#muse headcannons
||Your Muse's Slumber Habits||
You know what? A Dash Game for the multimuses of the universe!!
Grab a few muses from your list and tell us what their sleeping habits are, specifically: Sleeping Schedule, Favorite Position, Preferred Bed or Bed Type, Alone or Coupled or Group?
Muse Name
Schedule | Position | Preferred Bed | Alone or Coupled or Group
((Here is a few..))
Jinx Violet
Schedule: Jinx tends to sleep when she's super tired but depending on her mood, she sleeps early, late, stays up, etc. It depends on her mood.
Position: Curled up like a cat. No seriously, she sleeps like a kitty cat. Her two panther tails would wrap around her and she sleeps like a baby. She even purrs like a cat in her sleep.
Preferred bed: Queen sized
Alone or Coupled or Group: She sleeps alone at times but if she was with someone she would sleep with them for comfort or warmth. Or offers a place for Ping to sleep. She tends to have nightmares a few times.
Hanoka saima
Schedule: Hana sleeps pretty normal but she has her own sleep schedule. If she's not busy on missions, she sleeps at a early time or near 11 at night. But if she is up on a all night mission, she sleeps through the day to wake up later in the afternoon. Will warn you though, if you wake her up after a night mission, you will meet with a very cranky angry Hanoka. She hates being woken up after a long mission. Trust me because her twin brother woke her by mistake and he suffered her wrath for it. She even leaves a warning note on her bedroom door and front door if someone tries to visit her.
Position: On her side so she can hug her pillow at night at times. It helps her sleep pretty well. Rare times she sleeps on her back.
Preferred bed: king sized. She loves having more room to sleep.
Alone or coupled or group: This depends. She tends to sleep alone and if she's either dating or married to someone, then she sleeps as coupled.
Melinda brooks
Schedule: Mel sleeps normal but tends to stay up a little if she's doing some chores, helping her teammates with something, or just listening to some music to help her get sleepy. Tends to drink tea while reading a book.
Position: She sleeps on her right side but has a warm blanket on to cover her.
Preferred bed: Queen sized fits her best
Alone or coupled or group: It's up to her. At first, she sleeps alone in her room when it's one of those nights. However, she does leave the bed open if another wishes to sleep with her. Or to say help them sleep if they can't.
Echo Fuse
Schedule: Echo sleeps depending if she passes out from her work bench in the garage or if she is found working all night on new inventions. It takes either Breezy and Vivi to drag her butt to bed. They have to make her warm milk that knockes her out in a few seconds.
Position: She sleeps on her front but tends to move a little in her sleep. Most cases, she's always asleep but has a favorite stuffed teddy bear from a certain someone to help her sleep. She takes good care of the bear.
Preferred bed: Nothing too big or small. Maybe around a twin size.
Alone or coupled or group: She sleeps alone because she feels a little more unsure if others want to sleep with her or keep her company. She tends to sometimes have nightmares but she stays away for a bit hugging the teddy bear before dozing off. So she sleeps alone mostly.
tagged by: @historias-multorum
tagging: any that wishes to try it. Hope you have fun dears.
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In The Villainous Universe, Krampus Would Be A Good Guy Who With The Help Of Santa And Whit Hat Reformed
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I know people depict Krampus as being evil because of his harsh treatment towards naughty children but I like to think it’s just harmless scare tactics to get children to behave. He doesn’t really hurt them but just warns them their actions have consequences. I can imagine he was once affiliated with Black Hat until White Hat helped Santa reform him and now he’s a scary but fun embraced image of Christmas. I like to think at first the gang would be surprised Krampus is a friend of White Hat until White Hat explains their history. I also think Black Hat would hate Krampus for heel face turning but can’t do anything since White Hat protects him. 
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
03/07 Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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"Saved the best for last."
I did save his for last uwu he is my onion I love this stinky bastard turtle man behold him! Behold him and all his fucking bastard energy!! Truly my favorite I just love him hes not just the edgy grumpy guy who talks with his fists ;3; Raphael's someone who really has a lot of heart under his tough exterior. I love seeing him at his lowest when the series started and watching the growth he dose have over the series minor as it may be.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"anyone who claims I can' read or write are wrong."
I feel Raphael is someone with good handwriting just from how easily he handles his sai as is you can tell he has good wrist control. Of course Raphael can be a boisterous character himself especially when hes around Casey who seems to draw this out more from him. So he dose have the larger letter to show a more out going personality. The spacing of course we know Raph love freedom often this is why he and Leo can clash. Raphael doesn't hold a want to lead or feel he even be a better leader but he isn't someone to just fall in line if anything this show how much of his trust Leo has. Raphael is often going top side a lot and its pretty clear from things he says he knows city streets and explores around more compared to his brothers. His pen pressure is pretty soft though why? cause he is empathetic and sensitive uwu and we see this with his collection of strays. All people he saw in need of help from Casey falling to the same trouble he deals with to Tyler also losing his mother and trying to find her like when they couldn't find Splinter, to Ms. Morrsion who just needed help around her place and maybe some company. Of course cant leave Von out on that Raphael did in a sense help her meet a new family i Feel after all. Lets look at the L and Y in his name cause I find it to be fun. Because he loops his L is suggests he is relaxed and spontaneous. Raphs pretty good going along with just about anything often more easy with the breeze like Mikey can be often because he can leave the thinking to Leo which makes it easier for him to do so. Until things sort of get too much than you'll see those anxiety tendencies kick in like with city at war. With the Y we see that make a hoop as well meaning he has a select number of friends despite how many charaters in TMNT it's pretty clear which ones Raph feel close to and sure he seems fine with thier friends over all it's clear he has a few he openly interacts with like Trax, Casey, and Joi.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"I. Hate. The. Future."
That aside as a joke to myself, Raphael has been to a lot of places through out the shows course. They have been to space other worlds and across the globe even. For someone who loves his freedom as limited as it is. Raphael dose hold a want to explore and see more. Living in hiding has him wanting that secretly and it's why he loves the docks so much. When he was younger he often thought about just jumping on to a boat one day and seeing where he end up in the end. Once him and Casey sort of settle down though? Raph in truth wants just that he wants the domestic life that he never really thought was meant for him. He always thought as he got older he leave on his shell cycle and see where the world took him? Now? he just wants to return home to Casey and Summer uwu
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I like the farm house a lot."
Raph may be a city turtle that knows the streets like the back of his hand but he always takes a liking to visits to Casey family farm house. It nice because they can be more in the open when they do go there. and In the CC verse Raphael came to fall in love with the more relaxed and peaceful nature of Casey's farm life. There's just something nice about the open space and fresh air and the amount of stars in the sky. Though often when there the turtle still train to keep sharp it dose still give them a nice get away.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"Hmm first memory? I guess making little boats to race in the water in the sewers?
Growing up of course Splinter didn't like his son sneaking out to the surface with out him fearing the risks. So the boys had to find a lot of ways to entertain themselves. One of the ways Raph did was just using trash around in the tunnels to make boats. This sometimes went into his own pretends game of playing as pirate so there's a good chance Donnies mermaid doll went for some trips on those boats only making it worse when ever Raph would steal it from his twin brother.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Anything easy to grab like cereal."
As someone who loves cereal I love that its cannon that Raphael also loves cereal XD. Hes gross though because he will just rip into boxes and eat right out of it before taking swings of the milk from the fridge. Sometimes he gets a bowl but hes more likely to eating it this way. We'll call it the American influence Cereal is something easy to get and can last pretty long so I'm sure he ate it often as kid and saw many ads for cereal so I like to think Raph knew the mascots of the brands growing up XD Of course he dose also like Pizza thats just a given he tends to prefer a meat lovers pizza himself. He also likes anything Summer makes because at some point she learns how not to burn food like her Dad's do but lets be honest she could burn it and this guy would say its good.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"I'm more for rock music my self, mostly listening to it with Don though."
Raphael of course is that guy who blares loud rock music when he is tuning his shell cycle since he feels he just isn't going fast enough on the thing. He also listening to it in his room when he trains by himself to blow off steam so its not unlikely to hear it blaring more so when he wants it clear to leave him alone. Of course the loud noise draws attention his way. Raph just likes his brothers to know he is ignoring them because he is mature like this u-u
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"I try not to linger on it"
Raphie is someone who dosen't really need anyone to get on his case because no one can ever be as hard on him as he is himself. Don't forget this man saw himself as Shredder? He truly feels like he can be that harmful. Shredder of all has cause his family the most pains in their life and Raphael knows he is a broken man deep down. That there is something wrong with him and if he isn't careful that pipe he almost caved Mikeys head in with would have knocked into his baby brothers skull if he wasn't held back. Raphael has been working to sort through his issues and you can see this with how he allows himself to open up to others. Letting them in is hard and scary being vulnerable isn't easy for Raphael to do. So you really have to be a great of something special for him to do it. The one hes most like this is of course Casey. Casey he can talk to and he pretty open to them never was closed off to them. But even he struggles with giving over a more vulnerable side to Casey because it's giving Casey something over him it's telling Casey I'm giving you a chance to hurt me because i'm willing to take that risk. Raph really can be like a wild animal at times when hurt he wants to hide but he always allows Casey around him. Casey made him better because Casey understood him and gave him kindness when he can't give it to himself. Ironically Casey has shown Raphael something he can't do for himself even if raph struggles with the concept.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sleep fine as is."
I headcannon that Raphael actually has Narcolepsy which can be common for those with depression and anetixy. Raphael just dosent sleep all that well often restless and sometimes not through the whole night. Then you got donnie, who sometimes just does not sleep. So this often why raph has spent time woth Donnie he can't sleep so he'll hang around his twin or why he's caught donnie still up of he decides to sneak out of the lair sleep he ain't sleeping at the time. A very calling the kettle black moment. This is why raph got into drinking coffee with donnie. Which has actually helped him he's no where near the addict his twin can be but coffee dose help him stay alert. This also why he can sometimes be more cheerful or more of a grump. He's fine after he first wakes up but since he dosent really get a restful sleep he can drain fast. And just becomes more aggratied uwu
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I mean it's fine."
Despite his name I wouldn't call Raphael an artis himself personally. But he is skilled in knitting and crocheting. Splinter having him learn this as a way to help Raphaels anger issues. He figured giving his son something that wasn't physical like training but relaxing may be helpful to his more violent tendencies. And well it's not thar it hasn't worked because sometimes raph will be resting in his hammock knitting something and it dose seems to keep him clam it didn't fool proof the issue of course. But had given Raphael a way to sort of show his appreciation and love towards thise he cares for. His first thing ever knitted was a scarf for Splinter thar he still uses to this day. I feels he makes things for his brothers but tries not draw attetion to it. Of course he also made a scarf for Casey and blankets for both Ariel and Summer when they were babies. Have joke that he knitted toys for the girls as well. For Ariel it was test tube and beakers so she could do sicene with donnie. For Summer? You know it was a hickey puck and stick. When she got older she keeps them with her little hickey bear uwu.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Why would I use that shit?"
I feel this evertime there's bullshit on Twitter xD I honestly just can't see Raphael being much for social media. Even after having a daughter. Luckily casey and others are able to keep an eye on summer it's just not something he understands. Raphs not much for anything really on a digital scape even in later seasons with High tech he's only interesting in the hologram training room. Internet inaction just ain't for the old man.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"Easy only count on thise ya knkw won't stab ya the second they got an openin' an even then play it close to the chest."
As stared above, Raphael can be stand offish being the second turtle to warm up to April but the first to Casey. It really kind of displays how you sort of gotta let him warm up to you, and it can vary casey a clear special case of course besties and all. Raphael isn't the most social person to interact with when he meets new people he tends to viwe them as a threat first. But once he's past that? He'll be chill with you. Dosent meant he's the same with everyone. You can definitely tell there's a difference with Casey compared to other friends like Usagi. Raph can be playful and tease thise he personally is close to but be resevered yet respectful to the rest. He tends to keep grades even among family and friends, often displaying a closed off body language unless around a small circle. But even then, he can still be a tad stand offish even among thise he's the closest too.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I can read jus' fine."
Raphael is for sure street smarts, he can easily sneak around often being the one Leo sends off in unfamiliar areas because he has a very good feel and sense of directions. Not to mention he can quickly adapt. Able to learn to draw vehicles on other planets and even weapons. He's also quick to adjust to situations like losing his sight or when on tje run from Karai. He of course has some brain power able to read and seems to envy it even. Something je do with Donnie who helped him learn to read. Tends to pick horror books his favorite book being jurassic park. And well he likes the movies jeff goldblum on the table open shirt was an awaking uwu.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"Eh I aint for them much. Out side ms. M's cat."
I feel like this is a lie I thibk animals like raph and he likes them he ain't nit animal guy like CC or Mikey even but he dose seem to attract them. I feel cats and smaller animals can be more to his liking and speed at times. But he has grown to like the horses on CC's farm kind of why he dosent always mind them chewing on his mask tails.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I neva knkw what to get people."
I dunno I think raphs pretty decent with gifts like the busted snow glob for donnie or the fact he knitted a blanket for his niece or a scarf for casey. Its pretty clear he puts thought into a gift if given he'll he's even given casey a rose before so well maybe not the best he dose show his thoughts went into it uwu
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"They mean everythin' to me if jus' losing one would be hard."
Raphs heart is one of four. The bond he has with his brothers reallt is hard to break. It dosent really matter what they do he'll always forgive them. He can say they are better off with out him but the slight mention of them needing him? He drops everything to be there even going against his ego when it comes to Leo. It's why anything they do can hurt him more than anyone else who could do the same action to him. Why he fears himself because he scared he will hurt them.
Of course he is closest to Donatello and has a biased to them. They just spend the most Time together. Don often can handle raphs mood swings the most either dismissing it as how Raoh talks well still taking what he says seriously unlike Leo who will blow him off. Or he will be sparky back but unlike Mikey its nkt him egged Raph on and making ot worse.
Can't forget Von who he treats very much as his sister. I feel 100% Raphael would kick any one of Vinson exs asses xD he has that type of enegry when it comes to her. He shit talks her as if they hate each other and calls her babe but if he sees her crying? He won't leave her side till she tells him he can go. I feel he's grown very protective of her over time von can handle herself he knows that but he's very much a graud dog with her uwu
His own little family? He loves. Summer was the brightness to his own life when he was in the deepest of his depression Summer was something for him to move for basically. And of course he loves the lofe he and Casey are building and will do anything to keep it as it is. Why he takes such an active role when Casey sprails because after he told Casey about his own deal casey was there for him and raph kind of more understood what being in a relationship meant ;3; to raph its not all the fun stuff or the pretty side its also seeing someone else baggage and deciding you can deal with it. Even if Casey bad about it raphs gonna help Casey carry it anyway. He turly has found where he belongs with Casey and Summer and the days spent watching hockey together are the ones he'll hold on to most.
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uhohdad · 3 months
Would you ever write anything with a plus size reader? Maybe she’s (or they, can be gn idc!) really insecure but they hide it behind jokes and Konig sees right through it because he does the same
Cut to him always giving them compliments and making sure they stay fed and throwing them over his shoulder like they weigh nothing (usually in front of people cause he likes to embarrass and humiliate reader cause he is still kinda a jerk /affectionate/)
Can be nsfw or whatever you want, I’m not good at plot lol so Idk I just need him to treat me like I’m a teeny lil thing (cause let’s be real he really is a mountain lol)
König x PlusSized!Reader
He’s getting tired of this nasty habit, liebling.
Everyday before your shower, you’ll stand in the mirror, honing in on that gorgeous, perfect body, digging for any little thing to critique.
“You better be thinking nice thoughts in there, little one.”
You just let out a groan, too far sunk into the spiral of self-hatred to claw yourself back out.
König rises from his spot on the bed a greets you with disapproving, half-lidded eyes in the mirror.
“What is it this time?”
“Tummy. Thighs. Chest.”
“Ach, you mean the best parts?”
You answer with an annoyed hum.
Konig will place his big, sturdy hands on your bare hips from behind, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on your shoulder.
The gentle peck distracts you from the strong arms scooping you up, a squeak leaving you as he sweeps you off your feet in one swift motion, ripping away your view of yourself in the mirror.
“What?” He draws, carrying you from the bathroom to the bedroom.
“Put me down!” You say through a giggle, kicking your feet in his restraint.
“Hold on, I just have to get my curls in.”
He holds you horizontally across those strong arms, muscles tensing as he lifts and lowers you while you giggle all the way.
“I’m too heavy for this!”
“Barely a warm-up, liebling.”
He effortlessly tosses you onto the bed with a bounce, crawling over top you before you can even finish your squeal.
He showers kisses all over your bare tummy, his stubble sanding against plush, soft skin. Trailing his slobbering kisses up to your chest, giving your perfect breasts plenty of love. Your thighs would be last, showering you with pecks and even licking slow stripes across the flesh.
He’ll feign innocence, but that cocky smirk on his face betrays him.
“It’s too bad you can’t see what I see.”
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quiidam · 3 days
Love seeing comic panels of Bruce and Dick working together where Bruce is hunched over some document or sitting at the Batcomputer while Dick is doing a handstand or using something expensive as his personal jungle gym. They work best like this. I imagine the first time Dick helps out with the Justice League not only are they all completely unaccustomed a child in a professional environment but none of them are prepared for the adorable nine year old doing backflips off all the equipment while he discusses forensic evidence. One of the Leaguers makes the mistake of trying to correct Dick and tell him to ‘stop messing around’. Bruce, protective of his son and deeply respecting his little partner in crime fighting, isn’t having any of that and immediately levels them with a look that could cut glass and says: “He’s working. I suggest you stop sitting on your hands and do the same.”
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stayclser · 7 months
send in; 🎟️[ticket] for me to make a moodboard with 4-9 photos for our muses/ship.
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I've had this dumb headcanon floating around for a while for absolutely no reason
That Buggy's real name isn't "Buggy", it's just a name he's been using to hide the embarrassing truth that his real name is a very proper and distinguished sort of name, and he absolutely hates it because of that.
Something like "Bertram."
And the only person who knows is Shanks, who obviously uses it to get on his nerves.
And also obviously threatens to tell Mihawk and Crocodile when Buggy's being an overdramatic jerkface.
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I love playing with the idea that Gortash only slept well when Durge was there with him, holding him protectively and forcing him to stop thinking about work for one damn night. Given the sheer number of traps and Steel Watchers near his quarters, he may have been paranoid about his comparative lack of combat skill and overall vulnerability. After Durge's disappearance, that paranoia increased tenfold, only magnified by Orin's constant threats. Outwardly, he projected prudence and the sort of detached fearlessness expected of the Chosen of Bane. But behind the curtain, he struggled to get a full night of sleep, often wondering what happened to Durge and missing the safety he felt in their arms.
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inky-evergreen · 4 months
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Bro has been struggeling with the concepts of maturity and immaturity since he was a wee lad
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bliss-in-the-void · 1 year
I know in the order of events we’re shown, it looks like Satoru went to find Megumi after Suguru left, but to me, that doesn’t make sense. Suguru didn’t leave until a year after the Star Plasma incident. Why would Satoru wait that long to go find Megumi? It doesn’t make sense.
So, in my head, Satoru went to find Megumi so that he and Suguru could look after him. Think about it.
Megumi’s cursed technique involves using Shikigami, and Suguru’s involves using Curses.
What if he figured Suguru could help develop Megumi’s technique since their processes are so similar?
He also may have seen Megumi as a sort of ‘replacement’ for Riko. Suguru wanted to take care of Riko. That’s evident in the smile he gives her as she’s pouring her heart out to him before Toji arrived.
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In Satoru’s head (he doesn’t always understand/regard social cues, so even though this thought process isn’t entirely ethical, I think it’s realistic for his character), if he brought this kid back with him for Suguru to take care of and protect with him, like they’d decided to do for Riko, maybe his old self would come back. They would return to normal.
Conversely, I believe it upset Suguru that Satoru brought Megumi back with him. Megumi was a living reminder of the man who tore their lives apart. At this stage, Suguru was already suffering mentally, and to see Satoru so easily “forget” what happened undermined the trust he had in him.
That pushed him to see a bigger rift between them. Satoru made that decision all alone, when they used to run everything by each other. (They’d even constantly be on the phone if they weren’t near each other, something that ceased after the Toji incident. Big life decisions were a dual effort, a collaboration), so that showed Suguru that Satoru was putting barriers between them. Subconsciously saying “I don’t need you to make decisions anymore”, something that he definitely used to believe with his whole heart.
And while Suguru served as Satoru’s moral compass, Satoru served as Suguru’s will to keep fighting. Satoru needed Suguru, and Suguru needed to be needed by Satoru.
When Satoru began acting on his own without Suguru, the latter lost his will to keep fighting.
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as-above-rp · 6 days
5 Song Playlist for Kairi!
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Little Girl Gone - Chinchilla
Heavy - Linkin Park and Kiiara
Garden in My Room - Meryl Brainbridge
DEATH OF A PREDATOR - Banshee (cw: mentions of S.A
Serotonin - Girl in Red
Tagged by: @save-slot-a Tagging: @spaced-out-muses (Kuroo), @gunslinginnhogtyin (Butch), @doedsdans , and anybody wearing purple today! ♡
EDIT: I do have a post with her FULL playlist linked [X]! It has screenshots of the track list for those without Spoofy (Spotify) Premium sjelbsksj
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When you get this, post theme songs for your muse! Then tag 5 or more people!
||Breezy Hurricane||
Standard Theme: Tomorrow is mine-Bayonetta 2 theme
Battle Theme: Believer-Imagine Dragons
Emotion Theme: Night I stand-Bayonetta Bloody Fate OST
Boss Battle Theme: Enemy-Imagine Dragons
Tagged by: @demon-blood-youths (Thank you dear! <3)
Tagging: Any that wishes to try this. Have fun!! X3
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goobygnarp · 11 months
any good swindle fan fics out there?
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
This isn't a horny thought, but um...
Ballerina Fyodor, anyone? 👀
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sun-spark · 6 months
You know what would have been really cool about cross-element bending? Like lava-bending or mud-bending? Having to use the opposite bending style.
Like, if you're a fire bender who can sense lava, you have to use earth bending style. You can naturally connect with the fire half, but have to use earth style bending to connect with the earth half and direct the whole.
Fire bender + earth bending style = lava
Earth bender + fire bending style = lava
Earth bender + water bending style = mud
Like, it would fit so well with Iroh's whole learning from all sources of wisdom/all bending techniques lesson.
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quiidam · 5 days
hc that the bat brothers know the exact level of violence they can get away with inflicting on one another before Bruce inevitably steps in and grounds them. just imagining them getting fed up with one another and getting into the quietest fistfights they can manage. a sprained wrist? fine. split lip? no problem. but someone always goes too far and gets too caught up in the moment, and before they know it, there is the telltale crunch of a broken bone. then they're scrambling to wipe up the blood, to pick up everything they've knocked over, apologizing profusely to the other so they don't snitch. and it doesn't matter where they are; the manor or patrolling the city. Bruce is immediately behind them demanding "Explanation. Now."
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