#i*zone lockscreen
sunoomeugato · 1 year
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𖧧  ࣪    ִ 𓆩♡𓆪 ִ ׄ 𖧧
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ㅤ𓏲 ⠀⠀ ୨ৎ⠀⠀⠀◌⠀⠀⠀♡ ⃝🍡⠀⠀⠀⠀𓄹⠀⠀⠀⠀𓇼
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- Jo Yuri packs !!
— like or reblog if u save/use (( don't repost )) ♥︎
© sunoomeugato
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p1325 · 2 months
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ifjenn · 2 years
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autistic-shaiapouf · 11 months
Hm I should switch up my lockscreens..
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sweetheartvalle · 1 year
goodnight dnf reunited and all is well in the world
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star-eyed-angels · 4 months
Changbin x female reader
angst/fluff 1.8k
Where your boyfriend is a little oblivious and awful at names.
AN: Request for @jin-from-the-block hope you like it❣️ Some. pre-valentine's angst because I clearly enjoy hurting my own feelings.
It’s the week of valentine’s day and everything feels like it’s falling apart. The apartment you share with Changbin has practically become a war zone. Every time you both enter a shared space the bickering and snide comments turns into an all out screaming match. It’s come to a point where he doesn’t bother coming home, choosing to spend the night at the dorms. To Changbin’s credit you’re doing the same thing. You’re all but hiding from your boyfriend at this point, taking longer shifts at work just to avoid him. 
Changbin can’t figure out exactly what went wrong. All he knows is that it started a week ago. One day everything is great and he feels like the luckiest guy on earth. Then the next you’re looking at him like he’s a stranger. At first he’d brushed off your behavior, thinking it was just because you were having an off day, but by dinner time the fighting had begun. 
Now it’s the day before Valentine’s Day and you’re still giving him the cold shoulder. He can’t help the way he keeps glancing at his phone, waiting for a text from you that will let him know everything is back to normal. Hours pass with him holed up in the studio, not a single call or text from you. At first he’s angry. Angry at you for the cold attitude you have towards him. But now as he unlocks his phone scrolling through the notifications for any sign of you, he’s just sad. Normally you’re blowing up each other’s phones when you’re apart, but now it’s just silence.
The sound of something hitting the desk startles Chan and Jisung from their spots across the room. They both look over to see Changbin with his head on the desk. Chan and Jisung share a look, Jisung jerking his head towards Changbin. 
“Bin, you good?” Chan calls out gently. He only gets a grunt in response. 
“Hyung, why don’t you just go home? You’re mind’s not here anyways,” Jisung says, spinning his chair around. 
 “I can't, she doesn’t want me there.” he lifts his head, dragging his hands down his face. 
“How do you know that?” Chan says, now facing Changbin as well. He huffs, glancing at his phone with a sad look.
“She won’t even talk to me. And everytime she does it just turns into a fight,” his says sadly. Jisung and Chan share another look. Jisung gives their leader a look, Chan only shakes his head. 
“Look, Jisung is right. You haven’t been able to focus in days. There’s no point in you forcing yourself to stay here,” he says. He quietly stands from his chair, going over to shut Changbin’s laptop carefully. 
“You should try and talk to her, sitting here isn’t going to help fix whatever is going on between you two”. Changbin glances back down at his phone screen that’s lit up with his lockscreen. The picture of the two of you staring back at him. A picture of his favorite day, spent completely with you. It makes him miss you even more. He decides then that he’s going to get through to you one way or another. 
He’d walked into your apartment hoping to have a normal conversation with you. Instead you’d looked up from your place on the couch and huffed, turning back to your phone. 
Only this time Changbin’s had enough, fed up at your unprovoked attitude towards him. He’s getting you to talk to him.
“Okay enough already, what’s your problem? You’ve been giving me the silent treatment for days now and I’m over it,” unable to suppress his anger any longer.
You scoff, getting up and trying to make your way into the bedroom. You’re still not in the mood to talk with him, the rational part of your brain tells you to stop. But your broken heart holds you in its shackles. Changbin follows you, unwilling to go another night like this. 
“See! There you go again, walking away like a brat!” He says bitterly. You whip around to look at him, jamming a finger into his chest. It startles him slightly, not used to this side of you.
“Don’t call me a brat Changbin. I’m not a fucking child,” you seethe. 
“Well you’re acting like one,” he fires back. Any thoughts of having a rational conversation with you have since disappeared. 
“I have every right to be fucking pissed at you,” you defend. Your mind stuck on what he’d done to upset you. 
“At me? What the hell did I do?” he asks in disbelief. You scoff, crossing your arms in front of you. Changbin groans, running his hands through his hair. 
“God, can’t you just use your words for five seconds? You say you’re not a child, but look at how you’re acting! You won’t even tell me what’s wrong, I’m not a mind reader, I can’t just magically know why you’re acting so goddamn crazy!” he yells. You blink back the stinging in your eyes at his words. 
“Fuck you.” you finally say, your voice cold and empty as you do it. Changbin feels his own eyes sting at your response. He stares at you for a few more seconds before he shakes his head in defeat.
“I don’t get why you’re so angry at me, I haven’t done anything to you. You won’t tell me what’s wrong, and if I did something I want to fix it, but I can’t if you don’t tell me. So please, please just fucking talk to me already. I can’t keep dancing in circles with you y/n,” he pleads quietly. 
The way he says your name makes your stomach curl. The pure exhaustion in his voice makes your heartbreak more than it already has. You stare at him, searching for any sign he’s lying to you. He stares back at you with his own heartbreak in his eyes.
“You really have no idea, do you?” you ask softly.
Of what? Why you’re acting this way? No, absolutely none,” he responds just as quiet. When you turn away Changbin sighs, turning to leave. 
“Okay fine. Don’t talk to me. I’m going to the dorms. I’ll be there if you decide you want me” he says. He’s about ready to bolt before he starts crying in front of you. 
“Six.” you say quietly. 
“What?” Changbin turns to look back at you. You’re still facing away from him, staring down at the ground. He watches you take a deep breath before you finally turn to face him. 
“Six times. You’ve called me by her name six times,” you say solemnly. 
For a moment Changbin just stares at you, confused at what you’re telling him. Then it finally kicks in at who the her you’re referring to is. HIs blood runs cold as the images of his ex dance across his mind.
“No, I didn’t,” he’s quick to defend. You shake your head, feeling the stinging sensation in your eyes again. 
“Yes, you did. It started when we were out at the cafe, and I didn’t say anything because I know it’s the cafe that you found out she was cheating on you in,” you start to explain. Changbin moves to say something, but you don’t let him get a word out. 
“Then it happened on the way home, and again I didn’t say anything because it’s an honest mistake. But then you kept doing it. And then you said it when we were in front of your members and I just-” you sniffle, swiping your hand across your face quickly. 
“Baby, I didn’t- I-” he’s at a loss for words, instead he just gapes at you. Your heart sinks a bit, more tears pouring out at his reaction. 
“When you said it in front of your members they all looked at me like I was something to pity. That’s why I left early. That’s why I’ve been avoiding you. Because to be honest I can’t bear to look at you,” you finally confess, your voice cracking the more you continue. Changbin stares on in horror, his eyes watering. 
“Things happen and I know that, but you look at me like you’re so in love and then you say her name. How am I supposed to be okay with that? How do I not think about everything that she is and I’m not. I can't look at you and wonder if she’s what’s on your mind, that she’s the one you want,” you cry out. Changbin’s crying at this point, his head dropped into his hands. The action does little to stop the small hiccups that escape him. 
“And if-” you pause, the mere thought of what you’re about to say makes you nauseous, “and if you’re cheating on me or talking to someone else can you please just tell me? Because if you don’t love me anymore I need you to tell me now, I don’t think my heart can bear much more of this,” you plead. You’re also crying freely at this point, the heartbreak you’ve been bottling in finally overcoming you. Changbin has already been feeling lightheaded from the amount of crying he’s done in such a short time. But those words nearly make his knees buckle. 
“No! No, god no. I know I’m stupid and clearly an oblivious fucking idiot. But I would never do anything to betray you that way,” he says firmly. You turn away from him, still too emotional to really look at him.
“I know I’ve fucked up, and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for making you feel this way. But I’ll only ever want you, and I’m so sorry for hurting you like this,” he says softly, “You- you’re it for me. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I didn’t know I needed”. 
You’re still searching for any signs that he’s lying when you turn towards him. He only looks at you with his watery eyes and a serious expression. You start crying harder, reaching out to him. He’s already taking a step towards you the second your hands reach for him. He crushes you against him, like if he lets you get too far you’ll leave him.
“I’m so sorry baby. I wish you would have said something,” he says, burying his face into your hair as he hiccups quietly.
“It’s okay-” you start but he’s quick to cut you off. He pulls away from your hair, making sure to look directly at you. 
“No. It’s not. If I do anything to hurt you I need you to tell me. No more of this holding it in, I thought I was going to lose you for good,” he says softly. You press a gentle kiss at the base of his neck, hugging him tighter. 
“You won’t, I need you just as much as you need me,” you say quietly. Changbin’s sure you can feel his heart flutter at that. 
“I love you, he mumbles, pressing soft kisses to your head. 
“I love you, too” you say, also sure that Changbin can feel the effect his words have on you.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
something missing - okkotsu yuuta
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word count: 2.4k warnings: swearing summary: just two lovers missing one another more info: aged up characters! established relationship!
Trips were fun, seeing new places, trying new foods, meeting new people, there was always fun to be had going somewhere new.
Yuuta learned quickly that field missions were nothing like a vacation.  Besides the fact that there was barely any extra time to explore new cities, with any downtime he had, he spent resting.
New York City was no different.  It had been a few weeks, almost a full month.  The sights from his hotel window were all the more exploring he got to enjoy.  Tonight was the same old thing.
His toothbrush hung lazily between Yuuta’s teeth as he stood before the window.  The whole city was lit up, and it was a beautiful sight, but tonight it just wasn’t doing it for him.
His phone beeped in his pocket, and it was in his hand in a second.
[(y/n)]: goodnight love. i’m off to training w Toge.
Not a second later a photo came through, a selfie of his two favorite people in the world, his girlfriend and his best friend, both with their tongues out and wide smiles.
Despite the overload of cuteness, he found himself frowning, his stomach tied up in knots.
He’d been gone for too long.  He missed everyone, he missed his routines.  He missed being in the same time zone.  
[yuuta]: have a great day :) can’t wait till i’m home with you
With that he tossed his phone onto the bed- which was still covered in the mess from his open suitcase- and sighed into the empty room.
Three weeks of being alone in these four walls and trying to track down a curse that he was convinced was just some crazed New Yorker was starting to drain him of all energy.  He hadn’t even felt bothered to organize his clothes.
If (y/n) were here, she would have established a whole system for unpacking and organizing everything in the hotel dresser.  She’d scold him had she known he was living out of his suitcase and couldn’t even kick it off the bed at night.
As he wandered back over to the bathroom sink, spitting out his toothpaste and turning on the faucet so it’d wash down the drain, his mind ran wild with thoughts of another life.  A normal life.  As important as his work was…
“You’re a hero Yuu,” (y/n’s) words rang in his ear as if she’d been standing right beside him.  “And people need you”
More than I need you? He’d never told her, but that thought had been on his mind ever since.
All he wanted was her.  She had his heart, body, mind, soul- he was completely hers and she knew it too.  She wasn’t the only one who knew it, anyone with eyes could see the pair’s infatuation with one another.  And if they had been born non-curse users, he thinks he would have put a ring on her finger by now.  
A smile graces his lips at the thought, his first smile all day.
The idea of settling down, moving their things into an apartment together, doing chores together, laughing over a juice stain on his shirt and not his own blood.  Images of spending every free moment together, whether it be eating meals, watching tv, reading together in silence… every sweet thought that passed his mind made him wonder if all of this trouble was worth it.
There wasn’t time tonight to measure the weight of his work, but he would make time to re-evaluate this mission in particular. ___
(y/n) tossed and turned in bed, and then tossed some more.
To say she wasn’t tired enough to go to sleep was an understatement.  She’d been awake for hours now, waiting for her phone to ring, or beep with a new text, but it remained blank.
She checked once more just to be sure, but just like the minute before, her lockscreen was clear.  Leaving only a photo of Yuuta with a wide grin on his face and a messy, small bun on the top of his head.  Usually this photo brought a smile to (y/n’s) face, hence why she chose it for her lockscreen wallpaper, but tonight she frowned as she turned the screen off and threw her phone into her pillow.
It was half past three in the morning, which was usually the perfect time to call Yuuta, since it would be five in the evening New York time.  He usually tried to call a little earlier, but it was never this late.
(y/n) understood he was busy, and with important work, but she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.  She had barely heard from him all day, and with him being gone weeks…
Was it so awful of her to miss her boyfriend?
She reached for her phone once more, seeing only a minute had passed, and she still hadn’t heard anything.
Reluctantly, she unlocked her screen and went into her chat with Yuta.  She’d already sent him a few messages, but she figured one more couldn’t hurt.
[(y/n)]: hey, we still talking tonight? [(y/n)]: it’s ok if it’s a little later, i’ll wait up for you :) [(y/n)]: i can hear panda’s snoring from down the hall, should i see if toge is up? maybe he’ll put me to sleep. [(y/n)]: hey.. it’s late but i’m wide awake if you still have time for a call. can’t sleep :/ i miss you.  
She left her phone on her chest as she stared up at the blank ceiling.  Panda’s snores from a few rooms down still faintly made it’s way to her ears, but as she zoned out it sounded more and more distant.
Sometimes, she curses Gojo for seeing the potential in Yuuta.  Sometimes, she wishes he were normal, they were both normal, and could do normal people things.
Sometimes she wonders if being a non-curse user is a better life, to be blinded by the evils in the world, to live freely day-to-day.  Sometimes she wonders if she had a chance at that life now, would she choose it?
She doesn’t necessarily like these thoughts, but every once in a while she’ll indulge in a little daydreaming.  Images of her and Yuuta spending each day without training or being scared for their lives flashing behind her eyes.  She has to admit, it would be nice if he didn’t have to go away for such long missions.
But as sweet as the idea, she knows their way of life is the right path for them.  She knows neither one of them would sleep at night knowing they could do something to help squash those evils.  Besides, most of the time, she enjoyed herself when she exorcized curses.
Squeezing her eyes shut tight to rid her gaze of the white ceiling for just a moment, she tried to manifest a message from Yuuta for the umpteenth time tonight.  But hell, at this point she’d try anything to hear from him.
Holy shit, did that work?
With lightning speed she had her phone unlocked to read the text message she’d just received.
[yuuta] i’m sorry i haven’t been able to text you my love, been real busy.  Maybe a midnight snack would help you rest?
As happy as she was to hear from him, her heart sunk as he hadn’t mentioned anything about calling her tonight.
[(y/n)]: think you’ll have any time for a phone call tonight ?
Every second that passes with the three dots of his anticipated response made her heart pound a little harder.  Even if he could only talk for a minute, she’d be happy just to hear his voice, she’d take anything she could get, really.
Finally, his text was sent.
[yuuta]: i don’t think it’s going to happen tonight, my love, i’m so sorry.  but it’s late, you should really get some sleep.  perhaps tea?
(y/n) bites her lip, before sighing and admitting defeat.
[(y/n)] it’s okay, i know you’re overworked.  i’ll make some tea and try to sleep, but if you find any spare time, call me, ok? i don’t mind how late it is.  i miss you
When she turns her phone off and sits up in bed, she tries to ignore the familiar burn in her throat that means she’s going to cry soon.  They say distance means the heart grows fonder, but she never realized just how much heartache came along with it.
She rubs her eyes almost violently to make sure they don’t stay watery, and slides her feet into the slippers next to her bed.  Tea was probably the best idea at this point.  Hopefully it would help her sleep and bring some comfort to her lonely heart.
She dragged her feet every step to her door, wiping her eyes once more for good measure before swinging it open.
To her surprise, she wasn’t met with the dark empty hallway she was used to seeing at this time of night.
Instead, one Okkotsu Yuuta stood there, at her door, with his suitcase at his side and his katana slung over his back.
Her eyes blew wide and for a second no words even came out to voice her surprise, but he could see in her dropped jaw and frozen stature that he had shocked her to her core.
“Surprise,” He says softly, before grinning ear to ear.  “My trick to get you to the door worked, I see”
“You’re- you’re home?” She barely gets the words out before reality catches up with her and she’s throwing herself against him.
In one swift motion her arms around his neck and her lips are planted roughly against his, barely taking in a gasp of air before kissing him again.  For such a sudden kiss, Yuuta’s quick to embrace her and keep her body held against his as he returns her kiss with even more fervor.
When they finally break the kiss, he doesn’t let her take a single step away as he speaks, keeping her in place right against him, right where he liked her to be.
“I told Gojo that I was getting nowhere, and I’m pretty sure the killings weren’t curse related.  There weren’t any supernatural leads,”
His words were rushed, like he was dying to get through them so he could move on and spend every second focused on her and only her.  She let out a small, breathless laugh, before shaking her head.
“He said I could come back and the elders would send some more people out to recon just to be sure, but I’m here, and I’m staying,” Yuuta brings a hand to her cheek, his thumb brushing over her soft skin as he gets lost in her (y/e/c) eyes for a moment too long.  “And I’m staying for a while.  No overseas missions for a long time for me”
“Really?” She whispers, her heart filling with hope and joy and all things good at the idea of having him to herself for a while.
“Really,” He confirms, and seals it with a quick kiss.  “I just want to be here with you.  I missed you so much, my love”
“I missed you too,” (y/n) sighs, resting her forehead against his and letting her eyes fall shut as a comforting feeling washes over her.  The relief of having him home was just what she needed to feel whole again.  “I’m so happy you’re home, Yuuta”
He squeezes her shoulders playfully, and gives her a smile that she knows means he’s up to something mischievous.
And before she can question what he’s thinking, his arms are wound around her middle, and she’s being hoisted into the air.
“Yuu-!” She squeals before slapping her hand over her own mouth, forgetting the time of night.
He’s laughing as he folds her over his shoulder and lets himself and his luggage into her room.  He kicks the door shut behind him without a care for how loud it might be and who might be disturbed from their sleep.  He couldn’t possibly care about anything other than having (y/n) all to himself, even just for tonight.
(y/n’s) giggling too, despite her protests for him to put her down and what the hell are you thinking? She can’t keep herself from giggling uncontrollably at the whole thing.  Maybe his laughter was contagious, but maybe she was just in love with him and everything he does to make her feel loved too.
He finally lifts her off of him, and she has to set her palms on his shoulders to keep her steady in the air.  It feels silly, but still, Yuuta’s smiling and so is she.
The sweet moment is quickly followed by him throwing her down onto the bed, and she might have scolded him on another night, but not tonight.  Not the night she finally gets him back.
Besides, he quickly falls on top of her, barely catching himself before completely crashing into her.  Her stomach is starting to hurt from all the laughing.
“So beautiful,” Yuuta murmurs as he pushes her hair away from her face.  “So, so beautiful,” He repeats, before leaning down and leaving feathery kisses all over her face.  “My beautiful girl,” He murmurs as his kisses trail down the bridge of her nose.  “I love you, so much” He says, as his lips hover over hers.
She takes him by surprise as she leans up, taking his jaw in both her hands and pulls his lips against hers.  He smiles into her kiss.
“I love you too, Yuuta” She murmurs into his mouth, before stealing another kiss.
He could melt away and die right here, in her arms, knowing that she loves him.  He thinks he just might if she keeps kissing him this way.
They settle in for bed after a few minutes.  They don’t speak about the repercussions of Yuuta getting caught in her room after hours, and truth be told, the rules weren’t on either one of their minds.  They’d take the consequences later.
(y/n) snuggles into Yuuta’s chest with a bright smile, which he mirrors as he tucked the blanket around the both of them comfortably.  Even as sleep starts to invade her senses, (y/n’s) still smiling.
Finally, they’re able to get a good night’s rest, wrapped in each other’s arms. ___
xoxo - jordie
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Your Wallpaper?
That person on your home and lockscreen looks a little familiar
Ft. Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone
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You'd asked her to help you check a text, to which she'd readily agreed
But ended up freezing when she saw your lock screen
That was her, wasn't it? A candid photo you had snapped on your first date
She looks at it for a bit, zoning out in thought before smiling to herself
Makes no mention of it to you in case you get embarrased and change it
He heard it ringing and thought he'd help pass it to you
But then the call ended, leaving him on your lock screen
He'll pause and stare at the screen for a bit, blinking in surprise (not that you can see)
He does walk over to you like nothing happens though, handing you the phone and telling you you have a missed call
Maybe a couple weeks later he'll remember it randomly and ask you if he's still your wallpaper (he may or may not be a little sad if you've changed it)
If he sees it you'll know
You just happened to want to check the time while laying in his lap
And then he caught a glimpse of it
You have been yoinked up for him to cuddle properly and by properly I mean koala octopus typa cuddles
Insists on taking a picture together for both of you to have matching lockscreens
He's leaning his head on your shoulder, observing your typical behaviour "for science"
But he notices you're not using your phone like you usually do so he bugs you about it since that would make it an anomaly
When you finally cave and show him he just stares at it and then stares judgementally at you
"Fair enough, I keep your eyes on my desk anyway."
"I'm sorry you what?"
The plan was to see how long until you realised the phone he was holding wasn't his but yours
So he was pretending to scroll on a blank screen when he accidentally turned it on
His eyes widen in mild surprise, but that's quickly replaced by a satisfied smirk
He does return the phone to you eventually even if you don't notice
But you're left wondering why he seems to be grinning a little differently the entire week
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Taglist: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @pumpkindarlingg @cxlrosii @miss-fantazmagoria @lychme @kokomist @lemonswriting @eowinthetraveller @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @ash-astrophel @moonbyunniee @greyrain23
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
dog walkers [hwang hyunjin x reader]
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Summary: it wasn't enough that Hyunjin already missed you beyond words, but then he also had to sit down with Felix and reminisce about one of your guys' best dates and make everything worse. (FLUFF) 2.2k + texts
Warnings: none except for hyunjin being absolutely adorable and this being completely self indulgent and not edited ❤️ (also pls ignore the fact that halfway through this I forgot how time zones work, just go with it. Thanks 😖)
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"What's my ideal date…" Felix hummed, scrolling through one of the online quizzes his phone recommended. It was the middle of summer, the intolerable heat of Seoul's July forbidding any of the boys from leaving the house. 
"Yeah.." Hyunjin chimed in, his phone instantly falling down onto the couch they were both sitting on. "What is your ideal date? I never heard you talk about it before - about dates in general"
"Probably because I've never been on one," Felix shrugged. "I mean, I have… but just like.. casual dates. I've never actually been on a 'let me take you out' kind of date"
"Casual dates count too!"
"All we did was sit down and talk. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change that memory for the world, but now that I think about it, I kinda wanna go on crazy dates too. Like you and Y/n used to do"
Just the sound of your name brought a smile to Hyunjin's lips. The memories flashed before his eyes at lightning speed, from the first time he saw you, 3 years ago, to the last text you sent him, which had been that morning. "I miss those"
"Which was the best one?"
The enthusiasm in Felix's voice somehow made Hyunjin sad. "Urgh, don't make me do this. I already miss her so much"
"Don't pretend talking about Y/n is not your favorite thing to do"
Again, he couldn't help but smile. "Not when she's on the other side of the globe"
"You're just grumpy today" Felix shook his head. "Do you want me to show you a picture of her? Maybe it'll cheer you up"
"Pff, yeah right" Hyunjin threw an eye roll and pointed his phone in Felix's direction. On the lockscreen there was a picture of you two hugging in front of a blossoming tree. The sun was setting but the gentle and warm artificial light from the fairy lights made it so that both your wide smiles and the flowers around you were perfectly contoured and visible. "I have her as my wallpaper"
"Aww" Felix pouted, grabbing the phone and bringing it closer so he could examine the details a bit more easily. "And it's such a nice picture too."
"Yeah, it is"
"Come on, tell me about your best date. I know you're dying to talk about her"
He wanted to refuse. He knew he should've refused because just the thought of that night filled his heart with so much pain. It was now that he finally understood the true meaning of the word bittersweet. But it was too late, his heart rate already picked up and before he knew it, he was settling better against the cushions on his corner of the couch, feeding off of Felix's radiant and awaiting smile. 
"Ok, but I'd like to start by apologizing to all the other dates we've had, because I feel like an asshole just choosing one-"
"But you know exactly which one it is"
"Yes'' Hyunjin laughed with no hesitation. "Ok, so I don't know if I already told you about this date. I might have, it was the best day ever"
"I don't think so," Felix dreamily shook his head. "I think I'd remember"
"It was right after Y/n got accepted into the programme at work. The day I realized she's leaving. Like she's legit leaving. Like I knew she'd leave, there was no doubt in my mind she'd get accepted, she's the best at what she does, but reality hit me when she showed me the email"
"I remember the email," Felix laughed out loud. "You called me crying, remember?"
"One eye crying happy tears, one eye crying sad tears" 
"Leave me alone" Hyunjin exclaimed with a fit of giggles, knowing damn well there was no way to deny it. That whirlwind of emotions was still familiar to him, he was still going through it, one day so proud of you his heart could burst, and the next, so pained by your absence that he could just drop everything and hop on a plane. "I was going through something. That was what made us come up with these ideas for the dates. We always had fun staying indoors and doing absolutely nothing together, but when I realized she'd be leaving for two whole years I kinda freaked."
"Yeah, exactly! Like the other person being there is enough, but if you can do something different, why not do it?"
"Yes. And the first date we had after this was the best day of my life"
"I remember you made a list at one point? The planetarium, you wanted to go hiking, all that stuff-"
"Yeah, well, the first date wasn't so-" Hyunjin trailed off in search of the right word, "Date-y"
"What did you guys do?"
"We decided to walk dogs"
"That's such a Y/n thing, I love it!" Felix laughed, his head thrown back as he clapped his hands. "And no, you haven't told me about this one, I'm pretty sure"
"It means I was saving it for the right moment"
"How many dogs did you walk?"
"Yeah… about that. Y/n posted an ad somewhere, mostly as a joke. We didn't think anyone would actually ask us to walk their dogs, especially because it was on a Saturday. Like during the weekends people actually have time to do this… so we just said ok to every person that contacted us and before we knew it, it was Saturday morning and we had 9 dogs to pick up"
"Yes… I know"
"How did you-"
"Don't ask… please don't ask. They all pooped at least twice and it wasn't just small dogs… every one of them was pulling in different directions and ok, I'm totally used to sticking my hand in Kkami's mouth to take out whatever gross thing he found on the ground and decided to chew, but I wasn't familiar with all these other dogs! Other chihuahuas are fine, but any dog bigger than a beagle? Never doing that again"
"Jesus Christ" Felix was hardly able to contain his laughter, the mental picture being just what he needed. "Only you two could've had this happen"
"It was her idea!"
"I'd be surprised if you didn't jump up and down in excitement when you heard it"
"I might have, but still, I'm not the one who thought 9 was a reasonable number"
"How did you even get to the dog park?"
"We took the car, obviously."
"As if you and Y/n in a car alone with 9 dogs is so much better"
"Hey, we got it done, that's what matters"
"How is this your best date, I don't get it"
"Maybe it was the trauma we went through together. It brought us closer. No, I'm kidding. But it actually was very fun. Once we got to the park, I swear it was like heaven. They were so, so sweet and adorable. And we didn't even have to sweat. All we did was sit down on the grass while they chased each other and played around us. I've never had my face licked so much. We were literally covered in dogs. And at one point-" Hyunjin said with glee and sat up from the couch to exemplify. "- I'd just say turn around and they'd all turn around! Or sit, and they'd all sit. It was like a little dance, they were so happy. It was the best"
"Ok, I take it back. It actually sounds nice" Felix agreed. 
"But then we had to take them all back" Hyunjin sighed, his smile slowly fading off his face as he sat back down. With his legs now gathered to his chest, he continued to speak. "I was starting to get attached. And most of the people that asked us to walk their dogs were older people, you know. And when we brought the dogs back, they were so nice. We obviously didn't want to accept any money, but most of them refused to let us go just like that. One lady gave us flowers from her garden, and I actually painted them. I'd show it to you but I gave the painting to Y/n. And others also gave us pie, and fruits. And like you could tell some of them didn't have much, but they still wanted to share it with us"
A little frown settled on Felix's face as he blinked a few times, "I would've cried" he said sincerely, his eyes not showing even one glint of sarcasm. 
"Oh, we did," Hyunjin nodded with a giggle. "We cried on our way back. Not ugly cried, but we cried"
"It counts"
"Yeah.. and by the time we were done with the dogs, I don't remember what time it was exactly, afternoon anyway, we didn't really know what else to do. We initially planned to go to a restaurant and eat, but we were already full. So we settled for a walk, and we found online this garden in the center of the city - thought it would be nice to go check it out. But when we got there, there was a wedding going on"
"A wedding?"
"Yeah, and the problem was that we didn't realize it was a wedding.. we thought it was just busy so we just strolled in not even bothered by the fact that everyone was dressed in suits and fancy dresses. And so we went towards the back of the garden, where there weren't that many people. It was gorgeous, by the way. You have to see it too, it feels like a different world."
"So you crashed a wedding"
"Well… technically yes, but when we realized what was going on, the bride and groom were very nice about it. They hadn't rented the whole thing so we could've been there for a whole different reason. Like we could've just been there to eat or something but we didn't know. They offered to let us stay if we wanted to dance or something, which was probably just them being polite - we obviously didn't, but we did take some pictures! I mean their photographer took them for us-"
"Your lockscreen!"
"Yes, exactly. And then we left. We stayed there for like 10 minutes maybe? So it wasn't that big of a deal, but we interacted with so many nice people that day. Like, how often does that happen? I don't know, it filled me with joy"
"I can tell, it sounds like a really nice break. Especially since it was the first date like this"
"Yeah… it was very nice. After that we just did a little bit of shopping, went home, cooked together and went to sleep. Like, nothing major happened, but it's still one of the best days of my life. And Y/n was so happy. She didn't stop smiling the whole day. And until then she had been so stressed with work, but that day she was so relaxed, and I got a full day of Y/n just being herself around me, with literally no worries in the world. And I think that's what makes that day so special, because others have technically been more fun, but as time passed and the day she was supposed to leave started approaching, she stopped being so.. I don't know, free. Um… yeah, I don't know what I'm saying-" Hyunjin stopped himself to take a deep breath. "I'm rambling"
"No, I know what you mean," Felix reassured him. "I miss her too."
"What time is it?" Hyunjin asked but was also the one to tap his phone screen to check. When the picture of you two in the garden popped up, both of them smiled. "It's almost 5pm"
"Got any plans?"
"Yes, pester Y/n until she gives me attention. But she's usually working at his hour so I don't want to bother her… too much"
"Send her a selfie" Felix suggested, "It'll make her smile"
"No, I look horrendous. All I've done today was sweat"
"Come on, you could send her a picture of your pinky finger and she'll still find something nice to say about it"
"Yeah, she would," Hyunjin giggled, "somehow…"
"Just like you would, about her pinky"
"Hey, she has very nice hands. And I'm not just saying that"
"I know you're not"
Shortly after, the topic of conversation swiftly shifted. They left the couch in search of food, and neither of them refrained from complaining when they realized there was none left and they had to cook. It was a daily occurance, the complaining and the cooking, but today it was different. While Hyunjin did his part, he moved a bit slower, showed less enthusiasm and his usual jokes were at best delayed, but mostly absent. 
While they both knew the reason, they didn't want to address it. Felix knew his friend would come to him and speak up if he needed someone to listen to him, but he also knew that wasn't enough. Maybe that conversation really wasn't the best idea.
The day drained itself pretty slowly, especially because the only person he wanted to interact with was busy and on the other side of the globe. He wasn't in the mood for anything else and thought he'd go insane, so there was only one thing left for him to do. 
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hoeforhao · 1 year
↳ ༉‧₊˚✧ * in another life * ༉‧₊˚✧ 🤍
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✦pairing : idol! jeonghan x fem! reader
✦genre : smut, phone sex, fingering, masturbation (both f and m), mutual cumming, angst, ex boyfriend au.
✦warnings : explicit language, jeonghan is an absolute bastard here(only the character, no hate towards our angel), manipulation, verbal degradation, heavy angst, unrequited love, one sided pining. tell me if i missed any!
✦word count : 1.3k
✦author's note : took me five shots of vodka to complete writing this as it's a real story, beautified by a writer's mind. not proofread as i didn't have the heart to re read it!
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Was it really that easy, as people staged it to be? To be your ex's so called "close friend"? Someone he only came to while being completely lonely or peak horny -
These are the only thoughts that kept storming your mind, whilst your eyes were fixated onto that 'hey hey hey' from jeonghan's pvt account.
Did your brain exactly know what his single hey meant? Hell yes! Did your conscience immediately give in and try to stop you from replying to that? A cent percent yes! Yet your heart knew no bounds. What do they call it? Yes!! Everything's fair in love and war...even if it meant losing your dignity again and again...but come on at least you weren't hoeing around with several -
Quite a dumb way to justify what was gonna come next, right? Shaking all these warning signs off of your body, you respond with -
"Yes sir?"
"Are you home rn, y/n? You know it's night and something just takes over me whenever the sky paints itself dark!!" a short vibration of your phone and jeonghan's message pops up on the lockscreen.
"Yes. I'm home han." oh how you wishes to type hun, oh how you wished to reply affectionately to your lost home, ask him how his day was, is he eating well, remembering to take rest in between dance practices and most importantly caring for his soulful voice. But alas, you couldn't!! cuz you knew his lustful replies will only hurt you more, than you already are.
"You know what I want right, hun?" that one word from him and your heart felt like it was being poked with a thousand icicles.
"I do. Should I? Or you'll?"
"I'll baby. Pick up quick nah!!" this was the last string where all your organs tried their best to hold you back from diving into the fire again...but well...
×××××incoming video call××××××
knowing that picking up his call would mean dirtying yourself for the third time, yet sometimes love makes you do things even laws can't ~
"Moan for me baby, i wanna hear you scream my name while pleasuring yourself"
how even in the darkest corner of your heart, you still had the faintest flames of "what if he greets me like the old times, just once" burning brightly, only to be put to sleep by han's desperateness for your body, not the soul he painted once so beautifully.
"Do you have any special requests? Cuz I don't know what to say" what more where you even supposed to say huh? while you two were together, you would make sure that you went out of your comfort zone to pleasure him. Trained yourself so well in this field that your moans became honey to his ears ; but now, now you've no right over him, no right to call him explicit names. Thus the only way for you was to act just as he directed you to.
"Moan daddy for me bitch, if you wanna see me cum. Ain't that your favorite thing, pretty slut?"
As much as each of his syllables tore the skin of your insides one petal a time, all you could do was abide by his demands, with a heart of stone.
"H-han i wanna s-see you cum so bad, daddy pls" your lips burned aflame each time a word left its crevices.
"That's like my good slut. Now strip for me baby. I wanna see each and every part of your body" instead of his stern angelic voice, all you could hear was jeonghan panting into the speaker as he kept on stroking himself.
Not wasting anymore seconds, you seductively took off all your clothes, leaving you in nothing but all the scars that life has carved out on you.
"Happy now?" probably the most useless question you've ever asked, knowing quite well that it was gonna be a long night.
"You think so? Awee such a naive little bitch you're y/n!!! The fun has just started baby" his mocking smirk irking up on your skin even from another side of the screen.
"Finger yourself until you come undone on the sheets, while screaming my name. Wanna see you doing all the nastiest things tonight."
Muffling in all the cries that your heart has been wanting to blurt out all these time, you just quietly lay down on your back, the cold sheets beneath stippling a wave of shivers through your entire body.
Spreading your legs wide apart, ensuring to give jeonghan the perfect video of your pussy, you gradually slide down your fingers, rubbing gentle circles 'round your clit.
"The prettiest moans I've ever heard and and the prettiest pussy I'll ever see. Such a desperate whore for my dick, aren't you bitch!"
It's as if everything around you was muted all of a sudden and all you could hear was jeonghan praising how much he loved your womanhood, fueling your fingers to slide at a faster rate in and out of your hole.
"J-jeonghan am gonna c-cum...aaaa" even before you could finish your sentence, warm fluids coated your fingers, earning the lewdest groan from han.
"Naughty girls don't deserve the gift so soon. How many times have i told you not to call me -"
"S-sorry daddy! I was lost in pleasure that's why it slipped out of my mind" your hormones were now peaking , thus making you absolutely desperate to see him cum for you.
"Still you need to be punished babygirl. Hump on the pillow infront of you while pinching your nipples hard" han's cruel demeanor echoed through the room.
Not seeing any way out, you sat on your knees to do exactly what as asked of you. At this point you've become his own little porn star who would give him a show whenever his lust wanted.
"I guess my job's done now?" you finally open your eyes, boobs aching from the intense action it got and conscience all blurry.
"Yes baby. Such an obedient slut you're for me. I love to see you beg for me so much aah" jeonghan's moans kept getting loud as he was climbing his high.
"Y-y/n aah I love your pussy s-so much babe" and with this you saw the smooth white liquid ooze out of his pretty dick and onto his stomach. As much as your mind wanted to take in this heavenly sight with as much lust as possible, your heart kept drifting away to the thought of "only if he would move the camera to his face while I watch him sleep all peacefully, face painted with the most beautiful smile this world has ever witnessed...just like the old times".
"Well then I gotta go sleep ig. Bye"
Such a fool aren't you? Expecting the impossible always ; knowing very well that even the heavens can't bring your home back anymore. The shoulder you always leaned on, the first person to ever see you cry, your bub your sugar was now far gone. What was left was a bastard who just keeps on using you for his pleasure.
Well not that it was his fault tho. You've always been the hardest to love.
"Maybe in next life, when I'm as pretty as you're, I'll be lucky enough to hug you to sleep. Bye bub. Sleep well♡" you hushed under your breath before tapping the red button on the screen that brought you the opportunity to at least listen to his voice once in a while....
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effyrosemary · 2 months
Four months ago, I got a dm from @deaddovehasbeeneaten asking me if it was alright if to ask me some questions about a fic idea. Of course that was alright, and since that day four months ago Dor and I have talked everyday, sometimes 'till 3 in the morning (perks of living in the same time zone) and usually screaming and crying about fictional characters.
We decided to create a fic together, called The Suppliant. And we have since then created a fictional town in northern Tennessee, a Google map of said town, Pinterest boards with hundreds of pins, a 20k Google doc with notes and family trees. It’s been the most fun ever.
Today is my birthday, and I was surprised by Dor who gifted me a commission art of one of our OC’s 😭
This is Alina, she was born on February 6th, 1973 and she is Andrei’s (Armand’s) younger sister by 2 years 🤧 We both love her very much.
I’m still crying over it, and it will be my lockscreen forever. Thank you Dori, I’m so happy I know you, I hope I will know you forever 🤧💓
Artist: @pankadoll
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electromignion · 5 months
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Last but not least, colourful Bridgewater 2023 fanart dump!
I had been wanting to draw Jeremy Bradshaw with his cat for a long long LONG while aka since my first ever drawing of him (the digital one with him sleeping on his couch around his books, magazines and students’ homeworks) because I had made him have a black cat as his lockscreen so I considered him in my headcanons since then to have a black cat! Called him Patrick because it’s silly, it’s one of my cats’ name too, and I love him too much ksksks To me, Jeremy got his cat from a shelter and he was already named this way so he kept it as it is to not disturb the cat! It was a quick art so it’s not proportionally accurate but I needed to picture that!
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Olivia and Jeremy doodles because why not! Still exploring Liv’s clothings and wanted to try out of my comfort zone angles ksksks
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A Jeremy Bradshaw warm up doodle using alcohol markers!
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eve-to-adam · 1 month
I was tagged by @theladyelizabeth to make this lockscreen/spotify meme; thank you very much for thinking of me, my dear, haha! <3333333
I've had this lockscreen since… 2018, I think? He can even be included in the "celebrity" category, because he is the lead singer of my favourite Japanese rock band, The GazettE.
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As for the song, well, this can be considered a little - a very big!, actually - melodic crush of mine. Not only does the song gives me pleasure and inspiration in terms of writing or art, but it seems to me that it is like a gate - among many other such gates, by the way - which I call the comfort zone. It's like when you throw yourself on your favorite sofa and you don't want to get up from there for a long time, haha. But this is not the only reason why I like it so much, but - suspense -, the song also serves another purpose: it is one of my themes for the couple John of Bedford x Anne of Burgundy. Does this aspect contribute to my obsession with the song? Surely!
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My last celebrity photo? I don't really have that. The times when I used to collect pictures with celebrities have long gone. But let me tell you something: this - this is the picture, the source, the series, the material, the actors, the subject that sparked my curiosity for the Middle Ages and for the history of England, for the Plantagenet dynasty, for Lancaster and York. And I am grateful for that! <3333
Tagging: @teodoraioana221 and @richmond-rex, if you want to participate, of course! :D
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dichromaticdyke · 2 months
🗣 - sorry for the m.i.a. I have been trying to force myself to watch Bookklok and it's just not working (executive dysfunction be damned because the funniest joke is in that episode!) Anyway 💕 I had a small HM!Toki thought while dying at work today (Happy Good Friday!)
So, the beloved Dethphones. Toki's lockscreen is definitely some kind of risqué photo of Skwisgaar. I dont think it would be a full nude, but its VERY close. Very Playboy Bunny-esque. (Imagine Dethklok hangs out with other bands for a sec) Everyone knows about her lockscreen, I mean, its RIGHT there. And Toki adores it. But what they don't see is her homescreen, which is a photo of Skwisgaar during one of their indoor dates, where shes in a sleepshirt she should of thrown away ages ago, her hair is up, shes clearly got her skin care on, in bed, but shes full on laughing out loud at something. A real candid shot. It's Toki's favorite photo of her. She makes kissy sounds to it when Skwisgaar isn't around.
Now Skwisgaar is flipped. She's got the goofest fucking photo of Toki on the front. Either she's drunk, upside down in a bush or it's just a really unflattering photo of her. Something stupid and others always look at it and laugh and think "Oh its an inside joke" or whatever. And Skwis is like "Yeah thats my dumb jerk off girlfriend. 🙄" but her home screen, which no one has ever seen, is a professional shot of Toki on stage during a show, COMPLETELY in the zone on her guitar. Just, fully empowering the instrument. Skwisgaar actually paid the photographer to let her have the photo and then deleted from their drive because no one is allowed to look at her girl when shes looking THAT good. She makes goo-goo eyes to it all the time by herself. (Toki has never seen this photo either.)
This is just a little something I cooked up while trying to keep my cool at work. Okie byes! 💕
okay first of all. i swear to god you’re in my brain because. well. look kandi and i are working on smth playboy related with the goils that’s all i’ll say for now. 🐰
second of all. GAH these are so so so good. it’s so like toki to try to embarrass skwisgaar publicly but having the intimate stuff be her faves, and SOOOO like skwisgaar to tease toki publicly but keep just how much she adores toki AND HER MUSIC to herself. they’re so so cute oh my god.
i want toki to find out about skwisgaar’s home screen. you know she’d break and tear up a bit at the idea that her cold tsundere gf deeply adores her music more than she thought 🥺
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
Golden Tattoo
Rowaelin Month 2022 — Day 1: Songfic (Dress by Taylor Swift)
I’m posting this exactly at midnight (in my time zone) because it’s TS inspired and she only gave us one word to prepare for the new album lol.
Anyway happy Rowaelin Month! (Is saying this a thing? Is it a holiday? TOG fandom holiday??)
Warnings: language, NSFW (very)
Word Count: 3,8K
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ .・。
“Fuck, Aelin, I can’t take this anymore.”
“Come on, Buzzard, just a little more.”
“We should take it easy.”
“But I want my arm to look just like yours.”
They were currently alone in their apartment, chewing an insane amount of bubblegum so Aelin could use their tattoo stickers. She was temporarily tattooed from the shoulder to mid-forearm, they had already gone through the worst part.
Rowan sighed and picked another bubblegum, but they both froze when Aelin’s phone pinged a very familiar sound.
He cleared his throat. “So... You’re still in the app?”
Aelin immediately blushed. It was completely normal to talk about your Tinder activities with the friend you have a crush on. No need to act weird.
“Hardly.” She read the lockscreen. “Ugh. It’s just Ilias. Can you believe he ghosted me for a week after I told him I don’t like fish?”
“Wow,” he said with raised eyebrows. “That’s one way to waste an opportunity.”
An opportunity, as long as he wasn’t the one taking it, right? Aelin didn’t even want to date right now, but she had to get over Rowan, and sharing an apartment with him wasn’t helping. Still, Aelin wouldn’t blame him for having unrequited feelings, she just needed to find someone else and get her friendship back on track.
“Well, Buzzard, at least I’m giving people an opportunity to waste.” She raised her eyebrows at him.
Rowan sighed. “I know what I want, I won’t find it on the app.”
Aelin unwrapped three bubblegums and resumed her chewing. Aelin wanted the best for her friend, but if he didn’t want to look for someone now, she wouldn’t insist on it. He just grumbled something about this being a terrible Saturday activity and went back to their work.
Rowan extended his hand at Aelin and she frowned, confused. Then he sighed and pulled her wrist to him, making her skin burn where he touched. He placed the temporary tattoo on her, and Aelin’s heart was going a mile a minute the whole sixty seconds he pressed the damp cloth against her wrist. Aelin was ready to mourn the loss of his touch, but they were both frozen in place.
A golden tattoo.
“We won!” She threw herself at him without further notice, which made him give on of his rare belly laughs.
He immediately started reading the tiny text on the bubblegum package. “Here it says that whoever gets a shiny tattoo must collect the prize at a official store.”
Aelin got up in a heartbeat. “Let’s go, then!”
“How long do you think the tattoo will last?” She arched an eyebrow.
Rowan just snorted and grabbed his keys. He knew better than to come between Aelin Galathynius and her bubblegum prize.
“We’re here to collect the prize.” Aelin showed Grave, the bubblegum store’s employee, her tattoo with a wide grin on her face. Rowan was trying to hide his enthusiasm, but his lips would tug every time her voice got too bubbly or she got impatient to get there.
Grave barely looked at her golden tattoo before saying, “Fill out these forms, I’ll be right back.” Rowan mentioned to get the papers because he always did the bureaucratic part of things, but Aelin was too excited to just sit and watch. Indeed, the only thing that made her look up from the papers was Rowan’s chuckle.
When she looked up, Grave had brought a very tiny bicycle and a box. “The golden tattoo gives you all prizes, which are copper, silver and golden. Which means you get dinner at Luca’s, a bike and a Nintendo Switch.” Aelin would think about how dull he was for someone who gives prizes for a living if she didn’t have more important matters at hand.
“But these are meant for kids.”
“Not all of them.” Rowan frowned at her while sliding the video game closer.
Grave sighed. “Ma’am, you bought the kids pack of gum.”
Aelin looked at her tattooed arm. Just like Rowan’s, but there was no denying those tattoos were meant for kids. Her shoulders slumped, and Rowan was immediately on her side, one hand rubbing soothing circles on her shoulder and the other protectively holding his new video game.
“Maybe Elide can fit in this bike. Or one of your cousin’s kids,” Aelin muttered, “And we can go to dinner at Luca’s, right? There will be a lot of screaming children, but it can’t be that much different from a Whitethorn barbecue.”
Rowan chuckled. “Too scared of having dinner in a spaceship, Ace?”
Aelin anchored a hand on her hip and gave him a teasing grin. “I hope you’re as excited to go there as you sound. You should see the ice cream tower I’ll make you eat.”
There was no way of knowing if Rowan’s expression was amused or terrified, but he turned to Grave and questioned, “Isn’t Luca’s and Emrys’s from the same chain? I was wondering if we—“
“Yeah, yeah, I’m going to ask my manager. Stay here,” the man grunted.
Aelin needed a few seconds to process the information. She gawked at Rowan, in complete disbelief of what he had done. While Luca’s was the kind of restaurant you left with a major headache because of the screaming kids, Emrys’s dangers were much greater. Like bankruptcy. Aelin had never gone there, but she had reliable sources that their chocolate cake was dreamy.
Rowan was looking down, fidgeting with his game’s box when Grave came back once again.
“It’s an odd request, so I’ll have to call Emrys’s and let them know you’re coming. Can I make the reservation for tonight?”
After everything was settled for hers and Rowan’s non-date, they went home and Aelin started getting ready immediately. She was so happy she even pretended not to notice how Rowan played on the new video game for most of the time she was getting ready—while Aelin bathed, shaved, moisturized, curled her hair and fixed her nails—and then got fully ready while she did her eyebrows and makeup. No, this wouldn’t be the day to complain about society’s gender inequality and double standards. By the time Aelin was finally ready and had a picture posted on Instagram, Rowan was back on the living room couch. She had yet to decide if her heart was beating faster because he looked incredibly hot in his formal attire, or for how cozy and domestic he looked waiting for her dressed up in their couch.
“Buzzard, is this Animal Crossing?” she teased.
“Shut up, it’s relaxing.” While turning off the TV, he asked, “Are you ready?” and finally looked up. His body was frozen on the couch.
Aelin swallowed down her nerves. She loved to dress up just to feel good about herself, but her feelings for Rowan made it impossible not to think about him too. She got used of thinking about him in dressing rooms, at the hairdresser, in her bathtub. Aelin was absorbed on thoughts about Rowan when she picked this silk golden dress, so it was fair that she wore it for the first time with him.
She wondered what the flush he wore on his face now meant. Did she go too far and make him embarrassed? Can he see how starved she is for a different kind of attention from him? Does her dress makes him want to take it off?
Rowan got up and walked towards her with steps as careful as his eyes were intense. He tilted his head while brushing back her hair. “Fireheart.” Rowan slipped one finger behind her spaghetti strap and slid it down a little, making her shiver. His eyes followed the movement, but snapped back to her face after reaching the neckline. The dress wasn’t too daring, but it was definitely something. If she wasn’t as red as Rowan already, it definitely changed when he looked deep into her eyes and croaked, “You look breathtaking.”
She would think about how three words could undo her so badly the next time she could think straight. Aelin carefully placed a shaky hand on Rowan’s chest, and his heartbeat was as fast-paced as hers. He licked his lips, and she mirrored the movement. “You smell amazing too,” he said as his face came closer to her neck, which she arched for him. Rowan took a closer whiff of her perfume, and when his mouth was the closest from her neck it ever has been—
Her phone rang.
The loudest, most heartbreaking part of All Too Well by Taylor Swift started playing, and Rowan pulled back. When Aelin saw the name on her screen, she didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or scream.
“Hi, Rory. How’re things?”
The phone was on speaker. Aelin didn’t think Rowan could get any more flushed, but he did when he realized the person who interrupted their moment was his own mother. She could see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, and Aelin’s stomach dropped because there was a chance he was starting to regret it.
Oh, hi, dear. I’m good, how about you? Are you at the party yet? I hope I’m not interrupting. I just saw your Instagram post, you look lovely in gold!
Aelin wanted to scream in frustration, but she liked Rory too much to be angry. While she would sometimes go out of her way to get her best friend to notice her, his mom would randomly call just to compliment something Aelin posted online instead of commenting like most people do. Rowan offered to stop his mom multiple times, but Aelin’s ego would die without Rory’s calls by now.
She laughed, but it was a bit strained. “Thank you. It isn’t a party, Rowan and I are going to Emrys’s.”
Rowan’s taking you to Emrys’s?
His mother sounded so hopeful it hurt. Aelin would be too if she didn’t know better. She didn’t have the guts to look Rowan in the face now, but he sure was mortified. Just like he did every time someone in his family said something about the two of them getting together. Sure, they had a moment, but having physical attraction doesn’t really mean anything.
Aelin cleared her throat. “The dinner is actually a prize we won. It’s a bubblegum thing.”
Okay, we can chat another time. Be safe! Bye.
It didn’t take a genius to know why Rory ended the call in a rush. Rowan cleared his throat and took a step back.
“I’m going to request our ride.”
Aelin arched an eyebrow. “Are you drinking tonight, Buzzard?” she teased. Aelin needed to get rid of the awkwardness between them immediately.
He just sent her a tight-lipped smile. “I’m not turning down free wine.”
The restaurant was intimate and elegant. The pianist was Aelin’s favorite part of the restaurant, making her miss her pianoforte days. She had monthly wine tasting hangouts with her group of friends, and Rowan looked very proud as he used all the knowledge he acquired there into talking with the wine steward.
“Is this a piss-poor attempt of flirting with the sommelier? You know we’re drinking half of the wine list anyway.”
Rowan gaped, offended. “Do you have a problem with finding the perfect wine for this pizza?
Aelin giggled. “How many matches did you find? Because I can’t remember the amount of glasses I had so far.”
“It’s not about the glass count, Ace, it’s about the experience.”
“I do feel like the universe is balanced again by giving me back the pizza it stole,” Aelin mused, referring to the day they met. A mugger robbed Aelin’s pizza, Rowan saw it and threw a frozen chicken at him. They’d been best friends ever since. She noticed the silly smile he was wearing and gaped. “Is that why you ordered pizza?”
Rowan flushed, but he was grinning at her.
After making sure the chocolate hazelnut cake was as amazing as she heard (it was), Rowan requested their ride back home.
“Farewell, free dinner. Farewell, free wine,” Aelin said, waving at the restaurant as soon as she entered the car.
Rowan chuckled, draping an arm behind Aelin’s shoulders. When he started caressing her hair, she leaned on the touch and sighed, closing her eyes.
“Tired, Ace?”
The memory of whatever happened earlier that day, Rowan’s eyes on her exposed neck, and all the wine she drank made Aelin bold enough to rest her hand on his thigh. “Not at all,” she whispered with bedroom eyes. Rowan licked his lips, and the hand that was on Aelin’s hair brushed her arm. She shivered, hoping he didn’t sense how her traitorous skin burned for him.
Rowan held Aelin’s hand to help her leave the car and didn’t let go. When they entered the elevator, Rowan pulled her towards him with their conjoined hands and she wouldn’t dare breathe as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. His soft eyes searching for something she knew the answer for years. Aelin was sure he didn’t reciprocate her feelings. However, in that moment, she knew his body was feeling the same kind of pull towards each other, and that was all the cue she needed.
With embarrassingly shaky hands, Aelin gathered all the courage she had, cupped Rowan’s face and kissed him. She only had a second to be hesitant about it, because he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer almost immediately. If Aelin thought Rowan’s scent was intoxicating, that was because she had never tasted him before. As dizzy as their kiss made her feel, his urgent grip tethered her to the present in the best way. Everything she gave, Rowan took and asked for more. Kissing Rowan was perfect. He was—
The elevator doors opened, its sound shattering their moment.
Unfazed, Rowan took her hand and rushed to their apartment. Fumbling with the keys, he opened the door and pressed Aelin against the wall as soon as she entered home. Their kisses soon turned frenetic. When Rowan picked her up and snaked his hands beneath her golden dress, Aelin realized she loved the way he claimed her. Rowan’s touches were as possessive as his kisses.
“Are you sure?” he asked a little breathless.
“Very.” When she tried to resume the kiss, he leaned away again.
“But we’re drunk.”
“Sober Aelin wants you as much as Drunk Aelin.”
“Really?” His slow smile built like she’d just said the most romantic thing. “I feel the same. In fact, Sober Rowan must be really happy now.”
Aelin started fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. “Tell me more.”
“Sober Rowan.” He kissed her jaw. “Is aching,” he whispered on her ear, nibbling it too. “To do this.” And then he slid his thumb under Aelin’s underwear, running it across her slit and pressing against her clit.
Aelin’s brain short-circuited for a moment, making her do nothing but chase that friction. At least, until she moaned, “Take me to bed. Please.”
Rowan didn’t hesitate this time.
He sat Aelin in his bed and took her dress off himself. Rowan’s lips parted by the sight of Aelin’s naked upper body, and her heart was pounding when he pushed her into the bed, pinning her wrists. It was like he left trails of fire everywhere he touched. Rowan’s knee between her thighs. Rowan’s teeth biting her neck. Rowan’s tongue flicking her nipples. This was complete torture, the way he made her clench around nothing in the sweetest way.
“I need you,” Aelin breathed.
Rowan kissed her once more and started distancing himself from her face, but she stopped him by hooking her legs around his waist. Aelin couldn’t believe she was going to turn down oral sex, but there was a first time for everything. Just like fucking your best friend.
“Are you going to make me beg for your cock, Ro?”
“Don’t worry, baby. You won’t be begging much when I fuck that sass out of you.”
“Was that supposed to be a threat?” Aelin’s eyes sparkled as she rose to the challenge.
Rowan smirked, put on a condom from the bedside table in an instant, and carefully buried himself inside her. When Aelin watched his cock slowly disappear into her body, the only thing she could think about was how big he was and how long it had been since the last time she had sex. Rowan must’ve read her thoughts when he purred “Good girl” into her ear and started setting a pace.
Aelin kissed him between cries of pleasure, and she didn’t know how his back was taking her nails’s gentle stab. It was too much, and she still wanted more. Each thrust made her close to feverish, and even when Rowan slammed into her, they were never close enough. Rowan was the only thing she could feel, smell and see, but somehow it didn’t seem to be enough for neither of them.
“Oh my— Ro, I’m gonna—“ time slowed down as Aelin’s pleasure built and shattered on itself, making her cry out his name. Rowan held her and kissed her face until she recovered, and began chasing his own orgasm as soon as she recovered.
He kept a merciless pace this time, and Aelin wasn’t going to hide how turned on she was by Rowan using her for his own pleasure. Aelin’s muscles tensed, and they came down together, her shattered breaths hard to hear because Rowan was repeatedly whispering her name, praising her.
Rowan laid by Aelin’s side and tugged her close, breathing in the top of her head. Her face was resting on his chest, and she tried not to acknowledge the sound of his heart hammering against it. She wondered what he was thinking now. If he regretted it, or how long it’d take until he did. It was funny how Aelin would do anything to have post-sex cuddles with Rowan every day, except tell him how she felt.
Aelin mentioned to get up, but he pinned her on the bed and gave a long, tender kiss.
She brushed a few rogue strands of Rowan’s hair out of his forehead. “I need to shower.”
After having her shower delayed for several more minutes, Aelin finally went to the bathroom, but not without swishing her hips a little to make Rowan pay for it. When he joined her a few minutes later with a bottle of wine, she realized the three minutes they spent apart were the only ones of this night she didn’t enjoy.
Aelin started pouring a glass for herself, but it was a bit hard to hold the full bottle with only one hand, so she ended up spilling wine in the bathtub.
Instead of being mad, Rowan just laughed. “Are you still drunk?”
“I’m offended. You should try to pour a glass of wine without a table to help.” Except that he did. Without spilling a single drop. Aelin was giggling, but it became a full belly laugh when Rowan scooted closer to kiss her face, making the bathtub water slosh over the side.
He swallowed. “So. That happened.” It wasn’t hard to tell Rowan’s mood sobered up a little.
The neat freak Buzzard. “It did. I hope the water evaporates by tomorrow, I really don’t feel like drying it.”
Rowan shifted on his seat. “I mean us. Having sex.” He gave her a hesitant smile and sipped his wine.
Aelin could immediately feel her heart racing, but not in a good way this time. She knew they would have to talk about this eventually, but she hadn’t really thought about what she’d say. It was too soon for her, but delaying it was actually a stupid hope. Rowan was usually a careful person with his love life, and Aelin knew he wasn’t looking for a relationship. Despite her being terrified about telling him how she felt, she didn’t want to ask for too much of him and ruin what they already had. Even if it was just a tiny, earth-shattering sex bubble.
“You don’t need to worry,” Aelin blurted.
Rowan tilted his head. “How so?”
“Um,” Aelin stammered, “I— we’re not in a rush to define anything. Right? I mean, it’s fine. This happened, and we’re fine with it, right?”
His shoulders slumped a little, probably in relief, and he gave her a small smile. “Sure.”
Aelin had no idea how to make it less awkward, so she grabbed the first thing she saw to scrub her body and later realized it was his pine soap.
Rowan tapped Aelin’s side with his foot. “You’re too far.”
“Is that so?” she teased, thrusting out her chest so Rowan could see it above water. If everything went to shit, Aelin could always count with her bravado. Despite the last uncomfortable minutes, his eyes sparkled.
With that, Aelin was on her knees in front of Rowan, and she positioned herself until they were aligned, face to face. His eyes darkened in a heartbeat, and he kissed her while holding her hips, helping her sink in his already hard cock.
“You,” he muttered into her temple, “Are better than my wildest dreams.”
Aelin started moving, and they both moaned. The roll of their hips was languid this time, but the gentle pace didn’t ease any of the burning between Aelin’s legs. She was kissing, biting Rowan’s neck, and they way he started pressing her nub told her about how close he was. When Aelin went still and started crying out his name, Rowan started to roughly thrust himself from underneath her, not stopping until he emptied himself.
Still on the tub, Rowan was caressing her hair and stroking shoulders with his fingers. Aelin nuzzled her face on him. God, he gave such amazing cuddles. The three orgasms definitely drained her, Rowan wouldn’t even notice if she stopped to rest her eyes for a minute.
Aelin was sat, and her arms were being held up, a soft cotton fabric going around them. And then her head. Cracking her eyes open, the room was dark, but she could see Rowan’s silhouette in front of her. She grunted.
“You fell asleep on me, Ace.”
“Don’t be.” Aelin couldn’t see his face, but the softness of Rowan’s voice was enough to soothe her drowsy worries.
Realizing she was already on her bed, Aelin adjusted whatever she was dressed in and laid down. She heard his footsteps, and saw a light coming through the door. “Ro?” The footsteps stopped. “Cuddles?”
The corridor lights being turned off. Soft footsteps coming to her. Rowan’s weight on her bed, and his arms pulling her closer. Aelin hummed, immersed in his pine and snow smell. Time to go back to sleep, then.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ .・。
Part 2 is out! Or you can read how they met before the plot thickens.
A/N: I just found out I love making Rowan feel like an Augustine?? Am I a terrible person?
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protocolseben · 14 hours
tagged by @superion-artworks :v thank you!
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lockscreen / homescreen / last song played / pretty picture
I really just love me some bnw sebs. he's really just that peaceful to look at. that’s work music that I just zone off to, and I think chair wall hooks are really just Cool…and also because I use my phone to store meme images LOL
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