hard scifi this show feels like it was made for me specifically. It looks like the premise for this season is an entire season that takes place over 10 seconds, which is such an incredibly cool idea. I love how they are leaning into the relative time different between humans and AIs due to processing speed.
@worldsbeyondpod had so many crazy moments I have to talk about. First off *music change* "roll a stealth check for the fox" out of nowhere was terrifying. I truly felt Erika's gasp when Brennan said the words "patchy corduroy witch hat". I haven't even gotten to the biggest moment in this episode. Holy shit poor Straw. This story has so much moral nuance, I'm obsessed with @quiddie's defense of Suvi on tumblr since the last episode. Speaking of Aabria, "fuck your scene" was so perfect. Finally, Glassheart moment spotted at the end of the episode. Even though it will never happen, I will forever be a Glassheart shipper.
@worldgonewrongpod this week was very fun. It is weird that I was picturing a specific tree at a small local park I walk through all the time whenever the tree was being described? I cannot unlink that tree and this episode in my mind. The reenacted council meeting was great, I'm excited for the update to this episode at the end of the season. Also, I'm not sure I've said this yes, but the theme song for this show is perfect. I've already added it to my playlist.
@wanderersjournalpod ended on a cliffhanger this week. Are we finally going to learn Pluto's whole deal next week? I can't wait to find out.
@midstpodcast that was a hell of an opening scene. This whole episode showed such an interesting side of Weep. I want to avoid spoilers for this show, but that ending god damn. That is not what I expected. We must be getting close to the end of the season, they resolved the opening scene and the episodes are getting much longer. Looking at the lengths of the previous season, there's probably 2 more episodes.
A very short update from my dear friend over at @re-dracula this week. Renfield is so unsettling. I don't actually know anything about Renfield, so I'm learning as I go. I think he's some sort of vampire spawn?
@breakerwhiskey I caught up and what the fuck. This show keeps twisting the knife. Hey, at least Birdie is finally talking in real time again. She confirmed Whiskey's theory, which is nice, and finally gave us her backstory. Then the second reveal in a later episode, holy shit Harry. This really explains the whole dynamic between Whiskey and Harry. This was the big fight Whiskey keeps referencing.
I listened to the first episode of season 2 of Skyjacks Courier's Call. The city that it's going to be set in is really cool, and I loved the Fun Money shenanigans. Going on a road trip tomorrow and I'm going to listen to a lot more of it.
Finally, there was a new SCP: Find Us Alive this week. This was a cool episode, I really liked the art show. But the big thing was the very end of this episode. My theory was right! Sometimes, when talking into the mic, Harley was subject to the memetic effect and forgot what he was talking about. But only sometimes. They've established that it only happens if someone can hear you. This meant that every time he forgot, someone was listening! Great foreshadowing!
Because of the aforementioned road trip, I'm going to post this a few hours early. This is at least better than my usual time of "forgetting it until the last moment."
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citrlet · 5 months
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r.i.p to my pc
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fiepige · 7 months
Hobie Brown variant OC:
I finally decided to make Symbiote!Hobie (nicknamed SH by Hobie, which over time turned into Sage) his own thing, cause I've made so many changes to him that I've decided he's just gonna be another version of Hobie from another dimension.
I basically came up with him when thinking about what it would take for Hobie to truly bond with a symbiote and this is what I came up with.
While he's technically Hobie too I'm gonna refer to him as Sage in this post to avoid confusion <3
Gonna start with his appearance and then move on to his origins and how he got involved with the Spider-Society:
Disclaimer: I cannot draw so I haven't even attempted at drawing his face cause I know I'd never be able to draw him in a way I'd like- So I did the next best thing:
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(He has a normal face I just tried to find a way for me to draw him without drawing his face lol)
Pictured above is Sage and his symbiote K.A.T (and their symbiote form- yeah it's the same as Venom!Hobie cause I like the design lol)
He looks like Hobie but younger- he's around 11 when he's bitten by the spider and fused with K.A.T - he's around 12 when he gets introduced to the Spider-Society
He's got short hair as it was completely shaved off when he got caught by Oscorp - more about this under his origins - he wants to let it grow out after meeting Hobie and being inspired by his approach to his looks (he really looks up to Hobie but don't tell anyone I said that!)
His left iris is white as a result of the symbiote DNA being fused to him. He can make it match his right eye if he concentrates but only really bothers to do so if he feels it draws too much attention
After meeting Hobie he helps Sage get a few piercings of his own
He usually wears a hoodie and/or a mask to hide his face - he's super paranoid and does his best to hide himself from others
Never goes anywhere without his noice cancelling earmuffs - he's got enhanced senses due to his spider powers but they can be a bit of a nuisance since he's also sensitive to loud noises due to his symbiote...
He also usually wears sunglasses to shield himself from sensory overload as he was subjected to it a lot as part of the experiments he was put through at Oscorp - and thus getting his senses overstimulated can result in panic attacks, so he does what he can to avoid it + it hides his eyes as well
K.A.T (Killing Authority-opposing Targets) is Sage's symbiote
It usually stays hidden unless they're alone or around people they trust/already knows about its presence.
If it does show itself it'll usually stay on Sage's shoulder or sit in his lap, it's still tethered to him so it can't go that far without him - not that it really wants to anyways
The reason K.A.T takes this form is that Sage is a cat person and it used it as a method to make him like it more when they first "met" + petting it helped Sage calm down and still does
K.A.T is still made of the same goo as regular symbiotes so it does not feel like petting a cat at all- Sage doesn't mind but most other people get suprised when they first touch it
If it likes someone it'll rub itself against their legs and mimic purring noises - if it dislikes someone it'll hiss and arch its back at them
K.A.T is a more animalistic symbiote and mainly communicates with Sage by letting him feel its emotions instead of speaking to him
To avoid making the post even longer than it's already gonna be I'll link to this post where I go into more detail about the design of thier Symbiote form instead of describing it here too ^^'.
This was originally supposed to be a short summary but I've realised I'm incapable of making short posts when it comes to stuff like this:
Sage is a younger version of Hobie Brown. (11 years old when bitten by the spider and fused with his symbiote)
Sage and K.A.T "met" at one of Oscorp's labs
He was living as a homeless kid (having escaped an abusive household a few months prior)
He was bitten by a radioactive spider while looking for a place to spend the night.
He got very sick from the bite and was easily captured by Oscorp goons looking for new test subjects in the streets
Despite his young age Sage is a more ruthless Hobie variant, in part due to his upbringing and due to his symbiote (and the trauma they both go through at the hands of Oscorp)
K.A.T was a new kind of experimental symbiote that was set to be terminated due to it killing all its previous hosts - Sage was their last attempt at fusing it with someone
They decide to fuse it with Sage as he was deemed indisposable due to him seeming more dead than alive - suffering from the venom of spider bite at the time - and thus it wouldn't be a problem if the symbiote killed him too
Since the spider bite was still changing his DNA as he got fused with K.A.T some of its DNA got fused with him as well as a "side effect" during the process
Due to this it's incredibly hard (if not impossible) to seperate the symbiote from Sage without severely hurting them both
His body develops organic web shooters when it fuses with K.A.T - the webs are black and can be shot from either of his 4 arms when in his symbiote form (they can also be shot regularly while in his human form)
Sage develops enhanced senses and a taste for human flesh after being fused with K.A.T - he also has enhanced senses from the spider bite - making it easy to overstimulate his senses and overwhelm him before he learns to get it more under control
Since Sage's gotten powers from both the spider bite and the symbiote they quickly become the subjects for many inhumane and painful experiments as the scientists futilely try to figure out how to replicate the symbiote (as they're unaware of the spider bite, thinking the symbiote alone is behind Sage's new powers)
The main scientist behind the experiments is this dimension's version of Peter Parker!
Sage eventually manages to escape the lab during one of their many tests- killing as many guards and scientists on his way out as possible - and eating some of them as well
As a result of their treatment at the lab + his past with his abusive foster family, both Sage and K.A.T have developed a deep distrust to other people - at this point they both consider the other their only friend
Sage goes back to living as a homeless kid, avoiding people as best as he can, but he's also got an insatiable taste for human flesh as well!
He will usually target anyone associated with Oscorp when he's hungry (if none are available cops are the next best thing- his dimension is just as corrupt as -138 Hobie's dimension)
He doesn't feel bad about killing but will still try not to harm civilians (emphasis on try- sometimes the hunger gets the best of him)
Due to his senses being extra sensitive + his paranoia from his experiences at the lab and his foster homes, he tries to avoid crowded and noisy places - This all leads to him being more active at night while he usually tries to lay low and hide during the day.
He lived like this for months until a certain event changed that:
First encounter with the Spider-Society
Sage's dimension is blacklisted meaning people from the Spider-Society aren't allowed to go there (cause a spider-person who's embracing their symbiote instead of resisting it is deemed unsafe by Miguel and thus best to be avoided)
Sage does still get introduced to the spider-society albeit through a rather unconventional way:
- One day a portal opens up and pulls Sage through it, sending him to another dimension as an anomaly
Having no idea about what's going on, and being scared and confused about the whole situation, he does his best to lay low and avoid other people.
Because of this he spends a lot of time in the other dimension before the society discovers signs of an anormaly - glitched objects like seen when Kingpen uses the collider in itsv, or the museum that the Vulture appears in in atsv
Sage eventually has his first run in with other spider people when his hunger gets the best of him and he becomes more careless as he turns into his symbiote form to go look for prey
Here he encounters Gwen and Peter B as they're looking for the anomaly causing things to glitch out in the dimension
Not knowing he's a spider person and an actual child, Peter and Gwen attack him as they always do with anomalies - it also doesn't help that Sage doesn't exactly look friendly when in his symbiote form.
He fights back cause these masked people attacked him for no reason so they must be bad guys and of course he's gonna defend himself - it also doesn't help that he's starving and thus not thinking clearly at this point.
Unfortunately for him, these guys have high frequency equipment to deal with symbiotes and thus they manage to subdue him, but not before he manages to fight back, revealing his organic webbing which tips Gwen and Peter off to him having spider powers as well
He's subdued and forced into an electric cage (which brings back a lot of unpleasant memories from his time at Oscorp) and sent to the Spider-Society afterwards
When he arrives at the Society he quickly gets overstimulated and has a panic attack and lashes out in a desperate attempt at escaping his electric cage - also seeing the face of the scientist who tortured him for months everywhere certainly didn't help
Gwen then uses a high-frequency device made to combat symbiotes to force him to revert back to his human form
She immediately recognises him as a young version of -138 Hobie
Her and Peter both panic cause 1. They realise they basically beat up a kid and locked him up. 2. That kid has a symbiote! 3. That kid is a younger version of another spider-person they both know (and who they both know has a very long and strained history with symbiotes!)
Miguel gets involved and a discussion begins about whether they should try and seperate Hobie (Sage) and his symbiote
- The other spiders mean well by this but Sage and K.A.T both panic at the thought of being separated - at this point they really view the other as their only friend as it's been them against the world ever since they fused
Sage, still panicking, tries to protest but they won't listen as they view him as a kid who doesn't know what's best for him
Sage is taken to the room with all the villains while they discuss what to do with him
Here Margo sees Sage and K.A.T comforting each other, K.A.T manifesting physically in Sage's lap, being hugged tightly by Sage as he promises it he'll never let anyone separate them
Seeing this, Margo takes pity on them and 'accidentally' sends them home before the other spiders get a chance to try and remove K.A.T from Sage.
Relationships with other spider-people
Some time later Sage has an encounter with Hobie who found out about the whole mess - despite Miguel ordering Gwen and Peter not to tell him
While Hobie isn't exactly a fan of symbiotes he first and foremost sees Sage as a traumatised homeless kid in need of safety and stability
Hobie offers Sage to stay at his boat whenever he wants (as long as he promises not to eat anyone while he's there), he also gives him one of his bootleg watches so he can come and go as he pleases (and explains that he can also use it to get home to his own dimension if he's ever unwillingly sent to another dimension again)
Sage declines at first but over time he slowly opens up to Hobie and begins to trust him
(He also secretly looks up to Hobie once he trusts him, cause who doesn't? He's an older version of himself who's got a place to call his home, one that he opens up to strangers in need such as himself, he uses his powers for good and not just to survive. He's not afraid to be who he is and draw attention to himself - something Sage has been too afraid to do ever since his time at Oscorp. He's got friends and people he trusts. - all things that Sage wants too but doesn't believe he'll ever have) Also he'll never admit that he looks up to Hobie but he can tell anyways
Hobie's the one that gives Sage his nickname, it started as SH but over time it turned into Sage instead, though he doen't mind being called Hobie as well, it's just easier to go by Sage when both he and Hobie are present.
He still doesn't trust people, especially not the Spider-Society after their first meeting, which made it very awkward when Gwen showed up to visit Hobie while Sage was there - luckily Hobie managed to interfere before they beat each other up too much...
(He trusts Margo a bit as well since she 'saved' him from the Spider-Society - also it's nice to be around someone who doesn't smell like food since she's an avatar and not made of flesh and blood)
He currently lives at Hobie's boat, switching between it and his own dimension as he pleases
Hobie did his best to hide it but he was rather freaked out by K.A.T's presence in the beginning, he did his best to supress it cause he genuinely wants to help Sage
Hobie mentors him in how to use his Spider Powers and tries to give him a moral compass to at least prevent him from eating civilians when he gets too hungry - He usually targets cops or people working for Oscorp but the hungrier he gets the less picky he is
Another reason Hobie took him in is because he knows ostracising someone won't make them a better person and while Hobie doesn't believe in deciding what's best for others he still knows life will be a bit easier for Sage if he doesn't just kill whoever he wants whenever he wants - impulse control is important when you have a cannibalistic symbiote in your body.
- Hobie still dislikes symbiotes but he respects Sage's choice to keep his and does his best to help him control some of the more violent urges that come with a symbiote.
Hobie introduces Sage to his punk ideologies and slowly introduces him to the punk community
Hobie also introduces him to some of his friends but it's a slow process due to Sage having a hard time trusting people - especially spider-people after his Spider-Society encounter
Some of the spider-people also have a hard time opening up to him because of his symbiote
But Hobie's good at making a safe space for Sage to feel like he can slowly start to open up to others
For the first time in years Sage feels like he has someone (besides K.A.T) he can trust and over time he starts to view Hobie as his older brother
And that's that folks! (at least for now)
To the one person who actually bothered to read all of this - know that I'm infinitely grateful that you took your time to read about my boy <3
- I initially tried to keep this short but I gave up cause Sage has been living rent free in my head for weeks and it feels so nice to finally flesh him out and write about him!
You know I couldn't resist making my first oc angsty - but at least he ends up doing better than where he started.
Hopefully you guys like him too! If you have any questions please let me know, I could talk about him forever <3
#help I think I have a condition where I need to make all my new posts longer than the previous one!#can't believe I initially tried to make this post short and then it ends up being 2759 words long...#wasn't sure about his name but I wanted it to be something else than Hobie#so Sage it is!#Also I really wanted the symbiote to be called cat or kat - due to the form of its physical manifestation#so I had to come up with an abbreviation to make it fit lol#also evey time I've tagged a post Symbiote!Hobie this is who I've been thinking of!#I just didn't have a name for him back then#just to reiterate - Symbiote!Hobie and Venom!Hobie are two different people#their symbiote form looks the same but that's it#Venom!Hobie is -138 hobie with a symbiote but everything else about him is still hobie#Symbiote!Hobie is Sage who's another version of hobie from his own dimension#hope there aren't too many spelling errors but it's 1 am here and I've read through it once already so sorry if I missed something!#gonna post this and then go to bed lol#I'm addicted to that angst but I tried to give him a somewhat happy “ending”#though there's still a lot of room for improvement lol#also this is my fist oc which is very exciting!!!#idk if you can call it an oc when he's based on an existing character#but I've made so many changes to him that I feel like I can allow myself to call him an oc <3#Symbiote!Hobie#Sage#hobie brown#spider punk#symbiote oc#symbiote hobie#gwen stacy#peter b parker#miguel o'hara#margo kess#across the spider verse
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 month
was looking through old posts and i'm surprised to see that i seemingly didn't have any commentary on anything in 3 in chapter 7, 8 or 9, the posts related to 3's story go from "my first reaction when i saw yopple-bot was 'i love you. but also you are definitely the boss for this chapter-'" to "i have been in hell all day. hell being bada-bing tower." funny to me cuz those chapters are like, the best ones sdfkljsdfjfsdkjlfsdjkl-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i love dukesville. yo-kai watch wild west. though also everyone in bbq talks like they're in the wild west-#i don't blame myself for not having any commentary on hazeltine mansion tbh. it sucks ass. i mean it's kind of fun but like#god is it annoying. i think using the mechanic of switching between nate and hailey for puzzles is a cool idea but. bad execution#very bad execution. it is so annoying#especially the section where you're in the basement and have to use the drill a bunch#... why are there prison cells in the basement anyways??????? i just realized how fucking weird that is-#i'm mostly just annoyed by the dining room puzzle tbh. i KNOW the fucking answers but verygoodsir is an ASSHOLE for some reason#and won't let me choose the FUCKING CORRECT DOORS#3's so fucking amazing tbh. i really wanna replay it soon. don't wanna have to delete a save file though#wish 3 had three save files like 1 and 2. i get why though i mean it's the biggest 3ds game klsfdjfskjfsdjksdf-#i wanna like. actually use my originyan for once. i might just end up using nyases ii instead tho fsdkljjdsfjskd-#i love every chapter in 3 after nate and hailey meet tbh. the bestie moments are so good#though also i don't think it was an amazing idea tbh. it means there's six main characters after that point#sometimes one character will go several cutscenes without talking at all. it's usually buck#he doesn't have any dialogue during any of the key quests in new yo-kai city. which is pretty amusing admittedly#i think the writers just forgot about him or something fslkdjdfslkjfsdljkdf-#i think my favorite thing related to that is like. during the stuff in bada-bing tower komasan and komajiro are there too#but they don't have any dialogue. which makes it seem kind of pointless#i get why they're there plot-wise but like. at that point you should either have them leave before you go to bada-bing tower#(esp since they don't end up in the ufo with everyone else. idr if there's a reason for that there probably isn't-)#(i think i slightly blocked out everything in bada-bing tower cuz it is so grueling)#or just. give them dialogue???#i love 3 and all but it definitely has some problems-#which is why i'm so excited to rewrite it <3 for both of those reasons. i can fix things. and also it's the best game#just. full-stop. not just the best yo-kai watch. i just think it's the best game ever#that title changes based on my current biggest hyperfixation though sfldfsjdkslfdjkfdj-#i think i'd say my overall top 5 is like. yo-kai watch 3. deltarune. ummmm. fantasy life is up there
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synthaphone · 1 month
so there's a Stop Making Sense cover album coming out in honor of the movie's 40th anniversary, and i listened to the preview tracks that are out, and the best thing about it so far, for me, is that its reminded me that Girlfriend is Better is a really fucking good song
#i think girl in red's cover is fun but whenever i listen to it i have to listen to the original afterwards and be like DAMN!!!#i don't really like that she jumps into the chorus and 'stop making sense' parts early- kind of messes with the build up of the song for me#the original track is so killer. a song of all time#nothing is better than that!!!#i need a text post tag#i love MUSIC!!!! AAAAAAA (as a casual listener... i don't know like. any fucking music theory or terminology)#the thing about most of the tracks out for the cover album so far#is that they're like. not really very transformative?? they're very straightforward#so hayley williams is obviously having fun and doing a fine job singing burning down the house#but also its like. this isn't bringing anything new to the table for me... very listenable though. burning down the house!!!!#meanwhile in the little preview she's done; miley cyrus is sure putting a spin on psycho killer. but i don't like it#very excited for the full album to drop because i want to hear what kevin abstract does with once in a lifetime#and i love the national but i'm kinda like. can they do anything interesting with Heaven? i hope so! but i'm kinda expecting to be let down#like they'll just cover it straight and it'll be like. yep that sure is the national covering heaven by talking heads#im hoping they'll add something fun with drums... it'd dramatically change the vibe of the song but like. i like the national's drums#at the end of the day i think part of the problem is that talking heads are a tough act to follow
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eorzeashan · 10 months
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Blasphemous 2 Preview
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sezja · 4 months
I'm not not excited for Dawntrail but like, I'm more excited about female Hrothgar than 99% of the story
The 1% is Wuk Lamat
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Genshin 4.1 spoilers below
Neuvillette: *talks about the weird random laws of Fontaine, including that you're not allowed to name your domesticated animals after Furina*
me, who is literally adopting a new puppy soon and had already decided prior to this news I was going to name her Furina: I don't believe in that law I think someone else made up that law specifically to thwart Furina. did you see her playing with that cat? she loves animals.
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daesungindistress · 1 year
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GD's thoughts on Still Life's lack of promotions in 2022
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moe-broey · 8 months
Huh. I. Actually don't know how I feel about Peony's new outfit/look. Especially as the number #1 defender of stupid or questionable outfits for whatever reason that may be. Impractical, over the top, outrageous, sexualized, I can excuse it all for the sake of whimsey and silliness and serving cunt.
But like..... man I really don't know how I feel about it. I can see what they're going for??? Like, I can sort of see what direction they're taking for Peony to look like that???
Like I don't even think I hate it it's just. If you asked me to design an Ascended Peony I would have taken a completely different direction that's more in line with her established color pallet. I DO think it's really compelling that her pallet Has Changed, I think that's significant and I want to know more.
I do like that they gave her a giant axe. That's fucking awesome LMFAOOO
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