#i'm sooooo fucking sick
gaphic · 10 months
in light of certain design choices i've decided there's an element of HTTYD that goes severely under-appreciated
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s2 episode 5 thoughts
boy. where this episode started out and where this episode ended were two VASTLY different spaces. come along while i undergo this journey.
the first thing we see is a dog! a doggy! it's a border collie, and it looks like it could be the same one we see in s1 episode 8- maybe dog actors are in short supply! but border collies are famously very smart and to me the cutest of all dogs, so i was pleased to see a friendly face <3
and then things escalated. aliens arrived to fetch the dog's owner.
thankfully they left the dog alone- perhaps they saw the threatening "ALIENS, STAY AWAY FROM THAT DOG" i had written in my notes- but whatever they are inflicting upon this gentleman seems. unpleasant.
(the aliens are obviously terrifying but they're always shown vaguely wiggling in some cold white light and it does make me laugh. ohhhh here they come. the wigglers)
so in the morning our gentleman- duane- was taken to a correctional facility and he hasn't been taking his meds... and then he hurts his doctor! they always find the kindest looking people to play doctors on this show and then make them suffer
THE NEXT THING WE SEE IS: a pool? the pool scene i wrote about seeing a while ago in my last post! the one where mulder emerges mostly naked from his exercise to face this new guy who looks like he covers his beer stench with a designer cologne!
i rewound to see whose pool it was mulder was swimming in but gained no clues. would be sick if the FBI had an in house pool.
breaking news: this SOAKING WET MAN is called to a HOSTAGE SITUATION!
(i do find it endearing that he swims recreationally <3)
next thing i wrote was "alex is pissing me off" and i don't even remember what he did but i stand by it
so mulder is at the scene, duane has four hostages, and claims to be abducted by aliens. now to mulder it makes perfect sense to ask about his abduction experience, and he's trying to do his homework and follow the rules for hostage negotiation, but duane knows all the tricks because he's former FBI which they DID NOT TELL MULDER!
he walks up to the head of the hostage situation and very angrily asks if she knows about how aliens will take your brains out and fuck with your ovaries and she tries not to laugh at him. mulder tell me what they do to ovaries i'll listen. i'll take notes.
and then alex is trying to be all sickly sweet puppy dog boy and asks if he can do anything to help. so the head of the hostage situation tells him to get her a coffee. HA! POINT AT HIM AND LAUGH.
cutscene to SCULLY CAM!!!! <3 she's gonna sleuth for his medical records
ohhh the power went out and duane started blasting. he shot someone so they're gonna send mulder and another guy in (an excuse for mulder to wear a paramedic uniform.......)
mulder's like nooo i won't tell him i believe in aliens (<- said by a man who is lying)
and off to the races, can you imagine it, he does JUST that, says he believes duane and trades himself for the guy who was shot... he says it happened to his sister OHHHHHHH sister mention
he's got the guy monologuing about his tortures from the aliens and honestly, these aliens are bitches. there is NO reason to do all of this. drilling holes in his teeth??? that's fucked
alex is on the phone with scully who is freaking tf out because duane is lying about who he says he is... when he tells her he traded himself for the injured hostage she says "WHAT!" so loudly and is filled with intense urgency
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! his sister was 8 when they took her
(for some reason i thought she was 10 when it happened, but the larger age gap between them explains a lot in terms of his instinctive level of Protectiveness towards all creatures big and small)
this next part had me GAGGED: SCULLY FLEW IN FROM WASHINGTON!!!! she is AT THE SCENE and she is YELLING at someone who isn't listening to her
alex made a VERY FATAL mistake in telling her to "calm down" while mulder is a HOSTAGE and she RIGHTFULLY told him off (and frankly she could have kept going and i wouldn't have complained) but she's a woman who gets things done so she finds someone who will actually listen to her
she says he has a very unique case of being shot in a specific part of the brain which happened to another guy before and then that guy became a pathological liar so she is basically saying "duane is the nastiest skank bitch i have ever met do NOT trust him"
so back to the scene. duane is saying the government is there while the aliens do all this. which i have no idea how to interpret so i'm just storing it here for later use.
SCULLY CAN HEAR HIM! she's on his secret wire mic and talking to him. duane can hear her a little bit but is going on about "the mountains"... it was at this point, with scully talking in mulder's ear, that everything was so tense i had a brief moment where i remembered that this is actually a tv show i'm watching in my free time and not an actual life or death thing
mulder convinces duane to let the women go and the younger one says she believes him which had to be impactful i'd think
but the snipers are closing in!!! mulder sees the line of fire on him and calls him over to get him out of the way so he won't get shot....
he asks duane if she was lying to distract him and now he's VERY VERY VERY ANGRY and he tries to calm him back down and say hey... you forgot to lock the door.... please go lock the door...
and he goes over to the door and bam. duane's shot.
we see scully and mulder watch as he's loaded into the ambulance and mulder looks deeply conflicted and once again has his sad wet eyes on because he still believes duane was telling the truth. scully tells mulder he did the right thing in getting him to go to the door, because we all know by now that mulder has a complicated set of feelings towards any loss of life.
"whatever you're feeling, you did the right thing" <- augh. scully loves him so much. oh to love anyone how truly and deeply scully loves this man
(shhhh i'm not getting into what kind of love it is. i don't know and whatever your answer for its flavor is, you cannot deny that she loves him. that she tries to find the exact words he wants to hear to soothe that internal Guilt he wears like a heavy jacket.)
later he smiles when the lead hostage negotiator calls him to thank him because he broke all of her rules and thought he was going to get yelled at LMAOOO that lil smile was very sweet
and he goes to see duane but the REAL reason she called him in was to tell him about the metal they extracted from duane's body... the doctors claim that the stuff in his teeth could not have been made from any current technology... alien life confirmed??
((i thought the episode would end here on a little cliffhanger that never gets resolved but boy. i was off))
no, instead of an episode's conclusion, we see mulder bring the metal pieces to scully, who once again has the most beautiful freckles in the world, and she says she'll take it down to be analyzed.
mulder leaves the room without saying a word which i thought to be cold in the moment and now that i'm typing this knowing what happens next i might actually cry.
she goes to the store and she's buying some stuff... we see kodak film in the background... sigh instant cameras i love you and your work... but she buys $11 of groceries and then sneaks the metal chip across the barcode reader and it makes the whole thing break down!!!!
the poor cashier is freaking out because the machine is going wild and she looks at scully like "did you touch it?" and she says no and awkwardly leaves LMAOOOOOOO i was howling because girl idk wtf i would have done in that situtation either
duane wakes up to more aliens and rips all his medical stuff off and runs like he didn't get shot very recently and he's on the prowl for something
scully's back at her place, calling mulder, telling him about how the barcode scanned, and she's really worked up about the whole thing, when she hears a rustle, but it's just a thunderstorm...
but she goes to the window and DUANE IS THERE!!! a look of horror passes over her face, and we hear her through mulder's answering machine, screaming for help while he takes her
(everything happened SO quickly, it transpired in my notes like this: WHAT!!! he's outside her window WHAT THE FUCK TO BE CONTINUED??)
yes. we get a "TO BE CONTINUED" on the outtro scene.
i sat there, baffled for a few moments, trying to process what i just saw.
but then i thought i noticed something else: her place looked different than it did in s1. at least, i thought it did- we didn't see it much, but perhaps she got fed up with folks showing up like eugene tooms did in s1 and bought a nicer space. i thought the old space was cute though, and maybe it really is the same space but from a different angle, but then i thought about how it looked like mulder's space also changed from s1, so maybe they both moved, or maybe i'm just not good at noticing things, but oh yeah, scully's in virigina now since she's at the academy, so she probably DID move, although i thought the drive from DC to virigina was doable, but maybe not?
none of this changes the fact that scully has been TAKEN.
(i won't lie, i knew this was going to happen at some point, because i read the s2 episode descriptions and saw something about her being "returned", which implies being taken in the first place. but still. it was very abrupt. they had thoroughly lulled me into expecting a vague sort of non-answer of an ending and then switched out the formula at just the right time so i never grew suspicious)
to be continued!!! this is soooo evil, especially because i don't have time to watch the next episode tomorrow. so i'm gonna walk around all day tomorrow at important work events thinking about what horrors scully must be enduring and get NO conclusion as to what they might be. duane i have fists and you are not real and i am small but i am unafraid to bludgeon you. stay away from her if you even LOOK at her ohhhh you're gonna learn a lot more than what it feels like when aliens take out ur brain just keep that in mind!
(and man. i'm sitting here typing. thinking about how mulder never said a real goodbye to her the last time they spoke. and i wonder if that's gonna haunt him. and i wonder if when he gets her back, he always always always makes sure to take the time for a goodbye. just on the off chance it might really be the last one. fuck.)
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alexjcrowley · 2 months
Sooooo one of my mutuls reminded me that I love The Talented Mr. Ripley so much and I am 100% not normal about it and I just to say that the last time I rewatched it (a few months ago) I hadn't watched that movie for a long time and my only thought was "they want you to think Tom Ripley is the dangerous character but it's actually Dickie Greenleaf. Nothing can destroy your life like the nonchalance a charming person picks you up and puts you down with". And I was 100% sure of that. And then I rewatched the movie and I was like "Okay maybe Tom Ripley was the problem" but you need to understand that everytime I watch that movie it fucks with my brain and my past friendships so hard after a while I always find myself thinking "if Dickie just knew how to love Tom in the right way, none of this would have happened. It's Dickie's fault." And it's not! Tom is deeply fucked up for several reasons! But this movie fucks so hard with me pegs my brain gaslights me like an abusive boyfriend that I always end up thinking "Tom did nothing wrong. Tom did nothing wrong, if Dickie just loved him the right way. It's Dickie's fault."
I just think that people like Dickie Greenleaf can make anyone insane. I think I'd rather never knew the joy of bashing in Dickie's attention that living through the desperation of being derived of it.
#being told I was unable to love right sure adds some layers to this conversation#this movie FUCKS#anthony minghella I'm in your walls#the talented mr ripley#jude law#matt damon#I've been a Tom all my life but sometimes I suspect I have been Dickie to some people#and the power that I might have held over them makes me sick#I associate Dickie Greenleaf with the children judges of Munster in Q by Luther Blisset#which is NOT a good thing#or to Jan of Leida's wife. which is also not good.#something about innocence in cruelty. being unable to perceive the evil one's causing.#but it's not your fault nor anybody's fault if that's your natural attitude. Hurting others without even noticing.#if you use your love like an ancient God would. Give and take back at your pleasure.#au plaisir de Dieu but you are the God#and what people want from you? You're just one. You can't be there for everybody all the time.#that's the job of a supreme entity but that's how people see you. Brighter than the sun. It's not your fault. It's not their fault.#you have a right to your love and your attention but they have a right to that as well because once they've tried it they can't go back#it's intoxicating being loved by someone like Diclie Greenleaf. Any man who has tried that would rather kill themed rather than go back#being ignored after that#it's Dickie who leaves death and desperation behind him#*conveniently ignores Tom Ripley's a psychopath* Ooooh I forgot about that part#anyway yeah movies I am sooooo normal about
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yutadori · 5 days
feeling a sudden surge of anxiety while thinking about finding a dentist godddd why is it so difficult to find a good one..... i've needed braces for FOREVER and im mad at my younger self for not trying hard enough to convince my dad to help me get them because i feel like it'll be way more expensive now that i'm an adult -__- i know fuck all about anything and it sucks that i dont have an adult to ask about this kind of stuff this sucksssss why is insurance so annoying why is looking for a doctor soooooo annoyingggggg i hope i die
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scooplery · 6 months
my electricity is out 😑
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slaygentford · 2 years
Do you think the portrait in the coffin room is of Gabriellle? Do you think Lestat loves Louis because he reminds him of his mother?
AND ALL HER LIFE CAME TO HER DEFENSE, the years and years of suffering and loneliness, the waste in those damp hollow chambers to which she’d been condemned,
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and the children who had DEVOURED HER AND ABANDONED HER,
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and the pain and disease, her final enemy,
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which had in promising release PRETENDED TO BE. HER FRIEND.
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onewingedangels · 9 months
i really would never understand my uncle's side of family who are more privileged than my family will ever be and yet that they, especially his wife and her spoiled grown ass kids, will always get jealous and mad that we get better or could pay off something expensive for once in our lives, like why are you like this when you can always afford everything in your life? wtf have we ever done to you that we deserve to be treated with no respect???
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inniave · 2 months
every time i have to wake up early (read- every time i have a dr appointment before 1pm) i'm reminded why i sleep until the afternoon
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oceanmoss · 4 months
really fucking hate my family sometimes . which is normal i imagine . but i can't keep witnessing some of this shit i also can't keep ranting about it or getting super angry about it bc that doesn't lead anywhere i just burn for no benefit . and i keep saying the same things over and over again and i either get labelled as insane feminist or silly girl with unreasonable anger or whatever. which just sucks so much but i also really don't know how to control my rage so it's gonna keep happening anyway 👍 all i'm gonna say is they ruin every single summer and whenever summer starts i remember why i can't fucking stand it
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sunnysduet · 9 months
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aftermathing · 1 year
So much mental health advice is like "ask for help!! Don't be afraid to rely on your friends and family to get you through this!!" girl what if i do not have friends or family*
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werewolf4vampire · 1 year
i cannot fucking take this shit anymore i'm literally at my fucking limit lmao but i just have to keep going anyway lol. lmao.
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system-splintered · 2 years
Personal update
Hey guys, I finally have some answers about what's wrong with me and why I'm in pain. Turns out I have fibromyalgia AND either seronegative RA, undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis, or possibly NR-AxSpa if my MRI comes back positive for damage.
Feels bad man.
Feels real bad. Wasn't expecting multiple diagnoses for some reason. But knowing I have both makes me feel kind of justified in my pain in a way, like even a doctor will admit I'm in serious pain every day. It's weird and feels wrong to be treated with respect and care, and to have an answer. I feel... Kinda sick tbh. I was already in a flare.
Update lol: it's actually all three. Seronegative RA, Fibro, and Inflammatory Spondyloarthritis. Go team! Fuck this meat prison
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the-yearning-astronaut · 11 months
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timegears-moved · 2 years
i can't believe the first time i held mew's hand was when they were leading me out of the hospital 😔
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kittytheartist · 2 years
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#two worlds apart#im listening to songs#and juliet and fool by cavetown are driving me craaaazy#they really do think that they're unlovable and have no place by their loved ones but try their best for them in hopes they'll be enough#AND THEY FIND EACH OTHER!!!!#omg and the way they hate each other is sooooo🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈#ALSO FUCKING TALK TO ME BY CAVETOWN IS SO THEM LIKE I <3 IDIOTS#okay no wait they hate each other because they relate to each other too much#and because love is something you run from obviously#THEY'RE SO TOUCH STARVED TOGETHER#AND SO CUTE LIKE AHHHHHHH#the way TeruKane try to act strong but just want to be in each others arms LIKE AHHHH also gosh the pining is so top notch#THE ANGST THE FLUFF THE THE THE THE EVERYTHING!!!! THE HURT AND (sometimes) COMFORT#dont you just sit back and think about the first time the other saw one of them cry? like thats a little 🏳️‍🌈 but i wont say nothin#wait no really these boys deserve love like the way they hate each other is so denial like hear me out#feeling sick of myself think ill try to be someone elseee can't be hard to create a person in head a version the parallel~#okay i love TeruKane so so so much#THEIR LOVE LANGUAGE GETS ME SO BADDDDD LIKE I'M STAGGERING BACK HERE ISTG#they pine over each other while its requited but they're too stupid to notice#Teru come help the poor internalized homophobic fool#OKAY BUT IMAGINE THE FIRST TIME AKANE GOT TO REALLY LIKE COMFORT TERU ISN'T THAT SO CUTE#their dates would be so wholesome tbh like omg....#okay but they're so silly like them them them them#its so heart wrenching seeing them struggle to love each other and gahhhhhhhhhhh ITS 4 AM AND IM GONNA WRITE TERUKANE ANGST#like they try to love each other through the hard times but it feels like everything tries to pull each other apart and its like the#thing BUT THEY'RE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER PLEASE DONT SEPARATE THEM!!!!!#they're canon tbh .....like🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 i aint sayin nothin but pretty sure you KNOW what im saying....💅#I CANT EVEN THE WAY THEY'RE BOTH ALWAYS ALONE AND NEVER NOTICED BUT THEN THEY FIND OUT THE OTHER HAS NOTICED THEM THIS WHOLEEEE TIMEEE#LIKE THEY SEE YOU FOR YOU!!! AND THEY WANT TO BE THERE BUT ARE SCARED TO NOT BE LET IN#THE WAY THEY FEEL EACH OTHERS PAINNNNN ITS SO SO SO SO SO AHHHHHH
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