#i've just been lurking around reading fics recently LMAO
blossoms-phan · 1 month
will never pass up the opportunity, so! i am asking. what are your phanfic recommendations?
ask (honoured!) and you shall receive bestie! quick preface: i returned to the wonderful world of reading phanfic around the start of this year and have admittedly missed out on years of incredible work i am now catching up on! also in terms of what i read i generally lean towards current-era fics, canon compliant/fluff/smut- although i'm always taking recs from lovely moots/whoever, you may find this isn't the largest range (no aus/long chapter fics or whatever) but this is just a selection of what i've discovered/loved in the past few months and i hope to make more of these as i discover more writings!
shoutout to everyone on here for their recs, all the incredible fanfic writers and the peeps at @phanfictioncatalogue for their work and accessibility and being the reason i discovered so many new fics/tropes i now love <3 ok lets get into ittttttttt
"you look at my face a lot" by natigail: i credit this fic for getting me into reading phanfic again in 2024 <3 one of the first ones i read post-hiatus and i've returned to it countless times! it makes my heart jump, just so sweet and so them. the slittening(s) were such an iconic moment i can't believe it's been 6+ months since them but i love the little moments like dan describing phil's hair colour to a sephora worker, always wanting to know more about each other and the soft intimacy.
"the angel in the marble" by ivylakes: OHH MY GOODNESS this one is artttt. this one is my fave of the post-phlondeing fics i can just see and feel everything that happens, the loving, lazy intimacy, and following this week's t-shirt events it absolutely cements my HC that angel is a nickname for our philly. introspection, hair-kissing, body worship- i eat it up (im having a thing for mirrors in fics rn so there's also that)
"slumber party" by possumdnp: if i wasn't already clear reality-based fics really just do it for me and i love this one!! slumber party is one of my favourite recent-ish gaming vids and i just love the cozy comfort vibes of having a sleepover and getting a little flirty with your best friend/crush going on 15 years <3
"after the birthday stream" by trashcanfromgallifrey: the birthday stream ignited something in all of us but this is just such a perfect depiction of (possible) events after hehe. feels so them, just love the loving intimacy and shower activities and fluffy endings with cake <3 (shoutout hannah ily!!)
"lovers, keep on the road you're on" by possumdnp: another personal fave. japhan 2019 is EVERYTHING to me, this is so lovely and well-researched and i just go in between reading this and watching the stories from it when i want to cry and book a flight to tokyo
"welcome home! (never leave that long again)" by natigail: this one is just soooooo soft and sweet and fluffy. so heartwarming and one of the many wad reunion fics that has my heart <3
ok i'm going to end up including all 40+ of my bookmarks (not a lot. but working on it hehe) if i don't stop myself so as much as i could write paragraphs about all of these just know that my PPA test is positive and i was probably sweating/giggling/kicking my feet at all of these so here's a speedrun list of pure smut (sorry it's a lot of what i read lmao):
"juxtaposition", "slow down", "sensitive", "some kind of mood" and literally everything written by the force that is intoapuddle
"come light me up" by JudeAraya (perhap not pure smut but I loveeee the teasing and characterization in this so so dan ugh)
"appreciation" by Scuddleduck
"a little vitamin D" by Spring_Haze
"good for you, good for you" and "under my thumb" by dvp_95
"lucky" by iihappydaysii
i could keep going but for now i'm going to stop here! i'm sorry if this is messy i have no idea what i'm doing with linking and stuff but i hope this introduces at least one person to a new fic they end up loving! i lurked/read sooo many fics before finally creating an a03 account only a little over a month ago so i def might be missing some i've forgotten to go back and bookmark! shoutout to all of these writers (i could include multiple works from them all u ppl are amazing)- again i'm soo open to discovering more phanfic and want to expand my horizons, i've started to read some chaptered fics i didn't include on here but will reblog more current reads where i can! also if we're moots pls shamelessly promote your works i'd love to check them out! need to start commenting more too but ok ok wrapping it up
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muse-oleum · 7 months
Always & Forever
okay, hi, welcome, i'm really unsure about this because i've never written something quite so heavy or, in fact, anything Elejah at all so, um, be nice? pwease? and if you see typos, as always, no you didn't. this came about because i recently re-read two masterpieces of the Elejah variety: We Remain, by Anonymous Obssesser (@deathloveshischicagopizza on this platform, sure hope i got that right lmao) and She's Come Undone and Set Free, by @terapsina. and it got the brain juices flowing and the creative bugs going.
you can find me here on ao3. this has also been cross-posted over there.
WARNING: very brief discussion of non-con/rape (because Damon is a dick) but it's more implied than anything else.
as for my ElijahxOC fic readers (if there are any here) i swear to god i'm in the process of writing a new chapter, i promise.
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Always and forever. 
Looking up at the intimidating walls of the infamous Abattoir, Elena kept those words close to her heart, like a talisman against the dangers she knew lurked inside. 
She wasn’t afraid of him. She never truly had been, aside from their first meeting, forever ago in that decrepit mansion in the middle of nowhere. But she was unsure about his brother, and the kingdom he ruled over. Even now, a mere hour after the sun had set, she could see vampires flitting in and out through the doorway, obviously on a mission for their evil hybrid overlord. 
Elena took a deep breath, calming her heart. She’d sworn to herself that she wouldn’t think of him in those terms anymore. They were long past that, they had to be, for her own sanity. Besides, the moral high ground was no longer hers to stand on. 
She took one step, then another, forcing her legs to move despite the fear. She knew she couldn’t stay the way she was, alone and scared. She knew who she could trust. 
She always had. 
Hyperaware as she was, she could feel everything. The stares on her as she made her way through a square courtyard, the back and forth glide of her purse against her hip, the smell of blood and bourbon—a scent she had come to associate with New Orleans—but most of all she felt the moment he saw her, as if ripples crashed against her chest in tiny little shockwaves. 
A vampire zoomed in front of her, fangs out, eyes flashing red, no doubt trying to intimidate her; that’s how vampiric hierarchy worked (another thing they had neglected to teach her). He didn’t know she had known far, far worse. 
She often wondered if the Salvatores knew the first thing about being vampires. She supposed she was lucky Rose had told her some things, the last time she was in town, such as how to act around older, stronger vampires before you inadvertently got your head swiped clean off your shoulders. Or else, she probably would have been long dead, again. 
Still, she submitted, as she had always done. She cast her eyes down, her jugular on clear display, and waited. The vampire, a dark-skinned man with wide eyes, immediately stood back, cocking his head slightly. Then he straightened, a telltale look of fear in his eyes. 
“I’d recommend not doing that again, Diego.”
His voice, soft and dangerous, just the way she remembered it. But the danger was never for her, not even when he’d cracked the earth open and abandoned her to his sister’s less than tender mercy in that underground cave he knew so well. 
Elijah Mikaelson was dangerous. 
To everyone else. 
She fought to keep her eyes open. She couldn’t help it, she’d missed the sound of her name on his lips. The way he accented the word a little differently than everyone else, how even when he was stressed or angry, he’d always said her name with a little bit of wonder, an awestruck tone she couldn’t quite understand. She had always been special, she knew—to her parents, their little girl; to her brother, his only sibling; to her friends, the listening ear; to the brothers, for her face; and then, to him. She didn’t understand how she was special to him, but she was, she knew it. His tone of voice gave him away, every time, the soft lilting of the syllables, pronounced with care, each of them a caress that soothed some strange part of her brain.
She met his eyes, wider and darker than she remembered them. Actually, no, that wasn’t right, they had been even darker in Willoughby, when he’d kissed her. 
Not her. Katherine. 
She forced the thought away, she couldn’t afford to dwell on that now. She had other, bigger, problems only an Original brother could help her with. She almost thanked Klaus and his godforsaken curse for bringing him into her life, however inadvertently, because she wasn’t sure what she would have done without him now. 
Probably staked herself. 
“Can we—” she faltered a bit, eyeing the vampires listening in, trying to pretend they weren’t interested in what a baby vampire could have to say to the king of the city that would warrant even a moment of his time. Because he was the king, she had no doubt about that. Klaus may be the face, but Elijah was the hand behind it all. 
She swallowed, putting her blinders on, taking a deep breath. “Can we talk?”
He observed her, his head tilted to the side, a small frown on his brow. She could tell her demeanor alone puzzled him, but she wasn’t surprised. After all, the last time he’d seen her, she’d been on a rampage across the country, his little sister in tow, searching for a cure she obviously had not taken. He rallied quickly, turning halfway, gesturing to door behind him. It led to an indoor dining room area and she briefly panicked; It was too reminiscent of the boarding house. 
“Not—not here, hum… Would you mind…?” She turned back towards the lobby, the doors still wide open. 
He softened, his hands going back into his pockets. A clear message to her—an everyone else—that he meant no harm. She’d learned that particular tell of his long ago. 
“Of course.” 
She felt his hand at the small of her back as they walked outside into the evening air. She still felt slightly claustrophobic indoors, even in an open courtyard, the presence of a dozen vampiric eyes on her certainly not helping. It reminded her too much of the almost scientific fascination the brothers had when they were trying to force her back into a humanity she wasn’t certain she wanted anymore. 
And therein laid her problem. 
The switch was back on, she knew that; she could feel it, just as she herself simply… felt. But it wasn’t pushed back completely, there was a jam, a missing piece, a core memory she still couldn’t access. Part of her wondered if it was for her own good, the other part wanted to let everything back in and be done with it. As things stood now, she had only half the story behind her sudden emotion-free spree, and she knew there was more lurking behind that door. 
But she wasn’t sure how to access it on her own, and she needed the help on the only other vampire she could trust to do it right. 
This limbo state—on but not on; back to herself but not completely—made her incredibly vulnerable. She could feel the imbalance in her soul, as corny as that sounded, because she was missing something—something she needed in order to move on fully, to become herself again, even in this new skin. 
Caroline couldn’t help her, although she understood what the problem was and it was ironically her who had suggested the solution that had been staring her in the face all this time. She needed help from someone who had studied vampirism better than anyone else, and that person walked by her side now, silent as he let her gather her thoughts. She took a breath, let it out, relishing the fresh air. 
Well, as fresh as it could be in the Big Easy. 
“Where are we going?” She asked, her voice still too small for her liking. She wasn’t afraid of him, dammit! She was simply afraid of every other man. But she didn’t know how to let him know that, and she could tell he was worried. 
“What would you prefer?” He asked right back, ever the gentleman. 
She shrugged. “You know the city better than I do.”
He smiled. “There’s a bar not far that my siblings and I like to frequent on occasion. Unless you would prefer dinner?”
She shivered slightly, either to the thought of “dinner” or his voice, she wasn’t sure. 
“The bar will do.”
She wasn’t even surprised when he opened the door to Rousseau’s, she really should have known. He noticed her half-smile when they sat down, cocking an eyebrow in question. She shook her head, amused. 
“That’s the first bar I stopped at when I first arrived in the city.” Figures you’d do the same, but she didn’t say that. 
“Yes, it’s quite… quaint,” he replied, lips quirking up slightly, somehow managing not to make it sound like an insult, “it’s also where I first stopped by when I came back.”
Yeah, figures. 
“Did you know it, back in the day?” 
He shook his head, smiling a little more fully as a blonde bartender approached them. “Not very well, it was ran by a werewolf family my brother and I preferred to avoid dealing with whenever possible.”
“NOLA problems?”
“NOLA problems.”
The bartender, Camille, judging by her name tag, reached their table and Elena was surprised when Elijah engaged her in a short but clearly familiar conversation. Camille seemed equally surprised to find him here at this hour, seated with a woman. Clearly, it wasn’t a habit of his. She chose not to analyze how that made her feel. 
“What can I get you?” She asked with a friendly smile. She really was quite beautiful. 
Unsurprisingly, Elijah asked for bourbon. Elena stifled a laugh, asking her to make her whatever she fancied most. This time, it was Elijah’s turn to chuckle and Camille joined him, shaking her head. 
“Family habit, I see.”
Elena froze, eyes growing wide, but Elijah didn’t contradict her and Camille went on her merry way back to the bar, only throwing one furtive glance back. 
“Family habit?”
Elijah shook his head, rearranging his glass so it sat just so in front of him. She valiantly resisted the urge to push it back just to mess with him. 
“I may or may not have told her the exact same thing when I first met her. She’s become somewhat of a friend of ours since then.”
“She seems nice.”
He nodded, pensive again. She managed to hold eye contact for all of three seconds before looking back down at her hands, fiddling with the string of her purse. 
She looked back up just as Camille brought them their drinks. Cautiously, she took a sip, surprised at the depth of flavors that exploded on her tongue. Her wonder must have shown  on her face because Camille laughed.
“I’ve learned a thing or two about making vampires drinks. I hope it’s to your taste?”
Elena shot her a look, taken aback, but Elijah simply smiled. 
“You can call me Cami, by the way. I hate my full name but Elijah still hasn’t fully internalized that yet.”
The man in question simply sniffed, the epitome of snobbishness, and Elena laughed. It wasn’t her laugh from before, but she had missed the sensation anyway. 
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but I don’t think he ever will.”
Cami sighed dramatically, tucking her tray under her arm. 
“Yeah, I think I got that. Anyway, enjoy!” She gave them another smile and moved on to another table. 
With her gone, Elena was once again confronted by her own feelings, bubbling up to the surface. The drink helped, turning down the faucet of emotions a little, just so she could breathe without it hurting too much. She brought her hands on the table, lowering her drink, her index finger running in circles around the rim. 
This time her name was a question, one she couldn’t hope to evade. She shouldn’t anyway, that’s why she was here in the first place but damn was it hard to force herself to look back up into his eyes. 
“What happened?”
He asked the question flat out, the frown returning. 
“How do you know anything happened?”
“Because I know that nothing would bring you within a hundred miles of my brother of your own free will.”
“I’m here of my own free will,” she said, too quickly. His frown deepened. 
“Is anyone here with you?”
She shook her head vehemently. “No, I came on my own.”
His eyebrows shot up right into his hairline and she supposed she couldn’t blame him. After all, when had the Salvatores ever let her do something on her own, much less when it involved him? 
“They…” she swallowed, “they don’t know I’m here. Nobody does.” She released a quiet laugh, but it sounded hollow. “I expect they’re all up in arms back home, wondering where I’ve gone.”
She looked back down at her drink, taking a sip. Her finger beat a restless rhythm against the glass. Slowly, Elijah reached over, giving her time to evade him if she wanted to, and brought his hand to cover hers. 
“Elena, sweetheart, what happened?”
The endearment flowed from his lips seemingly without his own accord, if the slight widening of his eyes was any indication. His jaw clicked shut, his eyes flickered back down to their hands, but he didn’t take it back.
Elena rather liked the way it sounded. 
She took a breath.
“You know my humanity was off a few weeks back, yes?”
Of course, he knew. She’d practically spat it in his face right before Katherine did a very Katherine thing and snapped her neck like a twig. Idiot. 
He just nodded silently. 
“Well, what I didn’t tell you back then was that I, hum… I—I was sired. To Damon. He—I… There was… a sire bond. Between us.” 
Elijah went deadly still, the motion of his thumb running across the back of her hand stilling. His eyes hardened impossibly, but she knew whatever it was that he was feeling, it wasn’t meant for her. Or rather, it wasn’t aimed at her. 
“You were sired,” he said flatly, tonelessly. 
And here was the Elijah she remembered from that mansion in the fields. 
“It was… a side effect, I just… I—” she faltered, her eyes dropping back to her hands. She tried to escape his grasp but he wouldn’t let her, resuming his caress. He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, and the tension bled from his shoulders. 
“Did he know?”
No use disguising it. 
The air became even more still. 
“He knew you were sired to him while the two of you were together?”
Elijah looked faintly sick, the tick in his jaw growing more intense. 
Another deep breath, deeper than the last. She felt his hand twitch over hers, but the soothing motion of his thumb never stopped. 
“Did he attempt to free you, at least?” He asked. She shook her head. And then he asked the question she’d been dancing around for the past twenty minutes. “Did he demand you turn it off?”
Elena heard the unspoken question, the one she knew would tip it all over. But she couldn’t lie to him, she’d never been very good at it anyway. 
Everything went quiet, the air became electric, like the calm before the storm, right before the first rumble of thunder could be heard and the first lightning strike the sky clean in half. Right now, Elijah’s eyes were that sky, dark and stormy, a rage so potent in them she was strangely fascinated by it. The muscle of his jaw tensed impossibly more and she worried he might crack it entirely. 
She had never seen him so angry. 
If not for the soft contact between their hands, she might have been a little scared. Just a little. Because she remembered those words and in that moment, there was perfect clarity. 
Always and forever. 
She was quite certain that, should she ask him to end her sire, to bring her his head, he would. Happily, gleefully and without a hint of regret. She wasn’t sure she herself would feel any, and wasn’t that a nasty little surprise. 
She should feel regret. She knew that even just bringing up the subject with him meant placing Damon (and by extension, Stefan) in the line of fire, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret anything. She’d waited so long to give voice to those feelings—the shame, the disgust, the loathing, the pain. She would not take them back now. 
“Say the word, lovely Elena, and he will suffer.”
It really shouldn’t have been even remotely attractive, the way he said it. But it was, and she let herself feel it. 
“I… I don’t know what I want.”
Elijah nodded, a tiny movement of his head, but full of understanding. She took a breath. One hard part was done, but there was still the larger question, looming in the back of her skull. She was more than a little worried, though. What she wanted to ask him—what she needed him to do… that would violate the terms of their friendship like never before. She didn’t want to ask it of him but she knew she needed to remember something else, and for the life of her she couldn’t remember what. But she knew it was important. Her brain was shielding her for a reason, but she—the Elena who had had her choices taken from her at every turn since her transformation—needed to know. 
Or else how could she hope to feel whole again? 
So, she straightened, automatically readying herself to launch into an x, y, z explanation of why that was the best choice—and why she was making it.
“There’s something else.”
Elijah tensed, she was surprised that she managed to notice it at all. 
“But we can’t do this here…” she chewed on her lip, eyes flickering between him and the other patrons in the bar. “Is there somewhere… somewhere more…” she gestured wordlessly, tired already.
But Elijah had never needed words to understand her, certainly not with the way he was watching her now. It was strangely reminiscent of a hawk, but it wasn’t discomforting. 
Maybe an owl. A wise, old owl trying to figure out the puzzle before him. Funnily, she had never before thought of herself as “puzzling” but judging by his look, she might have to reconsider. She was, in her honest opinion, an incredibly simple person: she loved her family and friends, was far too oblivious of things until it was too late, took her coffee ninety percent black, and never failed to help out when it was needed. 
But looking at herself in Elijah’s dark brown eyes the reflection she saw was not one of simplicity. 
“There is somewhere more discreet. I doubt anyone will be here at this hour.”
“Not even vampires?” She asked as he helped her out of her chair. 
He smirked. Elijah Mikaelson actually honest to god smirked at her.
“They know better.”
She laughed. 
“A church? Seriously?”
Elijah made a show of ushering her in, suited up arm extended in invitation. 
“It’s not even Sunday.”
In the silence of the church, Elena repressed a giggle with great difficulty. It was quieter than a tomb, inside. Although, she really wasn’t sure who had first come up with this particular phrase, but she’d love to hear their explanation because in her informed opinion, tombs were anything but quiet. There was always the whisper of the wind, the pitter-patter of bugs and rodents foraging in the cracked stones paving the way to the afterlife. 
Or maybe that was just her experience since she’d turned.
She took in her surroundings. It was obvious that the place had sat deserted for a while but had just been opened up again. There were wood planks lined along the walls and several canvas sheets haphazardly thrown around on the pews. 
“Where are we?” She asked, taking in the smell of dust, wood and stone. 
Elijah’s footsteps echoed behind her. “St Anne’s Church. Our local priest seems to be out tonight.”
“You know the priest?”
He had been pagan, in his youth, right?
Elijah gave her his signature half-smile in response, dragging a finger through the dust that had settled on one the benches. “He’s Camille’s uncle.”
“Small world.”
“Welcome to New Orleans.”
Exhaling on a chuckle, Elena sat down on one of the benches, somewhere between the door and the altar, at the middle point of the nave. She didn’t know why but she didn’t feel good enough to sit at the front. Elijah took a seat next to her, their shoulders brushing together, his presence grounding her. On a whim, before she could think better of it, she grasped his hand, gripping perhaps a little too tightly. He didn’t complain, simply resuming his earlier soothing caresses on the back of hers. 
“I need to ask you something, Elijah.”
“You can ask anything of me, lovely Elena.”
He was sincere. She didn’t have to look at him to know that. 
“You probably won’t like it.” She warned.
He tilted his head in question; she heard the soft sound of his collar brushing against his jaw.
She took the plunge and braced herself for the ice cold rush of the water. 
“I need you to compel me.” 
Whatever it was that Elijah had expected to hear, it certainly wasn’t that. 
His shoulders tensed on instinct, his lips parting on a soft gasp. Elena’s hand gripped his tighter, perhaps afraid he would let go.
He never could have, anyway. 
Her eyes flickered up to meet his, meeting the wide-eyed stare he couldn’t even begin to disguise. There was a pleading at the bottom of hers, pooling in the form of tears that gathered on her lashes before falling softly, tracing her cheeks with wet streaks. He fought against the urge to wipe them away. 
“I need you to help me remember something. There’s… I—” she took in a breath, exhaled, completely oblivious to the feeling that ignited in him when heard the words “need” and “you” in the same sentence, coming from her. She tried again. “There’s something… something I can’t place, a… a darkness that lingers at the edge of my mind when I try to think back on what happened.” 
He brought his hand up then, unable to face her tears and remain still. He caught a strand of her and brought it behind her ear, revealing more of her beautiful face. The wide doe eyes that met his could only belong to her. 
“What happened when?” He prompted, gently running his thumb back and forth along her jaw. 
She sighed, leaning into his touch. He marveled at being able to touch her so freely. 
“When I was still sired to Damon.” 
The way she bit out the words made his heart clench. There was indeed something in her eyes, a strange haunting of sorts. It darkened the edges of her eyes slightly, turning warm brown into dark chocolate. It would have been quite bewitching if not for her tears. 
Centuries of instinct suddenly woke up in his chest, growling as it shook itself awake, unfurling from a long sleep.
“I just… I need to make sure of something.” She rushed on, “I know that my brain is likely trying to protect me but—” she growled softly, tugging her hair back, “but I don’t want to be protected. I want to remember it all.” He brushed his thumb under her eyelid, catching a single tear, making her sigh again. She seemed to shrink, releasing his hand and drawing her arms around herself. He recognized it for the protection mechanism it was. 
The beast in his chest growled louder. 
“I feel like half myself and I don’t even know why. It’s exhausting.”
She looked back up at him, her beautiful eyes full of unshed tears that threatened to fall at any moment. He was powerless to resist. He knew then he would do whatever it was she asked of him if only to never have to see her cry again. 
“Tell me what you need me to do.”
The relief in her eyes was unmistakable. He realized with a start that she had expected him to argue with her. He pursued his lips, caressing her jaw again. These… children truly had worked a number on her. 
“I need you to compel me to remember it all. Tell me to remember everything that happened while I was under the influence of the sire bond.” She said in as determined a tone as he had ever heard from her. 
And so, he complied. 
Gently, he took her face in his hands, holding her tenderly, like she was made of porcelain. He supposed, in his hands, she always would be. And he compelled her, her pupils dilating as she took in his order, body growing first lax and then as taught as a bowstring. Her hand shot out to dig into his thigh and the feeling would have registered as painful if his attention hadn’t been fixed on the utter devastation on her face. 
She took a breath but it came out as a sob, a heart wrenching sound that tore him apart. 
“He… oh my god, he—” she looked up at him, wide-eyed, and he felt the beast in his heart bare its teeth, “he… he didn’t… oh god—oh god, no, I—I didn’t want to! I didn’t! Oh my god—” she whimpered, and he finally couldn’t take it anymore. 
Slowly, gently, he took her in his arms as she sobbed. She molded to him, her small hands gripping his shirt so tightly he was certain she would rip it off. She curled up, half in his lap, and buried her head against his neck, her tears soaking his collar. 
He was certain of only one thing as he gently rocked her against him, wincing as the scream she let out into his shoulder tore though his heart.
Damon Salvatore would die a slow, painful death for what he had done. 
Elena wasn’t sure how long she cried in Elijah’s arms, only that he never once let her go. He was careful not to hold her too tightly, and she knew he had understood the magnitude of what she had just uncovered. 
Damon hadn’t stopped himself from sleeping with her while she was under the influence of the sire bond. He hadn’t tried to free her from it, once he’d known, and he’d carried on as things were and she, helpless to do anything but please him, had done exactly just that. 
But now, with the veil lifted, she knew in her heart that she hadn’t wanted to. It was too soon after Stefan, too early in her transition. The feelings of love had been heightened by her Turning and by the sire bond, turning into a deadly cocktail of dependence. If only she had known. 
She whimpered, a broken sob wrenching its way out of her—how many did she have left? It couldn’t be many, she was so very tired. 
Elijah’s arms tightened around her, his hand stroking her hair gently. She felt the ghost of his lips at the crown of her head, the touch doing more to calm her than anything had so far. 
She hadn’t wanted to sleep with Damon. But she had anyway, forced by the sire bond. 
And it should matter to her that he hadn’t known that. That he hadn’t known that she didn’t want him like that, not yet anyway, but it didn’t. It should matter that, technically, he had also been a victim of the sire bond, unable to stop it, but it didn’t. Because once he had known, he hadn’t taken steps to help her out of it and she wasn’t in a position to help herself. 
He got exactly what he wanted. 
A Katherine do-over. 
Elena barely registered the anger before she was flipping an entire bench over, throwing it against the walls of the church. There was a vicious feeling in her chest, clawing its way out and she lashed out again, ripping the legs off of the bench and breaking them in half, the wood splintering into her hands, drawing blood from cuts that healed almost immediately. 
Fury, that was the feeling. 
It was so unfamiliar that she was momentarily stunned by the sheer force of it. 
Her eyes flashed red, veins rippling on her cheeks and she flipped another bench on its head before collapsing on the floor, crying again. 
She had loved him. Had been on her way to falling in love with him. 
And he had betrayed her. 
She was so very tired. Tired of feeling, tired of remembering, tired of existing. The pain of that betrayal, the shame that came with it, added to the duller, less pronounced pain of his hand in shutting off that part of her that made her her protruded from her heart in sharp edges and she distantly wondered if that’s what being staked felt like. 
Until she felt Elijah’s arms around her once more. Effortlessly, he scooped her up into his arms, cradling her like she was something infinitely precious to him. She barely registered the blur of movements and the wind in her hair that indicated he was running. She was so bone tired that the comforting warmth of the blanket he draped over her before running a hand down the side of her face barely registered with her either. 
Through the haze of her tears, she saw his face, eyebrows drawn together in worry. He tucked the blanket a little higher under her chin and she managed to grasp onto the edges, burrowing under it. 
“Is there anything you need?” His voice was pained, a small crack the dead giveaway to the unbelievable fury she could feel rolling off him. 
She shook her head, sniffling. 
“Do you want me to call your friends? Caroline, perhaps?”
All she could do was shrug, entirely unsure about everything. Her world had just toppled over. But Elijah hadn’t. He was here, as stalwart as he had always been and there was at least an inkling of hope that lit up in her at that. 
She had been right. 
She was right to trust him. 
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solesurvivorkat · 10 months
'Shadow of Steel' - the 'ghosts' never left me...
Maybe it's because I've started wearing my 'Maxson coat' again for the fall/winter season (yes, I seriously have one IRL. I love this coat so freaking much, lol. It's ridiculous how much I love this coat, lmao. And I've gotten *SO* many compliments on it from people! But I digress...), but I've been thinking of 'Shadow of Steel' a lot lately (my 'Fallout 4' fanfic, for anyone who doesn't know).
Truthfully, I really never stopped thinking about it. Even in my busiest days, it was still always in the back of my mind. I never wanted to give up on it, and even when I thought I might have to just let it go forever, it was still lurking around in the back of my brain, demanding I continue the characters' stories (especially since Nora is still technically kidnapped in it and I actually feel bad about it, and Arthur Maxson hates me for it, LMAO).
I don't expect many people to still care about this fic - and considering how much time has gone by since I first started writing it, I wouldn't blame you. And it's not a short fic, either. It's quite long. So to anyone you might want to read it or start over from the beginning to refresh their memory of it, it's a bit of a feat.
Looking back on it, there's parts of the fic that I'm not crazy about - either b/c I'm not 100% thrilled with the way I wrote stuff at that time (quality-wise), or little tiny decisions I made with characters here & there. However, people who have commented on the fic have been sooo generous, kind, and flattering to me regardless, and I can't even put in to words just how much their words have meant to me (especially a review that I actually got kind of recently, to my surprise, and it blew me away... if you're reading these words now, I will respond to your comment as soon as I can! I haven't forgotten/ignored you! <3 )
Here's my 'thought': despite everything, I DO want to continue writing this fic! Even if no one read it, it's still something that's important to me - even if I can't put into words why, exactly.
If even one or two people reading this would be willing to continue enjoying a future of 'Shadow of Steel', I put it to you - would you rather see: - a 'rebooted do-over' of 'Shadow of Steel', starting from the very beginning - the main plot would be exactly the same, but small (insignificant in the long run) details would be updated/rewritten in a way I feel more satisfied with - and once caught up to the current point, the fic would continue from there. - OR - - I just keep whatever's already there there, and just continue straight on from this point.
Should I fix/update what I've already written and (attempt to) make the writing a little better, or just move forward? (I feel like it's similar to when an artist looks at a drawing they made long ago & thinks, '...My skills are different now. I could draw that better this time around.') Please let me know what you think, anyone! Your feedback would be greatly appreciated! <3
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flyingraijin · 3 years
i think this is the part where i officially say hi to u LMAO,,,,,,,,
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we been mutuals for a minute and i've been hiding for a minute but i recently learned ur a sero stan and my respect for u just went 📈
Omg Cookie! Hello!!! I'm so sorry for the late reply.
Ngl I've been lurking around your blog for a while. Yours were some of the first Sero fics I ever read and you got me hooked! My Sero obsession is partially attributed to you <3
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
In that recent thread w bardicious u mentioned this
Which felt straight out of fanfic and I am almost 90% in all seriousness convinced that Tom or someone has an AO3 and/or tumblr account but that's another topic lmfao.
I am soo curious what u have to say on this topic if u wanna talk abt it
Haha thanks for asking! lmao well it's mostly a joke but also at this point it's kinda getting to not be a joke? No, it is a joke, and I will continue to disclaim that several times bc this fandom latches onto things and runs with them and I don't even want to open that Pandora's box.
But, the seeds were planted awhile ago (maybe a month?) when this post was going around - basically, Tom had a surprisingly accurate assessment of the main categories into which Loki fans fell, regarding Loki's characteristics, and so some of us sat up like, and how would you know, Mr. Hiddleston?
So that was a fun time for all, and then after the first episode came out, I made a post about the little things that felt weirdly specific to things we've discussed at length on tumblr? With the same kind of tone/phrasing, I mean.
Then there's the professor bit, which I need to add to my list, but basically we all know "Professor Tom" is a nickname that gets tossed around fairly often in the fandom, the joke being about how he often goes on at-length about things even if no one actually asked. In episode 2, Loki spoke up at length about the difference between two powers, when no one actually asked, and gets hit with a Professor Loki.
Next, a couple of days ago, the post going around was about how Tom apparently, in addition to giving everyone on set in-depth lectures on Loki's character, showed up at Owen's house specifically to talk to him about Loki, and while this is hilarious, for me I kinda had the feeling like, okay Tom's probably not just sitting on that much meta, it's gotta come out somehow, he's probably secretly right here beside us, commenting and offering his own perspectives lol jk unless ...?
Finally, the bit you quoted - not just the metaphor or the way he delivers it feels like fanfic but I felt like there were so many, like, fanfic/fandom tropes? I mean, Loki's magic is always underutilized and needs to be fixed: Popular fandom topic check. All of the references to Loki being a magician? Fic check. Loki is way more powerful than they ever show on-film: Popular fandom topic check. (He telekinetically threw a building I'm-). Loki singing for one reason or another: Fic check. Loki complaining about physical activity: Fic check. (This happens a lot in pre-canon fics when he and Thor go on quests.) He and Sylvie on the train and there was only one bed booth: Fic check. There is literally even a Thorki fic called Vows from a Dagger (and it's very well-written, btw, if any Thorki friends are reading this and haven't read it) in which Loki gives Thor a dagger as a symbol of his love and devotion, which is the first thing I thought of but also just in general, the ~poetry~ of it all felt like fic to me. So, fandom and fic check. Hence the bit up above where I'm like, okay for real now, which one of you is secretly Tom and can I read your fics please lmao.
But anyway. It really is just a joke that I personally think is really funny bc like imagine if Tom has been lurking all this time and ended up giving himself away bc he kept slipping fandom/fic tropes into the tv series and we're all like
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so yeah. But each time I post about this, I must include the disclaimer that it is a joke, I'm not really serious, I don't really believe Tom lurks around here bc I'm sure he has better things to do - but, the "evidence" I've compiled just makes me feel like, if it turned out he did, I would not be surprised at all.
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bartsugsy · 5 years
I miss robron a lot. I had to left them in canon but my heart still needs them. I wanted to ask if you are stoping writing your fic now that it's over. I hope you don't because I really enjoyed the story so far and it's was pretty different from all the post affair that I've read before. I miss you in my dash too I hope you are having a great time not matter what I really appreciated all the happy moments that you always brought into my dash. 💖💖💖
hi anon! i’m still theoretically writing my fic, although i very much have not been making time for writing recently lmao. i think i need a few kicks up the butt to actually do that
but this is honestly such a wonderful message to receive, ty for sending it and for taking the time and thinking of me enough to go to the effort 💕💕✨ i’m glad you’ve enjoyed what i’ve written so far!!! i think i half convinced myself it was all trash the last time i read it lol so uh this is v nice
and thank you! i’m having a pretty nice time right now! i do still tbh lurk around tumblr every day so i’m always here, even if i’m not saying much. i’m always be around to answer messages and things
i guess i just need something new and exciting to blog about ✨
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