#i'm sure i can get inspiration from the shows episodes to write everything it will be so fast!!!!!
wehelddarkness · 2 years
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes/Tropes:
-Girls fighting with their parents
-Crushes and romance (and love triangles)
-Strong friendships
-Exploring sexuality (most of these have scenes of a sexual nature)
-Finding herself (or learning how to grow up)
-A lot of (oftentimes comedic) blunders
-Enemies/rivals to lovers
-Girls getting up to no good (or girls getting up to good but getting derailed)
Darby and The Dead
Blood & Water
Eighth Grade
I Am Not Okay With This
Skate Kitchen
The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants
We Are Lady Parts
Derry Girls (9/10) (GOATED SHOW!)
Bottoms (9/10) (hilarious and insane in the best ways!)
Paper Girls (7/10) (the chaos that happens when adult you meets preteen you)
Everything Now (8/10) (actually deals with eating disorders appropriately, the most humanizing teen show i've ever seen)
Booksmart (8/10)(a calmer version of Bottoms, but still pretty unhinged and witty)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post is the more sober version of But I'm A Cheerleader, where two lesbians get sent to conversion therapy camps. I found both entertaining and refreshing, full of nuance and oftentimes clever about the writing. The performances were also quite good.
I remember My First Summer being bittersweet, but I think there was one scene that made me a little antsy (because the girls in this are pretty young). If it was done tastefully is better left interpreted by those who decide to watch it.
Do Revenge is a whole bag of everything. Mean Girls meets Bottoms. Funny, cruel and unhinged (yet also a little sweet). It was overall fun stuff.
Skate Kitchen has a spin-off show by HBO called Betty.
I barely remember the one episode of Blood & Water I watched, but I know there were things I found to raunchy too be tasteful, yet there was also quite a bit that was still pretty solid and sweet. Not sure I can recommend because I don't know enough except it's about sisters.
If you like sweet and simple teen love stories, Rafiki and The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love are right up your alley.
I only watched one season of Never Have I Ever to emotionally support my sister who had started it. I have never felt such visceral second-hand embarrassment in my LIFE.
First Kill is Romeo and Juliet with vampires and monster hunters. I liked the actors/actresses but you can tell that the budget for this show wasn't that big. If you like Warrior Nun, though, you may like First Kill.
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I had you big time...
Happy Anniversary to the show that made me the lore-loving, slowburn-savouring nerd I am today!
I'm from a very nerdy family and we all loved The X Files. I remember reading the companion books for a few series and becoming obsessed with how much detail went into things like the episode titles and every tiny reference. We'd get *so* excited anytime the title card changed. One of the creepiest episodes inspired me to write a poem I love. My big fluffy Maine Coon cat, affectionately known as just Kit, is actually named Kitsunegari as one of a whole litter of X-File episode-honouring kittens 😄
I try to make sure everyone knows about Bree Sharp's glorious pun-filled homage to David Duchuvny. I love figuring out just how many movie stars got their first break on the show (hello Ryan Reynolds, Jack Black etc...). I've hiked round Lynn Canyon Park where so much of it was filmed and felt like I could have literally been in 'Darkness Falls'. My first ever celebrity meet & greet was with Mitch Pileggi and Nicholas Lea and I've since met Smoking Man himself (an absolute delight) and eventually our beloved duo too, a few years apart - Gillian Anderson gave me chilli chocolate and David insisted on signing next to Gillian's autograph. They were both sweethearts (and he especially still lit up at the mention of her name 🥰).
I *love* virtually everything about The X Files (definitely some exceptions 😄) but as someone who values friendship so very highly and whose connection to deeper relationships is rooted completely in this, Mulder and Scully were so much more than a cliché slowburn friends-to-lovers for me, they beautifully exemplified the fact that line can be a little blurred from the start, and that deep genuine mutual respect, trust, care and admiration can be as powerful as, or indistinguishable from, more traditionally depicted romantic love. Their journey and that gorgeous message is one I've subconsciously sought out in so many fictional pairings since and in my own life too.
My little probably demi-of-some-description heart identified with them so much and the wait for what was so adorably inevitable between them was so, so worth it and earned and magical. They were *the* ship, the og sweet, sweet slowburn-but-they-kinda-already-got-there-years-before-the-kiss kinda pairing 😄 (I truly have a pattern of loving this exact scenario!!!)
So yeah, happy anniversary you crazy little show. I laugh, I cry, I'm very grateful and if I could only pick a single show, I want to believe you'll always be the one 👽
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bookwormbynight · 13 days
hello! as a huge fan of ur works i was inspired to write something of my own but im struggling to get L & light's voices down, in both exposition and dialogue, theyre so tricky! 😭 would you have any tips youre willing to share? 💖💖
Oh my fucking God I'm so flattered I'm going to crumple up into a little ball and die you let me know the second I can read whatever u got going on my dms are open
Here's the biggest single piece of advice I can offer you: can you hear their voice actors read the line you just wrote in your head. That's the one I always end up harkening back to. To get a good sense of this, make sure you know the material. Interpret the way the characters say things and deduce how this adds to the person they are beneath everything explicitly stated or shown. Watch the series a couple times, maybe focusing on episodes that the character you're struggling with features strongly in. That sort of thing. I use this in every fandom I've been in that has voice acting. This applies to exposition as well, although that's always a bit more nebulous and can really come down to personal style.
Character specific... Let's see...
L - Be an asshole. State everything eloquently, but basically as plainly as possible and do not pull any punches. His vocabulary tends to be a bit higher-class than pretty much everyone else in the anime, aside from maybe Watari. Lots of SAT words and synonyms for common words. ("I understand" instead of "got it" like Ryuk would say. But don't overdo it, he still speaks like a human being.) Do not hold back on the snark, he's a fucking dick and even more so when he doesn't have to watch his words for cooperation purposes. If you can fit the occasional pun or two in there, do it, you KNOW the scene where he shows a penchant for wordplay and I'm inclined to believe that wasn't out of left field for him. He's constantly cracking himself up and no one else, and he doesn't care, because any jokes he makes are for him. If Light's involved in the scene, have L fixate on him. In the anime, he's CONSTANTLY poking Light, asking questions, and trying to get him to engage. If I'm translating this into prose, I usually take his POV as the opportunity for the most fucking detailed obsessive descriptions of Light I possibly could want to do. (If L describes literally nothing else about his surroundings and all you can envision is a white room, HE WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW LIGHT'S EYELASHES ARE LOOKING.) He also tends to notice little details about others, to be fair, but far less frequently lol simply because he doesn't give enough of a shit to catalog them.
Light - He's a lot trickier for me, tbh. I'll do my best. He tends to avoid slang, but I don't think he goes out of his way to, and he's not afraid to cuss for emphasis, but otherwise he keeps his mouth clean. Other than that, his word use is very average and unremarkable (he pays a lot of attention to not being noticeably weird, even though he's super hindered in that goal by virtue of the fact that he's a fucking weirdo 😭 he's got most of the superficial stuff down, tho). His emotional thought process (and thereby descriptions) depends on where exactly he is in his Kira journey, sliding scale of arrogant but legit sweetheart to full on Regina George. He is kind of a bitch regardless, but he'll be very very polite if it's good for him to do that. He's a hardcore rationalizer, and sometimes he's right, but sometimes he's dead wrong and deploying it as a defense mechanism, which can affect the prose.
Hope this helps.
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boilbluedenim · 7 months
Over the liminal mindscape
I love and hate how this show's ending is completely left up to interpretation, mainly because of Wirt and Greg's potential deaths and how that makes me feel about the show as a whole. It attaches a sort of bittersweet feeling to it which I'm not too sure about. more on that soon though.
Anyway, when paying even just an inkling of attention to this show, you can almost immediately connect the dots and come to the conclusion that none of the adventures (for the most part) actually happened. This conclusion is heavily drawn from the frames we see at the very beginning, of Wirt, Greg, and Jason Funderburker (the frog) drowning. (ep 1)
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and from the frames where Wirt wakes up in the water after having said goodbye to Beatrice, saving his brother and the frog by carrying them both out of the water. (ep 10)
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Taking into account that Wirt, Greg, and Funderburker all fell into the water moments before almost getting hit by a train, which we discover in episode 9; Into The Unknown, I think it's pretty safe to assume that this is, in fact, the case and that OTGW takes place in either a mental space or a physical limbo, occurring while they are all in the process of drowning.
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Another thing I'd like to mention is that OTGW is heavily based off of Dante's Inferno, which, in the simplest of summaries, is a poem about a journey that begins in a forest, leads through hell, and eventually into heaven, hence the theorized death I mentioned earlier. It's actually pretty easy to spot where these references and homages lie, for example, the formula of the story is somewhat similar, and the characters take on similar roles. (for example, Virgil: Beatrice/Woodsman(?)or even Greg in some cases, Beatrice: Sara, Dante: Wirt.) (please read Inferno or a summary of it to fully understand this if you haven't already because it's actually really interesting).
Rewatching OTGW with this in mind led me to realize a lot of things that I originally passed off as unique writing choices with no actual meaning behind them. Then again that could be the case but what's the fun in assuming that?
Upon entering the unknown, we're launched into a universe with a seemingly ever-changing time period. Characters talk funny and fancy, dress and act as if they're from the 1600s-1700s, and none of our protagonists seem particularly fazed by this (except for Beatrice, occasionally) with Greg using a phrase such as "brother o'mine" and Wirt's dramatic poetic rambles. Everything feels very inspired while also being all over the place, almost as if it's been composed from memories, lying in the pits of somebody's mind...
Wirt is a Huge Nerd.
If I am to believe that this show takes place in one of our protagonists' minds, which I do in fact believe, then I would say that that protagonist has to be Wirt. Wirt has a tendency to go on poetic spiels, even dropping two of them in the very first episode. Accompanied by his teenage boy dread (being a nerd at 14 is tough) and his overextending knowledge about curious things, which he showcases in his exclaim at Beatrice's ability to talk and his comment about one of the rooms in Endicott's mansion (below), It becomes a glaring possibility that OTGW is primarily from Wirt's point of view, with the Unknown existing solely in his head.
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I've actually seen this point argued before, with some people mentioning the black turtles on the poster in Wirt's room or just his entire room in general. However, if true, that doesn't really answer the question of whether the unknown exists as a physical space or a mental one, having no supernatural effects on the real world.
2. The Implications of the Bell
Okay, so, listen.
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I hate to be the kind of person who goes "Well it's probably just a fun and silly bit that doesn't actually mean anything." but I'm gonna be that person anyway, or at least I'm not going to assume character death because I don't want to and free will is a thing blablablabla. I will however be serious for a second and try to provide a tangible reason for why I think this scene doesn't have any real-world implications.
For one, this scene immediately jumpcuts to a voiceover, followed by scenes that serve as conclusions for the stories of the characters we've met along the way, all of them being positive. I think this serves the purpose of letting us know the story did in fact have a good ending, with Wirt learning how to treat his brother with respect. I also think that ties into the theory above.
Not only does the unknown serve as a mental limbo but it also serves as a lesson for Wirt in particular. This journey is riddled with self-critique, characterized as Beatrice, all the while Wirt is drowning and realizing he's not only failed himself but his brother as well.
3. The Beast
Surprisingly I haven't mentioned the beast yet even though he's very important to the story. The beast represents a couple of things, one being death and two being the overarching, real-world problem. Those may sound like the same thing, and honestly, they are depending on what you think the problem is. To me, it's Wirt's relationship with, and treatment of Greg in the real world that bleeds into the universe of the unknown.
The exchange that Wirt has with the beast at the end of episode 10 fully encapsulates his character growth. The characters his mind has created have actually taught him something, that being; wallowing in sorrow and accepting your fate is just going to lead you further down this winding path, or in this case, to the bottom of this lake. You will never get home.
Unlike I've seen others suggest, this is not a story of a boy failing and dying while so wrapped up in his own fantasy, eventually residing in a false heaven. Instead, everything is put back where it needs to be.
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From the forest, through the unknown, and finally, back home.
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awkwardtuatara · 3 months
Having the vaguely interesting and annoying urge to write bnha fanfic metafiction about Jeanist, Monoma, and Mic. Like with Monoma it's right there - his obsession with drama, forced to be the side character, "I'm pulling the strings!" etc. etc. but also Best Jeanist as the designated explainer, the guy with the inspiring speech that just so happens to tell you what the main theme of this fight/arc is; there's no room to tell us his own motivations, his backstory, because he has to tell us what the Heroes should believe and how Working Together is the important thing. And he's very aware of that. He has to know everything that's going on because he's holding together the narrative threads as well as the literal ones, he's the one who knows what the story's about but can't know how it ends. (Maybe he'd even get along with Monoma.) And finally Present Mic's announcer segments being the most common way we see him - who is he talking to? what show is he hosting but the one we're watching? Every scene he's in, he's tangentially connected to the main Plot going on, maybe he's even involved, but he's the witness. He can tell us who these new characters are but he will not meet them. He watches the disaster, he's in the disaster, but he can't change anything. For all three - somehow being aware of the roles they play separates them from the focus, impossible to really dive into, because they've become storytelling devices as well as people.
So they're always always putting on a performance, being flamboyant and confident and embodying whatever they're supposed to. Sure heroics is performative, but there's a certain incredibly deliberate thought and shaping that's gone into their facades. The denim theme and the Responsible One - actually everything about how Jeanist approaches heroics, that's an entirely separate topic, his entire character is just like that and it's fascinatingly frustrating because there's never anything about who he actually is; he is the denim costume and the top-ranked hero and the one who thinks about what's actually happening, there's no Hakamata Tsunagu without it, but that's besides the point. the obnoxious competitive kid. the happy-go-lucky, loud, fun one. and these are absolutely masks, because we've seen Present Mic let it go when he is trapped and pushed, in the moments when he does become part of the story, a real character - he is intense and desperate and it changes nothing. Hakamata needs his performance to be himself, to be a hero, to maintain control. Monoma... just look at him in s7. he's Important now and the euphoria is so intense his laughter is so close to sobbing, and this is what flips his perception, gives him the blissful illusion for a few episodes that he's the main character when he's still not. like bnha is almost certainly not making metafictional commentary in any form (except maybe s7 monoma), but I could make it.
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IF YOU write for hazbin x helluva boss could you do a oneshot stolas x raven!reader whos family only recently became royals and are treated as lesser by the other royal families. the ravens arent as fancy as the other families and dont really care about all the royal stuff so they're kinda looked down upon. they meet at some meeting or you can decide. and make this take place after season 2 episode 9 so blitzo and him have broken up at least for now. thank you a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I write for everything. That's why it takes me so long to write because I get a request, watch the entire show/consume the entire source material, then I start writing until I get a new request and the cycle continues. I am the Sisyphus of fanfiction. One must imagine forgetmyname happy. Anyways. Thank you for the request. I needed an excuse to watch season 2 of Helluva Boss. And shoutout to my favorite mutual for inspo for this I lowkey stole major plot elements from your story please forgive me. They're a better writer than I am so if you're interested in reading the inspiration for the latter half of this fic check out this. Also this isn't particularly romantic, just two straight guy cool guy besties (peak reference).
If the parties weren't bad enough, the meetings were. Was being a royal really worth it? Sure, immortality, woo. How nice it is to spend the next ten thousand years sucking up to other pompous avians.
Despite your less-than-enthusiastic outlook on royalty, being the youngest of your brothers made you the prime target for all the busy work one could hope for.
That's why you found yourself here. Due to your family's relative youth in terms of royalty, you're positioned to the very far end of an uncomfortably long table seating representatives from all the royal houses in hell.
What a bunch of pricks.
The etiquette that your parents had drilled into you from such a young age- you truly believe they conceived you to be the perfect little delivery boy to turn errands for them- is the only thing keeping you in your seat and this stuffy cape and outfit on your body.
After a wait that could have lasted from 15 minutes to 15 years, the host of this meeting finally makes his entrance. As much as you like to pride yourself in your blasé attitude, being in the presence of King Paimon is enough to shut you up and sit you down.
"Welcome everyone please stop your yammering and listen to me. God when did there get to be so fucking many of you." Paimon announces as he makes his entrance.
"As I'm sure a few of you know hell is currently experiencing some unfortunate economic... blah blah blah"
Could this get any more boring? As you fight to keep your eyes in focus you notice someone standing by the door behind you. It's one of Paimon's sons. Stolas. Long time no see. You and Stolas used to be close, but the weight of royalty split you two apart.
Wow, he looks just as bored as you. I guess being Paimon's son would mean you get dragged along to a lot of borin- "You! Raven boy. Not to be rude or anything but what do you people even do?" Your internal monologue is cut off by Paimon. You don't respond for a beat, internally laughing at how Paimon literally doesn't know who you are or what your family does but you still have to be at this stupid meeting.
"We keep the humans out of hell, Your Highness." You respond dryly. It takes you a second to even notice that you've responded. The line is so ingrained into your lexicon that it practically says itself.
"Right! That's the totally important job I gave your very... snicker... esteemed family." Paimon snorts out, barely containing his mocking laughter. A handful of other representatives stifle laughs at your expense.
Oh, the joys of being a Corvus Arcana. The least royal royal family in hell.
"Yes well, you're dismissed. You're needed for other important tasks. Prince Stolas will direct you. Thank you for your time." Paimon says with mock sincerity.
Oh. Stolas. Yes. You know Stolas. You're flooded with memories of the two of you back at the old "Center for Princes to be" It was a glorified daycare, really. You two got up to a lot. He taught you a lot about the starts, and bugs, and everything he read about. You taught him how to make spit balls and get out of trouble you put yourself in.
You rise from your seat, flipping your cape as you walk to the door. In royal etiquette flipping your cape at someone is somewhat rude. Exactly what you wanted.
The conversation behind you restarts as you reach the door. Stolas is waiting for you with a nervous smile on his face, almost like he's got bad news.
"Ah, I remember you! I didn't know it was you who my father was talking about! Let's head out, shall we?" Stolas remarks oh so professionally. He's looking right at you, using his eyes to try and convince you he's excited about your new task, but you know him well enough to tell he'd rather be anywhere else right now.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" you respond sarcastically. Both of you know you were chosen for this because of your less-than-stellar family image.
"Ah! Well! You see- You were chosen for your... unique skills and inspired professionalism! Yes of course!" Stolas sputters out trying to respond without admitting that you were chosen because you're the trailer park trash of the royal family.
A smile creeps onto your face at the owl's half-baked response. He was never the most socially perceptive, even in his youth. You follow the tall owl out of the meeting room and down some of the winding hallways of Paimon's manor.
"Well hopefully my 'inspired professionalism' landed me something to do besides sitting in that room. How bad could it be? As long as it's not something stupid like stacking boxes." You respond lackadaisically. You look to Stolas for a reaction but he seems fully focused on looking at some dusty old paintings on the wall.
Then you round a corner into a freshly moved into bedroom. So fresh that boxes are strewn about. You look up at Stolas who's scratching the back of his head and looking anywhere and everywhere but your direction.
"No way. It's stacking boxes." You state dumbfounded.
"If it's any recourse I will be helping you unpack. That's our mission. Isn't that... heh... fun?" Stolas replies. You look him up and down. Both of you know how stupid this is.
You just sigh.
Twenty minutes later you're unpacking boxes. Your cape is discarded on the bed, the effort of moving boxes with both magic and your birdy body causing you to break a sweat, and as promised Stolas is helping. You can't help but sneak glances at him. He really has changed a lot since you were kids. He's a lot taller for one thing. Besides the obvious physical change, he seems to never have really put himself together. You can tell he's struggling.
Ruffled feathers, quick to anger, and somewhat mopey. To an average royal this would seem pretty normal. Royals aren't known for their vigor and lust for life. To you, these are signs that he's not doing so hot. Struggling to lift a white cardboard box labeled "FRAGILE!" the tall owl is surprisingly human- well, demon? Humanized? He seems a lot more likable than the rest of the royals.
You decide to break the silence. "So tell me. What's a big important bird like you doing unpacking boxes with lil old me?" It's almost self-deprecating the way you look down on yourself.
"Me?- Ah of course he means you- My father brings me along as a secretary of sorts to his meetings when I'm available." Stolas responds while trying to not trip over a box of pillows as he places knickknacks he got out of a box around the dresser.
You snort at his response. "I have a secretary but she doesn't unpack rooms." You banter at him. This seems to irk Stolas. "Yes well since my divorce it seems my father can't resist the urge to assign me silly tasks as if I were some child in need of a distraction." Stolas snaps at you. He drops his volume at the mention of his divorce, which has surely affected how he is perceived by the other royals.
Despite how peeved he sounds by your comment, it sounds more like he's disheartened than truly upset.
You had heard of his divorce. You didn't care. Your family was never huge on the whole arranged marriage thing. You weren't even married yet, which for a prince of your age was unheard of in most other families.
You smile, half sympathetically, half filled with schadenfreude. "Join the club." An uncomfortable silence fills the air after your response. Stolas was aware of how your family is treated. It seemed silly to complain about being assigned trivial tasks like unpacking a room to a Corvus Arcana. It's sort of like complaining about a paper cut to a man missing both his arms.
"I apologize," Stolas says.
"For what?" You respond quizzically. "For how the others treat you. Merely because your lineage is young does not justify the lack of respect or meaningful assignments they've received from the other royals." Stolas says.
The uncomfortable silence fills the air once again. Stolas had always been the only person to treat you like a true royal. Back in the day, he was the only one to play with you, share with you, or even really acknowledge you. You two unpack in silence. After another ten minutes of unpacking you finally can't take it anymore.
"This blows. Wanna ditch this stupid "assignment"?" You stretch your arms and let the box you were carrying fall to the ground with a thump. Stolas looks at you dumbfounded.
"Ditch? Like... 'play hooky'? No... I could never! I'm much to old for that type of behavior now." Stolas seems aghast at the idea of offending his father. You turn around and grin at him. "Oh like anyone's gonna miss us! There's a million servants around here that can unpack this dumb room. Let's ditch this. Or are you gonna tell me you're having a blast?"
"That's not the point. I can't just leave!" Stolas retorts.
"You're an adult now. Plus King Paimon clearly doesn't care what we're up to. No one's checked on us. C'mon, we used to do this all the time. It'll be like back then when we used to sneak away from the nannies at daycare." You rebuttal. You can see Stolas fighting with himself over what to do.
The look on Stolas' face is priceless. There's nothing quite like a royal trying to decide if it's worth doing something considered "non-royal".
"I suppose it's okay to leave unannounced... I read something about the human country of Ireland and how its people say goodbye without saying anything and-" Stolas realizes he's rambling. "Ah well... yes. I guess I'd like to leave."
You shake your head in mock surprise at his overly introspective response. "Follow me."
You two walk in silence for a moment. You're spending the quiet time considering your current circumstances. You and the prince of the Ars Goatia are playing hooky from a meeting neither of you were really invited to. Huh. Interesting spot you've found yourself in.
Conversely, Stolas is trying his best to keep his cool. He's not so used to just leaving these types of things. You two have also not spoken much since you were young. There was never any bad blood or anything, being a royal is just time-consuming.
Stolas follows closely behind you as you walk out of the castle. "So... if you don't mind me asking..." Stolas begins, waiting for your confirmation to continue. After a quick nod from you, Stolas furrows his brow, contemplating his words before speaking, "Your..." He pauses, searching for a diplomatic way to phrase it. "casual demeanor seems almost at odds with your status as a royal. It's always been quite intriguing, I must say. Most other royals tend to carry themselves with a certain..." He gestures with a hand. "formality, shall we say. Your informal manner is indeed a rare sight." Stolas asks you.
The owl's attempts at not offending you are admirable. "Well. My family is much younger than yours, as you know. While your family and all the others gained power at the very start of hell my family rose to power a short three hundred years ago. To put it bluntly, we don't really do all the royal stuff." You respond, trying to explain your family's situation.
"I see... fascinating." Stolas offers. The two of you make it out of the castle without another word.
You two find yourselves behind the castle. You hop up on a small ledge to see over the hedges. Stolas, being tall, can see over just fine.
"Well. The world's our oyster." You say. The night is fresh upon you and the city shines spectacularly below you. You look up at Stolas with a mischievous grin. "How quickly would your dad notice if his fancy schmancy car went missing?"
Stolas snickers at your question. "We'll just have to find out I suppose."
I don't really like how this turned out but I also feel like I say that after everything I write. I'm also pretty rusty (and slightly intoxicated). Life has been up my ass for like two years so that's where I've been. Once again, massive props to freakyfrye for a lot of inspiration behind this. I had no clue where to take it but I read their story and it was great! Worth checking out. Anyways I hope you enjoyed.
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brokenntable · 1 year
Cravity as Lovers
writing to procrastinate my upcoming A level exams // none of this is proof read whoops
Boyfriend! Serim is the type of lover that wants to always be around you. don't get me wrong, he definitely promotes you both having other friends and hobbies, but he's just like a puppy that follows it's owner everywhere. Definitely the type to never miss a day of good morning and night texts! he wants to know if you're happy and how he can be there for you without overstepping boundaries. he's definitely the type to brag about you to his family too.
Boyfriend Allen! is the type of lover that always wants to help you be your best self. if that means helping you clean your room to help you get out of a depressive episode or stay up until the early hours of the morning studying for a test you're really anxious about, Allen is a giver! he's the type of lover that will wait with you until you're ready, or if you need cheering up will do anything and everything in his power to do so even if it means embarrassing himself a little. he won't mind because its all for you.
Boyfriend! Jungmo is the type of lover that always wants to physically comfort you. you might not even need comfort, he just really loves to cling onto you and check you're okay. holds your hand everywhere. he just likes the feeling of proximity. loves to hug you're waist and burying his head into you when no ones around. you both will be watching a show, every now and then you'll watch as he lifts his head up, reads your face and when he's satisfied you're fine carries on what he was doing. would be the most anxious person if you both were opposites sides of a room with other people in it. he'd just rather be near you.
Boyfriend! Woobin loves to spend quality time with you. he's at his happiest to sit in a room with you, write new music (using you as his inspiration hehe) and just knowing you're with him is enough. he likes to know that you're still in arms distance and he can look at you at any time without feeling obliged to fill the silence, although I'm sure secretly sometimes he wants you to bug him when he's 'busy' so he can hear your voice and remind him you still love him. he's the type of lover that will go see you at work during his breaks so he can be motived to work harder so he can treat you more.
Boyfriend! Wonjin is not only your boyfriend but also your best friend. Definitely the type to spam your messages with memes he thought were funny. 'who are you meeting? I thought I was your only friend' turns out it was your mum or something anyway and he was right. one day you both realise you have no photos together so you go on adventure to take the most stupidest photos you can so you can actually prove you're dating to other people. the type of relationship other people are jealous of because you guys always laugh the loudest at each others jokes. the type of relationship where when in a room with others, you both have an entire conversation with your just your eyes.
Boyfriend! Minhee is the type of lover to remember every small detail about you. he won't remember your birthday and he definitely won't remember your anniversary but he'll remember your favourite flower or the time you spent an extra few minutes too long looking at a pair of shoes and proceed to buy them for you on your birthday. he's the type to take you away from a party early because he knows you hate loud noises and he's not really bothered either.
Boyfriend! Hyeongjun is the type who always matches your energy no matter what. when you're happy he's at his happiest. when you're sad that makes him even more sad. he loves surprising you with new dates or gifts, big or small because he loves to see you happy so much. the type to have Pinterest and saves ideas, or if something will catch his eye he'll take a picture and send it to you. you have your happiest highs and biggest laughs with Hyeongjun but you've also had the most comfort when sad from him too. boyfriend Hyeongjun gives the best hugs (canon!)
Boyfriend! Taeyoung loves everything you love. you're his person, so whatever hobby you're hyper-obsessed with he will also become obsessed with. if you're really big on a current artist or show, no matter if it's not his cup of tea, he will watch/ listen/ research the thing so you're able to talk to someone about it. you're obsessed with bees? every time he sees something bee related he'll at least take a photo and send it to you 'hey, I saw this bubble bee doorstop in the store today. I don't know if you need a doorstop but I bought it you anyway'.
Boyfriend! Seongmin is the type of lover to share his everything with you. his personal life, his favourite moments. Seongmin would be the type of lover to see you as the other half of him. so that means the things he enjoys, his favourite things. if he's enjoying a show he wants you to also watch that show because he wants you to feel the happiness you felt. he's definitely to type to make small matching bracelets and want to wear matching clothes with him.
I am more than happy to expand on any of these btw! I had so much fun writing them <3
I want boyfriend Minhee and Wonjin ngl
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burst-of-iridescent · 7 months
atla live action thoughts: episode 6
tw: opinions
things i liked:
love the moment where roku tells aang friends can be a liability and you can see in his face that he's thinking of sozin
koh lore is interesting. funnily enough i've also written koh being the son of the mother of faces in a fic before so i see netflix has been hitting up ao3
(for legal reasons, that was a joke)
i like zhao forcing zuko to turn aang over more than him capturing aang with the yuyan archers himself like in the original. this 100% feels like something animated zhao would do and it really drives home how much of a disadvantage zuko's at. this is the dynamic i wanted to see between the two of them
lmao @ zhao wanting to get every detail of his capture of the avatar in writing, and aang blowing air at him to send him falling over himself. they pulled that right from the original and it's great
this fight (well the parts of it that i can see) is SO GOOD. pretty sure it's almost a shot for shot remake of the original and zuko and aang are working together seamlessly
oh i fucking LOVE that zuko and aang are trapped together and get to talk. zuko smiling despite himself... aang trying so earnestly to get through to him... the way zuko actually seems to be listening to him before he hears the word compassion... chef's kiss this was an INSPIRED change
"do you think we could've been friends too?"
the transitions from younger, happier zuko to older, traumatized zuko are fucking painful. the one where he looks into the mirror to see his unscarred, smiling self for just a moment before it flashes to his present reality... next time just shoot me netflix
"he will recover" "but he will never heal"
young zuko lying in bed sobbing as he's banished by his own father what if i killed myself
HIS CREW BEING THE 41st DIVISION HE LOST EVERYTHING TO PROTECT whichever writer suggested that needs a raise posthaste
"our prince" who is cutting all of these fucking onions
things i disliked/am conflicted about:
this is where the show suffers as an adaptation, because if the animation didn't exist, the agni kai would've been fine. zuko trying to dodge, having the chance to hurt ozai yet actively choosing not to out of love, being beaten up, pinned down and brutally burned as he whimpers in fear - all of that works on its own. it conveys zuko's compassion and ozai's brutality just fine, but not to the level that the cartoon does. the scene is brutal in both versions but animated zuko not even trying to fight, sobbing and begging on his knees, and being maimed anyway just hits harder than the netflix version
not sure if i saw it right but it seemed as though there were tears in ozai and azula's eyes??? i can maybe see it for this version of azula but in no world would ozai be crying over burning zuko. it feels like they're trying to make this version of ozai more complex but he was FINE as a classic villain
that being said, i do like ozai holding zuko's hand to his heart as he burns him. the symbolism of zuko trying to reach for his father's love while ozai permanently brands his cruelty on his son... ate
i don't even like roku in the animation all that much but his presence has been weirdly reduced in the show, even though he's the avatar aang is closest to. aang having to take on the burden of redeeming roku's failure is a significant part of their dynamic and i want more of that
hollywood i'm begging you to shoot night scenes that people can see because parts of the blue spirit and aang fight sequence were so dark i looked like the squinting lady meme
i really wish we'd still gotten the moment in the storm where zuko saved the helmsman. i know they kinda replaced it with the crew realizing they were only alive because of zuko's sacrifice, but they could've done both to show how much zuko still cares, even if he can't show it
how are we 3/4th of the way into the season and aang is STILL ONLY BENDING AIR
overall rating: 9/10. definitely the best of the series so far and i love how they expanded on zuko's backstory and his relationship to aang
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tennessoui · 13 days
Hey Kit!! This past year when the Acolyte came out, my heart broke and I decided to step away from Star Wars. It’s fine that others liked it but personally I didn’t; actually to be frank, I REALLY didn’t like it. Star Wars and Anakin got me through a lot, so watching Disney take an actual shit on his origin and then his redemption ark by half-assing the lore, felt like a punch to the gut, and I had to step away. (This is my personal opinion, if you or others liked it that’s great! I just didn’t). However, when I saw that u published the body politics au, I decided to sit down and catch up on all your fics (btw I love the Hanahaki one!), and it got me back into the fandom. I’m glad one shitty (imo) show didn’t push me away permanently and I have you to thank for that. I’ve met so many great people thru Star Wars and made a lot friends so it had really been kind of hard to turn away from it. I just really wanted to say thank you. your writing is, as always, too beautiful and inspiring to ignore. Star Wars means so much, and I’m so thankful that your work was able to help me look past all the stuff that made me unhappy with it. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
this is very kind to send to me and a very nice morning read! i admit, i actually have not watched the acolyte, though not for any particular reason. i've definitely heard mixed reviews about the show and its take on the jedi order and the sith, which have been sorta sad to read cause i do like the jedi (though i guess i never label myself as pro-jedi cause like? they're the good guys? you're not like. pro-percy jackson or something right? pro-katniss everdeen? you just sorta read the book and you're like oh yeah these are the good guys. might find aspects of a character annoying but i'm definitely not supposed to be rooting for the Capitol or smething right)
but i've also heard from other people that as a pew-pew show, it delivers on that front! lightsaber fights are cool and everyone has a funky haircut that they pull off somehow which does feel quintessentially star wars
my general view of the disney plus star wars shows is that i'll watch the ones that strike my fancy, and if one of them doesn't then i won't. the star wars disney execs produce a lot of content (and i truly mean content, i.e. material to be consumed - not necessarily art) and a lot of it i'm probably never going to watch. it wasn't made for me, and i definitely get the lurch and disappointment you may feel if you look forward to something for ages and then it's not what you wanted in a thousand small ways or a handful of big ways. i think that's especially hard to guard against nowadays when trailers for tv shows rely more on aesthetic and punchy one-liners and brief second cameos than they do explaining the actual story of the show
but you can be a fan without loving the direction some shows go in or the choices directors make!! if that looks like only watching shows that have been peer-reviewed, or if that looks like ignoring everything but a small corner/subset of a massive fandom, or if that looks like turning from the media itself and diving further into fanart and fanfiction and interacting with people online then that's what it looks like! especially now that the world of canon star wars media isn't just 6-9 movies + 2(?) non trilogy movies, you should absolutely go about watching star wars content with a you-first mindset 100%
you know how many people were disappointed in the obi-wan kenobi series?? soooo many because he was a sad little pathetic and broken man with greasy hair. but that's exactly how i like my obi-wan kenobis, so i was thrilled every episode lol but i'm sure other people hated it and boycotted and whatever. but i found my corner of the fandom who also enjoyed that and it's been wonderful <3
so anyway thankyou so much for your very kind words i hope none of that sounded too preachy i was mostly trying to agree with you that it's really great that one (shitty) show did not keep you away from the fandom forever and that you're back!!
welcome back :)
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kaythefloppa · 1 year
The Future of Season 7 of Wild Kratts
In light of this week's premiere of Wild Kratt's 7th season, Martin Kratt has discussed the new season as well as the overall history of the show and what is to come in the future of the series.
You can read all of what he has to say in this article, but I'm going to address the very interesting stuff regarding what to expect next for Season 7.
“There's so much that people know about animals that hasn't been published yet,” notes Martin. “So, we can find things that aren't even in books yet and put them in the show by talking directly to these scientists. One thing about the format for this show and the subject matter is we'll never run out of stories. There's so much to do still, and so many animals left to write about. This season we’ll be breaking the 200th episode and we’ve only scratched the surface.”
Now I will not lie, this paragraph gave me a lot of joy. Because Martin is right, there IS a crap-ton of animals that people know so little about. Anyone who says this show isn't a cultural impact for all that it's done to inform and inspire this generation over the past 12 years of its airing is lying out of their fucking asses.
Ok now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's address the bolded point:
Wild Kratts will air its 200th episode in Season 7.
200th Episode!!!
Now everything is starting to make sense: The reason why the hiatus took nearly 2 full years was because they were producing a minimum of 47 episodes. That's even more episodes than Season 1 had:
Which means that the potential for this season is limitless: And that's not even going into what Episode 200 may be about. This season is totally going to be worth the two-year long wait and these madlads at PBS are going to make damn well sure of it!
Then there's this line from Martin:
Still, what would a monumental seventh season be without a bit of mysterious animal flare? And, of course, the occasional lemur?
Ok now it's getting good. It looks like we'll be going on a return to Madagascar for more lemur-centric episodes. Fingers crossed for more Zooboomafo references:
“A big special we’ve got coming up in Season 7 is called “Blue and Green: The Living Earth,” which is all about habitats and climate and it features blue whales,” says Martin. “It also has another lemur in there, the Indri, which is the largest living lemur."
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Also, google search what an Indri lemur is, I gaurentee you that it's very interesting!
This is all so exciting and honestly, anyone who felt let down by the first few eps. of S7, I think you guys will feel very vindicated by the remainder of this season. I think after the lackluster 5th and 6th season and the subsequent negative response for that, they're bringing forward a revival era for WK's quality that may be on par with, or even succeed the earlier seasons. Regardless, I'm excited for where this shit goes.
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yujeong · 7 months
(My) Top 5 VegasPete scenes
Listen. Listen. I'm surely not being original here. I'm certain this post has been made before, especially closer to the show airing, but I wasn't here then, and the spoons for such a post came right now, so I'm doing it now. Now, a warning: my choices will make you question my sanity. They will make you wonder wtf is wrong with me for *not* including specific scenes. They will make you question my VP taste in general. I know, I do too all the time, but the thing is, I have *reasons* for every single one being here and I will thoroughly explain, and if you're still baffled, I get it, I am too, but the brainrot works in mysterious ways. So, let's go (very long post incoming):
No5: The pool scene - Episode 14
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LOOK, I COULDN'T NOT INCLUDE THIS SCENE OK? I'M NOT THAT STUPID (Pls don't kill me for not putting it higher, I know, it's a crime, I know-). Fun fact: I had seen a screenshot of the point in which Pete says he's hungry, before watching the VP arc, and I deadass thought it was fan subtitles, like a joke, a meme, SOMETHING other than what he ACTUALLY said. It was very funny when I found out the truth. God, this scene is heart-wrenching for all the right reasons. It had everything I could ever ask for and more I didn't even know I needed. I think my No1 reason for loving this scene so much is Pete's desperation to save Vegas and all the ways he showed it. To explain, we have: - him coming to find Vegas after resigning from the main family to be with him, - him being physically intimate for the very first time to such a degree (he fucking hugged Vegas from behind, I lost my marbles when I saw it), - him trying so fucking hard to say "I love you" without saying it, because he can't, it's not sth he can say, but holy fuck will he show in SOME way, - him saying he's Vegas' pet while dying a bit inside but it's necessary goddammit, Vegas won't get it otherwise, he won't understand that Pete *needs* him, - him killing the guy who shot Vegas without hesitation. I wholeheartedly believe he'd kill whoever that person was, even Korn himself, and I love it. ALSO, can we talk about the fact that the scene was dead silent, no music, nothing during their talk, then when hope is on the horizon a soft melody plays and then BOOM, Ink comes just as Vegas gets shot and you feel like YOU got shot along with him. I love the title of the piece, and I love how it gives me goosebumps every single time I hear it, and I love how *tragic* it is, because what we're witnessing is a tragedy, and would remain a tragedy if the hospital scene didn't exist. 10/10 writing, I can't believe this scene is real, I can't believe how lucky we are to have witnessed such a moment.
No4: Vegas hits Pete with the belt + tasers him when he escapes + finds him unconscious later - Episode 11
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I am aware that I'm cheating with the last scene but I love it a little too much and it's the continuation of the previous one so I'll add it in. Ok, firstly, I had to include the scene which inspired me to write my first ever meta post in here, guys, it was essential. Furthermore, one thing you should know about me is that I love - what I like to call - "pre-VP VP", meaning VP interactions up to ep 11 (which is my favorite episode, you'll figure out why as we move through the list). It had everything; it had Pete refusing to eat, throwing his philosophy at Vegas' face, it had Vegas lashing out at Pete in a way he didn't even enjoy (he started shouting as he was hitting him to convince himself he was enjoying this but he wasn't, I'm biting my FIST here), we had Pete using the belt to escape, only for Vegas, the fucking SLUT with the loose shirt showing off his TITS, to follow him outside, we had the tasing and the catching and the soft handling of Pete's body as he fell (he totally carried him back bridal style), we had Vegas believing Pete would laugh at him for what his father did (oh Vegas you moron, he would never laugh at you, if only you saw his face when Gun slapped you), we had Vegas freaking the fuck out at a non-responsive Pete, we had it all folks. I've watched these scenes more times than I can count, they're fucking glorious. And the music too, oh God the music. You'll see me scream about the music a lot here, because it's one of the deciding factors in my preferences, so I have to mention it, just as I did for No5. Unfortunately, Shazam hasn't helped me find the first two pieces used in the scene (when Pete is hit with the belt and when he uses it to escape) but I know of the other two, which are Lost Register and Walking the Distance, which are such perfect titles for Vegas, aren't they? I don't have any intelligent things to say about these scenes, I just love them so fucking much, even though Vegas hitting Pete with the belt makes me flinch, even though Pete gets the worst treatment here (minus the ball roasting I guess), I love them so much, because it's the limit that Vegas surpasses, and the realization he did so was incredibly enjoyable to watch.
No3: Vegas tortures Pete - Episodes 10-11
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Yes, I did cheat again but technically the two scenes happen back to back on the same day (it's not the same day, Vegas is wearing a different shirt, but we'll pretend it is okay?) and yes, I did put only Pete screenshots here, look at my name, what do you want from me? When I said I have a deep fascination with "pre-VP VP", this is what I mean people. These two scenes solidified my obsession with this specific dynamic of theirs. Pete was so fucking unhinged and it was the most beautiful thing I have laid my eyes upon. There are too many things to mention, I adore them so much. We have Pete not speaking a single line of dialogue during the scene in ep 10, we have ep 11 and Vegas changing his approach, touching Pete in a sexual way which unnerves Pete but he's still not lost complete control, we have Gun hitting Vegas in front of Pete, with Pete putting the pieces together, we have the fucking phone call to his grandma, which is the thing that makes Pete give up and it's wonderful, because after that we have Pete screaming - I love his screams, I've listened to them on repeat, I have issues - and trembling with pure rage as Vegas toys with him. I've watched these two scenes, both for fic purposes and for my own enjoyment, probably more than 30 times at this point and I loved every single one of them. Btw, can we pay attention to the fact that the sneaky bastards over at BOC put a slight variation of Stable Delusion during the moment in which Vegas puts his hand inside Pete's underwear? Because I noticed, and I hope you did too. A lot of VP fans said they truly noticed Pete here, which is fair tbh, even though I was a big fan of his from the start. He truly shines in these scenes and seeing this side of him is delicious every single time.
No2: Pete's breakdown - Episode 13
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Fuck my whole existence, what am I supposed to even say here? How am I even supposed to touch upon this scene without losing my mind? How do I explain what this scene did to my brain when I watched it, and kept watching it, and never stopped watching it because it's so fucking important to me? Pff, whatever, let me try. I'll mostly use the music playing throughout the scene to help me describe my feelings about it. The scene basically starts with both Vegas and Pete being lost and miserable, each one for different but interlaying reasons. The music accompanying the scene is called Unspoken, because neither can really say outright what's bothering them, because they're hanging by a thread and it's so, so good. It's heavy and painful and it creates this uneasy feeling in your stomach, accompanied by the visuals. It goes on, until it stops, right as Vegas says "Isn't my fucking life like this because of them?", because of course it does, Vegas is one second away from snapping at Pete, but Pete doesn't hesitate, he says to Vegas the harsh truth: "It's your choice." And then, Vegas drops the noodles - Pete's food, Pete's nourishment - on the floor, and the music playing is called Calculating Catastrophe, which I *only just discovered* and I want to pull my hair out. The dream is gone, no more afterglow, only misery, because Vegas can't handle the truth, because Pete can't handle the lie, because it's all crushing down and Pete can do nothing about it but accept it, accept Vegas' cruelty, accept the knife in his throat. He's waiting to die, he says it, he grabs Vegas' wrist and then, only when he says he doesn't even have his humanity left, does the music resume playing, the OST called This Creed, just as Pete tells Vegas - tells us, the audience - what his "set of beliefs which guide his actions" is, and both Vegas and us watching are dumbfounded, we're as scared for what Pete might do as Vegas is, and it's so painful and so beautiful to witness. The music stops again as Vegas says "No" to Pete being just a pet, and both him and us are breathing a hesitant shy of relief, only for Pete to snap again, to scream at Vegas while showing his handcuffed wrist, to ask "what the fuck is this then?" and the music playing compliments this moment brilliantly, because it's called Absent Cognition and it's a 10/10 fit. And the most brilliant thing here is how they're BOTH HAVING A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CONVERSATION. They're talking past each other and Pete knows, he knows Vegas is stuck on his delusions because he can't do otherwise, he can't, it'll destroy him, but Pete himself also can't do this anymore, he can't stay, he has to go, "I'm sorry, Vegas, I'm sorry" (relevant post to this point specifically because I have lost my mind over it in the past). God, this scene is sosososososo good and so them, and I can't stop watching it, I can't get it out of my head. It's utterly stunning and I love it.
No1: The pill kiss/VP's talk - Episode 11
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Ok. I am not normal when it comes to this scene. I have based my entire fucking personality around it since 2022. It makes me emotional every time I rewatch it, it gives me goosebumps just remembering its existence. It's because this scene is the shift in their relationship. It's them finally looking at each other in the eye and truly seeing each other. It's a promise in the shape of a pill, it's a revelation, it's rebirth. Vegas being gentle with Pete for the first time shifted something in me, as it did in Pete himself. Vegas is fighting it a bit at first; he says "Take it" to Pete harshly, demanding Pete take the pill, but when Pete rejects him, his tone gets softer. It almost sounds like begging to me and it's so powerful. Oh Bible, the delivery of some lines feel like a slap across the face, thank you. Little House on the Hill starts playing as Vegas lowers his body and puts the pill into Pete's mouth through a kiss. Even the title of the song is softer, their own little world in a little house, as they're coming closer through a promise that ended up not being kept: I can be gentle with you too. Please take the nourishment I'm giving you. And then he gets up, and sits on the floor, and the show literally gives us VP being on equal ground for the first time, truly equal: both battered and broken and looking at each other. And they talk, and Vegas starts opening up already after Pete asks him what happened, and then A Sky Sparkling starts playing as Pete talks to Vegas about his childhood, about how his father beat him up for losing, and then for winning, and I'm a sobbing mess on the floor at this point. (A Sky Sparkling = Vegas' worldview changing, gaining light, a new perspective. Fuck the titles of these songs have ruined me.) You'd think I'd have the most words about my all-time favorite VP scene, but I'm afraid that's not the case. I'm speechless. It'd given me such a visceral reaction that I simply don't know how to explain myself anymore. All I know is that I'll never get tired of watching it, of thinking about it, of analyzing it in my head. It's everything to me. I love VegasPete so much. At the end of this super long post, that's all I can say.
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sweetmariihs2 · 11 months
List of inspirations that I noticed in ✨️The Amazing Digital Circus✨️
an almost-essay (PART 1)
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When I watched the first episode for the first time I started to notice several similarities to other subjects that I also like and know, other fandoms and popular things on the internet, and I soon thought about sharing them on Tumblr (which I'm doing now).
I know there will be things that other people have noticed that will be missing from the blog, but I will try to include all the things that I remember recognizing at that moment. Feel free to share them, though!
I don't know the formal names of some things I'm gonna mention, and also my english It's not the best, I'm trying to practice my writing <3
I'll have to divide this blog into two parts because Tumblr doesn't support more than 10 images per blog. grrgrrgr I really wanted to put everything together but I can't. At the end of the blog I will put a link to part 2 and you can continue reading [when i finish the part 2 of course]
1 - Popee the Perfomer
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Popee the Performer is a low-budget animation made in 2000, at the time when 3d animation was still a new technology. It's a collection of shorts and they talk about three circus performers' interactions. People found this on the internet in 2021 and they started a new fandom on top of it. What makes this show talked about it's the disturbing situations the characters put themselves through. There are a lot of violent scenes and sometimes the characters die by the end of the episode, but when we go to the next one they're just alive again, and that makes us question if they are living stuck in an eternal loop with no way of getting out of that small circus setting.
The 3d is pretty simple, mostly because it's old, but that makes me think about the connections between PTP and TADG are the aesthetics, the whole "disturbing adult cartoon about serious topics with a children's colorful aesthetic" thing, and also those connections with the Nintendo 64 graphics. I'M GONNA MENTION IT TOO!!
And a part of this fandom also it's part of Raggedy Ann and Andy's fandom. They were pretty close in 2021.
2 - Raggedy Ann And Andy
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Ragatha, next one
I'm kidding there's more
Their fandom started around 2021 because the YouTube algorythm just decided that it was time to recommend a video about Raggedy Andy to EVERYONE! And that's how I discovered them too <3 (I WAS THEREEE I WAS THERE). Andy got the main focus and he was everyone's dream boyfriend lol
Also that's completely unrelated but I wanted to say that I'm one of the people whose video was recommended to everyone through YouTube algorythm and helped the fandom to grow even more (I'm so proud of myself guys I'm sorry awnqbehdjwndbwjdnh)
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I believe that if that first video that helped me (and more people) to discover them were never recommended to us, maybe Ragatha wouldn't even have that design!! It's alright that Ann is a doll from the 1900s, but the whole "Raggedy Ann And Andy" thing wasn't a fandom topic, they were just normal ragdolls and they were recognized only by grannies and "the anabelle doll" (this one makes me pissed)
3 - Nintendo 64 (and old 3d art)
And this recognition that it is a fandom united this subject to other famous fandoms, leading to the same audience, and this audience is also TADG's audience. I'll talk more about this at the end of the blog! (Edit: Part 2 of the blog. *silently cries*)
And there's this blog:
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That low budget 3d aesthetic it's turning really popular recently. I'm not much of an expert on the subject since I don't know much about games, but I recognize it from the old graphics and my biggest reference is Mario 64. There's a good explanation for it being so popular, I have a theory that it's related to liminal spaces, but I'm not sure. Still, it's worth mentioning.... and also that bubble character really looks like chain chomp!!
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They're besties
4 - liminal spaces (backrooms and the "dreamcore" aesthetic)
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happy balloons because the backrooms scare me (i hate it)
I think if you're on Tumblr it's very likely that you already know what the backrooms are. A part of our reality, but outside of it. There are floors and floors of eternal levels, where you wander in the same place and don't go anywhere. As if you had broken the matrix and were trapped outside, in a bug. This has become very popular on the internet and it's interesting that it is being used as inspiration for creating a show.
Furthermore, there was also the popularization of aesthetics such as dreamcore, traumacore and weirdcore, which consist of images that look like they came out of a dream. Things that you recognize, but don't know where they came from, like a deja vu, which makes you uncomfortable. It's extremely linked to the backrooms, since it's the same feeling. Many of the images are things that take us back to childhood, to the past, but they are not right, as if they were corrupted. Old 3D is also used a lot to make some of these images, like the example I gave of the Nintendo 64. The fandoms are all interconnected!
In this whole concept they also like to be inspired by childhood characteristics, such as old images of toys, empty birthday parties, playgrounds, and it also takes us to that famous sensation on the internet that I don't remember the name of, but it is basically feeling afraid of a place where people should be going, but they aren't. Abandoned places. The fear of being alone. All those topics revolve around each other. They makes us question abour reality, "do I even exist?" (I know I do, but writing characters that way and exploring the possibilities is kinda nice)
I know a brazillian youtuber that made a good video about it, her name is Replai and in the video she talks about how Poppy Playtime's art was made, but I know that most of the people reading this don't know how to speak in portuguese so... yeah. It's a good video.
5 - Children's aesthetics (but something's off)
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This gif speaks for itself. It's that traumacore/dreamcore/weirdcore thing that I was talking about.
Still talking about that empty feeling of knowing that something it's familiar but don't knowing where it came from, childhood memories can be related to this, as they are vague, distant and sometimes carry a feeling of sadness. I'm not a great expert on the subject, but somehow the way that's explored scares us, I know there's a good explanation on the internet. This reminds me of the reason why people are afraid of clowns: they wear this fixed smile on their face and try to appear friendly, but it's this frozen, empty expression that leaves us afraid that there are other intentions underneath. And the fact that they are so related to childhood and children's innocence makes us fearful, because we don't know if they can do any harm to them. (of course, this all happens subconsciously, you don't think about it that way but your brain activates this instinct of fear) (not you YOU, people with that phobia)
I refuse to believe that these things are not interconnected. There is a strange feeling that can be explored from this childish aesthetic and connection to childhood.
Many media are using this aesthetic as part of their stories, especially horror ones. Five Nights At Freddy's was a pioneer, exploring this in the early 2010s, and then there were other franchises like Poppy Playtime, Bendy And The Ink Machine, other FNAF games (and there are also discoveries of things that do this unintentionally and that were created before this popularization, like Popee the Performer. In music we also have great examples like Melanie Martinez's old albums, during the Cry Baby era. There are also other aesthetics who like to explore this childlike-creepy vibe, and they're a little unrelated to all this stuff, like Morute/Dollcore). Whenever I talk about this I remember FNAF SB Daycare, as it is the result of all these topics we have talked about so far. The Security Breach DLC "Ruin" decided to explore this fear of empty, abandoned places, but which once had happy children walking through the corridors. This feeling is very scary.
Do you remember when I gave clowns as an example? The circus is also a way to explore this scary+childhood feeling. A place where there should be lots of games, but which only causes fear, as in the case of those scary clowns. It's quite common in the media for the circus to be used as a focus of terror, however in the internet version we were talking about just now, it doesn't have to be directly a horror circus, just feeling that childish sensation and feeling that something is wrong is enough. Enough to make us feel uncomfortable. It's like the characters were suffering, but they can't scream for help, and it's a disorted vision of how a circus should look like. Hi Pomni!!
The Daycare Attendant also explores that.
6 - Bendy and Fnaf (for the same reasons I already told you all, but one more)
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Jax it's Bendy's and William Afton's lost son. We don't need no DNA test.
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(I'm obviously just kidding btw, his design was probably inspired by them, MOST ESPECIALLY BENDY and maybe the Cheshire Cat from Alice because of his smile??? Idk)
stay tuned for part 2 <3
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
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Okay, not sure if this but is under 500 words or not, but it’s probably my favorite snippet in the whole fic and maybe even all the rottmnt fics I’ve read. It’s just so good!
Awww, thanks so much! I'm still really happy with how this scene (and this entire sequence) turned out.
I end up spoiling the fic a bit in this so don't venture into the read more if you're a new reader and don't want spoilers.
Leo stayed on the ground, waiting for a hand to be offered to him. He didn't want to admit it, but his legs felt like liquid. The help would be appreciated.
Since Leo is out of his body, everything he feels is psychosomatic. But of course your brain controls everything about how you experience the world, so does not having a body really matter? It was important to me that while Leo experiences some physical benefits from not having a body (not getting tired, not feeling thirst or hunger, etc), he also experiences the physical effects of stress and dissociation and all the other mental illness he's currently experiencing. Poor guy.
No one extended a hand to him. Rejection twisted hot in his gut, burning him inside out.
This whole sequence, really from the moment he gets separated from Mikey, kicks off the "Raph arc" of the story (intermingled with closing out the "Mikey arc", as it were), and I turned the idea of Leo wanting someone to extend a hand to help him as a running theme for this arc (which is... maybe not the most cohesive since Raph doesn't get touch, but Raph is also his big brother and no matter who is in the leader spot, Raph will always be the person Leo most looks to for help when he's in trouble). I bring this line back in chapter 8 when the two of them talk out their feelings and Raph extends the metaphorical "hand" to Leo, and Raph keeps doing that for the rest of the fic, pulling Leo out of his dark thoughts whenever he sinks a little too deep and being ready to help him however he can.
"There you go, Leo," said Mikey softly. "Take a second."
Mikey ends up doing a lot of the caretaking of Leo in this fic, especially in the first part, because he can actually see Leo and can see how badly all of this is affecting him, even as Leo tries to act strong for them. Leo is Mikey's big brother, and he doesn't exactly love being this vulnerable in front of Mikey, but he doesn't have much of a choice. And Mikey is doing such a good job. Isn't it fine to swap roles now and then?
He looked at Mikey, then opened his arms for a hug. He'd write it off as being for Mikey later, because he looked upset. But he needed to grab something. He needed to know this was real.
Mikey's eyes brimmed with tears. "Leo," he said, and his voice trembled on his name. "Oh, Leo..."
He didn't hug him, and Leo felt the sting of it under his skin. His arms fell.
Ah, the part everyone yelled at me about.
This is actually the moment I got the idea for that inspired basically this entire section, from Mikey getting yanked off the tank all the way through this dissociative episode. In my interpretation of Leo, he doesn't ask for things very often, especially things like affection or comfort. Sure, he'll encourage them to chant for him or call him their champion or whatever, but this is different - it's a lot more vulnerable. To be fair, though, Leo doesn't usually have to ask; we see in the show that he's pretty touchy with his brothers and clearly feels like there isn't much of a boundary there when it comes to touch, and Raph and Mikey especially give hugs easily, so he doesn't really have to do much when he's feeling low to get affection. And the thing about asking is that you can be told no, and rejection when he really needs something is devastating. So if he's going to ask for something like a hug or some other kind of affection/comfort, it means he really really needs it and can't just wait around for it to be offered to him.
And Mikey would definitely know that. Poor Mikey isn't rejecting him on purpose, of course, he couldn't hug Leo if he wanted to (and he very much wants to!). He knows that rejecting Leo when Leo is being this upfront about his needs is something that will really hurt him, but he can't do anything to help.
No one is happy here, that's for sure!
(Well, except maybe me, the person who wrote it. See, the benefit of being the author is that I can write this scene while I also have the ending in my head so I don't have to be sad about it. ^^ )
"What happened?" asked Donnie.
"Nothing. Leo just..." Mikey sniffed. "We need to get him back in his body."
Mikey was trying not to embarrass Leo here, because Leo probably would get a little embarrassed by Mikey telling them he's asking for hugs, and besides, if he said that was what Leo was doing then Leo would have to be rejected two more times. So he's trying to help!
But maybe if he'd answered this question, Donnie would have gotten his act together a little faster later haha.
Everybody's doing their best but sometimes your best doesn't fix it. :c
Thanks for the ask!
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hazeracha · 2 years
• // ep.170 // •
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pairing // chan x reader
warning // little bit of fluff
wc: 1.8k
A/N this is the first chapter of my series that I'm going to be writing about chan. I will mainly be getting my inspiration from recent chan’s room episodes so that will probably be included in this story a lot. but if there is anything you want me to include or anything you want to read let me know. I will happily try to include your suggestions. (sorry that was long) 
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“Chan had invited you over to the dorm to spend the night since you hadn’t spent a lot of time together recently due to his busy schedule and world tour. He also told you that there was something important he wanted to talk to you about. But you had got caught up at work with some meetings and projects that were not meeting deadlines meaning you were going to be there later than expected. 
As you entered the dorm and made your way towards Chan’s room and heard music playing. You though about opening the door until you heard him speaking. “Hello and welcome to Chan’s room episode number 170.” You pulled your phone out your pocket and saw that there was a notification telling you that he had started a live. He shouldn't be that long right?
You continued to talk for a while about the tour and what their schedule was for the next couple of weeks with Chan’s live playing quietly in the background. After a few minutes he left and your full attention was back on the TV screen where you could hear Chan talking about the recent operation he had for his nose. 
You continued to talk for a while about the tour and what their schedule was for the next couple of weeks with Chan’s live playing quietly in the background. After a few minutes he left and your full attention was back on the TV screen where you could hear Chan talking about the recent operation he had for his nose. 
You continued to talk for a while about the tour and what their schedule was for the next couple of weeks with Chan’s live playing quietly in the background. After a few minutes he left and your full attention was back on the TV screen where you could hear Chan talking about the recent operation he had for his nose. 
You could see that the more he talked about it the more he became upset, and you knew this was something that worried him. You wanted nothing more than to walk into his room and tell him that everything would be fine while wrapping your arms around him and pulling him in for a comforting hug. 
You waited for another 30 minutes before you decided to text Chan to let him know that you were here as it didn’t seem like he was going to end the live any time soon. 
I’m at the dorm, I’m in the living room but finish your live there's no rush                                         
A couple of seconds after you sent the message Chan picked up his phone and saw your message. “before we move on, I actually have something to do. Give me one moment I need to do something” he spoke to the camera before leaving his room. You looked away from the TV and towards Chan’s room to see him walking down the hall towards you. “How long have you been here?” he questioned looking at his live playing on the TV that now showed his now empty room. “Since you started your live” you replied. 
“Why didn't you message me sooner” he questioned as he sat beside you where Changbin had previously sat wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. “I didn’t want to make you end your live early” 
You took the hat off of his head and put your fingers under his chin lifting his head up so that you could place a kiss on his lips. “Now hurry up and got finish you live and then we can spend all the time we want together”
“Are you sure I can end it right now if you want.” he looked up at you with wide eyes waiting on your reply. “No, just finish whatever it is you were planning to do and I will be waiting right here for you when you finish.”
“But wait I need to talk to you about something-” he started but you interrupted him. “And we can talk about it when your done, now go. You don’t want to make everyone suspicious as to why you've been gone so long”
You placed the hat back on his head and fixed his hair so that it wasn’t sticking out before he stood up and went back to his room and you saw him once again appear on the screen in front of you. 
“Where were you?” he read out a comment as he sat down on his chair. “I’m not going to tell you” he teased as he repeated the sentence again in a mocking tone. You laughed at his childish behaviour and continued watching his live.
Not even a minute later Chan was back in the living room making his way into the kitchen to grab a spoon for his ice cream that, magically appeared. You don’t know where it came from he must have had it sitting on his desk before the live started because you definitely don’t remember him entering the kitchen when he came and greeted you a few minutes ago. 
“come with me” he said grabbing your bag and putting his other hand out for you to grab, pulling you up from the couch. “What?” you looked at him with a confused look on your face. “I said come with me, I’m going to end the live soon. You can sit on my bed and then I promise you have all my attention for the rest of the night” he explained. 
You didn’t really have much choice in the matter because as he was talking to you he was slowly leading you down the hall and into his room. You let go of his hand and quietly got onto his bed as he placed your bag down beside you.
You watched as Chan ate his ice cream and danced the way he does when he is enjoying the food, and of course he teased stays about playing Hyunjin's new song but he stuck true to his word and after about five minutes he finished his live. 
“I’m sorry” Chan says as he turns to face you on his chair, you look at him waiting for him to explain what he means. “I wanted to tell you tonight but then I started the live and I guess i got carried away. I didn’t want you to find out this way” 
“Chan, what are you talking about you’re going to need to explain a little more.” you laughed. “About my surgery, I think I’m going to do it” he paused to look at you to see your reaction.
“Is that really what you are worried about?” you questioned. “I was going to tell you, really. I just started talking without thinking and I should have told you about it first. God I’m so stupid. I should have asked you if it was okay to do it before making the decision myself. You’re not mad at me-”
You leaned forward on the bed taking his hands in yours causing him to stop talking. “You don’t need my permission for this Chan. If you want to do this then I will be by your side every step of the way. But this is something that you need to decide for yourself. I know we tell each other everything but I’m not mad at you for telling your fans about your decision first, I know you would have told me eventually”
“So your not mad?” he started again. “No, of course not. Now hurry up and get ready for bed” you said pulling him up from his chair and pushing him out of his room and towards the bathroom. 
After a few minutes Chan came back into his room wearing a pair of black joggies and black zip up hoodie “come here” you laughed and shook your head. He walked towards you and stood in front of you like a child who was just given into trouble by their parents. His hands were clasped in front of him and he was looking at the floor. 
You patted the empty spot beside you on his bed and waited for him to get comfortable. “Put something on the TV and we can finish this tub of ice cream” you said reaching for the half eaten tub on his desk that he was eating during his Vlive. 
“You’re so demanding” he sighed as he turned on an episode of the anime show you had been watching together. “Well one of us has to be the demanding one in the relationship” you added. 
Chan put his arm around your shoulder whilst his other hand ran up and down your leg that rested on top of his. Every now and then you offered a spoonful of ice cream to Chan which he gladly accepted. 
“When do you think your going to get the surgery” you asked placing the now empty tub of ice cream on his desk. “I don’t know, I still want to look into it a bit more and then make a final decision. I just hope it goes well that’s what I’m really worried about, like what if something goes wrong and I cant sing the same or it changes the way I look and the fans don’t like it” he rambled.
You sat up so that you were now straddling his lap and smiled at him. You slowly removed the hat he was still wearing and once again leaned in to give him a quick kiss, as you put both your hands on his hips running them up and down his sides. “I know your fans mean a lot to you. But right now you need to stop thinking about them and do what you think is right for you”
He looked down and started to run his hands up and down your thighs once again telling you that he was still worried and feeling a little anxious and needed something to do with his hands to distract himself from his own thoughts. “How about we stop talking about this for now and we can talk about it another day” you offered and ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Yeah that sounds good.” he leaned forward and rested his head on your chest causing you to pull him in for a hug and press a few kisses to the top of his head each one making him grip onto you tighter as is you were going to run away from him if he didn’t. 
You got off of Chan’s lap without letting go of him and lay down on your back so that Chan’s body was now laying on top of yours. He still held onto you tight as you ran your hands up and down his back. 
After a few minutes you heard soft snores coming from him, so you turned off the episode that you were watching together and turned off his LED lights that he had behind his bed. You somehow managed to do all of this without waking him and you slowly felt your eyes get heavier. 
You checked the time on your phone which read 01:43 and decided that you should probably go to sleep as well. “I love you” you whispered to Chan and placed one last kiss on top of his head before falling asleep. 
© byeguyshiladies04 2022
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galwithalibrarycard · 11 months
Hello, how r u? Soo, I just discovered love little losers (I was a huge fan on nmtd, but didn't know about lolilo). And I love your blog, thanks for keeping the fandon alive. Argh so, Freddie, does she gets better? Cause she's a little bit annoying. Pedro and Balt, I'm jumping out of my sits for them, the backslash? Really. I'm so excited to see more beadick. Anyway, I just wanna vent, thanks for the blog
I’m good thanks, hope you are too. And thank you! I’m definitely not the only one still here keeping the fandom alive, there’s still a few of us out here, but I appreciate the love! 😁 it’s nice to know people are enjoying my posts still!
We’re actually having a small resurgence in the tags with new people watching both series, which is fun. Those people inspire me to keep posting too, it’s all full circle.
I am… not really sure how to prepare you for lolilo tbh. It’s a loose adaptation of Shakespeare’s Love’s Labors Lost, and it’s a lot heavier and angstier than NMTD for one thing, so be warned. Pedrazar is a very slow burn, be prepared for a journey! I liked Freddie right away bc I relate to her anxious energy, but you might take some time to warm up to her, that’s fair.
I recommend you head to @beatriceeagle and check out the series of Lolilo meta analysis posts she made with her sister a few years back. It’s a show that trades in subtext and has a lot of important stuff go down offscreen. Reading the metas really helps give a more thorough understanding and insight into the characters and why they behave the ways they do. It might help you understand where Freddie’s coming from, and the others too.
As far as Beadick, I’ll tell you they will break your heart, but it will be put back together again. If you need more of them, the missing offscreen moments and development of their relationship are kind of my specialty in terms of fanfiction. I wrote “the world is too quiet without you nearby”, a 16-chapter fanfic covering the time period between NMTD and Lolilo when Bea and Ben are in a long-distance relationship (plenty of fluff to pad the descent into angst). I also wrote “And We Are Finally Home”, a fic that covers the Beadick relationship arc from the lolilo episode “Confrontation” on through the end of the show- and I WILL be finishing and posting the epilogue to that fic as soon as I can, but you can read the chapters that are already up and still get a pretty complete story there. You don’t have to read them, but i wanted to share because I’m proud of them and I think they’re a good companion to the show if you like Team B! Mind the tags, but there shouldn’t be anything in the fics you can’t handle if you can handle the actual show.
The most important thing you might not get from the videos themselves: it’s canon from the creators that Benedick and Freddie and Balthazar are all dealing with anxiety disorders of some kind, though the creators didn’t actually intend to write that going in- it just happened that they agreed with the fandoms interpretation later on. So everything Ben does is colored by anxiety constantly telling him that he’s too much and that no one likes him and the only thing he’s good for is a laugh- and the (false) worry that Bea is getting sick of him and can’t wait to leave on her travels to get away from him. He’s trying to keep people from leaving him. Freddie is the way she is because she’s desperate for control in life, it’s the only way she feels calm. And Balthazar is petrified of confrontation and retreats into himself when he’s stressed. A lot of this is covered in much better depth in the metas I mentioned, but I wanted to let you know. Not as an excuse for any of their actions, but as an explanation that might make it a less frustrating watch.
I hope that answer wasn’t too overwhelming. I am just incapable of being normal about these webseries and especially about Benedick Hobbes (look, you don’t simply forget the character who got you through your own social anxiety diagnosis, and this is the obsessing-over-fictional-characters website. I talk about other things too, I promise! xD)
Anyway, thank *you* for allowing me to share some thoughts right back! I hope you enjoy Lolilo! 😊💖🦩
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