#i'm working on the next update to the comic!! hopefully i can finish it before next week
kytiit0o · 6 months
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i got a new drawing tablet! thought maybe i could do some doodle suggestions to break it in?
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dennydraws · 15 days
Long time no type!
Hello, hello... it's been a hot minute since I've done an update! :D First of all... I'm alive and well... for which I'm very thankful because last week I had one hell of a health scare and a week of tests and scanners and what not but long story short... I did a scanner for a kidney issue and said scanner showed something completely different and very scary. Fast forward of several days of stressful blood tests, scanners and what not and it turned out I have very, and I mean very low vitamin D which will hopefully be fixed soon enough. Said lack of Vitamin D manifested in a way that looked like something very scary.
I'm still kind of mentally recovering from the scare. It put me in a very ... bad mental place of, yeah life is kinda short and I barely lived anything of it for myself, I don't know where I am going with my creative projects that seem to be forever in "Some day" phase ^^;; It is a little hard to put it into words even. My mind is still kind of scattered and processing many thoughts on mortality, mental heath, physical health, why can't we eat the rich and solve all our problems... ahem...
But yes! I'm still here, hopefully will be here for a while longer.
I'm still working on my "The Snake, The Firebrand and The King of All" comic and next chapter was almost line arted, soon to shade it. I did also move it to a separate web page that needs a bit of tweaking before I link it here. So the comic will have a proper home once it's finished here :D;; I do still plan to post and update it here of course!
I've also been playing Eiyuden which helped me greatly through the scary health related week. And I have ... a lot to say though I'm still only about 35-ish hours in and I did run around a lot so I consider myself a slow player. xD;; But this feels like it will need a separate blog post. I am still playing though! No spoilers please!! But do poke my askbox if you like to talk about it with me!! So far, I greatly enjoyed Seign's character progress and his group has been most entertaining. I almost wish they were the protagonists :D;;;
And that's about it... I have things I want to muse about and type over but my brain is still so very much tired from the whirlwind of scares.
I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the little things in life when you can. I hope your day is good and tomorrow will be better.
Thank you for stopping by, dear web traveller!
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
Here's some more deleted scene panels that never made it in
sorry there's no captions, there's just too many panels to describe and i'm tired. hopefully i'll have the energy/rememebr to do so tomorrow ):
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IM REALLY SAD THIS ONE DIDN'T GET IN. I even drew asriel shutting flowey in a box for this joke to work. There was going to be a visual gag of it being a "soap" box. Haha.
Asgore was originally going to tell Asriel to think of something nice to get his mind off of his panic attack.
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Which, while funny, took away the feeling of intense panic the audience and asriel should have been feeling at the time. It just didn't fit the pacing/mood. It also showed that -well, i don't know if this is a legitimate grounding technique or if it'd be read as "its ok just think happy thoughts <3 then ur panic attack would end" which... is not.... how that works. Even if it was only to give Asriel a moment of respite, it's shown as effective until Asgore brings up a bad memory. So. bad comic sequence.
more stuff under the cut
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I had a really, really hard time balancing the tone of the scene that is currently happening in the redraw. it's why i'm so behind in my drawings, so i'm only now sketching the next couple month's updates.
This chapter has gone through SO MANY changes. I feel that comes with it being the first chapter to completely diverge from the original tumblr version.
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Asriel was originally going to have a very on-the-nose nightmare about Flowey feeling excluded from the family and fearing drowning. Now, the whole darkness/water metaphor for suicidal depression will be introduced when that stuff starts to come into play in chapter 4...
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i mean, just to really hammer home how much i had to delete for this: i actually did sketch out the original tumblr version here. I had it all ready before chapter 2 began posting. But as I was finishing the color for the warship section I realized, shoot, I don't wanna repeat it.
When I first made the tumblr version, i was getting burnt out and the characters just became so much... meaner? rude? to each other. some bickering or annoyance is fine but I have a bad habit of going overboard. That's something I hope to correct in the rewrite -and focus more on less drama and more wholesome/loving moments.
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(note the above scene is shown not in full. its jumping around a bit)
Even tho I was mostly keeping chapter the same the first time I sketched it for the redraw, I added this scene. The idea was that when the house was on fire, Frisk would of ran off to the right of the house to where you can see Old Home.
There, even tho Frisk can't verbally talk, the two have a nice heart-to-heart. Chara remember Frisk has [spoilers] issues. Chara was going to own up to their bad behavior.
Now well, hm. Chara's got a lot of shit going on. Frisk of course has forgiven them (like they do for everyone in the underground -_- oh frisk...) and it's going to be something that's addressed down the road. for now, they've held hands, and shown solidarity for each other. As kids, they're going to goof around and be buddies and not let the cruddy stuff chara did earlier matter. things are so much less of a big deal when you're a kid.
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bellybiologist · 5 months
Tallying up the Year
I hope you guys' december (which is almost over already, wtf) is going/has gone well! 2024 is upon us.
This christmas weekend, I mostly found myself thinking about how this year went, and honestly? despite all the things I haven't gotten to do, I still managed to accomplish quite a lot.
Me typing this rambly post out is less anything anyone needs to read, but more to remind myself of Things That Got Done™ than anything else because sometimes... I forget I do be getting shit done! And it's important we remind ourselves of the work we do.
The Things That got Done™
I advocated for my own Health. I scheduled (and went to!) so many doctor and dental appointments this year, holy shit. But, if the last few years have taught me anything, I simply have to put in the effort. I got my colon mostly sorted out, started a new regimen for my skin and hair (after chopping it off) so I'm feeling better, schedule an appointment with the optometrist in January, and even got lots of issues with my teeth fixed. Granted, our broken medical system made it incredibly stressful, and i spent thousands of dollars on the latter that I will be paying off til next july BUT!!!! This section is about the good things.
Started Streaming Again! I've been missing streaming since I stopped way back in I believe 2020. It was a fun way to interact with followers and supporters, so I'm glad I'm back to it on a regular schedule, with many of the old regulars still joining me while I work. Speaking of which:
I finished 43 total stream doodles. While I'm only filling a handful a month, it's definitely adding up! 40+ boys in the span of 5 months is nothing to scoff at, and that's not even considering that I'm doing this alongside normal patreon work.
I finished 39 total commissions this year. I'm definitely still going quite slowly, and I thank everyone who has been extraordinarily patient thus far, but I'm happy to say that my pace has been decent... at least relative to previous years. I got more done in the last 5 months than i did in the roughly year and a half period before 2023!
Replaced SEVERAL appliances that broke down. My computer moniter, my microwave, my refrigerator... all failed on my this year, and it took some work, but I finally managed to get them all replaced! So far, everything is working fine, but next on my agenda is to save up for a new desktop. This one I use for work has been at it since 2017, and it's about time to look into upgrading.
My Google Drive is Looking Nice. It's still not perfect, but I'm still immensely proud of how it's shaping up. There's still some curating of older pieces to do, but I've found a stride where I'm regularly updating it for people to peruse.
Now despite these W's, I still got a long way to go. The things below could be considered resolutions for 2024, but that feels cursed to call them that. They are simply:
Things I Want to GET Done
Adding more YCH Figures. I was definitely expecting to have more to choose from by this point. And I really need to update some of the older ones too, because I think they've aged poorly. I got some neat suggestions and hopefully will find some time this week to showcase them in my discord to collect some feedback before releasing them.
Do more involved pieces/projects. I want to do more things like Comics, or simply pieces that I work on over the course of several sittings, ones where I can experiment and fiddle and practice!!! I rarely ever get to do that these days (I've only finished a few Big Personal Pieces this year), and I need to find time and energy to do them more because those are the things that truly make me feel like I grow as an artist. (and maybe I can find a shading style I actually fucking tolerate.). I also want to get more OC development and stuff done too, cuz I really didn't draw my children a whole lot this year!
Make more fucking Money!!!!! Let's not kid ourselves. I want to get to a point where I'm not just barely meeting the monthly quota. How to get there? I don't know, honestly. Things are so very stacked against artists right now, so it really does feel like the only thing that can be done is Not Give Up. Which I won't do. If/when I go down, I'm making it everyone else's problem. Trust. 😏
Save up to Visit the Boyfriend. I haven't seen him since January 2022! Big goal is to be comfortable enough to where I can fly my ass up there and smooch him. 👏🏽
I won't lie, i'm going into 2024 quite anxious and still scraping by by the skin of my teeth (that I'm still paying for). It's going to be a BIG year cuz oh boy, it's election year, there's plenty of family developments i gotta keep an eye on and work to be a part of... not to mention all the horrible stuff going on still (free palestine!).
Here's hoping shit goes our way this coming year! And let's get ,more strikes going so everyone is getting their fucking money!!! :V
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homestuck-archive · 4 months
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"Hi, James here. Hope you had a good holiday! New year, new me! New you! Whatever, man! We got the usual patreon updates for you. Wahoo! Did you know that's a kind of fish? I watch a lot of fishing videos. If everything goes right and nothing goes wrong we should have something very exciting very soon: a new website! What does this mean for you? Stick around and find out!
Thanks for coming to our AMA, I hope we were able to answer some questions. I especially liked the one where Haven said he was going to fill Dirk full of Milk and slap him against a wall. Great job team. In other community news, the folks over at SAHcon are having their New Year's showcase around 5 pm PST today. Wow! I'm excited to see what the community is cooking.
We got another great comic update coming mid month, and in the next few we're letting some of the new writers shine. I'm excited for you to read them!
Speaking of updates on things… some of you sleuths may have noticed some changes. I'd like to go into a little more detail about them to the extent that I am able. I also wanted to do this in an official newspost, and not on socials etc, so that there is no question about it.
The contract with VIZ media has been restructured. What does this mean? Well, let's start a little further back. We have gotten a lot of questions about Andrew's involvement with HS:BC and Homestuck as a whole. I mentioned before that Andrew approached me to finish HS:BC. As many of you know a few years ago Andrew stepped back from having a creative role. This has allowed him to focus on oversight, and some behind-the-scenes stuff. A large part of that was regaining a sort of legal control of the brand as a whole.
So who "Owns Homestuck?" Well Andrew still does. Who has the publishing rights? We're working on that! The HICU has a license to do what we want with the property, which is what has allowed us to do some of the more creative things we are trying to do. Is the Website going to be fixed? They're working on that! I have very little to do with that, personally, but once there is something solid to announce there and the concerned parties are comfortable with it I'll let you know. What does this mean for the commentaries? Behind the scenes, some ideas about how to handle the issues with the way Homestuck is going to be published are being discussed. Some of these ideas may include a new way to release the future book commentary in absence of the books themselves. Wow!
With regards to VIZ, as some of you have correctly surmised this is good news for us. It has allowed things like HS:BC and HICU licensing etc to happen, as well as the SAHcon license. Hopefully, this can also include some additional fan-friendly licenses Andrew is considering. This all will take time to fully unfold so more details will be forthcoming about what this means for Homestuck as a whole. All in all, I think we are in for an exciting year.
Man what else is goin on? Some good news on the Vinyl is that I talked to the printer and with such an overwhelming response from you guys, instead of a simple Best Of EP, we actually want to try and do a print of Vol. 1-4. This makes all my very scientific and organized data gathering completely useless. I am humbled by something new and mundane every day. Anyway, this represents a completely different beast logistically, but as a fan of those tracks I am very very excited about that. I will Literally buy a Record Player for this. "James, you don't own a record player?" No! What do I look like, an old man? Please don't answer that. (Yes James, you do. -Homestuck Archive, 2024.)
This month (January 2024) we are also going to start seeing some of the bonus content go public. I ran a poll for the Patrons, and the general consensus is that after 2 months, they're ok with the bonus content going public. This includes Bonus strips, the Illustrations, and the commentary. They're really fun to do, so I hope you guys are into it. If you want to see these as soon as they go up, they are available to subscribers. Thank you for that, btw. It means the world to be able to pay some of my team's bills. Look at me, getting all sappy on New Year's Day. Maybe it really is a new year and a new me..."
New HS:BC Website in the works, with some new features.
Update mid-month as usual. Some of the newer Team Writers.
VIZ deal has been "restructured." (that's good for us)
Andrew still "Owns Homestuck."
Working on a solution to homestuck dot com debacle.
There are plans for commentary.
Homestuck Vinyl will be Vol. 1-4, pending some light Logistical Upkeep.
Patreon Bonuses from November will be going public this month.
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ask-the-bone-boys · 5 months
I have enjoyed this series SO much. It really shows how much work and love you've put into it and how much it means to you; I'll absolutely keep following it along through its completion. I look forward to its return in any form!
With that said, here's a proposal for you (and this is not me trying to sway what you decide; it's simply an idea I had after reading your post): since you DO enjoy the asking interactions, you could always continue doing that (obviously much less often so you're not burning yourself out) in the form of an OOC accompaniment to the fics! And by that, I mean, people could ask you or the characters about their thoughts on specific (non spoiler) things happening in the plot that wouldn't be actually happening in the fic itself. That would both let you continue to do some of the answering asks, AND it would mean you would need to do a lot less of it since you can progress the plot and provide answers to spoiler related asks at your leisure with writing, which wouldn't depend on the ask feature itself since it's already a planned part of the story.
P.S: I hope your winter break and next semester go great!
I'm glad you've liked it so much!! It's funny, this blog was originally meant to be a much smaller project that'd just give me something to do when I was bored, but now it's really grown into something I love working on just for the sake of creating! its such a weird mix of personal-to-me and just fucking around and its so so fun even if I have to change it up a lot!
that's a pretty cool idea, and I have seen others do it before, but sadly i don't really think it's very feasible at the moment :( ask culture itself has honestly been suffering a Ton on tumblr lately already, which was a big reason I stopped enjoying the ask blog format in the first place. But even besides that, there are. a LOT of things that happen in this story!!! And I know myself well enough to know that I would Not be satisfied by using character portraits that don't match the setting of whatever update they're commenting on. Meaning, I would likely end up putting in the work to draw a bunch of stuff anyway.
I'm trying to get this final event set up in time for me to get a large portion of it finished before I go back to school, because I know that once I get into the meat of the semester and living with roommates again I won't have nearly as much time or energy to put into answering asks in-character. It is very difficult to be constantly drawing the same character in 532 different outfits when your roommate is constantly sitting directly behind you !!!!! (and also i'll have homework and classes taking up my time too i guess)
So as sad as I am about it, once this event is wrapped up I really do think it'll be time I'll have to let the ask blog format go. I've been thinking on it for a really long time, honestly I think right after I posted that very last comic update, even before I went on hiatus, a part of me knew that I just couldn't keep doing this.
But I still love remembering it for what it was! That's the entire reason I'm setting up a send-off event in the first place, so we can have one last taste of that fun that comes with working on a story with other people! I'll admit I'm a little scared, but hopefully it'll be a blast!!!!
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Legatum Invenire Update #3 - New Logo, Smench Nutjob Artwork, Comic progress & more!
Time for another update post since I've got stuff that can be shown! As I've posted about it, the progress got real fast and good for the past week and I've finished both Smench's Artwork and the Logo of Legatum Invenire! Bad part about all this is I'm feeling kinda burnt-out again but that doesn't matter. Let me show, what I've been working on the past 2 weeks.
Legatum Invenire finally has a logo?!?!
Yes! Legatum finally has it's own logo made by yours truly of course. I tried to go with what appeals to me in a logo, and just wanted to make it something that reflects what will the comics be like. (both dark and whimsical fun for example) It may not be perfect but I currently at least, like it. Here's the new logo:
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I'm aware that it is kinda hard to read... but I like it this way ok?! I wanted the style to be like a messy pencil on a sketchbook style at first and just mixed everything together to create this mess of a logo.
Smench Nutjob Artwork!
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Finally... I can stop drawing Smench for a while. So since the last update post I have changed a few things about the artwork (again, for the third time I think) I was too lazy to have so many doodles and stuff so I just drew 2 because that empty space looked weird. Other artworks might change up the formula depending on how I feel so just letting y'all know.
Update on the actual comic? Yeah.
Yeah, an update on the actual comic! It's nothing major, I've just finished the script? I don't know what to call but I'll go with script. I've finished the script of the first issue, the only thing left to do is the art part which will start hopefully soon? I'll have to learn to use Krita's own comic tool before doing any art actually but the first issue seems like it'll actually come out which has me in shock honestly!
So... What now?
The next goal/thing to do is finish the second protagonist's design and make a artwork of them. After that, it's comic time! I think I'll take a bit of an break and relax for a bit. (watching movies, playing games and other stuff) I'm also trying to learn... a bit spicy kinda art thing... you know what it is. I want it as a personal goal and I think it will improve my skills at drawing so I can draw better for the comics! I won't be posting them on here obviously or any other social media platform. (since I don't have other ones or personal ones for that matter)
Damn! That was the longest update post ever! I'm happy that things are moving forward. I honestly thought I would be disappointed in myself and my art and just drop the whole thing but thankfully, that didn't happen and seems like it will continue just like this! If anyone has been following this blog, I just wanna say thank you! That's it BYE!!!
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kamari333 · 1 year
may 16 personal update
Under the cut so yall dont have to see if you dont wanna:
So I got Tears of the Kingdom (because deep down I'm still a The Legend of Zelda fanboy, an absolute fanslut, a whore if you will), and I'm low key angry how much fun it is. I'll be taking a few days to just eat this game and digest it.
As for my fics, I have plans:
I'm super behind in updating "It Could Be Worse" and it will probably stay that way for a bit. I'm not abandoning the fic, I just need to focus on finishing some of my shorter wips so I feel less stressed about how many wips I have.
My current goal is to finish "An Anthology of Dreams" and then the as-yet-unmade appending Sequel that joins "An Anthology of Dreams" with "An Anthology of Nightmares" back into consecutive events. I'll probably also go into "A Skeleton Plague Doctor in Lord Dream's Court" and tweek a few details that got better fleshed out in the anthology (past me, how could you write out of order, this is your fault). When I have done all of that, everything will be ready to write "Poignance" later! Yay!
In summary, I'm getting the "Dr33mtal3" series all cleaned up so I can write my ship fic in peace <3 I'm also working on the Dr33mtal3 TPE timeline comic on the side, which i'd love to finish before starting into "Poignance".
After finishing the anthologies, my next plan is to finish a little side project I havent posted yet. I have several chapters done of it, but I wanna get it knocked out so it isnt sitting there glaring at me anymore lol.
Then I wanna knock out another "It Could Be Worse" chapter (or two- they tend to come in pairs).
And then back to the "Ebott is a Multiverse" series again to, hopefully, finish off "Burlesque" and "Happily Ever Laughter".
When I reach this point, I wanna get back to semi-regular "It Could Be Worse" updates, and I'll either start using "Poignance" as a break from "Ebott is a Multiverse" or I'll be starting "Poignance" after "Burlesque" and "Happily Ever Laughter" are done. I dunno. This is a bit too far out for me to be sure of.
These are my plans anyway.
I'm dealing with some personal problems which you're welcome to ask about in DMs or on discord, but they don't seem worth going on about here.
Remember, my inbox is always open and I love hearing from you (and maybe making friends, who knows).
Oh, and if you read this far, <3 I appreciate you.
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Hey happy new year pal! Do you have any sensetale updates? :D
well first of all happy new year! second off, i really wish i did, but i guess i can use this to give more of a situation update so that people understand what's been going on, so after i released part 3 i started working on the next part almost instantly, but i knew i had to do some real life stuff too soon, i was able to build some of the monster village and a few npcs along with writing part of the parts dialogue, after that i got spriting block, well rather i felt like the sprites i was making were not good enough for the future parts and so i stopped till i could find some motivation, that time has yet to come and even if it had come at some point i was in no position to work on sensetale, i needed and still need to figure out some irl stuff before i'm able to really commit myself to sensetale, i tried asking for help with sprites or writing a bit so i could just like... get part of it worked on while i was dealing with stuff but i guess not many people saw those posts and those who did either didn't wanna help or couldn't which is understandable, i've had to cut back on some projects i was helping on too. but with staggering motivation, mental blocks and issues keeping me from working on sensetale and even a physical block of my computer not having internet for a while, it's been a bit of a nightmare, i've been working on other projects when i didn't feel like working on sensetale, and a few of those are close to completion and i will be advertising them here so hopefully that will help things a bit but sensetale is sorta in a rut right now, without a lot of time to work on it, making things is slow and will most likely continue to be unless i get some hands or help. right now i just need to get improve my mental health a bit and find a way to convince myself my sprites don't suck so i can start working on things fully again, and since the village isn't finished i can't even start making panels for the comic i know this isn't the update you wanted but as much as it pains me to give a status like this it also feels cruel leaving people in the dark, still part of me still fears this will have people lose hope in the au but i do genuinely plan to finish sensetale in it's entirety, no matter how long it takes me, i never want to end sensetale off without a proper ending unless it would be damaging myself to continue, even if no one watches or enjoys the comics i just wanna finish something and leave a mark. anyways while there is that i do have some vague info about the other projects, guess just some thing to build mystery or get people interested in those other projects without completely spoiling them project 1 teaser: "Within the frozen snow and ghastly fog, you will be put to the test. for a god walks among us, shining bright as a star, lets see if you can play your role or fall to the protector of all monsters!" project 2 teaser: "halls of the forgotten, left to ruin, a plan he never thought he'd have to use, but with how all the others have left, who's to say this one won't do the same. stopping you from leaving to save others. that's the promise he made to himself, but will he be able to keep it? or will he falter, either way. let's hope this won't be the end of your tale." as a note: - both of the projects are undertale related - these are not new, just seen from a "new light" - this is not related to sensetale
anyways that's all for now hopefully there will be more to report on later
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societysonlooker · 1 year
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Oh hey anon!
2) So, while I don't really have any comfort fics, but one series that lives rent free in my head is Caged Robins by independent_variables. Here's the description:
Caged Robins don't sing, they beat their wings against the bars.
Jack Drake meets Robin.
And another favorite of mine is 16 November 1581 by DairyFarmer. If you like Good Dad Bruce fics and you like hurt/comfort, this is for you. It's just, a stellar fic all in all. Tw for child abuse, though. Description:
Bruce blacked out. He wasn’t sure what happened after those words left Jack’s mouth. All he knew was that the next thing he remembered was being pulled off of Jack Drake by several police officers.
Tim goes missing and there were times that Bruce wished he wasn’t such a good detective.
There's a lot more fics from a few different fandoms I could rec if people were interested, but these are ones I've remembered and read Recently. shoutouts to
the ENTIRE Where's My Goddamned Dinosaur series by njw (18+ yall)
Loading and Aspect Ratio by JUBE514
M&M by Impravidus
The Entirety of Liminal Spaces by Calamityjim
Worlds Finest Three by SuperRobinSmash (18+ yall)
Whatever Happened To Tim Drake? By TinHatFlash (READ THE FUCKING TAGS YALL). I frankly consider the best example of an honest to god Greek tragedy that I've ever seen in modern writing (and I WENT TO SCHOOL FOR THAT SHIT) because every "mistake" the characters make is an action that have no choice but to make because they are who they are and they're trying to do the next best thing in a horrible situation and it is an ever-evolving downward spiral. Seriously, I cannot sing enough praise for this fic.
Additional shoutouts to Heartslogos, Petra, and Teland, who's fics dragged me, joyfully, into this fandom, what with my then-limited-to-Teen-Titans-Cartoon knowledge of dc comics, and honestly so many others who's names I recognize, but can't pull from yhe top of my head right now.
Ok ok,
3) so, the first thing is I actually have irl friends who follow this account, so on the off chance they see this, I'm not gonna talk about my own works, *but*, I do think that one of my short-story/longfics is over-rated. It's got 2 chapters, is unfinished, hasn't updated in years, is full of mistakes and stilted sentences, is frankly a longfic i didnt commit to and need to seriously rework before i continue, and it has as many kudos as all my other works. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for all of them, and I'm really happy that the story made so many people happy! I just think it's definitely one of my rougher pieces, and hopefully now that my schedule is even-ing out i can finally dedicate some time to working on that.
6) yes and no, sometimes I get an idea and inspiration for a short fic and am writing whatever comes to mind in a matter of minutes, and finish it in a caffein induced haze within the week. Sometimes I write a full NotFic (a beat sheet, if you will) and never write a full story. Sometimes I write a notfic, edit it a couple of times, then write a fic. Sometimes I copy/paste the thing into a new doc and just restructure the sentences into the right perspectives, paragraphs, and descriptions, and Bam! Story. And sometimes I do an actual point by point outline of "these are the beats I want to hit, the how doesn't matter, just figure out the details as you go and Get To This Place, and that's the kind of thing that usually leads to my fics that deal more with emotional trauma than anything else, I want the characters to feel a certain way then interact with each other, and I ask myself how I can bring them to that point. The story usually builds itself after that.
8) Oh yeah, all the time. I started writing by writing poetry to express myself, and the media I consumed was, generally, along the same vein. As a kid I liked pieces that were both escapism, and something that tackled my day-to-day problems. So give me magic and dragons, but give me academic pressure and strained interpersonal relationships, too. To this day, that is still my taste in media. I use fiction-writing as a way to vent my own thoughts, emotions, and traumas. I'm always inspired by the world around me, in that sometimes i see a pretty dress and have to think "do I want to wear this dress, or do I want to see a pretty girl in this dress?" And then write both. Sometimes I go "man, that was fucked, Imagine if I made a fictional character go through that too?" And then make the character go through something infinitely worse, yet still come out on top. In that sometimes I find that I'm writing a lot of a trope I enjoy, and then I start examining what about the trope i like, and nine times out off ten some other long-forgotten trauma comes flying out of the woodwork. When I'm writing, I'm doing it to tell a story, yes, but also to examine some aspect of people. Their inner thoughts, the way we interact with each other, our wants and needs, how we treat each other in a society l, and why some normal human things are taboo when the same society allows atrocities. I don't necessarily think stories need to so much have a progression as they need to simply convey something to the reader, much like poetry, and I think that really impacts my writing.
Anyway, sorry that was so long! I have a lot of feelings about fanfic 😂 thanks for the ask nonny!!!
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Writing/Art Update: 10/28/2022
I have been writing this week, it's just been very slow. Sometimes, I write very fluidly and the words just flow forth from my fingertips, and sometimes its a huge effort to extrude out a single sentence and then I'm so tired afterward that I have to go do something else, and this week it's been more of the latter. I know it's not any sort of moral failing, it's just that I didn't have a really good idea of where I was going with this conversation (and diner conversations are keystones of my fanfic, so it is very important, obviously), so there was a lot of feeling my way out and writing things immediately throwing them out again. I always feel very bad to you, my readers, which I get like this, because it feels like ten billion years since I have given you anything (it has been 12 days).
Anyway, I am pretty close at this point (this is Ch 15 of Tattoo AU, I forgot to say that up front). There's a good chance I'll finish it today, but I'm gonna have to let it stew for a bit before I re-read it, because the other problem with writing really slow is that I forget which adverbs I've abused and which body language tics, etc. I also feel like I want to get at least part of the next chapter under my belt, too. But hopefully, next week sometime!
I actually re-read the other tattoo artist AU this week (the fanfic part) and it's so cute and precious, I kinda want to work on it again, but I cannot, I need to space it out a little. Also, I really really need to finish this one before I start on anything else. I feel like once I get through this chapter, I will basically be in the home stretch. Like, maybe 7 more chapters to go? If I could keep up with 1 ch/week, I could get it done by the end of the year, which I was sort of hoping for.
Anyway, I also did a drawing for Ichihime week. Being a lifelong comics/manga fan, I always want to be an artist with strong linework and I always find it kind of surprising and irritating how easy it is to make lineless art look good. I also realized while doing this that I've worked myself into an art place I can make things that look good, but it takes me one milliion years to do so, and it's so tiring and intimidating that I just haven't been bothered. I probably need to do some sort of exercise in drawing things quickly. I've had a post in my drafts with a bunch of night palettes in it for like, 3 months, so I might do a sketch requests thing, with absolutely no promise of any kind of quality? That might be fun.
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lunalunestia · 2 years
PC Troubles + Going on Vacation
Ever had the moment where you're working on projects and your PC decided it was time to kick the bucket? That happened to me this summer. 😅 Fair warning, it might be a slight vent, but it's also an update with what's going on behind the scenes with my work, life, and me.
💻 Tech Troubles and I 💻
During the month of July and while participating in Art Fight, my old PC had completely shut down on me with a dead CPU. It was old and instead of buying new parts, I decided to search the internet for a whole new pc to suit my needs for comics, illustration, writing and more.
Finally at the beginning week of August I got my new PC and set it up for use (starting with giving July rewards right away to Patrons!). However, my new PC is giving me troubles too and I just bought it. Within the first two - three weeks of August I had to run my PC, figure out what was the cause for all the critical error crashes and make a list of the possibilities of the source, eventually I came to the conclusion to contact the PC company's tech support for help... which I still haven't got an email back for. 😒
In the meantime, I've been doing small doodles for mutual artists and friends to make sure how long would it take before my PC crashes again and so far, so good, but I'm not confident enough with bigger illustrations and comic pages yet.
What does that mean for August rewards?
I will be doing a simple chibi illustration of The Elements of Luna's Kristal Lunestia with a luna moth named "Lunette" that I sketched traditionally and will ink & color digitally and it will be available on the first two weeks of September. We'll see how many times the computer will crash by then, but hopefully none before I go back to that concept/painting for 10 Secrets of Atlantis. 🙏
I still want to contact the tech support and I might have to send another email to them, but I'll have to do that much later. Luckily the warranty for this issue lasts for a year, so I have time when I come back home. Which brings me to...
🌞 I'm Going on Vacation 🌞
For the first time I'm actually traveling for vacation to visit my family and friends during the 3 week trip! I will be bringing with me comic pages to work on sketching Chapter 4 of The Elements of Luna.
I am so excited to finally reach to that half-way point of the comic that once everything is scanned, everything else can be done digitally and continue on to Chapters 5, 6, and 7 sketching. That way I can ink and color Chapters 3 and 4 digitally while sketching the next to be ahead of time.
I am only one person working on this, but I hope it'll be something you guys can enjoy as much as I did creating Volume 1 when it's done and published. 🌙
🍂 I'll be coming back on September 8th! 🍂
With new inspiration, pictures and more for both TEoL and 10SoA! By then Chapter 4 will be finished and I can start scanning away to work digitally, along with sending a follow up email for tech support with my new PC (it wasn't cheap at all).
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fatal-error-blog · 2 years
Happy 6th Birthday, Fatal_Error!
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Fortunately for him, I've had my hands full with other blog-related projects and tasks, so he gets to enjoy a quiet birthday this year. I hope everyone has been doing well! It's still been pretty quiet on the blog, which isn't awesome, but I've been working on some updates that should hopefully be ready to go out soon, which is awesome! As always I really appreciate everyone's patience with me and I'm just so jazzed to show ya'll what's coming up next. So for Fatal's 6th birthday, I thought it might be interesting to some to share 6 things that have been going on behind the scenes: 1) I FINALLY got a new job! In past posts I've mentioned having to take breaks/step away from the blog quite often in pursuit of job hunting and just general adulting. For those who aren't aware (or maybe are new here - if so, howdy!) I'm not a fulltime comic artist, and I don't rely on this blog or comic as any kind of primary source of income. So I've had to put a lot of energy and time into working on portfolio pieces that aren't just Fatal_Error (although he's in my portfolio, gotta represent!), putting in job applications, going to interviews (if lucky enough to get one), all of which takes a pretty tremendous mental strain and a lot of focus. And I've been at it for...like more than 2 years, lol. But I've finally gotten a new job, I start Monday, and I'm stoked! I'm going to have a lot more freetime to dedicate back into the comic and I couldn't be happier, because things in my opinion are about to get good. 2) The second volume of the graphic novel is almost ready for preorder! At this point I'm wrapping up the bonus comic (that those who get the second volume will see first, and will be posted online for free soon after), finishing up resizing some stuff, and just finalising the bonus preorder item and some items I want to release at the same time (like how I did with the stickers and poster last time). I'm aiming to open preorders in like, mid April. 3) In needing to plan ahead for future volumes, I have definitively figured out that there will be NINE chapters of the story in total, meaning that as soon as Chapter Five is done it's all downhill from there! We're almost at the finish line for the story!! 4) For those interested, I've been working on some Etsy shop updates with FE related items, because I haven't really added anything new in a while. Ideally it'd be nice to have them ready around the time that volume two is available but we'll see! 5) The Bluescreen Event is almost here! I've mentioned this before but Bluescreen is a side comic that I've always wanted to release as quick daily or every-other-day updates for as long as the side comic goes on for. This unfortunately requires me to have all the updates ready to go, otherwise I risk running out of updates before I can catch up. But I'm excited that it's almost ready! It's one of my favorite side comics and I think ya'll will enjoy it too. More on that later! 6) This summer (Summer 2022) I want to finally wrap up what had been started for Fatal's 5th birthday. So stay tuned ;) And that's all for now! I'm gonna keep working so I'll be able to update the story as soon as possible. Have a great day, folks!
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Feral Fatality
(Part 3)
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Last update for now! I hit a wall and so...I need to shift direction, make way for my requests (up til now I merely wrote one word) so gonna forget this one for the time being and push this deep under every article I have in the works—
Anyways, some fluff before I disappear *insert peace out and fade meme*
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Nothing extreme, a little blood only.
The masked killer gave you one shook of his head before he took off.
Saving you... for last?
Why weren't you afraid? Hell, you are going insane.
You looked down at the corpse under you. Time to clean up the mess, no one would want a rotting bitch on their doorstep.
Standing up, you decided to drag the body into the woods, maybe an animal would be happy to eat her flesh.
Huh, you were taking everything so well.
After you left her body a good distance away from your cabin, you went back to wash up, the red liquid on your skin was beginning to itch. You took off your clothing, the blood on your them was hopefully still removable, you wouldn't want to throw them away if you can help it.
Your thoughts strayed to that of earlier. You killed someone. You killed Betty.
And it felt good. Euphoric, even.
You never thought you could end someone's life, one of many that wanted you dead too.
"It was self-defense..." you assured. They intended to kill you anyway, the food they served for you was possibly poisoned. Even a fool would notice how suspicious they acted.
Not to mention Eloiza declared it straight to my face.
Then again, she would still die with the murderer out for her blood, it's just that I ended her myself.
Everyone's probably dead by now.
You stared at your hands– your palms, swollen from gripping your murder weapon.
"...Jason Voorhees. I wonder if he'll kill me too..."
You trailed off as your head drooped, your previous high fading out as your limbs felt heavy. Wobbling your way to your bed, gravity did its thing and you fell on the soft sheets and blacked out, the distant ringing of screams but a mere lullaby to you.
The ever-rising sun warmed your slumbering form as its rays peeked through the gaps of the window, stirring you into consciousness.
You groaned, rolling away from the prickles of their heat, wanting to get more sleep from last night's events...
Last night?
You shot up, rubbing your grogginess away as the thoughts of the past evening came rushing in. You couldn't believe it. Or did you? Did you really do it?
Was it all a dream??
You brought your hand to your right cheek, the action so sudden that you smacked yourself, instantly regretting it when you felt like you've just planted your face on nails.
"God fucking—" You clenched your teeth and squeezed your eyes shut, muffling your scream. Little tears threatened to pour out so you looked up to keep them in. When the pain numbed down, you exhaled and panted hoarsely.
Well, damn me if it was a dream, that fucking hurt!
A gurgling noise.
Right, I didn't eat anything for dinner.
You sighed, time to take care of your business before anything else! You could eat a whole stallion with the way your stomach grumbled. You stood up and plodded to the cupboards where you kept your food. Unfortunately, you didn't have a horse at hand, and you doubt you could even kill such a beautiful animal, so some easy-to-open corned beef would have to do. Maybe two-three cans would sate your hunger.
Knock, knock.
"Yeah, yeah, wait a bit, I'm opening dinner... breakfast. Dinkfast or breakner? Mm." You responded nonchalantly, still lethargic from both the pain and exhaustion. You pulled on the ring of the can. And it resisted like a lil shit. Three more tries and it didn't budge. You slammed it down the table, huffing.
Easy-open my ass!
Knock, knock.
Yeah, right, the door. You moved to grab the knob and whipped it open. Your face met with a broad chest, a bluish, dark gray shirt stained with what looked like dried blood and dirt. Slowly trailing up, you froze as you met two blue orbs staring down at you from behind a hockey mask. Your jaw dropped.
The silence dragged on for who knows how long before you broke away and fumbled. Absolutely lost, you did what a totally sane person would do.
You stepped aside and invited him in.
"I, uh, come in then, Mr...Voorhees." You uttered, your eyes unblinking as you looked anywhere than at the killer who took careful steps into the cabin.
Jason trudged to the cabin you resided few hours after he finished cleaning up the mess. Ten meters away and muffled words followed by a silent scream reached his ears. Five large strides and he was at your doorstep, coming to a halt and contemplating on barging in and scaring you even more, or knocking.
Knocking seems to be the calmer option, although he was concerned if you were hurt again. He doesn't know why he's feeling such...emotions towards you, technically a trespasser but different...
A minute passed before he knocked, twice. You answered something about eating and made-up words. He knocked again after he heard you slam something down and huff. Before he knew it you opened your door and stared. You were a lot shorter up close, craning your neck up to meet him.
You looked at each other for a while, before you moved out of the way to let him in. Even going as far as calling him Mr. Voorhees, which baffled him. So you knew who he was. If so, why didn't you leave or scream at him? That and a bunch of questions ran around his head.
He needs answers.
You stood to his left, facing his side as you felt awkward. You were in a room with a mass murderer, a legend. What's more, you were the one who let him in. You pinched the sleeve of your navy blue jacket from behind as you rocked on your feet. Was he here to end your life? No, no wait, if he wanted that he could have done it when you were asleep. You're pretty sure he could break down the door and crush you with it and you would never wake up again. Same as just now but he...he knocked? What will you even do if he decides to carry out the task now? You were, by no means, fit to fight back. You can't even open a fucking easy-open can! He could snap you like a twig any second now.
You waited, resigning to your fate and wishing you were reincarnated as a rock in your next life.
Well, nothing happened. He just stood there, unmoving as he faced the opposite wall.
A grumble and he whipped his head to you, making you flinch. Curse your stomach for being such a whiny shit. But you couldn't resist your hunger anymore, you need to eat. Moving a step at a time around him, you took hold of the can and pulled, swearing when it didn't budge. You were gonna die at this rate, if not by the killer behind you then by fucking starvation.
You felt a finger poke your shoulder, not even a flinch as you were too frustrated to care at the moment. You turned around to face the man, he was looking at the can you were holding.
"Oh, uh, I haven't eaten anything? The damn can just won't let me have what's inside." Since when did you talk this much?
He gestured, his gloved palm exposed, as if waiting for you to give him the can.
You placed it in his hand. With one tug, ONE TUG, of his finger it opened. It looked like he just touched it and the lid gave away. You huffed in disbelief as he handed it over to you with two fingers. You grabbed a spoon from the drawer and started wolfing down the contents. If you were gonna die might as well be full.
When it was empty, you glanced at the other can on the table, untouched. You looked back and forth a couple of times between the man and at it. You guessed he understood since he silently picked up the can and opened it for you. The corned beef ended in your stomach seconds later.
You set the last can down, only to pick them all up and dumped them inside a garbage bag you set up yesterday. Grabbing your tumbler from beside the sink, you took large sips from it.
Wiping your mouth with the sleeve of your hoodie, you walked past him and went to sit on the bed. He followed you. You stared at the one who murdered everybody else, standing in the middle of the cabin.
"So...Am I supposed to die now?" you asked. You sneaked a glance at the machete in his holster.
He didn't give you any response, but he stepped closer until he was in front of you. You didn't look up.
The man raised his hand, and you shut your eyes, expecting the worst— only hoping it was painless and quick.
You almost jerked when you felt his hand on your head.
But what surprised you was how gentle it was, no pressure at all, not even close to a killing move. Then you realized...
He's...he's patting my head.
His hand...wasn't cold nor warm, but the way he did it was akin to petting a little animal; stroking the top of your head so softly you sniffled. This made him stop and step away from you, his hands waving— hovering around you it was practically comical.
"N-No, I'm alright," you answered his silent question. "It's just...I've never been patted like that before and I...It was nice."
You've been subjected to abuse and degradation most of your life that a gesture, one that meant no harm or malice, made you cry. You wiped away the wetness of your eyes before you looked at him.
"Thank you, Mr. Voorhees. I actually wouldn't mind if you kill me, but I guess you won't...?"
He gave you a soft grunt in reply, and you giggled.
The man patted your head once more, before he made his way out of the cabin, closing the door quietly behind him.
You let out a quiet breath. Jason Voorhees simply appeared on your doorstep, helped you with your food, patted your head, and walked out without a word.
It's crazy and it wasn't a dream— if the throbbing on your cheek was any indication.
You're happy though. More than happy to be alive.
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enygma0710 · 5 years
Updates on Enygma’s Fics: 
I’ve received a few DMs about some of my fics and when they will be updated, Honestly I’m flattered to get them because it means people like what my overactive imagination produces lol so I’ve decided to make a post to give an update on them all. 
Current WIPs:
Once in a Lifetime: 
Next update, Friday at the latest. I’ve written ahead so hopefully, I can get a regular update schedule but we’ll see how that works out. It’s 80% done and I know how it ends, just have to go over it again for quality check. 
As I gaze into the abyss: 
Working on updating my outline again. Trying to write ahead when my overactive imagination isn’t occupied by OIAL. My imagination is going wild on this one. Next update early April. 
Edgedancer of Madness: 
I have not abandoned this one, but I decided in January to scrap the last three chapters I wrote and start over, so I’m behind again and back on hiatus. I have one chapter that is off being beta’d that I will post once I get it back, but will go back on hiatus after that update. We’re in the second half of the story and I want to complete this one before I start posting again. Sorry for the wait on this one. But it will be finished. 
Future Fics: 
Damn secret Santa: 
I previously mentioned about expanding on this one. I outlined the next chapter. It will only be one additional chapter and be complete again. Not sure when I will get to this but it’s in the works. 
Anti-Holiday series: 
It's been pointed out that my anti-holiday one-shots are pretty damn angsty LOL, but talking to some mutuals and I'm working on a one-shot for a summer holiday. It is already roughly outline and will be a one-shot 
That’s pretty much it, but thanks to those who read and comment on my fics. I appreciate it and I cannot promise that a random one-shot won’t show up in the meantime... Comic con season is approaching....LOL
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fairestcruelest · 6 years
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*Update 8/13/2018*
I'm sorry there's been very little update on the progress of the next chapter of this comic. Life has been hectic between me struggling to find an animation job, working conventions and otherwise being lost in a haze of directionless work-wise.
I'd just like to assure everyone that I AM currently working on chapter 2 as we speak, I have all the pages roughed out and dialogue spaced in, so as of right now it's just about powering through to complete it. I promise to finish ch2 no matter what BEFORE the year ends, hopefully in the next month or 2.
Thank you to anyone who has stuck around and eargerly anticipating the next installment. If you'd like to help in anyway I have a Ko-fi now you can donate to, since financial instablility is mainly what keeps me unfocused.
Any donations over $9 I will sketch a character for you, just email your receipt to me as proof to [email protected]
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