#i've said it before & i'll say it again if he would have kept working w orthax they would have turned yellow
xbadnews · 7 months
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a followup to my last post ( click for better quality )
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mikobeautifulheart · 4 months
Jealous, protective megumi pls??
- 🐌
OMG I MISSED YOU SM. 🤧 my saviour anon.
And Absolutely.
Jealous and protective Megumi
After being stranded in heavy rain you wait for your boyfriend to pick you up. What you weren't expecting was to met one of his acquaintances while waiting. He didn't either.
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Sitting under the bus shelter you looked down at your phone to read the time. You had been there for well over 10 minutes and the rain had no sign of stopping or getting any lighter.
You felt your phone vibrate and saw that Megumi was calling you.
"I have your umbrella"
"Yeah I figured *sigh*"
"Where are you? I'll pick you up."
"I'm at the bus shelter, near the school."
"Okay wait there, I'll be-."
The rain poured harder making it hard to hear him over the phone.
"Megumi? I can't hear you?"
No response. You hung up.
He sent a text saying that he was on his way.
Just as the rain had got worse before you heard heavy footsteps of someone running under the bus shelter to.
You looked up from your phone to see a person doubled over, absolutely drenched and exhausted. After a few seconds they caught there breath and stood up, occasionally glancing at you.
"Forget your umbrella to?" He asked politely, just engaging in small talk.
"Ha yeah... I should have checked the weather report today."
The rain kept going as you two stayed silent.
"Got far to go?" He spoke again, this time looking at you until you faced him.
"Oh well, not really I was just going to run to the school up there but the rain keeps getting worse." You smiled
"School? You don't mean that really small one surrounded by bamboo, do you?"
"That's the one"
"So are you a sorcerer too?"
"How did you know?"
"I'm going to Jujutsu high to"
Back at Megumi's dorm he's getting a weird feeling in his stomach, like something was eating him alive.
"Yeah I'm actually a second year but I was training in another country"
"Really, that's so cool! How come I've never heard of you?"
"Honestly I was a bit of a loser" he laughed and so did you.
"That can't be true, you look so cool and mysterious."
You noticed that it was silent again and you looked over to see that the guy was now looking straight in front of him, ears red.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward..." You said with a nervous chuckle.
"Oh NO, No Not at all" he said even redder now as he stumbled over his words.
"Um, I was just wondering..."
You felt a cold hand intertwine its fingers with yours, to your surprise you saw Megumi standing inbetween you two holding pa wide umbrella.
"Oh Megumi, Hi" you said not noticing the glare he was shooting the guy.
"Hey Fushiguro, how are you?" The guy said nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm fine, Okkotsu, if you don't mind I'll be walking my girlfriend back to the dorms."
The atmosphere got thicker.
"Yeah see you at the school I guess..."
With that Megumi had already started to lead you away with out letting you say goodbye. His hand slowly loosened its grip as he sighed.
"You knew that guy?" You said
"Yeah, he's got a thing for dead girls."
"Yuta okkotsu, a special grade. He's related to Gojo so we would rarely bump into eachother in the past.
"Special grade?!"
"Y/n what ever you do, don't go messing around with him okay."
You doubted that Yuta was actually a bad person, let alone one who would hurt you. But you couldnt help but listen to Megumi as you saw the jealousy getting to him.
"Okay Gumi, on one condition."
" I can talk to him about my amazingly strong good-looking boyfriend." You giggled as you swore Megumi was breaking down inside, movments becoming stiffer and hesitant.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: I'm working on a few fics rn (including the OP ones) but my inbox is nearly empty and my requests are open. Reblogs r welcomed and have a good whatever time.
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
i love the imagine u wrote where zhongli would give us up for the world 🥹🥹 and it got me thinking:
what if the reader gets incarnated to the current timeline we have and meets zhongli again? they don’t have the past memories but somehow zhongli feels familiar for them. Z thinks this era is the right time for him to take back the past and do things right so he spends time w them but he somehow finds out that reader has a lover (maybe another playable character). Z begins to asks questions abt their lover and idk how their convo would play out but I just imagine where reader gets a question where they answer with “i would give up the world for them (their lover)” and zhong is just hit with past memories and regrets wishing how he could have done things differently idk i j imagine it rly angsty 😭😭
Sorry to disturb but this has been on my mind i cant stop thinking abt it and i wanted to share 😭😭 Anyways, i look forward to more of ur works!! keep up the good work ur doing great 🥺🫶
: following zhongli (world > you)
Imagine how had Mor- Zhongli tried to get close to you, you who obviously was rather uncomfortable with his presence. And the only key to it was the traveller, the same old traveller that had help Liyue and Monstand and is now away on their venture in Inazuma. That being said, nowadays he had been keeping you company.
"You've been off since the departure of the Traveller." Zhongli spoke as he stand right beside you in the harbor.
"Really? I didn't notice." You have him a small smile.
"But I guess you're right, I've been missing the traveller so bad nowadays." You chuckle.
Imagine, at that very moment, Zhongli hoped he didn't not see you. Not when you're looking like that. Not when you're looking so soft, so lovely, obviously longing for someone, someone who definitely wasn't him.
Imagine the way his heart dropped to his stomach. The way his hand clenched around nothing before realising it. And after a few moments of silence.
"Do you.. Perhaps have feelings for the traveller?"
Imagine the way his voice shaken, obviously did go unnoticed by you. The way his amber iris were shaking, hoping and trying to deny reality as best as he can. He had hope for a chance. He knew this time, nothing can go wrong with the two of you. So he approached you, he tried to get close to you, he really did. But perhaps it was already too late, or was it? Did he even had a chance in this new persona he now possess?
"Honestly, I'm not sure myself." You chuckle.
"Or so I thought before the traveller left. Did you know? The traveller confessed to me, but Traveller also told me that they had so many things going on at the moment so.." As you look beyond the sea, you smile genuinely.
"I was wondering that in the world was the Traveller even thinking confessing and leaving me just like that, but now that I think about it. Its wasn't so bad."
Imagine the way you smile, the way your brush back your hair, trying to fix it upon the harsh breeze that have been messing with your hair earlier.
"If the world wants me dead, if the world see me as a threat, what would you do?"
"What was the question that suddenly came into mind as soon as te Traveller confessed."
"What was the Traveller reply?"
Imagine the way you laugh, the way you smile genuinely as you recall the answer of that silly, adventurous, kind Traveller reply.
Imagine the way Zhongli kept staring at you, you who looked all refesh and happy, bright as you were before. Oh how much it hurts him he was no longer the reason why.
"How about a new world?"
"I'll just have to take you to a new world. As you are already aware I wasn't from this world. All we have to do is to escape and find a new world where no one can take you away from me. Although my twin always somes first, I cannot afford to loose you, you know?"
"..." "(First name)? Are you o-?" "Pfff.."
"Did I say something funny?" "No.. hehe, I'm just.. I don't know." Was it relief that you felt?
Imagine the way you let out a sigh. Thinking about the Traveller only makes you miss them more. Perhaps you should have given the Traveller a reply back then but both of you agreed to put more thought into it and give them a reply upon coming back.
"Escape." It was just one word.
"I see." Zhongli replied, this time he looked away from you.
"If you don't mind me asking." "What is it?"
"If it's for the sake of the world, would you be willing to kill them?"
Imagine the way you once again let out a sigh, as you went quite only for a few moments, you face him and tug his sleeve.
"If that person meant the world for you, isn't that enough reason to be selfish?" You chuckle.
"Isn't a world without your beloved would only felt like a living hell?" You added as you never once look away from him.
"It goes on without saying that it's them over the world. That's how much they matter to me, that's how much I love them."
Imagine the way Zhongli chuckle and the way his lips form a bitter smile afterwards nevertheless, he agreed to you and eventually excuse himself. Leaving you all alone in the harbor, all waiting for the Traveller and not him. But it's alright, one way or another, he deserves this.
Imagine as Zhongli walks away from you, you stare at him and as you do so. He looks so lonely. But then you blink as a harsh breeze passes by, turning your look into the horizon, the sun was peacefully setting. How beautiful yet it left a bitter taste in your mouth in which you soon ignore.
"Escape huh."
Imagine, it's not like he did not think about it. But back then, the best choice was to kill you. But after hearing what you said, he starts to doubt if he did perhaps made a mistake, leaving regrets behind. After all, you were right. A world were he couldn't embrace you when you were right in front of him was like a living hell.
Imagine the way it was making him wonder if he was only a little bit selfish, if only he did not listen to the pleads of his people, his friends. If only he tried to find another way. If only he choses the other way. Would the two of you be happy and still together like you were back then?
He doesn't know, after all, those were the choices he didn't take. And this was the consequence he had to face.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: I think I strayed away from what was asked. Crap, did I do this right?
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bby-blu-swirll · 1 year
can you write something with shoto x reader but the reader ignores shoto after a fight? ( happy ending though !!! ) love ur writing xx
omg of course !!! babes i can't tell you how big it made me smile to see this in my inbox sksdkjsdjklsd xx
content warnings : mild angst and a HEAVY sass,, lol nothing too heavy, hurt/comfort w a very sweet little ending, pls enjoy nonnie !!
" cold shoulder ? " - todoroki x reader
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the student commons were filled with soft music and small giggles from you and uraraka, completely side tracked from the homework iida was desperately trying to pull your attention back to. midoriya had given up at this point, just watching the three of you with a small smile.
"i'm just saying, i think a small break to run and get coffee would be productive." you chuckled softly, more amused by iida's arm chopping than anything.
"we took a long break less than an hour ago! it would be more productive to at least work a small while longer!"
you only laughed harder when ochako began to imitate his expression and movements. you stopped, however, smile dropping when you saw a todoroki stepping towards your table.
you closed your book quickly and pushed it to the side, standing up.
"y/n, wait-" he put a hand on your shoulder carefully, pressing his lips together when you shrugged it off.
"yeah, i'm going to go get a coffee. ochako, you wanna come?" you pushed in your chair as she nodded, standing up. "i'll grab you guys something too, just text me whatever you want."
you were already at the door before they could get a word out. deku and iida both jumped when you shut the door firmly. your boyfriend, however, just let out an exasperated sigh.
"um.. hey, todoroki?" midoriya fiddled with his pencil. "what was that about?"
"yes, it seems out of character for her to give you the cold shoulder, even when upset." iida had pushed his books to the side now too, his concern for a friend taking priority.
"she's not giving me the cold shoulder, she's just..." he sighed again as he pulled a chair and took a seat. he pressed his hands together and took a deep breath. "when she gets angry, she avoids me and ignores me so she doesn't say something she doesn't mean. like i did," he rubs his eyes and pulls his hands down his face, groaning in frustration. "i'm such an idiot..."
"what exactly, did you do?" midoriya cocked his head curiously, both boys now looking worried.
"finals are coming up, and i guess i've been letting that, and everything else lately, get to me. last night when i was putting away the dishes, i just kept thinking about it. my provisional license, the exams, my old man... i was just trying to finish quickly so i could get back to studying. y/n had come in to get a glass of water, and i didn't see her, i accidentally ran into her..."
todoroki took a deep breath and closed his eyes. the look on your face, he just couldn't get it out of his head.
"she dropped her cup, it broke, and i got stupid and angry. i got upset with her even though she apologized, even though it was my fault, and that turned into a stupid argument, and i said something i shouldn't have. i heard my father's voice coming out of my mouth. 'you're in the way.' ..." he took another deep breath. "but it wasn't my old man that hurt her. it was me,"
the boys just stared at him. they weren't exactly sure what to do or say.
"she's angry, and she has every right to be. even if she was just giving me the cold shoulder, i would understand. after all, that's what i did to my father when i was upset." he cracked a sad smile. "i guess we're alike in that way... but she handles these things better than i do."
he stood up abruptly and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"todoroki? are you alright?" iida stood too, followed by midoriya.
"i'll be fine, it's y/n you should worry about... i'm going out. i'll be back soon."
"uh- wait! todoroki! where are you going?" midoriya took a few steps after him, towards the front foyer.
"to fix this." was all he said before closing the door behind him.
"hey ochako, can you hand me my phone?" you pointed to it sitting on the night stand that far from where you sat on your bed.
"huh? oh, yeah!" she leaned over and grabbed it, it was only a few inches to her right.
"thanks.." you took it and skipped the song, biting the inside of your cheek. it was the song you had showed shoto when you were first getting to know him.
while the two of you had been out, you explained why you were ignoring your boyfriend. she was upset on your behalf, even though you told her not to be. you understood why he was so tense, but that didn't excuse what he did. it wasn't worth someone else getting upset over, though. this was your problem. she, however, insisted that this wasn't something you could push her away from and demanded that you let her spend the rest of the evening taking care of you and your fragile emotions. you bought candy and picked movies to watch, anything to keep your mind off of him until you and todoroki were in a better state to talk about it.
after you and uraraka had gotten home from your "coffee break", you were surprised to find your study buddies on the couch, picking out a movie. they didn't explain why, but apparently they had decided you had all done enough work for one day. you ended up watching whatever together until you and ochako retired to your room and blew off dinner. (normally iida would never condone such actions, but after hearing from todoroki what had happened, he decided to just bring the two of you a couple plates from downstairs.)
so here you were, just listening to music and talking about whatever, letting the conversation go wherever it did. until, however, a knock pulled your attention to your door. you looked over at uraraka before getting up to open it.
there was nobody on the other side, nobody down the hall either way, and you almost closed it before you saw something on the ground. you knit your brows together and couched down. a few packages of your favorite snacks, some of them from shops that were more than 30 minutes away. there was a bottle of your favorite beverage with a small pink sticky note, a heart drawn onto it carefully.
most eye-catching, though, was the jar full of your favorite flowers. it was a beautiful bouquet, small enough to fit on your desk but in no way minimal or boring, with a bow of your favorite color tied around it.
"y/n? what is it?" uraraka asked from your bed, leaning over to try and see.
"it's..." your eyes drifted down to one of the snack packages, with another sticky note. this one, however, was covered in tidy, familiar handwriting.
you pulled it off the bag and read it a few times over.
"i know you need time. take as much as you need. you have every right to be upset with me. what i said was wrong. all of it. i'm sorry. you deserve a better apology than this, too. just please come and find me when you're ready to talk. any time, wake me up if you need. i love you. -shoto"
you smiled softly, shaking your head. "it's a gesture, i guess..."
todoroki was in his room absolutely losing his mind. he couldn't stop thinking about you. he was hunched over his desk, trying to read the same paragraph for the 4th time over, but it was useless. yesterday, his studies were the most important thing in the world. now, they didn't matter at all. nothing mattered except you. how he'd upset you and how he just wanted to fix it. now you were the most important thing in the world. and that's how it should have been the whole time. you should have been his priority.
a small knock snapped him out of his thoughts. he checked the clock, it was almost midnight. his heart leapt into his throat, adrenaline shooting through him as he prayed it was you on the other side. he was at the door in seconds, but hesitated before opening. he took a deep breath and pulled on the handle.
and there you stood. hands together, tugging on the cuffs of your sweater. you looked so beautiful, he just wanted to throw his arms around you, hold you, kiss you. but he knew he had to earn that again.
"hey..." he mentally kicked himself as soon as the words left his mouth.
"hey?" that's all you have to say? really??
"you... gonna let me in?" you motioned behind him.
"oh-" he stepped out of the way quickly, wishing he could slap himself to get his head on right.
you sat down on his floor calmly, crossing your legs and looking at him with an expectant look. he took his seat across from you and took a deep breath, trying to find the right place to start. he had spent every hour since he snapped at you trying to think of what to say, and suddenly now, he was drawing a blank. your piercing gaze wasn't exactly helping either, but he figured he kind of deserved that.
he took a deep breath and met your eyes. "i'm sorry. for what i said. really, really, sorry. it was stupid. i've been letting everything get the best of me lately, with my father and exams, and my license, which isn't an excuse. i just thought you should know why," he swallowed before continuing. "it was just a stupid cup, and even that was my fault-"
you huffed a laugh, making him stop and smile softly.
"i shouldn't have lost my temper with you. you don't deserve to be a punching bag for my frustrations. and you know that, but i need you to know that i do too. and i need you to know, you're never in the way. ever. i let other things get in the way of how much i care about you. school and stuff is important, but you take priority every time, and i need to start acting like it. so, i'm sorry. do you think you could forgive me?"
he held his breath, terrified of your answer. you stared at him for a long moment.
all of todoroki's fears melted the second you broke into a smile, throwing yourself into his arms. you wrapped your legs around his waist and buried your head in his neck.
you laughed and ran your fingers up and down his spine slowly. "you're forgiven... all you had to do was ask."
he let out a heavy sigh of relief. he pressed his nose into your hair, smelling your shampoo, just enjoying being close to you. he smiled to himself and kissed your head, making you chuckle.
"just..." you pulled away, keeping your arms around his neck, just far enough to look him in the eyes. "talk to me, next time. when you start to get overwhelmed. let me help you. you know that you don't have to deal with things alone anymore."
he sighed and looked to the floor. "i know, i guess old habits die hard... i'm sorry-"
you held his face gently and pressed your lips to his. he hummed softly, putting his hand at the base of your neck.
"you've said enough sorry's for one night," you pulled away with a smile. "don't sweat it, just make sure you talk to me."
a faint smile decorated his lips as he pulled you close to him, nestling under your jaw. he took a moment just breath you in. he sighed contently.
"i don't deserve you..."
you chuckled, tangling your fingers in his hair.
"i know.. <3"
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1967 words sksjkdkjsd <3
i didn't think i would get this done in the matter of time i did lol - i saw this request this morning as i was on my way out the door, so i had a tone of time to think about it until i got home later. pretty happy w/ how it turned out i think,, i hope whoever requested it likes it !!
it's my first request so i hope that i did a good job, please, anybody feel free to send me any ideas ! writing so much over the last few days since i started this blog on a whim has really been a good distraction for me, and a good exercise for my brain in general.
btw,, apologies for any of my personal issues that may have leaked through lol <33
love you sm !! hope everyone has a lovely day/night/morning/evening 💗💗
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iovetecchou · 1 year
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Pairings... Tecchou Suehiro x Reader
Contains... sub!tecchou, dom!reader, edging, teasing, begging, use of "good boy" dirty talk, name calling (pathetic, slut, loser), hair pulling, dry humping, bladder control, piss kink, mommy kink, ruined orgasm, public humiliation, perv!tecchou complete and utter filth. you have been warned! please read at your own discretion.
AFAB Reader.
2,194 words.
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Tecchou honestly had no shame with how he kept eyeing you up. Completely ignoring everything about the report Tachihara was filling you all in on. You were getting increasingly aggravated with your shameless boyfriend. You were both at work, for fucks sake. Yet he kept rubbing his thighs together from under the desk. Of course, only you would know what that meant, but it was the furthest indicative of pure thoughts.
You could feel Jouno's frustration. You knew he was aware of Tecchou's excitement, and it caused your blood to boil. He couldn't just wait until you both got home? Suddenly, you felt a hand come up to rest against your thigh. You jumped up slightly from the sudden physical contact. But of course, it was no other than your needy boyfriend. Trying his hardest to get you to pay attention to him. But to no avail. You kept your eyes forward and didn't share a single glance his way. He noticed and pouted to himself. Moving his hand further up your thigh and under your skirt uniform. You felt his fingers dance along the inseam of your panties... and that was your final straw.
Suddenly, you jolted upright. Clearing your throat before you spoke up. "I apologize for the disturbance, but it seems as though Tecchou is feeling under the weather. I'll take him to the infirmary. Please excuse us." With that, you harshly yanked Tecchou up out of his seat. Dragging him out of the meeting room doors and down the hall. Stomping your way toward the infirmary with Tecchou in tow. "Y/n I'm not feeling sick? Why are you-" Before he could finish his statement, he was hauled into the infirmary. You shut the door quietly before turning the lock. Whipping your head in Tecchou's direction before you spat out.
"Don't play coy with me now, Suehiro. I've told you time and time again... we can't do these things at work. But now that I'm saying this out loud... I think you like it. You want someone to catch on to how pathetic you are for me, hm?" All he could do was gape at you, nodding his head slowly as he squeezed his thighs together. You didn't fail to notice this. You let your gaze trail lower. Taking in his pathetic state entirely. His face was completely flushed, and his eyes were half-lidded. He scored his bottom lip with his teeth as he brought his hand up to cup his painfully hard cock through his work uniform. Slowly palming himself and squeezing his legs together even tighter than before.
You clicked your tongue. Moving your hands down to pull Tecchou's away from his clothed cock before you quipped out. "I never said you could touch yourself. Are you really this desperate? And at work of all places? How pathetic... get on your fucking knees, now." You shot him an icy glare as he immediately obeyed. Dropping down to his knees before you with a small thud. You smirked down at him before you cooed, "Good boy... now, put your hands behind your back. You are not allowed to move them without my permission, understood?" All he did was nod up at you with hearts in his eyes. But that wasn't the response you were looking for.
You knocked his hat off his head in one swift motion. Fisting his locks harshly and yanking his head back by his hair. He let out a needy whine as you brought your face mere centimeters away from his own. "Oh? This is the response I get? Even after I called you a good boy and everything? No, this won't do. You'll have to use your words... otherwise, I'll leave you here to take care of your little 'problem' all by yourself. You don't want that, hm?" His eyebrows scrunched together in frustration from the thought alone. His chestnut eyes were swirling with desperation. It caused a sly smile to find its way to your features.
Tecchou let out one last whimper before he babbled out, "I understand I won't move unless I'm told. I promise. I'll be a good boy for you, so, please... please touch me, mommy I need you so fucking badly." Your smile grew wide from his shameless confession. Pleased with his response, you let up on his tousled locks. "There we go... that wasn't so hard, hm?" With that, you pulled away from his face. Standing proud before him as you brought your boot down to his clothed cock. You twisted your ankle as you did so. Reveling in the sounds of Tecchou's pathetic mewls. "Ah, w-wait... I really need to pee, and it feels w-weird when you do that..." He blurted out, squeezing his thighs further together. His legs were shaking slightly, you noted.
"Well, you should have thought about that before you decided to act like a needy slut. You'll just have to hold it. You can do that for mommy, right?" Your voice was laced with feigned sympathy as you moved your boot up a little further. This time, pressing on his lower tummy. "Please- stop! I-I can't hold it when you do that-!" Tecchou whined, doubling over as you pressed your heavy boot into his tummy further. "Oh, but you will hold it. If you make a fucking mess, I won't let you cum." Tecchou shot his head up in your direction at your words. His eyes were blown wide, and his mouth was slightly ajar. His fingers twitched behind his back. But he knew that if he moved them, it would only mean trouble.
You pulled your boot away from his tummy for a brief moment. Moving it down between his legs and kicking his thighs apart. "Keep your legs open for me. That's it... good boy." Heat swirled in his lower tummy from the nickname. Tecchou wanted nothing more than to be a good boy for you. You shoved your leg right in between his parted thighs. Wedging your shin right into his crotch. Tecchou whined at the sudden friction against his aching dick. He wanted- no, needed more friction. But he didn't dare move a muscle. Simply waiting for your next order. "Go on, hump my leg like the pathetic loser you are."
Tecchou's resolve snapped the second those words left your lips. Wasting no time lifting his hips up. Sloppily thrusting up against your shin. The small amount of friction was enough to leave him breathless. "Thank you! thank you, mommy... feels so good..." You couldn't help but laugh at his pathetic state. He was whining so loudly as his clothed cock dragged along the expanse of your shin. You could feel his length pulsing against your leg with each passing thrust. You experimentally pushed your leg closer in between his parted thighs. The further you leaned into him, the more pressure was applied to his full bladder.
He whined at the feeling as a little bit threatened to dribble past his slit. "Mommy, I-I can't hold it any longer- m' gonna make a mess..." Tecchou grunted out. Tears threatened to spill past his waterline as he gazed up at you. Begging for mercy with his pathetic stare. You pulled your leg away from his clothed cock in an instant. Taking a step back. "Then, I'm not helping you get off if you can't control yourself. Didn't you beg me for this? What, and now you can't handle it, hm? How pitiful..." His tears were flowing freely now. Running down his cheeks and past his chin. Falling into his lap as his dick continued to throb from within the confines of his trousers.
He felt so frustrated and... pent up. He couldn't help himself. How could he when you looked so perfect all the time? You got him so worked up with the littlest things, and he hardly felt any shame. This isn't the first time you had to sneak away from a meeting with Tecchou in hand because he couldn't contain his excitement at work. Oh, no. This happened frequently, and it only got worse when you both were alone in the confines of your shared apartment. Tecchou was shamelessly desperate for you always, and whenever you would ask him why he got so turned on over the littlest things... he would say, "I just love you so much. Everything you do drives me crazy." He was entirely oblivious to the fact that he's a complete pervert when it comes to you. But, even still... how could you reject such a sweet sentiment from your darling Suehiro?
"No, please- I-I need to cum! Please, I'll hold it. I swear, please don't stop- not here... not now. Please, mommy?" He hiccuped through his words as more tears rolled down his cheeks. His legs were twitching and shaking so much. You could see a small wet spot spreading on the front of his pants. Whether it was from his precum or his piss was unclear to you. You let out a drawn-out sigh before you spoke up once more. "You're so lucky I love you, Suehiro." You took a step toward his pathetic frame. Doubling over and leaning your face into his. You licked the tears away from his cheeks. Your tongue traced the three little markings under his left eye before you pulled back. Jamming your leg back in between his quivering thighs. Adding the perfect amount of friction as he awaited your next order. His hands desperately twitched behind his back. He wanted nothing more than to touch you at this moment.
"Go on, get yourself off with my leg. But make it quick. The others must be wondering why we aren't back by now." He let out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding before lifting his hips. Pressing further into your shin as he humped up against you fervently. He felt the pressure building further inside his tummy. Not entirely sure if it was from his desire to cum, or his need to empty his bladder. "Thank you, mommy. Thank you so much... feels so good... too good- ah!" He pressed his needy cock into your leg once more before his hips stilled. You pulled back immediately. Getting a better view of his flustered form as he came inside his pants.
He was whining so much as his eyes rolled back into his head. His thighs twitched uncontrollably. His hips slowly moved on their own. A small moan slipped past his lips. "Fuck- mommy!" He threw his head back. Giving you a perfect view of his adam's apple as it bobbed up and down in his throat. Your eyes shot down to his clothed cock. Enjoying the sight of his dick twitching against the constricting fabric. He made a complete mess in his boxers. Tecchou let out a needy mewl as the last ropes of his cum spilled out of his slit. Further dirtying his underwear.
In an instant, Tecchou's head jolted upright. His eyes locked with yours. They were swirling with worry as his face turned a deep shade of red. "Y/n... it's gonna come out, I can't hold it- ahn...!" Before you could register what he was saying, you saw it. The front of his trousers grew wetter by the second. Dampening and darkening the cloth of his work uniform pants. Your eyes were blown wide from the realization. Your boyfriend was currently pissing himself right in front of you. "Fuck...! hmn..." Tecchou groaned. Drool seeped past his lips as his eyes rolled back into his skull. The relief of finally emptying his bladder was just as pleasurable as cumming the way he just did only moments prior.
All you could do was watch in shock. Your own core swirled with heat from the sight before you. Seeing the strongest Hunting Dog reduced to this was certainly a power trip. After a minute more, Tecchou opened his eyes slowly. Gazing up at you with half-lidded eyes. He panted harshly as he tried to regain his breath. Suddenly you heard a knock at the door. The sound alone broke you out of your trance. Fear flooded your entire body as the person behind the door spoke up. "Tecchou, Y/n! How many times do I have to tell you both... fucking at work is prohibited. You sick fucks... and Tecchou, you're a disgusting pervert." Was all Jouno said before it was silent once more. You could only assume he made his way back to the meeting room.
"Ah, shit... I knew this would happen. Hiro, quick! We need to get you cleaned up before Fukuchi arrives. Being caught by Jouno was enough humiliation for one day... are you even listening to me right now...?" You gaped down at Tecchou. He was completely unbothered by this whole situation. He actually seemed... pleased with himself? He gazed up at you with hearts in his eyes before he rose to his feet. Standing right in front of you before he craned his neck down. Leaning his face closer into yours before he asked,
"Can we do that again when we get home?"
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yummy... um... sorry i let the horny thoughts win...
special tag; @win-writes
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doiesfav · 1 year
+·ºEveryday Work - Haechan ||
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Pairing: non idol! Haechan x fem sex shop worker! Reader
Plot: One day this customer came to the sex shop you worked, some days to buy condoms or lingerie, other days just to look around and leave. He was attractive not to mention he sometimes caughts you looking at him.
Genre: smut, fiction, non idol! AU
Contains: sex??!?!, car sex omg, nicknames (such as good girl, pretty girl…), filthy smut and smut (also smut), reader kinda likes doyoung.
A/n: Okay this is the smuttiest thing i've ever written, love my mind🥰
w/c -> 1,5k
PT. 2
banners and dividers are self-made
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You were just a high school dropout and at 19 you were working part-time in a sex shop, not the best place to leave a good impression but surprisingly well paid, what you needed. Actually, your friend's older brother owned it, Doyoung, so of course you took the opportunity when he was hiring staff. You didn't have the best relationship with your parents so they didn't even know what were you doing anyways.
Today was just a normal one, wake up, prepare to go to work, deal with customers, lunch break, deal with customers again, close the shop, and go home. Basic right? Well, let's say it was something you thought it would be today. You just arrived to open the shop, in the morning there aren't many people so you just need to stock products. &lt;&lt;Bell rings>>, ''Fuck'' you thought to yourself, the last thing you needed now was a customer, you left the supply room and went to check the customer. ''Fuck'' He was handsome, ''Welcome, do you need anything?'' You greeted him with a nervous voice, ''Yup, a condom please'' You then noticed how he checked you up which made you shy, You went to get the condom boxes and showed him the different types there were. ''Which one do you need?'' You asked, he then looked at the colorful and various items, and he grabbed a box of sensitive and intense normal size, ''I'll take this box'' he said while slightly touching your fingers on the counter.
''Ye-yes'' you stuttered by accident which in response he smirked. While scanning the item he kept trying to make eye contact but you looked away every time. ''That will be 14.99 dollars, Do you need any bag?'' still looking down, ''No thanks, here you go, keep the change'' He handed you the money and grabbed his purchase and before walking out of the door the unknown man smiled at you and he left. Your cheeks are blushing hard and if there was a mirror you could see yourself in you would be red as fuck.
It has been 9 days since that boy came. Today you dreamt about that man and it wasn’t a family friendly one to be exact, he was somehow in your room and was eating you out like crazy, and with no surprise you woke up wet. “4AM” that’s early, and then the image of that guy in your dreamt stepped in your mind reminding you how wet you were. It wasn’t your fault having a sex dream about him and either was masturbating thinking about him. It was the only way to satisfy you probably.
You finally arrived at your shop, still a little bit embarrassed about what happened in the early morning. And as usual not many customers at this time of the day maybe 2 or 3. &lt;<bell rings>> it was your boss, “Good morning Mr. Kim” you tried to be polite because he was your superior although he was only 4 years older than you. “Morning _” Gosh he was so attractive, you didn’t want to admit it but you maybe had a tiny little crush on him, but you kept it to yourself because of the friendship with his sister.
He went to the stock room to do some stuff and your eyes kept track of him, today his hair down which made him look kinda like a bunny, you loved his fashion sense as it was kinda similar as yours, and the sweater he was wearing today it was your gift for his sister but it was too big for her, that’s why the sweater now belongs to him. Without noticing a customer was waiting in front of you while you were staring at your boss.
“Excuse me” That voice, you immediately turned your head back were it should be and guess who it was, that boy. Your ears were turning red knowing what you did this morning, “Oh ye-yea I’m sorry” You were getting shy because of how you were getting sandwiched by the two guys you had interest in lately. The customer then got closer towards your ear “So you like him huh?” Those words were enough to make your mind blow. “N-no is not like that” You then started scanning some lingerie he wanted to buy, Could it be for his girlfriend? You shouldn’t be having a crush on a guy who’s already dating, but he winked at you, it meant he wanted so it was okay to at least have dirty scenarios with him right?
“Hey Doyoung are you by any chanc in a relationship right now?” You were surprised, did they know each other? “Oh Donghyuck it’s you, and yes I have a girlfriend, what are you buying today and did the lubricant worked well?” Your face of disappointment was incredibly visible and you felt your energy going low but then distracted by your boss’s words, so his name was Donghyuck, and the way he said the next words he sounded like a regular. “No nothing in special, today im buying some lingerie and still haven’t used the new lubricant, although i might use it soon..” After those words were said he looked at your, noticing how his fierce and sexy looking eyes were tracing your silhouette.
“Okay, just go away, my worker doesn’t want to see your face” then he got closer to you and this time whispered, “meet me in your lunch break outside that Mercedes silver car” the heartbeat you felt that moment was probably painful but still wanted more and more. Donghyuck then grabbed his purchase and walked away again turning his head towards you.
Finally it was lunch time, your heart was racing like crazy, your scenarios that could happen just right after, and so much more. “Imma get going bye Mr. Kim!” You quickly ran out of the store this time without your ugly uniform as you wanted to appear more appealing, you went directly to the parking lot there was next, and there it was, a silver Mercedes. You walked slowly towards the car hoping it was the correct one and softly knocked the driver’s window. Then it was the guy you expected to be there, Donghyuck.
“Hi sweetie, you really came” He sounded like a total gentleman. “Y-Yes, why did you wanted to meet though?” You looked down feeling kinda shy and embarrassed, “I was wondering if I could be you could trust” Trust? Did he meant he wanted a relationship with you right away? Donghyuck then softly grabbed both of your hands. “I’m gonna be straight, I find you very attractive and I just want to spent a night with you” He was really straightforward, you wanted to spent a night with him, but you knew it wasn’t gonna be just one time. Based off in past experiences you knew what was gonna happen, but still followed what you desired.
Your hands went up to his shoulders and moved your head up to slowly kiss him, he then followed your movements. His lips were definitely addicting and just didn’t care if the word ended tomorrow, you wanted more. “Can we just do it inside?” Feeling desperate of having a taste of him. “Sure baby let’s go”. Outside the car seemed kinda small but once you were inside it you had come confidence it was gonna be the perfect space for both of you.
He tapped his lap to indicate you to sit on him, you did and kissed Donghyuck fiercely, his left was removing some hair strands on your face while his right one was slowly touching your clothed back. While having a break for the kiss he decided to remove the shirt you were wearing and then unclapped the bra. Just by looking his stare at your boobs you knew how much he liked those. Not so long after he started kissing and sucking one and with his hand played with your nipple, moans were already coming out of you and Donghyuck just enjoyed it more.
“Take off your jeans for me pretty girl” That nickname made you melt, you had a thing for nicknames and you followed his orders like a robot, “good girl” again another nickname, you were getting unpatient and wanted to savor him. You then noticed he was grabbing something next to him, it was the lubricant Doyoung mentioned earlier. He used some and spread it on his ring and index finger, “flex up your legs sweetie” You then gave him space to put his fingers inside you, what was it gonna feel like?
He slowly made his index finger go inside you, they were kind of thick but enjoyed it a lot, moans were kinda noticable of someone passed by the car but luckily it wasn’t the case. His ring finger then made way inside your pussy along the already index one “Do-donghyuck-“ He slowly thrusted to stretch you out and you were going feral, you never have been fingered this good, his fingers were delicate and knew what they were doing. And without notice Donghyuck curled up his finger and obviously he was searching your spot.
Surprisingly he found it easy, he could tell by how your moans were different and how much please you were showing him. He was thrusting too fast already that just because you didn’t want this to end you resisted the urge to cum but couldn’t take it anymore and just before releasing he removed those fingers. You were kinda upset but that meant you were getting dick.
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Hello guys!!! Sorry if I didn’t update that much these weeks :((( And I hope this counts as an apology😭😭 (sorry if theres an pt.2 but that will be probably released soon😽)
And as always thanks for the support and would appreciate reblog or follow!!! <333
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diacripticcomplex · 8 months
I saw your yandere fic and I was wondering if I could request the same but this time with Shu but like no smut I prefer more blood and gore if that's oks w you. Thanks!
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Shu’s POV:
Sigh...I did not want to be in the game room with all these loud idiots but I was dragged in. I sat back on the chair, I closed my eyes but even with my eyes closed I could envision everything perfectly. It was Subaru's turn, throwing darts, he wasn't too bad at it..if he worked on his form he would've done better, I opened one of my eyes for a brief moment to observe his form..good, that was much better. He got a bullseye in one shot. I close my eyes again. I didn't care much to play or even watch but sometimes I like to observe. "Since we're all here, maybe we should play a game together?" even with my eyes closed I could tell which annoying mouth that came from, Laito of course. "What do you say Ayato?" he asked his even more annoying triplet. "what will I get when I beat all your sorry asses?" he asked with much confidence in his voice, he's so irritating..."The prize will be Little bitch~ You don't mind right Shu?" Laito chirped, he said my name but I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying. I just stared blankly at him. "What? No way, I'm with Shu. I can't be the prize." The prey said, 'I'm with Shu." How hilarious, she's not with me. I haven't even defiled her man eater lower body yet...
"So are you in Shu?" one of them asks me I don't even care to acknowledge who. "No, it's a pain I can do without.." I mumbled. I heard a scoff from Reiji. "I figured you would postulate that sort of statement, he's a good for nothing deadbeat, if you look up the word spineless in a dictionary you would see a picture of him right beside the definition." ouch, Reiji always says such hilariously crude things, regardless I have to show him who's the eldest after all. I get up. "Fine I'll play.." I say. Much to everyone's shock, they're so dramatic it's not that serious, just doing some humbling to my younger siblings. I get in my form, I've always been good at darts...even taught my old human friend how to play..great times. I focused and landed 3 darts into the bullseye. "No way, this bastard actually won??" Ayato whined, Laito awed in amazement. "No fair!" Kanato cried, "Well I guess he is the eldest after all.." Subaru commented. Reiji said nothing, what could he say..? Losers can't talk.
"Shu I'm so glad you won, congra-" she began to say, what a slut..she wanted to be the prize afterall, she wanted me to fight for her, it's rather pathetic but I will make my point clear and instill this into the minds of all my annoying brothers. I grabbed her wrist and turned her, pressing myself up against her back. Of course she began being problematic and moving around so much trying to break free, but I held her firmly, I took one of the darts and held it to her eye. "Make another move and I'll poke your little eye out.." I gently tell her, meaning it. I wouldn't mind gouging out her eyeball and crushing it under my foot..."You were excited to be made the prize for this, weren't you..?" She squirmed and tried to deny it, its honestly pointless. "Shu what are you doing?! Don't engage in such filth down here..!" Reiji nagged, I smirk at all of them. "Hush now, losers can't talk.." I remarked, then glided my tongue on her nape, she was so hot her skin was practically steaming, she was getting turned on by this..? Dirty girl. I won't complain. "No..please let go..!!" she kept panicking, well it was now or never, I bit into her flesh. And it tasted like nothing I have ever tasted before...it was like a hot meal on a cold day, it felt life changing.
I think it was the fear and embarrassment she felt, that's why her blood tasted so good, she definitely wasn't like other prey. I understand now why she was brought to us. Well brought to me. After tasting this blood, I don't think I will be passing her to my brothers, I don't understand why I feel this way..I couldn't care less about any of the sacrificial brides before, but this one...I want to defile her, break her body and suffocate her in a world of pain and despair. I noticed her clenching her silly little rosary. "No ones coming to save you." I whispered in her ear, then teleported us into my room. Her blood is like a drug, I want more and more of it.
This blood was giving me energy to do so many things to this body of hers..I take the knife from my nightstand and press to her cheek. “Take off your clothes” I tell her, “no..! I can’t do that!” She yelled, her disobedient yells were irritating me. I took the knife and sliced her clothes off. She quickly covered herself with her hands, her undergarments looked pathetic, lacked so much sex appeal, you’d think she’d have better undergarments, being the slut she is.. “Please Shu…don’t do this..” she cried, that wasn’t a bad face, I liked her crying face it was contoured with a hidden lust. I slice her chest, lightly and so much blood poured out, I lapped it up. She kept trying to fight me so I took the knife and stabbed right through her wrist and the scream that came with it was delightful, I could listen to her screams all day…she let out her tears and cried uncontrollably at this. “Take it out..! Please it hurts so much..!” She panted out. I rip the knife out her wrist which gave her even more pain but I did what she wanted. I lick the knife, then proceed to drinking the blood from her impaled wound on her wrist. Yea she’s not going anywhere…
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cielcorner · 4 months
"My Doll"
Trigger Warning: Extremely Dubious Consent due to hypnotism, heavy manipulation, etc. If you are sensitive to said topics, please do not read.
"Home sweet home, my doll!" Spectrum giggled as he placed the dirty blonde on his bed, Owen rolling his eyes.
"I'm stealing your bathroom for an hour." He grabbed his civilian clothes, walking to the door.
"That's fine! I'll be here!" Spectrum giggled as the brunette closed the door. He smiled, removing his mask and jacket, placing them on a chair.
Now out of costume, Scott Smajor changed into some pajamas before facing Sheriff, who was staring at the wall, unable to think. Good, he didn't need to think. All he had to do was sit there and look pretty, like the doll he was. He smiled at the the thought, removing the dirty blonde's hat, vest, and scarf, placing them on a chair before opening his closet.
"What to put you in...?" He hummed, "Hmmm... I mean, I could leave you in boxers, what do you think?" He chuckled, laughing at his own joke.
Scott turned and saw Sheriff's face was twisted.
"Shhhhhhh~" Scott cooed, quickly closing the distance between them, holding the other's cheeks, "No thinking for you~ Just sit there looking pretty~"
Sheriff slipped easily, his face relaxing as he once again fell under Scott's control. Damn, even now, he's still trying to fight. I have to watch what I say and order of him if me asking what he thinks can bring him back. Scott turned back to the closet, deciding a clean white shirt was all Sheriff needed.
He unbuttoned the dirty blonde's shirt and widened his eyes. Winged... surgery scars...? He looked at Sheriff's back, eyes getting bigger, Small canary wings...?! Scott was in shock before he gently removed Sheriff's mask.
"Holy- Is that-?!" Scott cupped the dirty blonde's cheeks before smiling brightly, "Oh, my god! Jimmy Solidarity Gaming is Sheriff, aye?! That's so cool! No wonder I like you so much!" He then put the new white shirt on the dirty blonde, unbuttoning and removing his jeans, "We sure live in a small world, huh? That's crazy! I can't believe you became a vigilante! And a confident flirter too! I guess that's my doing, you're welcome everyone! I mean, I am sorry I have to take this handsome hunk off the streets, but he's miiiiiiine~!" Scott giggled. 
Owen walked out, sighing, "Alright, I'm done.
"Thank you so much for your hard work, Owen! You're dismissed, minion!" Scott teased, playfully clapping his hands together, "That will be all!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going!" Owen laughed, waving as he left, "See ya tomorrow!"
"See ya!" Scott chuckled.
He smiled, looking at Solidarity's face, still blank. He gently laid the other down laying beside him.
"Cuddle me."
The dirty blonde did.
Scott smiled, "So handsome, doll. And all mine. Go ahead and sleep."
Solidarity's eyes fluttered closed and Scott smiled. He turned off the lights and fell asleep himself.
Scott kept Solidarity in his room, slowly teaching him while under his hypnosis while also slowly trying to ease away from using it. Sure, it was nice to always have a dress up doll, but using his powers constantly, twenty four/seven, and especially so much of it? It made Scott tired. So, after having all his fun with his toy sheriff, he would slowly pull Solidarity up from the hypnosis and feed him false memories.
"Shhhh, get some sleep, it's okay." Scott cooed, "I've got you now, I've saved you."
The dirty blonde tried to say something, but his eyes fluttered closed once more.
Scott smirked, knowing slowly by surely, Solidarity was falling into his grasps.
Scott kept bringing the other up from hypnosis, just enough so he can hear Scott's voice and how he "saved him from Spectrum", before pushing him down once more. Solidarity's mind was slowly being broken beyond repair and Scott was enjoying it. Everyday, he brought Solidarity up a little more than before, just so he was conscious enough to understand that Scott "saved" him, but still under his control if things went haywire. When he finally felt the other was ready, he slowly let go of his hypnosis, staying alert just in case he needed to put Solidarity back under.
"Hey, Jim?" Scott cooed, "Hey, can you hear me?"
"Nnngh... w-what... what happened...?" The dirty blonde groaned, his eyes still a bit glossed over.
"Ah, finally, you're awake!" Scott smiled brightly, acting, "Are you okay? Sore? Does your head hurt? Did the potion work or...?"
"Who- What-?" The dirty blonde rubbed his eyes before widening them, "Scott?! Scott, what are you doing here- wait..." He seemed to think for a second, "You... Did you save me?"
"Yeah!" He lied, "Spectrum really did a number on you!" Scott tucked the other's bangs behind his ear, Solidarity blushing a bit, "He didn't hurt you too much, as much as I could tell. But he did keep you really, really under control! Xornoth had to help me get you out of it!"
The dirty blonde blinked, confused a bit before it seemed to sink in what Scott was talking about. He sat up with a groan, "I... see..." He rubbed his eyed before he seemed to realize something, "Wait... You...? You said you saved me, then..." He looked at Scott, "Y-You know...?"
Scott stiffened and looked away, "Yeah... I... I'm sorry, I would never want to force you to reveal who you are but..."
Solidarity groaned, "I-It's fine... I mean, you helped me, so, I guess I don't really mind." He rubbed his head, "I-I still can't remember much..."
Scott gently held his hand, smiling softly, "Well, you're safe now." He laced his voice with a small bit of hypnosis.
The dirty blonde blinked, his eyes flashing a bit before he nodded, "Yeah... thanks. Thank you." He rubbed his eyes, "S-Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, just... I think I'm still a bit out of it."
"No, you're okay, I understand. Why don't you stay here for a bit? Just to recover?"
"...Yeah, I think that's for the best. I'm still kinda tired and feel exhausted and just can't remember much..."
"It's okay." Scott reassured, standing up and hugging him. He smirked, whispering sweetly in his ear, "I'm happy you're okay."
Solidarity blushed and hugged back, "T-Thank you."
From there, Scott continued to subtly mind control him, convincing the dirty blonde that he should stay, that he was protected here, that Spectrum was still out there and would try to kidnap him again.
"B-But the Sheriff-"
"I know you want to still help people, but putting your life on the line. Spectrum will kidnap you again!" The villain hugged Solidarity tightly, "P-Please... Please don't go. I don't want you to get hurt."
Solidarity hesitated before he nodded, the dirty blonde's eyes flashing a bit, falling for the man's voice, "Okay... Okay, yeah, I'll stay... I mean, I guess I can retire. But I should get a job-"
"No, don't, you don't need one!" Scott reassured, smiling, "I'm rich, remember? Just stay here, just stay with me."
The dirty blonde's head bobbed a bit before he smiled, nodding, "Okay. I'll stay here, with you."
The villain smiled innocently, pulling Solidarity in for a kiss, "I'm so happy to have you back... Man, I was an idiot for letting you go!"
Solidarity blushed and laughed, kissing Scott once more.
All mine, you're all mine. Scott smirked.
Scott managed to convince (mind control, but is there really a difference?) Solidarity that he didn't need anyone besides him, that Owen was his only friend. After he did that, it was easy to convince him to get rid of his phone and social media platforms, buying him a new phone with a brand new phone number, the only contacts being his and Owen. After doing that, he blocked all news channels from the TV, not wanting Solidarity to see any news of him being missing or anything like that. The dirty blonde went with it, not able to do much else, his mind unable to piece things back together.
And Scott was happy and so is Solidarity. After all, why wouldn't he be happy with Scott?
"I'm back!" Scott cooed, opening the door. He smiled at Solidarity, who sat on the bed, watching TV, his eyes seemingly glazed over.
He sat down beside the dirty blonde, Solidarity snapping out of it, "Oh! Scott, hi! I-I'm sorry, I got lost in thought."
"You're so pretty when you're out of it~" Scott cooed, kissing his lips.
The dirty blonde blushed but kissed back. Scott smirked into the kiss and pushed him against the bed, deepening the kiss. Solidarity whined, allowing the other to deepen the kiss more and more. Scott's hands wandered under Solidarity's shirt, teasing at his sides and pinching his nipples, the dirty blonde gasping against his lips.
"S-Scott, wait, I-"
Scott cooed, kissing at his nose, "I'll take care of you, you know that~"
Solidarity nodded, "I-I know, just-" He blushed and leaned back into the sheets, "I-I just..."
"What, what is it?"
The dirty blonde sat up and leaned into Scott's neck, "...J-Just... be gentle, okay...? I'm not..."
Scott hugged him close, "Dary... are you feeling dysphoric, handsome?"
"N-No, not really, just... I'm scared I'll get more dysphoric when... everything comes off."
"Don't worry, honey, I'll make you feel so good, you know that, right?" Scott cooed.
Solidarity gasped, shaking a bit as he laid back down. His eyes were glazed over, so easy to slip under Scott's control. The villain smiled, kissing his nose and cheeks as he removed the other's shirt. Solidarity wrapped his arms around Scott's shoulders, letting out adorable little squeaks and moans as the man kissed and sucked marks into his neck. The dirty blonde tilted his head, giving the man more access to his pale skin. Scott kissed his nose, one hand trailing down into his pants, under his boxers.
"So wet already~" Scott cooed, his hand teasing at Solidarity's clit, "All for me, hmm?"
"S-Scott-" Solidarity tried to close his legs.
"Spread those legs for me, love." Scott demanded, voice sickly sweet.
The dirty blonde did so, head bobbing a bit as his eyes fluttered. However, he moaned loudly as Scott's fingers continued teasing at him. Solidarity panted, shaking in the other's hold.
"H-Haaa-!" The dirty blonde grabbed his wrist, "S-Scott-!"
"What is it, love?"
Scott smiled, nodding, "I know, so good for me, aren't you?"
The dirty blonde nodded.
"Can you keep your legs spread for me?"
Solidarity nodded, his eyes glowing a bit, "Y-Yeah, of course..."
"Good boy, perfect for me." Scott smiled, kissing his nose.
The man then removed Solidarity's pants and boxers, kissing at his stomach. The dirty blonde spread his legs more, Scott smirking as he grabbed Solidarity's legs, hiking them over his shoulders as he leaned down. Solidarity twitched before he moaned, Scott using his fingers to spread Solidarity's folds, leaning forward and licking a wet stripe from his hole to his clit. Scott lost himself after that, wanting nothing more than to just hear Solidarity scream his name.
He alternated between pressing wet and open-mouthed kisses on his clit and prodding his tongue inside of Solidarity. He was sloppy, licking and kissing everywhere he could, not that Solidarity seemed to care. The dirty blonde moaned loudly, rocking his hips into the other, making Scott moan. He moved one of his hands to hook around the dirty blonde's thighs, pulling him closer as he closed his eyes, humming against Solidarity's skin. Scott's other hand moved and slipped two fingers into Solidarity, licking and sucking at the dirty blonde's clit.
Scott lost himself between the dirty blonde's thighs. He easily thrusted his fingers in and out of the dirty blonde, dragging his tongue up and down his folds, sucking his clit. Solidarity's moans and groans grew in volume, shaking and clenching the sheets, digging his heels into Scott's back. He threw his head back, arching his back, whining.
"S-Scott, o-oh god-!"
The villain opened his eyes and looked up at the dirty blonde. Solidarity had his eyes closed, face a bright red, sweat dripping down his face. Solidarity opened his eyes and looked down, seeing Scott had paused. He whined, grinding into the other's mouth. Scott moaned against his skin, continuing his behavior. Sucking and licking, thrusting his fingers, teasing at his clit, licking at his hole, Scott's face covered in slick.
Solidarity squeezed his thighs tighter around the other's head, "S-Scott, Scott, I-I'm close, m'gonna-"
Scott redoubled his efforts, licking and sucking at Solidarity's clit as if his life depended on it. The dirty blonde shook, his knuckles turning white as he tugged at the sheets. Tears came to Solidarity's eyes as he arched his back more, grinding down against Scott's face and hand. Scott continued, wanting the dirty blonde to scream.
And scream, he did.
"S-Scott, I-I'm-!" The dirty blonde screamed out, his heel surely leaving a bruise in the villain's back.
Scott pulled his fingers out of the dirty blonde, his sucking being reduced to kitten licks as he helped the dirty blonde through the orgasm.
Solidarity groaned, pushing at the villain's head, "E-Enough-!"
Scott chuckled, placing a final kiss to his clit and sat up, licking his lips, his face covered in slick. Solidarity blushed darkly at the sight.
Scott leaned over the dirty blonde, grinding his clothed cock against Solidarity's pussy, "Don't think we're done, sweetheart~ You can give me a couple more, can't you?"
Solidarity's eyes glowed as he nodded, "Y-Yeah..."
"That's a good boy, you're going to come for me at least three times tonight, honey~!"
The dirty blonde nodded again, shaking.
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Ikemen Sengoku (JP)
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 2 Part 1
Please do not repost. Expect mistakes.
Translation under the cut.
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After Kicho left, another subordinate came to show me my room.
(Ugh, I'm so tired.)
As soon as I entered, I took advantage of the room's privacy to lie down on the tatami mats and relax my tense and stiff body.
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(To think he almost allowed me to go to his business meeting一Ugh! I screwed up pretty hard.)
(How many guns did he buy? What is he going to procure next? That's the kind of information we need.)
I remember Mitsuhide saying I should be more careful acting like a spy.
(To avoid failing, don't step in recklessly, and don't act on your emotions.)
(I've broken it pretty badly, but I got a small glimpse of Kicho's goal.)
Mai: “I think conflicts will happen if more people get their hands on weapons.”
Kicho: “That is my goal.”
Kicho: “I’ll incite the forces of various regions and disturb Japan. This trading post is for that purpose.”
Mai: “A lot of people are going to die.”
Kicho: “…………..”
Kicho: “It’s a necessary sacrifice.”
---------Flashback Ends---------
After hearing his words, it sounded like his goal was not to defeat the Oda forces.
He wanted something much bigger than that, something that would disrupt the very country we were living in.
(One other thing that bothered me was the pause he made.)
(I wonder what he was thinking right before he said it was a necessary sacrifice.)
(If I could just talk to him a little and know everything about him, I wouldn’t have a hard time right now.)
Mai: "Alright!"
I sat up and rubbed my sore calf lightly under my kimono.
(Yeah, I can still move. I need to start doing my chores.)
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Maid: "Are you sure you're okay?"
Mai: "Yes, of course. Sitting still actually makes me feel restless."
Maid: "Really? Well, then, I'll leave it to you."
Maid: "Lord Kicho is out of the house right now, and we don't have any visitors, so I wanted to clean up the furnishings."
Mai: "Okay! Leave it to me."
As I left the room, I called out to a maid passing by and got a job.
(Perfect. Now, I look like a maid.)
(After what happened earlier, it's probably best not to approach Kicho again today.)
(Good thing he's not here right now.)
And so I began to explore the trading post, pretending to be a maid working hard at cleaning.
(This one looks really expensive.)
I lightly tap a finely decorated vase in the hallway with a duster.
Like the guest room, the inside of the hall was furnished with luxurious-looking furniture that was probably imported abroad.
(The maid already said it, but there’s almost no dust on the floor. I guess it's cleaned every day.)
(Like Kicho, this trading house doesn't have any openings at all.)
(That means the important documents are kept in a safe place. For example一)
???: "Miss, that's dangerous."
Mai: "-----!"
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(W-Who is it!?)
???: "I'm sorry. It wasn't nice of me to call you out so suddenly."
???: "You were preoccupied, so I got curious."
Mai: "You got curious?"
???: "Yes. Also, that vase is pretty expensive as far as the decoration goes."
???: "I've never seen someone hit it so hard like that with a duster."
Mai: "I-I'm sorry!"
(I didn't realize I was putting too much force on it.)
(I almost left this trading house because of this damn vase.)
Mai: "Um, thank you for the warning."
After thanking him, I look up at the man in front of me again.
He has brown skin and magnificent silver hair, giving him a unique air different from Kicho's.
His red eyes, reminding me of a pomegranate, are faintly narrowed.
Shojumaru: "Sorry for the late introduction. I'm Shojumaru."
Shojumaru: "I'm a trader. I often come here."
Mai: "I see. My name is Mai, and I got here today for my apprenticeship."
Shojumaru: "Lady Mai, huh? And what are you doing now?"
Mai: "Well, as you can see, I'm cleaning."
Shojumaru: "I didn't mean that."
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Shojumaru: "You were thinking pretty hard about something, so I thought maybe you have something else you want to do."
Mai: "------!"
Shojumaru's words almost made my face scrunch up.
Somehow holding back, I pulled the hand holding the duster in front of my chest.
Mai: "I was just worried I'd get lost here."
Mai: "I was trying to remember the route I took so that I could at least return to my room properly."
Shojumaru: "I see."
Shojumaru: "As I said before, I often come here, so if you have any questions, just ask."
Mai: "Okay, thank you!"
(He's such a nice guy.)
I got a little defensive, but all he just wanted to do was to make sure I didn't drop the vase.
Maybe he just asked the question simply out of concern.
Mai: "By the way, are you here for some business?"
Mai: "If you want to see Kicho, he went to the port a while ago."
Shojumaru: "Port?"
He asked me curiously.
Mai: "Yes. So, if you're looking for Kicho��"
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Kicho: "I'm listening."
Mai: "That's right. Wait, what!?"
I took a step back, startled by Kicho standing beside me.
Mai: "Are you done with your work?"
Kicho: "No, it got pushed back to a later date. Apparently, the captain is not feeling well."
Mai: "I see."
Kicho: "Shojumaru. If you need me, I'll be in my room."
Shojumaru: "No, it's okay. I'm just here to pick up something."
Shojumaru: "More importantly, Lady Mai there seemed to have something to say."
Mai: "Huh?"
Kicho: "Oh, what is it?
Mai: "No. I didn't一"
Shojumaru: "She's worried that she might get lost because this place is too big."
Still flustered by what was happening, I watched on, not wanting to interrupt, as Kicho nodded in agreement.
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Kicho: "I see. Then, Mai."
Mai: "Yes?"
Kicho: "Follow me. I'll show you around."
Mai: "You don't need to do that! I'll just ask the other maids."
(I just decided earlier that I shouldn't approach him.)
Shojumaru: "Lady Mai, I don't think you need to hold back."
Shojumaru: "This is also a job of the head of this place. Right?"
Kicho: "Yeah. You also need to keep this information in your head."
Mai: "I guess."
(I can't say really say no. I never expected he'd care like this.)
Shojumaru: "Good luck with your work."
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After Shojumaru left, I followed Kicho as he showed me around the trading post.
Kicho: "That's all for the first floor."
Kicho: "There are a few rooms for visitors, but for the most part, they are reserved for those who work in this building."
Kicho: "You will be using them every day. Remember that."
Mai: "I understand. Still, this place is very spacious."
Using a piece of paper and a brush that Kicho gave me, I jotted down the floor plan of the building.
(This is the kitchen, and this is the room I was shown earlier.)
(From there, down the hallway, near the doorway, is the guest room, and further back is the hall.)
Mai: "Oh..."
(I need to put some ink on this.)
(Using a brush as a writing tool is pretty inconvenient.)
I dipped the tip of the brush into a small portable inkstone and slid the brush onto the paper again while Kicho stared at me as I repeated this several times.
Mai: "Sorry to keep you waiting."
Kicho: "It's okay. Have you never used a brush that much?"
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Mai: "Yes. I've been in that kind of environment all my life."
Mai: "If only there was a brush that never ran out of ink, it would be useful in this situation."
Kicho: "You're right. If I had a ballpoint pen right now, I'd lend it to you."
My hand stopped after hearing something unexpected.
(What did he just say?)
I was wondering if I should mention it, but before I could, he spoke up.
Kicho: "By the way, Mai."
Mai: "Y-Yes. What is it?"
Kicho: "Shojumaru told me earlier that you were cleaning up."
Kicho: "I already told you that you don't have to do anything today. Why were you wandering around the building?"
Mai: "That's..."
Mai: "I was rude to you earlier. I didn't want you to fire me, so I decided to help."
Kicho: "You already said that earlier. Does it bother you that much?"
Mai: "Yes. If I get kicked out on my first day, I don't know how to face everyone back home."
Mai: "Well, going home might not be the right way to describe it."
Kicho: "..............."
Kicho nodded a little, perhaps satisfied with my response, and started walking down the hallway again.
I took it as a sign that the tour was back on track and followed him.
When we reached the end of the second floor without any particular conversation, he stopped.
Kicho: "The second floor is basically used for guests, document storage, etc."
Kicho: "I'll skip this part since you won't be using it much, but just keep this in mind."
Mai: "Okay. What about this room?"
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Kicho: "This is my room. Never enter it for any reason."
With that, he put the key into the door’s keyhole and turned it firmly.
Kicho: "Wait here for a moment."
(So this is his room. There are no guards, but it's always locked.)
(I bet there are tons of important things in there.)
(I'm curious, but I can't get near it.)
Is it because of the lock or my feelings?
The door, supposed to be only one wooden board, looked like a thick iron plate, keeping me away.
I patiently waited as I was told, hearing only small noises, until Kicho came out of the room holding a small wooden box.
Kicho: "Sorry to keep you waiting."
Mai: "No, it's okay. What's that?"
Kicho: "It's called perfume. It's a fragrance you can put on yourself by spraying the liquid inside."
Kicho: "I prepared it as a gift for you."
(Perfume, huh?)
(This must be expensive in this era. So why the hell would he give me this?)
He didn't even comment on my surprised expression as he handed me the box, which I opened at his urging gaze.
Mai: "Oh..."
Immediately, an elegant and distinctive sweet aroma wafted through the air.
Kicho: "It's an item made abroad. In some places, the fragrance is considered part of one's appearance."
Kicho: "It's important to make a good impression, so I always order everyone to wear this when dealing with VIPs."
(It's amazing they made this thing at this time.)
Mai: "Thank you. I appreciate it."
Kicho: "Yeah. Well, this is the end of the tour."
Kicho: "This time, you can rest in your room."
Kicho only said that and walked away in response to the voice of his subordinate who called him.
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That evening
After eating my dinner, I returned to my room and lay on the futon.
Mai: *sigh*
Mai: "Finally, it's night."
I didn't know how this day would end, but I'm glad I completed my first day as a spy.
(Meeting Shojumaru and learning about the layout of this place was nice.)
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(Although I think Kicho has become even more mysterious.)
Mai: "If only there was a brush that never ran out of ink, it would be useful in this situation."
Kicho: "You're right. If I had a ballpoint pen right now, I'd lend it to you."
---------Flashback Ends---------
(I'm pretty sure I heard him say "ballpoint pen" at that time.)
(But there's no way he could've known that.)
I gently took out the handkerchief I tucked away in my pocket.
I left my bag and other stuff behind to avoid suspicions, but somehow I felt uneasy about that, so I brought this one thing.
Unlike the towels of this era, this handkerchief has a pleasantly fluffy feel to it.
(I probably just imagined it because I was feeling nostalgic.)
Mai: "I need to pull myself together."
I said it aloud to encourage myself and sat up, reaching for the small perfume Kicho gave me.
The slightly cloudy-colored glass bottle with a unique design showed it had crossed a distant sea to get here.
(I feel like I don't fit in here.)
When I took the lid off and lightly dabbed it on my handkerchief一
Mai: "-----!"
I opened the door a little to peek at the end of the dimly lit corridor and saw a white cloth with a fuzzy outline fluttering.
(Kicho? What's he doing here at this hour?)
(I might be able to get some information. I need to follow him!)
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Mai: "H-Huh?"
I followed Kicho, keeping my distance, as he walked out of the building and toward the town.
(Damn it, I lost him.)
(Anyway, I should go home一Hm?)
(I think I just heard something.)
I listened carefully and heard voices talking from around the corner.
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Man's voice 1: "Three Matchlocks. I'll pay you in advance."
Man's voice 2: "Yeah, okay. Then, tomorrow morning."
(Matchlock? Wait, that's a type of gun!)
(So, they're talking about weapons?)
I tried to step toward the voices to listen a little more carefully, but一
???: "Mai."
Mai: "Mhmp!?"
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Previous Chapter╏Chapter 2 (His POV)╏Next Chapter
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Holy, Jesus
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A month had passed since the quarry incident, it had taken them two days to gather all the bodies and remove them from Alexandria, it was actually Rick who had found Evie searching all the bodies, looking at their faces before moving on.
When he asked what she was doing, taking her back to Carol, she was supposed to be at the school, but considering a lot less students would be there, Natalia had decided she could do school work whilst Carol watched her, considering she didn't like the school/ garage anyway. Evie had told him that she was looking for her dad, she wanted to see if he had ended up there, he then proceeded to help the girl find the body, so that they could bury him, let the girl have a place to visit when she needed her father, who was no longer there.
It was a long and exhausting challenge to get Alexandria back together, never really a moment of peace.
When the wall was the only thing being built back up, Natalia had decided to move into Evie's home, deciding it best that she was somewhere she had spent most of her time in Alexandria, all her things were here, her dad used to live here with her, besides, the house was too crowded.
Most of the group had spread out, moving into their own homes, except for the first house on the street; which consisted of Rick, Carl, Judith, Michonne, Daryl, Carol and used to be Natalia, and temporarily, Evie.
Daryl and Natalia were still as close as ever, they never mentioned the incident at the quarry again, but something had definitely shifted in their relationship, and it kept Natalia up a lot as she thought about the man.
it was like neither of them wanted to make the first move, and she was starting to get frustrated with him for it, but also with herself.
He had spent a lot of time at Evie's and now Natalia's home, helping when something needed fixing, giving Natalia other company than just a six year old, they ate a lot of their meals together as well, Carol had been teaching her how to cook, considering she had a kid to feed, she never had to do it much before, mushy food that she could buy, or frozen food she could throw in the oven, had always done the job.
Often, she felt very domesticated with the pair, sometimes it scared her, not wanting to get too attached to something that could be taken from her, but other times, when she managed to shut the stupid voice up, Natalia enjoyed it, liking having the weird family dynamic, even if it was with Daryl and Evie.
"Anything else?" Daryl had asked as the two girls ate their breakfast, he was going on a supply run with Rick, today.
Sully was happily eating out of his dog bowl, sporting a bejewelled collar that Evie had made him.
"Shampoo" Natalia snapped her fingers. "I've been trading my toothpaste with Michonne for hers, but she's ran out of that as well."
"Crayons." Evie burst out, seeming to remind herself.
"Eves, it's more like things we really need." Natalia told her, biting her spoon of baked oats..
"But mine are running out" She pouted, "And I need them to draw and take notes from work."
"Or your school work, that you've been lacking on, we had a deal, Evelyn." She pointed at the girl.
"Please, Daryl." She tried the man, which normally worked, he was the softer one.
"I'll put it on the list." He did as he said, writing it under shampoo. "Alright, I gotta go, you sure you don't wanna come with?"
"No, it's okay, be safe. Come home." Natalia stood up, rounding the table, placing her hand on his shoulder, kissing his cheek as he scrunched his face up.
"I always do." He told her.
"You better." She kissed his cheek again. "I need to wash my hair."
"Yuck." Evie gagged, dropping her spoon into her bowl, the pair looked down at her who was grimacing at them.
"Yuck? What are you saying Yuck at." Natalia asked, attacking the girl in a bear hug, as she kissed her cheek, exaggerating the mwah sound.
Evie giggled loudly as she pushed her away.
"Alright, I gotta go, I'll come round when I get back." He told Natalia, though it sounded more like a question, patting her back as she stood back up.
"Yeah, I'll save you a plate." She held his side, as he was stood behind her. "If the doors locked, you still got the key?"
"Yeah, 'Course."
"Okay, good." She smiled at him as he started to leave. "Go get dressed, missy, I gotta get you over to Denise so I can get to work."
"Okay, Mom." Evie jumped from the table, running out the room, up the stairs, Sully following her excitedly.
Natalia froze from gathering up the dishes on the table.
"You heard that too, right?" She looked at Daryl, who was stood by the wall, leaning against it as he was looking at her.
"Mhm." He nodded.
"She... She called me... Go, you gotta go with Rick." She ushered him out of the house.
"He can wait, you gonna freak out?" He asked her.
"No, it's fine, she probably didn't mean to" She shook her head. "Go get what we need, so you can come home."
He did as told, leaving the house.
Natalia let out a deep breath, pushing her hair out of her face.
She gathered herself quickly, going back to gathering up the dishes so that they could be washed, her mother had forced it into her from a young age about keeping a house clean, make a mess, you clean the mess before it can expand.
"Evie, hurry up!" She called up the stairs once the kitchen was put back together.
"I am." She huffed, stomping down the stairs, Sully's tail wagged as he walked towards his owner.
"Alright, alright. Do you need a jacket?"
"No, I'm okay."
"Okay" She held Evie's hand, as they left the house, Sully walked beside them.
It was late when Daryl had come through the door, looking exhausted, or it could even be the morning.
"Hey, you're home." Natalia smiled at him when he walked into the kitchen.
She was sat at the table, Evie was asleep beside her, her head rested on her crossed arms as the woman brushed her fingers through her blonde hair.
Sully was already in his bed, in his own room, Natalia was those kind of people.
"What's she doing up?" He asked.
"Wanted to wait for you, didn't quite manage it, though."
"I got it." He said, walking towards them, lifting the sleeping girl into his arms so that he could take her to her bed.
Evie stirred before snuggling into the crook of his neck, mumbling in her sleep.
"Are you sure?" Natalia asked him.
"Yeah, S'alright."
"Okay, I'll heat your dinner up." She stood up from the chair, kissing Evie's head, then patted his shoulder as he walked out the room, towards the girls bedroom.
Natalia took the plate of food out of the oven, putting it in the microwave to warm it up.
It was sat on the table, waiting for him, when he came back downstairs, she was hanging up the picture Evie was drawing, as she was waiting for Daryl, up on the fridge, using magnets to keep it there.
"Did you get the stuff?" She asked him once he thanked her, sitting down at the table.
"About that." He mumbled, biting into lasagne. "Found some guy."
"You found a guy?" Natalia repeated, sitting down at the table opposite him.
"Yeah, a real prick." Daryl explained. "We found this truck full of shit, but it drove into a lake, 'cause of him."
"Fuck" Natalia dropped her head onto the table. "Where is he?"
"In the cell, knocked out cold, fucker got whacked with the truck door as it rolled back. Worst part is that he calls himself Jesus."
"Freak." Natalia grumbled.
"How was today?" He asked her, cutting the slice of lasagne up.
"Okay, the guys almost have the wall done, me and Aaron were actually planning a trip, though, been missing it, not going out there."
Since Evie had come into Natalia's care, she rarely left Alexandria, having to be there for the girl all of the time, a need to be the one constant in her life, as expected, from the loss of her parents, Evie had developed some attachment issues towards the woman.
"Really?" Daryl looked up at her.
"Yeah, go out a bit far, look out to recruit people, again, it was our job before... y'know, the very first mission. Carol already offered to take care of Evie if I was staying out at any point."
"It ain't safe out there." He shook his head, finishing off his food.
"It never has been, not much was gonna change in a month." She told him. "You know I can handle myself, I haven't forgotten that quick, or are you forgetting how many times I've saved your ass?" She smirked, standing up to pick up his plate, so that she could wash it up, he was bad enough at practising his own personal hygiene, without reminders, let alone keeping her dishes clean.
"Not nearly as much as I've saved yours."
"Alright, keep telling yourself that." She laughed, bending down to kiss his cheek, knowing it got on his nerves when she was overly affectionate, though he had never told her to stop, what she didn't know, was that he didn't mind it at all.
She pulled away only a millimetre, a warm fluttery feeling overcoming her at how close she was to him, he had seemed to feel it too, when he turned his head, his eyes levelled with her lips, they slowly trailed up her face, meeting her gaze, until hers shifted down to his own lips.
She took the leap, finally fed up with the "Will he, won't he" Bullshit, taking matters into her own hands.
Natalia leaned forward slowly, her hand coming up to cup his cheek, giving him plenty of time to pull away or tell her to stop, but he never did.
She softly grazed her lips against his, like at the quarry, but this time, she had meant to.
She did it once again, before kissing him properly, his lips were rough against her soft ones.
When he didn't kiss her back, she pulled away, standing up straight, Daryl followed, standing up so abruptly, that his chair almost fell back.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." She stammered, her cheeks reddening at the embarrassment and rejection. "I just-"
"No, not that." He shook his head.
She looked up at him, her brows furrowing.
He scratched the back of his head as he tried to get his sentence right.
"Wasn't expecting it, S'all, You don't want a-"
"A what?" She challenged. "Did you want me to kiss you?" She asked him.
He looked around the room, clearing his throat.
He shrugged.
"I ain't good at this kinda shit, told ya before."
"Just tell me, yes or no."
He hesitated, before nodding, only slightly that she probably would have missed it if she wasn't watching him so carefully, he stared at his boots, not looking at her, though.
Natalia took a step forward, cupping his cheek again, lifting his head so that he would look at her.
"Can I kiss you, again?" She looked down at his lips, before looking into his eyes again, trying to read him.
He looked down at her own lips, chewing his, his head bent slightly.
Natalia pushed his bottom lip free from his teeth, with her thumb, standing up on her tip toes, slowly reducing the space between them, she then placed her soft plump lips on his, once again, it took him a moment to kiss her back, making sure this was actually happening, and not another one of his fantasies.
She grabbed his hand, leading it to her back, pressing it against her, before pushing it down, so that he was cupping her ass over her jeans.
She then grabbed his other hand, leading it towards her cheek, he understood what she was doing, she was guiding him through what to do, what she liked.
She had understood from their conversation on the porch all those weeks ago that he didn't have much experience, she doubted he was a virgin, but that was probably just a job to do, he hadn't a clue what he was doing in an intimate situation.
He tangled his fingers in her hair as he held her face.
Natalia appreciated the slowness of it, but eventually she licked the seal of his lips, making it known to open them.
She then placed her hands on both his shoulders, pushing him to sit down on the chair, which he did.
"Is this okay?" She asked as she moved to sit on his lap, straddling him.
He didn't say anything, only staring at her wide eyed, but he nodded.
"Yes or no, you can say no." She told him.
"Mhm, yeah." He rasped.
She kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck after leading both his hands back to hold her, one on her waist and the other on her lower back. she played with his hair as the kiss heated up, he seemed to get more familiar with her as he pressed his lips against hers, more greedily.
She pulled away, grabbing the hem of her top in the criss cross motion, pulling it up and over her head, only sitting in her bra and jeans on top of him.
Natalia smirked as she watched his eyes trail down before back up at her face.
"You can touch them, if you want." She said.
He was hesitant.
She grabbed his hand, opening up his palm, placing it on her boob, closing his hand around it, before showing him to squeeze it.
"Like that." She told him, as she did the same to his other hand.
She adjusted herself on top of him, her arms going back around his neck.
"Are you sure you wanna..." He looked back up at her face after staring at her chest, fascinated by them, the red colour of the bra complimenting them massively.
"Yes." Natalia nodded. "I have for a while, actually." She smiled, giggling at the expression on his face. "You were taking too long, so I decided I had to make the first move."
She kissed him as he continued to play with her breasts.
"Take it off." She whispered in his ear.
"Sure?" He asked, clearing his throat again, he was nervous.
"Yes." She nodded in the crook of his neck, grabbing his wrist, moving it towards her back, to her bra strap.
When he managed to unclip it with only two fingers, pinching it together, she looked at him as the red straps fell down her arms.
"You done that before?" She looked at him suspiciously.
"Nah, just good with my hands."
"Lucky me." She let her bra fall to the ground.
His jaw had slightly dropped at her bare skin.
"Here." Natalia stood off him, moving backwards to sit on the table, hooking her foot under the chair, and pulling it forward so he was sat right in front of her.
Daryl placed his arms on either side of her body, trapping her in as he leaned towards her chest, she could feel his breath on her skin, causing goose bumps.
She shuddered waiting for him to do what she wanted.
When he had taken too long, she placed her hand on the back of his head, gently pushing it towards her breast, he took the hint, kissing her skin.
She moaned at the feeling as he licked at her nipple, biting it, causing her to jolt in his mouth.
She leaned her head back, enjoying the sensation, his thumb rubbed circles on her hip on the opposite side of the boob he was paying attention to. Her fingers were entwined in his hair, pulling at the roots as she continued to quietly voice her approval at his actions.
"Yeah, like that, keep going." She encouraged, her voice was coming out breathlessly. "So, so good."
Just then, the front door burst open, Glenn ran into the room, causing the pair to jump at his appearance as they all stared at each other in horror, Daryl hadn't even pulled away, just looking over his shoulder, he couldn't move at being caught like this, with Natalia.
"Glenn! What are you doing?" Natalia hissed at him, jumping off the table and grabbing her clothes.
"What are you doing?" He squeaked, pointing at them, his eyes were wide and his brows were furrowed.
"What are you doing, here?" Daryl growled.
Glenn seemed to come to his sense, the reason why he barged into the home.
"That guy, he got out, he's in your house." He said to Daryl as Natalia was throwing her top back on, her back to them.
"What?" Natalia burst out, grabbing her gun from the side, running past Glenn, him and Daryl following behind her.
Abraham was already there when she reached the house, the four of them ran up the stairs, aiming their guns at the man with long hair and a hat, who was sat on the stairs, Carl was stood behind him, his gun also aimed at the man's head.
Michonne and Rick walked out into the stairway, Michonne was fixing her top as Rick was doing up his jeans, shirtless.
Natalia took her eyes off the man, looking at her friends as her jaw dropped, Michonne glanced at her, before at everyone else, putting her hands up to the guns.
"It's... it's okay." She said.
"You said we should talk." Rick said, as the group of people looked at the pair, putting two and two together. "So lets talk."
"What the hell is going on, today." Glenn muttered.
They left the stairway, making their way to the dining room, to sit at the table.
"You and me have a lot to talk about after this." Natalia hissed at her friend.
"About what?" Michonne faked innocence.
"You know exactly what, did you and Rick..."
"That's not relevant right now."
"So, how'd you get out?" Rick asked Jesus as they sat around the table, so they could interrogate the man.
"One guard can't cover two exists or third floor windows. Knots untie and locks get picked. Entropy comes from order, right?" Jesus said.
"Right." Daryl grunted.
"I checked out your arsenal. I haven't seen anything like that in a long time. You're well- equipped, but your provisions are low. Very low for the amount of people you have. 54?"
"More than that." Maggie told him.
He stared at her, before looking down.
"Well, I appreciate the cookie. My complements to the chef."
"Yeah, she ain't here." Daryl told him.
Carol had gone to go get Evie up, with Judith, considering Natalia was with the group.
"Look, we got off to a bad start. But we're on the same side... The living side."
"That don't mean shit." Natalia told him. "We may still be breathing, doesn't mean we have the same motifs."
He glanced at her, nodding, before looking back at Daryl.
"You and Rick had every reason to leave me out there, btu you didn't. I'm from a place that's a lot like this one. Part of my job is searching out other settlements to trade with. I took your truck because my community needs things, and both of you looked like trouble. I was wrong. You're good people. And this is a good place. I think our communities may be in a position to help each other."
"Do you have food?" Glenn asked him.
"We've started to raise livestock. We scavenge, we grow. Everything from tomatoes to sorghum." Jesus explained.
"Tell us why we should believe you." Rick said.
"I'll show you." He perked up. "If we take a car, I can take you back home in a day, and you can all see for yourselves who we are and what we have to offer."
"Wait, you're looking for more settlements." Maggie pointed out. "You mean you're already trading with other groups?"
"Who?" Natalia asked.
"Your worlds about to get a whole lot bigger." He grinned at the people.
Daryl was fixing up the RV, whilst Natalia was saying bye to Evie, Rick had asked her to come to Jesus's community with them.
"You be good, okay?" Natalia told her, brushing her hair out of her face.
"I will, I aways am." Evie told her, brushing the woman's hair back, copying her.
"Fibber." She commented. "I love you." She told her.
"I love you, too. Natty" She hugged her.
"Are you sure it's okay if I go, I can tell Rick I'll stay here with you."
"No, it's okay, you need to make sure there's no bad guys."
"That's right, I'm the bad guy spotter." She laughed. "Be good for Carol, and Denise, and do your school work, I've made sure Carol is gonna make you do it."
"Awrh." Evie groaned.
"Awrh, all you want, you're doing it. I'll get you something as a treat when I come back, deal?" She offered her hand to the girl, who shook her hand excitedly.
"Alright, you got it."
"Let's chew up some asphalt." Abraham called from the RV door as everyone packed in to it.
"Gotta go, be safe, be good, be here when I come back." She told the girl, kissing her hair goodbye.
"Please come home." Evie told her, hugging her tightly.
"I will, I always do." She reluctantly let go of the girl, standing up.
"She's gonna be safe, alright, I'll make sure of it." Daryl joined them, placing his hand on top of the girl's head.
"You better make sure Natty comes home." She told him, her voice was demanding.
"I'll bet my life on it." He promised.
Evie grabbed his arm, tugging him down towards her, which he did, getting on his knee as he crouched down beside her.
"Make sure you come home too, Daryl." She told him, wrapping her small arms around him as she kissed his cheek.
"I will." He hugged her back.
Natalia took a step back, as Daryl stood up, they both didn't know how to react around each other, and they felt awkward, but glad that all eyes were on Rick and Michonne, no one had suspected that anything had happened between them, but it was common knowledge that Glenn was a bad liar and couldn't keep secrets.
Michonne and Rick were sat at the front, which irritated Natalia as she was hoping to sit with her friend.
Instead, she was sat next to Abraham, Glenn and Maggie were opposite them.
Maggie was asleep as Glenn had his hand over her stomach, where their baby was.
With the news of Maggie's pregnancy, Natalia didn't feel too happy for the couple, they knew the risks of having one in a world like this, even the dangers of going through the pregnancy, Natalia had decided from her miscarriage that she'd never put herself through that, and that she was lucky how early on it was, she debated on telling them this, but instead bit her tongue, there was no point, now.
She could feel Glenn's stare on her from time to time, when she looked at him, he looked away, then looked at Daryl, who was sat on the counter, above her and Abraham, then would look back at her.
She rolled her eyes, looking away as she picked at her nails awkwardly, it didn't slip her mind that Glenn had got a good eyeful at her boobs, and had seen what had happened on top of that table.
"Hey." Abraham said, trying to catch Glenn's attention. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure." Glenn nodded.
Abraham sat forward, Glenn copied, making a little huddle, though Natalia could hear both of them very distinctively.
"When you were, uh, pouring the Bisquick, were you trying to make pancakes?"
Natalia's jaw dropped at his analogy.
Glenn didn't seem to get what he meant though.
"Uh... yes?" It then hit him.
Natalia hid her face as she shook her head.
"Oh, okay, um... it's something that we talked about, yeah."
"Yeah." Abraham nodded.
"Why?" Glenn asked him.
"No, I just... well given the precarious state of affairs on any given Sunday, I am damn near floored that you or anyone else would have the cojones to make a call like that."
"I mean, well..." Glenn looked down at his sleeping wife. "We're trying to build something, me and her. All of us."
"For the record, I see rain coming, I'm wearing galoshes." Natalia looked at the red head, appalled at what he was saying, she had no idea what it meant. "I double up."
"Do you ever try to speak normal, ever?" Natalia asked him.
"What, that made sense." He looked down at her.
"In what world?"
"Alright, what about you?" He asked.
"What about me??"
"Y'know" he nodded at Glenn and Maggie. "You ever thought about raising a kid?"
"I am raising a kid, and a dog." She reminded.
"No, I mean like popping out a pup, raising it from there."
"Uhm..." Natalia chewed on her lip as she wrapped her head around what he just asked her. "No. I haven't exactly got the time for that, sorta busy with... other stuff."
"Seemed like you had the time." Glenn grumbled, shuddering.
Daryl and Natalia looked at the man, both of their cheeks heating up at the incident.
Natalia kicked him in the leg.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said through clenched teeth.
Abraham looked at the interaction, his eyes trailing up to the rednecks tense body language before back down at the woman.
"Wahey, well how 'bout that." He laughed. "I called it, back at that barn we were holed up in during the tornado." He nodded at Glenn, "Time for you to pay up."
"Nothing happened." Natalia pressed, "You bet on us?" She stood up. Natalia slapped Glenns forehead. "You're husbands an idiot." She told Maggie, who had woken up, then proceeded to walk towards Rick and Michonne leaning against Michonne's chair. "I can't believe them pervs" She grumbled.
"What?" Michonne asked, looking up at her from the seat, Ricks hand was holding hers on top of her knee.
"Nothing." She muttered.
Natalia looked ahead, tyre tracks burned the road, swerving to the grass where an overturned vehicle was.
Rick slowed down as they approached.
"Yo, Rick. What's going on?" Daryl asked from his spot at the back, he had previously been evil eying the two men.
"We got a crash ahead." He replied. "Looks like it just happened."
He drove past the corner, everyone got a clear view of the burnt and bloody bodies that were trapped underneath, reaching out for anything.
Jesus stood up, looking out the window.
"That's one of ours." He said.
Natalia unsheathed her knife as they left the RV, taking a look at what had happened.
Blood stained the area, a lot of it.
The people who were caught in the crash, already turned, it must've been a painful death as well, by the way they were caught, cut and ripped up.
Rick aimed his gun at Jesus's head.
"If this is a trick, it won't end well for you." He told him.
"My people are in trouble. They don't... we don't have a lot of fighters." He shared. "I know how it looks, but I'll play it out. Can I borrow a gun?"
"No." Daryl told him. "We got tracks right here."
Daryl led the group to a house, where they assumed the survivors were hiding out.
Rick banged on the door, but no one answered.
"They gotta be in there." Jesus said.
"I think aiming a gun as soon as they open the door, when they're injured and scared, isn't the best idea anyway." Natalia told Rick.
Rick lowered it, turning around.
"We moving in or what?" Abraham asked.
"How do we know this ain't firecrackers in a trash can?" Daryl asked, walking towards Rick.
"You don't." Jesus exasperated.
"We'll get your people. You're staying here with one of us." Rick told him.
Jesus turned around, trying to reason with either Michonne or Natalia.
"That's the deal." Michonne told him.
"Will you stay?" Glenn asked Maggie.
"Yeah." She answered. "Y'all go. Just be careful."
"Yeah." Rick agreed, handcuffing the man. "We're gonna be careful."
"Just hurry." Jesus told him.
"You hear me whistle, shoot him."
"I will." Maggie agreed.
Daryl opened the door, and they headed in.
Natalia took her gun off safety as she entered.
The sound of walkers snarling echoed around the building as they made their way through.
They had split into teams of two.
Natalia ended up with Glenn.
"For the record, I didn't mean to look." Glenn whispered to her as they walked through the dark hallways.
"'Preciate that." She replied, her knife in hand as she listened for the sound of walkers. "If you can just forget it completely, that'd be great."
"How long have you guys been together?"
"We're not, it just kinda happened." She shrugged, wishing he would focus.
"But seriously, on the tab-"
He was cut off as a walker barged out of one of the rooms, heading for Natalia, who was ahead, she plunged her knife into its head as another came out, going for Glenn, he dealt with it.
They looked around, for any signs of living or death.
A clatter sounded from one room, the pair glanced at each other before heading for it.
A man was hiding behind a filing cabinet.
"We're friends of Jesus." Natalia told him, when he put his hands up in surrender.
"Come on. Let's go." Glenn ordered.
"I can't go with you. I'm looking for my friend." The man told them. "He's close, and he's hurt from the crash."
"Our friends have probably already found him." Natalia told him. "If they haven't already, we'll help you find him, you're not gonna achieve much hiding behind that." She pointed at his spot.
He followed them and they headed out the room, walking down the hallway.
Abraham had a man pinned to the wall, Daryl was behind him, knife in hand as he looked around.
Rick and Michonne had caught up with them.
"Come on, man." Daryl told him as they ran down the hallway. "Let's go. Come on."
They left the building with Jesus's injured friends.
The guy Glenn and Natalia had found was their doctor.
Maggie and Glenn were quick to become friends with him.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Dennis Hauger - If Or When
Requested: yes
Prompt: messy breakup with Hauger
Warnings: cursing, toxic
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Breakups were always hard and there was no doubt about it. For Y/n it hurt on a different level mainly because Dennis didn't seem to care. Even though her friends would tell her that he did care deep down, he hid it well. This all happened after Dennis went to a house party with a few of his friends, a party Y/n didn't go to. She didn't mind him going to parties because she knew his friends wouldn't let him be stupid. During this party, a girl recognised him and asked for a photo so he just gave in and went looking to have a good night. While they were taking the photo, the girl leaned in and kissed his lips and snapping the picture at the exact moment she did. He didn't waste a second pushing her off and leaving. Y/n understood when Dennis told her. She got how girls worked but the way Dennis tried way too hard to kepp her convinced had her thinking that Dennis had done something.
"Okay! You've explained it and I said I trusted you! Now that you're defending yourself even when I've told you I trust you did nothing wrong makes me think that you actually did something with her!" Dennis threw his hands up in the air and let out a loud, annoyed groan. "But I didn't do anything!" he whined. "Oh my fucking god! I know! I've said I believed you and you rambled on and on about it!" Y/n said. "And now? Do you still believe me now?" Y/n nodded. "You're lying to me." Y/n's mouth fell open. "Did you just call me a liar?" Dennis held back his next words, not wanting to evoke anything. "Repeat your statement please." She stood up and walked towards him calmly. "Dennis, just repeat what you said." He let out a sigh and repeated what he had said. Y/n didn't go off, she just chuckled to herself, letting a tear roll down her cheek. "I would do many things Dennis, but lying isn't one of them."
"W-where are you going now?" He asked as she reached for her schoolbag. "I'm going. I'm not gonna stay here and have you accuse me of being a liar." and since then, they hadn't been the same.
They still followed each other and liked each other's posts. Texting from time to time but not too often. Things just went downhill. Her friends kept bombarding her with questions about the sudden distance between the two. She kind of just shrugged it off and pretended nothing was wrong until she was alone with Dennis at his house. They hadn't said other than hey and didn't even speak.
"Do you want some food ordered?" Y/n asked looking up from her phone. "No thanks babe." There was a silence in the room, the occasional sound of the buttons on his controller was the only sound in the room, until he spoke up. "Why aren't we talking?" he asked. Y/n blinked a few times before sh e shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, you tell me." she replied coldly. "Babe, is it over that girl that kissed me?"
"No! Well maybe- no actually." she stuttered. "Then what is it?" he asked setting his controller aside. "You were just so persistent of the fact that you didn't do anything, even though I said I believed you." Dennis didn't know what else to say. "It made me look suspicious." She nodded. "Dennis, I think we should-" He stopped her. He knew what she was going to say. He didn't want to lose her. "Y/n, no." he said standing up. "Dennis, this past month has been horrible-"
"We can make it better!"
"Dennis, just a break-"
"I don't want a break babe!"
"Y/n please!" his voice broke and he was practically on his knees begging. It broke her heart to see him this low or desperate.
"Look, as much as I myself hate to admit it," she paused to take a deep breath in. "you might not be the one and I'm not going to sit on my bed, crying that I'll never find my true love because I know he is out there somewhere. I'll sit on my bed crying a little because it isn't him, it isn't Dennis." She wiped a tear that fell from her eyes and stood up again. She went to walk away but felt a hand on hers. "If we can get back together, will we?" Y/n smiled sorrowfully. "If. That's a weird word, isn't it? It implies that it might not happen." He let her hand slip out of his and watched on, holding the tears in as he watched her walk away, out of his door and therefore, out of his life
Whether it was for forever, now that's a different story.
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
ngl but everytime i see you talk about 383 i really tear up 😭 because really i want to read those chapters in official translation fast....!
speaking of im also kinda against with lloyd ending up with alicia cause aside from them not developing any romance b/w them it also kinda goes against what lloyd wants in a partner? i think he doesn't want a noble and wants to fall in love humbly?
i want to say the author probably isn't good at romance for him to not develop it here but i think they wrote the dragon chef before this i think? which is about romance. im guessing only tho
speaking of romance about javier and sulria when i read the chapter with lloyd remembering the scene in namaran how javier was hugging her body was it shown in a romantic sense or implied javier has feelings for her? i think in the webtoon they added the blushing, coupley vibes between them but not in the novel or i remember wrong?
it is!! such a good chapter!! expect me to freak out all over again when the translation drops!!
and you are correct nonnie! he very much leaves it clear in chapter 254:
Lloyd despised the thought of marrying someone he never met and didn't love just for the sake of business. And so, he wanted to marry someone from a humble background instead of a noble lady.
he values closeness in a relationship far more than he does whatever benefits he can get from it.
moreover, in chapter 313, he establishes what he really wants in life
“Now that I have a prosperous life in this fiefdom, I want to protect it and enjoy everything that it offers. And now, I want to stay here and laze around for the rest of my life. With my family, I have come to yearn for the relaxed life of a retiree. And that is why...”  Lloyd meant every word he said, and his voice now contained force.  “It will be just burdensome for me to obtain more power, larger territories, a stronger military, or something along that line. I'll be kept away from leisure to deal with it all. Doesn't it seem like a lot of work? Thus, my only wish is for my family and the people around me to be at ease and happy. I want to live the rest of my life surrounded by their warmth without another day of work.” 
does this sound like a guy who would enjoy being married into the royal family, to the queen herself at that, someone we know for a fact loves to squeeze the last bit of use of the talented people around her. does it.
he just. wanted to stay home with his family. relax for the rest of his life with his loved ones in the place he made his home.
plus i also have my own doubts about whether lloyd truly wished to marry or if it was just him desperately trying to stop being so achingly alone. but that's a whole different rant lol
bk moon did write a novel that's focused on romance actually you're right! it's called 'i became the dragon king's chef' but i haven't read it yet and haven't really looked for the entire manhwa. it's cute, berkis and cheongi are adorable, but they do have the advantage of their novel being focused on their relationship and how it develops. it's a different story completely when the romance is just an add-on imo
and you're also right about javier and silurian's romance being a webtoon original! in the webnovel there's nothing to indicate that they were meant to be a couple or that they would be in the future. the sequel throws a line about them having children, but doesn't elaborate either. it's just,, a thing that happened apparently. personally i think it was a 'pair the spares' kind of thing but what do i know xD
weird choice of the webtoon to completely erase silurian's arc about not needing to marry in order to become her father's heiress and instead make her the love interest of one of the protagonist but like. i've said enough about that lol
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archives-of-camelot · 8 months
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Characters: Eli, Evelin (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Series: Evelin Anniversary
It wasn't looking possible. He'd been there for hours at this point, staring at the same screen for what seemed like hundreds of times. It didn't help that he was getting annoyed with each passing minute. This was beyond tedious...
What's going on? A boss. A roadblock. An obstacle. Eli was stuck on a game.
"What's going on?" Evelin asked ,peering in from the door, hearing his exasperated moans and groans for the last while now.
"Nothing...just this this annoying thing..." he pointed to the screen, where text that read 'try again' was present, with some kind of large insect-like creature behind it.
"You're having trouble?" she asked.
"Yeah...I hate bosses like these. Not only does it summon help, but the help it gets splits into more of them!"
He sat back on the bed, looking as if he was ready to give up. Evelin looked at the screen, than back at Eli, and thought for a moment.
"I'll be right back" was all she said before briskly leaving.
Eli was too tired and annoyed to question her motives. Instead, he retried again, his team readying to face the boss for the 100th time. The music started, and the meter filled up.
Standing before his team was a giant blue beetle looking monster, before it split off into smaller beetles. The little ones were tanky and hurt enough on their own, nevermind the headache the big one was capable of.
However shortly after the battle begin, Eli's attention was brought to the door as Evelin returned...wearing a cheerleader costume, pom-poms and all.
"Since when did you have that?!" he asked, wide eyes of disbelief.
"Since I've been waiting for an excuse to use it"
"And that would be...?"
"Two years ago" she simply answered. "You don't like it?"
"I-I didn't say that..." he said, averting his eyes with a red tint appearing on his cheeks.
"Good. Now...go go!" she said, waving her arms in the air with her pom-poms and doing a small dance.
"W-What are you doing?" he looked confused.
"Motivating. Go go! Fight-o!" she continued to dance and cheer.
Eli already found her stoic charm to be powerful enough as is, but now...it was at it's strongest.
A smirk started to form on his face. Never did he ever expect to see this. But it was working. He felt his grip on the controller tighten and he turned back to the screen.
Both the music, and Evelin's cheers worked wonders, giving him newfound strength.
So he tried one last time. Each turn whittling down the insect's health little by little, while trying his best to ensure his team's survival.
But even with Evelin's cheering, his team slowly started failing.
One teammate down...the boss was only at 80% health...
He kept going...his tank and support were still in the fight. This was doable still. As long as he kept up the pressure, and hope RNG was on his side...
Two teammates...the boss was at 40%...
Only his tank and support were left...that was fine...everything was fine...
His support was down...only his tank was left...he's been here before, countless times. He was so close, but so was his tank's HP. Evelin continued dancing and cheering.
"One, two! Go go! Fight-o fight-o!"
Eli was sweating now...20%...he could do this. All he had to do was not make any mistakes and- Eli's heart sank as he saw the boss charge it's heavy hitter sooner than expected and then...his tank went down...
Eli let out a heavy sigh, as Evelin stopped dancing for a moment before-
"I'm still needed..." was heard from the TV. His tank had activated his passive skill, letting him fight on despite being reduced to 0%.
"That's right...I never got this far last time...this is possible!" he said, taking the controller again.
"Fight-o! Fight-o!" Evelin continued to chant again.
And with one last turn...
Battle Finished!
The music faded out as the bug let out one large scream before disappearing. Eli had finally won.
"We did it!" he said relieved and excited it was finally over. Impulsively he hugged his girlfriend, despite her sweat. She hugged back, still wearing her pom-poms on her hands. "All thanks to you."
Evelin nodded, all too happy she could assist. Plus, it was a win-win. Eli finally got passed a difficult boss, and she finally got to use this costume for it's intended purpose.
"Hey, uh...you don't intend to wear that all the time do you...?" he asked after calming down.
"Maybe...whose to say?" she shrugged.
Full of surprises as always...
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dnangelic · 7 months
She hadn't really seen him for a while. A long while, at least for her. Tatsuki had decided to use her time off to visit Daisuke, with the Time Lock deciding it would just... unceremoniously drop her into the ocean again. That was fun (not).
Well, once she was dry and not all waterlogged, she would stuff the Time Lock in her pocket and head towards where she knew Daisuke lived-- at least, she hoped he still lived there. She didn't know how much time would've passed for him.
Maybe some, maybe none at all.
Maybe they'd just said goodbye and now, to him, she was already back. She wouldn't know until she found him. Which, thankfully, she was able to not too long after she started looking for him.
"DAAAAIIIIIIISUUUUKEEEEEEE!!!!" Tatsuki called, immediately running for him. The moment she was close enough, she would hug him like it'd been ages since she'd seen him. Which, for her, it had been.
"It's me, Tatsuki!" A stark difference from the girl she was before, it seemed. "It's been a long time, I hope you've been doing well! I had some time off from school and work, so I figured I'd drop in, see how you and your family were doing and spend some time here... if that's alright?"
And a pause for a moment before she smiled wider and shook her head some. "And a mutual associate of ours says 'hey'! If you get my meaning, that is. I've got so much to tell you! ...Aaah, this must be confusing, sorry. A lot has happened between when I left to now, I just got a little excited...."
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huh ? who ? ' wha --- ?! ' no way , was that really --- ' t-tatsuki ?! ' his eyes go wide and his jaw drops in an instant . was that really her ?! it was , wasn't it ? the tatsuki that he had spent time with had always been a little anxious and unsteady in her actions , but the eager , energetic girl that had suddenly embraced and was now standing in front of him was someone he could hardly recognize at first .
--- still , after all this time , maybe that was a good thing ?
memory was imperfect , nothing more than a snapshot of things as someone either understood or imagined them . when tatsuki had first been sent off and away back to her own life and proper time period , in truth he had been more than just a little worried ... but he had wanted to believe in her . time had slowly passed on for him as usual in the meanwhile , his person finding ways to adjust .
likewise , bitter-sweetly , the space she occupied in his thoughts closed by just a little , until the occasional reminder or reminiscence struck him , and he tried to linger in the warm center of a separated nostalgia rather than any cold , wintry edge . day after day he still went to school . he fret , laughed , and cried . he stole , and kept it a secret . he had all sorts of adventures of his own .
until here she was again , older and wiser like the sort of respectable adult that he was still hoping ; dreaming he could grow up into . ' um , no --- w-well , i mean , i'll admit i'm a little surprised since i didn't expect it , but --- ! ' he nervously smiles and sputters , fumbling for words with his gaze cast towards the ground , the same as ever ...
at least until his stare pulls upwards , and his shoulders ease a little with a small laugh . ' but --- you look well , tatsuki-san . really well . ' his expression lightens . with bliss and with innocence , his gentle , warm welcome no doubt familiar in its own way . ' i was thinking about you all the time , so i'm really relieved ... ! ' it's the truth . his own confession . ' you don't even have to ask , mom and dad and everyone else always really liked you ... ! '
actually , he wouldn't have been surprised if everyone was staking out and eavesdropping on a scene like this at this very moment , if not rushing back to the mansion to prepare party poppers and some kind of celebratory feast . not that daisuke himself would have complained . although the flush on his cheeks remains a deep , loitering red , the bright shimmer in each of his eyes seems to only grow the instant he hears of said 'mutual associate's' hey .
( yo --- ! )
' ... ha , yeah . i get it . ' it's only now that he's brave enough to step forward and set his arms around her in his own embrace . he clutches her tightly ; shuts his eyes against the sensation as his heart pounds , but unlike sometimes , worse times , it didn't seem to hurt . it didn't seem to hurt at all , dark practically glowing with both fondness and a deep pride --- but of course . anyone would feel proud knowing their faith wasn't failed in the future .
' thanks for dropping by , tatsuki . if you've got a lot to say , then we'd better hear it , right ? don't worry , we've got all day . more importantly , it's good to see you again , and --- '
' --- you know . '
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' welcome back . '
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
Han, my dear, if it wasn't for you, then none of us would give much attention to Heidegger (at least I know it would be my case). He was a character I remember from the OG and which I thought was nicely designed in the FFVIIR and... I stopped there. 'Nice, they kept his laugh', I thought when the trailer got out.
And then I met you and - honestly, I cannot stress this enough - you have essentially removed this veil from my eyes and I saw Heidegger for the first time as you do: a multi-layered individual with deep-rooted issues, fiercely loyal to company & country and with so many other traumas and details that make him only human (and not a monster).
I am always in awe at all the sources of inspiration you have for him, at how insanely credible your thoughts his PTSD and other war-related issues are, the way he was brought up, came to marry and then divorce - honestly, for me, your Heidegger portrayal is THE Heidegger portrayal. I don't mean this to dunk on anyone else (or even SE), but because the way you have put him together makes so much _sense_ in my mind that I have a hard time disconnecting your Heidegger from canon.
As far as I'm concerned - his first name is Magnar, he comes from Junon, he has a rivalry with Godo, a behemoth gave him the trademark scar, he has two daughters and a divorce wife. I love everything about your timeline for him and always will. If anything, SE should give you royalties for the superb work. <3
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(( mari ♡
i messaged you already kinda buggin out a lil over this but i want it on my blog (ALONG WITH ALL YOUR LOVE CAUSE YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME LOVE BECAUSE YOU'RE PRECIOUS & THE BEST) just so i can keep that tag open whenever im feeling stale on my writing or a little crispy with my portrayal. it always means so much to me how much time you've given me and my heid (i say my heid because at this point, i don't know how much is canon aside from his abusive streak to his soldiers & his shinra simping lmao).
but honestly, ive said it before - i'll say it again. i wouldn't be writing him without the support from yourself and others. like, i always talk about how hard it is writing a hated character. he isn't a villain in the same sense as sephi/roth / the turks. they're 'likable'. everything they do is okay because they're young & hot. i know they're more complex than that and personally, i like them a lot too! but it's difficult fighting the battle of there being zero fanart for the character. zero fanfics (aside from ooc / fetish fics). it's tough seeing people make jokes constantly about the character that you like & when i say jokes, i don't mean 'lol seph is a cat' i mean 'lmao could you imagine if him and shinra were GAY lol GROSS' (it's so immature it makes my eyeballs strain).
i know that was a mini rant then, but it always makes me feel a little embarrassed to have such a fixation on such a generally disliked character. makes me feel weird & unwelcome in the fandom haha.
but to know that there are people like you - people who haven't only said 'haha ok, this crazy cookie is doing something w/THIS character' but people who have actively allowed me to explore elements of his character? to get him married? to allow him fatherhood? like BRUH-
it makes my heart warm & fuzzy. i'm sorry i don't always show it & i'm sorry i sometimes get all weepy on the dash about things but it honestly does mean a lot to me.
mari - yourself and others absolutely contributed to me bringing him back & despite any hangups or embarrassment i have over the character. fuck, even in squeenix do some fucked up shit like make him about stolen valour (i REALLY hope they don't) or turn him into a coward (which im prepping for with pre-emptive unwritten headcanons) - he's always going to have a special place in my heart.
not because of playing him but because of the people i've played him with. ♡
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troglobite · 25 days
unpleasant no notice work thing update
IT guy said "i'll call them in 15"
he called a full 40 mins later, not 15.
phone was occupied when he finally did call, so he left a msg
i called him back after other phone call was done
he mumbles and the audio sucks so i thought he said microsoft teams--he didn't, i have NO idea what he DID say, bc we just used teams
he does the 'take control of computer' thing (but i had to allow permissions twice for that to happen which was So Fun)
he goes abt doing everything he needs to do
however. in order to take control through teams. he had to make a call. and we're ALSO on the phone.
and at no point does he mute himself. i muted MYself. and bc he had control of the screen, i was unable to click on the top bar of the screen to turn down the volume.
incredible work from an IT guy.
then as he's downloading everything and giving me access to the server, he straight up commits so many security faux pas
just google searches the name of the software i need, clicks on the very first link, clicks download without looking any further on the webpage
meanwhile, that's how MULTIPLE youtube accounts & streamers got hacked not that long ago, bc someone had set up a fake version of the software they use and paid to get it to show up BEFORE the real version in search results, so ppl would download MALWARE bc they weren't checking before downloading!
the same things happens with discord! every time i've had to reinstall it, i've had to check and check again that it's the correct website, bc there's ANOTHER one that shows up BEFORE it in the search results!
you HAVE to check the URL and the download file and the veracity of the webpage and ALL of that before you EVER download software like that, jesus CHRIST, dude. you could've just downloaded a devastating virus to my HOME COMPUTER WITH ALL OF MY DND FILES ON IT.
so he does that, giving me a minor anxiety attack
and then he's giving me access to the servers, and he has to use particular login info from the company--and he SAVES IT TO MY KEYCHAIN.
he literally had to ACTIVELY CHOOSE to add it to my keychain!
i will be REMOVING that keychain data IMMINENTLY. like i had my apple account HACKED through bluetooth this year! and the ONLY saving grace was that NONE of my financial or privacy/security data is saved through apple! BECAUSE I'M NOT AN IDIOT AND I DON'T USE APPLE'S PASSWORD KEYCHAIN!!! [you're not an idiot if you do, i'm more anxious/paranoid abt it bc it's already been compromised for me, and now i know how deeply unsafe it is--but AN IT GUY?! SHOULD FUCKING KNOW THAT, TOO! especially when it's not even HIS computer!]
then he just did a deeply fucking annoying thing:
he allowed pop-up notifications and alerts from the other software that he downloaded (which he did through more secure means the second time for the other thing)
like dude. this is MY computer, WHAT are you doing making that decision for me?
he also added everything to my launchbar at the bottom without asking me if i wanted that. extremely minor, i can always remove them. but Fuck You??? this is my computer, it's already weird enough to be doing this. fuck off, man.
here's the ULTIMATE irony about the fucking security faux pas with this shit and everything he did:
the company's servers had ALREADY blown up for EVERYONE literally just a day or two ago. THAT'S why i got no warning! he was ALREADY on the phone w my mom to fix HER access to her servers and give HER the software, etc., because IT HAD BEEN REMOVED AND SHE KEPT GETTING ERRORS.
this other employee lost access to the servers, so IT's solution was to force her to download software on her PERSONAL COMPUTER and an accompanying app on her phone--and it blew up both of them. her phone and laptop, all but bricked. couldn't open anything, couldn't connect to wifi, couldn't access servers, nothing. basically entirely busted.
and IT WAS A KNOWN PROBLEM. she literally used something else to google it for all of 5 seconds and there it was: deeply unsafe, unsecured app/software, lots of bugs and issues, often wrecks whatever it's downloaded on.
so he was cleaning up HIS OWN MESS TODAY and my mom said "my assistant also needs to be set up with everything" which is why i got 15 mins heads up.
bc she emailed them asking for them to set me up LITERALLY TWO WEEKS AGO
he only replied last week and then let SIX DAYS go by. he was supposed to 1. give me a day heads up 2. set up a time to do it.
and instead, bc he completely forgot and made a giant mess for multiple employees, i got 15 mins heads up.
the only satisfying part was calling HIM back with zero warning and forcing him to do work without a heads up. super fun, isn't it, asshole?
anyway he was perfectly neutral/fine on the phone. it's truly just like--why do IT guys suck SO MUCH? i've NEVER spoken or interacted with one who was kind and patient, and now i can add to the list "or knew anything about proper computer security measures" bc like what the Actual Fuck, my man.
anyway, as an autistic person i fucking HATE being surprised out of the blue with ANYTHING, but ESPECIALLY something that i was SUPPOSED to get warning for. and that involves tech and interacting with someone i don't know.
deeply unpleasant. hated all of it.
and it meant that i had to put off getting food and be stressed abt other bodily functions (my stomach has been wrecked for a few days now, recovering) so like, couldn't even go to the bathroom. i just.
this absolutely sucks, and i think i have every right to be fucking annoyed at MINIMUM abt this shit.
whatever, it's done. my complaining is done. but like holy shit how does a fucking IT guy make such dangerous mistakes/choices. jfc.
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