#i'm very happy how it turned out. i loved designing the outfits and figuring out the whole thing was a blast. I'm obsessed with this au now
mayhemspreadingguy · 2 years
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Commission for @arialerendeair and their dreamling figure skating fic. I highly recommend checking it out it's amazing, beautiful, sweet, and... and I ADORE it!
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kozachenko · 2 months
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OK finally back with some more drawings! Since Touhou 17 is approaching it's 5 year anniversary soon, I wanted to draw at least one of the charatcers (hopefully I'll still be motivated to draw Keiki lol) and I had some ideas for Saki and I've never drawn her before, so that's how we got here!
Artist's Notes;
So after doing some drawings of my OCs (who I will reveal upon a later date since I still wanna finalize their designs) and finally getting out of my art funk that I've been in for a while, I started off this drawing with the mentality of "oh yeah I'm just gonna put together this quick outfit for Saki and I won't bother rendering it"
...and then I did but to be honest I am very happy I did because oh my god clothes are so fun to render for me now. I remembered the technique I used on my drawing of Reimu and applied that here. That technique being using triangles to imply shadows and highlights in clothing and then blending out those shadows to give the clothing some three dimensionality. My favourite things that I rendered in this piece were the gloves, hat and the belt buckle (since I applied a technique for rendering gold and metal objects that I remember seeing/hearing about a while ago). Don't get me wrong, I love how all the clothing turned out in this piece but the gloves are the real standout of this piece to me. I also had some fun with the cowboy boots (I couldn't figure out how to make those cool metal star things work on the boots though that is a sin I fully intend to fix later down the line) since when I looked at references for them I noticed how some of them had these intricate details embroidered (?) onto them.
Also, in the earliest phases of this drawing Saki had this really big black coat that I decided to get rid of later down the line because it really does not work with her fighting style and it did not stand out against her wings, and the logistics of her getting said jacket with her wings on confused me. Like, I can kind of imaging that on her shirt she has a little open spot for her wings that she can just put them in. That goes for Yachie to but now I'm even more confused because all her clothes must need some open backs because of her shell??? Which raises some more questions, like, can she just never be on her back when sleeping??? Looking at Yuuma we can see that the beast yakuza in Touhou can freely change their form from human to beast so can Yachie just double down on the human bit and get rid of her shell temporarily so she can sleep comfortably??? Because if she lays on her back is she just kinda wobbling around like most turtles are when they're on their backs? Can she hypothetically retreat into her shell, if so that has some weird implications to how her anatomy works. Like, what does her skeleton look like? Seriously, what are the logistics here WHERE DOES YACHIE GET HER FUCKING CLOTHES BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY NEED TO BE SPECIFICALLY TAILORED SO SHE CAN PUT IT ON TO FIT HER SHELL I DON'T NEED SLEEP I NEED ANSWERS YACHIE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS-
....rant aside, you can see the remnants of this idea in the tattered back of her... idk what to call it but I know she has a variant of this in her OG design. I mainly wanted to test this out because of the cursed realization that The Ghoul in Fallout Prime is just a male Saki but if Utsuho gave Saki radiation poisoning. No seriously, they're smug ass cowboys who are so sure of their own strength that have fought at least one mechanically engineered robot in some variation of a wasteland with an affinity for dogs. I'm now morbidly curious as to what would happen if you put the two of them in a room together. Would they try to kill each other? Would they become besties? Would they try to kill each other and then become besties? Who knows. But yeah jokes aside the tattered cloth was a design choice that was inspired by The Ghoul from Fallout Prime because y'know, same vibes. And also because yes I do love Fallout Prime and I am so ready for season two IT'S SO GOOD GO WATCH IT EVEN IF YOU AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH FALLOUT AS A SEIRES GO DO IT NOW, SAIL THE SEVEN SEAS FOR IT IF YOU HAVE TO JUST WATCH IT-
I knew for Saki's face I wanted to give her some thick eyebrows, it just makes sense. I also wanted to give her some scarring on her face because she's a crime boss, why wouldn't she have scars? I also had some fun with her little horse ear that's sticking out from the side of her hat since it would kinda look weird if she just had no ears period. I also went ham on stylizing her ponytail into this weird swirl, since if I were to show you some of my recent doodles from my sketchbook you would notice that that has become a common motiffe in some of my art. I don't know why but I just like it. Saki's wings were also very fun, I found a good reference for bird wings that are specifically shaped for high speeds (though I did add some stylistic touches so her one wing that's out wouldn't look like a big blob) since her whole thing is speed. From very early on in the process I knew that I wanted Saki to not look skinny, so I found some refs of female kickboxers for her legs and noticed that while parts of their upper body are maybe a bit toned, it's the legs that have a lot of power. I mainly did this because kicking is a huge part of her fighting style.
Overall, I'm really happy with this drawing, and once Touhou 17's anniversary rolls around I do want to go more in depth on my thoughts in the game, it's themes, and how the animal realm functions as a dark parallel to Gensokyo in many ways. I'll also have to get around to drawing Yachie and Keiki as well (if I still have the time and motivation to do so) since I have some ideas for their designs that I'm very excited to draw (especially Keiki).
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auroravictorium · 2 years
bejeweled (k.b.)
Summary: reader gets ready for a heist and shares a few sweet moments with kaz.
Pairing(s): kaz brekker and reader Word Count: ~2.2k Warnings: a bit of violence (mentions of prior stabbing), allusions to kaz's touch aversion, mentions of a near-death experience Genre: total fluff
Author's Note: the response to lavender haze has been SO AMAZING, thank you all so much for your notes and kind words <3 you do NOT have to read lavender haze before reading this, but these two can be read as part of a larger series that i'm working on if you so choose! the link to my grishaverse masterlist can be found here. please drop any requests you have in my inbox! happy reading loves <3
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You fiddled nervously with the skirts of your dress, bunching up the silky fabric in your palms and releasing it. Scrunch, squeeze, release. Over and over until Inej slapped your hand. "You'll wrinkle the fabric," she told you, then returned to figuring out the best way to hide a knife in your hair. If anyone could do it, it was Inej. You aspired to be as collected and creatively armed as she was.
"Sorry," you muttered. You examined your outfit in the cracked, dirty mirror in front of you. You wore a gown nicer than any clothing you'd ever owned, clearly seized from a store along the Geldstraat. The material was soft and dyed a rich color that went beautifully with your skin tone. It was also very susceptible to creases, judging by the look Inej kept giving your nervous hands.
A few harsh tugs on your scalp later, Inej stepped back to admire her handiwork. The blade was thin and capped with a black sheath, making it look like an innocuous stick holding your bun together. It wouldn't do much damage, but it would be semi-useful if you lost access to the five other knives and the pistol strapped to you.
Three months after the disastrous job where you'd almost died after a nasty dagger to the chest, Kaz had tried to assign Nina to this mission. You argued that he couldn't keep you out of heists forever. After one tense standoff in front of the Crows and two hushed arguments in his room and an empty Club parlor, he'd reluctantly agreed to designate you for the task. The conditions? Jesper should not leave your side, and Kaz would kill him if you got injured again while partnered with him on a mission. You found that unfair, considering it hadn't been Jesper's fault you got stabbed in the first place, but you could only get so far arguing with Kaz. He'd forgive the sharpshooter eventually.
"Well, it'll have to do," Inej sighed. She caught your gaze in the mirror and rested her hands on your shoulders. "You'll be alright?"
"Not you too," you said, though you appreciated the concern. You'd heard it enough from Kaz in the past three months, and it was getting tiring.
"We're just worried about you." She squeezed your shoulders. "Especially him."
Heat rushed to your face, and you looked down at your hands and wrists, adorned with beautiful jewelry too glittery for your taste. You and Kaz hadn't told anyone about how he'd been waiting for you to wake up after the heist had gone wrong or how he'd bared his feelings to you as best he could. In fact, you thought you had continued with business as usual between the two of you. Aside from more lingering looks and brief moments spent together in your rooms, soaking in each other's company a few feet apart, nothing had really changed. 
Her observation had only reminded you how nobody could hide anything from Inej.
Inej turned you around and squeezed your shoulders again. "I won't tell anyone," she told you. You lifted your head and looked her in the eyes. They were filled with sincerity, and she offered you a smile that matched the warmth in her eyes. "I think you're the only one he doesn't scowl at. It's refreshing to see a look on his face that doesn't indicate him plotting or mentally counting his kruge."
A laugh slipped past your lips before you could stop it. "Maybe I'll put in a good word for the rest of you. It would do him some good to stop scowling so much. I've heard that prevents wrinkles."
The day Kaz stopped frowning was the day hell froze over, and all of you knew it. Inej grinned and handed you the last piece of jewelry to complete your outfit: a glittering necklace that Kaz had swiped from an oblivious Dime Lion's pocket. "Can you get this on yourself? I need to help Nina in the Club."
"Yeah, of course." You smiled at her. "Thank you."
She ducked out of the room, and you turned back to the rusty old mirror. You almost didn't recognize your reflection. Never in your wildest dreams did you believe that you would get to wear a gown and jewelry like this and attend a party like tonight's. Though it was a facade designed to get an expensive set of Dekappel paintings for reselling (you assumed), you thought you looked... beautiful. Wildly overdressed for a potential combat situation if you got caught, yes, but beautiful. You polished up quite nicely.
You jumped when a pale reflection appeared in the mirror behind you and cursed. Whirling to face Kaz, you demanded, "Have you heard of knocking? Or making any noise?"
He smirked in amusement and nudged the door shut behind him with his cane. His eyes roamed you up and down, taking in the exquisite gown you wore and how it clung to your hips and fell gracefully to the floor like a silken waterfall. 
As his eyes scanned your form, your breathing stuttered. There was no reason for you to feel exposed as you did right then, but you did, and you started to fidget with the necklace in your hands. Your face heated up again, and you prayed that he would stop looking at you like... that. You were losing focus on the assignment ahead. Instead, you were thinking about his eyes and that stupid smirk on his face.
"You look...beautiful," Kaz finally said, hesitating before choking the word out. Saints damn him. Why couldn't he offer a simple compliment without feeling like he needed to throw up? As soon as the word was out, his nausea receded, and he felt like he could breathe again. 
You smiled, unaffected by his hesitation. You understood. "Thank you," you murmured, looking down at the hem of your gown. You turned and went back to fiddling with the necklace in front of the mirror.
With your back turned, Kaz took the opportunity to admire how the neckline fell around your shoulders, how the gown clung to the curve of your waist, and how the skirt spun around your legs as you turned from him. How absolutely perfect you were. All the little details that he had secretly let himself indulge in before you nearly died, he now admired openly. He embraced the way his heart pounded faster and leaped into his throat when you smiled. He made sure to savor every grin and laugh, and he would never take any of those things for granted again.
"I like the color," he added. He felt like he needed to make up for hesitating so clearly. He loathed himself for it. He saw you struggling with the necklace in the mirror and stepped forward. "Can I help?" His blood rushed in his ears as the words left his mouth, and it took every ounce of determination in his body to not yield to the terror starting to rise in him.
You looked up from the chain, catching his icy blue gaze in the mirror, seeing the genuine desire to help in them. "Okay," you said softly. You passed him the necklace, and he undid the chain with ease.
Slowly, he brought the necklace around your throat. He saw you swallow, the goosebumps spreading across the back of your neck. His gloved fingers brushed your skin as he clasped the necklace for you, and they lingered even after the jewelry had been fastened. His eyes fixated on the contrast of the metal against your skin, and he imagined how soft and warm you felt compared to it. For a moment, he let himself remain this close to you. He challenged the water rising around his chest, threatening to crush his lungs, and he brushed a few loose strands of hair away from your shoulder.
Before he could back away and bow to the tide trying to pull him under, he slipped off a glove and brushed that loose hair behind your ear. His fingers stayed there for a long moment. You sucked in a startled gasp but remained still, watching him close his eyes and try to battle the current. He could feel the warmth of your skin ghosting across his fingertips, and he clung to that feeling. 
Warm. Near. Alive. All the things Jordie wasn't.
Kaz pulled away as his brother's name crossed his mind and pulled his glove back on. He gripped his cane so tightly that his knuckles ached. "No mourners," he said roughly. He took a few steps back, and self-hatred burned within him as the pressure on his chest lessened the moment there was space between the two of you. What kind of man was he if he couldn't stand close to the woman he cared about?
"No funerals," you whispered back. You smiled at him. He caught your glance one more time, expecting pity or sadness. Instead, he found pride. You were proud of him, and that realization startled him so much that his cool mask slipped. The knot of anger within his sternum loosened, and a ghost of a smile crossed his face. Then, adjusting his grip on his cane, he turned and made his way out of the room deliberately louder than when he came in.
You couldn't help but giggle and cling to that feeling of bliss as you worked through the heist without a hitch. Aside from a band member pressing too close for comfort and asking if you had anyone waiting for you, to which you responded with faux timidity, "I don't remember," and cursed Jesper for taking so long, it went perfectly. 
"Your delivery, Boss," Jesper said proudly as the two of you swept into Kaz's office, pulling the canvases out of his jacket with a flourish and setting them on Kaz's desk. He bounced on his heels and waited for an acknowledgment. "Shall I take a bow for our excellent work?" he asked after a few moments of silence from Kaz, who finally looked up from some piece of parchment he was looking over.
"Well done," Kaz murmured, but his eyes flicked to you. He searched your face, then let his eyes run over your body. You realized he was checking for injuries and offered a reassuring smile. Nearly imperceptibly, his shoulders lost some of their tension. "Can you handle the door?" he asked Jesper.
Jesper sighed. "'Shouldn't you be at the door, Jesper? Can you handle the door, Jesper?'" Despite the mocking, he left without complaint and whistled as he strolled down the hall.
Kaz pretended he didn't hear the sarcasm and turned to you. "You're okay?" he prompted, analyzing your face more closely once the door closed.
"Perfectly unharmed," you confirmed. You started to remove your jewelry, intending to give it back. Maybe Kaz could pawn it and add the funds to the emergency reserve he pretended he didn't have. For someone so brilliant, that discolored brick in the wall wasn't the best hiding spot for thousands of kruge.
When you got to the necklace, you hesitated before removing it too. It reminded you of him, of the moment he trusted you enough to take off his glove and touch you. You didn't want to give it back.
"Keep it," Kaz said, seeing the hesitation written clearly across your features. "It suits you." He'd go to his grave before admitting to anyone other than you how much he enjoyed seeing it on you. He liked seeing you sparkle, and he also liked knowing that it made you happy. In the three months the two of you had been something, he realized that your happiness was a drug he could not get enough of. It was stronger and sweeter than any liquor, and he longed to protect it.
So damn the kruge he could get from selling the necklace. It was yours. It had been from the moment he'd seen it and swiped it for this heist.
Your hesitation dissipated upon hearing the sincerity in his words, and you pondered your response. "Only if you help me put it on sometimes," you said. A small smile curved your lips. 
Kaz was silent for a moment, considering. In his opinion, and he was quite the business expert, this seemed fair. "Deal," he said. He gestured for you to sit in the chair across from his, and he passed you a book of his that you'd started reading.
As the night passed by and heavy rain started to pour over the city, the two of you sat in his office and basked in the success of the heist and the sheer comfort of each other's company. You shared your lingering glances and tiny smiles, and when you left his office in the early hours of the morning to finally get some sleep, the necklace back around your neck, you couldn't wipe the stupid smile off your face or the memory of his fingers brushing over your skin out of your mind.
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signanothername · 2 months
Ough, I'm wondering I know I know we should try and figure out ourselves BUT im wondering. Are you soul colors you use for color's flame in your comic hold any significance? I'm not sure if I'm just... overanalyzing things. Especially since there's a shift to a rainbow to more solid soul color switches from the first few panels to the other ones. Thanks!
Nah I’m actually glad you asked cause I actually love when people analyze the shit outta my comics, it makes me so happy cause i actually love to put all sorts of details in them gdgdgdgdh
I was even planning on replying to your tags cause they were so good dhdhhdh but i might as well use your ask to do so
And in fact, Color’s soul colors do hold a very big significance! I specifically chose the color depending on how Color is feeling or depending on the situation that’s happening ( this is far from what’s actually canon for Color, as the shape of the flame is actually what gives hints about his emotions in canon, so take the colors changing as simply a headcanon i love jdhdhdhhd)
Color starts with a rainbow cause he’s on a hike, he’s feeling all sorts of emotions (I headcanon that Color loves hiking) but it also represents that Color isn’t feeling one emotion strongly over others
Then when he sees Nightmare, the colors turn to a solid color one at a time, but if you look closely you realize the colors i chose are specific to the situation
Here’s an example
When color talks about whether Killer wanted “payback” I specifically chose yellow cause it’s the justice soul in Color, then it changes to blue when Color tells Killer that he loves him more, and blue is for integrity, then it turns to orange when he tells Nightmare about Killer’s message to him cause it requires bravery to say such things to the likes of Nightmare, and so on the colors keep changing to suit the situation throughout the comic >:)
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And allow me to reply to your tags here (they’re so good i love them sm dhhdhdhhd)
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And thank you for liking his design shdhhzh i just really wanted to draw him with a different outfit, especially since he’s on a hike, a lil adventure if you will, so i wanted to have him be pretty <33333
And as for the clasp it was honestly unintentional hdhzhsh but now that you mention it I definitely need to have Color wear all sorta things that point to his besties, idk i feel like Color would be the type to do that a lot dhhxhxhxh
And i’m glad you called Nightmare pathetic actually cause that’s what i was aiming for, Nightmare is feeling like a lil frightened kid again >:)
AND YESSSSSS like when i was making the comic, Color calling Killer to ask if it’s ok was so damn important to me, like Color is that kinda person y’know? He tries to take into consideration so many things before he acts, he thinks about things and keeps thinking and thinking, Color is emotionally intelligent and his consideration of everything is why i love to think Color gets burned out sometimes, that being said, Color would absolutely think about Killer first before he acts, and while he obviously wants to help Nightmare where he can (despite disliking Nightmare cause he’s selfless like that <333) his bestie comes first <3333333
As for the big hand, YAS!!! It’s Canon! Color has 2 other weapons besides his blaster! It’s mentioned in Color’s official ref sheet! (Warning for flashing colors!) But the fandom doesn’t portray it often unfortunately (including me I’m guilty of that) that’s why I really wanted to include it in the comic! :D
And yessssss!! I aimed for Nightmare to look extremely exhausted by the end, I really wanted to show how enduring 500 years of cruelty did to him hdhdhhdhd
And yessss Color is that kinda person, he wants to help where he can, and I mentioned it in a convo with a friend here hdhdhdh
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And actually thank you for connecting Color’s design to carebears i love them dhhdhzhhz (the design wasn’t inspired by them i just did it on a whim but i’m so glad it reminded you of carebears actually hdhshs)
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its-dark-its-une · 5 months
My (very unpolished) take on Radiorose + small headcanons
(Edit: its Queerplatonic guys)
So. In my last Radiorose fanart I kinda just made up Alastor's and Rosie's designs as I went and, since I plan to draw my comfort ship again, I figured I needed a proper thought out redesign. This ended up taking much longer than I expected and I just wanted it to end but they're finally here! Hope you enjoy them!
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For Rosie, I wanted a 1910's figure with a twist from other eras. I also tried to bring out the morbid side of Rosie with patterns that resemble veins, teeth and bones, but was struggling a little with making it also look elegant. Might need to revisit this design later, but for now I'm happy with how it turned out!
Rosie loves the whole "being dead" aesthetic. She might just have a deer skull on her wall to remind of Al. But if she's away from home, and from Alastor, the stylish cravat she stole from him will do the trick. He immediately noticed her wearing it, but never said a thing about it.
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Okay, okay, who am I kidding. Alastor was my favorite to design. My main goal with him was to make the deer elements less vague, but also give him a dangerous vibe. I loosely based his suit in 1930's menswear, but honestly I was just having fun with his outfit. Also, he would 100% have a tail if that makes you happy.
Alastor dress specially fancy when he goes out with Rosie. The first time he got her flowers, it was a bouquet of beautiful, healthy red roses. He also kept one, so he knew exactly when it was time to gift new ones. Turns out Rosie liked them better after they died and refused to take new ones.
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Oh well. Despite everything, I really had a lot of fun with these! Don't know if I intend on doing more redesigns in the future but the next would surely be Angel. Anyways, I hope you liked them as much as I did, thank you for your attention!
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batsandbugs · 2 years
Daminette Headcanon #??
Meet cute/meet disaster opportunity in Gotham. So Marinette is new to the city, and her stash of fabric and notions is completely depleted because she had to downsize when moving across the Atlantic (she had way too much stuff to ship with her.) So she's trying to find Gotham's fabric district which does exist... but it's frequented mainly by villains or henchpeople who need fabric for their costumes. Otherwise, everyone just buys online. Marnette though needs to see her stuff in person, needs to feel the fabric and test stretch and shit. So she's struggling down the street burdened by like five bags and a whole bolt of fabric and Damian (overachiever that he is) is doing an early evening patrol as Robin, and sees this little slip-of-nothing girl walking out of a fabric store that is definitely only frequented by villains and is a front for a local gang, and thinks 'oh, this is a new villain and/or she's being blackmailed to create new outfits' and so he prepares to swing down and interrogate her. Now Marinette, total badass that she is, can handle herself (yes, all her friends and family told her she shouldn't move to Gotham, but she's a hero too and Gotham ain't got shit on Hawkmoth) and she knows this isn't the best part of town, but it's the only place that has fabric stores, and the prices are really good so of course, she's gonna stock up. She knows she looks like an easy target but she is not. But bad guys don't know that, so a pair of idiots come up to her on the street and start harassing her and trying to rob her. One goes to hit her, and she totally backhands them and then knocks them both out flat in under 30 seconds. Not a hair out of place and all of her purchases are still safe and sound. And Robin is shocked up above (and kinda turned on) and is now definitely thinking that this girl is the newest up-and-coming supervillain, and he hears her mutter, "these fools have nothing on Paris." And so he swings down, intrigued, and wanting to know who this new danger is. He doesn't want to be too sus at first though and asks if she's fine (Richard would be proud of how far he's come at interpersonal skills) Of course, Marinette knows who the local heroes are (she doesn't want to step on anyone's toes after all) and so is very friendly at first, and basically says, "I'm okay and don't need any help, after all, you don't survive long in Paris if you can't handle yourself, but it's nice to know Gotham's heroes are looking out." And Robin doesn't know if that's meant to be a threat or sincere. And so he offers to walk her home because that's what a hero would do with a normal civilian right?? Not one that he was trying to gauge what their notorious schemes are, right?? But Marinette easily agrees, and in her mind, is just happy to get a read on the local heroes, and just chats with Robin the whole way home about Gotham and what amazing styles she can get from its local design and architecture. And Damian is so?? confused??? Is this girl an artist? IS she a villain artist?? What kind of schemes are going to happen here. And so he obviously has to know more about this amazi- he means potentially dangerous woman, and so when he sees her safely home asks to maybe, visit? Again? And Marinette is all like 😁😁 Sure, happy to help Gotham's heroes however she can. Damian is like 'perfect, I have managed to open a line of inquiry into a potential threat, now I just need to visit often- I mean monitor her carefully to figure out her plans' and Marinette is just like, 'The Gotham heroes are much more welcoming than I thought they would be. I got fabric, beat up some baddies, and made a new friend all in one evening!'
Their falling in love is kinda inevitable.
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fuk1ngb1tch · 2 months
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Villagers and Illagers!! I wanted to do some full-bodies, and that evolved into a bunch of expressions and 5 new OCs.. haha👁️👁️💧
These are mostly for myself, but yeah! I'm happy with how it turned out, even if some of the colours for the outfits could likely change in the future. Anyway, below are the fullbody PJs, while under the cut has some close ups:3
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The New OCs:
Michael. Thorn and Ali know, or knew him. He seems on edge alot.
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Shard the Iceologer! I gave him pretty eyes:) he's also very sweet, and a mama's boy! (He got the honor of being able to be raised by him mama, who hopefully will have a design soon:))
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A Married Villager Couple! Quill is good friends with Jeremiah, while Paige is usually just there when they interact:P very loving to eachother though! They also adopt Baby Aubrey!
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(Baby Aubrey^, I couldn't be bothered to try and figure out outfits the couple tho lol)
New Witch OC! She's important! Also, unlike Margaret, she was born a witch:D
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Other Closeups n Stuff:
Thorn Doodle hehe (wonder what he's looking at?)
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Some expressions! (Aka, playing around with eyes, with some eye colours being changed)
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Eyes of all the (V)Illagers and Witches so far:)
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and finally, some noticeable differences between how I draw Illagers vs Villagers vs Witches :))
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And closeups of the full-bodies! The last one being the base i used when drawing the clothes:)
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p0pcorn-hearts · 5 months
It's Kawaii~Chan time
I am gonna ramble about my rewrite so yknow, enter the theater with caution
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I just wanna start off by saying I renamed her to Hanami, which is the Japanese word for flowers viewing, more specifically viewing cherry blossoms. I figured this fit her more "cutesy" design as well as her usually pink and white color pallette. Also excuse me if they look bad, these were made a bit ago and I, for some reason, decided it'd be best to use the mirror tool the entire time
So, for her Phoenix Drop High uniform I just redesigned the uniform and gave her the same every girl will have. I changed it to have a blazer and a longer skirt like actual school uniforms in America although I kept the socks, loafers, and bow because those all fit, I'm just also giving everyone the same pair of socks.
Her season 1 outfit has been drastically changed. I decided I wanted her to have a more lolita-esque style instead of just vaguely cute, and let's all be real here, her season 1 outfit sucked. So, I gave her a longer, puffier skirt, a shit ton of ruffles, and some cute gloves. I think now is also the time to have a little fun fact section about meif'was. Their nails and hair grow faster than humans, with their nails growing than both humans and werewolves. That's why Hanami has long nails and freakishly long hair
Next up is her adorable Love~Love Paradise outfit. I'm actually super happy with how it turned out and I'm in love with her little buns. Her bathing suit with all its ruffles was made up by me :D
Her Lover's Lane outfit is the one that went the most unchanged because it's honestly my favorite outfit of her's. It just looks the most visually appealing with the addition of dark pink being a primary color. I just changed the dress up a bit with the neckline and added ruffles
Starlight is honestly my favorite. There's just something about color block clothes that itches a scratch in my brain. The giant bow and see-through ruffles also added a lot. You cannot thank me though, I took this design from someone else's swimsuit. Her nails changing for the first time since season 1 and now having blue with the pink is also a nice nod to how she opens up to Zane about not really being herself
When Angels Fall. Oh God, When Angels Fall. I fucking *hate* their "disguises" in When Angels Fall. Buy I'll get into that later, right now, it's just Hanami. I didn't like her outfit much because she had literally never worn pants in the series before and to just suddenly toss her in a pair of jeans and t-shirt? Like it's supposed to show how drap everything is but why would she just have a t-shirt and jeans packed?? Starlight is an island resort and theme park, so most people will be wearing bathing suits, much more breathable fabrics than *jeans* and Starlight merch. That's why I gave her a different bathing suit bottom and a Starlight shirt. It's the least you can do when you're the most visually distinct character. She also is covered in bandages because cats, when stressed, will over groom and can injure themselves. So Hanami picks and scratches at her skin often due to stress so she has very chipped nail polish and is covered in bandages. Also she cut her hair (sad violin noises)
Her final outfit is for my "season 7". Jess hasn't made it but I want to eventually tie up my rewrite, so I'm making one. Me and my girlfriend refer to it as the "epilogue" although it's not really an epilogue, she just called it that once and I can't think of a better name. I gave her essentially a mix of her season 1 and Lover's Lane outfits because why not
Now that her designs are done I get to infodump about her personality (hehe)
She's basically the same as Kawaii~Chan, but I make her a better person. She doesn't manipulate Aphmau into joined her bakesale! She also tones down a lot, so while she still struggles with boundaries, especially when it comes to shipping, she doesn't have a fucking shipping shrine in her basement. She's also autistic in my rewrite, so her not getting boundaries, baking being her special interest, and her masking her behavior to fit what she thinks people want/expect of her all comes from that. Will I maybe end up projecting on her? With the shipping stuff yeah, but only because Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan made me think shipping people together until they stopped being friends with you was normal
So thats it, the exit to the theater is on the right, make sure to throw your trash away on the way out. Have a good day
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isabellamagic · 1 day
Diana and 47 things I commissioned part 3, aka my favorite batch
Let's kick it off with the thing that actually started this entire "isa throws money into the fire for hitman commissions" journey
Airport chibis
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I wanted a custom fourana figure so I made the drawing above for the clay artist to follow (I had more refs but this was the main part)
For the figure, I love the hair shading, it's super cool, the way the artist matched my chair design 1:1 was pretty neat, and the tiny bag next to Diana was so carefully made, it's impressive
One thing to note is that I wasn't given any updates during the figure making progress, so I'm a little bummed about it. The expression didn't 100% match my idea, and the way they sit wasn't really natural lol. I had to do some adjustments after I received the figures (paint smears, cracks, leaning issues), so I wish they had allowed me to give feedback during the process
This was the first thing I commissioned, while it took a while to be finished (sep 2023-july 2024), I do like how they turned out, quirks and all
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Bonus agent burnwood and miss 47, and also my nails I guess
Tiny posable dolls
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Once again, my drawing was used as a reference. These cost so much for such a tiny size that I would probably never do it again lmao ($150!!!!!!)
I do have nendoroid dolls in mind for the future though, but they will require more time since I have to source many parts like faceplates, hair sculpts, outfits, shoes ect
Despite the insane price, these are indeed very cute, and I'm glad my design was just slapped onto their faces, they look like my drawings have come to life and that's super cool
Last but not least,
Papercut drawing based on @/inuitaiyo's fanart:
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+ desk setup, I finally found clothes for the plushies
I saw SUN's fanart years ago and it's been lingering in my mind ever since, so when I found an artist that can do papercut drawings, my mind immediately went to that artwork. It's my favorite 47 diana fanart, it's so subtle and amazing, and SUN's gorgeous style was the cherry on top. I'm glad that the artist I worked with managed to capture what I love about the original artwork
I had total control over the entire process of this comm, so I added a neat little detail: If you look under Diana's hair, you can kinda see her eyes looking down at 47's lips ehehehe. I made sure that was gonna happen no matter what lol. I'm so happy it worked so well
That's all for now. Next time should hopefully be me finally getting custom fourana nendoroid dolls + a 1/6 scale mendoza diana doll. We'll see, money is a limited resource after all
One more link to SUN's art to end this because I think it deserves so much more love
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resinixupi · 6 months
My process of creating a BJD for the first time
I sculpted my own BJD-inspired little doll for the first time! Including sewing his outfit, I worked on the project over the course of December til March.
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He's based on my artistic fan-rendition of dr. Nitrus Brio from the Crash Bandicoot video game series, and I'm planning to make a few of his colleagues as well! 😊 Here's some reference pics for context, for those who don't know the character.
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Read on if you want to see the process of his creation!
(Heads-up; Contains censored doll nudity and loose body parts and all that~)
He's only 19cm tall (which is uncommon for adult-type BJDs (they'd usually be 40-70 cm, that's 1/4 or 1/3 scale)) and his technical design is a little crude/simplified compared to the beautiful mechanics of the BJDs I used to own, but I'm really happy with how he came out. It was quite the magical experience, because I haven't sculpted much before, nor have I sewn on this level of detail.
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I figured the smaller scale would make him more easy to handle and less intimidating for a first project, but it made it a little difficult to work with at times as well!
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My very first attempt was fun but had a lot of issues, I decided to start over before painting. The (extremely cheap) clay had shrunk massively, he was nowhere near hollow enough, he was a disproportional mess xD
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And since he needs to be to scale with his friends later on, I decided it would be a valuable prototype. UvU
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So all that happened during my Christmas break! From then on, I continued working on him little bits at a time. Quite surprisingly I managed to stay engaged and dedicated XD
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This time I got actual doll-grade paperclay, which made so much difference. Amazing stuff. It was again very satisfying to see his shape forming. And this time he made it to the paint stage!
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After drying out properly, I coated him first to set the clay, then used acrylic paint to give him his base skintone all over. The first layer, applied with a brush, was a blotchy mess. :x
Then I thought of sponge-dabbing it on instead, which worked wonderfully! I only realized while doing it, that it reminded me of how I applied my own bodypaint with a sponge for a blue-skinned cosplay 😊 Must've subconsciously gotten the inspiration from there lol
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After his base coat, I could no longer resist and strung him😂💖
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I realized it might get messy later on if I'd refuse to unstring and restring him for further painting/blushing and coating. But I figured it'd be good enough and I was having too much fun having him in his strung form XDD <33
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It turned out okay, even after spray coating him strung. ^^
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Painted his face, cleaned the paint off his bolts, glued eyelashes on 💕
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And finally, gave him bodyblush for a little more life to him, love it!
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Then I spent many nights sewing his lab coat, undies, pants, gloves and boots! 😊😊😊
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I now consider him finished, and ready for cool shoots! All of this really made me relive my love for BJDs and all the crafting around it. Looking forward to make him some friends, but for now it's kinda nice to have time for other projects again as well 😂
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cinderswife · 10 months
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currently rotating rose red around in my brain so here's some outfits i designed for her (this is pre-meeting cinders btw)! bonus design notes under the cut :3
i knew immediately that i wanted rose to be short and built like a brick shithouse. she is dense and compact and impossible to knock over. also, she gets to be a bear girl because everyone in my ouatis au is an animal eared person. its a fun concept i saw trawling the tumblr tag and i have decided it is very canon.
absolutely covered in freckles
yes those are top surgery scars. very recent in fact! its a cross between unrealized gender things and the pain of breasts that are just. too big. always.
her tail is usually too small to be seen from this angle but i wanted to show off her tiny red puff
most of her scars are from military combat with the exception of the top surgery scars and the one on her left hand which came from when she punched a window at the age of 15 defending snow from one of their dads getting super duper upset b/c snow was starting to date
she is 4'10" and so proud of it. will kick your ass if you're a dick about it
nothing much to say here, she just. doesn't care all that much. tank top and sweat pants are the perfect combo of temperatures for her.
also she wears heart patterned boxers and we love her for that
military work uniform
do you know how hard it is to design a military uniform when you don't usually give a shit about the military. i spend so many hours going down worldbuilding subreddits and forums before i figured out something i was happy with. anyways! this is a non-combative officer's work uniform (aka the uniform rose wore when she was commander of the prison cinders was in). i picked red because it's the color most strongly associated with cole's army, but i figure that soldiers in combat would have better camouflage built into their uniforms.
the patch on her left shoulder (the one with the deer) is the symbol for colonel. it's also mirrored on a smaller scale on her breast. cole's army uses animals to mark higher ranks
the other shoulder patch marks her current assignment
i liked white as an accent color because of its prevalence in the album. also it looks nice!
the sleeve stripes and the chevrons both indicate that she is a very important officer
the other patches on her breast are the simplified coat of arms for her noble house (the house of grimm) and all of the medals she has earned in her 11 years of service
military dress uniform
the fancy version of her uniform for Events and Public Appearances. it's a bit darker in tone for the sake of visual interest and has a lot more accessories. this one was a nightmare to color i stg but i'm super happy with the way it turned out.
you get to see all her medals! she has complicated feelings on them but they are shiny and look very nice so.
the stripes, chevrons, and deer are all the same as the work uniform for some easy visual shorthand of her rank
the only time rose will ever wear a tie or any other neck decoration because it's regulation.
i liked the way a black undershirt looked over a white one, no other reason lol
the bear medal is because the bear is a symbol of her noble family. most people have a cougar of some sort instead.
the sword and the lion are both special awards granted specifically by cole. the lion in particular came from her first deployment where she accidentally changed the tides on the invasion of the perrault (cinders' planet) and became a war hero/propaganda piece at 19
the boots have buckles. they are never quite tight enough and its annoying.
casual dress
off duty, rose wears crisp, well tailored masc outfits. she knows how to dress herself to look effortlessly important due to being raised noble but she doesn't think too hard about it.
she wears shorts instead of full pants whenever she can get away with it. snow hates this.
no she is not buttoning up all the way. why would you make her put this much effort into it. she's hotter with it undone
fun fact: i initially made her vest and shorts green but i decided that blue looked nicer
fancy dress
i've elected to go with a 1700s inspired look for the nobility. it's very fairytale-esque and also allows me to have fun with it! i wanted to do more embroidery, but i wound up not having the patience for such a thing. ah well, what i've got looks nice enough.
rose usually wears cool colors in her formal outfits. this purple is a particular favorite of hers because it goes really nicely with her hair and ears without being obnoxious
once again, rose out here avoiding any sort of neck accessory or hat. accessories that annoy her for $10,000
the lilac undershirt is not connected to the off-white trousers it's two separate pieces.
the gold accents cut a very striking figure and also look very pretty <3
the boots are supposed to be longer and pointier but idk how well i pulled that off aha
she's very handsome and i love her
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tsotf-fic · 2 months
♚ chapter 1 - when stars collide ♛
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ii. birds of paradise
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The Royal Family departed Cantham House for the Imperial Palace right as the Coruscant sun began to set. Within the speeder, nobody dared to speak under the looming shadow of Imperial surveillance.
Y/N leaned up against the transparisteel window, wistfully looking upon the planetwide city. Coruscant was unlike any other metropolis planet; as far as the eye could see, there were absolutely no traces of life that weren't artificially transplanted from somewhere else. To many, including the Organas, it served as a cold reminder of the effect humans had on the galaxy.
If planets were considered living beings, she pondered, Coruscant would certainly be considered a droid.
"Be careful not to smudge your makeup, dear," Breha said, breaking the silence and snapping Y/N out of her daydream.
To the untrained eye, Breha maintained an air of queenly confidence and serenity, but her family could tell she absolutely radiated with anxiety.
Bail gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled. "She'll be fine, my love. We all will."
Feathers rustled as Leia shifted uncomfortably in her dress. "I still have a bad feeling about this," she muttered under her breath.
The speeder landed on the platform just outside of the Imperial Palace, where a crowd of dignitaries, politicians, and socialites from all corners of the galaxy rushed to enter the party first. Each person seemed desperate to outperform the other with their custom-made costumes commissioned from the best designers in the galaxy. The costumes themselves included animals, historical and legendary figures, and various other symbols of planetary cultures.
Leia scoffed. "I bet the materials used to make those are worth more than entire planets in the Outer Rim!"
"I doubt anyone else here cares," Y/N replied, subtly gesturing towards a gaggle of visibly intoxicated politicians.
"Girls, please do not stare at your colleagues," Breha said under her breath with a fake smile plastered on her face.
Bail stifled a laugh as he watched none other than Representative Binks trip over the tail of his blarth costume. "How he manages to stay in power is certainly one of the galaxy's greatest mysteries," he whispered to Y/N and Leia, earning a glare from his wife.
"Perrin! This is a formal celebration, not an excuse for you to get drunk!"
Mon Mothma's husband stumbled out of the crowd. Sparkling, crystalline triangles jutted out from his outfit at all angles, and one could only assume it was meant to mimic the crystal cliffs north of Hanna city, albeit a very gaudy version.
"I jus' wanted to have a li’l fun before the party starts," he slurred, completely oblivious to his wife's anger at the spectacle he was causing. "It's a celebration! I'm celebrating!"
"Not like that," Mon retorted, practically dragging him by his collar. Whether intentional or not, her costume directly contrasted his with its organic, blossom-covered branches twisting elegantly around the lush green fabric of her dress. "If you plan on acting this way the whole night, don't even bother returning to the embassy!"
Most bystanders turned away in embarrassment as the Chandrilan senator berated her husband. Mon did her best to maintain her composure, but she was clearly on the edge of tears; it didn't help that Perrin's inebriated friends loudly tried to egg them on.
Breha and Bail exchanged sympathetic, knowing glances, almost as though they had an unspoken secret language–they were practically Lorrdians when compared to their Chandrilan counterparts.
Perrin wriggled out of his wife's grip and turned around to point an accusing finger at her. "And you wonder why your daughter hates you!" He hobbled off, leaving Mon standing there, flustered and humiliated. However, something about the way she quickly regained her composure told Y/N that she was happy to be rid of him.
Mon’s tear-pricked eyes lit up when she saw the apprehensive Alderaanian girl.
"Y/N, dear, how are you? My, you look so beautiful," she said, placing a hand on the side of Y/N's cheek, her face glowing with pride.
"It's so nice to see you, Auntie Mon! But I guess the situation requires that I refer to you as Senator Mothma," Y/N laughed.
"Oh, please, there's no need for that. People are already judging me for that little fiasco, so what harm would it do for us to drop a little formality?"
With that, the senator immediately drew in the younger woman for a tight embrace, albeit yielding enough to prevent their costumes from being crushed together. Y/N didn't know if it came from the flowers on her aunt's dress or a perfume on her skin, but something about the warm, delicate scent made her feel so calm, so at home. Perhaps it was just a reflection of its wearer's personality: gentle and elegant, with hidden strength beneath the surface, everything Y/N aspired to be. It pained her so much to see someone she held in such high regard be treated so poorly.
"We're here, too, you know," Bail's voice rang, interrupting their embrace.
"I figured as much, Your Highness," Mon playfully retorted. She pulled away from Y/N, giving her one last smile as she wiped the remnants of tears from the corners of her eyes, and went to greet her colleague. "It's always a pleasure to see the Royal Family."
After exchanging bows with the Viceroy and Queen of Alderaan, she turned to the young princess and her eyes lit up again, although not as bright as they were for Y/N.
"Ah! Matching costumes, how charming! I wonder whose idea that was." She turned to look at Breha, who let out an uncharacteristically loud laugh.
"What better way to compensate for our lack of costumes than by showcasing Alderaan's loveliest young ladies?" The queen responded, resting her hands on both girls' shoulders.
"I still think a costume would have suited you well, mother. You and father would have made for quite the pair of swans," Leia said with a tinge of sarcasm behind her voice as she patted her mother's hand.
"Well, perhaps you're right, but I'm afraid there are more pressing matters than us arriving at the ball as a flock of birds."
"I would have liked to be a bird," Bail chimed in, earning a chorus of laughter in response.
Y/N laughed along with the group, but something about the whole conversation felt stilted, awkward, especially considering how well they all knew each other. Perhaps it had to do with the discomfort of her being a mere noble in the presence of planetary leaders; as much as they tried to include her, she never truly fit in among them. They couldn't help that, though, none of them could. It was just the way things were. So, she continued to smile as she always did.
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fanfiction by @kaleidoscope1967eyes
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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So I’ve been drawing this today
It’s a redraw of this picture I made a good 3 or so years ago
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Funny enough, this isn't technically the origin of the picture either, as I made a pose base for it that I just ended up reusing with these two, which was originally taken from a Pokémon anime screenshot that featured Jesse and Steven in wedding outfits (I don't think I have a picture of that original)
Anyways, so I made this because I was drawing these guys again, as you already know, and I just wanted to redraw this piece, seeing as how I was already redesigning them. This also gave me a good time to figure out Rasmus' green design
Also note I ended up asking my friend for ideas with the trio's new names, and she suggested Cinder for Rasmus. The name fits his theme, but I don't know if I'm personally sold yet. Personally, I like Cedar but upon looking it up, cedar isn't really a dark brown color, if anything it's more red, so
I did end up changing his colors to a more yellowish hue, which made me think of olives. So I think I might make his birth name Olive
I feel like Olive is seen as a more feminine name, while Basil would be more masculine, when it's the opposite here. Ah well
I tried to give them more "western" style outfits, but I really did end up just making something up. I think it turned out fine though
The flower in Periwinkle's hair is supposed to be like a rose, but I don't actually know how to draw roses, and can only vaguely remember how a super cartoony rose I saw was drawn, so have a flower that's kind of just...something
Also, she doesn't normally wear a flower in her hair, but the depicted scene is supposed to be when they got married, so it's a special occasion. They eloped to be together, so their marriage wasn't really much of anything other than paperwork and a nice dinner, but it was still a very happy day for them
I was originally going to give them the normal colored outlines I give characters, but I got this dark blue and was like "screw it, make that the whole outline color" and so I did. Gives me a blue ballpoint feel and I like it. I did do Olive's horns a different color, but I usually draw those horns like that, it just doesn't look right with normal line colors
And I just realized I forgot their tails. They do have them, but I keep forgetting they exist when I draw them. I mean I suppose they aren't that important, but still
Also, while I wasn't able to portray it, Olive is supposed to be very fluffy. It didn't feel entirely right to have his chest fur be out so you can see it, and I was struggling with giving the characters chin fur prior, so I didn't put that. I do have to come up with a solution to that. Also, while Olive was fluffy and soft, after his transformation his fur basically singed off and he hasn't been able to grow any more than short, rough fur. It is something he mourns but isn't that pressing in the grand scheme of the disaster he found himself in
Also while we're here, I might as well explain some backstory between these two
So Periwinkle comes from a rich, aristocratic family while Olive came from a somewhat poor one, where he and his mother worked at the local tavern. Olive's parents had him young and on accident, and a few years in his dad dipped due to his rising music career (though he did regularly send them some of his earnings), and Basil's pretty bitter about the whole situation
Anyways, so Perri and Olive eventually met and fell in love. However, Perri's family disapproved of their romance due to Olive's status, and Basil disapproved because this was exactly how she got into her situation (it wasn't exact, the two couples had very different relationships, but it was close enough for Basil to see their relationship as rubbish). So they eventually decided to run away so they could be together, with some help coming from Perri's sisters, who thought that Olive's status also didn't matter and they knew he was a good guy
Things would end up going horribly for them, but at least for a couple years, they were happy together
And yeah, that's this. Legit, I'm really proud of how this redraw came out, and I like looking at the clear improvement
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Guess what my dumbass deleted?!
Maybe it was for the best because my speech-to-text was acting up and I sound like I was having a stroke.
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So here's the first draft that like I said before, I love @furiousjellifish concept for this AU and I do think that would be wearing in their day-to-day wear. While I think that 6 what they present in when they want to Dazzle it up or have to show up for ceremonies or festivals or other Godly duties.
So I ended up changing a lot because I was not happy with the color placement. And a lot of little things, for example, the arm coverings I was not happy with that. I was bouncing off ideas and I changed my mind a lot. That's why the middle part is green. And while I did end up changing a few things I did keep the design of the crown although I ended up changing the color later.
I noticed that I gave Leo the same expression I gave Lou jitsu when I sketched up the first draft of the god of fame. Because Leo mirroring his dad's personality is a constant throughout the Multiverse.
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Fun fact, the reason why his face looks so weird is because when I was coloring it I grabbed the wrong marker, and didn't realize it until it was too late tried to fix it made it worse. Which is sad because I really did like how it was turning out.
Now the crown, at first I did a silver color but I changed my mind and went with gold. I think it matched it better. The stone is sapphire but if you have other suggestions I'm happy to hear them. Now the flowers are white cherry blossoms, I chose the white cherry blossoms because they're very simple flowers, which shows how young, and that he's in the beginning of the journey, there are also a few rose blooms hidden there, to foreshadow becoming the god of Romance. But the main flower are blue clematis, in the west, they represent cleverness, loyalty, and courage that are often found on roads, and grow in bundles so perfect for Leo.
Now on to his outfit, I changed the middle part completely. And I put both the Hamato Clan symbol and the Mad Dog instead of it being on the actual outfit. It's a very simple and very youthful outfit, I was going to go out ,but decided to save that for later.
We agreed that Leo was born at dawn, so that's what I was going for with the sleeves. And also are the colors of his brothers but in a more pastel tone. Besides wanting to tie it to the dawn theme I was going with, the reason why I chose to give Leo such a light blue for his outfit and add the colors of his family, is because Leo hasn't become the god of romance or has been recognized as the god of strategy/ medicine yet. He's still very unsure of his position in the family, he still is very dependent and ties his identity to them. And I wanted that to reflect on his clothing,
So when you look at this outfit, the first thing your eyes are drawn to are the purple red, and orange details.
Then we have his pouch because of course, even when he's in his full get up, he needs to have something that ties him to medicine, and why not the thing that made the whole fandom tie him to that particular head Cannon?
Maybe I'll give him a third outfit like I did with Donnie. After all the god medicine, needs to be able to move around too, but if I do I'll sketch it out when I'm trying to figure out his God of romance outfit, and if you guys have ideas I would love to hear them.
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Now we have the Sokka rip-off, I mean the mortal disguise. I originally wanted to give him a cape future Leo Style but decided against it, I also thought about giving him a sun hat, like I did in the Leo Usagi first meeting comic, but I was too lazy to draw it. The colors are more faded due to the fact that he's in disguise. His satchel is brown instead of blue and that also I did have this micro idea of him not wearing his mask when he's down there with Usagi , unlike his brothers, or he stops wearing it the more times that he goes down there. I'm pretty sure there's some symbolism there but I'm too lazy to think of it right now.
In the original post I mentioned, that I stopped drawing when I was in my early teens between 14 and 15, but I started drawing at the end of last year (funny enough it was also because of an elaborate Au I'm working on it) but life got in the and I ended up not drawing for a few months. But working on this Au with you guys, that are so creative and so fun to talk to, I got my mojo back so thank you a lot for that.
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blackquillchillin · 4 months
Whoops I'm making ace attorney characters in the sims again! This time, we're running with the themis crew, Robin, Hugh and Myriam!
Take a look under the cut, we'll be starting with the man, the myth, the 25 year old high schooler, Hugh O'Conner!
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As always, we will be starting with day-to-day wear, then going formal, sporty, sleep, party, swim, hot weather, cold weather!
I love this sweater, but I do wish his necklace showed. and that the handful of packs I picked up while they were free came with more chokers. or better yet, that they were in the basegame. Moving on!
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I feel like I was really able to nail his formal look, its pretty perfect. as for his sporty look....I know he's an archer, but I don't know hat he'd be super sporty otherwise. If anyone has notes on how to convey his archer-ness better though, please let me know!
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According to canon, he wears that necklace constantly, so it is present in his sleepwear! sleepy man. And I think he'd be pretty preppy at parties. I can feel it in my bones.
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His hot weather wear and his swimware are about the same, I know, but it just feels right, you know?
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Last up, Cold weather! I just know in my soul he'd like sweaters. He deserves sweaters. Next up, Robin!!
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I honestly was really happy with how robin turned out, I quite like her just in general. I didn't really vibe with how the game treated her 'twist' but her design is great! more to follow!
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I wanted to give her some more masculine clothing items without losing her feminitiy, and I feel really good about how her formal wear acomplishes that. for her sporty-wear, she just strikes me as a track-suit sort of girl! plus, her canon sprite is...kind of already a tracksuit, lol. made designing that one very easy, i'll admit.
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I love giving sims bunny slippers. so much. It gives me joy.
I wasn't sure what to do for her party wear until I found this suit-jacket, and it all fell into place. again, very happy with how this lady turned out!
realizing I forgot to give her sleepwear her bracelet. shoot. I'll fix it later.
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going very casual for swim and hot weather, but making her cold weather clothes was a delight. very pleased with it.
Next up, Miss Scuttlebutt!
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Myriam Scuttlebutt was tricky, I gotta say. She spends most of her time in a box, and when she's out of the box her outfit leans a little heaver obvious school-uniform territory, in a way the sims dosn't make easy to replicate, but I did my best and am happy with the results I think!
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I think she's in a stage in her life where she's still figuring out her professional wear, but she's on the right track! girl should keep the top for sure.
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Youthful party clothing, If only she would come out of her box long enough for a youthful party. come on girl...
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She would absolutely wear big hats to the pool, and that's after being coaxed out of her box. girl would burn!!! very happy with her hot weather look, its a little more formal but not crazy so.
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Put your hair down now and then, and bundle up! it's chilly!
Thank you so much for scrolling all the way down here! the group are on the gallery if you care to look, my name on there is Marina44664. they were a fun batch to make!
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inklver · 1 year
just because i feel like it:
some random thoughts about the art i made for ironstrange week + the very rough thumbnails for each piece (putting this under the read more so this doesn't take up too much space bc this is a Very long post)
day 1 - red/wrath
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first fanart for this fandom! there are a few things i don't like about this piece (questionable anatomy, use of values could be improved, + stephen's hair makes him look like a wet cat /hj) but i do like the lighting and the theme of red spider lilies. i've always wanted to draw them and i love their symbolism of death and final goodbyes—feels very fitting for these goofs :b
i started working on this a good amount of time in advance, and i'm glad i did—this was one of the only pieces i used a painterly style for despite it being my preferred style; it takes me a lot longer than lineart + color, so i didn't get the chance to use it again throughout the event (with the exception of day 6)
day 2 - nervous/orange
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i struggled with the anatomy on this one—i don't draw back views often (or, at all really) so the first panel was pure pain. the second panel wasn't much better; it took several attempts to pose the hand in a way that looked somewhat natural. pretty pleased with how this turned out all things considered, though! my only qualm with this is the rushed shading, but that's what happens when you're a slow artist on a time constraint :,)
day 3 - yellow/cheerful
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i think this may be one of my favorites from this event. i'm very very happy with the lighting and overall atmosphere of the piece :)
i realize now that i used flowers as a theme for every color prompt—anyways, like i said in the tags of the original post for this, i very loosely referenced yellow primrose (symbol of happiness, warmth, & love, conventionally given to those in long-term relationships or someone who has always been there for you through thick and thin)
day 4 - intrigued/green
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i ended up liking this better than i expected to! i had to play around a lot with the lighting/color scheme before i was satisfied with it, though that's on me for not having much of a plan for it beforehand (with most pieces, i already have an idea of the color scheme when i start working on them). not much else to say about this one except surgeon stephen my beloved <3
day 5 - blue/serene
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this was the first time i've properly drawn a kiss and holy hell how do ship artists do it. that shit is so difficult. i struggled a lot with the anatomy and ended up changing the poses a bit; i also flipped the composition because 1. it looked slightly better that way and 2. i could include tony's ring <3
and yes stephen's mug says 'cunt' (with the handle being painted in black to form the 'c'—very much inspired by jacksepticeye's mug); for tony's i had to search for funny mug designs lmfao
i was going for a very domestic/warm atmosphere, which i think was more or less accomplished, so i'm pretty happy with this overall :)
also, not really pertinent but i was listening to sweater weather on loop while drawing this so. make of that what you will.
day 6 - grief/indigo
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ah, this piece. definitely my favorite of the 7, love how this turned out despite ripping my own heart out a bit while making it :,) listening to hyacinthus on repeat didn't help
my initial idea for this—the thumbnail in the top left—was going to be one of them bleeding out in the other's arms, but i had another idea that i felt more drawn to so i chose that instead (this was a very last minute change so the thumbnail is pretty much just a couple of stick figures pfft).
i decided to go back to the painterly style since it felt more fitting for this & i'm glad i did, although it was a little rushed towards the end when i was adding in the final details (the butterflies are pretty much just lasso tool + glow layer). this was also my first time drawing stephen's robes and. man that was a pain to figure out. get a simpler outfit stephen.
day 7 - purple/disdain
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had to end the event on a happy note! this was very rushed but i still like how it looks, though the bg petals are a bit janky.
the prompt 'purple' immediately made me think of violets, which were used as gifts for newlyweds so. here we are (they also happen to be symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, and spiritual passion—pretty fitting for our favorite wizard)
i didn't dedicate as much time i should've to actually making the violets look like violets instead of some generic flower but again, slow artist under time constraint. i did spend a lot of time with the expressions in this one though! i really wanted to convey a sense of pure joy and love, and i'm very happy with the result in that regard :)
something that i noticed was that it had become a lot easier for me to draw these two by this point. suppose it makes sense considering i'd literally been drawing them nonstop for 2 weeks lmao, but it was still pretty cool to see how quickly i managed to finish a sketch i was happy with, compared to when i was working on the first few days (good lord was it difficult drawing stephen in the first piece, especially at that angle)
anyway, prepare to see more of them in the near future because the brainrot is far from over. if i am this attached to them without having seen the majority of marvel movies featuring them (i'd literally only watched ds1 until yesterday when i watched im1—yes i started shipping them without knowing who tony was, i don't know how either), i think i'd be a puddle by the time i catch up on everything :D
whoo that was a lot—if you've read this far, thank you and have a cookie 🍪
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