#i've been planning this one for like 2 years can't even believe i finally did it
benjiedrawings · 2 years
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It’ll always be you, won’t it? Time and time and time again [ID: Digital drawing in a cartoony art stylle of Todd and Dirk. They’re despicted in full body and hold hands while looking at each other. Todd, to the left, holds an air gun up and smiles fondly at Dirk, his eyes are blue and he is white with short brown hair. He wears a striped hoodie in light blue and white, dark blue jeans with ripped knees and black sneakers, and he has black earrings and black nail polish on. Dirk has his eyes closed and smiles at Todd while holding a magnifying glass, he is white with short slightly red brown hair and he has yellow nailpolish on. He wears a yellow leather jacket over a button up with a pink tie with a cookie cat print, brown jeans with a black belt and brown dress shoes. A light yellow square is behind them and there is red string looping around the whole illustration, each end tied to their pinkie fingers.]
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famwhy · 1 year
Bereavement (2)
/bɪˈriːv.mənt/ The state one is in when losing someone important to them
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
42! Miles X F!Reader, 1610! Miles X F!Reader
Synopsis: Miles is missing, and all you can think about is getting him back. Upon finally finding him, however, you're taken aback by the copy that stands beside him—the same copy that was staring at you with wide, shaking eyes full of... disbelief?
Note: I can't—for the life of me—believe how many notes the first part got after just a few days of being out, you guys are actually insane. Thank you all so much. And thank you too, Kingpin, for giving me the idea in the first place lmao. (Do me a huge solid and lemme know if any of my Spanish needs some work, I studied it for 3 years but it's been over a year since it's been put to practice so I'm a little rusty)
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Miles would never drop you, not in a million years—you knew that.
Something had stopped him, forced him to let go as he froze in time; in an assortment of colours he couldn't control—that was how you found yourself where you were now—free-falling to your death for what was perhaps the second time in your life.
It was a lot scarier the first time—you had to admit—when you fell from the glass room right beside the huge collider more than a year ago. At the time, Miles had insisted you stay away from his spider business for your own safety, but you—being you—followed him down anyway.
That was your first mistake.
Your second—however—came in the form of letting Kingpin know you were there after allowing quite the ridiculous sneeze out of your mouth. And once he saw you, it wasn't hard for him to pick you up and throw you through the shattered glass in his rage and dismay of his failed plan.
Miles had his back completely turned to you when it happened, and yet—somehow—he was the first to whip his head around and notice your quickly descending form.
You had come so close to the ground—seconds away from touching it—when that familiar warmth wrapped its way around your waist, carrying you through the wind to prop you onto your own little cloud of safety.
Ever since then, Miles refused to leave your side. He took you out on every mission he went to—pretty much every news station had you pinned down as 'Spiderman's girl' and he never bothered to correct them.
So even as Gwen went off to another dimension, Miles grabbed you before following after. Even as he was invited to the headquarters of this 'spider society', he refused to go without them also granting you permission inside too.
When you asked him why he went to such lengths for you, he simply replied, "I almost lost you once while being in the same dimension as you, if you think I'm going to let it even come close to happening again, you've got another thing coming."
So no, you didn't find the second time you were falling to your death all that scary. Not when you knew Miles would save you—
"I've got you, cariño."
—you just didn't exactly know that it would be the other one that did.
His arms were wound tightly around the underside of your knees and upper back—carrying you so intimately, looking at you with so much love in his eyes, you found yourself growing slightly flustered.
...okay, very flustered.
"Oh, Cariño," as he spoke, he didn't lose the breath in his tone—the gentle air of disbelief he took on since your arrival, "you're here. I can't believe it—you're here. Te extrañé mucho." ("I missed you so much.")
You were speechless, gaping up at him like a clueless fish—what else could you do? You were being held in the arms of a copy of your best friend after he basically just confessed to you because the 'you' in this universe was apparently dead.
Though, luckily for you, there was no need to say a word for he continued speaking with those soft, fond eyes, "I missed your smile and your laugh. I missed how you always used to tug me around whenever something caught your eye... and how you would go on and on about whatever show was your new obsession of the month. You were always so... pretty when you spoke passionately.
"Speak for me, cariño," he continued, "let me hear that pretty voice of yours again."
"I—" you were stuttering—why were you stuttering?—"I, uh..."
Pull yourself together, Y/N.
"Ah, I just realised how much I missed the way you say my name."
"—guh!" How the hell was he spitting such smooth lines? "Miles! Just listen for a minute, okay?!"
"Of course, mamí."
"I— I'm not who you think I am. I mean, I am Y/N but I'm not your Y/N. And you're not my Miles."
As the words came tumbling out your mouth, the boy's—this earth's Miles'—lips tugged down, gaze hardening and grip around you ever-so-slowly growing tighter.
"Don't be silly, mamí, of course I'm your Miles. I always have been and always will be."
Your brows furrowed and your eyes trailed to the view behind him, moving rapidly as you tried to locate your best friend. Though, soon, your view of the sky was cut off by the male with braids once more.
"What are you doing?" A growl. "Stop looking for him, look at me. I'm right here. He dropped you."
"He glitched! This isn't his world so of course he would, it wasn't his fault!"
You were quick to defend him—he was your best friend so of course you were. There was no way you were having anyone accuse him of anything negative, even himself.
"Cariño, you almost died. Again. He can't take care of you." Miles narrowed his eyes, as if just the thought pissed him off; as if he had the right to be pissed off.
"Oh what?" You scoffed. "And you can? I'm my own person, I don't need to be taken care of."
Stubbornly, you found yourself pulling away from him—or well, attempting to at least, he didn't seem to want to let you though, judging by the way his claws slowly began to dig into you a little.
His eyes were narrowed and his lips were tugged down, gaze seeming to pierce through you—as though he was trying to use you as a vessel to glare at the person he was really mad at.
Though, soon, the expression was gone, replaced by sullen eyes and an almost-far-away look—glossed over in a cloudy haze full of what you could only assume to be the grand despair that was grief; grief over a loss so great, it would pain someone to even admit it ever happened.
"Cariño, please. I don't want to argue with you, I just got you back. Please."
The look on his face, the crack in his voice—it was all too much, you almost couldn't stomach it, and soon, your arms loosened up as you lost the will to pull away.
"Miles," you whispered, "I... I'm really sorry—"
"Don't be, you're here with me now, aren't you? We can make up for all that lost time."
"I can't." Your vision blurred as you shook your head from side-to-side. "I'm sorry, I can't."
For a moment, all was silent. No words were exchanged, leaving only the strong wind to howl in your ears; to warn you of your grave mistake and whisper taunts into your ears. Then—
"It's because of him, isn't it?"
You almost couldn't muster words. "Huh?"
"The other me—it's because of him that you won't stay with me, isn't it?"
The look in his eyes was something of a dark nature, swirling with malice; with hate so inextricibly deep, you almost couldn't believe your own eyes—because... because there was just no way, right? There was no way your Miles (or any other Miles for that matter) could exhibit such a lethal level of loathing towards anyone...
"If I get rid of him, it won't be so much of a problem anymore... sí?"
...or was there?
@justmare, @majestichugs, @milktealvrr, @ladyfairenvale, @sakura-onesan, @haunted-pass, @phoenixgurl030, @stupendousnightmaretrash, @ultimate-geek14, @liaaa-1, @sluslutts, @angrypomeranianwifey, @thatbeanieboss, @kkate8008, @lilslmao, @honeydewpie, @elenasstxarr, @sloverr, @quartzangel0, @crystalsinwater, @astrosdelululand, @sflame15-blog, @nightshxdex, @dottoresgarden, @crowshiny, @teamowolverine, @bangtannie7, @k0la22, @kissmxcheek, @myloveforreading, @jared-oranges, @shisuishoe, @veryfancydoilies, @sunshinesetsstuff, @lovefks, @omg-the-nutella-queen, @hazzapotter, @levanneisdumb, @angie2274, @blueberrystigma
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illness pt. 2
A few days later, Y/N's friends decided to take matters into their own hands. They were deeply concerned about her health and knew that waiting any longer wasn't an option. Jessie, Kristie, and Sam hatched a plan to trick Y/N into seeing a doctor, despite her reluctance.
"Hey, Y/N," Jessie said one morning, her tone casual, "how about we go grab some coffee today? There's this new café I've been wanting to check out."
Y/N, still under the impression that her friends had respected her wish to avoid the topic, readily agreed. "Sure, sounds great. I could use a good cup of coffee."
Little did Y/N know that the coffee shop was just a cover for their true intention—a doctor's appointment that Kristie had secretly scheduled. They believed that once Y/N was at the clinic, she would be more likely to follow through.
As they arrived at the medical clinic, Y/N's confusion and frustration grew. She had expected a coffee shop, not a doctor's office. Her anger flared as they entered the building.
"What's going on here, Jessie?" Y/N demanded, her voice sharp with irritation.
Jessie exchanged a glance with Kristie and Sam, their determination unwavering. "Y/N, we're just taking a little detour. Trust us, it's for your own good."
Y/N felt a surge of anger rise within her. "This is not what I agreed to! You had no right to do this."
Despite her protests and frustration, Y/N found herself sitting in the doctor's waiting room, her arms crossed and her mood decidedly foul. Her friends had tricked her, and she couldn't believe they would go to such lengths.
The minutes ticked by slowly, and Y/N's anger simmered beneath the surface as she waited for her appointment. She shot occasional glares at her friends, who remained resolute in their decision. They knew that Y/N needed to get checked out, even if she was furious with them in the process.
“Y/N?” A nurse came out before Y/N stood up to follow her.
“No, you guys can stay out here,” Y/N snapped when she saw them wanting to go in with her.
… … … … … … … … … … 
Y/N continued to seethe with frustration and anger as they left the doctor's office, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. Her friends, Jessie, Kristie, and Sam, walked alongside her, trying to offer words of comfort and support, but her mood remained dark.
"I can't believe you all did this," Y/N muttered, her voice tinged with resentment. "I could have handled it on my own."
Jessie reached out, attempting to hold Y/N's hand, but Y/N pulled away, unwilling to accept their gestures of reassurance. She was furious that her friends had tricked her into the appointment.
The ride back home was tense and filled with awkward silence, with Y/N stewing in her anger. When they finally reached their destination, Y/N stormed inside her apartment, slamming the door shut behind her while Jessie, Kristie, and Sam felt the repercussions of their actions.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have done that.” Jessie sighs feeling a tremendous amount of guilt. “We know how much she values trust and honesty and that stunt we pulled wasn’t the right approach.”
“She wouldn’t have gone.” Kristie tries to reason. “It happened before. She refused to seek medical attention during one camp a few years ago despite everyone trying to convince her she needed it. Coach had to give her an ultimatum and it saved her because it turns out she was playing with a broken rib that was centimeters from puncturing her lung. One wrong hit or twist and it would have had terrible circumstances. She’ll refuse doctors until someone forces her.”
“Still feels wrong.”
… … … … … … … … … …
Y/N phone rang a few hours later and when she saw the caller ID, her heart skipped a beat. It was the doctor. She knows better than the doctor's calling after hours. With trembling hands, she answered the call.
As she listened to the doctor's words, her world seemed to spin out of control. Shock, fear, and disbelief washed over her, and she could hardly process the devastating news.
After hanging up the phone, Y/N was in a daze. She needed to clear her head, to escape the suffocating reality that had suddenly encased her. Without a word, she grabbed her shoes and jacket and headed for the door, determined to go for a walk to gather her thoughts.
As Y/N walked past Jessie, Kristie, and Sam, her friends immediately sensed that something was terribly amiss. The weight of their concern bore down on her, but she remained resolute, refusing to acknowledge their inquiries.
"Y/N, is everything okay?" Jessie asked, her voice laced with genuine worry. She exchanged a concerned glance with Kristie and Sam, who were equally perplexed by Y/N's demeanor.
Y/N's steps slowed briefly, a hint of hesitation in her gait, but she quickly pushed it aside. She couldn't bear to let them in, not when her world had just been shattered by the doctor's call. Without a word, she continued to move toward the door.
Kristie reached out, gently placing a hand on Y/N's arm, trying to get her attention. "Y/N, please, talk to us. Something's clearly bothering you."
Y/N jerked her arm away, her emotions boiling over. She couldn't keep up the façade any longer. Her voice trembled as she finally addressed them, her eyes brimming with tears of frustration and despair.
"You want to know what's wrong?" Y/N snapped, her tone bitter and broken. "The doctor called me with the results. You want the answer so bad?!” Y/N paused, “It's cancer. Are you guys happy now?"
Her revelation hung heavily in the air, a crushing weight that sent shockwaves through their hearts. Jessie, Kristie, and Sam were stunned into silence, their expressions shifting from concern to disbelief. None of them had expected such a devastating diagnosis, and they were left grappling with their own guilt and remorse for how they had handled the situation.
Jessie stepped forward, her heart aching for her girlfriend, and she instinctively moved in to offer a comforting hug. But Y/N's reaction was visceral. She pushed Jessie away with a force that surprised them all.
"Y/N…" Jessie began, her voice trembling with concern.
Tears streamed down her face as she lashed out at her friends, her voice filled with bitterness and betrayal. "No, fuck you all for ruining my trust. I need to be alone."
Her words hung heavy in the air, cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. Y/N's anger and pain were palpable, and she felt like her world had crumbled around her.
"Y/N, you shouldn't be alone after that news," Sam spoke up, her voice gentle but firm. She understood Y/N's need for space, but she also recognized the immense weight of the diagnosis and the importance of being there for their friend in her darkest hour.
“I need space. If you have any respect for me and what I need, you will not follow me. Just let me be by myself.” Y/N opens the door to leave before turning back and requesting one more thing. “Don’t tell anyone about this.”
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teejaystumbles · 7 months
Against all odds (part 3)
Part 1 // Part 2
After his work is done and Dream finds the time to retreat to his chambers, he pulls out Hob Gadling’s notebook and reads Hob's last journal entry in its entirety.
June 8th, 1989
Dearest stranger, my friend! 
I can't believe I am allowed to call you that! Let me tell you that I nearly fainted when I found your message in my notebook this morning. I've read the words you've written a hundred times by now and still I almost can't believe them to be real. I can’t believe I’m touching the pen you must have held, that I missed your presence in my room
As devastated as I was after you didn't come yesterday, as happy am I that you chose to contact me after at all.
I'm quite embarrassed about my drunken ramblings that you must have read. There's no lie in them, but I would try and put the truth into less desperate words if I could. I must seem like a fool, fixating on you like this, after all we've only met six times so far. Still, what I wrote, that you are my one constant in life, is nothing but the truth. Our meetings are fixed points in time that I measure this immortal life of mine by now. I try not to, but meeting with you has often felt like the start and finish of an era of Hob Gadling, despite it being probably more in the middle of several. Every centennial meeting with you was the most important appointment that I would plan and prepare for (as best as I could) for months, sometimes years. So if writing to you like this is the only way I get to speak to you then I will gladly take it, and thank you for it. 
But make no mistake, dear stranger - I would love to see you again and I hope you will be ready and willing to meet me in person again someday. Because
As we are sharing truths and have both admitted that we're lonely, I would like you to know that I have never been content with our schedule. If you're willing I would love to meet you a lot more frequently. A lot of things I'd like to tell you about are long forgotten again when we meet. I guess this book is a good way to share stories with you more often now, if a regular Friday night at the pub isn't your thing. I kept notebooks like this all my life, to be able to peruse them in preparation for our meetings and choose the best stories to tell you, because I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to share them all. We got cut short so often, I wonder how you appeared to know me so well without me telling you overly much. But then, that is what you do, isn’t it?
Like with Lushing Lou, you know everyone. And now you mentioned that you do not forget anyone. Do you truly know everything about me then? Is me telling you stories of my life more of an amusement than a necessity for you? Could you actually know it all with a glance instead of listening to me ramble for hours?
Please forgive me, my friend, I do not mean to sound offended. You wrote that you enjoy our meetings - and apparently my ramblings - and I know you would not lie to me.
You do enjoy stories, then. Is that it? Are you a collector of stories? Of histories? Or is your interest actually in my interpretation of these stories and events, in how a mere human experiences the things that are so easily visible to you? I remember the spark in your eyes when I told you about printing. I was such a dewy-eyed fool then, it almost makes me laugh to remember. Did you already know what Gutenberg’s machine would mean for the advancement of humanity? Did you see me finally shaking off my rough and bloody persona as a step in the right direction? Or were you simply interested, like you said, in my experience, and how I would change over the years?I admit, waiting for you to finally tell me who you are is hard for me. But I’ve waited this long and I will wait longer, and I won’t be offended if it takes you another hundred years to tell me. We have time, after all.
Much has happened in the last hundred years. Mostly war. Humans have reached new heights of cruelty. We have become even more ingenuous at killing ourselves. We have created weapons to wipe out all of humanity. We are one wrong phone call away from destroying all we’ve accomplished with the press of a button. People are overthrowing their regimes left and right and while that is generally a good thing, I am still looking over my shoulder, metaphorically, stashing money and valuables in uncanny places like a pirate of old, in preparation for what might yet turn into a true apocalypse.
It is stressful, and I admit that the new drugs are very tempting. I have not been able to resist trying most of them over the last two decades, either to be able to relax or to be able to feel something other than dread, to see some colours in all this grey.
I participated in both wars and it left me unable to sleep properly for decades. Not that sleep was anything to look forward to. If I tell you that I’ve not had a dream since before the first World War started you will surely think that I’m being silly. That I just don’t remember them. But let me tell you, about a week ago I had the first dream since, I think it must have been 1916 or 17. It wasn’t anything magical or special, (just something very simple, about lying in the grass on a hill, looking at the sky and watching bright blue birds fly overhead) but when I woke up I cried because I felt such a profound relief! Relief that I could dream again! 
I did dream of something strange soon after, though.I dreamed of a skeletal little man, mad and raving, chasing someone that looked like a weird bird man - and here I want to make clear that I do not intend to insult you, dear friend!, but this man that looked like a bird and at the same time was neither, he reminded me of you. I can’t really put my finger on it. Just something in the way he moved, maybe, or the tilt of his head-
Anyway, it was a strange dream, and I felt reminded of you, which is why I am mentioning it, I guess. I’m sorry for rambling about silly dreams. But their return (for I am certain dreams returned, I did not simply start remembering them again) has made me hopeful again.
Maybe times are a-changin’, who knows. They always are, and hopefully for the better this time.
I could tell you a lot more of the last century, of course, but I don’t know if you care to hear war stories. I do not necessarily want to drag all those unpleasant memories up, as it took me years of therapy to get over a lot of them, if you can forgive me for summing things up like I did.
I will think of better and brighter things to tell you and write to you again soon. I would be very happy if I found a reply from you in the meantime, but please use this book at your own leisure and don’t feel pressured to answer me every time I start rambling at you.
I hope to
Yours, Hob
Yours. Dream swallows and reads the word again, traces it with his finger. Yours.
Hob considers himself Dream’s. He knows it’s just an expression used when writing letters, but somehow Dream also knows that Hob means it to be more than just an empty phrase.
Dream does not know if he wants Hob to consider himself Dream’s. Dream would not trust himself with another, not before and certainly not after his ordeal. Where before his imprisonment he had felt too sharp, too lonely, too easily enraged, he now feels brittle, too thin and too vulnerable. He cannot hold another’s heart and keep it safe. He cannot be trusted with the affections of another. He has learned that, over the last billion years. Every relationship he has ever had has ultimately failed. Because of him.
He does not want Hob’s and his relationship to fail. He intends to fix this friendship that he knows he does not deserve but cannot stop himself from clinging to. Few are truly loyal to him, Dream has learned, even fewer because they want to. Hob is singular in that regard, in his enthusiasm and friendliness when it comes to Dream, despite, or rather because he does not know him. And there Dream’s thoughts circle back to his predicament again.
He wants Hob to know him and like him, but Dream is terrified that introducing himself to Hob will leave their barely-mended friendship ready to break completely.
With a heavy sigh he stops moving, realising that he has been walking in circles in his chamber while his thoughts do the same.
Maybe it will be better to simply start writing.
Part 4
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kaypeace21 · 2 months
[The future of this BLOG]: SHOWS I'm planning on analyzing here & on YouTube
Interview with the vampire
House of the dragon
The boys
Umbrella acadamy
Bridgerton probably (still haven't had time to watch part 2 yet)
stranger things: I have mixed feelings about reviewing it given what certain staff has said and done. I oscilate between wanting to review the final season or wanting to boycott it (especially as someone who has been part of the BDS movement for 1/2 her life). But, on one hand, It's not the fault of the underpaid (and talented) writers and staff who don't have these views. And I do believe some of the writing staff may have good intentions and want to give us a positive and powerful message to the audience about healing from childhood tr*uma. However, other members of the writing staff may just want to go down the stereotypical and popular-easy route. We'll just have to wait and see what happens in the last season. If I hear the ending isn't simply another re-hashing of prior seasons and it's more like s1-2 (without the cliches of s3-4). I'd be more inclined to review it by *cough* and watching it elsewhere. Once I was logged back on to tumblr: I did have a whole draft saved about my politics since I was a kid and why I still feel so strongly about such conflicts, today . But, I shouldn't make the topic about me- and I'm not sure anyone wants to hear my life story XD. So, the big point (to my followers) is regardless of whether I chose to watch it or boycot it-
I'm not deleting the old ST content: so do what you want with it (like, reblog, add details to reblogs I didn't notice). Have fun :D !
Analyzing ST certainly helped me improve in terms of media literacy (and it'll be beneficial for the future content I make). So even if it sometimes got messy here, I do appreciate all the positives the ST blog and followers brought to me.The kind words meant a lot. For those who want to unfollow me for my political beliefs , that's totally fine. That's your prerogative. For those who want to unfollow cause again ST was pretty much my whole blog: again I TOTALLY understand and I wish you the best :). I'm not going to judge, take away, or guilt anyone, for their choice of media they like. Enjoy it (I truly mean that).
For those who continue to follow my blog . I appreciate you SO MUCH! I've been gone from this blog for such a long time cause of school (and I appreciate those who stayed and were excited to see me again). The positive words meant a lot over the years. Everyone have a lovely day. Take care of yourselves.
Sincerely, Kay
ps: I'm open to other media suggestions too so you can drop them in my message box (recent films/ shows, mini/limited series, animation, heck i'm open to comedies and foreign media too).But, analyzing them will most likely be after the shows listed above .Right now I'm focusing on my national exam and my mental health. My first video will probably be in late August or early September. My test is August 20th. Hope everyone is doing well .I'm feeling much better mentally. Hope everyone is feeling the same way :)
for my 1st video I’ll just post it to youtube . But for other videos I may make a early access patreon (like a week before the next video comes out free on youtube). Have to google how all that works (or if there's better alternatives) . Totally fine if you can't afford it (you'll get to see it for free on youtube regardless :D) . I'll be honest . I'm primarily thinking of doing it cause I need to pay off those student loans and I'm trying to hopefully move out of state in a few years. Plus, I love analyzing media anyways (so making it a part time job would be a dream come true .
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The Underground (Part 2) | #LeviMonth2024 Hurt/Comfort Two-Shot
✧ word count ➼ ~1.6k ✧ notes ➼ mafia!au, mafia boss!levi x assassin!reader, loosely based off the longfic i've been attempting to write for a year 😭 part 1 here! ✧ comments ➼ levi month entry for august 28! ✧ join my levi month taglist here!
{{ August 25 (Drunk) }} Masterlist
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Your run-in with Levi had deeply disturbed you. For a moment, you even wondered what life would be like next to him, if you had given into your feelings and defected to be with him. It hurt to be so close to him and be unable to have him.
You were near the exit to the venue now that you had accomplished your mission. Levi had snatched the poison from you, so you couldn't go with your original plan. You were forced to go in and do it the old-fashioned way, which unfortunately always ended in chaos as soon as the target dropped dead.
You knew that Levi likely wouldn't let you leave alive now that you had killed his funder.
Feeling your phone buzz, you pulled it out to check for any further orders before you departed. Your heart dropped once you saw the dreadful order that you knew was inevitable—you had to assassinate Levi himself.
You didn't have time to come up with an excuse not to, but you also knew that you couldn't get yourself to follow through with it either.
Letting out an exasperated sigh of defeat as you heard Levi approaching you from behind, you loosened your grip on your phone, letting it drop out of your hands and onto the ground below.
"...just kill me and get it over with," you mumbled. "Now that I've killed your funder, I bet you'd want nothing more than to see my head on a platter."
"Perhaps," he responded cold-heartedly, without giving any real indication as to what was going on through his head.
However, beneath his ice-cold exterior lurked deeper feelings of dread over losing someone he actually cared for, despite your association with his adversaries.
He had given you a chance to leave right after cutting you off simply due to his desire to avoid this confrontation. Decisions would have to be made, with both outcomes being just as complicated. A part of him had hoped that you'd leave and go back to whatever relationship you previously had with him, as naive as that thought was.
However, now that you had succeeded in your mission, he knew that he couldn't afford to remain idle any longer. He had to make a choice.
He knew the fact that he was even struggling with this was foolish and incredibly selfish. Levi could almost hear Kenny in the back of his head berating him for being too weak and soft to be leading a criminal organization.
Levi let out a sigh that was just as exasperated as yours. The thought of going through with his instinct of killing you briefly ran through his mind, but he felt his heart grow increasingly heavy at the thought.
"Your target was found dead roughly 15 minutes ago," he finally spoke. "You have had at least that much time to escape, yet I still found you here."
His tone was pragmatic and calm as usual, but you knew what information he was probing you for. He was wanting to know why you were still here when you had plenty of time to leave.
A part of it was because you were hesitant to leave, but it was also influenced by the order that you had just received.
"...they ordered me to kill you," you admitted without turning to face him. "...and I can't. So I'm dead either way, whether it's by your hand for being the enemy, or by their hand for failing this mission."
Levi walked around to step in front of you, gently placing one hand on your shoulder, with the other tilting your head up so that your gaze met his.
Looking directly into his eyes made it feel impossible to continue concealing your emotions.
"...just please at least believe me when I say that I really did love you," you whispered in an almost pleading tone.
Hearing your admission again sent a pang through Levi's heart, making it difficult for him to keep holding back his own feelings.
"Do you mean that?" he whispered hoarsely, with genuine confusion and turmoil spilling into his usually stoic demeanor.
"Of course I do," you said underneath your breath. "I desperately tried to convince myself otherwise, and to see you as nothing more than the enemy—but I couldn't. And they know it, too."
Levi remained quiet for a few seconds, trying to determine how he felt regarding your words.
"So your death is the only outcome."
The blank look in his eyes was replaced with an irritated one as soon as he saw you nod, with his eyebrows furrowing together into a scowl.
"You serious?" he questioned with a scoff. "I find out you're the Interior Police's deadliest assassin and here you are, willing to throw in the towel the minute things get slightly complicated."
"Well, what other choice do I have?!" you asked, your incredulous tone matching the intensity of his. "If I disobey, then it'll only confirm that I was involved with you! And my only other option is to obey and kill you and I-"
You cut yourself off, feeling your emotions building within you as your voice rose, taking a deep breath to try to calm yourself down.
You averted your gaze at his question, clearly conflicted.
"I don't think I can," you whispered.
Levi's posture visibly changed once he heard your response, his chest rising and falling as he took a deep breath.
"You're lying to yourself, _____."
You slowly looked back up at him as he spoke, confused over what he was implying.
"There is another choice, and I'm willing to take that risk with you," he said firmly. "Can you find it in yourself to trust me, even if it's just for tonight?"
You stepped back, shuffling around anxiously, directing your gaze down to the ground. You knew what he was referring to—he wanted you to defect, or he was at least offering you the option to. Part of you knew that this was where it was always meant to go, but there was also a part of you that was terrified that he was lying to get you to let your guard down.
"This is the Underground, Levi," you mumbled. "You know that trust doesn't come easy."
He kept his grasp firm on your chin to bring your gaze back to him and to pull you back towards him. There was a look of desperation in his eyes. He needed a yes or no answer from you, not wanting to continue this game of dancing around what obviously needed to be addressed.
"_____, please," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need to know. I can protect you, I swear."
"Big bad mafia boss protecting the enemy?" you asked skeptically, although there was a big part of you that hoped that he was telling the truth.
"That really so hard to believe?"
"Yes," you responded bluntly. "It's as you said. The underground is filled with liars and people pretending to be allies. I killed one of your supporters, and received orders to kill you next. How do I know that this isn't just another one of these games that we find ourselves entangled in?"
"...you don't," he admitted. "Nothing I say will reassure you of that. But if you choose to trust me, even if it ends tomorrow, I'll do everything I can to keep you out of their grasp."
The fact that he was refusing to kill you even though you were vulnerable and essentially giving in was already indicative that he wasn't lying about wanting to protect you.
"...and how do you know that you can trust me?" you asked with a subtle tilt of your head. "And that I won't stab you in the back the minute you let your guard down?"
Frustrated at his persistent inability to get through to you, he pulled you in, gently planting his lips on yours as he poured all of his pent-up emotions into that kiss, hoping that it would communicate at least something to you.
You felt your heart slightly flutter, with this being the first kiss that you had shared with him that wasn't born out of lust.
"I don't," he whispered, resting his forehead against yours as he cupped your cheeks. "But I guess I'm choosing to trust you. Do you have it in you to choose to trust me, too?"
Your face was flushed from the kiss as he held you close. You knew you were fucked simply due to how invested you were in him already, and that you didn't have a chance when it came to trying to convince yourself that you didn't want him. Plus, the idea of being with him officially felt like a breath of fresh air.
Being an enemy of the IP was annoying and overwhelming, but you did implicitly believe that Levi would be able to help you navigate your way through this. You were a capable combatant, but even you would've struggled battling the IP with little to no resources.
"...I trust you," you whispered.
His eyes softened as he planted another kiss on your lips, holding you there for a moment.
"No regrets?" he asked underneath his breath.
A small smile formed on your lips at his question, before kissing him back, gripping at the collar of his shirt to keep him close.
#: @shayewrites @littlerequiem @i-lev-you @humanitys-strongest-brat @mostlilo @dustbuniesworld @levisrations @ebechnasheim @moonchild-angel @jayteacups @bipolargatto @samackermaan @deepzombieyouth @levkuna @levisfavoriteteashop @ackermanswifee @ae-chidori @2dsimpomg @anti-cupid
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1016week · 9 months
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1016 Week 2023 - The Round-Up (Part 1)
Hi fellow Piarlies, and happy holidays!! ❤️ Whatever you're celebrating IRL, we'd like to invite one and all to come celebrate Piarles with us here on Tumblr! 💙 Today, on the 26th (AKA, the 10+16th) we are celebrating our beloved squid boys by posting the final round-up of all content created for 1016 Week 2023.
One of our favourite things about fanweeks and fandom events is how they can bring together a whole group of people to create something amazing together. And in this fanweek, we certainly did that - with Piarlies from all corners of the fandom working together, we created more than fifty new pieces of Piarles content! 😍👏❤️💙Once again, we would just like to say the BIGGEST thank-you to everyone who participated and made this possible - you guys made this event succeed beyond our wildest dreams, and we truly can't thank you all enough for it <333
Please enjoy the official masterpost of all the 1016 Week 2023! Don't forget to give our wonderful creators some love in the form of reblogs, replies, kudos, comments and bookmarks ❤️ (P.S. - this post coincides very nicely with the timing of 2023's Just Leave A Comment Fest, so if you're interested in taking part in that wonderful event, and you've been looking for somewhere to start... why not with some of our amazing fics here? 😉💙)
Below the cut is Part 1 of our official round-up: you can find Part 2 here ❤️💙
Day 1 - Monza
Monza + Montreal embroidery by @gaslybottoms [cross-stitch]
you're my guiding lightning strike by @wolfiemcwolferson [fic]
Pierre finds out the soulmate bracelet he's worn since he was 14 has been coded to the wrong person's DNA. He gets the right bracelet. (A Piarles soulmate AU)
all roads lead back to Monza ♥ by @brasiliangp [edit]
I Will Never Ask You For Anything (Except a Dream) by @espithewarlock [fic]
Monza is the one race a year where they are allowed to have each other. They do not talk about it the next day.
we've got our whole lives (no ending this in sight) by @duquesademiel and @chaesonghwas [fic]
On the night of their ninth anniversary, Charles and Pierre travel to Monza together.
sanctuary by @fenesacha [fic]
From the comfort of their shared bed, Pierre watches Charles lean over the railing of the balcony and reach out to the screaming fans below.
monza-themed web weaving by @crimsonicarus [web weaving]
holy ground by @your-littlesecret [fic]
Charles can’t really pinpoint where Monza became their place. It might have started with one or another fan post and they just took it to their hearts. Or: Even with all the changes through the years, Monza will always be their place.
Day 2 - Social Media
we were meant to be as one by @wolfiemcwolferson [fic]
Pierre & the librarian with a secret Tumblr account.
crushing down like waves on the sand by @your-littlesecret [fic]
There’s nothing that could explain the change in feelings, but if Charles thinks about it… if he really thinks about it, there’s nothing really new there.
seven rings by @duquesademiel [fic/edit]
With You Around Me It’s Just So Easy To Be In Love by @espithewarlock [fic]
Their relationship was no secret. They posted about it everywhere on social media. Nobody believed it.
Scuderia Ferrari social media admin AU by @effervescentdragon [fic]
"Mr. Gasly. You have an impressive portfolio, and your CV is one of the best I've seen. What I want to know is, what will you bring to this job? What is the thing that distinguishes you from all the other candidates for this job?"
Piarles + social media AUs by @brasiliangp [edit]
plug me in by @fenesacha [fic]
After a long race, Pierre logs into Twitch and clicks on Charles' stream.
you and me would be (a big conversation) by @chaesonghwas [fic/edit]
When the media pairs up Pierre with Esteban of all people, Charles steps in to help. It doesn't quite go as planned.
social media-themed web weaving by @crimsonicarus [web weaving]
Day 3 - Blasphemy
maybe i don't want heaven by @chaesonghwas, @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson [fic + playlist]
Pierre kneels thrice: once in front of God and twice in front of Charles.
pulvis et umbra sumus by @your-littlesecret [fic + moodboard]
Great disrespect shown to something Holy. The action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about sacred things; profane talk. And what could be a greater disrespect than Pierre and his demonic blood, loving Charles, an angel in essence?
Take Me by the Hand Before I Come Undone by @espithewarlock [fic]
Pierre believed in what he could see, hear, feel, experience with his own senses. He worshiped exclusively at the altar of Charles Leclerc.
piarles + take me to church by @singsweetmelodies [edit]
a well loved bicycle by @fenesacha [fic]
Pierre turns around one last time before he begins to pedal away. There is a boy standing at the fence, slightly shorter than him and Esteban. His fringe, light-brown and soft, is being blown into his eyes, but he doesn’t flinch, even as the freezing rain starts to fall. Pierre never saw or heard him approach.
blasphemy-themed web weaving by @crimsonicarus [web weaving]
blasphemy embroidery by @gaslybottoms [embroidery]
Day 4 - Free Day
crochet calamars by @gaslybottoms [crochet]
I hunger for you only by @wolfiemcwolferson [fic]
Charles has a request.
i wanna be a good boy, i wanna be your sex toy by @your-littlesecret [fic]
“I think we should make a bet.” Pierre hums, looking into his eyes. “Not a bet. A reward. Whoever has the first win this year-” Charles smiles deviously, like he’s just thought of the perfect reward. “Whoever wins first gets a ‘free use’ day of the other.” Pierre frowns, “A- free use day?” “Yes. A day where you can do whatever you want with me. Or me with you. Whatever.”
Coloring Outside the Lines by @espithewarlock [fic]
One male profile did catch his eye, a deceptively simple CharlesL16 username hiding exactly what he was looking for. Half the photos were perfectly innocent. Curled up on the couch in a comfortable sweater, sweaty and flexing at the gym, angled shots of him playing the piano, and more that made him look domestic and cozy. There was always a twist, though, and Pierre was instantly hooked. He found himself creating an account and subscribing almost unconsciously.
(i watched it) begin again by @chaesonghwas [fic]
When Juliette is 6 years old, they decide on taking her to Monza. She loves it.
ringing, it's too early by @duquesademiel [fic]
Pierre can't sleep. Charles can't wake up. They might fight about it, but in the end, they love each other more.
how d'ya like them apples by @fenesacha [fic]
Wearing one of these hands on each of your hands at all times, communicate to your teammate the names of these films. You may not raise your voice. You have five minutes. Your time starts when Jenson blows his whistle.
piarles + longing by @crimsonicarus [web weaving]
Our Love Is Not Illusion Based by @espithewarlock [fic]
Having magic wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Most of the adults would happily admit that having a Witch in the village was a good thing. Charles thought that Pierre's magic was a great thing.
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
STILL IN LOVE 2|2 - Roman Reigns
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Part 1 (×)
"Cheers to my boo Y|N!" Trinity shouted, holding up her champagne glass, giving me and the rest of my bridal party a second to grab ours and hold them high as well. "The only woman I know to leave one groom before even making it down the isle, back into the arms of her one true love, and in a less than a year is ready to do it all again." She added, finishing her toast with a laugh as the rest of us joined in.
I sat down my glass before playfully rolling my eyes. "Except I will be walking off of this island as the new Mrs. Anoaʻi." I said proudly with a huge smile.
Nothing will keep me from marrying Roman, I thought silently to myself, my smile still plastered on my face for everyone in the room to see
I couldn't help it
I was happy
And I wanted all of my friends to see how much of a drastic difference this wedding was prior to my previous one from ten months ago.
"I still don't know how you ended up here again," Jey's wife, Maya, my other bestfriend and obviously bridesmaid said, causing the whole room to echo with mumbles of how they haven't known either. "Tell us."
"Well," I began with a sly shrug. "Clearly, my man proposed, I said yes, planned a wedding, and here we are now less than an hour from me walking down the isle to the man I want to spend the rest of my life with." I finished, trying to contain the giggle that tried to force its way from my mouth, due to the fact I knew that wasn't what they had wanted to hear.
Another one of my bridesmaids groaned, "Tell us what happened the day you told Roman how you felt."
I sighed, surveying the room with a quick glance at everyone.
They all looked eager to know.
"Fine," I playfully groaned, biting down on my lip for a second, before continuing. "Let me see what I remember."
Flashback -
Roman reached out to me, the palm of his hand softly caressing my cheek as if he didn't really believe I was standing here.
In front of him.
"I'm really here, Roman." I whispered, turning my head slightly so I could place a soft kiss on the inside of his palm just before he removed it from my cheek.
Roman nodded slowly, his eyes still stuck on me, as he seemingly refused to blink.
Probably afraid that I'd disappear if he did.
"Roman, can you say something?" I awkwardly giggled, noting his speech was fine a minute ago. "Anything..?"
In all my years of knowing Roman I've never seen him so stunned.
In every chapter of our lives, I've been the stunned one.
When he first asked me out that night we met in some random bar, I honestly thought the group of guys, who I've soon come to realize were his cousins and close friends who he also worked with in WWE, had put him up to it. Probably like some childish high school thing where you put a hot guy whose way out of a girl's league up to asking her out, only to make her look like a fool later on.
Or when he first told me he loved me.
Flying away with him to Bora Bora on a spontaneous trip for our first anniversary.
The first time we did, well you know. I was really stunned then.
Like really, really stunned.
I was even stunned when after almost ten years he decided that he didn't think me and him had a future.
Or did he say we had different futures?
I don't exactly remember after successfully putting that day in a metaphorical box in my mind and locking it away, so it could never be opened again.
The point is, Roman was the one to I guess be in control, making the first step but I guess since now that it's me being the one choosing to come here, to come back for him was a surprise.
"I just..." Roman finally began saying after seemingly regaining his speech. "I can't believe you're really here."
"And I can't belive you can talk again." I replied sarcastically, watching how Roman shook his head in response.
"I'm serious Y|N," Roman spoke up again. "Your wedding."
"Is clearly not happening." I said with a smile forming. "I came back for you." I added, stepping a bit closer to him, the slight breeze from outside forcing Roman's familiar scent into my nose.
Oh, how I've missed that scent.
Again, Roman stood in front of me, shaking his head. "See, this is why I didn't want you to find out about how I felt, why I didn't tell you myself." Roman groaned, scratching at the back of his neck. "You were on your way to the life you wanted, the life you deserved with a man that doesn't have to pack up and leave every week. I mean, that was the reason for most of our fights, right..? You said you couldn't deal with that anymore."
"That's not what I meant, Roman." I said, reaching out and wrapping my arms around his neck, as I stood on my tippy toes to give myself a little more height, trying my best to match his. "I was just getting tired of you coming back from the road, having only two or three days at home and spending sometimes both nights going out with your friends, and a few hours of the third day with me while we were at the airport waiting for you to leave again. They were seeing you more than I was and some of them you worked with. It was pissing me off." I explained. "I just wanted you to do better with our relationship like you did in the beginning."
"But instead of understanding what you wanted," Roman paused, "I mean, what I should've been doing, I instead let you go. Like an idiot"
"Exactly," I mumbled, biting down on my lip. "And me being the idiot I was after our break up, I jumped into a relationship with the first guy I met after you and said yes to a proposal."
"Only to leave him the day of the wedding." Roman laughed, seeming like the Roman I remembered. "For me." He proudly added.
I blushed, rolling my eyes as I tried to play off what he'd said.
This man can be so egotistical sometimes, I swear.
But he was right.
"And if you had showed up, and I had seen you, I would've unapologetically pulled a Mariah Carey in her we belong together video, if it meant I get to end up with you. Because we do belong together." I giggled again, hiding my face in his chest, feeling the vibrations from him laughing harder at what I had said.
"I love you so much, baby." He replied, making me pull myself back, trying to look into his eyes.
I could feel myself beginning to blush, as I leaned up towards him, while simultaneously pulling him down the rest of the way. "I love you too Roman, so much." I replied before kissing him.
"Ahh," Jey's wife squealed as I finished telling them parts of what happened with me and Roman when I showed up at his house. "I want to cry, but I don't want to ruin my makeup." She added, making me laugh.
She can be so dramatic.
"Shut up Maya," I said, going over to her to playfully swat at her arm. "Save it for the actual ceremony." I continued, before another bridesmaid, who happens to be my friend from college, spoke up.
"But if you were leaving from the house before even knocking," She began, "How did Roman even know you were out there?"
"Security camera." Both Trinity and I said at the same time, before glancing over at each other and laughing yet again.
Jey's wife shot both me and Trinity a glare that could kill. "How..?" She questioned, pointing between me and Jimmy's wife. "How does she know that? Did you tell her the story already?"
"No," I quickly answered. "I just mentioned that part when I was on the phone with her one night." I explained, earning a suspicious nod from Maya.
"Mhm..." She mumbled just before there was a knock on the door.
My mom went over to open it, revealing my wedding planner and my dad.
"We're ready to start." The planner quickly said, as she called every bridesmaid out in other they're supposed to walk down the isle, as my dad stayed off to the side.
I sucked in a breath of air, feeling my heart began to flutter as everyone but my dad, Trinity, Maya, and the wedding planner was left.
"Can you give me and the girls a second?" I asked with a smile before closing the door on my dad and wedding planner, after they nodded.
When I turned back to my two bestfriends I couldn't help but notice the huge smiles on their face. "What's with the creepy smiles?" I giggled, trying to hold back my own smile.
"C'mon..." Maya replied, nudging at me. "Either you say it or we do."
I playfully rolled my eyes. "Say what?" I asked giggling some more. "Thank you for sticking with me through these ten crazy months of walking out of one wedding and now ending up back at another..?"
"Say the reason you didn't touch your champagne." Trinity blurted out, before covering her mouth with her hands.
Can't get nothing past these two.
"Okay," I smiled, biting at the inside of my cheek. "Here goes nothing..." I spoke up again, pausing for dramatic effect.
"Oh my god..." Both my bestfriends said in at the same time. "Say it."
"I'm pregnant." I finally said, happy tears beginning to sting at my eyes. "A month and two weeks to be exact."
Trinity and Maya each took turns coming over to give me hugs, and congratulations.
"I called it, when I saw you didn't drink after my toast." Trinity spoke up again, dabbing at the corners of her eyes with a tissue, a smile still on her face.
I placed my hand on my still flat belly. "I literally just found out about a week ago." I said looking down at where my hands were placed, a nervous smile on my face. "Roman doesn't know, yet but I do plan on telling him after the wedding."
"Well let's get your ass married so you can tell him." Maya said, helping me to the door, right as the wedding planner came back letting us know she was ready for us.
While heading out the door, Trinity leaned close to my ear. "No turning back this time, right?" She asked with a playfully smirk.
I shook my head. "Not this time." I said with a smirk of my own.
I'm leaving this very island where me and Roman spent our first anniversary as his wife.
T A G S -
@raeluvshammett @fiskers7136
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I'm coping so hard with the fact I'll probably have to wait ~2 years to see Pantalone bc he literally has no reason to leave Snezhnaya🙂💧
At the very least I hope to see Sandrone in Fontaine please, please, please
I heard theory that Arlie will betray the Tsaritsa (bc Childe said he'd do that and Scara called her "wolf in the sheep's clothing", plus in trailer she's surrounded by harbingers figures, but not a part of them). Maaaybe GI will finally add more morally gray characters in character rooster and Arlie will follow us (and become playable as a result) only bc of her own benefit (kinda like Yae Miko). One thing I want is - please, don't change her appearance, especially her clothes, she's perfect the way she is. Don't add her skirt or shorts with kneesocks, leave her her cool tuxedo😔
Another theory I heard is that her arms are black not bc she's wearing gloves, but it's a damage from using delusion. Which... Gives me a small angsty idea. As we saw in Inazuma archon quest, delusion drains vitality out of their user, as for Crepus - he was in such great pain from using it that Diluc had to kill him. So, imagine Reader being concerned for Arlie bc she's in pain after using her delusion, but she brushes it off, after all she's a high-ranked harbinger, maybe she'll even try to hide her pain from Reader as much as possible to not seem weak in their eyes
-can I be 🥀 anon if it's not taken yet?
LITERALLY SAMEEEEE 🥀 ANON IT'S LITERALLY NOT FAIR AT ALLL 😭 Pantalone really is chilling in Snezhnaya, controlling the economy and money flow ig 😭🚶‍♀️ I also can't think of a reason why he would leave, other than perhaps a Liyue mission, because Yelan does say he has his eye on Liyue. I do have a lot of faith that Sandrone will appear in Fontaine, so I'm very excited for her at least!
Yup yup I've heard that theory too! I think it's super cool, and I can really see it happening. But it also makes me wonder how she'll survive if she betrays the Fatui. The Fatui probably doesn't take traitors lightly so she might have a lot of people after her if she does betray them. Girl's gonna be on the run I guess. And now who's gonna run the orphanage? The Fatui are losing their top members hella quickly, makes me wonder how the fight against Celestia is gonna play out. And i completely agree, she needs to keep her tuxedo!! But if she does betray the Fatui, it'll probably end up getting changed a bit, just to cut off association with them.
I've been wondering for a while why her arms are black even though she's not wearing gloves, and that's actually a really interesting theory. I can see her as a person willing to do anything for her goals... even if that means she gets injured herself (though she's always ready to use someone else to take the fall for her.)
You did not need to be a fighter to know the dangers of using a Delusion. It could grant you unspeakable power, but also have drawbacks better left to the imagination. Sure, the Harbingers were capable of controlling it. But sometimes things don't always go as planned.
She was strong, extremely strong, you believed that more than anyone. But you couldn't help but worry, especially when she nearly burst into your shared room, making you jump from the unexpectedly loud entrance. It seemed that she didn't expect you to be here right now, not at this time. You were usually elsewhere in the mansion. And she was usually not home at this time. And you immediately knew why.
"You're hurt," you quickly stood up. Something almost unnoticeable flickered in her eyes as she rebutted your statement.
"It is nothing. I am fine," she replied calmly, brushing off your words. You furrowed your eyebrows at her dismissal.
"Arlie, please consider taking a break from that... thing. It simply isn't good for-"
"[Name]. You know what my mission is. What I have to fulfill." Her voice came off sterner than she intended it to be and she realized as she noticed your quietness.
"There is no bleeding," she stated, returning to a softer tone. "I truly am fine. You need not worry. I just came to pick something up for business." You didn't want to sigh in front of her. Though her face had no trace of pain, you knew she was lying. She was hiding it from you.
You knew better than to push the subject. So right now, the only thing you could do was let it go, as you walked up to your lover and slowly wrapped your hands around her from behind. Arlecchino was still stiff from the tension in the conversation.
"Just... be careful out there." Arlecchino didn't respond, but she brought her hands up to cup your arms. Nothing else was to be said as the two of you stood there, relishing each other's company.
But your heart still hurt when you saw the medical supplies and pills you left for her were used.
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spider-jaysart · 5 months
What was the last comic you read & your least favorite?
Last comic:
Supersons haha, because I love rereading it
Least favorite:
Ooooh sooooo many!!!😤
(Incoming spoilers about some of them btw, in case you plan on reading some of these)
1. The comic that Bendis wrote, which caused Jon's whole age up and then changed everything for him in his life in main comics after that
2. The Supersons comic that starred the older, current version of the boys, because even though it was supposed to be like "Oh look fans! The boys are back!!", It just wasn't the same since DC already messed things up. And there were also some ooc moments inside the book too in a way where it felt like they swapped a bit of personalities🤨, which was pretty odd and didnt help so much for the enjoyment either
3. Don't know if you know this video game series or not, but it's called Telltales the walking dead games, and after the series ended, a comic series called Clementine was released a while after that and it's all so horrible, because it ruins everything about Clementine (the main character) and the good ending she had in the last game, making all the struggles she went through in her survival journey over the years to keep living and hopefully find peace one day seem like it was all actually for nothing. The writer doesn't understand her at all and mischaracterizes her so much that it's super annoying!! I HATE that book so much!!!😤😤 That is not my Clementine, just Tangerine
4. The Legion of heroes comic where they met Damian, because the way they treated and spoke about him, especially right in front of him and also Jon who they know is his friend, was just so disgusting to see and I was disappointed in the way Jon handled it and how he still joined their team after that AND the fact that he still dated Saturn girl too. His written reaction during that moment just wasn't enough, because I believe he should've been way more mad about it all, lost some respected interest in their group, and have his feelings on Saturn girl really changed up afterwards, which he would've been right for and it fits his character better because he's protective of his loved ones like that
5. Marvel zombies. I've never read it before, so I can't say if anythings wrong with it, since I don't know how most of it's story throughout the series goes to actually say if it has good or bad writing, but I just hate whenever I see it, because it's all just really gross and too messed up for me. Don't get me wrong though, because I love apocalypse stories, they're my faves, it's just that looking at this series and the stuff that happens on page feels a bit too much for me
6. Beast Boy by Kami Garcia.
Idk if this counts enough to be added into the list, cause the book was good, it was fine, it's just an annoying thing that stuck with me that changes my view on the book whenever I reread it now, because Beast boy seemed like he was genuinely really into the popular girl in the story, but then at the end it turned out he was actually just using her to get the feel of being popular and that just didn't sit so well with me when I read that part, because that just only makes it look like that's all he ever really wanted from her now and wasn't actually interested fr, even when he did look like it. Then he just runs off onto an adventure in the end after admitting to his friends that he didn't actually care that much about her anymore, just when he had finally gotten her invested in him and it's like, dude, what the heck??? That's how you handle it????
7. "Beast boy loves Raven" and "Robin" both by Kami Garcia
These are both also fine stories, it's just another thing about one of the romances, which doesn't let me really get through the books so well the way I want to. Damian falls for Raven's sister in "Beast boy loves Raven", a little too quickly tbh, and soon starts dating her, which is continued in "Robin" (because ofc he does, he can never just be a single kid that's not being set up everytime with whatever same age girl they can throw at him or just can't be left not crushing on some mature woman who's way too old for him, which is just icky whenever that happens). It feels weird because he's instantly into her the second they meet without him getting to know her, he's flirting right away back with her when he doesn't actually get like that in canon and mostly keeps his feelings to himself when it comes to crushes since he's reserved, and then he begins dating her after not too long and then they're pretty close and so cutesy playful as a couple, which should be fine, but it's just the way it's done that feels off to me loll, and I'm not so sure how to exactly explain the vibe, like it's too overly sweet in a way that's just not fitting because it was kind of quick and Damian seemed way too expressive with it a lot??? Probably not the right way to say it, idk lmaooo, but a friend of mines also understands and feels the same on the whole topic here. Like, it all just feels ooc on Damian's part the way his character there handles the whole thing. And this is not because I'm a Damijon fan loll, cause even if it was Jon in the love interest role instead of Raven's sister in the two books, I wouldn't want it to be rushed either. I would want Damian to have to get to know him better too before actually developing any romantic feelings and showing any signs of interest in him, and after a good while of getting to do that, then he grows more comfortable around him and they start dating later, cause that would fit his character better and would make the cute, playfulness feel more fitting in the relationship and seem more natural since they've already gotten close enough to be that way. It's one of the reasons why I like Damijon lol, because they're both already so close in their friendship, that dating could work between them so well. Once again though, this is all just my opinion that I'm expressing
8. I am not Starfire
That book is just so dumb lmaooo, only the art is good. Mandy, the daughter of Starfire, is an annoying, spoiled child who only envies and disrespects her Mother, makes everything about herself, gets too mad about everything for no good reason, and she doesn't even share any Tamaranean features with Starfire in looks either, except for the green eyes and very normal looking ginger hair, like seriously??? Dick is obviously the Dad, but he won't step up to get involved at all and pretends this isn't his problem, and I hate that this a trope that keeps happening whenever Dick and Starfire have kids with eachother, one of them gets taken away or either just leaves the other on their own to deal with everything, which sucks, because they should be able to be a happy family all together already where the kids grow up with them both in their lives, not more of this. Anyways, besides those mentioned things, everything else in this book is also very annoying and makes no sense too and it's not worth the read at all because of it
9. The Injustice crossover with Jon
Most of that book was annoying, like for example when Injustice!Clark broke Jay's arm and then Jon threateningly went into Ultra power mode just to....give Clark a hug for it. Like wtf lmaoooo???? He was overly playing pacifist and it was so, so stupidly silly. And I don't even know what's going on in that universe now after he left it, like that's how much of nothing he did in there, except get sassy with everyone and try befriending Injustice!Damian lolll, which made things feel like a literal waste of time in the crossover when it seemed like he would actually try changing things up in there somehow
Okay, so I think that's it for now, cause I can't think of anymore books at the moment lol, so thanks for the ask, crusher! I like that I got to express about some of these! :)
(I apologize if these rants were a bit much btw, I just get like that sometimes because I don't get to do it enough😅, so, sorry about that, unless you're fine with it though and actually like reading that, which is awesome then, cause then I've got a good listener loll)
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Answering to this—I should’ve been specific but I love the work you do with stranger things and maybe you have any old fics you’ve read? i understand you probably don’t read as much anymore but it’s worth a shot haha
Aw thank you.
Here are some of my favs.
Will preface by saying they are Steve centric stories.
Most are completed but I've noted which aren't.
Tried to give a bit of a variety though I did get a wee bit carried away 😅.
The boy who listened by CrystalDragonette.
Short story about how Steve notices little things. And Gareth of all people giving him a chance to say his piece.
And than using said info to completely fuck with Eddie.
Also by them, Steve vists the Byers (and threatens a child).
Pretty self explanatory, a lil one shot about Steve visiting the Byers and encountering Angela.
A Hedge of Brier Rose's by APuckish_Wit
The group make a plan to rescue Max and defeat Vecna for good.
Steve ends up sacrificing himself.... But all hope is not lost.
You might want tissues for this.
with no cross to bear (these words just come out) by hitlikeahammer
Eddie has decided that Steve deserves all the love and recognition he deserves and is going to make sure he gets it.
Aka Eddie loves steve and wants everyone to know how awesome steve is.
You made us feel like we could fly by Caroline_is_not_here
The one in which multiple head traumas lead Steve to go deaf.
A fic about him managing that, learning ASL and falling for the Deaf schools music teacher.
Just Close Your Eyes ( the sun is going down) by httphimbo
Not completed.
Stranger things X hunger games AU
Where Steve volunteers for Dustin and isn't sure if the mysterious Eddie, the tribute from District 3 can be trusted or not.
The Fruity Four Beat 1983 To Death With A Nail Bat by TheKidReadingInTheCorner
Robin, Steve, Eddie and Nancy are all bought back to 1983, the day before Will goes missing.
Armed with this knowledge earlier, they go to kick ass, adopt a lab kid and save as many people as they can.
It is fucking chaos, it's amazing and a sequel is in the works called The Skittle Six Bodyslam 1984 Into Another Dimension (Literally).
off the beaten path by Pukner
Steve (finally after years of repression) comes out as Bi. And figures that hey Eddie is cute, and he has that bandana in his pocket so he must also be queer.
Except Eddie has that bandana for aesthetic purposes, he thinks he's straight.
Cue Steve and Eddie flirting and neither of them realising the others intentions.
Part 1 of the off the script series there's 2 other entries, no boys allowed and here be dragons.
Funniest shit I've ever read even with the oh... Oh no..
Now it's your Turn Baby by datfangirlman
Not completed.
Eddie doesn't believes Steve's changed. No matter how much the party insist he has.
So they make a bet.
For Eddie to be Steve's friend for a month to see if Steve isn't a jerk anymore.
This has unforseen consequences when Steve develops feelings for Eddie and vice versa.
It's like a train wreck you can't stop staring at it.
The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks by Knight_of_Tartarus
Not completed.
Season 2, Steve having to deal with everything and Eddie gets the great idea to help the former King.
Aka Hellfire adopts Steve.
How to rehabilitate a jock in four months by towardthesun
Not completed.
Essentially the above two put together. Except hellfire aren't as... Welcoming.
Steve's at rock bottom and Eddie decides to run an experiment by inviting Steve into hellfire. Striking a deal with them that he can get Steve to change in 4 months.
The group don't like him and think hell never change so they (begrudgingly) agree... Except they start to actually like him.
... And Steve has no knowledge of this deal.
Another delightful train wreck.
And if I may be so bold, my own fics My Emergency Phone call
A fic based on the Noah Kahan song Dial Drunk.
Where Steve gets into trouble and his real family comes through for him
And The new Hopper
Stranger things X The black phone
Not completed
Where Vance Hopper ends up staying at his uncles in Hawkins, and finds that one of his old friends has been their all along.
Finney and Steve are the same person, they reunite and it's just fun.
Both are by me, SparkyIceblaze.
Hope they are enjoyable, lemme know if you need a link if one doesn't show up.
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Keeper Of The Heart (2)
Pairing : Wen Jun Hui x Reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings : None
Always And Forever (1)
When you're always getting rejected by your crushes, your best friend decides to do the best thing he could think of; confessing his true feelings so you know that there's someone in the world who cares about you more than a friend.
"Woah, you look terrible," Soonyoung notes, pointing at your face, before scrunching his eyebrows, "Are those eyebags?"
When you had texted Soonyoung to come over at such an hour, his immediate reply was 'Whose body are we hiding?'. Typical Soonyoung.
"Thanks for letting me know something I didn't already know and yes, these are indeed eyebags," you reply. It wasn't every day that your best friend of 7 years confesses. The stress was killing you both internally and externally, causing your current state to be concerning to Soonyoung.
"Is it really that surprising though, Y/n. Jun literally had heart eyes whenever you were around. I still can't believe that you didn't figure it out sooner," Soonyoung was seated on the couch of your living room. Luckily, your roommate wasn't around, or else she would have been scared to death of why there was a hyper active guy and a depressed roommate of hers having a talk about love at 3.00 in the morning. Not a very appealing and appreciated sight to get when you're only trying to get some water.
"I don't understand either. All these years, I have never seen Jun anything more than a friend but his confession got me thinking. Was I just lying to myself about liking someone else? How heartbroken Jun must have felt everytime I told him that I liked someone? All these thoughts are hogging up my brain and I can't even think properly. What should I do Soonie?" Soonyoung didn't reply, seeming to be drowning in his own thoughts.
"He told me to take my time. How long do I need to make him wait? He's been waiting for so long for me. I'm a terrible person"
"Y/n, leave the past. There's nothing to be done about it. What's important now is how you feel about him?"
Silence. You could hear your own heartbeat, as you blink at Soonyoung, processing his question.
What did you truly feel about Wen Jun Hui?
He was crazy but so were you. He had a cute laugh which you had always admired. He had weird and quirky habits that made him stand out of the crowd. He had pretty eyes that almost always seemed to be sparkling.
He cared about you all the time. Your problems were his problems. That's what he told you everytime you went to him for a solution to your never-ending problems.
Why were you so dumb? He was the perfect guy you needed. The prince charming you had hoped for. Joshua, from high school didn't make you as happy as Jun. Minho, whom you confessed to and got rejected by didn't give you the same comfort Jun did. All the guys whom you've liked were nothing compared Jun. While no one loved you for who you were, Jun did.
Blushing and butterflies were something you thought was common in friendships. Truly not.
"I like him, Soonie. I don't know why I never realized it. I have no idea how Jun managed all these years. That's something, Soonyoung. You don't see guys like that these days, do you?"
"Finally, my ship is about to sail. I almost thought that I was going to drown," Soonyoung says and you playfully hit his shoulder, causing him to let out one of his very 'Soonyoung' giggles.
"So, how are you going to tell him? Any plans?"
"I'm going to text him tomorrow. Ask him to meet up. I don't want to waste anymore time. He deserves an answer. He waited for 6 years. Can you believe it? 6 YEARS! I would have given up halfway through the first year," you say.
Soonyoung smiles and pretends to wipe tears from his eyes.
"I've told you before. You guys are soulmates," those words from him make you blush.
Soonyoung continues, "You're love trope is kind of cliché, though. I mean one person pining for so many years and another one never realizing it, what is this? A k-drama?"
A sudden thought rushes through your mind and your face darkens.
"What if he thinks I'm using him?"
Soonyoung gives you an exaggerated look.
"You see, Y/n. You guys are best friends. Best friends don't think of each other like that"
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ- ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
'I'm nervous,' you text Soonyoung, as you wait for Jun at the newly opened cafe in your town. The smell of freshly baked cakes and bread wasn't really helping your churning stomach. Even your usual caramel latté wasn't digesting.
'I'll disown you if you run away from there, Y/n. I swear,' not the most endearing reply, but it made you stay at your seat.
The bells of the cafe jingle, making you look up from your phone.
Was Jun always that handsome?
His eyes were sparkly as usual and he had his movie-worthy smile on, which made butterflies explode in your stomach. A warm shade of red sets itself on your cheeks.
His eyes spot you and with pink dusting his cheeks, he takes a seat in front of you.
"Hello, Y/n. You wanted to talk?" he seemed normal. There wasn't even a hint if shyness in his tone. Was it because he was used to covering it up? Or because he had moved on? You silently prayed it wasn't because of the latter possiblity.
"Yeah. I don't know how to say this bu-" you get cut off by Jun.
"It's okay, Y/n. If you don't like me, that's totally fine. Let's just be friends like how we used to be," he says and you almost want to giggle at his slightly sad face but that's just cruel.
"No, Jun. It's not that. I had a hard time thinking so I talked to Soonyoung about it. It made me realize- realize how much you really mean to me," you see his eyebrows raise up in curiosity. Cute.
"What I mean is, I really like you. Heck, I might be in love with you. I really want to thank you for not giving up on your feelings for me"
A grin immediately appears on Jun's face and you couldn't help but smile as well.
"So that means-"
"That means I'll be your girlfriend, silly"
Those words just came out so easily from your mouth.
"I'm glad, Y/n. I'm so glad"
"But, you have to be careful," Jun's face scrunches up in confusion.
You take his hand in yours and place it on your chest.
"As you know, this is my heart and it's currently beating very fast because of the presence of a very cute person. But, it's very fragile. It had been broken a few times before. It's your job to keep it safe. You understand?"
Jun's grin reappears but even wider. The warmth on his cheeks become more visible.
"In that case, you have to take care of mine too. It's been painfully single for too long"
"I have a question"
"Will you break up with me if I tell you that you currently look like a Cheshire cat?"
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ- ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
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placegrenette · 1 year
Towards a grand unified theory of what's going on with Ninety One right now.
Like all theories, this one can't be taken seriously until it's been scrutinized and tested. So I'll say the same thing I said about my Gap speculations: if you know I'm wrong or misinformed, please please please please tell me.
In the last couple days I've gotten access to three pieces of information I didn't have before, that have led me to say, okay, maybe this is what happened. The first was an Instagram reel from a fluffy entertainment site reporting on the original TikTok live, which quoted Ace directly (machine translation; I put this one through both Google Translate and Yandex Translate and they didn't differ much):
We'll keep putting on concerts until winter. Then we plan to take a break for an indefinite period, 1, 2, maybe 3 years. Maybe each of us will go our own way. Maybe our direction will change. We want to rest and take a break from our current image. Even if we come back, everything might be different than before. [emphasis mine]
The second piece of information was another fluff piece, on TikTok's self-reported "sounds of the summer" in Kazakhstan. Irina Kairatovna made the list, as did Kalifarniya, and a couple non-Kazakh songs (a remix of "Makeba"; Teya Dora, who's Serbian, I believe), but Ninety One did not.
And the third piece, courtesy of the lovely @bbcblackjack, was that Kalifarniya was previously in a Q-pop group called Divine, but has since renounced Q-pop; while I can't quote his words directly, he apparently used the kind of homophobic language that Ninety One has never, in my knowledge, stooped to using.
So here's what I think happened, told chronologically.
The combination of the pandemic and the MadMen arrests devastated Q-pop as a whole; when Kazakhstan's music scene finally began to revive, in 2021, there weren't a lot of Q-pop groups with the resources to start making inroads on the scene again. Instead the momentum shifted to IK and other hip-hop artists. Which should have stood to benefit Ninety One once they went independent and started making up for lost ground in 2022. I think within Pop Almaty (my nickname for the indie-ish popular-music scene there) itself, Ninety One is respected and regarded as peers: hence the IK collaborations, ZaQ cutting a track with De Lacure, and Yenlik appearing in the Yeski Taspa series. (Also remember that the guys were awfully reluctant to condemn Shiza acting up onstage when asked about him during the Zamandas interview.)
I think they expected that respect to carry over into their public image. ("Bata" is their "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)," but it's also a boomy, Future-influenced track: a hip-hop move as much as a pop one.) But it didn't: they were still "Q-pop." And that hurt them in three different ways:
The general way of trends changing; what was cool three or six years ago isn't so likely to be cool now, in pop music. So the fans who had been listening to "Aiyptama" and "Kaytadan" at age 14 had moved on, and...
...because there was no real Q-pop infrastructure, they couldn't pick up a new Q-pop-oriented audience easily. (Contrast to K-pop, where new ZEROBASEONE fans have ready opportunities to discover the likes of SHINee and Infinite.)
But whereas the popularity proved transient, the homophobic unpopularity stuck: Ninety One was still dealing with the real-Kazakh-men-don't-wear-earrings bullshit.
(This is where Kalifarniya's new popularity comes into my argument. In the video for "Puerto Rico," he's dancing sensuously on a beach while wearing an oversized pink suit: in other words, using artsy idol imagery to his own advantage. Squint and you're watching a BTS solo video. But because he was willing to distance himself from Q-pop and the supposed Gay Cooties, the public's willing to accept the idol presentation on its own terms.)
#3 would explain why they had trouble with touring last year—the canceled gig in Turkestan, the canceled-and-rescheduled gig in Shymkent—and why they didn’t really have a tour this year. I find it very hard to believe that they didn’t plan to go to places like Kostanai and Semey and Oskemen to promote their second full album, and easier to believe that they planned to and ran into enough opposition that they eventually gave up in frustration and just settled for one Astana and one Almaty concert.
“But, Jessica,” you ask now, “they were able to go to Semey and Aqtobe and the like in 2017, 2018, 2019; what’s changed?” That’s a weakness of my theorizing. This is very speculative and you should take it with enormous amounts of salt, but here’s a possibility: one downstream consequence of Bloody January might be that local akimat now have a little more power relative to federal officials in Astana, and that new empowering might embolden said akimat to say, no we will not have these dyed-haired pooftahs coming in from Almaty to corrupt our innocent youth, thank you very much. Might, maybe, who knows, if you think I’m going too far out on a limb please do tell me. (Another possibility: the actual costs of booking the shows and traveling to them have gone up enough to make the trips no longer worth it.)
Meanwhile our dudes were spending the second half of 2022 and early 2023 refining the album and spending money. I don’t mean just getting the office (though given the hiatus plans, I am curious how long a lease they signed). But my understanding is that they were financing the Yeski Taspa series, and they also paid for the “Symbaim” music video, which was probably a decent outlay. This may have been financially risky; they may have been doing insufficient future-proofing, or putting more weight on Gap to save them then it turned out to be able to bear. (I don’t think they said specifically that they were financially as well as emotionally exhausted; I’m reading that factor into events, and may be wrong.) But it makes perfect sense. First of all, they are hardly the first startup whose first-year reach may have exceeded its grasp. Also, like I keep telling y’all, Pop Almaty is a small town, and Ninety One not only want to keep their own good reputations in this small town, but grow the town’s economic prospects if they can, for themselves and for the people they care about who also live and work in this small town—Veronika, Bibotta, Assiya and the other dancers, Nurs Bazarbay, their friends such as Ne1tron and Ray and Kyle Ruh, Ace’s brother. ZaQ in particular (and Boss Yerbolat before him) has been very consistent in arguing that they want to succeed not just for themselves but for a larger musical and artistic community.
But that meant they had to regain popularity with Gap. And they didn’t. I don’t know why they didn’t. Like I said, I think “pop goodness but also processing the helplessness and frustration they felt over Bloody January” might have been too loaded for their potential K-pop-adjacent fans but too pop for fans of IK and Shiza. They might have gotten away with it in 2019, when Q-pop didn’t look done and dusted, and they bet they could still get away with it in 2023, and lost. But like pretty much everything else here, that’s speculative.
The big, obvious risk, then, is that abandoning their “current image” will mean they finally go along with what seem to be prevailing expectations of public homophobia. (This is an aside, but the anthropologist Alice Evans recently wrote an interesting essay reporting on recent research suggesting that homophobia gained currency in parts of the former Soviet Union, including Kazakhstan, after widespread first- and second-hand experience with prison rape during the gulag era.) I don’t know. I can’t guarantee you that they haven’t made homophobic statements already; I can only tell you that I’ve been bracing myself for such news for years now and it hasn’t reached me yet. It’s entirely possible that part of “each of us going our own way” will include divergence on this issue, too—that one or more of them, but not necessarily all four, will publicly run from the Gay Cooties. (To be entirely frank, I have my guesses as to which members would be more or less likely to take such a stance, but my predictions are almost always wrong—remember, I was the hotshot who thought “Su Asty” was going to be a ballad—and I’d rather not tar any of the dudes preemptively or wrongly, and especially not both.)
What I don’t think is going to happen (although see above re my prediction track record) is that they’ll completely abandon their commitments to Pop Almaty. Those commitments will vary in focus and scope; Alem’s are more likely to be in the contexts of his TV work and Veronika, for example, and ZaQ’s to the larger hip-hop scene. They have said in the past that they planned to release solo work; this hiatus would give them the chance to do so without Eaglez breathing down their necks for more group work.
I’m less sure about whether we’re going to continue to get OT4 hanging out for our amusement. Maybe cameos on each other’s Instagram or Ace’s TikTok, but the likes of Space may be part of the image package they want to get away from. We may run up against the paradox where the bro-dom looks weaker but is actually stronger, once they can just be close friends pursuing related but separate interests and don’t have to market their bro-dom to us so hard.
I’m feeling… well, still cranky. Gap is a good album! If my narrative is right then they took a risk, in insisting that they could be dyed-haired pop stars who dance onstage and still have something to say, and it didn’t pay off. And neither they nor Eaglez had any right to demand of the universe that it pay off, but still: arrrgh. And there’s no guarantee that what they come back with, if they ever come back as four again, who knows, will inspire me the way Gap does. Meanwhile, if it isn’t already obvious, I would really like them to stay away from the public homophobia, and it’s entirely possible that they won’t. In short: change means uncertainty; uncertainty is not fun.
But it’s also possible that all this will work out to their, and our, benefit: the guys get to support each other doing a wider variety of projects, and we get to listen and watch. Pessimism isn’t necessarily a virtue. So after this I’m going to quit trying to combat the uncertainty by speculating all over the place. Like I said, y’all tell me where I’ve gone off track.
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I am about 1 million years late to this but thank you for the tag @graphitekayla!!!
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite shows, then tag 10 people. I'm definitely going to break this rule; you can't give me the opportunity to gush about my faves and not expect me to name them all!!
If anyone has followed me for any length of time none of this will be a shock lmao.
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Shadowhunters, and more broadly speaking The Mortal Instruments. My first real fandom!!! I cannot overstate the impact the books and show had on my life. I wouldn't be who I am without it. I have an angelic rune tattoo. Magnus and Alec are some of the first queer characters I remember reading about. I remember where I was when they kissed for the first time in the show. You stupid nephilim lives rent free in my brain. This show (and the books) truly set up the trajectory my life is on now, and I will always always remember it fondly. Even with all the drama and discourse.
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2. Critical Role, specifically C2. My first true obsession after the decade long Shadowhunters debacle. I stumbled into it to learn how to play D&D (which I now know is a controversy in and of itself lmao). But my friend @midnightellis wanted us to start a game, and I needed a way to learn that wasn't reading the books, so I started C2. It took 11 or 12 episodes, but then I fell in love. I spent the next almost year watching the entirety of C2 which culminated in visiting them to watch the finale together. I was extremely jetlagged. It was basically 8 amazing hours of nonstop crying. I have zero regrets. Except for the fact I still need to get the tattoo I had planned rip. One day!! I promise!!
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3. Arcane!!!! A brief interlude between Shadowhunters and CR. There was about 4 months were I was OBSESSED and watched the entire show like 3 times back to back. I have many thoughts and feelings about Jayce. The show is also just so visually stunning. I cannot wait for S2 to drop in November!!!!!! I know nothing about League but I do really love this show.
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4. House. Iconic. What else needs to be said? House is very much a comfort show for me; great to rewatch during the winter. I've watched the entire thing almost three times now, and even got my mom hooked lol. It was fun seeing all her reactions to everything before I moved.
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5. If I had known what fandom was when this was airing, I truly would have been all over that shit. But I was 8 and didn't have access to the internet. Aang/Katara def my first otp lol. I did, however, ignore a friend that was over at my house to watch the finale, I believe. I definitely told them to go play so I could watch the show uninterrupted. Needless to say, they were not thrilled with that. I'm 90% sure it was the finale now, but I could be wrong about the episode. ATLA is also another comfort show that I could watch over and over again.
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6. Shadow and Bone. I am still SICKENED this got canceled. Genya and David are the ultimate romance, and no one will convince me otherwise. I almost stopped reading when I found out his fate. I was devastated. Everyone in this show is also very pretty. I can't believe we won't get a s3.
I'm going to stop here because this is already long enough, and tbh I'm not sure I actually have four more shows. I can only be obsessed with one thing at a time, and the current obsession is Path of Night. And that does not seem to be waning any time soon.
Edit: Lost should 100% be on this list. I think I've watched it at least four times. My family and I watched it live as it was airing when I was a kid. And it still is one of my favorite shows. I know people got beef with the ending but I truly didn't mind it. Even if it's bad or whatever, I think Lost is still 100% worth watching. There are so many little hints and clues that I pick up something different every time, and each character death hits just as hard.
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I'm going to tag: @gelatinouscute, @peppedstep, @midnightellis, @discordkittenterumi, @im-a-vampire-now, @zeena-athena , @syntia13treeman , @sapphicfugue , @dr-thumbs-brand-new-spot
If you want to do this :)
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hellbubu · 4 months
Hi!! Kuro saturday, fucking finally! I refreshed the page like 10 times this morning, istg. I hadn't noticed that the ep drops at 1pm before, so I was very anxious lol
So, I'm gonna start by saying the thing I've been thinking since I started watching this season: why in the SEVEN RINGS OF HELLS did they not faked arden's suicide!!???? Like, isn't SO much simpler, than, say, *finding someone that will bring a corpse back to life*????? Like, wtffffff. Redmond, I blame you entirely (and fucking druitt) for this unhinged idea. I mean, the setting was there! People found out he was a piece of shit, and despite the tight hold the head/lower master had on the students since arden is related to the mf queen and a duke's son, they could have totally staged it! Let's say they dropped him off the church's roof with a suicide note that said that he'd rather die than live in shame when his 'sins' came to light. Head would have gone splat, or well, splatter. Evidence removed! Then, it was a matter of spreading the rumour that a magazine/newspaper was gonna run a story about him, and make sure the whole school knew about his abuse (or at least the higher years). (Maybe plant the whole 'newspaper' story inside his room, as if someone sent it to him and that was the trigger). Easy peasy! The queen and the duke dad would RUN to cover everything up, doing your job for you! They would have blocked Scotland Yard at every turn, if they were even called. They would have probably lied and said he died of a heart attack in the night or something equally worth pitying the family for. (I mean, idk how much time passed between the finding out and the death, but i think it wasn't instantaneous, so. They had time to plan and no witnesses. Or *were* there witnesses and they got killed too??? Hmmm, can't remember.)
Honestly! Bunch of amateurs. Pendejadas nomás se mandan estos.
(Morí con el 'tenemos rinnegan en casa' xDD Ahhh, que recuerdos)
I cringed at the fact that the drudges acted more shocked and indignant and worried about the fact that a butler was their teacher than the whole murders-cover-up and the literal *flesh eating zombie*, istg. Honestly, Joanne, I doubt that you could find a better latin teacher in your *life*. Sebastian was probably there when it was invented lmao Cheslock brilla por su ausencia, por cierto. Cero reflejos ese chico, lpm
I honestly don't understan why Ciel didnt scream "Edward!!! Derrick is the same thing as those corpses on the campania!" the second he noticed. Like, it's fortunate that Edward has such good reflexes, otherwise bye-bye-Greenhill's-arm; the zombie would have chewed throught it.
Yes, that is the same doctor. And I believe this happened before the Campania? Like, *months* before? Because I remember the queen's letter saying that the missing boys didn't return home for the summer holidays either, or am I imagining things? Or was it the christmas holidays they missed? I know easter was the trigger, but i still think these zombies are older than the ones on the ship. They have *seniority* lol
Nobody reacting to Ciel pointing a gun at their dear beloved headmaster is *wild* Maybe they think its fake or that Ciel's aim sucks? But still! (I love Edward respecting Ciel, tho. *cheff's kiss*)
Maybe Undertaker just has really REALLY thin hair?? Like, it seems a lot when its loose but it's really a couple rat's tail when gathered? =P
1)he's drooling cause that's what he does when he laughs, remember? and 2)i can't believe you took that screenshot and didnt think to question Ciel's face!!! Like, what is Ciel's face doinggggg omg, he looks so dumb and like c*ckdrunk i swear xDDD
Seeing the scene where Derrick&Co are abusing the others i saw the blonde under the blond one's boot (to the left) and I thought...what if that was Cole? I don't *think* it is; but it would be SO wild if that was him and he went "hmmmm, how can I make this experience gainful? oh, i know, i'll do the same, but better! and flirting a bit (a lot) so i can manipulate all of them better <3 <3"
And yesss, 1000000% it's the *ambiance* that breeds these fuckers. This almost feels like a USA sorority horror story but 250 years in the past lol (estas cosas no pasan en latinoamerica, nadie tiene plata como para mandar a sus crios a internados por todo un año entero...los internados que yo conozco son de max 2 semanas o el finde en las casas y chau fue, aunque capaz eso sea aca nomas, no se)
A reply to my post mentioned the bullies being killed too. So I guess they would've known even if they weren't there to see them murder Arden.
Maybe they should've killed them one by one. One day they drag Arden up the church roof/tower/whatever and drop him. I mean, I doubt forensic investigations were good enough to determine much of anything. Would they be able to tell the difference between someone who fell off a roof and someone beaten to death and then dumped off a roof? I doubt it.
Also, I now have the theory that Druitt hates his family. Because how the fuck do you think it's a better idea to get a weird hospital that creates zombies to take the kid your nephew murdered instead of just helping the nephew hide the body. Burn it. Feed it to pigs. Jesus, anything would've been better.
Maje es que q pedos con esos ojos? Se miran como copias baratas del Rinnegan. Como cuando crees q compraste Adidas pero son Adidos.
Honestly, they need to get their priorities right. Someone's arm is being eaten and your problem is that your hot Latin teacher is actually a hot butler? I'd ask if he knows any other butler who's looking for a job. I'd get a hot butler, and if he isn't hot, at least he'd be almost as efficient and good as Seb.
It might be. I think UT should give up on the dolls and the hospital and instead patent the fridge he used. Because hard ice (very very cold ice, not like the ones we can buy at the stores currently) lasted only a week in an ice box (victorian era fridge) so either UT invented the first modern fridge or everyone at that hospital was more than committed to making sure none of the bodies decomposed.
I think the rest should've been a bit surprised (unless Ciel just sucked at hiding his gun and everyone could tell he had one). The only ones who shouldn't be surprised are Edward, Bluewer, and Clayton. They should all think "Yeah, this checks out" and "normal day with Ciel" because I know that kid has no chill.
2)i can't believe you took that screenshot and didnt think to question Ciel's face!!! Like, what is Ciel's face doinggggg omg, he looks so dumb and like c*ckdrunk i swear xDDD
That's why I took the screenshot. UT drooling? Okay. But him drooling while Ciel looks like that made me go 🤨🤨🤨🤨 "Why is Sebastian allowing this?"
It could be Cole and it'd be in character for him to step on the rest and do the same (or something similar) if it benefits him. At first, I thought it was Harcourt but it wouldn't make sense. I do think the red house has many blonds so it could be anyone.
Si pasa, pero no así. En mi pais no hay internados, pero sí hay escuelas de niños ricos. Son bellas. Yo he ido a competir a varias (cosas como fútbol y eso). Pero sí tienen bullying muy feo. Una amiga de mi hermano (no se pq estaba en nuestra escuela, nuestra escuela por ratos ni tenia agua, pero whatever) se paso a esa escuela y le hicieron bullying bien feo. Ni termino el año.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 5 months
Happy 4th Anniversary for TW:OPT!
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(Two weeks late, but better than never.)
Can't believe it has been 4 years, eh? Can't believe I'm almost one year without posting any TW:OPT related since the final episode. I don't even think I ever post a Behind the Fic for chapter 163. Sorry about that.
I honestly don't know what am I supposed to make for this year. Honestly my biggest goal is to finish all of my wip, including ideas for TW:OPT Gaiden, before moving on to Book 2.
But sometimes I even wonder whether I want to write Book 2 or not.
Don't get me wrong; I still like Twisted-Wonderland. I still love my fic. But the spark is not there anymore. And I don't know why.
I mean, I barely interact with main content of TWST nowadays. Am I overwhelmed? Maybe. Am I having a burnt out? Perhaps. Or maybe I'm just getting old. It just doesn't feel the same, but I cannot pinpoint why it is different.
There were times when I thought: "what's the point? nobody will read this anyway" and wanting to delete everything to start a new or just disappear quietly. It's not like anyone gonna miss me, right?
Which is strange. Back when I wrote TW:OPT for the first time, I don't really care about the reaction. I was writing it for funzies. I know I didn't fit the target audience with the male oc-centric, so I never expected it to pick up. I was just going to write it until I stop and abandon it like many times.
But then you guys came, dearest reader. I never expected much, so it doesn't took me by surprise. I never expected so many people to like this little story. Even now I still sometimes go back and read your comments. Those were the moments when I felt like finally I did something right.
Meet new friends who I'll always treasure them in my heart and I lost a friend, which kinda makes me afraid in commenting others' WIP, but that's another story. I feel like I learn more about writing when planning for TW:OPT that I've ever before in school. It was a good times to find something to do, especially during quarantine, might I dare to say TW:OPT was the that bring me through quarantine. It came at the right place, at the right time.
But there are times, many even, when I looked at the neighbor's grass and see that it is greener. I thought I could handle myself, but jealously will come sooner or later. Insecurities is not a nice thing. It will eat you up until it left you crumbling to your knees. And the biggest thing that annoy me is that the fact that I care. I admit I don't have the best understanding with my surrounding and can be apathetic, so I shouldn't have feel jealous or anything. I'm the type of girl who can admit defeat and knows when others can do better things than me, so why can't I accept this? I've written a lot of fic and I never expect any reaction. So why am I bothered with attention when writing TW:OPT?
There's a saying: "Above the sky there is another sky". I know that. I know there are many writers better than me. Heck, my friends are better writer than me. Do I want to be the only writer? Absolutely not! If someone as pathetic like me can find joy in writing, I'm sure many will as well! I wasn't intended to gatekeep. So why am I feeling jealous like this?
If I have to explain this the best I can, it will be maybe like this: Writing is the only thing that I can enjoy and at least have a decent skill. Even if in real life I keep this a secret, at least I can take pride by myself. And when that one thing is taken from you, what is left? If TW:OPT is my one pride, what happen when it doesn't give you the same happiness anymore?
It's a thing that I noticed. After the middle of Scarabia Arc, I don't feel as happy as I used to when writing it. It became a chore. The thing where it supposed to be a stress-reliever, was instead became the cause of stress. I was plagued with the thoughts: I need to update. I have to update. When can I write? They've waited for too long. I can't stop now. I must finish this goddamn fic. It shouldn't have take three years to complete this damn fic. Why can't I update everyday like before? What wrong with me? Am I losing my touch? Why I don't get that many attraction anymore? Do they hate my work now? Am I not as good as I thought I am? Everyone is better than me. Why can't I be like them? Are my readers disappointed in me? Are they already moving on because I took too long? No one cares anymore. Always knew that I'm irrelevant. I'm just wasting my time trying to get something that's never mine.
But I'm still clinging onto TW:OPT. I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet. I still have Book 2/Last. I promised to myself that I will write it. I want to complete it. It doesn't matter if Twisted-Wonderland continue into Year 2 or 3 or 4. My goal is to complete Year 1.
I just...I don't want to disappoint you guys. I don't want to disappoint myself. I don't want this to be an abandon project. I just want to finally complete something that I started on my own will for once in my goddamn life.
What a hubris thought, huh? I'm sorry. I must've sounded like a selfish, attention-seeking, and ungrateful little bitch, aren't I? "Write for yourself" as they would say; I don't deserve to complain like a baby. I'll stop now.
I honesty don't know where is this rambling goes. I don't think I've ever talk like this before. Sorry. This might be a bad look on me, but it has been eating in me for the longest time. Does it feel good to let it out? Maybe. Or maybe I'm not able to feel anything anymore.
I just want to be happy in writing again. I want to be optimistic in my writing again. I don't want to be jealous of others. That one spark that I had back in early TW:OPT, I need it again. I want to try again. I want to write for TWST again. There are so many WIP that I want to write before I maybe disappear again. I know I will go back to write for Book 2. But not in this state. Not in this mental state where I think will care anymore.
I just want to be happy in my writing again.
I don't know... What do I do? I can try writing more. Will it help? It won't be another futile attempt? Or am I really hopeless and never have the chance since the very beginning. TW:OPT is my peak after all. It'll only go downhill from here.
Okay. I'll really stop here.
Dearest reader, whoever and wherever you are, I'm sorry for not giving you much. I perfectly understand if you want to leave. But I am eternally grateful for you guys who still stays. This four years has been an experience. But thank you for being there to experience it with me.
I'm going to stop whining now. Bye for now.
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