gaphic · 7 months
in light of certain design choices i've decided there's an element of HTTYD that goes severely under-appreciated
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tapiocats · 6 months
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Decay exists as an extant form of life
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french-teapot · 2 months
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This always happens.
Consider supporting me on Ko-fi!
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k-wame · 1 month
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BARRY KEOGHAN ↳ But yeah, he's…Nah. He's just, he's a gorgeous person, honestly. ↳ 'SALTBURN' Press | Digital Spy · Dec. 2023
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patrothestupid · 8 months
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"S-stop grabbing me there !" >:(
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volvosandvampires · 1 month
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Deliciously in dungeon, that is 👀
But also, the way that Dunmeshi progressively descends full on into horror and disturbing content is such a mood.
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bendernafbro · 14 days
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I am not immune to the lamb
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pernillecfcw · 5 months
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The last family photo😥
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rosasstrangemelody · 6 months
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There is no need for Santa when he is there..
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pallanophblargh · 6 months
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I have a lot to do and not enough energy to do it just yet, thanks to holidays and a backlog at work. Have I always been this tired, or have I forgotten? A riddle to solve in this new year. (No idea how i survived the last one aside from being a vertebrate cockroach)
Anyway, I still don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to Linocut, so I need to walk myself through the print process like I am a toddler. At least the plate looks nice at this stage?
Hopefully I can get back to regularly sketching at the very least. It’s been a journey.
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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ghostsgrazing · 4 months
When will we leave goat tubbo in 2021. He clearly said q!Tubbo isn't a goat, that he doesn't have horns or anything like that, he said it on his first ever qsmp stream. And then several more times. And in recent lore its implied that he's an robot. It's time to move on
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bubamarra · 30 days
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A fan animation of Dominic from Pinkiemachine Studios' project, Alicia and the Kingdom of Starlight. I love this little goat!!
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lambtuft · 1 month
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lamb/ram themed npts 🐏🐾
names :: angus , celest , sara , saraph , saraphim , angel , divine , purity , pure , chasity , hoove , harvs , evie , lacey , ram , ramhorn , cherub , cherubim , merino , shet , shetland , suffolk , innocent , mary , colt , saint, mutton , goatie , tuft , curl , lamb , lambie .
prns :: it/its , hy/hyms , shi/hir , lamb/lambs , we/we's , h*/h*ms , sh*/h*r , he/hems , shy/shys, fwu/fwus , ram/rams , pure/pures , tuft/tufts , saint/saintself , shet/shetland , divine/divineself , cherub/cherubim , god/gods , godess/goddesself [ im aware god/goddess prns are controversial , however im adding for irls/introjects of religious figures.] 🐑/🐑's , 🐾/🐾's , 🦴/🦴's , 🗝️/🗝️ , 🐏/🐏's , 🪽/🪽's , ❕/❕'s , ❔/❔'s , 🐁/🐁 🦷/🦷's , 🕊️/🕊️'s .
titles :: ' [prn] who bleets ' ,, ' the one with tufted fur ' ,, ' wolf in sheeps clothing ' ,, ' the pure creature ' ,, ' the holiest of symbols ' ,, ' the everlasting felt ' ,, ' [prn] is of holy decent' ' a horned puritan ' ,, ' sheltered lamb ' ,, 'pleet of clouds'
VERY self indulgent .... please rb + like to support a little lamb ^___^
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shoku-and-awe · 9 months
Do you have a personal ranking of the different convenience stores in Japan? The ones off the top of my head I can think of are 7-11, Lawson, Family Mart, Daily Yamazaki, and Ministop.
This is a great ask, very much my field of interest! But I don't rank them hierarchically so much as.... territorially(? situationally?) because they have different strengths but here it is!
------------------------------ 7-11: The conbini I'm most attached to! Generally has the best bento selection, and also the best-smelling coffee. (All the grind-and-brew coffee machines are basically the same quality, but the 7-11 ones really smell great.)
FamiMa: The best fried chicken! And generally a good chuhi selection. Also has far and away the most iconic jingle, and now I get this absolute bop by Miyachi stuck in my head every time I visit.
Lawson: Best for its special stores! Discount store Lawson 100 was a godsend for groceries and household supplies my first year in Tokyo. And I will stop basically anytime I see a Natural Lawson (aka Natty Law aka Naughty Lad) because they have organic/imported/upscale/health/vegetarian stuff you won't find elsewhere.
Ministop: Great for softserve ice cream and also hotcase and deli items! The deli items feel more homemade than at the Big Three. Also they have halohalo and sticky rice dumplings that I always mean to try.
Daily Yamazaki: Kind of a wild card! These days they have interesting variety and grocery items (the other day I got these kimchis and a liter of unbelievably sweet organic soymilk that was in a plastic bag for some reason), fresh breads/pastries and Japanese sweets, and snacks that aren't major brands. But! Until recently, they were kind of..... hmm. Of the two near me, one was staffed by a very old woman on an oxygen machine who completely ignored you (both things *very* unusual for Tokyo) and one by the absolute tiniest old woman I'd ever seen and a very smiley man who was either her elderly son or somewhat younger husband, both utter sweethearts. The stores were dingy and poorly lit, and the selection was somewhere between basics and bare bones—but also some nights they would sell fresh cream puffs from a French bakery?? Chaotic, kind of a grab bag, some Building 19 vibes (IYKYK). Then in maybe 2018ish, there was a major overhaul and now they are as shiny, well-lit, and antiseptically clean any other chain. If a little less friendly.
New Days: I added this one! Easy to overlook because they're teeny, with a very basic selection, but that's because they're only found inside of JR train stations. I don't think that they're anyone's conbini of choice, but they're there when you need them! (Sometimes.) ------------------------------
Also honorable mentions to Poplar, which I never see anymore (East Tokyo only?), and to Three-F, which seems to have been bought by Lawson, and 🫡 RIP to Sunkus (run by Circle K), which I always liked. When I lived near the red light district, we always used to stop at Tokyo's last surviving Sunkus on our way to see the pharmacy with the goat.
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kitsiyo · 5 days
Remembering my first mental hospital stay, wherein I was a freshly diagnosed schizophrenic with paranoid delusions. I had told a doctor I was convinced someone was following me, wanted to hurt me, and that I was afraid, and she just told me it wasn't real. Just in my head.
I wandered to the group room, tired and freaked out from not sleeping for a few days prior to admission. There was a native woman, maybe 55-70s in age sitting at a table and she could tell I was shaken and upset and invited me to sit with her where she had a big sprawling unfinished puzzle out.
She asked me what was wrong and I told her, someone is following me and I think they want to hurt me, and I'm scared. She listened and nodded without interrupting me before speaking, gently coaxing me to add a piece to the puzzle in front of us. "See those doors? There's only 2 to this entire wing, and they're both always locked. Only authorized people with the codes can come in or out, no one can come in thats not supposed to be in. You're safe, okay?" Her voice was so gentle and reassuring. I kept repeating her words to myself, you're safe, you're safe.
And I will always remember that. She didn't tell me it wasn't real, my fear was real and she didn't say it wasn't. She just reassured me that I was safe. I felt listened to, and as I searched for more pieces to that puzzle I actually did feel safe. The terror dissipated while we searched for the pieces together
I don't remember her name, don't even remember the puzzle we were making, but I remember that her words not only validated me, they comforted me when I needed it so badly. I will never forget that kindness, and it made the stay all the more manageable while I got proper medication and healed.
Whoever you were, thank you for treating me like a person. Thank you for giving me that comfort. I think of you still and always will
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