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ducknotinarow · 11 months
03/07 Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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"Saved the best for last."
I did save his for last uwu he is my onion I love this stinky bastard turtle man behold him! Behold him and all his fucking bastard energy!! Truly my favorite I just love him hes not just the edgy grumpy guy who talks with his fists ;3; Raphael's someone who really has a lot of heart under his tough exterior. I love seeing him at his lowest when the series started and watching the growth he dose have over the series minor as it may be.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"anyone who claims I can' read or write are wrong."
I feel Raphael is someone with good handwriting just from how easily he handles his sai as is you can tell he has good wrist control. Of course Raphael can be a boisterous character himself especially when hes around Casey who seems to draw this out more from him. So he dose have the larger letter to show a more out going personality. The spacing of course we know Raph love freedom often this is why he and Leo can clash. Raphael doesn't hold a want to lead or feel he even be a better leader but he isn't someone to just fall in line if anything this show how much of his trust Leo has. Raphael is often going top side a lot and its pretty clear from things he says he knows city streets and explores around more compared to his brothers. His pen pressure is pretty soft though why? cause he is empathetic and sensitive uwu and we see this with his collection of strays. All people he saw in need of help from Casey falling to the same trouble he deals with to Tyler also losing his mother and trying to find her like when they couldn't find Splinter, to Ms. Morrsion who just needed help around her place and maybe some company. Of course cant leave Von out on that Raphael did in a sense help her meet a new family i Feel after all. Lets look at the L and Y in his name cause I find it to be fun. Because he loops his L is suggests he is relaxed and spontaneous. Raphs pretty good going along with just about anything often more easy with the breeze like Mikey can be often because he can leave the thinking to Leo which makes it easier for him to do so. Until things sort of get too much than you'll see those anxiety tendencies kick in like with city at war. With the Y we see that make a hoop as well meaning he has a select number of friends despite how many charaters in TMNT it's pretty clear which ones Raph feel close to and sure he seems fine with thier friends over all it's clear he has a few he openly interacts with like Trax, Casey, and Joi.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"I. Hate. The. Future."
That aside as a joke to myself, Raphael has been to a lot of places through out the shows course. They have been to space other worlds and across the globe even. For someone who loves his freedom as limited as it is. Raphael dose hold a want to explore and see more. Living in hiding has him wanting that secretly and it's why he loves the docks so much. When he was younger he often thought about just jumping on to a boat one day and seeing where he end up in the end. Once him and Casey sort of settle down though? Raph in truth wants just that he wants the domestic life that he never really thought was meant for him. He always thought as he got older he leave on his shell cycle and see where the world took him? Now? he just wants to return home to Casey and Summer uwu
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I like the farm house a lot."
Raph may be a city turtle that knows the streets like the back of his hand but he always takes a liking to visits to Casey family farm house. It nice because they can be more in the open when they do go there. and In the CC verse Raphael came to fall in love with the more relaxed and peaceful nature of Casey's farm life. There's just something nice about the open space and fresh air and the amount of stars in the sky. Though often when there the turtle still train to keep sharp it dose still give them a nice get away.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"Hmm first memory? I guess making little boats to race in the water in the sewers?
Growing up of course Splinter didn't like his son sneaking out to the surface with out him fearing the risks. So the boys had to find a lot of ways to entertain themselves. One of the ways Raph did was just using trash around in the tunnels to make boats. This sometimes went into his own pretends game of playing as pirate so there's a good chance Donnies mermaid doll went for some trips on those boats only making it worse when ever Raph would steal it from his twin brother.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Anything easy to grab like cereal."
As someone who loves cereal I love that its cannon that Raphael also loves cereal XD. Hes gross though because he will just rip into boxes and eat right out of it before taking swings of the milk from the fridge. Sometimes he gets a bowl but hes more likely to eating it this way. We'll call it the American influence Cereal is something easy to get and can last pretty long so I'm sure he ate it often as kid and saw many ads for cereal so I like to think Raph knew the mascots of the brands growing up XD Of course he dose also like Pizza thats just a given he tends to prefer a meat lovers pizza himself. He also likes anything Summer makes because at some point she learns how not to burn food like her Dad's do but lets be honest she could burn it and this guy would say its good.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"I'm more for rock music my self, mostly listening to it with Don though."
Raphael of course is that guy who blares loud rock music when he is tuning his shell cycle since he feels he just isn't going fast enough on the thing. He also listening to it in his room when he trains by himself to blow off steam so its not unlikely to hear it blaring more so when he wants it clear to leave him alone. Of course the loud noise draws attention his way. Raph just likes his brothers to know he is ignoring them because he is mature like this u-u
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"I try not to linger on it"
Raphie is someone who dosen't really need anyone to get on his case because no one can ever be as hard on him as he is himself. Don't forget this man saw himself as Shredder? He truly feels like he can be that harmful. Shredder of all has cause his family the most pains in their life and Raphael knows he is a broken man deep down. That there is something wrong with him and if he isn't careful that pipe he almost caved Mikeys head in with would have knocked into his baby brothers skull if he wasn't held back. Raphael has been working to sort through his issues and you can see this with how he allows himself to open up to others. Letting them in is hard and scary being vulnerable isn't easy for Raphael to do. So you really have to be a great of something special for him to do it. The one hes most like this is of course Casey. Casey he can talk to and he pretty open to them never was closed off to them. But even he struggles with giving over a more vulnerable side to Casey because it's giving Casey something over him it's telling Casey I'm giving you a chance to hurt me because i'm willing to take that risk. Raph really can be like a wild animal at times when hurt he wants to hide but he always allows Casey around him. Casey made him better because Casey understood him and gave him kindness when he can't give it to himself. Ironically Casey has shown Raphael something he can't do for himself even if raph struggles with the concept.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sleep fine as is."
I headcannon that Raphael actually has Narcolepsy which can be common for those with depression and anetixy. Raphael just dosent sleep all that well often restless and sometimes not through the whole night. Then you got donnie, who sometimes just does not sleep. So this often why raph has spent time woth Donnie he can't sleep so he'll hang around his twin or why he's caught donnie still up of he decides to sneak out of the lair sleep he ain't sleeping at the time. A very calling the kettle black moment. This is why raph got into drinking coffee with donnie. Which has actually helped him he's no where near the addict his twin can be but coffee dose help him stay alert. This also why he can sometimes be more cheerful or more of a grump. He's fine after he first wakes up but since he dosent really get a restful sleep he can drain fast. And just becomes more aggratied uwu
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I mean it's fine."
Despite his name I wouldn't call Raphael an artis himself personally. But he is skilled in knitting and crocheting. Splinter having him learn this as a way to help Raphaels anger issues. He figured giving his son something that wasn't physical like training but relaxing may be helpful to his more violent tendencies. And well it's not thar it hasn't worked because sometimes raph will be resting in his hammock knitting something and it dose seems to keep him clam it didn't fool proof the issue of course. But had given Raphael a way to sort of show his appreciation and love towards thise he cares for. His first thing ever knitted was a scarf for Splinter thar he still uses to this day. I feels he makes things for his brothers but tries not draw attetion to it. Of course he also made a scarf for Casey and blankets for both Ariel and Summer when they were babies. Have joke that he knitted toys for the girls as well. For Ariel it was test tube and beakers so she could do sicene with donnie. For Summer? You know it was a hickey puck and stick. When she got older she keeps them with her little hickey bear uwu.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Why would I use that shit?"
I feel this evertime there's bullshit on Twitter xD I honestly just can't see Raphael being much for social media. Even after having a daughter. Luckily casey and others are able to keep an eye on summer it's just not something he understands. Raphs not much for anything really on a digital scape even in later seasons with High tech he's only interesting in the hologram training room. Internet inaction just ain't for the old man.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"Easy only count on thise ya knkw won't stab ya the second they got an openin' an even then play it close to the chest."
As stared above, Raphael can be stand offish being the second turtle to warm up to April but the first to Casey. It really kind of displays how you sort of gotta let him warm up to you, and it can vary casey a clear special case of course besties and all. Raphael isn't the most social person to interact with when he meets new people he tends to viwe them as a threat first. But once he's past that? He'll be chill with you. Dosent meant he's the same with everyone. You can definitely tell there's a difference with Casey compared to other friends like Usagi. Raph can be playful and tease thise he personally is close to but be resevered yet respectful to the rest. He tends to keep grades even among family and friends, often displaying a closed off body language unless around a small circle. But even then, he can still be a tad stand offish even among thise he's the closest too.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I can read jus' fine."
Raphael is for sure street smarts, he can easily sneak around often being the one Leo sends off in unfamiliar areas because he has a very good feel and sense of directions. Not to mention he can quickly adapt. Able to learn to draw vehicles on other planets and even weapons. He's also quick to adjust to situations like losing his sight or when on tje run from Karai. He of course has some brain power able to read and seems to envy it even. Something je do with Donnie who helped him learn to read. Tends to pick horror books his favorite book being jurassic park. And well he likes the movies jeff goldblum on the table open shirt was an awaking uwu.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"Eh I aint for them much. Out side ms. M's cat."
I feel like this is a lie I thibk animals like raph and he likes them he ain't nit animal guy like CC or Mikey even but he dose seem to attract them. I feel cats and smaller animals can be more to his liking and speed at times. But he has grown to like the horses on CC's farm kind of why he dosent always mind them chewing on his mask tails.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I neva knkw what to get people."
I dunno I think raphs pretty decent with gifts like the busted snow glob for donnie or the fact he knitted a blanket for his niece or a scarf for casey. Its pretty clear he puts thought into a gift if given he'll he's even given casey a rose before so well maybe not the best he dose show his thoughts went into it uwu
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"They mean everythin' to me if jus' losing one would be hard."
Raphs heart is one of four. The bond he has with his brothers reallt is hard to break. It dosent really matter what they do he'll always forgive them. He can say they are better off with out him but the slight mention of them needing him? He drops everything to be there even going against his ego when it comes to Leo. It's why anything they do can hurt him more than anyone else who could do the same action to him. Why he fears himself because he scared he will hurt them.
Of course he is closest to Donatello and has a biased to them. They just spend the most Time together. Don often can handle raphs mood swings the most either dismissing it as how Raoh talks well still taking what he says seriously unlike Leo who will blow him off. Or he will be sparky back but unlike Mikey its nkt him egged Raph on and making ot worse.
Can't forget Von who he treats very much as his sister. I feel 100% Raphael would kick any one of Vinson exs asses xD he has that type of enegry when it comes to her. He shit talks her as if they hate each other and calls her babe but if he sees her crying? He won't leave her side till she tells him he can go. I feel he's grown very protective of her over time von can handle herself he knows that but he's very much a graud dog with her uwu
His own little family? He loves. Summer was the brightness to his own life when he was in the deepest of his depression Summer was something for him to move for basically. And of course he loves the lofe he and Casey are building and will do anything to keep it as it is. Why he takes such an active role when Casey sprails because after he told Casey about his own deal casey was there for him and raph kind of more understood what being in a relationship meant ;3; to raph its not all the fun stuff or the pretty side its also seeing someone else baggage and deciding you can deal with it. Even if Casey bad about it raphs gonna help Casey carry it anyway. He turly has found where he belongs with Casey and Summer and the days spent watching hockey together are the ones he'll hold on to most.
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shedoessoshedoes · 3 months
my hand slipped. inspired by this post i made :)
read on ao3
It was past midnight by the time Cassian slipped away to stumble up the stairs to the karaoke stage. No one had sung yet tonight–everyone who usually did was very drunk and it usually took until about then for some brave soul to pour their heart out via an ABBA track to the entire bar. He didn’t mind. He would break the ice. Soon, everyone would want to sing along, too. 
He swipes through the tracks, heading immediately past his typical go-tos. Tonight was not a night for “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” Tonight was a night for–a-ha. He hiccuped as he queued the song and got into position, and wiped angrily at a tear he could feel beginning to form. She would come back, he told himself. She was just scared. And besides, a situationship did not deserve this kind of emotion. Even if it had been with the most beautiful, intelligent, perfect woman he had ever met. Even if he thought that Nesta Archeron loved–he cut himself off.
“No!” he said out loud into the microphone, but before anyone could react, his song was starting, and there was nothing left to do but sing. 
At a table in the back corner, Feyre, Elain, Rhys, and Azriel were just realizing that they were missing someone. Rhys kept insisting Cassian probably just went to get more drinks. Feyre didn’t agree.
“You know how he is when he’s drunk, Rhys! What does he do? He doesn’t drink more, I’ll tell you that much. What does he do?” 
“He talks about Nesta,” Rhys replied, mumbling into his drink. 
“Exactly!” she shot back, hands flying up in the air. “And why are Elain and I here instead of with Nesta and Gwyn and Emerie right now?” 
“Because Nesta knew that he would be sad and that you would keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t cry himself to death.” 
“And what will she do if she finds out we lost him because we were making out?” Feyre asked. 
Rhys sighed. “She’ll chop my dick off and then kill me. But why weren’t you two watching him?” he turns to Elain and Azriel. 
Elain squeaked as Azriel’s hand disappeared underneath the table. “We were in the bathroom,” he replied smoothly. “Cassian told us he’d wait right here.” 
“Well obviously that was a lie!” Feyre squawked. “Nesta just started trusting me again, and if we lose him–everyone split up! We can all check the bar and if he’s not here then–” 
“Feyre,” Elain cut in. “I think I found him.” She nodded up to the stage and Rhys’s mouth dropped open. Cassian appeared to be fighting back tears, and a melancholy introduction began to echo through the bar. 
“Oh my God, he’s singing a breakup song,” he yelped and jumped up, pulling Azriel with him. “Come on, Azzy! Someone needs to record this blackmail.” 
Azriel turned pleading eyes on the girls, but was dragged away before they could do anything to help. 
Elain leaned over so Feyre could hear her over the noise of the surrounding tables. “Do you think it’s odd that Nesta is so worried about Cassian’s feelings that she sent us to take care of him instead of having us stay with her? Or that she needs a girl’s night after a situationship break-up with someone that she claims she has never had any sort of feelings for?” 
Feyre shrugged. “I think she still doesn’t trust that I won’t repeat everything she says back to Rhys,” she said, an edge cutting into her voice. 
Elain hummed in response, and leaned back in her seat before jerking up abruptly. “Is he–is this Casual?” 
“No way.”
“I really think it is.”
“Call Nesta. Now we know for sure he’s in love with her.” 
“Is she in love with him?” 
“Feyre. Call. Her.” 
Sure enough, on stage, Cassian was launching into his first verse. “And you said, sweetheart, no attachment,” he sings, more than a little off-key and with the wrong words. He hiccups. “But we’re knee-deep in the passenger seat, and you’re eating me out, so is it casual now? Huh? Is it? Two weeks and your mom invites me–” 
Azriel climbed up on stage and whispered into his ear. “Fuck, Az, no, I’m not going home! I’m singing! If it’s casual, it’s casual now.” 
Fully crying, Cassian continued. Rhys’s flash was on now, and he was sure this was the best video he’d ever taken of his brother. 
“...maybe we’d have an apartment and you’d show me off to your friends at the pier. I know, baby, no attachment,” Cassian sobbed, and the bar sang along. “But we’re knee deep in the passenger seat…” 
At the table, Feyre and Elain had managed to get ahold of Nesta via Emerie and Gwyn. “Listen!” Feyre exclaimed to the three of them. “He is crying on the karaoke stage! Would any man do that for someone he didn’t love?” They can hear murmuring in the background, Nesta talking to her friends, and then a door click shut. 
Gwyn comes back towards the speaker of the phone. “I think she’s scared,” she said quietly. “I know she said she didn’t feel anything towards him, but she’s been crying all night. I think he was getting so important to her that she wanted to protect herself.” Emerie voiced her agreement. 
“She’s never had anyone to take care of her,” Elain replied. “Everyone who was supposed to didn’t. Just…tell her we love her and that we don’t think Cassian will ever hurt her like our parents did–like Feyre and I have.” 
Emerie spoke next. “For what it’s worth, I think she loves him too. We’ll talk to her.” 
They said their goodbyes, and turned back towards the stage of the bar, where Azriel was now trying to physically remove Cassian from the stage and Rhys had turned on his phone light to wave back and forth. A few other tables had followed suit. 
“It’s hard being casual when my favorite bra is in your dresser, and it’s hard being casual when I’m on the phone talking down your sister,” at this, Cassian knelt down on the stage and put the microphone down, burying his face in his hands. The rest of the bar continued singing for him. Feyre glanced over at Elain, most likely thinking of the time three months ago when Cassian had, in fact, talked Nesta’s sister down as Feyre had spiraled. 
The song began its outro and Cassian took a deep breath, gathered himself, and stood back up. “Fucked you in the bathroom when we went to dinner, your parents at the table, you wonder why I’m bitter.” He stopped to visibly gulp back more tears. “I hate that I let this drag on so long, and I hate myself.” Each word was punctuated with a sob. He finished the song and collapsed into Azriel’s arms, burying his face into Az’s neck. Rhys hopped up onstage and the two brothers half-carried Cassian back to the table and the girls. Cassian slumped back in his seat. 
“Do you want to go home, Cass?” Feyre asked gently. “Any one of us would be happy to take you.” 
He shook his head petulantly. “I’m not going home without Nes.” 
Rhys sighed. “Cassian, I don’t think she’s coming tonight.” 
“Well, she’s not the love of your life, now is she, Rhysie? I’m telling you, she’s coming to get me as we speak. My song will convince her that I love her and that I’m so sad.” Cassian’s words were slurring together, and with that, he dropped his head to rest on his arms on the table. 
The other three looked at each other. “Did you convince her to come?” Azriel whispered. The girls shook their heads. 
“We’ll just wait until he’s really asleep and then we’ll get him in an Uber before he can realize he’s going home,” Feyre decided. 
Another thirty minutes passed. Rhys got them more drinks. The time inched closer to two. They were about to call it good and drag Cassian home when someone spoke from behind them. 
“Please tell me he isn’t dead.” Nesta said, deadpan, as she walked to Cassian’s side, laying cool fingers on the side of his face, as the rest of the table gaped at her. 
“Nesta!” Elain greeted her. “I’m so glad you came.” 
Cassian was beginning to wake up, and shifted so one eye was open. When he saw Nesta, he got up so fast he fell back down. “Nes!” he said, far too loudly. “You’re here! See, everyone?” He turned to his friends. “She’s here!” He looked back at Nesta, and very seriously took her face in his hands. “Nes, I told them you were coming, even though you tried to break up with me and I was so sad, and no one believed me, but look! You’re here! That is some soulmate shit right there, sweetheart, how else would I have known you were coming? But I was so sad, so I had maybe a little too much to drink.” At this, he tried to show her how much he’d drunk, pinching his fingers together clumsily. “Which I shouldn’t have done because I should have trusted the power of our love. I’m so sorry Nesta, will you please, please forgive me?” 
A smile ghosted over Nesta’s face. “We can talk about it later. Do you want to come home?” 
“Yes!” he shouted, throwing an arm over her shoulder. “But really, I’m already home, because you’re my home, silly.” 
Nesta mouthed a goodbye over her shoulder and began to lead Cassian to the door. “Which is why I was so sad when you said we couldn’t date anymore–” 
“To be clear, Cassian, we weren’t dating,” Nesta said, but Cassian waved her off. 
“That’s what you thought, sweetheart. But I knew what was really going on!” 
“And what was that?” 
“You were falling in love with me. But then you got scared. That’s why I was so sad. I don’t want you to be scared about loving me.” 
“Do you know you sang a song about how sad you were?” 
He nodded solemnly. “I thought it would let you know how serious my love is.” 
Nesta laughed. “Well, it certainly did that.”
Cassian gasped then, as though realizing something. “You said we’re going home, Nes. Does that mean you’re asking me to live with you?” 
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” 
“Okay,” he responded dreamily.  “I’m so happy I don’t have to be mad at you anymore. It was so hard.” 
Nesta laughed again, and Cassian smiled so widely his face could have split in half. 
She drove them back to her apartment, and Cassian promptly walked over to the bed, flopped down, and fell asleep. Nesta went through her nightly routine quickly before wrestling a half-asleep Cassian into bed and climbing in next to him. He pulled her into his body and mumbled something that Nesta thought was supposed to be an ‘I love you.’ She pushed that familiar wave of fear down. 
She’d talked with Gwyn and Emerie for a long time that night, and she’d decided that she was going to take her therapist’s advice and trust that Cassian would be waiting for her when she’d admitted that she’d fallen. Their no-strings-attached arrangement had been all her idea, and she had been terrified earlier that afternoon when she’d tried to break up with him. He’d become so important, and that scared her, but Cassian, she thought, was better than letting the fear get the best of her. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, curled into him, and fell asleep. 
Cassian woke up to a pounding headache and flashes of the night before running through his mind. Nesta trying to break up with him, the trip to the bar, singing, Nesta coming to get him, him confessing his love–wait. He pushed up onto an elbow, and sure enough, there was Nesta, asleep beside him. A broken sound pushed itself out of his throat and she opened her eyes as it did. 
“Sweetheart,” he said, voice breaking. “You’re here.” He presses kisses to her forehead, her cheeks, down her neck, across her ears, everywhere he can reach. “I love you.” 
“I know,” she whispered, face buried into his neck. “You sang a song to the whole bar about how sad you were.” 
He groaned, rolling off of her. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?” 
She shook her head. “But it did convince me that you really were serious about this. That you weren’t telling me that you wanted to date me just to break up with me” 
“I’m more serious than a heart attack, sweetheart.” 
“Mmm, then you’ll be glad to hear that I love you, too.” 
Cassian smiled, crushing Nesta in a hug and pressing her into the mattress. He kissed her, and they whispered love yous into each other’s mouths, and it was everything either of them could have ever dreamed of.  
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jolapeno · 1 year
Need some some Frankie thoughts…
OHHHHH my favourite 🫠😍 (anon if you wanted more thots, send me another ask)
I have so many—honestly I think I’ve come back with a LOT—but for now, I present:
frankie morales x f!reader (holiday/city break)
warnings: just pure fluff
• Frankie surprising you for your birthday with a trip to a European city you’ve always wanted to go to. He’s planned it all, researched until his eyes were sore for several nights, giving you two days to pack before you go away—and making it twice as long because he keeps pulling you for kisses or asking you to model the clothes you’re packing.
• One particular skirt/dress, he slides his hands up, sliding his thigh between your legs, thumb swiping across your cheek. “Gonna be hard to look at the buildings and art when you’re walking around looking this pretty”, and you feel your cheeks go warm, swatting him, but then kissing him until it gets more and more intense, the fabric balled up at your hips. and you realise how long packing is going to take.
• You definitely get ready for dinner one night on the trip, and his eyes go all puppy-like, drinking you in as you catch him staring—you have never felt more beautiful than since you’ve been with him. Especially when he says things like, “You’re so pretty, baby. Let’s stay in. I’ll order room service.” And you almost melt, but you decide to wrap your arms around his neck, his curls teasing your skin as his hands spread around your hips, cupping your ass as you reply, “How about we enjoy two courses, and then I’ll be your dessert.”
• If the hotel has a pool, he can’t take his eyes off you behind his shades. Fingers carding through his hair as you adjust your bikini/swimsuit—the ones he’s thinking about tearing off with his teeth. His legs spread on either side of the pool bed, watching you walk around the pool, staring at the view—while he stares at you, his favourite view. Then you look over, and the way his smile spreads is like you cast a spell on him, because he never thought he’d ever be this happy.
• One night, he walks you back the scenic route—one he has planned on his phone—making it twice as long because you’re in this long half-sheer maxi dress that makes him want to press you against walls down alleyways and wrap his arms around you as you eat ice cream/gelato.
• The way you hate queuing to fly home and to cheer you up, he removes the hat from his head and puts it on yours backwards. Watching, in awe, as you slowly begin to grin before curling into his side, his lips kissing the top of your head, unsure if he could love you anymore, until you tell him how excited you are to get home, grab some of his favourite beers and order your two’s favourite food.
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senditcolton · 1 year
Oak with Brock Boeser because that man has been THRU it (emotionally)
oh this man really does need a long hug and I would be happy to be the one to give him one. soft blurb incoming for this soft boy!
word count: 1k
There were so many things you loved about your boyfriend Brock. If you were to make a handwritten list, it may as well span across the Pacific Ocean.
You loved his smile, his compassion, his drive. But the thing you loved the most was his capacity to feel. Brock Boeser felt more deeply than anyone who had ever met before.
Unfortunately, like most people, his greatest strength was also sometimes his greatest weakness.
In the years that you had been with him, you learned that sometimes Brock got lost in his emotions, both the good and the bad. When he became hyper-fixated on a positive feeling, it was magical to be with him, to be around him. Being in his life when that happened felt like something out of a fairytale.
But when he started to drown in sadness or anger or doubt…
You knew him. After all these years, you should know him. Which meant that you recognized the warning signs that told you when Brock was spiraling. You never blamed him for his low moments. There was never anything to blame him for. All you could do was offer a hand and hold him through the storms that occasionally blew in.
This was one of those storms.
The Canucks were struggling and now, it seemed as if everyone was either being whisked away and lost in the shifting tides or they were abandoning a sinking ship before it was too late. Their coach who genuinely believed and cared about the players under his wings was fired. Their captain, the man that the team and the city looked to in order to lead them down the path to victory, had been traded, going off to join a team that had the will and skills necessary to win.
Now there were so many people looking to Brock, the golden boy, to be the new hope – the ray of light that would guide them all to a better horizon.
It was too much to place on one person’s shoulders. Even if that person may act like they would carry the burden with a smile on their face.
Brock loved his fans, he loved the team, he loved the city. He wanted to do right by them. But he didn’t realize that he couldn’t be their hopeful sun if he burnt himself out before they really needed him.
That’s why you had been waiting for him when he came home from practice, with a new pair of soft pajamas and one of his favorite movies queued up on the television. That’s why you had spent the last few hours with him silently curled up in your arms. And now, with one of your hands running through his golden hair, you wanted Brock to stay as peaceful as he was now.
“I’m going to let everyone down,” he whispers, uttering the first words he’s said since stepping through the doorway. You glance down at him and see his gaze turned elsewhere, far away from you and the present moment.
“What makes you think that?” you ask, knowing not to deny or minimize his fears. To let him work through them.
“I’m not what they need. They need someone who regularly preforms, who is a leader on and off the ice, who will drag the team where they need to be kicking and screaming. Someone strong. That’s not me.”
“You’re stronger than you think,” you reply, continuing to stroke his hair. “I know that if that’s what they need from you, you will take up that responsibility. But I need you to remember that you don’t have to do everything yourself.”
Your gentle words cause Brock to finally look up to you, his eyes looking into yours as you continue.
“You have a whole team behind you, Brock. People who want the same thing you do. People who will do what they need to do to achieve that dream,” you explain, taking a deep breath before you speak your next words – voicing a fear you always had when it came to your ocean of a boyfriend and the depth of his feelings.
“I just know don’t want you to become someone you’re not just because you think that’s what people want you to be. What people need – actually need – is you; the perfect, gentle, sweet soul that you are. And if the hockey world or culture or whatever doesn’t think those are the characteristics of a leader… then it’s them that needs to change, not you.”
You let your bold declaration linger in the stillness of your bedroom, watching Brock’s expression shift as he takes in your words. Another moment of silence passes between you before Brock connects his eyes to yours again and you smile at the softness reflected in his pupils.
“How am I so lucky? That I get to call the most caring person in the world mine?” he asks, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You can’t stop the light laughter that falls from you at his words.
“I think I should be the one asking that question.”
There is no hesitation as you lean into him, Brock welcoming you and it is only a brief moment until your lips touch his, capturing him in a gentle kiss. A kiss which you pour all of your love into. A kiss with a certainty and ferocity that Brock reciprocates.
The two of you stay like that for a moment, tangled in each other’s arms, pressing soft kisses into the other’s lips. It is Brock that pulls away first but he doesn’t move far. Instead, he just inclines his head forward so your foreheads are touching and you can feel the heat of his breath fanning across your cheekbones,
“Thank you,” he whispers to you. And somehow, you know he isn’t just thanking you for your words of kindness and encouragement. He is thanking you for being his anchor, his lifeline in the vastness of the oceans that exist both around him and within him.
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visionkept · 9 months
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SEMI - HIATUS ANNOUNCEMENT ( 28th of December - 6th of January ) ! The new year celebrations are around the corner so that means I'll be out of state with the family. The town I'll be staying in doesn't have the best reception so my lurking will be limited, however, I have queued some replies and asks to keep the blog rolling. I can't really say much about my discord activity tho, it'll depend entirely on the reception and time. On another note, for new years I do plan to send a couple of ic gifts / asks to some of Tomo's bonds so have an eye on that.
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badassxbirdy · 4 months
June Activity Update - Pinned Post
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brain fog strikes. This one includes posts and drafts for May. Everything else can be found in previous updates under this tag. There’s also the full thread tracker here.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Discord for IC texting. Username is the same as her url.
The full activity update (along with OOC housekeeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links. But before we get into it, a necessary gif for June:
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Happy Pride, friends! May your month be as queer and joyful as possible. 🏳️‍🌈 🥰
Had a somewhat impromptu mini hiatus for much of this past month, and so I'm further behind on things than I'd like to be, but beginning to get caught up. Your patience is appreciated!
Super sneaky promo in honour of my name twins birthday!
For those who missed it: I kept having issues with Wire, so I’ve switched to Discord for IC messages outside tumblr. I can get the alerts on my phone, so really it’s the same difference as a way of doing IC texts. You can mainly consider it Ty’s phone, but feel free to send OOC messages if you prefer it to tumblr IM's. Username is the same as here, badassxbirdy.
I’m still migrating things over to Tyler’s new relationships page and doing some tinkering, so please ignore the mess and missing stuff for now!
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
Ty gives Lance a haircut (drafted)
Doctor Ty is in the house! (link)
Lance's rep. 😂 (link)
Diner demon chaos (link)
Taking Lance on a hunt. (drafted)
Azzy proves a point (drafted)
Car trouble (I'm certain I queued this, but now I can't find it. 😭😭😭 Redoing it asap, and still laughing over Matt spooking The Boy)
At the motel (thread end! ❤️)
Nosy Tyler is nosy (link)
Sick Tyler = sulking Tyler (drafted)
Roasting 50 Shades (drafted)
Wrong universe stress (drafted)
Damon actually opens up! 😱 (drafted)
"Hold still, I'm trying to help!" (drafted)
Memes still in the drafts, apologies for the wait!
Tyler really said 😒 (link)
Ocean hedgehogs/blaming Michael. (drafted)
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (link)
Awkward Tyler is awkward. (link)
Starter still in the drafts, apologies for the wait!
Dumbass teens and library ghosts (drafted)
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Tyler needs a warning label. (link)
Relationship advice from Mel @nightiingaled (link)
Dash game: nine movies the mun could watch 500 times. (link)
Thread commentaries/crack, featuring Ty’s height related defensiveness. 😂 (link/link)
I think that’s everything, but as always, please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I am either having a brain fart or I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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cravingbro · 1 year
Photo Strips
siblings oneshot au : 1,6k words — slice of life, love hate relationship, city walk, quality time, public argument, childish, lots of sarcasm.
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My brother was queuing for our chocolate ice cream at the cashier, while I stood in front of the glass facade, facing outside where I could see a photo booth across the street. Every time I looked at him, his eyes were always pinned onto his phone so I could not tell him how much I wanted to go to that photo booth. Even when I waved, he did not see me. Others did. And that sucks.
When we finally had our ice cream, I just went silence. I had no energy left to communicate nor to receive the possible never-ending roasting session from him if I stated my wish. So I just ate my ice cream without zero eye contact.
“You should’ve joined Mom. You might get a new dress or something,” he uttered, followed with an annoying pout. For sure I knew he was not welcoming me that day, so I replied, “The fuck you want me to do? I wanted to stay at home and mom dragged me out. Now she’s leaving me with you for a while, and it’s suddenly my fault?”
“I could’ve talk to my friends if you’re not clinging around me, demanding for chocolate ice cream, pulling me here and there, like gosh … give me a short break. You’re putting me … in awkward position,” he mumbled with such serious expression. He could have literally told me to stay away for a while if he really wanted to talk to his friend or his crush or whoever he saw, but he chose to fight me instead when all he did was not communicating his will at all.
“Go to talk to your friend then. I can handle myself alone,” I raised my voice as I tried to control my anger since we were in public place.
“If you’re gone, Mom’s gonna blame me, so … no,” he said while shaking his head gently. No sign of guilt drawn on his face and it so sickening to see him acting like a total jerk.
“You’re so annoying. You’re always annoying! Why are you my brother? I didn’t ask for any of this shit. Do you even want an ice cream? Ugh—“
“I bought these ice creams and finish it—“
“But it was my idea to buy chocolate ice cream,” I pointed at myself as my eyes opened wide. Meanwhile he sighed and replied, “Yeah … and I said cool. Although I never plan to eat ice cream today.”
“You hate me so much, don’t you? I hate you too!” I whispered as well as emphasizing the word hate. If he was not into my idea, how could he said yes yet still complained afterward? I was so mad that looking at his face for longer than a second might turned me into a Hulk. So later when I finished my ice cream, I immediately left the ice cream shop while he followed me right behind.
“Do you want something else?” he shouted and checked his phone at the same time. I, who was a few steps forward, looked over and raised a middle finger up, then shouted, “No!”
“I wanna go take photo— there … a photo booth across the street, you sure you won’t join?” His words made me stop walking, but I was already annoyed so I could not say yes right away. “You always collect strips from photo booth. Let’s go there!” he added as he came and grabbed my wrist.
“Why?” I asked. He just gave a confusing wide smile and wink which got me jokingly slapping his cheek right after. “Can you at least say sorry first?” I demanded.
“But I’m not sorry for what I said back then. Should I apologize just to make you feel better? How about me?” he rolled his eyes as he spoke.
“You’re so selfish,” I protested, followed with a deep sigh.
“You have no idea how selfless I have been all these years after you were born. Don’t say that,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow as we walked closer to the photo booth. “You could’ve say something like … I wanna greet my friend for a few minutes, can you wait here— or I don’t know, you tell me … instead of grumping like a boy—“
“You wouldn’t allow me—“
“Oh, come on! I’m not a kid anymore, Jung Jaehyun! I can give you few minutes if that’s what you need,” I raised my voice but then ended my sentence in whisper since people silently looked at us. Meanwhile he sharpened his eyes as a sign of doubt. Later he shook his head, disagreed with my statement to the core it seems.
“Where’s your friend now? Let’s greet them before we take photo, how about that?”
“But they’re on the other side of—“
“So what?! You wanna see them so much anyway, what’s wrong with walking back and forth? I’m fine with it. I had my ice cream at least,” I rambled while pushing him away from the photo booth which was steps away from us.
“No no no, photo first, friends later. It’s okay,” he took turn to push me towards the photo booth. I gave him a frown and judgmental side-eye, so he added, “Alright, I’m not mad at you anymore. We’re good now.”
He tried to pull me in to the photo booth after he paid for two strips, but then I pulled him out instead. He immediately shouted, “What?”
“Wait here. I don’t wanna take photos with you,” I whined as I stepped inside by myself. He rolled his eyes before he turned away and looked at our surrounding. “You bee—“
“Bitch? I’ll tell Mom that you called me bitch,” I cut him off right as I closed the curtain before he could respond. I heard him grunted while I took my own photos. To be honest, I felt at ease whenever I annoyed him. Maybe I do have revenge issue. Maybe it was just my toxic trait I developed by growing up as his sister, but it felt good. So I kept doing it.
“Can you pay for another strip? I wanna do a different template,” I asked with overly cute voice. He stood outside looking pissed off. His gaze were intense but he eventually handed me his phone.
“You’re not coming in?” I giggled. He rolled his eyes again then replied, “I’ll ruin the photo anyway.”
“What do you mean, Bro? You’re the Nation’s High School Crush of The Year—“
“Oh, fuck … not this bullshit again,” he yelled while I dragged him into the photo booth. Fortunately, he just obeyed me like he usually does. He even threw a big smile whenever the countdown started. Although the smile was gone split seconds after, replaced with sharp glares.
“See? We look good,” I complimented the strips as I stared at it. Later I gave him one of each strip I took and kept the other one in my wallet. It took quite a while before he kept his photo strips in his wallet.
“Let’s go see your friend. I hope they’re still around,” I said as I dragged him out of the photo booth. He yelled gibberish as we walked out, yet he did not try to stop me at all. He let me pull him by grabbing his index finger. I could saw his thin smile on the corner of his lips which I did not understand. Why would he keep yelling and annoying to me if he looks like he enjoy this?
“Explain that smile,” I demanded, pretending I was a master and my brother was a slave. My brother, however, just chuckled before he answered, “What to explain? That I look kinda satisfied after I’m madly mad at you?” I nodded and he bursted out laughing right away.
“You need a younger sis or bro to understand. I can’t explain—“
“Hey!” I screamed which got him covered my mouth right away.
“Stop it, hey! They’re gonna think you’re in danger,” he whispered as he embraced me out of nowhere. I supposed he needed to convince those eyes that were silently starring at us if we were actually not in dangerous situation.
“Oh My God, why is it so hard to be your brother?” he complained not so long after.
“I don’t understand— no, I never understand your doings, like … you’re just so weird. One second you hate me, the next second you care so much, later on you just pissing me off like I’m your personal entertainment,” I yelled while he gently stroked my hair and immediately replied, “You are. Yes. Exactly. You’re my personal entertainment. God damn it, you’re so right.”
“Hey, Jae,” a girl shouted from across the street. My brother froze immediately as he whispered, “Shit.”
“Going on a date with your girlfriend now? So cool,” the other stated as they all crossed the road.
“Ugh, well …,” my brother shrugged without trying to correct his friend’s statement. So I locked my eyes on him the whole time just to watch his micro expression while he was chit-chatting. At the same time, he tightened his grip over my wrist which he hid behind his back. I had no idea why he did that until one of his guy friend said, “Just in case you break up with Jaehyun, call me, okay? You look good.”
I did not respond except giving him a sharp glare until all of his friends were gone. My brother waved at them while he whispered, “Now you know why I don’t want you to meet my friends, right?”
“That’s your friend? They suck!” I protested and he nodded right away.
“I know, but look at the girls— that are always with them— I mean if I could date …,” he uttered but then stopped midway as he scratched his eyebrow and sighed.
“You’re so pathetic, Bro. You need therapy,” I stated as I patted his back then walked away.
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Jess/Leto + “Do you want it on your back or would you like to be on your stomach?”
Early-era, on that line between PG13 and NSFW (there is veeeeeryy vague smut here), late queued crosspost // also on ao3
Protocols, it turns out, do not mean a damned thing in real life.
It had all seemed advantageous enough – this is what people in his position do, this allowance of cosmic meddling in exchanged for a sanctioned physical outlet. Leto is not yet a romantic, not as much as he wants to be, not strong enough to deny the appeal of that…
Girl, his mind completes instead of the less appropriate words that already circulate. There is something too vulnerable within her, something that goes against her positions, and he wants to know her, he wants to melt some of the layers of ice she uses as armor, he wants-
A few weeks have passed, and a few failed attempts at conversation have made clear that she needs to acclimate before they get past formalities with clothes on. Without that barrier, however…
None of what they do is real, he knows this, he should remember that louder but it is so easy to forget when alone and allowed to want her. It feels real enough, the way she responds to leading kisses, already just a little softer than a month ago and-
Maybe, he thinks, maybe they could become something. Maybe this could be all he’s ever waited for.
Misplaced idealism is a damning trait against everything else he is and he has tried, oh he has tried to accept as much as he can. Live a quiet life, be all that is expected and not the smallest thing more because that is survival, because this is enough and will always be enough, because ambition only leads to the family graveyard and-
The girl – she will be that in his mind until the dust settles, until she becomes more – stops with her hand on his collarbone, buttons undone, looking up with sharp eyes and this is why she frightens him, this cold determination in choices explained by questions he cannot ask. She is of age but not by much; she does not know what is in her blood, only the nurture side of the coin if it could even be described as such. In theory, he does not need to know more than this.
But there is something fierce in her, strong enough now to make him unsteady. He has been respectful in these weeks, followed protocols as he understands them, let closed doors stay closed and only made sure that he had not caused any offense she’d admit. He doesn’t know how to do this, how to desire someone and to care about them – there has been none of that emotion in these walls in his lifetime, he knows that much – and of all things, of all people-
Her fingertips tap patterns on his skin and she bites her lip like she’s not sure she’s allowed to speak, like she does so damn much and every little thing about her worries him already and-
“We can move slower,” he says, because that seems safe enough to offer her. It will be decades before she reveals any deep emotions to him, he’s accepted that much already, and there’s no use in reckless hope, he’s already gone and decided to try to domesticate a witch and-
“I’m alright,” she replies, and her voice is too cold for their current physical situation, too cold for how cold her body must be. “I’m alright.”
This will become a recurrent fight over time, he is sure of it now, this self-denial that almost makes him wonder if continuing the current encounter is a good idea. It probably isn’t; if she were anyone else, if she were normal, he’d draw the line here. But this is what she knows, this may be all she thinks she’s good for, this may be-
He keeps kissing her, keeps escalating, and tries to suppress the worry of it all. There is nothing he can do but try to do right by her, try to undo whatever it is… oh, he doesn’t know where to start, she’s a visible mess of scar tissue and someone else made her like this and it’s for the best he’ll never know more than that and-
She is beautiful. He will not deny that, will not look away, will not pretend that every reaction he feels is real and yet he’s seen how she tries to deflect when he says anything about that and-
They are new, he reminds himself, and time will save them. Time and determination.
“Do you want it on your back or would you like to be on your stomach?” he asks, even though he doubts he’ll get an actual answer. Frustrating girl doesn’t realize she’s allowed to be a person yet, and-
“You don’t need to ask.” She hides her face against his shoulder, and she is not small but there is something volatile about how she uses her body, like she is infinite and can take however much space she needs. “You won’t hurt me. That’s all I need.”
Like she’d even let him, he’s half tempted to say but won’t. He has no such inclinations to begin with, but his sense of self-preservation grows stronger around her and maybe that’s the point of this arrangement and-
“You should be comfortable in this. In everything.”
Her eyelashes flutter against his skin and he can almost feel how hesitant she is, and how is this outside what she knows, and-
“I will be.”
“Not an answer.”
She is quiet for a few moments, shifting her balance and leaning more into their embrace, tilting her head towards the hand he tangles in her hair. “I would like to see you, but… I can turn my head, if I need to.”
That’s enough of an answer for him to twirl her around and do what he can to lay her down. They are still learning each other – he is still learning her, he self-corrects, he has no doubt she figured out everything she needs to know about him before she moved her body off of his the first evening – and he sees a future in the angles of her body, a life ahead where this becomes less conscious and she is everything in the world and-
Perhaps, he thinks as he covers her, perhaps they are both more than circumstances might suggest. Perhaps they will make each other more than that.
It is perhaps improper, but she seems to like being kissed and he likes anything that makes her happy, the little almost-smiles against his skin, the closeness of them as he rolls his hips against hers. They are allowed to want, and he wants her, wants her searching eyes and what little softness there is to her and-
She is quiet, and he is quiet in turn, and it is enough and they are enough.
His hand catches her wrist after, as she tries to distance herself, and he could never fault her for anything she wants but-
“Stay,” he says, and he worries it’s too soon and-
“Are you sure?”
“Please. Stay.”
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nightiingaled-a · 3 years
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"you're a real life-saver ; no way i could handle today's shit on my own." there'd been an UNUSUALLY high volume at the clinic today, and dox had found some DIFFICULTY in managing it until T34 came around. there's WEARINESS reflected in the bags under the mender's eyes, but a grateful little SMILE on his face that persists even after he places a tender kiss to her cheek ; one he's even too tired to second-guess. "thanks." - @grimesucker​
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She smiles softly, cupping her calloused palms over cheek. Tea had done very little, the minor stuff. Bandaging what couldn’t be fully healed, salves, cleaning - a lot of cleaning. She did not have his gift, if anything she didn’t believe she was good at treating the wounded at all. Too abrasive for her own good. But she knew that blood was supposed to stay in the body & that a soft kind voice was sometimes far more important than one thought.
 ❝ All your patients are in good shape for now. You should rest. ❞
0 notes
@basket-of-muses | from (x)
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“Yeaaaah… no.”
Rudeness wasn’t actually intended, for once; but it didn’t need to be intentional for it to indeed be present. Appalled was probably, indeed, the best word to describe Taffyta’s expression right then - and, no matter how Jubileena disagreed, the blonde had no intention of being convinced otherwise.
To her, the snowman simply looked… wrong.
But maybe, that was on her. If she was really honest with herself - and she wasn’t, often - Taffyta had a problem with needing things to be perceived as perfect for her to see their value. It had been how King Candy had so easily turned her against Vanellope; imperfections were a natural enemy to a girl who fancied that she was the best of the best.
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Watching as Jubi scampered off to plant herself in the snow, Taffyta contemplated doing the world a favour by putting the malformed snowman out of his misery; only reluctantly deciding against it. If Jubi was pleased with her work, after all…
Rather, she joined the other girl in flopping onto her back in the snow. It had to be admitted that Taffyta wasn’t a girl who many of the other kids would come to for a good time, but she did know how to do normal things and have fun… and this, clearly, was one of them.                       
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ducknotinarow · 9 months
@questionablemuses said "God, I hate what you fucking do to me." Adam growls out, his gaze searching Mammon's. "Every fucking time I try to block you from my mind, I end up chasing after you. Did you know that? That you have that much affect on me?" ( uwu have a very bitter ex @ questionablemuses )
Mammon was still dealing with the after math of his last clown pagent yeah sure he gained a brand new act. And he'll they proved him wrong on not finding women funny so good for them plus a twin act? Was hot and easy to sell.
But losing Fizz? And in the way he had? That had taken quite. A hit to him so who better to visit and cheer up with then his old flame Adam?
"God, I hate what you fucking do to me."
"Sure ya do babe ain't thst way your eyes just sparkle the second you seem me come to visit you" He teases as he blows a little kiss Adam's way he always ate up thier reactions to his advances. He wasn't some.idiot he knew the Angel still had feelings for him even to this day.
"Every fucking time I try to block you from my mind, I end up chasing after you. Did you know that? That you have that much affect on me?"
"Aww come on you making it sound like a bad thing that you still got the hots for all of this" He says as he gestures to himself. As he flashes Adam wide smug filled grin. Moving over to them as he bays his eyes at the Angel. "You know you want me and I know you want me so why we fooling anyone. Only one who wanna act like that ain't ture is you Adam~ and ya know it's cute but gotta be so hard to deny yourself having me ain't it?" Mammon eggs on he knows jsut how to push his ex buttons how to mess with them and get under thier skin.
And boy dose he love all the attetion he is given by doing as such. It really was the cure he needed for his damped mood after everything that happened at least he still had his Angel to mess around with.
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alisonsfics · 3 years
introducing sebastian to harry potter
pairing: sebastian stan x reader
request: “hiii could you please write something in which the reader introduces seb to the world of harry potter and they watch the movies together?? and it’s just pure fluff!!??” - anonymous
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It didn’t start out forced.
You were reading one of the books on a rainy day. Sebastian was bored after his plans to go golfing with some friends were cancelled, so he came to sit with you on the couch.
He curled up next to you, with his head in your lap.
“What’s wrong, bubba?” You asked him, as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“Just bored” he replied, happy to just be in your company.
You both sat there for a few minutes, peacefully in silence. You read your book, and Sebastian stared at the ceiling as you lightly massaged his scalp.
Then, he got an idea.
“Can you read to me?” He asked, with his eyes lighting up.
“This is the fifth book. You’d just be confused” you said, not wanting to ruin the book for him.
He shook his head. “I just like the sound of your voice” he said, sweetly.
Your heart practically melted, and you couldn’t say no.
You began to read the book to him, and he closed his eyes to listen.
Originally, he just wanted to listen to you talk. He always loved listening to you. Your voice could always bring him peace.
Then, he got dragged into the plot. He was intrigued by the story and the characters.
“Wait! I changed my mind. I don’t want to know any spoilers” he said, causing you to giggle.
You nodded and went back to reading in your head.
Three days later, you came home from work and found Sebastian in the living room.
“What’s going on, honey?” You asked him curiously, as you set down your work bag on the table.
You saw a whole array of snacks: popcorn, your favorite candy, pretzels, fruit, cheese, and crackers.
Then, you saw the first Harry Potter movie queued up on the television. A smirk grew on your face as you realized what was happening.
“I wanted to watch it with you” he told you, hopefully. You nodded your head while slipping off your shoes.
“I’ll grab us some wine, and I’ll be back” you said, heading towards the kitchen.
You came back to the living room with two glasses of wine. “So you’re invested now, huh?” You teased him, setting down the glasses.
A shy smile appeared on his face. “It was really interesting” he told you, honestly.
He slung his arm around your shoulders, letting you cuddle into his side. He started the movie, and you could see the anticipation on his face.
As the movie went on, you saw how excited Sebastian got while watching. He got goosebumps during some of the more shocking parts.
After it finished, he was left speechless. You glanced over at him and just saw his mouth hanging open.
“That’s it? I need more” he said, not satisfied. You giggled as you pecked him on the cheek. “There’s seven more movies, baby” you told him.
He instantly started the next one. His eagerness was very clear. You knew you would be in for a long night.
And that was the time that you and Sebastian stayed up all night watching all the Harry Potter movies.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @bookfrog242 @buckys-babe17 @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @sunwardsss @studentville-struggles @impossibleapricotlampbat @infjkiki @k-k0129 @lickmymelaninn @hailey-a-s @andreasworlsboring101 @fanofalltheficsx @lukes-orange-beanie @golden-hoax @madisondelstan @spookyparadisesheep @n3ssm0nique @v-is-obsessive @reniescarlett @multiplums @alotofrandomfangirling @helium-queen @bbl32 @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan @blueeyeddemon1016
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
Requests OPEN
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
“Call me Loki”
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Word Count: 1,280 Demetri x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, NSFW
NSFW Prompt: 6 and 27 from the nsfw list and of course for demetri please honey 🍯 For @vamp-army​
Y/N is a huge fan of Marvel; the films and comics, she even has POP! figures of some of her favourite characters. Y/N introduced Demetri to the Marvel Cinematic Universe when she moved into the castle and he enjoyed the films. He even read her comics whilst she slept being careful with them as he knew they meant a lot to his mate.  
“Grab the blindfold” Demetri called out to Y/N who was in the closet “What? Why?” She called back “Just do it darling, please. I have a surprise for you” He called back “Ok” She sighed and grabbed the blindfold from the ‘sexy drawer’ in their closet.
Y/N stepped out of the closet holding the blindfold in her hand “Put it on darling please” He smiled and watched as she put the blindfold on. He stepped forward and gently took her hand in his, guiding her out onto the balcony “Take a seat” He guided her to a chair and poured her a glass of Prosecco “You can take the blindfold off now” She removed it and gasped looking at the table in front of her. There was a vase filled with Roses, a Belgian Waffle topped with Strawberries and Maple Syrup, an ice bucket which held the Prosecco bottle and a glass of blood for Demetri. He took a seat opposite her and handed her an envelope “Here this is for you” She opened the envelope to discover two tickets to the upcoming Comic Convention in London. She smiled at him “Thank you babe. B-But how? They’re hard to get” “Luckily for me I don’t sleep so I queued in that online waiting room you received a link for, for seven hours and was able to purchase two tickets. I figured this is something you would like to tick off your ‘Bucket List’” Y/N got up from the chair and walked over to Demetri wrapping her arms around his neck “You’re the best” She pressed her lips to his “You’re the best too and I know that you were trying to get tickets…so I stepped in and helped” He replied smiling at her before capturing her lips with his.
A few days later and Gianna came up to Demetri and Y/N’s shared room with a few packages. She knocked on the door and waited for a moment until Demetri answered the door “I have packages for Y/N” She smiled at him before Y/N screamed “They’re here. They’re here.” She took the packages from Gianna “Thanks G” “You’re welcome Y/N” She replied chuckling “Good luck with her” Gianna said nodding at Y/N before turning to leave “Thanks, I think I’ll need it Gianna” He replied before closing the door.
“What’s in the packages darling?” He asked as he came to stand beside her “Costumes” She replied simply and continued to open the packages “Costumes?...” She nodded “…Costumes for what?” He asked “For the convention Dem. I figured we could dress up especially since it’s your first time at a convention” “Ok…What costume am I wearing?” He asked “You are going as Loki, God of Mischief” “Ok, I like the sound of that. Who are you going as?” He replied “Scarlet Witch” She replied and turned to face him and he nodded approvingly at her choice of costume “Thank you for doing this Demi” “Anything for you darling.” He kissed her temple.
One month later they arrive in London the day before the convention and make their way to their hotel. Y/N unpacks their costumes and hangs them up in the wardrobe along with a few other items. Demetri could tell how excited Y/N was to be in London and to be attending the convention as she hadn’t stopped smiling since they boarded the plane back in Italy. He was looking forward to sharing the experience with her and the fact that this was something she was passionate about made this trip all the more special. 
The following morning Y/N got dressed as Scarlet Witch and Demetri put on Loki’s costume and stood side by side in the mirror. “Wow” Demetri breathed when he saw his mate all dressed up “You look good too handsome” She told him before grabbing her phone and taking a selfie of the two of them all dressed up.
Once at the convention Demetri was amazed at how many people had dressed up for the event and the wide variety of characters chosen. Y/N’s eyes lit up the moment she entered the venue and he was pleased that he had managed to do this for her, as this would be a lasting memory for her. He bought them both a t-shirt as a memento of the day.
They attended a few of the panels that were on that day although Demetri didn’t like seeing Y/N look at her favourite actor Tom who played her favourite male character Loki with what only could be described as heart eyes. He realised that he was jealous, jealous of some human and he didn’t like it, not one bit so he decided he would ‘punish’ her for making him feel that way.
They arrive back at their hotel and Demetri decides that the only ‘Loki’ that gets to be with Y/N is him. “Stay in your outfit darling” He said as he gently grabbed her wrist to prevent her from entering the bathroom. Demetri pushed Y/N up against the wall of their hotel room and captured her lips with his in a rough but passionate kiss. She moaned into kiss and pulled him closer, her hands moving to his ass and giving it a squeeze. He growled low and kissed along her jawline towards her neck and he could tell she was getting aroused and smiled against her neck. His hands moved lower and undid her trousers and let them fall to the floor and moved them aside with his foot.
“Demetri…please” “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh” Demetri told her as he used his thigh to part her legs “Why?” “Because you were looking at that Tom guy with heart eyes earlier” “Oh” She chuckled lightly “It’s not funny darling” He growled “It is a little funny. You my gorgeous, sexy vampire got jealous over a mere human, a human who just happens to be one of my favourite actors” “Seeing as you like Loki so much, you will call me Loki whilst you ride my thigh otherwise you won’t be getting off at all.” He said as he looked into her eyes and she nodded.
She kissed him, nipping at his bottom lip asking for entrance. As their tongues danced together Y/N grinded against Demetri’s thigh feeling the much needed friction against her clit and a sigh slipped past her lips. She continued to move against his thigh, riding him as the familiar feeling began to build low in her abdomen. “Loki…” “I know darling…relax…come for me” He replied low as one hand moved to her breast and gave it a squeeze before massaging it gently. His other hand on her waist as her movements sped up a little as she chased her release. A few moments later and the knot broke “Loki” She cried out as her release washed over her, some of her release leaking out of her and coating his costume covered leg “That’s my girl” Demetri praised her and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as she came down from her high. “I love you Demi” She said as her head lay against her chest “I love you too darling and how about we share a bath” He replied and she nodded “I’d like that.”
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drive you crazy
summary: there’s absolutely no way you and Matt have feelings for each other, right?
warnings: mentions of past drinking 
word count: 5.1k
note from the writer: my love for sam and rasmus really jumped out in this one, huh. let me know what you think!
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Matthew Tkachuk was a constant presence in your life no matter how much you wished he wasn’t. He was loud, cocky, and it absolutely did not help that he knew just exactly how attractive he was.
Not that you found him attractive, of course.
When your roommate and closest friend, Jen, started dating Matt’s teammate Sam Bennett, you were introduced to a whole roster of boys. They were all nice enough, and you quickly developed close friendships with a few. Except, well—
“Matt’s here, and I need you to entertain him.”
“No, absolutely not.” You put your foot down, not caring how much you sounded like a child. Jen pouted, slipping fully into your room and shutting the door. It did little to block out the sound of two raucous hockey players laughing at something in your living room.
“This is the third time this week Matt has crashed our date night and I really need you to just get him out of my hair.” Jen pleaded, sitting on the edge of your bed. You were under the covers, the next episode of your favorite show queued up on your laptop. The last thing you needed was to have Matthew ruin your evening.
“Can’t you just tell him to leave?” You argued, pointing out the obvious while ignoring the blatant fact that Matthew was stubborn and would never be convinced to do something if he truly didn’t want to.
“He won’t listen to us, you need to tell him.” You couldn’t hide the roll of your eyes at her words.
“And what makes you think he’ll listen to me?” If you had known what Jen’s response would be before you asked the question, you would have kept your mouth shut. Instead, you watched in confusion as a grin grew across her face, the one that you knew meant nothing but trouble.
“Because he’s like, in love with you.”
And that was truly something funny, because it couldn’t have been further from the truth. You laughed loudly, knowing there was absolutely no way that he liked you, let alone loved. Your dynamic with the curly-haired forward was defined by constant bickering and backhanded comments—not loving glances and hidden feelings.
“I’m serious! He’ll do anything you say.” Jen added, sensing your disbelief. This was far from the first time she had alluded to Matt’s so-called feelings for you, but she never had been so direct.
“Yeah, right.” You snorted. Jen didn’t say anything at first, and instead shot you a challenging look and stood from the edge of your bed. Her smug look never once waverd as she opened your bedroom door, and without looking away from you called out to the boys in your living room.
“Matt! Can you go with Y/N to the grocery store?” You rolled your eyes at her question. You didn’t need to go to the grocery store, it was just a rouse so she and Sam could have some alone time. Why they couldn’t just go to his place, you weren’t sure, but you were torn out of your thoughts when Matt’s response came soon after.
“Yeah, does she need a babysitter?” His voice was light and it was clear that he was teasing, but you found yourself pouting. Jen grinned, gesturing wordlessly to you as if she was declaring victory in the situation. You hadn’t considered it a competition, but if it was, you figured she was far from winning.
“That doesn’t prove anything.” You huffed, shutting your laptop. As much as you didn’t want to go, you knew from the moment Jen asked you that you would. She was your best friend, and if spending some time with Matthew meant she got some alone time with her boyfriend she already struggled to see as a result of hectic schedules, you would put up with the menace.
“Mhm.” Jen hummed, clearly not believing a word you said. Before either of you could say anything else, your door was pushed the rest of the way open and Matt was standing in your doorway, his typical smug grin on his face.
“It’s nine o’clock and you’re already in pajamas?” He teased upon spotting the sleepshorts and oversized t-shirt you had put on. Making your way to the closet, you briefly acknowledged Jen shooting you one last look before slipping out.
“Not all of us need to stay out every night.” You shot back, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt to wear as a defense against the Calgary cold. Tossing the clothes on your bed, you turned to see Matt still standing in your doorway. “Can you leave so I can get changed?”
“Are you sure you want me to leave?” Cocky smirk on full display, it took everything in you not to throw something at him.
“Matthew.” You warned with a glare leveled at him. He raised his hands as if he was claiming innocence, and you rolled your eyes at his response.
“Kidding.” He chuckled lowly, before finally leaving the room. You sighed once the door was shut, running your hands down your face to try and rid yourself of the image of Matt grinning handsomely.
It’s Matthew, you reminded yourself. The same Matthew that took joy in critiquing every guy you mentioned you were interested in with a harshness you had only seen in his eyes on the ice. Not that you paid much attention to him while he was on the ice. The point was, you should not be letting Jen’s words get to you.
Matt didn’t like you, he liked annoying you.
Hurrying to get changed, you met Matt waiting for you in the hallway outside your bedroom. He had been mindlessly scrolling through his phone, but upon hearing your door open and shut, he shoved the device into his pocket and looked to you with a grin so wide he rivalled the Cheshire Cat.
“Ready?” You questioned, hoping to avoid finding out what exactly was making him so smug and keep things civil. You weren’t sure exactly how long you were supposed to entertain Matt, but you’d rather spend as little time with him bickering as possible.
“Nice sweatshirt.” He commented, and you had to look down and see which one you grabbed. It was an old Flames one that didn’t even technically belong to you. You weren’t sure why Matt was so smug about seeing you supporting his team, since you’d been to your fair share of games.
“Thanks, Rasmus gave it to me when I spent the night at his a few weeks ago after we all went drinking.” You explained absentmindedly. While you spoke, you began heading towards the front door, so you missed the way Matt’s expression fell. You did see Jen’s smug grin, and watched Sam shoot Matt a look you didn’t have time to decipher. “See you guys later.” You waved with one hand while the other reached up to grab your car keys. Before you could get them off the hook, though, Matt’s hand shot forward and snatched them up.
“I’m driving.” He grinned. A dozen and one protests came to mind, but you chose to simply roll your eyes and head out the door. You heard Jen shout something along the lines of ‘use protection’ before she was shut out by the door, and you opted to ignore her teasing. You glanced at Matt out of the corner of your eye, and to your surprise you noticed a faint blush on his cheeks.
You scrolled through your phone as you waited for the elevator, trying to ignore the fact that your perfect evening plans of a night in were ruined by Matt. Well, Matt and Jen. The elevator arrived and only once you were both inside and the doors were shut, did Matt clear his throat to get your attention.
“So what do you need at the store?” He sounded genuinely curious, and you couldn’t help but snort at his question. The sound drew a smile out of him, and you briefly wondered why your heart fluttered as it did. “What’s so funny?”
“I don’t need anything, Jen just wanted me to get you out of the apartment so you’ll stop third-wheeling her and Sam.” You explained with a lightness to your voice that usually wasn’t present when you were with Matt. He let out a loud laugh just as the elevator doors opened, and you followed him out.
“Well, I’m not going to hang out at a grocery store if you don’t need anything.” He explained as he led the way out of your building and towards where your car was always parked. You watched in curiosity as he moved to the passenger side of your car, and your brows tugged together in confusion as Matt opened your door for you.
“What are you doing?” You asked skeptically. You were certain there was going to be some joke in there somewhere, but you couldn’t find it and he didn’t seem like sharing it.
“Being a gentlemen?” He replied with just as much confusion as you. You tried to hide the way your lips quirked up in a grin, but he noticed and repeated the action himself.
“I didn’t know you knew how to do that.” You quipped as you climbed into the passenger seat. Matt didn’t take your comment too seriously, and instead you heard him chuckle as he gently shut your door. In the time it took for him to go around the car and get in on the driver’s side, you thought about why he was being so nice.
Maybe Jen did have a point.
No, he was Matt and you were you. You weren’t exactly friends, so you definitely weren’t anything more. But the way he was acting was definitely something more. Your heart started to race and you wanted to kick yourself, but you couldn’t exactly do anything about it as the driver’s side door opened and Matt slipped in.
“So, where are we going then?” You asked, hoping the mundane question would help calm your sudden and completely new nerves. Except, the universe was apparently not on your side, because in response Matt shot you a wide grin and you felt a circus of butterflies flutter inside you that had never been there before.
“It’s a surprise.” He told you, backing out of your parking spot. You busied yourself with plugging the aux cord into your phone and picking music, giving yourself time to compose yourself.
“I don’t like surprises, Matthew.” You replied, hoping that now since the silence in the car was filled by music, it wouldn’t be so awkward.
“You can call me Matt, you know.” He told you, casting a glance towards you with an unreadable expression in his eye before focusing back on the road. Your brows tugged together in confusion at his words, and he must have seen the look on your face because he elaborated before you had the chance to voice anything. “You always call me Matthew, but you can call me Matt.”
“Okay, well, Matt,” you emphazied, drawing a laugh out of him. “I don’t like surprises.”
“I’ll give you a hint. It’s someplace we’ve both been together.” And while you still were confused about where he was taking you, it certainly narrowed the list down. There wasn’t a lot of places you had been with Matt, considering that you and him were little more than people who bickered often and happened to share close mutual friends. There wasn’t even a title for the type of relationship you and Matt had.
“You’re not taking me to a bar, are you? It’s a Tuesday, Matt.” You groaned, jumping to conclusions about where he was taking you. If you were hanging out with him outside your apartment, it usually meant everyone was going out drinking. And since your apartment was currently off limits, you assumed he was taking you to the usual bar he and the boys always picked.
“It’s not a bar.” He chuckled brightly at your response. You couldn’t help it, you found your self smiling softly at him as he focused on the road. Calgary’s night lights lit up his face and you distantly wondered if that was the reason he had been driving you crazy all night—a different type of crazy than he usually made you. You knew you were in danger when the corners of his lips turned up in the smug way they typically did, but it was too late. “You’re staring.”
“Am not.” You defended childishly. At this point, you were just trying to save face. He chuckled at this, turning his attention fully to you. It was then that you realized that at some point, Matt had pulled into a parking spot and you hadn’t even noticed.
“You’ve been staring.” He teased, smug look on his face that you couldn’t argue because no matter how much it pained you to admit, he was right. Instead, you opted to roll your eyes and look at where Matt had taken you.
“Frank and Mary’s?” You questioned, unrestrained glee in your voice as your head whipped from the diner to Matt. Frank and Mary’s was a hole in the wall diner that you frequented while either drunk or hungover, and one time you had dragged not only Sam and Jen there one night, but Matt and a litany of others. It was your favorite, and you remember telling the others that countless times.
“I figured we could get milkshakes and fries and not tell my trainer about it.” You laughed at this, a real and genuine laugh and Matt’s grin turned into a real and genuine smile. “Good idea, right?”
“You were bound to have one eventually.” You teased, though there was no trace of malice in your words. Matt smiled at you for a moment longer, his gaze softening and you felt his studying his face. You coudn’t get mad at him for it, you had been caught staring at him only moments earlier, but it was more than that. You didn’t want to get mad at him for it.
“Let’s go inside, yeah?” He cleared his throat, looking anywhere but you. A frown etched by confusion found home on your features as you tried to understand his change in behavior. Nonetheless, you got out of your car after him, smiling politely as he held the diner door open for you.
You picked a booth to sit in, and Matt didn’t complain as he sat opposite you. The time before the waitress arrived was spent silently shedding coats and avoiding the other’s eye. You smiled politely as the waitress set two menus on the table and got her notepad out to write down orders.
“What can I get you guys?” She asked sweetly, looking between you and Matt. You opened your mouth to order, but he beat you to it.
“Two chocolate milkshakes and an order of fries, please.” He said, handing her the menus back. You nodded, affirming that was your order before she slipped away to start making them. You raised a brow at Matt, a wordless question of why he knew your order. “You may have mentioned they’re your favorite once or twice the night you dragged us here.”
“They’re really good.” You defended meekly, having a hard time forming a thought that wasn’t why would he remember that and other things about him that weren’t useful at the moment. Matt chuckled, and for a moment it was quiet again. You smiled softly at him, and he readily returned it, but something flashed in his eyes as his gaze fell to the sweatshirt you were currently wrapped up in.
“So, you and Rasmus, huh?” He tried to sound nonchalant, but you heard an edge in his tone. Your brows scrunched together in confusion as you tried to understand the meaning of his words, and when it clicked, your eyes widened.
“There is no me and Rasmus. We’re just friends.” You assured him, unsure of why you felt a need to make it clear to him that you weren’t seeing one of his teammates, or anyone, for that matter. He was Matthew, the guy that drove you crazy and annoyed you with his constant teasing comments. The guy that was always at your apartment, third wheeling Jen and Sam until they either kicked him out or he found his way to your room to bother you.
The guy you wouldn’t mind kissing every once in while.
“You sure about that?” Matt questioned with a ghost of his usual smug grin, dragging you out of your earth-shattering thoughts. You wanted to kiss Matthew. You wanted to kiss Matthew. You. Matthew. You and Matthew.
Well, that was a problem.
“Yes, I’m sure, you dick.” You teased, hoping your words didn’t reflect that you were freaking out. That you weren’t going crazy about the idea that maybe all your so-called annoyance at him was just some ploy to cover up your feelings for him, a ploy so clever that not even you knew about it. “Guys don’t like me like that.”
“Well, that’s not true.” Matt interrupted your mental panic, because you absolutely had not meant to voice that to him. It was a subtle confession about how he didn’t like you like that, Rasmus and any other guy being the furthest thing from your mind.
“What?” You questioned rapidly, hoping that maybe he was making a not-quite confession like you had. That maybe he liked you and he wasn’t just trying to be nice.
“Hm?” He hummed, as if he hadn’t said anything and suddenly all your hopes came crashing down around you. Both of you were saved from having to come up with something to say, because just then the waitress returned.
“So, is this date night?” She made small talk as she set the first milkshake in front of you. You weren’t sure who was flushed more, you or Matt, but either way you were rushing to shake your head while he cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Nope.” Matt’s smile was tight as his gaze met yours in a moment that felt charged with something you couldn’t place. “We’re just friends.”
You had two weeks to figure out why the statement made your stomach twist the way it did. Two weeks before you saw Matt again.
“Matt’s coming tonight.”
“Okay.” You told Jen, not looking up from your phone as you scrolled through it on the couch. You didn’t have to look up to see the confused look she gave you, and when you saw her out of the corner of your eye stand before you with her hands on her hips, you sighed and looked up.
“Okay? What do you mean okay? You’re never okay when Matt’s here.” She questioned, and you couldn’t help the grin that made it’s way onto your face at the way she was so perplexed by you being nice to Matt.
“Aren’t you the one that wants me to be friends with him?” You teased, locking your phone and dropping the device into your lap. An expesperated look crossed Jen’s face, and you felt as if you were being scolded by a parent.
“No, I want you to be more than friends with him. And I need that to happen tonight because I have a bet with Sam and—” She started explaining, and you sat up as she piqued your curiosity with her last few words.
“What? You have a bet on Matt and I?” You asked, waving hand around to cut off her rambling.
“Yes, because it’s so obvious that you two belong together!” She didn’t even pretend to be ashamed by her actions, and you couldn’t find it in you to be mad at her. After all, you did have a similar bet going on when she and Sam first started seeing eachother—but that was different. Sam clearly liked her, while Matt was just another of your friends.
“You’re ridiculous.” You told her flatly, leaning back against the couch once more. She scoffed at this, reminding you once more that somehow you ended up in a position to be scolded by her like you were a child.
“And you’re blushing.”
“Am not!” If you weren’t before, you definitely were then, and you wanted nothing more than to have the ground open up and swallow you whole. So what if the idea, however unlikely, of Matt liking you made you flushed. You were only human, after all.
“Mhm, keep denying it.” She hummed, clearly amused by the whole situation. You shook your head, grabbing your phone and standing from the couch. You began your retreat to your room, Jen hot on your heels.
“I don’t have a thing for Matt, he drives me crazy.” You told her, a little white lie. Because he did drive you crazy, but no longer in the ‘he’s so annoying, I want him leave’ way, but in a ‘he’s so annoying, I want him’ way.
“That’s because you—” She called after you, grin evident in her tone despite not even looking at her.
“Don’t finish that.” You warned, sitting on the edge of your bed. Your suspicions had been correct, Jen was grin smugly ear to ear and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her.
“I’m just saying!” She defended herself, as if she was innocent in the situation. You shot her a pointed look, but decided to not comment further.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I’m going to be in my room, I’m not up for hanging out tonight.” You sighed. It wasn’t a lie, you weren’t in the mood to be around everyone after a tiresome day at work and an exhausting two weeks dealing with your unrequited feelings for Matt. Jen pouted, but knew when to back off. She sent you a pitiful smile and told you to have fun, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. With one last look, she slipped out of your room and shut your door behind her.
As soon as she was gone, you changed into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, a considerable upgrade from the uncomfortable work clothes you had previously been wearing. Crawling into bed, you opened your laptop and put on your favorite show. It didn’t take long for your mind to wander, especially when you heard the boys and Jen laughing at something in the living room. From what you could tell, it was more than just Matt and Sam, recognizing the voices of Johnny, Sean, and Rasmus before a knock at your bedroom door startled you.
“Come in.” You called, only half surprised to see Matt stick his head in the door. He grinned at you, and you waited for the comment about you being antisocial and curled up in bed, but it never came.
“Why aren’t you out with everyone?” He asked, sounding genuinely curious. He stepped into the room fully, and you feared he could hear your heart pounding as he shut the door behind him.
“I don’t feel like it tonight.” You explained with a shrug. “Why aren’t you?”
“I wanted to see you.” He explained as if it was that simple. As if your mind currently wasn’t racing a thousand miles a minute to try and decipher what that meant. He sat on the edge of your bed, body turned towards you. You noticed a faint blush on his cheeks, and you briefly wondered if you looked just as flustered. “I’m kinda waiting for you to tell me to leave.”
“Would you even listen if I told you that?” You grinned, watching with a warm feeling in your chest as his smile widened and he chuckled.
“Is that an invitation to stay?” He hummed before kicking off his shoes and standing. And, well, you didn’t exactly say no as he pulled back the edge of your comforter and climbed in beside you. Before you really knew it, you were curled into Matt’s chest with his arm around you as he sat up against your headboard, laptop playing a show you truly couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to anymore.
Your head was tucked under his chin with a hand resting on his chest. You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, but also the rapid beating of his heart. You tried not to think that maybe you were making him nervous, because that would just lead to you getting your hopes up. Instead, you focused on the way his fingers were trailing absentmindedly up and down your arm, the other resting innocently on the crook of your knee that he had hitched across his lap shortly after laying down.
It was another two episodes before the silence was broken between you and Matt for something more than him making a comment about the characters or how he was completely lost on the plot. Two of the characters in the show were confessing their love for each other, and as soon as the scene started, you felt Matt’s already rapidly beating heart increase in pace. Deciding you throw caution to the wind, you called his name softly. He only hummed in response, eyes glued to the screen, so you paused the show and called his name again. This time, you earned his full attention, brows drawn together in confusion in such an adorable way you felt your confidence slipping away.
Now or never, you thought.
“Why is your heart beating so fast?” You asked, and then immediately wanted to kick yourself. It wasn’t the question you wanted to ask, but it was better than nothing, you supposed. You weren’t expecting Matt you laugh, though, and hold you just a little bit tighter to avoid having to answer. Your hand settled back over his heart to prove to yourself it really was beating abnormally fast, and when he wouldn’t meet your gaze, you called his name again. “Matty.”
And if you thought that his heart was beating quickly before, after the simple nickname fell past your lips, you thought he’d explode.
“It’s ‘cause of you.” He mumbled, your own heart picking up in pace. He was suddenly being shy, and you were certain you had never seen Matthew Tkachuk shy, at all, ever.
“What?” You asked for clarification, not wanting to get ahead of yourself. All signs were pointing towards what you hoped for, but you needed to be certain.
“You drive me crazy.” He confessed, his blue eyes finally meeting yours head on. You propped yourself up on your elbow so your face was level with him, and even though he was right beside you with an arm around you, you felt miles away as you tried to process what he said.
“Matthew…” You said softly after a moment, knowing that you needed to say something. He must have interpreted your lack of response as something bad, because the hopeful look on his face fell and he began backtracking.
“I know that I annoy you and that you don’t like me, but I had to tell you. I can go—” He started, and when he grabbed the covers as if to climb out of your bed you snapped to reality, grabbing his hand and effectively halting his movements.
“Matthew.” You stated, a lot more firmer than you had moments before. A grin grew on your face, and you saw his shoulders visibly relax. “Shut up for a moment, please?” A smile toyed with the corners of his lips and he nodded, but otherwise he complied. “You do annoy me.”
A puzzled look crossed his face—that clearly wasn’t what he thought you’d say.
“You’re annoying and yet, somehow, that’s endearing. We bicker and tease each other but at the end of the day I don’t actually hate you. And I don’t think I could ever actually hate you.” Your confession was quiet, and as you finished you used your free hand to cup his jaw. He leaned into your touch slightly, the simple act nearly melting you entirely. “You drive me crazy, too, Matthew.”
It was almost as if he couldn’t stop himself then, surging forward to connect your lips in a kiss you hadn’t realized you had been waiting months for. He was much more gentler than you thought he would be, but as the kiss went on he had you pressed into the mattress. When he finally pulled away so you both could catch your breath, he was hovering over you, bracing himself with his arms so not to lay his full weight on you.
“A good crazy, I hope.” Matt teased, grin wide and happy before he ducked down for another kiss. You giggled against his lips, revelling in the way you felt ten times lighter after confessing your feelings. Knowing that how you felt was reciprocated washed away any worries you had, and the smile you wore was truly genuine.
“A very good crazy.” You affirmed, looking at him with adoration. You brushed your hand through his curls that you wished he would grow out and take better care of, your hand settling on the back of his neck to gently guide him down for another kiss. You were so lost in Matthew that you didn’t hear your door open.
“I called it!” Jen announced loudly, causing Matt to roll off of you in shock. You glared at your roommate while the rest of the boys groaned, muttering complaints about how Jen won the bet or how Matt should have just waited a few days.
“Jen!” You threatened while flustered. Matt dropped his head back against your pillows, clearly annoyed at his teammates for interrupting while you were just embarrassed. It wasn’t a big deal, you knew, but it wasn’t exactly enjoyable having your roommate walk in on you making out with someone. Especially the someone she had been trying to get you to go out with for what seemed like forever.
“We’re leaving. You two have fun.” Sam winked at Matt, and when Matt shot you a look, you frowned and swatted at his shoulder. He laughed at your response, letting you know he had been just teasing.
“Use protection!” Jen shouted her favorite line as Sam pulled her out of the room and Johnny shut the door with a smug grin you weren’t used to seeing from him. You groaned as soon as your friends left, flopping back against your pillows and earning a chuckle from Matt.
“I change my mind.” You huffed, grabbing Matt’s hand and toying with his fingers to distract yourself from your friend’s interruption. He shot you a curious look, and your heart raced at the thought that he was finally yours. “They drive me crazy.”
“As long as I’m the only one that gets to kiss you.” He mumbled, having already leant down to connect your lips together. You hummed against him, fingers curling into his hair as he pulled back slightly to admire you.
“That, you are.”
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Less of you
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Summary: He lost the love of his life 4 years ago in a car accident. If he had stopped her from going to that party with her friend, maybe she would still be with him till this day. He tried hooking up with other girls but none of them could fill his void. All until he met you. A girl who worked at a café to pay for your school and house bills. You were completely the opposite of his late girlfriend but you look exactly like her. Who are you and would he have the courage to get to know you?
Theme: doppelganger au, strangers to lovers 
Genre: fluff
Warning: death, accident (please don't drink and drive people!)
WC: 3.9k
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
a/n: I write when I’m bored so I may not be good. I hope you like it. I didn’t intend to copy anyone if this storyline has been written before! Also, the words in italics are a flashback! :)
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“Hey babe, is it okay if I go to the party with Jiyeon?”
“I don’t know babe, I have a bad feeling about this.” Chan said.
“What? Why?”
“I… I’m not sure. I think you should stay home.”
“But babe, it’s Seori’s birthday party. I’m sure she would want me there.” She tried convincing him.
“I’ll just be there for a while, I promise I’ll text you when I’m heading home okay?” She smiled, cupping his cheek softly before disappearing down the hall to go to their shared bedroom.
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Hours later, Chan was growing tensed and anxious. There was an unexplainable feeling of discomfort settling in the pit of his stomach which he doesn’t know why. He had already texted his close friends about this. All of them said the same thing. And that was to go fetch Lucy from the party. However, before he could leave the comforts of his shared apartment with his girlfriend, his cell phone began to ring obnoxiously on the kitchen island top.
It was from an unknown number but he decided to pick up the call anyway in hopes that he would hear Lucy’s voice. But what he heard next, wasn’t exactly something he thought he would hear. 
“Hello? Is this Mr Bang Chan?” The female voice spoke up on the other line.
“Uhh, yes? Who is this?”
“This is Lee Haneul speaking. I’m calling from Seoul's National Police Station. Can I confirm with you if you are related to Miss Lucy Hale?”
“I’m her boyfriend.”
“I’m really sorry to inform you that your girlfriend was met in a fatal car crash. We are still investigating the accident to find out what’s the cause. But in the meantime, we will need you to come down to the hospital and identify if the victim is indeed Miss Lucy. Will that be okay?”
“Yes. Yes, absolutely.” Chan said, letting the woman give out the address of the hospital he needed to go before hanging up the call.
Right after he clicked the red button, he instantly collapsed to the ground unable to feel his legs. Chan could feel the tears streaming down his face as he hugged his frame tightly. He couldn’t believe he just received that call. He wanted it to be a prank so badly. He didn’t want all of that to be true. 
Nevertheless, he went to the said hospital in search of the love of his life.
The nurse brought him to a female officer who was standing outside a closed hallway with a doctor, where Chan clarified himself to them. The three individuals soon entered the closed doors, letting the doctor lead them straight down to the basement where the mortuary was located.
Once inside, the doctor walked up to one of the silver units. After reading the name on the side of the unit, he opened the unit door only to pull out the metal stretcher that had a covered body in it. Chan had to close his eyes for a second, too afraid to look forward.
He carefully made his way to the doctor. The man proceeds to unzip the top part of the bag. The moment he pulled the bag apart, Chan immediately covered his mouth with one hand desperately as he gripped onto the metal stretcher. He broke down in a matter of seconds, enough proof to the officer that it was indeed who the victim was said to be. She carefully placed a hand on top of Chan’s shoulder while the doctor pressed his lips in a straight line.
“I’m so sorry Lucy… I’m so sorry I didn’t try harder to stop you from going… I’m so sorry…” Chan whispered as he stared at the pale, blood covered female body that he used to call his girlfriend.
With that being said, the doctor proceeded to zip the bag while the officer and Chan left the mortuary. She let out a silent sigh, knowing exactly how he felt at the moment.
“Thank you for being strong and seeing her for the last time. I hope you’ll feel better soon. She’s in a better place now.” She gave him words of comfort. Even though his mind wasn’t really there with him at the moment, he appreciated the officer’s kind words.
He went home that night feeling nothing but utter loss and grief. It took him at least 4 hours to accept the fact that she’s gone and that there was no way of seeing her again.
He broke the news to his close friends, all of which shock and sympathy was mixed together.
They went to her funeral but Chan felt empty.
He thought his life was going to be dull and miserable now that he lost her. He wasn’t sure if he could continue to live but his friends made it a point to let him go on his days without feeling at a loss. They were truly the friends anyone could ask for.
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4 years went by where Chan still tends to miss her presence. But instead of grieving about it, he finally accepts the fact that she was no longer on this earth. Despite meeting new people, new potential partners in his life, none of them could seem to fill the void that has been eating him alive for the past few years.
There were some who he had genuine interest in. But somehow, that relationship never worked out and he wasn’t one to dwell on things for too long. For he just simply moves on with his life and goes about his daily routine.
It was a bright Saturday morning, Chan had already promised Changbin and Jisung to have a morning workout session together.
“So… Hyung, are you contacting anyone?” Jisung asked as he turned to Chan who was currently lifting weights.
“No. I haven’t contacted anyone in months…” Chan sighed. Dropping the barbell onto the ground.
“Why not?” Changbin asked out of curiosity.
“I don’t know. I just don’t feel like anyone’s of my interest.” Chan shrugged his shoulders. The two boys looked at each other only to exchange a knowing look which Chan couldn’t bother to even notice. After they were done with the workout session, the boys left the gym to make their way to a nearby café that they had been going to every time they ended their workout.
They had just entered the café, strong coffee bean aroma filling their nostrils as they walked up to the counter. Only for Chan to halt in his steps when he saw just who was standing behind the counter, taking orders. Both Changbin and Jisung also came to a stop when they saw who Chan was staring at.
“No way…” Chan whispered under his breath. Jisung desperately clinged onto Chan’s arms only to ask in a confused tone.
“Umm… Hyung, is that…?”
“No… It can’t be.” Chan said as they carefully made their way closer to the cashier. The three of them queued up behind the rest of the customers but their eyes couldn’t seem to leave her.
After the customer in front of them walked away, the person standing behind the counter finally locked eyes with all three of them before flashing them a warm smile.
“Good morning! What can I get for you today?” She said. Chan was too dumbfounded that he couldn’t even speak so Changbin did it first.
“Hi, can I get one Iced Americano.” She keyed in his order before turning back to the remaining two.
“Anything else?” She asked with a smile.
“Umm, can I get one Iced Tropical Passion Tea?” She nodded as she entered his order into the machine. Just then, the minute she looked up, Chan had the most prominent frown on his face and she wondered why.
“Is there anything I can get for you?” However, when she received no particular reply from him, she decided to joke around.
“You know, if your order is written on my face, I would so gladly take them down for you.” With that, Chan finally snapped out of his trance. He shook his head, letting his brown locks shift from side to side.
“Uhh… right. S-Sorry. I’ll just have a regular Iced Strawberry Lemonade Green Tea.” She smiled and proceeded to key in his order, only for Changbin to hold his card out. After he was done paying, she asked him for his name or initial. Telling him that she will call out to him once the drinks are made.
The guys went over to a table right next to the window but Chan’s eyes were glued on her. Watching as she made their drinks while she joked around with her co-worker.
“She might look like her but she’s definitely not like her.” 
Changbin commented softly before Jisung hummed in agreement. But Chan still couldn’t seem to let this new information digest into his brain. This girl looked exactly like Lucy except maybe her style and her hair colour but her face was like a copy paste of Lucy.
Lucy was slightly girly and definitely more fashionable in terms of the things she wore. She always loved branded items. She wore mostly dresses or skirts everyday, with designer clothes. She normally wore heels and tends to look richer than she really was. However, Lucy can be very arrogant towards people she doesn’t like or doesn’t know. She would never openly smile to just anyone, nor would she talk to anyone aside from Chan and her close friends. 
Unlike Lucy, this girl was nothing like Lucy and Chan could see the vast difference.
Lucy would never work at a café shop because to her, these kinds of jobs are for people who are not able to support themselves financially. This girl not only works as a barista at a café, her sense of fashion is definitely more laid back compared to Lucy.
She wore a plain white shirt with denim skinny jeans and a pair of Nikes with her café apron on. She had her hair in a low messy bun to keep her hair from falling into customer’s drinks while making them. Character wise, she was a lot more friendlier than Lucy. She had quite a bubbly side to her when she greeted new customers at the cashier.
Chan was just too absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t even hear her calling out to Changbin. The latter went back to the collection point, not forgetting to get a glimpse of her name on her nametag.
“Thanks… (Y/N).” Changbin smiled, making her return the favour with a small nod.
Chan knew he shouldn’t do it but he wanted to. He wanted to get to know her a little better. Which is why he decided to come visit her again the following week. She was currently leaning against the counter top, facing the café entrance while her co-worker and close friend, Moonbin was fooling around with her since the café was sort of empty with only 6 tables max being occupied.
She had just punched his abdomen softly when he threw a balled tissue onto the top of her head.
Just then, the sound of doorbell chiming caught their attention. She turned towards the door, only to see Chan enter the café. She immediately smiled after remembering his face from last weekend.
Moonbin went to go hide behind the coffee machine, pretending to be busy.
“Hi, welcome to Daisies Café. What can I get for you today?” She greeted Chan with a smile, making him mimic her expression.
“Umm, hey. I think I’ll just have an Iced Berry Mint Tea.” She keyed in his order before asking him if there was anything else he wanted. When he said no, she nodded and proceeded to charge him for it. After she was done, she took the cup and asked him for his name or initial.
“Chan.” She let his name roll off her tongue quietly before smiling at him. She went over to Moonbin only to see the boy grinning like an idiot.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” She asked her same aged colleague.
“Nothing… He’s kinda your type, no?”
To that, she glanced over to Chan who was seated near the window. He had his laptop on the table with a headphone on his head. A smile graced onto her lips, ignoring Moonbin’s comment and instead, focusing on making Chan’s drink. She knew if she called his name, he wouldn’t be able to hear so she opted to bring his drink over to him instead.
She brought him his drink only for Chan to smile at her, his cute dimples coming to view.
“Oh! Sorry!” 
He apologized before taking the glass from her, feeling her fingers brushing lightly over hers. She got visibly flustered as she pulled her hands back a little too quickly. Chan simply let out a soft chuckle when she excused herself to continue working when he gently gripped her wrist to stop her.
“Hey, umm, are you free later?” He asked.
“I… yeah. Why?”
“Do you… maybe wanna grab dinner with me?” She got quiet for a moment, making him feel bad.
“Uhh, you don’t have to agree! It’s okay.” He reassured her. But there was just something about him that made her smile, a warm feeling blossoming in the pit of her stomach.
“I finish at 5.” She said with a small smile on her face.
“Oh… uhh, great. I’ll come pick you up then.”
“Okay.” She giggled before leaving his table.
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7 months was definitely longer than what he had in mind about being friends with her. All the girls that he has dated or contacted ever since Lucy passed wouldn’t last for more than a month. During the last few months, Chan got to know about her background a little better.
Although he does know that (Y/N) can never be Lucy, he slowly started to like (Y/N) for who she is and not just because she looked like Lucy.
In fact, he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he actually likes (Y/N)’s personality slightly better.
It was a sunny Saturday evening and she was having a day off. She was just mopping her living room when her phone began to ring. She placed her mop on the bucket only to go to the desk right beside the hallway where her phone was sitting.
It was Chan’s caller ID.
“Hello?” She said.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“Oh, I was just cleaning my apartment.”
“Do you need an extra hand?” She could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line.
“If you don’t mind getting down and dirty.” She laughed.
“Sure. Then afterwards, I was wondering if you’d wanna meet my friends and hang out with them?” Chan asked softly, making her pause.
For the past few months, (Y/N) had gotten closer to Chan when he kept coming back to the café only to become a regular customer there. However, she has never met Chan’s friends properly simply because she was shy and slightly nervous around a huge crowd.
Chan seemed to read her concerns through the silence. Hence, the reason why he was telling her that she didn’t have to agree to it if she didn’t want to. But she didn’t want to keep rejecting his kind offer of meeting his close friends. She wouldn’t want him to feel bad for asking her so she decided to go with it. About an hour later, Chan came to her place as promised before, only to help her with her spring cleaning.
They joked around with each other a few times, earning soft laughs from them both.
They were just moving their legs back and forth on the ground, dancing along to the music she played in the background when she accidentally slipped. She lost her balance and almost fell backwards but he caught her in time.
Chan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back up against him. A soft gasp left her lips as he asked her if she was okay. But all she did was laugh out loud from her clumsiness. 
He smiled down at her, letting her press her forehead against his shoulder.
After her laughter had died down, she pulled away from him when she felt his arms still securely wrapped around her body. She glanced up, tilting her head to meet his. What she wasn’t ready for was the close proximity of their faces. She could feel his warm breath hit her lips. 
Chan’s eyes naturally fell down to her lips, letting it linger there for a second too long. Before anyone could do anything, Chan’s phone rang in his back pocket. He pulled away not forgetting to apologize to her. 
“Hey. Yeah. I’m at (Y/N)’s house. Yeah. Yeah sure, I’ll be there. Bye Minie.”
Chan hung up the call only for (Y/N) to ask who it was. He said it was Seungmin asking if he was coming to Hyunjin’s apartment later to hangout. She gave him a small smile. About 2 hours later, they were both making their way to Hyunjin’s apartment in Chan’s jeep. She changed into a slightly more casual outfit which was just a fitted shirt, a large flannel, denim skinny jeans and a pair of her favourite sneakers.
When they arrived at Hyunjin’s apartment, Chan walked with her beside him the whole time. They were talking about school projects when he stopped in front of the wooden door.
He gave it a few knocks only to turn to her with a slight frown.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” He asked again to make sure she was really okay. But when he received a nod and a smile, Chan’s shoulders relaxed for a bit before the door swung open to reveal a tall blonde boy whom she had never met before.
“Hey hyung!” Hyunjin’s eyes then met hers. She noticed the way his mouth hung open slightly as he took in her features.
“Woah.” He whispered under his breath before he quickly shook his head and welcomed them in. She saw the amount of shoes by the doorstep, making her feel slightly anxious and Chan seemed to notice this. Hyunjin had already re-joined his other friends in the living room when she felt Chan’s hand on her back.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked.
“H-Huh? Oh… Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry… I just… I tend to get anxious when there’s too many guys around me. I’m not used to it.” She said in a hushed whisper.
“We can go home if you want?”
“No! No, please. I’d love to meet your friends, I just need… a little time to get used to this.”
With that, Chan smiled as he cupped her face with one hand only to whisper a soft ‘okay’ before leading her into the living room. That’s when she finally met his friends in person properly. All 7 pairs of eyes were now staring at her with bright expressions but she seemed to feel small under their gazes.
Chan giggled when he felt her gently grip his forearm with both hands, making him speak up to his friends.
“Guys. This is (Y/N). (Y/N), these are my friends.” Chan introduced, only for her to smile to them shyly, partially hiding behind Chan’s larger frame. Some of them couldn’t help but chuckle. They found her quite adorable to say the least.
It took her about an hour or two to warm up to them but eventually, she did. This only made Chan even more proud of her. They were all gathered in Hyunjin’s living room, currently watching a Marvel movie. She was seated on the couch in between Chan and Jeongin, with Changbin right beside her feet on the floor.
They were watching the movie, Jisung and Felix occasionally making comments during the show. Minho was starting to drift off to Lalaland at the side. Hyunjin, Jeongin and Changbin were playing a game on their phones and Seungmin was busy reading an online book.
(Y/N) and Chan were watching the movie in silence but he did notice her getting closer to his side every time she shifts or adjusts herself on the couch. Not that he was complaining.
Just then, Jeongin suddenly flinched harshly beside her.
This was enough to make her jump. However, this caused her to accidentally lean against Chan who had his arm around her waist.
She blushed at this sudden contact. Jeongin apologized to her for scaring her but she simply laughed it off and told him it was fine. But the minute she turned back to Chan, she could feel her breath hitch in her throat with how close his face was to her.
Unfortunately, he was close enough to hear it but he didn’t mock her for it. In fact, he actually giggled thinking it was cute. 
“You okay, love?” His soft voice sultry to her ears.
She hummed in response, only to look forward to the tv screen. Chan chuckled beside her but she ignored it, knowing he probably saw the pink tint on her cheeks. A few hours later, they finally called it a night where Chan sent her back home.
Once they were outside her apartment door, she turned to him to speak up.
“Thanks Chan, for bringing me to meet your friends. They’re really genuine people.”
“No worries. I knew you’d love them.” He chuckled. Suddenly, the air became hot as she struggled to find the right words.
The room fell silent for a moment as they both just stared at each other. Trying to decipher what the other would do next. But she was one step faster than him when the next thing she did was literally what he planned on doing. In one swift movement, she leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to his soft full lips. Chan stood there completely bewildered, unable to take in the fact that that really just happened.
She wasn’t sure how long he would stay like that so she took this chance to hide from him. Wanting to avoid any awkward situations if he doesn’t feel the same way for her. Right when she was about to say goodbye to him and enter her apartment, Chan quickly caught her wrist. She turned around to him with a slightly baffled look. But Chan was cheeky. He used his other hand to pull her closer by her waist only to press his lips on hers again. 
This time, letting his lips stay there slightly longer than before.
She melted into the kiss as soon as he kissed her, making him smile against her lips. She slid her hand up his chest, tangling her fingers in his soft brown locks.
Chan guides her gently back until she is pressed against the door, hugging her waist securely in his arms. She pulled away for air, feeling him press his forehead against hers softly. A few seconds later, Chan whispered softly just loud enough for her to hear.
“I’m really happy to have met you.”
She could feel the butterflies erupting in her stomach at his words. She smiled as he continued.
“I thought my life was over after losing who I thought would be with me forever. But I was wrong. And I realised it when I first saw you at the café that day. Thank you for being there (Y/N). I honestly don't know how my life would have turned out if I didn’t meet you that day.” 
With that being said, she smiled. Cupping his face with both hands gently only to speak up.
“I’m glad I could be the source of happiness for you, Chan.”
Chan kissed her again sweetly before pulling back to say the 3 words he had been wanting to say to her. Only for her to return the favour.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too Chan.”
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poundstonaira · 3 years
Asta x Pregnant Reader - Worries
Word Count: 1700+
The usual, cold, wet, white snow fell on the tip of my nose right when I looked up at the dead, dark sky which did nothing but made endless amounts of frozen ice fall onto the ground and my coat that covered the rest of my clothes along with my impregnated body. It was ruthlessly freezing cold, my body felt like it wanted to break down every time I moved a step in the thick snow. I kept my hands in my pockets because I knew the moment I’d let my hands be exposed to this weather, they'd only be numb and useless when I needed to make a call.
I know my fiancée is either still playing Ghost of Tsushima, Resident Evil 3 remake, or Apex Legends with his step-brother to which he is probably raging at because he is not that good at first person shooter games. He’s better off still playing fortnite at his big age which is really sad to say. I still love him though, I just wish he would spend more time with me, especially when I’m sad. That would be really nice.
Ever since I started this accidental pregnancy, Asta has been very distant towards me, it’s like he’s scared of me, or that he’s nervous to talk to me. Everytime he would see my bloated, round stomach, he would freeze as if he was nervous or just stare at it in fear. I mean, it’s been 3 months since I’ve started developing but, shouldn’t he be used to it already? He told me not to end the pregnancy because he was ready and will do whatever it takes to the best father he could but if that's the case, why does he act all hostile every time he’s seen my stomach? Not once has he ever rubbed it, kissed, it or even spoken to it. Does it really take that much time to process that your fiancé is pregnant with your child? I’ve been thinking for a couple of days that it’s even cut into my diet and mental health, making me more confused and needy of this situation. It’s like I can’t even tell if I’m overeating or it’s my hormones making me over think like this.
_Wait. What was I outside in this freezing cold weather for again? Oh, that’s right. I was supposed to buy some snacks that Asta and I wanted. At least the corner store is right in front of me. I was in such a deep state of thought I wasn’t even looking up. Silly me. _
5 bags of Hot cheetos, 4 packs of sugar cookies, 20 bars of kinder chocolates, 6 packs of Cadbury chocolates, 2 jars of Nutella, 120 Freddo Chocolates, 6 packs of Battenberg cakes, and even more snacks that I’m carrying in this big ass bag.
When I left the store, I was brutally greeted with the familiar feeling of the cold gust of wind along with the snow hitting my face, causing me to cough a bit. The distance between the store and our home wasn’t a short one but, it definitely wasn’t a long one, it would usually take me about 10 minutes to get home but with this snow it would probably take double the amount. Not that I mind or anything, it’s not like Asta’s waiting for my return or that he cares. And it definitely doesn't seem like he cares that this pregnant fiancé is out in a blizzard buying snacks for him and herself. The only thing my ash-blonde husband probably cares about is his game he’s playing or whatever he’s fixated on.
As I began carrying my body through this dangerous winter weather, I heard my phone ringing through my bluetooth headphones, I let out a heavy sigh, letting me see my breath come out as cold fog. I quickly picked my phone out of my pocket and saw who was calling me.
To my surprise, it was Asta. Along with 50 messages and 4 miss calls. At this, I hastily picked up my phone and answered him.
“Asta I-”
“Where are you?” My green-eyed fianceé asked me with a serious tone which was different from his normal, cherry voice. I started to sweat, getting a bad vibe from his tone of voice.
“I’m sorry I-I was just at the store p-picking up some things… Uh… I’m on my way home right now-”
“What was taking you so long!?” I heard him shout, making me jump a bit because of his tone of voice.
I suddenly froze at his question with my eyes widened and my gut having a bad feeling. I didn’t know what to do or say, I just froze in my spot, letting the snow and winds hit me like I was nothing. I didn’t have an answer on why I was out for so long. Hell. I didn’t even check what time it was when I left the house. The reason why I went outside in the first place was to take a walk and to buy some snacks no matter how bad the weather was. I was so much in deep thought to know how Asta felt, I only thought about what he was doing and whether he cared or not.
“I-I just wanted to go on a long walk and buy a few t-things, I didn’t-”
“It’s dangerous out there! It’s even more dangerous that you’re pregnant and you are going out in such dangerous weather... Do you even know how long it has been?”
“No… Asta, listen-”
“It’s almost been 2 hours! I was waiting for you to come back, I was so nervous… Seriously! I thought you were kidnapped or something. I was in the living room the whole time, waiting for you, I was going to meet you to come pick you up but, I didn’t know where to go because I didn’t know where you were…”
“Asta…” Was all I could say. I was seriously at a loss of words, I was in such a negative and grumpy mindset that I didn’t even know that he cared. My fianceé is such a bouncy, and weird individual that I didn’t even know he would care that I even put my pregnant body through such weather, since there are intense risks to that. This whole time I thought Asta only cared about playing video games and only helping when he needed to. Guess I was wrong.
I felt my body shake as a tear slipped out of my right eye.
“I-I’m sorry, Asta. I’ll be home right away.”
… As soon as I opened the front door to our home, I was quickly embraced with strong, muscular arms around my body, making my drop the bag of snacks I had recently bought.
“You scared me… do you know how dangerous it is for you to go out in that weather all alone WHILE you’re pregnant? Anything could’ve happened to you. Anything…You really had me worried and I didn’t know where to look, that’s why I didn’t come outside, I was scared I wouldn’t see you...” Asta muttered into my neck, still holding me tight.
There was really nothing else for me to say at that moment. I could hug him back, making contact between my wet coat and him.
“I’m sorry Asta, I won’t put myself through such dangerous weather again. I-” I was then interrupted by him pulling me into a long kiss before he pulled away to rub my head.
“That’s enough. Go take a relaxing bath and sleep. You could catch a cold.” Was his response for cutting me off.
“Then what am I going to do with all these snacks I bought?” I asked him which made his eyes pay attention to the extra large bag full of snacks, his eyes then glimmered and he started to drool with the thought of devouring all of them.
I smiled at his usual antics.
After I took a bath in steaming hot water, the both of us were now cuddled up on the couch, watching endless amounts of animes that we queued up on Netflix while consuming our snacks. When we have these moments, I most of the time forget that my weirdo of a fianceé put something inside of me. I remember staying focused on the moments where we were just escaping the ruthless blizzards that are outside of our homes, trying to cause chaos. None of that bothered me anyway, I just remember the feeling of Asta holding me tight and his head croaked into my neck, picking up my scent and occasionally leaving a few love bites there. Although he doesn’t show it, I can tell he’s excited for the birth of our child as well. He may not kiss, touch, or talk to my stomach but I know every time he embraces me, it’s a sign that he loves me and that he’s ready.
“Are the snacks good?” I asked him, giving him a small smile as I watched him chew on the chocolates.
“Of course they are!” He replied in a cheerful manner, making me give him a small smile to which he quickly blushed at. I honestly adore how he gets all flustered at the small smiles give him.
After he finished the snacks in his mouth, I felt Asta’s hands snake around my round, bloated stomach, before he slowly rubbed it. I jumped a bit but I then realized that this is what I wanted, what I wanted for a while now.
“But do you know what's even better?” He whispered in my ear, making me shiver in excitement a bit.
“Yes?” I quietly replied.
“My own child growing in_ your _stomach. The possibilities of their genes and what they could be, whether it could look like you or me… the more I think about it the more excited I get. Even though I didn’t mean for this to happen, I am more than happy to do what it takes to care of our children.” Asta finished, kissing my neck.
I felt that same tear slip out of my right eye again because of his warm, trusting words. I didn’t feel nervous about anything anymore. Because I already know that I’ll be fine.
This pregnancy should be nothing to worry about.
“Thank you, Asta.”
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