#i've been like this ever since i woke up from my nap like 2 hours ago tho it's gotten more manageable and i don't feel like i'm dying anymo
myatlantispoets · 5 months
so like. am i having a bloody migraine rn
i don't need this shit rn, i have a project to finish
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flareflarerp · 10 months
Are you looking to be a writer or an actor?
(Sorry for the late & long answer Silvy I passed out last night after watching a movie with my girlfriend. I also apologize for my outburst I woke up from a nap and didn't let my logic brain take over.) Eventually.....Yes! I know others have the right to their own opinions but I can't let that rip away my dreams of achieving my goals I've been working since '15. I actually have a lot (like 10-15) of scripts in which a couple of them are MLP action movies that I would like to be in motion capture which is one of my favorite type of acting to see and would love to do (If they can turn doctor strange into a dragon in the hobbit, we definitely have the technology to make motion capture MLP). I've backlogged them because I lost interest for the last seven years to write anything. I go back to them every once in a while to show how shitty of a writer and amateur I was before college. I've even done acting for a while as well. Mostly stage acting back in middle school where I did Shakespeare (Othello, Hamlet, & yes Romeo & Juliet) and college (I got to do a scene from a good play called 'Red' where I got to show off my acting skills in front of people not even familiar or interested in acting and I raised a few eyebrows indeed. Yes a lot of movies seem lack of creativity but there are a lot of them that do like a movie that me and my partner @noxs-mun watched last night which was 'Nimona' which was the best. I'm not gonna say nothing. This is one that you will have to watch yourself. Now, I have been on a professional movie set back in May, it was a horror feature length film called, 'Skinwalkers' and in which I was brought on as a Camera Production Assistant and where I met my new best friend Gene Sung (the Director of Photography) and I was promoted to 2nd Assistant Cameraman now I am a Assistant Cameraman they are both different job roles. 1st A.C. works closely to the D.P. and does all the focus pulling to make sure the shot isn't too blurry and it's very sharp (unless the shot require it to be blurry). At the end of the shoot day (depends on the set and director and how they want each day to go which is the Assistant Director's job. They come up with a schedule each night to say what shots need to be done each day and some days go from 10-19 hours) the assistant cameraman what we call 'media dump' onto a laptop or PC and save it in a folder along our shooting process. I just wanted to added that last part to kind of teach you about some of the behind the scenes work on what happens on a professional set in movies. The process is similar in television but they work on multiple episodes instead of a long movie. I agree to your point yes movies are getting longer and longer but for some of my scripts I kind of need that amount of time to put more into my stories. I'd love to discuss more of this with you and have a nice conversation about movies cause we share a lot of movies we like in our long friendship going on almost 10 years (as of April 14th of next year) Ghostbusters 1&2 (Fuck 2016 one. Haven't seen Afterlife yet) Mad Max (All of them. I just love all of them) if your laptop ever decides not to fuck up I am on discord in which I hold movie nights with my girlfriend every Friday. We're clearing our backlogs right now and watching something new as well. Love ya Silvy, ~Flare Flare
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wheeboo · 5 months
OMG YAAAY !! proud of u for getting your much needed sleep 🤭 ( says while on 5hrs of sleep )
my day is going well !! got some studying in after lots n lots of procrastination ☹️🙏🏻 BTWWW i just started watching nana tour and it fills my heart with so much happiness 😭😭 just seeing the boys :(( the show is soo unfiltered and if makes my heart swell up seeing them <3 our svt are genuinely the best boys to ever exist 🫶🏼
have you heard jelly pop from bp999 ? it's soo fun :3 + how's YOUR day been miss rania 🫵🏻 ily !
- yuyu 🎀
HI MY LOVE I MISSED YOU ^^^ i swear i was considering posting "i miss yuyu anon :(" post LMAO haha but thank you !! it was only around 6-7 hours but hey its something 😭 and no help 5 hours omg its fr the night owl in us (unless you're a morning person 😔). during high school i only got like 3-5 hours of sleep each day shh 😭😭
aaaa that's good!! i also procrastinated a lot today lmao i literally woke up, ate a lil breakfast, then took a fat ass nap. then i played minecraft for like an hour and cooked some dinner before FINALLY doing my work but i got all my psychology work done 💪 now i'm going to study for bio since i have an exam ewew🙄🙄 on the good side, i posted a dk comfort fic earlier hehe
nana tour is so heartwarming omg :(( its like such a good show to watch for winding down after a long day. happy it makes you happy lovely 🥹 it's literally such a serotonin booster and i love seeing our boys have a good time!! i've only watched the first 2 eps so far but i WILL be continuing it soon !!
YES IVE HEARD OF JELLY POP OMG. i didn't watch boys planet in its entirety but my cousin showed me like a lot of the songs from the show (jelly pop, over me, en garde, hot summer) AND THE SONG IS SO CATCHY !!!
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nei-ning · 7 months
No matter do I sleep during the night (those few hours I actually can) or do I take a nap; My dreams are weird! I honestly have been seeing weird dreams ever since Verti died soon 2 months ago. Most dreams, recently, have been having cats.
In one dream I adopted 2 kittens by accident (they just came into my life) and then I started to worry and regret this adoption, thinking I said I wouldn't take any cats and now I had them.
Last night I had similar dream but I only remember having this calm but grumpy looking orange boy cat, big one, under my table. I was able to pet his head but otherwise I had no idea why I had him there, where he had com from, again worrying about it I had "adopted" a cat even that I had promised myself I wouldn't take one.
I don't know are these messages from the Universe that I actually SHOULD adopt a cat NOW, since there's cats who would need me, wanting to come to me, or is it my wishful thinking to have new cat to keep me company? I want cat(s) in the future, adopt old ones who none wants, but not now.
Another thing about my recent dreams are that I always dream about my old home or the area near it. As much as there were issues to live there, I miss that isolated life, being able to take care of horses, grow my own flowers, play on the grass etc. "farm life".
In last night's dream I was heading away from home, sitting in a car with sis when I realized I'm on my second day during periods (heck bad day for me!) so I told about this to my sis, saying I can't come with her and the others. She said I can leave and go back home so I rolled out of the car, instantly starting to run towards my home while the car stopped and I heard my ex-neighbor's son yelling something. I knew he, with others, tried to capture me and take me with them so I ran even faster. Some kind of cartoon-ish dog tried to cats me but I managed to beat it via running. However, there suddenly appeared these middle aged and fat Russian men. Maybe some kind of mafia or ex-soldiers etc. Fat, dressed more or less good / bad, tall, not shaved face, they smelled bad, looked dirty a bit etc.
One of them sat down on this piece of tree trunk which stood in the middle of the road, another lifting me to stand on it since I was small. The one, who sat, opened his mouth and GOD, his teeth! They were so fucking dirty, wobbly and having dried blood on them! I was given this tiny dentist's "hook" to use. Now, I don't speak Russian or understand it but in the dream I did. This other man behind me told me to clean his pal's teeth so I started to rub them carefully with the hook. This man kept his piercing and angry eyes on me as I rubbed his teeth, realizing something.
In that moment I was thinking how I've done this before and this must be a past life memory. I felt a bit angry and confused. After all, what little bit I know, Finnish people have ALWAYS hate Russian people because of our history. They are, like, our worst enemies (not to me personally, tho. I don't hate people because of their country or what they have done in the past).
I also thought could these men be German but no. I know Finland fought by Nazi-German's side during continuation War. So Nazis were "friends" to us. Swedish people were out of the question as well.
So these 2 people were Russian. After I realized this, I woke up.
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April 26, 2023 - Birthday Boy
Song of The Day : Sulfur by Slipknot
Hello all.
I hope everyone is having a good day. I'm having an alright one. I woke up pretty late today because my only class of the day was cancelled. That's a good thing. I got lunch with some of my friends, which was nice.
I might need to buy new nicotine soon. I've been relying on one I've had for like three weeks now and it's getting gross. Do not start vaping, whatever you do. If you don't already, that is. It's a very taxing burden. Socially, financially, mentally, and healthily. I've been addicted to nicotine for around a year and a half now and I regret it so much. Plus, almost all my friends smoke too so it's not like I can escape it. Sigh.
It was the boy I love's birthday this week. Well, he isn't explicitly aware that I love him yet, but I think he may feel it. Boys are dumb so I'm not very sure if he does. We've been a "situationship" for almost three months now and it has been pure bliss. I've had very poor relationships in the last year, so he has been a great change of pace. He's so easy. Not in the "easy-get-in-your-pants" way but in the "I-can-be-myself-around-him-without-worry" way. I don't want to describe his appearance in the circumstance he has tumblr and is also a blogger, leading him to see these blogs and piece things together, think I'm crazy, and never speak to me again. So I will not. Just trust me when I say he is the most beautiful boy. I still get butterflies whenever I see him, despite us having an ongoing sexual relationship and him sleeping over at my place on weekends. (My favorite time of the week for that reason alone). He makes me laugh from the depths of my soul. He holds me so soft and secure it makes me feel like I will never feel despair ever again.
But I got distracted. I tend to do that a lot, sorry. Back to his birthday. I got him very thoughtful gifts, and he loved them. I'm not a very good gift giver, as I never know what to get anyone. I think the people I love are worthy of expensive and valuable gifts, but I am broke so I cannot afford to drop as much money as I want on gifts for my loved ones. I did well with his though. I spent roughly 15 dollars on everything, as I bought his main gift with a gift card. But the most important part of the gift was the card I wrote him, and it was the most important to him too. He told me that he almost cried after reading it in front of me, and that confirmed what I had already believed. I saw the tears welled up in his eyes but I didn't say anything. He's read it multiple times since then. I hope I made it clear how much I appreciate him. When he was expressing his gratitude, he almost told me he loved me. I heard it. I felt it. I wanted him to, but I think he's scared. He shouldn't be, but I can't force something that he's not ready for. I love him so much. I hope he can't see this.
I'm probably going to invite him over later, just because I miss him. I have a workshop to attend at 4pm which is in around 2 hours, but after that I'm free for the rest of the day. I need to get started on my final projects though. Maybe I'll let him nap on my bed while I get a move on at my desk. Just to have him near. I wish I had some clementines to peel for him.
Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great rest of your day :)
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Wow, actually writing this at 2AM again. Take a wild guess why... If you guessed "sleep deprivation", you get a goddamn cookie.
4 hours last night. And the nap didn't work this time, so I just stayed up. Now I've got the sleep deprivation sweats, ever get those? Where it almost feels like a fever, and you get kinda numb and tingly. Fun.
I got to bed 2 hours earlier than normal, but couldn't fall asleep. It's actually been a while since I've had that problem. That used to be my primary life problem, it would take me like... at least an hour to fall asleep every night. I'd just lay there, and my mind would race and I'd toss and turn until I eventually fell asleep. I had a night like that last night, and then again when I tried for my "second-sleep" and failed.
I had more dreams including my mom, I'm sure that's part of it. I don't know. I think it's the Mother's Day ads that are doing it, because it's right around the corner... <eyeroll> I didn't feel emotionally upset when I woke up, it didn't feel like a nightmare. It didn't feel like my neighbors woke me up, I just... woke up. And I was up. And I did not want to go back to sleep for some reason. And I hopped on Instagram and... had the same fucking problem. 3-4 posts to cleanse the palate, then an ad to ruffle my feathers, rinse/repeat. After a bit of scrolling, I started to notice that nothing I was seeing was something I'm actually following. Like... okay, if you're just going to spam my feed with paid advertisements and "suggested" shit, why the fuck do I bother following people? Just fucking say "hey, this is the end of your feed, would you like us to suggest something more?"
Motherfuckers act like curating content for you without you asking is like... a favor. Let me tell you how utterly atrocious this system is, and why it should be opt in, not opt out. I am subbed to the PTSD subreddit. And I got suggested "r/OopsThatsDeadly", which is all visual content of life-threatening situations. Explain to me how that happened. Explain to me how or why that should ever happen. That shit upset me, man. Like... no one asked you to add these features, half the sites won't even let you turn them off, and I really can't think of how these features could work worse.
I tried to do music today. I didn't really work. I'm overthinking shit, or it's just not flowing right, I don't know. So I gave that a whirl for a good chunk of the day, but just tapped out after a while and switched over to art. I decided to hand-draw an abstract ink piece today. I have an empty blank sketchbook that I've been meaning to put shit in, and today was the day, I decided. I went with a sorta bubble-based organic pattern and over the course of the evening filled up the entire page. I can tell I haven't been drawing as much as I used to, my hand's all sore and shit. It just has some fill work to do and then it's done. It was a nice change of pace after this last concept piece, which did not have a lot of drawing, despite the animation work.
And that was basically the day, honestly. Super low-key. I decided to pull the trigger on reserving the shared car last night, so it's reserved for Wednesday afternoon. People from the building are supposed to come and inspect my floor's apartments on Wednesday, no clue what time of day, likely morning, knowing normal humans. So... my plan is to... get to sleep early tonight, then hopefully even earlier tomorrow... Get woken up by a knock on my door. Awkwardly walk them around my apartment half-awake. Then pound an energy drink, and head up to the car around 1PM, drive over to the National Park for the first time and film some trail walking footage for the desire path project. That's pretty much the last missing piece, short of an outro thing... which I'm still back and forth about. I mean... it can't hurt to plug my Patreon, it's just... it just sucks to remember that I have one... and to see how much metaphoric dust has accumulated there.
I started writing about my career for a minute there and then got super depressed, so... I'm just gonna clip that and save it for another time. Let's just say... "it's complicated". I remember the days I used to be really confident and proud to share my work on social media and shit... actually... do I? Actually... now that I think about it... I have never really been one to like... flaunt anything on social media. Like.. if people are interested in my shit - like genuinely interested - I'll tell them anything they ever wanted to know. I just... I don't commoditize my work. Which is so fucking foreign in this country, in this culture. To be a worker... who runs their own business... who produces a product, and the product is technically for sale, but is not explicitly advertised or marketed. Because it's an art piece, not a fucking postcard. And there's an insane amount of pressure to convert all of your art into marketable commodities nowadays. Stickers, prints, merch, you name it. And if that's what you want to do, fucking go for it! I even have a print shop (that I was pressured by my parents into setting up...) for my pieces that were kinda more catered to that... style, I guess. That intention. But the past few years, I found that mentality so fucking restrictive, and I found myself throwing away dozens of amazing ideas because I didn't think they were going to... work. I didn't think they fit my "business model". Good lord, talk about corporatizing art... Ugh.
My past year and a half was breaking from that mold. I have some things I can commoditize if I choose... but my Holy Grail quest has been searching for a good, supportive community that can get me linked up with people who genuinely want to fund my projects. And, on paper, I feel like Patreon could do that. And then I can just get that nasty "how can I hock mass-produced copies" mentality off of my fucking back. Because my work has always been about sentimentality, hand-craft, personal touch. Every piece different, every piece unique. Even before the tattooing, that was there.
I literally cut myself off from talking about my career to... talk about my career. ... Meh.
I just want to say... because it's floating around my mind over and over... it sucks to work very hard on projects day in and day out, from beginning to completion, and have it mean nothing to others. My mom would always give me shit, "you need to create more value for others." Not even kidding, direct quote, can't even count how many times I've heard that. Talk about seeds for a self-esteem complex, "you need to create more value". Bitch, my shit is priceless. Try putting a price on a series of stones I hand-polished over the course of the last few weeks of my cat's life, and the first few weeks of mourning her death. A grief piece. Try to put a fucking price on that shit. Try to sell those.
It frustrates me so much that the arts get so little support nowadays. Like people are perfectly content to watch another regurgitated remake of something they remember from 20 years ago... Gah... I'm generalizing. Not everyone is like that. I'm just gonna nip that one.
So yeah, clearly talking about that stuff is tough for me still, I'm sure it shows in my writing how scattered and chaotic my thinking gets around it. HOWEVER... when I get inspiration? Like my hoodie backpiece - I had a really cool idea to do commissioned pieces where I do like... "clothing tattoos"... in permanent ink or fabric paint, so they last as long as I can possibly make them last. When my inspiration calls me, it will literally pull me out of sleep. And I will work my hands to the bone, regardless of whether I have a client, regardless of bodily needs. And I don't mind the process at all. It's like... it's encoded into who I am as a person. I would get shit in high school and college because I would be drawing in the margins and on my pants and arms and shit constantly.
When I developed this system of just... striking while the iron's hot, capturing inspiration as it comes and seeing where it leads... I started to just... overflow with creativity. I couldn't stop, I had to force myself to stop working to eat and sleep. Kinda like me writing here. Once I get in the zone, in the Flow, and it's all linked up and just... going... I typically have to like... consciously stop myself or else I will go for literal hours. And... I'm gonna be honest... I don't see a ton of people writing more than 144 characters nowadays who aren't being paid to do it. And the ones who are? A lot of them are trying to find AI to do the lion's share for them.
I feel like it's coded into who I am. And making it work for me? That has led to me making some of the coolest shit I've ever made in my life. Shit I never would've dreamed of making. So yeah, I'm really lucky I have the opportunity to pursue this, because if I wasn't? I'd be daydreaming at some job I didn't care about all day every day, and that kinda just feels like... waiting to live, or something. Like waiting for a life to start, but like... I'm sorry... I don't think anyone is gonna come walkin into a shop I'm working at and just hand me the job I'm describing here. I'm not even sure how to describe it to people myself!
I just really need to power through these anxieties and get linked up with an artist's community, like a collective or something. But the one near me? I... I'm gonna be honest... I'm not sure I'll fit there... Like... one of my upcoming pieces is going to be a carved goat skull dyed with homemade inks made from incense ash and coffee grounds. And they've got like... stylized drawings of cats and shit. No offense, it's good work, it's just... you know... I feel like I'm kinda doing a different thing. Like, if I go to the person who only draws cats... and I say "hey, I had this idea the other day, I want to go in the woods and transplant moss into carefully measured geometric designs outlined with stones. But I want it to be a pop-up thing. Something that isn't clearly announced, something that just... organically appears in nature. How do I get someone to help me with my bills while I work on that project entirely by myself?" I'm gonna level... I think they're gonna look at me like I just sprouted 40 heads.
So... until I can get that figured out? I'm just living off the cash I got from selling my car, and whatever charity I get from my family... who don't talk to me. Scary way to live. But it's just where things are for right now.
So yeah... I'm super tired. But... you know what? I'll share what I worked on today. It's not done, so... yeah.
Tumblr media
I haven't finished filling in the connecting bits, and I was going to completely fill the left side, by the spine. So yeah, a little break from the mold. It's been a while since I've done patterns like this, especially consistent circles, usually I do more organic shapes. I was just watching this video on soil compositions the other day that made me think of these types of designs, and how you can look at them two different ways, like a stretched membrane with holes in it, or like bubbles or particles suspended in a medium or something. Or maybe both? Idk, it's very meditative, very relaxing work.
As for future projects, there's the hoodie that I have to finish, my horoscope chart on the back of it and mandalas all down the right sleeve... there's the goat skull... I have a wood carving that's been sitting in my mind lately that I'd like to attempt at some point this summer, we'll see if I get around to it... I have my helmet and my grip tape on my new skateboard to customize... I still don't know what to do with either of them right now... I was thinking maybe a really detailed phoenix on the griptape? I don't know, I'm giving it time to come to me. And... I wanted to do a painting of the Egyptian god Thoth on my cargo shorts. Maybe some ornamentation to go with it. Not sure.
Ya think I've got enough work backlogged?! I love this desire path project, it's a really cool concept and the whole thing is turning out well, I'm just... I'm kinda ready to be done with it. XD Just to start working on something new, you know? And this, this ink drawing today? That was very refreshing, it felt great.
That's a really good vibe, so I'm cool ending there. :)
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
This week's episode of Mandalorian went hard. I have so many thoughts but I cannot put them into words because I watched it at like 7am when I woke up, watched it, went back to sleep so it feels like half of it was a dream.
I have made the executive decision that I am calling out from work today as a mental health day/I need more fucking sleep. I also kinda like the idea of having, yanno, two days off in a row. So even though it's going to fuck my paycheck (because I am not making up these hours GDI) I think I need it.
EDIT: Spoke with work and I guess with the new attendance policy they just put down you can elect if you want them to use your PTO or personal time. So I actually can get paid for today. Which yay. Lets me burn some of my banked PTO so I don't lose it as I'm still actively exploring new jobs and I think I have like 6 days banked at this point. And then 2 days of unpaid personal time.
I'm going to go catch a 3pm showing of D&D movie. I was super tempted by the new Mario Bro's movie since I've heard it's a serotonin-filled colorful spectacle but I don't want to deal with kids talking and being...yanno kids. At a kids movie. That might be a late night only showing sorta situation.
So yeah, I'm going to do that, hopefully catch a nap and re-watch Mandalorian and come back with a more cohesive thought than just keyboard smashing.
Non-spoiler thoughts. I'm kinda getting a little tired of this recent trend of SW shows where they have some vague meandering plot for most of the season, get to the last two episodes and I guess have a collective 'oh shit we only have two more episodes? LETS SHOVE EVERYTHING INTO IT" and they got super hard.
For two episodes.
What about that random series of very dragging, could have prolly been cut down a bit episodes where the heroes have to do some kind of fetch quest or whatever? TBB Is INFAMOUS for this but honestly, last two seasons of Mandalorian have been, TBoBF suffered the same thing. Fucks sake it twook almost 1/3 of it's run time to dedicate to Mandalorian Season 2.5.
Andor I feel like didn't suffer AS MUCH with the pacing. I'm sure some people could argue the whole prison thing went on maybe a bit too long but it was such a glorious ride we all loved it and Andy Serkis too much to complain. Also Andor is one of the best SW series to ever be put out.
And I honestly could not tell you what the fuck happened in Obi-Wan Kenobi even thought I think it's been less than a year. I need to re-watch it but I want to say it had the same problem. Like last two eps were fire, what the fuck happened up till that point? Fuck if I can tell you. Something-something Kenobi was brooding and eternally suffering. Something-something Leia was sassy and does anyone at Lucasarts know how to write a kid who is just a dumb kid? Like, have you ever tried to reason with a five year old when they are tired and cranky? It's filled with escalating tantrums, tears and a lot of sulking. Which gets worse because eventually the kid gets so upset they forget how to actually communicate with their words and they are just a bundle of emotions.
I loved Leia but she was only like five or six and acted like a 10+ year old except for a couple of scenes. So yeah Star Wars has zero idea how to write kids. Prolly because kids are lowkey terrors and they would prolly trigger PTSD in half their audience if they made it too realistic.
Also wow that was a tangent.
My point being, not loving this waiting till the last two episodes to make these huge impactful plot bombs and maybe they need to work on their pacing and cutting of extraneous bullshit.
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I took.. a lot. the night before all this went down i had already taken 700 but i topped that off with a 600 yesterday morning. I think I woke up at like 4 am-ish something annnd took pills at about 5ish. Tho yesterday I ALSO did 1.6k at 2. So i think for the day I took 2.2k. unless we're also counting the late night one from the day before. Though this'll probably be first and last I take a lot at once like that. I'm still feeling it 20 hours later
(wrote this late august 27th but didn't wanna proofread til now so keep that in mind when I mention days)
The first two doses were casualish to me. I used to go 600 at max but nowadays it ain't uncommon for me to do 850-1k. I was mostly the same so no one noticed. They never do tbh. 1.6 is the highest I've ever gone and I was still able to play it off.
As far as symptoms. I've kinda lost my appetite. I'm sure it'll be all back once my body's had the chance to get all the dph out my system but for now I don't really eat. Tho I'm blubbery soo it works out ig. That plus I get random sharp pains in my heart + in my stomach every once in a while. Those I already know why ofc but I also get a milder version in my arms and legs too. I think I've been pretty okay for me to have taken what.. 10 times the normal dose. lemme check
it was 32 doses worth
goddamn.. it's starting to freak me out nowadays. That'd be like me getting a perscription but guzzling all the pills for the month in one sitting. (tmi in advance sorry sorry) With me taking THAT much at once you think if somehow someway someone gets my blood they would get high off it? or at the very least treat their allergies. That'd be kinda cool tbh
Ah there was one more thing I noticed. My perception of time ain't the greatest when I'm high anyway. I'm sure it's cause how hyperfocused I am on staying awake plus dph making it hard to remember shit anyway. But on the 1.6.. shit went to the extreme. It was honestly like when I was taking that benadryl-tylenol mix. I'm sure it's mostly due to how much had to be floating around that but man..
When I first started feeling it feeling it I would just be losing my train of thought a lot which led to me forgetting what I was talking about mid sentence a good 70% of the time. Then shit progressed to where I was blacking out randomly. I don't know what exactly happens when I black out. I'm assuming I just continue doing what I was doing and it's really just me forgetting what I just did. But another part of me wonders if I taking mini naps or something. I didn't really get much sleep so maybe my body was forcing me to rest for a bit? I'd black out for anywhere from 30 mins to an hour and a half at a time. I even started hallucinating again which was weirdd.
They were all tame luckily. The most problematic one was me thinking R texted me. I coulda sworn I saw her say I love you on disc. I have a different color for her notifs so I was damn near CERTAIN since it got the color right as well. I still held off on talking to her just incase she tried to talk talk and put the pieces together once she saw how off I was being. I felt like an ass at the time but when I checked the next day I saw that my most recent convo was still the old friend I was otp with. Even if she had deleted it she would've been at the top regardless.
The only other notable hallucinations was the occasional phantom bug. 9 times out of 10 it was just a weird looking shadow but there was a few times where I thought I saw spider legs too. Tho that honestly wasn't toooo. I'd rather have that than texting R about some shit she never did lmao
I will be mentioning self unaliving a lot in this section so don't upset yourself tryna read, alr?
Ah.. I kinda did say I'd explain my flakiness annnd the shit I'm upset about now semi relates so here we are.
It's hard to explain. You always hear people be yourself no matter. Not to say anything is wrong with that. I just.. I don't know how to interpret that if that makes any sense. I feel like atp I'm only still here to spare my family's feelings (with that including R of course) so it throws me in a thought loop
On one hand, I'm only alive to spare their feelings. I have no real goals, dreams, or plans as far as what I want to do next. So it really wouldn't matter if I just went with whatever they want me to do even if I hate it. Not like I have any better ideas. It makes me feel like I should take all the judgment I'm flung and change accordingly. If I'm alive for them, wouldn't that make the most sense? I'm gonna come back to rock bottom no matter what i do. I might as well just do it for appearance's sake
Tho on the other, if they want me to really do whatever I and only I wanted, would they be angry if I left? Would they understand the struggle and misery I've gone through trying to keep it together for them? It feels stupid to let myself be tethered to this place for people that don't even know me really. I'm sure they'll be hurt for a time sure but.. is that a good enough reason to still be here? I can only leech for so long. I have no plans to go back to college as I am. scared. going from effortless 3.75 to a barely gotten, struggle filled 1.7 killed that for me. I can't afford to keep trying and trying until I hit this magical brain switch that suddenly makes all that easy. Im already nearly 20k in debt from that single semester alone.
And what's so frustrating about this circle thinking is that i KNEW it'd go down like this. I've been wanting to kill myself since 3rd grade. Even with my reasoning being vastly different throughout all this time, at the end of the day, I've been treating my suicide as an inevitability. I get so worked up over any and everything, I have to push and fight myself every fucking day to do the bare minimum, and I never wanted to be in a position where I'm stuck doing something I hate just to get by every month. It's just too much.
I've set various age goals throughout the years to keep me from doing anything too stupid. Originally it was 14 so I could get a job and get better supplies for that sort of thing. Then it was 16 cause by then I was supposed to have a car and I would be allowed to date at that age. Then the latest one was 18 and 6mo. 6mo probably sees random but it made sense to me anyway. Seniors get out of school bout 2 week- a month earlier than everyone else. So I damn near had the house to myself for a little while. Then even once they went on summer break, I still was chilling since I didn't move into my dorm til early october. So I had damn near 5mo to do whatever I wanted with hella open house money to fund it. I figure, since I had all that money and have months and months to do whatever AND im finna be living by myself, if I still wanted to do it, it is what it is
But now look at me. 19 annd nearly 3 months and I'm worse than ever before. It makes my stress tolerance so much lower. Anytime I get upset I turn it back onto myself. If I had just got it over with back then, people wouldn'tve had to see me degrade into the person I am today. If I would have done it back then, I wouldn't need to stress about college, work, money, love, or whatever else. I never wanted any of this. I just wanted to do what was expected of me to keep the peace. But now even when I'm trying to do that, it's not working. It was bound to happen someday tbh. I wasn't gonna be able to half ass my way through life forever. Still.. it crashed and burned quicker than I thought
I feel so trapped. I don't know what to do anymore. Everyone is gonna see it all. My stepmom actually did just called me out for sitting around for this long lmao. I guess it has been a while. I came back for winter break in late December and here I am still. No money and no school. I keep replaying her words over and over again. It slightly pissed me off initially. I've withdrew so much within these last few months to the point where it's rare for either of them to see me more than maybe.. once a day. Plus I've TOLD her I've been struggling for years now and nothing has changed.
Told her I might be struggling with some form of adhd after seeing how hard my workflow was thrown off since quarantine started. Then like 2-3 mo later after radio silence on that stuff she asked me a few questions about therapy preferences then when I told her she told me to book it myself when I'm 18.. Then another time when I was arguing with my dad over something and she started screaming in my face which drove me to a panic attack that she ignored and continued to yell at me until my sisters butted in. She tried to yell at them to but I think I freaked them out with my crying so they didn't budge. Oh yeah. And that middle school thing where I ratted myself out anonymously for being suicidal and actively writing out drafts for it. I didn't like the therapist I had so I stopped going and it was never mentioned again.
Tangent. Sorry. I bring all this up to say it irritated me since I've been asking for help on and off for years now and no one listened. I'm always written off as overdramatic or whiney, or hormonal or whatever th and now I can see she just thinks I'm just a lazy fucking bum. It doesn't even make sense. I've said this was an issue of mine but since I wasn't failing in high school and I don't boohoo in front of them, it was never addressed so why is anyone shocked that this is how I turned out? Why am I now the failure of the family
Whatever anyway. i thought on it longer and I can't put the blame on them entirely. At the end of the day, I should've fought more to get the help I needed before shit hit the fan. I dunno. I've always been like this.
Ig it doesn't really matter now does it?
I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. I'm getting backed further and further into this corner and it's going to blow up soon. I know it. I don't want to be around for that. Too much to uncover. I've fucked myself so may times thinking it wouldn't matter because of xyz thing but all of its coming back. It makes me want to go even further tbh. It feels like my only choice. No one will take it seriously until then. Even then, I'd probably go for round 2 just to do it. I am genuinely.. tired.
0 notes
viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part VI
Summary: Sy officially moves in with Lily and they go on a road trip to make amends.
Pairing: Austin Syverson/OFC (Lily)
Word Count: 11,965
Warning: PG-13 - Language, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Oral - F Receiving, Drama, Pregnancy Cravings
Inspiration: Syverson is OP
Author's Note: Thanks to the wonderful @wondersofdreaming
Author's Note 2: Make sure to follow and turn on the notifications for my Tag List blog @viking-raider-taglist to stay up to date on this and all my other stories!
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“That's the last of them.” Sy smiled, setting the last box of his stuff down.
With Lily pregnant and them making their relationship official, Sy moved all of his stuff from his Austin apartment into the farmhouse with Lily.
“Well, officially.” Lily replied, resting her hands on her hips and looking up at him. “Welcome home.” She smiled, giddy and proud.
“Thanks, Darling.” He grinned back, cupping her face and kissed her.
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Lily smiled, as she woke up from her nap, feeling the warm and heavy weight of Sy's body in bed with her, his head in its customary place, on her chest. She usually woke up from her naps with Sy, whether or not he was with her, when she fell asleep or not. Sighing and moaning softly, she lifted her hand to twist the short, curling ends of his hair between her fingertips.
“Hm.” Sy hummed softly, rubbing his scruffy face against her chest and hugging his arms tighter around her middle, thumb stroking her tummy.
“I'm surprised at you.” Lily whispered, still playing with his hair.
“Why?” Sy moaned back, turning his head to look up at her.
“When I first met you, I half wondered what your hair would look like if you let it grow out.” She explained, running her fingers through it.
“Oh?” He chuckled, smirking at her.
“Yeah.” She blushed at him. “But, I just didn't expect the Bear, Austin Syverson, would have curls.” She grinned at him, twisting the ends of his hair between her fingers, she loved his developing curls.
“My hair hasn't been this long in ten years.” Sy laughed, blushing and biting his lip. “I've been thinking about cutting it again.”
“I will end you, Wyatt.” Lily threatened, touching the tip of her finger to his nose.
“Oh, busting out the middle name and everything.” He smirked, taking a playful snap at the tip of her finger. “Lily?” He whispered, biting the inside of his lip as he stared into her eyes.
“What?” She replied, tilting her head at him.
“Have you thought about going back?” Sy murmured, brow creasing. “Back to Middleburg, to see your grandparents. Jak isn't a threat anymore. I'm sure they would love to see you and I'd bet my life, you want to see them again. Especially now, with the baby on the way.”
Lily pressed her lips together, resting her hands on Sy's shoulders. “It would be nice to see them again.” She answered, after a long pause.
“But?” He pressed, sensing it coming next.
“What if they don't want to see me?” She asked, searching his eyes for comfort, and found it. “What if they don't want me in their life anymore?”
Sy took a deep breath, sitting up as he did, and brought Lily up with him. “Then, that's their loss.” He told her, folding her up in his arms and pressing his lips to her forehead. “If they don't want you in their life, then they are missing out on knowing one of the most amazing gals, who can light up a room, simply by walking into it.”
“You're just buttering me up, Austin.” Lily mumbled into his neck.
“Woman, have I ever lied to you?” Sy grinned into her hair.
“No.” She chuckled, blushing shyly.
“I don't intend to now, Angel.” He whispered, kissing her temple. “But, you won't know their reaction, unless you go and see them.” He added, softer.
“I know.” She whispered back, leaning against his chest. “You're right. I owe it to them and myself.”
“Whatever choice you make, I'll support you, every step of the way.” Sy told her, gently tipping her head back and tenderly kissed her.
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“I think I want to go see them.” Lily said, later that night, while she and Sy sat at the dinner table.
Sy looked up from his plate of spaghetti and garlic bread, slowly lowering his fork. “All right.” He nodded, straightening his back and giving her his full attention. “When do you wanna go?”
“The sooner, the better, I think.” She mumbled, shifting in her seat, her own dinner mostly untouched.
Sy nodded his head again, quietly regarding Lily from across the table. He could see the worried and fearful anxiety on her face, still mulling over every worst case scenario about seeing her grandparents again, he could almost see every one of them tick by her eyes. Afraid that her grandparents would disown her, the moment they laid eyes on her. Blaming her for what transpired with Jak. Afraid of what their reaction would be, when she showed up at their door, after five years of silence, pregnant with the baby of man they had never heard of or met before, especially since they were incredibly religious.
He reached across the table, just in time to catch the tear that escaped and started to slip down her cheek, then rested his hand over hers. “No matter what happens, Lily. You still have me.” He told her, lovingly.
“You still have us.”
Lily grasped Sy's hand and tried to smile at him and not cry at the same time, which was hard with the way her hormones were starting to really get out of control. “I know.” She choked back.
“Let me finish painting the rest of the house and go to your twelve week baby appointment on Friday, then we'll pack a bag and ourselves into the car and drive out there.” He told her, making a game plan, so her frazzled and tired mind could relax.
“It's only a twenty-ish hour drive.”
“I think, that's a good idea.” Lily nodded, chewing on her lip, taking deep breaths.
Sy smiled and squeezed her hand. “Good.” He chuckled and let her hand go, before picking his fork back up and dug into his spaghetti.
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Sy double checked his large, Army issued duffel bag, making sure he and Lily had enough clothing, he had her zofran, nausea medicine, and prenatal vitamin, along with everything else he, Lily and Aika would need for the almost nineteen hour drive from Celina to Middleburg, Virginia, having already put her pregnancy pillow in the car, before tugging the bag closed, slung it over his shoulder and went downstairs.
“Billie promised to keep an eye on the place and pick up the mail for us.” Lily said, meeting him in the entryway hall.
“Great.” He smiled. “Well, I got all our stuff packed.” He said, jostling the duffel bag.
“I already packed some snacks in the truck too.”
“Then, we're all set!”
“No, I have to pee, one more time.” Lily giggled, and rushed into the half bath.
Sy laughed, shaking his head and took the duffel bag out to the truck, dropping it in the back seat with Aika. “All set?” He asked as Lily came out of the house.
“I am now!” She nodded, crossing the yard to the truck and got into the passenger seat.
“Did you lock up?” He asked, getting in with her.
“You good, Aika?” Sy asked, looking to the German Shepherd, who let out a loud bark. “All right, let's get this road trip underway!” He pulled up Google Maps on his phone and entered the address to Lily's grandparents' place, then set the device on its dock and started the truck.
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Sy and Lily laughed, as they sang along to a song that came on Sy's playlist that they both liked, Enemies by Shinedown. But, Sy turned the song down, when Lily suddenly stopped singing and quickly identified the look she got just before she threw up. Quickly popping open the center console, Sy reached inside of it and pulled out a circular, blue and white object and opened it, holding it out to her. Lily took it from him, without question and threw up in it, once or twice.
“Where did you get this?” She asked, looking at it, realizing it was a hospital-grade nausea bag. “Did you rob a hospital?” She chuckled, looking over at him.
“No.” He laughed back at her. “I bought them off Amazon. I wasn't sure if you got car sick on long rides or not. But, I was sure the baby would make you nauseous, at least, once on the drive. So, I wanted to be prepared and make you as comfortable as possible in the process.”
Lily tied the used bag closed, then opened the center console and found another twenty-plus of the blue emesis bags inside. She smiled up at him, shaking her head in disbelief of his utter and complete thoughtful and preparedness.
“You never cease to amaze me, Austin.” She said, sitting back up. “You see how amazing your Daddy is.” Lily grinned, looking at her belly, and making Sy blush.
“Well, I gotta take care of ya, don't I?” He smirked, resting his hand on her thigh.
“Yeah, I suppose.” She sighed, smirking back at him.
“There's some Listerine strips in the center console, by the way.” Sy added, after a few quiet moments.
“I'm sorry, am I offending you?” Lily giggled, opening the console again and fished around for them, before finding the small blue case.
“No, no.” He grinned, chuckling. “Just figured you'd want to get the taste out of your mouth.” He explained, finally getting them on the interstate highway.
“Did you pack my nausea meds?” Lily asked, feeling another wave wash over her.
“Yeah. It's in our bag.” Sy nodded, brow creasing, as he tried to figure out what stupid shenanigans the car in front of them was up too.
Lily twisted in her seat and pulled the worn green bag between the front seats, tugging it open and riffled through it, until she found the little prescription bottle of tiny, white oval tablets, then turned back around. She removed one of the pills and cracked open one of the two bottles of Voss water in the cup holders and downed the pill.
“Why don't you rest?” Sy suggested, reaching behind her seat for her pregnancy pillow. “It's just going to be annoying highway stuff for a while.” He said, giving her the pillow.
“I don't want you to get lonely.” Lily protested, maneuvering and situating the U-shaped pillow into a comfortable position.
Sy smiled over at her. “I'll be fine, Angel.” He assured her. “If I get lonely, I'll talk to Aika and we'll play the quiet game.” He chuckled, looking at the dog from the rear view mirror. “I'll wake you up around one, and we'll find some little place to have lunch.”
“If you're sure.” Lily yawned, she was usually already in the middle of a nap by now.
“Positive, Sweetness.” He nodded, turning the heat on a bit to make sure she was kept warm.
Lily contorted her body in her seat, drawing up her legs and propping her head and the curve of her pillow against the window, wrapping her arms around it and hugging it against her body, before dozing off to sleep. Sy reached out and rested his hand on her leg, gently massaging it as he kept his eyes on the road, just listening to the hum of the tires on the worn asphalt of Interstate Forty fill the silent cabin of the truck; Aika curled up on the backseat. The quiet boredom of the road allowed the devil to whisper into Sy's ear.
He wasn't sure what to do, if Lily's grandparents, the people that raised her, rejected her, and not only her, but their great grand-baby, his child. He knew he had to be strong for Lily, it would crush her, if they wanted nothing to do with her and the baby, but Sy wasn't so sure he would be able to keep himself under control. He had a feeling he would end up giving the couple a very big piece of his mind, before bringing Lily back home to Celina.
“It'll be fine.” He said aloud, glancing over at Lily. “It'll be all right.” He assured her sleeping form, leaning over just enough to lay his hand on her belly.
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Sy found a turn off into Memphis just before one in the afternoon, parking at a small riverfront park in downtown Memphis, giving Lily a quiet place to wake up and all three of them a place to stretch their legs, and Aika a place to pee.
“Hey.” Sy called, softly, shutting off the car and leaning across the console. “Lily. Wake up, baby.” He cooed at her, brushing his knuckles against her cheek and tucking her hair behind her ear, kissing the corner of her mouth. “Hey, sweet pea.” He grinned, watching her eyes slowly flutter open, blinking at the bright sunlight glittering off the murky river water.
“Where are we?” She asked in a sleepy voice, rubbing her cheek against the microfiber cover of her pillow.
“The home of the King, Memphis Tennessee.” Sy chuckled, teasingly, and kissed her again. “So, love me tender.”
“I'm all shook up.” Lily chuckled, unfolding herself and sitting up in her seat.
“Well, it's now or never, baby doll.” Sy roared, his head going back.
“Oh, don't be cruel.”
“But, I can't help fallin' in love.” He chimed back.
“What now, my love?” Lily asked, smirking at him.
“I knew there was a reason I loved you.” Sy commented, finding more and more of them every day. “But, I thought we'd get some fresh air and stretch our legs, I'm sure Aika has to pee. Then, we'll find some lunch.”
“I like that idea.” Lily nodded, pushing her pillow into the back seat, then climbed out of the truck, taking the used nausea bag with her to throw away, while Sy put Aika on her leash.
Sy took Lily by the hand and strolled down the little sidewalk along the riverside, watching the various types of boats go by them on the water. The weather was nice and warm with pleasant enough humidity, a few clouds floating in the baby blue sky.
“Are you craving anything specific?” Sy asked as they patiently waited for Aika to do her business in the grass beside them.
“Hmm.” Lily hummed, pressing her lips together and considering if there was something specific she wanted for lunch; she hadn't had any definitive cravings yet, other than the three days she really needed to eat Mac and Cheese.
But, something specific did strike Lily.
“A pretzel.” She purred, already licking her lips at the thought of the salty baked good.
Sy chuckled at her, amused at the expression on her face, eyes closed and dreamy. “All right. I'll get you a pretzel then.”
It was like a ding went off in Lily's soul. “I want a lot of Pretzels.” She said, eyes popping open and looked up Sy, almost manic and desperate.
“Okay.” He replied, brows raised and blinking at her. “I'll get you a pretzel for lunch, then some to munch on.”
“Yeah.” Lily nodded, staring down at their feet, eyes wide. “Pretzels are good.”
“That they are.” Sy agreed, snickering, unable to keep back his amusement.
Lily's eyes snapped up at him, watching him laugh at her, his eyes practically teasing and making fun of her. “Shut up.” She snapped, but started to laugh back at him. “I can't help it.”
“I know you can't.” He nodded, trying to stop, but it only made him laugh harder. “That's what makes it even better.”
“I hate you.” Lily giggled, playful punching him in the arm. “Now, I want my pretzel, Captain.”
“Yes, Major!” Sy replied, saluting her, then quickly cleaned up after Aika and took them back to the truck. “I just need to find a place to get you one.” He sighed, taking his phone off its dock and googled where to get a pretzel in Memphis, Tennessee.
“Okay, there's an Auntie Anne's not that far from us that does pretzels.” He said, saving the directions and setting them in that direction.
Leaving Aika in the car, Lily and Sy went into the shopping center the Auntie Anne's was in, navigating the crowd and line to the counter. Lily chewed on her lip for a moment, torn between getting a regular pretzel or the pretzel bites, before finally deciding on the bites with the nacho cheese dip. With her food, they navigated their way around again and Sy got himself something from the Wendy's the center had as well, before going back out to the truck to eat there; Lily stealing a couple of Sy's french fries and sharing a couple of her pretzel bites.
Once their lunch was finished and they tossed their empty containers away, Sy made a quick run into the Mega Wal-Mart across the street from the shopping center to buy a big bag of mini pretzels and a case of Voss water for Lily, knowing she was going to get very thirsting from devouring them.
“Thank you.” Lily said, when Sy gave her the bag as he got in the car, her eyes glued on the bag.
“Just don't turn into one.” He teased her, chuckling. “All right, let's get back on the road.”
“I don't want you driving all night, Austin.” Lily mumbled around a mouthful of pretzel.
“I know and I won't.” He replied, reaching a hand into the bag. “I'll go until sun down, then we'll find a place to sleep for the night.” He said, then crammed the four or five pretzels into his mouth.
“Good.” Lily smiled, passing back a pretzel to Aika, who quickly devoured it and came back for more.
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Reaching Blacksburg, Virginia just after dark, Sy found a drive-thru to order them dinner and a motel for the night, parking out front of the motel's office. Sighing, he rested back in the driver's seat, scrubbing his palms over his tired face and lulled his head to the side to look over at Lily, who had fallen asleep again, twisted around her pillow and her half eaten bag of pretzels clutched to her chest. They were three hours away from her grandparents' orchard, three hours from finding out whether or not they would be in Lily and the baby's life.
“Watch her, girl.” Sy said to Aika, before slipping out of the truck, locking the doors for extra measure, and going inside the office to get a room.
Once he had the room, Sy got back into the truck and parked as close to the room as he could, before going around and opening Lily's door, careful not to let her slip out. Then, gently took the pretzel bag from her and set it aside, unbuckled her seat belt and tried to figure out for a moment how to untangle the mess of limbs and pregnancy pillow, but quickly gave up with an amused chuckle. He just picked up both her and the pillow to carry her into their room and laid her down on the bed, tugging the turned down blankets over her, then went out to get their bag, dinner and Aika.
“Hey, Angel.” Sy smiled, closing the room door with his foot as Lily sat up, rubbing at her face and pushing her hair out of her face. “I got us some food.” He said, holding up the bag.
“You hungry?”
Lily nodded, still sleepy. “Where are we now?” She asked, sitting cross legged on the bed, beside Sy as they ate their food.
“Blacksburg.” He replied, shoving fries in his mouth. “About three hours away from your grandparents' place.”
Lily bit her lip and nodded her head, staring at the half eaten, plain chicken sandwich in her hand, suddenly losing her appetite and set it down. “I'm gonna take a shower, I'm sore.” She mumbled, getting off the bed and headed into the tiny bathroom.
Turning on the light and closing the door, Lily let out a heavy breath and tugged her tank top off over her head, followed by her elephant patterned leggings and underwear, before turning towards the shower, the walls were dingy and discolored, but clean. Spinning the hot and cold taps, then stepping under the shoddy shower-head, she leaned her forehead against the cracked acrylic wall, letting the pleasantly warm water cascade down her back, like a waterfall, with a soft moan. She was starting to have second thoughts about going to see her grandparents. She wondered how upset or disappointed Sy would be, if she told him she wanted to go back home to Celina in the morning, instead of going the three hours to Middleburg to see them.
She wondered how disappointed in herself she would be later on, if she chickened out this close to their destination.
The bathroom door opened and closed, followed by the rustle of clothing, before Sy stepped into the shower behind Lily, resting one hand on her hip and brought the other one around to cup the gentle slope of Lily's belly, pressing his lips to the base of her neck. Gulping down a thicket of emotions in her throat, Lily turned in Sy's arms and pressed herself against his chest, nuzzling her face into his neck. He smiled against her wet hair, gently kneading her hips and lower back, knowing after so many hours in the car and the way she contorted her body to sleep, she must have been in pain.
“Let me take care of you.” He whispered, kissing her forehead.
Sy picked up the little bottle of travel sized, hotel shampoo, broke the seal on it and poured it into his broad palm, then gently massaged it into her hair, stealthily wiping away a line of soap that dripped down her forehead and almost in her eye. Lily closed her eyes, softly moaning at the gentle and pleasurable pressure of Sy's strong and blunt fingers working the scentless shampoo into her scalp, his thumbs moving out to methodically rub her temples, easing the edge off of the tension migraine she had all day. Sy tipped her head back into the spray of the shower, combing his fingers through her wet and soapy strands to rinse out the shampoo. With her hair washed, he found a small wash cloth and bar of soap, and started to wash her body, beginning with her shoulders and applying a little bit of pressure as he did to massage the cramped muscles there.
“God, that feels so good.” Lily sighed, melting under his tender affection, a smile twitching on her face as he rubbed the cloth over the ticklish spots of her sides.
Sy smiled, kissing the bridge of her nose. “Anything for you, Angel.” He cooed back, paying special attention to the beautifully growing bulge of her belly.
“Thank you.” She whispered, relaxed and sleepy, after they got out of the shower, letting Sy dry her off and secure the towel around her body.
“You're welcome, Sweetheart.” He replied, kissing her cheek.
Lily went back into the room and opened their duffel bag, just pulling out the first article of clothing that her hand came in contact with, which was Sy's worn, Jack Daniels, Tennessee Whiskey t-shirt and let the towel slip off her and pulled on his shirt. Sy stood in the bathroom doorway, still naked and dripping from the shower and smiled at her, loving how the black garment hung on her like a dress, her shoulder length hair dripping and making it wet as she brushed it.
He had never seen anyone so beautiful in his life.
Moving over to the full sized bed, Sy situated her pregnancy pillow, then turned towards Lily. “Lay down, Angel.” He cooed at her.
Frowning at him for a moment, but seeing the look in his blue eyes, Lily chuckled and laid down, situating herself with her head and neck propped up on the belly of the pillow and her body comfortably cradled in the middle of it. Sy picked up her discarded towel and used it to dry off some, before turning off the room lights, then crawled into bed with her. Moving between Lily's legs and gently bending up her knees and pushing them apart, Lily's startled gasp filled the dark room as Sy's warm breath wafted over her exposed folds, just before his wide tongue took one long and leisurely lick.
“Jesus H. Christ!” She cried out, gripping the arms of her pillow.
“Just me, Angel.” Sy chuckled, hooking his arms around her legs, so they rested on his shoulders, and pressed his palms down on top of her thighs, to keep her still, before dipping his head back down and pressing an open kiss to her clit, flicking the tip of his tongue against it, melting Lily into a sweet and needy whimper.
Sy licked and suckled at her delicate pussy, slipping his tongue between her folds to tease her entrance and get a deeper taste of her, lewd noises filled the room as neither of them hid the pleasure they were in and having. Lily rocked against his mouth, her hands pressed to the back of Sy's head to hold him in place, eyes rolled and fluttered, her anxiety of not wanting to go to her grandparents' in the morning completely forgotten in the heady peak of her orgasm.
“I love your mouth.” Lily sighed, out of breath, exhausted and pleasantly numb.
Sy roared with laughter, laying down beside her. “Good to know.” He grinned, pulling the blankets over them and draping his arm over her. “Good night, Angel.” He whispered, kissing her cheek.
“Night, Bear.” She mumbled back, starting to drift off.
Sy stayed awake for a little while, his hand slipping up inside the shirt she was wearing to gently caress her belly and stared at the back of her head. “God,” He whispered, careful not to wake or disturb her. “I don't ask much of you. But, for whatever my word is worth, please don't let these people hurt my girl. She needs and wants them in her life, so does our little one.” He said, lifting his hand to gently stroke her damp hair.
“Let this meeting tomorrow go well, for all of us.” He sighed, squeezing his eyes shut and hugging Lily back against him.
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Lily took a deep breath and held it, as Sy turned the truck off the main road and onto the dirt road leading onto the Warren Orchard farm, seeing the tall apple tree shaped sign with Warren Apples carved elegantly in its trunk. It wasn't long before they came to the closed security gate, shutting them off from the rest of the farm. Sy rolled the truck to a stop and looked over to Lily, lifting a brow at her, waiting for her to tell him what they should do next, when a voice came to life next to him.
“Welcome to Warren Apple Orchards, what can I do for you?” A deep Southern drawl asked from a mounted intercom box outside the driver's side window.
Sy rolled down his window and leaned closer to the box, spotting the security camera mounted above the one side of the gate. “Yeah, we're here looking for the owners of the place.” He replied, glancing over at Lily again.
“Mr. and Mrs. Warren aren't taking visitors just now.”
Lily huffed through her nose and leaned over the center console and Sy. “Tell them, Liliana wants to see them, Judd.” She called out, biting and pressing her lips together.
There was a long pause with a bubble of tension, before an electric buzz filled the humid air around them and the metal gate rolled out of their way. Lily sat back in her seat and Sy gave her a concerned look, before driving though.
“You know him?”
“He's worked here as long as I can remember.” Lily replied, staring out her window to the immaculate lawn and row of trees beyond that. “Just keep following the road, you'll find the house at the end of it.” She added, picking at the hem of the shorts she was wearing.
True enough, a few minutes later, a massive colonial, plantation house appeared behind ancient weeping willows. Made mostly of white stone with two stories of wrap around porches and ornate black railings, tall marble columns, from the foundation to the roof; what looked like five chimneys, three turrets and an apple tree weathervane. The driveway looped around the front of the house, leading up the stairs onto the porch was double french, front doors.
Sy was in complete awe of it as he pulled around to the front of the driveway. “This place is amazing.”
“Yeah.” Lily gulped, biting her lip and stared up at the house. “Oh dear god.” She whimpered, shrinking her seat, trying to hide.
“What?” Sy frowned, then noticed a whited haired man step out of the house, wearing a pair of light brown khaki pants and a black pull over sweater with the Warren Orchard's logo on it, an apple with an arrow threw it, the front of the arrow's shaft bent in the shape of a W.
“I'm guess, that's--”
“My grandfather.” Lily nodded, peeking over the edge of the door to look up at him. “Yep.” She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut and pressed her forehead to the window.
“Well, you can't hide forever, Angel.” Sy told her, tilting his head at her. “He knows we're here and this is more than likely us, sitting here.”
“I know.” Lily huffed, chewing her lip. “I know.”
“You can do this, babe.” He encouraged her. “I'm right here, Angel.”
Lily looked over at him, looking at him like a lost puppy, before taking a deep breath and fortifying herself. “You're right.” She nodded, leaning over and kissed him.
Taking another deep breath, Lily opened her door and stepped out of the truck, gulping as she looked up the steps to her grandfather. Her heart felt like a war drum in her chest, she was excited to see him again, he didn't seem any different from the last time he had seen him, at least, not from the distance they were at.
But, she was also afraid of what was about to happen next.
“Paw-Paw.” She called out to him, softly, her voice shaky.
“Liliana.” He replied, lifting a snowy brow at her, his honey-brown eyes scrutinizing her.
“I've missed you.” Lily blurted out, sniffling, tears burning her eyes. “I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm sorry I just ran away and I didn't tell either of you where I was going or why. That I stayed away for so long without a word.”
“But, I thought about you all the time.”
He stared hard at her, crossing his arms over his chest. “You scared the daylights out of your grandmother and I, Liliana. We tried looking for you everywhere, but you just vanished into thin air, like you never existed.” He told her, his anger slowly showing on his face.
“We thought you were dead.”
Lily bowed her head, ashamed for what she had put her grandparents through. “I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention, Paw-Paw.” She choked, looking back up at him, breathing hard.
“Then, what was your intention, Liliana?” He barked at her, his eyes glowing with rage. “Who are you?” He hissed, as Sy came around the front of the truck to wrap an arm around Lily's waist, to comfort her.
Sy looked up at him for a moment, his eyes hard at the man. “Austin Syverson.” He replied, hugging Lily against his side and rubbing her back.
“Your relation to my granddaughter is what?”
“I'm her boyfriend.” He replied, narrowing his eyes at the other man. “Look, she's come here, because she misses you both, very much, and has regretted the way she left. But, she had to leave, she had a very valid reason in doing so. In reality, she's an adult, more than capable of making her own choices and doesn't have to answer to anyone as to why she's made them.” He told Lily's grandfather.
“That includes you.”
“But, she's gained the strength to come here to try and make amends with you both, for more than one reason. You can either accept that or you can not. What happens now, is up to you.”
“Davy, who is it?”
A voice called from the double doors behind Lily's grandfather, before it opened to a thin, elderly woman with a short, curly pixie cut, who struggled to wheel herself out of the house and onto the porch. Her dim and pale blue eyes almost instantly found Lily at the bottom of the porch stairs, her hands flew to the front of her flower pattern dress, mouth dropping open.
“Liliana!” She exclaimed, reaching out a hand to her husband.
“Mee-maw.” Lily sniffled back, smiling at her grandmother through her tears.
“Thank the Lord, you're all right, my sweet child.” She cried, pressing a hand to her mouth.
“I am.” Lily nodded, wiping at her eyes. “And, I wanna be part of your lives again. I want to make amends for what I did by running away and disappearing. I'm sorry, I hurt you and Paw-Paw.”
Lily's grandmother looked up at her husband, who was still glaring at Lily and Sy, pressed her lips together, then looked back at them. “Come inside.” She said, letting his hand go and turned her wheelchair around and headed back towards the door.
“Davy.” She called over her shoulder.
Sighing, he turned and pulled the door open for her, eyeing Lily and Sy as they mounted the porch stairs, then followed his wife inside the house, before doing the same. She rolled down the hallway and turned into the private study, motioning to the long leather couch and parked herself in front of it.
“Hello.” She said, looking at Sy as he sat down beside Lily on the couch.
“Ma'am.” He replied, politely nodding his head to her.
“Who might you be?”
“Austin Syverson, Ma'am.” Sy answered with a sweet smile. “I'm your granddaughter's boyfriend.”
“Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Syverson.” She replied, regarding him. “I'm Violet Warren, and this is my husband, Davis.” She said, motioning to him as he took a seat in a chair to Lily and Sy's left.
“Sir.” Sy said, nodding his head stiffly to him.
“You're looking well, Liliana.” Violet commented, turning her attention to her granddaughter.
“Thank you.” Lily whispered, licking her lips. “I just go by Lily now.”
Violet nodded her head. “Very well.” She acknowledged. “Where've you been, Lily?”
Lily drew a deep breath through her nose and slowly let it back out. “It's a long story.” She whimpered, gripping Sy's hand for support, chewing the inside of her cheek to bits.
Davis and Violet glanced at each other, before she leaned forward and took a small hand bell off the coffee table between them and rang it. A moment later, a young lady appeared in the doorway of the room and Violet asked her to serve them some tea. The tension was tight and thick in the room while the tea was being made for them, no one saying a word to each other. The servant returned, carrying in a highly polished tea tray and set it down on the coffee table, setting out teacups for the four of them and filled the cups, before leaving the room again.
“What is your story, Lily?”
Carefully drizzling a bit of honey into her tea with a honey dipper and taking a fortifying sip of it, Lily started her story. “You know that I had been seeing Jak.” She said, looking between her grandparents.
“We did.” Violet nodded, taking a sip of her own tea.
“Well, what you didn't know was Jak had been abusive to me.” She continued, staring into the rich and steamy liquid in the expensive china teacup. “He had been the entire time we were together. But, I was too naive and silly to break it off with him for the longest time. But, after a particularly bad incident, I decided I couldn't take it any longer. So, I packed a bag and went to live with Maggie. I didn't tell you-” She paused, brow creased, she had often thought about why she hadn't told them, but had never really pinned down a specific reason to why she hadn't.
But, she shook that thought off.
“I honestly don't know why I hadn't. All I knew was I was terrified of Jak finding me again and dragging me back into the life and situation I had been living in for so long with him. While I was with Maggie, I changed my name from Liliana Jade Warren to Lily Ana Moore, to make it harder for him to find me, which made it hard for the both of you to find me, and finished university.” She continued on. “After I did that, I moved to a very small town in Texas and started my own company for my Graphic Design and Photography.”
“It's how I've been supporting myself.”
“I was so consumed by my paranoia and fear of Jak finding me, that I never left the house I bought in Texas, five years ago, this is the farthest I've been from it, since I've moved there.” She confessed, looking to Sy, who smiled at her, supportive and proud.
“What's changed?” Her grandfather asked, his own teacup still where the servant set it, ignored and cold. “Why are you here now?”
Lily cleared her throat and set her tea aside. “I left and became reclusive, agoraphobic, because I felt unsafe and afraid. That Jak would end up finding me and hurting me. He did end up finding me, but Austin...” She looked to Sy, her eyes filled with appreciative love and pride. “Austin makes me feel safe again. He's protected me, in more than one way, and he's shown me what real love is. I owe him so much.”
Sy grinned brightly at her, gripping her hand, a bit choked up at her words.
“He's helped me get back to this place, a place I've held onto, wanting to be a productive member of society, to be back in your life and be your granddaughter again. I miss you and I love you both. That never changed and it will never change.”
“That never changed for us either, Lily.” Violet replied, resting her teacup back on its saucer. “You will always be our precious granddaughter and we have always loved you; from the moment you were born to this moment right now.”
“I hope you could find it in your heart, to have a little more love.” Lily whispered, biting the inside of her lip, gulping.
“For what?” Violet frowned, brows drawing together and head tilting at her.
Lily looked to Sy, who nodded his head at her. “Sy and I are expecting.” She mumbled, not meeting either of her grandparents' eyes.
“You're with child?” Violet asked, shocked disbelief in her voice.
“I am.” Lily nodded, whimpering.
“I hope you're not here, thinking this little reunion will get you money.” Her grandfather snapped, coldly.
Lily's eyes snapped over to him, a cold knot of shock, hurt and anger in her stomach, she could feel the tension stiffen Sy's body. “We don't need any of the family money.” She hissed, eyes hardening. “My business alone is quite well off, thank you; and I'm more than offended at the accusation.”
“That's putting it politely.” Sy chimed in, staring daggers into the old man.
“Davis.” Violet barked, offended at her husband's insult as well, she had no feeling that Lily and Sy were there looking for money or assistance with their lives or the baby.
“Excuse me, for the last time I recalled a couple sitting on that very same couch to tell us they were expecting a child, it was our sweet Daisy and that good for nothing, Palmer, and we all saw how that ended.” Davis replied, his voice cold and sharp.
“Austin isn't my father.” Lily barked, her voice mirroring her grandfather's.
Lily and her grandfather glared darkly at each other, before Violet grew annoyed with their childish behavior and clapped her bony hands together, catching the room's attention.
“That is quite enough.” She scolded them.
Sy hid his smirk around the rim of his teacup, already liking Lily's grandmother.
“How far along are you?” Violet asked, looking at Lily.
“Almost thirteen weeks.” She replied, unconsciously touching her belly.
“Do you know what you're having?”
“Not yet.” Lily grinned at Sy, giddy at the thought of finding out the gender of the baby, she didn't care if it was a boy or a girl, she was just excited in general. “We won't know for another five weeks.” She added, glancing over at her grandmother.
“Well,” Violet grinned, her eyes lighting up. “I can't wait to meet my great-grandbaby.” She said, sounding overjoyed at the prospect. “Davy?” She looked to her husband, her eyes still filled with excitement, but outlined with warning.
Davis looked at her for a moment, then over at Lily, before looking down at the watch on his right wrist, then stood. “I have to meet Mac in the south orchard.” He said, tonelessly, and left the room.
Lily let out an uneven breath and painful tears punched her in the chest, turning her face into Sy's collarbone as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her against his side, pressing his lips to her hair. Violet's mouth was pressed into a thin, angry, lipstick red line as she continued to stare out the study doorway after Davis, the rapturous event of finding out about their great-grandbaby being overshadowed by his stubborn pigheadedness.
“I think we should go.” Sy said to Lily, gently wiping away her tears.
“Please, do stay.” Violet chimed in, turning her attention back to them. “There's more than enough room right here.” She said, looking back and forth between Lily and Sy. “Please, it's been so long, Lily. You've been gone and so far away. Town is twenty minutes away and with you here now, two minutes is too far away.”
Lily looked up at Sy.
“It's up to you, Angel.” He whispered, brushing his thumb against her flushed cheek.
She looked over at her grandmother. “Of course, I would love that.” She whispered, wiping her nose on the back of her hand.
Violet smiled at her, relieved to have her granddaughter under the same roof again. “I'll have Clara set two extra places at the table.” She grinned, overjoyed. “I'll even have her make your favorites for lunch and dinner.”
Lily smiled at her, touched at her grandmother's sentiment. “Thank you.”
“You remember where your room is?” She replied, lifting a brow at her.
“I do.” Lily nodded her head.
“Then, I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you must be tired with the baby and the long journey from Texas.”
“I am.” She agreed, sighing softly.
“Off you both go then, the bell will ring, when lunch is ready.”
“Thank you, Mee-Maw.” Lily said, nodding her head and stood up, Sy standing with her.
“Ma'am.” Sy nodded his head to Violet, then followed Lily out of the room and down the hall to a flight of stairs. “Well, that didn't go as badly as the two of us thought it would.” He commented, mounting the stairs behind her.
“No, it did not.” Lily replied over her shoulder, going up the three sets of stairs. “I just hope my grandfather comes around.” She added, coming to the second floor and going down to a door at the very end of the hall. “This is...was—my room.” She said, turning the vintage, metal and ceramic door knob that had a hand-painted gold floral design on it, and pushed the door open.
The bedroom was spacious and bright with the mid-morning sun shining in through four windows, between one set of windows sat a squat, five compartment, vintage chest of drawers, across from that was a full sized, poster bed, with the doorway to a bathroom to the left and a walk-in closet to the right. There was a bookcase and table against the wall by the door, mostly filled with church and home school related things.
“It's a nice room.” Sy commented, picking up one of the books on the table, a bible.
“Thanks.” Lily smiled, shyly, seeing that her grandparents had left her room the exact way she'd left it, when she moved out.
“Do you wanna rest for a little while?” He suggested, stepping up behind her and resting his hands on her hips, gently pressing his thumbs into the small of her back and massaging them.
“Yeah.” She moaned, her head dropping back against his chest, turning to kiss the underside of his bearded jaw.
“How about a nice warm bath first, maybe a cup of tea?”
Lily chuckled into his neck, grinning. “So dotting, Captain.” She teased him.
“I love you.” He cooed, kissing her forehead, then moved away from her and went into the bathroom, plugging the drain on the ancient claw-foot tub and turned the X-shaped tap handles.
Lily padded into the bathroom, sitting down on the closed toilet seat and pushed down the stress of her grandfather's behavior towards her, to watch Sy fill the bath for her, a soft smile on her face. She stood up for a moment and reached underneath the sink and removed a small bottle and handed it to him. Sy smiled at her and took it from her, uncapping it and getting the strong snap of eucalyptus and sprinkled the Epsom salt into the delicately warm water, before turning off the tap. He grabbed a towel and folded it, then situated it at one end of the tub, to pillow her head, when she started to soak.
“Now, where is the kitchen?” He asked, looking at her.
“Down the stairs, first door to your right.” Lily replied, getting out of her clothing.
“Cool, I'll be right back.” Sy told her, kissing her temple and stepped out of the room to go downstairs to get her tea.
Lily finished undressing and carefully stepped into the pleasantly warm water, leaning back with a soft and satisfied moan, focusing on the warm water enveloping her body easing away her aches and pains, melting away the anxieties that had accumulated during the drive over from Texas and the visit. While Sy found the kitchen and pushed open the swinging door, finding the cook, Clara, inside, who looked up as she heard him come in and wiped her hands on her apron.
“Can I help you?” She asked, lifting a brow at him.
“Um, just need a cup of tea.” He replied, licking his lips and glancing around the kitchen.
“Oh, of course, right away.”
“I'd hate to put you out.” Sy said, alarmed.
Clara chuckled at him, pulling down a cup from a high cabinet. “It's what the Warren's hired me for.” She assured him. “I'm guessing it's for Lily.” She added, moving about the kitchen as she put the things together to make the tea.
“Yeah.” He nodded, then patiently waited for her to finish and took the cup from her. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” Clara smiled, and returned to what she had been doing.
Sy carefully took the cup back upstairs to Lily, smiling as he stepped into the bathroom and saw her lounging comfortably in the tub. He was glad she could relax and let the stress go, even if it was for a little while. Lily stirred as he sat down beside her, smiling at him and taking the cup of tea from his outstretched hands and let out a pleased moan.
“Feels like a spa day.” She chuckled, handing her teacup back to Sy for him to hold, so she could relax back again.
“You deserve to relax.” Sy replied, softly. “You've got an important job to do.”
“Yeah, I'm growing a Syverson.” Lily chuckled, teasingly.
“Exactly.” He laughed back. “That's no easy feat to bring one of us into the world.”
“Bringing a Syverson into the world is just the start of it, then we have to raise them.”
“Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble.” Sy grinned at her. “Nothing, but trouble.”
“Toil and bubble.” Lily giggled, fully amused and lighthearted.
“Come on, sleepy, out with you.” Sy said, setting her empty teacup on the vanity counter and pulled the towel off the bar and held it open for her.
“Okay.” Lily replied, stifling a yawn with her hand.
Stepping out of the tub and into Sy's arms, she rested her forehead against his chest and let him dry her off. Sy had taken a liking to drying her off after she showered or bathed, since she'd become pregnant, none of which Lily protested to, she was usually very sleepy by the time she got out of them, so having him there to finish up was always nice.
“Oh, fuck.” He barked, after helping back into her clothing. “Your pillow is still in the truck.”
“It won't kill me to have one nap without it.” Lily said, through yet another yawn.
“You were a very cranky mama bear the last time you didn't have that thing to sleep with.” He reminded her. “I'll go down and get it, just sit tight.”
“I'd rather lay tight.” She huffed, starting to get cranky as she shuffled over to her bed and laid down.
Sy rushed back downstairs and nearly collided with Violet. “Oh my god, I am so sorry.” He panted, making sure she was all right. “ Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, where's the fire, Mr. Syverson?”
“Lily's laying down for her nap and I just realized she doesn't have her pregnancy pillow and she always wakes up very cranky, when she doesn't have it to sleep with.” He explained, calming down.
Violet smiled up at Sy, touched and pleased at the plain devotion he had for her granddaughter. “Well, we can't have that, now can we?” She chuckled, rolling back out of his way.
“No, ma'am.” Sy shook his head at her.
“Violet, Mr. Syverson. Just call me Violet.” She informed him as Sy reached the front door.
He paused, hand on the door and smiled at her, remembering when Lily told him to call her by her given name. “Of course, Ms. Violet.” He nodded at her, politely.
Violet smiled back at him and Sy went out to his truck.
“Hey, girl.” Sy said, opening the passenger door of the truck and only to get attacked by Aika's tongue. “I know, I know. I haven't forgotten about ya. I promise.” He chuckled, petting her. “I'll come back down in a couple minutes and take care of you. But first, I have to take care of your mama.” He said, reaching in the back seat for Lily's U-Shaped pillow, pushed Aika back and closed the door again, before rushing back upstairs.
“Okay, pillow.” Sy said, bursting into the room, only to find Lily curled into a ball and sound asleep, making him chuckling. He situated her pillow and gently unrolled Lily from her ball and slipped her between her pillow, before covering her up.
“Sleep sweet, Angel.” He whispered, kissing her cheek softly, then went back downstairs. “Um, do you know where Ms. Violet is?” He asked the servant that had served him and Lily tea when they had first arrived.
“Yes, she's in the private study, right through there.” She replied, pointing the way.
“Thank you.” He nodded, then went down, gently knocking on the door.
“Ms. Violet?”
“Ah, Mr. Syverson, I'm trusting the pillow crisis was averted?” She asked, an amused glitter in her eyes.
Sy chuckled. “It was, thank you.”
“Then, what can I help you with?”
“I, uh, brought Lily and I's dog with us...” He said, sheepishly, though Lily's grandmother seemed like a very sweet woman, Sy got the vibe she was the authority in this household and crossing her wasn't the way to go. “She's in my truck and I didn't want to take her out without asking first, so I didn't step on any toes and cause any issues with you and your husband.”
“What kind of dog is she?”
“She's a German Shepherd.” Sy replied, licking his lips. “I found her in the war-zone on my last deployment.” He half explained to her.
Violet blinked several times at Sy. “You were in the military?”
“Yes, ma'am.” He nodded, with a deep sense of pride. “I was a Captain in the U.S Army, Special Forces, for more than ten years.”
“What's the pup's name?”
“Well, Aika is more than welcome here.” She told him. “As long as she behaves herself.” She added, a soft smile on her face.
“She's a very well behaved dog, you have my word.” Sy replied, smiling back at her.
“Good.” Violet nodded. “Just make sure you keep her out of the orchards or Davis will have a never-ending fit.”
“Will do.”
Excusing himself, Sy went back out to the truck and put Aika on her leash, walking her around the front of the property and away from the orchards, making sure to clean up after her, then brought her inside, taking her upstairs to Lily's room, where she curled up on the bed with Lily, before he decided to do a little exploring himself before lunch.
He wandered into the orchards, seeing the short trunks, but wide crowns, light green and shiny apples weighing down its branches and a couple littered the ground. There easily had to be a hundred trees of the same sort for as far as Sy could see in the area he was in, before he moved on. Sy came to a small dirt lane and crossed it into a totally different portion of the orchard, these trees were still squat and wide, but the apples on their branches were medium sized and mostly two toned, a dull red that faded into a yellow-y green color.
He crossed another dirt road and found another orchard of another kind of apple, this one a light yellow color, when he heard voices and then his name and turned, seeing Lily's grandfather, realizing he had wandered into the south orchard.
“What are you doing out here?” Davis asked, approaching him.
“Just looking around.” Sy replied, keeping his tone guarded. “Lily's told me a lot about the place.”
“And where is she?”
“Back at the house, sleeping.” Sy told him, his shoulders stiff. “She gets tired a lot with the baby.”
“Hm.” Davis huffed and turned on his heels.
“What's your problem?” Sy barked after him, unable to hold his temper any longer. “She just wants her grandfather, the man that raised her, back in her life, in her child's life. Not your money or your business, just your love and affection.”
Davis spun around on his heels to face Sy. “I might have raised her, because my Daisy died, and her father was an unreliable scum, but she's making the same mistake her mother did. I won't be part of that again.”
“I won't be there when it kills her too.” He hissed, then stormed off.
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Lily woke up to Sy's angry pacing at the foot of the bed and cursing under his breath, and sat up, rubbing at her eyes. “What's wrong, Bear?” She asked, frowning at him.
“Your grandfather is a pigheaded, son of a bitch.”
Her mouth fell open for a moment, then her brows drew together and her eyes narrowed. “Did the two of you get into an argument?”
“Sorta.” He huffed back.
“For the love of Jesus, Austin.” Lily barked at him, pressing her hands to her face. “Why?”
“I didn't go lookin' for it, Lily.” He retorted, stopping his pacing. “I was just checking out the orchards and ran into him. One thing came to another, I asked him what his problem was, all you want is his love and affection back, not his damned money or his orchard, and his reply was you're making the same mistake your mother made and you'll end up dying because of it too.”
“Which you will fucking not!” He added, a panicked fright breaking through his burst of anger.
“Of course, I'm not going too, Bear.”
Lily sighed, shaking her head and running her hand through her hair, before getting up out of bed. “I'll be more than all right. We have a great doctor and an amazing hospital back home. Plus, I have you to take care of and look after me, the whole time. I'll be perfectly safe and sound.” She told him, hugging her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his chest.
“Don't listen to him, Sy. He's just a grumpy old man, set in his ways.”
“What's that make me?” He asked, half jokingly.
“My boyfriend and Papa Bear.” She giggled, tilting her head back to look up at him.
“Good to know, Mama Bear.” He teased back, dipping his head to kiss her. “The fuck was that?” He asked as two loud dinging sounds filled the house.
“That is the lunch bell.” Lily replied, pulling away from him. “One ding is breakfast, two is lunch and three is dinner.” She explained to him, finding her shoes and slipping them back on. “Old Virginian hospitality, Syverson. I know you Texans aren't used to it.”
“Oh, you posh and polished Southerners.” He teased back, following her downstairs. “Give me the ringing of a triangle any day and this cowboy will know the way to the dinner table.”
“Remind me to buy one for our house, then.” Lily giggled, showing him into the family dinning room.
“Buy what for your house?” Violet asked, already seated at one end of the table.
“Oh, Sy was making fun of us for being—what did you call it?” She asked, looking at him as he vigorously shook his head at her. “Ah yes, posh and polished Southerners, for having a meal bell.” You grinned at him, impishly. “While, pointing out the Texas Cowboy in him could only find his way home, if he heard the call of a triangle bell.”
“I said, I would be able to find my way to the table. I know my way home, thank you very much.” He spoke up, his cheeks pink underneath the hairs of his beard.
Both Lily and Violet's laughter filled the dining room, but Sy soon joined them. But, the laughter died down as Davis entered the room, taking his place at the other end of the table, practically sucking the air out of the room as he took his seat.
“How is the south orchard doing?” Violet asked, as lunch was being served.
“One of the original York apple trees is starting to fail for some reason.” Davis replied, picking up the salt shaker. “Mac and I were running through a list of things we can do to save it.” He explained, paying closer attention to his food than to the others at the table with him.
“This looks really good.” Sy commented, licking his lips at his plate.
“It's one of Lily's favorites.” Violet smiled at him. “Creamy Shrimp pasta.”
“I used to try and bribe Clara into making it for every meal once for a whole summer.” Lily chuckled, twirling the angel hair pasta around her fork. “Never worked out.”
“Didn't deter you from trying though.” Violet chuckled, smiling fondly at her granddaughter. “I'm more than sure you'll love what Clara is making you for dinner.”
“I have no doubt.” She smiled back.
“Oh, Mr. Syverson, if you'd like a place to park your truck, I'm sure Davis could show you where the garage is.” Violet said, her eyes on her husband.
“Thank you, Ms. Violet.” Sy replied, smiling at her. “And, please, call me Sy or Austin, whichever you might prefer.” He told her, a bit shyly.
“Austin, it is.” Violet answered, giving him a sweet smile. “But, you can do that for him, can't you?” She said, lifting a brow at her husband, with an expression that dared him to object to her request.
Davis stared at his wife, his hard brown eyes holding Violet's stern blues, before his shoulders dropped slightly. “I'll show you after lunch.”
“Thank you.” Sy replied, stiffly.
Lily rested her hand on Sy's thigh, gently squeezing it, trying to keep him calm and relaxed. “How have the orchards been?” Lily asked her grandfather, trying to open any sort of connection with him. “I know picking season is coming up soon in the next few months.” She pointed out, gathering up a forkful of her shrimp pasta.
There was a long silence at the table, each second made Lily's heart clench tighter, fearing her grandfather would just continue to ignore her and pretend she didn't exist. She didn't know how much more of his coldness she could take, before it became too much to bear and she would just want to leave again.
No matter how much it would hurt.
“Other than the York tree showing signs of white rot, the orchards are as productive and fruitful as ever.” He finally spoke.
“What happens if you don't cure the white rot?” Lily frowned, concerned for the tree.
“We lose the tree.” Davis sighed, resting back in his chair and tossing his napkin onto the table beside his plate. “It'll only be the third originally planted tree on the farm we've ever lost. Well, with any luck the rot won't spread and it won't hit us too hard.” He explained, looking at her.
“Just because you lost one, don't mean you'll lose more.” Lily replied, holding his gaze.
Davis dropped his eyes and nodded his head, sighing, then looked up at Sy, noticing his empty plate. “You done?”
“I am.” Sy nodded, wiping his mouth.
“Come on, and I'll show you where the garage is and you can park your truck.” He said, standing up, leaving his half eaten lunch on the table.
“I'll be right back.” Sy whispered to Lily, kissing her cheek and stood, following her grandfather out of the house.
The walk from the house was silent as they stepped off the paved driveway and onto a pea gravel lane that led a little ways away from the house, through a small grove of very ancient looking weeping willows to a large building with several vehicles parked outside of it.
“You can park it here.” Davis said, motioning to the area in front of them.
“Thanks.” Sy nodded to him, then turned back to get his truck.
Bringing his truck around and finding a place to park it, Sy got out and and grabbed their duffel bag out of the back and locked up, heading back up to the house; when Davis stopped in his tracks, noticing the duffel bag slung over his shoulder; the worn military green and the faded, black U.S letters.
“Something the matter?” Sy frowned, turning back to him.
“That's a military bag.” Davis replied.
“Yes, it is.” He nodded, shifting it on his shoulder and tilting his head at the other man.
“It's yours?”
Sy's shoulders slumped and he stared at the old man. “I served more than ten years in the U.S Army as a Captain in the Special Forces.” He explained to him. “I retired almost a year ago.”
“How did you and Lily meet?”
“As I said, I retired almost a year ago and I returned home to Austin, Texas.” Sy replied, sighing. “Even though I could live quite well on my retirement, I don't like not having a job or being idle. So, I went about applying for jobs, mostly jobs I could do with my hands, construction jobs and such. A construction company told me about a contract that they had gotten from a young lady, who needed help fixing her place up in Celina, which is about three hours south of Austin. I called about it and got the job. I'm sure you guessed, it was Lily.” He smirked, chuckling to himself.
“I started fixing the place up for her and we grew close, especially after we helped each other through a few traumatic things.”
“Like, what?”
“I have pretty severe PTSD from my time in deployment and Lily's gotten me through more than one episode.” Sy smirked, blushing slightly and toeing the ground with the tip of his boot. “She's the guiding light to holding them back.” He whispered softly. “As for her, she's been through a lot in the last five years, especially the fear and turmoil caused by Jak.” He said. “There's nothing on this planet, there hasn't been anything on this planet, I wouldn't do to ensure her happiness and safety.”
Sy looked Davis dead in the eyes, a deep seriousness coming over him, even though he had a knot in his stomach. “Listen, your granddaughter isn't a little girl anymore. She's a grown woman, and a beautiful, loving and intelligent one, at that. She's so incredibly caring for the people around her, even when she's been so hurt and her trust in people has been cut deeply. Her work ethic is admirable, she built a company from the reclusion of her own home, that she hadn't left in more than three years, and it is thriving. She's even currently in the process of interviewing people to fill two positions, because she has so many clients, that she's in need of the extra help.”
“You're projecting the fear of your daughter’s mistakes and death on Lily and it isn't fair to her, or to you and your wife.”
“My Daisy Mae's misfortunes aren't the only failures that have me disappointed in the situation.” Davis said, rolling his jaw at Sy.
Sy huffed at him, biting his lip and nodding his head at him. “You think I'd be some, what was it, unreliable scum, like her father?” He asked, lifting a brow at him.
Davis sighed back at him, scrubbing a palm over his wrinkled forehead and lifted a brow at him. “Come with me.” He said, motioning him back towards the house.
Pressing his lips together, Sy followed him back up to the house and into Davis's private study, setting the duffel bag down by the door as Davis closed it behind him. Davis motioned to a leather and mahogany upholstered chair in front of a cold fireplace, then moved over to a small table of bottles and glasses, pouring them both a drink. He handed Sy a glass and took the seat across from him, taking a long sip.
“Smooth stuff.” Sy commented, licking his lips and admiring the rich, amber liquid.
“Maker's Mark, Kentucky bourbon whiskey.” Davis replied, smirking at his glass, appreciatively.
“Anyhow.” He cleared his throat, balancing his glass on the arm of his chair. “Palmer Hughes. He came to work here in the summer of 1985, he was twenty years old and Daisy was eighteen. I knew the boy was trouble the moment I set eyes on him and knew I should have sent him picking.”
“But, for whatever reason, and against my better judgment, I didn't.”
“He took an instant liking to our Daisy, who was ordinarily a good mannered, well behaved and proper girl. But, as soon as he set his eyes on her, he started corrupting her. He would stop coming to work in the fields to sneak himself and her off the property and go into town or wherever it was they would go to. Daisy started to become more defiant and rebellious. One of our church elders even spotted her and Palmer with a group of their lowlife friends in a questionable area of town, getting high, smoking and drinking.”
“It was such an embarrassment.” He sighed, taking a deep gulp of his drink. “When Daisy was twenty-one, she came to her mother and I and told us she was pregnant. Palmer had split the moment he found out about it. But, I tracked his no good ass down and dragged him back. He and Daisy got married just before Lily was born.”
“What happened?” Sy asked, frowning at him, the burn of the alcohol melting through the knot in his stomach as he thought about it. “How did her mother die?”
“She developed a hemorrhage that the doctor's couldn't get under control, so she ended up bleeding to death.” Davis explained, growing pale at the memory of the doctor's telling him and his wife the news of their daughter’s death, their only child. “For his part, Palmer did seem distraught over her death. But, he blamed Lily for it. So, he spent the rest of her life coming in and out of it, before Violet and I finally just adopted her and permanently took care of her.”
“It was Violet and I that ended up naming Lily, as well. Daisy hadn't picked one, that we were aware of, and Palmer wasn't being cooperative with anyone, us or the hospital staff.”
“Where is her father now?”
Davis sighed and carefully regarded Sy for a long moment, before replying. “He died, some years ago.”
Sy blinked at him, shocked. “You never told Lily this.”
“No.” He shook his head, guilty. “Vi and I thought it would be best that we didn't.”
“That's not really for either of you to decide.” Sy frowned at him, annoyed. “Lily deserves the truth.”
“I know she does.” Davis agreed. “I'll tell her, one day. As for you, Austin.” He met Sy's eyes. “I've unjustly projected my prejudices of Palmer onto you. You are, not even an ounce, the man he was. You are a man I wish my own daughter would have met and fallen in love with. But, I am glad my granddaughter met, fallen in love with and is having my great-grandbaby with you.”
“Thank you.” Sy answered, taking his compliment and finished off his drink.
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hi sweetheart !! may i please req an ateez and bts personality ship ?? my description was SUPER long (I GOT CARRIED AWAY </3) so you can cut my request at the personality part when posting my ship! tysm in advance <3
I’m an ‘03 liner that’s 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark near the inside of my bottom lip!), my long legs (they’re 40.5 inches long and look so good in dresses and skirts <33), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with but i love cancers and virgos <33) ! i’m also an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy/quiet when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a goofy (heavy on the goofy im never not laughing) bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up. also, lots of people say i’m mature and carry myself well, but around my friends i’m one of the most goofiest people ever (probably bc my face will literally be 😐 one sec and then 🥰 the next second when someone makes me laugh <3)
tysm in advance!!! Have an amazing day/afternoon/evening!
@anpanseok DARLING! I hope you love your ship <3 I'm actually really proud of this one, you'll have to let me know what you think! <3
In ATEEZ, I ship you with one and only demon San!
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(I thought you'd like that gif ;) )
Okay, when you were describing all of the things that you would want in the relationship, I thought of San due to how clingy and affectionate he is with the other members of ATEEZ. He is a Cancer, which is good because that is one of the star signs that are compatible with yours. I don't believe that the age difference of four years would be that much of an issue, especially since San acts younger than he is most of the time anyway. I feel like most men are intimidated when their female significant other is tall themselves, but he is tall himself and I feel like the fact that you are taller is kind of one of his favorite things about you? One of his other favorite things about you are your curves, he always puts his hand on your thighs during movie night at the boys' dorm or in the back pocket of your jeans when you two are walking into KQ Entertainment together. When you wear dresses when all of you go out to fancy dinners together, he has to hold himself back because he ADORES you when you wear dresses! You said you're am ambivert, I feel like he relates to that in some form of way, like I feel like there are certain situations where he feels a bit more introverted about. Sometimes Hongjoong has to scold him because he texts you so much, but he can't stay mad at you when you pop into the building with their favorite Starbucks drinks and hand-made lunch boxes for them. Just as you always support his creative endeavors, he always returns it for you tenfold and when you are talking about issues you care deeply about, he gives you his full attention and stares at you lovingly. Not just San, but all of the boys, come to you whenever they are dealing with stress and they just want someone to talk to because you are so amazing at giving advice and supporting them. There was a time when a sasaeng approached you, San, Wooyoung and Jongho when you were doing some late night grocery shopping when another ATINY stopped her, causing an argument and nasty words to be exchanged. Let's just say, you shut that sasaeng down REAL quick when you heard some of the things she said. One day you woke up and found a present that San made for you, a mixtape of all of your favorite songs from all your favorite genres of music, along with a little keychain that had tokens of all of the states you had visited. He wholeheartedly loves you and he makes every effort to support all of your dreams. When he has days off from work, the two of you make a blanket fort in your living room and watch old episodes of Forensic Files and Law & Order: SVU, whilst surrounded by fluffy blankets and a couple of his favorite plushies. His life an idol doesn't afford him much down time, unfortunately, but he always makes time for you and you always have the craziest adventures with not only each other, but all of the other boys as well. Squishy San will want all of the cuddles, have you SEEN how affectionate he is with the other members?! Also, him in all black outfits.... YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. One day he was visiting your apartment and he surprised you with matching beaded pearl bracelets and he never takes it off, not even for performances. The boys don't really think nothing of walking into the bathroom to brush their teeth whilst one of the others is showering, that just comes with their busy schedules and their dorm life. Let's just say this: Mingi wasn't able to look you in the eyes for two weeks because he did just that, not realize that you had snuck in and stayed the night, and were currently going to the bathroom whilst San was in the shower. Your camera roll is not only filled with silly pictures of San that you've captured, but of the most magazine worthy, model pictures you have ever been lucky enough to take. He accepts you for all of your flaws, and helps you to try to work on them, however that may be and you do the same for him.
In summary: You both are simps for each other and I AM HERE FOR IT.
In BTS, I ship you with Namjoon!
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Another tall boy for you, I got you! You both are Virgos, but I looked it up worried that two Virgos would clash, and it said that they would be very intuitive with each other and would understand each other! The age gap is quite large, I don't know how okay you are with that? I know everyone has different preferences. He approached you first when he saw you at the mom & pop coffee shop/cafe around the corner from your apartment, and he thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Another man who I don't think would be bothered by your curves (men can be shallow dicks), I think that is his favorite thing (same as San) about you. Not even in a sexual way, I feel like his hands would always end up on your butt without him even noticing. Most of the time, one of the other boys will point it out when all of you are hanging out together, and he will be proud that he has a significant other like you, but he almost might become a shy mess about it I feel like. I feel like he can get jealous, just because you are closest to Jungkook in the group and you often pull pranks on the other members together. There is never a shortage of laughs when all of you are together, pure crackhead energy if I've ever seen it, just non stop jokes and banter between all of you. You were able to get time off from work and were actually able to join them (their managers were surprisingly chill about you tagging along? CONFUSION?) on their tour around Europe and you had so many memories. You actually brought along a Polaroid camera that you found in a little store one day when the two of you were shopping, and you ended up having to buy an extra suitcase on the trip because you took LITERAL hundreds of pictures of all of your adventures and the tour shenanigans. He has childish tendencies, I feel like he would love to play Roblox with you? I feel like he would take a very mathematical approach to building things, that's just the vibe I get from him. He often stares at you when you're doing your makeup in the morning, he finds it fascinating and he even asked you to do his makeup for some of his shows. His makeup artists weren't angry, luckily, all of their staffs absolutely adore you two together. He is all up for adventures, I feel like he would chicken out at the idea of skydiving, though lol. You keep stealing his sweaters, which he low-key highkey is SO happy about because he loves the way that you look in them. The size difference is only three or four inches (I've seen people say he's 6 feet, but then others say he's 6 foot 2, WHICH IS IT?!), so it's pretty easy to sneak kisses from him whenever you want them when you're together. If he sees you struggling to stay awake whilst studying, he'll softly close your book and drag you over to your bed for a couple hours so you can take a quick nap to regain the energy. I don't really know his temperament that well, he has to be rather even-tempered to deal with those hooligans he calls the rest of BTS, so I feel like you wouldn't have that many fights. You both are always striving to help each other to be the best versions of each other you can be. You joined the boys on vacation at a lake house and one night you were having dinner and he blushed after you said something cheeky to him, causing you to say to him, "You look like a cute tomato when you blush, my cutie pie." in front of the other members. Needless to say, he turned even more red and the boys teased him mercilessly for the rest of the night. Don't know how the cooking would go (this boy is a DISASTER in the kitchen), but you would have fun learning new dishes. He would brag about getting a dish right, and you quickly praise him but also say, " and that's why you a big ass head.", causing him to die laughing. He is the very definition of a hard worker, and I feel like he would love being praised and doing the same for his significant other, so I'm glad that you said that you liked the words of affirmation love language, because GET READY. He's definitely been buffing up (I SCREAM WHENEVER I SEE PICTURES OF HIM NOWADAYS), so
his hugs would always be the best things, so warm and comforting. Don't know how you feel about children? We've all seen that VLive where this idiot literally bought baby shoes because he thought they were cute, so I think he would definitely want children down the road in your relationship if you were both comfortable with it. Best father and husband award goes to him.
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 7)
A/N: This is probably the longest I've written in this series. Again guys, thank you for the support, your comments and likes mean so much! My tag list is always open so feel free to ask. And on a slightly heavy note: the next chapter could be really angsty. Just a heads up right there uwu
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: Angst, slight drinking, slight swearing, (yeah the fluff is still present)
W/C: 5k-ish
Tags: @haendel-me-with-care
Edited// I forgot to link the previous parts
Parts: 6 5 4 3 2 1
(Got the pic from Pinterest hhh-)
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Storing the luggage bag you've purchased for a fair price in the spare room, you come across a small box of sundries tucked in one corner with cobwebs clinging to the sides. Your eyes light up with curiosity spiking within you, you pick it up and dust the webs off, blowing the particles away from the top. You squat on the floor and open the flaps, discovering small yet familiar items that had been lost in time– one of them being a sepia-toned polaroid of you and Ben posing dramatically with hilarious doodles drawn on your faces. You forgot about this, feeling a little guilty that you had hidden it away in a drafty box without remembering doing anything of the sort. You flip the picture over and spot a date and an unfinished sentence written in faded ink on the bottom left part. This was taken on Homecoming night.
'I'm not going-' it says, clearly discontinued next to the date. Silly to think that the picture somehow represents a puzzle piece torn away from its board.
You were bound to graduate the week after and barely a day after, not see each other for several years due to your career paths and post-college choices.
You pull on the hem of your shirt, clearing the picture of dust and any more impurities, finally fitting it into your back pocket to finally treasure it the way it was always meant to be treasured.
The door clicks as you bring it close, your eyes gluing themselves at the hardwood floor seconds to having self-pity billow over you at how quickly your tears surface in the corner of your eyes from the memory of Ben spinning Rosy around - the exact way he did with you -and kissing her like she's a pouch full of life.
You clamp down on your bottom lip, trying your hardest not to stain your cheeks with your pooling tears. "Jeez, you just-" you pace back and forth in frustration, balling your fists as you gesticulate lazily, "you just don't get it, Y/N! Ugh, you're so- fuck, just get over it..." Knowing your harsh soliloquy would be getting you nowhere, you snarl strongly at yourself and roughly wipe your tears away with the back of your hand.
"He loves Rosy. F-freaking deal with it!" The reminder takes a hiss from your quivering lips for it to sink in; you have your own place in his life– a place behind the line you'd drawn in the years prior. The friend zone couldn't be any more hollow and cold than it already is.
And a polaroid pic is the only remnant left of how inseparable you and Ben were in the early days.
At the same time you're feeling your heart tear itself apart, Ben pulls out a picture - similar to what you've found - from the inner pocket of his old varsity jacket in the middle of rummaging through his wardrobe. He leaves his room in his pajamas and tosses himself on the couch next to a sleeping Frankie, softly apologizing to the little beagle for disturbing her cat-like nap. As he cuddles Frankie close, he scrutinizes the picture and it's also from Homecoming, but in it both of you are beaming widely with your arms slung around one another– the doodles ever-so-present on your faces. Behind it, the date and the continuation of the trailed-off sentence written at the back of your share of the memory.
'-anywhere at all.'- it ends in Ben's part of the duality. He grins fondly at the long lost picture, feeling twice as guilty for not keeping it safe and...close to his heart, just as he had promised you that night.
- - - - - - - -
In the convenience of Lucy needing some company to shop with for awards season just as she had returned from her get-away with Rami, she drags you along happily, having to pass through you insisting that you stay at home and study but purposefully ending up under her mercy anyway. You couldn't say no to her, she's basically your sparkly, glam counterpart and you're in need of her life-altering sparkles as of now. Especially since you're going to be tagging along with them, mainly as Joe's date cause you know, you're his 'girlfriend' and all.
You're at the mall, in a stylish boutique full of lines of voguish clothing and shoes that could span miles if not compressed together. For once in the hours you've spent scampering around the mall with Lucy to hoard dresses, skin products and make up, you admit that this is the most aesthetically pleasing space in the entire building.
You traipse along a section with black dresses fashioned into different forms, silently praying that what you have with you will amount to at least one of the varying prices.
Lucy's on the opposite side, ogling at the most colorful section in the boutique for a piece to wear. She peers over at you to make sure you've chosen your 'fighter'. A few swishes of the dresses lined up and you do, holding it up high to evaluate the appropriateness.
It's a sleeveless, halter neck satin that's just a few inches above the knee. Utterly backless but it ends right up the small of your back. The fabric is stretchy enough to move around and breathe in as it simultaneously hugs your shape. You love it but gulp as you prepare yourself for the price. Flipping the tag over, you suddenly wish you could let out the biggest, girlish squeal the human race has ever heard with how surprisingly affordable it is.
"Finally picked out yours?" Lucy pokes her head up playfully and you nod, quite speechless but giddy. She makes a grabby hand at your dress to examine it for herself.
Well she's the fashion guru so why not? You hand her the dress and as she trails her eyes from top to bottom, her mouth falls at the simple yet elegant details. "This is perfect! I highly doubt that it's not going to catch every exposed eye present at the event."
Your flush profusely at her comment. "Thanks but I'll be bringing a coat with me."
That triggered her, but of course you're only teasing. "You better effing not." She warns you and you chuckle, taking the dress from her and evenly brushing the skirt.
"I won't, you can sleep soundly tonight."
You assure her of the possibility. As you exit the boutique with a few bags you're not used to holding, Lucy takes out her phone and gasps, her face contorting with a little disbelief. "Uh oh, this might ruin your mood." She hands you the phone and you gape at her confusingly before taking a quick look.
Ben's posted some updates on his wedding preparations, shockingly tagging you, Joe, Gwil and Lucy in one photo. He's pretty busy alright; unable to text or call you for days but miraculously tagging you out of nowhere.
You come to disregard it until you notice one minute but important detail hidden in plain sight in all of his posts– there isn't a single one with him and Rosy together alone. None of such as well on his new ones.
The only post he's had with a close girl is the one with you, which is at the very bottom of his Instagram feed. You won't admit it but it warms your heart a little. Actually, a whole lot despite wondering why there's none of him and his fiancee. You hand Lucy her phone back and tilt your head to one side, suddenly finding the eagerness to go on shopping. "Let's go."
The following week comes as a radial blur contrasted to the slightly moderate one you just woke up from; your manager phoning you up to take the earliest shift you've had in years at the expense of your allotted time to rest, the heavy workload and rush hours in the upcoming hours followed by the slowest progress of filing your travel documents and visa needed for your departure on the 26th. You've got tons of missed calls from your parents and Joe, who's requested for you to pack up early since you'll be leaving for LA with Lucy on the day of the awards but earlier.
Also noting that you still need to double check the costs for flying to LA and back, ruling out the one exclusive for your flight on the 26th.
For mere days you feel as if you could lose your sanity as your life spirals into madness with everything you're required to do– whether or not you're obliged to do it.
But they are effective distractions for that problem you are still very much preoccupied with. That's a matter noteworthy of later discussion. Amidst all the chaos happening, part of you wishes for Ben to reply to your messages or even talk to you in the slightest. You never bothered to call this week since he's tied up but the least he could do is let you know how he's doing, if he's thinking of you once in a thousand passing seconds.
You give up for a day waiting on him and drown yourself in work.
- - - - - - -
Securing your phone between your tilted head and your shoulder as you indulge in your talk with Joe through the line, you crouch and zip your luggage bag close. Your eyes fixating themselves on two, separate luggage bags for two, separate travels.
"Was that all of it?" Joe's disembodied voice asks. You spring up and take your phone between your fingers. "Pretty much. I better have a kick out of something by the time we touchdown tomorrow– it's my first visit to the US." You inform him, leaping into your bed and landing comfortably.
He chortles softly and ensures you. "I know and you can be sure to expect a good par- ow! Bad kitty!" His smooth transition to a yelp amuses you for split second.
"Are you alright? "
"No. I'm finally feline food to my kid." He refers to his pet cat that has taken a small nibble on his finger, in which Joe returns with a light ruffle to its fur. You can't help but giggle heartily at him.
"Anyway, I'm picking you and Lucy up from LAX tomorrow." He gives you that heads up and you bring your hand up to your forehead. "Where will we be staying?"
"I've booked a hotel earlier so you've got nothing to worry about the moment you land." A faint crunch can be heard from your end and you mind to ask Joe about it. "Are you- are you eating?"
To answer your question, he bites down on his food sloppily and guarantees you of what you heard. You smack your lips together as your eyes narrow in bewilderment.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Sometimes you make it easier for me to hit you with a pillow."
"Is that how you treat your boyfriend?" He taunts at you and cackles, his distorted voice bouncing off of the walls of your room. You sigh, defeated by the fact that this charade is still going on. It's silly and immature yet you and Joe somehow managed to stick to the act.
"Speaking of boyfriend though– would he be furious if I told him that I couldn't be there on his wedding day?" Since you're rested and got nothing else to distract you, you pop the question to Joe.
You hum softly.
"There are two scenarios that we need to consider," on his end, Joe taps his finger on his lips as he thinks of said scenarios, "Best case scenario- he would get discouraged and slightly unmotivated, and obviously sad, but he'd still support you cause that's your dream."
You sit up and twirl the ends of your hair around your finger, swallowing. "And worst case scenario?"
Joe falls silent before exhaling harshly. "You'd crush his soul, heart, everything ranging from physical to spiritual and it would take a toll– and I mean a substantial toll on your friendship."
"Joe, don't make it sound like a prospect! "
"That is, " he adds strongly, "if he finds out that you had meant for him to be oblivious to it." And he's right. But you had a reason. You still do. Even if you do end up telling him and he supports you, you need a great deal of space to move on.
As long as he's committed to Rosy and you're in the sidelines still in love with him, it's just something toxic. You couldn't love anybody they way you do Ben and you feel like you'll never love someone like him ever again. Albeit how clueless he is sometimes and clumsy, you both had survived every storm and wave. So sticking around to witness him give his hand and heart to someone else is torture for you.
"I'm gonna be direct and say-" just as you begin talking, your phone shrills to another caller, cutting you off from Joe.
One look at the screen and your heart begins racing. Speak of the devil. You reserve an explanation for cutting off and answer Ben, clearing your throat. "You're late."
Ben's gruff chuckle welcomes you back. "I know, I'm so sorry. Busiest week I've had and the lady at Starbucks signed my cup like a snail."
"What are you doing tonight that requires coffee?"
"Call me dramatic- or do so, given that I'm an actor- but I just want to stargaze right now." You hear a light rustle coming from his end, like he's seated out on his lawn.
Silently giving him the 'oh really' look, you spread one side of the curtain to let some moon light in. "Ben, you're leaving early tomorrow."
He hums, seemingly enjoying himself. "But that's not an excuse to not enjoy the night." This boy can not get any cornier. You cast your gaze upon the moon, sighing profoundly. "How did the wedding planning go? Good?"
"Hm, yeah. Church wedding, big reception. Whole lot of booze binging planned out. And a killer bachelor party the day after the awards. " He jokes through the line and you tell him off in a playful chide. "Benjamin Jones, you better-"
"I won't. I won't." You sense his gentle smile from your end, checking the time and reluctantly coming to the decision to hit the hay since you'll be leaving early as well. As much as you want to recreate those late night conversations you once had with him, you can't.
"Hey?" You coo somehow.
"I gotta sleep. I have to meet Lucy at the airport at 5."
He gives out a throaty grunt as if he's pulling himself up. "Tragic. I'll see you in LA then, love."
Your lips curl up into the gentlest smile with the moonlight blessing it from the window. "You too. Tell yourself and the rest- especially Brian and Roger- that I'm gonna be rooting for you guys to get up on that stage."
"I will. Thanks for the motivation, Y/N. All the words coming from you just mean so much to me. To all of us." And in his voice, you can hear his utmost sincerity and fondness just highlighting his tone.
"Anytime. Now let me sleep, you bloke. "
"Haha, alright. Love you tons, love."
Shifting your eyes to the sky once more, you reply, allowing the words you're about to say to mean more.
"I love you too, Ben. Good night."
- - - - - - -
You had promised Lucy you'd arrive 10 minutes earlier than her and you really didn't hold on to that promise. As soon as you arrive at the airport nearly bathing in sweat and deaf from the multiple rings Lucy has given you, you both take off to the waiting area with your heavy luggage where you spend an hour and a half waiting for your flight to board. Joe has sent two texts telling you that he's still in the middle of having coffee and it's a questionable action since he's 8 hours behind you and is expected to be asleep by now.
You reply with a simple, "See you there" before heeding to the call of your flight number from the speakers.
All the rushing and you haven't had a bite of breakfast yet. An eleven hour flight doesn't sound so bad, as long as you make sure you don't reel everytime you get up to use the bathroom and acquire jet lag the moment you land from a direct flight without any pit stops. The flight is long as you are awake but by the time you fall asleep in between hours, it shortens the duration. The pilot announcing your arrival wakes you and Lucy from the latest nap you've had on the plane. After gathering your luggage and answering a couple of phone calls on you way down the plane, the arrival area is where you spy Joe behind the red tapes, a scarf around his neck and an eager look plastered on his pale skin, just waiting for you and Lucy to step in. His eyes crinkle as he sees you both treading towards him with a handful of luggage. He greets you both with a tight hug and ushers you to his car, assisting with the transport of your things.
He's booked you in the hotel he's staying in to, of course, avoid some minor inconveniences especially since the awards start at 7 pm and you drastically need Lucy to help you prepare. Upon reaching the hotel, he leads the both of you up the second floor and into the hall for your rooms.
Apparently you and Lucy will be sharing which is the great and Joe will be staying in the room right across yours.
After giving yourselves a brief tour of the room, you settle in and unpack your essentials.
"Y/N, bring out your fighter!" Lucy declares with a giggle, pulling the dress she's chosen from her suitcase. It's a purple, off-the-shoulder, crepe satin and black velvet gown that cascades gracefully against the stable air.
Your eyes widen in awe at how it looks against the light. "No need for a match, Luce. You win," you raise your hands up in surrender, "that's- that's catching more eyes. From Rami of course."
"Oh shut it. You'll look smooth in black." She clicks her tongue and smoothens it at the edge of the bed. You whip out yours and hold it up high, wavering a little at how you'll look like in it tonight. How fortunate you were to find 3-inch, black pumps closeted when you were 'panic packing' the night before. You take it out from your suitcase and set it aside before striding towards the blinds, pulling it up and beholding the breathtaking view of Hollywood before you.
Your first visit to the US and you're already headed to the Oscars. This isn't the real life. This is just fantasy.
- - - - - - - -
"We're having a dinner party afterwards, I don't see any reason for two sandwiches before the ceremony." Staring blankly at how Joe's handling waiting for you and Lucy to emerge from your room, Rami purses his lips quizzically– he's come by to pick up his girl as well. The two men look dashingly handsome in their black tuxes and slick hairstyles– their individual charm strong as they highly anticipate for your appearances.
Joe swallows the chunk in his mouth before speaking. "I'm stressed."
"About what?"
He bites down on his last sandwich, dusting his hands off crumbs as he reasons out. "It's the Oscars. Biggest ceremony of the year."
With a shake of his head, Rami opens his mouth to protest but pauses as the creak of the door behind them butts in their conversation. Lucy - exquisite in her cascading satin gown and look dotted in light to moderate make up - emerges with her purse in hand and eyes heady on Rami.
Joe wishes he could loosen some hinges in Rami's jaw since the latter has got his mouth agape at her girlfriend's evening look. To him, she is his ultimate award and he wouldn't have it in any other way.
"Hey, babe." Lucy smiles delicately and kisses Rami's cheek, to which he responds with a breathless, "Luce, you look..." His starstruck silence finishing his compliment for her. Joe hums, agreeing with crossed arms. "I wish I was as pretty as you, Boynton."
"You boys look handsome, too." Lucy giggles softly and Joe begins to wonder. "Where's Y/N?"
"She'll be out in three...two..." As Lucy deliberately pauses her countdown, you come out of the room, head down as you feel a bit hesitant to continue but you regain your confidence and look up timidly– your appearance putting Joe in the same position Rami was just in with Lucy. The dress really agrees to your form, contouring every curve of your body in a semi-sensual way, guaranteeing that you'll be snagging some looks tonight. Your (H/C) hair frames your face intricately with your light make-up emphasizing the color of your eyes and lips. The light brush of air against the skin of your exposed back makes you clutch your purse tighter, deeming it uncomfortable.
Lucy smiles proudly at her work and that is you. "Well, how does she look Joe?"
Joe lets out a hitched exhale, hazel eyes wide as a sinkhole and a slacked jaw struggling to budge. "Like my girlfriend."
"You wish." You can't help but retort playfully and he brings his finger up to his lips, hushing you. Rami compliments you as well and you thank him as the four of you make your way to the elevator– your arm on Joe's and Lucy's on Rami's.
You've taken a limo for the sake of convenience, since Joe and Rami wanted to propose a pre-toast - with the champagne present in the vehicle - to their successes and hard work in the past year. You have faith they'd bring home an Oscar; considering how spectacular their work was portraying the members of Queen. You're also thrilled that you're about to meet Brian and Roger.
The limo parks just across Dolby Theatre and the four of you climb out, making your way arms-in-arms into the place crowded with paparazzi and attendees. You see yourself as a small fish swimming in a sea full of majestic dolphins. This is the big leagues right here and you're not even one bit of a celebrity– at least you feel like you aren't one. After a couple of shoulder brushes with either familiar and unfamiliar faces and escaping the blinding flashes of the cameras, the four of you reunite with Gwilym who has Roger and Brian present by his side. You are introduced to the two Queen members by Joe and you couldn't be any more happier to meet them in person. A couple of moments of interacting with the rest of the crew and cast, Ben joins the 'party' looking sharp and admittedly drop-dead gorgeous in his white tuxedo blazer and slicked back hair with Rosy by his side.
Before he could even reply to the greetings of his friends, he lays his eyes on you and for a while– his pupils dilate and his expression flits faster than he can command it to. He can't believe what or who he is seeing before him amidst all the glam. Letting go of Rosy's hand for a minute, he steps close to you, indescribably captivated. "Y/N...h-hey."
You keep your composure, musing back. "Hey. You look left out, outfit-wise, and a like a million bucks."
It takes him nearly five seconds to reply with the way hes has his eyes transfixed on you. It's like he's seeing you for the first time. Your evening look setting him back to Homecoming night and something inside him just tweaks. You avoid his mindless gaze and break the silence, trying your hardest not to flush. "Ben, please talk. It's just really-"
"You look...beautiful." He breathes out like he had just gotten up from under water.
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 6 years
Wedding bells
Today we woke up super early so we could make it to the wedding ceremony of my friend I talked about last week. We arrived a bit early and said hi to the groom and as usual, we found the Bride in the Bridal room. But with the difference that this time there was no wait to take pictures or say hi to her because aside from a few of his cousins, his family members would just say hi and from her side, it was just her parents, her best friend and us.
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I've been to plenty other weddings here, but this is the first time I actually know what really goes one and a taste of how it will be when we finally do our Korean wedding. She was so lost at all times not really understanding anything to the point, the photographer started talking to T so he could translate to me and I could translate to her. Not to mention her parents, who are so so nice, I had forgotten how much Colombian people hug, her mom gave me the biggest hug ever, she seemed relieved to see her daughter won't be completely alone. During the ceremony both her and her mom looked worried for the baby. The baby seemed upset to being surrounded by strange people and not being with her mommy, but at least one of his aunts was with her.
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We ate with her best friend, she had a hard time with the food given she is a vegetarian and the food was not a buffet and it was mostly just seafood. After the eating and the Colombian custom of saying our goodbyes 13533 times, we finally headed back home. For some reason, I was bored out of my mind in the drive back home so started taking selfies which we don't do much. (When we entered Seoul, the smog was soo visible we went from blue skies to visible yellow haze)
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When we finally got home, I fell asleep for three hours which is honestly surprising to me since I hate naps, I hate them. But I guess I was just that tired, and our room was nice and cool with a nice breeze and our bed is wonderful. After waking up, T went to the PC room and I stayed home, I tried playing assassins creed (the only game I can half play) but again my body felt like it weighed a ton, mostly centered in my head so I gave up and watched my usual animal documentaries, today about shark attacks, that, only further prove humans are at fault for everything. At 9 T came back bearing gifts, Mom's touch burgers and chicken (best husband ever) we ate while watching "the Greatest showman" we have been talking about it for ages put just until today we came around to watch it. I loved it, I cried like a lil bitch and ... I loved it. And now where watching "한국 처음이지"
Today I noticed that while speaking my brain would get fried and I would start speaking the wrong language to the wrong person. I suddendly started speaking spanish to Tae and I was getting angry because he wasn't responding until he noticed I was talking to him and he was like "you're talking to me??? I don't speak Spanish!!" it took me a full minute to figure out what language to speak. And when my friend's parents we relieved to finally be able to communicate in Spanish to me because it's more natural to them, I realized out of all the 2 1/2 languages I speak, none of them feel natural anymore. Speaking Spanish out loud now feels so foreign, not gonna even mention Korean. And English isn't my first language. On that note, I know that my writing might be a bit funky, so I apologize for that. Anywaaay, hope you guys had a fun Saturday.
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mediocremom01 · 4 years
I originally wanted to wait to write this post as I wanted a successful breast feeding journey. BUT here I am, and I think I've officially had enough. I am all for ‘fed is best’ and whatever you feed your baby I'm proud of you for giving them what they need and to grow and be strong. HOWEVER, I don’t give myself the same standards. Before having a baby I had the mindset of ‘I’m going to try to breast feed but if I can’t its no big deal, I'll feed him formula’ Literally the first night of having my baby, I was 100% invested in breast feeding. I have a LONG and emotional breast feeding journey. Here is how mine and my sons journey went with breast feeding. Prepare... it’s a LONG post
First hour: Not latching, Nurses throw nipple shield at me. I get my son to have WHATEVER colostrum I have, who knows if its enough, but he seemed content for the first two days. He would only use a nipple shield from here on out- will explain more later. Also the nurses were AGGRESSIVE and awful with helping me. When I say aggressive I mean shoving my sons face in my boob with his mouth closed and SQUEEZING my boob.
Day three noon: Didn’t have enough wet diapers and about to be discharged early after a c-section thanks to COVID. Babies at this point have the same number of wet diapers as they are old... so he should have had three. My husband and I questioned his output and we were pushed aside. I also reached out to the nurses because it was taking my son an hour to eat colostrum... Babies at this age have TINY stomachs and it should not take long to fill him up. No lactation consult was given to me at any point even when we asked
Day three midnight: My son was hysterical. Every time I tried to breast feed him (with the nipple shield) he would suck a few times then pass out, which you think “oh he’s “milk drunk”” but not even 5 minutes later he woke up screaming and hungry. This went on until 4am when I finally broke down hysterically crying and my husband took him and fed him formula which he gulped down in seconds then passed out for 4 hours. I was devastated. Devastated that I clearly just starved my son and that I didn’t do what he needed from me most which brings in a lot of guilt.
Day four: we go see a lactation consultant and she said my colostrum isn’t enough for him and to supplement until my milk comes in. He lost 10% birth weight and needed to come back in a few days.
Day six: follow up with lactation consultant. My milk finally comes in and she gives me three days to come back for a weight check and weighted feed. I feel good at this point thinking that now my milk is in I can give my baby what he needs. He starts to eat my milk but is still taking over an hour to eat but at this point he falls asleep and sleeps for a good few hours. I’m feeling like a giant weight has lifted off my shoulders and the guilt fades now that I can feed my baby.
Day nine: go in for a weighted feed but I screwed up and fed him right before the car ride. He was hysterical and hungry i couldn’t starve him just for a “weighted feed”, so I did what I thought was best. We see the consultant and she’s happy with his weight gain.
From here until our two week check up something changes. His naps are no longer for two to three hours they’re more like an hour. He’s feeding close to two hours. I felt like I couldn’t keep him off my boob but when I googled or spoke to any mom friends it was normal and known as cluster feeding. That he was trying to get my milk to increase so he would have enough as he got older. This cluster feeding started to be all day and night.
Two week check up: his doctor says that his weight is a slow gain but once he hits his birth weight it should sky rocket. His diaper output is perfect. I mention the “cluster feeding” she says it’s normal and should subside soon. He’s still using the nipple shield. I mention to her how he looks yellow and she said his bilirubin levels have decreased since birth he’s fine. I feel good but still questioning why he’s at my breast for so long.
3 weeks old: I scheduled a new lactation consultant because I felt the cluster feeding was too often to be all day every day. He also was still eating 2-3 hours at a time before taking a nap and sometimes he wouldn’t even nap he would sleep at my breast, I would try to move him then he would wake up and want to eat again. This consult was over zoom thanks to covid :( she looked at his latch and I brought up all concerns and she blamed the slow eating on the breast sheild and recommended breast compressions and massage while he’s active on the breast. I did what she said and it seemed to help a little but not much, she just kept pressing trying to get him off the nipple shield.
4 weeks old: I call the doctor because his jaundice isn’t getting better and they argued with me for awhile but because he was slow weight gain they said okay. While we were there he only gained a few oz... doctor said that we had to do another weight check in two weeks. While I was there his bilirubin stayed the same, doctor claimed it was breast milk jaundice and it could take weeks to get out of his system. The levels weren’t harmful but noticeable in his skin and eyes.
5 weeks old: I schedule a different lactation consultant but this time someone who could meet me in person. We do a weighted feed and evaluation. 1 hour prior to the visit he was hysterical so I fed him expressed breast milk via bottle and he had 1oz. While she was there He took in 1.5oz. She said that because he took 1oz prior to the appointment and 1.5oz now he was getting enough and I was producing adequately. She saw a tongue and lip tie and told us to have his pediatrician look at it to be released. She said it could be the reasoning as to why he needs the nipple tie and isnt sucking as efficiently.
6 weeks old: his pediatrician says there are no ties and his suck is fine. We discuss his slow weight gain once again. I express my concern about him eating all day and not napping. Like seriously eating all day. The moment I get up to the moment I go to bed he’s just connected to my boob and not sleeping. He cries every time I unlatch him, I’m barely eating and drinking at this point because I don’t have time to go to the bathroom and I don’t have time to eat or have hands to eat.
7 weeks: I get a second opinion with a pediatric dentist. He says both tongue and lip ties are grade three and we discuss the complications of them. I pay OOP to get them released. He said that it would take time but he should start to eat efficiently.
8 weeks: I’m able to feed him 70/30 with nipple shield and without it. Which is an amazing start from someone that had to use it EVERY time. He still is eating all day and not napping. At this point I’m getting REALLY exhausted. Guilt and frustration fill me every time I feed him. “I wish you could just eat better” “I’m sorry I cant have the nipples that make it easier for you” “is my supply even there?” “Come on baby boy, stay active I know you’re hungry”. We go to his 2 month check up and see a new pediatrician. He states that his weight is in the 9th percentile and has only gained 6oz in 3 weeks. At this point he should be gaining more and he recommends I start supplementing with breast. We also find out that he has a severe dairy allergy which has been causing his rash issues, green mucus poops, bad gas and severe reflux. I need to cut diary out of my diet and buy dairy free formula.
9 weeks: I decide to pump and bottle feed with formula. I’m only pumping 1-2 oz at a time total which CLEARLY shows I don’t have a good milk supply. At this point I can’t get dairy out of my breast milk fast enough for him. His reflux and gas are so bad he’s spitting up half an oz per oz. I’m advices to take a break from breast feeding and just formula feed to heal him.
9 weeks and 6 days: I’ve officially thrown in the towel. I’m so exhausted and it’s taking a huge toll on my mental health. I’m no longer a happy mommy. Yesterday we the first night I didn’t nurse him to sleep. It was heart breaking for me. I feel so much failure, sadness, and guilt. Why couldn’t my breasts provide you what you need. I gave breast feeding my everything. I’ve consumed so many different lactation products, power pumping, kept you at the breast every hour and every day since I had you. My breast milk was causing you so much pain internally and you were so hungry that I couldn’t ever satisfy. I feel so selfish that I carried on this journey when we had issues from the start. I feel inadequate and that I didn’t try harder. Maybe if I weren’t a single mom I’d have more energy to push through and make my breast milk dairy free but you don’t like to be put down ever so it makes pumping so hard. I’m sorry little man, I have it my all. At least this formula will fill you up and won’t give you tummy issues
I’m repeatedly saying “I’m a good mom” today because I don’t feel like one. One day this will be a memory and I don’t want it to be a negative one. Trying to find the good when I’m crushed our breast feeding journey has been a complete failure. But you’re with me now taking a nap on me which was never a thing before. So I’m going to soak in these snuggles.
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Well for some reason my post yesterday didn't post. And I'd written so much😭. Kinda feel sad now😅 but i guess i didn't have a good enough connection to post anything.
Anyways, I'll just try to write everything that happened down again🤷
So we left our house in the Netherlands (that's where I live) around 11:30 pm on monday and started our journey to Tunisia.
I've slept through most of the night so pretty much all of Germany i missed. But i could imagine it looked like home a lot and it was night anyways so nothing special to see except for the street lights and the cars in front of you.
Every 2 hours or so we'd make a short stop at a gas station for a bathroom break and then we'd go on driving again.
We drove for about 7 hours and then took a big break from driving and had some breakfast. We stopped in a city close to the border of Switzerland but i dont remember the name exactly. It wasn't anything special anyways, or at least not to me.
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After the breakfast there we took a nap from 8 am until 10:30 am and then we hit the road again.
We drove for a couple of hours until we had another break. We had past the border and were now in Switzerland. We ate some lunch had another bathroom break in ,might i say, probably the fanciest public bathroom ever. Or at least from the ones I've been to.
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But yeah, we took another nap and then went back on the road around 5 pm.
I saw some amazing mountains and some of the most beautiful houses ever (at least in my eyes) i really loved the bright colours the houses were painted with against the green of the trees. It was truly a sight to remember.
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Around 8 pm or so we finally reached our first city in Italy, Como.
Here we went and took another break. (I know it seems like we take a lot of breaks but we have been driving a lot in between 😅)
We stopped at a gas station again to have some dinner and to rest for the night.
We enjoyed our food while watching the pretty sunset and then called it a day
(add pictures here)
The next day we woke up around 7 am to have our breakfast and to hit the road again.
We went to a local supermarket to get some food for the road since we still had about 2 hours to drive until we reach our last destination in Europe. Genoa, Italy.
I waited in the boiling hot car (I don't even know why i offered to stay behind, it was the stupidest idea I've ever had) i feel deeply sorry for all the animals that get left behind in the car. Please don't do that to your animals.
Even if you think that opening a window is fine.. it really is not fine.. you barely feel the breeze or anything besides the hot sun.
So don't leave anything alive in a car on a hot summers day.
Anyways this was it for now. We are currently driving around Gerenzano, Italy just to waste some time. We have to be in Genoa at 4 pm and it's currently 10:10 (omg i hate when that happens) but yea.. we have a couple of hours to spare. But it's better to have more time than to run out of time🤷
It really looks a lot like Tunisia here. I have been in Florence a couple of years ago with a school exchange but that's a story for another time. (I really hope this actually gets posted, i have written this post 3 times already...and im starting to get a bit ticked off😅)
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mustachiomanlyman · 6 years
A documentation of my first energy drink
I just had a 5 hour engery drink maybe 10 minutes ago and I already feel like my heart is dying.
Did I mention that I have never had an energy drink before!
Did I mention I have A.D.D.
Did I mention it's 1am and I have made a grave sin of even considering this.
I literally am breathing harder then I ever have in years just to keep up with oxygen intake.
Almost 2am, my body is tired but the energy is keeping me moving. If I stop for to long I might explode.
Already ran out of chores I can safely do. Dishes are out since I can barely flip a light switch without missing it twice in half a second.
My heart rate is 111
My vain are popping up.
I'm going running.
Tangled my earphones trying to untie them
Felt like I was about to have a heart attack jogging. Pretty sure I felt a vain near my heart clear up or expand to capacity.
I'm sure my heart rate was at it's highest. I tried counting and lost track around 150 and was roughly 40sec in.
Took me maybe 15 min to get to where I can walk in 40 min at a slow walking pace.
Took a long break because my body can't keep up.
I feel the energy whelling up.
Stupid teenagers.
Back to jogging.
A muscle on my right leg on my waist aches. Must've surprised it with jogging. Gonna crash hard eventually.
3:30 back home, my body is tired. Heart rate back to not exploding.
Gonna take a nap real quick to let my body catch up. Didn't happen.
I'm on the floor playing with the physics of an Altoids container on carpet.
Crawling on all 4s is amusing.
I'm tired as all heck but heart is still quick.
Can't nap because I'm all bouncy.
Might try lucid dreaming.
I'm in possition, body pillows are holding me down from bouncing.
Gradual bleed of energy
I might be able to sleep now...
I'm glad I don't need to do anything today. I just have to hope my kittens don't wake me up with their sernanagins.
The benefits I got from this was actually exercising. Improving my breathing, I've been at a minimum effort for awhile. And doing a few things I put off. Got to chill at spot with a good view.
Downsides, I hate jogging. I might have injured myself trying. I could've died from popping a blood vessel. I did this at 1am. The drink tasted like a bitter medicine, was really hard to swallow, nearly gagged every mouthful. This amplified my A.D.D. I think it went into A.D.H.D. territory. It's almost 7 am I'm still awake, it's getting bright outside. I'm about to crash. My burps smell like it and I don't like that.
How the heck did the font change. I'm too tired to figure it out. Goodnight.
Update: 7:40 adjusted arm. Brain freaked out and I hallucinated a mind spider on the wall when I woke.
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