#iberian horses
horsesarecreatures · 4 months
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Andalusians at Yeguada Valle Miñor
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revon-aurora-borealis · 8 months
today i dreamt that a horse ik named lola and some other horse apparently knew in the dream fused as one and became incredibly vicious and tried to kill everyone, she also kept changing shape and color, she was her usaul color, then she was grey with loads of dark little dots on her and really thin, by the end of her appearance she changed into a black Iberian looking horse with a white blaze and white socks, and then suddenly also became a gelding, they ran over everyone else and bit someone, and then fell over they were trying to kick me but i was just out of reach
i woke up... and wrote about in my notes app but it instead had the goth tumblr color scheme... so maybe i posted it tumblr, i started writing "what the fuck", i remember asking myself if it was lola and another horse ik named lillie, but then i went "no, it for sure was L̵̷̶̴̴̴̶̶̵̴̶̴̶̴̸̸̸̷̶̶̸̴̵̶̸̶̵̷̴̸̸̵̶̶̸̴̵̴̶̶̷̶̷̶̷̶̷̴̵̷̸̵̸̷̶̸̶̴̶̷̸̷̵̴̢̢̧̨̧̡̨̡̧̛̛̛̛͇̼̤̻̹̰̜̳̠̗̤̯̗͍̙̬̟̮̻̦̖̮̗͔̩̳̪̜̠̭͎̫̳̗͎͎͉͔͔̲͈̬̦͈̝͇̭̳̖̱͈̥͍̥̜͕̟̹̜̹̫̮͇͈̻̟̭̳̰̀̀̂̓̌͛͗͐̓̓̽̎̒̔̂̒͌͋̆̌̄̉̿̈̋͋̏̆̍͂̑͐̐̄̾͋̔̽͐͌̄͂͆̽̓̿̔̽̀̃͛́̏̏͊̐̐͛̈́͒̃͊̐̊̈́̋͛̌̐͒̌͆̔̓̊͋̃͒̒́̈̀̐̍͒̔̄̈̆͒̚̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝ͅi̵̶̵̴̸̷̴̴̵̵̵̸̸̴̵̷̶̵̴̵̷̵̵̵̵̵̶̶̴̸̴̷̸̴̶̸̴̶̶̷̸̵̵̸̴̵̸̧̢̢̨̢̢̢̛̛͍̫͍͓̞͕̥̜͉̼̖̩̣͇̼͇̱͓͈͎̬̫̪̙̹̥̗͔͕̖͓̘̩̦̩͎̥͇͈̲̮̺̙̮̺̜̜̖̖͉̩̪͓͉̝̲̠̼̗̱̯̥̭̤͖̳̣̩̅̓̎̐̽͂̔͌̎͋͒̈͂̍̒́̆̀͂́̃͊̆̽̅̒̏́̇̍̇͋̀̑͊͋̃͆̏̊͗̑̿́̑̋̆̾̾̈́̚̚̕͜͜͝͠͠ͅl̸̶̴̶̸̸̴̶̷̶̸̷̴̶̸̶̵̸̴̸̶̸̴̷̴̴̵̷̷̴̷̷̸̸̴̷̶̸̷̴̷̷̵̷̶̵̵̷̶̷̷̴̶̷̴̸̶̨̧̨̧̛̛̛̟͙̤̖̩͔̣̬͔̟̝͎̻̥͈̪̠̼̖̜̮͔̣͎̝̤̠͓̲̤͙̯͖͇̟͖͍̫̪͚̭̮̰̞̖͇͚͓͕͕͍̘͕̩̥̝̹̣̤̮̙͎̫̝̝͈̯̠̮̬̳͉̫̋̇̃̒͗͋̐̓̂͌̌͋̉̃͂̋͊̔̽̀̀͊̀͗͌̓̂̽̅̋̊̎̍̉͆̑̃̓̆́̉̃̏̏̓̒̆̒̈́͋̒̅͒̐̔͌̈́̋́͋̓̐̔͑͋̈́̑̌̑͊͑́͗͘͘̕̕̚͘̕̕͜͠͝͝͠ǫ̵̴̶̸̵̸̸̴̸̸̸̶̵̵̵̵̷̶̷̵̷̵̶̴̴̷̸̨̢̨̛̣̪̝̜͈̣̤̖̗̬̤͇̺͍͚̹̬̜̦̖̣̣̜̼͚̼̦̯̪͍̒̍̈́̓͑̋͐͆͋̽̏͆̔̏̀͂̍̊̎̉̇̽͆̌̑̀̈́̒̅͛̓̆̂̿̕͜͝͠͠͝ͅư̸̵̷̷̴̷̴̵̷̸̷̶̷̶̵̸̸̵̶̸̴̵̵̷̷̶̷̴̶̷̷̴̴̵̴̶̴̴̸̵̷̸̷̶̷̷̵̸̵̷̵̶̸̵̴̸̷̵̴̸̵̶̵̶̸̶̵̴̴̡̧̧̢̧̡̢̛̛̫̙̮̯̦̦̰͕̲̱̝̭̺̬͙̫͈̯̮͎̯͖͓̰̜̹͖̰̯̖̥̹͍̥̳̭̼̥̲̲̜̞̮̦̝̞̲͓̤̮̲͉̮̫͎͚͈͉̲̟͙͎̜̟̜̰̤̮̹̙͍̬̟̩̱͙̘̲̗̬̪̭͔͎̻̹̳̮̰͓̱̦͉̝̦̓̌̎̔̂̐̅̊̐̌̈͌̒̆͂̃́̀̾͛͐̎̔͑̐̎̀́̔̊̈́̈̔͒̽̅̏͌̆͛̑̿́͋͆̓͑͗̋̃͐͐͑̆̀͋̔̇̍̆͗̂̒̒͋͌͑͊̌͊͌̉̔̾́̔̀̌̈͋͐̒̑̕͘͘̚͜͠͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅ", i also questioned if i should write about this nightmare considering i might remember it better and that im already struggling with a fear of lola, but i decided it was a good idea to do so can vent my feelings, think it through, and stop bottling stuff up
then i started dreaming about something else but i have no clue what, it was jumble of thoughts within like a second
when i woke up for real i remembered the dream and decided to post about it because seriously, what the fuck
also i have fear of lola because she ran me over literally the day after i met her, i went to the er and found out she broke my foot, but i have been very open about the fact i fear her because unlike most of my fears it comes from something real and logical
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anarchyisforlovers · 7 months
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I just want to take the funny looking foal home. He's like the opposite of those overbred seahorse arabs.
And I'd let him grow a tail. Obviously.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
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Discovery: putting a medieval bridle on your Laverna makes her look twice as cool and badass as she already did, reaching new and unforeseen levels of being the best horse in the game
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baroquehorseman · 6 months
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earthshine-equestrian · 2 months
Meet Geo :)
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castilestateofmind · 11 months
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"They cut off the heads of enemies slain in battle and attach them to the necks of their horses".
-Diodorus of Sicily.
Brooch of Lancia. Representation of a Celtic warrior from the Iberian Peninsula with a decapitated head hanging from his horse which is decorated with solar wheels.
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kultofathena · 4 months
Testing an Iberian Falcata! Initial Impressions
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featherypoppy · 2 years
Horsemanship Showcase 2022!
It's live! :D
Click the thingy! https://horsemanshipshowcase.com/contest-entries/alex-poppy/
This is out almost-last-minute entry to the Organised Equestrian Horsemanship Showcase for 2022. Please click through to watch and rate/comment if you feel like it. The top three scoring entires are passed on to the judges' panel at the Showcase on the 5th and 6th November. Thank you so much to Morgan for assisting with filming. Outfit/props made or adjusted by me except the glowing belt bits and pouches which are by Darkblade Larp.
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^ photo by Chris Knight (Knightpics) with Kate L. riding Poppy. Kate’s outfit by herself, everything else made/adjusted by us. 
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j0them0971 · 6 months
Hahahahaa... interesting day with Indigo today.
So I brought him back to Valedale and introduced him to his new barnmates...
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Nacho was unphased and welcoming.
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Earthangel didn't know what to make of him, and she squealed a lot at him. She eventually calmed down, though.
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I tried tacking him up in the crossties, and he resisted all the equipment I put on him. First he spooked at the saddle when it moved on him...
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Then he threw his head at the bridle and reins...
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THEN he got all fidgety with the polo wraps.
UGH it was a nightmare! But now he's fine. We'll see what happens when I try to get on his back in Part 2...
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horsesarecreatures · 3 months
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morningstarequestrian · 8 months
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Hail, good Simizen! On this day, I present unto thee a medieval-inspired tack set, crafted for thy noble knights and ladies.
This Set Contains:
• Medieval Engraved Bridle ( 30 swatches)
• Medieval Engraved Bridle With Reins (30 swatches)
• Iberian Saddle (with stirrups, 30 swatches)
• Iberian Saddle V2 (no stirrups, 30 swatches)
• Iberian Saddle - Draft Fit (fitted to work with Walnuthill’s Draft Body Overlay, with stirrups, 30 swatches)
• Iberian Saddle V2- Draft Fit (fitted to work with Walnuthill’s Draft Body Overlay, no stirrups, 30 swatches)
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*Notes: the reins are a edit of @objuct wonderful knight set! And only made possible thank’s to their very open T.O.U. You can get the set here
The horse Blankets shown in the pictures are by the lovely @flowermilksims (I think this one and the saddle are meant for each other💜) find them here  
and Zorela's Iberian Fur Pad found here
The body overlay by @walnuthillfarm can be found here
Let me know If You experience any issues.
Enjoy! <3
DOWNLOAD: Patreon (free)
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herecirmsims · 8 months
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Solo Horse And Rider
Nine poses for a solo rider and horse, plus all-in-ones. There are some issues with clipping reins (when using posed versions) and floating feet - please see details beneath cut!
You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - Horse Ranch EP
Useful, but not required for the poses to work: - Iberian saddle and Medieval Engraved Bridle With Reins - Reins For Posing Bridle
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Download here (always free) SFS | Patreon
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TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
Other CC used: Leg bells and braided mane/tail/forelock by SchrodCat | Default replacement horse skin by @minervamagicka | Celebrimbor armour by @plazasims | a slightly edited version of Apricot Blossom Preset by Simsboo
I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️ Thank you @ts4-poses and @alwaysfreecc!
You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Tips are appreciated but never required!
Details of known issues under cut to save your dash:
These poses have been annoying me for months lmao. I made them last year but ran into a couple of issues: at the time, all-in-one horse and rider poses posed out of alignment when placed off-lot with TOOL, and I also couldn't stop the reins from clipping in game (they are posed, and don't clip in Blender). I specifically wanted poses with reins because I have a hard time drawing them in, as I only have a mouse.
My off-lot bug seems to have been solved, and although I still haven't figured out why the reins are slightly off in game, I figured it probably doesn't matter: in the time Horse Ranch has been out, I've noticed most people draw reins in themselves.
I adjusted them slightly to work with the gorgeous new medieval saddle and stirrups by @morningstarequestrian , since that's what I'd be using my poses with, but although the rider's feet are resting on the stirrups in Blender, in game they hover. I don't know why and by this point I don't care enough to find out LMAO.
I've kept the original placement of the rider's hands and the reins on the horse rig, so you can use it with the LeiaMaria bridle for posed (but occasionally clipping) reins, or with any other bridle and draw the reins in yourself. In medieval art, most horses are shown to have two reins (one decorated, one 'normal') so I think using it with Morningstar's Medieval Bridle like this works fine (I would have drawn reins in myself if I wasn't lazy). The poses work with EA saddles, but I don't have other CC saddles-with-stirrups so can't say if the placement is off for others. 
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jadevine · 8 months
Medieval Warhorses, Repost + additions!
Since people loved my "Preindustrial travel times" post so much, I decided to repost my "Realistic warhorses" info separately from the original link, where it was a response to "how to get the feel of realistic combat."
The original link is here.
The "Warhorse" post on my blog, plus a recent addition, is here.
And here's the text for people who want to go down my "grown up horse-girl" rabbit hole right away!
Medieval Warhorses:
First of all: DESTRIERS WERE NOT DRAFT HORSES. Horse/military historians are begging people to stop putting their fantasy knights on Shires, Belgians, and other massive, chunky farm-horses! The best known instance of “a knight needs to get lifted onto their 18-hand draft horse” is a SATIRE (A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, if I remember right), but somehow laymen decided to take it seriously.
Hell, I think the film’s historians knew that this was extremely inaccurate and begged the director not to do it.
For the purposes of this post, I will not get into the different TYPES OF WARHORSES. That is a hyper-fixation for another day, lol.
First problem with “Draft horses as warhorses:”
The bulk of modern-day “breeds” are far too recent for a medieval or medieval-fantasy story. Modern horse “breeds” began around the 1700s-1800s, so that’s in the EXTREMELY late-medieval/early-modern period. Before that, most medieval horses were referred to by “TYPE/PURPOSE” and maybe a “Country/Region.” “Spanish/Iberian horses” (the ancestors of modern-day Andalusians, Carthusians, and Lusitanos) were overwhelmingly popular for combat, and other baroque horses were also esteemed.
Destriers are physically average-height at 15 hands high (about 5 feet tall at the shoulder/withers), but the important part is that they are STACKED at 1200-1300lbs when most 15-hand horses are only 900-1000lbs, so that’s a quarter to a third more weight in muscle.
And remember, muscle will not make a given horse look “chubby!” Good ways to get across a warhorse’s muscles in writing is 1) how ROCK SOLID they are when you touch them, 2) their chiseled shoulders, necks, and butts, and 2) when they get into motion, especially for a fight, their muscles will flex and get REALLY defined. The three regions I mentioned are usually the most visible if they’ve got horse tack or a rider on them.
Think of the difference between “regular horse” and “destrier” as “regular Tom Hardy, who looks fit but normal,” versus “Tom Hardy playing Bane, where he put on thirty pounds and his torso and arms look like a fucking tree-trunk.”
Warhorses had nerves of steel, and the best-trained warhorses used could sprint and turn on a dime–they’ve been called “the sports cars of the medieval world.” This is a far cry from huge, sweet, and lumbering draft horses.
Besides Spanish horses, modern-day candidates for destriers would be European cobs (heavier all-purpose horses, large Welsh cobs are the best-known modern breed), and Foundation Quarter Horses (working/stock horses that can herd cattle and race and actually USE their muscles, not the bloated halter-horses who are mostly bred to look “good” to judges).
But if the destrier was supposed to be the horse equivalent of “Tom Hardy as Bane” and not “The Mountain from Game of Thrones,” then how could they carry a knight’s armor as well as their own?
First of all, human combat armor is different from JOUSTING armor and it is easily half the weight for better mobility. Warhorses from proper medieval times aren’t shown wearing much horse-armor, even in jousting. The stuff you see in museums is also frequently the custom-made armor for wealthy nobles, who either 1) wore it once or twice a year for public celebrations, which is also why the armor’s in pristine condition instead of dented and bloody like combat armor would be, or 2) wore it because they were rich enough to not want themselves OR their expensive horses to die too soon in combat.
Assuming that all destriers needed to carry 150lbs for an adult armored man, PLUS another 150lbs of the horse’s riding tack and armor, is like people from the years 2500-3000 assuming that everyone with a “car” must have a Lamborghini or a Ferrari that takes up a lot of maintenance (if you want to keep it looking nice, at least) and can go 200 miles per hour.
So the vast majority of realistic warhorses/destriers didn’t get much if any armor, because 1) horse-armor is for princes and dukes, not Count Whoever’s third son or his nephew that he tossed out on adulthood with barely any money, and 2) horse-armor is going to weigh down your FAST and NIMBLE warhorse. (Remember: Knights wanted sports cars, not tanks!) Take a look at the horses and knights of the website called “Destrier!” Most horses there aren’t notably tall, and they mostly wear head-armor and fancy but not heavy horse-tack like capes, instead of full barding.
Another reason average/short warhorses were preferred is for medieval safety issues: You wanted to mount your horse from the ground without help. The famous knight Jean Le Maingre was so dedicated to fighting that he could VAULT onto his horse in armor, without touching the stirrups. His instructions are, essentially, “put on your armor, find your horse, put your hands on the horse’s back/saddle, and FUCKING JUMP.”
Unless you’re seven feet tall or a gymnast, you’re not jumping onto an 18-hand draft horse.
So all those Red Dead Redemption animations where you get to alley-oop your way onto your loyal steed? POSSIBLE, IF YOU ARE CRAZY/ANGRY ENOUGH.
Quick note: In ancient Ireland, they refer to a “steed-leap” that nobles, warriors, and other “people rich enough to own RIDING horses” were trained to use–with the important distinction that Gaelic nobles often took pride in either using saddles without stirrups, or NOT USING SADDLES TO PUT ANY STIRRUPS ON. So the bulk of Gaelic Irish nobles could theoretically go Red Dead Redemption on your ass.
And the third reason most combat-ready warhorses didn’t get armor is because infantry (the vast majority of most medieval armies) just had a low chance of hitting them in the first place.
First of all, most horses are already faster than people. Destriers were EXCEPTIONALLY fast as the cream of the crop. For the horse to need armor, someone needs a good chance of hitting the horse.
Second, most horses are hard to kill physically because horses don’t tend to like getting stabbed or shot at, so they will likely try to kill YOU, which means that a knight and his horse are TWO fighters who are both very angry and very protective of each other. Most people love their horses, and many combatants share intense bonds! IMAGINE IF YOUR HORSE IS ALSO YOUR SQUAD-MATE!
And last of all, most horses are hard to kill mentally because when you want to use cavalry, you ALSO want the other side’s infantry to get consumed by panic and bolt for their lives, away from their companions and AWAY FROM THE CHARGING HORSES. (Which routinely leads to a slaughter, often called a “rout” in period literature, or a “curb-stomp battle” on TV Tropes.) While most knights could dish out one-on-one duels against EACH OTHER, a knight against a foot-soldier is going to have a huge and explicitly unfair advantage if the soldier is not specifically trained and equipped to take them on.
See, when you get a herd of knights on their steeds, the noise and the wave of horseflesh charging at you is going to make your reptile-brain instincts scream “NOPE NOPE NOPE, WE GOTTA GO!!!”
That instinct is so strong that infantry ACTORS in movies–who know that this is not a real war, and the riders don’t actually want to kill them–still routinely break formation and run.
It was possible to stop cavalry with infantry and end up slaughtering them instead of getting routed–it was just extremely notable.
Also, unless you’re specifically going for blood: You don’t WANT to slaughter a whole formation of knights! That means you’ve just pissed away a WHOLE lot of money that the knights represent!
You killed the horses that you could have used for your own side, and possibly bred for more high-end horses! You ruined the armor that you could have used for your own side, or at least melted down for high-quality, already-mined metal! You killed the knights that you could have sweetened up and used for your own side–or more likely, told their families to pay you if they wanted them home intact.
Barely anyone remembers that knights were as good for HOSTAGES as they were for actually fighting. (Except for Game of Thrones, and it’s still only plot-relevant for Jaime Lannister and Theon Greyjoy, and they explicitly did NOT get the protection a noble hostage should have.) It’s noted that Agincourt was a GREAT ending for England because capturing all those French nobles earned them TWENTY YEARS’ WORTH of regular income in ransoms. If they hadn’t won and gotten all that sweet, sweet French money, they would have been bankrupted and depopulated instead.
Two more strikes I’d feel are appropriate for “not wanting draft-type horses in combat:”
-Logistics 1: Too much food, too much hassle. Horses are already notorious for eating a lot, and a DRAFT horse that’s 2000lbs instead of 1200lbs will eat twice as much. No army wants to use their fodder for only half the number of horses they’d expect.
-Logistics 2: Too much hair, too much hassle. Shires and other British horses often have feathering on their legs, and anyone with long hair knows that loose hair/fur is a fucking PAIN. You can braid a horse’s mane and tail, but if you’re one of the many average/poor knights who DON’T have servants to take care of your horse for you, do you want to spend extra time cleaning and combing out your horse’s LEGS instead of necessary things? Like feeding them, grooming them, and checking for wounds? Nope, you’ll probably shave the feathering off or just pick a horse that doesn’t have it.
-Extra note on Friesian horses, who are RIDICULOUSLY common in “medieval” movies: Friesian horses are technically baroque horses in body form (Strong-boned! Big necks and butts!), but they’re also over-used in general, so most horse folks are sick of seeing them in movies. And if you don’t have the right kind of MODERN Friesian, you’ll probably be a laughingstock in addition to an eye-roll.
Some strains of modern Friesians are from carriage-horse lines, often referred to as “big movers.” This means “fun to LOOK AT, but terrible to RIDE.” Because, you know, those strains of Friesians weren’t meant for riding, but for PULLING CARRIAGES. Their movements are big, dramatic, and flashy… and their trot is notorious for bouncing people out of the saddle with every step. Not something you want for a knight who fills his opponents with terror.
A good riding horse’s movements are usually smooth and low to the ground, often described as “floating” and “effortless.”
A horse-note that I can’t figure out where to put: Many Western cultures love the idea of fiery stallions (intact male horses) for their noble knights and kings to ride into battle on, but realistically, stallions are only half of a given horse population. Many Western stallions are also gelded if they’re not the cream of the crop (which is probably at least the bottom half of the male horse population). So mares can be used by at least half of a realistic formation who just wants a warhorse, and doesn’t care about aesthetics or masculinity.
Also, mares can be ruthless and stallions can be nervous wrecks! Horses are living creatures, with personalities and feelings!
Horses also aren’t very sexually dimorphic, so a 1200lb war mare is DEFINITELY a match for a 1300lb war stallion. And remember how Loras Tyrell used a mare in heat to distract The Mountain’s stallion? That happens with a lot of stallions… almost like they’re living creatures, with instincts that they can’t always control! So if you know when your girl is ready to go every month, you can play dirty in a joust, too!
Just remember that you’re taking an equal risk, since your mare will possibly try to let a stallion mount her instead of fighting. You will either need to bail when she starts making googly-eyes, or you need to know you have ABSOLUTE loyalty from her, and she will listen to YOU instead of “the hot dude I just met five minutes ago!” HORSES ARE LIVING CREATURES, WITH INSTINCTS THAT THEY CAN’T ALWAYS CONTROL.
Then geldings will be used by at least another quarter of “the knights who cannot afford a horse good enough to keep his testicles,” so that leaves “a quarter or less” of knights who can realistically be mounted on stallions.
WORSE NEWS: If you geld a stallion too late (usually once they’re MOSTLY physically mature at 4-5 years old), that risk may never go away–so you’ve got a gelding who’s not breeding quality, but he’s still chasing mares in heat and fighting other stallions in turf battles, without understanding that he can no longer make babies!
On the other hand, some cultures don’t geld stallions because they view it as unnecessary or outright unnatural… but they also don’t want half the horse population distracted by pretty mares, or fighting with other stallions who walk by the pasture, so those cultures breed them to be sweet and easily managed (outside of battle, at least).
Update, Feb 2 – Another day to expand on that “Different types of warhorses” mention!
Much like the common misconception of “all knights must be at least 6 feet tall and have 200 pounds of muscle” varied in real life due to genetics, cultural values, and logistics problems, the assumption that “all knights MUST have top-quality destriers that cost seven times the price of a normal horse” was not the case for the vast majority of “knights.”
Knights would have either “the best horse they could AFFORD” or “the best horse FOR THEIR SPECIALTY.”
A poor knight, or one of the early Middle Ages, would have “one horse that they’re with all the time;” that horse may not be pretty or come from fancy breeding lines, but they would get the job done and most definitely be taken care of. A wealthy knight of the later Middle Ages, when everything got more expensive and status more codified and finicky, would have two or three horses–one horse for warfare and one for regular riding, with the really wealthy knights having a third packhorse to carry all their stuff. (Moreover, they would have at least one servant to help take care of three horses.)
A muscled sprinter like a destrier is better in tight quarters and for short bursts of speed; to bring in the modern example of a classic/Foundation Quarter Horse, who are ideally “short-legged and low to the ground,” these dudes can literally hit the ground running and reach top speed in a few steps/seconds, so compare that to a sports-car going from zero to sixty miles. The tradeoffs?
1) You need to be able to hang the fuck on… and to avoid getting pitched into a wall/enemy WHEN THEY STOP.
2) That full-throttle gallop will really wear out your horse. A good commander will not bring out their heavy cavalry right away, because you also have to figure out how to get them back from the enemy’s side of the field.
In very simplistic terms, this is one of several problems that the battle of Agincourt had for the French; you had a bunch of hoity-toity noblemen with no proper battle experience who all wanted to do things their own way… and how do medieval noblemen usually want to fight a war? JUST FLOOR IT AND HIT THINGS AS HARD AS YOU CAN.
That went so badly that the recorded death-toll for the French side of Agincourt has been commented as “a roll call for French nobles.”
A destrier would not be suitable for a scout or light-cavalry; they’d need lighter and ground-covering horses to cover rough terrain, and to chase down the enemy for long stretches–akin to a modern-day Thoroughbred. For period pieces they might resemble an Akhal-Teke or “Turkmene” horse. A modern-day Thoroughbred horse can “only” reach forty miles per hour at a gallop, but they can keep that up for a whole mile or longer. So now your knight’s problem is “Hanging on for two or three whole minutes,” and anyone in performing or athletics will explain how long and agonizing a few minutes would feel on a rampaging horse. Have you seen how stacked a racing jockey is? The general consensus I’ve seen from equestrians is that barely anyone in any other horse-discipline is that built.
Meanwhile, an ideal light-cavalry horse would need longer legs for a ground-covering stride, and they may or may not be taller as well; as seen in the Akhal-Teke article, many endurance horses tend to show a lot more ribs and bones than other breeds, due to how lean they are. But think of them less as a dainty riding horse and more like a hunting greyhound/sighthound–all muscle, no fat!
The other type of light-cavalry horse would likely be a pony, used to going for miles on rough terrain, with little if any feed.
EDIT Feb 4, 2024: My post got cut off, so here's the rest of it!
The other type of light-cavalry horse would likely be a pony, used to going for miles on rough terrain, with little if any feed.
A period-accurate scout's horse was known as the Irish hobby, ridden by their eponymous hobelar troops. These little dudes were VERY little and about 12-14 hands high (48-54 inches, or 4 feet tall to bit under five feet tall). They were known to cover 60-70 miles a day in their raids, which my "preindustrial traveling" post notes is the EXTREME upper end of mounted distance travel. Their modern descendant is likely to be the Irish Connemara Pony.
Very wealthy and/or lucky European horsemen could probably manage to buy/steal an Arabian horse, as they remain exceptional endurance horses to this day. However, excessively cold/wet climates will need a lot of upkeep for a desert-bred horse to stay healthy.
While Arabians are known for their adorable "dished faces," this is not actually required! Many well-bred native lines have a regular face (ie, a "straight nose/profile") but they are from well-bred parents and have the capabilities of other Arabians. To the other extreme, you have some modern show/halter lines with REALLY exaggerated heads that hit a lot of people's "Uncanny valley" buttons, and they find it creepy/weird instead of refined. This kind of "seahorse face" would NOT be seen in a period piece.
Notice how the smaller a horse gets, the more ground it can cover? This is partly because size only matters TO AN EXTENT for "how long a horse goes," and partly because of physics! Less weight for a horse to drag around on its own body means more energy for putting miles behind them!
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vermutandherring · 9 months
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'Lo, there, somewhere near black waters A young cossack mounts his horse. Sadly he parts with his girl, But even more sadly with Ukraine'. Hej Sokoły - Polish/Ukrainian folk song
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As a result of today's russian massive attack, near 20 dead and 132 wounded are known. The number of victims continues to rise. It is hard to believe that this story has been going on for centuries...
CC credits: Horses: • SSO Bridle from Khaan Set by @morningstarequestrian • Ancient Rome tack set by @heliossims • Iberian Show Saddle Pad by Zorela • Ornate Saddle Pad by @flowermilksims Cossacks: • Blueboy Lugos outfit by @thesensemedieval • Ye Medieval Leather Boots by Arltos • Colossus Cloak by @lady-moriel • Arthur shirt by @natalia-auditore • Alucard Cloak by Natalia Auditore • Ye Medieval - ARTHUR | top by Plumbobs n Fries • Ye Medieval - ELIAS | pants by Plumbobs n Fries • Ye Medieval Norman Hairstyle by Mazero5 Additional: • Otoman hat edited by me from the Toques hat set by @waxesnostalgic • Kobur hat edited from Santa's hat by me (both have not the best quality so i'm not sure I'll share them)
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minervamagicka · 1 year
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so i am actually a western girlie I have to admit (western pleasure is MY shit) but the SSO western saddle is... Rough. It was very small originally (in these screenshots I have already begun editing it to make it more proportional but it was like 50% smaller than this) because to my understanding SSO uses the same animations for english and western tack, meaning the western stirrups need to be the same length as the stirrups on the english saddle.... Meaning the fenders were abysmally small to allow that 😔 But! I am working to make it more proportional to the Sims 4 horse by making everything bigger. This isn't a final edit of the mesh but it's as much progress as I got done today!
Additionally at popular request we're working on porting the Iberian saddle as well for our baroque and medieval enthusiasts. The dressage and jumping saddles are at the rigging stage at this point, with dressage further along but I'm not personally satisfied with the weighs yet as I don't want the saddle to deform like crazy in animations/when making poses, so they'll be poked and prodded further. Once the weighting is as good as it'll get I just have to make all the swatch variations and we'll be good for a release 😏
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