#i'm sorry for her but man she do love harassing him when there's room to lmfao
Logan x Reader pt.8
Not me and my mate watching Deadpool and Wolverine again
I forgot how mean and scrungally he is
I need him
<< Part 7 Part 9 >> Masterlist
Babygirl: party on saturday?
Y/N: Wade? Is this you?
Y/N: Did ya change your name on my phone?
Babygirl: shshsh
Babygirl: saturday?
Babygirl: party?
Babygirl: you?
Babygirl: normal?
Y/N: Yeah I'm not crazy if that's what ya mean
Babygirl: okie make sure wolvie knows
Babygirl: wear something nice
Babygirl: i like hearing you two at it
Y/N: Perve
“Why are you frowning?” Logan questioned, lowly. He was sitting on the sofa between you and Laura, the 2002 Scooby Doo movie playing on TV. You loved that damn dog.
The three of you had spent so much time together it was really sweet. Laura did still sleep on your bed whilst you claimed Logan's but after her therapy session yesterday she had asked you to sleep next to her - her nightmares were back - and, of course, you agreed. You felt really bad slipping into your bed because you essentially abandoned her on the second night.
“I'm sorry.” You stroked her hair. “I know the first night wasn't my fault but I've spent the whole time in Logan's bed.”
“It's okay.” She spoke and you could see she held no resentment. “I'm normally okay.”
“Well, you make sure you keep asking if you want a bed buddy.”
The bedroom door knocked and Logan quickly popped his head round. “‘didn't say night.”
That was a lie. He had said night.
The man walked to your side of the bed and bent to give you a quick kiss. You scratched the scruff on his cheeks and looked up at him. “Good night Logan.”
“Night, beautiful.”
He then leaned over you, his - barely, covered by a vest - pecs hovered by face and briefly kissed Laura's crown.
She accepted the kiss with a smile. “Night.”
“Night bub.” He ruffled her hair.
Logan hesitated for a second but did exit. You could tell he was worried. If Laura asked you she must've been scared. He also told you that he hadn't had a good night's sleep before sleeping next to you, so perhaps that was part of it. Maybe he was going to miss you being at his side.
“Wade is texting me every single emoji.” You whispered back, turning the screen, ping, elephant. Ping, arrow. Ping, music notes.
“I dunno.” You laughed. “But he says the party is back on this Saturday.”
Logan placed his hand out and you handed him the phone.
Y/N: stop harassing her or I'll break your face
Watching Logan type with his nails was hilarious. Laura had told the tech he wanted stiletto - the type she got - they weren't massively long but the shape was causing problems. Everything he's been doing has been made harder because of them.
Babygirl: promises promises
“I love your nails.” You gushed.
He displayed his fingers for you. One hand was yellow with a blue ring finger, his other hand was blue with a yellow ring finger. “I'm getting used to them.”
You held his hand, delicately moving it to see the glitter shine. “If they're hassling you, we can cut and file them to a better shape.”
“I like the challenge.” The hand you held was lightning quick and flipped positions. He pulled your hand to his and kissed the back of it. “Did you like the colour I chose?”
“Course I did.” You leaned your temple against his shoulder, hand still captured in his, and watched Scooby and Shaggy argue.
“No, Scooby Doo, your mum eats cat poop!”
Laura laughed at that, a full body laugh, deep from her stomach.
You were organising some of your things in Logan's room when it fell on the floor. Dedicating a bedside table and half of the wardrobe to yourself was easy because he already seemed to do that. Only using his half of his furniture.
You folded your jeans and placed them into the enclosed drawers in the wardrobe.
Logan's footsteps wandered into the bedroom. Usually heavy due to his skeleton but now they were light. You suppose it was a good thing this building was empty because the downstairs neighbours wouldn't like you.
“You alright?” You ask over your shoulder, tucking the drawer closed.
“Yeah.” He replied watching you neaten up the hangers.
He observed you potter about, sitting on the edge of the bed. You made his home yours. It was nice. He liked seeing your things intermingled. It felt real. This felt real and good and he was happy. He knew he didn't deserve this but he would grab ahold of it as long as possible. He would be happy and content.
Well, until his eyes caught something on the floor.
It sat face down just under the bed frame. Logan scooped it up and found it was a Polaroid. You were so young, smiling wide, one eye shut in a wink. Your hair was shorter, styled and you were wearing make-up. The top of a silky red dress visible on your shoulders. Next to you was him. He looked younger, his hair was longer, fluffier. He was grinning from ear to ear, one hand in the frame doing ‘devil horns’ whilst his other held two beers. He was wearing a black button down.
It was clearly a party.
You both were clearly having a good time.
“What was the occasion?” Came out of his mouth before he could stop it.
You glanced up and saw him looking at your Polaroid. Where had he got that? “It...it was Beast’s birthday.” You spoke, diplomatically, taking a seat next to him. “Rogue decided to throw a banger. W-I got quite drunk.”
“You look amazing.” You really did. There was a carefree aura surrounding you and you seemed to glow.
“Thank you.” When you had looked at this in the Void you didn't usually focus on yourself but you did look good. Better than you did now. "It's the makeu-"
"No, it's not." He vowed with an air of finality.
You didn't argue back, instead just thinking about how you wouldn't even know how to do makeup nowadays, all the women you saw were gorgeous. Their skin shone and they had sculpted cheeks.
"You are beautiful." He had told you this practically everyday but right now, sitting on the bed with him, gazing at an old vibrant version of yourself, you believed the words. Believed they were true, even if it was just to him.
“Thank you." Your hand found his arm. "You know, you can't see them but I loved the earrings I had on. Yo-” Cutting yourself off before you could act more of a fool.
“What?” He encouraged.
“Logan brought me them.”
He noticed the melancholy flicker in your eye. “What was he like?”
"Like you." You smirked up at him. “Sweet like you.”
“Longer hair.” His thumb traced the strands.
“I know, I loved the long hair, little kitty ears.” You giggled to yourself.
He saw the delight on your face, the scrunch of your eyes and wide grin. Immediately deciding to grow out his hair.
Dinner was actually really nice. Gambit had told you to come to his and he promised the best Cajun food you'd ever had. 
He had decorated his apartment like any young bachelor. He'd painted the room a dark grey and accessorised with light colours. He had a white sofa and rugs and curtains. The TV was the centre of attention, underneath was a playstation with various game cases. You should really take Laura to IKEA or Home Depot, let her choose a paint or a bedspread or even buy her some posters. 
“Like what you've done with the place.” You patted his back as he washed his hands. 
“Thankin’ you ‘ere.” He flashed you a grin, towelling his hands dry.
“It smells lovely.” You glanced at the food. There was a pan sizzling and veg boiling. “What you making?” 
“Jambalaya, cornbread ‘n greens, mon ami.” He smiled. “I don't remember ‘lot about ‘fore the Void but when I cook’ere this I feel a’ home.” 
That was genuinely sweet, you felt a tug in your chest. “I'm so glad you're sharing this with us.” 
“Ain't much.” He shrugged. “Bu’ it good.”
You both turned to the others, “Reckon Blade’ll have some?” 
“I'll make a plate.” 
You hummed. The Dhampir could consume food but it did nothing for him, it held no nutritional value which is why you guys ate the scavenged food and had to create the ‘feeding system’. “He might try it.” 
“Sup bitches!” Wade and Al entered. 
“Ah, mi amor.” Gambit opened his arms for Al. 
Wade karate chopped between them. “Back off Magic Mike.” 
Al shoved Wade to the side and slipped into Gambit's arms. 
Wade dramatically rolled his eyes, slumping over to you. “Why do my friends leave me?” 
“No one's left you.” You pat his head. “You alright? How was your day?” 
Wade sniffed the food, finding a spoon and taste testing the Jambalaya. “Wo-hooah, that'll blow nips off.” He offered you the spoon, you declined, watching him expertly flick it into the sink. “Day was alright. I've been meeting with the Avengers. They do not like this bitch. Also Spiderman is young. I am not that way inclined. I'm looking more to an Andrew Garfield type.”
“Young?” You scrunched your face. “He wasn'- I guess that's another way this universe is different.” 
Wade shrugged and skipped to the sofa, jumping over the back and landing right next to Blade. 
“Oh, possum. How’s hunting Vampires? Need any help? I'm not sure we were friends last time but I'm willing to try again.” 
There were two sofas and on the other was El and Laura, Gambit led Al over to it and the girls scooted up. 
Logan was sipping a beer standing by the girls. He wore his low waisted boot cut jeans and a vest. Ugh. Seeing him casually in this outfit was fine, but haloed against the TV light, one leg cocked, was something else entirely. Why was he so good looking? 
You wanted nothing more than to get on your knees and undo that stupidly large belt. 
Logan stopped mid sip to blink over to you. His eyes raked up your body and he smirked over the bottle, mouthing ‘later’. 
How did he know you were looking at him? Could he feel it? You watched him, moving yourself closer to the group - feeling the slightest slick between your legs - and you realised. Fuck. He could smell you. 
Cou-could the others?! 
Could they smell your arousal? 
Well, they'd certainly sense your panic. Calm down.
You sincerely hoped they couldn't and tried to calm yourself. Think of anything apart from him. Apart from his body. Fuck. Apart from his dick. FUCK. Apart from him, you can do it. I believe in you. 
Good girl. God that's what he calls you.
The seat you took was a breakfast bar stool, pulled from the kitchen counter, placing it in-between each sofa. 
“‘e’ere ready in a’ouple minutes.” Gambit informed the group. 
The table was set so there were no jobs for anyone to do so you all just sat and chatted. Talking about stuff and nothing. Literally wasting what time you had. You could waste time. 
You know you were becoming a broken record but you still couldn't believe everyone could just- just waste time. 
Gambit announced the food was ready and you all settled at the table. It was hardly large enough for everyone and El had kindly brought her chairs in to accommodate everyone but you all made it work.
Gambit was at one end of the table and Wade at the other. Al, Blade and Laura on one side. You, Logan and El at the other.
“I jus’ wanna say a few words.” Gambit finished pouring the wine.
“Please.” Wade sassed. 
He raised his glass. “No’ we all togethe’ I jus’ wanna ‘member those lost.” He took a deep breath. “Johnny.” Wade coughed. “Erik. Matt. Frank.” 
“Whistler.” Blade carried on. “Safron.” 
“Reed and Sue.” El tipped her head. "Victor."
You smiled at Gambit. “Anna Marie.” She had briefly caught his eye and helped you for a moment before her and Erik were killed. You knew he liked her. He told her to call him Remy, no one else did. 
“My dad.” Laura’s voice was barely above a whisper. Her eyes were glued to Logan, brows pulled. 
“Jean, Storm, Scott, Hank, Charles.” Logan's knuckles whitened. 
Al nodded. “Deuce.” 
“Deuce?” Wade questioned. “Your dog?”
“He was my eyes.” She shrugged. “I miss him.”
“Not as much as I miss Cable.” Wade starred off distractedly into the distance. “He was kinky.”
With that the speeches ended and you all tucked in.
It was scrumptious. 
Absolutely brilliant. 
You loved everything Gambit made and you definitely weren't the only one. 
Bowls were emptied quickly, being filled with second and third helpings. 
Once dinner was done you were sitting just idly chatting again when Logan placed his hand on your thigh. 
Maybe it was the two glasses of wine you had - hadn't consumed alcohol in years - or the fact that he was fucking gorgeous but your legs not-so-subtly opened. You hadn't meant to, your body just merely responding to him. 
Logan hummed in approval, patting your thigh before he rubbed it.
“So, Y/N, do you think you'll come with me to the gym tomorrow?” El asked, completely unaware.
“I was thinking of meeting you there.” You recalled the earlier conversation. “It's a quick walk and I haven't been out by myself so that might be good for me.” 
Logan's hand slipped further, closer to where you wanted him most.
“I usually get there for eleven, leave at two but I'll probably hang about a little longer. Introduce you to Natalie.” She had told you about her gym friend and you were so happy for her. She deserved someone other than your broken family to talk to. 
You all meandered back to the sofas, full and happy. Gambit gave you the choice Alien or Ghostbusters and it was decided that you'd watch the latter. 
The final credits rolled along, you and Wade singing the tune very out of tune - singing the instrumential part ‘beeeeyneewneeewwwnewnewnenenew’ too. 
Goodnights were quick. Everyone got a hug and a see you tomorrow. 
Laura hesitated at her front door though, watching you head for Logan's. “Are you sleeping in there?” 
“No.” You answered immediately. “No. I'll sleep with you baby.” How stupid were you to think she'd be alright. She had had an awful therapy session yesterday and needed you, she wasn't going to magically get better. She needed time. “My things are in here though, Hun, I'll get ready and meet you.”
She smiled small and let you leave. 
Logan was on you immediately, bear hugging you from behind. “How long we got?” 
You chuckled. “Not long enough Mr.” Extracting yourself from his arms, mirroring his earlier taunt. “Later.” 
He grumbled but watched you get ready for bed. You hopped in and out of the shower - warning him to stay away - and began washing your face at the sink. 
He watched you perform your ablutions, unobstructed by the nails. 
“Why is it easier for you?” 
You raised a brow. “Huh?” 
“The nails.”
“I'm not sure, could be the shape? I think I had them done once for a wedding when I was younger.” A thought slipped through your mind and right out of your mouth. “You're like Victor.” 
Logan guffawed. “He could suck his back in. Came in handy wh- wait- we will have to file these.” 
“Why?” You squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush and began brushing your teeth. 
“Well, these ones anyway.” Logan had separated his middle and ring fingers. Ah. That's why. 
You decided to play coy, with an innocent “Why?”
“You know why.” He winked. 
“There's a file in that draw, get the clippers and I'll help if you want. It won't take long.” You spoke over the toothbrush, taking time to spit. 
He didn't comment on your hasty response, eager to avoid a future obstruction. Logan produced the items and waited for you to finish brushing your teeth. He sat on the lip of the bath. These apartments were brilliant because they had a bath and shower! You loved the choice!
You were precise in clipping them both and then made delicate work of filing, trying ever so hard to not destroy the paint job. 
Logan sat patiently watching you work. The small frown on your face adorable. 
He really liked you. 
He knew that was childish. 
But he really really did. 
“Done.” You grinned proudly. “Can't wait to try them out.” 
He hummed, taking ahold of your hips. “Why wait?” 
A shaky breath left your lips but you were strong. “I'll see you tomorrow.” Kissing his nose. “Promise.” 
You made a quick exit and entered Laura's front door. She was in bed waiting for you.
You tucked Laura into the covers before nestling in next to her. 
The nightmares had returned, you had eased her to sleep yesterday. Being able to shush the problems away before they woke her was a blessing, you'd had to get good at that in the Void. Your Logan used to twitch and thrash about in his sleep, Laura does the same, you wondered if this Logan did also. Most likely. If you live as long as them you have a million ghosts hovering over you. 
Laura fought sleep, pretending to watch a rerun of Law and Order. She'd become accustomed to watching TV in bed and you had to agree it was the way to go. 
You never truly understand the show because you zoned in and out of slumber but the storylines were basic enough to grasp. 
Laura spasmed next to you, rousing you from the light dozing. The TV was still on, telemarketers selling unnecessary products, casting a low light for you to see she was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her face was twitching and her shoulders were tense. 
“Laura, baby?” You whispered. She usually responded to your voice alone. 
Nothing eased her, instead she snarled. 
“Laura.” You spoke more firmly. “Laura, I'm going to place a hand on your shoulder.” Again, that usually worked. This time, though, her eyes sprung open and she punched you in the gut. 
You gasped, feeling more pain than a punch. It was sharp. Ah fuck. 
“Laura.” You fought to keep your voice even. 
Her eyes were blown wide and her mouth hung open. 
“Laura don-” She retracted the claws. 
Now the real trouble began. 
You kept a hand on your side, creating a field around the wound to keep pressure on it. “Laura. Baby. It's okay.” You reached out to grab her hand but she scurried away. Clamouring off the bed and into the corner of the room, she shook with unshed tears 
“Laura.” You didn't want to panic her but you needed her to focus. You needed her in the room with you. “Laura, I need you to get Logan.” 
She spluttered, covering her mouth, and nodded frantically. Sprinting away.
You were alone. 
Laying in bed.
Holding yourself together. 
This would stain. 
You heard crashing and yelling before Logan stormed into the bedroom. The door flung so hard it came off the hinges. 
“Baby.” He was immediately at your side. 
“Logan.” You smiled in relief. 
“Don't just stand there, call 911!” He yelled at Laura. 
“Hey.” You frowned. “Don't be mean.
Logan snarled and ripped the phone from her hands. He dialed a number which was more than three and placed the phone to his ear, using both hands to hold your side. "It's me. I need the cradle. I don't fucking care. You owe me. Yeah this is my favour. Fuck off and help."
The phone was flung to the side and he smiled down.
"Help is coming, beautiful."
You tried to suppress a cough but that didn't work, blood spitting out of your mouth.
"What the fuck did you do?!" Logan growled over his shoulder.
You couldn't see Laura but knew he was talking to her. "Lo-logan." You warned.
"Fucking trouble."
He hadn't been like this with you. Hadn't been this angry. Hadn't swore so much.
"Stop." You ordered, vision blurring. "Logan?"
"I'm here." He promised.
You blunk and the room was different. Lighter. There were annoying led lights flashing past. You were moving. Your view was slightly obstructed due to Logan still being at your side. He was jogging, you could tell because of the way his hair bounced.
"Your hair." Your voice was muffled, restricted. Hands flying to your face to find there was a mask attached to your nose and mouth.
"Leave it on baby."
You grumbled but dropped your arm. Gosh it was an effort to move.
You were tired.
Why were you so tired?
How could you get to this level of tiredness?
Weren't you asleep a second ago?
These questions didn't matter because you found yourself easing back into a dreamless sleep.
Part 9
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae
Again not 100% if all ze tags be tagging
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wandascosmic · 2 months
you've got a smile that could light up this whole town (2)
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
part two of 'you belong with me' series
summary: basically a wanda series inspired by jim and pam from the office
word count: 3868
warnings: sexual harassment in the workplace, talks of sexism and racism, small mention of blood in a joking setting
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
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“That’s the thing. It’s very sturdy paper,” you speak to the client on the phone. “And on the back it says 100% post-consumer content.” 
You’re on the phone with Mr. Deckerd, the CEO of one of your biggest clients who amounts to about 25% of your commission for the whole year. Wanda makes fun of you for buying a mini bottle of champagne every time you make a sale to him and his company, but you can’t help but celebrate a little. This year, you’re pushing recycled paper on them for about 1% more, so maybe you’ll buy a medium-sized bottle of champagne if you make the sale. 
Suddenly, you hear a static noise in your ear. “Hello?” you ask, wondering if your client is still there. You plug the ear that isn’t touching the phone to hear Mr. Deckerd better, but the static sound continues. “I’m sorry, Mr. Deckerd I think I’m losing-” 
But then you can’t hear anything because your stupid desk neighbor is shredding his papers at his desk. 
“Hello? Hello?” But you can’t hear anything because of the stupid shredder. “Hold on one second,” you reassure your customer, even though you have no idea if he’s still there. 
“Sam! Do you really have to do that right now?” you yell over the shredder.  
“Yes, I do,” he responds, barely paying you any attention. “I should’ve done this weeks ago, actually.” 
You flip him off under your desk. 
“Mr. Deckerd, I'm really sorry,” you speak on the phone. “What were you-” 
You still can’t hear anything, and it makes you give Sam an annoyed expression. “Can you give me one second?” you tell Mr. Deckerd on the phone in your fake nice sales voice. “Yeah, just one second. Thanks.” 
You press the off button on Sam’s shredder with your pointer finger, and he narrows his eyes at you.
You shrug back in response. 
“Hello? Oh, that’s it. Perfect,” you let Mr. Deckerd know. “So, what I was saying-” 
Sam hangs up the phone for you by pushing a button on the docking port and you want to slap him in the face. 
“Hello?” when you hear nothing but the dial tone, you set the phone down and run your hands over your face. “Thanks a lot, Sam.” 
“Retaliation, Y/N. Tit for tit.” 
“That’s not the expression.” 
“Well, it should be.” 
Now you want to punch Sam instead.
“Solitaire?” you ask Wanda, popping a jelly bean from the candy dish at her desk into your mouth and leaning over it to peek at her computer screen. 
“Yeah, freecell,” she tells you, brows furrowing in focus at the game. 
“Six on seven,” you point to the digital cards. 
“I know I saw that,” she nods.  
“So, why didn’t you do it?” you ask. 
“I’m saving that,” she gives a shy smile, “cause I like it when the cards go…” she imitates the shuffling cards. 
“Who doesn’t love that?” you shrug, smiling at her. 
She giggles in response, and you help her win the rest of the game.  
Tony comes out of his office. “Everyone in the conference room,” he announces. “Diversity day seminar.” 
Everyone gets out of their desk to go meet in the room, but you stay on the phone in order to make the sale to Mr. Deckerd.
“Y/N,” Tony states. “Wrap it up.” 
“Yeah,” you nod. “Uh, Mr. Deckerd-” 
“L/N, hurry up, please.” 
“Uh, Mr. Deckerd, I'm actually going to have to call you back,” Damn it, you were so close. “Thank you, sorry about that.” You hang up the phone.
Wanda meets your stride as you both walk in together and she wraps her hand around your elbow absentmindedly. 
The two of you usually sit together, but unfortunately, you were both the last to walk in due to your phone call so you both take a seat on opposite sides of Thor.  
Once you sit down a man from corporate hands you a blank card for you to fill out by writing down a work-related incident you found offensive, and you and Wanda look at each other, knowing exactly what incident you were both going to write. 
A couple weeks ago, the head of corporate, Thaddeus Ross had made disgusting remarks and had acted completely sexist and racist to every single female or ethnic worker in the office. He had reduced every single person to just their ethnicity or sex and had made incredibly vulgar remarks that you didn’t want to think about again because of how offensive they were. In fact, they were so ugly that those who had taken the worst of his comments didn’t come into the office for the next 2 days because of how violated they felt.  
You bite your tongue as you remember the lewd comments he had made about Wanda that day. 
“Wanda’s really easy on the eyes, don’t you think?” he had whispered to you, his coffee breath making you want to push him as far away as possible. “I bet she’d make way more money on her knees rather than behind that desk…” 
You had frozen in your seat, shocked at the words Ross uttered out of his mouth. You were about to reprimand him and let him know how inappropriate his comments were, but you didn’t get the chance because he got called over by Tony right after uttering those awful words. So instead, once he was gone from your sight, you had immediately stood up and gone over to Wanda at her desk while she was faxing documents Bruce had given her to let her know about the disgusting comments Ross had made. 
Wanda’s expression had hardened once you told her, and she had taken many deep breaths to reel in her emotions. “Thank you for telling me,” she had breathed out. “Honestly, I’m not surprised with the amount of times he’s cheated on his wife,” she had told you with a weak smile. Ross always confided in Wanda about his affairs for some reason, and he gave her a copious amount of detail about his nights spent in bed with other women. 
You had watched her brave resolve crumble as she played with the rings on her fingers, a nervous tick of hers, and it made you see right through her act. “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, I'm ok,” she had told you, “But I’m never staying within six feet of him again for safety reasons,” she gave a shaky laugh.   
For the rest of the morning, you were able to tell that she was still rattled, with the way she kept zoning out while doing her work and kept playing with her rings and biting her nails. 
So, you decided to do something nice for her to calm her down. During your lunch break, you had gone out to buy all of Wanda’s favorite things. Initially, you had told Vision to do it after letting him know about the incident while he was working down in the warehouse, but all he had responded with was that he was busy and would check on Wanda when he had the chance. 
You knew of his busy schedule, so instead, you thought it would be good to go yourself, and it ended up being so worth it. 
That day, you had bought Wanda chicken paprikash from her favorite restaurant, many packages of the obscure Sokovian candy she really likes, a pocket-sized package of her favorite book series because she was a sucker for miniature items, her favorite perfume because you could tell she was running low based on the way it was becoming less and less strong as the days passed by, a box of chocolates just because, and a mini disco ball, which you bought as a joke hoping it would put the smile back on her face. 
You had definitely gone overboard based on how your bank had called you that day because of how much money you spent, but Wanda didn’t need to know that. 
Plus, you didn’t really care because, well, it was Wanda.  
“Hey, Wands,” you had gone up to her at the end of the day with a plastic bag in your hand. 
Which to Wanda by the looks of it, seemed very heavy. 
“Hi, Y/N,” she had greeted you back softly from her chair. “What’s in the bag?” 
You smiled as you pulled out the mini disco ball, pressing the button so it lit up and placing it on the ledge of her desk. 
“For you,” you had told her, “so every day is a party,” you joked. 
Wanda had picked up the disco ball between her fingers, “you bought this just for the sake of making that joke,” she had answered back with a grin. 
And the disco ball had worked just as you wanted it to, because she had smiled again for the first time that day. 
You shrugged. “Maybe, but it did make you laugh, Maximoff.” 
“Smiling isn’t laughing Y/N,” she said cheekily. Before you could respond she asked, “What’s in the rest of the bag? It’s definitely not that heavy with just a tiny disco ball inside.” 
You slowly pulled out each of the items one by one, making sure to keep the mystery for as long as possible. And it was so worth it, because with every item you pulled out Wanda’s smile widened more and more. 
“Wow…” Wanda trailed off, slowly dragging her index finger over each item as if they were made of glass, until her finger stopped at the candy. “Y/N! They only sell these at that store 40 minutes from here!” her eyes gleamed with worry as she looked at you since there was a snowstorm that day too.
“30 minutes,” you corrected, “and it was nothing, Wanda, honestly. This is supposed to be kind of like a ‘Ross Sucks’ fund. You were shaken up, so I wanted to do something nice for you.” 
Wanda had pushed her tongue against her cheek as she watched you with tears in her eyes. She made her way around her desk until she was in front of you, and had hugged you as tight as possible. “Thank you,” she had whispered while squeezing you as tight as she could.  
As she pulled away a couple moments later, she had kissed your cheek and gave you a soft look while whispering the words, “I’m really glad I have you as my best friend.” 
It was the best gift anyone had ever given her. Somehow, you had singlehandedly turned Wanda’s awful day into one that would bring a smile to her face for the rest of her life. 
The next day, the mini books and disco ball had ended up displayed at Wanda’s receptionist's desk, and Wanda had given you a cheeky smile while popping a candy into her mouth. 
The man from corporate took each of your papers back with a small thank you, eventually creating a large stack. 
“Alright, so I’m here today to talk about diversity,” the man began. “It has come to my attention that a recent issue from an anonymous source has made you all very uncomfortable, so I was called here. We are all still unaware of who made the offensive comments we have heard of, so corporate thought it would be best to put all of the Shield Industry branches through this seminar to be safe. Let’s get started.” 
You started zoning out in worry at losing your biggest client, since Tony had made you hang up the phone due to his lack of patience when it came to being late to an event. After this morning’s exchange with Sam, you hoped he would continue to remain with you as his salesperson. 
You didn’t even notice that you had stopped paying attention until Wanda tapped your shoulder to whisper about how the man from corporate looked a lot like Dracula from Hotel Transylvania, and you responded that you should test if he’s really a vampire by putting blood in Sam’s bag so he’s the first to go.
You don’t know how much time has passed until suddenly, Tony’s voice brings your attention back to the meeting. “Hey man, I’m sorry, but you need to leave.” 
“What?” The man whose name you still don’t know responds. 
Long story short, Tony kicked out the man and forced you all to get back to work simply because he didn’t like his face. 
“Uh, hi, is Mr. Deckerd around?” you spoke on the phone. “Oh, well, could you just have him call me after lunch? Thank you.”
You ran your hands over your face in stress, god, you really hoped you didn’t lose your biggest client. 
“Attention, everyone!” Tony yelled out stepping out from his office. “The replacement seminar corporate is making us go through will occur immediately after lunch, so don’t be late!” he stepped back into his office. 
You’re too anxious to eat anything, so you spend your lunch break playing solitaire with Wanda while she eats the sandwich she packed this morning, since she usually spends it answering calls anyway. It’s the perfect pass-time because you’re still near the phone in case Mr. Deckerd calls, and she’s excellent at distracting you and making your worries fade away. 
The last ten minutes of your break are spent at your desk staring at your phone, the busy tone ringing out suddenly seeming like it's mocking you.
Around 1 pm, a tall short-haired lady walks in, “Hi, I’m here to lead the diversity seminar?” you hear her introduce herself to Wanda at the front of the office. 
Wanda stood up to shake her hand. “Welcome, I’m Wanda. I’ll let Tony know you’re here.” 
She ran into Tony’s office to inform him of the woman at the front, and from your point of view, you could tell that this new woman was attracted to Wanda based on the way she was staring at her from behind. 
“Everybody in the conference room!” Tony yelled out as he stepped out of his office, leading the orange-haired woman corporate hired in the direction of the room. 
Thankfully, this time, you and Wanda walked in a little earlier so you could sit next to each other at the back. 
Wanda had a clipboard in her hands to take notes as part of her job as a receptionist, and while she wasn’t looking, you drew a small smiley face at the corner of her page, a long-time tradition since you first joined the office a year after her. 
“Alright, now that everybody’s settled in, hi, my name’s Pepper, and I’m here to lead the diversity seminar after this morning’s complications,” the lady said, giving Tony a look. “To start off, what can you tell me about diversity?” 
Sam raises his hand. “It means having a diverse background.” 
“Yes, very good. Anybody else?” 
“It means being inclusive to people of all race,” Bruce answers. 
While Nat is answering, Wanda notices the small smiley face at the corner of her page and smiles softly. 
“What about you, hon?” Pepper asks Wanda while she’s lost in thought. 
Wanda’s head snaps up, “Sorry?” she clarifies. 
“What do you think about diversity?” 
Wanda pauses to think for a moment, “I think it’s acceptance of people of different background that’s not only limited to race but also gender, economic status, age, social class, and sexual orientation.” 
“Wow, impressive,” Pepper smirks, staring Wanda down like she’s almost a piece of meat.  
Wanda’s eyes widen and she shifts uncomfortably under Pepper’s stare, as she feels incredibly objectified once again. 
“Nerd,” Sam coughs into his fist. 
But Wanda can’t focus on Sam’s comment, because for some reason Pepper’s gaze is starting to remind her a lot of the way Vision looks at her. 
But it’s probably nothing, it’s probably just that he’s attracted to her because they’re engaged. 
Pepper’s seminar goes on for another 30 minutes, and while she’s discussing an acronym called HERO, you hear the phone ring. 
You don’t mean to be rude, but you’re so anxious you’re going to lose the sale you sprint out of the conference room to answer the phone. 
“Hello? Hello?” you answer, but you get no response. You tap your foot nervously on the ground and hang up the phone, running your hands over your face. 
You really hope Mr. Deckerd answers soon. 
Back in the conference room, Wanda still feels Pepper’s gaze on her and it makes her increasingly uncomfortable. The way Pepper was eyeing her like she was her prey to devour mercilessly made her feel so awfully degraded, like she was just an attractive object to be used and not another person. It made her want to jump out of her seat and run away as far as possible, or at least to you, since you were her best friend after all and you could calm her down with just a touch. 
But Wanda calms down when you walk back in and take your seat next to her, giving her your infamous smile despite the way she can tell you’re stressed due to your stiff posture, and it fills her heart with warmth. 
Pepper is still on the same slide as when you left, so you don’t think you missed much. 
“Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the three factors needed in running an office that feels safe to people of all background,” Pepper continues and you can tell that everyone is starting to get sick of the seminar. 
“How much did I miss?” you whisper in Wanda’s ear. 
“Barely anything,” she whispers back, and Wanda feels her nerves settling. “She’s been repeating the same thing in different ways for the past 5 minutes.” 
You let out a small laugh. 
And Wanda does too. 
And you both try your best to suppress your laughter for the next two minutes.
You sit there for a while trying your best to listen to Pepper’s speech, but it proves to be an incredibly hard struggle because her presentation voice is ridiculously robotic. 
“Excuse me, Pepper,” Sam states. 
“What’s diversity again?” 
God, this was going to be a long seminar. 
You were in the middle of zoning out for the third time when the phone rang, causing you to spring out of your seat and sprint out to answer it. 
“Mr. Deckerd!” you greet into the phone the second you get in your chair. “We didn’t lose your sale today, did we?” you chuckle. “Excellent! Okay..” you pull out a pen. “Let me just get your– What’s that? No, we didn’t, we didn’t close last time,” your brows furrow in confusion. 
“I just need your, uh–Oh! What code were you given?” you’re still confused. “Oh, okay. Yeah, no, he’s actually another salesman here.” Oh, now you realize what’s happened. “Yeah, I can redo it if you want to do that. He gave you a discount?” Well played. “No, no worries, I don’t blame you,” you reassure him. “Okay, thanks, have a great day, Mr. Deckerd, it was nice speaking to you.”
You slowly place the phone back onto its docking port, sighing, and putting your head in your arms on the table.  
It was official. 
Sam had stolen your biggest client. 
You walk back into the conference room with your hands in your pocket, noticing that Pepper is coming to the end of her presentation. 
You sit down, thinking about how you hope that Sam enjoys the mini champagne you left on his desk. 
Then, all of a sudden, you feel a soft weight on your right shoulder, causing you to snap out of your thoughts, and the scent of your favorite vanilla perfume fills your senses. 
You turn your head to take a closer look at her, and once you see her face, a huge smile breaks out across your own. 
Wanda Maximoff has fallen asleep on your shoulder. 
And it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. 
Her features are soft and relaxed, devoid of all the stress the office usually brings her, and Wanda’s delicate beauty is completely on display for you to see. She looks ethereal, as if she’s been crafted piece by piece by every single goddess to ever exist. 
You stare at her for what feels like an eternity, and she seems so soft and so Wanda that it feels like a small delicate butterfly has landed on you, and you never want her to go away. 
The smile doesn’t leave your face as you do your best to sit as still as possible for the next few minutes in order to avoid waking Wanda up while Pepper wraps up her speech.
“All right, everyone, it’s after 5, so you’re all dismissed,” Pepper announces once her presentation comes to a close. “Hope you learned something today.” 
Slowly, everyone makes their way out, and you hear their soft muttering about how the seminar was completely useless as you watch them from your seat, careful not to disturb the brunette angel sleeping soundly on your shoulder. 
“I didn’t know you two were together,” Pepper says once everyone has left, packing up her bag.
“Hm?” you ask. 
“You and Wanda,” she points to you and the receptionist. “She seems very nice, you’re quite lucky.” 
“Oh!” you laugh. “No, Wanda and I aren’t dating. She’s engaged,” you clarify. “And yes, she’s wonderful.” 
Pepper laughs, “Oh, good to know. Sorry for assuming, she just seems very fond of you.” 
“No worries,” you reassure her, “I’m very fond of her too. She’s my closest friend,” you say, giving a small smile.
“Well, I wish you two the best. Have a good day, Y/N,” she waves goodbye to you. “And tell Wanda I’m sorry for making her uncomfortable during the seminar, I recently got out of a breakup and was looking for a distraction and she was the first thing I saw, but it was wrong of me,” she admits. 
You frown. “I’m very sorry to hear that,” you respond. “Thank you for letting me know, I hope things get better for you soon.” 
Pepper smiles and nods, heading out the door. 
As she walks out of the office she can see you staring through the window of the conference room, and she knows that Wanda’s not just a close friend to you.  
You and Wanda are left alone together, and you give her one last soft look before deciding to finally wake her up. 
“Hey,” you whisper causing Wanda to begin to stir. 
“Hm?” she asks groggily, rubbing her eyes, slowly coming back to her senses. "Oh,” she quietly murmurs, slowly blushing as she realizes she fell asleep on your shoulder and lifting her head off.  
“We can go now,” you let her know with a small chuckle. 
“Yeah, um, sorry,” she mumbles apologetically, getting up from her chair and grabbing her clipboard. 
“That’s okay,” you let her know with a soft laugh. 
“Um, I'll talk to you later,” she says shyly, walking out. 
“Yeah, talk to you later,” you agree, following her with a smile still on your face as you look at your shoes. 
And as you pack your bags, the phone at your desk where you lost your best client only a foot away, suddenly, it’s not a bad day anymore.
part 3
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ratcash-wasgud · 8 months
A gentle breeze could be our end ༊*·˚
Okay, so I had a vision about this very specific idea for a fic, which is...what if you took the role of Kinuyo? Hear me out, plsplspls.
(i altered a lot of canon things, sorry sorry. (i'm also sorry if anyone has done this before))
WC: 4K
TW: Abuse, Sexual harassement, Pedophelia and Prostitution. Basically kinda fucked up, sorry.
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You always felt like a burden to the world. Even in the womb, you hurt your mother. She died the moment you left her body, maybe even halfway, taking a great thing from the world, and giving it something useless with your own birth.
You didn't cry out when you saw the light, your little mouth opened, but no sound came out. The world was quiet.
As you grew up, you never managed get grow into anything you wanted to, and your father hated you for it. You never heard him say a word, but you knew he said hateful things. You tried to learn to read in secret, but only managed to barely get through one book after years. Learning was hard. Living was hard too.
You were 10 when he first hit you. It happened because you accidently dropped a cup, shattering it on the ground. You felt his footsteps approaching behind you, then when you felt his presence right behind you, he striked. He noticed how you survived, and you only gained a bruise from it.Plus, you couldn't yell for help, nor tell anyone. This gave him confidence. He started hitting you for every little mistake, sometimes even just for being born. You could see him feeling bad about it sometimes, but he still did it again. It just made you believe it even more that this is all your own fault. For being born wrong.
And you were 15 when he started missing your mother too much. He touched you, he made you touch him, and he forced you to open up and show him everything he wanted. You hated it. You hated your own body for exsisting, and giving him this option of using you. For having a body that could please men. Please...him.
One day though, he got caught. A neighbour, bringing over some leftovers caught him, standing bare before you, your tears dripping to the floor, as he hold your nose shut, so that you'd eventually open your mouth for him. But he got caught. It was over.
He had to get rid of you, so he sold you. But even after he left your life, he still wanted you to have a rotting future. He picked the brothel where he knew the man were disgusting. The most deprived kind. He sold you to Madame Kaji's brothel. By that point, your body was weak, and even walking was something you hated doing. You just wanted to lay down, and wait for your body to disappear.
But she was something warm. Something beautiful. Madame Kaji took you in, and smiled at you. She taught you everything you yearned for to know. She taught you to properly read and even write. She taught you manners and how to hide your fear. How to survive, even if you're weak. And she never hurt you in the process. She taught you sign langauge, and in the process, you learned to even read lips a little. She taught you a sign, which, in your head, you named "Love". It consisted of her gently kissing her fingers, then putting her hands around herself. Like a hug and a kiss in one. Love.
As you got better in writing, you wrote down everything that happened to you so far to her. Sometimes you teared up while writing, but she was always there, gently soothing you, and caressing your hair. She promised you that no man would ever touch you again, and she'll give you hapiness. You slept in her room, never leaving her side when it wasn't really necessary. She kept you safe. You were happy. She became your world. You wanted to be by her side, forever.
Living in a brothel made you more concious about people's sexual life, and every time you saw a man's face contort in pleasure, a shiver ran down your spine, prickling at your intestines, feeling your insides recoil in fear and disgust. You wanted to run away, and just jump back into Madame Kaji's embrace, but you had to be strong, like she wanted you to be. You never had to sleep with a man, but sometimes you went out to serve drinks, having to see the girls, who you admired greatly and saw as big sisters, having to engage in acts that would've have made you have a breakdown. Still, you stayed useless.
You wanted to be useful, you really did, but she never let you do much. You were too precious, she claimed. You really did love Madame Kaji, but you felt like a burden. No...you knew you were a burden.
One day, you managed to somehow convince her to let you serve drinks on a busy day. You nuzzled your face into her palm, gently kissing it before you picked up a tray and hurried into the customer area. You saw a man, middle aged, balding, the usual kind of man she sees there, sitting alone at a table. You sat down at the table, giving him a small, weak smile, and poured him sake. You put your finger on your lips, signaling that he shouldn't expect words from you.
The man smiled, sipping the sake. He stared at you, and kept...he kept staring. It started to feel really uncomfortable. His eyes started to burn through your clothes, and you suddenly felt his hand on your knee...slowly creeping up. You felt like throwing up.
Suddenly, Madame Kaji appeared next to you, her hand slipping his off you.
"Boss Hamata," Madame Kaji greets the man, as you sit there, not hearing a word. She signals you to leave, so you do. "She's not up for business." She says to Hamata, wearing a polite smile.
"Oh, is she now?" The man says with a cruel smile. "She's be a great addition to my home." He says, mostly to himself, as he stands up.
"You don't want another girl? Your usual is free at the moment." Kaji says after him.
"No," The man says again. "I lost my apetite." He then casually leaves.
The next day was your doom. The same man you remembered from last night returned with an army, and tore you out of Madame Kaji's hands.
Hamata was the devil himself. He took you because you were weak and couldn't fight back. He took you as his bride the same day, and left you covered in bruises the same night. He squeezed your throat, kneeled on your wrists, hit your skin, and forced his way in. He loved it, but you felt yourself slowly die inside day by day.
The worst thing? He was the same as your father. He had the same disgusting glint in his eyes, he licked his lips the same way, and he...he...tasted the same too. You tried jumping off the balcony, he punished you after. You tried stabbing yourself, he punished you after. You tried to poison yourself, he punished you after. You yearned for death by that point.
You spent most of your free time, when you could move, on the balcony, watching the brothel's door...hoping to catch a glimpse of Madame Kaji. Even seeing her form would give you comfrort...but you never did. You missed her more than anything. More than your own freedom.
One night, you were trying to sleep with the pain that he left behind that day, sorrounded by guards, to make sure you're not trying to kill yourself again, until...the guards fell, one by one...and a samurai walked out of the darkness.
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Mizu looked at you, the weak, deaf and mute girl she was set out to kill that night. She was determined. She needed those informations that Madame Kaji offered as payment. She had killed a lot of inocent things before, what's one more?
But when she saw your face...covered in bruises, shaking and tearing up, she felt something change inside her. You crawled away from her, backing up until your back hit the wall. She stepped closer to you, not liking the fear in your eyes. She couldn't help but see your beauty, even if it shouldn't matter right now. She extended a hand to you, but you didn't take it.
Obviously. You were afraid of her too. In your eyes, she was a man. A threat.
So, she did the sign Madame Kaji told her to. "Love." She saw your eyes soften, and your features almost brighten up. She offered her hand again, and this time, you took it. She heard more guards coming, so as you took her hand, she started running and pulled you with her. She hid with you, and held you close, gently soothing your hair. She felt you shaking in her arms, and she...she felt something snap inside her. She put her hands around your head, to quickly snap your neck...but she couldn't. Her hands wouldn't move. So, she stood up, leaving you in the hiding place, and started casually walking out.
She knows if the fact that she was here gets out, Hamata sends out his Thousand Claws to burn down Madame Kaji's brothel...so she needed to act now. She decided to face the army now.
As she walked out, and the Claws started charging at her after exiting the first door, she fought back with all her might. She slowly got tired. Her body was about to give out after slashing down hundreds of men, but something flashed in her mind.
She saw Mikio's face. Their duel. The face he made when he betrayed her. And she couldn't help but see your face too. She knows the world betrayed you too. She imagined you getting betrayed in the same way she did, and imagined you crying along with her. She saw you get killed by the men she is currently slaying down.
She couldn't give up. She finished the whole army, and went back to get you, wounded and exhausted. When you saw her, covered in blood, your eyes widened in fear.
You got scared of her again. She sighed "Love" again, but this time, you shook your head, and curled up in your hiding place. Mizu sighed, and kneeled by you.
She then started to write on the floor, using the blood on her. "I'll protect you." She said it as she wrote it, trying to convince you to communicate too.
You read the text, and looked at her, your eyes still so scared and vulnerable, it made Mizu's heart squeeze. She didn't know you, she reminded herself. Still...she meant when she said she's protect you.
Your hand shook as she reached out, dipping your finger in a small pool of blood that dripped down from her clothes. "Protect the Madam." You wrote.
Mizu sighed. Why did you care about Kaji right now? You're obviously scared for your own life too, so why not care about saving yourself?
"She'll be safe." She writes back. "I killed the ones who could hurt her." She finishes. It's true, she did kill everyone...but left Hamata to be slayed by Kaji herself.
Then you looked up at her again, and stood up. You followed her outside, leaving that blood ridden house.
When she brought you back to Madam Kaji, you jumped into her arms.
"They won't come looking for her." Mizu says, switching back to deadpan, as she nudged her head towards the wounded Hamata at the exit of his house.
Madama Kaji nodded while gently while gently caressing your hair.
"Still...she can't stay here. In a place like this...they will want to take her again." She sighed. Mizu's eyes widened. "I couldn't protect her once...I'd rather perish than see her be taken again."
"You want me to take her with me? She'll die by my side." Mizu responds, shaking her head.
"You're the reason she's alive. You didn't give her the freedom of death, you gave her the freedom of life. You didn't do what I asked you to...so I ask you to keep her safe."
Mizu, biting the inside of her cheek, kept quiet for a couple moments, thinking about it.
"I'll find her a new home." She says, sighing. "I'll keep her safe until then." She says, now looking down at you.
Considering now that she was alone, since they took Akemi back to her home, and Ringo left her after she did nothing about it, still...she couldn't enjoy being alone. She now had you.
You cried when Madame Kaji told you that you had to leave. You kissed her hand repeatedly, like how you always did when you nuzzled into her palm, and clinged to her clothes. After you let go, Madame Kaji signed "Love", and with one simple tear, she bid goodbye.
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Later that night, after walking the whole day, Mizu set up a small campfire in the woods for the night. You sat there, not even trying to communicate, just staring at the fire. Mizu felt confilcted. She didn't know you, she reminded herself again, but deep inside she already got herself attached. She lightly poked your shoulder, making sure not to make too much contact and to scare you.
You turned to face her, your big eyes shining at her, and your features shining in the light of the camfire. Still...you had circles under your eyes, bruises on your neck, your lips wounded from you...or someone else...biting on them too much.
"I saw you reading lips." Mizu says, making sure to articulate every word properly. "I didn't know you could do that."
You tilt your head at her, then purse your lips. You pick up a stick from the ground and start writing in the dirt. Your hands move softly, gently even, as if the stick was breathing in your hand. You focused your eyes on the thing your were writing, and your gaze followed your hand. Your hair fell into your face a little, framing your features.
"Madame helped." You write, then turn your face back to Mizu, to read her lips if she responds.
"...kind of her." She murmurs, making you unable to read it. She wanted to talk to you, but somehow...it was hard. Not for the fact that you were deaf or mute, but the fact that she somehow...felt nervous. As if she made the wrong move, you'd shatter where you stand. You seemed so delicate, and Mizu knew her blood stained fingers and harsh words would only cause you harm. She really didn't want herself to be the one to look after you. Plus, she knew you were deadly afraid of men, and you saw her as one. Suddenly, she felt this strong urge to reveal herself. To make you feel safe. Or maybe because of other, more selfish reasons...to make you feel more comfortable around her. To make you open up.
"Don't be afraid." She says, now articulating enough for you to read. "I'm no man." She says, putting a hand on her chest. Your eyes widened in surprise, and wrote "Boy?" in the dirt.
Mizu shook her head. "Woman." She says, correcting you. You looked at her, utterly confused. Mizu slowly lowered her haori, revealing her binded chest. "Woman." She repeated.
Your gaze softened. You finally understood. A small smile pulled at the ends of your lips and nodded. You moved your hand again, writing again. "Fooled me." You then look at her, your smile reaching your shining eyes. Mizu chuckles in response.
"A habit of mine, yes. I do it most people." She leans back on her hands, now feeling more relaxed. She looked at your face again, and...she felt mesmerized. She felt horrible when the thought that she understood why Hamata wanted you popped up in her head.
You then start writing again, and Mizu's gaze snaps back to your hands again. "Thank you." You then give her a weak smile. "I'm not like you. I am not strong. I will die easier." You stopped for a moment before continuing. "So thank you for not letting me die."
Mizu's eyes widen. If she thinks about it, it's true, but the fact that you're talking so openly about it bothers her. "You won't die easily. You're strong too. I mean...you're still alive. That has to mean something." She says, squinting her eyes at the fire.
Mizu sees your shoulders move a little, as if you're giggling, but no sound comes out. She does imagine what your giggle would be like though. She imagines it to be soft and gentle, since that's the only way she ever seen you do anything. "True. But I wish I wasn't born wrong." You write.
Mizu presses her lips together and looks at you with pity. She doesn't know why she feels pity, she herself was born wrong too. She's a halfblood, someone who has always been a dog. Something rather than someone. "Sometimes the world is not fair." She shrugs. "But you need to make the most of your situation. You're lucky in a lot of ways."
Your eyebrows lifted, and you tilted your head, as if saying "Like what?" Mizu noticed that you were able to communicate a lot with your eyes and the way you moved your head.
"Well, for starters...you're beautiful." She said, not managing to keep her gaze on you. That was a stupid thing to say, huh? Why would she even say that? She met you the other day, saving you from some sadistic bastard, and having to take you in afterwards...she's not being appropriate.
But when she turned her gaze back to you, she saw you with your eyes wide and your cheeks flush. Oh. Did she do that?
The days go by, and wherever she goes, Mizu's first thing to do, is ask around for a new home for you. She doesn't want to bring you along to this wretched journey of hers any more than needed. You already had to see her kill a group of people the other day, and it left you pale and scared. She remembers how you looked with a drop of blood splattered across your face, and how you wiped it away with a shaky hand. She never wants to see it again.
While traveling together, Mizu learned how precious you are. She knows your past, and she sees you flinch when a man passes by you, but still you want to do anything you can for her. Even if it's small things like running the errand of buying food, running after her hat that fell off her head then got kidnapped by the wind, and sitting by yourself at a river for hours, trying to scrub the blood out of her clothes, even if it makes you shiver. Your delicate hands started to have small callouses from living out in the open with her, but your bruises faded away. Good, she though. You don't deserve to have any, so she'll never have you gain another one again.
Hm. She was planning more and more ahead. Why? Wasn't she planning to find you a home that's not beside her? She knew you couldn't be happy by her side, it wasn't the life you deserved. You deserved to find an angel of a husband, who's strong enough to protect you, coddle you daily, and never let you do any work. Who'll kiss you whenever he sees any sign of gloominess on your features, and someone who'll make you believe you're not born wrong.
And she knows you'd be the sweetest wife too. You'd put your delicate hands on his aching muscles after a hard day, massaging away the pain, then gently kiss the tip of his nose. You'd snuggle into him after feeding him something delicous for dinner, and trace the words you want to say into her skin with your fingers. Mizu would hum in response, just gently playing with your hair, letting the peace take over as she'd put her hand under your chin, making you look at her face when she'd say something, so you could read her lips. She'd never tell you about the blood she had to shed that day, only the good things. Like when she saw a small bird, and it reminded her of you, or when she managed to buy a kind of sweet you liked on her way back. She'd feed you that candy by hand too. She'd watch your pouty lips open as she'd place the sweet treat in your warm and wet--!
When did this turn into being about her? Something like that could never happen. She's a woman with a quest, not some domestic husband. Still...she wants it to be like that. She'd treat you well if she had the chance...But she doesn't. She lacks everything for that. She can't abandon her quest.
So, one day she finds an inn. The inn keeper tells her about recently losing his daughter, who was his only staff. He even sheds a tear. Mizu tells him about the girl she's traveling with.
"She's deaf, she's mute...but she's a hard worker. She can read lips, and writes well." She tells the inn keeper with a serious face. "I'm sure she won't even ask for payment if you take care of her." She says, but inside, she doesn't want to do this. She wants you to stay by her side, but...that's a wretched path. You need this. You need a peaceful life.
The inn keeper seems to be deep in though for a couple of moments before he nods. It's settled. After two months of torture, being in her care, she finally found you annew home. It's good news, right? So why...why does she feel like slashing the inn keeper's throat just for agreeing? Why does she feel the need to burn the whole inn down and running with you, hand in hand? She hates this. This dumb, annoying aching in her chest when she thinks about not staying by your side.
Your eyebrows shoot up when she breaks the news to you, and she sees you freeze. She sees the gears basically turning in your head, then...you shake your head and take a step closer to her. You point to her, then to herself, finishig the sigh by putting her hands together.
Mizu's heart skips a beat. "No, look...I can't let you stay with me. This guy, the inn keeper...he seems like a nice guy. He just lost his daughter, and he's willing to take care of you."
You shake your head again, and sign "Love". Mizu sighs. She wants to say "I love you too." but that's not how it works.
"I have a quest to finish, and you'll surely die in the process. You know that. So just...be happy about this." She says, averting her gaze. Your eyes droop, and your shoulders deflate. You shake your head again and hug her, wrapping your arms around her torso.
She hated the fact that she had to leave you, with a man no less, but she hoped she's making the right decision. She really wanted you to be happy. And if she wanted you to be happy by her side, then she needed to find her own peace first. She had to save ehrself first before she could save you.
In reality though, she knew you saved her.
After the hug ends, she looks into your eyes. "If I survive, I'll come back to you." She says, gently petting your head. Your eyes brighten up and you nod.
That was farewell, because Mizu left withouth another word.
And she meant it...she'll come back. She just wishes you'd wait for her, even if it's the most selfish wish she ever made. She sheds every drop of blood, thankful you're not there to see it. She closed her eyes every night, hoping you're doing the same too under a warm blaket, filled with warm food. And she sat sail, making a silent promise about spending the first night by your side when she arrives back in Japan.
That will be her true peace.
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Hi vod'ika
I'm pretty sure I saw a post saying your requests were open,
If they are please could I get Alpha 17(or fox, rex, wolffe) with some kinda civilian contractor, some kind of pining a lil bit of friends/coworkers to lovers vod teasing about this very obvious crush bit of feelings realisation (my favourite) (there can be smut or not up to you)
I love the way you write Alpha 17 especially but I don't mind really who you write it for!
The Edge Of Dawn
Summary: Alpha-17 doesn’t have friends. His job is to make sure that the cadets survive to adulthood, and that’s it. There’s absolutely no reason that he should be so comfortable with the civilian contractor who is in charge of teaching the cadets how to slice. But if Fordo doesn’t stop making smart comments, Alpha’s going to be down one vod.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 1616
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Sorry that this took so long to get back to! It took me a while to come up with an idea that made me happy. I don't know if I followed your prompt to the letter, Alpha-17 doesn't do emotions well after all, but I think I'm happy with it!
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“Alpha,” There’s a small smile playing on her lips as she hops up to sit on the barricade next to the much taller man, a datapad hanging from one of her hands, “What a surprise to see you here!”
He spares her half a glance, and then focuses his attention back on the ARC trainees that he’s currently responsible for, “Yes. What a surprise. That you found me in my training room.”
She beams at him, unrepentant, “Your little ducklings seem to be doing well.”
“Don’t call them that.”
“Your tooka kittens.”
“Not that either.”
“Is there a reason you’re here, harassing me, and not in your office doing whatever it is the long-necks hired you for?” Alpha asks, finally pinning her with all of his attention.
“I missed you.”
“You saw me an hour ago, try again.”
“It’s been a whole hour since I’ve seen your smiling face-” She continues dramatically, only to yelp when Alpha takes a strand of her hair between two fingers and tugs on it. “Rude.”
“I can be ruder.” He counters bluntly. “What do you need?”
She lightly raps her knuckles on her datapad, “There’s something...but I think it can wait.” She finally says, “You could come to my quarters tonight.”
“That-” Alpha is cut off at the very telling sound of Fordo choking on his laughter. “Problem, vod?” He bites out.
Fordo tilts his head towards her, but doesn’t say anything. Though his shoulders are shaking with repressed laughter. And Alpha is seriously considering shooting him.
Instead he focuses his attention on her and flicks his fingers towards the door, “Beat it. I’m busy.”
“Yeah, yeah. Who isn’t? I mean it, Alpha. I need to talk to you.”
“I’ll come find you when I can.”
“Great!” She hops back to her feet and glances at her datapad for a moment, before she beams at him and motions for him to duck his head a little bit.
Alpha eyes her suspiciously for a moment, but does as she instructs. She presses her lips, soft and warm, against his cheek, before she turns and scurries out of the room.
He stares after her, jaw slightly slack, as his hand comes up to press against his cheek. And then he’s jolted out of his shock at the sound of Fordo laughing. Alpha decides to table his, admittedly conflicted, thoughts about the slicer who has wormed her way into his heart, and decides to turn his annoyance at Fordo onto the baby ARCs.
He’s always had an easier time working through his emotions physically, after all.
It’s later, much later, when Alpha is able to pull himself away from his work for long enough to go and hunt down the little slicer. And yes, he did ignore the knowing looks his vod’e were shooting him as he left his barracks.
They’ve been giving him shit about how he treats her for months now.
All of them claim that he obviously has a thing for her (one of his brothers used the word crush and Alpha kind of wanted to punch him for it). He disagrees.
He respects the hell out of her.
He wants to protect her from the long-necks, he doesn’t like the speculative way that they look at her sometimes. And yes, okay, he likes looking at her.
That doesn’t mean he has a thing for her.
Sure, maybe he’s had a stray thought about wondering what it would be like to kiss her. And maybe he’s wondered if her skin is as soft as it looks. And maybe he’s considered what she’d look like if she was pregnant before.
But that doesn’t mean anything.
It can’t mean anything.
He knocks on the door to her suite, and it slides open surprisingly fast. Fast enough that his hand is still raised when she drags him into her suite.
“Were you waiting?”
“Yes!” She slams her hand on the control panel, shutting and locking the door before she turns and hurries deeper into his suite.
There’s a strange humming noise coming from a small device sitting on her coffee table, and it takes Alpha a moment to recognize that it’s a jamming device. Slowly his eye brows creep up as he looks around the suite.
Like all of the suites on Kamino, it’s small. About the size of a studio apartment. Though her room seems much smaller due to the sheer amount of stuff covering every inch of open surface.
“What’s going on?” She scurries around the room and Alpha takes note of a packed backpack sitting at the foot of her bed. “Is that a bug out bag?”
“No!” She pauses, “Well, yes. Technically.”
“Are you running away from Kamino?” Is he...hurt? He is. He thought she liked it here.
She grabs her datapad, her personal datapad based on the ridiculous looking purple protective case wrapped around it, and she turns her panicked gaze towards him.
All of his hurt feelings fly out the window at the look on her face, and he immediately shifts into, what she’s called, his badass soldier mode. “What happened?”
She won’t meet his gaze, and her free hand is fluttering over the designs on the protective case. And Alpha’s heart sinks. He’s not going to like what she’s about to say.
“Um, so...you remember why I was hired in the first place, right?”
“Yeah. The Jedi were worried about Seppie slicers getting into these computers. You were hired to update the security. Which you did.”
“Yes! Yes, I did.” She lifts her gaze from where it was tracing the paint on his chest place, “I…” She takes a deep breath, “I have a thing.”
“A thing?”
“I don’t like secrets. And I don’t trust the Republic. And I really, really don’t like the Kaminoans.” She says quickly, “So…”
“I left myself a backdoor in their system.”
“...okay. Okay, so what. Did someone, other than you, use the backdoor?”
“No. You’d only be able to find it if you knew it was there.” She says quickly, “But, well, I’ve been perusing their system and...and ten years is a lot of stuff to go through, but I learned a lot.”
“Like the fact that the clones were commissioned by Count Dooku on the order of someone called Sidious. Like the fact that all of the clones have a chip in their brain to overwrite their free will.” her grip tightens around her datapad, “Well, all of the clones except for the Alpha Class.”
He was right. He doesn’t like this.
“I think…” She hesitates.
“Well, don’t stop now.”
“I think the clones were created as a trap for the Jedi. I think you were created to kill them.” She says quickly.
Alpha doesn’t say anything for a long time. And then, slowly, he exhales. “Okay. So how do we fix it.”
“You believe me?”
“You’ve never lied to me before.” Alpha pins her with a look, “I assume you have a plan.”
“Chips can be hacked. There must be a computer or terminal somewhere here that will allow me to overwrite the code on the chips. I just...need to find it.” She finally loosens her grip on her datapad, “This computer isn’t hooked up to the regular network, I know. I’ve looked.”
“You’ve looked.”
“...your brothers are very talented. But a lot of them are going to die if they turn against the Jedi. I don’t want that. I...don’t want any of this.”
Alpha stares at her for a long, long time. His brothers were wrong. He doesn’t have a crush on her. It’s so, so much worse.
He’s in love with her.
Obviously he needs to claim her as his before they go any further with this.
“Do you need a medic? Should I call for help?”
Alpha snaps back to attention when she waves her hand in his face, worry written clearly on her face. He catches her wrist, and pulls her arm to the side.
“Oh, there you are. You went somewhere else for a bit.” She says, the worry fading away now that he’s moving again.
“I was thinking.”
“Oh, I know this is a lot-”
“Not about that.” Alpha interrupts.
His grin is sharp, “I was thinking that I’m going to kiss you and claim you as mine, and then we can work out a plan on how to save my stupid ass brothers.”
She just blinks at him, startled, but she doesn’t try to pull away as he leans in and presses his lips against hers. In fact, she enthusiastically kisses him back.
Alpha releases her wrist and cups the back of her head to hold her close, deepening the kiss in the way that he’s been dreaming of for longer than he’ll ever admit to, and then he pulls back and presses his forehead against hers.
“Now,” He murmurs, “Is there anything else you learned that I should know?”
She blinks at him through hazy eyes, “Uh...Jango Fett is alive and in cryo in the basement.”
“Um, the Jango Fett who died on Geonosis was another clone who took his place. Apparently.” She says quickly.
Alpha stares at her for a long time, “Oh...kay. We’re going to table that particular crisis until we deal with this one. I’m going to go get Fordo and General Ti. You-” He pauses, “You’re going to hide your bug out bag and clean up some of this mess.”
“Oh. Right.”
He moves his hand so he’s able to brush his thumb across her lips, “And then, we can talk about us.”
And a small smile crosses her lips, “I’d like there to be an us.”
“Me too.”
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llonelygoddess · 1 year
Meeting Sandor Clegane headcanons
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A/N: This is very self indulgent so reader is Black and plus size ( and I mean PLUS size). Also I'm personally Non-binary but I'm just so used to writing in female perspective soooo that's what i did ( I mean kinda, its ambiguous) :) This section is mostly just them meeting and falling in love.
Also lets pretend they know what stars are in this time period lmao
Also also I'm very open to feedback and any suggestions ppl may have so please feel free to leave me an Ask or Message!
Tw: Creepy men
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You are a lady in waiting for a visiting noblewoman in King's Landing. You're from a highborn house but left your home for the opportunities the capitol provided.
Most days you find yourself waiting on your Lady and learning the way of the court (which basically means learning to talk circles around each other). She's one of the few kind people to you in this city and it's not from lack of trying.
Being in a bigger body than the other women puts a target on your back for verbal attacks and harassment, and as much as your Lady does her best to shield you from it there's only so much she can do.
That's how you met Sandor
On your way back from Court one day you find yourself cornered by two guardsmen who had their eyes on you all morning. They poke at you with their swords, making comments about ripping through your clothes when Sandor rounds a corner and spots all of you.
He meets your eyes and turns to the guards, " What do you cunts think you're doing?"
They whip around confidently until they see him and stutter over themselves backing away. You take this moment to rush away but not before whispering a thank you as you pass him.
From then on you begin to notice him more often, in Court, on your walks through the garden, even during meals. The first few times you catch his eye he quickly looks away, much to your disappointment.
It wasn't often a woman of your likeness was defended by a man, let alone at all, so you try to make it a point to find him to thank him properly.
It's difficult catching him alone but one night as your looking at the stars from the garden you hear the clanking of armor pass behind you and stop, " What're you doing here?" A deep voice asks.
You turn to him, " Oh, sorry Ser I was just enjoying the stars. Aren't they beautiful? "
"I'm no Ser, just The Hound"
" Well that's not a proper name, what did your mother call you?"
He hesitates, " Sandor"
" Thank you Sandor, for saving me a while back. I don't know what I would've done without your help." You pluck a few large daisies from the patch of flowers next to you and hold it out for him. " It's not much, but if you press it between book pages they can be used as a bookmark."
He looks around confused, " Girl, I don't read. Now lets get you back to your chambers before you have another run in with that scum. "
Dejected, you place the flowers down but stay where you are looking up at the stars. It wasn't often you could sneak out and get a good look so you savor the moment.
He huffs looking up, " What's there to look at any way? Just a bunch of lights"
Laughing softly you say, " They are more than just lights, I mean I know what the Maesters say about them but I choose to believe something else. I believe they're our dreams and wishes, hung by the Gods as a promise to fulfill them."
You realize how silly that must be to a man who kills for a living, but as you turn to him to apologize you see his face turned upwards and his eyes shut.
You both take a moment in silence beneath the stars before you turn to walk towards your room, " Good night, Sandor. I hope the night treats you well."
( What you don't see as you walk away is Sandor picking up and pocketing one of the Daisies)
During the weeks following your encounter with him, you begin to see a change in his demeanor towards you. His cold stares turn soft and fleeting and when your eyes meet in Court or during meals they linger as if he's trying to solve something in your eyes.
It flustered you to no end and soon those stolen glances turned to greetings as you passed by each other, which seemed to happen so frequently now.
He also seemed to find you every night you snuck out to see the stars. It started out staying quiet as the first night, but quickly turned to whispered conversations under moonlight till dawn. You did most of the talking, but that was okay, he wasn't one with words but his eyes could tell you stories.
Every once in a while you were even able to get him to crack a smile at your jokes about Joffrey, but he was always telling you to be careful for unwanted listeners.
He was like that more often, looking out for you. You hadn't been bothered by any of the guards since that day, the kitchen staff weren't giving you looks as you plated food anymore and it felt like you were finally fitting in. ( as much as you could in this place)
You wouldn't know it but whenever he was in your presence, even from afar, his eyes would wander to you searching for any excuse to be close. One too many times he was caught doing so and had to swiftly deal with said person. The last thing he needed was any gossip reaching yours or Joffrey's ears.
And then one night it all ended. The battle at blackwater bay.
You were tending to the crying woman and children hiding when a large BOOM is heard as the door swings open. And in pops Sandor, out of breath and rushing towards you,
" I'm getting you the fuck out of here"
He lifts you up over his shoulder, leaving no room for discussion, and heads out to his horse.
After weeks of travel, you find yourself hundreds of miles away from Kings Landing, your home, and your Lady. You thought you'd never see the day you miss Kings Landing but here you are, miles away from home with a man that makes your heart flutter. And yet, you're not sure he even feels the same.
Through the breaking daylight you see you're standing on the outskirts of a small village.
You say," You must've been frightened that night...the night the water was on fire, but what would make you think to take me with you. I'm nobody. "
He looks at you as if you've offended him and wordlessly reaches into his pocket to grab the book smashed daisy and hands it to you.
" Now, that house over there looks abandoned. We could set up- "
With all the bravery you can muster you place a hand on the side of his face and reach up to gently kiss him.
He softly places his hand over yours as he leans down for you.
After a few moments you pull away, " We might be seeing a falling star tonight."
He looks at you puzzled
You laugh lightly, " Seems a dream of mine finally came true"
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Pt 2 with the actual headcanons of being with him and living in the country side should be out in the next week or so. Hope you enjoyed!!
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gracies-baby · 3 months
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I Love You, I’m Sorry
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
"Gracie, I would never cheat on you!" Y/n yells with tears in her eyes. She had come home from work late causing Gracie to have some assumptions.
"How can I know that for sure? You've been coming home late a lot recently. How am I supposed to know you're not sleeping with your co-stars behind my back!" Gracie yells back as she paces around the room.
"You need to trust me!" Y/n replies as she tries desperately to reason with the brunette.
"Well, I don't think I can!" Y/n's eyes widen in shock and sadness as she stares at the brunette.
"Then what are we even doing? This isn't working Gracie. We can't have a relationship if you don't even believe that I wouldn't cheat on you" Y/n says as her voice cracks before she grabs her bag and runs out of the house. Gracie quickly follows behind her and sees her get in her car before driving away. The brunette sobs as she walks back inside and slams the door behind her.
"Who are you talking to?" Audrey asks when she sees her best friend smiling down at her phone.
"Y/n. We've been talking lately. I think we might actually be cool now" Gracie replies as she puts her phone away.
"Really? I'm surprised she even wants to speak to you honestly. You did really fuck it up" Audrey says as shock fills her face.
"Trust me, I know I did. I'm surprised she didn't send someone to kill me" Gracie picks up her drink and looks out the window on the boat.
Eventually, Gracie and Y/n run into each other, seeing each other for the first time in two years. Gracie stands, hiding in the crowd of the rowdy party while watching her ex-girlfriend get a drink from the bar.
"What are you looking at?" Audrey asks when she notices her best friends silence. When she doesn't receive an answer, she follows the brunette's gaze.
"Oh... does she know you're here?"
"I don't think so. If she does, then she obviously doesn't want to see me" The brunette replies, downing the rest of her drink.
"You should go talk to her. You guys have been texting, right? You should try being friends again" Gracie shakes her head with a sigh before she sees a man begin talking to her ex. She sees the shorter girl try to move away from him, but he just moves closer, following her. Gracie glares at the man when he grabs the girl's wrist to try to pull her towards him. The brunette storms towards them, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the girl she loves.
"Stay the fuck away from her, you dick" She growls at him as he sends her a glare.
"Who the fuck are you? Stay out of this" He pulls his arm away, making her stumble back. Audrey approaches the scene, pulling Y/n away from it.
"What's she doing? She's gonna get hurt!" Y/n exclaims with worry clear in her voice when Audrey pulls her to the side, watching Gracie argue with the man. Eventually, security kicks them both out while Y/n and Audrey follow the brunette.
"Y/n-" Gracie starts when she sees the anger in her ex-girlfriend's eyes.
"Why did you do that?! He would've killed you if he didn't get kicked out!"
"He was harassing you! I couldn't watch that happen!"
"I'm not yours anymore, Gracie! Just stop making everything about you! Please!" Y/n yells before storming away to her car, slamming the driver's door behind her and driving away.
"I told you she wouldn't want to see me" Gracie tells Audrey with tears in her eyes.
"The whole time you were arguing with that guy the only thing she was talking about was you getting hurt. Maybe just wait for her to ask for you" Audrey replies as she and Gracie get into the car before driving back to their house in silence.
Gracie thinks about her friend's advice for a few days before letting her heart take over her body. She gets into her car after lying in bed until 2 in the morning and drives to her ex-girlfriend's apartment. The brunette parks the car before knocking on the girl's door, waiting a few minutes before it is opened by the still half-asleep Y/n.
"Gracie? What-"
"Y/n... I'm so sorry. I know I was a dick. I'm still trying to kick that habit. But I need you back. Please. I'll be better, I promise. I'll stay out of your business, I won't call you all the time, I won't make everything about me, I'll do whatever you want. Just please take me back. I love you, I'm sorry" Gracie sobs in the doorway while Y/n frowns at her.
"Gracie, I love you too... but what you just described isn't a relationship. I don't want any of that. I just want you. But I can't be with you if you haven't changed these last few years. I'll be waiting for you though. I'll wait right here for you. Be sure to come back, Gracie. When you've changed" Y/n replies with tears running down her face. Gracie lets out a shaky sob before nodding and walking back to her car.
"Gracie?" Y/n calls out when the brunette reaches the car. She turns back with a hopeful smile.
"I love you, I'm sorry"
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Hey. Could you maybe write a fic on Malfoy and his gang being horrible to Ginny, pushing her around, when Y/N is coming back from her detention late, she sees them, sends Ginny away and ends up in a fight with Malfoy and his gang? Don't go into details if that makes you uncomfortable of course. Then afterwards, reader goes back to the common room bruised up with blood on her knuckles, with all of Ginny's rescued belongings in perfect condition, she gently puts them next to her and sees Ginny tell the twins and Ron about what reader did for her. As she heads upstairs to change, the boys stop her and thank her for what she did and ask what happened, so she goes back to tell them all she left Malfoy with a broken nose and a few of them with bruised eyes or broken ribs, she's got an all day detention tomorrow as do Malfoy and his gang, but she doesn't care. Fred, her boyfriend, insists on talking to McGonnagal to get her detention revoked after saving Ginny maybe?
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Malfoy swaggered up to her. "Lay one hand on me, and my father will have you expelled faster than you can say mudblood."
Y/N grinned. "Well then. I better make this worth my while."
Before Y/N discovered she had magical abilities, she dreamed of being the next Cheng Pei-Pei or Cynthia Rothrock. Growing up watching kung fu movies with her brothers, she grew to love all the greats like Bruce Lee, Toshiro Mifune, and Jackie Chan, but it was seeing a woman kick ass that thrilled her the most.
From the age of four, at least once a day, she was challenging her brothers to battle. They were always more than happy to be defeated and fall down "gravely injured," which only encouraged her more. So, on her sixth birthday, her parents enrolled her in a karate class. Then the summer before beginning Hogwarts, she earned her black belt.
Once she began her magical education, she, of course, could no longer attend regular classes, but she still continued to train every day, eventually attracting the attention of Hogwarts' biggest pranksters. It's wasn't long before the three became inseparable, and then over the past summer on Y/N's sixteenth birthday, she and Fred started dating.
So, when Y/N was walking back from detention with Snape for helping the twins set off a dung bomb during class, and saw Ginny surrounded by Malfoy and his two worthless lackeys, Crabbe and Goyle, she wasn't about to turn a blind eye.
"What's going on here, gentlemen?" She approached them with a congenial smile, her hands clasped behind her back. One of the first lessons her sensei taught her was that violence should only be used when all other options have been exhausted. A last resort. Y/N lived by that mantra. She would never be the one to throw the first punch, but she would throw the last.
"Well, we just saw poor Ginny walking alone," Malfoy explained. "And it's getting dark. We didn't want her getting harassed by any creeps, so we were escorting her back to Gryffindor Tower."
Y/N could tell by Ginny's wide-eyed, panicked expression that the Slytherin trio were the creeps they were claiming to protect her from. Without hesitation, she stepped between Malfoy and Crabbe and extended her hand to her friend, who grabbed onto it like a drowning man grasping to a lifeboat.
Pulling Ginny behind her, Y/N once again assumed her cheerful smile. "Thank you for your--thoughtfulness. I think I'm fully capable of safely escorting her the rest of the way. Enjoy your evening, gentlemen."
The two girls turned to walk away, but Goyle reached out and pushed Ginny to the ground, knocking the breath out of her and scattering her belongings in all directions.
Y/N glared at Malfoy as she kneeled to help Ginny up. "Oh, so sorry," he gibed. "That was an accident." Crabbe and Goyle snickered like a couple of drunk hyenas.
"Touch her again, and you'll regret it." Y/N hissed.
"Is that a threat?" Malfoy took a step closer, his lackeys flanking him.
"I don't make threats. I state facts."
"Oh, is that a fact?" He sneered. "What are you going to do? Beat the three of us up with your fancy mudblood hand waving?"
Y/N snorted. "Go ahead, underestimate me, Malfoy. That'll be fun." Then she turned to Ginny. "Go."
"But--" Ginny began.
"I'll be fine. Just go. I'll gather up your stuff when I'm done."
She turned back around, and Malfoy swaggered up to her. "Lay one hand on me, and my father will have you expelled faster than you can say mudblood."
Y/N grinned. "Well then. I better make this worth my while."
The whole matter took less than ten seconds.
Malfoy took a swing. She blocked his fist and took a swing of her own, punching him square in the nose with a sickening crunch. Goyle tried to come at her from the side, but she kicked him in the chest, knocking him backward. He crumpled to the floor, groaning and holding his side.
Y/N didn't wait to watch him fall, already turning around to take on Crabbe, who was running away down the hall as fast as he could go, no doubt to alert Snape. She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes. 'I'm gonna have detention for the rest of my life.'
It was only when Crabbe rounded the corner and was out of sight that she looked down at his two compatriots writhing on the floor. "Hang tight boys, Crabby's gone to get help," she said, then turned to gather up Ginny's supplies.
Y/N stepped into the common room and was suddenly surrounded by the twins, Ron and Ginny.
"Y/N, baby, are you ok?!" Fred asked, looking her over for any damage. "Ginny told us what happened."
"We were on our way to look for you," George said.
"Did you really take on Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle?" Ron asked.
"Only Malfoy and Goyle. Crabbe tucked tail and ran." Y/N then turned to Fred, who was now holding up her arm, checking for injuries. "Sweetie, I'm fine. I've got a little bleeding on my knuckles, but that's it."
"I just wanted make sure you're alright," he pouted.
"I know," she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "And I love you for it."
A light pink bloomed across his face, and he pulled Y/N into his side.
"Hey, you two better get a move on." Y/N said. "You're gonna be late for detention."
"Might be canceled considering you just beat up Snape's babies," George said.
"Hmm. Good point," Y/N agreed. "I'm gonna go try to grab a quick shower before I get expelled."
"What do you mean expelled?" Fred looked shocked.
"Just something Malfoy threatened," she answered. "Besides, I did break his nose and probably cracked a couple of Goyle's ribs."
Bloody hell," Ron exclaimed. "That's fucking brilliant. I wish I could've seen it."
Y/N laughed and handed Ginny her backpack.
"Thanks for saving me back there," the Weasley girl said.
"Anytime, kiddo," Y/N smiled.
Fred kissed the top of his girlfriend's head. "Yeah, thanks for taking care of her. And for knocking those shitheads down a notch."
"It was fun," she laughed. "And I don't think they'll be bothering Ginny or any other girl again."
As it turned out, thanks to Ginny and Fred, not only was Y/N not expelled, but McGonagall shortened her extra detention time from three months down to one.
"What do you say we sneak off to Hogsmede in a couple of days for a celebratory lunch at The Three Broomsticks?" Fred asked that evening as they cuddled by the fire.
"And risk getting even more detention?" Y/N laughed. "Absolutely!"
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @imshiningjustforyou @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
let’s try this again😅 negan is negan; a big, loud-mouthed, cocky bastard, but as soon as reader comes into his line of view, he’s putty in her hands. i’m talking hanging onto her every word, punishing anyone who looks at her for longer than three seconds, completely obsessed with her.
honestly whatever you want to do with this is fine, i just wanna imagine being fawned over for a little while 😌
LOOOOOVE THIS. This is a little bit of a jump in time from where you're at right now but I kept it as vague as possible!
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"So, when did you meet him?" Michonne asks, her voice wavering a bit as I shift anxiously in my seat, not completely comfortable that I have to talk about Negan to his enemies.
"His men found me in the woods when he was in charge of the Sanctuary." I respond simply, biting anxiously at the inside of my cheek as my frown deepens, watching Michonne turn to look back at Rick.
"And what was your first impression?"
"Well, well, well!" A man cheers, appearing beside me, swinging his bat in front of him and the room quiets. I fidget in my seat, my mouth drying as I look up at him with wide eyes. "What might your name be?" He asks, kneeling down in front of me, his eyes softening.
"Y/n." I mutter, clearing my throat with a shiver. He nods slowly, turning back to the men behind him.
"Someone get my friend Y/n here some clothes and some food." He grins, his eyes never leaving mine for one second as I feel my heart rate begin to decline, my fear dissipating as he offers me a hand. "Let me show you around, how 'bout that?"
"You're telling me he was kind to you?" Rick asks, his brows furrowed in complete and utter disbelief.
"He welcomed me into the Sanctuary with no issues. He saw to it that I was settled and knew my way around." I explain, eyes darting back and forth between Rick and Michonne as the chains around my ankle clang against the table in front of me.
"What did you do there? What was your role?"
"Lovely day today, huh?" I ask Negan as I approach him from behind, his head craning to peer over his shoulder at me. A soft grin spreads across his face as he quickly shoos the other men away from him, ending their conversation abruptly.
"Even better now that you're here." He flirts, my eyes rolling bashfully. "What can I do for you, sweetheart?" He asks and my feet shuffle against the gravel beneath me as I try desperately to ignore the walkers set up along the fence.
"I had an issue when I was trying to sell some bread I made-"
"How about this, give me the names of the people who keep bugging you and I'll make sure they don't do shit to you anymore." He offers, not bothering to hear the rest of the story, alleviating some of the pressure weighing down on me.
"He helped me fit in. He was nothing but kind to me- I know that he wasn't always kind to everyone though." I mutter, worried that they would think poorly of me simply based off of my close association with Negan, a man they hated so much but for good reason. "I know what he did to your friends. I'm truly sorry for your losses." Rick's face drops as he lowers his gaze to the ground, Michonne clearing her throat as she gets back on topic.
"Did he ever hurt you? Did you ever see him hurt someone else?"
"You say sorry to her right now or I swear to god, your face is going to look like Dwighty boys here but I will not stop until your whole face looks like goddamn leather!" Negan yells, pressing my harassers face into the metal table in front of us. I clutch the side of my face that he hit just moments ago, right after calling me 'Negans bitch'.
"I'm sorry- I'm really sorry, Negan-"
"No!" Negan yells, causing me to jump beside him, his eyes flickering over to me briefly. "Sorry sweetheart- I just have to get the point across that no one- and I mean no one- can talk to you like that without suffering the very severe consequences that Lucille and I have to offer!"
"Only a few times. When men would get too close to me, when they'd threaten me, flirt with me." I explain shakily, wanting so deserpately to go to wherever they have Negan hidden away, to make sure that he's alright and that- even though they had every right to kill him- he was safe and shown mercy.
"Why?" Michonne asks once more, her eyes softening as she reaches out to take my hand and it's now that I realize there are hot tears trailing down my cheeks, the separation from the only friend I've had in so long taking a deep toll on me as I choke out.
"He was the only one in that whole place who spoke to me, actually listened to me."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @starlightandfairies
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jj-5656 · 1 year
Hi love, I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if you’d be open to writing a Tangerine fic where he finds out the reader has a crush on him by the way she reacts to his words/pet names & he decides to tell her he feels the same?😭
A/N: OKOKOK I love what you've done here. I was at work when I read this and it sparked an entire idea. I'm thinking this'll be a blurb, though knowing me it'll be an entire story. (Update; did in fact become an entire story.) I did stray a bit from what you asked and I hope that’s alright. Enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions and descriptions of violence, sexual harassment
Summary: Boxer! Tangerine seems to sense his effect on you, and has become increasingly impatient with the gym's creepy regular. (Character are in their 20s btw)
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You're re-racking weights when the unwarranted approach occurs.
Spending the summer months working at your Uncle's boxing gym has been a sort of tradition. You practically grew up here. Relishing in the three months spent at his and your Aunt's brownstone since you were in highschool. As the final year of college approaches, the familiar smell of sweat and sound of victimized punching bags was honestly welcoming.
"Need a little help with those, hun?" You tense at the unsurprisingly patronizing tone, facing the stranger who pretends to have not been caught checking you out with a wry smile.
"I've got it. Thanks." You offer your most forced customer service voice, eyes scanning the room for a female comrade or coworker. Unfortunately, the lot of your customers are mid-set, headphones in.
"Awe c'mon." Despite your frame's obvious tensing, the man reaches across and takes the dumbell from your grasp. "They're making you do all the heavy lifting 'round here?"
"Hardly that strenuous." You can't even try to conceal your disdain, though he laughs as if the irritated furrowing of your brows is in jest.
"Didn't know they had such good looking staff round here. I usually go to Golds, but this just might be my new spot." You try not to audibly cringe at the confession. Any half-wit could have guessed this piece of shit regulared Golds.
"Right. I should get back to it, then." You're halfway through turning away to head across the building to find another task when he takes hold of your forearm. Instantly, you're facing him with a deadly expression. Sparing any and all commonalities as you rip your arm from his grasp.
"Easy there." He chuckles as if you're vehemently overreacting in response to a complete fucking stranger touching you. "Maybe I could grab your number? Get a friendly discount on a new membership?"
"They'd be more than happy to help you with that at the front desk."
"For personal reasons, then?" You take a step back when he leans closer, as if the presumptuous prospect is anything less than appalling. Small gasp escaping your lips when your back makes contact with something solid.
"Oi, sorry for the sneak up." You don't even have to turn around before you recognize the voice. The boxer your Uncle introduced you to last summer. A regular at the gym, with an esteemed reputation for winning. You've talked maybe a handful of times, though you've fawned over him with just about half of your coworkers.
Tangerine's at least head taller than you, taking a step back to give you more space. Giving the man behind you a curt head nod before looking to you again, smiling as if he's known you the better half of his life.
"Hate to bother you, love. Locker won't open again, if you can believe it. Bloody thing's been a right pain for the longest time." You catch on immediately, eyes offering a silent load of gratitude as you nod.
"Right. I've been meaning to change it for you." You face the shorter man adorning a buzz cut and obnoxiously small cut-off tee with a tight-lipped smile. "Duty calls. See you around-"
"Mike." He answers, though you hadn't asked. "You'll see me soon."
"Looking forward to it, mate." Tangerine sounds less than pleased, staring the man down with unbridled disgust before side-stepping and allowing you to pass. The pair of you headed toward the lockers on the far side of the gym.
"Jesus Christ, sorry about that." You run a hand down your face, missing his displeased expression.
"What are you sorry for? Could sense the twat a mile away." You can't help but laugh, eyes meeting his for only a moment before you're turning your attention elsewhere.
"Seriously though. Thank you." The pair of you stopping when you're far enough to be out of the asshole's eye-shot.
"Don't mention it, love. Honestly." He shrugs, head cocking when you tense at something he's said. Though you don't seem uncomfortable. "It's y/n, isn't it?" You nod, feeling like a elementary schooler when your skin heats at his recognition.
"Yes. Yeah. And it's Tangerine, right?" Hopeful to come off inconspicuous. He nods too, ghost of a smile crossing his face again.
"Right. You must be one of the only people I've met where the 'like the fruit' question didn't immediately follow my introduction." This has you laughing again, and Tangerine decides just then he's quite fond of the small triumph.
"But it is..." You can barely conceal the smirk as you tease. "Like the fruit, isn't it?"
He rolls his eyes, surprising even himself with how much he's entertained by the jest in your tone. "Hilarious, darling. I can see why they keep you around." He senses it again, the succinct tightening in your frame at something he's said. Though you collect yourself as soon as it starts. "I'll see you round, then?"
"I'll be here." You cringe at the corny reply, though the brunette seems to be preoccupied in thought to notice.
"Y/n." It grabs your full attention immediately. Spinning on your heel to face him again. "If he bothers you again..." He trails off to gauge your reaction. "Or any bloke, for that matter. You just come get me, yeah? I'm here more often than not, and it'd never be a bother." Too forward, he thinks. Just as assuming as any creepy twat in this place.
Though you're smiling. Soft and genuinely pleased with the gesture.
"I will, thank you."
You're acquaintances from then on. Friends, even. Tan insists on walking you to your car the nights you close up. Greets you each morning despite his grumpy exterior.
The small gestures have granted a practical scandal between your coworkers. Teasing after he exits a room and crowding around to scrounge any and all details of your interactions. You brush them off, optimism is too much an ego killer and distraction for you to allow.
You're re-racking weights when the much-wanted approach occurs.
"Have you ever sparred before?" You hadn't been expecting it, muffling a squeal when your startled form warrants the weight pinching the skin of your forefinger. You grasp it instantly, offering a sweet smile despite the oncoming pain.
"Alright?" He reaches toward you, halting instantly when you shrink.
"Fine. Totally fine." Despite having totally embarrassed yourself.
"I'm sure that hurt, darling." He feigns amusement, despite concern overcoming him. Jesse passes, a particularly obvious shit-eating grin across her face as she mouths 'darling' in your peripheral. Your skin flushes tenfold.
He insists, taking gentle hold of your wrist and inspecting the injury in a horrifying display of softness. It must surprise even him, as he lets go as soon as he's sure no skin has been broken.
"You were saying something." It's a feeble attempt to redirect this humiliating encounter.
"Yes, right." He straightens, gathering his usual brooding demeanor. "Have you ever sparred before?"
You scoff at the prospect, not unkind. "My Uncle's ensured I'm familiar with the basics, sort of unavoidable all these years. Though I haven't really done any more than that."
"We could." He fumbles, suddenly unsure. "I mean, I could show you a few things. If you like." You cock your head, ghost of a smile passing your lips as your brows raise.
"A gym full of professional fighters and you’d prefer me?”
"Coach says if I do a bit of instructing, it might help me hone in on the basics. That my form gets sloppy when i get too..." He searches for the right wording in place of 'frenzied and enraged' as coach had put it. "Enthusiastic."
You laugh, finishing up your task whilst weighing your options. Unable to stop yourself from speaking your mind.
"Why me, though? I mean, there's plenty of other people here with actual experience." Luckily, he doesn't take the brutal honesty as impolite. Knowing you well enough by now to read your tone.
"Truth is, he says I'm insufferably impatient. You're not...I don't-" A deep sigh escapes him. "I find myself considerably less so with you around." He's unsure where he's typically confident. Fumbling over words like a fucking schoolboy. It's infuriating. "And besides, this might provide both of us peace of mind." Unknowingly, his gaze flickers to the one time asshole turned regular. Obnoxious grunts escaping him as he completes a set. (Half of Tan's usual weight, though whose counting.)
"Let me clock out, then. And please, spare me a black eye over my lunch break."
"Your stance is off again. Feet shoulders width apart, remember?"
"Hardly. I thought you said it was a right left left right combo?"
"Left right right, dodge, left." His brows furrow when you throw an ill-executed punch into his chest. Barely phased. "And put some strength behind it, will you?"
"Figured you'd want me to go easy on you-" A small umph escaping your lips when you're suddenly on your ass. Dizzied with the speed of his gentle sweep of your legs.
Tan crouches down, much too cocky for your liking. "You were saying?"
"Fuck off." Your scrambling up again, evading his bright eyes and other disgustingly handsome features.
"Attagirl, just the attitude I'm looking for." You stutter in place, swallowing hard. Skin singing with heat at the platitude. He nudges your shoulder with his glove, even more self-satisfied as he takes in you in. "Something I said?"
"Have you been reminded of your brooding arrogance lately?"
"Not until now, no." He clutches his chest, wounded. You take the opportunity to aim a much harder punch to his shoulder. He's quick to block, knocking your arm with his own and landing an intentionally weak hit to your waist. "Oi, that was a good one! There was strength that time."
"Don't patronize me, asshole." You hold a hand up to signal a pause. Ridding yourself of the oversized gloves to redo your updo. Considering all the activity, unruly strands and other flyaways have begun sticking to your skin. Tan opens his mouth for another witty remark when his bright gaze turns colder. All amusement escaping him as a wolf whistle pierces through the sound of weights racking.
Of course, the tosser from before ogles as you complete the final twists at your hair tie. Hands on his hips as he looks up at the pair of you in the ring.
"Would have asked to go a few rounds with you ages ago, sweetheart. Had I known you were interested."
You feel bold. Partly because you're so fed up with this prick, partly because of the fuming man behind you. "Would you please take a hint and fuck off, Mark?"
"It's Mike."
"Riveting. Get lost." The amused man whistles again, looking around for support from the other gym rats. Who collectively take one look at the boxer behind you, and quietly go back to their workouts.
"Like to take 5, love?" Tan tears at the velcro around his wrists, swiftly discarding his gloves.
"No. Im good, let's keep going." He only shakes his head, holding up a 5 in your direction before he reaches toward his bag. Beginning to tape his knuckles. "Oi, dickhead." Of course, Mike turns his head in the fighter's direction. "Care to go a couple rounds?"
"Listen man, just letting the chick know I'm appreciating what I see." Tan clicks his tongue, freshly wrapped fists clenching tight at his sides.
"See, where I come from, that type of talk about women gets your ass beat, man." There's an evident mockery of his American accent at the nickname. The dig draws the attention of some of the other fighters, ceasing their training to watch the scene unfold.
"Alright," Mike beams brightly at the prospect of a challenge. "Let's see what you got, pretty boy."
"This is ridiculous." You cross your arms over your chest, unappreciative of the testosterone battle.
"Nonsense, sweetheart. How about we make this a little more interesting? Say...Winner takes you on a date? Been dying to get to know you more." He bites his lip as his eyes rake over your body, making a show of his obscene behavior.
An ear-piercing smacking sounds throughout the building. The fabric of Tan's gloves colliding together. Oddly enough, he's gone silent. Practically seething. Without speaking, he closes the space between you. Striking blue eyes boring into yours. A silent plea for permission. Your gaze averts to the other gym-attendees, awaiting what's to come next eagerly. Some amused with Mike's advances, others paying close attention to the enraged man in front of you.
"Knock his fucking teeth out." It's for only Tan to hear, exiting the ring as soon as he lifts the rope for you.
"Game on, then." Mike rolls his his head side to side, calling over one of his buddies to play cornermen. "Sweetheart," he addresses with another sickening smirk. "You wear something pretty tonight, yeah? Show off those legs."
"Shut your fucking mouth and get in the ring, fuckin' tosser." At that, anyone who hadn't been paying attention is fully invested now. surrounding the platform and talking amongst one another. A few even exchanging bets.
Your fight-hungry coworker, Santos, is more than happy to referee. Eagerly instructing the two men to touch gloves and begin.
Mike's fast, undoubtedly. He dodges initial advances from Tan with a self-satisfied chuckle. Dancing around the ring to taunt his opponent. Tangerine's eyes never leave him, muscles taught with adrenaline and anger.
He reminds himself to be focused. Utilize his techniques but dependent on his instincts. Where Mike makes up in speed, he lacks in fundamental skill. His form is sloppy with narcissism and inconsistency.
Realistically, Tangerine could knock him the fuck out right now. But would that be nearly as fun?
Instead, he taunts the misogynistic prick. Beckoning advances, dodging, and landing sharp hits to his midsection. Sure enough to leave a multitude of bruises for weeks to come. Any amateur can notice the shift in the spar instantly. It's turned from a 50/50 to an imminent defeat. Mike's losing wind, taking punches like it's his day job and growing more frustrated each time.
Tan's having a blast, mouthpiece revealed with his unconcealable grin. This is feeding his ego more than he'd like to admit. It's why he can only laugh when Mike does what any exhausted fighter facing loss would do. Grapples onto his opponent and holds til Santos calls break.
"You gonna let him out of his misery now, or should I grab a stool?" Tan's got the same devilish grin as before. Reveling at the sight of Mike's spit, full of crimson blood.
"Now where's the fun in that, Dove? I've only just started." He accepts the water you offer swiftly, eager to get back to it. He's almost frenzied with adrenaline, sweat trickling down his toned skin in steady streams. Veins prominent with the activity. The brunette dips his head down to meet your wandering gaze, eyes twinkling with playful arrogance. "Have I lost you, love? Isn't the cornermen supposed to be keeping me with it?" You hope you don't look as flushed as you feel, though his grin suggests otherwise.
"You seem to be doing just fine without me." You press at a reopened cut in his brow, frowning when the pressure does little to cease the flow of blood.
"That's where you're wrong, love." He rolls his shoulders, tossing a curt nod to Santos at his five second warning. "Much easier winning when you have something to fight for." He's silenced when you force the guard back into his mouth. Brows narrowed in playful disdain despite the wink he sends your way, turning round and facing the center of the ring once more.
They tap gloves for the second time and Santos counts them in.
Mike's on the floor before anyone has a chance to register it.
There's only a beat of silence before the gym erupts in cheers. Astonished at the immediate knockout. Tan ignores it, smug attitude escaping him as soon as Mike comes to. He rips his glove from his hand so he can grab the man's jaw, yanking his gaze away from your direction. Santos is unable to pull him off as Tangerine pushes his face less than an inch from his dazed opponent, eyes full of a fierce sincerity as he mutters something unintelligible to Mike.
With a bare-fisted punch to the mat just beside the pricks' face, Tan is backing off and headed toward you. Casually leaning against the ropes as a couple more bystanders flood in to carry Mike out of the ring.
"Threaten his bloodline, Rocky?"
"Something like that. Let's just say he probably won't be training here for the foreseeable future."
Tagging ppl who seemed to like my last one: @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @ilovelotsoffandoms @wee-little-mouse @blueallover @dontknownameauthor @stevesharrlngtons @
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betyloca · 7 months
headcanons of rorschach (walter kovacks) taking care of a teenager
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• He had a sister that his mother had left in an orphanage, so he never had contact with her again.
• some workers came to her house giving them the news that she sadly died
• What surprised him was not that but that he had full custody of his daughter.
• This man has no idea how to raise a child or even a teenager.
• When he met you he took Daniel, he trusted him to accompany him.
• When they came to pick you up, you were sitting while you were waiting for them with your bag.
• He didn't want to do what Daniel did to you
Daniel: Hello, I'm Daniel.
y/n: I'm not interested
Daniel: It's okay, I'm just coming to...
Y/N: What do you want? I don't have any money.
Daniel: calm down, I just wanted to tell you that we are coming for you.
y/n: ohh okay* grabbing your bag*
*passes next to rorschach*
y/n: what do you see me?
• He saw your attitude surprised, he thought you would be like other girls your age.
• When he took you to his house he didn't have a room for you, you didn't complain, you just fell asleep on a couch.
•I don't plan on you staying long. At least I wanted to see if you had a father I could leave you with.
• what your father investigated, which turned out to be an alcoholic
• I wasn't going to leave you with a guy like him
• He is very distant around you but you can't blame him, it's like that with all women because of his mother's abuse.
• Don't blame him for not showing affection, he just doesn't know how to do it.
• He makes sure you eat well, he doesn't eat almost anything so he doesn't want you to go hungry.
• teaches you to defend yourself, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you
• Hates the idea that he's going soft on you.
• watches you when you are on the street late at night in its rorschach form
• He doesn't like you to call him dad, he prefers you to call him Walter
• If he tells you his name is Walter, it means that he completely trusts you.
• When he can't take care of you, he leaves you with Daniel while he goes to watch the city.
• he is surprised at how quickly you discover that he is rorschach
Rorschach: How did you find out it was me?
y/n: are you seriously asking? You are the only one with a hook gun kept in the closet and not to mention your mask.
rorschach: you impress me child
• he likes you to understand that his mask is his face
• He won't admit it but he likes it when you fall asleep on his lap.
•At first it was awkward but I noticed that you didn't do it with just anyone, that means you trust him.
• he fears that some of his enemies will harm you which makes him paranoid when you leave without warning
Rorschach: Where were you?
y/n: on the street
Rorschach: Why didn't you warn?
y/n: sorry okay
Rorschach: You don't know how dangerous that is, I know very well.
y/n: I know if someone tries to do something to me I can defend myself
• would kill anyone who tries to harass you
• little smiles escape when you try to make him laugh
• stays still when you hug him out of nowhere
y/n: can I go please, I promise to be back at 8
Rorschach: It's okay if you delay, I'll go look for you.
y/n: thank you* while hugging him* ohh I'm sorry
Rorschach: okay, go now
y/n: okay
• his love language is to squeeze your arm three times
• It's strange but as I said before he doesn't know how to show affection.
• He doesn't want you to get involved when he is in trouble.
• When you were in prison you were afraid that someone would break into your house and that you would get hurt for not being with you.
• After leaving he decided to take you with him to look for Ozymandias, he didn't want to leave you alone.
• you obviously stayed on the boat
• The last thing that crossed his mind before dying for Dr. Manhattan was you.
• When he died he left you his diary and that Daniel would take care of you.
• You gave his diary to the newspapers so the truth would be known and then you kept his mask.
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adracat · 1 year
G Witch episode 14 thoughts
WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR MORE??? OMG. I need to take a deep breath and calm down fr. Ok ok, let's do this. Starting from the begining—
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We open with Prospera detailing Quiet Zero to a very suspicious Mio. You have to admire mama Char's audacity tbh. Just going yeah, here's my evil plan to network all mobile suits and totally use them for peace and not war crimes. Mio's not gonna fall for it(hopefully?), but we do gain insight on why Delling might be pushing QZ. If it's truly Notrette's vision then he'd feel obligated. We'll have to see if Mio feels the same as her father. Granting this woman any amount of control over a whole network of machines sounds like a recipe for bad times.
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Back with Suletta, it's time for the 5lan sexual harassment segment. Mans can't read the room. She's besotted with short angry CEOs in training. Gotta give him props for persistence I guess.
Thankfully, Suletta is saveda by Sophie. She thinks he's a creep too, bless her. It's a shame these two are fated to probably die, because I do find them interesting and sympathetic.
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Well maybe not TOO sympathetic. When you threaten best girl, you lose any rights. Sorry Sophie. Tickled by Suletta's firm insistence she has a bride, thank you very much <3
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And then the casual atmophere breaks, the illusion of duels is lifted, and our cast are treated to what it truly means to use weapons of war. I loved this segment so much because it drives home the vast gap between the earthians and spacians. Spacians, especially the students, only see Mobile suits as toys at best and vehicles for wealth to the corporations. For earthians, they're grotesque harbingers of war and should be recognized as such. As Norea and Sophie help demonstrate by killing prospective duelists, destroying the arena in the process. A fake battlefield just became a real one.
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Meanwhile, Shaddiq takes this chance to manuever himself into power. He kidnaps his adopted father and secures Grassley. His faithful girl posse don't even balk. You have to admire their dedication if nothing else.
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You really can't help but empathize with Sophie here. She just wants what everyone should rightly have. Things she was robbed of simply because she's earthian. Her desperation for Suletta to join them is out of those desires--something Suletta understands
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And recognizes in this moment her hypocrisy. Because just like Sophie, Suletta would do anything if it meant protecting that which she desired/loved. She murdered without hesitation when Miorine was at stake, and likely would again. HNNNNGGHNG ok, I'm ok
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As Sophie continues to press her, you can see Suletta slowly piece it together. Aerial is a tool of war. Why did Prospera build her? Why did her mother sanction murder if it's wrong? She's been conditioned to think Prospera is right and only wants the best for her, but then why is she having her kill and fight in a war machine?
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And the question that's been on everybody's mind from the start has been answered! Suletta is not Ericht Samaya. Then where is Eri? In AERIal of course! Lol I was expecting it but it's one thing to theorize and another to see it actually happen. You're one messed up mama, Prospera.
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Poor Bel did not see it coming though. She's absolutely horrified Prospera went to these lengths. I still think it was an accident probably but Prospera isn't willing to clarify anytime soon. She's doing it all for Eri she says. Hm, X) DOUBT
Well maybe she THINKS that but we all know she's just using her daughter as an excuse to go off the rails. Massively entertaining either way!
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RIP Sophie. You will be missed tbh. Very interesting that she could see/hear Eri inside of Aerial. The true extent of the permet network seems to be a hivemind. Hinted before with Prospera ofc.
Poor Norea though. She seems genuinely struck by Sophie's death and the reminder that she'll share that fate. She's also terrified Suletta can operate Aerial without that inconvenient side effect. I do wonder why she doesn't just crush Suletta when she's floating, but maybe even Norea is scared of the dreaded witch from mercury.
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And we're back to Suletta desperately clinging to her mother's teachings. You understand why, but it's heartbreaking. Also sad for Eri, who is confirmed to have died as a child and trapped in a metal prison of her mother's creation. These poor girls aren't through the ringer just yet. We still have plenty more season to go. I really hope Mio returns soon and provides some solace or at least can talk sense into her. But that's for next week, ALAS
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sketchfanda · 8 months
Kirishima’s Mystique:2 Bunnies & a Riot
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If you were to ask Kirishima how he felt about his life, he’d likely say it was about 51% sweet as can be and 49% grief and hassle. Now why you may be asking, is that his particular answer? Well let’s sum up the 51%, he had graduated UA along with some of his best friends, had two awesome,sexy as hell and kinky as fuck girlfriends, who he shared an apartment with and was currently interning as a sidekick under the best damn father/big brother figure around in Fatgum. Daily routines of training, patrol, community service and much more made for an active and fulfilling career for sure.
The 49% on the other hand well was the hell he currently found himself facing. Why and what is that you might ask? Well it had to do with his current job at the moment you see. It was simple enough routine stuff, a very high up socialite single mother and her daughter had been victims of harassment from a stalker and requested Kirishima specifically as their bodyguard.
Seems he’d come very highly recommended and was considered the right man for the job which admittedly did quite a boost in his sense of self esteem. The problem you might ask? Oooh where to even begin but one thing the study himbo knew was, if mineta ever found about this? There was no doubt the grape runt woild cursing him and crying bloody tears harder than when he found out about the chivalrous tank’s relationship with Mina and Maya.
The clients in question you see were American relatives of Fatgum's fierce shortstack girlfriend, Rumi Usagiyama aka the no.5 nation ranked hero Mirko. Which showed in their having similar but different rabbit based heteromorph mutation quirks which made them quite exotic and more than easy on the eyes. The friendly, casual widow Patricia Bunny and her quirky, (pun unintended) feisty spitfire of a daughter Lola were the sort of gals who turned heads and made jaws drop wherever they went and it showed. Unfortunately for Kirishima of course, the problem for him was the duo were a veritable tag team of god-fuck-damned teases and flirts!!!
Now don't get him wrong, Patricia and Lola were very affable clients who made sure he was comfy while he stayed over acting as their bodyguard. The Bunny duo of course staying at a lovely little hotel and ensuring he had a room to himself. And so far, so good there hadn't been sign of trouble from this stalker of theirs, yet anyway. But not a day ever passed by when either mother or daughter wasn't seeming to go out of their way to make him die of arousal as he recalled certain moments and events coming to mind.
~Montage of Kirishima's Lament~
Lola:"Hey Red, found my old basketball gear? Still fits, don't you think?"*the plucky bunny bombshell seeming asked innocently as she stood in front of Kirishima while he sat on the couch watching tv. Just casually spinning a basketball on her finger with ease and skill with a coy smile on her cute and sexy face. The hardhead redhead's crimson eyes unable to tear away from how small and snug that outfit was on her. Her shorts riding up to the point they seemed like a thong as her jersey exposed her toned midriff and the underside of her perky boobs.*
Kirishima:".....I'm sorry what was the question again?" *Facepalming hard at just blurting out such a simple and stupid question. His face as red as his hair as Lola seemed pretty amused at his reaction. It only got worse for him when Lola convinced him to play a few rounds of hoops with her to pass the time. Suffice to say seeing in her motion in that outfit was a whole new level of awkward for him….*
~~~~~~ Patricia:*sunbathing by the hotel pool as Kirishima stood by as per his role as bodyguard. The thicc milf catching his attention as she waved at him and held up a bottle.*”Sorry to be a bother but could put this lotion on me? Can’t quite reach my own back you know and got to make sure this fur stays sleek and silky smooth..”*She had to be doing this on purpose, just her one piece swimsuit alone hugged that plump, curvy MILF body of hers in all the right ways. But she was the boss, so to speak...*
Kirishima:"....o-okay..."*That was all he could say as he nodded dumbly, accepting the bottle as he couldn't look away. Patricia's back to him as she peeled off the top of her swimsuit and laid on her frontside on the chair. Her furry tits pressing against the surface of her towel as she awaited her lotion. The sounds she began to make soon as he put his soaking hands on her didn't help his libido, nor did the feel of her skin and fur under the touch of his palms and fingers.*
Among other such examples of course whether it was individually or together, mother and daughter's teasing and flirting had been wreaking havoc on our resident himbo. Be it their shopping trips where they would try on all sorts of outfits and show them off to him, especially lingerie or swimwear. Or how they took their sweet time dressing or undressing and seeming to forget to leave their bedroom door closed and locked, likewise when showering or bathing. Of course he couldnt ever find time for a little privacy to rub one out, like he really wanted to pull a Mineta!!
Don't even get him started of course on the stealthy groping and feel copping they'd pull, making it clear they found him more than easy on the eyes and enjoying that physique of his. Oh sure, he'd say that was just them being teasing but friendly, their own way of showing appreciation for keeping them feeling safe and secure from this whole stalker thing. But there was a part of him that felt a sense of deja vu, after all this was the kind of thing he'd see Mirko doing the same thing to Fatgum plenty of times, that feisty shortstack really loved riling up her "Gummy Bear" she so loved to call him affectionately. And a small part of him did rather like it, reminded him of Mina and Maya, who naturally teased him and asked if he'd gotten around to really having some "Fun" with the mother daughter duo to which he made certain to deny.
Not to say the temptation wasn't there of course, so many sleepless nights and waking up to such major morning wood that he had to rub one out first chance he could. You try keep your libido at bay when you had all this going on as the sturdy hero lounged on the couch in his suite, idly channel surfing to keep his mind busy. Reminding himself that sooner or later, this mission would have to end and they'd part ways soon as they dealt with this whole stalker crisis. It was kind of a downer, teasing and flirting aside Patricia and Lola were a sweet pair.
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His train of thought and his channel surfing of course came to a pause as his phone buzzed, seeing a text from Lola that seemed pretty direct and serious. Requesting for him to come to hers and her mother's room as soon as he could, that they needed to discuss something urgently. No doubt some recent development came up in regards to their Stalker as he decided not to keep them waiting too long, exiting his room and making his way to their bedroom door. Knocking first of course as he waited for a response, after all it'd be impolite to barge in before announcing himself.
Soon as the door opened of course, he didn't have much of a chance to say anything as Lola's firm but silky hand grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him right inside. The door shutting behind him as he heard the telltale signs of it being locked, greeted with only darkness as it was evening time. Only to hear the telltale signs of Lola and Patricia giggling in that sensual, teasing tone he had become more than well acquainted with when he heard the click of a lightswitch being flipped on. The room being illuminated and his eyes greeted by the sight of the mother and daughter rabbit babes standing before him as they were rocking some of the sexiest lingerie ensembles that guaranteed any hot blooded man would get a raging hard-on for.
The mother daughter bunny rabbit duo's grins were as sensual as they were mischiveous as they took in Kirishima's gobsmacked reaction. Devious intentions twinkling in their eyes as their differing but equally sexy furry bombshell frames struck pin-up poses showing off akin to a peacock with ita tailfathers. Knowing full well what it was doing for and to him as they glanced at his crotch to see his shorts develope a swelling bulge which made them tingle with anticipation. Their bodyguard speechless naturally as they decided to answer his unspoken questions to what was even going on right now.
Lola:"Hey there handsome, like what you? We definitely hope so because tonight, we're all yours to do what you'd like. And yes that's exactly what it sounds like...."*The younger lapin stunner spoke in a husky tone as she made her way on over to their sturdy protector. Hands caressing his chest, cooing at feeling those firm pecs before she made her way down to grasp the end of his tanktop. Giggling at just how mindblown the Red Riot hero was seeming going by the look on his face. All the while her big beauty of a mom made her way to hug him from behind as her hands snaked under said shirt to tease and caress his washboard abs.*
Patricia:"Really now, two gals like us in our sexual prime sharing company of a looker like you under the same roof for hours and days on end? It gives ideas and you been doing such a wonderful job making us feel safe. Chivalry like that deserves a little something special so better bring your A guy, you absolute unit it you..."*The sexy widow teased playfully, her and daughter giggling as they ambushed Kirishima with sudden kisses. Patricia having a turn first as she really showed her experience, tongue dancing and exploring his mouth as she blew his mind. Before Lola made her move for her turn, pressing her muzzled lips as she memorised his particular taste and flavour, delighted to find him instinctively returning the sloppy kiss. Increasing the intensity of their sensual oral dance by making it a 3 way kiss, as the primal portion of Kirishima's brain kicked in to tell him he was kissing a sexy mother and daughter at the same time.*
It was a spark of a thought that found his body rolling with the wave of momentum bourhgt forth by Patricia and Lola's sinful make-out session as they pried his tanktop off of him. Giggling and purring as they relished the sight and feel of his Herculean physique, his muscles delightful to their touuch. Pulling the hard-headed redhead towards the bed with them as they plaufylly but firmly nudged him to fall and lay back down, hands quickly grabbing his shorts by the waistbands as they pulled them down. Boxers and all as their eyes widened, sensual blushes and grins on their faces as they gasped in awe at the sight of his exposed cock and balls, that pulsing length and girth of pussy pleasing, womb hammering heaven fully erect and ready to rock their world as Kirishima's Libido had taken the helm.
They wasted no time in expression their desire for this prime specimen of man as they knelt down, grasping his shaft in their hands as they commenced with a double team mother daughter fellatio. Assauling that fuckhammer from tip to base with licks and kisses, taking turns sucking and blowing on it as they drowned it with a generous shower of their saliva. The taste and scent making their brains drown with pleasure as they even made sure to give his balls just as much attention, his groans and gasps of ectasy music to their ears as they deepthroated his shaft. Their pussies gushing through their silk panties in anticipation of this oral preview of the action they'd soon be getting from the sturdy himbo, thighs becoming sticky and soaked with their warm nectar.
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Patricia:"Oooooh fuuuck yeah, sweetie if this goes wild enough I think I might be giving you a new little brother or sister in the future...."*The rowdy BBW MILf rabbit declared as she bounced and rode on Kirishima's cock cowgirl style. Her pussy finding the experience of his length and girth filling it even better than anticipated, as her juicy furry ass jiggled with every impact. Her now braless tits bouncing hypnotically as Lola groped and played with herself, biting her lip erotically as she waited for her turn. Kirishima gritting his shark teeth as his hands firmly held onto the thick, juicy single mama's hips.*
Lola:"AAaahhn, so much better than beating and rubbing one out in the bathroom, right cutie? How long you wanted this? Be honest, I'm sure it's hot..."*The spunky, fesity rabbit babe quipped sensually, her husky voice filling the room with moans as she found Kirishima getting a little more assertive, abrasive even to the delight of her and her mother. Bouncing on his lap as she found his hands on her well toned bubbly ass, her tits rubbing against his pecs, fur against skin as they conducted a seated lotus position. Tongue dancing with his in a sloppy kiss as Patricia laid a few feet from them on the bed regaining her strength from some mindnumbing orgasms as her pussy overflowed with a generous load of cream. The bombshell thinking there was no doubt their stud would also wind up making Patricia a grandmother if their himbo bull kept up such a pace and output.
It was certainly the case as Kirishima found himself going full primal caveman on the mother daughter rabbit duo, unleashing and venting days of pent up frustration and teasing. Yet also relishing their kinky desire to be so willing to give themselves to him like this as he unleashed the extent of his sexual experience, prowess and virility upon them. Going from taking them in turns to two on one much to their delight of course as it seems the duo had quite a very close boind to be so open to something right out of one of Mineta's porn video collection. The grapehead would no dout be hating the hardhead so bad right now or want to be him one way or another.
The luxury suite of Patricia and Lola's bedroom was a symphony of eroticism, echoing howls and moans of passion making sweet music with the rhythm of muscular skin slapping and pounding against furry, sexy skin. The now fully nude mother and daughter duo experiencing the Red Riot stamina machine first hand as their studly bodyguard seemed deadset on taking them to SatisfactionAvenue and back again even though this was supposed to be about rewarding him for such a job well done. Such a chivalrous gentleman even when it came to sex, the guy was a keeper!! And they loved it!!
From fucking one of them doggy style or missionary as they ate the other out, to laying atop one another as they made out while he pumped and thrust in turn into or in between their sloppy, hot pussies. To utilising his 1% trick just when it seemed like he was hitting his limit as he continued to make a veritable threesome kama-sutra with the bunny duo but little did they know he pretty much mre or less had done so with Mina and Maya. To say nothing of the thrill of taking it from anal style or having their heads hang off the edge of the bed as he would facefuck them or the feel of his pulsing cock as they gave him a titfuck, especially in tandem. But naturally it had to be when he came inside of them that they enjoyed the most, the primal thrill of feeling like there was no doubt this stud was going to be their breeding bull.
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Little did this kinky threesome know of course was their stalker problem had just wound up resolving itself. Around the time that Kirishima had gotten the text to come to their bedroom, the twisted freak had located the hotel they were staying at and had rigged up a climbing harness. Making his way up to where their suite was located only to come upon their window just in time to see the double team blowjob the mother and daughter pair were giving their Red Riot stud. His brain having a breakdown to find his the objects of his twisted affection in the midst of sexual activity with some rando, it was too much for him to comprehend. But soon as they started doing the deed all the way, the delusional deviant's brain proceeded to stop working as the shock overwhelmed him.
It was enough to make him loose the grasp on his rig and harness, causing him to fall and land in the Olympic sized swimming pool of the hotel with a big splash. Naturally the security staff had been called and proceeded to call the police and some pros when they found the jackass' gearbag which was loaded with all sorts of incriminating evidence such as his secret photoes of Lola and Patricia and journals loaded with details like their work and personal routines. Mina and Maya had been among the heroes called, having arrived with the pros they were currently interning with as they secretly checked their phones, seeing the secret stream Lola was sending them. Leave it to their stud to cuck and ntr some prick stalker, such was the natural order of the world, you always get what you deserve.
They definitely needed to remember to thank Mirko for recommending their man to be her relatives' bodyguard, just as much as Lola was sure to thank them for the permission. After all what kind of girlfriends would they be keeping a sex god like their man to themselves? Naturally they'd need to check up on them and let them know the stalker issue had been sorted out. That is after the mother and daughter finished expressing their appreciation and gratitude to their chivalrous bodyguard, it was only polite not to blueball and clamblock them after all.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Matt Casey- Fight For Us Pt5
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"Im worried about Matt" I tell Kelly leaning on his desk in his office "he's got all of this anger at the moment"
"Well he nearly hit Voight"
"What when?" I practically yell
"This morning. Said something about him pulling you over. He loves you both so much he'd be willing to go to jail for you. Hell hed probably die for you"
"I know. I just can't wait for this to be over"
"I might have an idea about helping him through the anger.  My buddy as a gym. We could head over there after shift"
"Would be nice for you to talk things through. Ella misses all of us hanging with each other"
"I'll talk with him"
"Ambulance 61, truck 81. Gunshot victim. 25 east halsted street" the alarm sounds. Gabby and I jump into the ambulance and make our way to the victim.
On arrival there's a bunch of cars around honking there horns and yelling. We make our way to the bus where the victim is, but the shooters gone
"Shot to the neck, not breathing, weak pulse" I tell Gabby
"Guys we need your help" she says as Cruz and Mills enter
"Down here will be good" I tell them as they lift the man up. They place him down allowing Gabby and I to get to work. I start doing compressions, but then see blood coming from his mouth "we've got to get an open airway or we're gonna lose him right now"
"Here, open this.
"We can't tube him, too much mouth trauma" Gabby tells me
"All right. Surgical cric" I sigh
"We can't" Gabby says "it's not allowed"
"Either that or he dies Dawson"
"Ok. I'll do it" I nod my head and allow Gabby to get on with it. Mills and Cruz help us to lift him out of the bus and carry him to the ambo
"I'll pick Ella up from school" Matt says. I frown as close the doors
"Ok?" I reply getting into the seat and shutting the door behind me feeling confused since neither of our shifts end till late.
The following day I come home to pick some things up for Ella
"You know maybe we should go away for a while. You me and Ella. You and I both have holiday saved and I'm sure we won't get in to much trouble if we take Ella out of school for a little bit"
"And what about when we get back? What then YN?"
"I..." there a knock at the door which makes us both frown
"Stay there" Matt tells me. I stand in the kitchen listening to the conversation
"Matthew Casey?"
"We have a warrant to search your home"
"We got a tip that says your in possession of cocaine. Eiether we can search your house or you can produce the cocaine" I hear the police officer say. I look around the kitchen and by sheer luck I find a package under the kitchen table, hiding it the best I can in the short amount of time
"By law you can stay in the house as long as you cooperate"
"I'm a fire fighter at 51 my wife is the PIC at 51. We have a daughter. Do we really look like cocaine users to you?"
"If you could please both go and wait in the front room. Now"
"Antonio Dawson. He's a detective in Vice.
He'll tell you we're being harassed by this cop. have Antonio's number on my cell. Will you please just take a second and talk to him?" one of the officers holds her hand out to take Matts phone. A few moments later she comes back handing Matt his phone back telling the other officer were clean. They both leave making my finally breathe. I take out the package and show Matt
"It was under the table. God Ella could have been here when he broke in"
"She wasn't though. Go flush it down the toilet" Matt tells me which I do, but when I return Mary's gone. Probably to Voights to do something stupid.
"I'm sorry" Matt says walking through the door "I'm going to trust the system" I wrap my arms around him letting tears run down my face
"Daddy?" Ella says walking downstairs "daddy why's momma crying?"
"It's happy tears baby. Promise. Why don't you let daddy take you back up to bed"
"I'll read you a story"
"Ok" Ella funds back upstairs with Matt not far behind
"You ok?" Kelly asks
"I will be. Let's hope this doesn't last much longer"
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ravenzeppeli · 5 months
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Chapter 31 - Sour |Prosciutto x Reader|
Warning: strong/vulgar language, threats, strong sexual situations. MA.
Prosciuttos POV
Four fucking days.. You've given Prosciutto four fucking days of silence, despite him flooding your phone with text after text and fall after call. He felt his blood boiling, heart rapidly skipping a beat as his thumb swiftly raced across his phone keyboard, harassing you with another text.
You can't keep ignoring me Y/N. I am your boyfriend. I know you're at Melone's place. I always know where you're at. Call me. Text me. Just stop fucking ignoring me. We need move past this. Be fucking mature. Stop acting like such a little girl.
He sent the text through, hoping that I would get your attention. The other 20 messages and 15 calls didn't, but maybe take would. Maybe with this text right here, he could get you back to acting according. A little discipline was necessary. You are a taken girl, and you will act as such. Tight pants and a bratty attitude were not something that he would accept from you. Being a good and submissive girl should be your main concern. This was not good and fucking submissive.
"Maybe start by saying sorry," Formaggio replied, an annoyed sigh immediately escaping Prosciuttos lips as he tilted his head slightly upwards, Formaggio standing behind him as he read his text. "Can I help you? Let me text her man. I got you." He grinned, flashing his pearly white teeth.
He would not admit how desperate he was to get a reply back, but in a small way, he way. You were supposed to be the girl who couldn't leave him. The girl who couldn't leave him at the alter or divorce him after two months or take his fucking kid away from him. NO. Another loss was something that his heart couldn't handle, he wanted you to forget about your punishment and just talk to him. It wasn't that harsh, he was close to picking a few switches. Now that would have been harsh.
He sighed again, actually handing his phone over to Formaggios awaiting hand. Despite him knowing that Formaggio was the one that snapped your two fingers, he also knew that you ran to him after Prosciutto pubished you. Maybe you had a close relationship with him. It's not like he paid much attention to your relationships with the other men. The only romantic relationship that was his concern was the one that he had with you, and that relationship was a sinking ship.
The phone raised to Formaggios face, faint light reflecting off his tanned face as hid thumb rapidly typed. "She'll fucking love this. You know, if you wouldn't of called and Illuso wasn't over at my house I probably never would have guessed what happened. Her coming to my house was a way to cover your ass."
Prosciutto scoffed. "Why would I need my ass covered? I see no problem with disciplining her, and I know for a fact that you agree with me." He scowled, feeling more annoyed when Formaggios grin turned into a cocky smirk. Covering his ass? Please! You should have covered your ass better! "Goddamnit, wipe that jackass smirk off your face!"
"Melone and Illuso were about to get you," he muttered, his tone teasing. "Just.. we need to be careful with her. And also.. send! She will definitely text you back now." The snicker that came out of Formaggios' lips afterward brought out instant worry as Prosciutto snatched his phone back, reading the text.
The punishment you received is something that I would like to permanently move on from. I miss you so so so so so much, and I'll keep sending you texts. Aa, as a matter of fact, if you don't come over here to see me in 35 mins, I'm going to become desperate and go through your room. Do you want that? Let us move past this nonsense at once. Also, nice tits. Xoxo.
Prosciutto reread the text a few times, immediately regretting giving Formaggio the phone. Damn it.. he should have known he would jack ass this up! As he was close to yelling, he suddenly froze, your name popping up on the screen, his phone ringing in his hands. It actually fucking worked?
"Yeah.. I know. I'm pretty good," Formaggio muttered, patting Prosciuttos shoulder. "Maybe try and be nice to her? Girls kind of like it when you don't abuse them. We're in the same boat with her." He shrugged as he left, leaving a faintly warmth behind on Prosciuttos shoulder before he answered the phone, pressing it against his ear.
"What's up?" You said, the casualness in your tone pissing him off. "You can go through my room if you want. How have you been?" What kind of sick and twisted game were you playing with his head? Why didn't you sound fucking angry!? For days he had been ignored by you!
"Do we have any problems?" He questioned, his voice demanding. As his girlfriend you don't have the fucking right to ignore him. "I've been texting and calling you, waiting to fucking see you."
"Why do you need to see me?" You questioned. Alright.. he's had enough. "You and I should break up."
A tightness filled his chest, his jaw locking into place as he felt his free hand ball into a tight fist. What be feared the most was already happening, despite you not having the power to leave them, you were still trying to fucking leave him. "You have 35 minutes to come to the base and meet me privately in your room. Failure to show up will result in me coming to get you myself."
"Are you serious?" You muttered. "Come on Prosciutto."
"30 minutes now," he snapped, slamming his phone on the ground. The phone smashed into a dozen pieces, scattering across the floor as he stood up, walking down the hallway and towards your room. You better fucking come meet him.
You entered your room 40 minutes later, entering as soon as he was about to leave to go get you. Your body slammed into his as you entered the room, his hand reaching out for your left wrist, noticing that your cast was gone and two fingers were healed.
Moving carefully, his other hand moved past your waist, locking your door. He studied your features, eyes scanning your face, looking for something. Anything. All he could sense from you was anger. Can't he make one woman happy?
"I'll give you three thousand dollars if you forgive me," Prosciutto told you, attempting a bribe. "Just drop it and never bring it up. Okay?" In the past, he would use bribes to keep his woman happy, deciding that it could also work with you. Despite you attempting to reject everything the men gave you, maybe you would accept money as a form of apology.
A low groan escaped your lips, your eyebrows pulling down into a scowl that he found quite cute. "You're the type of man that won't stop, so I'll cut you a deal. Involving no money, because I keep telling you I don't want your money. I still don't."
The fact that you kept refusing his money and gifts annoyed him, but he could have guessed that you wouldn't go for a bribe. Bribes clearly aren't going to work on you. No. That would be too easy for him. Instead of taking the money and letting this go you were going to feed him fucking bullshit. As always, you couldn't just shut the fuck up and agree.
"What is it?" He muttered, a frown appearing on his lips as he looked down at you. Instead of fucking you or having you cuddled against him he was yet again at odds with you. This permanent fight was something that he was growing tired of.
"No belt," you replied, earning an instant scoff from him. As if he would let you make that decision. "You made me bleed, and you don't even care. Fine, whatever. Just keep beating me, I hope you snap and beat me to death."
He blinked, face flashing shock before anger quickly spread again. "You ran away from me!" He yelled, causing you to turn away from him, walking over to the door. "I'll spank you if you walk out that door. Don't you dare." Never has a girl put up such a fucking fight towards him. Fuck. This was so mentally exhausting that he was close to giving in to what you wanted. This wasn't fun for him. Having you agree and be a good girl would be fucking fun.
Slowly, your feet moved across your wooden floor boards, right hand resting on the knob. "But I'm still not healed from your last spanking."
"Then I'll spank your pussy," Prosciutto replied, a low gasp escaping your lips. A smirk was fighting to appear on his lips. "I'll do it. You better get your hand off that doorknob."
As he began to slowly step towards you, your fingers fell from the doorknob. "No bribe.. no more skinny jeans. Let's just forget all this ever happened."
Finally.. a threat that made you listen to him. That would be a threat that he would keep in his back pocket, planning to use it in the near future. Knowing you, he would have to spank your ass with the belt again and he have to spank your pussy. For now, he would forgive you. You would definitely brat out if he made any attempt to hit you today.
"Good girl," he muttered, his feet stopping as he walked up behind you. Delicately, he let his fingers snake around your waist, squeezing gently. "And don't you ever fucking run off like that after a punishment. I don't like that sweetheart, so don't do it. Do you understand me?" He leg himself slightly press against you, causing you to press up against your front door. A faint smell of rose filled his nose, a low hum escaping his lips as he let his lips press against the top of your head, refusing to move.
A low huff escaped your lips, his hands running up and down your waist. "Okay, fine. Fuck. My ass still hurts Prosciutto."
The spanking that you had to endure was brutal, the most brutal one that he had ever given. Taking his belt off was supposed to make you apologize. He had no intention of whipping you with his belt. That smart mouth of yours got you in trouble, and he hoped it wouldn't get you in trouble again. Punishing you had its complications.
Since the two of you were alone and he missed you the past few days, he felt himself wanting to baby you a little. That's what he was going to do before you ran off on him. Well, since you've decided to behave, he would be a little soft towards you. After all.. you were so fucking cute, your body pressed up against his, his nose inches away from your head, taking in your sweet scent.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, baby," he muttered softly, spinning you around to face him. He let his eyes fall on your face, your eyes soft as you looked up at him. "I care for you deeply. You are my girl, okay? I only discipline you because I care so much about your safety."
Skinny jeans weren't the only reason he beat your ass. You've been very disrespectful towards him these past months, and all that disrespect adds up. He was a very powerful man. He wasn't used to a woman saying no to him, let alone one that was his. The ownership that he feels towards you is heavy. In no way would he let you slip from his fingers so easily. Grasp.. he would grasp you until your skin bruised and turned red, holding onto you for eternity. This was his new forever. You're his forever.
"Sure," you replied, voice lacking any emotion. At least you weren't going to argue with him. He could see that you were slowly starting to accept your new life. Finally. You should have adjusted months ago. "Next time I see that look in your eyes, I'm going to run before you can even get to me."
A low chuckle escaped his lips, amusement clouding any leftover anger that he had towards you. Risotto made it clear that the men could never use their stands on you, but Prosciutto could easily catch you without his stand. When you ran last time, you caught him by surprise, but now he was prepared. In his defense, he beat your ass. He expected you to be submissive afterward. In no way did he imagine you would tough out your entire spanking and run away from him. Fuck.. he was impressed. He had to silently admit to himself that he was very impressed with you.
"Don't be naughty," he muttetered, tone warning as his smirk suddenly widened. Slightly, he pulled away from you, hsnd raising to gently caress your cheek. "Can you stop hiding from me now?"
Nodding, you let your right hand wrap around his waist, showing him a rare sign of physical affection that pleased him. You should touch him more. Your touch was his ultimate craving. "I'll be back around next week. It's only Friday so it won't be long."
Prosciutto overheard that you would be spending your weekend with Ghiaccio. He didn't understand how Ghiaccio and you haven't had sex yet but still seem to have a great relationship. Despite you dating all of them, he felt a little jealously when it came to only you and Ghiaccio. How could you like a man that hasn't fucked you yet? How come he spanked you and you didn't get mad, but Prosciutto got ignored when he did it? It made him extremely jealous, but he wouldn't say anything. It wasn't his place to worry about your relationships with the other men.
That's why he never got involved. He would step back and mind his business. If Illuso or Formaggio felt the need to hit you or break your finger, then that was their right as your boyfriends. Why would he step in and correct them? As brutal as it was, it was how the men wanted to deal with you, and he accepted that. Discipline is necessary in all relationships.
"I am glad to resolve our issues. Y/N, you and I shouldn't be at odds. After all, I only punish you because I care," he told you, giving you a small smile as you raised your eyebrows at him. "I care about you a lot." Couldn't you say something that indicated you cared for him all well? Fuck. Your lack of romance towards him pissed him off.
"I care about you," you replied back, shrugging your shoulders. "I'm not here because I care. I'm here because I snuck off when Melone was in his office, and I didn't want you to show up and piss him off." Suddenly, you let a smirk creep onto your lips. "You know, Melone says he's always watching me, but as soon as he gets in his office, I can slip away. He doesn't even know I'm gone."
Prosciutto let out a small laugh, but only to play along. Despite him calling for you to come to him, he disapproved of you sneaking away from the men. Even if it was Melone, your lack of respect should get you spanked, but nothing would happen. He certainly wouldn't get involved. Having you back on his good side until he figured out how to control you was a good idea. He had a lot of thinking to do, that was for damn sure.
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hawkfawun · 7 months
choose violence: 3, 19, 24, 25
This one is so salty. I'm sorry. I don't know how to make it less salty.
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
bad take. SPEEDRUN!!!! (mostly) Griffith addition.
1- "Gennon is the victim and not Griffith in their encounter. Griffith is cruel for killing him." I get that you don't like Griffith, that's fine. You are saying the pedophile who took advantage of him when he was 12-14 is in the right though?? Also when he killed him the guy was actively trying to kidnap him to be a sex slave.
2- It is "disrespectful to Miura" to ship griffguts. Miura has expressed interest in queer themes and basically said Griffith is gay before. I don't think the man was a pearl clutcher.
3- "Guts should have just killed Griffith when he was disabled." Guts would NOT have done that.
4- Age gap discourse. All the main adult characters are supposed to be roughly the same age. I have no interest in debating if adults fighting the horrors are allowed to have 3 year age gaps lol.
5. "Griffith is Jeff Bezos" ?? Ah yes free education and housing. What Jeff is commonly known for. Not that I love calling him a communist either. I could write a lot on this but. Eh.
19. You’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
WELL. I am pretty damn shameless on here. A lot of people don't like my ships and thats fine. Best to block me though.
I'm not mad exactly but I do think it is surprising I ship Judau/Casca a bit! Normally dislike that kind of ship but I think there's a lot of room for it to be done in a compelling way. The way his insecurities play out is super realistic and interesting to me. I do think he seriously puts Casca above himself and loves her for who she is not who he wants her to be. Also, I just want nice things for them both. ^^
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse?
Casca. Literally anything about Casca. You can be like "Wouldn't it be fun to draw an apostle casca" and people will act like you committed a real actual murder. Never mind if you have some criticism of the eclipse rape or Elaine.
I STILL get asks. btw- if you make sock puppets to harass people for being "too sensitive about rape" that makes you look like a creep fullstop.
Also anything with Griffith but that's a given.
25. Common fandom complaint you are sick of hearing.
Hmmm... anytime anyone has an even mild critique of berserk everyone complains you are literally "spitting on a dead man's grave." It is rare fans complain about the manga itself.
Also rare they complain about Miura. Berserk fans would rather send death threats to fans posting interviews than believe their made-up image of him is wrong.
for the record, I obviously love berserk and think very highly of Miura in a lot of ways. I get why people are defensive of it but phew. Berserk fandom is a little too defensive!
thanks for the questions!
Choosing violence ask meme
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pico-digital-studios · 5 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: PDS!Curse
Original character by Kenji, alterations by me
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DISCLAIMER: This version of Curse is intended to be a love letter to the original concept that Kenji made, not something made to spite it. This is just my attempt at tweaking Curse's story a bit and doing some slight improvements, whilst AVOIDING straying too far away from the original vision. And I'm sorry to say this, but I won't tolerate attempts to lay me down just for trying to build on Curse's original vision, and if you've got nothing nice to say about it, don't say anything at all.
"I mean, sure, some worlds have been overly cruel to me, but I don't see worth in being cruel myself. It wouldn't make me any better than them. At least, that's how I see it, anyway."
Sonic the Hedgehog. A constant source of hope and aspiration, right? Surely every Sonic must be able to get back up from any fall, shouldn't they? Well, not every Sonic can do that.
In Dimension KJ-2022, Sonic once lived the best life he could alongside his companions, Tails (who is trans female there), Knuckles and Sally Acorn, and together, they've fought off the dreaded Dr. Robotnik time and time again. Of course, not everything was sunshine and rainbows even when the doctor wasn't terrorising the land.
This Sonic's version of Antoine D'Coolette was overly jealous that Sonic was in a loving relationship with Sally, and had been constantly at the blue blur's throat a lot of the time. Fortunately, his friends were there to stand up for him, though things were clearly spiralling out of control fast.
One day, a landslide hit the area, and though Sonic and Knuckles did their best to contain it, the consequences were life-changing for good; Knuckles got killed, and Sonic's legs were severely injured, leaving him stuck unable to run properly without anything to help him out.
Ever since that day, the general public started to pin the blame for Knuckles's death on Sonic, and the blue blur was stuck having to face constant harassment and bullying, especially from Antoine. It got to the point where his own house wasn't safe for him anymore, so Tails and Sally both took him in to keep him safe. Tails was even sweet enough to engineer altered sneakers for Sonic to keep him able to walk, but not run WAY too fast after the injury.
Having heard about the news himself, Robotnik wasn't at all chuffed that Sonic was having to face hate every single day, deciding to stop his misdeeds and instead aim to contribute to helping the blue blur's well-being. However, one evening was when all hell broke loose, when the Curse of X latched onto Sonic, but no one knew how or why. And as Sonic had been rooming with Sally for a while, all hell broke loose when he lost control and the Curse took control to silence her.
After Sonic awoke, he was traumatised from the experience, especially considering that the blood was on his hands, despite him not remembering doing the deed. However, he wasn't going to run for it yet. He needed answers, and desperately hoped he could find Tails to figure it out. He headed out to find her, with some news that she had been "kidnapped" by the doctor.
In that stormy night, Sonic fought Robotnik's giant Brak robot, and once he had overpowered it, he angrily demanded to know where Tails was. The Brak robot tried to reassure him that she was in safe hands, and confirmed that it was a man of its word, though urged him to hurry if he wanted to save her, so he did so.
Curse: Where is she?! Where's Tails?! Black Robotnik: Oh, pitiful hedgehog. Your little sister must be quite precious to you. Don't worry, though. She's in safe hands. Curse: You of all people saying that tells me that she isn't. Black Robotnik: No no. I'm a man of my word. Lucky for you, she managed to escape from Metal Sonic. She's headed out towards one of Eggman's abandoned facilities; the west wing of Launch Base. You'd better hurry, though. The storm isn't getting any better... and the base is nowhere near as stable as it once was...
Once Sonic, now under the name "Curse", managed to reach the place, he worked to track down Tails and bring her to safety, though on their way out, the Curse of X took hold of him again. This time, Tails was able to hold her own against her corrupted friend, wanting him to snap out of it. However, she ultimately fell, finally crushing Curse's hopes of ever having a better life.
He fled back home after Launch Base fully collapsed, only to find a note to meet... "someone" at the village bridge. And unfortunately, that's where Antoine found him, whose hatred for Sonic only amplified in the wake of the deaths of Sally and Tails. He threatened to let out the fact that he killed those people and tried to drown him in the river. Luckily, Metal Sonic came to his aid in the nick of time, and gave Antoine some much-deserved karma by "accidentally" knocking HIM into the river and causing his arm to suffer a severe rip.
Unfortunately, this meant Robotnik would be the last one in Curse's world to fall. He desperately didn't want to do the deed, but the Curse of X would wait for nobody, not even its host. That said, Metal Sonic wasn't distressed by his creator's death; in fact, Robotnik had already written out his will in advance and knew his death was coming once the reality of the curse came out. He had made many enemies in his life, so he expected the worst from the get-go.
As condolences for Curse, Metal Sonic handed him two things at the back of Robotnik's mansion that would be major parts of his life from then on out; a credit card with a 60 million ring value, and a portal gun for multiversal travel. The goal of these two gifts was to give Curse a better life, since he wasn't safe in his universe anymore. After Metal wished him good luck, Curse went on his way for travelling across the multiverse.
His travels have made Curse well aware that, at the end of the day, he's simply just a video game character, and he harbors that knowledge of the many Sonic games out there. It hasn't really bothered him as much, though. As time went on, he has mainly been tending to his wounds using bandages, moisturiser and medicine. He also keeps flashlights and battery candles handy, since he had developed a fear of the dark.
One day, however, was when a pocket world he was in merged with the many that were a part of the haunted video game disc (in Rivals' Madness) shared by Ultra M and Xenophanes (more the latter), and he was one of those that were encountered later along by Benjamin. Though the curse made him try to hurt the kid, he desperately wanted more than anything for it to stop. Thankfully for him, it died down, and he simply wanted forgiveness for the outburst, to which Benjamin was happy to do so.
Once the way to Xenophanes was cleared, Curse got to heading over to stop the crystalline demon, though was stopped in his tracks by a mimicry of Tails based on two tarot cards; the Fool and the Tower. He managed to get by, though, and he managed to assist the quartet that were on the path to deicide to kill Xenophanes.
Once all was said and done, he was split from the shared universe and went back to his realm, though harbored more knowledge of entities akin to himself, which made him see; he wasn't scary, the world around him was. He may have helped kill a false God, but it didn't change the fact that he was still stuck with the Curse of X.
That said, one fateful day would change his life forever, in a good way. In More than One Universe, when the multiversal tremor hit, he was one of those pulled into Dimension OMT-2021, under the effect of that dreaded curse. Compared to the six main villains, he was pulled in later than the rest, when the rifts got worse, and Exester (the EXE from Glitch Chaos) was the one to encounter him. Though the curse blinded his thinking, Exester was able to utilise their full skillset and successfully cure Curse.
After he was cured, though, some changes remained permanent, namely his altered eyes (complete with the substance known as "mobitar" having stuck to the sides of his face after its leaking had stopped). In addition, his feet support finally entirely gave way, rendering him unable to walk at all for now. He was given time to rest in the "Sonic-cave" while the other villains (outside of Shalian, who was already fully cured prior, and AVA!Corrupt, who defected of his own volition) were tracked down and cured one-by-one.
And after OMT!Robotnik made it back from his time stuck in the Third Realm and accidentally caused the rifts to get worse thanks to Richard making his device shatter, EV!Tails and EV!Eggman doubled down on their plan to get the rifts sealed, and Curse contributed a little bit by giving away some of the still wet mobitar to fully perfect the travel device and fully stabilise all travel to and from the OMT universe from then on.
After the day was saved, Curse had found himself bonding more with Exester and another youthful "EXE", known as Little X, spending some more time around them after it was time to leave the OMT universe and for the latter two's side to head back to the Errorverse. OMT!Tails also provided him some repairs for the leg prosthetics so he could be back to running free once more.
Since that day, he had grown to develop further interests outside of those he was stuck with after being infected with the curse. For instance, in terms of food, he really loves veggie and tofu burgers, and enjoys steak as a commodity. And as for drinks, he finds tea to be his favourite. He's also since enjoyed having bath bombs in any baths he is in, especially if they're scented and glittery.
Through it all, of course, he developed his own key understanding and approach to his life; sure, worlds (including our own, might I add!) may have been needlessly cruel to him, but he doesn't feel any need to pay this cruelty WITH cruelty, as that would leave him just like them in the end.
After this time, EV!Sonic happened to see potential in Curse to do the right thing, with his portal gun capable of helping get to other places quickly, and got him signed up to be a member of the Quill Society. There, like with Sarah, he was welcomed into the party with open arms and had since enjoyed being there for others who had gone through similar experiences. When he got there for the first time, he undertook a therapy session with Sara to vent out the struggles he had been through in life, which she showed sweet understanding and support for.
He's seen as one of the first to greet OMT!Tails when EV!Sonic invites him over to Gust Planet in Many More Heroes following a successful rescue mission back at Dimension BK-2009, and though he did wonder about the canon event theory, he stepped right out of LM!Sonic's philosophy and its premise that letting deaths play out uninterrupted was apparently "crucial" to becoming better as a hero. Because of this, he actively played a part in apprehending LM!Sonic when he tried to get away in plans to assure OMT!Cream's demise.
At the end of the day, of course, he's still his own hero, even with the permanent appearance changes, and nothing can take that away from him.
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