#i'm this close to giving the jock spiders
chickensoupleg · 8 months
Me: I should continue writing my witch AU.
Also me: Hey wouldn't it be mad funny to write Jason in the Pokemon universe and its just a meet cute with Eddie.
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stinkysam · 1 year
Eddie Brock - Pinky promise
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Warning : none + one line about breaking skulls
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : Eddie and Venom start realizing that their boyfriend is acting strange every single time he comes back from work. So Eddie and Venom develop a plan where Venom secretly attaches himself to MR on his way to work to see what is bothering him and Venom finds out a coworker is harassing MR and that gets Venom angry and tells eddie.
Reader : male (you/he)
A/N : Bold is Venom talking
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You've been acting strange for the past week since you came back from work.
They've tried to ask you about it to know what was troubling you but whatever it was, you preferred to not tell them.
But it's not because you refused to tell them that they've accepted to leave it at that.
So Eddie and Venom have decided to concoct a plan to know what was wrong.
"You do not say anything, alright, he mustn't know you're with him." Eddie says, toothbrush in his mouth.
"I know !"
"No matter what happens, shut up and don't show yourself."
"What are you saying ?" You ask, entering the bathroom.
"Oh just… arguing with V, you know how he is in the morning."
"Mh. Well, I'm leaving."
"Alright, good luck." He says taking the toothbrush out of his mouth to kiss your cheek.
"Love you two."
"Love you one." Venom jocked but you merely reacted, giving him only a weak smile.
And you left like this, closing the door behind you, unaware Venom had jumped out of Eddie to slide under the door to follow you, quickly grabbing your shoe and climbing you like a spider to hide in your backpack before slowly entering your body.
As much as he wanted to speak to you one on one he refrained and did as Eddie requested him to. He stayed silent, making himself unknown to you.
You didn't even turn the radio on in your car, driving in total silence, tension growing more and more with each passing minute.
Even when you arrived at work and slowed down more than you should, not wanting to be there yet, Venom stayed silent.
The silence was unbearable. But again, he said nothing.
Everything seemed fine until you faced one of your co-workers. At first it seemed like he was trying to make a joke about you but Venom believed nothing of it, thinking it was just your average shity co-worker
Except it did not stop there even when you began to work. The person came again to talk to you, throwing spikes at you while you did your best to ignore them.
It continued like this for the rest of the day, them constantly going after you to annoy you. You've had no break because even when you weren't working they came after you.
Oh Venom wanted to speak. He wanted to do even more than that, actually. What's the harm in eating a douche ? He's doing the world a favor.
But with all his time with Eddie, if he's learned something is that he cannot eat anyone he wants. Even when it seems like a good idea.
So once again, he said nothing and did nothing. Watching in silence and anger this person torments you.
Eddie better find a good idea on what to do or else…
You came home tired like the past few days, and you missed Venom leaving your body to regain Eddie's.
"I'm gonna take a nap." You say lazily as you lay on the couch, closing your eyes.
During that time, Eddie and Venom are whispering in the kitchen.
"So what is it ? What did you see ?"
"Someone I should eat ! They do not stop annoying him !"
"Shht, be silent !"
"You be silent. I've been silent the whole day."
"Someone is harassing [Name] ?"
"Yes. Should I eat them ?"
Eddie stared at Venom. He honestly didn't know. You wouldn't like that. Right ? He looked over your sleeping form on the couch and looked back at Venom.
Surely it would cause you trouble at work. What if the police asked you about it. No, that wasn't a good idea.
"No. Do not eat him. But tomorrow, we do it again but this time you scare him. Make him think you're gonna eat him."
Venom did little to hide his disappointment but at least he got to do something for you.
The next day it didn't miss, Venom went once again with you without you knowing. And when you had your back turned he left you to find your co-worker.
Entering their body and forcing them to the bathroom.
"Wh- what is going on ?!" They ask, scared by their body moving on its own.
Venom's head popped out of his chest and they screamed, nearly losing consciousness at the scare.
"What is this ?!!"
"I'm going to eat you !"
"No !"
"Yes !"
"What did I do to deserve this ?" They cried in horror, watching Venom's sharp teeth. They wept at the thought of hearing their skull break and crack under those long teeth.
"What did you do ?! You annoyed [Name] and now I'm going to eat you !"
"No ! Please ! I won't do it again ! I promise !" They cried again, pleading for their life.
"Mhhhhh" hummed Venom out loud, acting like he was thinking about it. "If I hear about you one more time…" he says, licking the person's face.
"You won't, I promise you !"
With these words, Venom left their trembling body not without seeing the large stain in their pants and quickly looked for you.
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vegalocity · 2 years
Hmmm! So many choices. Uh, prompts 2,18,19, and 20 with Cyberhunt. Maybe one of them has a nightmare about losing the other and they need to be reassured.
Intimacy meme 2.breathing in the other’s smell 18.moving closer in bed 19.reassuring touches 20. telling each other I’m here
Pixel bruh, you are SO in luck for the Cyberhunt stuff because i've got something C O O K I N G for our favorite nerd/jock rarepair
Syntax was prone to nightmares. Honestly, he was more likely to have them on any given night than not. So he was used to not really SLEEPING per se, so much as going to bed with his partner, turning out the light, and just continuing to work by the glow of an old beaten up laptop while Huntsman got enough sleep for the both of them until he passed out from exhaustion so bad that his brain didn't have the energy to make up another terror in the night to haunt him with.
The small nest the two of them had built in Huntsman's nook was cozy(they didn't so much as have 'rooms' in the tunnels so far underground, but little mini caves that acted as sort of 'apartments', or rather, Huntsman and Goliath did, Syntax hadn't had one until his 'with benefits' relationship with the former accidentally became something substantial and he had decided that that was unacceptable and insisted Syntax start staying in his nook with him) and so it was far easier than it used to be to find himself drifting off surrounded by soft springy web and a warm solid body ready to curl up into his at the smallest prompting. And that also meant that when Huntsman started having troubles it was easier for him to notice.
Because like it or not they all came out of what had happened with the Lady Bone Demon with much more trauma than any of them wanted to admit to, and Syntax wasn't the only one with some horrible night terrors anymore.
So of course when a faint wheezing noise broke up his slowly scattering late night stream of consciousness, he wasn't actually THAT surprised.
Syntax sighed softly and closed the laptop, placing it just outside the nest walls before quickly (yet gently) wriggling himself closer to Huntsman's still sleeping form. The thing about it was, Syntax was mostly fine with admitting to his struggles. That he had some pretty bad night terrors, but Huntsman would freeze up and freak out if he was awake and had to confront his own restless mind.
“Sshhhh...” he hushed softly as he pulled an arm around Huntsman's shoulders, reflexively, the total cuddlebug that Huntsman pretended not to be came out and clawed hands were suddenly making little divots into his sleepshirt, legs tangled with his own and another small distressed noise came out of his partner even as he buried his face into Syntax's neck and collarbone.
“Ssshhhh i'm here, I'm here...”
Demons had a whole 'Thing' with scents. So much so that once those ragged breaths started to be inhaled through Syntax's shirt they started to slow. He'd asked Huntsman what was the deal with that once, since he hadn't experienced it it was apparently a part of him that remained human, and he'd gotten all flustered before insisting that it wasn't 'a thing' at all and he was overthinking things.
So naturally there was SOMETHING up with it. Something that made him sleep mumble 'mate' into Syntax's neck, giving him the opportunity to hold him a bit closer and whisper another assurance that he was there. He slowly ran a hand through the silver hair, Huntsman was FAR weaker to getting his hair played with than he liked people to think he was, he knew that would help, even if only a little.
Huntsman had never admitted to exactly WHAT his most persistent nightmare was about, but the way he'd be extra clingy (in his way of doing things at least) and the way he'd relax upon catching Syntax's scent on his pajamas, he could make a few educated guesses.
Huntsman HAD been the first of all of them to be saved by the Monkie kid and his ilk. For a terrifying few days he had been the Last Spider Demon. Like... in existence, while the rest of them were stuck on the other side of the astral plane. That had actually been when things stopped being 'coworkers/rivals with benefits' because once Syntax had been pulled from the cold horrible nightmare realm Huntsman had practically jumped him infront of everyone.
On some level that fear of being the last was still there.
“I'm right here. I'm always gonna be right here...”
The pained wheezing slowly began to fade right around the time the gentle tides of sleep started to become too much for Syntax to bear.
Send me stuff!
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wolviecore · 3 years
hi!! do you write for archie x reggie? i was going to suggest prompt 2&5 for them 😊
Omg I absolutely love Archiereggie 😭😭 so goddam cute those two boys. Also, hope you don't mind, but I threw Ronnie in it at the very end lol
Prompt(s): “I love how you look in my shirt.”
“You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.”
Archie hopes no one else will find out how truly adorable Reggie is in the morning.
Basking lazily under the sunlight peeping through his bedroom window, stretched out and bendy across tussled sheets like one big cat, a hilarious irony to their team.
It's a pleasure and honor, to watch him at his truest, at his most honest, the arrogant, overconfident giggolo jock nowhere in sight.
Marty's son and Reggie Mantle are two very different people, Archie came to find out.
" You're unbelievably cute when you're tired, " he smiled, as soft as raindrops on a spider web.
Placing Reggie's Star Wars themed mug, the one he left at Archie's along with the many items that suggested the house was the other boy's more than it was the red-head's, next to the bed. " Are you gonna get up anytime soon?"
Reggie's jaw, sharp enough to cut Teflon, went slack, nose scrunched, grumpy, but he looked at Archie with a half gaze. " You kicking me out, Andrews? You know Vegas likes me better than you. He'd follow me. And he's the brain of this operation. "
" That's just cause you keep feeding him under the table, " A swift, pillowy kick to the ravenette's thigh, Archie grabbed his guitar and sat on what used to be his side of bed, before his annoying but persuasive boyfriend claimed proprietorship over it. " And give yourself some credit, babe. "
Reggie, because he's Reggie, so of course he does, sticks his tongue at him, wavy midnight curls flopping againts a makeshift pillow made of blanket corners, one hand on Archie's knee and lips on his ankle.
Laying relaxed and tranquil, listening to honey, lax guitar notes pulsing down over them. He doesn't know, but this one song, as many others, is about him.
Archie likes singing, but he loves singing about Reggie more.
" I love how you look in my shirt, " His boy yawned again, mellow, just a hint of smirk. " Brings out your shortness."
The shirt itself doesn't exactly sag around Archie's shoulders, but it gives his frame breathing room and shows off his collarbone. He suspects it's the hickeys Reggie likes the most.
Archie grins, despite his cheekbones burning.
" Just a straight dude wearing his boyfriend's shirt. " And he laughs when Reggie groans, eyes squeezed, because how can he not. " We're gonna be late."
" Five more minutes!"
" You said that 10 minutes ago."
" Ugh. Fuck it. Let's skip." And he goes right back to napping, like Archie never perturbed his sleep at all. The sun is still orange, Archie figures, so why not. It'd be easier to bleed the moon of light than deny Reggie, at least when he's like this.
He's not unaware of small pitter patter around his doorway, conscious of the fact he's being watched, with what he knows is a foxy smile and warm, dark chocolate eyes.
There's laugher in his stringing, a fondness in his mouth. " What are you looking at, woman?"
Veronica, satin black robe trailing at the heel of her feet, rich contrast to Archie's church shirt, long forgotten in the closet she most definitely rumeged through while Reggie helped him with homework, met his warm challenge with her own. " I'm looking at you, MAN."
When she jumps on him and makes Reggie whine Archie has nothing to do but grin and laugh and hold them both close.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Good morning to my BESTO FRIENDO!! Happy Monday, sweetie!
I'm so exited to help you with Spanish! What do you know? Maybe you could write something in Spanish when you answer this. Or if you don't want to, we can find another way. Whatever fits you better!!! And I totally agree that kanjis are a headache 🙃😣
So, you've been in Croatia? That's really cool. Part of my ancestry is from Croatia (I mean, it was Yugoslavia at that time). And I know there are HUGE AS* insects in Australia. I saw a post on Instagram about this spider season (idk if it's called like that) and I almost fainted. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, was covered with spider webs 😭😭😭😭😭. I once tried to kill a big spider in my room(it was late night),but when I stepped on it, a lot of mini spiders came out of the bigger one. A part of me died that day. (R.I.P V. Great person, loved future English teacher.)
Anyway, changing the subject. I read that you are 5'3''. That's cool!! I'm 5'8'' or 5'9'' I think (I'm 174 cm tall) and I really hate that. I feel like I'm not neither tall nor short and that makes me feel frustrated!🥺 I also read you've written non-fic related novels! I'm really curious about that! So, when the time comes, I'll willingly read them! But, in the time being, could you at least give us some kind of preview or insight? (Again, it is up to you. I won't get mad if you don't want to).
And I also read your "Why I write Consent Check". I completely, totally agree with you. I think people in general should be more aware about consent is not just a one-time thing!! It really breaks my heart to read what you wrote! I hope you are good (or at least better. Sorry I'm not good at comforting people).
Sending you a bigggg 🐻 hug, and Kira sends you a kithhh 🐶💙
P.s: I almost forgot to answer your questions!
I used to play the drums. It was when I was in my last primary school year. It was great. My teacher is the most kind-hearted man. Whenever's he sees me on the street he greets me and ask about me and my life. I love him so much 💙. I also know how to play "Für Elise" and "Welcome to the black parade" on the piano, but only the first part. I really suck at piano, I swear!😝😝
About my hobbies... Please don't hate me but I used to be an athlete (I searched for the difference between jock and athlete on urban dictionary). I was a hockey player. It was sth I really, really enjoyed! I was good, too. But for something or other, I stopped playing. I'd like to start again but I know I'm going to lose both knees so I'll see!
What about you? Do you have any other hobbies apart from writing? What is your favourite season of the year and why?
Good morning V!
NO SPIDERS. BAD SPIDERS. VETE, AFUERA! (But seriously, spiders are disGOSteng.)
No sé qué escribir en español, pero sí sé las palabras: "afuera" y "no" y "quiero que te vayas". All things I like to say when I'm annoyed at my students (who are 18-22 because English Lit is a nice ol' requirement for any level).
Wow, um... well, YOU'RE TALL. So, don't be ashamed of your height or weirded out. Anything taller than 5'5" is tall to me lol
And my novel "Shadows of Misfortune" is... a long and complicated novel. Here's the summary: "Princess Cyra, heir to the Eastern Court throne, has recently returned to courtier life after the murder of her fiance, Prince Gunnar. When High Prince Halewijn returns from exile, he proposes an arrangement that will help her get revenge on Gunnar’s murderer - who happens to be Halewijn’s father. Now, Cyra must decide if revenge is worth marrying the son of the man she despises, or if she’ll let her ambitions die with Gunnar’s memory."
Lots of twists, lots of scary turns, lots of stuff. First draft is finished, but it's nowhere near close to being published.
I'm doing much better; it's been four years since the incident, and through therapy and self-love, I've been recovering from it quite nicely. Despite living in the same city as him, I've never run into him, so I see that as a sign of divine intervention by the universe.
Tell Kira I said thank you, and my little matador Bubby is sending you the best puppy love he's got!
Finally, AT LEAST YOU CAN PLAY PIANO! I can barely play a note and then follow it with another note lol (But my father is a pianist and tried to teach me. I wimped out pretty fast tbh)
And I don't hate you for being an athlete! I wish I could be one, but I have exercise-induced asthma, so... yeah. My other hobbies are photography, painting, reading, and cooking. I LOVE COOKING. And my favorite season is fall. I have so many sweaters I can't wait to wear again, because I love the long sleeve weather when you can have your ankles out if you want.
What about your favorite season? And... what's your favorite: denim or silk?
Best wishes,
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
Prom?-David x Reader (The Lost Boys, 1987)
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(Based on the movie:The Lost Boys from 1987)
"Remember kids tonight is prom night!" the principal reminds us one last time before we leave school. "It'll be located in the gym,anyone is invited and anyone comes with any alcoholic drinks they will suspended." I yawn as i continued to doodle on my notebook and glance back to see David Powers smirking at my direction,quickly I turn around and continue to doodle. I've had the biggest crush on him since the beginning of high school and he treats me like any other girl here, nice and a bit of a flirt with everyone.
He would always hug me or kiss my cheek when I did nice thing's to him but those actions never surprised me since he's like that with some girls. The bell rings and everyone shoots out of the door and I follow them but slowly since it's impossible to get out with this many leaving at once. I began walking to my locker and began to grab a few books and closed it ready to head home till I felt someone push me to the ground.
"Is the freak also coming to prom?" i look up to see the leader of the cheerleaders,Chelsea, with her twirling a strand of her hair as footsteps approached us and saw her jock boyfriend,Chad.
"Leave her, there's no time in us wasting on her." he says wrapping his arms around her waist before she leaves giving me the finger. "You okay (Y/N)?" David's voice says behind me and he helps me up the ground. "Yeah i'm fine,thanks." i say rubbing my arm which will probably have a bruise later.
"You sure, she can be a bitch to everyone but she always picks on you." I look up to meet his blue eyes and quickly look away to embarrassed to even look at him. "I'm just too weak to stand up to her."
"No you're not..how about this..since today's Halloween why don't we go together to prom?" i furrow my eyebrows and stare at him. "You go to prom? but you hate these type of thing's."i say crossing my arms.
"Not if it's with you." he replies with a smirk. "Besides today's a special night."
I picked out a dress from the thrift store since I didn't own any dress, it wasn't anything flashy or expensive but it was pretty enough to make me want to wear it to prom. It was a long black dress that reached down my knees and the sleeves were see through, so i combined my dress with some flats and did a bit of my makeup and left my hair the way i always wear it with a bat necklace and spider ring.
School wasn't far from my house so I walked all the way to it and when I arrived I saw David with his group of friends. "(Y/N) you look really nice." David says approaching to me and taking my hand kissing it and smirking right after.
David didn't even dress up for the occasion, he decided wearing a long black coat and his usual clothes instead of a tux, which was fine with me but I really wanted to see him dress differently. "Thanks..you do too."
"Don't worry I brought a change of clothing. You were disappointed in seeing me like this weren't you?" he asks smirking to himself. I blush and begin to deny it over and over again. "Let's head inside." as we did the gym seemed filled with people and I waited for David outside as he changed. The second he walked out he looked so different, though he had his spiky hair style but that didn't bother me.
"So, how do I look?" he asks twirling around and looking at me. I stared at him way to bit cause he kept on smirking and looked over at the gym where a couple of couples were dancing to Every Breathe You Take.
"Shall we enter?" he asks and I nod grabbing his arm and we walked in to see everything decorated in Halloween theme. "Would you like to dance?" he asks as soon as we arrived in and i nervously look at him, "I don't know how to dance.."
David smiles and takes my hand placing it on his shoulders, "I don't either." he places his hand on my waist and slowly we began to dance, everyone and then he would stare at me then down my neck for some reason, I paid no mind to it and continued my night until I excused myself to head to the bathroom but once I was heading there someone threw me punch on my face and dress.
"I told you to not come tonight. I don't need any other of you freaks coming here to ruin my prom night, i just needed some of you to come so I can win my crown along with Chad." she threw the rest of the punch on me and left.
"Don't touch me David..I don't want you to see me like this." I pushed David away which didn't really do much but he stared at me worried. "Clean yourself up, i'll deal with her later." i left the gym and began to cry in the hallways before I headed to the bathroom and when I arrived I saw blood splattered on the mirrors. I reached to touch it and stared at it in my hand, looks like they also decided to decorate the bathrooms. I cleaned myself up and looked decent again before heading out and began walking to the gym again before I stopped.
It'll be too humiliating for me to go back there, i don't want David or anyone else seeing me like this. I began to cry again thinking of how useless I am and began to run outside the school and headed to the boardwalk where David and I hang out sometimes. I probably got some strange looks from the people passing by but that didn't cared, i wiped my tears away and looked at some kids with their parents trick or treating.
I turned around and let out a small yell at David suddenly appearing behind me, i noticed something red on him also "You scared me! and what's that on you?" "Why did you leave?" he asks getting all serious now. I stared at him and tried to not cry "You know why..I hate this place." he stayed silent for a minute before I saw him taking out something from his coat.
"If it makes you feel any better I got you this." In his hands David held the prom queens crown. I stare down at it surprised then at him before questioning it, "How d-did you? Won't the cheerleader be needing it?"
His light blue eyes stare into mine and he smiles, "She won't be needing it anymore.." he placed the crown on my head and leaned down to kiss my lips before pulling away and resting his head on my cheek then lowering it down on my neck.
"I knew you would like it, I don't want to see my girl getting all upset again." my eyes widen at those words and how he called me. "She won't be bothering you anymore." David says leaning down and wrapping his arms around me.
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softboyholland · 7 years
So.... You're doing a second part to that catgirl/Spiderman hc right? Cause I'm gonna need to know how that plays out.
of course, i am! here it is!!
none of this was peter’s fault
this was unplanned, unscripted, it wasn’t. supposed. to. happen.
peter didn’t expect for a new superhero to show up and start getting to the bad guys before him
peter didn’t expect for the daily bugle to LOVE her
and most of all, peter did not expect to have a big, fat crush on her
her physical appearance played a huge role in it, of course
it wasn’t his fault that she snuck around new york in a really, really tight black costume and wore that red lipstick. 
the red lipstick that made his heart rate increase everytime she smirked
the red lipstick that was the same exact shade of his suit
but that wasn’t it
it was how badass she was
she was way cooler than he was, she was smarter and funnier and wittier and knew how to throw a solid punch
and it was really funny to see her get irritated
but it was never going to work out, was it?
he had a secret identity and she had a secret identity-
and it wasn’t even like she liked him romantically!!
the jury was still out on whether or not they were even friends
and one night, in a really boring game of truth or dare, he tells ned
and ned doesn’t freak out or gush like he expects him to
actually, ned looks disappointed
he doesn’t get to ask him about it because ned’s already changing the subject to star wars
that night though, when he goes out to patrol and he finds himself looking for her as usual, he doesn’t see her
she’s not there
he brushes it off when he hears something going on in an alley a few metres away from him
he swings there as quickly as he can, hoping that maybe she’s already kicking ass over there but he’s met with something he never thought he’d encounter
he sees mj. michelle. his best friend.
her bag is forgotten on the ground and she’s pinned against the brick wall of the alley and a man dressed in black is going through her wallet and another men has a knife dangerously close to her throat
she doesn’t have any room to escape, the man is pressed up against her, laughing about something that definitely isn’t funny
and he sees the tiniest hint of fear in her face, even though she holds her head up high and tries not to look scared
she meets his eye and for a moment,
for just a moment, it feels like she’s looking at peter and not spider-man
he shoots a web at the man, and michelle slips away from his grip and peter has him webbed to the wall in no time
the other guy was looking through her purse, goes for her though but before he even touches her, peter shoots a web at the wall above him and jumps in, kicking him in the process
when he has them webbed up, he speaks, “are you okay, uh, miss?”
she nods, and grabs her things hurriedly
he sees some black fabric that looks oddly familiar sticking out of her bag but before he can get a closer look, she’s already stuffing it down and zipping her bag
she nods at him, at spider-man and she’s running down the street
he sighs and something catches his eye
it must be hers
he picks up the black tube and opens it
it’s lipstick, red lipstick.
who knew mj wore makeup?
he brings it back and decides to just stick it in her locker tomorrow at school or something
he has it in front of him when he’s doing his homework and he’s fiddling with it absentmindedly and that’s when it hit him
that’s when it hits him.
mj is catgirl.
he doesn’t know what to do, so he calls ned.
and he tells ned everything and ned gasps dramatically and ned’s all giddy and doesn’t want to tell him why and after lots of bribing, ned gives in
“remember when you told me you had a crush on catgirl?”
“well, i told mj about it the next-”
“wait, hear me out! i told mj about it because she’s had a huge crush on you for the longest time. and i expected her to be really sad about it but she looked super spooked and freaked about it and now i know why!”
there’s silence.
“mj…likes me?”
“and you like mj! all you have to do now is work your shit out and you can be a supercouple!”
did he like mj though?
did he like michelle?
and then he thinks about her handing him his notes and firing quips at flash and making fun of the jocks with him and ned and her pretending not to like star wars when they first made her watch it and then him walking in on her having a full blown debate with a sorry freshman about star wars and her helping him with english lit and how mindblowing and awesome she is and he gets his answer there
 after a whole half an hour of ned gushing and teasing him, peter decides that he needs to talk to her.
and the next day, he doesn’t return her lipstick, but he does bump into catgirl during patrol
she’s wearing black lipstick now and peter smiles
“what’s with the lipstick, cat?”
“my name is the patriarchy punisher.”
“where were you yesterday?” he tries. “i saved this girl from possibly getting killed.”
she doesn’t look him in the eye like she usually does, she looks at anywhere but him and mumbles, “i uh, i had, i was sick.”
and he thinks he liked it better when he was the one who was tongue-tied
“you’re better now?”
she hums in response.
peter holds the lipstick in his hand and hides it behind his back.
she likes you, peter. she likes you.
she tries to move away but he grabs her elbow, and pulls her to him gently.
they’re not as close as they usually are whenever she flirts with him, or teases him but he’s alright with that.
he goes in for the kill.
“cat, i like you. i like you, a lot. as in, i want to be with you, and kick butt with you, but as a coup-”
“no, you don’t.”
she senses his confusion and speaks, “you don’t know who i am. trust me, you don’t like me.”
for a minute, peter wonders if mj isn’t really catgirl but he also knows that mj is stubborn so he doesn’t give up.
he follows her to the edge of the roof, “m-”
but she cuts him off before he can say her real name, “you don’t like me. you don’t.”
and it’s more like she’s convincing herself that he doesn’t like her 
“just give me a chance to-”
but she’s already walking away from him and peter does the one thing he knows
he shoots a web at her waist and then shes stumbling into his arms and he decides that he needs to show her that he wants this.
that he wants her.
so, he takes off his mask
her breath hitches and he hears it because hes still holding her and she’s
well, she’s holding onto him
then she shakes her head, “no, i can’t. i can’t do this.”
and he’s already let her go in defeat but she’s still holding onto him tightly
“why won’t you just give me a chance?”
and she snaps.
and oh boy.
“because, you’re not going to like who i am under the mask! you like catgirl. you like the badass, superhero, who wears makeup and knows how to flirt with boys. i’m-i’m not her! you’re going to be disappointed! you don’t want me.”
but she’s still holding onto him
he sees the tears forming in her eyes and he gives it one last try. 
he pulls away from her and he’s never seen her so upset and it breaks his heart but she steps away too. 
she starts to walk away and then he shoves the tube of lipstick into her open palm, “i think you forgot this.”
she stares down at it for a while and peter prays and hopes and hopes that she understands
and then after what feels like an eternity, she looks up at him blankly
“i like you. all of you. catgirl just made me realise it.”
she doesn’t say anything and peter swears he hears his heart pounding against his chest.
she looks down at her shoes, “you sure you’re not just settling for me?”
“i would never.”
and he gulps. 
then she looks up at him and takes of her mask and he sees that she wears a full face of makeup
but it’s mj. she’s mj. his mj,
then he finds himself stuttering, “you probably don’t like it when i’m spider-man i’m sorry, i didn’t think about that part, i’ll just-”
and then she’s pulling him to her and she’s telling him to shut up in that really intimidating way
“right sorry i’ll just-”
but this time, she’s kissing him
and he’s suddenly SO AWARE of the situation that he’s in and it’s like there’s a huge red banner in his mind that’s telling him that this is happening and this is real and-
and OH MY GOD. 
and he forces himself to move his lips against hers even if he’s too frozen to move right now
and then just when he’s getting into it,
just when he’s snaking his arms around her waist
just when he’s about to pull her closer,
someone calls for help.
she pulls away and puts on her mask and then tip-toeing a little to put his mask on him because the suit makes him have a few inches on her and she hates it 
then she exhales
“race you there?”
and peter can’t help the huge grin that appears on his face as he shoots a web at the nearest building
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