#You only got T because you tried to kill yourself do you know what I got for trying to kill myself. Nothing because no one fucking knows
aftermathing · 1 year
So much mental health advice is like "ask for help!! Don't be afraid to rely on your friends and family to get you through this!!" girl what if i do not have friends or family*
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loveinhawkins · 4 months
The squeak of Dustin’s sneakers fades away as he heads back to the hospital parking lot, where his mom’s waiting for him.
Eddie watches the door to his room swing shut—the movement as boisterous as Dustin’s entrance had been; for the whole visit, he’d acted almost as if nothing had ever happened.
“You know,” he says once the door’s fully closed, “I kinda thought he hated me.”
He tries to make it come out like a joke—maybe then, it won’t hurt quite as much. He should’ve known that Steve would see straight through it.
“That’s not fair,” Steve says quietly, from where he sits in the corner of the room—arms folded, eyes sharp.
The silence feels damning. Eddie doesn’t dare break it: just sits there and lets it sting.
But then—
“That’s not fair,” Steve repeats, a little softer, “to him or to you.”
Eddie can’t look him in the eye. If he does, he’s going to say something that’s true but hurtful nonetheless—and God knows, he’s done more than enough damage already.
Steve sighs. Eddie can’t work out how to read him.
Maybe if he just keeps staring at the clock on the wall, Steve will give up and leave, and Eddie can keep it together until he knows that he’s alone.
“When are you going to stop?” Steve says and, damn it, Eddie’s resolve breaks in an instant; his head turns, but now Steve’s the one who’s not looking, his gaze fixed on the ceiling like he’s trying to memorise it.
(Fourteen hairline cracks on the tiles. Eddie’s counted.)
“Stop what, Steve?” Eddie says shortly. Maybe this will work instead: if he manages to hold that awful, flat tone for long enough—
“When are you going to stop punishing yourself?” Steve says. His eyes flicker across the ceiling tiles.
Eddie swallows. Forces out, hoarse, “That’s not—”
“Not what?” Steve interrupts. “Not what you’re doing?” He shakes his head a little, and his voice lowers. “You’re acting like they’re right.”
Eddie grits his teeth; he asks even though he already knows. “Like who—”
“You do know you didn’t kill anyone, right?” Steve says bluntly.
For a horrible moment, Eddie can’t breathe. “I—yes,” he says; it’s wrenched out of him like an involuntary reflex, the thought playing in his head over and over at the boathouse, then at Skull Rock—I didn’t do it, I didn’t, please, please—until it sounded less and less like the truth, and more like desperation.
“Then what?” Steve says. His head tilts down—he looks right at Eddie, eyes blazing like a challenge. “What is it? What is so fucking terrible, Eddie, that you’d—”
“What d’you want me to say, man?” Eddie says, exhausted. “I—I hurt—”
His voice cracks; he can’t get through it, can only think about what he wasn’t meant to have seen: a nurse opening his door too wide, and in that split second, catching a glimpse of Dustin frozen in the hallway, Steve crouched down in front of him, speaking too softly to hear; how Dustin’s shoulders shook; you did this, you—
“You don’t think I wish I could take it back?” Steve says.
The words pull Eddie right out of his head. Cautiously, he asks, “What?”
“Because I would,” Steve continues, like Eddie hasn’t said anything. “I’d take it back in a second.” There’s a harsh scraping sound: the chair legs dragging against the floor as Steve stands, like he suddenly can’t bear being still. “I think about it every day. If I hadn’t—” He stops abruptly, like the words have got stuck somewhere painful. His jaw works once, twice. “If I hadn’t left you to—”
“Don’t,” Eddie gets out, pleading. His hand twitches on the bedsheets uselessly; he’s too far away to…
In so many ways, he wishes he was stronger.
“Steve, you—you can’t do that to your—”
“Right,” Steve cuts across with a humourless laugh, “yeah, exactly,” and Eddie gets the feeling that he’s walked right into a trap without realising. “So you don’t get to, either.”
“No! No, I’m not gonna just watch you fucking hate yourself for—for what? For being scared? For doing the best you could to—” Steve shakes his head again. “Dustin, he—he knows you were… I would’ve done the same thing.”
Eddie can hardly argue the point. He can hear from the strain in Steve’s voice just how much he means it.
And then Steve scoffs slightly, glancing up at the ceiling again—a fragile smile, like it’s only there to keep himself from crying.
“There’s—there’s so much—God.” He drags a hand down his face. “So much blame, Eddie. All the time.” He gets that awful, distant look to his eyes, the one that reminds Eddie that he was thrown into a story in its last horrific chapter; there are things he doesn’t know, but when Steve looks at him, he can feel an echo of the pain in his chest. “And I’m so sick of it.”
But Steve interrupts before Eddie can voice it: a weak laugh then, “Jesus Christ, haven’t you been listening? Don’t apologise. It’s enough that—that you’re alive.” Steve swallows, steps back. Jerks his head to the door, “Dustin—he’ll be okay, I swear, just give it time. Before you—it kinda, uh. It was awful?” His voice goes up, but not in question, not really: more like he’s the one trying to joke around it, now—because anything else is too much.
It’s another story Eddie isn’t privy to. But he can read it in the way Steve’s eyes trace the ceiling. In soft words exchanged just before a hospital room.
The guilt doesn’t fade, not yet. But its grip eases around his heart. Makes room for…
“Hey,” Steve says shakily, like he’s crying, too. “Eddie, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
Hands are on Eddie’s face, and maybe it should be overwhelming—but all Eddie can feel is something like forgiveness.
“It’s enough,” Steve whispers. “Eddie, I promise you. Please. Please let it be enough.”
Eddie can’t speak. But he gathers Steve’s shirt in his fist; and you, he means, and you.
And maybe Steve hears it, because he sighs like he’s finally let go of something—like he, too, has been cleansed.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
Rafe’s revenge worked
Might make a part 3?
pt 1
Warnings: lying, slight manipulation, mentions of sex
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You unlocked the door to the chateau, your heart pounding at the afterthought of what you just did.
You had sex with your brothers enemy.
The 2000 dollars sat heavy in your pocket, you had no clue what type of excuse you would make for having it.
You went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. You downed the water, and when you turned around John B stood in front of you.
“Where were you?” He asked, leaning against the wall, asking as if he didn’t know the answer.
“Work… it’s Monday.” You said, as if it was obvious.
“What took you so long?”
“I stayed a little longer helping close up. It’s not that serious.” You shrugged, attempting to push past him.
“Don’t bullshit me.” He held his hand out, stopping you from walking away.
“What are you talking about? Are you drunk or something?” You scoffed.
“I know you were with Rafe, and I know you had sex with him.”
Your face dropped and your heart pounded. John B pulled out his phone, opening up the audio and shoving it in your face.
“I- I didn’t! That’s not even me!” You tried to defend yourself.
He then pulled out another picture, of Rafe standing with a giant smile and the apron with your name on it in his hands.
You looked down at your waist, fuck. You must’ve forgotten it.
“John B-“
He scrolled through the messages more, the conversation between the both of them proof.
“I’m sorry, JB, I’m sorry-“ tears started to fall down your face.
He sighed.
“I- I think you should leave for a couple days, y/n.”
“W-what? You’re kicking me out? Over this shit?”
“He- he- he tried to kill me, and my friends! I’m sorry, y/n. Go… pack your stuff and stay with one of your friends. Only for a little. Okay?”
You wordlessly went to your room, grabbing bags and shoving things in there.
“We can talk when you get back. I- I just can’t right now.” He told you as he followed you into your room,
He stuttered your name out when he walked onto the patio behind you, but you didn’t even look at him as you went outside, sobbing and walking. It was dark out, dangerous, and cold. You shivered as you walked through the cut.
“Oh shittt, look what the cat dragged in.” Kelce nudged Rafe. He had shown, and boasted to all his friends about you. Rafe turned his head, looking at your distraught figure.
“No shit.” Rafe scoffed, leaning out his car window and whistling to get your attention from the other side of the road.
You snapped your head over there, your eyes widening. You stormed up to him.
“Oh, shit, someone’s ready for round t-“
You punched him, square in the face. He groaned, and chuckled at it, and before you could do anything else he jumped out the car.
“The fuck was that for?”
“You’re such an asshole! You ruined my fuckin’ life! I got kicked out, and- and now I have to see your stupid fucking face again!” You hit his chest, him just having a smirk on his face the whole time.
“Oh, shit. I’m… sorry. How’d your brother take it?” He asked in faux pity, slowly wrapping his arms around you and looking over to Kelce in the car with a grin.
“He’s pissed!” You sobbed into his chest. “And he’s upset, and he- he-“
“Shh. Shhh. It’s alright. Uh.. if you want, you could hang at mines for a couple of days.”
“No. I’m just gonna-“ you pushed him off of you, realizing who it was again.
“C’mon, it’s cold, you’re literally shivering! I got blankets and shit in the car. You can’t walk all the way there.”
“Rafe, I can’t-“
“Think of it as my apology. Please. I feel.. just so bad. And… I just want you to stay, just for a couple days. Think of it, we’ll have the house to ourselves for days. My dad’s on some trip with my stepmom, Sarah’s hanging out with your brother” he said it with a tinge of bitterness, making you suspicious.
“and my other one is at her friends.”
“Did you-“ you sniffled. “Did you fuck me because your sister got with my brother?” You asked him, catching onto the distaste he had about it.
“What? Course not. What type of crazy shit is that?” He scoffed. Yea, that’s exactly what he did.
“Fine.” You mumbled when you felt another breeze blow past, the cold making you shiver again.
“Poor thing.” Rafe mumbled as he opened the door, motioning for you to get in the back.
“Here.” Rafe threw his jacket at you, you taking it and quickly pulling it over your shoulders.
Kelce looked at him with a knowing look, and Rafe held his hands up in mock defense, turning the car on again.
@sublimepenguinpeach-blog @haruvalentine4321 @theoraekenslover @ilovemensomuchagh
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A/N: Okay I have been playing Genshin for quite some time now, and I'm sure my eyes are hurting like a bitch, but this is a quick idea( and also a short story of a series I'm writing) since I have been reading SAGAU and Creator!Reader works a lot!
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Everyone thought, just like Creator!Reader did who played Genshin for hours and built the characters, that Mondstadt would be home. With the jolly people and freedom coursing through the air, and with Venti being the Spirit of Freedom, everyone would listen at least. You were just as terrrified yet also happy and confused as anyone could be, surely they wouldn't execute you, right?
Wrong, so painfully wrong.
Instead Creator!Reader was hunted down blindlessly, who only entered the city with a big smile but left it as soon as possible with a horrified look.
But instead... Razor and Bennett found the Creator!Reader, shivering in the cold with- Was that golden blood?
Razor, since he was raised by wolves, didn't have an exact understanding of the Creator but he listened to his family talk about Them, how they thanked Them with their howls for the food and family and shelter given to them and how they praised the Golden Blood of yours to keep flowing through your very being so that one day, you would come back to Teyvat.
Therefore he knew who you were but Bennett?
Poor boy grew up with the stories of yours! How you created new worlds where there were many different creatures, magic and every kind of ores... Or how you gifted them with many new weaponary and such, how you gave them life and what they have built so far.
How you let them live in peace through their Archon.
So, to see your body covered in Gold blood with a terrified look, their first reaction was to jump up and warm you immediately, patching up any wounds so that their Creator didn't suffer anymore.
But whatever the people must have done to you, had messed you up pretty bad because you, The Creator of All, whimpered in fear and pain, still shaking with your hands up defensively.
"P-Please don't hurt m-me... I swear I didn't mean t-to..."
So, that was how you were coddled up by these two babies while they wondered with rage coursing through them that who did this to you. They weren't stupid, since they were close to their City, they knew it was them and couldn't help but feel shame for their actions. Everyone had been expecting your arrival for quite some time, preparing feasts and what they would say to you in person and then they just...
Blinded by fake religion and ideas, tried to kill you.
How funny Teyvat was more like Earth than you ever imagined?
And they didn't even want to know what would have happened to Teyvat, how angry the Winds and the ground would be at the people for killing the Divine One.
You were still aprehensive as normal, not used to the kindness they were showing you but watching as Razor bring you a very pretty shaped stone with a happy grin and offered it as a token of friendship, you couldn't bring yourself to break his heart as one of the many wolves in his family laid around you protectively.
You asked why he was doing this, when he had no understanding of who you were, when his people were hunting you, but the only answer you got was a confused tilt of his head and a soft spoken,
"You are my lupical and I want you to be happy... They are not my people, they were wrong."
Now Bennett didn't know if he should correct Razor since he was actually talking to their Creator, warn him about not to refer to you so casually, but the big and wide smile on your face as you hugged them thightly to yourself with tears in your eyes which held the stars warmed them both so affectionately and lovingly that they knew you needed this.
You needed to have friends, not worshippers.
And as they, alongside with the Traveller, Klee, Albedo( who was glad he was pulled here by Klee and help you) and Amber who was convinced of who you were by the wounds you had and how you literally breathed life into one of the many burned and ruined forest and was horrified at learning what the Mondstadt did, healed you back and helped you hide, that was when you realized that you did a good job by loving those four and building them up as much as possible.
But those traits weren't the only ones who convinced them. It was how you saw Amber's ambition and praised her for having such a strong dedication to her job to which she bashfully thanked you and cried softly because how kind and generous you were to them even when your life was in danger.
And you didn't forget to tell Lumine to let others deal with commissions and errands, to give herself a rest, with a huge amount of Mora you really didn't know where you got from but was just inside your pouch ( since I chose her and believe the Twins need to hear this) and also about what was going on with her brother and promised to explain more in depth after you were safe to which she held your hand in her warm and calloused ones softly and answered with don't worry about us, Your Grace. Just focus on your life and that's all the gift that you can give to me.
But as much as they loved to have you here and listen to your world and jokes, they also knew you couldn't stay here for much longer. Yes, the forest was big ( and the nature seemed to be hellbent on protecting you) but they knew the Knights wouldn't stop until they got you.
What a surprise that the Crux came to the City, with a frantic Kazuha searching everywhere in the dock for what the Wind whispered to him.
"Our Creator needs help. Help them. Save them."
And that was how you started to wander the streets of Liyue with Kazuha next to you, also hellbent on protecting you especially after seeing the state you were in. The City was literally glowing, and no it wasn't because of the lanterns but you, The Divine Creator who stepped in the City which was raised and built in your name.
He knew there was a famous pharmacy named Bubu Pharmacy and the owner of it was able to heal pretty much every kind of this disease, so he took you there in hopes that the fever you had been suffering from could be solved there.
And it was.
Baizhu, as the usual self-sacrificing man he was, did everything in his power to help you. You knew how his hands were already full with both his own disease and Qiqi who quickly grew on you since she has been playing with you and telling you all about what she learnt about the herbs and the City( she couldn't explain why but she just felt so close to you, as if you were like a parent to her which her caretaker also shared kind of the same love for you) and you were grateful for what they had done to you, how kind they were.
They had shown you the kindness you expected to have when you first arrived, and it wasn't given by other.
Not the most known ones, but the kindest of them all did.
So, as a token, you touched the hand of Baizhu softly one day while he worked to pack you herbs and medicine you might need, stopping him and asking him why he was doing this when he casually( though his heart was beating hard at having you touch hım so softly) replied with a I'm a doctor and you needed help.
You looked at him for some time, then a smile so bright that it made the doctor take a while to stare at you softly overtook your face and you replied You're so strong for carrying such a burden like your disease but still help people, Baizhu.
That was when his suspicions about who you were was proven, since he never told about his disease to anyone (after realizing the golden wounds and how he seemed healthier in your presence) and he immediately went to kneel but was stopped by your gentle hands on his face, rubbing soft circles under his tired yet wide open in shock eyes, his heart almost giving out when your lips touched his forehead softly and blessed hım with your warmth.
Never bow to me, thank you for all you had done for me... Now, let me pay back.
After healing him back and yet once again running away from Liyue so that you weren't hunted down, making the Crux the enemy to Liyue since they were helping you (not that they cared, they loved being pampered by the True God with love, luck and food), a certain sea monster and the eartqueaks of Liyue almost destroyed the whole City for their disrespect so much so that Zhongli had to come back as Rex Lapis and he wasn't even able to stop it until the Wind carried your soft words to Liyue and Osial and made them stop.
Don't punish and destroy them, they don't deserve it...
-- A similar situation happened back in Mondstadt when Dvalin caused chaos after learning what they had done to Divine Creator, roasting the shit out of Venti for his mistake but also was stopped by your gentle caress even from Miles away, to stop hım from harming them. He gave them their lesson anyways, he only needed to find you to protect you as he left the people of Mondstadt in Terror and fear for what they had done.
The "they" in question was obviously the Crux, Baizhu, Qiqi, Xiangling and Shenhe who showed their love and care for you, who was logical enough to listen to you and see the truth for themselves. Xiangling who made you many delicious food you never ate before, Shenhe who was comforted by you about how she wasn't a cursed child and was loved dearly by everyone and most importantly you as she cried into your chest, who believed in her purpose to fit in with humans even with her tendencies, which you found to be a beautiful part of her...( not me reflecting my Shenhe love here ehe 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
Asking "why are you doing this?" had become some kind of a test, like those in fairytales in your world, to see who was kind and sincere and who wasn't.
And you used it in many nations: Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine...
Inazuma was, of course, the WORST so far since Ei was obsessed with Eternity and the Creator, not even listening at all. But even if she didn't, the Kamisato siblings, Kokomi, Gorou, and Thoma believed in you from the very beginning, with many others soon following after them.
Ayaka and Kokomi were the first ones, with Ayaka seeing the sadness in your eyes at how restricted you were, how no one seemed to believe in you and how Inazuma seemed calmer and more happy as soon as you arrived( and how you reassured her to be herself and not live according to what people would say which made her love you and convince her brother to listen, who was glad she did if not... Well, he didn't want to imagine it.) and Kokomi hearing the whispers of the ocean who was the happiest, who cheered for you and didn't stop chanting your name, which lead her to see it for herself and welcome you to Watatsumi Island as the God she worshipped. Who was also praised by you for her smartness and how she worked hard for the Island even if her career plan wasn't this, but was warned to not to overwork which she blushed at and assured Creator!Reader.
Not surprisingly enough, Sumeru was the kindest to you since Nahida knew who you were even before coming to her nation and greeted you herself excitedly, showing you around as her people( Yes, even Tighnari and Al-Haitham who was known to be stern) smiled and offered you a new home.
Fontaine was probably the happiest you had been, after Sumeru, to stay. Furina, as much as she didn't believe in herself, saw right through you and knew who you were, providing you with utmost care and protection ever alonsgide Neuvillette who always hang around you, protected you and even became your friend! Maybe it was the dragon instincts in him, once the closest to you like Zhongli but also one who wasn't blinded like him, as he stayed with you when your fears and nightmares became too much to bear.
Who knew, maybe something more would happen?
And after all the nations realized their mistake, after you defeated Celestia and came to a peace with It, and restored Khaenri'ah who always believed in you from the beginning even years ago, they feared the punishment waiting for them. They didn't want to accept their mistake, blame Celestia for all of it... But they also knew they were blinded by hard and unlogical belief and almost did the most unforgivable sin ever.
They were ready for any punishment from you, even if it included never seeing you again...
But the only answer to their question was a letter written by you, which made them shiver.
The only reason none of the nations who wronged me are not punished severely was because of the names listed below. Shall any harm come to them, your nation would see the true wrath of the Creator.
Thank you to Razor, Bennet, Amber, Klee, Albedo and dear Traveller from Mondstadt.
Thank you to Baizhu, Qiqi, Xiangling, Shenhe, the Crux, Beidou and Kazuha from Liyue
Thank you to Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka, Thoma, Gorou, Kokomi from Inazuma.
Thank you to Sumeru, Khaenri'ah, Fontaine and Natlan people for their never ending kindness and belief.
Eternal gratitude and blessings from the Creator, who you helped to gain confidence and power...
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alocon · 8 months
Irresistible - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Fem!reader
written by alocon
Summary: Despite all hope, Lando never lost his feelings for his best friend's twin sister. However, he still hadn't acted on it. Well, that was until the party, which led you two into a long-term secret relationship
Warnings: 18+, nsfw, a bit of smut - not too much but still some, best friend's sister
[Masterlist] [Part Two Here] [Part Three Here] [Part Four Here]
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Irresistible - LN⁴ x Fem!reader
You and Lando Norris had always had a flirty relationship. It had always been a joke between you because it always really pissed off your brother. "Dude you can't flirt with my sister, that's weird, what the fuck." He would say. So they would do it more.
Lando first realised that he was falling for you when you both were 13. He was at Max's house playing games in his room when you walked into his room, angrily glaring at your brother. "Max, if you don't stop using my shampoo, I will kill you."
You hadn't realised that your brother wasn't in the room until afterwards. He had watched as your eyes trailed over every single feature on his face. You had smiled shyly, stepping into the room and holding out your hand. You told him your name. He told you his. Then your brother came back, and you said a few choice words to him before he kicked you out. And from that moment, Lando Norris was mesmerised
"It will go away," he always said. He tried not to feel for you because you're his best friend's twin sister, so it was wrong, right? However, through the years of trying to get over his feelings for you,all attempts would crash back down.
Through lockdown and 2021, you, Max, and Lando lived together. Max spent most of the time in his room. You spent a lot of the time in the living room, and Lando switched between the two. You were there when he got his first podium, and he went straight to you as Max wasn't there, pulling you into the biggest hug he could. You lost your voice from cheering for him.
In 2021, Max moved out, but you and Lando remained in the same house whilst you continued the apartment hunt in Monaco. You still had a house in England, though. For visiting family. You had always dreamed of living there - it was so beautiful. You and Lando had helped move each other in when you got there. He soon regretted that, though, when he had to put away the many pieces of lingerie that you owned. Maybe he shouldn't have offered to do that because the thoughts about it wouldn't leave his mind. And every time it got back into his brain, the blood decided to go elsewhere... Which, again, made it difficult as he would then have to sort the problem out, sometimes whilst you were also in the house.
He couldn't look at you the same after that. And you knew it. You knew it because there were multiple occasions where you had heard him moaning your name.
For 2 years, you knew that he wanted you in that way. You didn't know that he was equally as in love with you as you were with him, though. You could tell that he was only holding back because Max was your brother. Lando would've been all over you if he wasn't, you knew that. He had some small amount of self restraint remaining but you intended to change that. You started off small, just making more flirty comments, complaining about men being shit after failed dates because you hadn't got laid in a year and it was doing your head in. Then you felt more comfortable wearing your robe out of your room more often in the evenings rather than putting a jumper on to cover your pyjamas.
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Lando's voice could be heard from the kitchen as you walked in to grab yourself a drink. You felt his eyes on you almost immediately as you reached up to the cupboard, grabbing the glasses which were, inconveniently, on the highest shelf. He stuttered slightly as he continued his phone call, watching as you filled up your drink and shot him a wink before leaving.
He was fucked.
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On the day of the party in question, you had awoken to a sudden presence on top of you. You groaned, showing the laughing brit off of you. "Stop jumping onto me to wake me up, what the fuck, Lan."
He didn't answer, pulling you into a dramatic hug. "Happy birthday!" He started placing dramatic kisses on your forehead - a running joke you two had about you being home sick as your mother used to always do that.
"Wow, at least give me a birthday kiss on the lips," you joked, sitting up in bed and running your hand through your hair. He moved to sit beside you.
"Am I that irresistible that the first think you think about when you see me is kissing me?"
"Trust me." You leant closer to his earl, fingers trailing up his chest as you spoke. "You think you're irresistible? Wait until you see my outfit tonight." You got out of bed, heading to get ready for the day.
You hadn't seen him much after that. He had spent most of the day with Max, which you were fine with as you got him most days. The next time you saw him was at the party.
You should've known it would be like this. You both went half and half for the party on the venue but, of course, he had invited all of his friends before telling you the capacity, meaning that you couldn't invite any of your friends. It's how it went. He would do a party for them both but only with his friends and then would tell you not to speak to his friends because you were embarrassing. Great.
So that's how you ended up sat outside of the venue, in the garden, whilst most people were inside, just ignoring everyone. It was your birthday too but he had made this place, which you paid for for a joint party, all about himself.
She had been there for 5 hours and she had only actually talked to Ria, P, Oscar and Logan for a few minutes each. When they each asked why you were sat outside, you had made an excuse about having a slight headache. "Don't worry about me, just calming the headache down," you would say.
Lando was looking for you everywhere. He had been there for a few hours and seen no sign of you or your friends. It was only when his eyes met Oscar's that he finally inquired. "Osc, you haven't seen Max's sister anywhere have you? I still can't find her."
"Oh, yeah. Last I saw her, she was sat outside. Maybe check there?"
So that's where he went. He leant against the doorway after stepping outside. "Don't feel like partying? None of your friends are here."
You kept looking ahead of you, sitting on the bench which he soon joined you on. "Max took up the capacity with all of his friends so I couldn't invite anyone." You shrugged.
Lando's hand fell on top of yours which rested on the bench between you both. "Have you been here for 5 hours without speaking to anyone?"
"I said hi to Oscar, Logan and Ria and spoke to each of them for a few minutes."
He took the opportunity to look at your outfit. You were right - you looked really hot.
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You both fell into silence, just enjoying the view for a little while. Well, that was until a familiar song came on. It was one of your favourite slow songs.
He stood up, hand grabbing onto yours. "Come on," he said, helping you to your feet.
"What are we doing?"
His hands slid to your waist as yours went straight onto his shoulders. You decided to let him lead, which he did well. You both gently swayed around to the sound of the music, your head placing onto his shoulder as you did. He grabbed your hand, dramatically spinning you, making you chuckle as you took the time to enjoy the party for the first time that night. When the song came to an end, you looked into his eyes, whispering a soft "thank you."
He didn't answer, eyes tracing every part of your face and outfit, almost like he was committing every part of you to memory. Almost as if, after he let go, you would disappear and his only way of remembering you was to think of how you looked this night. You leant towards him, your foreheads pressing against one another as his eyes trailed down to your lips. And then, he connected their lips. 'Finally' she thought.
As your lips finally met after years of longing and love, it felt like a reunion of souls. The warmth of his grip tightening on your waist caused you to feel a wave of familiarity and comfort as it reminded you of the tight hugs that you would get after being apart for even a couple of weeks whilst he raced. You felt him sigh against your lips contently, almost as if all his problems were disappearing. You felt yourself moving backwards until your back pressed to the wall of the venue as his lips continued to press to yours, his tongue licking your bottom lip as you opened your mouth to allow him access. It was an embrace of passion and tenderness, a silent conversation of emotions that spoke volumes more than words ever could.
They only pulled away when they heard someone swear. Pulling away, they saw Alex and Lily looking at them cheekily. "I didn't think there would be others here I just. We won't tell anyone what we saw, we can go elsewhere."
You started laughing softly as you realised that Lily and Alex were there for the exact same reason as the two of you were. This made Lily break out of their awkward phase and start laughing. Lando grabbed your hand, speaking up. "No, you guys stay here, we were just heading home. Right?" Seeing the lustful look in his eyes, you nodded quickly, letting him lead you away as you heard calls from Alex.
"Use protection."
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You felt yourself get pushed back onto Lando's bed as you, once again, melted into his embrace. His lips found your neck, not hesitating to press a bruising kiss into it, making you gasp softly. Lando pulled away to look into your eyes. "I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do this."
"Me too," you said, feeling his hands run down to the bottom off your dress. His shirt was already long gone. He tugged the dress, moving to stand up.
"I want this off." You don't hesitate to obey him, quickly slipping the black dress off before returning to the bed. By this point, he was also stood to remove his trousers. He then followed suit, turning to look at you. He looked over the lingerie you were wearing, biting his lip as he went back to you, quickly reconnecting your lips again. His hands found their way under your back and to your bra as he unclipped it, quickly throwing it off to the side and beginning to kiss down your body.
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Lando collapsed back onto the bed, catching his breath, head leaning onto your shoulder. You could feel him smile against your skin as he placed a couple of gentle kisses against you before he spoke. "Fuck, if I knew it would be that good, I would've made a move a long time ago."
You chuckled to this, rubbing your hand through his hair as he cuddled up closer to you. "How about we give it a few minutes and then shower and sleep, yes?"
"Only if I get to sleep beside you."
She placed a kiss on his forehead, nodding. "Of course." She paused for a minute before speaking for a second time. "Told you I would be irresistible."
-The End-
[Word Count - 1,963]
Hi All,
Once again - this is my 2nd thing I've written. Please give me feedback x
Short one. I'm not good at writing smut but could give it a proper go if anyone wanted me to. But for now, Hope this was okay!! Might make this a short series of stories but I am unsure yet. Have a good day!! x
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half-oz-eddie · 6 months
🎁 ❤️
Max was not supposed to be in Billy’s room. She knew better. 
But it was 7:30 AM and she really wanted to leave something for him on his desk. 
She quietly crept in, sliding her slim frame through the ajar door and tiptoed to his desk to gently place something on it. 
“The hell’re you doing?” A groggy voice startled her. 
She should’ve expected the hyper-vigilant teen to wake up while she was there. 
“I was—I just wanted t-to leave something here for you.” She nervously stammered. 
He narrowed his sleepy eyes at her. “Give it here.” 
Max slowly walked over, handing the surprise to Billy. 
It slowly exchanged hands and Billy examined it closely. 
“I-I know you don’t have a record player but I saw the posters in your room and I thought you’d want to—like—have something to collect. So Steve drove me to a record store to get you a vinyl.”
He stared at the Mötley Crüe vinyl for a few moments, then handed it back to Max. “Put it on my desk.” He said as he laid back down. 
“Y-you don’t like it?” She frowned. 
“Never said I didn’t. I’m just tired.”
Max slowly walked back over to his desk and set the vinyl down. 
“Why’d you buy that for me?” He asked. 
“Don’t you know what today is? It’s your—“
“I know that.” He said in a snippy voice. “I’m asking why the hell you bought me anything. You never cared before.”
“Well, last year, I tried to buy you something with my allowance and my mom said Neil would be mad if I used my money on you, so she wouldn’t take me to the mall.”
“And you said Harrington drove you? Why the hell did he do that?” Billy continued to question.
“We had a long talk about that night at the Byers and we came to a realization of how unfair we were being to you. So I—I didn’t wanna lose you forever. We don’t get along but like, we had our moments, where we’d talk to each other a little bit. Now we don’t speak at all.”
“You stabbed me with a needle.”
“You were gonna kill Steve if I didn’t stop you.” Max sighed. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“You don’t need to be. But whatever, guess I’m sorry too.”
Max smiled.  “I’ll let you sleep. Happy birthday.”
She closed the door behind her upon exiting and went back to her bed.
It was nearly 11AM when Max woke up again. Neil and Susan were already at work. Susan left a note behind with instructions for heating up lunch. 
This year, there was no school on Billy’s birthday, so Max decided to heat up the lunch for both of them. 
She set down two plates just in time, as she heard Billy resurfacing from his room.
He stepped through the quiet house and stopped by the table, glaring at Max.
“Nobody’s home?”
“No. Mom left lunch for us, so I heated it up.”
Billy looked down at the chicken Parmesan. Susan normally only made it for holidays, but Easter wasn’t until Sunday. 
Max figured it was Susan’s subtle way of giving Billy a little something special for his birthday.
“There were some breadsticks too.” Max mentioned, grabbing them out of the toaster oven. “I put some of that garlic and herb stuff on them because I remembered that you like it.”
Billy glared at Max as she started eating. 
“What?” She asked with her mouth half full.
Billy shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Nothin’. Forget it.” 
They ate in complete silence. Billy finished first and got up from the table without a word.
Max didn’t expect much conversation from Billy, but he wasn’t as unpleasant as he could’ve been, so it was fine.
She washed the dishes and sat back down at the table reading a magazine when Billy returned once more with his jacket on.
“Where’re we going?”
“Somewhere. I can’t leave you here by yourself. Susan and dad would bitch about it.”
Max grabbed her jacket and slipped on some shoes, then followed Billy to his car.
The drive was brief and they stopped at the quarry.
To Max’s surprise, Billy invited her to sit on the hood of his car. He offered her a soda and cracked open a beer for himself.
They clinked their cans together and drank as they quietly watched the early afternoon scenery. 
“It’s surprisingly warm today.” Max initiated small talk. 
“I think the groundhog saw its shadow—or didn’t see its shadow—or whichever meant a late winter.”
“It’s…when he sees his shadow.” She paused. “I think.”
Billy snorted. “Why are we listening to a big ass rodent about the weather anyway?”
Max softly giggled. “Tradition, I guess.”
“Yeah, well, it’s stupid.” He mumbled in response as he brought the beer can to his lips.
Silence returned again, and Billy glanced over at Max.
“So y’said Harrington drove you to the record store. That’s like…across town.”
“I wasn’t alone with him, if that’s what you’re worried about. Dustin and Lucas went too.”
Billy quickly responded with a scoff. “What’s so great about Harrington anyway? You defended him over me that night—“
“Is that what made you so upset?”
“No. But you defended him and I’m asking about it.”
“Well, he’s really nice. He looks after all my friends, everyone around town knows him and his family—“
“So he’s just the opposite of me.”
“W—I—I mean, you’re nice sometimes. You’ve been nice to me 4 times and I remember them all.”
Billy shrugged. “Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the gift, shitbird.”
“You better get me something nice for my birthday too!”
“When is it again? April…may…tember…”
“July.” She snapped.
Billy laughed. “I know when your birthday is, don’t be such a baby.”
“I’m not.” She fired back. “You’re just a jerk.”
Max scoffed. “You’re so lucky it’s your birthday or I’d—“
“You’d what?”
Max chugged her soda and tossed the empty can at Billy.
“You piece of shit. You’re dead!”
Max jumped off the hood of Billy’s car and ran off laughing, with Billy not too far behind. 
When Billy finally caught up to Max, he chugged his beer and tossed the can at Max.
The out of breath siblings glared at one another, before their expressions softened and they began to laugh.
“Hey, d’you wanna go to the movies or something?” Max offered. “I’ll buy you popcorn.”
“And I get to pick the movie?”
Max groaned. “Fine.”
“You know I pick better movies than you do, anyway.”
“Bullshit! Your movie choices suck ass!”
The two bickered all the way back to Billy’s car. Sure, this was a nice day, but Billy couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t stop thinking about Steve Harrington driving his little sister across town to get him a gift.
‘Maybe I should thank him too…’
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lotsoflola · 9 months
all is fair in love and war [1] - s. johnny
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summary: you hate johnny suh, you absolutely hate him, but when you're forced to spend time with him on a mission, your passionate hate becomes a different sort of passion genre: gang au, enemies to enemies with benefits to lovers warnings: mature themes, smut, angst, reader is a smoker (projection), TENSION!!!, hate fucking, heavy heavy heavy degradation, johnny's not very nice, the dirtiest fucking talk, dom!johnny, brat!reader, thigh riding, johnny gets head, johnny keeps fucking her despite threat of death, choking, wrote this at 2am lets be nice with my grammar word count: 6.6k author's note: welcome to part one of my baby!! this is the first chapter of all is fair in love and war and trust me, it just gets better...
series masterlist
neo city was a complete and utter shithole.
it had always been like that, at least as far as you were aware. you had lived here for the past five years, getting yourself a cheap starter apartment for half the price of anywhere else. it was a culture shock at first, being scared just to walk through the streets to your job, but you assimilated quickly, finding a job as a bartender in the inner city, in a cosy bar called the 'urban oasis'.
it was there you first had an interaction with gang life. it was a quiet night at the bar. you were practically dosing off, only a few regulars in the far corner playing darts, and everyone else had been sent home, leaving you to close alone.
a man walked into the building, and as he did so, the other men seemed to quieten down, stiffen slightly, stop playing their game. you were confused, but truly didn't care enough to question anything. instead, you turned to the man, and prepared to take his order.
he looked like neo city, if that was even possible. green neon hair, matching the fluorescent lights that covered the city, with tattoos up his neck and arms and a leather jacket to complete the look.
"whiskey on the rocks," he stated, voice harsh.
you rolled your eyes, hating rude customers like him. "what type of whiskey? we've got jack daniels, jamesons-"
"just give me your top shelf," he snapped again, and you gave him a pointed look before going to fulfil his request.
it didn't take you long, and when you passed him the chilled glass, you also handed him a receipt.
"that will be $45, would you like to pay cash or card?" you asked, watching as his face grew clouded.
"i'm sorry," his tone was almost testing, as if he was giving you a chance to take back your statement.
"i said it will be $45, you got our top shelf of whiskey," you repeated, going to wipe some glassware, but were met with a firm grip on your wrist. "what the fu-"
"leave it, honey," one of your regulars, a man called sooman, shouted across to you, fear lacing his voice.
"no, he got a whiskey, he'll pay for his fucking whiskey- let go of me," you tried to squirm, but his grip was harsh, and you truly couldn't escape.
"do you not know who i am?" he sneered, face dangerously close to yours.
you sighed. "i don't care who you are, i'm not getting fired because some dickhead wants to get away without paying."
and with that, you swang at him, your fist colliding with his head as he let go from the impact, giving you a chance to swing at him again. he jumped over the bar, and grabbing your arms, pinning them against your side before pushing you up against a wall, leaving you completely unable to move. it was only then you noticed the gun in his belt, and the tattoo at the base of his neck, one that had three letters.
n. c. t. the name of the most dangerous gang in neo city.
"fuck," you whispered to yourself, practically convincing yourself that you were about to die.
"recognise me now?" he almost joked, and you gave him a look. a look that said if you're going to kill me, might as well kill me now. "i'm not going to kill you."
that took you by surprise, and he must have been able to tell, as he carefully let go of your hands. "scram."
the rest of the customers ran out of the bar, leaving just you and the man alone, and he gestured for you to sit. you refused however, instead grabbing a bottle of tequila and pouring it into your own glass, waiting for him to make the first move.
"my name is taeyong, i'm the leader of nct," he spoke calmly, and you tried to not show your immense anxiety pumping through your veins. "and judging by what i've just seen, i think you would make a good addition."
you could have laughed, instead taking a swig of your drink, the bruning sensation grounding you to this unbelievable reality. "me? in a gang?"
"it's not all killing, and drug dealing, and all the other things everyone thinks it is. you've got bite, got drive, and we need someone like you," he took a sip of his drink, leaning closer towards you, "and you'll make more in your first week than you would in a month here."
and hearing his words, though you wanted to deny, you found yourself accepting his offer.
four years later, here you were, high in the ranks of the most feared gang in neo city, a force to be reckoned with. the bar you once worked for minimum wage at you now owned, and nct used it for meetings and to unwind.
no one could touch you know, instead of fearing the streets people now crossed the road for you, and you felt untouchable. you had honed your craft, mainly in charge of wooing policemen and being eye candy during meetings. you didn't care, you didn't want to be making all the decisions, it was the sense of community you cared about more.
so here you were, ten pm on a monday night, a group of you playing snooker in the bar. a cigarette held loose in your fingertips, with a fellow member jaemin lying with his head in your lap, playing with his hair with your other hand.
"do you ever think that this is all a simulation and we're all actually fruit in a fruit bowl?" the boy in your lap mumbled, the alcohol obvioudly affecting his thoughts.
jeno, another boy with you, chuckled slightly, finishing putting a pool ball. "shut up, jaemin. i always forget you're such a lightweight."
"now, now, he's not that bad," you hummed, taking a drag from your cigarette.
"stop playing nice, cherry. he's had about three shots and is contemplating life on this earth," haechan sneered, and you stuck your tongue out at him.
cherry was the nickname you had earned yourself, due to the amount you ate the fruit around the members. you preferred it to your own name at this point, making it easier to seperate your personal life and, well whatever this life was, life.
"he's not as bad as jisung though, remember that night after the bank heist," chenle joked, earning a slap from the youngest member.
"it was a celebration, god, leave me alone," jisung mumbled, as the older members ruffled his hair.
it was at this point haechan fell over attempting to put the ball, collapsing into renjun as they both fell on top of each other, roughly slapping each other as they rolled on the floor. the group erupted into laughter, only stopped as a knock was heard on the bar door.
"who's that?" jeno asked, and you shrugged, taking another hit.
"bar's always closed on a monday."
"well, go check it out."
"why don't you check it out, haechan?"
"it's your bar."
"nct owns it. that means we all own it."
"you chose to buy it."
"suck my dick."
"oh my god, you have a penis?"
mark, the oldest of all the members, cleared his throat. "jesus christ, stop bickering, cherry, go get the door."
you flipped haechan off, but stood up nonetheless, causing jaemin to pout against your thigh.
"i'm just going to the door, jaem, don't you worry?" you patted his cheek, before wandering over to the door, and opening the peep hole.
"bar's closed," you sung, "get fucked."
the man sighed. "it's me, open the fuck up."
you recognised that voice. of course you fucking recognised that voice. the one member of nct who you loathed, who for some reason you couldn't stand.
"gonna need the password, i'm afraid," you teased, mouthing to a confused mark who was at the door.
"let me in or i will blow this bar to the fucking ground," he spat, and you oblidged, however much you didn't want to.
johnny suh was a tall man, towering over you as you opened the door, with washed out jeans and an oversized hoodie, with a beanie on his head do deal with the cold winter weather. he was handsome, but you would never admit that to him, because his personality made him completely insufferable.
"hi cherry." god, you hated the way he said your nickname, almost with a twinge of disgust behind it.
"what do you want?" you asked, hand still firmly on the door, not letting him enter just yet.
he smirked. "play nice, need to talk to jaemin about something. and a drink wouldn't hurt, go get us a jack and coke, huh?"
he was insufferable, the way he spoke as if you were nothing, just a pretty thing to run and make drinks and flirt. even the non-affiliates got treated better than you, and you had been here for four years now.
"go fuck yourself, john," you spat, wandering back over to the boys and shaking jaemin awake. "someone's here to speak to you."
"is it the fruitbowl?" he asked, and you sighed, placing his head back down in your lap.
johnny wandered over, and you watched his face drop as he noticed jaemin's state. "why would you let him drink?"
the question was targeted at you, for whatever reason, and you fought back. "i'm not his mother, john. what did you want anyway?"
"don't be snappy, cherry," his voice was laced with venom, a patronising tone irritating you entire being, "it concerns you as well. it was meant to be you and jaemin, but someone's going to have to step in."
you hummed as you realised what he meant. a group of four of you had been working on stealing money from a large formal dinner happening at the mayor's house tomorrow night. that was partly why you and jaemin were drinking, courage needed for tomorrow. it was the two of you, johnny, and another member jungwoo, but the entire thing was already planned out. it was weeks in the making, so you didn't know what johnny was talking about.
"what do you mean?" mark spoke your mind, being somewhat in the know about the situation. he was selected before you were, when they decided they needed a girl to step in.
johnny sighed, palm stroking down his jaw. "you know how we were going to use that catering company, sneak in as waiters for the evening."'
you nodded, resisting the urge to role your eyes at him. you obviously knew this, you had gone over it again and again and again until you could recite the entire thing like the back of your hand.
"well, the numbers have dropped, and therefore we've been dropped from the waiting staff."
you tilted your head. "can't we demand they let us in?"
"they don't know we're nct, that was the only way we could get in," johnny groaned, once again looking at jaemin's drunk state, as if affirming that he was knocked out cold. "cherry, i need you not to freak out."
this startled you; sentences that start like that don't normally end well, especially when someone like johnny suh was saying them.
"there is another way we can get in though, through the hwangs."
haechan wandered over, perching behind you on the armrest of the sofa, grabbing the cigarette from your hand and taking a hit. "they're the businessmen, right?"
"yeah, very quiet, keep to themselves a lot of the time," johnny stated, copying haechan's actions as he settled behind jaemin's feet, "they're also with us, we do a lot of their dirty work."
"but how does that help us?" you jutted in, grabbing the cigarette back from haechan, almost burnt to the filter.
johnny tuts. "i was getting to that, sweetheart."
sweeheart was arguably worse than cherry.
"the hwangs have two children, hyunjin and yeji. but they've never been seen, both of them are off at school in a different part of the country. the plan was that jaemin would go in as their son, and infiltrate that way, but obviously he's not prepared to be briefed tonight."
your hand found it's way to jaemin's hair, your acrylic nails gently massaging his scalp. "so what else can we do?"
"well, there's another option. you," he gestured loosely, and you flipped him off before taking your final hit of the cigarette, putting it out in the ashtray as smoke filled the room. "you're going to go to the event as hwang yeji and represent your parents."
it wasn't that absurd of an idea. you could spend tonight learning some family history and dropping the rough slang you had learnt.
"that doesn't seem that bad," you hummed, grabbing your bag and pulling another cigarette out. "hyuck, have you got a lighter?"
he passed it to you, and you ignored johnny's judgemental stare of your brought the stick to your mouth, the low light of a flame illuminating your face. you took a long drag, head leaning back against haechan's thigh as you exhaled.
"well, i'm not sure whether you know, but for formal events like these, girls cannot attend without a male escort," johnny informed you, and you stopped in your tracks, understanding the implication. "no, no, johnny no."
"there's no other option, cherry," he groaned, and you took another hit.
haechan started laughing behind you, the vibrations travelling through his legs to your head. "you've got to go with johnny, cherry that's absolutely brilliant."
"fuck you, haechan," you spat, eyes locked onto johnny's. "why can't i do it with jungwoo?"
"he's a kim, he can't get away with that."
it was true. the kim's, despite many of them now turning to the crime world of neo city, used to be a very influential family. there was no way jungwoo could walk into the ball pretending to be someone else."
"and there's really no other way," you asked, desperation in your tone, taking another hit before haechan took it from your hands.
jisung wandered over to you. "come on, it's not that bad. johnny's supposedly a gentleman."
"ji, i love you, but there is no way johnny fucking suh is anything resembling a gentleman," you spat, making grabby hands towards haechan, wanting your cigarette back. "come on, hyuck, give."
"smoking's a vice, cherry."
"so's being a dick, give it back."
you could hear johnny tut, but chose to ignore it, instead trying to comprehend the situation. "can i get a makeover?"
haechan scoffed. "really? that's what you're after?"
"i'm just a girl, hyuck."
"yeah, she's just a girl," jaemin stirred, and you gave him a loving pat on the head.
johnny quickly checked his watch. "come on, we've got a fuck ton of backstory to get through."
"is there really no other option?"
"trust me, sweeheart. if there was, i would have found it."
and with that, you gently slid jaemin off your lap, placing a kiss on his forehead, before standing next to the tall man.
"come on then john. i need to get my nails done."
soft rnb music filled your apartment as the sun set over the skyscrapers, perched in front of your mirror as you carefully applied your eyeliner, ensuring they were equal either side. you had barely slept, spending the entire night with johnny and jungwoo, learning everything you would possibly have to know about the hwangs, and for a rich family in neo city, there was a fucking lot.
you had managed to convince taeyong to get allowance for your makeover, heading to the salon today to get a new set of nails, long and red to match your dress. your hair was in loose ringlets, fingers dripped in expensive rings, wrists the same with bracelets. a diamond hung around your neck, sitting way above your low cut dress. the hwangs were known for being scandalous, despite their quiet nature, so to fit the part, your dress was a low cut v, the back hollow crosses of loose satin, sitting halfway down your thigh.
with a swipe of lipgloss you were finished, packing a small clutch with perfume, lipbalm, and your gun. maybe the gun wasn't necessary, but it wouldn't blow your cover, so you though it better to be safe than sorry. half the people in neo city carried guns, and the other half walked with people who carried them/
you checked the time quickly. 5:57. johnny said he would be at your flat at 6, so you quickly checked through your phone. you had a few texts from mark, asking about the new show you guys had been watching, and a few from jungwoo, wishing you luck for tonight. it wasn't a scary thing anymore, you had done so many of these tasks that they felt like second nature. you were one of the few girls in nct that didn't mind going out, which made you incredibly useful for situations like this.
the doorbell rang just as you finished texting jungwoo, and you groaned, wandering through your kitchen before opening the door, seeing the man himself on the other side.
fuck. he actually looked good.
he was in a black tuxedo, bowtie tight around his neck. he was a tall man, that much was obvious, but with dress trousers he somehow look taller. his hair was in curtains, a deep brunette that hung just slightly over his eyes. not that you would ever say it out loud to him, but jesus fucking christ.
"you ready to go?" he asked, not even acknowledging your outfit.
you rolled your eyes. you knew you looked good, there was no way that he didn't realise how fucking good you looked. "nice to see you to. i just need to put my shoes on, calm down."
the set of red louboutin heels fit you perfectly, sliding into them with ease. you stumbled just after putting them on, but quickly grabbed your bag, a packet of cigarettes and a lighter off the table, before meeting him at the door.
"ready," you hummed, placing your key in the lock and shutting it behind you, before placing them in your bag.
he scoffed. "you really need the cigarettes?"
"you really need that terrible attitude?" you shot back, following him into the lift and pressing the ground floor button. you checked yourself out in the mirror, cleaning up the lipstick that had somehow escaped your lips.
"terrible habit," was his only reply, one that you didn't think needed a response, though you did notice the slight flick of his eyes to your boobs as you leant forwards slightly, an action that led to a smirk on your lips.
you quickly noticed that johnny's car outside, not a limo like you presumed. he seemed to notice your confusion as he deliberately didn't open the door for you, waiting for you to climb in yourself.
"ever the gentleman," you teased, watching as he started the engine, pulling away gently.
"we're driving to the oasis, that's where the limo is," he explained, not even given you a glance.
"why didn't you just ask me to walk to the oasis then?"
johnny scoffed. "like you would have walked through neo city in a slutty dress and high heels."
you flipped him off, but he did have a point. you would never do that anyway, least of all neo city. instead, you pulled out a cigarette, rolling down the window and lighting it, the bitter taste a comfort on your tongue.
"i'm serious when i say you shouldn't smoke."
"i'm serious when i say you have an attitude problem."
he rolled his eyes, eyes darting towards you as you tapped the ash onto the road. you could see the oasis in the distance, the familiar comfort of the bar calming you slightly. all you wanted right now was a drink, just a little bit to calm your nerves.
"fancy a shot?" johnny seemed to read your mind, pulling into the carpark quickly.
you both made your way into the building, the bustle quieting down as they noticed you and johnny walk in. you smiled as you saw jaemin behind the bar, the hangover evident in his eyes. his arms enveloping you in a tight hug.
jaemin was like a brother to you. he had taken you under his wing very quickly when you joined nct, but unlike a few of the other guys, he genuinely had no ulterior motives. he saw your beauty, understood why guys like haechan and jeno were so into you, but that just wasn't him. he was one of the few people you knew would always be there for you.
"fuck, cherry, you look gorgeous," he breathed out, and you planted a soft kiss against his cheek.
"thanks, jae. how's the hangover?" you chuckled, grabbing a bottle of tequila and two glasses, pouring two glasses for you and johnny.
he groaned. "how do you think? i am so sorry though, it should be me there right now."
jaemin had spent half the morning apologising over the phone, saying how you've taken his place and if only he hadn't drank so much. you appreciated his efforts, but you both knew you were more than able to do what needed to be done. despite all this, he paid for your lunch today, and that was a win.
"don't be stupid, besides now there's two of us going. even if one is practically incompetent."
johnny didn't like that, finishing the shot before turning to you. "watch yourself, sweetheart."
"bite me, john."
jaemin seemed to sense the tension, pouring you guys one more shot before leaving you to it. your rivalry was well known throughout nct, even some of the runners knew how much you loathed each other, and most people understood it was better to leave you guys to it, let you fight it out, and hope neither of you killed each other. or that whoever was your favourite made it out alive.
"you're insufferable, you know that," you spat, downing the second shot in quick succession, needing the alcohol to settle the violence in your gut.
"rich coming from you, can't even stand being in your presence."
"you're lying to yourself, suh. saw you checking me out in the mirror," you teased, leaning in closer to him.
he matched your energy, face bending down slightly saw your eyes were almost even. "i was not checking you out, i can assure you of that."
"tell yourself whatever you want, if it helps you sleep at night, but your eyes don't lie."
"half the guys in nct want you," johnny's voice was a low growl at this point, face so close to yours basically all you could see was him. "and do you know what? i don't fucking get it. you're a bitch-"
"lovely choice of words-"
"you think you rule the world, you think you're better than fucking everyone, but you're not. there is nothing special about you, and the sooner you realise that, the better."
"do you know what, suh?" you could feel the anger running through your veins, nails digging into your palms to stop yourself planting your fist into his face, leaving shallow crescents in your skin. "you think you're so smart, so precious. oh, johnny suh, johnny of nct, the johnny- no one can fucking stand you. god knows why taeyong keeps you around, half the young guys don't even want to know you- ever wonder why it's the same two guys who volunteer to be with you? because no one else even wants to be near you."
johnny opened his mouth, probably to insult you even further, smirk creeping onto his lips, but a notification on his phone went off, and he pulled away from you quickly.
"limo's here," was all he could say, and you pushed your anger back down inside you.
you were hwang yeji. be hwang yeji.
and ignore the weird feelings going on in your chest right now.
"hey, cherry, how's it going?" jungwoo asked, robotic voice over the phone as you pulled out a cigarette, locked in the guest bathroom at the mayor's house.
you sighed, taking a deep hit to calm your nerves. "all good so far, no one suspects anything. you and jae should be all good to hack the system come 12."
all jungwoo did was hum in response, and you hung up accordingly. you couldn't do anything suspicious at all, there was too much on the line. you took another hit, the smoke fogging the room as you took a moment.
you had spoken to about half the city elite, acting like the prestine proper girl you were supposed to be, but it was taking it's toll. you and johnny had been here for about four hours, and that was four hours too long of pretending to be enamoured by johnny suh. he was disgusting, hand settled in the small of your waist as he laughed at your occasional jokes, planting soft kisses into your hair.
it made you feel sick, sick to your core, sick enough that not even the cigarette was calming you down. johnny suh was an unbelievably irratating individual, one who made you genuinely revolted as his eyes locked on yours, and it took every morsel of self control not to announce to the whole room that you were hating every second of it, that you hated him.
you finished the cigarette, spraying some perfume in the bathroom before leaving the room, walking back over to your 'boyfriend'. he was with another two couples, not sure who, but he quickly introduced you as you slid under his arm, his hand resting against your side, thumb rubbing against your ribcage.
"this is hwang yeji, my girlfriend," god, how his voice made you feel ill. he sounded so in love, and the way his thumb felt against your body just added to it. some part of you felt confused, he definitely did not need to be doing so much, and yet he still was.
stop thinking about that. focus on what you need to be doing.
"yeji, my darling, gosh how you've grown," the woman, moon bora, planted a cheek on either cheek, hand cupping your jaw. "i bet you don't remember me, i haven't seen you since you went to boarding school."
"i know, it's been so long since i've been back here," you hummed, body tensing as johnny gently guided you over to a small table, where bora and her husband jinhyung followed you. he sat next to you, arm over the back of the chair, as you continued on the conversation. "i do miss it, yeah, though there are definetly benefits to living by the coast."
"oh, i can only imagine. do you get to go to the beach regularly, i know college can be quite intense," jinhyung asked, voice full of curiousity.
you went to respond, but your voice was a sharp choke as you felt johnny's hand on your thigh. "sorry, but no we do make time to go. it's beautiful in the morning, watching the sunrise over the ocean, it's really something."
bora and jinhyung kept their questions coming, and you could barely focus and johnny's fingers travelled higher and higher up your thigh, crawling underneath the silk of your dress, gently massaging the soft skin of your inner thigh. you squeezed his hand, a warning, a 'stop this', a 'what the fuck are you doing?'.
his hand got dangerously high, to the point where you could feel him just against the lace of your panties, before you heard an alarm on johnny's phone. 11:45. you needed to get a move on.
"god, i'm sorry," johnny broke the conversation, hand finally leaving your thigh to turn of the ringtone, "that's my medicine alarm. sweetheart, will you come with me to the bathroom to take it."
johnny excused himself, but you were convinced if you went with him now you would genuinely kill him. "let me just say my goodbyes, i'll meet you in a moment."
he shot you a look, but you gave him one back, and he dropped it. you turned back to the couple, with bora giving you a knowing look.
"gosh, you guys are so in love," she sung, and you resisted the urge to spit out your drink. "it reminds me of us when we were younger."
you smiled at her, lying through clenched teeth. "i'm glad you can tell, he's honestly incredible."
"don't think i didn't notice the way you were flirting under the table," she gave you a suggestive wink, and you swore then and there you were going to kill johnny. "young love, how much i miss it?"
you couldn't wait any longer to kill him, so you quickly excused yourself, and travelled through the mansion, past the toilet to the computer room, in charge of the entire house's security, one you had previously mapped out in the planning stages.
"what the fuck?!" you exclaimed, entering the room where johnny was sat on a desk, laptop open with a download completing sign on the front. you locked the door behind you, securing it with a desk you pulled across the front. "what the actual fuck?!"
johnny payed no attention to you, keeping his eyes on the laptop as the percentage went up and up.
"fucking answer me you dick, what's your game?" rage coated your voice, your hands gripping his dress shirt and pulling him out of the chair, forcing him up looking at you.
"whatever do you mean, sweetheart?" he cooed, and the fake loving tone drove you crazy, crazy enough that you brought your hand up to slap him across the cheek.
the action through him back, surprise across his face quickly turning to anger. "you have issues, fuck."
"i have issues?!" you were seething, anger clouding your vision and your hand gripped his shirt tighter, pulling his head down so you were opposite him again. "you've been touching me all night, fucking groping my thigh, grazing my waist, are you mental?"
"do you not understand the concept of fake dating, sweetheart?" his voice was low and dangerous and, however much you wouldn't admit it to yourself, sexy as fuck. "we have to pretend to date-"
"dating does not include groping me."
"i didn't fucking grope you, calm down cherry," johnny sighed, and you pushed him away ever so slightly.
your hand ran down his body, tracing a line down the centre of his abs, watching his muscles contract as they tensed under your touch. "so this doesn't bother you?"
"not in the slightest," he tried to keep it calm, but the way his breathing shortened told you the opposite.
but you kept going, you were fucking fuming. "so if i touch you here," you hand trailed further down, running over the waistband of his trousers, your long nail circling around the hem, "that doesn't bother you."
"fucking stop," he ordered through gritted teeth, but of course you didn't instead keeping your descent until you were over were he did not want you to be, pushing just enough to push johnny over the edge.
and he snapped.
his hands came to grab your wrists, his physical strength easily overpowering yours as he pushed you up against the wall behind you, vaging you against the wall, the paint cold against your open backed dress. your hands were pinned above your head, and legs forced still by johnny's thigh in between your own, body pressed up against yours.
"i thought i told you," he spat, mouth so close he genuinely filled all your senses, "to fucking stop."
you hadn't lost your fight yet, though. "i thought you knew, that what you say means nothing to me."
"do you know what you are?"
"please, do enlighten me," you fought against his grip, but you couldn't escape. johnny was told and strong, and however much fight you had, you could not beat that.
"you're a slut."
those words were unexpected, causing you to gasp as they went straight to your gut, weird butterflies emerging in your chest.
"you're such a fucking slut. act all you want but i saw how your body acted when my hands were on you, when i looked at you like that. like a bitch in fucking heat."
you were genuinely gobsmacked. no words could come out of your mouth to defend yourself.
"but do you know what, sweetheart?" his teasing was endless, however, not letting up despite your lack of retaliation. "i think you like this, i think you like me calling you what you are. a desperate little whore-"
"i don't," you're voice was nowhere near as strong as you wished it would be, because deep down you knew he was right. the butterflies in your stomach were definetly telling you that you were enjoying this, and the way your core was aching.
"tell that to your thighs squeezing around mine," his lips were centimetres away, "because i've realised what you need. you need someone to put you in your place, to remind you of what you are. a needy, desperate, slutty little bitch, don't you sweetheart?"
all you could do was whine at his words, your hips rutting against his knee without even thinking. his words were doing wonders, you could feel how soaked you were without him even really touching you.
"grinding against my fucking thigh, you really are a bitch in heat," he practically scoffed, a hand travelled down from your wrists to wrap around your neck, squeezing enough to cut off your airflow slightly, the feeling making your head spin and vision dizzy.
"i know you've fucked hyuck," he stated the words so nonchalantly, like they weren't personal details you had never told him, "and i know you've fucked jeno. i'm pretty sure you've fucked jaemin as well, but they obviously didn't fuck you good enough for you to still have this attitude, huh, sweetheart?"
you couldn't fathom the words to respond, overwhelmed by the pleasure between your legs. your breathing got shallower and shallower and your air was cut more and more, rings indefinetly causing dents against your soft skin. johnny tensed his thigh, and you couldn't hold back the whine that escaped your mouth, the feeling just too good as your clit rubbed against the fabric of his trousers.
he could only scoff, his hand dropping your wrists and instead sliding down to your hip, kneading the skin as he manouvered your body, sitting down and pulling you down onto his lap, or more specifically his thigh. he finally let go of your throat, grabbing the other side of your hip, and you let out deep breaths, trying to gain back some sense of clarity.
"if you want to be a pathetic little thing," his tone was almost teasing, his large hands beginning to rock you back and forth, "then go ahead. get yourself off on my thigh."
and you followed his instructions, swinging your hips and getting into a steady rhythm. johnny's eyes dropped to where your body met his own, one hand sliding under the soft satin of your dress and feeling the lace panties you had on underneath.
"god, you're dripping, you're actually dripping against your thigh," he practically laughed, your wetness sticky on his fingers as he pushed the lace to the side, and the pleasure was just too much to contain, a moan leaving your lips. "shut the fuck up, cherry. don't want anyone to see how much of a whore for my thigh you're being right now."
you dived into his shoulder, biting down on his jacket to stop the sounds he was practically forcing from your throat. his hands sped up your pace, forced you to keep going as you felt the knot tighten in your gut.
you panted out, the sound of your wetness filling the room as he leant up, looking into his eyes with a sense of desperation. "gonna cum, john, need to cum."
"oh, you need to cum, do you?" he sneered, leaning back against the desk chair, feeling a sense of gravity as he watched the girl he hates fall apart on his thigh. "you need to cum."
"need it- need it so bad," you whined, biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood.
johnny tilted his head, a mischevious glint in his eye. "stop moving."
"what?" you panted, confused by his words but not stopping your movements. "no, no, i'm so close."
"i don't care, stop fucking moving," he spat through gritted teeth and his lifted you off his thigh, your hips moving in mid-air as you groaned, feeling the pleasure leave your body as your high left your body.
your eyes locked onto his, tongue poking your cheek. "what the fuck!"
"needy sluts like you don't get to cum," he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever, sliding back from the chair and spreading his legs, placing you down on the floor. you didn't even have the strength to hold yourself up anymore, collapsing against his leg, the cold concrete floor a shock to the system.
however much you hated to admit it, johnny looked majestic. with his legs spread, eyes glaring down at you, hair messy as his tongue ran over his bottom lip. you couldn't tell what he was thinking, and that worried you. you were on your knees in front of the man you hated, and for whatever reason you were actually excited about what was going to happen next.
johnny didn't say anything, but his actions spoke a thousand words, his hands going to his belt and undoing it with ease. you felt your mouth water as he slid his trousers down, revealing his hardening cock from his underwear. you leant forward, hands ready to grab it, but one of his own hands nestled itself in your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail as he pulled you back.
"here's what's going to happen, sweetheart," he shuffled forward on the seat, tempting you to just have a look. you could tell from the bulge that he was big, and all you wanted at this point was your mouth around him.
god, how were you having these feelings about johnny suh.
"you're gonna let me fuck your face like the slut that you are," your thighs rubbed together as he returned to the degrading words, "and then i'll decide whether you deserve to cum."
his other hand pulled his now hard cock out of his pants, and your eyes widened at the sight. he was big, he was so fucking big, and there was no way that he could fuck your throat without cutting off your air supply.
"john, i can't-"
"you can, just open that slutty little mouth for me," his tip poked against your lips, and you complied, hesistantly parting your lips as he slid between them, the stretch agony at first. "there you go, relax your throat. don't want to hurt you that much, cherry."
those words were different, they were softer in a way. they were johnny being sincere, not 'putting you in your place' or 'teaching you a lesson'. and they relaxed you, enough that he slid even more into your mouth, tears building in your eyes, threatening to spill over.
"god, you have no idea how good that feels," he groaned, seemingly not to you, but just to the world. "tap my thigh if i'm good to move."
you followed his order, typing his thigh twice before he started to move back and forth. you tried your absolute hardest not to gag around him but it was so hard when he was practically stopping you from breathing, hitting the back of your throat over and over again until you physically had to gag around him.
johnny hummed, a pity hum, seemingly back to his old self. "what's wrong? thought you would be used to dick in your throat."
you took a deep breath as he pulled out, gasping for air as drool dripped down your chin, his dick hanging in front of you.
"don't tell me hyuck never fucked that pretty little face of yours?" he voice was playful, hand sliding from your throat to cup your jaw, thumb roughly dragging over your bottom lip. "look at how messy you are, sloppy little slut."
you took a deep breath, looking up at the tall man towering over you. "they weren't as big as you."
"aww," his tone was so patronising that if you weren't so dick whipped you would have slapped that expression off his face, "am i too big for you?"
you didn't resond, feeling like you were stuck in a trap, but that wasn't good enough for johnny. "i said, am i too big for you? because if you can't suck me off, you haven't done enough to cum tonight."
those words went straight to your desperate core, and you leant straight back to his dick, letting him back in as he pounded even harder and faster than before. you braced it, trying your hardest not to gag around him again. johnny's groans filled the room, and you just prayed you were doing well enough to get to cum later.
sa johnny's thrusts began to get more sporadic, he pulled out, hand leaving your head to jerk himself off. "open your mouth, tongue out."
you did as he said, sticking your tongue as you patiently awaited his cum, eyes glaring up at him as he kept his wrist moving at a quick speed.
"god, you're such a fucking slut, aren't you?" his words were said between low grunts and groans, obviously needed to get him over the edge. "tongue stuck out, drooling over my cock, thighs squeezing together at the idea of getting my cum in your mouth. fuck- cherry- fuck-"
and with that he came, most of it landing straight on your tongue, the salty taste filling your mouth. a small bit coated your lips instead, but johnny was quick to scrape that onto your tongue as well, before leaning down and spitting in your mouth. his saliva mixed with his cum as he barked out a 'swallow', and you did as he said. the action was so dirty, so vulgar, he was treating you like a messy, slutty object, and for whatever reason you were loving it.
"you did good, sweetheart," he cooed, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone, "i guess now it's your turn."
his hands settled under your shoulders, pulling you up from the group and back onto his lap, this time legs over his hips as you collapsed against his chest. you were fucking exhausted, head pounding from the pleasure coarsing through your veins. you could only imagine how you looked right now - mascara undoubtably smudged from the tears dropping from your eyes, lipstick removed from your lips and displaced onto your cheeks and chin, hair no longer its perfect ringlets and instead messy curls.
"god, you're still so fucking wet," he almost gasped, pad of his middle finger drawing a line through your folds. you could almost hear his actions, the squelching of your wetness deafening as your cheeks reddened with embarassment, your face hiding in his shoulder. "i bet you're so fucking sensitive- ah, yes you are."
your hips bucked as his finger pushed against your clit, so worked up from the lack of your last orgasm that you barely needed anything to become putty in his hands. he chuckled as he kept up his pace, other hand settled on your hip, rubbing up and down as you whined into his shoulder.
"still so needy, i wonder what would happen if i just...?" and with those words, a finger entered your pussy, curling up against that spot inside of you that caused your entire body to tense. "god, you're so fucking tight, would have thought this slutty cunt would be more used to cock than this, don't know how i'm ever going to fit."
you couldn't even understand the words coming out of his mouth. your orgasm was approaching so much faster due to how sensitive you were. and when he added another finger, the stretch just adding to the euphoria you were feeling, he could tell you were close. you just begged he would actually let you come this time.
but of course, he didn't. pulling them both out of you when you started to clench around him, and the denying pleasure for the second time made you absolutely crazy. your body was drained, completely drained of energy, and you didn't know how much more you could take.
"please," you sounded pathetic, most likely looked pathetic, and all you wanted was to cum. you sounded like the desperate whore he made you out to be, but at this point you couldn't even dispute it. "i can't take it, please."
johnny hums, as if considering your proposition, but really he knew your time was up. "need me to fuck you, sweetheat?"
"need you, john," you panted, using the last of your strength to push yourself up off his chest, to finally look him in the eyes, "please, wanna feel you in me."
that was all he needed, grabbing your hips and aligning you with his cock, and you were suddenly very aware of the position you were both in. there was absolutely no way you could ride him, you were far too out of it for that, but the way you were sat on top of him meant you couldn't think of another option.
but of course johnny was prepared, grabbing onto your hips and completely controlling your movements, sinking you down onto his cock for him and oh my god was he big. your mouth unknowingly feel into an 'o' shape with the stretch, feeling so so good as he bottomed out completely.
"pussy feels so good wrapped around me," johnny groaned, moving your hips up and down for you, so you were riding him without having to do any work. "dripping all over my cock, aren't you, my pretty little whore."
you couldn't even process the fact that he had called you both 'his' and 'pretty', instead trying not to scream and alert the entire house of the fact that you were locked in a room that you were definetly not meant to be in. your orgasm was incredibly fast approaching, the knot getting so unbelievably tight as you clenched around johnny.
"gonna cum, gonna cum," you repeated it like a mantra, until you heard a voice just outside the room. your hand flung to your mouth instantly, biting down on the flesh to stop any sound you were making.
johnny kept going though, despite the glares you were shooting him, to the point where you had to slap his chest in an attempt to stop him.
"fucking stop," your voice was a whisper, as quiet as you could muster while you could still hear voices outside. "i'm serious."
"you want to cum, don't you?" he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and there weren't people outside who would definitely kill you if they found anything out. "so just keep quiet, and then you'll get what you want."
so you tried your hardest not to make a single sound, but johnny's pace was relentless, pounding into you at an angle that hit such a good spot inside of you, and you had to bite down into your hand to stop yourself moaning as you released all over his dick, the feeling so much better after your denied orgasms earlier.
but johnny kept going, still chasing his second orgasm, and you just let him use you as he thrusted up, soft grunts after every buck. "gonna let me cum inside of you, like the whore you are?"
"yes, please," you didn't even know what you were saying anymore, now chasing your own second orgasm while the voices outside grew louder and louder. "want your cum, johnny."
"of course you do, fucking slut," he spat, through gritted teeth, "i can feel you clenching around me, you close again? am i fucking this messy pussy so good that you're gonna cum again?"
you nodded against his skin, and you both came at the same time, and the feeling of him filling you up was the cherry on top of this entire experience. you couldn't move, you felt numb with pleasure as johnny lifted you off his softened dick, placing you on the chair as he ran over to the laptop, and a smile creeped onto his face.
"download complete," he smiled, voice low as possible, "let's get out of here, cherry."
you span around in the chair, looking at him like he was stupid, becuase that's how he was acting. "there's people outside, dumbass."
"then we'll have to climb out the window," he spoke in the same stupidly obvious tone, and you actually accepted his suggestion. you could see jungwoo's car from here, and a quick dash would mean no one would see your escape. "come on, let's go."
you tried to stand up, but your legs gave up straight away, causing you to collapse straight back into the chair. johnny chuckled slightly. "i fuck you that good, huh?"
"you mention anything that happened tonight ever again i will kill you, i promise you," you swore, voice low and serious.
johnny tilted his head. "so you didn't just beg for me to come inside of-"
"just carry me out of here," you snapped, and he oblidged, arms behind your shoulders and knees and he walked through the floor to ceiling windows, and wandered through to where jungwoo was parked.
"never mention it again," you repeated, "tonight never happened."
"tonight never happened," he agreed, but turned to look at you again, "but you better drop that attitude, cherry."
"or what?"
"or i'll have to fuck it out of you again."
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sukioyakio · 2 months
Part two of
siren Sukuna
Previous part
an:I didn’t expect that people wanted more but anyway here we go 😝 i didnt. Proread this
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Siren Sukuna who was inside the pond in the cave,just swimming to wake up his fins,the only reason why he stays in the cave is because underneath the pond it leads into the ocean.He had already heal your wounds from whatever attack you.
Siren Sukuna who instantly hears a loud irritating voice coming from the surface of the pond.He immediately knew that it was coming from the human mouth.He already started to swim up to the surface of the pond.
“Ahhh!!” You screamed out as you gasp out air as you look around to see the pond.You quickly realized that you woke up from a dream. A dream where you saw a giant looking half naked fish creature coming towards you and then eating you.Which wasn’t true as you start to relax,letting out a sigh.
“What a crazy dream”You muttered.
You saw that your knees were healed,which you didn’t question how they got healed as you started to move your legs.As you felt more confident to stand up going towards of where the light is.And then splashes sound come out the pond.
“And where you think you are going?”
Your body froze from hearing that low authority voice,as you slowly began turned your head to see the same creature that was in your dream.You started to sweat fear.
”Don’t tell me that you completely forgot about your deal that you made with me women”Sukuna question with as he glares at you.His reds eyes glowing like fire under the pond shine.
Siren Sukuna Who just wonder how stuipd you are,he could easily kill your with a flinch of his nail.As he watches how you are sweating in fear which makes him smirk in mockery.
You just gave up your soul,as you really didn’t want to die,as you walked towards the half naked fish creature,As you cursed yourself for making a deal with something like that. Now sitting on edge of the wet rocky surface of the pond. Sukuna was there watching your everything movement,and was even surprised of how quickly you summit to him.’wow,this women is seriously wont even fight back’
“You know fishy dude,I’m completely t-telling you the truth about how nasty tasting I am” You whisper with a bit confidence while stuttering.You refused to look at him,in fear of seeing his crazy sharp teeth.your hands shaking a bit. Sukuna looks at you completely amused by how confident you are to tell him that part;that his lips widened and then Laughter erupted from him,taunting you with his laughter.
Siren Sukuna who tells you the argument on the deal,You have to bring him food from the city and come back here so that you don’t forgot about the deal.In which your sparkle in delight because a thought of your running away from him and never coming come in thought.But Sukuna isn’t stuipd and put a spell on you that he can put to work whenever he wants. The spell is just a simple shock of pain onto your body.
Siren Sukuna Who for the first few days has never wanted to drown you or cut your mouth up.Everyday you would stay in the cave just minding yourself before you go find food or You started to ask him question about himself.And at times you beg for him to find somewhere where there is light instead of a dark cave.
”Sooo Mr Fish have you ever tried eating yourself?”You asked him without looking at him but instead at the ceiling of the dark cave.
“Is there a reason why you have red eyes,I don’t hate it but do you think you could change my eyes colors like yours?”
“No Are you-“
“Do sea creatures speak to you?that really fricking cool if you can” You asked him with a wide smile,smiling to yourself. ”Stop it-“ ”Are you half witch half fish or Your half fairy half mermaid?” You asked him with your eyes shining in amazement at the thought of that.But quickly disappears after hearing his voice.
“Enough with the fucking question brat,before I drown you” Sukuna replied with a harsh tone,that made you shivering in thought. ——-
It was late at night when you were on your way back to the cave with a food that you got stole from people houses.In Which you were getting paranoid of someone following you.As you found the damn cave you ran into it,Completely scared of something grabbing you.You mentally cursed yourself out,at night the cave becomes a nightmare of yours.You couldn’t hear anything but your heavy breathing.
when you finally made it where the pond is,and the light from the pond dimmed quiet a lot in the night. You put the food down where it couldn’t touch the wet rocky areas of the pond.You look around to see if you could see Sukuna but you couldn’t see that well in the dark.
“Sukuna?y-you there?”You announce in the silence of the cave,to hear a sound coming from the direction of the opening,which made you flinch,you could hear your heart pounding in your chest. ‘I hate this cave so much’ you said mentally to yourself.
“S-Sukuna stop p-playing with m-mme. . . Please i hate this damn cave,S-sukuna I’m here” You voice so small and scrawny,as another sound was heard closer than the last sound.
“Sukuna! I-i. . . Swear to life-“
“AHHHH!!!I HATE THIS CAVE I HATE THIS CAVE So fucking Much I BEG YOU PLS FIND ANOTHER PLACE PLSS!!!” You screamed out loud as you jump and ended up falling on your ass,as you closed your eyes.As tears fall down your eyes.
Sukuna ‘s haunting laughter is the only thing revealing his presence inside the darkness.
You continue to close your eyes. As He began to speak as he wipes off tears from laughing so hard.
“Your so easy to scared,women ,God that was a good laugh”Sukuna said with a small chuckle as he was just behind you laying on a a large rock the whole time.
”That isn’t fucking Funny,I could’ve have a-a ..-you paused trying to think of the word your trying find-
“Heart Attack ,god You are so fucking stupid” Sukuna spoke for you with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose.
“whatever fried fish,Just please make a change of this damn cave and I got your food ” you mutter underneath your mouth finally opening your eyes and giving Sukuna a glare.
Siren Sukuna Who starts to notice things you do,and how you don’t bring yourself anything to cover up at night,or even when it freeze cold at night.And how you don’t talk much about your familywhich has this man thinking that they probably left because of how talkive you are which is a joke.But he doesn’t bring himself to talk about it because it doesn’t matter to be.
Siren Sukuna who really hates listening to your dumbass story’s. He says
“Then I was going to steal this beautiful cloak that I saw from a rich folk house,and I knew that it would be a challenge going into the house but hey it surprisingly it was easy,I mean the couple left their windows open like who does that unless they didn’t want me in their.I did get my shoulder badly bruised but-“
”and what happened to the cloak?you don’t seem to have it on you” Sukuna bluntly asked you,completely interpreting your story.His face unfazed but there a hint of curiosity in his eyes. ”I’m getting there” You said with a soft smile.
Siren Sukuna Who likes to tease you,it could be with his fin touching you which makes you jumpy or flicking your forehead off when you asking him a dumb ass question.Or pulling you into the pond wetting your body,as you scream in the water at him,ofc he doesn’t have a wide smirk on his face.
“Sukuna I am not gonna get myself wet” You exclaimed as you tried to appear serious about it. ”Oooh is the brat scared of liquid oh my come on what a little water going to do” He replied with a challenge look,Smirking with his white teeth in display.As his eyes had mischief in them. ”Y-yea no am n-not,just I don’t not want to get wet”You replied back with as you cursed yourself for stuttering.As you slightly move backwards from the edges of pond. Sukuna grab your waistline and drags you down onto the pond,As you scream out his name. His tail wagging in the water shinning his dark red fin tail.His chuckle would be heard even under the water. Moreover the water under the pool was very clear with colorful flowers(idk if there flowers underwater)He let go of your waist so you don’t drown in the water.As you started to swim up but you look down at his masculine body to see how pretty he looks with his fin and how his scales on his skin look mesmerizing. As you got on the rocky surface sticking out your middle finger to the surface in the pond.While coughing up water.He just look at you though the water smirking at your little Reactions.
Siren Sukuna who has been quite enjoying your company ever day (he won’t say that much to you).He also didn’t think of using one of spell that he hadn’t used in years.His transformation spell,giving him a human form.As he Only does this at night when he knows your asleep,he walk around the area of the cave to find another place for him to call home.And then he spot a water fall the water fall making a big pond with fishes and inside of it a cave.And he makes a path to let you know.
In which you Were very happy that Sukuna found a new place,and of course he knew you thought that it was some sort of magical guide that lead you there.
Siren Sukuna Who hates whenever you touch his scales,especially his back scales.His faces turns red,and his hand were already slapping your away from you.And he hates when you act so confuse about it.
“Sukuna?what did I do wrong?” You look at with doe eyes and with a raised brow in question,your eyes completely showing confusion. ”Nothing,brat”He says with a harsh tone,as he finds his face with hands,and hiding his flustered face. “Mhmm,can you fishes get sick?” You said genuinely ask him with a serious intent. And which that stop him,and genuinely look at you with a dumbfounded disgust at them.In which he grumbled about how ridiculous your questions are. “Oh my fucking god how the hell did you last this long alive” He harshly said to you as he scoff out.
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I kinda lose hope for the last few sentence of them making common sense 😭.But I hope y’all like this one and see y’all in the next.
Please share your thoughts in comments,I always love reading them.
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leqonsluv3r · 2 months
Do you think you can do Leon x reader who is dealing with a break up? I just got broken up with recently and haven’t been finding any good comfort fics😖
don’t forget me
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— leon and you break up leaving you both broken but still pieces together, a blurb
masterlist taglist prompt game
an: i’m sorry this took so long. i hope this helps, im not great at writing angst but i did my best with this one. hope you like it <33 posting again later this week, please like and reblog. kisses, xx.
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it hurt so badly.
and you couldn’t just pick one thing.
it wasn’t one singular thing, it was multiple. it was the fact that you and leon were done, the ties had been cut, leaving you both alone.
but what really stung was that you could still smell him on your sheets. see the traces of him left in your apartment. his soap in the shower. the wounds were still fresh and you hated how much they hurt.
you wish you could just hit your head, get amnesia and forget all about him. you wished that he hadn’t ended things, that you hadn’t let him.
you blame yourself, say you should’ve put up more of a fight. but the wound was ripped open and it feels like your bleeding out. even four days later, the sting is still there and your heart is still broken.
you can’t win.
not once, not even now.
you wanted him back but you couldn’t have him.
and that’s what saddens you the most.
but still that doesn’t stop you from your eyes how they water whenever you hear his favorite song on the radio, or see his favorite car when your driving…
it all hurts so fucking much. you wish it would just stop. you wish you could go back in time and just make it go away.
you wish you had communicated better, that the both of you had. then maybe you wouldn’t be in this spot. you wouldn’t be here crying over a man that hurt you, broke your heart in half and made you feel like the shell of the person you used to be.
if only you had done better, not let each other down, then maybe you wouldn’t feel your eyes burning every time you blinked.
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leon was about in the same boat as you, equally as miserable. it seemed as the months passed that it just seemed to get worse and worse.
he didn’t think he could do this anymore.
so that’s why, one day, he got up and went over to your house. he knocked, waited and when you opened the door…he wished he hadn’t come at all.
you had bags under your eyes, you looked like a mess. you were wearing one of his t-shirts he had left over before you broke up with each other.
“oh…fuck…” he says with a small swallow, trying to keep himself upright. “baby…” he whispers with a frown, he could feel his eyes watering as he looked at you.
you felt your lips wobble as you look down at your feet, your body shaking a little bit as you tried to fight back tears. how ironic was it that the person who hurt you the most was the one you needed right now, the one who could fix you and stitch you back together?
you didn’t say a word, not a thing, you let him step forward through the threshold of your door and wrap his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “baby…fuck, i’m so sorry.” he mutters into your hair, rubbing a hand over your back.
the dam had broken and you felt more tears leaking from your eyes and onto his jacket. he swallowed and blinked water away from his own eyes, “that’s okay, it’s okay…” it was not by any means okay, but he needed you to know that even though you hurt each other…he was there. he was willing to makeup for it.
and he held you, rubbing your back, letting all the pain soak into his jacket and t-shirt.
he didn’t know what would happen after this, but he was willing to help you out, even if it killed you both. he was willing to stitch up the pieces of you that he broke.
because he still loved you.
and he would probably never stop, even if you guys didn’t end up together. happy endings weren’t always happy, he knew that.
that’s why he was willing to wait as long as it took.
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blackbirdi · 5 months
Game Night (Not a Good Idea)
Brief Description: Things heard during Wayne family game night.
Point of View: 3rd Person
Word Count: 1334
Character: Batfam x platonic!Reader
Every Sunday Bruce tries to get all his kids (whether adopted or not) back to the manor for supper and a game night. And while some of the time the games are fun and a bonding moment for everyone, most of the time it's a battleground.
Things said playing: Super Smash Bros
A very pissed off Timothy Drake: DAMIAN! I AM ON YOUR TEAM; STOP PUSHING ME OFF!
A frustrated Stephanie Brown: DODGE IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Y/n L/n: *Playing the game for the first time in years* I don't know the controls...
Jason Todd throwing his controller against the wall after his team lost for the seventh time in a row: THIS IS BULLSHIT!
Things said playing: Twister
A defeated before the game even begins Duke Thomas: No. Straight up, no. We all know Dick's going to win; what's the point in even playing?
A very flexible and cocky Dick Grayson: What do you mean you can't reach the green circle? It's literally so easy!
Jason: *His eye twitching* Kill yourself.
A tired of the complaining, Bruce Wayne: Dick, you're not playing this round.
Dick, heartbroken: What? Why?
The rest of the Batkids: *Cheering*
Things said playing: Jenga
Damian Wayne, who just knocked the tower over: DRAKE BUMPED INTO ME! HE MADE ME KNOCK IT OVER JUST SO I WOULD LOSE!
Tim, who is sitting over ten feet from him: What? No, I didn't.
Damian: YES, YOU DID!
A very confused and slightly disappointed Barbara Gordon: Why did you choose that one?
Y/n, who chose the most difficult one to remove: *Practically in tears* I DON'T KNOW!
Anyone after knocking the tower over: I fucking hate this game.
Things said playing: Among Us
*While they're waiting in the lobby (the game hasn't even begun)*
Tim: It's Damian.
Damian: Fuck you.
Bruce, after being the first killed for the fifth time in a row: Do you hate me that much?
Steph (a crewmate): *Walking past Bruce's body and not reporting it* Yes.
Babs (a crewmate), who people are now suspecting: You're not supposed to give any hints that you got killed, Bruce.
*Y/n and Cass being revealed as the imposters*
The Batfamily after being positive that Y/n and Cass were the only ones who weren't the imposters (other than those murdered): WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE THE IMPOSTER?
Y/n and Cass: *Cackling*
Things said playing: Charades
Jason, after they ran out of time and didn't guess it: *Looking at the card* What you acted out was not fucking Ratatouille.
Damian, who was very much not doing anything to hint towards Ratatouille: YES, IT WAS!
Babs after picking up the most complicated things possible to act out: What the fuck is this?
Bruce: I burned the zombie card by the way.
Jason, Tim, Steph, Damian, and Y/n: *Groaning in disappointment*
Things said playing: Just Dance
Cass: *Doing everything perfectly*
Everyone else: How the fuck are you doing that?
Cass: *Giggling* What are you doing?
Y/n: I don't fucking know.
Duke: I am the epitome of a graceful dancer, Tim. *Proceeds to trip over the coffee table and land flat on his face*
Things said playing: Any game involving riddles
Any of the Batkids: I CALL DUKE/STEPH!
Bruce: *Reading a riddle that was writing in Shakespearean (ye old English)*
All of the Batkids: w h a t
Duke/Steph: I'm telling you, it's *correct answer*
Jason: No, it's not. It's *very much the wrong answer*
Duke/Steph, feeling petty: Fine, we'll go with *Jason's answer*
Bruce: It's *the answer Duke/Steph originally had*
Duke/Steph: *Waiting for Jason to admit they were right*
Jason, who refuses to take the blame: Jeez, you're terrible at this game.
Things said playing: Spoons
(if you don't know what Spoons is, search it up because I don't know how to describe it, but it is the most fun game ever and you're missing out.)
Y/n: *Holding onto the spoon like her life depends on it* YOU CAN'T GRAB IT FROM ME! IT'S ALREADY IN MY HAND!
Steph: *Clawing at Y/n's hand* GIVE IT HERE!
Dick: *Cradling his hand* I think Jason broke my hand.
Jason, with the most "I don't give a shit" voice ever: Damn. That sucks.
All the Batkids at one point: *Quite literally throwing themselves across the table to grab the last spoon*
Bruce: *Tired Dad SighTM*
Things said playing: Monopoly
Jason, who owns all but one railroad: I swear to God, Tim, if you land on the last railroad and buy it...
Tim, lands on the last rail road: *Buys it*
Jason: *Lunges across the table to strangle him*
Y/n, after buying Park Place a while ago: *Lands on Boardwalk* You bitches are about to be financially murdered.
*After red hotels have been added to over half the board, and there are at least two green houses on every spot*
Duke: Can I just stay in jail?
Things said playing: Uno
Cass: Uno!
Steph: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Tim: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Y/n: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Jason: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Duke: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Dick: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Damian: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Babs: Sorry, Cass *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Cass, trying not to fucking snap: You guys fucking suck.
(I'm sobbing. She's picking up 28 cards. NOOO, CASS)
*It's down to just Tim and Damian; the others have all gotten rid of their cards*
Tim, after being skipped for the fifth time in a row: *Near tears* HOW MANY FUCKING SKIP CARDS DO YOU HAVE?
Damian: *Placing another one down* Yes.
*Whenever someone wins*
The rest of the Batkids: *Starts a fist fight*
*Cue Uno getting banned from being played at a Game Night.*
Things said playing: Mario Kart
Babs, throwing a green shell: *Bounces off the wall and hits her instead of the person ahead of her* I'm going to kill someone.
Dick: *Picks Rainbow Road*
The rest of the Batkids: Fuck you.
Cass, before they start playing: Oh, I suck at this game.
Cass: *Wins over half the races*
Y/n: Yup.
Y/n: That's why I did it.
Steph: *Getting pissed that she got 2nd*
Bruce: *Trying to console her* It's fine, Steph. It's just a game.
Bruce: *Too scared to play with his kids because of how angry he's been seeing them getting* No.
Steph: That's what I fucking thought.
Y/n, after being hit by Jason's red shell for the third time in a row: *Throwing the controller at Jason* I'M DONE! I'M FUCKING DONE!
Jason: *Cackles*
Tim: *Looking at someone else's screen and not realizing it* I am so good at this.
*His character is actually continuously hitting a wall*
Duke: *Gets a blue shell* It's over for you, Cass!
Damian: *Uses Thunderbolt, thus getting rid of Duke's blue shell before he can use it*
*Duke, trying to stop himself from attacking Damian*
Damian: *About to get first place* And victory is–
Duke: *Blue shells him* That's what you get, you little bastard.
*Damian proceeds to literally bite Duke*
*Bruce, trying to ban Mario Kart from Game Night*
All the Batkids: BOO! I'm not coming back if you do.
*Mario Kart has not been banned*
Bonus! (Involves only Babs, Dick, Jason, Steph, Cass, Tim, and Y/n)
Things said playing: Cards Against Humanity
Y/n, holding the prompt for this round: *Looking at the responses the rest gave her* You all are fucking terrible human beings.
Babs: It's a damn game, Y/n. No one actually meant it.
Dick: Hey! My card was not that bad!
Cass: Come on, it's funny!
Jason: Yes.
Steph: Thank you.
Tim: You're one to talk.
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night-daily · 1 year
I thought I'd lost you forever | Roronoa Zoro x fem! reader
summary: After Zoro it's defeated on a duel, he's hurted badly and no one knows if he'll recover.
warnings: ep 5 and 6 spoilers, one piece live action, hurt/comfort
a/n: im obsessed with Zoro ngl :]
You were at the Baratie kitchen with Zeff and Sanji, ranting about your discussion with Zoro, just to make sure you weren't overreacting but they knew better than not take part because well, you were pretty mad and they didn't want you to pick up your rage on them.
Just remembering the discussion makes your blood boil.
You and Luffy walked into the room where Zoro, Nami, and Ussop were. All of them turn to see the two of you, “Hey crew!” , Luffy says but none of them replies, and your smile falters. What was going on? The vibe in the room was so tense.
“Zoro challenged Mihawk to a duel”, You were shocked. What was he thinking? He was even thinking?
Nami asked Luffy to convince Zoro to not fight Mihawk but he didn't do it, instead, he supported Zoro to fight the duel. You make eye contact with Zoro, shaking your head clearly disappointed. You turned yourself ready to leave but before you got the chance, his voice made you stop on track.
“What? You think I can't win?” You observed his face, trying to figure him out but he wasn't showing any emotion. “If you wish to die today, then go ahead, I'm no one to stop you” , Please don't go, If something happens to you I will lose my mind, that's what you wanna to say.
“You're right, you're no one” , You're everything to me, that's what he wanted to say and it was true. You're his world and Zoro has tried to make you know it but you're too oblivious to notice it and he's scared to tell you his feelings not because you may reject him, because he thinks he'll ruin your friendship. “I have to become the world's greatest swordsman” “I know but—” “No, you don't know how it feels like, you don't even have a dream.” Your brows furrowed, of course, you had a dream like everyone else, in fact, the only one you had told about your dream was Zoro, and you trusted him so much but here was he now, using it against you, it made you feel sick. “Fuck you, Zoro, maybe Mihawk won't kill you but your pride is.”
After that you stormed out of the room, his eyes following you with a heavy feeling in his chest.
  ⚔  ⚔   ⚔  ⚔ 
“So I was wrong?” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Of course not, love” Sanji answered, Zeff rolled his eyes knowing what was he doing. “You know? I would never hurt you like—”
“MY FRIEND NEEDS HELP” Luffy burst into the kitchen yelling.
The anger left your body being replaced by worry. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, heading to Going Merry without thinking twice. Sanji, Zeff, and Luffy going after you, you arrived and saw Zoro's body, his chest covered with blood and a serious wound. Your breathing was unstable and your body trembling, everything was blurry to you as Zeff treated his wounds faster and you couldn't help but think this was your fault.
“You gotta talk to him, make him stay here, in this world” You all nodded and thanked him for his help. Sanji decided to stay there to cook, Luffy, Ussop and you were sitting across him talking, well, they talking and you tried to focus on the conversation but your mind wandered thinking about Zoro.
While Sanji was cooking, Luffy was the first to move, ready to head to the room where Zoro was.
“Can I...?” Their heads turned to see you. You cleared your throat “Can I talk to him first, please?” Luffy hesitated for a second and he was about to refuse you but Sanji cut him off, “Ladies first” you murmured a thank you, walking to the room, behind you, you heard your captain asking them why he had to let you to talk Zoro first if he wanted to talk him too.
“Because they need it, they're more than friends” Ussop responds with a smirk on his face, which makes Luffy more confused, “They're best friends?” Sanji and Ussop laughed at him shaking their heads.
You closed the door behind you. Sitting on a chair that was next to him. Your eyes fell on his wound and instantly felt an overwhelming wave of guilt crash onto you. “I really don't want to lose you, so you better wake up” you hold his hand intertwining your fingers. “'cause I'm not gonna let you die” His breathing was slow but steady “When I said all that stuff earlier, I didn't mean it” Your eyes welled up with tears, replaying your last conversation with him in your mind.
Lost in your thoughts you didn't even feel when Zoro intertwined his fingers around yours. Then he squeezed your hand softly. While your heart was pounding in your chest. “did you miss me?” forgetting about his wound, you hugged him tight “you idiot! never do that again, I thought I'd lost you forever” He groaned painfully. “Sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry Zoro This is—” “Don't you even dare to say this was your fault, because it's not” you opened your mouth. He sent you a death glare. “Before I passed out, do you know what my only regret was?” He looked right into your eyes. “To not have the opportunity to beg for your forgiveness, what I said about your dream, it was wrong and I'm sorry, I will work to regain your trust, I promise” He brings your hand to his mouth, giving it a gentle kiss.
Something was different now and you both knew it, you were eager to know what the future would hold for the two of you.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
dark!capa who hasn’t felt the touch of a woman the entire time he’s been on icarus II😵‍💫😵‍💫
oh I've been thinking about this since I saw the movie no joke
warnings: DARK SMUT 18+ ONLY, soft!dark/yandere vibes, touch-starved reader (and capa lol), forced creampie
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"Please, please, don't fight me," he begged in a soft voice, still pinning you to the cold glass wall with his weight.
But what else were you supposed to do? After working side by side with him for years, even growing to consider him a friend, he'd found you in your room, gone on a bizarre rant about how long the mission was (as if that was some kind of surprise?) and then grabbed you. By the time you realized what was happening, it was far too late to try to talk him out of it, or at least try to make a run for the door.
"I just need--" he choked out, speaking softly by your ear as his hands ran over your body, "I just need to... feel something. Something real."
"Capa, please," you sighed, struggling to keep your composure as he started to attempt to undress you, a heavy sigh falling from his lips. "I know as much as anyone how hard it's been, okay?"
"Then you need this too," he breathed as he pulled your tank top out of the way and ran his fingers softly over your bare shoulder. "I can make it good for you-- I mean, I can try. Kinda rusty, you know..."
"Just please," you whimpered, "stop now-- I won't tell anyone. We can just forget it, go back to... to how things were!"
He shook his head, making you whine as he pressed himself harder against you, kissing the curve of your neck as his long hair tickled your skin. "I can't take it anymore," he explained, "being so close to you, seeing you every day and never getting a chance to touch you... I'm sorry, we can't go back to how it was. It was killing me."
Just as you opened your mouth to protest, or at least ask how long he'd been harboring this secret obsession, his lips ghosted over your pulse and you shuddered. Feeling him smile, you cursed yourself internally for how easily your body responded. He wasn't wrong that it was difficult to spend years without any human contact-- but you strongly disagreed with his solution.
He reached down into your shorts suddenly, making you gasp in shock. "You're wet," he noticed with a purr.
Okay, maybe you didn't disagree that strongly... or at least, your body didn't. But your mind was racing with confusion and fear, realizing how much worse this was going to get: tonight was only one problem. You still had years left on this ship, trapped with him, working in the lab right by him every day... he was completely inescapable.
You whimpered and tried to push him away again, but he shushed you and started to push his own pants down, pushing you roughly back against the wall when you resisted. "Shh, hey," he hissed, sliding your shorts down and guiding his erection to your opening, "it won't be so bad. I just need this-- I'm sorry, I know you... I know you trusted me. But I need this. I need to be inside you."
Pushing in with a loud moan, his hips forced yours against the wall-- until a hand settled on your hips and pulled them back; he looked down at where he entered you, groaning and sighing as he already started to move.
"S'been so long," he mumbled, "s-so warm..."
"Stop," you choked out, "please--"
"I can't stop," he whimpered, burying his face in your neck again and kissing you more hungrily there. "I'm sorry, I can't stop-- you feel too good. Fuck. Like you were made for me."
Moving faster, he kissed away your tears, still offering apologies sometimes between his deep and desperate moans. For a while, you let it happen-- because you didn't have much of a choice in it all-- until his sounds got louder and his movements more erratic. Erratic enough that you could hear skin hitting skin, and his dogtags dangling.
"I'm close," he panted in your ear, "fuck, I need to fill you."
"N-no, Capa," you choked out, "not inside..."
He didn't say anything, but just the way he groaned and dropped his forehead on your shoulder somehow made it obvious to you that he wasn't going to heed your demand.
"Pull out!" you insisted. "Do you have any fucking idea what would happen if I got--?!"
"I know, I know," he grunted, "but fuck, I-- I can't stop now."
You managed to get your arms out from against the wall and push back on his hips, trying to force him out, but he grabbed your wrists and groaned as he pinned them to the wall, fucking you harder than ever as you sobbed.
"Sorry," he offered one more time, "I need it. I need to fucking fill you up--"
"Please, please," you whimpered.
"--give you every fucking drop of my come," he growled, "so fucking deep inside--"
You shook your head, because you knew it was already a lost cause.
"You're gonna take it so well, I know you will," he praised darkly, "gonna be fucking perfect for me. Just stay still-- please, baby, it's almost over..."
But this was far, far from over.
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digitaldiarystuff · 8 months
Cut Out For It
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pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
summary: Pablo is getting more and more female attention every passing day and his response, or the lack of it worries you
genre: angst/ fluff
You were currently watching your boyfriend Pablo from across the room. He was only now coming back from his injury and you couldn’t be prouder, tonight was supposed to be a little party to celebrate his return but thanks to Balde, who’s hosting, it quickly turned into a full on party with a sea of people. You didn’t even know half of them.
Don’t get it wrong, you were happy to be here with him and so happy for him but the only thing was the brunette hanging off his arm all night. There were actually two and you didn’t know any of them. As soon as you arrived with Pablo and everyone cheered for the golden boy, Balde came and collected him. You thought they probably had some catching up to do so let them do their own thing while you went to sit with the girls and it was going fine until you saw those two girls hugging your boyfriend and his friend. Balde was single, he could do whatever he wanted with whoever you knew that but it was the lack of effort from your boyfriend that hurt you. Everyone could tell the girl was shooting her shot at bagging a footballer, who’s very popular among women, but Pablo kept his place and chatted with her without a glance at you. You tried calming yourself down with a cocktail, then another one and reassured yourself that you had nothing to worry about. You knew Pablo and you knew he loved you, he told you the night of his injury and he meant it but the intrusive thoughts ran through your mind. What if this is how it’s going to be from now on? He was young, handsome, smart and Barcelona’s star. Of course he’s going to get attention but why isn’t he putting a stop to it?
“Earth to Y/N! What’s going on girl?” Sophie asked laughing, she was sitting with you at a sofa placed strategically facing Pablo. She followed your gaze and her smile faltered.
“Oh I see. But, you know it’s nothing.”
“No, I know.” you said trying to fool you both. “It’s just, he hasn’t even looked my way in the past hour Sophie.” you sadly added.
“Why don’t we go to him? Maybe you’ll dance a little and remind him what he’s missing.” she suggestively said but you were in no mood to dance.
“I don’t think so. Let’s get another drink.” you stood up and made your way to the kitchen but when you stepped back to the main area your ears started ringing, the girl put her hand on Pablo’s biceps laughing a little extra probably saying something corny like ‘omg you’re so fit i can’t believe it’ It took everything in you to not ruin the party and drag Pablo out but you knew he had to do it himself or you couldn’t trust him to do it when you’re not around. This was your biggest concern, they went out to celebrate or to parties a lot all over the world and you couldn’t monitor him like a child. He has to be able to walk away from attention seekers to come to you but it doesn’t look like it.
After a hour and 15 minutes Pablo finally remembered he had a girlfriend and tried to find you asking around. You were still in the same spot and when he finally found you he sweetly pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Are you having fun?”
“Are you having fun?” you reversed the question to him.
“I mean, it’s alright don’t you think?” he was so clueless it made you want to kiss and kill him at the same time.
“Yeah, yeah it is.” you forced a smile and he noticed.
“Does your feet hurt, we can go now if you’d like.”
“No Pablo, it’s your night. Have fun. I need to use the loo.” you said and got up trying to escape his interrogation because you knew you would’ve exploded.
“Y/N, bebe what’s wrong?” he caught up to you holding your arm but you really needed him to drop this if he didn’t want to fight.
“Nothing Pablo, I’m just going to pee.” you tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he tried again.
“Y/N please, what happened?”
At this point you knew there was no point of trying to remain calm and this argument was bound to happen so you held his hand and pulled him by the cuffs into the first room you saw which appeared to be a guest bedroom.
He tried to hug you from behind thinking you were in here for another reason but you quickly smacked his hands.
“Okay seriously tell me what’s going on?” he pressed.
“Look, I’m not a controlling girlfriend and you know it. I don’t want to control you or monitor your moves because I want to trust you.” you started pouring your heart out but also clarifying you’re not being a jealous bitch.
“I know.” he nodded
“But I can’t feel but disrespected when you’re out there chatting with random girls at a party I’m here with you. I mean, if you can do this with me here what are you doing when I’m not?” you finally snapped and you could see his eyes widen with the accusation.
“Do you really think-
“I don’t know Pablo, I’m asking you. Do you really think this is okay? Is it a celebrity thing where you flirt with whoever but it’s all harmless?”
You knew you were pushing his buttons, Pablo hated being called a celebrity. He always said he is a boy who loves football and that’s it.
“But maybe I should’ve excepted this. I mean, it’s not easy to be 19 and handle fame.” you said and he was getting more and more shocked with every second.
You could see he was ready to defend himself at first but now, he was just sitting on the bed with his head low while you paced around in the room accusing him.
“Do you really think I couldn’t handle being recognized?” he asked and if you weren’t furious you would see the sad pouty look on his face.
“It certainly doesn’t look like it.”
“I’m sorry you feel like that.”
You looked at him for the first time, he was completely distraught.
“Pablo, I-
“No you’re right. I should’ve been more careful.”
“Pablo I’m sorry if I hurt you, I just, I was just angry.”
“No I understand, I knew I wasn’t cut out for it anyway.”
“No no no please don’t say that. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just jealous.”
“You were jealous?” he asked with a small grin, this was the first time you showed any emotion about it.
“I see you’re enjoying this, but seriously-
“You don’t have to say anything, I’m sorry for everything Y/N. I love you more than anything and promise to be more careful. And yes, I like when you’re jealous, it’s hot.”
You playfully shoved his chest.
“What? I’m just saying, we’re completely alone in a bedroom sitting on a comfy bed.” his hands started to make their way around your body.
“We can’t” you started giggling.
“Yes we can.”
“I love you so much.” you said and leaned in, he got the message immediately and laid you down continuing to show you just how much you mean to him.
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playstation-dreamcast · 4 months
Hey you guys wanna read my WIP?
Heads up, it's suggestive at best. No minors please!
Doppleganger!Francis x Doorman!Reader
Not My Milkman 
“So, is everything in order?” He sounded like he was going to pass out where he stood, but that wasn’t shocking for Francis. You were convinced that getting eight hours of sleep would actually kill him, or that tiredness was wound into his DNA. It was the only thing that made his chronic fatigue make sense.
“Yeah, you should be good to go.” You nodded, double checking his ID one last time. Even the date checked out. “Have a nice night Francis.” You said as you opened the door.
“Thanks Doll.” You felt like liquid nitrogen had been injected into you. You looked up just in time to see his slick grin as he rushed to get through the door you just opened. He called you Doll. He called you Doll. 
That wasn’t Francis. You’d spoken to Fransis countless times, and he never once called you Doll. He called you Ms, Ma’am, Boss that one time as a joke, and your name, but never, not once had he called you Doll.
That wasn’t Francis. 
Thankfully, your body reacted when your mind went blank, and lurched forward, closing the door at the last possible second. Spine numbing anger flashed across his face, before being replaced with a look of forced confusion.
“Uh, Y/n? What’s wrong?” The creature asked. Your hand hovered over the danger button, ready to press it when his words stopped you in your tracks. You wanted to press the button, but knew if you did you’d be haunted by what he just said forever.
“How do you know my name?” You finally brought yourself to ask. The creature smirked, realizing he was caught and letting the tired, shy facade finally fall. 
“I’m here all the time, Doll. I know everyone’s name. But, yours is my favorite.” Your mind raced for incident reports, dead neighbors or pets, any sign recently that a doppelganger had been in your apartment. And your mind came up blank. 
“You’re lying.” You accused, incensed that he would imply that he could get by you… Despite the fact he just almost got by you.  He scoffed at your words.
“What? Just because I haven’t killed anyone?” He almost laughed, “I don’t come here to eat Doll, this place is fucking rancid for that. I come here for personal reasons.”
“And what are your personal reasons?”
“You.” You really did not like that answer, despite the fact you pressed your thighs together as he said it. On one hand, he was a bloodthirsty monster that just kinda confessed to stalking you. On the other, You’d been getting yourself off to the thought of his current form for weeks now, and you couldn’t remember the last time anyone expressed that level of desire for you that blatantly. 
“Me?” You finally found words, “Why me, what the hell do you want with me?!”
“Open the door and I’ll show you.” His tone was dark, almost threatening. 
“You must think I’m stupid.” You scoffed.
“No, I think you’re a mess.” He laughed. “I think you’re a frustrated mess who’s fingers aren’t doing it for her anymore.” You couldn’t tell if your blood heated or chilled realizing just how closely he’d been watching you. “I also think I look exactly like the guy who’s too fucking stupid to see how you look at him, and I can help with your frustration. If you open the door.” He grinned, his teeth all too sharp.
“What makes you think I would even want a dopple like you?” You tried to shoot back, despite the fact you were fidgeting in your chair to distract yourself from the pooling in between your legs, and the fact that it was quickly becoming impossible to look at Not Francis. “You’re not my milkman.”
“No, I’m better in every way.” He purred, “And I promise I can fuck you better than his limp dick can.”
“I’m not opening the door.” You stated, as firm as your voice would let you. Which, wasn’t very firm at all.
“Why not? I’ve clearly been here before without hurting anyone.” He took a deep breath and almost growled, “Come on Doll, I can smell how bad you want me through the window. I’ll take such good care of you, you just got to open the door first.” He purred, pressing himself far too close to the window, as if the pure power of his desire could make him phase through it.
“Give me one good reason why I should.” You huffed, quickly losing your resolve as hazel eyes undressed  you.
“Other than the ones I already gave?” He grumbled taking a step back, “Fine.” And with that, He opened his mouth, letting his long, thick purple tongue hang out. It was thick and forked, and he moved it with ease to show you just how dexterous he was with it. Your pussy clenched at the thought of it bullying your clit, or better yet your insides. He put the obscene appendage away with a more obscene smirk. “And if you like that, You should see my d-”
You opened the door.
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fcknstar · 2 years
,,locked up with you "
marcuslopez x fem! reader
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a.n : this was requested and its been such a long time since ive watched deadly class omfg. im abit rusty in writing him and m vv sorry. i hope this is okay and could go to the suggestive way which m going to make a part 2 of! my taglist!
warnings : intoxication?, suggestive ending
**lowercase intended**
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there was only one rule that was greatly feared by the students. “ never kill another student in and outside school grounds. “ it was widely known among students that there was once an incident that happened, the culprit facing grave punishments.
walking back to your dorm to set your thing down before getting lunch was the only thing you looked forward to. you enjoyed eating as much as you enjoyed eating it with your best friend. despite being one of the most respected students here, you didnt care if people gave you the side eye if they caught you being friends with the rats. it was normal some of the royals from other groups to bust down your door to take you to serve you a reminder to never communicate with that “ filthy rat “ you associated yourself with. lex, petra and billy were the only few rats you enjoyed being with. the rest? not really what you are looking for in a friend. of course, being friends with the rats doesnt mean that you get along with every single rat you see. for example marcus. ever since he joined kings dominion, hes nothing but a stuck up bitch. just because rumors has it that he killed an entire orphanage, he thinks that everyone will fear him. 
going out of your dorm to meet up with lex, you were met with a hard chest. when the scent smacked you in the face, you knew exactly who you bumped into. 
" hey! arent you going to apologize? " marcus voiced out. 
ignoring him, you quite literally had to push yourself out of his big figure, dodging him as he tried to push you against the wall. seeing lex in the distance, you called out for him and pretending that marcus isnt trying to kill you. of course, angered by your actions, he tried to scare you off, when the master lins people started pushing everyone into random dorms. to your luck, you were in your dorm with lex. to your luck, marcus was too in it. 
" another student have been found dead and im going to find out who. " master lins voice echoed through the empty halls. 
" oh my, t's lockdown. well, seems like we are going to miss lunch, beautiful. " lex chuckled. 
" beautiful? you? calling her beautiful? are you seriou- " marcus started pestering you, gesturing all kinds of hand signs that nearly looked similar to gang signs. 
" well, she is one of the finest women here in kings dominion. hey, you got any glue and a plastic pencil case? " lex started looking around the room for the said items, making marcus frown in confusion. 
" its in the drawer in my desk. to the left " you knew lex found it when you heard eager sniffing after a fart-like sound signaling that he emptied the glue out. 
" ohh.. " marcus concluded that lex wanted to get high. of course. 
it had been afew hours and lex got knocked out after being starved and getting high on an empty stomach. you were on your bed looking through your textbooks for answers to the chemistry equations. 
" you know those are really easy to answer. " 
" hey, im talking to you. " youve ignored him, not once, not twice but three times. 
" would you please shut up? if you want to talk, whisper " glancing at lex snoring softly. 
" someones mad. " marcus looked up from whatever book he saw lying around, watching you scratch your head in confusion. 
" you know, if you need helP- ouch " marcus was met with a book that was flung into his way. another indication of you wanting him to shut up. he watched the way you looked at lex, giggling about how stupid he looks, lying on the ground breathing slowly. 
turning to your side to look at marcus, you huffed. 
“ why do act the way you are? acting so high and mighty when you are just a timid rat? “ 
“ well i did- “
“ didnt burn the orphanage down. fuckface did. “ you deadpanned.
“ ho- how did you.. “ marcus began sinking into the chair, realizing that you had figured him out which scared him. 
“ i know who fuckface is, marcus. “ you slowly advance towards him.
“ and something is telling me that he is after you.. for stealing his name.” you ran a finger against his neck, gesturing that fuckface was coming for his head. 
“ so, if i were you, id start running. “ you whispered, faces inches from his. lips close enough that if one of you were to lean in, your lips would be connected. 
marcus thought it was going to happen, everything you said flew out of his mind as he could only think of you. he would never admit it, but he was greatly attracted to you when he saw you in school. he felt something turn in his stomach, the undeniably annoying heat that he was tremendously feeling. so when you pulled away, he was caught off guard. jumping back onto your bed, you sighed happily, as if nothing ever happened between you two. 
“ i know the fucking game youre playing, ( name ) . “ marcus whispered. 
“ oh do you now ? “ you smiled softly. 
it was when marcus pushed your books away from your bed, moving towards you. once he was in the same eye length with you, he whispered, “ may i? “
it didnt have to be a verbal response, it was plenty to understand that you wanted it too. 
taglist :
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imaniwriting · 9 months
Can you maybe do
Rafe and Yn are on vacation with their parents. They have to share a room but they hate each other extremely. yn broke her leg a few days ago and rafe is still mean to her and don't care about her but yn begged him to help her?
𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 (requests are open)
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Warnings : swearing, mentions of drugs, slightly suggestive (let me know if i missed any
Summary : when y/n broke her leg on vacation she certainly didn’t except Rafe to not show empathy, after all he was the reason
Genre : ?? Idk doesn’t really count as angst or anything at all
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You already hated this vacation. It was true the moment you stepped on the privat jet that the Cameron’s and Your parents had bought you knew that you would regret it.
Not only did Rafe bug you the whole flight to Guadeloupe but he also didn’t let you sleep at all. But the worst one was when you walked out the airplane the stairs down and he tripped you causing you to break your leg.
That was the moment you realized that these holidays were officially over for you. You couldn’t swim you can’t even play any of your favorite sports. All because of Rafe Cameron.
And then when you thought nothing could get worse it did. You had to share a room with Rafe. You were an only child and Sarah insisted she had to share her room with Wheezie.
“God, you asshole could you at least fucking help me with the stairs?” You exclaimed when you saw Rafe walk up to your room. He just flipped you off and chuckled to himself before his father came into the view and gave him a knowing look making him groan out and walk back down where you stood.
“Yeah that’s what I-“ you started but cut off by him picking you up by the waist and walked up the stairs. When he got to the top of the stair case he let you down, surprisingly gentle.
“Shut up,” he said walking into the room you had to share. When you did too you saw that he laid in the only bed in sight typing on his phone. “Mom!” You screamed making her almost immediately run to you. Even Rafe looked up bored from his phone. “What is it Baby?” Said Rafe mockingly “you need your tummy rubbed?” He continued standing up to walk over to you and poke your belly his face awfully close to yours and then he left the room not before eavesdropping on what you had to tell your mother that was so urgent.
“Mom, where is the bed I’ll be sleeping on?” You asked staring at the bed where Rafe had recently been in. “Sweetie there it is.” Said your mom pointing at the exact bed that was just mentioned.
You let out a groan slammed the door shut to try and get changed. Well tried. You couldn’t get out of your pants without hurting yourself. Of course you decided to wear jeans when you departed from Outer banks.
“Mom!” You yelled hoping she would hear you even though the door was closed. “Mom! I need help!” You shouted this time louder. “ you let your head hit the cusion of the mattress.
“ Need help?” Asked Rafe who was leaned against the doorway. “No dickhead that’s why I was yelling for it” you stated sarcastically going for a third time of yelling but Rafe cut you off before you could. “They’re not gonna hear you” said Rafe while closing the door behind him. “Why? Did you kill them or something?” You asked pulling the oversized t shirt you had on over your head to Change.
“No they went out.” He answered walking closer and closer to you until he stood right before you. “Well move I need to change.” You said. You tried to pull the pants off but nothing helped you groaned out in pain while Rafe just watched you.
“If you want to stare at least help.” You said when you saw his eyes run over your whole body. “No I’m good right here.” He said not ashamed to stare. “Maybe if you said pretty please” he offered tapping his finger on your chin. “Pretty please” you begged desperately trying to get the jeans off without it hurting to much. “You know I like it when you beg.” He said running his hands down to your waist band to get the pants off “but I much rather like it if you begged for something else.” He added his mouth almost pressed against your ear.
You stared at him felling a weird feeling build up in you but before you could question it he pulled away and left the room leaving you breathless.
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