#me 5 chapters in now : ......................................... i regret all my decisions
wehelddarkness · 2 years
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fen-luciel · 2 months
The mistakes of a Acolyte
Summary: You are pregnant with Qimir's child and the universe is not big enough to hide you from him.
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The excuse I used for carrying such a large bag was simple: I was a spoiled pregnant woman.
I regretted throwing away all those creams and gifts I had accumulated over the months, but I had used the containers to hide credits and various drives with not-so-legal collections I had gathered over the years. I only took the larger or more comfortable clothes with me, and the lightsaber well hidden at the bottom behind a pile of underwear. I doubted they would dig into the bag, but I couldn’t be too trusting; after all, they were still Jedi. And I was still an ex-criminal in their eyes.
I kept the poncho on to better hide myself underneath, as we were going to a cold, often rainy forest. The excuse of not wanting to reveal the pregnancy to Qimir was also valid; no one would question that.
I wasn’t even surprised that we left that very evening, but not seeing other Jedi made me suspicious. So after having a quick meal together, I casually started a conversation.
“Will others join us directly there? I mean Jedi” the three exchanged glances before Sol cleared his throat.
“We intend to go alone. We believe, based on the information you’ve given us, that it’s best to move in a small, quiet group. We know what we’re facing this time, and we have the element of surprise on our side” I was a bit annoyed by this, mainly because it meant I would have less time to slow them down, but I partly expected it.
“Don’t worry, we’ll always be close to you” Yord nodded decisively, with Jecki beside him smiling at me.
“I trust you” I said, shrugging.
The rest of the dinner passed mostly in silence. They were all tense despite pretending otherwise; occasionally, someone would try to start a conversation, but it would end quickly. There wasn’t much to say, and who could blame them?
Last time, they almost died.
And now they had me to deal with.
The journey wouldn’t last much longer, but I preferred to rest a bit before arriving at our destination. I lay down in one of the bunks in the bedroom, using my bag as an extra pillow out of paranoia to keep it close. I couldn’t rest all day; Qimir’s face kept flashing before my eyes. I thought about everything that could go wrong or how he might trap me. Yes, from his point of view, I was helping him, but it was obvious he didn’t trust me after what I had done.
I had taken extra precautions myself. I managed to contact my droid Sam as soon as it was reactivated through a private channel we kept for emergencies. I ordered it to assist Qimir but remain ready for anything. I didn’t trust telling it everything in case Qimir got his hands on it, but it had always been a loyal little companion. I knew it was on my side no matter what.
I don’t know how long I slept exactly, a hand on my shoulder woke me from slumber.
My first instinct was to reach for the lightsaber under the pillow in a habitual movement, but a moment of clarity was enough to remind me where I was and why.
Yord gave me a half-smile seeing me confused, and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as he helped me sit up against the pillow. “What a knight” I joked as I stifled a yawn, and he grimaced, quickly looking over his shoulder. The door to the room was open, letting the cold corridor lights into the dark room.
“I wanted to give you this” he handed me a small communication device, and I looked at it confused in my hand. Then, with a raised eyebrow, I said “You already gave me one, don’t you remember?” He got up from the bed before placing his hands behind his back, then leaned against the furniture and again moved uncomfortably, not standing still for a second.
“Yes, but this... is private.” I raised an eyebrow, confused, while moving the blankets from my legs and sitting on the mattress. “What...?”
He cleared his throat. “When this is all over, we’ll take you home. And we’ll leave. And... you’ll be alone, if I understood correctly, at least. Forgive me if I assumed wrong—” a sad smile pulled at my lips “No, you’re right. I don’t have family. Friends... at least trusted ones. A life of crime hardly surrounds you with decent people” I joked at the end while standing up. Yord offered me a hand, but I ignored it.
The conversation was making me more uncomfortable than I wanted to admit. I turned my back on him while quickly slipping the communicator into my bag.
I would have to check later that it didn’t have a tracking device.
“Yes, well... if you need someone to talk to... I’m here. And maybe when I’m free, I can come to visit you” I shot him a confused glance over my shoulder before turning to face him.
Only then did I realize how close we were.
The ship wasn’t made for long journeys, and the bedroom was small and rectangular, the bare minimum for resting between destinations, but nothing more. And with Yord in front of the door, we were practically a few centimeters apart from each other. I could see a slight blush on his cheeks as he struggled to look me in the eyes.
It made me feel a bit tender.
“And what do the Jedi think of something like this?” I whispered with a poorly concealed smile. Yord blushed even more and took a deep breath. “The code doesn’t forbid friendships outside the order, and... maybe... I mean... if you want to chat with someone, I’m here” the difficulty with which he tried to finish the sentence was hilarious, but I avoided pointing it out. After all, he was... cute.
I rarely dealt with someone like that, even before my solitary path. My years as a student were very quiet, if not tense. Sure, the results were excellent by the end of my journey, but I regretted how I indirectly isolated myself, and considering what I did with all those years in the end... I wondered if there was anything in life that satisfied me.
That didn’t disappoint me.
Maybe I was the problem.
Maybe running from Qimir was just another whim.
“True. It’s very kind of you. I promise you won’t get rid of me easily” the lie came out naturally, but the pain in my heart was a surprise even to me.
Maybe I was sending him to his death.
Or at least I was deceiving him, the excuse of protecting my child wasn’t enough. I could have acted differently, but I was selfish and wanted to protect myself above all... and also leave an escape route for Qimir. In a few hours, we would part ways and never see each other again, and he would probably hate me... or something like that. He would realize that I took advantage of him, that I deceived him.
It was better to lie until the end. I didn’t want to be there when he realized the lies when he looked at me disappointed.
Maybe sad.
I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek that left him speechless, but with my bag, I passed him by, leaving the room without saying another word. I could feel his gaze burning into my back, but I ignored it.
It was easier that way.
Crossing the small corridor to the central hall, I caught a glimpse of Sol and Jecki at the command posts and approached them lightly. They turned to nod at me, but I remained silent, looking outside, beyond the glass where we could finally see our destination.
We had arrived in the space around the planet Teben. It was a place abandoned by civilization; centuries ago, there was life, not particularly developed considering the kind of ruins Qimir and I found the first time we came here, but there was everything needed to stay hidden in an environment not particularly dangerous, at least not for two like us.
It was a small green planet, forests and swamps covered most of its surface, the climate mostly cold, reaching particularly low temperatures at night.
We had chosen this location more out of my whim; I hated the heat and became particularly irritable as soon as I started sweating, one of the first things Qimir knew about me.
He didn’t really care where we camped, as long as it wasn’t an arid place. I remember well the early days here, we came in search of a temple... which turned out to be quite bare, but the place was great for making a quiet base.
It was also one of the first times we shared a bed, since we didn’t trust being too far apart in an unknown hostile environment, and resources were poor, so it was better to share more layers of blankets than to divide them.
I remembered we were fine, there was no discomfort, master and acolyte, no limits were crossed, we were... friends.
The problem is, I didn’t move during the night, he did.
So when the next morning, I found his arm around my waist, I skipped a beat, I wasn’t supposed to think about it, but... it made me feel good.
I pretended to sleep, and when he woke up, he realized the situation he had put himself in, I felt him prop himself up on an elbow behind me, his arm sliding away not before gently stroking my hip with his thumb.
After that morning, I couldn’t get that memory out of my head. If I concentrated enough, I could still feel that warm caress on my skin.
Maybe that’s how it all started, or maybe it was just the first physical proof of a feeling that had already begun and that I hadn’t seen. That I didn’t want to admit.
We descended into the planet’s atmosphere. I had mapped a safe route away from the main temple. We hadn’t equipped much nearby, the forests were so dense it was impossible to land except in specific, distant locations. Only by exploring the temple could you find a hidden passage leading to a large enough cliff for small or medium ships. Qimir guessed it was created later since it didn’t match the rest.
The nearest landing zones, external or internal, were almost the same distance on foot. Sol asked earlier if we could land directly there, but it was likely full, and we risked blowing up. Sure, we risked Qimir escaping, but landing with a destroyed ship made no sense.
We landed silently where I indicated, opened the door, and descended the ship’s stairs after gearing up. I put my hands in my pockets to trigger the alarm signal to my droid. Qimir was probably watching us, but it was better not to risk it.
Sol, Yord, and Jecki reviewed the plan while I nervously adjusted my poncho, hoping it hid my form. I put on my backpack and adjusted the fabric. Sol gave me a reassuring look before approaching me.
“Relax. I promised he wouldn’t even touch you, and I intend to keep it” I replied with a nervous sigh “I just hope... well, Qimir doesn’t know I’m pregnant. I don’t want to give him another reason to be angry”
He nodded understandingly. “Let’s go.”
I chose a well-worn landing zone, an old path led to the temple. Although roots had cracked the stone and symbols faded, it was better than traversing the dense forest full of insect nests and dangerous animals. I wasn’t sure of my combat skills five months pregnant, and I hadn’t touched a lightsaber since fleeing.
The air was cool, the sky turned purple as the sun set, casting large shadows. We were mostly silent and focused. We planned to trap Qimir in the temple. I would close the doors overlooking the cliff while they blocked the main entrance, confident they could corner him now that they knew his capabilities.
The key was surprising him and luring him away from the automatic doors I would shut. I had instructed Sam to equip my escape ship and make a map copy. The plan was to snatch it from Qimir and ensure he couldn’t track me. Luckily, he wasn’t into droids or gadgets, I usually handled locks and technology while he preferred organic methods like poisons. We had been a perfect team.
Had been.
Several doors blocked the path to the ships, so faking malfunctions or unfamiliar droids causing problems would be easy. As time passed, the Jedi seemed more relaxed around me, possibly not considering me a suspect once I escaped.
What made me nervous was not knowing Qimir’s intentions. He supported my plan, but I no longer had his trust. I saw the repressed anger in his eyes that night, and I still bore the marks on my arms. He was a ticking bomb, but I didn’t know if he’d unleash it on me or the Jedi.
During the confrontation, hiding my pregnancy was less important than staying safe. His reaction could be anger or joy, or worse, he might abandon our ruse and just drag me away. I couldn’t let him get too close.
It was nearly dark when we reached the temple. We hid behind large trees to see if Qimir was nearby. His presence was obvious, he wasn’t hiding. It felt like standing before a sleeping beast’s lair. The dark side rested but swirled around us, unsettling the three of them. But I was unfazed, feeling at home with its presence.
After nightfall, Sol gave a final warning before we moved toward the temple entrance. The large door was half-open. We hadn’t repaired it, focusing instead on the chamber doors.
Inside, most lights were off to avoid attracting small creatures.
Yord gently touched my side, silently asking a question. Unfortunately, we had to pass by the second-floor chambers to reach the passage at the temple’s end. Many areas had collapsed, and uncertain of the structure’s stability, we reinforced dangerous zones with beams, leaving only one safe path.
We’d pass the second-floor doors, including the bedroom, then descend to the first floor to close the first door. Yord would accompany me to ensure I reached safely and Qimir wouldn’t notice us. He might leap from the second floor, but it was too much risky, leaving him without supplies or a ship.
The plan wasn’t bad, given the few Jedi available. Too bad they didn’t know the surprise factor never existed.
I signaled Yord to climb the rusty stairs, with Sol and Jecki hiding in the main hall, ready to intervene if we were caught or if I triggered the doors and alarmed the Sith.
We walked silently, Yord a step behind, watching my back. The stone corridors were dimly lit by warm, faint lamps. I silently indicated the bedroom door to Yord, placing a finger on my lips. The dark side’s presence intensified, I knew Qimir was there, likely waiting for us.
Then I saw it.
At the corridor’s end, my small droid Sam patrolled, seemingly lost in thought. I froze, and Yord noticed the unexpected guest.
“This is new” I whispered to Yord, who prepared to move. I reached for my stun gun, ready to miss on purpose, but it wasn’t necessary.
Sam turned towards us, his usual blue eye turning red, and an alarm blared. Yord grabbed my poncho and pushed me down the corridor.
“Run!” he shouted, abandoning stealth.
I dashed past the bedroom door, firing stun shots at Sam, pretending to miss in panic. Sam dodged easily, disappearing around the corner. I heard Yord’s footsteps behind me, the alarm echoing, then an explosion.
Just as Yord passed the bedroom door, it burst open, and Qimir attacked, wearing a helmet. Yord barely drew his lightsaber before being slammed into the stone wall and parrying a powerful red lightsaber.
The plan was in motion.
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Perfect Surprise
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Pieces of My Heart - Chapter 2 Stray Kids OT8 x reader, Soulmate AU
Masterlist | Next Part
A sharp ringing noise brought you out of your little pocket of comfort. Jeongin pulled away just enough to grab his phone out and he answered immediately, one arm still holding onto you. You heard someone ask something from the other end, mostly likely a ‘where are you’ if you heard right, and Jeongin started babbling away in Korean to whoever was on the other end, no doubt filling them in at the events of the past few minutes.
Or, as a quick check of your phone informed you, the past 20 minutes. You hadn’t even been aware at the passing of time, most likely the hugs you had let yourself get lost in.
Suddenly you weren’t so judgmental of the dopey smiles and love drunk actions of tv or movie characters after they met their soulmates because you were sure you sported a stupid smile of your own right now.
You pulled away from Jeongin, reassuringly patting his arm as he suddenly reacted to your actions. You grabbed your now cold and long forgotten drinks and headed over to a trash can you had spotted, skipping back over to him. It seemed like he had finished his conversation, and he was practically vibrating with energy.
“I have to go back,”  he explained, pausing as he considered his words. “Do you …want come with me?”
You bit your lip. “To meet the others?”
He nodded, and you swallowed at the thought. Meeting your soulmate was one thing, it put you on the same level. But meeting the rest of Stray Kids? At this point they were still your idols, and even being the soulmate of one of them didn’t change how much you were fangirling at this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Although, it wasn’t a once in a lifetime opportunity, was it?
You reached out to grab Jeongin’s hand, and he let you so easily that you were suddenly hit with the realization that this man was your soulmate. Someone who would be your best friend, a constant source of comfort, the yin to your yang, possibly even a future lover.
You were going to meet the rest of Stray Kids one way or another. Why not now?
Later on, you might regret your decision, but in the moment the dopamine from meeting your soulmate gave you the confidence you needed to nod your head enthusiastically, letting out a laugh as Jeongin eagerly pulled you along with him. You continued to laugh even harder as you realized you were heading in the direction of your hotel, wondering just how long fate had been spinning its web to get you two to meet.
Your amusement sobered up pretty quickly as you reached the lobby, Jeongin letting go of your hand to pull his cap down farther as he hurried to the elevators. The red string that tied you two together still followed him as he moved, the color somehow shining brighter than before.
And 5 similar red strings curled around each other as they left your chest, shooting straight up into the ceiling.
For a second you hesitated, taking a few steps around in random directions just to be sure, but they were definitely pointing up into the floors above you. Jeongin noticed your sudden hesitation, returning to your side with a questioning look.
You nodded and forced your eyes away from the other 5 strings. The other 5 of your soulmates are currently residing in the very hotel you were in.
What were the odds?
“My soulmate bond, it’s red strings. You aren’t the only one I have,” You explained to Jeongin as you both entered the elevator. “The others are here too.”
He nodded his head in understanding. “How many?”
“In total? 8, including you.”
And at the look he gave you, you let yourself accept the reality that you had slowly been realizing all along.
What were the odds?
When you arrived at the 6th floor, you didn’t even wait for Jeongin to lead you. You followed the red strings that all resided on the same floor, stopping at the first door that a string disappeared into. One look back at your soulmate confirmed your suspicions, and he let out a laugh of disbelief.
“Wow, this is …“ He said something else in Korean before repeating a ‘wow’.
You moved along the corridor, pointing out the next door to the left where two strings were, and then to one door on the right side where the last two strings remained. Jeongin was shaking his head in disbelief, and then he was pulling you back from the doors, into his arms again.
“Don’t meet them. Be my Stay,” He whined, his smile reassuring you that he was somewhat joking.
You weren’t sure when he had taken off his mask, but you were able to actually see his entire face now, and you couldn’t help but stare. His grip on you tightened and his smile turned into a smirk as he realized. You forced yourself to keep his gaze, even as you felt your cheeks begin to heat up.
“I’ll always be yours, Jeongin.”
It was the first time you said his name out loud, and he seemed to like it. He gave you one last squeeze, before he pulled you to the last door in the corridor. This one didn’t have any red strings leading into it, so you weren’t surprised when Jeongin scanned the door open and led you into an empty room. He pulled out his phone and started to text something while you looked around.
There was a still full suitcase that was half zipped up, a hoodie thrown over the chair it resided on. The other suitcase was on the bed, completely open and only slightly disturbed as it seems its owner simply pulled out the clothes on top to use. Jeongin noticed the suitcase and immediately jumped over to grab it, moving it from the bed over to the desk as he apologized in both Korean and English.
“It’s okay,” You reassured him, only sitting down on the bed when he gestured for you to do so. You didn’t want to accidentally sit on another member’s bed without their permission. “Did you tell the others?”
The nerves from before were back, the once peaceful calm you had felt now melting away at the prospect of meeting not only Stray Kids, but your soulmates as well.
Jeongin noticed your anxiety, and he reached over to grab your hand. “I told them to come to my room. Is it okay?”
I didn’t get to answer before there was a knock on the door, a loud voice outside yelling something in Korean. You recognized the voice, and you gave Jeongin a wide-eyed look.
He was uncharacteristically serious as his grip on your hand tightened. “You okay? I- I can tell them leave if you want.”
“Do they know?” You asked again.
He shook his head. “I want it to be … a surprise.”
You stared into his eyes, licking your lips and taking a deep breath. You looked over at the door as the knock came once again, and then back at your soulmate. You gave a small nod.
“I’m okay.”
Jeongin squeezed your hand once and then let go, giving you a reassuring smile. And then he went to open the door.
The hotel room was positioned in such a way that from your spot on the bed you couldn’t see the door, but from the yells earlier you knew it was at least Changbin on the other side. You weren’t quite expecting to see Chan round the corner first, nor were you ready for the smile that lit up his face at the sight of you.
“Oh, hey! You must be Jeongin’s soulmate. It’s so nice to meet you. My name’s Christopher, you can call me Chris.” He held out his hand to shake, but you were a bit hesitant to grab it.
Would he know immediately? Would you have to explain it to him?
His face furrowed in confusion, so you quickly reacted, grabbing his hand. “Chris, right. I know, um, I’m actually kind of a Stay?” You let out a nervous laugh, and then introduced yourself in return.
“Yeah, Jeongin was very happy to point that out. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him that excited,” Chan said, and he glanced down.
You were still shaking his hand.
With a quick apology, you let go and immediately ducked your hand. You wondered if he felt it, the spark, the energy, the same thing you had felt when you had hugged Jeongin for the first time. Or maybe you needed to be closer? Maybe he needed to realize it?
Chan was frowning again when you raised your gaze, his eyes staring deep into yours, but Changbin rounding the corner distracted both of you from your questions.
“Ah, Jeongin’s soulmate!” He didn’t even hesitate to pull you into a hug, and you couldn’t help the squeak that left your mouth as you were pulled off the bed, your feet barely touching the ground from where he dangled in his embrace.
Jeongin said something in an exasperated tone, and Changbin put you down.
“Sorry, sorry. I got too excited,” He said, smiling widely as he gave you a once over. He then turned around and said something in Korean that had both Jeongin and Chan yelling at him, to which he raised his hands in mock defense.
Jeongin must have left the hotel door room open, because there was a yell from out in the hall and suddenly someone was running in, babbling something in Korean. When Han Jisung spotted you, he pointed at you in surprise.
“Ah, it’s true! Jeongin really found his soulmate?!”
“Hey, be quiet. Do you want the whole world to hear?”
And right behind him, were the last two strings on this floor. Felix and Hyunjin both walked in and gave you a bow each, although Felix was quick to bounce past Jisung to pull you into a hug.
“I can’t believe he was the first one to find his soulmate,” he said to the group as a whole, and then whispering in your ear, “I’m glad. He deserves it.”
You were frozen, not just from the sudden appearance of some of the most beautiful men you had ever laid your eyes on, but from the sudden onslaught of emotions that washed over you. The red strings burned your chest, and you couldn’t find your voice, struggling with the happiness and love and excitement that mixed with your past anxiety and nervousness into a bundle of ‘what the fuck’.
And when Felix pulled away in worry at your lack of reaction, his eyes met yours.
The second puzzle piece clicked into place.
He gasped, his grip on your shoulders falling as he stumbled back, his eyes darting around the room before landing on Jeongin. The youngest began to say something, possibly trying to explain, but when he noticed your face, he paused. The others all turned to look at you in confusion as he pushed his way past to get to you, but a hand on your shoulder beat him to it.
“Breathe, sweetheart. Breathe.”
You inhaled so suddenly that your vision went blurry, not having realized you were holding your breath to begin with. Felix started crying, saying something to Jeongin, and you suddenly felt panicked. The hand on your shoulder moved up and placed itself against your cheeks, turning your face, and you were forced to stare into the eyes of Chan.
“Don’t worry about them, okay? Take another deep breath. You’re okay.”
The third puzzle piece slid into place slowly, like the hands that from your shoulders, down your arms, and squeezed your hands. Jeongin was apologizing, Felix was apologizing back, meanwhile Changbin, Hyunjin and Jisung were asking questions and looked confused. But Chan was calm, helping you catch you breath.
Jeongin kneeled down in front of you, next to Chan, and he gave your knee a squeeze. “I’m sorry. This was too much.”
Felix pushed past the two of them and practically tackled you with his hug, his face burrowing into your neck as he let out a sniffle. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I don’t want to steal you away from him.”
You let out a laugh, your own eyes welling up with tears. “Please don’t apologize. You’re not stealing me away from anyone. It’s not your fault.”
“Ah, please don’t cry. I can’t stand it when people cry.”
“You’re crying too!”
“It’s normal to cry when you meet your soulmate!” Felix argued.
There was a gasp from one of the remaining three who were still standing off to the side. You looked over and gave them a hesitant smile.
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anki-of-beleriand · 8 months
Bad Liar ch. 18
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - violence - mentios of abused and sexual assault - idiots in love - violence - suggestive themes - drama - angst - fluff
Author's note: The world had changed, and Wanda finally had a chance to show you and tell you how much she loves you and how much you had changed her life for the better.
Well, guys, this is the end.
I surely hope you guys like this chapter as much as I love writing it, and that in general you love the story. I wanted to give you a closure to what had happened and to how the story of both, Reader and Wanda would unfold, but I also wanted to give you a glimpse of the future so. Hope you enjoy the read! Thank you to all of you who stay to the very end, it was quite amazing to have you with me all this time.
Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Wishing upon a shooting star
Now and Forever
Time was a funny concept.
After the incident with Vision and Agatha, the world continued its slow travelled into a new year and the normality of life. But for you and your family, it became a painfully slow process in which you had to face many decisions and harsh realities. In the last couple of days, you had tried to make everything work, you made sure not only America but Wanda and the twins had the support they needed to continue on, while also dealing with the legal affairs involving Vision.
Everything had been a part of your life and how you were building up from scratch what had been put in jeopardy in a matter of hours.
Still, you and Wanda endure, and you couldn’t help but fell more in love with the woman that had been picking up her pieces while being everything you and her children needed. You massaged your neck tiredly, the house was completely alone and Wanda and the twins were still out somewhere with Natasha and Maria.
At least that was what she had said to you when you asked for her companionship to your appointment with the doctor. It had been a strange day, a very lonely day in which you had been left alone with your thoughts and emotions.
You whistled glancing around your living room before directing your attention to the stairs, America had long gone somewhere with Kate and you regretted not having agreed to her and her idea of joining you at the hospital. With a heavy sigh, and some tiredness you made your way upstairs ready to take a shower.
Of course, noting could had prepared you for what you found there.
The room was completely empty.
You stepped forward until your eyes fell upon the clothes that had been neatly organized on your bed. Right on top of your favourite trousers there was a single note with your name on it, you recognized America’s messy handwriting and you couldn’t help but smile at the words she had left written on the piece of paper.
Today is finally the day!
Wanda has been planning this for a very long time, and since I am very amazing sister, and sister-in-law, I decided to give her a hand.
I choose your favourite clothes and left everything ready for you to get dress and ready for your date with Wanda. You and her both deserve this time, and I think it would be the perfect time to just be yourself and talk about everything but what had happened lately. Please, be happy. I will take the twins to Kate’s place and you two will have the rest of the afternoon and the night for yourselves. Please, just write to me and make sure you enjoy the date.
Love, the best sister in the world (me)
Your smile only grew knowing in the last couple of days America had been completely secretive though always offering hints of how much you were going to love the surprised. Wanda had been holding her secrets just as tightly, and by the time Friday finally arrived you were really dying to know what Wanda had prepared.
“Very well, one hour before Wanda is here,” you mumbled to yourself letting your eyes wandered around to check your clothes. With a wince, you left your backpack and the jacket on a chair and went to the bathroom.
You couldn’t help but gasped at the sheer pain you felt running through your arm, leaving the sling to the side and helping yourself out of your clothes. Your reflection blinked back at you, the wound on your left arm was still red, and fresh, pulsating from time to time reminding you not only of the cold winter days, but of what had almost happened two weeks ago.
With a frown, and a shake of your head you turned around getting the bath ready.
Today was about you and Wanda and whatever it was she had prepared for you, there was no time to think anything sad or regretful. With a smile on your face, you put on some music and decided to get ready for the woman that had already captured your heart.
A deep void of anticipation settled on your lower abdomen and you could hardly wait to see Wanda again.
You glanced at your reflection with a critical eye.
America had put together the suit your dad had chosen for your first official meeting in the company. Your lips curled lightly, it had been a while since you last used those Chino pants, or that blazer, but it was your favourite one because of how it made you look. How it made you feel. You smiled fixing your left arm to rest comfortably on your midsection, the blazer and pants tailored fit complementing your body form with the dark colours you favoured so much. 
You found your eyes in your reflection, your body tingling with anticipation and a void expanding on your abdomen. Your heart shrank with emotion, when you recalled Wanda's eyes on you, her smile and the sweet timbre of her voice. If you were to be honest you didn't know when you felt for her, when you lowered your guard and allowed this woman and her children to take home in your heart. You just knew that one day, her smile took your breath away and her eyes on you made your heart fluttered with want.
The mobile on your bed vibrated several times, you furrowed your brows grabbing the phone while reading the message. You smirked, you turned around and went directly to the first floor making sure you had your wallet and keys on you. The moment you opened the door your throat went dry, 
She stood by your door wearing a single, dark blue dress pressed around her horse but loose around the waist. There was a black coat on her, with her hair straightened up and light make-up glistening on her face. She smiled shyly at you, her eyes taking in your frame before they settled in your eyes, her cheeks wore a dust of red you were familiar with.
“Hey.” She greeted tentatively dipping her head while looking away for a moment.
You shook your head, blinking a couple of times before stepping forward.
Wanda leaned back, her tongue playing with her lips with her hands closing tightly around the purse she had borrowed. 
“You look beautiful.” You finally stuttered out, your face warming up when those green eyes fell on you once more. 
Wanda put a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile softening leaning into the touch of your hand on her arm.
“You look good, too.” She replied and you were quite relieved you were not the only one incapable of speaking properly at the moment.
“Only good?” You asked teasingly, Wanda opened her eyes, shaking her head.
“You look amazing.” She finally stated, rolling her eyes when you just chuckled.
“Amazing, eh?”
“You always look good,” Wanda lifted her hand and put it on top of yours, “are you ready?”
You stepped out of your house closing the door behind you, you grabbed her hand placing a kiss on her knuckles with a single winked that made Wanda falter for a moment.
“I'm all ready for you, Princess. I'm also very excited to know where you are taking me, and what you have planned for today.”
You couldn't hide the excitement in your voice, you bounced on your feet while Wanda merely shook her head pointing to the car. 
“It's still a surprise and as such, you are going to be asked to wear a blindfold.” 
You cocked a brow at her, your lips curling playfully.
“Kinky.” You chuckled when Wanda slapped you playfully on the back, she rolled her eyes but you could tell she was blushing profusely.
“Come on, we have reservations.”
Wanda started walking down the lane but stopped when your hand closed around her forearm. She turned confused, her eyes finding yours and the seriousness of your expression made her turn completely to face you. 
“We cannot go like this, you know?” You shook your head, but Wanda merely creased her brows tilting her head.
Whatever question she had, or whatever she was going to say was soon cut by your lips finding hers in a slow, tentative kiss. Her breath caught in her throat, and you just loved the way she tilted her head placing her hands on your forearms giving into the kiss while opening her mouth with her tongue teasingly playing with yours. You smiled into the kiss, sowing down until your forehead was resting against hers. Both breathing hard, flustered with lips swollen from the kissing.
“Are you…are you happy now?” Wanda asked and her voice, while still recovering, suddenly was huskier than ever.
You nodded, placing a sweet peck on her cheek, stepping back before you couldn't contain yourself.
“Yep, now we can go.”
The ride to your destination was a silent event.
The silence was filled with music and conversation about your doctor’s recommendations for the physical therapy and Wanda’s care of her throat. You had leaned back against the eat, with a smile playing on your lips while you gave the woman sitting beside you a trust you rarely placed in anybody else.
When the car finally stopped, your stomach was squirming deliciously and your heart was jumping with anticipation of what was going to happen. You waited until a warm hand placed itself on your leg, your body tense leaning in to follow the voice of Wanda.
“I thought very hard on this, you know?” Wanda was speaking softly, with her voice filled with memory and something you couldn’t quite name, “I’ve been going through so many changes, and when I was finally getting to know myself I met you.”
You cracked a smile leaning your head without being able to see but sensing Wanda’s eyes on you.
“That was one hell of a first good impression?”
Wanda snorted, her hand clenched tenderly around your knee.
“No, I hated you.” This time around you could tell she was not joking, but her voice merely softened. “I hated what you made me feel, I felt vulnerable but at the same time there was this horde of butterflies on my stomach and my chest was always tight and throbbing…it was infuriating. It was confusing.”
You lifted your right hand; your movements were slow and tentative waiting to see if Wanda would stop your advances but she never did so. By the time you took off the blindfold, you could see the face of the other woman looking right outside the parking lot of a big, black building. Wanda let out a breathy sigh, it came right from her chest and by the time her green eyes found yours your heart skipped a beat.
“I wasn’t sure as to what I was experimenting until…” Wanda shrugged, “until I told Hope, then everything make sense.”
“Was it the first time you…” your question caught in your throat, there were many things you wanted to ask, furrowing your brows you realised there were certain details about Wanda you had yet to see, you had yet to know.
Fixing your position on the seat, this time around it was you the one facing her while the building stood like a shadow in front of you.
“Was it the first time a woman flirt with you?” You asked tentatively, Wanda nodded tilting her head until she was locking her eyes with you.
“It was the first time I actually admit to liking a woman, Y/N.” Wanda then softened her features, her hand seeking yours, “today I want to make it special, I want for you to know and to feel just how much you mean to me. I…I may be slow with words, but I don’t want you to think I am not experiencing the same emotions as you do.”
Your lips broke into a half smile, you leaned forward until your lips were on her ear. Wanda shivered her eyes fluttering close as you spoke.
“I love you.” It was a simple whisper, three words you had gotten used to tell the other woman with every single ounce of honestly you could show her.
“I know.” Wanda replied back turning her face until your lips and hers were brushing against one another, you snorted shaking your head.
“Very well, Han Solo, where are we?”
Wanda furrowed her brows scrunching up her nose the very same way the twins usually did when confused. You chuckled tucking her locks behind her ear.
“What did you call me?” She asked tentatively leaning back, you raised a single brow.
“You know? Han Solo? Star Wars? Princess Leia?”
Wanda shrugged shaking her head, her eyes twinkling in silent laughter at the face of pure mock disbelief you were wearing at the moment. It was as if you were genuinely offended by her lack of knowledge for what you were saying.
“God, as soon as this is over you and I are going home to see the movies, the original ones before I settled on letting you see the full saga.” You commented opening the door of the car.
Wanda followed your actions, but just before the both of you left the warmness of the car she decided to speak.
“Funny, I thought that after we left this place you and I could be doing something totally different once we were home. I was dying to know what else you could do with that mouth of yours.”
The young woman smirked closing the car door behind her and walking down the parking lot, her cheeks were a witness of her embarrassment but her heart fluttered happily when she heard your cursed and gasp. The door closing with a loud thud, while your footsteps hurried up behind her.
The night promise to be fun.
The main entranced had been decorated with silvery banners announcing the newest show, the doors were closed and a single sign to the left showed the place had been closed hours ago. You furrowed your brows; it was until the both of you had been standing closed to it that you realized you were in the Natural Museum and the Stark Planetarium. The place was huge and it had been built just outside the city to make it possible for the observatory to get easiest access to a clear sky.  Your eyes lighted up leaning in to observed inside the glassed doors, Wanda stood by your side writing something on her phone while waiting patiently with you.
“How did you know?” You asked leaning back, Wanda shifted her weight from one feet to the other facing you with a soft smile.
“I did pay attention when you helped the twins with their homework, and I did my investigation to make sure I wouldn’t get this wrong.” Wanda stepped closer to you positioning herself on your right side so she could grab your hand in hers. “I want this date to be special.”
“Being with you is what makes this date special.” You pecked her cheek, and Wanda just shook her head.
“You’re such a sweet talker.”
“Nah, I’m just saying the truth.”
Soon the doors were opened and a single guard opened the doors, he smiled at the both of you while passing a set of keys to Wanda giving her silent instructions as to where they should go and which parts were off limits for the both of you. You observed as the young woman listened carefully, she took the map the man was giving her while also pointing to something on the tablet he was holding. Your heart skipped a beat thinking of all the things she had done, if only to get you to where you two were at the moment ready to enjoy the strangest date you had ever been to.
“Very well, we’re not allow to disturb the rest of the exhibitions so let’s see, I think it’s down here.”
“Lead the way, my lady, I am but a humble peasant at your mercy.”
Wanda chuckled grabbing your hand dragging you through the corridors, it was only the both of you and the sound of your footsteps disturbed the silent scene spreading before your eyes. You had been in that place several times through your youth and adulthood; it was one of your favourite places in the whole world and you had a sneaking suspicion this part of the date had been America’s contribution.
“No way…” you whispered this time around walking faster until it was you the one dragging Wanda behind you, your smile grew just as you turned around and found the planetarium had been fixed in such a way that right in the middle of the ground there was a single table with two chairs.
You had been there when your father was helping around on the renovations, at that time you were but eight years old, but the idea behind these new arrangements was to make camping-like scenario for some of the youngest people that would fill the place in the future. The idea was to make of this dome of the most accurate and real in the whole country. 
Let’s make it feel as if they were actually outside, watching the stars above their heads on a nice, summer night.
Your face broke into a nostalgic smile as the words of your father filled your mind.
Wanda took a deep breath her hand squeezing yours tenderly, her heart beating fast just as you let go while strolling around the place. The planetarium was located on the west wing of the building, it was the biggest in the east coast and it usually held some of the most important films about astronomy and history in the whole country. The projection dome was done with neutral colours with a LED system that came along with the latest technology for audio and special effects. It had been a couple of years since you last were inside the Domo and finding yourself in the midst of such a place only brough a bubble of happiness that spread all through your senses.
Everything was already set up, and the lights that were lighting up the place were just centred on the single table with two chairs right in the middle of the room. Instead of the normal chairs that were placed around the theatre, you found yourself looking at a scene that never thought possible and you knew right there and there of all the effort that Wanda had taken that very first time to give you the perfect date.
“Do you…do you like it?” Wanda finally broke the silence approaching you with a tentative stare in her eyes, she approached the table signalling the cutlery with the table, the glasses of wine and the single bottle resting on a small side table inside a bucket filled with ice.
You turned to the woman standing beside you, it was quite incredible that even after all she had done there was still some trepidation in her features, the nervous picking of her fingers while she tried to offer explanations of how everything came to be. Of the careful planning she did to make sure everything would be ready, that everything would be there on time.
You stopped her tirade just as she was about to tell you she chose as the main course had been lasagne accompanied by a white wine.
Wanda got her words tangled in her throat, her lips trembling lightly until she lifted her arms to return your hug. For the very first time, after what happened in New Year and the process of recovery you and Wanda allowed the comfort of a single hug.
“This is amazing.” You whispered making sure she could feel everything you were experimenting at the moment.
Wanda closed her eyes, taking in the sweet aroma of your perfume and surrendering to the warm of your body. You leaned back, brushing your fingers on her hair while taking in the marks on her eyes and the tentativeness behind her stare.
“Nobody had done this before, you know?”
“Really?” Wanda asked right away, you shook your head. Wanda pursed her lips stepping back a little.
“You don’t have to say that, you know?”
You furrowed your brows seeking her eyes with yours until she couldn’t look away from you.
“I mean it, Wands. I’ve been in many dates some of them were unique in the way the presented themselves, but…well, this…” You lifted your eyes to the dome stretching your arms while twirling around, “having someone worry enough to make something I like? Not many did, and not in the way I was expecting.”
“Well, I just thought…” Wanda turned around when the gates of the theatre opened and there came a couple of waitresses bringing over the food.
You grabbed Wanda’s hand leaning in to place a single kiss on her knuckles, the young woman rolled her eyes at your gesture but took it for what it was.
“Let’s eat, and discuss this, my lady.”
“Let me help you out.” Wanda replied walking fast to the closest chair pulling it out waiting for you to sit.
You grinned taking the chair while Wanda too the one right in front of you, the two young men worked was placing the plates filled with food while also serving the wine and leaving two glasses of water as well.
Everything was perfect, the smell of the fresh lasagne filled your nostrils and it was quite evident you couldn’t shake the smile adorning your features. Wanda puffed out her chest, a sense of pride overcame her knowing she had made it possible for you to not lose your smile or relaxed posture.
“This is delicious,” you moaned while tasting the food, Wanda blushed glancing at the food while nodding in agreement. “God you bought it in Olympia, didn’t you?”
“Yep, Ajak was very kind to offer the services of the waitress and the food and actually all the things you see here.”
“You really outdo yourself with the date, Wanda.”
Wanda lifted her face taking in your frame, she smiled going back to her food.
“I really wanted to make this special for you.” Wanda grabbed her wine frowning her brows for a moment, “I never thought I could be this special with anyone, let out feel like this for someone else.”
You focused on the food, but soon you noticed the sweet melody of a familiar song playing in the speakers inside the dome. Your eyes lighted up turning to Wanda who was offering a tiny smile, she really had thought about everything.
“Very well, what’s your ideal date?” You asked all of a sudden, Wanda was taken aback for a moment blinking at the randomness of the question.
“My ideal date?”
“Yep, you just said you couldn’t imagine being this special, but you are special, Wanda. Perhaps, you were never given the chance, but I know you must have something inside your head that cold be define as the perfect one.”
Wanda chewed on her lower lip, narrowing her eyes for a moment before leaning in.
“I have always thought that a walked down a beautiful part, or forest leading to a lake is an ideal date.” She stated thoughtfully, “mom used to take Pietro and me to this beautiful forest near the city back home, she always told us the stories of her youth, and I always thought that would be the perfect place to have a date or a marriage proposal.”
You nodded pursing your lips impressed, Wanda then turned to you her eyes gleaming strangely.
“How about yours?”
You opened your eyes blinking a couple of times before leaning over, “I have to say, this one? It’s at the top five of my favourite dates ever.”
Wanda made a face of disbelief but you stopped her with a gesture of your hand, you drank some wine shaking your head.
“I mean it.” You declared strongly, “I love history, and I love everything that has to do with museums and books, if you want to win my heart, this is the perfect spot to start over. But I would say the perfect date would be on Prague’s Strahov library. Now, that would be quite the adventure.”
The conversation soon flew the same way it did before the incident, you caught Wanda giving in while leaving the stress on her shoulders ease out and her expression relaxed while the conversation grew around the topics she handled well. You never lied to her, while you had your share amount of dates usually they involved other type of activities that, why you liked them at a time, they hardly related with one of your passions.
Laughter filled the planetarium; the acoustics of the place made it easy for the sound to be enhanced. The conversation grew around different topics, and soon whatever happened in the past, whatever physical wounds the both of you carried still were forgotten.
And it was in that moment you remembered why you fell in love with Wanda.
“Thank you, this was delicious.” You glanced at the waitress smiling gently at her, the young woman flushed returning the smile until she caught the glare coming from Wanda.
“I will bring the desert.” The young woman picked up the last of the dishes and hurried out of the place.
You cocked a brow at Wanda who had not stopped following the other woman with her glare, when she returned her attention to you it was only to find your amused smile adorning your features.
“Jealous much?” You chuckled when Wanda clicked her tongue looking away.
“Should I be?”
This time around you did laugh at the absurdity of the comment, Wanda rolled her eyes sending you a withering stare before huffing and crossing her arms. You waited until the dessert had been served and another bottle of wine was brought, this time around the rest of the lights went out and there was only a single one left to create a foggy atmosphere around the centre of the room.
“I think you are adorable when jealous.” You stood up serving the wine, you knew Wanda was following you with her eyes but for now you focused your attention to the task at hand. “I still remember that time in which you saw me and Carol, there is something utterly cute about it.”
“I’m not jealous, and I don’t think being jealous counts as adorable. Or cute.”
You clicked your tongue shaking your head, the glass was soon filled with the red beverage on the bottle. You passed the glass to Wanda who received it, the glint in her eyes told you she was enjoying the changed in the topic. Or perhaps, what she was enjoying was your attention. You nodded to her mobile taking your glass in your hands.
“They give you control of the room, didn’t they?”
Wanda pursed her lips glancing at her phone while nodding.
“Mr. Stark taught me the basics, and how to make sure that everything was perfect for the show.” Wanda mumbled, she gasped when you grabbed the phone seeking the app where Wanda was trying to handle the dome.
“You took my playlist, didn’t you?” This time around there was a hint of affection tainting your voice, Wanda nodded as if it was obvious.
“I wanted this to be about you.” She mumbled well aware that your eyes were now on her.
“Let’s make this about you and me, then.” You ran your thumb around the playlist until you found the song you were looking for. Your mouth broke into a smirk, and the sudden glint of mischief that appeared in your eyes made Wanda winced.
“What are you thinking?”
You left your glass of wine, stretching your hand to Wanda who took it without thinking it twice.
“Dance with me, my love.”
Wanda looked away with a tiny smile on her lips, her cheeks burning up while she started shivering under your hold. You stepped closer waiting for the song to start, your body moulding perfectly against Wanda’s one.
“I trust you know how to dance, Wands?”
“I…I know the basics.” She replied locking her eyes with you.
“Then, let me stir you around the curves.” You winked at her, loving the sound of her laughter.
The sound of the trumpet was the first thing that came into the speakers, and soon the music formed around the voice of Elle Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Wanda snickered gasping when you twirled her around before pressing her body to yours, the dance started slowly with you just swinging around.
“Why that song?” Wanda finally asked, you shrugged with memory written in your eyes.
“Mom used to listen to it, America’s mom.” You clarified, “her mother used Elle to perfect her English when they first came here.”
Wanda nodded leaning closer, her arms sneaking around the nape of your neck. You wiggled your eyebrows bringing another chuckled from the young woman.
“And she taught you how to dance?”
“Mom used to teach us as well,” Wanda rested her forehead against yours, “ours was more classical, but still it was nice. She was a little obsess of making me be a debutant, and Pietro a escort in the traditional sense.”
Wanda furrowed her brows at the memory, but whatever memory came with it soon was forgotten and replaced with a content smile.
“It was actually nice, and I enjoyed it greatly.”
“I would love to dance something classical, any song in mind?” You asked tentatively, Wanda opened her eyes a little taken aback by your inquiry.
“You want to? Really?”
“Yeah, I do.”
Wanda tilted her head thinking for a moment until the song finished and the both of you stood in the middle of the room just looking at one another. The young woman leaned in kissing you tentatively, when she parted from you your heart was already trembling under the sheer passion she shared through the kiss.
“No, perhaps later, right now I want to keep spoiling you.”
Not sooner had she said this, Wanda turned around making her way to the futons resting on the floor. She fixed them with care, full aware of your curious eyes on her; woman made sure to take her jacket off of her and fix everything so the both of you could rest comfortably on the floor.
“What else did you plan?” You finally asked approaching her with the same amount of curiosity, Wanda was smiling shrugging lightly.
“You’ll see, don’t be impatient.” Wanda hesitated for a moment before turning to you, “do you mind serving the wine and bring it over?”
“Not at all.” With one last glance you turned to the table ready to serve the wine when all of a sudden the lights went out.
You froze on the spot, lifting your head to see if perhaps it had been a malfunction in the system or there was something else involved. Soon, you could feel the breeze touching your heated face, the small resounding of drums that went increasing until music of ancient design filled the room and a single dot of white appeared on the far edge of the screen crossing the dome above your head like a shooting star.
You gasped turning around to see Wanda smiling at you, she had dismissed her heels and her coat approaching you while the music transformed into a soothing melody. She locked her eyes with yours, and while you couldn’t see it, you could feel her trembling hands on your blazer helping you out of it while fixing the posture of your sling.
No words were needed it when those fingers worked around the bottoms of your shirt and then she took you to the futons she had fixed on the ground. With a stretch out hand, you allowed her to direct you to the ground almost chocking on your spit when she knelt in front of you taking your shoes off of you.
“Wanda…” You couldn’t keep the silence, but your voice sounded strangled almost fearful to break the spell the both of you seemed to be in.
“This is about you.” She replied simply, crawling to you her lips found yours in the sweetest of kisses the both of you had shared so far.
You found yourself on your back, those lips dancing with yours in a silent invitation. Your heart was beating hard, you were sure the sound of the drums had long ago been replaced by the sound of your heart. Your put your open hand on the back of Wanda’s neck putting her closer until you were on your back and she was almost on top of you.
“I love you.” Wanda all but whisper in your ear, her face almost hidden in the crook of your neck while her warm breath caressed the skin behind your ear.
There was a moment of silence, your heart finally stopped while you registered those words coming from her. You never expected Wanda to say those three words any time soon, you understood the kind of pressure she had been in, and the life she had been living before meeting you. Hell, the amount of time the both of you had known each other wouldn’t give you both enough time to say such a deep declaration, yet you couldn’t deny what you had been feeling for the woman hovering above you at the moment.
Your eyes found those emerald ones, the affection she had always shown you was there gleaming with hope. She waited with her lips swollen, and a dust of pink on her cheeks; Wanda leaned in her nose playing with yours while her eyes closed to engrave the moment in her mind.
“I love you.” She said it again, this time around louder, stronger and you knew she meant it. Every single word.
Your eyes flickered soon to the screen above your head, this time around everything changed and it was as if the both of you were right outside. The night sky was gleaming above your head, with a million started twinkling merrily at you, the start gliding slowly until the movement of the starts start speeding up and soon everything changed and the first constellations came upon the screen.
Wanda could see the stars reflecting in your eyes, she was very careful with her weight always favouring your right side. Her lips curled into a smile when your face lit up with glee at the sight above your head; she remembered the first time she asked for help. America and Hope had been so sure about their proposal that Wanda couldn’t say no, but she opted to add some of the things she had learned from you in those conversations in the middle of the night.
“I love you, too.” You finally replied back, this time around those eyes were filled with affection and completely focused on Wanda.
The young woman dipped her head turning on her side until she was resting right beside you, her hand sneaking comfortably around your midsection.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to say it,” Wanda started but before you could reply she shot you a quick glance shaking her head, “you had been my saviour in so many ways. You can imagine where I was when I first met you.”
“I was a bitch on that meeting.” You recalled, but Wanda merely chuckled nodding.
“You were and I hated you for that.” Wanda turned to you never losing her smile or the affection in her voice, “and then I got to know you and I was…confused. You were making me feel so much, in so little time, and I was afraid.”
Wanda snuggled closer to you, “I’m not afraid anymore, and after thinking about it I realized I love you. As in, I’m in love with you, Y/N, and I don’t think I can stop my heart right now…”
“Why would you stop it?” You inquired turning on your side, wincing when you put some stressed on your left arm.
“I don’t know, what if…”
You leaned in kissing Wanda before she could finish her sentence, Wanda giggled welcoming the kiss before making sure you were back on your back instead of putting some unnecessary stress on your arm.
“Don’t think about the what ifs, Wanda.” You nodded to the sky above your heads, the music had changed into winds and cords, and the story of the first constellations came to be right in front of your eyes.
“I know it is too soon, still. That there is a lot to work on, but if you allowed it…I will be by your side until the last start in the sky had been consume by time.”
Wanda leaned closer to you, her face hidden once more by your neck though this time around you could feel her lips on your neck.
“How do you do it? How can you say such things and make me tremble until there is nothing else but you?”
“It’s a gift.” You chuckled when Wanda lifted her face rolling her eyes.
“I want to be with you, for as long as you want me, Y/N.”
“Then, let’s be together.” You sneaked your arm around her putting her on top of you, “let’s be a family and see where it goes.”
“I love you, and I just wanted to make sure you knew it.” Wanda insisted, you nodded pecking her nose.
“I know.”
“I wanted to make of this night something special,” Wanda said her hand lifting to cup your face and soon her fingers started dancing down your jaw to your neck to the open shirt. For you it was soon evident what she meant, and while she tried to look confident in what she was doing you could see the flash of uncertainty in her eyes.
Her hand was trembling, whatever expertise she had tried to show soon vanished when you realized she was getting closer to your chest.
“You don’t have to…you know?” You could see the glint of hesitation in her green eyes, Wanda clenched them closed in frustration. “Hey, Wands…look at me.”
It took a moment, but then she lifted her eyes and soon she was looking right at you.
“I don’t need sex to know I love you and that my heart is already yours, Wands. And I don’t need you to prove it to me; Wands whenever you are ready I’ll be here more than happy to make you scream in passion.”
Wanda gasped this time around her blush grew from her chest all the way to her cheeks, she tried to look away from you but you made it impossible for her to do so. Your wounded arm finding her face in a single caress.
“How can you be so understanding? God, I just…” Wanda leaned against your touch, “I feel foolish.”
“Never, Love, I just know… and I’m not in any hurry, whenever you are ready, I’ll be ready as well.”
Wanda sighed and whatever tension had been building around her left her body, this time around, when she kissed you she did it with the promise of the future. She laid down by your side, and soon she focused her stare on the stars above your head.
“I love it, this moment just you and me…”
“I thought we need it, you have been amazing with the twins but…” Wanda trailed off shrugging, “I think we were also needing this time to know one another. To actually share in an alone time.”
You smiled nodding your agreement, her hand found yours and soon your fingers intertwined with hers. The stars danced above your heads, and soon your voice joined the music and the different scenes playing with the constellations. You filled in the gaps with the stories you recognized, with Wanda asking questions or helping in the narration until soon you two were talking about mythology and reality.
“I wish this night would never end,” Wanda whispered glancing at the projection of the stars above her head, the show was about to end and she couldn’t help but voice what she had been experimenting in her heart.
“It doesn’t have to be over.” You replied turning to Wanda, the other woman furrowed her brows and you pressed your lips together turning on your side so you were facing her.
“Someday, right?” Wanda replied locking her eyes with yours.
She smiled snuggling closer to you, “for now I wouldn’t say no to you sleeping with me, I mean without…I…”
You snickered placing a kiss on her forehead, “I know.”
“Did you imagine this will end like this?” Wanda finally asked, her eyes focusing on the sky above her head.
“No, I imagine it will start like this.” You glanced at the same stars, the same shooting star you saw at the beginning gleaming in the distance ready to travel through the sky.
“What do you mean?” Wanda scrunched up her nose, you placed a single kiss on her forehead nodding to the sky.
“I imagine this is how my relationship with you will start, and that after today we just ready to face the new challenges this relationship may bring.” You shrugged glancing down at Wanda, “I’ve been in love before, but…with you? It feels right, as if I was waiting for you.”
Wanda opened her eyes lightly before her expression softened.
“I realised that when…when you stood by my side regardless of my past.” Wanda rested her head on your shoulder, “I think this is the first time I have been in love and, I want you to be the only one.”
“well, love, you have a shooting star to make your wishes a reality.” You pointed to the screen and soon the shooting star crossed the dome and the show was over.
“what did you wish for?” Wanda inquired turning to you, you winked at her nuzzling her nose with yours.
“It’s a secret.”
“That’s not fair! You know what I ask for!”
“I do?” You furrowed your brows, Wanda nodded looking away for a moment before locking her eyes with yours.
“I wish for you to be my one and only love.”
You were shocked for a moment, but soon you answered to such words by kissing Wanda softly.
“And you?” Wanda finally said once you parted from the kiss.
“Me? Well, love, you will have to wait.” You smirked when Wanda seemed indignant at your declaration.
“Oh, come on!”
You pocked her nose, leaning in to kiss her pouting face away.
“Nu-uh, Princess, patience is a virtue, and I know you will know what I wish for with time.”
Wanda groaned in mock frustration, she was about to stand up but her hand grabbed her phone and soon a new projection started in the dome. You raised a single eyebrow when Wanda pinned you to the futon, her lips curling into a mischievous smile.
“Well, then, meanwhile I will just do the second part of my wish.”
“Second part?” Wanda nodded leaning in.
“Yep, I wish to kiss you, and show you how much I love you, how much I thank the skies for having me given the opportunity of meeting you.” Wanda then leaned closer to your face, “I wish to kiss you until the story above our heads is no more and the only option you have is to take me home and spend the night with me.”
“Then, my lady, allow me to make those wishes a reality.”
Their laughter soon filled the dome, and it came accompanied by a sudden gasp and the sound of kissing and playful banter.
Wanda never imagined that her decision to leave Vision would end up with her finding herself, while in the process getting a job and making new friends. Not even in her wildest dreams did Wanda imagine that she would come across someone like you that, for the very first moment create a lasting impression on her to the point Wanda decided to explore the relationship.
Her past had finally stayed in the past, with Vision in jail and her getting the full custody of her children, Wanda now was sure she could secure her future while at the same time seek out the peace and happiness she so desperately needed. Now, with you kissing her slowly while sharing a moment of pure, and unrestrained happiness, Wanda knew that every single decision she had taken had led her to that moment, it had led her to you.
And she didn’t regret it.
With you, Wanda understood that she didn’t need to lie to herself, that she didn’t need to hide or to run. With you, Wanda discovered she could be herself and finally give in.
To be loved, and to love.
That was all that matter.
Three years later
Morning had arrived with a bright sun, and no clouds in the sky.
You served the coffee while glancing out the window, the sound of running footsteps brought a smile to your face knowing that the holidays were the perfect opportunity for the twins to break havoc. No sooner had you thought this, Billy and Tommy came through the door wearing the baggy pants and the t-shirt they had chosen to wear that day.
“Morning, Y/N!” Billy came to you wrapping his arms on your midsection before going to the fridge, Tommy chuckled sitting down on the stool waiting until Billy brought two glasses and set the orange juice on the table.
“You guys have a lot of energy for a Monday morning.” You hummed when they shook their heads innocently.
“Nu-uh, just…America told us she would take us to the lake.” Tommy said shrugging.
“And, we haven’t said anything about…you know.” Billy mumbled looking around the room before settling his eyes on you, “so we thought you would be happy to know we will be out of your hair today!”
You chuckled ruffling his hair affectionately, setting your coffee on the table while serving the orange juice to the boys.
They had grown a great deal and now at seven they were far smarter than you or even Wanda gave them credit for. Three years ago, you never thought possible to fall in love again, nor did you thought whatever started as a tentative relationship would end up being the best that happened to you. You glanced at the boys that started talking animatedly while mentioning the different places America and Kate were supposed to taken them to, you smiled knowing your sister adored them and was about ready to do whatever they wanted as long as she got to spend some time to them.
You sighed leaning against the counter taking a long sip from the coffee, in the last years a lot of things had changed in your life. America had finally found her passion, she had decided to pursue a career in international affairs and her path led her directly into one of the most important universities in Europe, which ended up with Kate studying a couple of miles away from her. Whatever had started as a school crush, it had developed into a serious relationship that both of them had dealt with maturity.
You had finally gotten the time you needed to organise the business, and while your presence was always required when important matters arise, you had taken it upon yourself to be in charge of the development section of the company. It was easier, and it gave you the time you needed to spend with Wanda and the children.
The sound of childish argument brough a smile into your face, soon you caught the well-known voice of your girlfriend and your heat melt right away when Wanda appeared behind the hall wearing a familiar frown while placing her hands on her hips.
“Okay, you two, stop this argument right now or there won’t be any outing with America.”
“Yes, mum!” The twins said at the same time focusing on their beverages.
You locked your eyes with Wanda, your lips curling into a smile while the woman softened completely making her way to where you were standing casually. She leaned in pecking your lips while stealing your mug.
“Morning.” You whispered wrapping your arm around her hips, she giggled leaning forward before accepting a deeper kiss.
“Ugh, mom!”
You finished the kiss turning to them, “I will hold you to this moment when you guys bring over your partners home and decided to kiss them in front of us.”
“I would never be this corny!”
You chuckled rolling your eyes, Wanda leaned in kissing you one more time before going to the coffee maker and serving another cup of coffee. You glanced at your watch knowing America would be there any moment now, your heart beating a tad bit faster while the heavy void you had felt on your lower abdomen increased and your chest tightened at what you had planned for the day.
Tommy and Billy glanced at one another before placing their hands on their mouth and snickering, you mock glared at them and the sudden exchanged didn’t go amiss to Wanda. The young woman narrowed her eyes standing right beside you.
“Okay, what is it?” She asked, and her suspicions only grew when the three of you answered at the same time.
You glanced at the twins, the three of you started laughing while Wanda softened her features. Even if she got curious, and a little wary, she couldn’t help but love these moments in which you and the twins would behave like a family. Once she had given in, you became the light of her life, your smile and your occurrences were always a source of amusement and tenderness, and the twins had come to love you in ways Wanda thought would be difficult to do so. They accept you faster than what she thought, and ever since that day after the planetarium you and her had been together in the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty.
“You guys…” Wanda started but whatever she was going to say was cut short by a knock on the door.
“Save by the bell, guys! That must be America, love.” You gave Wanda a quick peck on her lips before running towards the door, once more the twins looked at one another before holding back their snickers.
“Okay, what is it?”
“Nu-uh, mom, it’s a secret!” Tommy said emptying the glass in a single sip.
“We promised not to say anything, mom.” Billy continued shrugging before approaching Wanda and offering her a hug, “but I love you!”
Wanda narrowed her eyes hugging Billy back, “I love you too, both of you.”
“Hey!! Where are my favourite guys in the whole world?!”
America stretched her arms to welcome Billy and Tommy, Kate rolled her eyes moving past them with a smile to greet Wanda. Wanda chuckled when their attention turned to Kate, America approached her wrapping her arms around the young woman.
“Ugh, I missed you so much, Wands! How’s everything? My sister still giving you trouble?”
“Hey! I never gave her any trouble, did I?” You pouted standing beside Wanda, the other woman shook her head putting you closer to her.
“Never, my love, you are a well-behaved girlfriend whenever you and the twins are not playing to break havoc.” Wanda pecked your lips turning to America. “Everything is perfect, but I have a feeling my girlfriend and my sons are planning something I should know about.”
This times around America opened her eyes with her mouth hanging opened, Kate gasped and the twins put their hands on their mouths. You snorted rolling your eyes, with this level of secrecy it was a surprised Wanda had not really discovered what you had planned for her that day.
“No, I mean there is no…Oh, look at the time, guys are you ready?” Kate babbled looking around while trying to evade any interaction with Wanda who had her eyes on her.
America snorted softening her stare while her girlfriend took the twins to their room, she then turned to Wanda who had a single eyebrow lifted waiting for an explanation she would not receive. At least, not from America.
“Don’t look at me, I’m just a passerby ready to take the twins on an adventure of a lifetime.” She said lifting her arms, Wanda snorted turning to you.
“You know, sooner or later I will find out your secrets?”
“I’m counting on it, Wands.” You whispered leaning in to kiss her, “now, how about you go and take a bath and I help America around.”
Wanda nodded dreamily, she gave you a quick smile before turning to America and giving the young woman another hug.
“It is good to see you again, America, see you tonight at dinner, right?”
“Yeo, we will be there!” America glanced at Wanda walking away, she waited until she was pretty sure Wanda had left before turning to you. “Well?”
“Well? You’re the one who should tell me if everything is ready!” You whispered harshly at your sister glancing down the corridor before settling your eyes on America.
The young woman rolled her eyes, but her lips played a familiar smile while she tapped something on her phone. Soon you were giving a fine idea of what she had prepared with the help of Kate and your friends; it had been hard at first to get what you needed to make of that day special. Your face lit up completely, and America could see the ghost of a smile on your lips while your eyes scanned the images she had store on her phone.
When you first shared with America your intentions, the young woman had been excited. In the last couple of years, she had seen the love between you and Wanda grow in something completely different. It was not the same relationship you shared with Shuri, and certainly it wasn’t the same type of relationship Wanda had shared with Jarvis. The both of you had been the best that could happen to the other, Wanda had learnt to love and be love, to trust in herself while also trust in the affection others held for her. You learnt to let go and to actually trust in the person beside you, you got to see how Wanda was ready to be a part of your life without losing her own little universe with the twins.
It had been a rocky path, there were fights, and sometimes it was quite difficult to fight against the demons of the past. But, America knew, if it hadn’t been because of the deep love you two felt for one another, the relationship would have been over years ago.
“I think she will love it, and I’m just…” America trailed off before offering you a quick hug, “I think this is amazing.”
You sighed putting your hand inside your pocket, the squared box resting inside your pocket.
“Thank you, this looks amazing.” You glanced at the hall before turning to America, “at what time you think we can go over there?”
“Mmm, I would say the best would be around 4pm, we will be there waiting for you so…” America waved her hands excited, “God, I can’t hardly wait, please tell me if anything happens.”
“I will, Kiddo, thank you.” You wrapped your arms around her, “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too.” America chuckled when she caught the excited chatter of the twins and Kate coming over, “now, I will take them off of your plate for a while, we will have time to get up to date, for now, go!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You watched as they left in the midst of laughter and light conversation, your hand sneaking inside your pocket putting out the black box you had bought a long time ago. Your heart skipped a beat, your hand clenching tightly around it ready to give the next step in your relationship with Wanda. Your lips broke into a tender smile, the memories of the last three years filling up your mind with determination and love.
You put the box away turning to see Wanda approaching you slowly, the swinging of her hips and that flirty smile she wore made your mouth go dry and your lower abdomen tingled with anticipation.
“Yes?” You asked, Wanda came to you chewing on her lower lip playfully.
“Since the kids are gone, and you and I are alone, I thought…we could shower together, don’t you think?” This was said in a low, husky tone, her lips wrapping around your earlobe while her hands sneaked inside your shirt.
“I think…you have a wicked mind, Wands.” You replied, but before Wanda could do or said anything else you took her in your arms crashing your lips to hers.
Needless to say, you and she left the home later than what you should, but the both of you had satiated the thirst you had for one another.  Love evident in your faces, as you walked around the city hand by hand.
The country of Sokovia was a beautiful land with a rich past and a colourful landscape.
Wanda had been excited when you announced the trip, not really believing you were going to comply with her wishes until you present her with the four plane tickets. By the time you four had arrived at the city of Novi Grad, Wanda had been completely excited telling you and her children all about her hometown. She spoke of the difficult times they had lived, and the wonderful things the new government had done to fix the mistakes of the past.
Billy and Tommy had been avid listeners, and they had started talking to Wanda and to you in sokovian while Wanda was just completely happy with the development on their vacations. You had been just happy to see her smile, to see the excitement in her eyes when she pointed to all the places she remembered.
“I still can believe you brought me here.” Wanda said sitting down on the table right outside a beautiful balcony looking at the far away mountains covering half of the city.
“Why not?” You replied taking the menu with a smile, “if anything, I should be sorry for taking so long, but you know? Life has been getting in the way, and I wanted for you to have time to enjoy this place.”
Wanda didn’t know how you did it, the way you were always giving it your all to make her happy. She leaned forward placing her hand on top of yours.
“This is perfect, and it’s the perfect time.”
You smiled back at her, looking at the menu while glancing at the watch on your wrist. You were getting restless as the time for the main event approached; Wanda was looking at her menu pursing her lips before returning her attention to you.
“Can I order something for you? There is something in here I want you to try out…” She trailed off glancing away for a moment, a shadow crossing her eyes, “it is something mom used to cook for me and Pietro and I just…”
“I would love to, Wands. Go ahead, you’re the expert so we will do as you said.” You replied closing the menu, you waited until the food had been ordered before leaning forward playing with Wanda’s fingers.
“You know? Now that you mentioned this about the food, I remember the story you told me once.”
“Which one?” Wanda furrowed her brows blinking away while trying to remember.
“The one about the forest, is around here, isn’t it?”
The way her eyes opened wide, and her whole face lit up made your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her as she turned around trying to point out the direction in which the forest was located.
“Yes! Oh, I can believe you remember…”
“I remembered everything you tell me, love.” You replied, and it was the tone of voice you used what made Wanda turned to you with narrowed eyes, you softened your features offering a reassuring smile to her.
“I always make the effort to have it in my mind so I can make sure to bring happiness to you, to see the very same expression you are wearing at the moment.”
Wanda turned her head away, her cheeks burning bright red while she smiled tenderly at your words. Even after all this time you still got to make her feel so self-conscious of the love you profess to her.
“I love you for that.” Wanda finally said, and you smiled back at her winking.
“Well, what about you and I go over there after lunch? I’m pretty sure at this time of the year must be quite the sight.”
“You mean it?” Wanda exclaimed excitedly, you nodded and soon thank the heavens you were sitting down for the kiss she gave you made your knees trembled and your whole body tingled with anticipation.
The afternoon was falling slowly, the wind was cold so the burning sun above your heads was not as strong as it could have been in a dry weather.
You and Wanda walked down the city, your hand joined in a single embrace while conversation flew with easiness. The topics varied from school, to your work, to the recent happenings of the world, to the twins and America; soon you two found yourselves talking about movies and books, the places you would like to visit or the worlds you would like to be in.
Life with Wanda was never bored, and every single time you discovered something new about her that made you fall in love with her even more.
Her excitement at being in her country was something you would cherish forever.
She dragged you down the streets, and then down the pebbled road leading to the forest. The place had changed since she was last there, it was now a national park that had been taken care off with the strictest rules and cares a country could provide to such a beautiful setting.
You took a deep breath when the road spread before your eyes, your eyes lifted to the signs, most of them pointing to different sections of the forest. Your eyes finally fell on the word Lake, and you lifted your hand to point it out to your girlfriend.
“There, lake, can we go there?”
“Yes, of course!”
You chuckled when she just grabbed your hand again, she twirled around wrapping her arms around your neck leaning in to kiss you slowly.
“Have a told you how much I love you?” She asked playfully, you placed your hands on her waist helping her walked backwards while you advanced down the road with her in your arms.
“Mmhm, not recently, no. I think I need a reminder.”
Wanda giggled leaning in, her kisses were soft and tentative, “I love you, Y/N, every time I think this is not possible, I fall in love with you even more and I just…”
Your heart shrank at her confession, putting her to you with your lips moulding against hers you poured all the love you felt for her.
“I love you to, Wands.”
Wanda sighed standing by your side lifting her face to the trees above her, her eyes gleaming happily just as the both of you advanced towards the lake. The forest was located it twenty minutes away from the city, and the entrance had been built around a public parking lot where people could acquire all the necessary materials for camping or a nice picnic. Some of the different paths had been fixed to give easy access to the people that visit the place, but the road leading to the lake had been left untouched with the nature almost claiming it back.
You were admiring the huge trees surrounding the area, the sound of the birds and other animals running around to hide away from the humans. You lifted your stare to see the blue sky above your head, and the cold breeze touching your heated skin. Everything was quiet and peaceful, only the sound of your footsteps seemed to interrupt the sounds of the nature.
Your eyes lifted squinting them when you spot the opening right ahead of you, your lips curling slightly when you finally spotted something else. You had arrived to the lake, with a quick gesture you stood before Wanda stopping her advanced towards her destination.
“What is it?” Just like she did early in the morning, she narrowed her eyes with a glint of suspicion gleaming in them. You shifted your weigh from one foot to the other, your hand scratching the back of your neck while your eyes danced around instead of facing Wanda.
You stood before her, your hand sneaking inside your pocket until you brough forth a single blindfold. She cocked a brow, half-amused, half-expectant at what you had planned.
“I may or may not have planned something for you.” You said tentatively, Wanda snorted but all you could see in her face was love and amusement.
“Figures, and I bet Billy, Tommy, America and Kate are in it?” She already knew the answer, but there was something else she couldn’t pinpoint to.
“Yep.” You admitted lifting your hand, “there is something… I mean, it is a surprised.”
“And I have to wear the blindfold.” Wanda grabbed the piece of clothing, never losing her smile, she winked at you, “kinky, perhaps later on we can use it for other…kind of surprised?”
You laughed out loud shaking your head while helping the brunette put on the blindfold.
“I love how your wicked mind works, Mrs. Maximoff.”
“Well, I love it when you play along, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
You let out a deep breath, the sun was still high in the sky and now Wanda stood before you blindfolded. Her hand found yours, squeezing comfortingly with that beautiful smile you had come to love and crave.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked, you swallowed down your doubts nodding before you remembered she couldn’t see you.
“I am.” Then, as an afterthought, “I’m just nervous.”
Wanda brought your hand to her lips, never losing her smile.
“Whatever it is you prepared for me, I know I would love it and…Y/N…there is no one else I would love to be with right now, you are the love of my life.”
You chuckled loving the tenderness Wanda used when talking to you, the fact she had come to know your insecurities and was always ready to reassure you of her love and your worth.
“And you are mine, Wands, now let’s go…”
You grabbed her hand and without wasting any more time you led her down the road towards the lake.
The lake was a great extension of water that spread out before a small beach surrounded by the forest. It was filled with grass, trees and bushes, with a crystalline water that was reflecting the light of the sun and the colour of the sky at the moment. This part of the forest was usually used for light lunches, and some swimming but at this time of the year the place was emptied and you had taken advantage of your money to get this small spot for you and your family for a couple of hours.
There was a single bench that had been decorated with red and pink, there were some balloons with a bucket filled with ice and wine. You helped your girlfriend so she could sit on the bench, all around her there was nothing more than flowers, blue lilies and orchids, the full scene had been planned out and built with the help of America and Kate that had just come from their hiding place with the twins.
You smiled at them putting a finger to your lips, standing before Wanda you pulled your mobile out of your pocket and let a single song filled the silence around the both of you.
“Oh, that’s…” Wanda trailed off when she recognized the trumpets and the melodic voice of Elle Fitzgerald. “Y/N…”
Your name sound beautifully on her lips, you took a deep breath looking around the place knowing you had chosen right. The lake was gleaming to your right, while the forest stood to your left, the mountains wearing a white bald head projected a protective shadow on the valley. This was what Wanda had always desired, what she had harboured in her heart when she still believed in love.
“Y/N…” She repeated your name, this time around with a hint of apprehension in her voice.
You knelt before her, your left knee touching the ground while your right knee bend to hold your elbow up your hand opening the box you had been carrying with you for over a year.
“You can take the blindfold off, Wanda.” You finally said, and your voice trembled with the sheer emotion you were experimenting at the moment.
Wanda took her blindfold, soon her breath caught in her throat and whatever sight she had before her became a blurred of colours and familiar images. Right in front of her was the lake and the forest of her childhood, the very same she had visited in her mind and memory after leaving Sokovia behind. Her green eyes flickered around until they found your eyes, and soon they fell upon the box in your hand and the silver ring resting in there.
The music was still playing around the both of you, and Wanda wanted to see if there was someone else or if the both of you were alone. But she was incapable of looking everywhere but at you.
Your lips trembled, your hand trying to hold still as you cleared your throat lifting your chin to face her with determination and love.
“Wanda Maximoff, I have brought you here because I love you.” You stated taking a deep breath making sure you never wavered in your intentions. “I realized a long time ago I can’t even think of the possibility of not having you by my side, of not living and growing old with you.”
Wanda sat frozen on the bench, her heart hammering hard against her chest while her stomach drop and her body tingled all over until a heavy pressured settled on her chest.
“I have loved you from the moment I met you, I just didn’t know it yet.” You chuckled shaking your head, “and I would love to make you happy, to love you, to cherish you, and to be your friend, your partner if you allow me…so, today in this place and with my heart on my hands, I want to ask you…”
“Yes…” Wanda whispered, you furrowed your brows shaking your head.
“No, wait, I need to ask…”
“Marry me?” Wanda asked, her voice trembling and her lips breaking into a content smile, you frowned though your eyes gleamed with amusement.
“No, you marry me, please?”
Wanda threw herself at you, her arms wrapped tightly around you while you fell to the ground hugging her back. She was sobbing, her voice a mere whispered in your ear.
“Yes, yes, I will…Yes, I marry you.”
You laughed turning your head and kissing her deeply.
“Then, yes, I marry you too, Wands.”
America and Kate both rolled their eyes, but the twins were squealing excitedly no longer able to hold themselves the run towards you and Wanda joining in the embrace.
Wanda turned to them surprised, returning their hug while turning to you and stretching her left hand where you placed the ring on her finger. Your smile was huge, and it was matching hers with the twins hugging both of you while talking excitedly.
“That means I can call you mom now?!” Tommy finally asked with you almost choking on your spit.
Wanda rolled her eyes fixing his hair before lifting her eyes to glance at you.
“Only if she wants to, Tommy.”
“You want to, don’t you, Y/N?” Tommy asked pouting, you ruffled his hair putting him to you.
“Only if I get to call you Tommy bear!”
Laughter soon filled the lake, with everyone enjoying the rest of the afternoon while you alongside with Kate, America and Wanda toast to the engagement.
“I can believe you…” Wanda closed the distance tilting her head to taste your lips with hers, you smile into the kiss with your hands placing themselves on her hips.
“You remember…” She said softly, in between kisses.
“I never forgot, Wands. With you, everything is easier, you know? I love you, and I just…I want to make you happy.”
“You make me happy already.” She replied leaning into your embrace, “but I will be complete the moment I can call you my wife.”
You smiled placing a single kiss on her forehead.
“I will be complete the moment I can call you wife as well.”
Wanda turned in your arms, her eyes following her children while they talked and played along with America and Kate. You placed your chin on her shoulder, watching the same scene with a soft smile adorning your features. The young woman lifted her hand to see the ring you had placed moments ago, a green stone that matched her eyes and white gold recovering the ring.
Her life was finally hers, and her happiness was finally something she knew she deserved and that was right there for her to live it. Wanda never imagined the moment she made the decision of leaving Vision her life would change so drastically, she never even played with the idea of falling in love again or finding someone ready to be patient with her past and fall in love with her.
Wanda never entertained the idea of anyone wanting to marry someone like her, damage and with two kids that were still growing up. Then, she met you. And she couldn’t imagine being without you by her side.
With you, she learnt to love again, to trust and to give herself without fear.
“Tonight, America and Kate are taking the twins to a festival and then back to their Air BnB so…we have the house for ourselves, to celebrate.” You whispered playfully, Wanda leaned back placing her hands on yours.
She tilted her head with her lips teasing yours.
“Then, let’s celebrate with them first, before I show you my appreciation for all the wonderful things you do for me.”
“It’s a deal, Love.”
“Y/N.” She called your name with a serious tone, you turned to her welcoming her kiss before smiling goofily at her.
“What was that for?”
“I love you.” She said simply, you softened squeezing her hand comfortingly.
“I love you, now and forever.”
And, of that, Wanda didn’t have any doubt for she too love you now and forever, until the end of time.
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flowerandblood · 10 months
The Man with the Lost Soul
[ Amor • Aemond x Psyche • female ]
[ warnings: virgnity loss, smut, angst, violence, mention of the suicide, murder attempt, trauma, mourning ]
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[ description: After she is attacked in a fair by a strange man and narrowly avoids death, her father the king decides that from now on she will be watched over by one of his ‘ghosts’, a assassin acting on his orders, wearing a black mask. The man follows her like a shadow, accompanied by their past, which keeps her awake at night. Gothic horror love story, angst, sexual tension, very dark Aemond. ]
This story is several requests combined into one: sworn protector x female; Amor x Psyche; Phantom of the Opera! Aemond x female. I took the liberty of creating a completely new story from this, having only elements of each of these requests.
Series & Characters Moodboard Lady Walford Moodboard Gothic & Horror Sensual Moodboard
Part 1 - The Man with the Black Mask | Part 2 - The Man with the Empty Heart | Part 4 - The Man with the Cold Lips | Part 5 - The Man with the Deep Scar | Part 6 - The Man with the One Eye | Part 7 - The Man with the Golden Gift | Part 8 - The Man in the Black Crown | Part 8 - The Man in the Black Crown | Part 9 - The Man with the Bloody Sword | Part 10 - The Man in the Black Gloves | Part 11 - The Man in the Death Cloak | Part 12 - The Man with the Pearly Hair | Part 13 - The Man with the Fiery Gaze
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She remembered little of her father's speech, focusing only on the fact that she had a fever and on her little brother's body, cuddled into her, shaking with sobs. She wore a matte, black suede gown with open shoulders, its sleeves reaching all the way to the ground.
She wore no adornments, her hair loose, falling freely down her back. She felt his presence a few paces behind her, separating her from the rest of those gathered, the lords and ladies of the court immersed in disbelief, weepeing loudly in despair as if her mother's fate would ever concern them.
They all knew that her father had kept her locked up for years.
She looked at her King and though she could see his lips moving, tears on his cheeks, but she could not hear or feel anything − all she could think about was what Vhagar had told her that night.
Your father the King wanted me to make it look like she took her own life.
"It was with great regret that I accepted the high priest's decision regarding the fact that a person who takes his own life cannot be buried with honours in the royal tomb. For this reason, therefore, my beloved, poor, suffering-stricken wife will be buried outside the town walls, respecting her remains and her memory, needless to say." He said in a trembling, deep, hoarse voice, as if he really suffered at the thought.
She felt something surge through her heart, a tightness and pain from which she parted her lips in trembling breaths, a single, lonely tear running down her cheek.
When it was all over, her servants braided her hair and put a black, translucent veil over her face. She felt suddenly that she was partially covered from the world, that she was surrounded by the darkness she felt in her heart.
She wondered if this was what Vhagar felt while hiding behind his mask.
She followed her father and brother in a small procession behind a closed coffin covered by a shroud, a monk in front of them singing a slow, mournful chant that echoed in her mind.
She stared at the back of her king-father and thought only of the fact that he had killed her mother and deprived her of an honourable burial, without even waiting for the mighty of the Kingdom or her own family to arrive to bid her a proper farewell.
She watched as the coffin containing her body was lowered into a deep grave dug outside the city walls, heard the sobs of the mourners, but she herself shed no more tears. She looked to the side − behind her father stood his guards, his ghosts, but her ghost, her Vhagar stood by her side, a few steps behind her.
She felt his presence, the presence of death with her whole being.
When it was all over her father pulled her out of her musings by approaching her, pale, wiping his face with his palm, as if he himself could not believe that all this was really happening.
"I know you blame me for this and you have every right to. By separating you, I drove her to the brink of despair, she obviously felt she no longer had a reason to live." He muttered in a trembling voice, not looking at her but somewhere to the side, far away.
She looked at him through the thin material of the veil, feeling only her breathing and the beating of her heart, besides having the impression that she was surrounded by nothing but emptiness.
"I do not blame you, my King. You have done everything in your power. She was mad with despair. You could not help her." She said softly, calmly, her words like pleasant music to his ears. He grunted and cheered up, walking up to her, grasping her face in his hands, placing a long, drawn-out kiss on her forehead.
"My beloved child." He said warmly − she felt a squeeze in her heart and forced herself to smile.
As soon as he passed her the corners of her mouth sank down, her gaze focused on the spot where she saw fresh earth and a small stone monument, all surrounded by flowers.
"My Princess."
She heard his voice and shuddered, only now noticing that there was no one around them anymore, they were completely alone.
"It's time to go back."
She shook her head as she walked closer, placing a hand on the cold tombstone − she had the feeling that everything around her was blurry and foggy, her heart and throat squeezed.
"No. I won't leave her alone this time." She whispered, feeling like just laying down next to her, growing into the ground, being covered in flowers and grass, falling asleep next to her.
"She's free now."
She pressed her lips together, feeling a squeeze in her throat at his words, her nostrils quivering in an anxious breath. She glanced over her shoulder at him, looking at his tear-streaked mask, and thought that they were the same now.
She approached him with the quiet rustling of her gown, the hum of the grass and the singing of birds all around them, their robes blowing in the wind.
She stood in front of him and looked at him, at the man who had betrayed her, at the man who had killed her mother, at the man who had taken away her chance to decide her own life and death.
Every time she thought about it she had to remind herself that it was her father who made him follow her, it was her father who made him report on everything she did, it was her father who ordered him to kill her mother and it was her father who made her want to end her life.
He was just a tool, a blade held by someone else.
She placed her hand on his chest, rose on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his mask where a tear had been outlined − despite the material that separated her lips from it, she felt the cold, unpleasant, tart taste of steel.
She heard him swallow loudly, his bright iris looking straight at her in surprise, his pupil dilated wide, his eye almost completely black.
"This is my expression of gratitude for your dedication to the affairs of our family." She whispered with feigned fondness, running her hand over the spot where his cheek would have been, the steel beneath her skin uncomfortably cold and slightly wet due to the moisture it had gathered from the air around them.
She passed him without a word, heading towards the gate. As she walked along the roads of the city, the people living in the townhouses threw field flowers under her feet, called out her mother's name, expressed their love for their Queen.
She trampled their wishes, their gifts, their words with each step, looking ahead, lifting her gaze to the great fortress standing on the hill before her in the distance − it seemed to her now completely black, its towers partially veiled by grey clouds.
A great black coffin, she thought.
She was as dead as her mother.
As she stepped into her chamber she ordered loudly that she wished to take a bath. Vhagar stood at her door watching as her servants filled the tub they had brought moments earlier with warm water, one of them helping her undo the ties of her gown.
"Your Grace…is he…" The girl asked uncertainly, looking at the hooded figure standing on the other side of her chamber.
"Let him look." She said dispassionately, feeling no shame or embarrassment as she was left in just a thin white chemise − her maid swallowed loudly and nodded, curl by curl loosening her hair.
She stepped into the tub and sighed quietly, resting her head against its edge, closing her eyes, saying softly that they could leave.
She heard quiet footsteps, the sound of a door opening and closing, and then there was complete silence.
She lifted her eyelids and saw that he was standing in the same place as before, right at her door, straight, with his arms folded in front of him, looking at her unashamedly, her naked body peeking through from under her wet undershirt.
"Do you draw satisfaction from this sight?" She asked teasingly, twisting in place with a quiet splash of water, its pleasant warmth relaxing her tense muscles, finally no longer shivering from the cold.
He stared at her in silence, his pupil fixed on her face.
"Do not do anything thoughtless under the influence of emotion." He said dryly, his eye wide open, his chest rising slightly with each breath he took. She furrowed her brow at his words, feeling a tightness in her throat.
"I don't understand what you mean, Vhagar." She said coolly and he chuckled under his breath, however it was a laugh from which a cold chill went through her despite the warmth of the water.
"Your father wants to believe your words, which is why he does not yet see what lurks in your gaze. But when he finally notices it, it is not me he will send to you. I will not protect you from what will happen, and your greatest nightmare will come true." He said with a cold tone filled with some kind of superiority and opened the door from her chamber, disappearing behind it with a quiet clatter.
She pressed her lips together at his words, drew in a breath and slid backwards, sinking her entire head under the water − the voices in her head silenced, only an all-consuming hum around her.
She lasted like this for a moment before she felt a tightening in her mouth, her body craving another breath against her will, demanding to live. She rose to the surface, drawing in air loudly, wiping her face of the water droplets with her hands, sighing heavily.
She closed her eyes, thinking of what her mother had said, what she had spoken about since they had lived in this fortress.
The passage in her chamber and the cry of the child.
She opened her eyelids, feeling the sudden, rapid pounding of her heart.
Has Prince Aemond's body been found at last?
She stepped quickly out of the bath with a loud splash of water, quickly putting on a black, matte robe, tying it around her waist, opening the door of her chamber and stepping out into the corridor.
Although her body was shivering from the cold, she had the feeling that her heart was on fire.
She felt his surprise, his quick steps behind her, trying to catch up with her. She ran into her mother's old royal chamber, and as he entered behind her she looked at him with furrowed brows.
"No, Vhagar. Wait outside. It is time for me and my mother." She said coolly. She felt him hesitate, stand still for a moment − he turn his head, impatient, and walked out, closing the door behind him with a loud slam.
She looked around the room, running quickly to the walls, touching them with her hands, trying to discover some roughness or unevenness, something that would tell her there was a hidden door behind them.
She pressed her lips together and ran her hand over her face in impatience, unable to find anything, wondering where the child could be hiding.
She circled the room with her fingers pressed to her lips, feeling her heart pounding like mad.
His face was cut open, he couldn't survive it.
At the time of the attack he was not in his room but in his mother's chamber − her father's soldiers said they attacked him first − his mother threw herself at them to protect him, and then the Prince suddenly disappeared and was not found.
The entire chamber was searched, at first believing her mother that he could indeed have been hiding there, however nothing was found and it was decided that it was a figment of her imagination, the result of her remorse, and that the boy had taken advantage of the inattention of the men when they were wrestling with his mother and had fled.
She looked to the side and froze, licking her lower lip, feeling the cold sweat on her back as she looked at her mother's large bed.
Where did children hide when they were most frightened?
She walked over there slowly and crouched down, peering in from underneath, seeing only the dusty wooden floor. She swallowed loudly and pulled herself in deeper, feeling her body quiver at the thought that maybe she was now in his place, imagining all that must have been going on around him, that he had very little time.
She began to press the various pieces of wood one by one, hoping something would happen, however nothing did. She sighed heavily as she pressed her forehead to the floor, resigned, thinking it was pointless and suddenly she felt something under her hands.
It seemed to her at first that it was simply a piece of wood that had chipped away over the years, but it had a semi-circular shape, and was so small that only her little finger could fit in there.
She tried to lever it up and lift it, but nothing happened. It wasn't until she slipped her finger in deeper that she felt she had pressed on something cold and made of steel, and when she pushed it hard and let go she heard a quiet click − the piece of floor lifted slightly, as if the hinges holding it in place had loosened.
She lifted the flap higher, breathing loudly, feeling the chill emanating from the black stone hole, with a small staircase that a very petite woman or child could fit into.
She clenched her eyes shut, feeling tears of regret and horror running down her cheeks, panicked at the realisation that her mother was not mad, that she had died for nothing.
Was his body there or had he managed to escape?
Where did this passage lead?
She began to crawl down inside with difficulty, seeing only complete darkness in front of her, and then she heard a slam and loud footsteps, someone's large hand grabbed her ankle and aggressively pulled her backwards.
She screamed, terrified, clenching her hands on the wood, her willowy legs trying to kick him but to no avail − after a moment he forcibly dragged her out from under the bed and turned her onto her back, his eye wide open, staring at her in disbelief, she could hear his loud breathing.
He seemed to hesitate.
"What have you done?" He asked in a trembling voice, his hands held her shoulders pressed to the floor so that she could not move, her breathing laboured, looking at him in horror.
"I have discovered a secret passage." She muttered, feeling that she was trembling all over. "My mother said she heard a child crying inside her chamber. I think she heard Prince Aemond."
He was silent for a long time, breathing loudly − she heard him swallow with difficulty and clench his eyes shut, and when he opened them his gaze was different, frantic, dangerous.
"I told you not to do anything thoughtless." He said tiredly and resignedly, coldly, in a way that made her feel a shiver run down her spine.
His hands moved from her wrists to her neck, clamping down on it, instantly cutting off the oxygen supply to her lungs. In an involuntary reflex, she grabbed his wrists, her eyebrows arching in horror and pain, her body beginning to wince in despair.
"You're making me do this." He muttered under his breath apparently trying to drown out the sound of her choking, her mouth desperately trying to catch her breath.
He leaned in suddenly, the cold steel mask pressed against her forehead, a desperate growl of grief and rage escaped his lips, his hands let go of her, her lungs drew in a quick, deep breath.
She tightened her hands on his shoulders, trying to keep him away, but he lay on top of her, pressing her to the floor − she shuddered, a quiet gasp escaping her lips when she felt something hard throbbing between her thighs.
"You are my curse. My ruin." He breathed out; she felt his hips move back and forth, rubbing against her, her body went breathless all over − she felt something pulsate deep inside her, some kind of tickle in her lower abdomen from which she sighed quietly, her heart pounding like mad. "My doom."
He exhaled heavily − she could feel his hot breath gushing into her face through the holes in his mask, his hands from her neck slid down to her thighs, slipping under her thin robe. She shuddered as she felt his leather-gloved fingers tighten on the bare skin of her plump buttocks.
They both let out a loud, ripped breath, her hands slid lower from his chest, pressing his hips closer to her body, the spot between her thighs throbbed hard − she felt some kind of need inside her, for some reason despite her terror she didn't want him to stop.
She wanted him to take everything from her, she wanted him to strip her of her dignity, to punish her for allowing all this to happen.
"− destroy me − leave me with nothing −" She whispered softly; she heard him groan low at her words clenching his eyes, his hands slid down her thighs to the material of his coat − she saw him unbuckle his belt, her fingers helped him untie the bindings of his breeches.
"− fuck − fuck −" He mumbled, both of them breathing loudly in what felt like excitement and desperation, she tightened her hands on his back and whimpered when she felt something begin to push against her flesh between her thighs, trying to force itself inside her.
"− let me inside − don't fight me −" He breathed out, trying to forcibly slide deeper into her − she clenched her eyes shut and cried out, spreading her thighs wide in an attempt to ease the immense discomfort and excruciating pain she felt, one of his hands placed next to her head, the other firmly holding her hip.
He rooted into her with one brutal thrust of his hips and she whined loudly − despite his mask she could see that he was looking at her with a misty gaze, his body in what felt like a natural reflex began to move inside her, his manhood rubbing her again and again at a spot that sent shivers through her.
She panted and sobbed beneath him, feeling with every movement he made that one more thrust from him and he would tear her apart − he was too big, her muscles clenching against him in terror.
She heard his growl of pleasure each time he sank deep into her body again, instead of slowing down he accelerated, his movements beginning to be followed by the quiet click of her moisture.
"− g-gods, forgive me −" She mumbled out panting along with him, feeling with horror that the faster he slammed into her the more pleasurable it became, the tickling between her thighs became unbearable.
They both sighed with pleasure as her hips began to respond to his movements, his length rooting into her with increasing ease, sticky with her moisture − she felt as if her body had adapted to his size.
"− good gods, you are fucking enjoying this −" He scoffed teasingly, the thrusts of his hips sinking him deep inside her again and again. She felt with embarrassment her own wetness running down her buttocks − she tensed so that with each push he rubbed that wonderful spot from which shivers of pleasure ran through her.
It was so wonderful to be so full when she felt so empty, it was so wonderful to shudder with emotion when she thought she would never feel anything again in her life.
"− Vhagar −" She mewled beneath him, her heavy breathing making the moisture condense as vapour on his mask − he groaned low, both of them panting loudly, apparently taking surprising pleasure in this primitive, animal slapping of flesh against flesh.
"− no − not like that − you know my name −" He hissed out, she felt him twitching hard inside her as if the thought of her knowing his identity aroused him even more − she felt her heart pounding like mad, her lips parted wide, her hands slipped under his breeches and tightened on his buttocks.
She knew him.
Gods, she knew him.
"− I − I don't know −" She mumbled between his aggressive, sure thrusts, from which she felt stupefied, felt unbearable tension and heat in her lower abdomen − she had a feeling that a few more of his stabs and something would happen.
"− come on, you can do it − say my name − say my fucking name −" He growled, slamming into her with loud, low groans of pleasure, she could feel him throbbing hard inside her, her walls clenching down on him greedily, sucking him inside.
She shook her head, unable to give him an answer, her mind completely frazzled with pleasure, only whimpers and sobs coming from her mouth, her hips responding involuntarily to his every push, feeling the wonderful tickling between her thighs, in her fingertips, in her lips.
"− I − p-please, oooh, gods, yes, yes, yes −" She cried out loudly tilting her head back, feeling the unfamiliar, overpowering hot pleasure shake her body, her insides began to throb like crazy.
She heard him growl low feeling it, rooting into her with a few more desperate, sloppy thrusts before she felt something warm spill inside her, a loud sigh of relief escaping his lips.
His seed.
She looked sideways at the closed door to the chamber, hearing only their loud, raspy breaths, her body convulsing, her mouth parted wide in disbelief.
What had she done?
They both pulled away from each other − she hissed in discomfort as he slid out of her and rose slowly, quickly tying his breeches. They were both breathing loudly, terrified of what they had done, of what had happened.
She moved away from him, looking at him in disbelief, wondering if he was going to try to strangle her again.
Why did her discovery frighten him so much?
Who was this man?
It seemed to her that he could read the doubt written on her face − he stood up and sighed heavily, buckling the belt of his coat.
"If your father finds out we missed this, he'll kill us all." He said lowly, and she felt some kind of relief that he had done it purely out of fear.
She swallowed loudly, looking at him distrustfully, catching herself with shame that she could still feel him deep inside her, her walls sore from his aggressive, greedy thrusts.
"If you wish, I will inform him of what you have discovered in your presence." He said finally and she turned her face away, feeling the rapid pounding of her heart.
Did she want her father to find out?
If Prince Aemond was still alive, he could return and take the throne for himself.
He could have done what she had secretly dreamed of since she saw her mother's coffin disappear into the black depths.
He could kill the King.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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hischierswhore · 20 days
FOR THE BETTER | chapter 1
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✰ warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, mentions of violence, if i missed anything please please please let me know
✰ nat’s note: hellooo everyone! i’m finally back after a bit of a hiatus, and i finally have motivation to write again! i hope to stay consistent with this series. if you have any suggestions as to what you’d like to see in this AU, send it to my inbox!
✰ masterlist
y/n.hughes ~ january 25th
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras & 157,826 others
y/n.hughes z took me to disneyland today 🤩
view all 14,937 comments
jackhughes 3 different outfits for what purpose
↳ y/n.hughes for pictures, duh
user4 the third pic 😭😭😭
colecaufield and i wasn’t invited? 😔💔
↳ y/n.hughes next time i’ll bring you i promise
↳ colecaufield you better
user2 living for the outfit changes
trevorzegras ❤️
user3 girlie when are we getting new music?? i have been deprived
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january 30th
Betrayed. That's exactly what you felt as you scrolled through the messages between your boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend. The conversation was a thread of addresses, heart emojis, and plenty of pictures. Oh, how you wished you hadn't scrolled. 
You were just supposed to text yourself a picture that he took of you from his phone while he was in the shower. You scrolled through his messages app, trying to find your contact when you stumbled across one with the name "D ❤️". You thought it was a bit weird so you clicked on the message, ultimately regretting your decision. 
You felt the tears well in your eyes, your vision suddenly becoming blurry as you heard the bathroom door open. You refused to make eye contact with the man you loved, choosing to stare at the ground instead. 
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Trevor asked as he ruffled the towel through his damp hair. When you didn't respond, he grabbed your arm in hopes of getting your attention. 
"Earth to Y/n?" He waved his hand in front of your face, thinking that you were just lost in thought. 
"How long?" You looked up at him, tears slowly beginning to trickle down your face. 
"How long what? What are you talking about?" He visibly appeared confused.
"Don't act stupid, Trevor. How long have you been texting Dixie?" Those were the last words he expected to hear come from your mouth. 
"I'm not-" He tried to speak before you interrupted him. 
"Don't even lie. I saw the messages. Now answer my question: how long?"
"5 months..." He was the one to look down now, ashamed. 
"So... you've been cheating on me for the majority of our relationship? So for 5 out of the 8 months we were together you were also with Dixie?"
"Why? Why keep me around if you were sneaking around with someone else? Do you understand how disgusting that makes me feel? Hell, you don't even seem like you're sorry!"
"I am sorry, I just don't know what to say"
"There's nothing to say anymore, Trevor! When we first got together, you knew damn well that there was nothing I hated more than a liar & a cheater, and you turned out to be both, so congratulations to you for losing the one person you could rely on" You yelled as you stood up from the bed, the thought of being in the same room as him disgusted you, nonetheless on the same bed as him. 
"Where are you going?" Trevor followed you throughout his apartment, watching as you grabbed your suitcase and your keys. 
"I'm leaving, I'm done. I can't be with someone who doesn't respect me. Have a great life with Dixie. Wishing you both the worst"
And with that, you walked out of Trevor's apartment and his life. The downside to this decision? You had nowhere to go; you weren't from California. You were visiting Trevor for 2 weeks, and unfortunately, your trip was cut short due to your now ex-boyfriend's choices. 
Not knowing what to do, you called Quinn, hoping he would know what to do. 
"Y/n? It's 9:30 pm on a Friday, and you're in Cali. Is everything okay?" Quinn spoke through the phone. 
"Quinn me and Trevor just broke up and I'm in the middle of LA and I don't have anywhere to go and I don't know what to do" You rambled to your older brother, hoping he could help you out. 
"Woah woah woah calm down. Take a deep breath. For starters, call an Uber to LAX. I'll book you the first flight out of there to New Jersey. Secondly, what happened?"
"I found out Trevor was cheating on me for 5 months with Dixie" You whispered, almost as if you were afraid to say it louder. You heard a commotion on the other end of the phone. 
"I'll fucking beat his ass next time I see him. Whether it be on the ice or off" You could tell Quinn was seething on the other end of the line simply based on his tone. 
"I'll be okay, Q. I just want to be home" Tears started falling once again. 
"You'll be there soon, I promise. Just go to LAX, get on the flight and I'll tell Jack & Luke to pick you up. I'll come visit as soon as I possibly can, okay? I love you, Y/n/n" Poor Quinn's heart ached for you. He knew you'd need all the love & support you could get, seeing as this was your first serious relationship and unfortunately, your first major heartbreak. 
"Love you too, Q. I'll see you soon, thank you" You wiped the tears from your eyes as you called an Uber to the airport. 
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february 1st
2 days had passed since you & Trevor broke up. You were completely isolated from everyone within those 2 days. The only times you came out of your room were to eat and go to the bathroom. You didn't want to tell your brothers what had happened because both of them were close with your now ex-boyfriend. You knew you'd end up having to tell them because Quinn was on his way and you knew it would truly suck if he told them before you did.
About 30 minutes later, Quinn arrived and settled himself into the guest bedroom. Jack & Luke knew he was coming, but the reason being unknown. It was now or never, you thought to yourself. You inhaled as you exitted your room and made your way to the living room where your 3 brothers were sitting. They appeared to be mid-conversation when you walked in, all 3 of them immediately directing their attention to you.
You sat on one of the single-seater couches, trying hard not to have a full breakdown infront of your brothers.
"I think it's best we address the elephant in the room" You started, looking up to see all 3 of the boys nodding their heads in agreement.
"I wasn't supposed to be back from Cali for another week or so, but my trip got cut short, and I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon" You watched as Jack & Luke's eyebrows scrunched and they tilted their heads; you could see the gears trying to turn in their heads.
"But Trevor?" Luke managed to get out, still not fully comprehending what you were saying. You sighed heavily.
"There's no more Trevor. I uhm- I found out he was cheating on me with his ex..." You fiddled with your fingers, trying to avoid eye contact with them.
"What?" Jack was shocked. He couldn't process what was being said right now.
"How'd you find out? You don't have to say if you don't want to" Quinn asked, already knowing the basics but not the details.
"It's alright. He told me to go on his phone and send myself the pictures he took of me earlier in the day. I looked through his messages trying to find my name and I saw one that looked odd so I clicked on it. I saw more than I would have liked. He admitted to cheating for 5 out of the 8 months we were together" You watched as Quinn got up from his spot and came over to give you a big hug, one you desperately needed.
Jack and Luke both sat in silence, mouths agape as they tried to take it in.
"Y/n/n, we're so sorry" Both boys said in unison as they too joined in the hug.
"I'll be okay eventually. It just really sucks. But I promise I'll be fine" You reassured the boys, holding onto them tighter before letting them go back to their original seats.
"So what've you been doing since you got back?" Quinn asked, trying to start a semi-normal conversation.
"Writing. Lots of writing. Decided to scrap the original songs I had planned for the album and started fresh. Got 3 songs written so far, just gotta record"
"That's good. Are they bangers or like super depressing songs?” Luke piped in.
“So far it’s a mix. One is kind of a ballad and the other 2 are more upbeat” You shrugged. Jack sat in his spot, still in shock.
“You okay, Rowdy?” You checked in on your older brother, bringing him back to reality.
“Oh yeah, I’m good. I’m still just trying to process that Z would do that, especially to you of all people”
“Just know that all 3 of us will be fighting him both on & off the ice. We do not care” Quinn added, hoping to get a laugh out of you, which he did successfully.
“Well thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I’ll try to not be so mopey anymore, I promise”
“As long as you let us go with you to the studio!” Luke loved going with you to the studio. He thought it was the coolest thing ever.
“Why not? All 3 of you can come with me”
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✰ taglist: @lovelynikol16
✰ nat’s note: if you’d like to be added to the taglist, send a reply & i’ll add you on :)
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 13
Hey, guys do you all remember that period of time when I was working on this story but refused to show you snippets of it on WIP Wednesdays? Yeah, this is that chapter. (I'm pretty sure, anyway. Because this shit was super spoilery.)
We finally get what happened to Steve and why he didn't grow up as Pack. This chapter does get a little dark in its themes so be careful when you read and if you need specifics, DM me and I'll fill you in.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Eddie and Wayne landed in front of their trailer with a deft touch. Eddie still wasn’t over the joy of being able to fucking fly. Like sure when he was younger, Wayne would take him for flights occasionally, but nothing beat banking on a breeze as the wind lifted him higher and higher.
“Your boy’s got a mouth on him,” Wayne said gruffly as he walked up the stairs to their trailer.
Eddie chuckled. “Always had. Even in school.”
Wayne huffed out a laugh. “True enough.”
As soon as they were safe inside, Eddie asked, “Hey, do you remember that couple who took Stevie in when his parents died?”
Wayne frowned. “You mean the Franklins?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
Eddie snapped his fingers. “Yeah, them. Why was Steve placed with them? And not, I don’t know, the pack?”
Wayne went to the kitchen and pulled out a six pack of beers. “That’s a bit of story. Drink up, you’ll need it for this.”
Eddie opened up a can of beer and settled in for story time.
Wayne downed an entire beer and wiped his mouth off with his sleeve.
“Hopper had gotten bad,” Wayne began. “Like real bad.”
“You’ve mentioned that before. That was around the time I came to live with you, right?”
Wayne nodded. “It wasn’t just drinking. It was drugs, too. And not just weed, either. I’m talking the heavy stuff.”
Eddie nodded. He had sold said heavy stuff to Hopper just before he cleaned up with El coming into his life. When Wayne asked him why, Eddie told him that he had no idea what he was doing with it and honestly didn’t care.
Knowing what Eddie did now, he regretted it, but he was so close to being able to afford his Warlock that that was all he cared about at the time.
“Steve’s dad Clint Harrington was getting ready to challenge Hopper for the position of alpha,” Wayne continued. “He knew that he might kill Hopper, but at that point it probably would have been a mercy.”
Eddie nodded solemnly. Maybe if Clint Harrington had lived, lived to be the alpha, the town wouldn’t be experiencing the troubles it was now.
“So what happened?” he asked gravely.
“Allison’s father died out in New York,” Wayne said. “The timing of it was so suspect, Ed. Like, you know I hate conspiracies with every fiber of my being, because there rarely is one. But this smelled rank from the get go.”
“You think whoever had the Harringtons killed,” Eddie said, “you think also popped off Granpappy, too, don’t you?”
Wayne glared at him, but conceded the point. “Whatever happened to the Harringtons was bad, boy. Like their bodies were savaged–”
He stopped and his eyes went wide. “It was exactly like this morning. I couldn’t tell the scent then, just like I couldn’t now.”
Eddie nodded. “As near as I could tell, there wasn’t a scent to be had. Whatever it was who killed the Harringtons and attacked Patrick, didn’t leave behind a scent.”
“There are very few things in this world that leave a scent so minuscule I could barely detect it,” Wayne said.
Eddie nodded. “So what happened with Steve after they died?” He was interested in the other thing, but he was really worried about his boyfriend.
“The old mayor, Larry Kline and I,” Wayne said amused, “made the decision that the pack wasn’t safe for Steve. But despite what Steve thinks the Franklins weren’t human.”
Eddie frowned. “They weren’t?”
“They were Were too,” he said with wary tilt of his head. “Were-bat. We figured that with them being at least Weres would be able to teach him how to shift and how to shift back comfortably.”
“So what went wrong?” Eddie asked, moving closer to Wayne on the sofa. “Because holy hell, pops, if Steve had been human CPS would have been called and fast.”
Wayne drank more of his beer and then rubbed one eye with the other hand. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t. There were no indications that Steve was anything other than a kid who’s parents died and was adjusting to it. Yeah, he wasn’t exactly happy, but we didn’t expect him to be, you know?”
“So what changed?”
Wayne drank the last of his beer and set it on the coffee table. “They were away on a trip and I don’t know if they forgot, didn’t care, or planned it... but Steve wolfed out for the first in his entire life when he was eighteen.”
Weres were supposed to shift for the first time when they hit puberty. Early teens for most of them. But to not shift until you were eighteen was just begging for the Were to go insane.
“Fucking hell, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie groaned. “Whoever this is is playing a long ass game. Jesus Christ. They were hoping he would go crazy, ending the Harrington line for good. So what happened?”
Wayne licked his lips. “Steve ran to me. He was frightened. Terrified out of his mind. Old Mack nearly shot the poor bastard as he came tearing through the trailer park.”
“Jesus H. Christ...” Eddie whispered.
Wayne chuckled. “It wouldn’ve done shit, it was just a regular bullet, it wouldn’ve even slowed him down.”
Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. “So what stayed Mack’s hand then?”
“You’ve seen your boy in wolf form,” Wayne said, “can you imagine how beautiful he looked then? The cream of his under belly blending with the warm brown of his back and face as he tore down the gravel pavement?”
Eddie could imagine it in fact. Steve was gorgeous as a human, but as a werewolf? He was exquisite. It came from his mixed breeding of being born from another born werewolf and his turned wife. Born werewolves tended to be more timber wolf in their appearance. Almost dire wolf-esque. Big, with course fur and fierce. Bitten werewolves tended toward the smaller red wolves. Quick, slender, and cunning as hell.
Steve was a mix of these two breeds and it made him the most beautiful thing on four legs Eddie have ever scene.
“To fire at something so majestic would have been a travesty,” Wayne was saying when Eddie came back from his revery. “So Mack just stood there, rifle in hand as Steve made straight for my door.”
Eddie frowned. “Where was I? I don’t remember this.”
“You and your friends had gone to Indy for some concert or another,” Wayne said. “I don’t rightly recall.”
Eddie’s frown got deeper, he’d only gone to one concert with his friends in Indy because one of the ‘85 Hellfire Club members had gotten tickets for graduation and had taken all of them.
“Is that why you weren’t home when I got back into Hawkins?” he asked. “You were dealing with Steve?”
Wayne nodded and popped open another bottle of beer. He held one up to Eddie, but he shook his head. Eddie held up his still mostly full can. Wayne licked his lips.
“You’ll want to drink more of that,” he muttered.
Eddie did as he was told and it took the edge off of his anxiety but settled sour in his stomach.
“After I got Steve sedated,” Wayne said, “and yes it was fucked up I even had to in the first place, I went a paid the Franklins a visit.”
“That sounds ominous,” Eddie said flatly.
Wayne grinned. “They tried to tell me that they were frightened of Steve. That as a wolf he was much bigger than they were as bats. That all it would take was one snap of his giant jaw and they would be but a morsel to the boy.”
Eddie blinked at his uncle in confusion. “What now? His first change would have been a literal puppy. He wouldn’t have even been able toddle after them, let alone get within biting distance.”
Wayne huffed. “Right in one, boy. And if they had been teaching him from his first change on, he wouldn’t have thought of them as prey at all. Not even on moon nights.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“And then they tried to attack me,” Wayne continued.
“They did what?” Eddie squawked.
“They probably would have succeeded, too,” he said, “but apparently Steve is a hard wolf to keep down and followed me like a lost puppy. When he saw Dick Franklin raise a fucking yew stake to stab me in the back, Steve leapt on him.”
“Where the fuck did they get a yew stake?”
Wayne just shook his head. “The hell if I know, kid. But in comes this wolf and just snatches the damn thing out of Dick’s hand. He runs off with it Ella Franklin hot on his heels in bat form. Bats are fast and she catches up quickly. The problem is that in or out of bat form she knows she no match for Steve, so she tries to blind him by going for his eyes.”
Eddie’s hand covered his mouth as he listened to him go on about this horrible night.
“But despite what a lot of people think,” Wayne continued, “your boy ain’t dumb. He keeps his head down and makes right for the Creel House. He tosses the thrall on duty the stake and suddenly a werebat is face to face with Tammy Thompson, now holding a yew stake as Steve just continues running past the Coven.”
Eddie blinked. “I didn’t realize that Tammy’s family were thralls.”
“Just like the Perkins, Buckleys, and Hagans are hereditary keepers,” Wayne said with a nod, “the Thompsons, Carmichaels, and Bensons have always been hereditary thralls.”
Eddie was starting to think that he really should have paid closer attention to the hierarchies in school, they were a lot more important than he knew.
“Anywho,” Wayne said with a shake of his head. “Ella flies back to their house to find me beating the hell out of Dick. She manages to distract me long enough for Dick to get on his feet, but now it’s two against one and they’re still strong in their human forms, but wicked fast. I was able to take out Dick, the coward that he was, but Ella was proving to be too fast. She was going to get away.”
Eddie drank the rest of his beer and popped open another one. He leaned forward so that he was on the edge of the sofa, and his knee began to shake.
Wayne put his hand his knee to settle it, but Eddie stared at him wild eyed.
“I don’t have to finish if this bothering, Ed,” he said warmly. “I can give you the Cliffnotes.”
Eddie shook his head. “What happened next?”
“Just as she took flight, the thing they had always feared happened,” he said softly. “Steve’s jaws came down on her with a sickening crunch. Dick started spewing all sorts of curse words and things I didn’t understand. Something about how werewolves were a plague among the Weres and that they had to be exterminated and how if Steve hadn’t had my protection they would have drowned the bastard in the bathtub.”
“What. The. Fuck?” Eddie asked, can crumpling in his fist as it tightened on it.
“It didn’t mean anything until the events going on now,” Wayne said with a heavy sigh. He crumpled his can one handed and stared at the twisted mass. “But I think whoever it is who is trying to tear this community apart is getting desperate. They’re starting to make mistakes. And I think one day soon, this is all going to blow up in our faces.”
Eddie gulped, but nodded.
Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List:
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie
@chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666
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@birbsauce @acingthecounts @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @kultiras
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daffy-20 · 5 months
Bounty on the girl
Chapter 1 - 5 is enough
(Please all minors get off of this page, I beg of you.)
!Warning! - Not COD original plot, NSFW in some chapters, mentions of abuse, violence, trauma and r@pe.
Kyle(Gaz) Garrick x Johnny(Soap) MacTavish x Simon(Ghost) Riley x John(Price) x König x Fem!Reader
(That was a shit ton;-;)
Summary - You are an extremely popular idol and you tend to travel a lot, your father owns a very high class company but never really dug too deep into since you turned 21 but all of a sudden you have been receiving constant death threats and you have a feeling your father has something to do about it. Once you confront him about it he denies everything and hires a total of 5 trusted bodyguards to keep you safer when performing or going out.
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I was on stage performing and everything was so lively, the crowd’s happy cheers, the sweat on my body.
“We love you!” A group of teenage girls yelled.
I reach out the grab their hand and right as I was about the touch them I hear screams but not the joyful ones I love, I hear screams of complete terror.
I hear gun shots as my manager Neil pulls be backstage.
“Wait! I have to help them get out!” I yell trying to get out of Neil’s grasp.
“You have to worry about yourself right now-” Just then Neil got shot in the head mid-sentence.
I panicked and I ran, I had no idea where I was going but I ran and I couldn't stop.
A few months after the shooting I've been receiving death threats, my Dad has been off and on the phone with me because he is worried but I can't help but feel like he had something to do with the shooting. He has never seemed to keep secrets from me but I know that he has been arrested a few times for selling drugs and illegal substances.
I was getting out of bed and I decided to call my Dad.
“Hey, baby girl! How are you this morning?” my Dad says enthusiastically.
“Hey Dad, can I ask you something..it’s about the shooting.” I say starting to regret my decision on asking. I could feel every drop of sweat run down my forehead as my mouth began to water.
“Yes? What is it baby girl?” he asks.
“Did you happen to have anything to do with the shooting that happened at my performance a few months ago?” I ask as my voice begins to crack a bit.
“My sweet baby girl, why would I ever be a part of something like that? Y’know what I think you need better assistance because it is clear that you need it! Now I'll need you to come by my workplace and we will have you some new bodyguards faster than you can say-” The line then got cut off.
I sigh deeply, that isn’t what I wanted. I wanted him to actually act like a father and discuss it with me, not get me a new bodyguard but not much I can do now.
I throw on a hoodie, some cargo pants, and some sunglasses so I can blend in with the crowd as I take a taxi to Dad’s company building.
As I ride the elevator up to my Dad’s office I feel almost nervous, I was never a non-social person but the way people have seen me since the shooting has been a lot different, I guess I just don't want to make a bad impression.
I knock on the door out side the office and when the door opens I see my Dad’s wide smile.
“Aww! There is my baby girl!” He said bringing me into a tight hug.
“Hey..Dad!” I say trying to sound enthusiastic.
“Come on in and take a seat!” He said closing the door behind me.
I then notice 5 very large men standing behind my Dad’s desk. I took a seat and for some reason, I started getting all hot and sweaty.
“Dad, I thought you were getting me one new bodyguard,” I say with a confused tone.
“Well, I feel like it would be better if you have 5! A lot safer, don't you think?” He pats my shoulder.
“Right. So what are their names?” I ask.
“This guy is Soap, then we got Gaz.” He says pointing out the two shorter ones but the two were still taller than me. One had a mohawk which normally not many people could pull off but it looked good on him, the other had lovely eyes and a hat on his head with darker skin.
“Hello, we will take good care of ye’” Soap said reassuring me.
Gaz just sat there as a kind smile grew on his face.
“And this is Price, he will be leading them in the best way possible to guarantee your safety.”
Price and I lock eyes for a moment, his eyes felt like pools that I could swim in for hours, something about his vibe makes me feel safe.
“This is Ghost, and this big guy is König!”
The last two intimidated me the most, Ghost just had a skull mask over his face and König didn't even look at me, he had his face covered too but it was almost as if he was nervous but he was absolutely humongous.
“Dad I appreciate the favor but I don't-”
“It's settled then! I'll have you boys moved in with her as soon as possible and I'll send your belongings over with her!” My Dad says cutting me off.
“Moving in with me? Dad you can’t possibly be serious!” I say protesting.
“Sweetheart it will be better for your safety, now you all go on now!” My Dad says almost as if he as pushing me out th door with his words.
Once all 6 of us leave the building a large sigh leaves my mouth.
“Well, I have an interview tomorrow and I have some work to do back at home so I guess we can start from
There?” I say turning around and looking up at them all.
I couldn't help but heat up, my cheeks were hot and I couldn't stop fiddling with my fingers, I'd never been around so many taller people before all at once.
“That sounds fine, whatever you need,” Gaz said.
“Price will drive us to ye’ home, would you like a ride?” Soap said looking into my eyes.
On the way to my house, I am completely crushed in between König and Ghost, clearly, The two don't know how to give a girl some space.
“Could you please move your leg please?” I say looking over at König.
“Oh, y-yes sorry.” He said as he moved his leg over a bit, his tone had a gruffness to it and his accent made it a bit hard to understand what he said but I understood.
I was already fed up with this, I understand these men are just doing their job but my Dad couldn’t take two seconds of his time to listen to me. It’s like he was trying to hide something.
I just want this day to be over.
I hope yall enjoyed the first chapter<3
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peakyswritings · 2 months
Meet the Ferrante Family
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It’s incredible that in less than two weeks it’ll be a year has passed since I posted the first chapter of Heart, Body and Soul. Thank you so much for those who have stuck with me despite the slow updates🤍
Finally, I made a post with the face claims I found for the Ferrante family (although Nina doesn’t have one yet). Are most of them from the Godfather movies? Yes. Do I regret it? No. And note that a great number of aunts, uncles and cousins are missing, but I decided not to introduce them since they are not relevant to the story.
Nina Ferrante is the OC from my ongoing Tommy Shelby x OC series Heart, Body and Soul.
Vincenzo and Maria Ferrante
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Pietro, Salvatore and Nina’s parents
Vincenzo Ferrante: he runs the Italian side of the business. He’s the oldest brother (older generation). Despite being a very traditional man, he has a soft spot for his daughter that leads him to give her a bit more freedom. In fact, Nina’s the only girl in her family who was allowed to finish school.
Maria Ferrante: she’s a conservative woman, very religious and apparently meek.
Her mother had spent her whole life convinced that all she was born to do was to take care of someone else, without ever being able to make a single decision for herself, or voice her thoughts, and that conviction was too deeply rooted inside her to be eradicated. (Excerpt from CH.6)
However, there’s more to her than she lets on.
Pietro and Salvatore Ferrante
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Pietro Ferrante (on the left): he’s the oldest of the Ferrante siblings, and he’s expected to become the head of the Italian side of the family business after his father. He fought in the war and almost lost an arm in combat, and sometimes it still hurts. After the war, he built walls around him.
Pietro, the older one, had almost lost an arm in combat, and even though two years had passed, sometimes it still hurt. But in exchange for the arm, the war took something else away from him. There seemed to be nothing left of his once caring nature, and his innate attention for details had turned into a urge to have everything under control. (Excerpt from CH.5)
Salvatore Ferrante (on the right): he’s the middle child. He fought in the war and returned with a deep scar on his face.
As for Salvatore, the war had enhanced the restlessness that had always distinguished him. He was angry, easily triggered, spiteful. And now he had a deep scar which crossed the left side of his face, making his expression appear even more grim. (Excerpt from CH.5)
Nina Ferrante
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Nina Ferrante: she’s the youngest child and only daughter. Her fiery nature and unusual views make her a bit of an outcast in her family. She’s believed to be a witch by many of her cousins and other girls from the village. She rather enjoys the rumours.
There was nothing soft about Nina. She was all sharp edges and searing looks. […] She was outspoken, and defensive, and angry. Angry at her family, whose judgmental stare burned on her skin. Angry at her mother, who had wanted her different since the moment she had drawn her first breath. Angry at her father, who still treated her like a little girl who knew nothing of the word. Angry at Tommy Shelby, who thought he could just barge in and state some claim over one of them. (Excerpt from CH.2)
However, behind the mask, she’s extremely sensitive, and feels everything deeply.
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Winston: Nina found him when he was just a kitten, and took him in without a second thought. He’s a little shit, just like his owner.
Mario and Rita Ferrante
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Agnese, Rosa and Sofia’s parents
Mario Ferrante: he’s the youngest among the Ferrante brothers (older generation) and runs the Italian side of the business alongside Vincenzo.
Rita Ferrante: she’s Agnese’s mother, and has a love-hate relationship with Maria Ferrante. They care about each other in their own way, but are stuck in an endless competition.
Agnese Ferrante
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Agnese Ferrante: she’s Nina’s cousin, and the one Tommy is expected to marry. She’s considered the most beautiful girl in the village, she’s soft and kind and probably the only one of Nina’s cousins who doesn’t ostracise her. Being the oldest child, she feels responsible for her sisters. She knows she needs to get married, cause she has no brothers and if something were to happen to her father, which is likely, considering the family’s line of work, they’d have no protection. Of course their uncles would take care of them, but it wouldn’t be the same.
Rosa and Sofia Ferrante
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Rosa Ferrante (on the left): she’s the middle child.
Sofia Ferrante (on the right): she’s the youngest child.
Antonio Ferrante
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Antonio Ferrante: he’s the middle child of the Ferrante brothers (older generation) and runs the English side of the business. He has two sons, Alfredo (the oldest) and Angelo (the youngest), who are expected to run the English side of the business after their father. Their mother passed during childbirth. No face claims for them yet.
The Spinietta family is another Mafia family who operates both in Sicily and New York. There’s a delicate balance of power among the Spinietta family and the Ferrante family, and they’re struggling to keep the peace. Spinietta has two sons: Vito (the oldest) and Stefano (the youngest). They didn’t fight in the war thanks to their father.
They walked around as if they owned every street, every shop, every person; as if everything was owed to them, because they had money and power. (Except from CH.5)
Stefano Spinietta
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Behind the courtesy and the charm, Stefano is actually a monster. He has been obsessed with Nina for years, and recently started pressuring her father into arranging a marriage between them.
Stefano Spinietta was a disgusting person. He was the son of one of her father’s business partners, the boss of another mafia family, which operated both in Sicily and in New York. In the last few years, Stefano had been very clear about his intentions towards Nina, and he had taken too many liberties with her, to the point where she had found herself in the position of putting a knife to his throat. But the threat didn’t have the intended effect; if anything, it only made him more relentless. (Excerpt from CH.3)
Stefano still has a scar on his neck from that episode with Nina.
Heart, Body and Soul taglist
@zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms / @justrainandcoffee @call-sign-shark
@kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
@gaslysainz @brummiereader @loverhymeswith @fairypitou @prettywhenicry4
@mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @woofgocows @girlwith-thepearlearring @goblinjnr @outlanderuniverse
@citylights31 @neonpurplestars89-blog @red-riding-wood @evita-shelby
General tag list:
@iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys
@lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989
@call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe @ce1iat
@red-riding-wood @optimisticsandwichgladiator
Tommy Shelby taglist:
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hellish-sunsets · 6 months
Curses and Blessings - Chapter 7
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9
She didn't respond for the longest time, and if he hadn't fucked it up before then he definitely did now. He let out a defeated sigh.
“I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-”
“No! It's, um… I'm not uncomfortable or anything, it just… caught me off guard, all the… complimenting.”
“Well, pay a compliment with a compliment. You were going on about me, so it's only fair.” She made a flustered sound and he realized what was going on. He couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips and he chuckled. “Can't take a compliment, dear?” 
Read on AO3
Word Count: 1,534
@cherry-4200 @adaizel @kyo-kyo1 @elleofdragons @snoozewritezz
Lucifer jumped in his seat as his phone rang. He cursed and grabbed for it on the counter, putting his rubber duck aside to look at the screen. It probably wasn’t important…
He didn’t recognize the number. 
Very few people had his phone number for obvious reasons. The Sins had it, and Charlie had it, but that was about it. So who in hell was this?
It took a few rings before he decided to answer it anyway, pressing the button and pressing it against his ear, holding it in place with his shoulder and returning to his duck. 
“Hey Luci, it’s Y/N.” His hands froze. “Did Charlie text you about her meeting?”
He put the duck down again, clearing his throat and making sure his voice came out normal. 
“Yeah, yeah, she did. Didn’t really expect anything else… How is she doing?”
There was a pause and the clattering of something from her end of the phone. Was she working on something too?
“She was pretty upset at first, but that’s a given.” He nodded, even if she couldn’t see it. “But we talked it out, made a plan, and she’s doing better now.” There was a pause. “Are you going to help with the fight? I don't know how any of this works, if you're even allowed to…”
“I'm not.” He said with a frustrated sigh, wiping his hand down his face. “It's part of the whole extermination agreement thing. I don't get involved and the hellborn are left alone. They also made me keep all the sinners in the city so it's easier or something.”
There was a pause, just long enough for him to wince at his own admission, realizing just how bad it sounded. Damn, she probably hates him now, not that she would be wrong to. He fucked up so much -
“Yeah, not gonna lie, that sounds like a shit deal.” He gave an exhausted sigh. “Sounds about time to strike a new deal. In the meantime, we can try twisting it around to benefit us somehow.”
He gave a noncommittal hum. He hoped it would pass as a thoughtful sound, but he clearly failed.
“... you okay? What're you thinking?”
At first, Lucifer planned on waving it off. It was nothing! Just a lot going on, he's worried, something like that. But there was the nagging at the back of his head, she hates him now, the deal was stupid, she said so, he fucked up and it was biting him in the ass. The words he did end up speaking slipped out of his mouth without a thought, not really what he wanted to say exactly but close to what was running through his head. 
“Regretting my life decisions. I should never fucking agreed to that shit deal, but I thought it was okay at the time! I didn’t… really like any sinners, and it was just more important to make sure the hellborn were safe. But now that’s coming back to bite me in the ass, just like every other major decision I made! It’s like I can’t do anything right.”
His hands were gripping at his hair, the other squeezing the life out of the poor duck he hadn’t even finished. And she wasn’t responding, she had to agree. He was such a fuck up and he seemed to be reminded of that every turn he made. 
“You raised Charlie right.”
Her voice was like a lifeline in that moment, one he greedily held on to before he fell too deep into the depths of his own mind. 
“If you can’t do anything right, then explain Charlie. She came out the sweetest creature in heaven and hell, and only so much of that is her nature. That’s something you did right, and that’s got to be the most important job you’ve had.”
His grip on his hair eased and he let the poor rubber duck go, gazing down at it. 
“Yeah… but Lillith did most of that…”
“Bullshit, like you had no say or something. Let's see… you also make great pancakes. Probably the best I ever had. You're pretty funny too. There's plenty of things you do that don't end in failure. I get how your mind can go there, though. I struggle with it myself.”
His brow furrowed, confusion replacing his regret and guilt.
“What? No, I can't believe that for a second! You're too… shit, I don't know, put together? Smart, beautiful, wise… perfect! You can't possibly be a failure. I physically can't comprehend you failing at anything. Or, no… perhaps… not being held down by failure, if that makes sense? You seem like the type to take any mistakes and turn them around for the better! I… I couldn't do that… I guess that's why I respect you so much. I-” he winced, clutching the duck tighter. “I said too much, I'm sorry…”
She didn't respond for the longest time, and if he hadn't fucked it up before then he definitely did now. He let out a defeated sigh.
“I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-”
“No! It's, um… I'm not uncomfortable or anything, it just… caught me off guard, all the… complimenting.”
“Well, pay a compliment with a compliment. You were going on about me, so it's only fair.” She made a flustered sound and he realized what was going on. He couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips and he chuckled. “Can't take a compliment, dear?” 
“You know what, let's get back on topic.” She was probably blushing, he thought. She must look so pretty blushing.
“Alright, alright, what was the point again? The battle?” 
He rested his chin in his hand, a small smile on his face while she went on about what everyone was doing. Charlie was visiting Cannibal Town to get some help, Vaggie was off to get some angelic steel for weapons, and everyone else was barricading the hotel. There was 29 days to prepare, and she sounded pretty confident that everything would turn out for the best. But as she talked, his smile slowly slipped off his face as worry gnawed at his heart.
“Are… you going to be fighting?”
There was a pause.
“Yeah, probably. I mean, everybody is, even Niffty, and I'm not going to sit around being a burden. I'll practice with everyone else. Honestly, I'm more worried about Charlie. That girl doesn't have it in her to hurt anyone…”
He hummed his agreement, something flashing in his eyes. “If anyone even lays a finger on my daughter, that battle is over.” His voice was harsh and final, and she paused before responding.
“She is hellborn. If she is in danger, then the deal is broken and you can kick as much ass as you want. Mmmm, but I don’t want to see her hurt… it’s a tricky situation for sure.”
“I mean, there’s Razzle and Dazzle, too.” He said, scratching his cheek thoughtfully. “I made them to keep Charlie safe. They would get hurt before her.”
“... do they count as hellborn?”
“Ehhh, that’s debatable, just because they weren’t born but made. I see your point though. If I see a chance to get involved, you know I will!”
“I know. I’m counting on it, it’s the only reason I’m not dying from the anxiety.”
He hummed, feeling a warmth spread in his chest. She trusted him, huh? Well, he couldn’t let her down. He was sure he could end the battle quickly if he could just get involved. But…
“Just, stay safe until I can get there, okay?”
He was probably coming off as too much, right? They barely knew each other, and even now she was only calling to make sure Charlie would be safe. And yep, there’s that fluttering in his chest again. He couldn’t lose her, not when emotions were only just starting to bubble up, ones he had yet to properly accept himself let alone admit. He still wasn’t sure it was even going to work out. He had just… he had spent too long telling himself his mark didn’t even matter or worse, was just a curse. But, many sleepless nights later thinking about her and their marks and what it means and what he should do, he was maybe, perhaps, starting to accept it. And their really was no denying the fluttering in his chest or the pain in his cheeks from smiling. 
Despite his efforts to remain distant, he really did like her.
And he was sure it would bite him in the ass just like every other bad decision he made, but there really was no avoiding it now. 
He was fucked.
“I’ll stay safe. I promise.”
He nodded to himself, squeezing his duck. 
“Alright. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you soon then.”
“You better come visit us before the hotel, for Charlie’s sake if nothing else.”
“Of course. I promise.”
“Bye, hun!”
She hung up and he put his phone aside, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He stared down at his duck, damaged from being crushed in his hands. He would have to start over. He didn’t mind too much. 
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candycandy00 · 4 months
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 8
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! I’m posting the first chapter just to check for interest. Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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“Are you in love with Terrian?"
The words slipped out of your mouth carelessly, and you regretted asking the question the instant Anna looked up at you with a horrified, tear streaked face. The answer was right there, no words needed to convey it, and hearing it out loud only seemed to pain Anna more.
You sat down beside her. "You could've told me."
Anna stared toward the bottom of the stairs. "I didn't want to admit it. I don't think I even admitted it to myself until I saw him holding that half-breed's hand."
"Maybe they're not a couple," you offered. "Maybe he's just taking care of her. We don't know what their relationship is yet."
Anna put her face in her hands. "It's obvious! You saw the way he looked at her! She's beautiful and looks good in the outfits he likes and they've lived together for two years!"
You had no response to that. Terrian and Nariah had certainly looked like a happy couple. You sighed and threw an arm around Anna, feeling the other girl's body tremble as she cried.
Several minutes later, Anna stopped crying and dried her eyes. "Sorry," she said, still sniffling. "I know it's a stupid thing to cry over. But it just feels like half-breeds keep taking things away from me. They took my mom, and my brother, and my body. But for the past few years, I've been thinking, 'At least I have you and Terrian'. Now it's like you're turning to Vartan and Terrian has that... woman upstairs."
Your immediate reaction was to go on the defense, to loudly proclaim that you were not turning to Vartan, that there was no way Vartan would ever take you away from Anna, but stop stopped yourself before you could open your mouth. If you were honest with yourself, you would admit that you were being drawn more and more to the mysterious half-breed who slept on your couch.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way," you finally said. "But I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens with Vartan. He can't replace you. No one can."
Anna's eyes were wet again, but she smiled. "I made the best decision of my life when I agreed to share that blanket with you on Second Street."
You laughed. "When I saw you, all I could think was, 'She's small, so there would be more blanket for me'."
"You were so devious back then!"
"Hey, it's how I survived,” you said with a shrug. 
Footsteps sounded from the stairs behind you, and you turned to watch Terrian approach with a worried expression. He looked at you and Anna, then lowered his head. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have kept Nariah from you. I just didn't want to worry you two. I promise I'll never keep secrets from you again, okay?"
You looked at Anna, who slowly nodded. You turned back to Terrian. "We forgive you."
Terrian exhaled, and you wondered if he'd been holding his breath since he came down stairs. He smiled weakly. "Thanks."
"But you don't seriously keep her up in that dusty room all day, do you?" you asked.
"No, no," he answered. "She has her own room down here but I moved her today because you girls were coming. I guess that plan didn't work though." He laughed nervously and looked at Anna, who wouldn't meet his eyes.
You gave him a look you hoped he would interpret as "Don't ask. Not now."
He must have gotten the message. He gave another weak smile and said, "You're free to leave for today. If you didn't get everything done, that's fine. Be sure to come back tomorrow, okay?"
He looked at Anna as he spoke the question, but she stood up without a word and walked down the stairs to the first floor. You heard one of the bedroom doors shut and figured Anna was changing out of the maid costume before heading home.
"She's still angry with me," Terrian said sadly.
"She'll get over it eventually," you assured him. "Just give her a little time."
"You're not angry with me, are you?"
You shrugged. "I have a half-breed at my place too. I can't really say much about it, can I?"
"Thanks," he told you again, and you nodded to him before heading down the stairs.
Anna was already gone when you finished changing, so you walked home alone. It was dusk, which meant the city was a gross color of orangey-maroon as you reached your apartment. You wondered if Vartan would still be sitting motionlessly on the couch, or if he'd even be there at all. You had no idea how long his exile from the tower would last, and he hadn't bothered to tell you. 
When you opened the door, you immediately scanned the room. You almost laughed when you realized that Vartan was indeed still sitting on your couch. You slipped off your shoes, dropped your duffel bag on the floor, and walked into the living room.
Upon closer inspection, you noticed that Vartan was asleep, slightly slumped over. You leaned down to look at him, thinking for the second time that he almost looked human while sleeping. He breathed the same as you did, his chest rising and falling slightly as his breaths made little wheezing sounds.
His eyes snapped open suddenly and you took a quick step back. "I'm home," you said, trying to start a conversation before he had time to question your closeness. "What did you do all day? Don't tell me you sat there staring at the wall."
He sat up straight and raised his arms above his head, stretching in a way that reminded you of a cat. He rubbed his eyes, one at a time, and looked at you. "I slept most of the day," he said. "I read your books as well."
You saw all five of your old trashy romance novels strewn across the couch beside him and blanched. They had belonged to your mother, and they were full of exactly the sort of scenes you really did not want a half-breed in your home thinking about. You gathered them up in your hands and said, "Where did you even find these?"
"They were on a shelf over there," he answered, pointing to a rickety book case that was completely empty.
You replaced them on the shelf and headed for the kitchen. "I guess you're hungry. I don't have much but I'll try to fix something."
A loud knock at the door startled you, and you looked swiftly to Vartan. "Hide!" you whispered, pointing to the darkened hall that led to your bedroom. He obeyed and slipped into the shadows as you walked over to the door. "Who is it?" you asked.
"My son is hurt," a male voice called back. "You're a nurse, right?"
You felt something stir in your heart. It had only been a day, but you realized at that moment that you truly missed being a nurse. "Well, sort of," you said through the door, "but all my supplies at are the doctor's house now. We had to close the clinic."
The voice on the other side hesitated for a moment, then said, "Can you at least look at him? He's bleeding."
You unlocked the door and began pulling it open. The door suddenly shoved against you hard enough to knock you down, and three men rushed into your apartment.
"Look for food and medicine first!" one of them shouted to the others, who split up and began digging through your refrigerator and drawers.
"Hey, stop it!" you yelled. "I told you I don't have any supplies here!"
The man in the kitchen was filling a plastic bag with fruit, butter, and everything else he could get his hands on. "You have plenty of food though!"
You ran over to him and tried to pull the bag from his hand. "Stop! Get out of here!" you screamed, jerking with all your strength until the bag split and the contents spilled out.
"Damn it!" the man said, shoving you away and stooping down to gather back up the food.
The man who had been giving orders made his way to the kitchen and grabbed you by the hair. "Shut up and back off, you little bitch, or I'll slit your throat!"
"Let me go!" you cried, trying to jerk free. The man released you, then immediately punched you in the stomach. You groaned and dropped to the floor, holding your sides. You looked up at the sneering man. "You're... making a big... mistake," you said.
The man laughed. "What are you gonna do? Report us to the half-breeds? Good luck with that!" He kicked you in the gut and laughed again while the other two continued grabbing your food.
You rolled over onto your stomach and tried to crawl to your feet, but one of the men kicked you again and you collapsed. You looked back to see which one had attacked you, but in that same instant a dark blur moved by you at such speed you could barely make out what it was.
Vartan now stood over you, facing the man behind you. Without a word he reached out and ripped the man's head right off his shoulders. Blood sprayed your apartment like a fire hydrant and you shrieked, more from surprise than horror.
The other two men, upon realizing just what had been hiding in your apartment, made a run for the door, but they didn't even make it out of the kitchen. Vartan swooped in like an angel of death, clad in black, ripping the burglars limb from bloody limb as you sat watching, frozen in shock.
The man who had initially punched you was the last to go, lying face up in a pool of his blood, both his arms torn off. Vartan lingered with him, bi-colored eyes narrowed into an expression you had never seen a half-breed wear, as if he had a personal vendetta against the man. He lifted the man up into the air and squeezed the man's neck until there was a terrible cracking sound. Vartan dropped the now limp body onto the floor and turned around.
You stared up at him blankly. He was covered in blood, like red brush strokes on white canvas. He was a ruthless angel of death, but somehow he had become your savior. "Are you alright?" he asked, holding out a hand to you. Even though it made no sense, even though it was totally crazy to even think it, you could've sworn right then that Vartan looked worried.
"I'm okay," you answered, taking his hand and standing up. You looked around the kitchen, suddenly more thankful than ever for your time at the clinic. You had seen so much blood and gore that it hardly fazed you any more.
"I am sorry," Vartan said in his usual monotone voice. "I have broken one of your rules. I will leave if you want."
You had nearly forgotten making the rule at all. He had agreed to punish no one while he was staying with you, but how could you enforce that rule when he had broken it only to save you?
"I don't want you to leave," you told him, surprised by your own frankness. "You protected me, so how can I blame you for that?"
He looked at you silently for a moment, and for the first time you were struck by a sudden desperation to know what he was thinking. If you asked, he probably would have told you, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
"I will clean up the mess I made then,” he said. 
You nodded and gathered up the food the men were trying to steal. Some of it was splattered with blood, but most of it was in plastic bags, safe from the bloodshed. You replaced what could still be used in the refrigerator and handed the now empty bags to Vartan, who began placing the various severed limbs in them.
The two of you cleaned the kitchen in silence, the only sounds coming from the squish of body parts being crammed into the bags or the squeak of a mop across the floor. You wondered if you should thank Vartan for what he did. How did things get this far? You had started out fearful of speaking to him, because he was a half-breed. Now you were afraid for entirely different reasons.
You felt like you were balancing on a wire, caught between being fascinated by him - strangely attracted to his otherness and grateful for his bizarre kindness - and being disgusted by his violence.
When they were finished, they took turns in the shower and met again in the kitchen. Vartan had a dark towel wrapped around his waist, apparently remembering the conversation that took place before you left for work. You threw his uniform into the washing machine and sat down at the table.
"Are you hungry?" you asked him casually, your own appetite completely dissolved from the moment Vartan ripped the first head off.
"Somewhat," he answered, his voice as even as ever.
"What do you like?"
"Meat. Cheese. Carrots. Oranges." He read them off like a grocery list.
You stood up and opened the fridge. "I have bologna."
"That will be fine," he said.
You pulled out the things you needed to make a sandwich and avoided his eyes while you fixed his food. He was watching you, staring at you with those alien eyes, yet somehow it felt... normal? Like he had been watching you for years? You shook your head and finished his sandwich, then sat down at the table beside him.
He ate the food, slowly but otherwise the same way anyone would eat. You remembered Terrian's words, that Nariah had become "so much more human than Pagoda". You wondered if you could ever say the same for Vartan.
"Hey," you said, and he stopped mid bite to look at you curiously. You hesitated for another moment, then smiled at him. "Thank you."
The corners of his mouth twitched, as if he reflexively wanted to return the smile, but his expression remained the same. "You're welcome," he replied.
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verbenaa · 2 months
to eden | chapter seven
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: If there was ever a moment that Rin regretted drinking all of that wine it would be now as Astarion peers at her with thinly veiled interest, baiting her. All it takes is those few words for the mood of their conversation to change, Astarion twisting it to something darker and more seductive.
She absolutely hates the way her body reacts at the sound of his voice nearer to her, a familiar fire kindling deep in her belly and her heart skipping a beat.
𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Astarion/F!Tav
𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: E
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 5,814
𝒶/𝓃: hey let's just pretend it hasn't taken me 5 weeks to write this, ok? but for real, I'm so happy to be back on my regular grind and posting again! I hope you all like this chapter, and I'm excited to keep writing for these two idiots 🫡 let me know your thoughts in the comments and thank you to every single one of you who take the time to read, like, comment, reblog etc. you all mean the world to me!!!!! love you all byeeeeee
ao3 here
Something in the air is wrong.
Whatever that something is, though, Rin can’t quite place her finger on. 
But there’s something off in smell of the air, the cloying scent of rotting leaves and decay sickening her, souring her stomach as they creep along the narrow pathway. 
Or perhaps it is the dead breeze that rattles bare branches as it carries the memory of death on its ghostly wind, the feeling of it making her shudder and turn in on herself with every brush of it against her skin.
All of it just wrong, wrong, wrong.
Rin bites her lip as she moves down the narrow path carefully on their trek further and further into this cursed world, fingers aching to grab at the blade she keeps strapped to her back if only to make herself feel a little bit better lest anything decide to surprise her by launching itself into stabbing range. 
Her chest is uncomfortably tight here, a subtle fear she will never admit out loud curling around her ribs, squeezing itself around her lungs with every breath she takes. 
Even Astarion has been left on edge, his hand gripping tight around a knife as he walks on Rin’s left, ever silent as he steps with care and his eyes rove back and forth along the darkness.
Perhaps the most wrong thing, though, is the one that they follow. The one who she had summoned with that lyre she had pilfered off of the corpse of that drow weeks and weeks ago in the depths of the goblin’s lair; plucking at its strings to play a haunting melody befitting of the horror that skitters on eight legs ahead of them along the trodden path towards Moonrise Towers.
Kar’niss, with his too many eyes and lips pulled into an eerie grin that the light from the moon lantern he carries does nothing to soften the lines of, sharp claws curled around the long post.
The Absolute really did pull a certain type, didn’t it? 
Rin sighs softly as her steps quicken, abhorring the idea of being any closer to Kar’niss than necessary but her fear of whatever it is lurking out in the darkness far surpasses her distrust of the drider.
But as they round a corner, she sees a movement in the shadows of a ruined building just beyond the path—subtle, barely recognizable in the darkness. Another a sweep of her eyes and she notices that there are people—real, living people—hiding all around them with weapons drawn and at the ready.
She’s not the only one who notices either, Astarion already adjusting his grip on the dagger as he readies it to throw and Shadowheart brandishing her glaive as she calls upon her dark Lady. 
And as Kar’niss calls for battle against the so-called heretics hiding in shadows, one thing becomes crystal clear: the Harpers’ mean to kill.  
It’s a split second decision, one she communicates through the rarely used tadpole that sits idle in her brain.
Kill the drider, he’s not the only ticket into Moonrise. 
They’ll manage without him.
Rin shares a brief, sweeping glance among her companions, all of them meeting her gaze in resolute agreement, and whether that agreement is for the sake of morality or for violence she doesn’t care, as long as they’ll fight along her side against whatever horrors await on the path ahead.
✧· · ─── ·✧· ─── · ·✧
The tightness in her chest doesn’t go away inside the warmth of the Last Light Inn but it loosens the smallest bit, no longer strangling around her insides as a candlelit glow washes over them and the Harpers mill about on all sides.
The goblet of wine she holds in her hand certainly doesn’t hurt, either. 
Jaheira—the one and only fabled hero of many a tale—looks at her from across the wide table, the strange upwards tick of her lips and carefully blank look in her eyes decidedly suspicious.
Rin takes a delicate sniff of the goblet in her hand, scenting a slight medicinal bitterness that doesn’t quite belong swirling amongst the red liquid. “Jaheira, I have to ask. Did you poison my wine?”
“This vintage is over a century old, you know. I’m sure a few drops of truth serum won’t affect the taste. Much.” The druid’s smile widens as she regards Rin with an appraising look, tawny eyes narrowing with interest as she waits for her next move.
“Well, in that case, even more reason to drink. Have you poisoned many people or am I one of the first?” Rin takes a dainty sip of the burgundy liquid, eyebrows raised pointedly towards the other woman as she swallows down the wine, the taste of it just a touch too bitter as she refrains from pulling a face at the acidity. “It’s an honor, either way.”
She doesn’t see but hears Astarion sputter behind her, face contorted into what she can only imagine as an expression of pure disbelief, positively aghast at her impulsivity as he scoffs.
Astarion’s apparent annoyance at her drinking the wine only serves to strengthen her resolve—a lovely, if unexpected, bonus that makes her smile.
With a shrug, she downs the rest of the goblet, another aggravated noise escaping the vampire from where he stands alongside Shadowheart, who releases a deep, weary sigh. “Still better than what the tieflings gave us back at the Grove.”
The wine goes down easily despite the taste of the truth serum, the flame of the taper wavering slightly as she sets her now empty goblet down onto the table between them. “So, what sort of burning questions do you need to ask me so badly that you decided to spike my drink in order to get the answers?”
“I had to know if you could be trusted. One can never be too careful when dealing with the Absolute. So I decided to add a few drops of a truth serum to your wine to speed up the process.” Jaheira finally takes a drink of her own wine, her eyes darting down to the now empty goblet resting innocuously between them. “Though I didn’t quite expect you to drink all of it.”
“One must live beyond expectation, don’t you agree?” An ungentlemanly snort sounds from behind her that Rin ignores, her most winning smile plastered on her face as she eyes the druid in front of her. 
The truth serum feels…strange as it begins to work its way through her body and up into her head; a certain weightlessness taking hold of her mind, as though she had drank one glass too many of wine, though with all of her thoughts and inhibitions still perfectly in place—not a one muddled or confusing or unnecessarily scandalous.
There is a certain inclination that rises up over all the others, a peculiar feeling that begs to break free of her lips with every question Jaheira asks, no lies able to be told under the potion’s spell.
And thus, the truth spills free from Rin’s lips.
✧· · ─── ·✧· ─── · ·✧
Rin slouches inelegantly against the back wall of the great room, eyes bouncing from person to person as she surveys the space. Such lodgings were more than they could have asked for, really. 
At least, in terms of what she expected to find on their little jaunt to these lands.
It certainly beats camping out at Moonrise, or she assumes as much. Rin doubts that whoever’s in charge over there would have the hospitality to serve her wine upon arrival much like Jaheira had, even if it was technically poisoned.
And so, under the famed druid’s blessing they had successfully made their camp and put away their armor—exchanging hard leather and heavy metal for worn-in linen and thin spun cotton, blissfuly free from the pressing darkness of the shadow curse and the menace of the Absolute, if only for the night.
Really, Rin’s only problem was the fact that her ankle still smarts somewhat from where Jaheira’s vines had held her a bit too tight for her liking earlier, leaving behind a small twinge of pain that she should probably have Shadowheart heal, if only she could be bothered to go find the cleric wherever she was busy sulking.
That, and, maybe the truth serum she had drank a little while ago that was still swirling around happily in her brain, though she can feel the power it holds over her weakening as the minutes go by. 
It was perhaps not her brightest idea to drink the wine. Her companions were quite vocal of their disapproval of such a decision afterwards. But it had earned them Jaheira’s tentative trust, and what good was it to make allies if they weren’t going to be heroes of legend? 
An evening spent with a little bit of klauthgrass in her system was a small price to pay for such a boon.
Or so she hoped.
Out of the corner of her eye, Rin sees a familiar figure making their way towards where she lurks at the back of the room, clearly intent on ruining her peace if the look of discontent Astarion levels at her as he stalks over is anything to go by.
Oh Gods, must it be him? She would gladly take anyone else’s conversation on a night like tonight, where truths threaten to break free when faced with nothing more than a mere question. She had already put in hard work of avoiding him earlier as they built their camp, finding reason after reason to skirt away elsewhere anytime he seemed to near her.
With a bracing breath, she takes a long drink from her cup to mentally prepare herself for whatever scolding it is that will fall from those beautiful lips with razor-sharp accuracy. 
He’s had the time to prepare it, thanks to all of her efforts to stave him away so far that evening.
Astarion sidles over to her, somehow managing to look more elegant than usual when he leans back against the wall next to her—perfectly casual and the picture of charm as he props a leg up, knee bent and arms crossed in front of his broad chest. He looks almost mesmerizing in the warmth of the inn, dancing candlelight reflecting off his snowy hair and illuminating his pale skin to near perfection. 
It’s a pity that the illusion of it all will be ruined by that poor attitude of his.
“Do tell, darling, was the wine worth it?” Irritation sparks on the edge of the words as they slice through the air, the level of judgment so easily revealed by such a simple sentence almost impressive.
She readies herself for the now familiar pull of the klauthgrass in her mind as it loosens her lips, any number of truths ready to slip free at his urging of her, and she has no doubt that Astarion is intending to waste such an opportunity.
Rin sends him a cursory glance as she takes another sip from her goblet, painting an easy smile on her lips. “I would say so, yes. It’s not everyday a girl like me from the Lower City gets to drink from such an expensive bottle.”
“Next time you want a nice bottle of wine, let me steal it for you instead of doing something utterly stupid that could have ruined our entire plan,” Astarion speaks through gritted teeth, voice kept low as he growls at her. 
“I thought you liked a little chaos in your day.” Rin can’t help the snicker that sneaks into the words, hiding it behind the cup that she raises to her lips.
“There’s sowing a bit of chaos and outright idiocy. You, my dear, are straddling the line a bit too close.”
“Why, Astarion, I didn’t know you cared.” The words are simpering in the way she knows Astarion will just hate, daring a glance up at the vampire beside her just in time to see his eyes roll.
“I don’t,” Astarion says cooly. “but I’ve been forced to go along with all of your awful little ideas so far and I would hate to see all my efforts wasted when I could have been enjoying myself in a tavern somewhere else instead.”
“Oh, please,” Rin huffs as she rolls her eyes, taking another drink. “You know perfectly well that you’re welcome to walk away whenever you feel like it.”
She shifts her weight as she attempts to ignore the imperious look Astarion sends her, wincing slightly as her ankle protests the movement.
Astarion gives a questioning look to the leg in question, his gaze assessing her for any weakness that he can exploit, much to her eternal chagrin. “Problem with your ankle, darling?”
She should have known that he would have noticed, eventually. He had been watching her all night, after all; a scowl etched onto his pretty features as he followed her every move with narrowed eyes as she talked to everyone else but him, no doubt preparing his every complaint for her. 
“Mm, yes,” Rin hums in confirmation, the word sneaking out without her consent thanks to the truth serum. She glares down at her dusty boots and the well-treaded rug covering the floor, its pattern long faded. “Jaheira’s vines were a bit tight for my liking. Not my preferred way to be restrained, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.”
“Oh?” Astarion’s voice drops an octave as he leans in further towards her, almost conspiratorial as his eyes gleam at the opportunity he hears in her words. “Do tell, what is your preferred way to be restrained, then?”
If there was ever a moment that Rin regretted drinking all of that wine it would be now as Astarion peers at her with thinly veiled interest, baiting her. All it takes is those few words for the mood of their conversation to change, Astarion twisting it to something darker and more seductive.
She absolutely hates the way her body reacts at the sound of his voice nearer to her, a familiar fire kindling deep in her belly as her heart skips a beat.
“With ribbons, obviously. Or maybe silk.” Her cheeks flush. Damn the klauthgrass.
She’s never been tied up, at least not like that; though the image is one that’s hard to brush away. She can see it far too easily in her imagination: Astarion between her legs, a lovely length of ribbon tied around her wrists, an actual bed— 
Rin brushes the thought away with a cough, taking a long drink from her wine in hopes of distraction.
“Oh, so is that the way you like it? Who knew that our little leader wants the nicest bottles of wine to drink from and the prettiest of ribbons to be wrapped all around her.” He’s teasing her and Rin wishes she could be angry with him but the image he paints is one that’s far too tempting for her to simply ignore.
“I do.” The truth pulls free from her once more, and she bites her lip in an effort to avoid saying anything else incriminating as a smirk slides across plush lips that she would like nothing more than to press her own against.
“And tell me, sweet thing, what else do you like?” Astarion leans in further, his lips practically brushing against the shell of her ear. She still can’t help the blush that has stolen its way across her face though she’s more than willing to blame it on the alcohol or the truth serum rather than his effect on her.
Rin stands perfectly still, resisting the urge to turn towards him as she sips from her wine, eyes looking at anything but him. She knows he expects her to reply with some sort of temptation that he can file away to tease her with later, at a moment when it’s most inopportune. 
But instead, another sort of answer comes to her mind first. One that she can barely stand to admit to herself, let alone speak aloud to him or anyone else.
She won’t allow the words to come out, working as hard as she can against the truth serum as it works its way deep into her mind, speaking to her with whispered words to let it out, let the truth set you free, tell him, tell him. 
“I like lots of things, Astarion. I love a good book, some well-aged cheese, winning a game of cards…I’m afraid you’re going to have to be a bit more specific.”
It’s a blessing, at first, that Astarion doesn’t answer her, the silence between them dragging as she mentally releases a sigh of relief that he abandoned that particular line of questioning and accepted the string of truths she managed to utter instead of the one that is bursting to be let free.
But when another beat of silence goes by unfilled with his honeyed words and she finally turns to look his way, her head snapping to the side, she finds his gaze on someone else.
Rin’s brow furrows as she follows Astarion’s line of sight only for her frown to deepen when she sees exactly who it is that has captured his attention. 
There, on the far side of the room sitting at one of the lanceboard tables that line the wall lurks an unfortunately familiar face. One that she had rather hoped to not have to see again after their last meeting outside of the Blighted Village.
Rin breaths out a noise of disbelief as all of the ease and relief she had been feeling earlier disappear into the ether. “Does he have no one else to bother?” 
Astarion deigns to leave her question unanswered, simply shooting her a look with a brow perfectly raised that stirs suspicion deep in her stomach, whatever idea it is brewing in that brain of his one Rin has distinct feeling she will not approve of.
Grim determination settles along his features as he pushes off the wall and strides forward, stepping confidently across the worn floorboard and threadbare rugs without waiting to see if she will follow.
Rin hastily sets her goblet down on the bar several steps away, the wine sloshing over the side of the silver cup in ruby red drops and onto the stained wood below. One of the tieflings from the Grove, Rolan if she remembered correctly, briefly looks up from where he is buried in his own drink to send her a glare as he broods pitifully in his seat.
She barely manages to catch up, arriving just in time to hear Raphael’s low drawl, swallowing down the grimace that threatens to break free and instead settling for a placid smile that gives nothing away to the cambion now in front of her.
“Well, well, well. And what is it we have here?”
✧· · ─── ·✧· ─── · ·✧
The smell of brimstone is still thick in the air after Raphael’s little disappearing act, cinders drifting down to dust the worn herringbone floors where he had been standing. 
Fucking Raphael and his fucking deals.
“He really has some nerve, doesn’t he?” Rin’s arms are crossed in front of her chest as she hmphs, turning to Astarion to hear what she assumes will be his agreement.
But instead, her vampiric friend is mysteriously absent from his place next to her; and with a turn of her head she sees Astarion stalking out of the large doors of the inn, pace clipped as he weaves through a sea of Harpers.
“Astarion!” Rin spins around, calling after his retreating figure once before following after him.
An unwelcome frustration bubbles in her chest alongside the beginnings of distress and she quickens her pace, his lithe form no doubt clinging to whatever shadows he can find outside. She’ll be lucky if she’s able to spot him at all with all the darkness that exists here, even with the incandescent glow of Selûne’s blessing reflecting off of everything it touches.
“Astarion, wait!” Rin’s voice caries across the yard as her feet patter across the patchy grass, dodging the armored bodies of the Harpers as she goes. Wherever Astarion is, he either doesn’t hear her or refuses to hear her as she moves closer and closer towards the outer edge of the protective circle of magic. 
Her steps slow as she enters their campsite and the liveliness of the inn seems worlds away here in the silence. There are no animals here—no birds chirping or bees buzzing, only an otherworldly quiet that has her ears buzzing.
With a turn of her head, she finally sees Astarion exactly where she thought he’d be, standing tense at the edge of the riverbank as he faces the bleak landscape across the black water.
“Was it necessary to walk so fast?” They’re all alone as she nears him, her footsteps painfully loud in the otherwise quiet of the night.
He whirls around to her, agitation rippling off of him in waves as he glares at her. “Do you not know how to take a hint, or are you really that dim?”
Rin rolls her eyes, breathing out a sigh of agitation. “I’m the dim one? What are you even thinking to consider making a deal with Raphael?” 
“What am I thinking? I am thinking that there is more to whatever the thing is that Cazador carved into back. I am thinking that I have to figure out what it is. I am thinking that Raphael is my best chance to get the information that I need.”
His voice echoes off the bare branches of the trees as he yells, bitterness coloring his tone as he glares at her, the precise shade of his eyes—an angry incarnadine, she thinks—cementing itself into her memory.
“I understand, Astarion. I do. But I don’t think you should make a deal with him. Not with Raphael.” Rin wrinkles her nose in distaste at the mere thought of the cambion being able to hold anything over any of their heads, but especially over Astarion’s.
“You do not understand a thing.” He seethes at her. “I have one chance, and one chance only, to get this information. You will not stop me.”
“I’m not stopping you,” She stands strong in the face of his anger, fingers curling as she balls them into fists, nails biting crescents in the flesh of her palms. “But do you really think Raphael can be trusted? What if he makes you sign your life away for it?"
“And do tell, dearest Rin, why do you care so much about what I do with my life?” He spits out the words as though they burn, eyes glinting with the knowledge that he can ask her whatever he wants and she’s powerless to do anything but answer.
With a start, she realizes it’s the first time he’s ever said her name aloud, at least to her own ears. The revelation settles over her with a hazy sort of wonder that has no place in their fight as she replays the sound of her name formed by lips in her mind, turning it over again and again.
And it’s suddenly so perfect—so Astarion—that the first time he ever utters her name out loud isn’t when he tries to charm her with cheap pick up lines or in the midst of pleasure as he takes her to bed, but instead practically shouted at her in anger during an argument. 
Frustration eddies out of her like the tide rolling back out to sea and an aching, unfamiliar tenderness for the man standing in front of her fills in the space that it leaves as her expression softens.
“Because I don’t want to see something bad happen to you, you idiot. Is that really so difficult to understand? Do you need me to spell it out for you word by word?” Rin’s hands reach out to grab at his shoulders, as though she could shake some sense into him.
It’s a truth she doesn’t mind speaking, not when Astarion just stands there staring at her in vague disbelief as the cogs in his brain work to solve the puzzle of her words and the ire that had burned so readily in his gaze extinguishes, somehow giving way to everything and nothing all at once—confusion, distrust, vulnerability. 
“I’ll make you a deal, instead. I may not be a devil but—”
“You’re devil enough, I assure you,” Astarion cuts in with a lukewarm murmur.
“As I was saying,” Rin glares up at him halfheartedly as her grip loosens on his shoulders. “let me make you a deal. I swear, upon my grave, that we can and will find another way. Without using Raphael’s help.”
Astarion looks at her curiously, arms held straight by his sides as he stands perfectly still underneath the warmth from her palms. “At the rate we’re going, your grave is likely to be on an unmarked hillside somewhere between here and Rivington, darling. Pick something better to promise me with,”
Her fingers move to absently run over the line of his shoulders as she shifts her attention to his collar and the ostentatious ruffles that decorate the front of his shirt, slightly rumpled and not at all put together the way Astarion likes to pretend himself to be.
“Is swearing on my grave not devilish enough?” Her fingers run lightly over the ruffles of his shirt, the linen softened by time as she fluffs them back to rights. “How about my soul then?”
“It’s a step in the right direction, at least.” He’s infinitely haughty as he huffs, glancing away to look instead at one of the nearby trees that surround their campsite.
“You’re impossible.” Rin lets out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, then. I swear to you, on my soul,” she waves a hand through the air to add embellishment to her words. “that we will find a way without Raphael’s help. We can figure it out, I have faith.”
Rin knows her words have no actual binding, no infernal magic present to swirl around them and make her words true. She knows that it’s not even a real promise she can make, and certainly not a good enough one to ever tempt him. 
But it’s all she has to offer him, and she can only hope it will be enough.
Astarion’s eyes snap back to hers, narrowing as he raises an elegant brow. “Faith in what? I hardly think the Gods are listening. Or care, for that matter.”
“Well,” Rin’s fingers stop, biting her lip in consideration at his question as she waits for an answer, the true answer, to come to her unbidden with the help of the truth serum that still lingers. “faith in us, I suppose.”
It’s maybe the worst thing she’s ever said, the words coming out far too soft and—ugh, gods—sweet. But the most terrible thing about it is that she doesn’t hate the way that the truth feels slipping free from her lips nearly as much as she knows she should.
She needs to stop talking before she digs herself into an even deeper hole. Perhaps she should start taking off her clothes in hopes to distract him.
Her hands return to action in the wake of her honesty, smoothing them over his collar once, twice, before averting her eyes from his to glance at where her fingers begin to twine around the ties at his throat.
“That’s a terrible plan, you know.” 
Rin pulls at one of the strings perhaps a tad harder than necessary as she looks up once more with a glare at the ready. Any retort she has dies on her lips as she meets his eyes; wholly unprepared for the sheer intensity simmering there in the depths of his gaze.
Her hold softens on the laces, fingers going slack as she swallows. She’s unsure exactly of what name to put to look she sees—not lust, or anger; but something else—as those familiar dark crimson eyes flit down to her lips and she suddenly finds it much harder to breathe.
“Well, it’s better than anything you could ever come up with, that’s for sure.” She speaks in barely a whisper, Astarion watching every single word fall from her lips before his eyes trail their way up and over her features as if memorizing every detail before finding her own gaze.
A new kind of anticipation, one that she’s never felt before, curls in her stomach as Astarion releases a vexing sigh. “I haven’t the faintest idea of what you could mean. My plans are always excellent.” 
The words are pompous, irritating; and a part of her wishes desperately that she could hate him for all his arrogance and put-on charm, but instead something in her chest swells as she huffs out a short laugh.
With an impossible slowness, Astarion dips his head towards her, lashes half lowered over darkened eyes that still stare at her own, no doubt a fever-bright green as her freckled cheeks flush under the fullness of his attention. 
A breath catches in Rin’s throat as she angles her face up to meet him, the tips of their noses brushing as his lips close in on her own. She’s eager for the feeling of his kiss, has been wishing for it all evening—a fact she’s only willing to admit with the help of the truth serum.
And as her lashes flutter shut against her cheeks and her palms press flat against the planes of his chest, heart jumping against her breast as his lips are nothing but a hairsbreadth away; a familiar voice booms out from some distance behind them.
“Oi, Rin, Fangs!” The moment shatters as Karlach’s voice fills the camp, carrying far as it breaks through the silence surrounding them.
Rin’s eyes blink open wide just as Astarion takes two hasty steps backwards, surprise flashing over his features before he covers it masterfully, an impenetrable wall back in place within mere seconds.
Her hand raises to her still untouched lips, mourning the loss of his closeness as she stands bewildered by their almost kiss.
Astarion straightens his shirt, brushing out an imaginary wrinkle as he looses a breath, refusing to meet her eyes. “I will keep your…offer in mind, darling, but no promises.”
“It’s your choice in the end Astarion, but…I don’t like it.” Rin fights to keep the minute disappointment she feels from crossing over her features. She knew it was nothing more than a fools’ errand to try and sway him, but she doesn’t regret it. 
Not yet, at least.
“Well, it’s a good thing it’s not your decision to make, isn’t it?”
A frown settles between her brows as Astarion finishes his assessment of himself and finally looks at her again, any figment of emotion that had been there mere moments ago effectively washed away as he dons the mask of a charlatan once more.
“Right. Well, goodnight. Don’t you worry your pretty little head over it.” Astarion sends her one of his trademark smirks as he rolls his shoulders back, standing up straight as he looks down his nose at her. “Unless, of course, you want to be thinking of me. In that case, feel free to worry over me to your heart’s content.” 
With one last, maddening little wave he retreats to his tent without sparing her a single glance, leaving Rin to stand there alone in the middle of camp, a hand still poised over her lips and discontent coiling in her chest.
Karlach finally emerges from between two tents, a frothy pint in hand that she uses to gesture towards Rin, ale threatening to spill over the edge as she inclines her horned head in greeting. “Hey, Solider! Want to come join for a game of cards or some shit like that?”
With nothing else to do, Rin turns towards Karlach with a smile and a nod before she heads back towards the wavering light of the inn in the distance with the intent to drink herself into absolute oblivion.
It’s easy to follow Karlach and fall back into the familiar routine of indulgence—to drink more wine and lie to herself that the blush that stains her cheeks the rest of the evening is from the klauthgrass, or the alcohol, or the laughter she shares with her friends and not at all because of the fact that Astarion had almost kissed her. 
It didn’t matter that they had shared far more than kisses already, bypassing the standard order of things and jumping straight into sleeping with one other. 
That was what they had both wanted, wasn’t it? 
And it was what Astarion’s silly little game has always been about, had it not? She still hadn’t been able to figure out the rules, but she was sure it had to do with her as his conquest—his prize—though for what reason she’s yet to glean. 
It was one thing to be friends who slept together. 
But it was another thing entirely to be friends who simply kiss, and the thought consumes her for the rest of night no matter how many more glasses she downs in hopes to chase it away.
It’s late when Rin finally lays down in her bedroll that night, the klauthgrass blissfully absent from her body yet her mind still swirling with the revelation that she is perhaps far more fucked than she would like to admit. 
She’s signed, sealed, and delivered her fate just as surely as she’s sealed another letter to him with a cheap wax seal, written when the last of that terrible, evil truth serum still poisoned her mind along with a few cups of wine too many. 
That stupid letter, one that is never to be delivered; the contents of which contain the answer to that damned question he asked her earlier.
And tell me, sweet thing, what else do you like?
And so she did the next best thing she could think of to rid herself of words that still begged to be spoken aloud; grabbing a piece of parchment and her quill and ink before sitting down to write the answer, hoping that she could seal the feelings into the ink on the page and leave them there to dry, freeing herself of them forever.
If she had any mind at all, she would march out of her tent and throw the letter into the roaring fire at the center of camp so that the words it contains could burn to cinders, never to be read.
Because Astarion could never, ever know that what she really liked—more than his body, his clever words, his awful sense of humor, or how lovely he looks when he focuses on his sewing next to her by the fire at night—was him.
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endofradio · 2 months
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WARNINGS: gore mentions
NOTES: i lowkey locked in with this chapter WHY IS IT SO LONG. i also decided to spice things up a bit by having sylvie talk to abigail instead of joey doing it (when abigail says that frank is valdez). i am VERY excited to write the scene where abigail exposes everybody because the drama is going to be REAL.
SUMMARY: now that everyone’s locked inside, sylvie decides to make the decision to talk to abigail herself, something that she regrets. after rickles dies next, sylvie confronts frank, which only leaves her feeling more confused and frightened than she already is.
TAGLIST: @reclaimedbythesea @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @that-one-gay-aew-enthusiast @evildarliing @maggotmommys @maggotssmichael @13th-floor-in-moonstone @vampireheist @xashleyo03x @blackwolfstabs @atcarpenter
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shoot me a message if you’d like to be added to my taglist! and… seriously — reblogs and comments are heavily appreciated. don’t just leave a like! it helps keep me motivated. 🙏
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“Come on, Rickles. Hey!”
Rickles was storming straight for the front door, adamant on his decision to leave. Even with Joey calling for him and following after him, he didn’t change his mind one bit. Once he reached the door, he attempted to open it.
Well, unfortunately for him, the door was completely locked. There was no way to get out. In fact, as Rickles attempted to open the door, some sort of silver gate rose up, blocking the door from any sort of access. It was completely shielded by the gate. Everyone stared at the door in confusion. How the hell did that happen?
“Where the fuck did that come from?” Peter asked. He figured that since he was the strongest of the entire group, he probably had a chance at unlocking the door. It was worth a try, at least.
Turns out, being 6’5” and over 200 pounds doesn’t always make somebody the strongest. No matter how hard Peter strained as he tried to break the door free, nothing happened.
Confused, Peter looked up at the door. “What the fuck?”
He turned around to look at Rickles. “Rickles, stand back.”
Rickles took a few steps back, and then Peter threw himself at the gate, trying to use all of his strength in an attempt to successfully break through it. Still, nothing happened. It only resulted in some physical pain that definitely hadn’t been worth it.
“It’s locked,” Peter announced, disappointed.
Frank rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Peter. It’s obviously fuckin’ locked.”
Sylvie and the others watched as Peter still tried to unlock the door. Great, so now everyone was stuck here. Dean had mysteriously been killed, and now the front door was completely unusable. It almost seemed like this entire place was just one big trap.
Frank sauntered over to Sylvie with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “Looks like you’re stuck with me, then.”
Sylvie looked up at Frank, a half-annoyed expression on her face. Seeing that infuriatingly smug grin on his face made her want to just smack him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Maybe she was a coward, maybe it was something else. Either way, the fact she couldn’t make herself do anything about it was bothering her. It was as though her feelings toward Frank were slowly beginning to do a complete 180° in the span of just a few hours.
“And I bet you’re just happy about that, aren’t you?” She asked, trying to sound like a total smart-ass. A snarky response was the most Sylvie could do.
Frank’s smirk grew at Sylvie’s response. He only looked cockier. “Well, I’m certainly not complaining.”
“This whole thing is a trap.”
Frank and Sylvie looked to see Rickles walking away in an obvious hurry. If the front door wasn’t going to be any use, then he figured he’d keep looking. He was determined to get out of this place somehow.
Peter watched as Rickles disappeared. “Rickles! Where’s… hey. Where’s Rickles going?”
“Goddamnit.” Frank hissed under his breath. “Don’t worry about it, Peter. I’ll go after him.”
Peter sighed. “Alright.”
Joey then had an idea. “If Valdez is here, perhaps he checked on the girl and left her there to throw us off…” she speculated.
“I’ll go talk to her.” Sylvie then offered. Right as Joey was about to speak, she was already making her way back up the stairs to the kid’s room.
Sylvie paused, turning around to look at Joey, who was trying to catch up with her.
“You can’t go in there, Ava.”
“She’s already seen my face. It doesn’t matter.”
Before Joey could say anything else to try and stop Sylvie, she continued on her way.
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When Sylvie carefully opened the door, Abigail looked up at her, fearfully clutching a blanket. The sight made Sylvie’s heart clench. She felt really, really bad for the kid. None of this was right at all. She should be at home right now, not locked up in some mansion in the middle of nowhere in Massachusetts.
“What do you… want?” The girl croaked, her voice trembling. “Where’s Joey?”
Sylvie sighed, carefully taking a seat on the edge of the bed, making sure to keep her distance. The last thing she wanted was to make the kid even more afraid than she already was.
“I just need to ask you something,” Sylvie explained, trying to sound as gentle as possible. “I’m not gonna hurt you. I just need to talk to you, okay?”
Reluctantly, the girl slowly nodded. She still seemed wary of Sylvie, but not as much. Well, that was a good sign at least.
“Has anyone else been in this room?” Sylvie then asked.
Abigail paused, then shook her head. “N-no… just you and… Joey… and the man with the glasses…”
Sylvie slowly nodded. Only her, Joey, and Frank had been in the room, apparently. Just to make sure that Abigail was being honest, she decided to press a little more. She knew how scared kids could lie, speaking from her own experience. Sylvie had personally lied a lot as a child to protect herself. If Valdez had come in here, there was the possibility that he could’ve threatened Abigail into keeping his name out of her mouth. Hopefully, that wasn’t the case.
“Are you sure?” Sylvie asked, slowly raising an eyebrow.
Abigail gave a quick nod.
Sylvie sighed. “Nobody else has been in this room, is that correct? By the way, you can be honest. Nobody’s going to hurt you.”
Abigail shook her head. Sylvie tried to search her expression for any sign of hesitation, but… she appeared to be telling the truth. Sylvie couldn’t detect a single sign of dishonesty.
She was about to get up and leave the room when Abigail suddenly spoke up.
“He’s gonna hurt me.”
Sylvie turned around to look at her, noticing how the girl seemed to be completely frightened again. She paused, feeling her chest begin to tighten with concern.
“What do you mean? Who’s gonna hurt you?”
“The man with the glasses.” Abigail continued, her voice growing more panicked. “He said he’s gonna hurt me.”
Sylvie could feel her chest start to tighten even more. “Wait, hold on. Are you telling me the truth?”
Abigail frantically nodded. “Yes! I’m serious… I’m serious. Please… please believe me. I’m really scared. He said I need to keep a secret, or… or he’d hurt me.”
“What secret?”
What she said next made Sylvie’s heart just about drop to her stomach.
“He said he works for my father… he said his name’s… Valdez.”
Sylvie didn’t know what to believe. Sure, Frank was a cold-hearted bastard in all honesty… but a ruthless murderer? Maybe she was just in denial, but she couldn’t picture him doing what had been done to Dean. She wasn’t sure if he was that sadistic, that cruel. The idea of Frank working for Lazar and being a brutal killer was enough to make Sylvie sick to her stomach.
If it was all true… then what else did Sylvie not know about Frank?
“You’re not just saying that, right?” She carefully asked.
Abigail looked so afraid that she seemed as though she was about to break down in tears. She fervently nodded again. “I’m telling the truth, I promise!”
Sylvie had to get out of there. She couldn’t bring herself to hear anything else. She didn’t want to hear anything else.
But, as she started to head for the door, Abigail spoke up again.
“Why are you surprised?”
Sylvie was starting to feel increasingly agitated. She turned around again, suddenly sick of hearing the child’s voice. “What the hell do you mean?” She asked, sounding almost irritated. She instantly regretted it.
“He’s a very bad man. I think you know that.”
Sylvie had enough. Quickly, she rushed out of the room and shut the door, her mind struggling to process everything she had just heard. None of it made sense. None of it seemed… real. She leaned against the door, trying to steady her breathing.
What am I supposed to do now?
As Sylvie remained there, her back pressed against the door, she tried to think. As she reflected on Abigail’s words, she thought about what she said about Frank working for Lazar. As she thought about it… she reluctantly realized that it made sense. She remembered back to when she and Frank were talking earlier, how he had admitted to leaving his old life behind.
What if he had been referring to working for Lazar?
The more Sylvie thought about it, the more sick she felt. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. Maybe the kid’s just lying because she’s scared.
But… why would she say something like that?
Why are you surprised? He’s a very bad man. Those words kept repeating in Sylvie’s brain. But… what confused her the most was Abigail’s next words after that, “I think you know that.” What the hell had she meant by that? I think you know that? Sylvie didn’t even know who the fuck the girl was.
What was even worse was that she was right — Sylvie knew that Frank wasn’t a good person. But… “a very bad man?” What the fuck— nevermind. She was done thinking about this bullshit. The more she thought, the more confused she became.
As Sylvie continued to lean against the door, she heard voices coming from one of the rooms down the hall — Joey and Rickles. Quickly, she hurried down the hall and into the room, clearly interrupting a conversation. Upon seeing the worry on Sylvie’s face, though, Joey and Rickles both became concerned.
“What is it?” She asked.
Sylvie drew in a shaky breath. “Something is really fucking wrong.”
Joey narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”
Sylvie couldn’t bring herself to explain. “If you want to know, go talk to the girl yourself. I don’t… I don’t know if she’s being serious or not.”
Joey and Rickles exchanged a disconcerted glance before looking back at Sylvie. Joey slowly nodded. “Alright. I’ll… be right back.”
Once Joey disappeared, Rickles glanced at Sylvie again. “You look like you’ve seen a fucking ghost.” He commented. “The hell happened?”
Sylvie shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it. If she tells Joey the same thing she told me, I swear to God…”
Now, Rickles just seemed confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Look. Are you sure there’s no other way out of here? I need to get out of here. I… I want to go home.”
Rickles sighed, crossing his arms. “Trust me, I wish there was. As far as I know, we’re all locked up in here for who knows how much goddamn longer. I’m not buying the ‘twenty-four hours’ bullshit. I guarantee this is a trap.”
Sylvie nervously tapped her foot against the floor, her eyes darting around anxiously as she waited for Joey to return, anticipating what she would say. Seconds ticked by, and they were starting to seem like hours at this point.
“You believe Valdez is real, right?” Sylvie then asked.
Rickles slowly nodded. “I’ve heard too much shit about him for him not to be.” He answered, his voice taking on a grave tone.
“Do you really think it’s possible he’s here right now? Like, one of us is actually him?”
“Dean’s head was ripped clean off. That’s some bullshit that only Valdez is capable of,” Rickles explained, “and if the girl’s Lazar’s daughter… gives him more of a reason to be here.”
“Have you two seen Frank?”
Sylvie and Rickles turned around to see Joey briskly walking towards them. Her expression was difficult to read, but she did seem rather pissed. At least, that’s what her tone of voice suggested.
“I can go look for him.” Rickles then offered. “Why? He the next victim?”
Joey scoffed. “No. Actually, he might be the killer.”
Rickles’ eyes narrowed in a mixture of confusion and shock. “Wait, what?”
Sylvie felt like she was going to vomit right then and there.
“Frank is Valdez.” Joey continued, her voice cold. “He told the girl.”
Rickles wasn’t exactly buying it. “He wanted to leave. That doesn’t make any sense.”
He had a good point, Sylvie thought. If Frank was really Valdez, then why the hell did he seem so adamant about leaving after talking to Abigail?
“He acted like he wanted to leave.” Joey then said.
“If he’s Valdez and Lazar’s his boss, then why kidnap his kid?” Rickles questioned.
Sylvie was relieved that at least Rickles was skeptical… but at the same time, if Frank wasn’t Valdez, then who was? Jesus Christ… none of this was making any sense.
“Maybe he and Lambert are planning a power play.” Joey suggested.
Rickles let out a sigh. “You’re telling me that skinny motherfucker rips people apart?” He scoffed. “Something doesn’t add up.”
Sylvie decided that she might as well offer her opinion. “I know he’s an asshole, but I can’t picture him doing some gruesome shit like that, y’know?”
Joey seemed reluctant to believe Rickles and Sylvie, her expression wary. “All I know is that Frank definitely isn’t an amateur. Something about him doesn’t sit right with me.” She spoke. “If Frank really is Valdez, then he definitely knows how to get out of here, which means so would I if I spend about six minutes with him.”
“So… what’s the plan?” Sylvie asked.
Joey sighed, clicking her tongue as she tried to think of something. “You two split up and take the main staircase. I’ll go south. We’ll meet in the middle.”
Reluctantly, Sylvie slowly nodded. “Alright.”
Rickles tried to offer a small, reassuring smile. “We gonna get through this.”
“I have to.”
“You have a kid?” He asked.
Joey nodded. Sylvie felt a pang in her chest. God… she definitely did not belong here. Silently, Sylvie hoped that Joey’s son was safe and well back at home.
Rickles placed a comforting hand on Joey’s shoulder. “We’ll make sure you get home.”
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As Sylvie wandered through the mansion, she started to feel unsafe now that she had lost sight of Rickles. Now, she was by herself, and suddenly… everything seemed eerily quiet. Where was he, anyway?
Sylvie stood there in the hallway, her eyes anxiously darting around as she tried to see if she could hear or spot any sign of him. Yet, there was nothing.
And then, she heard what sounded like gurgling coming from the distance. Her heart starting to race with worry, Sylvie dashed toward the direction of where the sound was coming from, leading her to another room. As she stood in the doorway, she saw Rickles standing there, his back turned.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Sylvie asked, her voice cautious.
Then, Rickles suddenly collapsed, and that was when Sylvie caught sight of his face — it was horribly mutilated and looked as though a fucking dog had ripped through his face. His cheek was torn open, and she could see his teeth through the gaping, bloody hole. The wound went all the way down his neck, dark blood staining his shirt.
Covering her mouth, Sylvie took a few steps back, desperately fighting the urge to vomit. She immediately wanted to break down and cry right there, just… scream. “What the fuck…? No, no, no…”
Two people had just brutally died in this mansion. Already, two people were gone in only a brief span of time. Sylvie didn’t know how much more she could handle. Who was going to be next? That was all she could think about.
Quickly, Sylvie ran to the nearest bathroom, opening the toilet seat as she retched. Nothing came up, so all she could do was let out painful dry heaves. Once she was done, she closed the seat and staggered to her feet. Suddenly feeling a rush of anger, she slammed her fists against the wall, as though she was trying to knock some sense into herself. Maybe this was just a nightmare, and she’d wake up from it.
“Wake up… fucking WAKE UP!”
She continued to punch the wall, but nothing happened. She only felt pain… which meant this was either real or a hyper-realistic nightmare. Unfortunately, it was beginning to seem like it was… real.
“Hey, what the fuck’s the matter with you?”
Sylvie whipped her head around, her senses on high alert. Any movement, sound, or voice was enough to make her jump out of her skin at this point.
When she turned around, Sylvie saw Frank standing there, looking at her with a mixture of annoyance and… perhaps a bit of concern, which was rather rare to see from him. It seemed more like an annoyed type of concern, whatever the hell that meant.
Upon seeing Frank’s face, Sylvie didn’t know how to react. One thing was for sure — she didn’t feel good.
“Get… get away from me.”
Frank narrowed his eyes, his annoyance growing. Instead of listening to Sylvie and backing away from her, he only stepped closer to her. She flinched as he moved towards her, almost as if she was expecting him to hurt her.
Frank let out an irritated scoff. “Jesus Christ, would you calm the fuck down? I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Why don’t you have any… blood on you?” Sylvie asked, her voice shaking.
Frank looked taken aback by the question, his eyes widening slightly in a genuine expression of shock. “The fuck are you talkin’ about?”
“You… you’re Valdez. The girl… the girl told me.”
Frank went from shocked to annoyed in seconds. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? You’re seriously listening to her?”
“Rickles just… Rickles just died. Rickles and Dean are both dead. You…”
Frank rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Sylvie, for the love of God. You don’t have a single clue what you’re fuckin’ talking about, do you? I know you’re smarter than this.”
“Well, can you please tell me what the fuck is going on? I just saw two people die. I’m scared. I want to get out of here.”
“What’s going on?” Frank repeated. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
“Please tell me the truth. The girl said the same thing to me and Joey, that you’re… that you’re Valdez.”
Frank let out an annoyed huff. “Did she, now? Well, I don’t appreciate people trying to tarnish my fuckin’ reputation.”
Sylvie swallowed, trying to steady her breathing. “So… she’s lying?”
Frank chuckled, the sound devoid of any humor. “No fuckin’ shit. Children love to lie… but lying about something like this? I’d say that somebody needs to be put in their goddamn place.”
“But then… who did it? Who’s… killing everybody?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know. That’s what we’re all trying to figure out, right?”
Letting out an annoyed grumble, Frank turned around to walk away. Just as he was about to leave, Sylvie spoke.
“You’re not going to let anything happen to me, right? Just… tell me everything’s going to be okay. I don’t… I really don’t want to die. Not here.”
Frank paused, looking back at Sylvie for a moment. His expression was unreadable, but he seemed slightly caught off-guard by her sudden vulnerability. In the time that he knew her, he never once heard her ask him for reassurance. Frank had always known Sylvie as a defiant, feisty little brat… yet, here she was, frightened to death because she didn’t want to die. It was a side of her that he had never seen before.
No, don’t let her get to you.
Frank remained silent for a few moments, trying to think of how he would respond.
“You’re not gonna die.” He simply answered, his voice matter-of-fact. Cold. Emotionless.
And then, he left.
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acotarfrustrations · 10 months
An ongoing list of acowar grievances I'm keeping track of while I read (because there's too many to make a post about all of them)
1) Feyre's constant edginess. It's such a bizarre and ham-fisted shift in the voice of the character from the previous book. Too much tell, not enough show
2) "that they thought Rhysand could ever force someone . . . I added that to the long list of things to repay them for.".........lol OK girl
3) Feyre all of a sudden knowing how to use every power she has despite her very limited "training"
4) constant mention of Lucien and Elain's mating bond. Not only do I not give a damn, I REALLY wish it wasn't a thing all together
5) CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MORTAL QUEENS TO ME? WHO TF EVEN ARE THEY?? It's so stupid that they don't get brought up until feyre is a fae like we have no clue the humans even have an overarching government until she's not human anymore. Why are they turning them Fae? What possible advantages can they grant the fae that they don't have already? How tf are there so many queens when the human territory is so small? For that matter, why tf is Hybern going to war over a tiny handful of humans? Why involve this convoluted plot with turning the mortal queens into Fae when it seems like the humans don't even know of their existence so they wouldn't listen to or follow them in the first place
6) this should be dual pov. I would LOVE tamlin's perspective or even lucien's
7) I need WAY more information about the cauldron because it makes no sense
8) this isn't a gripe but I just have to mention how bad I feel for lucien
9) somehow ianthe became 10x MORE boring as a villain. Like you could replace her woth Regina George and the book would be more interesting
11) this whole spying on the spring court thing is stupid, inefficient, and childish. The NC is risking the lives of all the courts doing this shit when they could easily just ACTUALLY TELL THE OTHER COURTS WHATS GOING ON TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO RALLY TOGEYHER AND DEFEND THEMSELVES, form an alliance, and reason with tamlin or attack him if he refuses to listen to reason. Most information they stand to gain from what they're doing is useless in light of how many fae and human lives stand to be lost or displaced
13) that entire ridiculous summer solstice scene in chapter 4
15) the whole situation with using Lucien to make tamlin jealous is just....icky, idk
16) I almost regret wanting more political intrigue In these novels as it is by far Sarah Janet's weakest suit
17) framing jurian a villain is one of the dumbest decisions ever. Wish he had more screen time though
18) feyre's badass scene w/ the children of the blessed makes me wish that after she became fae, she returned to the human lands, killed/overthrew the mortal queens, said fuck you to tamlin and rhys, and just became queen of the mortal realms, having to earn her people's trust as a fae, protect and defend them, and come to terms w/ her loss of humanity. That would have been so EPIC
19) the entirety of chapter 8
20) the fact that acotar was written. If the series started w/ acomaf I would have a lot less problems. All the constant retconning and inconsistencies in canon and worldbuilding just keep pissing me off, idk I can't look past it
21) I'm losing count and I'm only on chapter 9 so I'm just going to keep reading for now. Might make a part 2 idk
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rrenzwrld · 10 months
secreto de amor VI
chapter 6! chapter 5 here
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after that night, you started to think about your brother’s best friend a lot more than you were. you didn’t know if it was because he almost kissed you or if it was because of him being around all the time. but little did you know, he was also thinking about you at an alarming rate as well.
you came back from work that afternoon to jean, connie, and another dude conversing on the couch. you spoke and greeted everyone like you were raised before going to your room. you changed out of your clothes and took a shower before putting on some lounge clothes.
“yeah, like he’s okay i just don’t know why he keep talking to me.” you and your friend, tia were talking about what happened that night because she asked if you actually went to the party.
“he literally almost kissed you and you don’t know why he’s talking to you. he wanna fuck girl!” you were surprised you didn’t think of that sooner and it made a lot more sense than believing that he just wanted to be your friend.
“i can believe that.”
“but isn’t he jean’s friend?”
“yeah, which is why he can’t entertain me too much. jean will kill him.” before your friend could respond, there was a knock at your door
“who that?”
“i don’t know. but imma call you back, probably just jean.” you hung up and open the door to see connie instead.
“hey.. can i help you?”
“i wanna talk to you about friday.” connie invited himself in and closed the door behind him.
“why.. what happened friday?”
“don’t play dumb, y/n. you don’t remember?” you remembered, you just wanted to forget.
“okay, i remember. but why do you? i’m sure you just got what you needed from someone else after that.” you had to admit, you were a little hurt to think that connie was just being nice to you because he wanted to get in your pants, but isn’t that what most guys do?
“what you mean?”
“i don’t wanna be a fuck buddy, connie—“
“whoa, where did you get that from?”
“you don’t just wanna talk to girls because you wanna be their friend. i’m sure you only want one thing and i can’t give that to you.” connie sat on the bed and tried to hold your hand but you snatched it.
“wait hold on— you don’t believe that i genuinely wanna get to know you? just because?”
“what do i gotta do?”
“what?” you turned to him.
“to prove that i’m not lying. to prove that i wanna know more about you.” you liked this small gesture but you still didn’t know how serious he was.
you sighed and got up from your bed to lead him towards the door.
“ask my brother. he’ll tell you anything you wanna know—“
“but i wanna know it from you. everything.” you never cared about how expressive his eyes were but all of a sudden they were the most interesting in the world and it was getting difficult to not give in. but you ended up doing it anyway. bad decision number two, and you wondered how many you’d make from now on.
“okay. but nothing else.”
“what if there is something else?”
“if you fall in love.“ and there you were, already regretting everything you said.
“if i fall in love? you should make sure you don’t fall in love, sir.”
“oh i already—“ connie was cut off by the sound of jean calling his name.
“bitch ass.. i’ll see you later tho.” you nodded before closing the door.
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devastatedloyallute · 4 months
Chapter 5 of Bigger Than The Whole Sky -Guitarspear fic
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Chapter Summary: Lute second guesses her decision to take Abel home with her. How can she take care of a child while barely caring for herself? Read here on AO3 💕
The air surrounding her was suffocating, flames inched closer with every step Lucifer took forward.
“Haven’t you done enough?!” Lute cried as she lay over Adam’s lifeless body. Her heart pounded in her chest, there was ringing in her ears, and her vision started to go black. 
“Take the remnants of your troops and leave! If you return, there will be Hell to pay,” the demonic voice boomed. 
Lute paused only for a moment before she stood and awkwardly tried to adjust her balance to carry Adam’s body.
A low chuckle escaped Lucifer’s throat, “You don’t really expect to make it back there and while carrying a body twice the size of yourself, do you?”
Her breath shuttered as she understood that he was right. The adrenaline rush, and her remaining strength, had started to fade. She laid Adam on the ground and placed her forehead to his. “Fuck, Adam I’m… so sorry,” As tears dripped off her cheeks and onto his. She drew in a deep breath and rose to her feet. 
She took off fast into the sky, not wanting to look back. She already regretted fleeing like this, so cowardly. How could she just leave him like that? No, she has to go back. They can’t just get away with this!
As she turned her head to look back, what she witnessed was far worse than she could have imagined. Cannibals. The cannibals were tearing into him. Some fighting over limbs, an ear, anything they could. All of the color drained from her face and her eyes widened. 
“ ADAM- ”
Lute shot up in bed, drenched in sweat. She brought her hand to her chest and tried to steady her breathing. It was just a dream, a very vivid dream. She could hear the pitter patter of little feet coming from the hallway. 
“Mama? Are you okay? I heard you yell dad’s name…were you having a bad dream?” Abel asked as he clambered his way onto the bed and sat beside her.
Lute fell back onto the bed with her arm over her eyes, “Yeah, but I’ll be alright, sorry for waking you. You should go back to bed, it’s late.”
Abel nuzzled himself beside her and hugged her side, “Back at the daycare, sometimes new kids would have nightmares because it was their first night in Heaven. Elle, the nanny there, told us that nightmares in Heaven are really rare. And that they don’t happen much because nightmares are afraid of angels.”
The room was silent as Lute tried to regain her composure. ‘ Angels ward off nightmares, huh? ’
“When me and my brother were little, dad would sleep next to us when we had bad dreams. I guess even before he got into Heaven he was an angel, keeping our bad dreams away. So I’ll sleep next to you to keep the nightmares away! I know dad would want me to keep you safe, mama.”
Lute shifted to her side and pulled Abel in close to her. She didn’t dare speak, the lump in her throat was becoming difficult to fight back. She just squeezed him tightly and kissed his head.
An hour had passed, but sleep had not come for Lute. She looked at the sleeping boy under her wing. This sweet, precious little boy. Adam’s boy. 
Adam. Fuck, Adam. She lost her partner, and now she has taken on the decision to be a parent on top of that, what a ridiculous idea this was. She could have let him live blissfully unaware back at the daycare. Make up some excuse for why they couldn’t go visit him or something. But no, she had to be honest. Worst mistake yet. 
Mistake. Right, angels don’t make mistakes . This was a choice. But was it the right choice?
She shook the thought from her head, and gave Abel a peck before she headed for the shower. Maybe that will help clear her thoughts.
Lute turned the shower to lukewarm, stepped in and once she got used to the water, she turned the temperature up higher. The hot water felt comforting, but at the same time reminded her of her recent time in Hell. Another good thing ruined. No matter, she’ll just wash her hair and get out. ‘ Just the running water is enough to be clean, right? ’ That’s all she can manage right now, just getting in the shower is better than not.
She grabbed her shampoo bottle, and was about to pour the shampoo into her hand when it registered that the hand she was going to pour the liquid into was not there. ‘ Shit, right. How did I forget that? Ugh. ’ She poured some onto the top of her head and started to rub it in the best she could. Just another reminder of how fucking pathetic she was. 
Pathetic. That’s what she was. If only she would have taken care of that traitor. If she hadn't let herself get outplayed and trapped under debris. Or if she had acted quicker and tore her arm off faster, maybe she would have been able to get to Adam sooner, before Lucifer had showed up. She could have helped him. Protected him. If she had just killed Vaggie she wouldn’t have had to wrestle to stop her from helping the Hell Princess. So many ifs. Failures. She was a failure. She failed. And she hated it.
If it were not for the water running cold, Lute wouldn’t have noticed the warm tears down her cheeks. She wiped them away as she turned the shower off. How long had she been in there? ‘ The hot water can run out in Heaven? That’s just cruel. ’
She began drying herself off, but remembered she didn’t bring any new clothes in with her. She clumsily attempted to rewrap her stump, fiddled with getting the towel to stay around her, and found her way back to the bedroom. Thankfully, Abel was still asleep. 
She took a pair of underwear and a pair of leggings from her dresser. Hesitant, she reached for one of Adam’s casual shirts. He didn’t wear them often, but he still had them. She stared at the drawer of shirts for an excessive length of time before finally taking one. Once she had gathered her clothes, she headed back to the bathroom to get dressed. 
Lute looked at herself in the mirror. She remembered how Adam would gush about her wearing his clothes. Comment how his shirts were like a dress on her. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself when she wore them. 
These memories were not appreciated right now. ‘ This was a bad idea…Maybe I just won’t look in the mirror anymore. ’ She sighed and walked out to the living room to sit on the couch with a book. ‘ Who needs sleep, it’s almost morning now anyway. ’
About two hours later, Abel came into the living room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Morning, mama. Did the nightmares come back?” He asked as he sat beside her on the couch.
Lute gave him a soft smile, “No buddy, they didn’t. Thank you for keeping them away.” Of course she didn’t have another nightmare, hard to have one when you’re awake. “Let me finish this chapter and we can make breakfast.”
“Can we have pancakes?”
“With syrup?” Lute questioned, knowing the answer already.
“Obviously! You need syrup with pancakes!” He giggled.
“Then yes, yes we can have pancakes.”  ---------------------------------------------------------------
As Abel helped clean up from breakfast, there was a soft knock at the door. Lute answered the door, to be met with Emily.
“Good morning, Lute! How have you been?” Emily beamed with more energy than anyone should have at any time of day. “Oh, it looks like you’ve already rewrapped your arm!”
“Yeah, sorry. I’ve had a bit of a long morning. I had forgotten you were coming today.”
“You didn’t do too bad with it! I’m impressed, Lute!”
Abel came up behind Lute, “All done, mama! Oh, who’s this?” Abel looked up at Emily with awe, “She’s pretty!”
“Ohmygosh! I could ask you the same! Ohmygosh you’re adorable!” She knelt in front of him and squished his cheeks, “Aren’t you a little cutie! Why, you almost look just like…” Emily paused and looked up at Lute, her face crestfallen. Emily’s smile faded and she looked back at Abel, “...Just like Uncle Adam.”
Abel gave her a sheepish smile, “Yeah…he’s my dad.”
Emily covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh, oh I'm so sorry-"
Lute cut her off as she set her hand on Abel’s head, “Thanks for helping clean up breakfast, buddy. This is Emily, one of the seraphim sisters. She’s been coming by every couple days to change my bandages, since I have difficulty doing them myself.” She’d have to explain to Emily later as to why she had Abel, or maybe not. It's not her business to know.
“Oh okay, um…Miss Emily? Do you think you could show me how to change them? So I can help mama even if you’re busy?” Abel asked nervously.
“Aww! How sweet of you! Of course I can show you! Lute, you won't mind if I redo your bandages, right?” Emily asked as she stood.
“Nope, go right ahead. I did a pretty shitty job anyway. Probably wouldn’t last long as it is.”
Emily showed Abel how to properly wrap the bandages around Lute’s wound, she let him wrap it by himself. He was so proud of himself for being able to help with this. Even if the majority of the bleeding had stopped, the bandages helped to keep the area clean and stop Lute from picking at the scabs.
“Well, I guess I’ll be off then! Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!” Emily stood in the doorway as she waved goodbye.
“Will you be coming back? We could have a playdate! If you aren’t too busy that is. You’re a higher up angel so you probably are really busy…” Abel smiled and waved at her.
“I will for sure! Take care you two, bye!” They waved as Emily flew off. 
Lute let out a sigh as she dropped herself onto the couch. Her eyelids felt heavy. Maybe a short nap would be beneficial. Abel snuggled up at her side, “Nap time?”
“Mhm,” Lute sleepily mumbled as they dozed off to sleep.
It had been three months now since Lute brought Abel home.
On this particular day, Abel was insistent on the all possibilities of seeing his father again. He sat at the kitchen table, drawing out his ideas.
“Maybe when angels die, they get reincarnated! Like they get sent back to Earth to repeat the cycle, so…So maybe one day dad will see us again! I wonder if that’s the same for those people who went to Hell…If when they die down there maybe they get to have a second chance and get sent to Earth to do better! Or, or! If they understand what wrongs they did to go to Hell, and can make better choices, maybe they can come to Heaven!”
“Enough, Abel!” He was taken aback by her raised voice and sheepishly cowered. “Sinners do not get a second chance! They fucked up, so they get what they deserve! And that’s it! Wherever you got these ideas from, you need to forget them. Sinners don’t change. They rot in the mistakes they made until they die again.”  
Abel recoiled and looked at her, trying to understand why she was so upset. He couldn’t make sense as to why she had such an outburst. He got up from his chair and walked towards his room, “I’m sorry, mama.”
Lute dropped her head onto the table, tossing her arm around her head. ‘ Fuck. Fuck, shit. Why does he have to share the same mentality of the Hell Princess, it’s just so infuriating! ’ 
After a few minutes, she lifted her head and reached for the drawing Abel was working on. It had Adam with a couple figures who have angel wings, but also devil horns and tails. The stereotypical looking demon features, but it was what it symbolized that mattered. She pinned the paper onto the fridge with a magnet.
‘ Ugh…I shouldn’t have snapped at him for being an optimist .’ She should apologize. Another moment of weakness, how pathetic. These last months have really taken their toll. 
Lute knocked on the open door of Abel’s room, “Hey…may I come in?”
The small boy was sat on his bed with his back to the doorway, his little white wings curled around himself. A small whimper was his acknowledgement of her request.
She gently sat on the other side of his bed, “Abel, I…I’m sorry I lost my temper earlier. It’s just…it’s been tough with everything that’s happened. I know you miss your dad…and I do too. But sometimes, things don’t work the way we hope they will…Some things just aren’t meant to be.”
Abel scooted close to her and laid his head against her when she outstretched her wings around them. “I know, mama. I just was trying to make you feel better…and maybe really just make myself feel better too. Thinking about happy things makes me feel better when I’m sad. But that doesn’t seem to make you feel better…I won’t talk about those things anymore. I am sorry, mama, I really am…”
Lute placed a kiss to the top of his head before she rested her head on his, “You don’t have to apologize for this. I was the one in the wrong.” There weren’t any words she could say to make this situation any less painful. He’s only a child. A child who had only months ago reconnected with and subsequently lost his father. 
She still felt guilty. Though she had swallowed her pride and apologized, the guilt remained. They both had gone through a lot in such a short period of time, but they will get through it together. Be strong for each other, right?
“Hey, mama? Can we take a nap? Big emotions make me sleepy,” Abel yawned.
Lute laid back with him in her arm, “Of course, buddy. Naps are a good way to help handle big feelings.”
Four months had passed since bringing Abel home from the daycare. Lute and Abel lay on the floor in the collapsed remnant of what was once a pillow fort in the center of the living room. A knock at the door came unexpectedly. 
“It’s unlocked!” Lute announced from the floor.
“I can get it,” Abel scrambled to his feet and dashed for the door, opening it to find Emily looking disheveled.
“Woah, you okay? Where’s the fire?” Lute said as she righted herself and made her way to Emily in the doorway.
Emily shook her head and pointed to her phone frantically, “I just talked to Charlie. It took me a while to sneak into Sera’s phone to get Lucifer’s number, but I needed to so that I could get Charlie’s number.” 
Lute looked at her like she was nuts, “Why did you come all the way here just to tell me you spoke to the Hell Princess?”
“I had to let Charlie know that her hotel really works!” 
“A hotel?” Abel looked between the two angels, perplexed.
Lute’s jaw dropped, “What? How is that possible?” 
Emily shook her head again, “I’m not sure, but someone who was a resident there has arrived here! Sera told me to keep it a secret but I just couldn’t, I really needed to let her know about this.”
Lute looked at her skeptically, “And you came to me because…?”
“Charlie told me that Adam has been staying at the hotel!” 
Lute felt her heart drop and an intense chill cover her body. ‘ Adam is alive? But how? I watched him die. I was there. He died. ’ Lute’s feathers ruffled as she grew agitated,  “Are you fucking with me? Is this some kind of sick joke?”  
“Will someone tell me what’s going on?!” Abel cried, not having any clue what they’re talking about. He turned to Emily, hoping for an answer, “Is my dad really alive? How? Why isn't he here?”
“I don’t know how, but Charlie and I agree that if a soul in Hell can be redeemed, then the opposite is also true. A soul in Heaven could be condemned to Hell,” Emily explained.
“Redeemed? Like, they were forgiven?” Abel’s face lit up when the angel nodded in agreement. “ I knew it! I knew it was possible! That’s awesome, right, Mama?” 
He looked over to see Lute still processing the information that was received. Her face was void of expression while she contemplated.
 “Mama?” Abel reached out to her, his touch snapping her out of her trance.
She looked at Emily with determination in her eyes, “…Will you take me to him?”
Emily tensed her hands into fists, “Um, yeah I think I can! I’m not too skilled at portals but I can give it my best shot!”
“I’m coming too!” Abel shared in the enthusiasm, but as Lute set her hand on his shoulder and knelt beside him, he knew she was going to tell him no.
“I’m sorry buddy, but Hell isn’t a safe place. There are still bad people down there. They don’t like people like us down there.”
“So what am I supposed to do? Stay here by myself?”
“I can get a hold of one of my...coworkers, and have her come stay with you. Or you could go visit your friends at the daycare while I’m away?”
“I’ll go see my friends...Are you going to come back for me?” Abel’s eyes didn’t leave the floor as he spoke.
“Of course I will. And if Adam is alive, I’m going to drag his sorry ass back up here,” Lute  rose to meet Emily’s gaze. “I just need to see this for myself, until then I’m not believing a word of it. If this is some sort of trap, so help me…”
“It’s not, I promise! I’m just as shocked as you!” Emily put her hands up defensively. “At least…I don’t think it is, why would Charlie lie to me?” 
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