#icarus answers
burningstar-light · 3 days
Can you please do Loona x Male Vampire Sinner Reader that works at I.M.P. with her? Thanks for your time!
Blood Sucker
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Characters: Loona, M! Reader
Character catagory: IMP employee's
Rating: SFW
Sorry if this isn't quite what you are after but I hope you enjoy anyway.
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You wake up, eyes peeling open as the deep red light of hell's sun shines into your eyes. A soft groan tumbling from your lips, as you roll out of bed, the rough fabric of your sheets cling to your skin.
Fingers tug through your hair, gently pulling the knots from the short strands. The sound that woke you up from your slumber sounds again, bleary eyes peer over to your phone. Loona's lovely face pop's up on your phone, before going black again... What could she be needing at this time of the morning, knowing the she-wolf would normally still be asleep now.
Your cold fingers curl around the small device, flicking it open to get to Loona's message.
Loony-toony: Oi, blood sucker, get your ass to work we have a surprise kill, Blitzo needs you.
Yeah, be there in 20
Your back cracks loudly as you move, a roll of your neck leaves a shudder to run down your back. Your bones creak with every step you take, your joints popping. The walk to the bathroom, felt like it took a league. The taps creeked as you turned on the hot water tap, the hot water burnt deliciously against your skin, another grumble spilling from your parted lips, your gums ached as your fangs decended down, desprate to feast.
The trip to the office is a blur it always is, how couldn't it be? You had made the trip hundreds or thousands of times. Even stopping by the usual coffee shop, collecting the coffees and getting your card stamped was a blur, a heavy sigh is all you could offer as you open the doors to your place of employment.
The sight of Loona brought a smile to your cold, bloodless lips, she wore her usual moody frown. Her ears twitched towards you, her shiny black nose twitching at your scent.
"Hey, Loony," your voice was cool and calm, you wince slightly as your sharp teeth grazed your mouth, "got you a coffee."
She grumbled a soft thanks, accepting the hot drink in your hands, her tail swaying slowly.
"Thanks, blood sucker, you're looking particularly dead this morning," her voice was teasing.
Taking a sip of the coffee was like drinking liquid ash, yet the caffine felt good, like your heart was beating once again.
"Yeah, you looked like you were mugded by a sad monochrom clown," you teased back, your laughs conjoin in a rich smooth sound.
You shift to take your seat next to her, a loud yawn spilling from your lips, showing off your sharp fangs, Loona's deep red eyes were on you in an instant.
"Are you hungry, Vamp?"
You nod, and her tail rests lightly against your cool leg.
"Blitzo, will have pleanty of humans for you to feed on up topside."
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icarusxxrising · 10 months
What’s a bi lesbian?
Bi Lesbian/Bisexual Lesbian is a sexuality label that has been present since the 70s (and earlier) in the queer rights movement. It can be used for multiple different reasons, for example;
- A system that has headmates with different attractions
- A multigendered person who might identify as both a man and a woman at the same time
- A person who likes multiple genders (such as women and nonbinary identities) and uses the label to explain general area of attraction
- A person who is abrosexual - meaning they have a fluid attraction / sexuality, and might use Bisexual Lesbian to show the two labels they are fluid between
- Just because someone feels like it
And more!
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So I'm gonna talk about an au that's been rattling around in my noggin. So if you've ever seen The Colony from the discovery channel, it has been loosely inspired by that.
My thought: What if life series people in a non-zombie apocalypse.
So in The Colony the premise is that these people need to survive in world after a pandemic has caused society to collapse.
The main goal in The Colony is that they learn how to survive in a post apocalypse together. They build water collection systems and deal with raiders and the like. The contestants/survivors are let loose into an area that looks like it belongs in an apocalypse film.
They have a main base which has been like a warehouse or an abandoned apartment building. My proposal for the life series players is that they live in a mall. The mall I have picked is the Desert Sky Mall in Arizona.
So I think their arrival times is pretty staggered but I have a list of the order in which they arrive as well as what professions they have. (This is a real world type of au after all)
Grian - Architect
Martyn - Paramedic (Arrived 1 Week Later)
Big B - Baker (Arrived 1 Week Later)
Impulse - Mechanic (Arrived 3 Weeks Later)
Skizz - Nurse (Arrived 3 Weeks Later)
Tango - Electrician (Arrived 3 Weeks Later)
Scar - Pilot (Arrived 4 Weeks Later)
Jimmy - Physical Therapist (Arrived 6 Weeks Later)
Scott - Bartender (Arrived 6 Weeks Later)
Cleo - Teacher (Arrived 7 Weeks Later)
Bdubs - Horseback Guide (Arrived 7 Weeks Later)
Etho - Ethical Hacker (Arrived 7 Weeks Later)
Ren - Landscaper (Arrived 8 Weeks Later)
Pearl - Janitor (Arrived 9 Weeks Later)
Mumbo - Web Developer (Arrived 9 Weeks Later)
Joel - Ski Instructor (Arrived 11 Weeks Later)
Lizzie - Veterinarian (Arrived 11 Weeks Later)
Gem - Florist (Arrived 15 Weeks Later)
I do think that Joel and Lizzie showed up with like three or four dogs and Pearl showed up with Tilly and her cat, Froggy. Bdubs, Cleo, and Etho all show up on horseback.
So my loose plan of how base renovation would go is as follows:
Check the building for structural issues
Resolves any structural issues
Second more thorough go through for anything missed/not as immediately necessary issues
Clear out any waste that could cause health problems
Create a plan for organization (what rooms are for, etc.)
Start picking out anything/everything useful
Work on sustainable food/water
Set up living quarters
That is all I have for now!
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't realise that was a sore spot...
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"Well, if it's any consolation, I'm not really upset..."
"Which is upsetting in and of itself..."
"Or at least, I know that I should feel this way...But I don't..."
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"Having to guess all the time how I'm supposed to react to things... Knowing I should feel a certain way but there's not actually anything there... Do you see why I get kind of tired sometimes?"
"It's not your fault, anyway... It's my psionics that are broken."
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ask-kid-icarus · 5 months
hi pit and dark pit! youre both awesome. also i have an overwhelming urge to call dark pit 'punt' but i will not since i dont want him to punt me into the stratosphere /lh
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"Good choice."
'Punt' has been added to the list of Pittoo Nicknames.
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icarusinstatic · 2 years
Wait eddie master of the upside down eith consort steve... does that.. do you have a link? 👀 are you writing it? How do i hype the shit out of this plan? 😳
Oh I’m sorta headcannoning it. I may or may have a rough outline. Might have to put up a bit more on it later tonight after I finish cooking dinner though if y’all are interested. 🤔
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qualquercoisa945 · 2 years
song: downtown blues by ben below feat. rachel l hughes
lyric: one winter you're an over achiever, next spring you're just another deceiver
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nikiferous · 7 days
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so happy to see you i could kiss you (i am going insane over them)
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icarusmutrpc · 1 year
tag time
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fagtainsparklez · 1 month
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who on the sdmp
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limielle · 4 months
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moodboards945 · 2 years
Do you have a format for requests/what should be put on a request?
not really? just give me a theme, color scheme, that sort of thing!! i won't do nsfw stuff but that's the only thing i can think of that puts a limit on what you can request, though i might add onto that
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icarusxxrising · 10 months
Do you have any advice for making patches for a battle jacket? I want to make a large trans rights backpatch but I don’t really know where to start.
You've got a couple options you can look into! I've only really made small patches so I can't give you an exact answer, BUT
You can get some acrylic or fabric paint and some paint brushes and paint it on yourself! Good for a messy look.
You can make a stencil out of paper / cardboard / plastic etc. (some people even 3D print stencils), and you can use fabric spray paint to go over it or you can, again, use brushes to paint inside the stencil yourself. I've used this and it's a great option! Sometimes causes mess if the stencil isn't pressed down correctly or if you use too much paint and it pools, but with some practice you can get clean lines.
The cleanest option, you can look into screen printing. This is how most shirts are made. There's tutorials on YouTube that will walk you through supplies you need and if it's something that matters, you can get vegan printing inks that are water based (They're great quality too!). This will definitely give the cleanest stencil cut design but requires more supplies than just painting.
Good luck with that patch!! :]
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🎧 please?
"But damn their eyes, if I must die At least I can do it on my feet"
from No Happy Ending by The Mechanisms
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
Oh, no, it's okay, you don't need to put up an act or anything, I just thought you seemed a little uncomfortable is all.
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"Do you know how many fucking times I've heard that?"
" 'Oh, you don't have to pretend'."
"And then the same person always asks me if I'm feeling okay, if I'm having fun or not, because I seem upset or bored or tired..."
"I guess it's because I can act so well that people conveniently forget that I don't really feel anything..."
"But no one wants to hang around someone who seems depressed all the time..."
"So...Yes. I do have to put up an act."
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fangswbenefits · 5 months
why did you name your cat Icarus?
love your writing 🙆🏾‍♀️
When I adopted him, the lady who used to look after him told me he would always be sunbathing. He adores the sun. He'd rather soak in it than eat treats 🫂 it just made sense 🩷 here he is
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