#i'm totally not procrastinating chemistry
starxrocket11 · 2 years
Okay guys, if you guys have any cute ideas or prompts for leosagi or another part of leosagi being cute parents, let me know <3
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the pages are turning~
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a months old pic of my desk
29th august 2024
day 4/50 - productivity challenge
🕒 6:00 a.m.
sleep deprivation is hitting. eating leftovers and coffee for breakfast.
checked notifs
actually ate some goddamn breakfast
not me realizing that i barely eat 2 meals every school day..
revised psychology: ch-1: what is psychology
here's a (self) reminder to actually go study instead of procrastinating 30 mins by watching study motivation videos.
also i recommend listening to non-lyrical music while studying. i personally listen to classical piano music. this is what i was listening to today morning.
morning skincare
extended duolingo streak
aaand off to school. thought i would be late but honestly i've been reaching at the correct time all these days. if i leave my house by 8:05 then i'm good.
at school i first had physics and then 2 continuous chemistry classes (the teacher is good but her classes are so draining ugh).
completed physics classwork (the stuff i missed when i was absent on tuesday)
did the OCEAN test in psychology class! idk why but i love personality tests. i'll discuss my results with my teacher tmr hopefully but what i gathered is that i'm an ambivert leaning to introversion and ok emotional regulation & stability. my other classmate was very much an extrovert with higher tendency to take others' words to heart. we bunked the last 2 english classes together in the library lol. also want to say that i'm so ashamed for having formed an image in my mind of her, without really knowing her that well. i cruelly judged her prematurely and though we didn't really talk about our lives and stuff, we did get closer (maybe even friends?) today and i regret my judgments. ik i would be crushed if someone thought up an image of me in their head like that and i try not to do the same but sometimes i make mistakes. i'm trying to be more aware of that.
studied psychology ch-6: human memory (in the library when i skipped english)
lightly rained the entire trip home and got much louder as i ate a hearty lunch 😋
started a word doc for biology investigatory project
started a word doc for chemistry investigatory project
me and my bestfriend have been much more honest with our feelings recently. the saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder" was actually made for us. she's in a new college all popular with new pretty friends and boys probably crushing on her and she says i'm her favourite person. i'm at a new school slowly making new friends and she's my favourite person. i told her i love her. she deserves to know that. and i meant it totally platonically and that doesn't make it any less. if anyone ever asks, "who's your first love?" i'll say her name. it'll always be her.
practiced playing keyboard 🎹
read newspaper 📰 (some of those cases make me feel sick)
post for studyblr weekly prompt
dinner. yum. noodles and cake.
made notes psychology ch-1: what is psychology?
night skincare
🕒 nope! pulled an all-nighter.. yes i have school tmr 😃 listen i do not recommend doing this shit at all. why did i do it you may ask? i don't really have any crushing deadlines as such, but i've tricked my mind into thinking my own plans are deadlines. this week my sleep has been astronomically fucked up. the weekend will be a reset (i have school on saturday 😭) and i will prioritze sleep. i need to at least manage 6-7 hours everyday.
edit: actually i fell asleep around 2 a.m. and did no other studying..
🎧 i love you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
her songs are actually just excerpts from my journal but minus the romance unfortunately like where's my gf ugh we're wasting time
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a months old pic of my desk
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ziyose · 2 months
°✦introduction post✦°
---✧.° welcome to my blog!
✦ first of all, welcome, whoever you are!
---✧.° about me:
✦ you can call me zin or zinne. my pronouns are she/they.
✦ i'm from poland, and after summer break, i will start my 2nd year of high school here.
✦ i'm interested in art; i've been drawing ever since i can remember. i love reading, especially sci-fi, fantasy, and manga.
---✧.° about this blog:
✦ this is a study (and a bit of life + aesthetic) blog that i've made to motivate myself and to track my progress.
✦ my main goal is to get back to being productive after the disaster that was my first year of high school.
✦ other goals include:
- catching up with chemistry and math,
- getting better at biology,
- building better study habits,
- being more organized,
- overcoming procrastination.
✦ any studying/organization advice is greatly appreciated. just don't be rude. i'm also willing to give my own study tips, so feel free to ask!
✦ asks about pretty much any topic are okay, even if i would prefer them to be school related. but if you want to ask me about anything else, it is totally fine, just be respectful. i won't answer asks that make me uncomfortable.
---✧.° about my studies:
✦ my high school profile* is biol/chem, which means i'm taking advanced biology and chemistry classes.
✦ i love biology with all of my heart!! and i will punch you if you say it is only about memorising stuff.
✦ i'm not a big fan of chemistry, tho.
---✧.° vent info:
✦ i won't lie - i struggle with mental health, and i will be posting about it. so if you don't want to read about topics such as:
- self-harm,
- depression,
- very very low-self esteem,
- suicidal thoughts,
block the tag i will use for all of those posts (vent) or me.
✦ also, since we are already on the topic, i won't be posting/reblogging any photos of self-harm.
---✧.° other:
✦ dni with me if you are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, you don't respect other peoples faiths, or you just don't respect other people in general. nsfw accounts dni with me as well.
✦ also dni if you are below the age of 13. stay safe out there.
✦ english isn't my first language, so i'm sorry if i've made any mistakes.
✦ i am cringe, but i am free.
°✦per aspera ad astra✦°
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theoneandonlysemla · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by the lovely @rakaiawriter ❤️
How many works do you have on A03? 5 (only been there since 2023, soo... we can add my German works on fanfiktion.de, those are 9 more plus 2 that are also on AO3)
What's your total word count? 293 727 on AO3 400.329 on fanfiktion.de
What fandoms do you write for? Currently Elder Scrolls, especially Skyrim. Planning on some general Elder Scrolls too. Earlier I've written for Hannibal, Supernatural, Mötley Crüe, Marvel's Thor (Loki), Marilyn Manson and once a terrible, terrible Rammstein fic that is now deleted.
Top 5 fics by kudos? Okay, so I only have 5 fics on AO3, so here we go: 1) Daedric Drabbles (25) 2) Doe and Wolf (21) 3) Whisky by the Sea (21) 4) Dealings with Daedra (16) 5) Siblicide (2) Fanfiktion.de has a recommendation system that's similiar to kudos, so here we go: 1) I think I'll eat your heart (27) 2) Only Human (13) 3) Whisky by the Sea (6) 4) Hey Mister Superhate, I just want to love you (5) 5) The Devilish Games That I Taught You (4)
Do you respond to comments? Yes, I always try to. I love to share my brain rot with others and loe to chat about my little stories!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I moslty write sad and devastating endings now, but angsty was the ending of The Devilish Games That I Taught You. Someone loosing their tongue by Crowley cutting it out? Much angst. But the whole last part of Dealings with Daedra too had much angst.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do not write happy endings. Most of my endings are bittersweet and as I already said sad in nature.
Do you get hate on fics? Never gotten any, luckily. Only constructive criticism so far.
Do you write smut? Yes and I love it.
Craziest crossover? I don't do crossovers, never appealed to me and I tend to avoid reading them.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I knew of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Ha, I'm doing that myself. Whisky by the Sea and Siblicide were originally written in German and I am currently translating Dealings with Daedra to German.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. I'm a lone wolf *aaawuuu* (Ok, I'll stop)
All-time favorite ship? Ooof, Hannigram maybe? The chemistry between Mads and Hugh is just so gooood.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Honestly, my Hannibal-Fic and my Loki-Fic. Only Human (Loki) needs a total rewrite because I did write a Mary-Sue there. And for I think I'll eat your heart I just don't have the hyperfocus anymore. Maybe it will come back some day.
What are your writing strengths? I think writing emotions? Also word choices and world descriptions.
What are your writing weaknesses? Living on the hyperfocus, definitely. Procrastinating. And I love to find a word and use it all over my writing. Certainly is a good example or adorned and accompanied.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Has to be done right. Like, it really needs a purpose and not just for using the language. I'm a big fan of scattering words for the feeling. For example when writing Lori's parents in WbtS, they mostly cursed in italian. Giving Teldryn Dunmeri words is also fitting I think and I'm doing that while writing DwD II. But generally speaking, it should not disturb the flow and as I said, have purpose. Then I'm ok with it.
First fandom you ever wrote in? Marilyn Manson, I think. There is awful writing on my hard drive, you can't imagine.
Favorite fic you've written? Oof, changes. I mostly love the one I'm currently writing the most and that's also the case now. I have almost written 50k words for DwD II by now and I fucking love it.
Uhm, who to tag here? @vanilleeistee, @ladytanithia are you in for this? 😄
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
State of the WIP Address
Ugh. I've had time to write a bit this week, but I really haven't been in the optimal headspace for it. Every time I sit down to write I just think of all the things I'm supposed to be getting done and totally avoiding and then I feel guilty and don't do anything. Because that's how the brain chemistry likes to do.
I just gotta stop procrastinating, get my shit done so I can come at the writing with a clean house. This show techs on Monday and if everything isn't done by then I'll be mad enough at myself that I won't have time to feel bad about not writing.
Anyway. I did get a little more done on the Oberyn piece. Here's a fun snippet:
“This is the main hall,” she says, sweeping ahead and stopping in the middle of the tiled room to spin toward you. The space is empty and dim in comparison to the bright, southern sunshine that pours in from open terraces. “Would you like to sit on the throne?” Her head bobs to the understated but ornately carved chair behind her on the marble dias. “What?” you balk. “No…I…don’t think so. I shudder to think what would happen if someone saw!” Ellaria shrugs. “Eh. I do it all the time.” Moving to the chair in a few long steps, she gracefully folds herself into the throne. “Doran is too humble to care much. He says it is just a place to sit.” “Still,” you whisper, glancing around just in case, feeling a spike in adrenaline when a servant passes by outside, too dark in here for them to see within. “Of course you can get away with it. Nobody would dare reprimand you.” “Oberyn would,” she smiles, rising. “That’s noble of him.” This makes her tip her head back to laugh, a warm, low-throated joy escaping her. “He holds no reverence for the throne. He would just say it is a waste of time sitting on this one when I could sit on his.” “He has a throne?” You feel foolish the second it comes out of your mouth. Ah. Yes. We’re no longer speaking of furniture.
In the queue:
sex pollen trope w/Oberyn and Ellaria
Sequel to Light Only Shows You Where The Shadows Are
Leave off Your Wandering pt 4: Winter
Alpha!Javi G
LMR Chapter 14
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petrichoraline · 2 months
Seeing your "need to be distracted from giffing", raising my own "need to be distracted from my work" so here i am =3
I have seriously fallen off the QL wagon, so i will ask: is there a QL you're currently watching (ongoing or finished) that you'd particularly recommend? (Except love sea if u don't mind 🙈)
Also, have you been listening to some good music lately? Anything you'd share with the class? ♡ (personally have my brain rotting to the soundtrack of interview with the vampire since early June but i always welcome new noises to jam to)
Sendind you force for the giffing 💪🏻 and good vibes so it ultimately comes out the way you want it to!! -☆
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always ready to distract you love <3
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"except love sea" there are other shows? lmao
okay so i want to recommend shows i'm not watching and really want to watch but that's not how recs work :( (if it were, though, i'd say go watch i hear the sunspot and zettai 3 for both of us); i'm procrastinating most of the shows i'm watching rn, i'm five eps behind on wandee, two eps behind on the trainee, four episodes behind on knock knock boys but the one i managed to keep up with is my love mix up. i wouldn't say i recommend it because honestl i believe there are better shows airing rn to invest time in. not because i am not enjoyng it but because july is so abundant with new releases and mlmu is just a bit underwhelming in a few ways right now (still, super cute, perfect chemistry, interesting new scenes compared to the original, just not smth to prioritize in my opinion)
oh! i am enjoying meet you at the blossom! idk if you're gonna like it cause there's an opium related dubcon scene in episode two (the opium isnt used in the way youd think but still); other than that it's very amusing and i am having so much fun finally watching a cdrama again, an uncensored wuxia is very precious of a concept to me an one of the mains is a part of an idiot trio and the other is gonna wreak havoc and it's gonna be angsty and i'm just curious about how it all goes down (esp since i have no clue what's happening now, i am not good at following the plot but pretty guys pretty)
and another rec i haven't seen for myself would be century of love, i want to watch it, two episodes are out for now and it's about two hours long total in case you decide to check it out, i think it looks lovely
(and of course ayaka is in love with hiroko should be smth you consider, still havent started it but it's a jgl and it sounds cheesy and cute)
as for music..i haven't been listening to music much, i've gone back to some billie eilish hits like idontwannabeyouanymore and everything i wanted, i like chihiro a lot too; jeonghan and wonwoo's last night is gorgeous <3 ; i also went for some old big bang popular songs, other than that i think i listen to my usual songs on repeat (today it's been the into the woods ost again lol and rn i'm listening to jeonghan's dream)
thank you so much for the power charge!! received and hopefully will be utilized properly lol <33 sending you force for working!! and manyy good vibes 😘😘😘
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 years
So, optional tylorpe timeline for me (I'm kind of putting it together on the spot, but I wanna do it, later I can make a new one)
They meet, most likely at the Weathervane, that is an unavoidable detail.
They have instant chemistry, start talking, like a lot, but always in the Weathervane, both totally in love, but neither of them really have the courage to ask the other out, that is until one of them does (I like the thought of it being Xavier, but maybe both planned to do it that day)
They don't go on many dates before the incident because they procrastinated so much that year, but after Laurel comes, the prank happens, and Xavier's left heartbroken, which he tries to fix by dating the first person to ask him out (which is Bianca if you didn't figure)
The next school year starts and they break up. The events of s1 happen, and Xavier starts going after someone a lot more like Tyler (I do believe him and Wednesday share some qualities on a bad day). I do like to think there were more encouters between them that weren't shown.
You know what I want to happen in s2, Tyler goes to Nevermore, shares a room with Xavier and has to get him to become his master, which is quite hard at first, because alltho Xavier is still deeply in love with him, he's willingly holding onto that slim grudge, which totally dissapears after Tyler breaks into apologies in front of the ex-mural, where they share a spicy kiss and Xavier totally becomes Tyler's master.
Alltho this is pretty much improv, I quite like it. Thanks for reading, kisses to the Miss.-es, and hugs to all the other bugs💚
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sneezewizard · 11 months
20 Questions Game
i was delighted to be tagged in this game by @lovesastateofmind1 who is one of my most favoritest supercorp writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 6
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
How to Find Your Way to the Center of a Spider’s Web Advanced Chemistry (A secret santa exchange I did) The Agreement (Unfinished oops) The Book of the Witch (My currently ongoing fic. I am currently working on the next chapter for this I promise.) Field Notes
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! But sometimes I get around to it too late.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
How to Find Your Way to the Center of a Spider’s Web. No one in the pairing dies (though a lot of people do die), but the ending isn't happy. It was my first fic and I was really going through it at the time, so I'm not sure I'd write something so hopeless now.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Advanced Chemistry. They end up happily together and Kara doesn't fail her chemistry class. An optimal outcome indeed.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn't say hate. I had some readers who were frustrated that my longfic ended sadly, and criticized the ending. I see where they're coming from. I'd thought I'd tagged appropriately etc, but I was still learning tagging etiquette on Ao3 so I may just not have signaled directly enough that it would not be a happy ending.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not until very recently, but I'm practicing it as a skill and plan to include an NSFW scene in The Book of the Witch (so expect a rating bump up there.) It's hard for me as an ace person who hasn't dated much, so getting the emotions right is a bit of a challenge.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, unless you count the Spongebob Squarepants x The L Word crossover I wrote in a discord server to bother my friends and procrastinate on homework.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No but I would love to cowrite a supercorp fic please anyone who is reading hmu that would be such an honor and a delight.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Haha SUPERCORP i am a total dweeb for supercorp i just think they're neat
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The Agreement. I think I need to take it down and back to the drawing board -- plan it out a little bit better before giving it the light of day. I wrote myself into a little bit of a trap with it, and it's been languishing for a few years, even though I love it very much.
16. What are your writing strengths? Saying a lot with a little.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Relatedly to the strengths, sometimes saying too little -- things can feel a little stilted or impersonal, especially during moments of emotional climax.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Only if I was very comfortable in the language, and the dialogue was very brief. I think I'd tend toward writing short lines that can be intuited out with context clues, or easily translated for the readers.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I go back and forward on this. I think The Agreement is the best written, but I feel anxiety about it because I just can't seem to keep it going. Once I finish The Book of the Witch I may rate it among my favorite fics I've written, but it needs to be finished first! Right now it's just in a gloomy, icy limbo.
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flyingwea · 1 year
Gaslighting myself into thinking I actually like studying and I love it especially chemistry is absolutely my favorite subject and i'm totally not bad at it actually I'm awesome at it I love it so much I totally don't rather play games or draw or whatever did I say I love studying it is soooo goood for your brain and it doesn't frustate me at all studying is fun is great I love it I love it i love it i love I love it guys did you heard me I said I love it and enjoy it soooo much this is true and I'm not procrastinating to not do it right now is good I promise is good
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evermoredeluxe · 10 months
your secret santa's back !!!
loved that part where you said you were busy with wasting time & procrastinating... 'cause i relate to it a lot!
besides that, good luck on your finals!!! you got this, i'm sending out to you all my good wishes and positive vibes <3
i'm glad you liked my question! (also, i'm not bullying you for the milk part + i think it's great to find comfort in your guitar although you claim not to be good at it... screw "having to be good at something for you to call it your hobby"! i think it's wonderful when people do something for the sole purpose of loving doing that thing, no pressure about results and stuff! so go ahead!!). also, because of this, my question for today is gonna be, what do you love doing?
and to answer your question: i have two fav christmas movies, which are carol and miracle on 34th street. about my favorite christmas song, i don't think there's just one... i love the holiday season, i love any christmas-y songs that involve magic and bells and carols and stuff like that !!!
omg can not believe i totally missed this ask! thank you, i have 2 finals on the same day (8-11am physics and then 3-6pm organic chemistry 🫡). i hope they go well!
you’re too sweet :’) copout answer but i love doing the things i find comfort in so it’s the same answer. playing guitar, talking to friends, listening to taylor, etc.
i don’t celebrate christmas but gonna add those to my list, and i’ll watch them on the 25th :) my fav christmas song is tis the damn season lmfao
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wishmemel · 1 year
Heyy! I saw your ask a fanfic writer post so I hope you don't mind me participating :D
5, 17, 19, 20, 39, 42, 45, & 64
[ I would've asked more, but I don't want to overwhelm you w a bunch of asks 😭]
hi hi i appreciate you going out of your way to ask ! thank u sm for this as i’ve never gotten a chance to participate in one of these before > <
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
when it comes to playlists, i make them for my own OCs - not really for fics that i've written ! (but i have a playlist for satoru that is... still a work in progress. i'll totally share once i feel like i'm actually getting somewhere > <)
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
this is such a good question omg - had to scroll through all my unpublished wips for this, but my favourite line at the moment would be:
"IS A STORY DEEMED A TRAGEDY IF YOU TAKE BACK WHAT WAS YOURS (you can raise the dead, climb through hell, and fight the devil if you must; even the gods won’t interfere when they see a wrath like yours, harbinger. fear not, child of stars, lady midnight, the gods need not your wrath to bring about your damnation.)"
hehe this is from one of those never-ending fics that i keep in my drafts and finish two years later cause why not !
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
rick riordan honestly altered my brain chemistry as a child. he was my favourite author for so long which is why i was a little disappointed when i grew up and read about all the cultural stereotypes in his writing :( aside from him, i know this is controversial, but i really like sarah j. maas's writing style for some reason? she focuses a lot on characters, rather than plot, and i tend to do the same, but overall i just enjoy her silly writing.
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
ahh this is such a hard one to choose from, but if i'm being honest i'm always a sucker for two characters in a relationship arguing and being really hurtful towards each other, and then later making up and being so so soft. idk if it counts as a trope, but i have countless wips of this ^.^
39. are you an avid reader?
yes ! ever since childhood ! i used to be a really shy kid and would always read while the teacher was talking until i was told multiple times to put my book away > < i'm more social now and usually only read during breaks when i don't have school to worry about !
42. describe the aesthetic of a story in 5 words.
this question confuses me a little, honestly... like one of my stories? a story i like? i'm so confused > <
since it's not very specific, i'm going to do it based off of this: JJK Men Tropes, if that's okay !
Suguru Version (cause i've been thinking of @mambalae-s recently and i'm always reminded of her love for Suguru): imprints, confessions, promises, childhood, and forever !
45. name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
it's been a while since i've read fanfic and this is more than three, i'm sorry > <
@tawus, @/beaubcxton on ao3, @/impxria on ao3, @edendaphne, and @/xoxodee on ao3 !
64. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read? 
honestly, any taylor swift lyrics, but also you don't even know me at all (but i was made for loving you), and What Shall I Swear By? (Swear By Yourself, and I’ll Believe You), and Say It Later, Say It Now, and i put this heavy heart in you (it's not your fault) !
i find them all so so poetic and heart-wrenching !
ask game - come say hi (i promise i don't bite ^.^)
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nekpian · 1 month
Writeup 2024-08-15:
Generally my goal with these writeups is to:
keep myself on track and actively working on stuff, rather than procrastinating, and so by writing regular updates I'd be able to focus on actually doing stuff. Importantly, it also means that I'd share stuff even if it wasn't "ready", so that I wouldn't get stuck in the classic loop of never sharing anything and then getting annoyed that it isn't perfect and scrapping it. This is also the logic behind the fractal approach
be able to put the research I've been doing into a more coherent format, essentially summarising what I'm doing in the world and following that up with the scientific motivations behind these decisions. Basically, to provide either justifications for why something would work based on reality (ideas first, facts after), or to speculate on how things would turn out based on some vague initial conditions (facts first, ideas after)
There's a problem here: there's a bit of a contradiction with these two goals. The first works well for regular, short updates (and otherwise it doesn't work). The second is reliant on learning. A lot.
I'm a linguist looking for a reasonably scientific (if you squint) basis on which to build alien languages. For human languages, the world has already been built for me, and—as someone who not only knows an above-average amount about human languages but is also a human herself—I have an intuitive sense for what works. For alien languages, this is all stuff I have to do myself. Not to sound like a broken record, but it's not enough for my tastes to just make the biology by fiat: evolution is going to go in very different directions in different environments, and there are interesting social and linguistic impacts from this difference in environment as well.
Unfortunately while I'm comfortable enough with biology, physics is out of my wheelhouse and speculative (bio- and organic-) chemistry is completely out of the question. So I will have to learn a lot more physics than I would have expected after I finished high school, and I'll have to gear it towards creating the conditions where it's believable that Earth-like biochemistry can exist.
With that out of the way, between doing puzzles as procrastination on packing my bags to go visit my family for a few months, I've been reading mostly Wikipedia as well as skimming some other blogs, reddit posts, stackexchange threads, etc. to get to better grips with some astronomy stuff from people who know what they're talking about while I spitball. These ideas will later have to be revised with a more grounded knowledge of physics before I am satisfied that I can move on to the biology (I don't want to later find out that actually the system I've built is totally uninhabitable).
The vibe I'm currently going for:
the star is somewhere between our sun and a red dwarf in terms of radius/luminosity/temperature/mass/etc. I previously said I wanted a flat out red dwarf, but it seems that there are habitability concerns for both red and orange dwarfs. I've found a bunch of papers on this topic that I plan to read in the next few weeks.
there are one or two rocky planets and one to five gas planets in the system. I have absolutely no idea how reasonable this is and I haven't begun looking into it yet, but that's the next phase after working out the star
the inhabited rocky planet is larger than Earth. I don't want it to be too much larger though, for climate and gravity reasons. The planet is potentially a little bit colder on average than Earth. It has a few natural satellites but nothing the size of the Moon
I hope to get this done before the end of the year but frankly speaking I think that's unrealistic with the amount of stuff I need to learn unless I find someone who is willing and able to help with physics. My next entry will probably be about the problems with different kinds of stars.
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I am procrastinating on all the other shit I have to do, so when someone mentioned Tessa and Scott on a gossip blog about "platonic couples whose chemistry is so off the charts you think they're lying" or something, I had to go rewatch this.
The whole fucking thing is FIRE.
But the moment for me that has always been The Moment to raise suspicions is the end. When the crowd starts applauding at the end, they are hype. And then they embrace:
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The intimacy of the way he holds her in that first frame.
The way his shoulders eclipse hers in the second.
The subtle reach for the back of her head.
The wide spread palm across her shoulder blades.
I firmly believe that it's possible to have undeniable, unreasonable chemistry with someone that you are not meant to be with. Totally believe that.
However, I'm about to go down a rabbit hole of seeing if there are Tessa/Scott fanfics on Ao3 because they both seem to be happily married to other people, and I won't call them out and say they're liars.
I'll still side-eye them, but I won't call them out.
0 notes
oraclekleo · 1 year
I want to preface this message by saying that I accidentally sent this WHOLE THING to ANOTHER READER I DON’T EVEN FOLLOW and now I’m mortified 💀 For some reason I thought of taking a screenshot of what I wrote and I’m extremely grateful to past me bc I would’ve thrown myself out of the window if I had to type it again 🌚
Ok Kleo, it's finally time for the compatibility game feedback I'm so sorry for taking so long 😭 you posted it right before uni started and then I got sucked down the school and work waterslide and kinda procrastinated it🥺
As I told you the other day, when you posted about not getting a lot of feedback and reblogs, I feel kinda "morally ambiguous" about mature-themed celebrity content, just because I think I'd feel weird if I found random sexual content about me online, posted publicly (especially if it was very different from who I really am), but I don't want to be a hypocrite because I did ask you for this reading myself 😬
So... All in all, I think you're quite respectful with the way you conduct and write your readings. I get a more "for research purposes" vibe from them, as opposed to what I've seen in other blogs I've come across, that are outright objectifying and disrespectful in my opinion. So I guess I do feel comfortable with your content? This is just me trying to take a moral stance, so l'm not trying to "give my approval" or anything. I'm just a person who thinks things through a lot Imao
Now about the reading itself...
Right off the bat you had me laughing because what do you mean you "didn't intend for the reading to be very 18+ but it turned out that way"?? 💀😭
Like was it me? Is that bad?? I'm sorry??? 🙃
The second thing that caught my eye were the cards themselves... I think I've told you before, you have so many interesting, beautiful decks and I love how they (in my opinion, at least), give the readings such a diverse, particular vibe. Is it hard to work with many different decks? Energy-wise I mean...
I think, for the most part, your reading actually resonated? (Is it weird to say it resonates if it's a hypothetical reading about my interactions with a person I don't know personally? 😂)
I remember reading a while ago that Yeonjun could be an Aries rising, so if I compare what you said with the Astro synastry between us, it does totally check out! And our charts would be super similar too, since l'm also a Virgo sun with Aries rising
Power couple? My Jupiter would be on his MC, and his Jupiter on my 2H. We both have libra mercuries and our Vertex are conjunct, so... I smell ✨success✨
Deep soul exploration? Based on my only, but tee long relationship, I know I crave that deep emotional intimacy, getting to know each other's darkest bits and learning to love them, and all that dramatic shit Imao. He has a Scorpio moon that would be in my 8H, his Chiron conjunct my Pluto in his 8H and our suns are conjunct too, so yeah I could see the vision.
Do I see him being devoted and submissive? Yes, but personally I think it would be more of an "equivalent exchange" in this personal dynamic, where we'd both be equally devoted and submissive to each other. I see him listening to me a lot, because I'm on the mature, rational side and he gives me "mommy issues” vibes, but I'd honestly wear myself to the bone to make my loved ones happy, so there's that lol
Astrologically speaking, I have my moon, Venus and mars in Leo 5H, and he has Leo Venus 5H too so that would "confirm" the love language and relationship dynamics, but also hints to a lot of attraction, which relates to the sexual chemistry bit of your reading.
I can say you nailed the neck and voice thing for sure, at least on my side... My neck is definitely one of my weak spots, and I like guys being "vocal" so much you can't imagine 😩 12/10 for sure
Also foreplay is key for me, so much that I can't even think of it as "fore"play, it's an essential part of the whole thing, not just the appetizer..
Now, as of now I can't really see myself being dominant enough to enjoy restraining a guy per se, but l'lI like it if I know he likes it, and even more if i know he'll "get back" to me later lol like that would be the end goal maybe?
To summarize, it was very interesting to read, like I'm amazed at how you can get information like that from the cards! And it was damn accurate too.
Again, sorry for taking so long but you've probably realized by now that I tend to write A LOT so sometimes I feel overwhelmed when thinking of writing feedback because I know it will take me a while to write the whole thing
(Also if you think it's just TOO long please tell me so I can try to make it shorter next time 😂)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS READING FOR ME (and all the other reading as well)… You’re really talented, and definitely have a gift for tarot 🥹
Don't worry at all. As I said, I don't care about time, I'm always happy to receive feedback. 💖💖💖
Honestly, I don't understand the fuss with NSFW tarot readings. Do people have the same issues with smut fics? Because it's basically the same. Only in tarot readings you base your fantasy on what you interpret from the cards but it's still a work of fiction. Tarot isn't a science. What's written in tarot readings aren't objective facts, they are notions, impressions and interpretations.
Also, I do these readings about celebrities because they have public status. When you become a celebrity you deliberately give a large portion of your privacy up. Not all of it, but much more than a regular non-celeb person. This is not violating their privacy. Fanfics also don't violate their privacy. These are merely fantasies shared. If you are dellusional and want to take these works of fiction as a fact, you will do so no matter whether it's NSFW or not and it's harmful and the only solution is to educate the delusional person not to censor free speech and creative content.
I know it's difficule to take moral stand here but this is how I see it and people are free to disagree with me and even unfollow me if they wish so.
But to like and read a NSFW content but be ashamed for liking it is a road to hell. And it's weak and pretentious. I know it might sound unfair but a mentally healthy and mature person does not feel ashamed for what they like as long as it doesn't break the law. That's my personal opinion here and it might be a bit too strong for more sensitive individuals but once they grow up they will learn. 😊
As for your actual feedback, I'm not big on astrology so... I assume you studied it well and I take your word for it 😂
I like to use very diverse decks of cards because human nature is very diverse, too. Most people aren't just one dimensional characters. It's not difficult for me to read the different energy of the cards as I have picked them myself, I had a reason to do so, I followed my intuition. I have a connection with my decks and I acknowledge and cherish the fact that each one of them has a different 'personality'.
I have mentioned it before that even when it does sound like it resonates, the tarot readings are basically works of fiction as they are not based in research or hard facts but they are based in personal interpretations of symbolics. I think it's the basic mistake many people make, that they take tarot readings as facts. It's not like that. But people tend to follow patterns and if I hit the right pattern in the reading it will sound to you like it resonates with you. Tarot is NOT magic. My intuition picks information about you from your feedbacks and other interactions with me and the cards only help me to give sense to all those random pieces of information in my brain. It's not witchcraft, it's psychoanalysis. I understand why many people get confused here, though 😂
Once again, no need to apologize, I understand that life gets in the way and everyone needs time to think things through, especially to respond in such a detail 😀
I love your long feedbacks. You don't have to cut them short for me. 😂
Thank you so much for taking time to give your opinion on the reading! It means a lot to me 💖💖💖💖
Kleo 🦄
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ofbooksandstardust · 5 years
Only 1 more exam to go then holidays yeeeet
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luvlysangi · 3 years
secret webs:: san
╰─➤ 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛-𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎 彡⊹
Tumblr media
*.~ pairing: spiderman!san x fem black gurl oc character
*.~ warnings: none!
*.~ genre : fluff, slight angst, action!~ pOw 💥
*.~ Wattpad
*.~ ost: what's up danger by blackway & black caviar from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
*bzzt* *bzzt*
My teacher closes her book and adjusts her glasses, "Alright, class dismissed! Don't forget to read chapter 5 tonight for homework! Tomorrow we'll discuss it in class!"
Everyone in my class gathers up their things and leaves the classroom, myself included. As soon as I leave the room I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I'm joined by my best friend, San Choi. He smiles at me with his infamous dimples appearing on his cheeks and his eyes cutely shut as he smiled. If I had known better I'd say he made my heart skip a beat.
"Tinaaaaa!! Are you ready for lunchhhhhh?!" He asks me giddy and I grin back in excitement.
"Heck yeah! I'm starving! I heard they got the mac and cheese bar today!!"
"Yessss!! We need to stand in line now!!"
It was like this every day and I loved every second of it. Morning classes without San but San picks me up after English so we can have lunch together. With afternoon subjects, he's in my classes. At the end of the day he takes me to my internship at OSCORP then picks me up again to go home. He chills at my place, stays for dinner, or stays until my parents kick him out. Some days it's vise versa. We switch it up every now and then.
San sits across from me at the cafeteria table, savoring the mac and cheese on his plate. I chuckle at how he always acted like the mac and cheese was the best thing he's ever had in his life.
"Oh my god so, I was in physics, right? And my teacher gave us this project and it's due two weeks from now! He says the model he thinks is the best he's gonna enter it into the national STEM fair competition. He told me before I left class that he's confident in me because he thinks I'm very smart and I can easily construct a working model since my work is always the best. He's practically saying I'm gonna win when I haven't even started yet." He says while chewing.
"Yeah! I agree with him! I think you are very smart. You can do anything! You could totally win that competition!"
He shrugged, "Eh I dunno he takes me for granted I feel. I work on projects last minute cause I procrastinate every day."
"Still! San come on! You can do it! Hell, I'm in chemistry but I can totally try to help you out!"
He sticks his tongue out at me like a baby then takes the last bite out of his mac and cheese.
"Fineeee! I'll do it! Only if you help me!"
I cheered and he giggled. San and I are kind of science nerds except he claims I'm the more active one and he's the lazy one, he says my internship at OSCORP Industries proves that. I encourage him whenever I can on anything he's unsure about because I know he's smart. Honestly, I feel like that's one of the reasons I've begun to grow a crush on him.
He's intelligent even though he doesn't think he is, he's funny and cheers me up whenever I'm down, he's adorable and very handsome especially when I watch him solve an equation on a whiteboard. I've never felt my heart skip beats before when I'm around him, now I seem to notice everything about him and I've fallen for it.
If I told him how I really felt about him he'd make fun of me for sure. So, I keep my feelings to myself and just enjoy being friends with him.
He runs his fingers through his soft blonde hair and stares at me intensely making the butterflies in my stomach flutter around.
"Tina...the bell just rang. Haha, snap out of it! We have to go to geometry class!" He tells me cutely and gets our empty plates to put them away.
I regained my focus and I slid my backpack on my back. Gosh, his duality was really something. He rejoined me and grabbed his backpack too, linking arms with me and we left the cafeteria to go to class.
My happy little world with San was going well until just recently. Something happened to him. He started coming to school late and some days he wouldn't even show up at all. When he did come to school he looked so dead inside and he kept his hood up. When I tried talking to him he'd get cranky and snap at me. I had to start going to my internship and go back home by myself.
I got very frustrated with him. He's my best friend, I want to know what happened to him. This isn't the San Choi I know. San means too much to me for me to just ignore what he's going through. How can I reach him if all he does is push me away?
After school today, I spotted San leaving the building and I ran up to him.
"Yo! Sanie! Talk to me. You've been ignoring me for too long." I tell him as we walk.
He avoids my gaze, keeping his grip tight on his backpack strap, "Too bad, just continue to leave me alone."
"Was it something I did?! San please, if I hurt you in any way I'm sor-"
San cuts me off angrily, "Tina! Can't you see I just want some space right now?! Gosh, why are you always annoying me?!"
I freeze feeling my heartbreak in pieces. I was always annoying to him? I thought I was his favorite person in the whole world, that's what he told me. I looked through his cold eyes and I saw them soften as if he realized what he said to me.
"Tina...wait I-"
I shake my head as I felt tears surfacing my eyes.
"You want me to leave you alone then fine. Don't come looking for me when you decide you need me again!!!"
I turn around and start running away, not looking back. He didn't have to snap at me like that, in fact, I'm tired of his cranky attitude. I want my cheerful, funny, and adorable San back. Whoever the hell this new guy is I don't want any part of him. I reached the bus stop then got on the bus to head to my internship.
About two months ago at the beginning of the semester, I got my application accepted to intern at OSCORP Industries. OSCORP is a multibillion-dollar multinational corporation that typically deals with experimental science, military research, and cross-species genetics. I assist researchers in the lab and shadow them as they work.
It was hard to get this internship as they only pick top students, one from every high school, to intern here. I tried encouraging San to apply but he told me J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle was already kicking his butt to get photos for the newspaper.
Gosh, I miss San...
The elevator dings, signaling that I've arrived to the lab floor and I get out as the doors open. I swipe my access card to get inside and when I enter I'm greeted by the other interns as I walk in.
My mentor looks up from her microscope and spots me, "Great! Tina, you're here! Could you please tell me what you see here?"
I smile and nod and take a look through her microscope.
"Hm...looks like hydrochloric acid...you might need some more chloride anion to make it stable."
"Good eye! There should be some Cl negative in the back room. Do you mind getting a few drops for me please?"
I look up from the microscope and I nod my head, making my way to the back room. We have a room filled with exposable chemicals and a room with hazardous ones. What she needed was in the exposable chemicals room so I swipe my access card and I make my way in there.
While I'm looking for the chemical, I heard a big crash from the lab outside my door followed by screams from everyone out there. I quickly ran to the door window to see what was happening and I saw a man in a suit with mechanical tentacles expanding on his back. He threw chairs and tables around the lab and even grabbed some of the scientists angrily asking them something.
In a panic, I quickly push the lockdown button on the wall of the room, making the door go into lockdown mode and locking me in here. The power throughout the lab goes out making the emergency red lights flash. My heart raced with fear as I ran under a table, hugging my knees for comfort. What was going on?! Who is that guy?! Is today the day I really have my last moments?!
I start quietly crying in fear and the only person I can think of to call for help was...San. I know he won't answer but maybe he could send help or something. I grab my phone out of my lab pocket and I shakily dial his number. He doesn't answer as expected but I drop him a voicemail message.
"S-san...I didn't expect you to answer b-but it's okay. I-I'm calling to tell you that today might be the last day I'm alive. OSCORP is under attack right now...I'm scared. There's this m-man with robot arms from his harness like he's an octopus. A-and he's destroying the lab where I-I'm at. I-I've managed to hide but I-I don't know how much longer I've got until he finds me hidden. S-san...I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry if I've ever annoyed you. I never meant to. Y-you're the most important person to me. You're my best friend. A-and I love you so much, m-more than a friend if this is my last moment to say it. P-please, take care of yourself. Live happy and healthy and always believe in the gifts God has given you. You're talented and smart San...don't ever take yourself for granted...I-I guess this is it. Goodbye San."
After I sent the voicemail I tried keeping my breathing steady and tried to focus on staying quiet. The octopus guy passed by the lab door and I almost got a heart attack when he didn't enter inside. What the heck does this guy want?? What's he looking for? About 3 minutes later, I hear the sound of witty jokes and grunts from fighting in the lab.
What's going on now?
I carefully approach the door window and I saw that Spider-Man guy beat up the octopus guy. In total bewilderment, I watched their fight. Spider-Man webbed the guy's glasses taking out his vision then Spider-Man started going for the tentacles.
While the octopus guy was trying to get the webbing off his face it looked like the tentacles had a mind of their own as they tried to smash Spider-Man. Spider-Man dodged every attack, flipping and swinging around the lab to get some distance. As he did that he started webbing the octopus guy up like a web cocoon, restricting his tentacles from moving.
The giant hole in the window where either Spider-Man swung in from or the octopus guy crashed in from, Spider-Man pushed him out the window using his webbing to let the guy drop down smoothly from the window.
Spider-Man waved goodbye to the guy, "Tell my friends the cops down there that you're a gift from me!!"
I chuckle at his joking around, he's funny. I looked around the lab and it seems like before the fight Spider-Man must've evacuated everyone to safety. Spider-Man spotted me from his spot and he quickly ran over to me. He tried pulling the door open but I shrugged at him.
"The door is on lockdown! It's not gonna open!" I tell him with a frown.
"Back up!" He tells me and I do so, going all the way to the other side of the room.
Spider-Man backs up as well then gets a running start. He thwips his webs onto the ceiling and swings into the door with his legs, kicking the door down and freeing me from the room.
"Oh!! Thank you so much, Spider-Man!!" I tell him excitedly as we both leave the room.
"No- ahem, No problem miss. Hold on tight! I'll take you home!" He says gesturing to the window.
His voice came out high and pitchy at first until he cleared his throat and deepened his voice. His high pitchy voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.
He wraps his arms around my torso and he holds me tight as I hold onto him tight. Spider-Man swings us out of OSCORP and above the streets of New York.
Spider-Man swings inside my open bedroom window and puts me down. I flatten my hair with my hands as it was all over the place from the breezy ride.
"Thanks so much, Spider-Man!"
"Call me, Spidey!" He tells me proudly.
"Haha okay, Spidey. You can call me Tina!"
"Tina huh? That's a beautiful name." Spidey says as he plays with the Newton's Cradle on my desk.
San used to play with the cradle. I thought sadly.
Still excited, I started telling my hero about how cool I thought he was when stopping the octopus guy.
Spidey cuts me off, "Doctor Otto Octavius. Aka Doctor Octopus. I call him Doc Oc to make him mad though hahaha."
"Ohhh gotcha. Do you know what he was looking for?"
He shook his head and gave me a shrug, "Nope, but the cops will handle him. I came because of a phone call from a friend."
"A phone call from a friend?"
He perks up nervously and lightly laughs it off, "Yeah! From my buddies, the cops! Cuz you know I'm close with justice like that haha. They got a call from someone in the lab!"
I nod as it made sense, then I frowned remembering the sad message I sent to San. Did he even listen to it? Does he even care?
Suddenly Spidey winced from pain as he held his stomach. He touched his stomach to only find blood on his red and blue gloves.
"Yikes, you got hurt pretty bad. I remember seeing him push you into the floor like a mop. Sit on my bed I'll treat you."
"That's nice of you Tina but you don't have to-" he cuts himself off as he winced in pain.
"Mhm, my point exactly," I said with a chuckle and wave my first aid kit that I pulled from my closet.
He huffs and plops down on my bed and I sat the first aid kit next to him and open it up.
"I owe you big time, this is the least I can do," I tell him.
He taps his knee nervously with his fingers then stops with a sigh.
"Look...Tina...this mask needs to come off in order for you to get to the zipper on the back of the suit. Before I reveal my identity...I just want you to know that I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you. But...you deserve every right to know who I really am."
I blink my eyes in confusion, I just met Spider-Man today. He's being so personal all of a sudden. Am I really worth his identity reveal?
He slowly pulls off his mask and I'm face to face with my best friend, Choi San.
San is Spider-Man?!
My mouth drops open in shock as I'm unable to register how to feel.
"Hehe...Hi Tina...I-I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Lowkey though you should probably check out my stomach it's starting to really feel like I'm on fire hehe..."
I blink my eyes to regain focus again and I unzip the suit in the back to slide it down to see his torso. I frown when I saw all the tiny glass shards in the bruises and cuts of his stomach.
"I need you to not scream, I need you to be still and I need a pair of tweezers," I tell him as I grab the pair from my kit along with a napkin.
"Hehe okay, I'll be quiet and still."
I get to work, carefully pulling the tiny pieces of glass on his cuts. San would wince or grip my bed sheets every now and then when I struggled to get a piece out. Eventually, all of them were out and I then moved to the next step to apply pressure to the blood to stop it from running out.
"You should go to the hospital to get checked though, San," I tell him.
"I can't because we're minors they'll contact my grandparents and then my grandparents will find out and worry about me. From now on I'll go to you when I'm hurt."
I finish applying antiseptic and I start wrapping gauze around his toned stomach, "San, I'm gonna need for you to explain why you're suddenly talking to me again after the past few weeks of coldness to me."
"A few weeks ago I got bit by a radioactive spider. Don't ask why or how because I'm still trying to figure that out too. I started changing and I felt sick as my body was trying to process the new and strong spider cells. That's why my attendance at school was on and off. I realized how strong I was getting, how fast I was getting, and how...less skinny I became hehehe. I was struggling to adjust to my Spidey-sense because I could hear everything. That's why at school I tried avoiding everyone and blocking everyone out because my senses tingled to everything."
"Why did you avoid me?"
"I was worried that with my new powers, I could hurt you. I stick to walls and practically everything, I can throw a pickup truck 40 miles away, I just...I was scared of hurting you I decided to push you away so I could adjust and control my powers before I could appear in front of you again. Of course, being the sweet friend you are, you never gave up on me so during those times I got annoyed by that and I would snap at you. Tina, I'm very sorry, any words I've said to you that hurt you, I didn't mean any of them."
I gave him a small smile and hugged him, "It's alright, I forgive you. Thank you for telling me all this. To me, you'd never hurt me. Today proved it when you saved me at OSCORP."
"With these new powers, I'll protect you, I promise you on that, Tina."
San returns the hug, rubbing circles on my back.
"I've missed you." He tells me quietly.
"I've missed you too."
"When I heard your voicemail I was so scared for you. I swung through the city as fast as I could to get to you. I kept thinking, what if I don't make it on time? Will I be enough to save you? I mean, I've only been Spider-Man for about a week and a half, I still don't know how capable I really am with my powers. This city already calls me a menace. I was so scared for you. I don't think I would've been able to forgive myself if I didn't make it to you on time."
I look up at him from the hug, "Well, you made it to me, I'm safe because of you, and we're okay now. Those scientists and interns are okay because of you. You're not a menace...you're a hero, San. You're my hero. You've been my hero even before you got your powers."
San smiles at me looking at me softly, "Thank you for saying that. I'm glad I have you in my life."
His smile then turned into slight laughter, "By the way, did you say you love me in your voicemail?"
My cheeks turn red in embarrassment and he laughs harder. I only did it out of fear. I knew he'd make fun of me for it. I look away from him not knowing what to say. But, he surprises me by kissing me on the side of my forehead.
"I thought it was cute, I'm not making fun of you. Don't worry, I feel the same way too."
I look back at him in surprise and he smiles at me before leaning in to kiss me. My heart races as he held me. I happily melt in the kiss, letting all my emotions for him pour out. My little world that San left in pieces, returned back to me complete and happy again. Spider-Man or San Choi, they're both my one big hero who'll continue to save and protect me with and without powers, and I'll love them both equally.
a/n: do let me know how the covers are LOL I'm still tryna find that ✨aesthetic ✨
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