#i'm so fucking fried right now i can't think of any questions so i will come back to this
actual-changeling · 9 months
this one is thanks to a post by @thegroovyfool because she is very much correct - we do not talk about aziraphale's "i need you" enough.
so once again, with a deep breath and a sigh, welcome back to alex's unhinged meta corner, where i tear apart the confession scene frame by frame. i'm gonna say, watching this particular clip over and over and focusing on aziraphale's face almost took me out.
let's get into it.
first, how about a little look at our starting point. (any blurry screencaps are due to a LOT of movement on michael's part rip)
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crowley is very pointedly facing away from him, he turned after aziraphale said "we can be together - angels!", presumably because being offered exactly what he wants in the one way he cannot have it fried his brain, cause besties it surely fried mine.
aziraphale on the other hand looks openly desperate, which is why he says "i need you." more on that later. let's have a look at how he says it, because michael "microexpressions" sheen is putting in the work.
to me, he seems close to tears, his eyes are glistening in that specific "i'm about to cry my eyes out" way i know from looking in the mirror while crying
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he is trying to get crowley to listen to him and to turn around. he wants crowley to face him, which is something most people tend to want during an argument. talking to someone who is not looking at you tends to make someone frustrated and like they're not hearing you/do not care about what you have to say.
aziraphale looks close to despair, his i need you is a plea to crowley to come with him. he is opening himself up not just emotionally but physically, too.
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he slightly leans forward, his arms are raised and seem to both slightly grasp for crowley and point towards his chest/heart for emphasis. the pure pain visible on his face knocks the air out of me every single time i look at it.
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aziraphale is admitting to needing him, something he has never done before, hell, he has told him the exact opposite on numerous occasions. i don't need you. and while they both knew it was a) a lie and b) a way for him to deal with his conflicting emotional standpoints and cognitive dissonance, it still hurt crowley every. single time.
crowley was there for him no matter what, he knows aziraphale needs him but he came back and remained at his side even when he was pushed away and more or less openly insulted. he endured it all.
aziraphale saying i need you now is pretty much a slap in the face but also what crowley needs to hear. as with everything that happens during the entire conversation, the timing is fucked up and they're talking past each other.
in my opinion, that is why crowley does not react.
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only when aziraphale turns spiteful and starts questioning his understanding (aka calling him stupid without outright saying it) does he re-enter the conversation.
aziraphale, however, is upset. now, i will put on my tinhat for just a second and turn up the insanity because there are two more things i want to talk about.
first, the little stutter at the beginning.
"i ngk - i need you."
my question is - why? why does he stumble over these words in particular when it does not happen with any other sentence? the only other time is right after crowley walks away with his "good luck", he stumbles over crowley's name.
so, in short, it happens when he is either caught off-guard or saying something incredible emotional.
and this, everyone, is where i go unhinged in my interpretation.
what if he initially did not want to say "i need you?" what if he was so caught up in getting crowley to stay/come with him that he did not think and almost confessed another three word sentence?
what if he was about to say "i love you" but stopped himself because no, that's too direct, they don't do that, they can't do that. it goes against EVERYTHING they have silently build over the last six thousand years. so he chokes on it. he chokes on it and instead he says "i need you" because it means the same thing.
i need you. don't leave me. come with me. be an us. go off together.
i forgive you. i love you.
they say it over and over again because that's the only way they can say it.
that is why aziraphale is so angry and upset after saying it. he told crowley he loves him, he needs him, and all he got in return was silence.
the funny part is that this code may have worked before, but it no longer does. crowley is too hurt to listen to what aziraphale is trying to tell him, and aziraphale is equally as hurt and also not listening anymore.
the funny part is that it stopped being about love and started being about sides again. my side, your side, our side. choose a side, choose our side, choose me.
the funny part is that beelzebub and gabriel told them what they need to do, i found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
"Okay, be straight with me."
Steve leveled a look and Eddie almost swooned but he kept it together. This was serious.
"Right, okay, be bisexual with me."
"Eddie, we're in public", Steve said, mock-scandalized.
"I'm starting to regret becoming a level 5 friend of yours Harrington." Dustin had said Steve could get silly and goofy. Of course Eddie didn't believe it. Not until he had seen it. Not until he had seen that secret handshake of theirs and seen him pump his fist in victory when he beat Erica at rock, paper, scissors, and when he'd seen him-
"Did you have something to say, or...?"
"Yeah! Okay, so, what I wanted to ask waaaas, did you ever, you know, look at any guys?" Eddie cleared his throat and continued when Steve looked at him blankly. "Sinfully?"
The location for this conversation could either be really good or really bad. In the McDonald's parking lot on a late afternoon. Steve just got off from a relatively short shift and wanted lunch. Eddie was wasting time until Hellfire that night. Of course they were eating in Eddie's van. Not a single crumb graced Steve's car.
"I mean, I guess I did", Steve shrugged. "Before I really understood what I was feeling. Honestly it felt like I just hated guys for no reason."
Eddie nodded in understanding. Before realizing what all those slurs meant, he definitely felt like some dudes were attractive in a way just to spite him. Then he came to realize he didn't want to punch them, but to do...well other things with his hands.
"Soooo, you ever have a crush?"
Steve let out a bark of laughter so loud it startled Eddie.
"What are you serious?"
"I-yes? What? Is it so ridiculous?"
"Eddie I-", Steve cut himself off and looked him in the eyes. "You asked me that question and you really don't know?"
"Is it a sensitive topic?" Eddie went on ahead and stuffed a handful of fries in his mouth before he stuck his foot in it.
"No, it's just, you of all people asking me that." Steve put a hand to his mouth and looked out the window and Eddie felt like he was missing something.
"So was there ever anyone?"
Steve turned back towards him. "Was...and is."
"Well shit, don't leave me hangin'."
"Are we doing girl talk or something now?", Steve grinned.
"I know for a fact you and Bucks talk about the girls she likes. Why can't you talk to a fellow queer about boys?"
"I've talked to Argyle and Jonathan about it", Steve shrugged.
Now that got Eddie raring. Jonathan he could understand. But he just met Argyle!
"Okay, you gotta tell me. It can be either the 'was' or the 'is' but I need to know who caught the eye of the Hair."
Steve laughed again, this time bending over. "Eye of the Hair sounds like one of your dungeon things."
"Don't try and distract me with DnD, Steve. Spill."
"Okay, okay. Let's talk about this is."
Eddie was torn. On the one hand, he really did want to know who Steve was crushing on. On the other hand, if he knew the dude what was stopping him from going over to his house and busting his nose?
"So, he's our age. Went to Hawkins High-"
"Wow that really narrows it down."
"He and I were in different cliques. Didn't hang out a lot until he started hangin around my kids."
Eddie let out a snort. "You do remember you didn't actually birth a gaggle of children, right?"
"You wanna hear this or not?"
"Anyway, he's a nerd. Like a huuuge nerd. Like sometimes I can't even believe I like him, but then he...I mean I....it's not like I like him despite his nerdiness. I like that part of him too now."
Eddie began listing the choices. Someone from school, who hung out with the kids? Recent? That could be someone from Hellfire. Kind of think of it, Steve and Jeff have been talking a lot more recently. It was just here or there when Steve was dropping off or picking up kids from meetings but still...
"Can I get a description?"
"What are you? The cops?"
"How dare you!"
"He's got dark hair and dark eyes", Steve conceded with a roll of his eyes.
Fuck it could be Jeff. Okay, okay, he could be supportive. Jeff was a good guy. A great guy. And Jeff would be a lucky son of a bitch to get Steve.
"Son of a bitch", he murmured.
"Son of a witch, nerd thing", Eddie waved off. "I think you should be able to trust me with his name. I could even maybe hook you two up if I just so happen to know him~"
"You'd hook me up with some guy?", Steve asked.
"I know right, I'm so generous." And maybe if Jeff blew his chance with Steve, he could be there to pick up the pieces. No! Bad Munson! Bad thoughts. Jeff would never hurt Steve and he shouldn't hope for it. But what if it wasn't Jeff?
What if it was some other geek he didn't know? The freshies were into science too. What if it was that chemistry dork Howard?
"Actually, I think I really do need to know who this guy is. Need to be sure he's good enough for you."
Steve smiled in a way that rivaled the sun and Eddie truly felt like a knight in shining armor. He'd protect his princess from any undeserving mouthbreather.
"I think he's more than worthy. And I hope you would agree", Steve said.
"I'll know for sure once I see him." Eddie crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, already formulating ideas to make this dude wet his pants. "So tell me more about him."
"Okay, we knew of each other for a while, but the first time we officially talked, he attacked me."
"Red flag. No go."
"In his defense, he was on the run from the law", Steve added quickly.
"A criminal? Second red flag."
"Allegedly. And that's big talk comin' from a drug dealer."
"Who you partake with", Eddie reminded him.
"I do. But it's a little less than legal what you do. As is several things both of us have done. I don't think either of us has a high horse to look down on."
Eddie hemmed and hawed before letting out a sigh. "Alright, we'll call that a yellow flag for now. What else?"
"He's just...so different from anyone else I've ever been into, Eds. I'm really into him. Like an embarrassing amount." And now Steve was blushing and Eddie felt jealousy boil in his gut. But he also felt happy that Steve was happy. He could take solace in that. Even if he wanted to deck this guy on principle.
"Do you know if he's like us?"
"Oh, I know", Steve said, putting his elbow on the rest between them and leaning in close. "Wanna know more?"
And fuck his masochistic heart, he did. What could this guy have that he didn't?
After Eddie nodded, Steve continued. "He's larger than life, honestly. In a way I thought I used to be but he's the genuine real deal. He can be kind of a jerk, but it's clear when he cares. And that mouth-"
"Okay! Please stop torturing me and tell me who this guy is so I can decide if I hate him or not!"
Steve was laughing again and as beautiful as it was, Eddie felt like a joke himself.
"If you're gonna start hating yourself then we've got a problem", Steve said.
Eddie jerked around like he was short circuiting as all the pieces came into place. High school, nerd, with the kids, attacked him, running from the law.
"You! You are unbelievable, you know that?"
"That's a new one", Steve was still grinning. "So are you gonna kiss me now? Or are you not worthy?"
They were in a parking lot. In broad daylight. This could be bad. But Eddie was a weak, weak man and his dream boy was asking for a kiss. So he leaned in and obliged. Son of a bitch he was the son of a bitch that caught Steve's eye.
"Well?", Steve asked when they pulled away. "What do you think of the guy I like?"
"I still think you could do better."
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spidernerdsblog · 2 years
A/N : I really couldn't come up with a good summary for this fic. Tried something new with this one also my first eddie munson fic. Let me know what you think.
Summary :  beside being your drug dealer Eddie has been a good friend of yours. This one time you get high and hookup you experience pleasure so intense with feelings leaving you both confused.
Pairing : Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, minors DNI, drug use, high sex, genital piercings, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
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“Hey Eddie!” The loud knock on his door jolted him out of his sleep. It was a struggle to open his eyes and his head throbbed as Eddie sat up. After a few seconds his vision cleared, his brain finally catching up as he took in the shabby interior of his trailer.
“I know you’re in there Munson! Open the fucking door!” more pounding on the door. Eddie huffed and almost tumbled out of his bed in his half awake state reaching the door and wrenching it open.
“Jesus christ woman! People are trying to sleep in here” He squinted at the bright daylight outside.
“It's four in the afternoon.” you said, shoving past him and walked inside his trailer.
“Well I had band practice and then stayed up playing dnd last night. It was a long game.” he grumbled behind you, closing the door.
“Right, your little babysitter club.” you never understood his obsession for this game that he played with a bunch of highschool kids. He once tried to explain the game to you but it went right above your head. Also you didn’t care as long as he gave you your happy pills.
To be clear you weren’t a drug addict but when your mother leaves you with a very absent rich asshole father who barely acknowledges your existence unless he has to maintain his image and show the world how loving and caring father he is, parading you at those business parties and charities. So yeah you had abandonment issues, the feeling that nobody loved you, ate you up and you wouldn't mind a reprieve from those feelings even if it’s for a short moment of time, kind of recreational you know.
Eddie decided to ignore your jab as he asked, “What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend, Connor?” 
“Ex-boyfriend.” You informed. It was Connor who had introduced you to Eddie at one of the parties he threw last summer before you all went off to college. ‘He is a freak but he got the good stuff’ he had told you. But the funny thing is Eddie was the most compassionate and friendly person you’ve come across in your life. Whenever you visited him for a new batch half of the time he would talk you out of doing hard drugs— how did that help in his income from this side business you had no clue if he went on advising potential customers not to buy drugs. But soon you realized you just needed someone to talk to, someone who would listen to you without any judgments and Eddie was the one in his weird, easy going, funny way.
“Oh Y/N… ” his face filled with concern.
“Yeah caught the bastard fucking Clarise in the bathroom at the party last night.”
“That's terrible. Are you ok?” 
“I will be if you just stop asking me questions and give me the pills.” you gritted through your teeth.
“I can't.” much to your surprise he sounded serious.
“What? Why?” 
“No Y/N, go home and let me sleep.” he strolled back to his bedroom.
“C’mon I have got the money.” you followed him while pulling out a couple of dollars from the pocket of your jean shorts.
He took a look at you and sighed. “Y/N you're upset right now I think you should talk this out I'm here for you know.” 
“Oh cut the emo crap.” you bristled.
“It's not good for you to rely on them.” 
“You started a side hustle or something? Dr. Munson free therapy Mon to Fri.” you knew it was a cheap shot but still you laughed.
Eddie just shook his head disappointedly. “It’s still a no.” 
It angered you even more who was he to make you feel guilty, you don’t need saving. “OK fine! I'm gonna take it myself then!” 
Eddie watched you search his room frantically ransacking his drawers only to find them filled with junk. He has been a drug dealer for a while now and seen people waste away just to get numb and honestly he never bothered as long as he got paid. But when it came to you he couldn’t do it. His inner conscience won’t let him. At the beginning he had sold you a few pills but now he always talked you out of it. Eddie saw you as this lively, happy soul who is stuck in a lonely, unforgiving world. Being himself labeled as the freak of the town for having different views about life he understood you. He loved talking, spending time with you and a small part of him was happy to hear that you dumped that asshole Connor’s sorry ass.
“Where is it?!” you demanded.
“I don’t have any at the moment trust me. The guy whom I got the supply from is lying low after a police raid.” he explained calmly. “And even if I had I won’t give you anymore.”
“Why?” you said weakly.
“You're my friend and you can't just escape your feelings when you are hurt.” 
“Well I don't want to feel so just give me the pills!” you yelled.
“OK, ok why don't we sit down a bit and take some calming breaths.” he made you sit down on his bed as he took the spot beside you. “I know you’re angry.”
“God I'm so angry at everybody! My mom, my dad, Connor, you...” a stray tear slid down your cheek as you wiped it off aggressively with your hand.
“I know, I know…” he murmured, brushing a soothing hand down your hair. “For what it's worth, he didn't deserve you. You were too good for him.”
“Why are you so good to me?” you rested your head on his shoulder, picking on a loose thread of your shorts.
“As I said before, you're my friend, Y/N. I care for you.” he said sincerely and your stomach did a flip, unable to stop imagining what it would be to have him as your boyfriend, so caring and supportive.
“So how is your next song coming along?” you asked, your mood quite chipper now.
“It’s still a work in progress. Steve heard the initial notes and said it sounds really good already.”
“Ah Steve…” you sighed. “That's the guy you have a crush on right?”
“No.” Eddie scowled.
“Admit it you want to fuck him.” you chuckled. “Whenever you two are together in a room the tension is so thick.”
“Oh god I'm going to need something strong.” he got up abruptly as you fell on your side on his bed giggling.
“What? If Robin was here she would agree with me.” you propped yourself on your elbow. “I understand he's steve harrington everyone wants to fuck that guy. I would do him anytime given a chance.” 
“Well I don't.” he muttered, opening a cabinet and taking out a small pouch.
“Uh huh.” you nodded mockingly and noticed the bag of pot. “Hey! How come you can smoke weed to avoid conversation but I can't?” 
“It's medicinal.” he shrugged nonchalantly.
He came and sat down on the bed as you watched him deftly roll a perfect joint filled with some strong smelling dope. Eddie lit the tip and took two very long hits before you snatched it right out of his hand. 
“Give me that!” 
He made a low sound in protest as you put it between your lips breathing in slow and deep, but it was such a hot hit that you stopped inhaling after a couple seconds. Eddie was smiling at the stunned look on your face. 
"It's good, isn't it?" he grinned. You just nodded exhaling. 
You went to hand him the joint but he didn't take it. "Take another hit," he said. "Proper joint smoking etiquette includes taking two hits before you pass it." You rolled your eyes and took another drag, exhaling curls of smoke from your mouth. 
Unfortunately the joint was out. Eddie grabbed his lighter and said, "Put the joint to your lips and I'll light it. Start inhaling when I tell you." he lit the tip, waited about three seconds, then said, "Now!" 
You inhaled deeply forcing a lungful of thick hot smoke down your throat. It burned like hell, but you smiled as you exhaled the thick dark smoke in the air. You were already starting to feel it and took another hit before handing the joint back to Eddie. His hand touched yours briefly as he took the joint. He took two equally impressive hits.
You marveled at how long he could hold the smoke in his lungs. It seemed impossible that someone could hold their breath so long. The joint was almost at the roach, Eddie noticed that too. With his gaze fixed upon you he said, “come closer.” 
You instantly knew what he was suggesting. It wasn’t like you haven’t done shotgunning before, it was the thing that happened after that. You and Eddie had hooked up. Even though it was a one time thing the sex was mindblowing. You were high just like now and the barbell piercing he had on his cock just amplified everything. You never came so hard and wouldn’t mind a repeat performance of that night. So you scooted closer to him.
He got one last good hit and cupped the back of your neck. Leaning forward his lips touched yours gingerly as you parted your own. He released the smoke he was holding in and relaxed against you, his tongue sweeping across your lips, conquering every inch.
It took so little time for you to lick into his mouth, you haven’t any idea how long you were craving for the taste of his mouth until now. And there was the added taste of the smoke, rich and fragrant stroking your taste buds, filling you with delight at the intoxicating aroma and the softness of Eddie's mouth.
Eddie pulled back grinning, “I bet you've never smoked weed that good before.” 
“No,” you rasped, “I haven't.”  you stared at his lips before meeting his brown eyes which grew darker. You lifted your hands to his face and let your fingers trace his jawline and cheeks before you slid them through his long hair and pulled him in for another kiss. 
Eddie groaned and pulled you on his lap. His hand gripped your hip as his tongue invaded your mouth, tasting me. His kiss was dominance and fire, and it set you aflame in unexpected ways. The way your tongues teased each other and your lips perfectly molded together felt as if this was more than a chance meeting. 
Eddie’s hand slid up from your hip, stroking along your ribs, spreading even more fire in its wake. Your nipples puckered against your bra. Eddie’s fingertips stroked the underside of one breast before his thumb brushed over your nipple. Heat and wetness pooled between your legs as you let out a soft whimper.
Eddie’s other hand popped open the button of your jean shorts before it slipped in, stroking over my slit.  His hand slid into your panties, two fingers pressing lightly against your clit. He sucked your lower lip into his mouth when his fingers moved up and down your folds, scissoring you until every nerve ending in your pussy awakened. You rested your head on his shoulder, nose brushing against the skin of his neck. His skin smelt surprisingly good, like soap and something masculine.
Your breath came in short pants, your body growing tense as a knot wound tighter inside your stomach with every stroke from Eddie’s fingers and he was the only one who could release it. He gathered the wetness between your folds and spread it over your clit, circling it. His breathing was coming faster now too. He never took his eyes off you as he drove you higher. The sensations became overwhelming, the knot ready to burst. 
“Yes,” Eddie rumbled, his eyes appearing black in the darkness, like they belonged to the devil you’d made a pact with.
He pushed two fingers into you and twisted them. You sucked in a sharp breath, your body screaming for release. Eddie pumped his fingers faster and you exploded, head tilting back in ecstacy.
You looked down at him with a dazed expression as he watched you coming down from your high leaning against the headboard, lips tugged into a lazy smile.
“Tell me, what do you want, sweetheart?” his voice a soft murmur, his fingers drawing soothing circles on the exposed skin of your hips. Need pulsed through your body as you said breathlessly. “Fuck me…I need you to fuck me.” 
Eddie just smiled and reached out to tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Take whatever you need, Y/N. I'm all yours.” 
You crashed your lips as your hands worked on unbuttoning his jeans and then slipped your hand inside his boxers to pull out his hard length. The barbell piercing at the head of his cock gleamed in the dull light in the room. You stroked his length firmly, a bead of precum forming at the tip and you smeared it with your thumb. Your hand touched cool metal at the base of his cock and then you looked carefully to find another barbell piercing.
“You got another one?” you blinked with surprise.
“Surprise?” he said. “The ladies love it when it rubs against their clit, added stimulation.” he added smugly.
You smirked and stood up to slide down your shorts and panties. Tossing them aside you lowered yourself on him. Eddie teased your clit with his piercing until you were panting softly. Then he notched the tip of his cock to your entrance. You slowly sank down on his thick length and sucked in a sharp breath at the feeling of fullness. The cold metal of the piercing pressed against your clit like he’d said. You began to roll your hips in slow figure eights. 
Eddie’s hand wandered up to your breasts tugging the neckline of your tank top along with your bra. 
Your tits bounced free and he rolled your nipples between his fingers. You moaned, digging your nails into his chest and twisted your hip, driving his cock deeper. You leaned forward, kissing him fiercely. His piercing rubbing against your clit deliciously.
“Oh…” you breathed against his mouth. “This feels amazing.” Eddie guided your hips as you bounced up and down his cock. Your mouth fell open, body shaking overwhelmed at your orgasm hit you out of nowhere.
Eddie let out a grunt and gripped your ass cheeks flipping you over and slammed into you. With every thrust he was hitting that delicious spot deep inside you as he chased his own orgasm. Your eyes fluttered, wanting to lower and sink even deeper into the sensation. He held your gaze as he continued to fuck you with deep precise strokes.
Your inner walls clenched around him and he changed his angle slightly so that the piercing at the base of his cock stroked your swollen clit while the piercing at his head grazed against your g-spot. The dual sensation made you feel euphoric that no other drug can give you in this world. You arched into him as pleasure took hold of you. You cried out, your nails clawed at his back as you came. 
Eddie continued rutting into you, his hair falling like a curtain around his face. He captured your lips in a soft delicate kiss and you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. His pace faltered as he spilled his warm release inside you. He pulled away as he looked at you, like really looked at you. His gaze so intense and in that moment you knew something shifted between you two but you weren’t ready to talk about it, not tonight.
“I feel so tired,” you feigned a yawn. “I think I’ll sleep in here tonight.” you turned to your side pulling over the covers and closed your eyes.
“Ok.” Eddie needed to gather his own thoughts as well so he decided to give you space and got off the bed. This conversation can happen some other time. 
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alexihawleys · 1 year
chenford + 'how the hell are we getting ourselves out of this one?'
Tim swallows and glances over at her, his lips twitching into a scowl for a moment before he neutralizes his expression. He can’t frown at her when she’s bleeding like that.
He sighs, crouching down next to her and adjusting her hands, pressing them down over the wound so she’s got actual pressure on it. He doesn’t allow himself to notice just how hard his hands are shaking. Doesn’t allow himself to notice how hard hers are, either. “Look at me,” she whispers, her tone harsh. “Right now, Tim.”
He listens, looks down at her face and feels his throat go tight. "Hi, baby."
Lucy furrows her brow at him and he can tell she's trying to fight a smile. "Hi," she returns, her voice clearly a little shakier than she wants him to hear. "Talk to me. What's the plan?"
Tim slides one of his hands over hers lightly, ghosting his palm over her knuckles. They're sticky with blood and he feels a thick, wet swath of it graze along his skin. He presses his lips together. She's bleeding more than he'd like, but not so much that he thinks it's catastrophic.
Still, the ambulance is at least 10 minutes out and they aren't cleared to move, yet. As if on cue, a loud crumbling emanates through the narrow stretch of the hallway they're trapped in and a piece of drywall lands next to Tim's boot, scuffing the side. He pushes it out of the way, away from Lucy.
This was supposed to be a quick stop-off to question a suspect before they grabbed lunch together. He was supposed to be picking french fries off her plate and casually telling her about all the things he had planned for them to do over the weekend in her incredibly empty apartment. Instead, the suspect had fled after pulling a knife on Lucy and his shitty fourth-floor walkup had started to collapse in on them.
The building, which Tim's pretty sure should be condemned, is going to come down any minute now and they need to be out of it by the time it falls. How that's going to happen, Tim has no idea.
"Baby," her voice is light, pulling him from his thoughts. "What's the plan?"
He knows she's asking for him, not for her. Lucy has a plan already, and he's sure it's a decent one. It's not what he's going to go with, because he's also sure it involves him leaving her, but it's probably decent. "The plan," he says softly, trying to keep the rest of his body still as he reaches down and brushes her hair out of her eyes, "is for you to keep up the pressure, and for me to get us out of here." Lucy frowns and he frowns back at her, albeit teasingly. "What?"
"Real plan," she urges, then sucks in a sharp breath, pressing her hands down into her skin further. The wound is just beneath her ribcage which makes the bleeding that much heavier. "Give me the real plan, please. Ambulance is how far out?"
He glances down at his watch. "Nine minutes," he casts his eyes towards the bleeding, then back up at her face. "You think you have nine minutes in you?"
"I'm not the one who can't last," she teases, and his chest tightens. "I have more than nine minutes in me, I promise."
Tim nods, looking back over his shoulder out the half broken window, straining to see if he can catch a glimpse of flashing lights or rescue vehicles. "I could do a lot with nine minutes," he murmurs, grinning when he hears her laugh. "What?"
"You planning on proving that to me later?"
"I've proven it plenty," he huffs, another crackling sending waves through the air and leaving the ground unsteady beneath this feet. He shuts his eyes and feels Lucy's leg tap against his ankle.
"Breathe," she whispers, and as much as he wants to tell her he'll breathe when they're on solid ground, he listens. "There you go."
"When did you become the voice of reason," he sighs, dipping down next to her slowly, so he won't fuck up the equilibriums of the building that he swears to god is swaying beneath them. He wonders if part of it is just his body reacting to hers, his head swimming because she's unsteady, because there's no way they're this unstable.
Lucy hums quietly. "Well, I was born in June of 19-," Tim cuts her off with a laugh and he watches as her face twists up into a smile, a real one. "We're going to be fine. I'm going to be laid up on your couch by this time tomorrow."
"My couch, huh?"
"Don't tell," she looks around conspiratorially, trying not to smile. "Your couch is more comfortable than mine."
He stares down at her, his face hard. "How much blood have you lost," he asks, serious, before cracking a smirk. He peeks out the window, then settles down next to her as carefully as possible, sliding one of his hands over hers and pressing down a bit further on her wound. "Can I tell you something?"
She hooks one of her bloody fingers around his thumb, squeezing it gently. "Anything you want."
He leans down slowly, as careful as he can, brushing his lips against her hairline. "You're the most important person I've got," he murmurs, his free hand slipping into her hair. "Even with your bad taste in furniture."
Lucy exhales a slow breath that hitches into a laugh by the end, another piece of drywall lands too close to her head for his liking. Tim smiles, kissing her gently and letting himself linger before he sits back up, admiring the smile on her lips, her eyes still closed. "You've at least cracked the top five, at this point," she hums up at him as he hears sirens hurdling toward them in the distance.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
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FP Jones- Gladys Jones
The day FP told me that he and Gladys we're going to have another go at married life, was the worst day of mine
Flash Back
"I'm sorry I'm confused. Your throwing away our 3 year relationship, for a failed marriage?" I look at FP more confused than I had ever been. We’re currently sat at Pops where FP is telling me he's leaving me for his ex wife
"I know it's not ideal"
"Ideal?" I almost yell "FP she's the one who drove you to drink. I'm the one who helped you overcome that. I'm the one who's stood by you through everything. I'm the one who helped to nurse Jughead back to health after you decided to rumble with the Ghoulies"
"Fangs was shot, they wanted war"
"They didn't shoot Fangs FP!"
"YN I know that this is hard to understand" I scoff
"Understatement of the year"
"But she's the mother of my kids"
"What if I was pregnant FP or what if we had kids? would that be the only reason you were with me?"
"What? are you pregnant?"
"No but you didn't answer my question"
"I don't know what you want me to say"
"Neither do I. Just leave FP. Go pretend to play families somewhere else, but don't come running back to me when she breaks your heart again"
"YN don't be like that" FP places his hand on mine. I snatch it away
"Go, please" FP sighs and gets up from his seat
Current day
"Hey Pop, can I just get a burger and fries to go"
"Of course" Pop smiles at me before walking into the kitchen. I sit on a stool waiting when someone sits next to me. I turn my head to see FP
"You were right"
"I don't know what your on about. I'm right about a lot of things so be specific"
"Come on YN don't..." FP sighs "Gladys left" this makes me chuckle
"I can't believe I'm hearing this... actually you know what I can"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."
"Broken up with me? because you did and now you are suffering"
"YN I didn't know.." I now look in FP's eyes
"Yes you did. You knew that leaving me for her was a risk that you were willing to take. You also knew that I wouldn't and will not take you back. What I've not understood for the last 6 months is why you left me, a woman who loved you and would have given you the world, for a woman who had always been in it for herself. Hell, her kids, JB and Jughead haven't truly had a mother in 11 years maybe more, but you thought she changed right? you thought she was the woman you married when you were 22 but you were living a fantasy FP" FP now has tears in his eyes
"I'm so sorry. I fucked up I know I did. I don’t expect you to suddenly jump into my arms and love me again or ever. But I need you in my life. Even if that’s just as a friend” Pops comes over with my food in a bag
“I don’t know FP. I’m sorry” I pay for my food and leave. Jughead sat on his bike outside
“You know he’s a wreak without you”
“Should have though about that before moving into Betty’s house with your mother”
“YN just because they were living under the same roof doesn’t mean he slept in her bed. He slept downstairs on the couch, he didn’t kiss or even touch her. He only stayed with her to keep JB safe, not that it worked out. Kurtz…”
“I heard. And I’m sorry for what happened. I warned you both about that stupid game, I warned FP about that woman and no one ever believes me. I may not be a Serpent, but I liked to think I was family. I like to think you and your sister both saw me as a mother figure. I haven’t got my own kids and I though that maybe you could have been them, or maybe your father and I… I’m now 30 years old and single”
“You don’t have to be, well single can’t help with the age. My dad messed up, just give him another chance” I start to let the tears I have been holding in start to flow
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Maybe if it had only been a month, but it’s been 6 Jug. He’d still be with her if she hadn’t of left. I’m sorry Jug but I can’t be the fool who forgives what happened. Even if I did take him back, I’d worry about him leaving me again. That’s not fair on any one. This is for the best. Goodbye Jug”
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
hi bug! congratulations again on being un-glitched! I loooooved the headcanons you wrote last night about eddie and his hippie vegan girlfriend. I would LOVE to hear more about their first meeting outside the record shop, if you feel inspired to write more abt these two! you built such a fun lil world for the two of them, i just can't get enough! 💖
Anything for you, bb <3
For the purposes of historical accuracy, this takes place in 1991. Eddie + reader are 24.
WC: 647
Eddie had just planned to spend his Saturdays like he normally did: scouring the record store for any new releases. He loved finding underground bands that weren't really popular yet, playing their music while he worked at the auto shop during the week.
He wasn't expecting a small gathering of protesters to greet him outside, the leader of which was a really, really pretty girl.
"What's going on out there?" Eddie asks Hal, the manager, once he makes his way into the store.
"Protesting the Gulf War," Hal says. "They asked if they could use the parking lot, and I wasn't about to say no to that cause." Hal was a total hippie at heart; anti-establishment, constantly stoned, wearing tie-dye, and plastering peace signs around his office. "'Sides, we don't have anything big coming in this weekend."
Eddie nods; he'd overheard updates about the war on the radio, but had no idea that people in Hawkins were protesting it. It was more of a "shoot first, ask questions later" rather than a "make love, not war" kind of town.
"And, uh, the girl out there? In the front?" He tries to sound nonchalant as he asks, drumming his fingers on the countertop.
Hal laughs knowingly. "She's a cutie, isn't she?" he winks. "Don't know too much about her, but she seems like your type--stubborn with a heart of gold."
That's all Eddie needs to hear; he's out the door and standing alongside you before Hal can even process that he's gone.
"Hey," he greets you, taking a hand out of his pocket to shake yours. "I'm Eddie. You got any more of these signs?"
"Y/N," you reply, smiling at the lovestruck metalhead. "There should be some in that box back there," you tell him, motioning behind you.
Eddie chooses one that says "Fuck Your War" in big block letters. "Short, sweet, and to the point, huh?" he whispers to you, and he swells with pride when you laugh.
He spends the next hour chanting various anti-war sentiments. When a middle-aged man gets in your face, screaming about how Bush is the best president this country's ever seen, Eddie steps between you and him and pushes the guy away.
"Who the fuck does he think he is? Bet he wouldn't try that shit if you weren't young and cute."
You wrinkle your nose. "I'm not cute," you challenge, "I am very scary."
Eddie holds up his hands in surrender. "You're right, you're right. I'm terrified right now."
"Too late," you pout, feigning offense. "You have hurt my feelings beyond repair."
"Beyond repair?" Eddie chuckles. "There's nothing I can do to fix it?"
"What about if I take you out for pizza?" he asks hopefully. "In my experience, pizza heals all wounds."
"Actually," you tell him, bracing yourself for an onslaught of insults, "I'm vegan. So unless you find a pizzeria that doesn't serve cheese..."
His brow furrows in confusion. "Wait, you've never had sex?" he blurts out. "What does that have to do with pizza?"
You burst out laughing; you can't help it. "A vegan, Eddie, not a virgin. I am most definitely not one of those." He blushes at your honesty. "I don't eat any animal products. No meat, no dairy, no eggs."
"Oh," he nods slowly. "So what can you eat?"
"Pretty much anything else!" you say cheerfully. "There's actually a really good vegetarian restaurant that opened a few months ago. They have the best veggie burgers I've ever tasted, and their fries are incredible."
"So let's go there," he decides, and without thinking, he takes your hand in his. "Right after we finish up here, yeah?"
"I'd like that," you say, beaming at him. He looks at you and smiles right back.
She's like my little hippie princess, he thinks, though it'll be a few more dates until he actually calls you that.
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theageofsims · 2 months
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The Age of Sims 2.7 - Part 20- “We'll See”
"Look who it is."
William didn't turn around, but knew the man behind him was only there to cause him trouble.
"Thought you were told not to come 'round here no more." He said, scolding him like a child. "Folks see you 'round here -- they're not gonna like it."
William did his best to ignore Brooklyn, but he kept at it until his words had settled right into William's mind, chest, and stomach. Before he knew it, he was putting Noah down onto the ground, telling him the play in the sand while he went to have a chat.
"Uncle Will's f-fri...end."
"He's no friend." He said before leaving Noah in the sand.
"Man that's cute -- you out here with your son, enjoying the day. His mom must be back at the mansion, laid out on some silk sheets. Short hair, blonde -- am I right? Gloria know about her, I mean, hell -- I know about her--"
"What do you want?"
Brooklyn shrugged, "Just making conversation. So what's it like? You gotta know the difference -- or are you one of those guys? 'They're all pink in the middle'. You can tell me -- man to man."
"Look -- I came here to spend the day with my nephew--"
"You came here to see Gloria."
"I came here to do both!" He shot back, "And to answer your question -- yes, Gloria knows about the blonde woman staying at my house. She's my nephew's mother."
"Wow, white folks be doing all sorts of freaky shit, but I can't say I'm surprised -- well, not about y'all, but about Gloria..."
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William couldn't stand seeing his smile across his face.
"You're a wizard aren't you? No wait, a scientist -- that's riiiiiight." Brooklyn applauded himself for remembering. "Been meaning to ask you what type of shit you must be giving Gloria time to time to have her doped up on your sister wives bullshit--"
"Fuck off."
"Excuse me?"
"FUCK... OFF." William repeated as loud and clear as he could without Noah hearing.
"I thought we had an understanding -- an agreement."
"You want to start shit with me? Do it when I haven't got my nephew with me."
"Hey man, no need to get defensive. I'm just trying to figure you out."
"No you're not." William cut right through the bullshit. "You've done nothing, but assume shit about me, my life, and the people in it. Who do you think you're fucking talking to and about who -- Gloria?" He blinked. "Really?"
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"Whoa man, hey man -- slow your roll. You know damn well you shouldn't be talking like that to anybody that looks like me 'round here -- 'round any damn place."
"Oh yeah?" William asked, challenging.
"You shouldn't be here. You've got a shit ton of parks where you live -- not to mention that whole suburban, gated community type of vibe they've created for white folks--"
"Look -- I've been coming here for years now--
"You should come somewhere else -- go come where you always were coming before you found out about this place and decided to unload onto the first Black woman you could find."
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William snapped at that point, his filthy comment rippled under his skin and he lost it in that second. So much so, Noah was startled and his focus turned to his Uncle rather than the sand he was told to play in.
"I'm not fucking going anywhere -- ya got that?" He blinked hard, "If you don't like it then tough shit. Tough fucking shit."
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"If I can get you jumpin' like this, imagine what more like me would do to you..." Brooklyn watched him closely, almost studying him. "When the pressure's on... oh it'll be on and just how are you gonna react when that happens?"
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"Leave... me... the fuck... alone." William said, wanting to end the conversation at that very moment. "You leave me the fuck alone otherwise you'll be sorry. I'm not gonna stand back and take this fucking shit any longer -- ya got that?!"
At this point William's had voice had rose to much higher levels, but he didn't care who heard him at this point or just how threatening he sounded.
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"Hey man... loosen up. No need to be so uptight... just thought I'd say hi to my neighbor is all." Brooklyn said gently, making it so his approach was far less threatening and easy going to anyone near by, especially Noah. "You might wanna think about dialing back on your temper though... don't want that kid of yours to grow up some hateful white man 'cause in this world they're always suspect number one when some massive shit goes down -- but what am I saying -- do they really pay the price? Society usually feels sorry for them and gives them a pat on the back."
"How about you worry about your daughters." William suggested.
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That struck a nerve in Brooklyn that caused him to nearly see red. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It means what it means." William stated, "It means mind your fucking business."
"I worry about my daughters every damn minute of the day -- got to because there's a whole world out there full of people like you who don't give a fuck what happens to them!" He tossed his head to the sky and laughed coldly, "But look who I'm talking to. You don't give a fuck what happens to people like us -- you just use us for your own advantage."
"I haven't used anyone."
"Right. It was out of the kindness of your heart to find a place like this and open a clinic."
"I had every intention to supply the community with medical health with based on my scientific research and formulas."
"Guinea pigs."
"I haven't experimented on any human being or given them a diagnosis -- I am a scientist, not a medical doctor."
"Doesn't make you better than anybody else."
"I never said I was better than anybody else!" William snapped, "Jesus Christ, the clinic was burnt to the fucking ground not even a year after it was opened -- what in the literal fuck are you still complaining about? I got the message -- I didn't reopen because I finally got the fucking message!"
"Yet you can't get the other message."
It took William a minute or two to get what Brooklyn meant.
"They are two different things. My clinic was my work, Gloria isn't." He paused for a moment, "There's no chance I'm gonna 'get' the message about her."
"Is that right?"
"Yeah -- that's right." William confirmed.
"Yeah well -- we'll see about that." He shrugged before taking a few steps backwards, but keeping his focus on William. "We'll see about that."
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It was a lingering threat that made William want to address, but he was happier having Brooklyn finally leave him alone.
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ellieauthor · 2 years
muggle mall au | part I of iv or v I forget | was way too long for twitter
"In what alternate universe do you have a chance with her?"
Draco shrugs. "She's hot."
Theo knows she's hot. Everyone knows she's hot. But more than that, "she's smart, dude."
He sighs, familiar with the futility of arguing with Draco's confidence.
"What would you even talk about?"
"Why would we talk?"
How to explain this to someone like Draco.
"Look, man. She told me once that the downfall of our society lies at the intersection of consumerism and vanity."
"So, you work at Abercrombie."
Draco stares vacantly. Then, "Wait, you talk to her?"
Theo shifts uncomfortably. "Yeah, sometimes."
Any chance he gets, really.
"Oh hell yeah. You can talk her into hooking up with me!"
It's Theo's turn to stare blankly. "What?"
"You're great at talking, I'm great at making out. It's fuckin perfect!"
Theo's stomach sinks. There's never an easy way out once Draco is mid-scheme. "Look--"
"Shit, I gotta get back. Tell me once you've done it, yeah?"
And then Draco's heading out of the food court, leaving Theo behind with his untouched fries and his unvoiced protests.
He turns to see the redheaded girl he recognizes vaguely as someone who also hangs around the bookshop where Hermione works.
They're friends, he thinks.
"Hi?" he says dumbly.
"Hi, yeah. Anyways. You like 'Mione, right?"
"I...what?" he asks, also dumbly.
"Jesus, she made you sound like the smart one."
"Are you asking me?" she's joking, but it's mean. But like, a fun mean?
"No, um," he clears his throat. "I definitely am."
"Good. She could use someone with a spare brain cell. The boys in this town are rough on her self-esteem, and they're not worth her time."
"But I am?"
"You're asking me? Again??" she huffs her frustration. "'Mione seems to think so. But after listening to you just now, I'm not so sure."
"I am," he says with slightly more confidence.
"At a minimum, you're better than her other options," she admits. "At least you're hot."
"For fucks sake. Are you a man or a parrot? Don't make me second guess this. Just tell me if you're in."
Theo is smart. At least comparatively. To some. But he doesn't have a fucking clue what this chick is talking about.
Not that he's going to admit that now.
"I'm in."
"Oh you poor thing, you don't even know what you're agreeing to," she says, pinching his cheek between two fingers. "No matter, I'll coach you through it."
"I don't need to be coached."
She gives him an indulgent, condescending smile. "It's cute that you think so."
He's not sure how he feels about her tone. He thinks he should probably hate it.
So why is it kind of turning him on?
"Meet me after your shift in the parking lot behind Macys."
He has some hesitancy. And doubts. And questions. He should share them.
"Um, ok?" he says instead.
"Bring a better attitude and your friend's number. Unlike 'Mione, I kinda like them dumb."
He nods. He can do that.
She pats his face twice, like a child, then stands. "That line of hers about the intersection or whatever? If you've got any more of those, take notes."
"For your date," she says, rolling her eyes. "So you don't end up with this echo malfunction of yours around her."
"Right. Date."
With the girl from the bookstore?
How the hell does getting bossed around by one girl turn into a date with another?
"See you then," she dismisses him.
"See you, Red."
"No nicknames," she says, scowling. The expression nearly knocks him over. His cock twitches, then he scolds himself.
This day just went from bad to worse to actually looking pretty great, and he will /not/ fuck it up now.
The relevant facts, from what he can tell, as as follows:
He's somehow swung a supposed date with the bookstore girl of his dreams.
Draco won't mind the change in plans because to him, female attention is female attention.
The redhead is interested in Draco. Not him.
"Whatever you say, Red." Then he winks.
He shouldn't, but he can't help himself.
She stomps away, her cheeks tinged the prettiest shade of pink.
Somewhere in the recesses of his hormone addled brain, Theo has the thought that he might enjoy a life spent making this girl blush.
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mollysunder · 8 months
Family Time for Ekko
In the next season I want Ekko's parents, Wyeth and Inna, to be alive. I want them to think that their brilliant son got a scholarship to Piltover Academy and took the chance to leave Zaun and it's Shimmer for better opportunities topside. Ekko's visits become more infrequent over time, each time he comes home his uniform is practically new. But he has more scuffs and scars on his face and limbs that Ekko claims came from lab accidents, not his accidents though, Piltie students are too overeager to start before double-checking the numbers. Now that Piltover and Zaun are at war they're even more thankful that Ekko managed to "escape" to Piltover, where surely the war can't touch.
But more importantly, I want a scene like this:
Ekko's heart sinks when he finds no resistance against the door. "They couldn't have left the doors unlocked", he thought, "even if they rushed for the last ships out". Ekko could feel a sharp sting build through the bridge of his nose deep into the in-between of his eye when he heard the mocking cheer,
"The prodigal son returns!"
No matter the wounds, or the losses they gave eachother when they crossed paths, Jinx never stooped this low before. But just like the Undercity's rapid devolvement into a free for all, she changed with it. In front of him stood Jinx, eyes beaming pink with a smile that seemed so... pleased. Before Ekko could move to grab her, a sharp call from a familiar voice reached out, "Ekko!".
Jinx stood aside as Ekko rushed past her down the narrow hall into the living room. Through the curtained doorway, he found his mom and dad seated on the floor over a thick fuzzy purple carpet. They sat in front of a rich spread of sautéed vegetables, fried rice, an assortment of cheese, toasted bread, boiled eggs, and fancy beer. At the center of the spread were five wide flat bowls that surrounded a large stock pot of various crustaceans, cephalopods, shelfish, and pepperings of sliced sausage stewed in a thick brown stock.
Ekko strode toward his parents, the tension in him diminished just slightly when he saw they didn't have any visible injuries. "Mom, Da-". Ekko couldn't finish his sentence as his father pulled him down to be smothered by both his parents.
"We're okay, she didn't hurt us", his mother quickly whispers.
"She's been here for four hours", his father adds, equally rushed.
"And I'm really glad you could finally make it, it was starting to get embarrassing", Jinx playfully admonished as she leaned against the door frame. Laughing to herself, Jinx made her way to sit on the carpet, his parents grips tightening him beneath their hug. Only now does he notice that Jinx is wearing a dark apron with oily sketches of skulls and bolts around the hem. Her hair is even braided to pull her bangs out of her face.
"I make all this food, still got a pie in the oven by the way, my guy cancels on me short notice, and you, my second best guest are late. Do you know how rude it is to keep people waiting, to leave all this food and conversation just to ourselves?". Jinx gestures at the spread and to his parents, head shaking incredulously while plopping into her seat directly opposite of them all.
"Why are you here!?!!?" Ekko finally exclaims. Fucking Jinx and her playhouse bullshit. But the outburst has his parents somehow hold him tighter. Jinx, on her part, only grabs the ladle from her side to dish out her serving of the boil.
"I was gonna talk, still will", with a playful smile she goes on, "but that's not the question you should want to ask". She dips her finger into her bowl to taste her dish, in a moment of contemplation her expression turns satisfied. "A question's like a boil you know? Letting it simmer for a while is the right way to get results, but you still need the right ingredients to be satisfied. And I've come to you with food and plenty for conversation, no thumpers involved. Doesn't that make you hungry for the end?".
Fucking Janna, fucking Jinx and her dumb cryptic bullshit, but he can't do anything with his parents potentially in the crossfire. Left to play Jinx's game Ekko asks, "Say we eat, we talk, and hell, maybe I listen. What do you get?".
Jinx purses her lips to stop her smile from growing wider, "Too easy!", her teeth begin to breakthrough her grin, "Because, at the end, I know your question is gonna be the answer I'm looking for.".
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minimallyminnie · 11 months
Absolutely Not!
Ace lets the question slip out to Fuyuki out of pure curiosity but really, does he care?
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A normal day. One day without strange crap happening (who is he kidding? He’s in a magical world for Ursula’s sake.) But! As per usual, some trouble has to come up in the form of Ace Trappola.
Fuyuki feels absolutely stupid for thinking he could have peace for a minute.
"I’m just saying dude," Ace continues to munch on the fries. Basketball club and Pop Music were finished early today so they decided to meet up together at the Maestro Lounge. But this was definitely not something Fuyuki could just answer like that! "If you could date any one of us who would it be right now?"
..Thinking it over Fuyuki sighed and rubbed his eyes
"I don't know man. Jamil and Kalim?"
"For real?!"
"Three way-!"
"Keep it appropriate Leech~!"
Fuyuki nods “You said anyone at the table."
"Shut the fuck up right now, at least they both take responsibility for stealing my damn tart.”
"I said I was sorry for that!"
"After blaming Grim and Deuce?"
"Hang on, are you actually based for the Scarabia housewardens? Like /srs?"
Fuyuki slouched against the chair, looking down at the ruby colored drink. He could tell the whole table was anticipating their answer. “They would be wonderful significant others I'm sure. But…..outside of this table, I rather date him then them."
Two looks and sighs of relief come from the Scarabians. A majority of the table's eyes lit up at Fuyuki, Ace sitting up and looking at him. With everyone's eyes on him, his face turned pink.
"W-whatever! I don't even like him that much!"
"or you won't say you're in love~!" Floyd giggled out
“Tell us!"
"I can't believe I'm listening to this..."
“I can believe it!"
“Who does the lovely prefect have a crush on~?”
"Come on Cay-Cay has to know!"
With the watchful and teasing eyes of everyone, Fuyuki feels like he'll boil over like a pot. He should just take his aids out at the moment...The next words do come as a surprise to the table though..
“Fine. It’s…Tsuntaro.”
….The whole table is quiet. Huh, maybe his aids died—
Jamil shoved about five fries in his mouth, promptly shutting him up.
“Omg! I should’ve known!!!”
“Ah…young love is so strange…”
“Ok grandpa flapjack….But really? I wouldn’t have guessed with you and sea slug!”
“I said rather date over everyone not actually romantically.”
Fuyuki rolled his eyes and then looked at Kalim
“Kalim? Is everything alright..?”
“I WON!!!!” The Scarabia housewarden shot up in glee
“What—wheeze” Ace punched his chest after finishing the fries “win what?”
“A bet! All the housewardens made a bet for Fuyuki! Leona, Azul and I bet that he liked Malleus. Everyone else lost! Mwahahahaha!” Kalim sat back down with a smile
“I am not in love!”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised considering how favored my lord is to you!”
“Sorry Yuki! But you have to admit! We all better because of the fact of how much you and Malleus talk about each other!”
“Ooh all the cute little dates you two would have~!”
“You are so down bad dude.”
Ace pats Fuyuki on his back as he pushes the mute button on his hearing aids, silencing the laughter from everyone at the table and groans in his hands
No. He will not say it. Never ever at all!
‘I won’t say I’m in love.’
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bylertruther · 9 months
10, 12, 18, 22, 31, 36, 38, 44, 48, 56 🧠🔍
ten: are you good at hiding your feelings?
no ❤️, which is really quite awful for me lmao. i mean. yes and no, but heavy emphasis on no. will you know that something's up? most likely, yes. will i tell you what it is? no, never. so, i guess it depends on how you interpret the question and how well you know me. hope this helps <3
twelve: what is something you want right now?
see, i could say i'm looking at him.. 🤨 but you stink, so, hmmm. i want a bowl of fried rice, much like the one you denied me however many moons ago. and some red jello for dessert.
eighteen: do you miss how things were a year ago?
no. 2022 was one of the worst years of my life and i'm still dealing with the repercussions of it. the only reason it isn't the worst is because the actual worst is from when i was in middle school, which automatically trumps all.
twenty-two: description of crush.
crush is a soda brand owned by dr pepper. the main flavor is orange, but it also has grape, pineapple, strawberry, and others, too. it's sweet, bubbly, and all that sugar makes it a treat on its own. maybe we could split one? i haven't had a grape soda in ages, but i could be convinced to get another flavor, if you so wish. 😇
thirty-one: 3 random facts.
— i was the first in my family to be born in america. — i'm nearsighted. — i'm a very slow eater. like, very slow.
thirty-six: 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
when i was younger i was very ambitious. my dreams still feel equally as ambitious to me, but they're... different now. — i'd like to get married and share a life with my partner. one that's so full of love, it makes up for all the moments leading up to it when there was none. — i'd like to own a home that feels safe in every room. — i want to be able to take care of my mom and be there for her the way she was for me. her efforts and sacrifices can't be for naught.
thirty-eight: favourite comedian(s).
the tumblr appropriate ones are brittany broski, cody and noel's that's cringe era (rest in peace 💔), and thomas middleditch & ben schwartz.
forty-four: age you get mistaken for.
hm... people think i'm early twenties a lot, like 20-23. sometimes younger. i've been told multiple times that i'm confusing, because i give off "baby" vibes, but also.. the white hairs are right there lmao.
forty-eight: turn offs.
touching me without washing your hands first. being mean. people who insist they're fine with whatever role but secretly keep track and hold it over your head or make it seem like a chore.
fifty-six: favourite food(s).
americans popped off with a good ole burger and fries combo. all pasta fucks hard, but i especially enjoy ravioli. flan made with cream cheese is to die for. if you placed an empanada in my hand after i died, it would bring me back to life instantly. enchiladas (with flour tortillas, because i'm a heathen) and burritos are hot. if you make me beef stew or a nice roast, i'll go out the next day to buy you a ring. potatoes in general any which way. soups. yeast rolls. fufu de platano. ajiaco, which is a soup, but it's esp a fave during the winter or when i'm sick :).
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starvingtongue · 9 months
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community ⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves 🔑 my favorite type of threads
My experience in the Roleplaying Community // Accepting! // @ofmoonlily
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
I can't speak for other communities, but the ff rpc feels like it's become a lot more selective, private, and, idk a lot less friendly, open and warm? There's a definite, and very stark, difference between when I started roleplaying in it back in 2013ish, to even back in 2017, not to mention now. I don't know exactly what changed, and I know people still have fun (otherwise what's the point of being here, right?), yes people are older & have more going on, and I know there's been bits of drama with people over the years, but sometimes I really, really miss how it used to be.
People would do crack more often, it feels like people were more willing to do events or joint verses/AUs, try out new muses, stick around for a lot longer, there was a lot less focus on graphics & aesthetics, people would send each other world building questions or anons a lot more. Heck, I know some of them could be problematic as fuck, but Magic Anons were fun as fuck back in the day. Paine got turned into a potato once. I feel like a lot more people were willing to be stupid with their muses, be a lot more open to roleplaying with others within the fandom (and outside of it, I have many a happy thread memory with characters who were from different fandoms than my muse), if that makes sense? Which I guess is the point of crack, but w/e. I'm pretty sure it's me looking back with rose tinted glasses and a nostalgic sense of things, I wish the community was not only large enough to do these sorts of things, but also more willing? idk man, maybe the first step beings with me, but I just miss it.
⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves
I'm sure this has been said several times over, but those really tiny icons that are sized at, like 60x60, that have been so fried by saturation that it's almost impossible to actually see what the icon is. That really drives me bonkers and I don't even have any wrong with my eyes, so I can't imagine how it must feel for someone who suffers from visual impairments or those sorts of things trigger migraines or things like that. Thankfully, I think the rpc has gotten over this trend, for the most part, and a lot of people are reconsidering 'their aesthetic' for those that might be affected by this sorta stuff. But, every so often something'll pop up that'll remind me of it.
🔑 my favorite type of threads
Honestly, it really depends on the muse. For Anima, I really love the softer or more angsty type of threads. Her time in Guadosalam with Jyscal & baby Seymour, her and Seymour's exile and eventual pilgrimage, and then her joining with Yuna. I've really enjoyed threads with her post-X-2, but they don't hit the same. I think it's the same for Tromell as well, or most of my FF related muses & Shachath as well tbh? I feel like the majority my FF muses either aren't really the 'soft' types, and as such, their 'softer' moments are few and far between (Paine, Dona, Leblanc), which is why I love writing the softer moments for them, even if they're still being their normal selves. Or the majority of their plot lines are really angsty (Anima, Tromell, Zanarkand to some extent), and I really love exploring that in threads.
I'm throwing Shachath in here, more on the soft yet angsty side, because they only really appear when someone's dead, dying, or really considering their own demise. I've not written them in a hot minute, but it was really nice having those sorts of threads with people, regardless of how Shachath herself might've been summoned. And Zephyr as well, now that I think about it, cause I'd really like to explore more angsty stuff with her, especially in regards to her losing her sanity & her time at Castle Volkhair.
Maybe soft & angsty threads are my favourite?
And I also really like writing shippy stuff, more so the slow burn & day-to-day aspects of shippy things. But I haven't written anything revolving around shippy-things in forever. I've had 1 ship in all of my blogs, sob, not that I'm complaining or saying people should ship with me more, but I do miss writing it.
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sadsimp · 11 months
Incorrect Quotes I think fit (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
Creepypasta Ocs as incorrect quotes
Oc is shipped with Brian/Hoodie :). I mashed Marble Hornets and Creepypasta
Fall: “They’re not my kid. I don’t have any kids.”
Annalise: “Uh, they’re running off.”
Fall scrambling: “FUCKING GOD DAMNIT!”
Miracle: “Hey Fall, can we have ice cream?”
Fall: “Not before dinner.”
Both: “...”
Fall: “Ah I’m just kidding go crazy kid.”
Miracle, half asleep: “Hey Mapa?”
Fall also half asleep: “...”
Miracle: “...”
Fall: “Did you.. just call me.. Mapa?” 
Miracle: “You know, if I just chewed tomatoes and spit it out on my fries, would it still be ketchup?”
Fall: “I worry about you sometimes kid.”
Helen when first meeting Misery: “Aww, your baby is so cute."
Fall: "Yeah, you say that because you haven't really met them yet.”
Misery who opens their mouth to reveal rows of sharp teeth and tongues: (´∀`)
Miracle who’s jaw unhinged just to scare her off: ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
Helen: “It must be incredible being a parent."
Fall: "... at times. Would I change it for the world? No, absolutely not. Does it sometimes make me want to throw myself off a bridge?... Yes. It absolutely does.” 
Brian: "Is everything okay? I was really worried when you didn't come on time. You're always so punctual."
Fall: "Yeah, I'm sorry. I dropped my kid off at school only to find they forgot their homework at home, I'm sorry, you don't care."
Brian: "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't care."
Annalise: “What are you making?”
Fall: “Stew.”
Annalise: “Ooo! What kind?”
Fall: “The everything kind.” 
Annalise: “…What’s in it?”
Fall: “Everything.” 
Miracle: I need life advice. 
Fall, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person
Miracle, struggling to push Fall: Can't you go any faster?
Fall, leaning back over Miracle: Oh no, gravity is increasing on me!
Miracle/Garlic: No it's not!
Fall: It really is, Mi! 
Garlic as FalI falls on top of them: Gah! You bitch! You're crushing me!
Fall knocks on Miracle’s door after he had a meltdown]
Fall: You ok in there?
Miracle/Garlic: *incoherent demonic screeching*
Fall: OK I'll bring you back some fries.
Charlotte: "I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff."
Helen: "I witnessed the dumb stuff."
Posy : "I recorded the dumb stuff."
Fall: "I joined you in the dumb stuff."
Annalise: "I tried to stop you from doing the dumb stuff!"
Fall: The path to inner peace begins with four words.
Fall, trying to avoid looking at Charlotte getting into trouble again: Not my fucking problem.
Posy: Come at me with an attack and I’ll defend myself against it.
Fall: You can rent out parking spots on your forehead.
Annalise: So you called Fall for help instead of me??
Charlotte: Well, I mean, if you’re wanting to do something stupid you wouldn’t exactly call the voice of reason, now would you? 
Charlotte loses a fight- 
Fall sarcastically: This is… tragic. 
Posy : Not as tragic as your face.
Fall: That’s was uncalled for.
Posy: Your face is uncalled for. 
Miracle: Words that end in "ie" are cute! Like cutie, cookie, sweetie-
Fall: Die
Annalise: Fall, where's my slice of pie?
 Fall: My stomach
Annalise: Why?!
Fall: Because you drank the last of the milk, you fuCKING BITCH
Fall: You make me so pissed off so quickly. It's almost funny
Posy: I literally only said 6 words.
Fall: Yet here I am, boiling with hate.
Fall: Well, atoms never touch each other. Since we are made of atoms, we have never touched anything our whole lives.
Annalise: .....
Fall: So to answer your question, no, I didn't punch Posy in the face.
Annalise: What’s your type?
Hoodie: I have extremely high standards so far no one has been able to-
Fall: *Asleep snoring on the couch in tattered pjs and drooling*
Hoodie: Shit I can't believe they’re meeting all of my standards.
Annalise: While I'm gone, Helen you're in charge.
Helen: yes!
Annalise, whispering: Fall, you're secretly in charge.
Fall: I knew
Annalise: You have to apologize to Charlotte 
Fall: Fine. 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Helen: I only got 4 hours of sleep yesterday
Fall: Pathetic. I got fucking 0
Charlotte: Look guys, I need help.
Posy: Love help?
Annalise: Financial help?
Helen: Emotional help?
Fall: Help moving a body?
Fall: You… have a face.
Hoodie/Brian: Yes. 
Fall: I mean, a pretty face. You have a pretty face. You’re pretty 
Hoodie/Brian: Thanks 
Fall: Please accept my attempts at flirting, I don’t know what I’m fucking doing
Charlotte: I have an idea
Fall: A good idea?
Charlotte: Let's not get ahead of ourselves
Fall: Wait you like me? For my personality?
Hoodie: I know, I was surprised too
Hoodie: Are we fighting or flirting?
Fall: I'm gonna sink my teeth into your fucking throat! 
Hoodie: Still proving my point, mixed messages 
Hoodie: I have feelings for you.
Fall: Why? What the fuck is wrong with you? 
Fall: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Brian: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Fall: Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Hoodie: It’s working isn’t it?
Fall: …. Son of a bitch
Posy: My god, do you ever stop with the “I wanna die” shit?
Fall: I’ll stop when I’m dead that’s for sure
Helen: Okay let’s play “Would You Rather”!
Helen: Would you rather die or-
Fall: Die
Helen: I haven’t even-
Fall: Die
Charlotte: What do you think Fall’s gonna do for a distraction?
Annalise: They’ll probably throw a rock or something. That’s what I would do
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Annalise: … or he could do that
Posy: I like to think things through 
Fall: I once saw you eat a goddamn marshmallow that was still on fucking fire
Charlotte: Have you ever been yelled at by Fall?
Jackass Man: I’m not scared of her
Charlotte: Guess that’s a no
Fall: I spy with my eye someone who needs to shut the fuck up
Charlotte: …is it me?
Fall: It’s always you
“I’d throw you threw a window if I could.”
— Fall, to Charlotte at least 5 times a day 
Hoodie: It's not my fault, Fall, you were distracting me.
Fall: What did I do?
Hoodie: You existed.
[ breaking and entering]
Annalise: Could you do that a bit more quietly?
Fall: Aye, I'll put the crowbar on whisper mode
(After getting the Hell Traps off)
Fall, high on pain medication, tired, hungry and zoning in and out: I've connected the two dots.
Annalise, tired of their shit: You didn't connect shit.
Fall:  I've connected them.
Posy: Guess what I'm about to get!
Fall: On my last fucking nerves.
Fall: You’re alive.
Posy: No need to sound so disappointed.
Charlotte: When I become a serial killer I’ll put tapes that have “Mmm Watcha Say” in the mouths of my victims 
Annalise: When
Brian/Hoodie: Truth or Dare?
Fall: Truth
Brian/Hoodie: Do you want to kiss me?
Fall: Dare
Brian/Hoodie: I dare you to kiss me
Fall: Never have I ever-
Brian/Hoodie: That’s noT THE GAME
Annalise: Anyone d-
Helen: Depressed?
Charlotte: Disliked?
Fall: Drained?
Posy: Dumb?
Annalise: -done with their work…
Fall to Charlotte: I can’t believe you’d do something like that. At least let me record it next time
Hoodie/Brian: Whenever Fall gets mad at me, I tighten all the lids on our jars so they have to ask me for help.
[sounds of glass shattering in the background]
Hoodie/Brian: It hasn't worked yet, but it will.
Fall: It's a dangerous mission, you're not going. End of discussion.
Charlotte: Or what. 
Fall: … Excuse me?
Charlotte: ...Um. 
Brian, stroking Fall’s hair: You're so cute and pretty.
Fall, sleepily: I could beat the shit out of you.
Brian, lovingly: I know.
Helen: truth or dare?
Fall: truth 
Helen: how many hours of sleep have you got?
Fall: dare
Helen: go to bed
Fall: I don’t like this game 
Charlotte: What time is it? 
Fall: I don’t know, pass me my cello and we’ll find out. 
Fall: *Plays the cello loudly and extremely out of tune* 
Fall: It’s 2 am
Fall: Die
Posy: Come kill me yourself
*20 minutes later*
Charlotte: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way outta this one Fall
Fall: *reloads weapon*
Fall: Manslaughter it is
Brian: Are you a cuddler?
Fall: I'm a machine of pain and death.
Brian: ...
Fall: .. yeah I'm a cuddler
Fall: from here we are silent. not quiet, but silent.
the rest of the group nods
*Charlotte fighting for her life to not let the hiccup out
Charlotte: *hiccup*
*The group looks behind them, all eyes on Charlotte*
Annalise: *whispers* really Charlotte? right now?
Charlotte : *whispers* i’m sorry i cant *hiccups* help it!!
Fall: *whisper scream* quiet.
Charlotte: *hiccups* 
*What the cp oc group would say if you text them at 2am saying you want to shave off your eyebrows*
Fall: do it pussy
Annalise: it’s 2am piss off
Charlotte: Can I help? Can we put a slit in my eyebrow???
Helen: Do I need to schedule a therapy appointment for you?
Helen would later send: There is an opening at 3:00 pm this Thursday. I am clearing your schedule for then. 
Miracle: what’s a thot?
Charlotte: uh..a very thoughtful person.
*later at dinner*
Miracle: Auntie can you pass the salt?
Annalise: sure 
Miracle: thanks Auntie! you’re such a thot!
Annalise: *spits out drink*
Fall: *laughs*
Posy: Fall, can you pass the salt?
Fall: Posy, can you pass away?
Brian: oh look, we’re under a mistletoe
Fall: *looks up* no we aren’t
*later that night*
Fall: *wakes up at 4am* oh my god! He was flirting with me!
Archie: oh my god, the stove is on fire! what do we do?!
Charlotte: okay, no worries, we just need an adult.
Archie: but WE ARE adults.
Archie: I heard Charlotte was in jail, what happened? 
Billy: Yeah, she got arrested for something she didn’t do. 
Helen: What?
Fall: What didn’t she do? 
Billy: Run fast enough. 
Annalise: 🤨
Fall: Wasn’t she with you...? 
Fall: ... 
Fall: You left her behind didn’t you? 
Billy: It was either her or me. 
Helen: So we have good news and bad news.
Annalise: Bad news first then.
Helen: The fire that has started in the kitchen is now out of control.
Annalise: The- THE WHAT STARTED??!!
Charlotte, holding a perfectly toasted marshmallow: See, I nailed it though! That’s the good news!
Posy: I just don't understand why people hate me so much...
Fall: You're snobby, you stink, you're overly violent, not to mention you're also-
Posy: I GET IT!
Charlotte: guess what
Fall: bitch with the way you live I have no fucking idea
Fall: what else are you good at? Besides making my life fucking miserable
Charlotte: I can color
Bonnie: where are you
Archie: turn around
Archie: no the other way
Archie: wrong way again
Bonnie: Archie, where exactly are you??
Archie: at home, but the thought of you turning aimlessly in circles is hilarious 
Fall: You want a beer?
Annalise: HE'S 4!!!
Helen: We call that a traumatic experience. 
Helen, turning to Bonnie: Not a "bruh moment"
Helen, turning to Archie: Not a “major L”
Helen, turning to Charlotte: Not "sadge"
Helen, turning to Fall: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO"
Fall: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Brian: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Fall: Absolutely not.
Bonnie: I’ve got a 6th sense, and it’s called paranoia
Billy: Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments
Billy: *during a fight* You use emojis like a straight person!
Fall: *mortified* That is literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Brian: *watching Fall in adoration* Heh heh, you are so beautiful when you hate the world~
Archie: Okay, onto plan 2!
Charlotte: Don’t you plan B?
Archie: No, that implies I only have 26 back-up plans
Charlotte: I have a problem.
Billy: Kill it.
Fall: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Billy: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three.
Billy: One... two... three.
Fall: ...
Billy: ...
Billy : See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Fall: *on the phone* Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference.
Fall: Anyways, you said Miracle is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
Charlotte: Hey Fall, can you give me the opposite of these words?
Charlotte: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down.
Fall: Never, Going, To, Give, You-
Fall: The fucking satisfaction.
Fall: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles?
Helen: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes
Archie: Croissants: dropped
Charlotte: Road: works ahead
Fall: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Helen: Shavacado: fresh
Billy: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Annalise: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Charlotte: Marry, fuck, kill. Annalise, Helen, or me
Fall: Marry Helen, fuck Annie and kill Posy
Posy: I wasn't even a choice!
Fall: Kill Posy
Billy: Hey, it’s Billy
Fall: Oh no, what did he do?
Billy: No, dumby . Like it’s me. 
Fall: what did you do? 
Annalise: *resting on the couch.*
Charlotte: *slowly puts Annalise’s fingers in warm water* 
Annalise: I’m still awake, Charlotte. 
*Billy and Charlotte sitting in jail together*
Charlotte: So who should we call?
Billy: I’d call Fall, but I feel safer in jail
Annalise: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Bonnie without her noticing?
Fall: Hey, Bonnie, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny.
Bonnie: *Takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser.
Annalise: …
*Fall is speaking on the phone with Annalise*
Fall: Yeah, I'm with Posy
Posy: I’m fucking dying-
Fall: Yep, she’s okay.
Posy: I have a knife in my chest!
Fall: No, she can't talk right now. She's sleeping, sorry.
Archie: Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Fall: I don’t know how to do that.
Annalise: I don’t wear a watch.
Billy: Time is a construct.
Archie: God is more powerful than you.
Fall: I will kick your god in the kneecaps. 
Helen: Hey Fall are you okay?
Fall: I have this headache that comes and goes. 
*Charlotte walks into the room*
Fall: And there it is again. 
Fall: I hate being touched
Fall: the last time I was touched by another person was in hand to hand combat
Annalise: Brian is literally hugging you right now
Fall: this means nothing. Fear me
Annalise: If you drank 42 cups of coffee in one sitting, the caffeine overdose would kill you.
Fall: *hasn’t slept in over a week* So 41 is the limit?
Brian, pointing: May I sit there?
Fall: That’s my lap
Brian: That doesn’t answer my question, Fall. 
Fall: Wait, what just happened? 
Archie: I don't know. I think Helen's not used to feeling emotions. Maybe it was too much for her
Helen, in the distance: *tearful* Shut up! 
Fall: Yesterday I overheard Archie say to Charlotte, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”, and Charlotte replied with “Trust me.”
Fall: I have never moved from one room to another so fast in my life.
Billy: I didn’t get this far by having common sense!
Brian: I’m going to shower, wanna help me?
Fall, scoffing: What, you’ve never showered before?
Annalise: Fall, he was flirting with you.
Fall: No he- oh my god.
Fall: I’m actually deeply in love with Brian and we’ve been dating for a couple months now, we even have adorable pet names, I call him  my beloved, my love
Charlotte: why are you telling me this??
Fall: because no one will believe you~*Walks away cackling*
Charlotte : …you sON OF A-
Fall: "I thought you'd be taller."
Brian: "And I thought you'd be less of a dick. Looks like we're both full of disappointments."
Helen: If you got arrested what would be the charges? 
Archie: Theft.  
Charlotte: Disturbing the peace. 
Annalise: Aggravated assault. 
Billy: Arson.  
Fall: All of the above. In that order, probably. 
Fall: I’m a cold blooded killer. I crave vengeance for the loss of my family. I care for no one but those I have lost
Brian, tripping as he runs into the room and falling flat on his face: Ugh!
Fall: *stares*
Brian, climbing to his feet: I’m here to help!
Fall: I want that. Him, I want him-
Brian: Can you do me a favour?
Fall: I would literally cover up a murder you committed, plant my DNA at the crime scene and take the blame for it if you asked me to.
Brian: …okay… so can you do the dishes?
Fall: Fuck no
Brian: *staring at a sleeping Fall with heart eyes as he plays with their hair*
Brian: I would burn the world down just to watch the fire dance in your eyes
Fall: *stirs*
Brian: Bitch if you wake up-
Fall: Lately Archie's gotten into dad jokes, but what's worse is that Billy actually likes them
Archie: I had a nice vacuum cleaner but I had to sell it. It was just gathering dust!
Billy, laughing: That's what it does! 
Fall: Every time I think my hell can't get worse, life finds a way
Fall: Any idiot would  know that!
Charlotte: I knew that
Fall: See!?
Kidnapper: we have your boyfriend. 
Fall: you have Hoodie? 
Kidnapper: yeah. 
Fall: good luck with that
Billy: I don’t like women
Charlotte: You’re a MISOGYNIST?
Fall, waking up from dying again : Oh hey, guys. What time is it?
Annalise: It’s about 2am. Are you hungry? 
Fall: Oh, cool. I’m up for some toast. 
Charlotte (sobbing uncontrollably): Can you guys please stop acting like nothing happened?!
Helen, putting his hands over Fall's eyes: Guess who!
Fall: It's either Peach or the cold, clammy hands of death.
Helen, pulling her hands away: It's Peach!
Fall: Dammit.
Fall: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
Bonnie: A few years ago, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Fall: They're not.
Bonnie: Haha, very funny.
Fall: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Bonnie: No... what happened?
Fall: ...Why would you fall for this again-
Helen: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated
Fall: killed without hesitation
Helen: Darling, we’ve talked about this-
Kidnapper: we have your partner.  
Brian: you have Fall? 
Kidnapper: yeah. 
Brian: good luck with that
Charlotte: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Fall: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Arch?
Archie: Probably “road work ahead”.
Annalise: I speak many languages, and this is none of them
Recruit: When you gonna stop giving me blue balls?
Archie: Whoa hey!-
Annalise: Aight, I got my steel toes on. How bout we make’em black and blue?
Recruit: I-
Annalise: Shut the fuck up. I’ve already turned you down twice take a hint
Archie: Just be yourself.
Charlotte: 'Be myself'? Arch, I have one day to win Cody over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Helen: Few days
Billy: Couple weeks.
Annalise: Six months.
Fall: Jury’s still out.
Charlotte: See, Arch?
Charlotte: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?
Helen: What do you first notice when someone approaches you?
Fall: The audacity.
Brian: you could have died!
Fall: but i didn’t!
Brian: you could have!
Fall: but i didn’t!
Brian: but you could have!
Fall: are we seriously going to keep doing this?
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the-travelling-witch · 11 months
guess who's alive? exactly, me!! :D *slumps down and never gets up* (sorry in advance this will be quite the long ask >_<)
i get the feeling of fried brain, my session just finished ;-; #neveragain (wish i could say it for real tho) it's not a problem if you can't add much ahah, really, so don't worry :3
i feel you, my rbf isn't of any help but luckily those who receive my love know it and about the rest i don't care °v° and as i said (i think) as long as you're genuine i don't think that's a problem, honestly is what matters ^u^
yeah i noticed the game and noticed only now i forgot to ask you a question but now head is empty so whatever 🫠 if you say so then brb gonna go buy pencils for xiao and you so you can fill each other's skin with drawings and writings eheh~
me too honestly, i just need to relax, eat good food and sleep for hours trapping the indigo menace in a cuddling hug >:3 for movies i'm down bad for pixar but indie and artsy sounds good too 👀 and slow dancing at night is just something sooo cute and sosksiskdjsjskwj i'm down bad pt2
we can agree that villainous fictional men >>>>>>>>> goody two-shoes hero, but morally grey characters deserve a mention of honor, a whole hall just for them @^@
childe you cocky little menace with that shit-eating grin 🤺 i love this type of grin it sends me on cloud nine but also actives my fighting spirit lmao
i loved every word and the implicit mention of scara's partner and childe's being colleagues, what a chaos putting those two in the same room because of their lovers (saw the other asks, died of laughter)
it had me going 👀 when reader went "one coffee for the mystery man" LIKE MAN THE AUDACITY i would have prayed the universe to swallow me especially after ginger's reply folsdoodsj so good really
also, a curiosity: since you mentioned yanqing (my son <3) does this mean that gi and hsr men will interact more often, being in the same universe? tbh knowing some characters either they will get along well or a big fight would start the moment they see each other pfft-
anyway, i think that i covered everything so that's all! as always, take care, drink water and coffee, eat healthy and sleep well at night, you can do this! and good luck with uni :3
bye bye~
— ❄️
hii great to see you back and good job on surviving!! i’ll put the answer under a cut for brevity’s sake haha
well i hope i sound and look genuine bc sometimes i feel like i don’t and if i try to sound more excited, people would probably think i’m faking it; but yeah my friends probably know by now how i act so i think i should be good :>
don’t force yourself to participate if you can’t come up with something, i promise i still have enough material to go through (me, typing a novel for a moot’s entry /aff); whenever i doodle on my arm i normally just use ball point pens or eyeliners but i also saw people using like actual colours for painting/body paint and i really want to try that; having someone drag a brush and paint over your back must be such a funny feeling <3
i’m not watching a lot of films right now, so i can’t say what my favourite genre is but i do love a good animation (i still need to see the new spiderman aaahhh); speaking of going to the cinema: there’s sth so special about going there during daytime and coming back out when it’s dark outside; imagine walking home after the film with your fave, he gives you his jacket against the chill of the evening and you laugh and joke as you discuss the film you just saw until he gently grabs your hand and starts twirling you around under the light of a street lamp… *sigh* what a dream (frantically scribbles into my notes for the modern au hshsh)
i just think villains and morally grey characters just are much more fun to explore; would i want hazbin hotel’s alastor to be real or would i like him if i met him? no because he is/was a serial killer, but in fiction? fascinating, intriguing, fun to explore; fiction just gives us the means to explore these morally not so cool actions and mindsets without most of the consequences, and i love that (also it really is sexy if a bad guy drops everything for their love; who wouldn’t want to be their partner’s priority; also also, villains with their own set of moral code, like ‘sure i’ll burn down a city but hit a woman? i would never’)
childe activates my fighting spirit in general, like come over here and let’s bicker, you gorgeous idiot, and maybe i’ll kiss you afterwards <3 and also yes that grin… it might be here bc of the writer’s bias…
i just had to make them colleagues!! please just imagine them gossiping about their bfs after work or during the double date the readers are just talking the night away whereas childe and scara just have this icy atmosphere around them, but the second their partners look over they melt bc they’re just so in love dorks, all of them
and omg yes, thank you for mentioning it, i’ve been dying for someone to point it out: it’s official, it’s a genshin/honkai shared au!! it’ll be mostly genshin with some hsr characters but yes!! they’re sharing the same universe, they will be interacting (now we wait for someone to mention the company vizion is signed under… i wonder who works there… /silly)
thank you, make sure to take care of yourself as well!! <3
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just finished up 2x10, "hunted". "whatever you say won't leave this room" that's why you've got a tape recorder going, right? he fried a cat??? bro :( oh geez my mom loves "white rabbit". okay is someone after the demon blood kids or was scott a random victim, i wonder. bro dean never begs for anyone from anyone... the desperation in his eyes :( sammy you idiot you shouldn't be going off by yourself right now, especially in the middle of the night. somebody else had a vision of sam dying? sam and ellen both just blatantly ignoring the other's questions they don't wanna answer gkjrjgkrs. and she called sam "sweetie" again 🥺🥺🥺 my heart aches every time she does that. ash just took sam's drink kljgrglk at least he waited until sam got up to leave. dude ellen doesn't care what you have to say, she's gonna tell dean where you are no matter what. well all the yellow eyes in the closet are creepy. girlie he's not saying anything weirder than you are and he's nuts? GORDON WHAT THE FUCK??? who is sam? bro i think that's the least of your problems, why don't you wonder why the hell was tryna snipe you? NO FUCK THIS IS THE EPISODE WHERE GORDON KIDNAPS DEAN AND USES HIM AS BAIT FOR SAM. FUCK FUCK FUCK. i was wondering who was killing the demon blood kids because i didn't think any monsters would want to since apparently they're supposed to be soldiers on azazel's side. so apparently gordon is the one killing these kids, great. no scott WASN'T working up to it, he said he didn't want to!!! fucking hell you gotta have both sides of the story before you go slaughtering people. dude this is his brother, some people can do crazy shit for their families and dean is definitely one of those people. yeah dean giving sam that look when sam says "you can't protect me" bitch he's sure gonna try. aw man so a demon came and killed ava's fiancee and i'm assuming took her too? poor girl.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
L.S.S.: Looks like we have some more questions to answer.
Mitch(3): Eheh, figures- they got a taste, and now they're just gonna keep comin...~
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Mitch(3): What’dja do this time, Polly? Fuck up your hair again and now you’re too fugly to go out in public? I keep tellin ya ta quit tryin ta bleach it yerself…
L.S.S.: Are you okay, MJ? I know you haven’t been feeling well, being off your meds… have you gotten worse?
Mitch(3): Wait, they’re sick? …No wonder they haven’t come around ta bug me… Well, get better so you can come over an cook me somethin’. I got yer shit all bagged up when you do.
L.S.S.: …I have a feeling that’s not gonna happen any time soon… Uh, the crop top is… Mitch likes it when I dress this way. I didn’t really bring anything else to wear, so…
Mitch(3): Eheh, I love seein you walk about in those little short-shorts, too… eye candy AND easy access~ Now you just gotta get outa this shitty mood so I can get ya outa them…
L.S.S.: What makes you say I’m in a ‘shitty mood’?  
Mitch(3): Cuz you’ve been no fuckin fun for the past couple days! 
L.S.S.: What? We’ve been hanging out and playing games and stuff-
Mitch(3): Pssh, yeah, and you’ve been all preachy and weird the whole time… won’t even take a couple shots er nothin with me [grumbling] so fuckin lame… I don’t know why you’re still fuckin’ here if you’re ‘clean and sober’ all of a sudden…
L.S.S.: … I don’t need to be wasted to have fun with you, you know…. 
Mitch(3): ……
....Eheh, I know you wanna be though. So what, are you just takin a tolerance break or somethin then…? I got stronger shit, if you need it. You’re already fried, Fisher. Ya might as well….~
L.S.S.: …. I’m not ‘fried’.
Mitch(3): [laughing] Riiiiight, Mr. 5,000-year-old Immortal Universe-Hopper... Ya'know, maybe you should lay off a little- That story was fuckin' nuts, even for me! [laughing]
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Mitch(3): Ehehe, you like what’cha see, darlin’...? Yeahhh, it’s a pretty sweet gig around these parts- plenty of customers, and the Big Dog’s got the cops all wrapped around his finger, so I don’t gotta worry about nothin.... Even gave me this little slice a heaven away from it all so I don’t gotta deal with any nosey neighbors snoopin around. 
L.S.S.: I wouldn’t exactly call this place ‘heaven’...
Mitch(3): The doors right over there, if you got a problem.
L.S.S.: ….
Mitch(3): Aaaanyway, yeah, hit me up if you need somethin- first one’s free, and as you can see [gesturing to Sal]  I can be flexible with the payment plan, if I like the looks a ya [winks]
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L.S.S.: Thanks Meadow. I'm doing my best...
Mitch(3): Oh. So you're the one that put him up to this bullshit? You his sponsor or something? Ew, gross... Never mind then, you pay full price, up front, in cash.
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Mitch(3): Aww, your little buddy dropped off some groceries for ya, how sweet... lemme just- [slam-dunks nicotine patches, gum and lozenges in the trash can]
L.S.S.: ...Well that was unnecessary.... you could at least cut down on the cigs-
Mitch(3): Hmmmm, feels like a full-pack kinda day... oh, and I got all this juice to go through, too? Better get to work...~
L.S.S.: [sigh] ...
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L.S.S.: 'Wolfy'? You mean him...? [pointing to Mitch]
Mitch(3): Ehehe, oooh, I kinda like that... What'cha think, Sally-cat?
L.S.S.: ...I gotta say, it's fitting...
Mitch(3): Eheh, hell yeah...
I started smokin and drinkin in high school and kept moving up from there... Not exactly hard to get your hands on the good stuff in Nockfell- you can't walk more than a couple blocks without somebody tryin ta sell you some addi, and once you get over the freaky black drip, that shit replaces your morning coffee AND your afternoon tea. I'd say about half the town is hooked now. Business is booming, and I got it made...~
L.S.S.: Yeah, you're really living the high life, Mitchie...
Mitch(3): ....
Like I said, the door's right fuckin there any time you wanna get your uppity little ass off my couch and go home. I'm sure that brother a'yurs would be thrilled to see you... [laughing]
L.S.S.: ....
Mitch(3): ...That's what I thought. Now quit bein all high and mighty or I'll put you outside with the other strays....
L.S.S.: .....
...Is that why you keep looking out the window? Are you looking for your cats?
Mitch(3): They're not my cats! Those assholes can fuck off whenever they want to... [barely audible] it's just... kinda weird that they haven't come scratching at the door for a few days... those little turds better not have gotten eaten er somethin...
L.S.S.: ... I'm sure they're fine. Maybe someone took them in?
Mitch(3): [grumbling].... yeah, maybe... not like I care either way....
L.S.S.: ...sure...
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