#i've come to terms with letting some go. things aren't the same n that's normal n i'll learn to live with it.
noxtivagus · 1 year
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#saw smth on twt of him in yk one of the trust dungeons#i shld rlly do the new ones sometime oh dear i have a lot to catch up on#I'M RLLY EXCITED THO! i want to do a lot. so i will fix my schedule. simple.#i'll sleep soon n just be productive tmrrw i need sleep but#alphi's always there to /comfort you n he's the cutest. mwah#i want to catch up yes.#n then gbf i rlly wna do better next gw ! >:3 i rlly want lich tho oh my god#w school i haven't been procrastinating anymore. at least not last minute#i won't write about it anymore but i think i'm. clear about it now in my head#n so i'll learn to live with this. n i'll just be myself.#i'm really not so nervous anymore. i think reflecting abt my place in life n this world n having my family n#the dear friends i still have that. after thinking of what each of them mean to me.#i've come to terms with letting some go. things aren't the same n that's normal n i'll learn to live with it.#just. drifting apart normally#n then there's others i want to get to know better n be even closer w when my social energy is better c:#yeah it's a lonely feeling but i'm good at managing things like that#the only way is forward. n#ah i'm not gna ramble abt it anymore#i'll focus on my studies first n then i'll find my way certainly bit by bit. at my own place. just by being myself. n that'll be enough#i'm gna sleep soon today was well i rlly love spending time w my family :( they're not perfect either ofc but. i've always had them.#but i wish that. from time to time when they talk abt the future n#i'm abt to cry even just thinking of it haha it probably won't be anytime near but the idea of death. mortality. is just#thanks to fiction n music n stories i'm familiar w it but. experiencing it. is smth i haven't actually. yeah yet#though i know of loss. in a way that. we can't have the past ever again. or old friendships n#the fleetingness of time rlly. just. sigh. it suffocates me everyday i think#which is one reason why i try so hard to do my best for the sake of the present n the future n remember the past so keenly#maybe a bit too much that i'm more tied down to it instead. but.. i have to do what i can. i can't hesitate anymore.#so i'll stop writing n get to sleep. as always i'll just. do more tomorrow. n i'll rest now so i can actually do more tmrrw.
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Meeting the Scarlet Witch
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Summary: Seeing a portal appear in your apartment would've been a lot worse if you were a normal person but being a widow and part super solider you couldn't sweat the small stuff anymore, turns out this "Scarlet Witch" as you come to know her is about to make your life a bit more interesting
Words: 1,529
Warnings: swearing, and bad jokes (This AU is an 18+ story so minors will be blocked if they interact. Thanks!
This portal appearing in the middle of your apartment would be very stressful if you were a normal person but being a widow and part super solider you decided not to sweat the small things anymore. 
The portal closed and a woman stepped out of it throwing back a young girl as the portal closed "Y/N?" You lifted your head up from the book you were reading and towards the woman in red "you look like Wanda Maximoff but the evil ora around you says otherwise" you questioned and the woman was stunned by your nonchalant reaction, her Y/n would've been terrified. 
"I'm The Scarlet Witch from another universe, my version of you died protecting me" she replied flatly and you just nodded "wow forward aren't you? So let me guess, we were dating? By the looks of you, I did pretty well"
"We were "friends" technically until one of us needed...something..." the witch blushed under your gaze as she explained but you understood perfectly "Ah so we were fuck buddies I get it well, if you're done explaining and then disturbing my evening I've got things to be doing, don't make a mess when you leave through the portal looking thingy" you moved back through the kitchen putting your book away and getting a bottle of water from the fridge 
"Wait!" the witch shouted and swallowed the lump in her throat as you turned around glaring at her "what?"
"You can't just leave me here" 
You walked back to the front room where the witch stood "why not? I don't recall actually knowing you and since you stumbled into this universe I assume you can stumble back out” 
“I guess but, but my life in that universe sucks, I’ve got no family, my “friends” haven’t checked up on me since the battle with Thanos and I've been alone searching for something, anything! To keep me going” she held back some tears and you actually felt bad, maybe the super solider serum was wearing off and you were developing feelings, might have to get that checked.
“Fine I’ll entertain you, when did we become fuck friends?” You fell onto the couch throwing a glance to the chair next to you for the woman to sit down on “sit”
Scarlet winced at the term of endearment you used “can’t we just call it friends with benefits?” You just chuckled “I could but I’m having too much fun, so come on, tell me everything”
The Witch fell into easy conversation with you telling her about all the terrible life she’d lived. When she finished, she was a mess of tears and had moved to your lap, you didn’t know how that’d happened but you weren’t mad about it, she was quite attractive, even through the tears streaming down her face and the ruined makeup “sorry for the tears its just been a fucking horrible life” Scarlet wiped her tears away and went to move off of your lap but your hands on her waist kept her in place “it’s okay Scar, by the sounds of it you need the affection”
She nodded and buried her face into your neck, a move you weren’t too certain on but allowed for the time being “tell me about you” she mumbled above a whisper but you heard her and the grip on her tightened “I think that’s a story for another day, it’s late come on, you can stay in my bed”
“Wow forward much?” She said with a laugh but you just shrugged “well I’m not staying on the couch so I guess we’ll become cuddle buddies” Scarlet yelped when you used your strength to lift you both from the chair “I think we’re moving too fast” she stated but you just rolled your eyes “didn’t you say we slept together almost everyday? Might be a different universe but technically it’s the same me”
You reached your room and let her down gently going to your drawer and pulling out some PJs turning back to the witch “I doubt you want to stay in your tight looking outfit and cape thing so here” she accepted the clothing with a smile “thanks, I’ll just go and get changed then” she looked around the room clearly looking for a bathroom to change into 
“The bathrooms over there” you pointed with a smile and gave a short laugh when she squeaked out a 'thank you' to you and scurried into the bathroom
When she emerged you whistled at the cute PJs she was wearing “hey cutie” throwing her a wink she blushed and sat down on the bed messing with her fingers nervously “so, what do we do now?”
“Go to bed” you fell onto the bed and crawled under covers pulling them back for the redhead “okay” getting in bed she moaned at the softness of mattress and coziness of the blanket, she hadn’t realised how long she’d been travelling through universes and her body was finally relieved to be resting “do you normally moan getting into bed?” smiling at her blushed face “don’t be embarrassed witchy”
“Can I ask you something?” She was suddenly stern which took you aback slightly “oh, yea sure?” You sat up looking at the witch “What’s Wanda like here in this universe?”
You gave a relieved sigh, an easy question "I've only seen her when I've been stalking Nat, she seems fine but I haven't gotten a good look at her, although if she's as hot as you I'd like to get closer look" winking at the redhead you saw that infamous blush you'd grown to love in the last few hours "I would think she does look like me, maybe a little less haggard"
"Like hell! I may have been locked up when I was younger but I can honestly say you're a gorgeous woman, not haggard" your eyes wondered over her frame "to be honest I haven't seen anyone so beautiful in a while"
The witch eyed you "are you flirting with me?" she said smirking and you scoffed "wow nothing gets past you does it Scar? We might as well do something fun" pressing a kiss to the surprised woman you questioned whether this was a good idea but when she parted her lips to let your tongue in all your doubt went out of the window and you let yourself enjoy the kiss. When air became a problem you pulled away but went down to her neck to continue "hold on..." the words you didn't want to hear when your thoughts were so loud about taking her right now 
"You okay?" you whispered against her smooth skin trying to understand "we don't know each other" you wanted to laugh but guessed that wouldn't help and you really want to get laid tonight, instead you pulled away looking at her beautiful green eyes "okay but don't you technically already know me from your universe? Also didn't we already have this conversation earlier?"
Wanda laughed "my version of you worked at a bakery and rescued puppies and yeah we did but I didn't think I'd have to repeat myself"
"And you liked that? Sounds boring" you scoffed pulling Wanda into your lap making her squeal "didn't you say she protected you before she kicked the bucket? Did she do it in the bakery?" you laughed but stopped when you were given a stern look by the witch on your lap "okay okay sorry, I know I'm not the cutie, perfect version of me that you liked in your universe but I'm still pretty hot if you ask me and if I may also say, I can bake...okay I can make brownies but it counts!"
The witch shook her head "can't you be serious for 5 minutes?" you shrugged "maybe but not today, I think we know enough about each other for me to fuck you"
"You're so brash, I'm on top" she replied leaning down to kiss you, you spun her around so now she was on the bed looking up at you "I don't think so sweetheart, it's been months since I've had any action, I need to release some energy" you chuckled to yourself and she burst out laughing and you joined in "what the hell was that? That was so cringe"
"Says the woman who just said 'that was so cringe', it's a good thing you're hot" kissing her before she could speak again your hands traveled her body landing at the waistline of her pyjama pants "wait wait" Scarlet pulled away breathlessly and you groaned "Scar please I'm a patient woman bu-"
Wanda shushed you "give me a few days to settle, and I'll be all yours"
You gave a dramatic groan making the witch laugh "my universe's you rushed into things too
You widened your eyes "oh okay I see how it is, we'll see about that" giving her one last kiss you reluctantly let her off of your lap and you both cuddled under the covers "I guess cuddling is fun too" you remarked nuzzling into her neck kissing it.
"goodnight Y/n" she whispered 
"Goodnight witchy"
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
Making a post cuz i'm bothered by this and i see this kind of cringe-control type behavior around a lot. i don't think people are doing it maliciously half the time but when you don't know something you don't know and i think people should understand how it's actually quite controlling/hurtful.
Putting it under read more cuz i'm going to talk about pg-13 and above topics.
(there isn't anything explicit, just words are mentioned, thus why the keep reading line.)
This hasn't happened to me like, i haven't been told these words are cringe to my face but i see many posts about it.
but... i do use "cringe" typical words.
people will say don't call +18/explicit content "lewd/spicy/lemon"
people will say don't use "length/member/shaft" etc and these are just two categories i'm referencing here cuz i can't think of more off the top of my head. the abundance of examples here though isn't important.
now as you probably know i already use at least two of the words mentioned. i'm not saying my reasons are the same for others, but i hate seeing the posts saying that it's because you're too ashamed of what you're talking/reading etc about and then ranting about how cringe it is.
i can talk in explicit detail about +18 topics, but i personally cringe at the words sex/cock/balls/hot/sexy/dick etc like...my reasoning isn't that i'm ashamed of what i'm talking about, its that the words make me uncomfortable and i think they're words that aren't for me due to the vulgar vibe i get from them. you can like those words all you want though, just like how i can like my words all i want!
judging people for using specific words is the dumbest thing i've seen lately in my opinion (other than obvious important things going on in the world, let's not get that specific). i can understand if it's like, genuinely offensive or something. But this is different, these words are just straight up harmless- when did spicy even get put in the cringe category? you allergic to someone saying a picture/piece of writing is spicy?
tbh i have two reasons for using the subtler words like spicy, which i tend to actually use most often along with the word "length/erection" instead of "cock/dick". one of the reasons is a very simple one: tumblr does some weird shit if you put the abbreviation for not safe for work in your post (i did once and it scared me cuz something popped up saying something about changing my content and i was like asdfs??? but anyway i'm not trying it again), and second, i have some type of aversion to certain words. it has nothing to do with the conversation i'm having and all to do with the word.
I use the word "explicit" most often to replace n*fw, because of tumblrs issues with the content, but i have and will still call such content all three: you won't catch me calling it sex/porn etc because i find it personally a lot to mentally handle. I imagine a lot of these other words being used aren't only because of someone wanting to come up with other ways to write the terms, but for reasons like mine, where the words are disconcerting.
i get a similar feeling whenever someone says a character/person is "hot/sexy", i hate it, idk how to feel about it, it feels uncomfortable, but i absolutely agree that the person/character looks good! but you won't catch me ever calling anyone/anything by those.
like, there's a long list of terms i hate but are completely normal for the average person. You will not see me using them, but i don't judge you for it. i know its normal and i'm not out here to control your lives.
however i see so many people getting annoyed at these "cringier" word choices and i gotta say, live a little. embrace some cringe. it's not gonna kill you to see them just as it doesn't kill me to see descriptions in writing going on about cock and balls like its some elegant poetry.
let people live. enjoy your own life. i'll stick to saying slit, you stick to saying vagina. i'll stick to saying length, you say cock.
but stop making fun of people for it.
stop telling people they're doing it for no good reason.
obviously, you will never know if someone else identifies with what i've said.
so you shouldn't judge strangers and say they're ashamed and/or what they're saying is cringe- i fucking love explicit content. i get happy/excited about it too. i just do it differently in the way that makes me comfortable.
If you're uncomfortable with me using words that make me comfortable, then that's a you problem, i'd say.
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Groceries (Might Guy x Reader)
Pairing: Might Guy x Reader
Word Count: 2723
Warnings: very minor angst, food mentions (TW for EDs)
A/N: Hope you enjoy! I've been so thirsty for Naruto characters recently it's not even funny
Also, this was originally two parts but I've combined them into one so let me know if the transition doesn't work!
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Growing up in Konoha you always felt safe. You knew there were experienced shinobi there to protect you. As a little girl, you would see them walk down the streets and watch in awe as they passed by you.
Despite everything you had seen in terms of violence, you still felt safe in the Leaf Village. There had been some tense battles, but the leaf shinobi always prevailed.
It was a day more peaceful than most as you made your way down to the store. You only needed a few things, but with the nice weather you decided to take advantage of the day instead of waiting for the grocery list to get longer.
Smiling, you walked into the store to the tune of children laughing and birds chirping. It was like you were in a movie.
You made your way down the aisles, picking up the items you needed as you went. Milk, eggs, noodles, and more went into the small cart in your hands as you browsed. Lost in your own world, you didn't see the other cart as it came around the corner at the same time as your own.
The carts crashed into each other, you and the other person with them. It almost winded you, both from surprise and the force of falling into the cart.
"I am so sorry!" You explained, looking up to the man you found in front of you. Luckily, neither of your groceries seemed to have sustained much damage. You found yourself surprised to be met with the most gorgeous dark eyes you had ever seen.
"It's no problem!" Said the man, flashing you a confident smile with a thumbs up. "No damage done."
You felt a hot flush rise to your face, but thankfully the man didn't seem to notice.
"Thank you," you said in a fluster. You weren't sure what you were even thanking him for, not yelling at you? It was then that you took notice of his outfit, especially the band around his waist. "Are you a shinobi?"
The smile stayed ever-present on his face.
"Yes I am! A jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village!"
If you had just half the enthusiasm of this man, you think you would be running on empty in less than five minutes. Hearing he was a jonin, you were impressed.
"Well, thank you for all that you do," you offered, moving to continue your shopping.
Although your interaction was brief, you couldn't stop thinking about it as days passed. Something about his eyes, and his confidence, drew you into him. You tried to brush it off, seeing as it was such a simple interaction, but it was impossible. Even trying to tell yourself that he didn't remember you wouldn't work; there was still a part of your brain that would never quiet down.
You had never minded being a civilian in Konoha. Sure, when you were younger you had thought about being a konoichi, but those were just the thoughts of a child. You never pursued it. You were happy with your career, teaching young children in subjects other than jutsu.
Despite your happiness, you began to wish that you had gone to the academy. Then you would have been able to find the man who was plaguing your thoughts. Even after that, you might have been a real option for him. You knew shinobi tended to mostly be interested in other shinobi.
You didn't know why it upset you so much. You didn't even know the man's name, and yet you were sad that you might not be his type. Feeling a bit pathetic, you found yourself in need of another grocery run. Trying to ignore the thought that you might see him again, you made your way to the store.
Sadly, at least for that persistent, gremlin part of your brain, the trip was rather uneventful. At least, until you found yourself in front of the produce.
You were trying to eat healthier, but it was hard. It wasn't that you didn't like your body, you just wanted to feel better in your own skin. As you stood there pondering, a male voice scared you from your thoughts.
"Excuse me."
You turned, disappointed to see a man with silver spikes instead of the dark bowl cut you had hoped for. You mumbled a sorry, stepping out of his way.
"Careful Kakashi," boomed another voice, "I'd keep your distance from that woman's cart if I were you."
Now that is the voice you had been hoping for.
As you turned, the tall man immediately caught your eye. You blushed at his words, remembering your initial encounter. The other man, Kakashi, looked at you with confusion. He grabbed what he needed before walking away, leaving you and the other man alone.
"So what brings you back here?" He asked. Normally you would have thought of this as awkward conversation, but your heart leapt at the opportunity to talk to him again.
You sighed, "I'm trying to decide what I want. I wanted something healthy but I didn't want to just start grabbing vegetables."
"Then you're in luck," he grinned, "I'm somewhat of an expert. Try some blueberries, they're a superfood." He grabbed a package, placing them in his own cart. "They're on me today."
You tried to protest, but he wasn't having any of it. You made your way through checkout, paying the rest of your items before meeting back up with the man.
"Thank you," you told him, looking back up at his deep eyes. Pausing for a moment, you realized something. "I don't even know your name! How could I thank you for buying these before me without even learning your name?"
The man chuckled, extending his hand out to you.
"The name's Guy," he said loudly, shaking your hand. "Would it be crazy to ask for your name in return?"
You blushed as you grabbed his hand, his grip firm yet his hands soft.
"Y/n," you told him. He smiled.
"That's a beautiful name." His words did nothing to help calm the blush on your face. You were sure he knew exactly what he was doing to you based on the color of your cheeks alone. Suddenly Guy grew rather sheepish. "I know how this is going to sound, but would you want to come by my place sometime?"
Your eyes widened. After all this time wondering what this man was really like, he was just the type to invite you into bed with him immediately? Admittedly part of you was curious, but you weren't stupid.
"Excuse me?"
Now it was his turn to blush.
"Well I know how that sounds," Guy said quickly, trying to get his words out faster than he could think. "But I just meant to make you dinner. I could show you how to cook some vegetables so that they aren't all that bad."
Immediately you felt bad for assuming the worst, offering him a small smile.
"I would like that."
He smiled back at you. Guy gave you his address as the two of you decided on a time before parting ways. You couldn't help the giddy grin that covered your face as you walked home. Your date couldn't come fast enough.
In the days leading up to your date with Guy, it was all you could think about. You told yourself that was fine, since you were obsessing over him already. At least now you had a reason to.
The day was finally here, and as the hours ticked away you found yourself growing more nervous. Deciding what to wear was a challenge in itself. Did you want to try to dress up nicer, or would that be too much? Yet at the same time you worried dressing too casual would give him the idea that you weren't as interested as you were.
You tried on just about everything you owned, settling for a dress that made you feel pretty. It was fancy enough to make you feel like you were trying, but still casual enough that you would be comfortable.
You looked at the clock, seeing that you still had ample time before you needed to leave. Sitting down, your mind wandered. What would tonight be like?
in your mind you ran through a myriad of scenarios. If you didn't like the food he cooked, you would have to just stomach it and hope for the best. Based on what he told you at the store though, it seemed like he would know what he was doing. Still, you worried that something would go wrong.
Above all, there was a bigger question ringing out in your mind. Would he try to kiss you? And, would you want him to?
The seconds turned to minutes as you pondered, the minutes turning into hours until it was time to go. You collected your things, making sure to grab any and all essentials before you left. You had already told your friends who you would be with, going as far as to give them the address should anything go wrong. Guy seemed like such a nice guy, but you could never be too careful.
Locking the door to your apartment behind you, you set off. It was early in the evening, and the sun was just beginning to set in the sky. You were thankful you wouldn't have to walk in the dark. You knew there were plenty of shinobi around, hell, you were even meeting one right now. But even then you felt uncomfortable walking home alone at night, surrounded by darkness.
It was a shorter walk than you anticipated, and before you knew it you were at his place. Taking a deep breath, you reached up to knock on his door. It seemed like a nice enough part of town, and his place itself was well-kept especially considering how much time you were sure he spent on training.
You heard Guy's loud steps make their way to the doorway, pausing on the other side before the door swung open. His usual confident smile was on his face, but instead of moving his mouth into words he just looked at you. You felt yourself growing red under his gaze.
"Hello Guy," you said softly, looking up at him.
Guy had been making the same amount of preparations as you, if not even more. He planned the meal out carefully, even practicing it the night before to make sure it went well. He had spent more time than usual perfecting his hair, making sure not a single strand would be out of place. He had even thought of exactly what he wanted to say when he opened the door.
Hello Y/n, he would say as he smiled at you. You look more beautiful every time I see you.
Sure, it was more forward than he had been with you before. This was a date after all, and he wanted to make how he felt about you clear from the start.
That plan went right out the window when he saw you, your sundress captivating him. It looked so cute on you, and at the same time there was something about it that sent a wave of tingles between his legs. To put it simply, he was speechless.
He knew he should say something but he couldn't, enraptured by the way you looked in his doorway.
"Hello Guy," you said to him. That sweet voice of yours would drive him crazy someday, and he knew that. He loved hearing his name fall from your lips, hoping it would be far from the last time. Everything about you made him fall for you more.
Despite his thoughts about your voice, your words were enough to stir him to action himself.
"Hey," he said.
Really Guy? He thought to himself. You're the Blue Beast, a strong shinobi. And yet all you can say to a woman is 'hey'?
You giggled at him, and he felt a smile creep onto his face.
"It's good to see you again," he continued. He decided to dial back the forwardness, realizing he had already kept you waiting outside for too long in his daze. "Come on in."
You followed Guy into his home, taking in the delicious aroma filling the rooms.
"I don't know what you're making," you stated, "but it smells amazing."
Guy beamed with pride, ushering you over to the kitchen.
"It's my favorite." He told you. "A spicy, vegetable curry."
Thankfully, you didn't mind spicy. In fact, you enjoyed it. Your mouth watered, taking in the sight and smell of the food in front of you.
"Actually, it should be just about done." Said Guy, stirring it all for a final time before putting it onto beautiful dishes to serve.
He had already set the table, candles and all. He pulled the chair out for you, pushing you back in as if you weighed nothing. He sat across from you, and the way he smiled at you made you weak in the knees. It's a good thing you had already sat down.
You wasted no time, digging in. And it was delicious.
"Oh my god Guy," you said in near disbelief at how good it was. You could see his expression perk up. "This is amazing!"
"I'm glad you like it," he chuckles, eating his own.
The rest of the meal went off without a hitch. You talked about your job and his, bonding over your love for your respective students.
"Maybe sometime I can come watch one of your training sessions," you mentioned. "I would love to see you teach them."
Guy smiled, "I would love that." The sincerity in his tone took you by surprise. While you knew he was never joking with you, there was always some sort of bravado to his speech that now was missing.
You helped him clean up despite his protests. You told him that if he cooked, you would at least clean up. It was only fair, after all. You scrubbed the dishes, oblivious to the way Guy was looking at you.
He never would have admitted it to anyone but himself, but he was falling in love with you. He had no problem picturing a life with you. Coming up to you at the end of the day, sharing a meal together. He wanted everything that life would bring him.
"Well," you said, finishing up, "I should probably get going."
"Let me walk you," insisted Guy. "A lady such as yourself should never walk alone at night."
He offered his arm to you, and you accepted it with a shy smile. You could feel his prominent muscles under the fabric of his outfit, and you could feel your face growing warmer. You were thankful for the darkness for obscuring your face from him, hoping he couldn't tell.
He could tell.
As the two of you made your way back towards your own apartment he would flex his muscles every so often, loving the way your face would flush. A couple of times he timed it right so that you were speaking, making you stutter.
The walk ended much earlier than either of you would have liked it to. Suddenly your heart started racing. You could answer your questions from earlier clearly.
Would he try to kiss you?
You sure hoped so.
Would you want him to?
You paused in your doorway, letting go of Guy's arm. You looked up at him, flashing him a genuine smile.
"I had fun tonight."
He reciprocated your own expression with a smile of his own, "me too."
You both paused for what seemed like the longest second in the world. It was as if he was building up the courage to actually go through with what he wanted to. He cleared his throat.
"Y/n, may I kiss you?"
You nodded your head and he lowered his lips to yours slowly. As you pressed your own lips to his you couldn't help the gasp that escaped them.
That's a sound I'll keep replaying... thought Guy.
He pulled away sooner than you would have liked, but he was a gentleman.
"I'll see you soon." Guy ended his sentence with a wink, sauntering off as you went to go inside.
"I can't wait."
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pinkispoggers · 3 years
Questions Lead to Answers | Lance Bishop x Fem!reader
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Prompt: Asking an artificial person questions is easy, but the answers, could lead to something a little different.
WARNINGS: Smut, light fluff, and rough sex.
Words: 3.8k
notes: if there is bad grammer, im sorry! PLEASE READ!!! (BIG CREDS TO SQUILF FOR REFRENCING THE PART WHERE (SPOILERS!!) ROBOT RELATIONSHIP TALK COMES IN AND ALSO THE IDEA OF GETTING DRUNK AND KISSING HIM!!) (If you think I haven't credited them for other things please let me know so i can credit them!)
Waking up from Cryosleep is always hard, like when you feel nauseous after finally waking up, or Sergeant Apone always on your ass. You rise up from your bed, peacefully, not feeling the need to vomit, and sleeping away from Apone. This was gonna be a great trip, you thought. You had heard the rumors of a new synthetic being put on board, or a new crewmate but nothing else about the situation.
You didn't say hello to anyone except for Hicks and Drake, as you had met them before beginning this trip. You were very new to the crew as this was your first trip with them. Before you could get a chance to hear Apone's morning bullshit, you rushed over to get your flight suit. 
As soon as you are done with that, you rush over to the cafeteria as fast as you could, not trying to catch the attention of anyone, keeping as quiet as possible. About half way there you're about to turn a corner when you see a pretty average height… male? You aren't sure but it makes you stop in your tracks. You try to stay as quiet as possible, trying to slip past him but when you tried to take a step, he turns around. He looks straight into your eyes, with soft ones.
You have never seen him before, not even when you were getting ready for cryosleep. "I'm sorry…" you whisper "no need." He says as clear as day, his voice almost soothing and a little deeper then you had imagined he would sound like when you saw his face. "I'm Bishop." He exclaims softly "I'm sorry if I scared you." He adds. "No, no your fine." You say, louder than you intended. He smiles at your response, a tight but soft smile. 
In all honesty, you were a little creeped out by the situation you were in but you couldn't deny that he was attractive. "I'm Y/n" you say awkwardly. "Well hello Y/n. Would you like me to walk you to the cafeteria?" "Uh… sure…" you answer softly and he starts walking and you catch up to his side. You walk to the cafeteria slowly, taking in every moment of your new surroundings and him, but you do not talk. 
He locks eyes with yours for a second as you look back at him and then he parts ways with you but not before he smiles which makes you blush. You just stand there, in the middle of the cafeteria awkwardly, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to do anything other than breath. When you finally notice your situation and surroundings, you get your shit together and find that you need to get food, which Bishop seems to be passing around. And of course the first person he walks over to, is you.
You aren’t even seated yet when he asks you, "do you want some cornbread" you are still anxious from all the new eyes gazing over at you "uh.. uh.. sure!!" You say and you take it. You don't look back and walk away to where Hicks is sitting with another crewmate. "Hey guys!" You blurt out and they look at you all smiley as you sit down finally. "Whats up man!" The unknown man smiles widely. "I'm Hudson, and he's Hicks" He says, lowering the smile on his face to a grin, awaiting your response. "I'm Y/n! I've met Hicks!" "Well great!" Hudson shrugs off. 
Hudson turns his head to Bishop, who was still serving cornbread. Bishop notices Hudson looking at him, and reaches out with the cornbread, raising an eyebrow. "Hey Bishop man, Do the thing with the knife!" "Oh please no-" he gets cut of by Hudson's begging and finally steps over to Hudson. Drake is standing right next to him and offers to play the game with Bishop. 
Bishop places his large hand over Drake's and pulls out the knife he has in one of the many pockets on his flight suit. He places the knife in between their fingers and starts. He raises the knife in and out of between both fingers, gliding to a new set each time at unhuman speeds. Your eyes widen, thinking he's going to hurt himself or Drake. You had almost reached your hand out to stop them but it ended.
A wave of reassurance washes over you and you are finally calm. Bishop heads to sit down right next to you and you freeze in your seat. "I thought you never missed Bishop." Says one of the voices at the table. You look over to see the man with white liquid in his fingertips. You are in shock when you see this.
"Oh… I thought you were… nevermind" you blurt and he looks over at you "is there a problem?" He says softly. "No, no, I just wasn't expecting you to be a synthetic on board" you say quietly "I prefer the term "artificial human" myself" He smiles. "Ok then!" You smile back. "We always have an andr- artificial human on board. It's standard practice, he's just new." A man called from the other side of the table. You just nodded, getting a bad, creepy vibe from him. 
It's been a fine day, and everyone is bringing out the drinks for a celebration of some sort, maybe to celebrate the first day out here. You have never had alcohol before, or any type of drink like that, so you were very nervous about how to act around everyone. You try to stay near to Drake, Hicks, and Hudson if you could. The first line of shots were rounded around you and the others. You took your first. It was a strong taste, but you loved it but didn't want to ask for more. Drake slides you over another and you take it
Apone was yelling at Hudson for a reason you didn't know. It's cause that's how drunk people act, you thought. You were 7 shots in and feeling woozy, but you needed more. You could barely walk, but you could walk over to grab the bottle, which had the marines cheering you on. "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" They cheered and you did. After that you could barely see straight and everyone was heading off to bed, except for Drake and an unnamed female. It was time for you to go, but you had the urge to see someone. You get up from the table and head out.
You found him. You continue your search, as drunk you is more persistent than sober you. You pass the docking and loading unit, but you still can't find him until "Y/n?" A familiar voice says, and you bolt around, not saying anything but wanting to scream. It's Bishop, emerging from the darkness. "Y/n what are you doing here?" He chuckles deeply. "I- i- Bishop- I was looking for… you…" you say, speech slurred. 
You walk up to him slowly, and unsteady. "You should have been there" You blurt and he smiles "I'm sure I would have enjoyed it" "I missed you" you smile drunkenly. You walk even closer to him and he just stands there, waiting for you. You plant your face in his chest, not knowing what was happening right now, but you liked it. He grabbed your waist and you blushed, hard. "You should be in bed right now." He hushes softly "but…" you smile wider, looking up at him. 
you get up to kiss him again.. Your teeth clash as you kiss him deeply. He puts his hands behind your back, but it ends as soon as it begins. You pull away to catch your breath, and he looks at you blankly. 
You fall forward, head meeting his neck and he holds you to support you. You never want this moment to end but… everything goes blurry.
You wake up to the normal nonsense, but this time with a burning headache, and Apone screaming at Hudson - but all of you at the same time but mostly Hudson - and getting everyone up. You feel like screaming. It's bad. You're rubbing your head, knowing that you were going on a mission today. To check on the Colonists of LV-426 since they hadn't heard from them in a while. Then you remembered it. Kissing bishop while you were drunk, it was the only thing you could remember from that night.
"Shit" you murmur and you get up fast. You get past everyone slowly and put on clothes, getting ready for the day. 
You get down to the room where the ships and transporters are held and you see him. "Fuck…" you whisper and he looks at you but you just walk away. You hop on the drop ship and sit alone as it falls down to LV-426. 
You get off and it's guns up. You are just there to supervise everyone so you don't have one. You know Bishop is coming down too but you stray far from him. 
You get inside the building and start to search but you see nothing. But when you get to a certain lab, you do. You see things that shock you there. In tubes, what looks to be a horseshoe crab with a long flexible tail is preserved in there. Until it moves. You jump in place at the sight of it and now you are shaken up… great, you thought. Such a great day so far. Everyone leaves to check out other things which leaves you on another path of your own. 
You reach the lab again and only to see Bishop… dissecting something? You knew he was gonna see you, alone nonetheless. Unless you could sneak past him, but you really didn't want to waste your energy doing so. Right when you were about to turn the other way, "Y/n, I want to show you something." He says politely and you blush "shit" you whisper. You walk towards him awkwardly and you see one of those… things under his hand, which was holding a scalpel. "That's a nice pet you have there, Bishop…" "magnificent isn't it" 
He started to ramble on about the thing he was dissecting and you had to admit his passion about it was quite cute. But you broke it with "Bishop…" you say quietly and he turns his full attention to you. "I'm sorry" you whisper anxiously. He grabs your hand which you are surprised about. You knew that androids can't touch people unless they are in danger of falling or they need to steady them or carry them. "I- you can't usually touch me." You exclaim. "Unless of emergency situations, I know, but I'm reflecting off of our relationship." 
"Relationship?!" You blush, knowing exactly what he meant but still acting clueless.  "You kissed me" He said confidently. You blushed even harder " Bishop, I was drunk I didn't-, I mean I did mean it but…" you smile. You noticed how close you were with him and you knew you needed to back up. "I can always change our relationship status if you want." "Wait? Are you saying we have a romantic relationship in your system… Bishop…" you say sadly. "Well, I cannot have a partner, but If a crewmember wants and gives consent, I can access my sexual functions to pleasure the crewmember for their physical needs." 
"Ok… I thought robo- artificial humans were just flat down there." 
"Well, we aren't and yes, I do have one" He smiles and you blush feverishly. "My system could also trigger an erection if needed." "So you can get hard by what? Seeing some pretty?" "Well, its more like when someone makes a sexual joke or gesture that "turns me on"" "Will you kiss me again?" He whispers but you hear him and climb in him from where he is sitting so that you are in his lap and he smiles as you kiss him gently then you kiss him hard, lips clashing and he kisses you back. "Was that ok?" He asks and you nod and nuzzle your head in his neck. "Bishop… can we… further this?" 
"Are you sure?" 
But just before you could kiss him again, you heard footsteps towards the lab. "shitttt" you murmur and jump off of him and he frowns and you glance at the door. It's that weird dude from before. "Hello there…" He says seeing the two of you close to each other, not thinking anything of it. "Oh hello Bishop and Y/n, how are you?" He says. But before you could speak, he cuts you off "I don't think we've properly met, im Burke." "Ok… hi Burke, since you already know my name, I guess we don't have to properly meet." You say a little annoyed.
"Oh, yeah then." He exclaims anxiously as he shoots his hand around the back of his hand "I'm just here to tell you it's time to leave, the Colonists are safe, they just weren't responding." "Ok then, let's get outta here" you say and the three of you leave to the drop ship. 
You sit alone again, only this time, holding in sexual frustration. You wanted him, you needed him but you couldn't think of that now, it wasn't professional of you to have thoughts of intercourse with a ROBOT… no, you felt completely disgusted now. But also ashamed and you had to go back to talk to him about what was happening and how you felt, looking for someone, anyone to tell you if what you were feeling was ok or not.
You sit alone in your quarters, pondering endlessly. But the thought of going to see him was tempting. "Ah fuck it" you sigh as you get up, still in your pajamas to go to the place you knew you would find him. His lab. You walk alone, mildly afraid of something happening to you, or that someone would catch you going to see him. You finally got up to the lab and to no surprise, he was there, working on that thing he had taken back with him. "Bishop-" you whisper, secretly hoping he wouldn’t hear but he did. "Y/n, come in, I knew you would come see me" He smirked. 
"Yeah i- yeah." You say frowning. He walks up to you slowly and kisses you like he had done before. You grab the back of his waist and kiss him back. He smiles at your lips. Next thing you know, you are in his arms and he's guiding you to a table. You gasp, not expecting him to be able to lift you up. He sets you down on the table and pushes you back slightly. You blush, knowing that you weren't wearing anything under your pajama gown. 
Without warning, he pushes his hand up your gown, getting feverishly close to your area. He opens your legs with one hand. "B- Bishop" you moan softly, aching for him to go farther, to touch you. He looks up at you "are you ready?" He asks and you nod as he continues. His other hand is reaching for your breasts but instead of touching them, he unbuttons your gown, slowly taking it off to see your beautiful breasts, then taking them in his palm and squeezing them, making sure not to hurt you. 
"Ah Bishop…" you moan and he smiles, knowing that he's pleasuring you. He moves his hand farther until he reaches your warmth and sinks two fingers down to your clit and makes you flinch. You were very wet for him already soaking and dripping down your leg. His fingers start to move in a circle around your clit and your legs start to shake, you can't escape the pleasure running through your veins. 
He continued to swivel his fingers around your clit, making you whine and quiver under him, going feral. You now were shaking with pleasure that you couldn't control anymore. "Bishop im- I'm about to come" you shout through hard quick breaths. "Then cum for me sweetheart" He says as he smiles, knowing that he's getting the job done correctly. You explode with all the strength you have, going completely numb. This is the strongest orgasm you have ever had in your life.
Your chest is rising and falling and you're panting. "I'm guessing I did good" He grinned and you nodded slightly, still coming down through your high. With 2 fingers already on your now swollen clit, he drags them down to your entrance, and without warning, shoved them in you while smirking at you and keeping eye contact and you squealed. "Bishop!!" You yell. Thank the gods that this is a noise proof room, so you couldn't scream his name all you wanted.
He dragged his fingers in and out of you at a slow pace, curling them and getting close enough to your ear that he could whisper sweet nothings in them. "You are very tight Y/n" "thank you" you bite your lip and smile while holding in the urge to scream out his name. "Will I fit?" He asks as he quickened his pace, knowing that it would make it harder to talk for you. "How about- mph- you show me- agh!!" You whisper and he slows down, then completely stops to get up from on top of you, to unzip his flight suit.
He finally gets his flight suit all the way down and you can see everything, from his chest, which actually had a little bit of abs, to his cock from where he is standing and the position you are in. He has the perfect size for you, about 6 inches fully hard. He smiles as he notices you looking at it. "Will it hurt, because you know I cannot hurt you, and I only want to please you." He says shyly, but politely. "No, it won't, just start off slow and everything will be fine." You reassure him. 
 "I have to tell you this before we start. By performing sexual intercourse, I cannot get you pregnant, nor give you any stds or stis. Would you like to proceed?" "Yes Bishop, I would like you to fuck me." You say and he smiles. His cock is pressed up against your leg and you bite your lip. You sit up a little to guide him to your entrance. 
He pushed the tip between your folds and straight up to your clit making you shudder. He brings it down to your entrance, and pushes in slightly. "Ah!!" You cry in pleasure. He's not even an inch in and you are crying out for him. He looks up at you, worried but you smile at him, which calms his system. "Please" you look up at him with big puppy eyes and he looks back at you with his, pushing about half way in.
You want to scream out his name, for him to go further but it turns out to be just a whine and now he's all the way in. "Ah! Bishop!" You moan and your head rolls back onto the table as he looks up at you and smiles once more. He starts up a pace that is painfully slow, to which he moans softly, thrusting deep inside of you and you arch your back so it's easier for him to go even deeper, even though you were belly up. You start to move your hips around his cock, silently begging for him to speed up. "Bishop… faster!" You almost scream out for him. 
He speeds up to a comfortable pace but you still want more as you are a moaning mess now, but you still wanted more and maybe if "you're doing s- so well" you moan and he grunts as he speeds up, grabbing the side of your hips and pulling you inwards. "AH!!" You scream out. "Don't st- stop!!" You cry out, tears brimming your bottom lashes. He's trusting even harder, hitting your gspot and cervix every time. A single tear streams down your face. He's grunting and growling from pleasure going through him, more like sparks building up in him, ready to burst.
Next thing you know his fingers are on your clit again, circling fast around you, pushing you farther out to the edge. You're barely holding on. "Im- Im- gonna cum Bishop please!" You yell out and he sees that you are shaking under him so "please cum for me y/n" he says and his voice makes you just go wild. You shudder and quiver under him, your orgasm flowing through you at high speeds. It's even more powerful than the last one. As you are coming down, a hot liquid shoots unto your pussy, making you moan, just knowing that he is finished but he fucks you through it.
Your breathing hard, chest rising and falling fast. He slows down, then stops. While he's still in you, he bends down to wrap his arms around you and kiss you as you are still panting. "Did I do ok?" He asks. "Bishop" you pant "you did amazing" you say and he grins. "Thank you" he adds. 
He stands, pulling out of you slowly, and sliding on his flight suit. You got up, sorely and he rushed over to help you. "Y/n, are you ok?" He asks "Yeah I'm all good!" You get up, slipping on your flightsuit and you kiss him once more. You leave the room, holding his hand. 
you get back to the cryo room where everyone was getting ready to go back to sleep, to return to the ship you came from. You weren't ready to say bye to Bishop just yet so you pull him over to the side. "Hey Bishop?" You say and he turns over to you "I'll miss you, ya know" you smirk as you pull him down for a kiss. It doesn't last long but it was worth it just incase you don't see him again. 
"No you won't, im just an artificial person. You can always upload my data into another Bishop model." He says "I will miss you, trust me. And I know I can, and I probably will" you giggle. "I'll sure miss you Y/n, and I won't forget you just incase you do." He smiles and you release his hand and walk into the room. 
You both part your ways to get to your chainbers. You watch him get undressed, down to his underwear and you remember the moment you two had together and you sigh, slumping in place in your bed. Hicks comes over to shut the top of your bed down and you smile at him and he smiles back. You smile as you are going to sleep. And of you go to dreamland as you finally feel peace.
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