#ice prince/the skater with passion
Have you ever wanted to f*ck someone who's taller than you? I'm sure some of you had, right?~
(Izuku, Yuuri, Edon, Edward and Ethan) (Sinday ask)
Izuku, Yuuri, Edon, Edward, And Ethan looks at the anon who sent the question but their faces burned red knowing the answer. Though, they only give some nods saying yeah they did. Or badly.
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en-dazed · 1 year
eternal ice - park sunghoon
PAIRINGS: Sunghoon x reader
GENRE: enemies to lovers, figure skater! sunghoon and reader, angst, fluff at the end
PROMPT: in which you have to skate with sunghoon for a competition but end up getting injured together
WORD COUNT: 9105 words
WARNINGS: one scene in which the reader gets harassed kinda and mentions of (vague) injuries but it’s not detailed
A/N: let me know if you enjoyed this and if you want more <3
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You were always first place. 
You were a perfectionist, painfully so. Good enough was not quite ever enough and second place couldn’t even compare to being first. In your mind, second place was the same as saying that you had failed. So you had always strived for first place - and been it too until the arrival of Park Sunghoon, the bane of your existence. Suddenly you were second, good at what you did but not the best. 
Park Sunghoon was hailed as a prodigy. ‘Ice Prince’, they called him. You scoffed at the idea of it. You had been skating for longer than he had, taken part in more competitions than he had. But as your coach had so harshly pointed out one day at practice, Sunghoon had won way more medals than you. 
“Y/N you’re glaring again.” Your coach, Jiyeon pointed out as you watched the boy you hated the most perform his routine on the ice. Sunghoon was good at what he did, you begrudgingly admitted to yourself. He was breathtaking to watch, gliding on the ice as if he was part of it. You hated him even more for being so perfect. 
You huffed in frustration, tearing your eyes away from Park Sunghoon's mesmerising performance. "I can't help it, Jiyeon," you muttered. "He's always stealing the spotlight."
Jiyeon rolled her eyes at you, used to your never ending rants about the boy who had overtaken you. “Maybe you would be in the spotlight too if you took this as a lesson and learned from him.”
You shot her a sceptical look. “Learn from him? I don’t need to learn anything from him. All I need to do is beat his ass in the upcoming competitions.” There was a fire in your voice, lit by your hatred and passion. 
Jiyeon sighed, her eyes filled with a mix of frustration and determination. "Y/N, listen to me. Hatred and rivalry will only take you so far. If you want to truly surpass Park Sunghoon, you need to find a way to grow as a skater, not just compete against him."
She stepped closer, her voice gentle yet firm. "You need to break free from the confines of your comfort zone. Push yourself beyond your limits. Take risks, explore new techniques, and infuse your performances with your own unique style."
You hesitated, considering her words. Jiyeon had always been a guiding force in your skating journey, and her advice had never led you astray before. Perhaps it was time to heed her guidance and embrace a new approach. 
“What do you suggest I do then?” You asked sincerely. 
Jiyeon grinned, a mischievous look on her face that made you suspicious. “You’ll see,” She made her way out of the audience, moving towards the exit. “Don’t forget your pair skating practice tomorrow!” She yelled out before leaving. 
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Your pair skate was with a guy you met only once, some Lee Chan that had taken part only in domestic competitions so far. He was good at skating - great even, but he lacked confidence. You had one day of practice with him already and he had been so nervous and shy around you that you almost got frustrated with him. 
But as Jiyeon had reminded you, it was his first ever pair skate and his first ever international competition as well. 
“Cut the boy some slack, he just needs more practice to build up his confidence,” Jiyeon had scolded you. “You were like him too once.”
You knew she was right but you couldn’t help but dread the long day ahead as you laced up your skates, waiting for both Jiyeon and Chan to show up. 
But when the doors of the skate rink opened and Jiyeon came in, she was not followed by Chan but by Park Sunghoon. 
The familiar anger bubbled up in your stomach at the sight of Sunghoon and you shot a pointed look at Jiyeon. 
“What’s he doing here?” Your voice came out much more harshly than you had intended it to. 
Jiyeon gave you a look that you knew all too well. Behave yourself. 
“Sunghoon is going to be your new partner for the routine.” Jiyeon explained and you were sure your ears were playing tricks on you because there’s no way she had said that right? 
“But what happened to Chan?” You asked, not quite sure you knew exactly what was going on. 
Jiyeon sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Chan stepped down. Seems like he’s not quite ready to go international yet. Sunghoon was chosen as your replacement.”
A whirlwind of emotions passed through you - confusion, frustration and apprehension. The idea of skating with Park Sunghoon had never crossed your mind. You had accepted his presence on ice but the thought of skating with him in an international competition? You thought you were going to faint. 
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” Sunghoon finally spoke up, extending his hand out to you. You were startled at his voice and it was then you realised that you had never even had a conversation with him before. 
You wordlessly took the hand he had given you, shaking it once before dropping it as if he had burned you. Taking a deep breath, you swallowed your pride and tried to find the silver lining in the unexpected turn of events. Perhaps this could be a chance for growth, the chance to take risks and push yourself as Jiyeon had told you to do so. 
You would go into this with an open mind. 
… or perhaps you wouldn’t. 
“Y/N! That’s the third time you’ve messed up that move! Get it together.” Jiyeon snapped at you from across the rink as you glided to a stop beside Sunghoon. 
You clenched your fists, feeling the sting of Jiyeon's words. She was right; you were off your game. The frustration of having Park Sunghoon as your partner was getting to you.
Taking a deep breath, you locked eyes with Sunghoon. To his credit, he hadn’t said a single word every time you messed up. Sunghoon was annoyingly nice about your shortcomings and you hated it. 
“Let's try it again," you said, your voice firm but devoid of the previous hostility. You pushed aside your animosity and focused on the ice beneath your feet, on the rhythm and flow that connected you both.
As the music began, you and Sunghoon launched into the routine. It started tentatively, with small missteps and slight imbalances. But you powered through until you got to the climax, the part that you kept messing up over and over again. The part where you had to trust Sunghoon to lift you into the air and rotate while holding you in place. You had done it before and it wasn’t anything that you couldn’t execute. It was your partner that had you so unnerved that you couldn’t attempt the lift and had changed the move instead, every time you had practised. 
You took a deep breath before you skated towards Sunghoon, fully preparing yourself to be lifted. You would make it, you would make it, you… wouldn’t make it. Halfway through you hesitated for just a second. A second of hesitance that threw off your timing. A second of hesitance that threw off Sunghoon as well. 
As the lift faltered, panic surged through your veins. You felt yourself losing balance, the ground coming closer with each passing moment. Instinctively, Sunghoon's arms tightened around you, trying to regain control, but it was too late. You crashed onto the ice with a thud, the impact jarring your entire body. 
Pain shot through your limbs, and for a moment, everything went silent. You could hear your own ragged breaths and a loud scream as Jiyeon hurriedly skated towards you both. 
“Are you both okay?” Those were the words that made you realise you were lying on top of Sunghoon. 
Your eyes widened in shock as you quickly scrambled to push yourself off of Sunghoon, the weight of the situation sinking in. The sudden movement caused a sharp pain to go through your leg and the panic that set in was immediate. 
“Jiyeon my leg…” You said at the same time as Sunghoon groaned in pain, clutching his arm. 
Jiyeon knelt down beside you, her eyes filled with concern as she assessed the situation. "Stay still, both of you. I think we have to call the medical team for help.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress the wave of pain that shot through your leg. Sunghoon winced, his arm visibly injured. Jiyeon left, rushing to her phone to make the call.
Sunghoon didn’t say a single word, the both of you sitting on the ice in silence. 
Until - “How do you mess up such a simple lift?” Sunghoon was angry. 
You felt the same anger bubble up in you. “Me?! You were the one that dropped me!”
Sunghoon's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his jaw tightly. "If you had trusted me and followed through with the lift instead of hesitating, we wouldn't be in this situation."
His words stung, fueling your frustration further. "You expect me to trust someone I barely know? You think I'm just supposed to put my life in your hands without hesitation?” You crossed your arms in vexation. “Some gold medal winner you are.” You muttered under your breath. 
From the corner of your eyes you saw Sunghoon react, the annoyance in his eyes as he looked at you but you didn’t get to hear what he had to say. The medical staff burst in at that moment, distracting you both momentarily as they attended to your injuries. 
For a moment you both forgot your irritation at each other. 
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Whatever the doctor had said after he had dropped the bomb on you went over your head. You listened absentmindedly before you interrupted him. 
“Did you say four weeks? As in one month?” Your voice was desperate. 
The doctor nodded sympathetically, understanding the shock and disappointment that washed over you. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Given the extent of the injuries and the need for proper healing and rehabilitation, it would be best for both of you to refrain from any intense physical activity, including skating, for at least four weeks."
You felt a sinking feeling in your chest. Four weeks seemed like an eternity, especially considering the international competition that was looming so close. The competition was in two months time and cutting out one whole month of practice - evidently much needed practice, from how disastrous today had gone - could be the difference between a win and a loss. 
The doctor continued as if he hadn’t just thrown you into emotional turmoil. “Now, I gave the same advice to your partner. We have some excellent physical therapists in this hospital and I recommend that the both of you go everyday until you regain strength in your muscles. It should help you heal faster as well so from how I see it, you should be able to go back to skating after a month.”
At the mention of Sunghoon, guilt washed over you. You knew that it was because of you that he had gotten injured. You knew that if you had not messed up the timing, he would’ve caught you. It was the guilt that had you asking the doctor how Sunghoon was doing. 
The doctor smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, your partner is fine. No broken bones and nothing that can't be fixed without some perseverance. It's not serious but physical therapy is still required.” 
Relief flooded through you as you heard that Sunghoon's injuries weren't severe. It wasn’t that you were worried about him. You just couldn’t have him breaking a bone be on your conscience. 
The relief was short-lived. You slowly processed the doctor's words. “Wait. Are you saying we have to go to physical therapy together?” You asked, hoping beyond hope that the answer was no. 
Unfortunately the doctor seemed determined to not give you any good news today because he nodded at your question. “We have one physical therapist who specialises in rehabilitating athletes. Your appointments will be with him together.” 
You felt a mix of emotions as the reality sunk in. You would be going to physical therapy with Sunghoon, everyday for a month. For a month, you were stuck with someone you couldn’t stand and you knew the feelings were mutual from the way he had glared at you in the hospital waiting room. 
Jiyeon wasn’t very sympathetic. 
“This wouldn’t have happened if you two just learned to work together.” 
You sighed as she scolded you throughout the whole drive home. 
“I mean, is it so difficult to just be professionals about this? You two have been competing professionally for years now. Act like it!” 
You decided to pretend you couldn’t hear her. 
“Y/N are you even listening to me?” Jiyeon was getting more annoyed by the second. 
Jiyeon's voice grew more exasperated as she repeated your name, but you continued to stare out of the car window, lost in your own world. 
Jiyeon soon gave up, an irritated look on her face as she drove. You felt bad but you really didn’t want to discuss this with her. You were already kicking yourself over how things had turned out and you didn’t need Jiyeon to tell you that the both of you getting injured was quite honestly, your fault. You closed your eyes, dread filling you at the thought of your joint appointment with Sunghoon tomorrow. 
So much for going into this with an open mind. 
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When you went into the waiting room for your appointment the next day, hobbling along on crutches, Sunghoon was already there. His arm was in a sling and his expression was unreadable as he looked at you. It unnerved you so you decided to ignore him. 
Taking a seat at a distance, you occupied yourself with a magazine, feigning interest in its contents while stealing occasional glances at Sunghoon. You could sense his gaze on you, but you refused to meet it, afraid of what you might find within those eyes.
The physical therapist, a Mr. Kim, greeted you both as soon as he entered. Once in the treatment room, he outlined a series of stretching and strengthening activities that would aid in your recovery. As he explained, you couldn't help but steal occasional glances at Sunghoon, who seemed equally determined to avoid eye contact.
If Mr. Kim noticed the tension between you both, he didn’t mention it. The both of you began your exercises in separate corners of the room, determined to get through the day without acknowledging each other. You tried to focus on your own movements, trying to shut out the presence of Sunghoon. 
“There you go,” Mr. Kim smiled delightedly as you correctly completed the exercise he had set out for you. “You’re both getting the hang of it now. I have to step out for a little bit but help each other and take turns doing the exercises - don’t overdo it, you need rest as well.” 
As Mr. Kim stepped out of the room, leaving you and Sunghoon alone, an awkward silence filled the air. It was clear that neither of you wanted to be the first to break it. You took a deep breath, considering your options. Despite the tension, Mr. Kim's words lingered in your mind — "help each other."
Swallowing your pride, you decided to take the initiative. "Sunghoon, why don't we alternate doing the exercises? It might make the session go by faster," you suggested, keeping your voice as neutral as possible.
He didn’t even look at you when you spoke and you were slightly annoyed at how he ignored you but then - he moved closer to you. He nodded without looking and even when he spoke, his eyes were on the walls. “Sure.”
His guarded voice puts you on edge as well. But despite the tense situation you decided that you weren’t going to let Park Sunghoon let your recovery slow down so you decided to start your own set as Sunghoon watched wordlessly. 
The exercise Mr. Kim had taught you required you to stand, which was now a difficult task for you. There was a mild pain in your leg as you moved and you bit your lip to hold in a whimper of pain. You couldn’t show weakness in front of Sunghoon. 
Your efforts were futile, however, when a wrong misstep caused a sharp pain to go through your leg and you lost your balance. You let out a surprised shout and your eyes closed as you braced for impact but none came. Instead, you were suddenly aware of an arm wrapped around your waist, that was holding you up and keeping you steady. 
You opened your eyes to find Sunghoon standing close to you, his uninjured arm securely supporting you. His face remained impassive, but you couldn't deny the concern that flickered in his eyes.
"Steady now," he murmured, his voice surprisingly gentle.
You felt the back of your neck heat up in embarrassment. A whispered thank you escaped your lips as you pushed his arm away, slowly balancing yourself once more. For a minute, the tension between the both of you seemed to dissipate. You found yourself wondering if he truly wasn’t all that bad…
“I told you I can catch you.” 
Sunghoon’s words were meant to get on your nerves and it did. When Mr. Kim came back not long after, you were both once more on opposite sides of the room. 
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Before you knew it, three weeks of your physical therapy was up. You could feel your muscles getting stronger, the pain decreasing little by little. You had abandoned the crutches at the start of the third week and could now walk with little to no pain. Mr. Kim had been ecstatic at the progress that you made. 
Since the first appointment you hadn’t talked to Sunghoon. You arrived at your appointments at the same time as him and yet you kept to yourself. Neither of you bothered to acknowledge each other and Mr. Kim long gave up trying to get the both of you to work together. In the back of your mind you knew that you would have to practise with Sunghoon again eventually. But eventually can wait because for now, you had no interest in talking to Sunghoon. 
Not talking to him didn’t mean that you didn’t observe him. 
At times when Sunghoon was too focused on his exercises, your eyes would wander to him in curiosity. You weren’t interested in him, you told yourself. You still had some guilt over the accident and you just wanted to make sure he was making as much progress as you were. Unfortunately, it was clear that Sunghoon was struggling. 
“Okay, let’s take a break now, shall we?” Mr. Kim stopped Sunghoon in the middle of his set and from the corner of your eyes you saw the way his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration. He clenched his arms and looked at it, the defeat on his face evident. Mr. Kim contined to talk - something about how it takes time to build up your strength and that he shouldn’t get discouraged. You were sure Sunghoon didn’t hear a word of what he said. 
When the session ended you rushed out, eager to get home. Luck didn’t seem to be on your side, however, for sometime in between when you had come in for your appointment and the end of it, a torrential downpour had started. As you stepped outside the rehabilitation center, the heavy rain greeted you, drenching everything in its path.
You cursed yourself for not remembering to bring an umbrella despite your mother’s warnings that it might rain today. Getting wet and walking in the rain in discomfort was not very appealing to you so you stood in the shelter of the building, watching the skies and hoping that it would clear up soon. 
You were there for a good five minutes before Sunghoon stepped out. His face was still etched with the frustration of the day and his expression turned even darker at the sight of the rain - or was it at you?
He didn’t say a word as he approached you and you noticed an umbrella in his hand. Sunghoon was clearly smarter than you to have thought ahead. You watched as he struggled to open the umbrella will one hand, occasionally trying to use his injured hand as well but giving up when he just couldn’t muster up the strength. You watched for just a second longer before you sighed. 
“Give me that.” 
Sunghoon seemed startled at your voice and maybe it was the shock that you had actually talked to him that made him let you take the umbrella from his hands. With a swift motion, you popped it open and handed it back to him. 
He took it from you with a whispered thanks and looked at the path in front of him. You expected him to leave but he didn’t. He stood next to you with an expression on his face that you didn’t recognize. He seemed to contemplate for a while before he spoke to you. 
“Are you waiting for someone?”
You shook your head no. 
A pause. 
“ Would you like to share the umbrella with me?”
It was a simple offer, a gesture that you wouldn’t think much of if someone else had offered it to you. But this was Park Sunghoon, someone who hated you and you hated in return. You should’ve said no. 
And yet, when he stepped out into the rain and waited for you to follow him - you did. 
As the two of you walked under the umbrella, a silence settled between you once again. The pitter-patter of raindrops against the umbrella created a soothing rhythm, creating a momentary respite from the outside world. You could feel Sunghoon's eyes on you, his unreadable gaze shifting between the rain-soaked surroundings and your face.
"I... I didn't expect you to help," he finally spoke, his voice laced with surprise and a hint of gratitude. 
“Why? I’m not that heartless.”
“You don’t like me.” 
He said it as if it was a fact and for a split second you felt ashamed at how you had treated him. 
“I’m sorry,” You muttered. “For your injury and for… messing up the lift.”
Sunghoon glanced at you, his expression softening slightly. "It's not entirely your fault. We both made mistakes," he replied, his voice tinged with something you didn’t quite understand. 
As the rain continued to pour, the weight of the past seemed to hang in the air between you. The tension that had once defined your interactions slowly gave way to a fragile connection, as if the shared vulnerability brought about by the accident had opened a door for empathy and forgiveness.
"I was angry," Sunghoon admitted, his voice filled with honesty. “We met for the first time and you looked at me as if you wanted me dead. You looked at me as if you would rather do anything other than have me be your partner,” A laugh escaped him, devoid of any emotion. “Am I really that bad of a skater?”
His question threw you off. 
“No,” You answered honestly. “It was never about that. I just…”
The shame that had welled up in you was now threatening to spill over. You didn’t really have a good reason to hate him. In all honesty, Sunghoon had never done anything wrong. 
Sunghoon was silent before he spoke again. “I respected you, you know. I thought you were one of the best figure skaters in the world. I looked up to you.”
“But then you treated me like I was beneath you and it felt like the image I had of you shattered. You couldn’t even trust me to lift you, such a simple move and we crashed instead.”
You listened to Sunghoon's words, his voice heavy with disappointment and hurt. His perspective shed light on a side of the story you hadn't fully considered before. Your own preconceptions of him had clouded your judgement when you met him and now, you weren’t quite sure if your judgement had been correct. 
"I'm sorry," you said again, your voice sincere. 
“Before you showed up I would win the gold at every competition. Every tournament, every performance, every single time. I loved it. I loved the feeling of being a star. I loved the feeling of being number one. But then you came.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you spoke. 
“Suddenly it was Park Sunghoon that would win the gold at every competition. I was now silver. You shone brighter than me and something in me cracked at the thought that you could take away something I had worked so hard for in such a short instance.” Your voice was laced with vulnerability. 
You couldn’t understand why you were telling him all of this. At the end of the day, Sunghoon was your competitor, your rival. But here you were, pouring your heart out for him as if he would understand. From the look on his face, you had a feeling that he did understand. 
“I never meant to take anything away from you.”
“I know.” 
And that was it. You couldn’t help the regret that enveloped you. How could you have treated him so badly when he didn’t even do anything wrong? When his only crime was chasing his own dreams?
“Your leg is better.” His words interrupted your thoughts. 
“Yeah. Mr. Kim said I made a lot of progress.” You couldn’t help the smile that escaped you, proud of the work that you had put in. Sunghoon noticed it. Absent-mindedly, he thought that you should smile more often. He kept that thought to himself. 
“What about you?” You asked him, something akin to pity in your eyes. 
Sunghoon clenched his jaw and you had a feeling that he didn’t want to talk about it. Even now, his injured arm lay limp at his side. You noticed how he would move his fingers occasionally, clenching and unclenching his fist. You were about to tell him that he didn’t have to answer. It was alright, recovery takes time, you were going to tell him. But he spoke before you could. 
“I feel like I’m stuck,” He was looking at his arm now. “I tried so hard. I did everything they asked. I followed what Mr. Kim said, exactly the way he said. But for some reason, I just can’t seem to go back to the way I was before. I managed to get the sling off but I haven’t made any progress since and I’m not even sure if I can do the pair skate at this rate.”
The weight of his words hung in the air and you felt empathy for the boy building up in you - an emotion you didn’t think you would ever feel for him. 
“You can’t give up.” You surprised yourself with what you said. “We have to do the pair skate together. If we do it together then I’m sure we’ll win.” 
You stopped suddenly and Sunghoon followed, not wanting to let the rain pour over you. He was shocked, you could tell. 
“If I have to do this with someone else and I get second place again, I will personally make sure that you break your other arm as well.” You said fiercely. 
Sunghoon's eyes widened at your sudden determination and the intensity in your words. He stared at you, speechless for a moment, before a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
“Alright," he said, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. "Let's do it together then. Let's win that gold. And if we don’t then I’ll personally let you break both of my arms.”
Something had shifted between you two. As if the rain had somehow washed away your resentment for each other, drop by drop, you found yourself looking forward to working with Sunghoon. 
Slowly, you walked side by side under the shelter of the umbrella, shoulders touching occasionally but you didn’t seem to mind. 
“By the way… where do you live?”
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You took Mr. Kim by surprise when, at your next appointment, you offered to help Sunghoon with his set. Fortunately, he didn’t say anything, simply choosing to move away to let you stand next to Sunghoon instead. 
Sunghoon lets you correct his posture. He lets you time him, he lets you support him. You even provided encouragement to him when he seemed to falter. The tension between you two had given way to a growing sense of cooperation and trust. 
When he messed up, you didn’t make a snarky remark like you would’ve before. During one particular exercise, you gently touched Sunghoon's injured arm to assist him in maintaining proper form. He didn't pull away or protest. The animosity that once filled the air between you seemed to dissipate, replaced by a shared focus on Sunghoon's recovery.
Mr. Kim clapped his hands in delight when the session was over, remarking on how well the both of you had done that day. 
“Thank you,” Sunghoon had given you a genuine smile as you both went outside together. “I honestly feel as if today was more effective than these three weeks all together.” He admitted. 
“Don’t mention it, Park,” You smiled back at him in response. “We still have a competition to win.”
In the following days you continued to support each other’s development. Sunghoon’s determination remained unwavering, fueled by your encouragement and a desire to skate together with you, just as you had said. 
And soon, before you knew it, the last week was up. 
“Alright! You guys have done exceptionally well,” Mr. Kim praised you both at the end of your last session. “Especially you, Sunghoon. You made such a dramatic improvement in the last week. I’m honestly very impressed.”
His words brought a smile to Sunghoon’s face and even you felt a glimmer of pride. Sunghoon really had stepped up last week and within just a few days, he had regained control of the arm that he could barely use just a week ago. You had no doubt that he would be able to lift you with his now fully functional arm. 
“We should celebrate.” Sunghoon said, as the both of you walked home together. It had become routine for the last few days, once the both of you had realised that you lived quite close by. If someone had told you a year ago that you would be walking home with Sunghoon and actually enjoying it, you would’ve laughed in their face. But lately, you came to realise that you actually liked his presence. 
“Celebrate what?”
“The end of our physical therapy. We can go back to skating now, Y/N. Aren’t you excited?” 
You smiled - his enthusiasm felt contagious. You came to know that Sunghoon really really loved skating. You both had a special place in your heart for it and you admired his drive for it. 
“I am excited. But maybe we should perfect our routine before we start to celebrate. We have only one month left.” You were already stressed just thinking about it. 
“Alright then,” Sunghoon smiled mischievously. “If we can perfect that lift before the competition then you have to promise me that you’ll go get ice cream with me as a celebration.”
You laughed. “Only the lift? What about when we win the competition?” 
Sunghoon’s was confident when he replied. “We don’t need an incentive for the competition. We will win.”
Something about his confidence made your heart skip a beat. Were you sick? You chose to ignore it. 
Except, your heart didn’t stop acting up. 
The next time your heart skipped a beat would be at your first practice after recovery. When you walked in, you noticed that Sunghoon had arrived before you and was already on the ice. You almost called out to him. Almost. 
Something made you stop and watch in wonder as he skated around the rink, lost in the motions and graceful movements. The way he glided effortlessly, his focus solely on the ice beneath his skates, captivated you. But it was his face that truly mesmerised you. At all the performances you had seen Sunghoon at, you focused on his movements. You judged his performance, the way he slid across the ice, his twists and turns. You had never looked at his face. Watching him now, you wished that you had looked at him sooner. 
Sunghoon looked serene. He looked every bit like the ice prince that they called him - he looked ethereal. The look on his face was one of peace, of true love for the ice and pure joy to be skating. And as you watched, you felt it happen again. 
Your heart skipped another beat. 
You told yourself you were imagining it. Perhaps the skate rink was much too cold. Perhaps you were starting to get sick. Maybe you were about to get a heart attack. You came up with any and every excuse you could for why your heart kept skipping beats when Sunghoon was around. 
The fluttering in your chest didn’t stop. In fact, when Jiyeon finally came and your practice together started, it got worse. The day you had both gotten injured, you had been so caught up in your own emotions that you haven't paid much attention to Sunghoon. Now, he was the only thing that you could focus on. 
He skated with a purpose, becoming one with the ice and the music. When he skated next to you, you became entranced. Sunghoon looked at you as if you were the only person in the world. The chemistry was undeniable. You complemented each other’s movements as if you could read the other's mind. The world melted away and it was just you and Sunghoon and the ice. 
The music built up, the climax approaching. This time you didn’t hesitate. When you leaped into the air with Sunghoon holding you up, you felt free. Sunghoon held onto you tightly. You had no doubt that he would. 
He lowered you down, your legs wrapped around his waist and for a split second you allowed yourself to look into his eyes. In that moment you felt your heart flutter once more. The realisation hits you like a tidal wave—your heart skipping beats was not a coincidence or a figment of your imagination. Your heart really and truly was skipping beats for Park Sunghoon. 
There was something in his eyes that you couldn’t read, a fierceness that surprised you. When the music faded and you both came to a graceful halt, the silence that followed was charged with a newfound tension. He was staring at you with an intensity that made you feel like you would melt under his gaze. 
When Jiyeon approached, she broke the spell that had enveloped you both. 
“You did great! I’m surprised that that was just the first practice,” Jiyeon was beaming from ear to ear. “I didn’t think we’d be able to bounce back from that horrible start but I’m glad you two managed to work it out. Your chemistry together is incredible!”
You found yourself blushing at her words. If you had looked, you would’ve seen that even Sunghoon had turned red. 
“Thanks, Jiyeon," you managed to say, your voice slightly shaky. "We've been working really hard."
Jiyeon nodded enthusiastically. "It definitely shows. I have a good feeling about our chances in the competition."
You ran through the routine a couple times more before the day ended. You tried not to look into Sunghoon’s eyes in case you faltered again. So when he approached you at the end of the practice, you avoided his eyes once more. 
“Y/N,” He ran up to you as you walked towards the door. The only response you could muster was a silent ‘hmm’. 
“We did the lift today. You promised that we could get ice cream.” He grinned at you. 
You felt your stomach churn at the idea of more time with Sunghoon. You didn’t quite understand the new feelings that seemed to bubble up whenever he was around and you didn’t want to understand it. 
So you shook your head no. “I can’t. I'm too tired now.” 
And before Sunghoon could react, you left. 
The next few weeks passed by in a blur. After the first practice, you made sure to keep your distance from Sunghoon. You didn’t like how your heart would react when he looked at you or the way it sped up when he would hold you during the routine. But you ignored it. You shoved down whatever feelings you had that you didn’t even have a name for, deep down where it wouldn’t surface again. 
You ignored Sunghoon. Whenever he attempted to make conversation you would reply shortly in a cold tone. You felt bad the first time you had walked away when Sunghoon had approached you to talk, the look on his face as you walked away leaving you wondering if this was really the best way to deal with it. But you didn’t know how to deal with it. At the end of the day, when the pair skate was over, you two would compete against each other once more. You couldn’t have your new found feelings - whatever they were - distract you from striving to overcome him. 
And in no time at all, the competition loomed over you. 
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Sunghoon had given up trying to talk to you. You expected to feel happy about it but a part of you felt… well, lonely. You had grown used to his presence throughout the two months you had spent together and despite knowing that it was you who had pushed him away, you couldn’t help feeling a bit dejected. 
It was especially lonely when you arrived at the competition held away from home, surrounded by people from all over the world. You were out of place here, a stranger. The only piece of home was Jiyeon and Sunghoon and one of those two people would no longer approach you. 
You tried to brush off the feeling, reminding yourself of your determination to focus solely on the competition. This was not the time to wallow in self pity. 
On the day of rehearsals, you came to the skate rink alone. You wore the outfit that Jiyeon had chosen, a brilliant midnight blue dress that sparkled like the stars. You knew Sunghoon had gotten a matching outfit but you hadn’t seen him wear it. 
As you laced up your skates you felt someone loom over you. 
“Hey, you’re really pretty. You’re in the pair skate aren’t you? I could help you practise if you want.”
You turned around, slightly startled by the unexpected voice. Standing before you was a young man, unfamiliar to you. You recognized him as one of the skaters from another country, a Daniel something. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” You gave him a tight lipped smile. You expected him to leave but the guy was persistent. 
“C’mon don’t be like that. I could help you out. In more ways than one.” The sleazy look he gave you made you shiver and panic welled up inside you. 
“I really don’t need any help.” You made an effort to keep your voice from shaking. 
The stranger's sleazy expression wavered for a moment, but he persisted, leaning in closer. "Come on, babe. I've got some great moves to show you. You won't regret it."
Your heart raced, and a surge of anxiety coursed through your veins. This was not the kind of attention you wanted or needed, especially in such a vulnerable setting. Taking a step back, you spoke more assertively, your voice tinged with a hint of warning.
“I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. Please respect my decision and leave me alone."
Just as you were growing increasingly anxious, a familiar voice called out from behind you. “She told you to beat it, Daniel.”
Sunghoon appeared from behind you, a protective arm wrapping around your shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world. At the sight of him, you felt a huge wave of relief wash over you. 
Daniel glanced between you and Sunghoon, something like realisation setting in. With a scoff, he muttered something under his breath and walked away, disappearing into the crowd.
As soon as he was gone, Sunghoon dropped the arm on your shoulder. You felt the absence immediately, the loss of the warmth making you shiver. 
“Thank you.” He gave you a curt nod in response. Sunghoon’s face was guarded. With a sinking feeling, you realised that him intervening did not mean that things were back to normal. 
“You don’t have to speak to me,” He cut you off. “It’s clear you don’t want anything to do with me so you don’t have to thank me. I only helped because I thought you needed it. I won’t bother you again.” His voice was cold. 
You felt a pang of regret as Sunghoon's words echoed in your ears. You reached out, wanting to explain, but he took a step back, his gaze avoiding yours.
“Sunghoon, please listen to me," you pleaded, your voice filled with sincerity. "I never wanted things to end up like this.
His smile was sarcastic. “That’s what you always say isn’t it? I didn’t mean it. It was never like that. I never wanted this. You say all that and for a moment it’s like you don’t mind my company, almost like you enjoy spending time with me. For just a moment I thought that you might even like me,” He let out a hollow laugh. “Guess I’m the fool because while I was falling for you, you were planning your escape from me.”
Sunghoon didn’t wait for a response. You weren’t even sure you could give a response. Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched Sunghoon turn away, his words piercing through your heart. The pain and hurt in his voice were unbearable, and you desperately wanted to reach out to him, to make him understand the truth.
But how could you explain something that even you didn't fully comprehend until now? How could you explain that he wasn’t the only one who had been falling?
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There were four hours left before the competition started and you were crying in your room. Jiyeon had waited outside your room for ages, knocking and begging you to open the door. Eventually, she had given up. You had promised her that you'd show up when the time came. That was all you could muster up the courage to tell her. 
Truthfully, you didn’t know how you could go through with it. To go out there and skate with Sunghoon as if nothing had happened, as if your heart wasn’t broken into pieces with no fault but your own. You hadn’t seen him since he had confessed. Not that you had even left your room since then. The tears that had started to fall back then seemed never-ending. You didn’t know that a person could cry so hard and that your heart could ache so much. 
As the time ticked away, you found yourself trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to find the strength to face the reality before you. Every passing minute felt like an eternity, and the weight of your actions weighed heavily on your heart.
The sound of a gentle knock on the door roused you from your thoughts. Jiyeon's voice reached you, muffled yet filled with concern. "Please, just open the door. We're running out of time, and I'm worried about you."
You ignored it. 
She begged you to open the door, begged you to tell her what was wrong but you didn’t budge. For a while, the sounds behind the door went silent and you wondered if Jiyeon had given up again. But then, another voice came through the door. 
“Open the door Y/N.”
You recognized the voice instantly and you felt yourself crumble just a little bit more. A part of you wanted to open the door, to see his face and find solace in his presence. But another part of you feared the pain and vulnerability that awaited on the other side. 
There was a pause before he spoke again, this time so quietly you could barely hear him. “Please.”
And your willpower was gone. You rose up from bed to open the door. It was only when the door swung open that you remembered you probably looked like a mess. Your tear- stained face, pyjamas that you didn’t have the strength to get out of and messy hair probably looked like a sight. It was a shock when you saw that Sunghoon didn’t look much better. 
Sunghoon looked dishevelled. His eyes were tired, surrounded by dark circles that rivalled your own. The pain and vulnerability reflected in his eyes mirrored your own, and in that instant, all the walls and barriers you had erected around yourself crumbled.
Without saying a word, Sunghoon stepped forward, closing the distance between you.
“What are you doing Y/N.” His voice was soft. 
You didn’t answer his question, not knowing what he was asking. 
He let out a shaky breath. “What are you doing to me?” He whispered. 
He reached out a trembling hand, his fingers grazing against your tear-stained cheek. The tender touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but lean into it, seeking comfort in his presence.
“One day you’re telling me that you wouldn’t do this routine with anyone other than me. Next, you’re ignoring me while I try to talk to you. You’re hot and cold and I never know what to expect from you.” 
He was pleading now. “Please tell me I didn’t imagine what I felt on the ice with you that day. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way.”
He took your hand in his, softly putting it over his heart. “I know you hate me Y/N. But can’t you see what you do to me?” 
His heart raced under your touch. His words cut through the silence, laying bare his confusion, pain, and longing. 
You felt the tears threatening to fall again. “Sunghoon, I don’t hate you. I mean, I did but I don’t now. I hate how you make me feel. I hate how my heart seems to float whenever you’re near me. I hate the way my stomach fills with butterflies when you’re around. I hate the way my breath quickens when you touch me. Most of all, I hate how vulnerable you make me.” Your voice wavered, and you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
Sunghoon's expression softened, his eyes filled with a mix of remorse and understanding. 
“I never wanted to hurt you.” He murmured. 
Your voice was barely audible when you continued. “You never did. I brought that upon myself. Despite how hard I tried to push you away, you’re always on my mind. It’s terrifying how much of my mind you had taken over in such a short period of time.” 
Sunghoon’s hands tightened around yours, still pressed to his chest. A silence settled between you two, heavy with emotion. 
“Y/N,” Sunghoon said softly. “When we win… can I kiss you?”
His question caught you off guard and you felt your heartbeat quicken. Under your hand, you could feel that Sunghoon’s heartbeat matched your rhythm. 
Wordlessly you nodded yes. That was all Sunghoon needed. He breathed a sigh of relief, a genuine smile now spreading on his face. 
“Go get ready. We have a competition to win.”
And for the first time since the rehearsal day, you smiled. 
Mercifully, Jiyeon didn’t ask you any questions when you finally emerged out of your room in your outfit. She didn’t even say anything when Sunghoon grabbed hold of your hand as you walked towards the skate rink (although she did raise her eyebrow at you). You were glad she didn’t ask you anything because you honestly didn’t know what to say. You didn’t even have the energy for it, the emotional turmoil of the past few days had tired you out. You wanted to save your energy for the competition. 
Sunghoon looked dazzling in his matching midnight blue outfit. You couldn’t help but peak glances at him, blushing when he caught you in the act. Sunghoon thought you looked gorgeous and didn’t hesitate to tell you so as well. 
The competition started on record time and in the blink of an eye, it was time for you and Sunghoon to skate. 
“Hey,” Sunghoon whispered to you before you both got on the ice. “I really really like you Y/N.” 
Your face was bright red when the spotlight shifted over to you and you mentally cursed Sunghoon for telling you that right before you had to be under the spotlight. You hoped the audience didn’t notice. 
The music soon started, the familiar notes that you had practised echoing through the place. As the music enveloped the rink, you and Sunghoon synchronised your movements, seamlessly gliding across the ice. The routine you had practised countless times now took on a new meaning, infused with the raw emotions and unspoken words that hung in the air between you.
With each graceful leap, each intricate spin, and each delicate touch, you poured your heart and soul into the performance. The audience watched in awe as the chemistry between you and Sunghoon radiated, a tangible connection that transcended the boundaries of the ice rink.
The routine progressed flawlessly, the tension and anticipation building as you approached the climax. The choreography seemed to reflect the journey of your relationship, with moments of tender closeness and fleeting glances that spoke volumes. The lift that you had once been so scared of, was performed flawlessly. The look in Sunghoon’s eyes as he held you was one of pure adoration and you wondered if you looked the same. 
As the final notes of the music echoed, you and Sunghoon stood face to face, breathing heavily but exhilarated. The crowd erupted into applause and you could swear you heard Jiyeon even through the loud crowd. 
With a mix of exhaustion and elation, you and Sunghoon skated off the ice, hand in hand, basking in the afterglow of the performance. As soon as you were off the ice you turned towards him. 
“I really really like you too Sunghoon.”
He grinned from ear to ear. “I know.”
As you both awaited the judges' scores, Jiyeon rushed over, her face beaming with pride. "That was incredible, you two! You completely captivated the audience! I'm so proud of you!"
You smiled at Jiyeon's words, grateful for her unwavering support. Sunghoon squeezed your hand, his eyes filled with admiration and affection.
Soon, you were both asked to return back to the ice. The scores were announced, and the tension reached its peak. 
“And the top scorers for the night and our gold medal winnders are… Y/N L/N and Park Sunghoon!”
A surge of emotions washed over you but before you could react to them, you felt an arm around your waist and suddenly you were pressed against Sunghoon. Before you could react, he pulled you closer, pushing his lips on yours. The touch of his lips on yours made a jolt of electricity travel through your body. Unconsciously, your hands moved to wrap around his neck, pushing him even closer to you. In the back of your head, you knew that the audience was going wild at the sudden act unfolding in front of them. At any other time, you would’ve been embarrassed. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you kissed Sunghoon with an urgency that surprised even yourself. 
When you finally parted, breathless and gazing into each other's eyes, the world around you came rushing back. The crowd's cheers and applause filled the air, reminding you that you were not alone in this moment of bliss. You felt the heat creeping up to your face as the commentator made a joke about the two lovebirds. But when Sunghoon grabbed your hand in his, none of the outside world mattered. 
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“Can you two stop making out for one second?” Jiyeon’s exasperated voice made you break away from Sunghoon. His arms remained wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 
Your rolled your eyes at Jiyeon. “Can’t I spend some time with my boyfriend when we’re taking a break?” You pouted. 
“Your break ended 15 minutes ago!”
You looked at the timer Jiyeon had set out on the floor. “Oops.”
You couldn't help but giggle at Jiyeon's exasperation, feeling a mix of amusement and embarrassment. Sunghoon's laughter only added to the lightheartedness of the moment.
“And you,” Jiyeon pointed at Sunghoon, shooting a glare at him. “Why are you here? Don’t forget you’re competing against her now, not with her. Stop distracting my protégé.” She complained. 
Sunghoon held up his hands in mock surrender, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Sorry, Jiyeon. I couldn’t resist coming to see my girlfriend. But I promise I won’t distract her any longer.”
You gave Sunghoon a playful nudge, trying to suppress your smile. "See, Jiyeon? He knows his place now."
Jiyeon rolled her eyes, though a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Fine, fine. Just make sure you're both focused when you step back on the ice. We have a competition to win."
“Not if I win it first.” Sunghoon escaped the playful punch you aimed at him, laughing out loud. 
“In your dreams Park. I won’t go easy on you just cause you’re cute.”
“You think I’m cute?” He teased. 
“Enough!” Jiyeon yelled, covering her eyes at the sight of you two flirting. 
Sunghoon gave you another quick kiss before he ran away laughing in joy. You basked in the glow of it all before Jiyeon barked at you to start practising again. 
When the music started you felt the familiar adrenaline rush through you. You started to glide, your determination renewed. Sunghoon may have been your boyfriend but you hadn’t been joking when you had told him you wouldn’t go easy on him. He knew it too. He wouldn’t expect anything less from his ice princess. 
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
one AU per ship
iwaoi- a prince and his royal knight/bff of a war-torn country who've known each other their entire lives. "fire forged bonds of trust and friendship" like obviously, these two were made for this AU. (they're begging for a military au but i'm not about that military romanticization so)
kenhina- i never shut up about it so you probably already know but gang AUs are honestly the best for them. Hinata's the newest member of Karasuno, Kenma's the mysterious right hand of Nekoma, sprinkle in some cases of misconstrued identities and you've finally got an AU that best translates the full weirdness of kenhina's besties/rivals/would kill each other for fun dynamic. Like I don't even go for this ship but i'm such a sucker for this.
daikuroo- idk how many of you were also around for my teen wolf phase but i'm giving these two my supernatural detective agency au, Daichi's the detective,Kuroo's a demon being hunted for a crime he didn't commit. It's a glorified cop/robber i know but i'm so attached to it. And Daichi is canonly a cop so...
Akaashi x Osamu (idk their ship name) - pygmalian and galatea but half the story's dedicated to the chaos that happens after galatea/akaashi comes to life. This is partially because akaashi is just that pretty and partially because I think that osamu as pygmalian shows off his intensity and passion and dedication which usually gets hefted on to atsumu in an attempt to make osamu "the cool aloof twin" (also if you don't know, the myth's basically that pygmalian is a sculptor who falls in love with his own statue and the goddess of love brings it to life for him)
Semi x Shirabu ice skating AU because pretty, steely Shirabu deserves to be an ice skater. They're rink mates but they're also rivals and Shirabu's the rising prodigy that Semi can't help but resent aka their canon dynamic OR, they're a pair- in an imaginary world where the ISU allows same sex skating pairs ofc- who still resent each other but are forced to work together.
Tendo x Suga - medical drama. This is a genre I don't personally watch but I think tendou and suga have the vibes for it.
Asanoya - Hades and Persephone. Like basic, yes but it works so well for them?? Canon Asahi is constantly misunderstood as this intimidating thug guy which translates so well to Hades and Noya's the persistent Persephone with a will strong enough to force the gods to heel. (also i think it's funny that asahi means "morning sun" and he lives somewhere where the sun never shines)
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New YOI fic: Beneath the Shine of a Thousand Spotlights
Chapter 1: The Grand Prix Final of Cinderella and the Beast
I waited until Viktor's birthday to post this. So happy birthday to the best fictional figure skating coach and my inspiration to get out of a slump and boldly pursue what I'm passionate about!
Twenty years of competitive figure skating have left Viktor Nikiforov burnt out and empty. No gold medals and broken world records can revive his passion for the sport. Viktor is tired of being reduced to his looks and skills by fans and acquaintances alike. Thoughts of retirement cross his mind when a drunken Japanese Cinderella dances into his life, stirring long-forgotten feelings. But that which sets his heart on fire also holds the power to throw Viktor into even deeper darkness.
This story covers the time from the GPF in Sochi to Viktor boarding a plane to Japan to become Yuuri’s coach.
“How do you feel having broken your world record in the free programme for the third time?”
“Where will you compete next?”
“Now that you’ve won the Grand Prix Final more often than every other skater in history, what is your next goal?”
“There have been rumours about you retiring. What are your thoughts on your future career? How will you reassure your fans?”
Viktor tucked his black necktie into the vest of his dark-grey three-piece suit and regarded himself in the mirror. As so often, his silver-blonde bangs exhibited a life on their own. He returned to the bathroom and fixed them with hair wax.
I wish I had known my hair would do this before I had it cut, he thought. Now, it’s too thin to let it grow long again.
He checked his mirror image one last time, then returned to the bedroom and picked up the dark grey blazer from the comforter. This day had been crammed with gala practice, interviews, gala, and more interviews he had braved with non-committal answers and his star-smile. Now, one final social function was left to attend, which he would brave with more star-smiles and non-committal answers until he could go home.
What people took for the beautiful and mysterious ice prince, was in truth a façade to hide the ugly beast lurking underneath that was keeping Viktor in a chokehold. Never give the press what they’re couching for. Information was power, and Viktor preferred to stay in control of what he wanted to reveal.
They’ve been talking about my retirement as if I’ve already announced it.
Suddenly, he was choking on the sadness that had been lurking at the edge of his mind during the competition. He had thought it was gone. Why was it back? After three days of competition, he had no energy left to deal with this.
Just two more hours. This is just to make an appearance. I don’t need to stay until the end. There will be champagne and music, and someone to hang out with.
But he was deluding himself. Attending a social function was just a different kind of performance. Being physically present was not enough. This was about cultivating acquaintances with other skaters. Just the thing to look forward to when a competition had drained you of the little energy you had scraped together to get through the event in the first place. It was expected of the Russian Hero even more than of any other skater, and Viktor hated to disappoint.
There was a knock on his door.
Taking a deep breath, Viktor composed himself. I kept myself together for a long weekend. I can manage another couple of hours.
“I’m coming!”
He opened the door and stared right into Chris’s grinning face.
“Curious. Your hair’s way too neat for this, Viktor dear.”
“That’s because you always come too early.”
Chris chuckled. “That’s my signature move.”
“Unmistakably and gorgeously.” Viktor eyed his friend in the black suit and the necktie that, for once, was chastely pulled tight. “You look fabulous.”
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sunshineandviolets · 11 months
tagging my ocs as dolls
y'all should've seen this coming tbh (under read more cause its a lot)
Rekha as Barbie (girlboss, top of the world, she's everything)
Raini as Bratz (passion for fashion, a diva )
Mai as Monster High (freaky, a lil weird, ghoul at heart)
Shanaya as Ever After High (believer in destiny, finding her story)
Crystal as Rainbow High (embracing her weirdness through art & design)
Nilam as Shadow High (alternative / dark aesthetic, opposite to xyrs sister)
Chandrika as Star Darlings (astrology kid lmao)
Asher as Polly Pocket (is tiny, chewable clothes, loves adventure)
Shivani as Project MC2 (Science enthusiast girly but make it cute)
Karthik as My Little Pony (friendship is magic, colourful persona)
Safiya as Littlest Pet Shop (Animal lover, also small)
Tulsi as Enchantimals (lives with nature, animal lover #2)
Rowan as Bratzillas (glam witchy girly )
Bliss as American Girl (history nerd, deep in the past)
Jasmine as Porcelain Dolls (underrated, fragile and handle with care)
Arielle as Lalaloopsy (taking old rags and sewing to create new fashions and loved items)
Aster as Hairdorables (loves to experiment with her hair, trying new styles)
Divya as Wild Hearts Crew (very punky, skater & artsy kid)
Reiko as My Scene (baby barbie girl)
Ananya as LOL OMG Surprise (older sister, dealing with unwanted surprises lmao )
Aditya as DC Superhero Girls (Savior complex, wanting to be seen as a hero)
Isabella as Hello Kitty (a cat person, cute and adorbs)
Autumn as Slyvanian Families (chill, calm vibes - loves the little creatures)
AJ as Pinkie Cooper (dog lover and pigtails girly, wishes to travel to explore the world more.)
Nicola as Mermaze Mermaids, Winter Waves (ice princess, lover for music)
Aleisha as Winx Club (normal girl ends up with new powers, fighting bad people )
Noah as Strawberry Shortcake (sweet dude who likes to bake)
Akira as Integrity Toys Dolls (elegant, expensive tastes, put together)
Cerise as Monster High Skullectors (dark aesthetic, horror vibes)
Minerva as Na Na Surprise (small, fuzzy, wild animal themed)
Kalin as Magic Mixies Dolls (whimsical magic vibes)
Naomi as Betty Spaghetty (messy side ponytail, long & lanky)
Rahul as Disney Dolls (literal disney prince vibes tbh)
Meera as Disney ILY 4 Ever (Disney fan, embroiders and customises outfits to suit her personality/interests.
Logan as Paper Dolls (always changing looks, new face, new name depends on the time & place)
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laresearchette · 2 years
Saturday, December 03, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT? CHRISTMAS ON CANDY CANE LANE (Premiering on December 16 on CTV Life at 7:00pm) THE HOLIDAY STOCKING (Premiering on December 10 on W Network on 6:00pm) RENO 911!: IT'S A WONDERFUL HEIST (TBD)
A WALTONS THANKSGIVING (Vision) 12:00am and 4:00pm: As the Walton family prepares for Thanksgiving and the annual Harvest Festival Fair, a young boy arrives to dramatically change their lives in ways they could have never imagined.
FIFA WORLD CUP SOCCER (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 9:45am: Round of 16: Netherlands vs. USA (TSN/TSN4) 1:45pm: Round of 16: Argentina vs. Australia (TSN3/TSN5) 5:30pm: Match of the Day
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 2:00pm: Ducks vs. Wild (SN) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Lightning (CBC/SN360) 7:00pm: Habs vs. Oilers (City/SN1) 7:00pm: Sharks vs. Sens (CBC/SNWest/SNOntario) 10:00pm: Capitals vs. Flames (SNPacific/SN1) 10:00pm: Coyotes vs. Canucks
NLL LACROSSE (TSN/TSN4) 5:00pm: Warriors vs. Rock
TIME FOR HIM TO COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (W Network) 6:00pm: Four days before Christmas, Elizabeth Athens receives a voicemail from a number she doesn't recognize. On the message, a man she doesn't know makes one final plea for the love of his life to give him a second chance.
MUCH ADO ABOUT CHRISTMAS (CTV2) 6:00pm:  After Haley Lloyd has been burned by countless suitors, it's refreshing when shy but handsome Claud falls for her, unaware of her true identity: However, when that truth inevitably comes out, it puts their budding Christmas romance at risk.
THE ORIGINAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE (CTV) 7:00pm:  A yuletide celebration with John Legend who performs his song, "You Deserve It All"; joining the lineup are Preston Pablo, Melissa Grelo, Kelsey McEwen and Tyrone Edwards who welcome floats and families while celebrating through the city.
A CHANCE FOR CHRISTMAS (CTV2) 7:00pm:  A social media influencer has a shot landing a sponsorship from her dream brand.
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 8:00pm: Magic vs. Raptors (SN Now) 8:30pm: Rockets vs. Warriors
SANTA BOOTCAMP (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm:  Hired to stage the ultimate holiday gala, an event planner rediscovers the magic of Christmas while searching for the perfect Santa.
THAILAND'S WILD CATS (Nat Geo Wild) 8:00pm: Hidden in the jungles of Thailand lies a last refuge for Thailand's wild cats; apex hunters, nearly invisible, they bide their time as they search for prey, pursue mates and protect their young; within this forest, a world of drama and power awaits.
A ROYAL CHRISTMAS ON ICE (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm:  Looking to escape his royal life, a dashing prince comes to the United States to start a business in a small town in upstate New York and winds up falling for a former Olympic ice skater.
THE WINTER PALACE (CTV) 9:00pm: A novelist with a severe case of writer's block is given the chance to finish her book at an empty winter chateau. AN ICE WINE CHRISTMAS (CTV2) 9:00pm: A top sommelier shares her passion for Christmas after returning home to the magical vineyards of Evergreen, N.Y., for the annual Ice Wine Christmas Festival and harvest.
SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING (Crave) 9:00pm:  Under the watchful eye of mentor Tony Stark, high school student Peter Parker starts to embrace his newfound identity as Spider-Man to battle the evil Vulture.
RARE BEASTS (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm:  Mandy, a nihilistic young writer and mother who, while navigating her dysfunctional family and misogynistic workplace, falls for Pete, a traditionalist searching for restored male identity.
0 notes
berri-zen · 3 years
love in the ice | psh
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themes: fluff, bf!sunghoon x gn!reader, non idol!au
tw: none
wc: ~0.75k
a/n: i just got home from work and all i could think about was a cute ice rink date with sunghoon :< hope you enjoy!!
it was sunghoons turn to choose a date location and surprise surprise, it was a ice rink he took you to. “come on y/n, i’ll catch you if you fall,” he grinned. his smile spread from ear to ear, his passion for ice skating beaming off him on full display. you couldnt help but chuckle at his child-like antics. taking your hand, sunghoon pulled you over to the counter and bought your entry to the rink. you could see the sparkle in his eyes when he was tying up his skates and assisting you with yours.
“okay, you ready to go?” he reached out for you to hold on to him. shakily, you nodded and got up from the bench, starting to hobble over to the rink. you were nervous as hell for multiple reasons.
you had never gone ice skating in your life
your boyfriend just so happens to be a former international figure skater - how were you going to meet his expectations???
“what if i fall on my face?” you asked, hesitating from getting on the ice. sunghoon chuckled.
“i can assure you love, that wont be happening.”
“and how do you know that?” he got on the ice, extending both his hands for ou to grab.
“because y/n, i’ll catch you before you can fall,” he smiled and pulled you to him. you let out a small yelp, terrified and unbalanced. sunghoon kept you firm to his body and skated towards the barrier of the rink.
“hold on the railing and follow my lead.” sunghoon went slightly in front of you and started gliding, skates flicking out side to side. you slowly tried to do the same thing, although you werent as graceful. your feet slipped from underneath you but you didnt feel the cold burn of the ice against your back. instead you looked up to see sunghoon holding you by the waist again .
“i told you i wouldnt let you fall love.” he brought over one of those frames to assist you before you could skate independently. going around the rink, you saw a group of children skate past you, acting as if they own the place.
“well this is embarrassing. those kids can skate better than me,” you laughed. sunghoon chuckled along with you.
“in no time, you’ll be as good as them.”
the two of you were in the rink for a few hours. you eventually started to gain some confidence with skating on your own, sunghoon keeping you close to his side to make sure you didnt fall. it was just the two of you on the ice now, considering it was 9:53pm. sunghoon pressed a soft kiss on your cheek and started to drift towards the centre of the rink away from you.
“stay there. let me show you something,” he yelled as he made it to the middle. “you always said you wanted to see one of my performances for yourself,” he got himself into position “and now you can.” music started to fill the empty rink and you watched carefully as sunghoon glided across the rink. his every turn was flawless and captivated you even further. you know that sunghoon hadnt entered an ice rink in years, fearing what memories it would bring, his friends told you. from this day, you could see that sunghoon was giving you a piece of him that he hadnt shown to anyone else - that although he never wanted to associate himself with an ice rink again yet at your mention of wanting to see him skate at least once, he pulled himself to go a final time. at this point, you thought yto yourself “he truely is an ice prince.” the music was coming to an end and sunghoon had glided to the centre of the rink again, presenting a few turns and inevitably ending the routine. you were speechless. his performance had brought forth so much emotion from him to you, and you could feel that. he made his way over to you again and pressed his forehead to yours.
“i love you, so much park sunghoon,” you said softly, ghosting his lips. he responded with a smile.
“and i love you so much, l/n y/n.” he pressed a gentle kiss on your lips, holding you as close as humanly possible to him. pulling away, he looked into your eyes then around the rink.
“how lucky am i to have the two things most important to me in front of my eyes - the ice, and the love of my life.”
©berri-zen 2021 - all rights reserved
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woniepop · 3 years
Dates Enhypen Would Take You On
Ranking the Enhypen Members Based on Their Predebut Photos
Enhypen getting their wisdom teeth out
I-land scenes making you cry
Spending Spring Break with Enhypen
when you’re clingy when jealous
“sorry wrong boyfriend”
study dates
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Volleyball Player!Reader
↳ you play volleyball!! | fluff | hc
Are Ya Sleepin?
↳ you wake him up for an emergency | crack, fluff | 0.15k words
Pretty Girl
↳ jay gives you a new pet name! | fluff | 0.15k words
matching outfits
↳ matching outfits with jay park | fluff | 0.3k words
early mornings w/ jay
↳ wait a minute! | fluff | 0.3k words
baby sitting w/ jay
↳ woooooo | fluff | 0.3k words
Say You Don’t Love Me smau
↳  in which jake is your perfectly sweet Prince Charming trying to graduate high school and you become the bane of his existence  |  angst, fluff, E2L, modern fanatsy au  |  smau series
My Boyfriend’s Coming
↳ you interrupt his peaceful sleep | fluff | 0.15k words
early mornings w/ jake
↳ he doesn’t wanna let you go | fluff | 0.3k words
Sick s/o Texts
↳ you get sick!! | fluff | smau
My Boyfriend’s Coming
↳ you interrupt his peaceful sleep | fluff | 0.15k words
↳ you don’t want to confess to him | fluff?? | 0.4k words
sunghoon as a boyfriend
↳ #projecting | crack | hc
laugh out loud
↳ he laughs at you | angst | hc
thin ice
↳ hockey player! park sunghoon x figure skater! gn! reader | fluff | 0.3k words
↳ sunghoon had never fallen in love with anything the way he did with skating | fluff, angst | 4.6k words
boyfriend texts
↳ fake boyfriend texts with sunghoon! | fluff, crack | smau
Only You
↳ you lose to sunoo | fluff | 0.3k words
Grumpy Pants
↳ late night drives | fluff | 0.2k words
almost there
↳ friends don’t look at friends that way | angst | 0.2k words
Let’s Wait a While
↳ he begs you to stay | fluff | 0.15k words
Cala Lilies of Passion
↳ in which Niki doesn’t want to be your friend anymore | fluff | 0.4k words
Made for Now
↳ coming home to you after practice | fluff | 0.2k words
Never Enough
↳ you didn’t give him enough kisses | fluff | 0.15k words
Not Going Anywhere
↳ red string soulmate au | fluff | 0.15k words
138 notes · View notes
taegyuun · 3 years
scared ice prince
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requested by: @nico-nico-niki MWAH !!
genre: fluff, childhood best friends to enemies to lovers, angst-ish
warnings: swearing
word-count: 2.8k
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as children you and sunghoon lived nowhere near each other
literally on the complete opposite sides of the town
so you may be asking “how did we meet”
now now
your friendship started in one place that was right smack dab in the centre of the town
the ice rink :D
both you and sunghoon started around the same time but you started just a tad earlier maybe like a week or two so y’know you already knew like the basics like how to tie your skates properly and what not
sunghoon did not
so this is how your friendship started !!
when he first came in he was this TINY tiny child literally the most adorable little thing baby baby <333
he was incredibly shy not shine tho and didn’t speak to anyone not even the instructor
and you could see that he was struggling to tie his skates so you walked over and crouched down before untying your own
he looked over curiously and you started showing him step by step how to do the basic knot so he could follow without even saying anything
and then you were basically inseparable LMFAOO
ik crazy how tying a skate lace can blossom such an incredible friendship
whenever the instructor asked to pair up for a skating assessment you two were already stuck together like glue
literally no one tried to separate you two bc they knew if they did, it’d either end in very LOUD tears or them having bruises
but like i said, you two lived on the opposite sides of the town and as little 8/9 year olds you couldn’t exactly venture out on your own and just walk to each other’s houses
so outside of the weekend figure skating practice, you two barely saw each other
your parents once in a while, maybe every two weeks, drove one of you to the others house so you could play and what not but you both had busy parents so it wasn’t always a constant routine y’know
but as you grew older you became more and more inseparable
like in middle school, you forced your parents to move you to his school so you two could be together which they actually agreed on but that’s only bc his school had better education-
and then in highschool everyone thought you were dating
even though you didn’t really potray any sort of skin ship other than smacking the other one across the head 💀
you two were just so close that everyone just assumed
oh and yes you both carried on your figure skating career !!!
when you entered high school that’s kinda when it got a lot more competitive
middle school, sure you both competed but it wasn’t really anything crazy
it wasn’t like a proper competition that you felt accomplished for winning - it felt more like child’s play
but now that you’re both almost adults- you went to actual tournaments and competed with other incredibly talented figure skaters
this also meant spending less time with sunghoon and more time at the ice rink
you were both incredibly passionate about the sport and it clouded both of your minds so much that it was bascially the only thing you would think about
you stayed at the same ice rink that you started at- the one in the centre of your town
while sunghoon transferred to a more “prestigious” one that was closer to the city
it’s not like you couldn’t afford it you just weren’t bothered to travel that far for the same schooling that you got here
you weren’t exactly sure why sunghoon transferred
i mean, the teachers taught you the exact same things in the same ways
you did have your suspicions of him not wanting you to see his practices bc you were both starting to compete against each other but if that was the case he could just have fully private lessons instead of lessons with you
you never really thought about it too much, you just focused on yourself and how well you were doing with the sport
the reason for sunghoon transferring was the exact reason that you guessed
he didn’t want you to see him practice.
sunghoon, well, ice skating was basically his whole life
it was his joy in this cruel world
and he loved it so much he forgot about anything else that was in the world because of it
it also made him forget about his best friend of the last decade...
he became incredibly competitive - especially when he was skating against you
he made it his priority to win every time but he tried even harder to win when you were in the tornament too
he wasn’t sure why but similarly to you, he didn’t bother thinking much about it especially when the sport was filling his thoughts so much
it’s like he almost had no time to think about anything but figure skating
it’s like he didn’t even want to think about anything but figure skating
so this is exactly why you two fell apart and became ‘enemies’
he basically lost all contact with you out of nowhere once you two started competing properly
you tried to reach him at school and whenever you had the time to see if something happened or if you did something
but he would always dismiss you or simply ignore you
you tried to get jake, your other best friend and the only person you knew who actually could talk to him, to get him to contact you
but every time jake got back to you it was a shrug and a “idk y/n, something got to him and he won’t listen to a single word i say... hes a completely changed person”
so yeah sunghoon turned into a dick in the span of a few months
it did hurt you
it hurt a lot
he was really one of your only friends who you were so tight-knit with that you felt like you could tell him anything
i mean - you were literally best friends for a decade!
you even contacted his parents and they were confused themsleves
your parents were even worried for him
but we move i guess we can’t be crying over some stupid boy in this household youre strong >:)
even though you two never spoke anymore, becuase of your shared friendship with jake, you two still saw each other frequently at school - especially at lunch
you would always catch him sneaking glances at you every time you laughed at something jake said or when you teased jay for some stupid things he said
jealous sunghoon????
but like i said WE MOVE !!! you did not pay him any attention at all and as you should bc the kid literally randomly dropped you for no reason at least that you were aware of
other than school lunches, you mainly saw him at competitions
and however much you disliked him for what he did, you could not deny that he was an incredibly talented skater
when he glided across the ice you could feel his happiness and how peaceful he felt even when doing intricate spins and jumps
and even though you knew you couldn’t, you felt happy for him
ok maybe you felt more than happy for him
you couldn’t deny the feelings that were present 😐✋
as much as you didn’t want to, you started falling for the boy you saw on ice because that same boy that was gliding so effortlessly inside the rink reminded you so much of the boy you used to once see and speak to everyday without any worries
but the second he stepped off the rink and met his eyes with yours your feelings instantly deflated
you then once again felt the same rage rushing through you at what he did to you
you were still waiting for an explanation as to what the fuck was going on
and everytime he stepped off the rink with the widest smile, his eyes would meet yours as if he was searching for you to see if you watched
but when he met your dejected and angry eyes, his smile would drop and let out a sigh
he was angry at himself for what he did to you
he was frustrated that some stupid sport had ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him in his whole life
he knew he was in love with you
he knew for so long
and maybe that’s the reason why he begged his parents to let him transfer to another ice rink
so he didn’t have to watch you gracefully skate across the ice and not have to worry about somehow fucking up and saying the wrong thing
he was scared of being in love with his best friend
becuase that trope either turns into an endless love or the everlasting sorrow of losing your best friend to dumb feelings
so instead he acted upon some MORE dumb feelings and locked you off from him
he tried hard, he really did
but he couldn’t stop thinking about you
he looked for you at every competition and for some reason, he always found you there even if you weren’t competing
in school he always looked for you and every time he said something stupid or said some sort of joke he was waiting for a smack on the back of his head or one of your incredibly ugly but somewhat endearing snorts
but that never came
however! something was present
you always tried to hide your smile by dropping you head and looking at the table during every lunch
or when you met his gaze you’d look away and pretend to be interested in the wall beside you
he knew that you felt something as well and it wasn’t just him
but he may have realised that a tad late
but i mean it wasn’t just him who was doing these things
you were also unconsciously looking around for him after every performance and during school to see if he was ok
now now how do you two become lovers you may ask?
i am getting to that now
funnily enough both of your instructors were siblings and they wanted their companies to partner up together and hold this one big performance for the end of the year
in that performance they wanted all of the skaters to skate individually and then two people to skate together in a “romantic” performance
they thought it was a cute way to start the year ok-
you can see where i’m going with this cant you 😼
and well bascially the way it was done
was they put everyone’s names in a hat and chose two out
sunghoon and arrabella
arrabella was some random ass girl from sunghoons ice rink you literally never saw her at the competitions but alright
you were secretly hoping to hear your name being called out and not so you could hold hands with sunghoon while skating 🙄
but bc you wanted him to finally speak to you one on one and tell you what the frick happened
arrabella was clearly a big fan of sunghoon as he almost passed away from hearing her name and his together
sunghoon looked quite disgusted ngl
so he walked up to the instructor and whispered something in his ear to which the instructor nodded at
you then watched as he dunked his hand in the hat again before pulling out another piece of paper
your name was called
you were like ????? bc wasnt it meant to be only two people performing??
and then they told everyone that you and arrabella were switching places bc she wasn’t fit for the performance
sunghoon didn’t actually tell the instructor to chose your name he just asked him to chose another person bc he knew all she’s do was gush over him instead of actually learning rhe perfomance
but yes he secretly hoped you’d be chosen and TA DA !!!!
so you stand up and skate over to where sunghoon was standing as the instructor shows you the video that you were going to recreate
it involved a lot of waist grabbing, hand holding and touches.
let’s just say you had to take a few deep breaths
you and sunghoon haven’t properly spoken for the past few months and we’re almost at the brink of hating each other but now you have to do this ??? good lord give me strength
but in all honesty you both put your feelings aside when it came to practice bc you didn’t want to disappoint your instructors and wanted to make a nice perfomance for everyone
so every time you had practice with sunghoon you put your professional game face on and just did what you had to do
trying to ignore his large hands on your waist or the way hes softly but tightly hold your hand when you had to do some sort of spin
and alas
the day came of the perfomance and up until then both of you barely said anything to each other, only minor things that helped the other improve in the dance
after the whole perfomance happened and everyone was finished, you both received a lot of praise for such a stunning show from literally everyone
the most frequent comment you got was “wow! your chemistry was indescribable,,, that was the most beautiful relationship i had ever witnessed” and you’d just look at each other like “uh-“
so you both stayed behind to collect some things that you got given and well
you both figured it was time to finally speak about what was going on
“so i-“
“do you mind-“
he lets you speak first wow what a gentleman 😐
“so do you mind telling me what the fuck this was all about? you randomly dropped me and acted as if i didn’t exist yet you always looked for me during your competitions or at lunch?? sunghoon, i don’t know what i did wrong but please for the love of god tell me what is going on we can’t keep acting like this”
sunghoon just started at the ice quite dejectedly
he had this whole speech to say to you that was a whole apology and also a confession but for some reason it completely slipped his mind the second he faced you
he didn’t even realise how much time passed as you started to turn around and slowly skate away after saying “if you’re not going to speak to me i’m leaving”
well obviously mr. park had to get his shit sorted out so he quickly skated to you and grabbed your wrist wow what a classic move
you turned around and huffing looking down at his hand on your wrist before looking back up at him as to say “what now”
so now it’s time for his explanation wow took you long enough
“ok first of all i’m so fucking sorry y/n idk why i did this i think it’s because i was scared to be in love with you and i didn’t want to ruin our friendship with some stupid feelings but instead i did exactly that and instead of actually having the weight off my shoulders for you finally knowing i just had more put on because i ruined what we had in the worst way possible and i know this is an incredibly shitty apology, if you can even call it that, but it’s been so hard without you i’m so frustrated at myself for doing this i just wish i cou-“
then he felt your lips on his
oh my god he burnt up so much at the contact he thought the ice beneath him would meltn
he obviously kissed back and you felt relieved that it was the right decision to do
as you pulled back you said “i forgive you and i love you too but pull that shit on me one more time and i’m burrying you in ice.” and then kiss him again <3
after that sunghoon decided to move back to the old ice rink so the same one youre in and oh my god
the relief everyone felt when they saw you and sunghoon back together all happy and smiley and giggles and sunshine’s and what not
every time jake sees you two he internally sighs and thanks whatever is up there for giving him his friends back - sure a little more lovey dovey but they were back
i mean they knew you’d end up together at some point it was painfully obvious but still-
and you lived happily ever after
the end
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serene-faerie · 3 years
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The Ice Prince Aesthetics
The Ice Hockey Player and the Figure Skater
Abarai Renji, twenty-three-years old, is a Japanese ice hockey player who currently plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs, and is about to take part in his very first Winter Olympics in Salzburg, Austria. Originally a player for the Yokohama Grits in his native Japan, he has since become one of the most respected forward players in the entire NHL, beloved by his teammates and fans, and respected by his coach. And now that he’s joined the men’s hockey team for Team Canada, the pressure to win gold is upon his shoulders. However, Renji’s whole world changes when not only does he reunite with his childhood friend, he also meets her brother-in-law: the beautiful Kuchiki Byakuya, a champion figure skater from Team France, nicknamed ‘The Ice Prince’ for both his excellent skills in figure skating, and his cold and aloof personality. Intrigued by him, Renji finds himself getting closer to Kuchiki Byakuya over the course of the Olympics, and slowly but surely, their tentative friendship blossoms into something much more beautiful as ‘the Ice Prince’ gradually starts to defrost.
Kuchiki Byakuya, twenty-six-years old, is a Japanese figure skater and two-time Olympic champion, well-known for his cold and frosty personality along with his excellent figure skating skills. Originally a pairs skater with his late-wife Hisana, he has since switched to solo figure skating after his wife’s death four years ago, and is determined to let nothing get in the way of winning a gold medal in her memory as he prepares to represent Team France in his third Winter Olympics. But his life takes a turn for the brighter when he encounters Abarai Renji, a young and spirited ice hockey player from Team Canada, whose passion and wild appearance quite literally take his breath away. And between the romance of Salzburg and the heat of competition, Byakuya finds himself forming a tentative friendship with Abarai Renji, whose passion ignites so many emotions within him as their mutual attraction becomes even more electrifying. And as his image as the Ice Prince slowly defrosts, their friendship slowly blossoms into something much more beautiful than anything that Byakuya has experienced in his life.
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"Oh, are you one of the new freshmen to the university? Welcome! My name is Tachibana Makoto. Just Makoto is fine." He offers his hand out for a handshake to Yuuri
"U..Uhhhh yes I'm new here! H..Hello." Yuuri blinks hearing a new face greeting him. He just started his first day in the university and he already had someone welcoming him. He did see Makoto offer a hand to shake as he reaches to take his hand shaking it.
"It's nice to meet you Makoto. I'm Yuuri Katsuki." he smiled happily to him.
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iovnyu · 3 years
aeipathy -- park sunghoon
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genre: ice skater! au, school boy sunghoon, fluff
warnings: cursing, tba
summary: as y/n is trying to juggle being a C student and working at a ice rink, she meets sunghoon - a figure skater with straight A’s who needs to prove his passion to his parents. they just so happened to be in each other’s lives at the right time.
a/n: hi !! this is my first one shot (?) i guess,,, so please be easy on me lol. im going to be making these in parts but i don’t know how long i want it so ig we will see!! but if u didn’t notice i am now taking requests for headcanons or oneshots so please look over the request guide here before requesting things!! also please let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for this series !!
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all that was heard was the crisp ice being broke in. y/n sat behind the check-in desk, on her phone playing a food game. she knew that she didn’t have to be aware of the boy on the ice since he came almost everyday to skate. 
although y/n did not know his name, she knew that he had always came at 4:45 -- right after school. he would have his duffel bag hanging off his right shoulder with his skates in his left hand, a tired smile on his face. it was always a mutual relationship, he would smile at y/n and she would smile back. 
it did bug her at times that she didn’t know his name. in her mind she called him the ice prince -- partly because he looks like a literal prince and he seemed like a pro when he stepped foot into the ice rink.
it was nearing 7 and y/n was slowly getting bored of losing her game. she had been stuck on one certain level for the longest time and could not find a way to a customer happy. 
y/n felt a sudden spark of confidence to ask the ice prince his name as he held onto the outskirts of the rink, catching his breath. getting up, she tried her best to flatten the wrinkles on her uniform that was caused by sitting in the same position for her whole shift. 
the sudden movement of y/n’s chair scooting back alarmed him. it was clear that he has never seen her move from her spot at the desk unless it was to close the rink. quickly, he skated off the rink and hopped onto the carpeted floor. 
looking up, he saw y/n walk closer to him and felt his heart beat faster. it definitely wasn’t because he thought she was pretty or anything -- he was just nervous because she looked like she was going to kick him out. y/n saw his fast movements and quicken her pace.
“i-uhm, i never got your name?” y/n blurted out as she reached him, out of breath. at times like this, she figures out why she can’t run for shit -- if she can’t even walk at a fast pace then how in the hell can she run?
looking up, he silently let out a sigh of relief. so she wasn’t trying to kick me out. 
“sunghoon. my name is sunghoon.” 
what the fuck. y/n was stunned to say the least. he had a pretty face and a pretty name?? that is a literal gift from the gods. meanwhile she is there with a boring name. y/n. out of all the names her parents could have picked, they picked y/n. 
knocking back into reality, y/n saw sunghoon looking at her. “oh, i’m sorry. what did you say?” she said, embarrassed because he basically caught her in the act of admiring him. 
“uhm. wh-what’s your name?” sunghoon asked, tilting his head in a puppy like manor. 
“y/n. it’s-it’s on my shirt” y/n looked down and moved her hair out of the way. “see!”
sunghoon nodded. he had already knew her name but he didn’t want to sound like a creep and scare her. he had been here for a long time so, it was natural for him to memorize the employees’ names. 
y/n’s had stuck with him the most. to him, it sounded unique. it rolled off the tongue in a perfect way -- almost like it was honey. 
smiling, sunghoon pointed to the rink. “so do you come here often?” 
shit shit shit of course she comes here often dumbshit-- SHE WORKS HERE
“oh! i-i mean uhm...” sunghoon said embarrassed. “you know what? i’ll see you tomorrow. sorry.” he said while quickly grabbing his bag and zoomed to the doors. 
“okay!! have a nice night!” y/n yelled to him. 
looking down, she noticed he had left something behind. bending down, she picked up a heavy book that looked like it weighed like the declaration of independence. 
flipping it over and examining it, she discovered that it was a math book with messy writing over the front cover. “park sunghoon’s math book” the pages were scattered with random doodles and formulas that looked too long to remember.
y/n looked back up to see if sunghoon was standing outside but she was met with the sun slowly setting. oh shit i need to get home 
she ran to the changing room and quickly took off her uniform and changed into the clothes she came in with. making sure everything was in her bag, she took a quick glance around the rink and behind the desk. 
well it looks ... okay
grabbing her bag, y/n looked to sunghoon’s math book. if i have time before school tomorrow, i’ll give it to him.... he probably needs it, it is exam season anyways.
she grabbed his math book and ran to the door, locking it so no annoying teenagers break in and play in the rink. it has happened before and y/n’s boss gave her a earful the next day, she was not willing to hear him yelling at her again.
y/n sped walked to her tiny honda car that she had named roxy. roxy has been there for y/n through almost all of her high school life. y/n believed that roxy was on her last straw when she broke down a few months ago, but she had managed to still work properly. i mean, she still drove properly. it is the thought that counts right?
arriving at her house she saw her mom’s car already parked in the driveway. shit i am so dead
getting out of her car, she silently prayed that her mother had just gotten home. she walked towards the door and opened the door, “hello, my beautiful mother. how has thee day been for thee highness?” 
“it’s okay, y/n. im not gonna kill you because you came home late from work.” y/n’s mom said, laughing. 
walking into the kitchen, y/n saw her packing food for the morning. “how was work?” y/n asked, grabbing chips from the snack cabinet.
“it was okay. nothing really happened. how was the ice rink?” 
“ehh, nothing special.” y/n shrugged. “i’m gonna go do homework now, please pray for me.”
“will do, honey.” her mother laughed. 
bringing her stuff to her room, she laid the math book on her desk. assuming that sunghoon probably lived somewhere near by, she began to rack her brain for any schools near by that uses the same math book. the math book looked like it was for sophisticated students. he definitely does not go to a public school
he does wear uniform when he comes in .... fuck
there was only two private schools in y/n’s neighborhood. she decided she is going to chance it and try to wake up early tomorrow to attempt finding sunghoon. why the hell am i trying so hard to give him his book....
“it’s just a damn book. it’s not like he needs it tomorrow right? wait -- he might have a math test tomorrow.... shit.” y/n said eyeing the book.
it can’t hurt to give it to him... right?
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princesssarisa · 3 years
Snow White Winter: "Snow White and the Three Stooges" (1961 film)
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This picture was allegedly first conceived as a straightforward Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs adaptation, to showcase the talents of Olympic champion figure skater Carol Heiss as Snow White. But around the same time, the Three Stooges saw a resurgence in fame thanks to airings of their classic 1930s and '40s shorts on television. So 20th Century Fox retooled this film as a vehicle not just for Heiss, but for the aging yet still active comedy trio. Directed by Walter Lang (The King and I, State Fair) and and with a screenplay co-written by Noel Langley (The Wizard of Oz), it has all the makings of a classic Technicolor musical version of the fairy tale. But in place of seven dwarfs, it features three ne'er-do-well wandering minstrels played by Moe Howard, Larry Fine, and "replacement stooge" Curly-Joe DeRita (Curly Howard had died). Unfortunately, the film was a box office bomb, and to this day it's usually viewed by Three Stooges fans as a dismal disappointment, with Moe Howard himself calling it a "Technicolor mistake." But it has a cult fandom all the same. While far from perfect, it still has charm, especially if you view it chiefly as a version of Snow White, not as a Stooges vehicle.
In keeping with the casting of Carol Heiss, this Snow White has a passion for ice skating to match her snow-white skin. She leads an idyllic life as princess of Fortunia, skating happily with many friends, until her beloved father dies. Then the kingdom is taken over by the wicked Queen (Patricia Medina) and her sinister advisor Count Oga (Guy Rolfe), who is secretly a wizard. The Queen is only Snow White's regent, ruling temporarily until her stepdaughter comes of age, so her motive for scheming to be rid of her isn't just envy of her beauty, but to keep the throne for herself. She imprisons poor Snow White in the dungeon for a year, and when this fails to make the kingdom forget her, she orders Hordred the huntsman to kill her.
As in the classic tale, Snow White flees into the forest and takes refuge in the seven dwarfs' cottage. But as it happens, the dwarfs are out of town, and have allowed some guests to stay at the cottage in their absence. These guests, of course, are Moe, Larry and Curly-Joe... and their handsome young foster son Quatro (Edson Stroll), who performs ventriloquism in their traveling minstrel act with a dummy named Quinto (voice of Mel Blanc). Naturally, Snow White finds fast friendship with this motley crew, which soon blossoms into romance with Quatro. Unbeknownst to anyone, including himself, Quatro is actually Prince Charming, who was betrothed to Snow White when they were children. The Queen sent Hordred to kill the boy prince, but the Stooges rescued him; yet in the process, a bump on the head gave him amnesia.
Trouble arises when the Queen not only learns from her magic mirror that Snow White is still alive, but learns Quatro's true identity and has him arrested. The Stooges try to rescue him disguised as cooks (this leads to a pie fight), but they fail, as Quatro is shot with an arrow and presumed dead. But Curly-Joe steals a magic wish-granting sword from Count Oga, which he uses to wish the Stooges and Snow White far away to a house in the snowy mountains. There they start a new life, although Snow White is distraught by the loss of Quatro. But before long the Queen learns her whereabouts, is transformed by Oga into an ugly witch, and flies to the mountains on a broomstick with a poisoned apple.
But of course all ends happily. The Prince turns out to be alive after all and leads an uprising to seize the throne. Count Oga dies in boiling oil and the Queen dies thanks to Curly-Joe's magic sword: when he wishes she would "go to Hades," her flying broomstick crashes in flames. The newly crowned King Charming then finds the Stooges' cottage, where the "dead" Snow White lies, and his embrace breaks the apple's spell.
The main fault critics find with this film is that the Three Stooges only play supporting roles, with too little slapstick. It's no surprise learn that this was originally going to be a straightforward Snow White and that the Stooges were shoehorned in as a money grab. The finished film doesn't seem quite sure what it wants to be: a zany, self-mocking "fractured fairy tale" starring the Stooges or a shamelessly earnest fantasy romance centered on Snow White and her Prince. It's about 30% the former, 70% the latter, and I agree with the critics that ideally it should have had more comedy.
But as mentioned above, it has charm nonetheless. The screenplay's new twists on the classic fairy tale are creative and enjoyable, and the sets and pseudo-medieval costumes create a nice fairy tale atmosphere (admittedly combined with B-movie cheesiness). Carol Heiss might not be a real actress, but she still makes a sympathetic Snow White, with two lengthy ice skating sequences that showcase her talents well, and the rest of the cast is uniformly good. As for the aging Stooges, their slapstick might be toned down from their glory days, but they're still funny, and as caring father figures to the romantic leads, they prove themselves capable of more than just comedy, particularly when they mourn Snow White's "death." Meanwhile, the score features slightly bland yet charming songs by Harry Harris and Earl Brent: "Once in a Million Years," "Because I'm in Love," "I Said It Then, I Say It Now," and the sentimental theme song, "A Place Called Happiness."
As a whole, this is no Hollywood classic, but it's good qualities are underrated, I think. Fans of the Three Stooges might not generally care for it, but for fairy tale lovers, it's worth seeing.
@superkingofpriderock, @ariel-seagull-wings
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outropeace · 3 years
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♡ coming soon...
FINAL WC: K Post Date: -
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Hockey Player/Figure Skater. Reality Show AU: Harry is a hockey player and Louis a Olympics winner that have to team up for a charity event. Louis is a perfectionist who is used to excel at everything he does, so he thinks he got the competition under his belt. Enters Harry Styles, also a gold Olympics medalist, but that doesn't have a graceful bone in his body. While Louis is all brains and tactic, Harry is all guts and instinct. They don't work together at the begging, Harry is too rough and Louis is too cold. The judges just don't think they are a good team and gets nominated for elimination their very first week, but somehow the public sees what the judges can't, and it's pure chemistry from every touch and every look. Even when they are mad at each other, they see the passion in them, and they just can get enough. (NEW)
Steal Your Lover AU: Harry is a powerful man unhappily married and has a lingering suspicion his spouse is cheating on him. After some stalking, he finds the other man and begins to scheme the perfect punishment for him but when he finally gets to meet Louis, he cannot help but fall in love with him. (NEW)
Soulmates AU: Actor louis avoided his soulmate for centuries in order to keep being 30/40 so he could stay at his prime. harry was a mysterious and solitary best selling author who finally gave the rights to one of his most popular books but with the only condition to be all in in the production of themovie. so he had to met all actors, including louis tomlinson, the actor that sometimes served him as a muse (for lack of soulmate). things change when they finally touch hands and Harry feels a spark he never thought he would experience run through his body. (NEW)
Grey's Anatomy ABO AU: Harry is the best in his field. He spent years perfectioning his treatments. He is one of Trackless' best assets. He doesn't really believe in love but after years of breaking bonds for living, who would? That until, of course the little thing he slept with the night prior showed up at the hospital he works as one of the newest most brightest interns.
Memory Loss Psychological Thriller AU: Louis wakes up in a room with a man who says is his husband but there’s a two tiny problems 1) he cannot remember marry him 2) he’s pretty sure the only memory he has of him is him trying to kill him. WC: 8K
Lunar Waltz: Harry’s POV WC: 7K
Memory Loss AU: Harry loses one year of his memory and with it his entire relationship with Louis, his supposed nemesis. (NEW)
Black Widow AU: Everyone warned Harry's father about Louis Tomlinson. How he was deadly as he was beautiful. The fate of his past husbands. But he was obsessed with him and refused to listen to anyone who dared to question his love. Harry couldn't understand the unhealthy fixation until he met Louis.
Beauty and the Beast AU: Harry is a ruthless businessman who controls the city and Louis’ father has an enormous debt. Louis offers himself to be the replacement of his father until he has the money to pay Harry back. WC: 1.6K
Ice Prince Sequel/LYDDM Crossover: The story continues and we get to see Louis and Harry living in their cottage, everything is fine but there’s just one small problem... It seems Louis can’t get pregnant.
Cliche AU: Harry is a virgin with a fat crush on the prettiest girl at campus and Louis helps him to gain confidence in himself and experience all around. WC: 14K
Modern Hades & Persephone AU: Louis, the god of spring makes a deal with Harry, the god of death. If he can create life inside his palace he will keep his own and if he can stay besides Harry for six month without committing any sin, he can keep the Underworld. WC: 1K
Roommates AU: Louis' new roommate happens to be the guy his ex left him for. WC: 4K
Hatemates AU: Louis cannot stand Harry Styles but that’s totally fine cause the feeling is very mutual. Or at least it was until he find out Harry has his soulmate mark. To end his guilt (for taking away Harry’s opportunity to have a soulmate that actually loves him and to prove the world a point, he makes his life mission to find Harry the perfect life partner.
Porn Industry AU: Louis needs to pay his bills and some debts when a friend tells him about this indie/artsy porn studio that was in need for new solo shots (masturbating and stuff). He never expected to find the cocky director so fucking charming.
Housekeeper AU: After a nasty break up Harry (with no money or job) thinks he rented an apartment but turns out the apartment is already occupied by a shy and cold boy who is as jarred about relationships as him.
Vampire/Sugar Baby AU: Louis tries to seduce a sexy and aloof vampire thinking he’s rich.
Spanish AU: Where animal hierarchies are everything and Louis and Harry both are carnivores, only that Louis is an omega from a lower ranking while Harry is a powerful lion. Harry had always wanted Louis while Louis had always feared and despised the alpha. [This fic is being written entirely in spanish] WC: 10K (+9.4K)
Succubus AU: Louis is a succubus but the guy he was assigned can’t get an erection due work stress, so he decides to cook and take care of him.
⊛ This post will be constantly updated ⊛
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Queer Anime
Diverse storytelling is one of anime’s most appealing qualities. Want a show about superheroes? There’s a series for you. Ninja? You, too. Demon slayers? Yup. Not interested in action or horror? Don’t worry. You can find series about high school volleyball teams, people who transmigrate to another world, and workplace romance. It’s not an exaggeration to say that there’s an anime for everyone, no matter their tastes or preferences.
Given the wide variety of stories, there’s a lot of anime about LBGTQ people and the queer experience. To be clear, anime has more than its fair share of problematic portrayals such as uninterrogated crossdressing tropes, unchallenged homophobia and transphobia, and comedy at the expense of a queer character. But these things are hardly unique to anime, unfortunately. Despite these shortcomings, the format does have great series exploring the LGBTQ experience in different contexts and genres so here are some of the best queer anime to watch.
Yuri on Ice
One of the series that launched Studio MAPPA into its present-day prominence, Yuri on Ice takes us into the world of championship-level figure skating. It revolves around struggling Japanese figure skater, Yuri Katsuki, and bored Russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov, who audaciously agrees to be Yuri’s coach. While the sport and respective cultures of its leads are infamously known for their real life homophobia, Yuri on Ice deliberately presents a story where none of that is present. And with a film expected to drop at some point in the future, now’s the time to watch this gorgeous series if you haven’t already.
Bloom into You
In this high school romance, two girls unexpectedly connect when they each turn down romantic confessions from male classmates. Their new friendship takes a surprising turn when the older girl, Touko, reveals to the other girl, Yuu, that she’s in love with her. Despite Yuu not yet returning her feelings, their relationship continues to evolve when Touko asks Yuu to manage her campaign to become student council president and then later when they help put on a school play. While the original manga is more explicit about the girls’ eventual happy ending, the anime still brings to life a realistic portrayal of self-acceptance and changing feelings during the teen years.
No. 6
When No. 6 opens, we meet Shion, a privileged boy with a bright and promising future. But because this is a dystopian story, that doesn’t last for long. One night, Shion helps another boy named Nezumi. Unfortunately Nezumi is an enemy of the state and for his kindness, Shion is punished by being stripped of his elite social status. Fast forward a few years, the boys meet again, and their reunion leads to the uncovering of a vast government conspiracy. If you like wild sci-fi plots to go with your queer themes, No. 6 is the show for you.
Wandering Son
While there aren’t yet many anime series that explore the trans experience, Wandering Son does a stellar job making up for that lack. The show focuses on two kids, Shuichi and Yoshino, who meet in fifth grade. Shuichi is a trans girl and Yoshino is a trans boy, and Wandering Son follows the two friends from elementary school into high school, chronicling their respective journeys with their evolving gender identities.
Revolutionary Girl Utena
One of the biggest anime of the 1990s, Revolutionary Girl Utena was a trippy rollercoaster ride. It explored self-identity and gender roles against the backdrop of underground duels at an elite academy. Revolutionary Girl Utena was the anime for many queer feminist girls and for good reason: the idea of a princess who’d rather be a prince and save herself instead of being saved is one that resonated then and still resonates today. For this reason, and many others, Utena would go on to influence some of today’s biggest animated series like Steven Universe and the new She-ra: Princess of Power.
Doukyuusei: Classmates
Casual anime fans may want a break from the intense stories and long-running series that pervade the format. Some hardcore anime fans may too! Doukyuusei is a film that portrays the sincere and heartfelt relationship between two high school boys who fall in love. That’s it. That’s the story. And it’s a good one.
Given takes a different approach to high school romance. Ritsuka aspires to become a musician, but he’s lost his passion for playing the guitar. And as any creative person can attest, losing that fire for the thing you love most can make life seem mundane and dull. Lucky for him, he meets the quiet Mafuyu and hears the other boy’s golden singing voice. The series is one that music enthusiasts everywhere should watch—even if only to peep at the episode titles and the songs they reference. A follow-up film explores the complicated relationship between the two other band members, Haruki and Akihiko.
Land of the Lustrous
Set in the distant future, Land of the Lustrous introduces us to the Lustrous, a race of crystalline lifeforms. They wage a constant war against the Lunarians, a hostile race that likes harvesting the Lustrous’ bodies. They’re actual gemstones, remember? It kind of sucks. The anime preserves the intentions of the original manga and makes the deliberate choice to refer to the Lustrous with they/them pronouns. After all, what would gender look like in a crystalline lifeform? They certainly wouldn’t resemble conventional, Western concepts of gender, that’s for sure.
Princess Knight
A series for the classic anime fans, Princess Knight is based on a manga by the legendary Osamu Tezuka. It follows Sapphire, a girl who has both “the blue heart of a boy and the pink heart of a girl.” Considering the manga was first published in the 1950s, this genderbending premise was groundbreaking, even though some aspects are now dated. Without Princess Knight, we wouldn’t have later iconic series like The Rose of Versailles and Revolutionary Girl Utena.
And one final bonus…
The Stranger by the Shore
While this film doesn’t hit FUNimation until next month, the premise is unabashedly queer and familiar to many LGBTQ folks. Shun is a novelist who was cut off by his family after he came out as gay. When he meets the recently orphaned Mio, he must grapple with the past to move on and embrace his future.
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What are some of your favorite queer anime? Let us know in the comments!
The post Best Queer Anime appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3qzex7V
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sugar-petals · 4 years
I see that lately you’ve been reblogging the ice skating guy. Could you introduce him to us in the caro way??👀
i see, i see. you are falling for the beautiful ice skating guy. with delight do i talk about him. ♥︎ who are you asking about, then?
shōma uno (22) of nagoya, japan, the dreamiest ice angel you will ever see:
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lucky newcomer stans: shoma is extremely easy to spot. 5′2, soulful, sparkly, and always headed for the podium because his artistry fucking slaps. this angel is the latest olympic silver medalist ✨
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if you see a petite, serious-looking guy with thighs for the gods and impossibly elegant upper body work, you can be sure it’s him.
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off the ice, look for this: the supreme doe face. dark uwu eyes, wide baby cheeks, 100% shook. needless to say: it’s over when he looks at you like that. 
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something else to watch for when you want to spot the angel. his primary hobby is sleeping lmao! shoma naps everywhere. once, he was so exhausted, he was found cutely slumbering before his olympic press conference. 
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meanwhile, his presence on the ice? expressive, alluring, aptly sensual start to finish. sometimes feisty, even. he saves all his energy and then delivers. it’s ballet on blades. the guy puts so much passion into his choreo. 
most well-known are the moments when he ends his program and switches back to his normal cute mode. that’s when you see the puppy gaze return.
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bc the thing is: you won’t see shoma’s feistiness elsewhere. the japanese are already very reserved and shy, but he’s made an art form of it. his voice is quite light and high, that contributes to the effect. i have not seen one interview where he tries to stand out or embellish his answers. shoma stays true to his unobtrusive character, you’ll see him spaced out 90% of the time.
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shoma is often freightened by social settings and fan service. if you didn’t know how he’s on the ice, you can easily get the impression that he’s avoidant or insecure. but it’s just this: he’d rather be gaming or eating than get animated and play celebrity. you have a cozy introvert here. he’s in the game since he’s 5 years old but still doesn’t show himself off, he’s in his own sphere. 
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you might see him look overwhelmed pretty often, but the flipside of the coin is, shoma is humble and doesn’t act out of arrogance. for a skater this great, his ego is minimum inflated. he doesn’t like putting himself in the center. legend has it he could always win gold but takes default silver out of politeness 😂
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what he does like and respond to is getting direct praise. shoma lives for encouragement. that shit flusters him immensely, and it’s something he accepts. when he’s uneasy in crowds he doesn’t smile very often. but to this day, fans shouting ‘shoma, you’re so cute’ before he starts to skate has proven to lift his spirits effortlessly. last time it happened, he immediately cracked a smile:
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now, there is plenty to compliment. 
i mean, look. the sheer athleticism of this man. god knows how high he jumps.
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from facial expressions to hand postures, everything captures the music. he looks fantastic. 
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shoma has great sense of dramatism. what you’re seeing is always art. 
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shoma’s infamous signature move is the cantilever. you can see why. the audience is losing their minds every time.
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what else to praise? the absolutely beautiful costumes. 
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shoutout to satomi ito who designs these.
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the #1 shoma praise bot is skating god yuzuru hanyu (aka current reigning olympic gold medalist) himself. imagine this: a baby is babied by a fellow but slightly older baby. yuzu said this about shoma: “he is like a puppy!” what you see is what you get, shoma is as adorable as he looks. 
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so, yuzu takes good care of him and makes sure smol shoma is always included even if he’s getting shy. even since the early days:
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if you ask me, team japan couldn’t be any more handsome and princely. the sheer combined power of cuteness and skill. you’ll hear from these lovelies.
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shoma and his younger brother itsuki are also pretty much inseparable. goals, this is the softest sibling insta you will ever see. once again, with sleepy shoma.
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baby photos included. faith in humanity restored. 
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he also has wholesome interactions with his idol and fellow skater daisuke takahashi. dai is a funky, bubbly personality and complements shoma’s introversion really well. 
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another important person to shoma, if not the most decisive recently, is retired world champion stéphane lambiel. yes, this handsome swiss glamazon.
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shoma went through a highly distressing period of being coachless last year. he parted ways with machiko yamada and mihoko higuchi (below) who were his coaches for 16 (!) years. they were a dream team.
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so that he decided to go for something new ended up as the most heartbreaking shit. he lost his inspiration and will for skating and kept dropping to lower rankings. he broke down in competitions because his fans were cheering for him even if his skating deteriorated and he felt undeserving. 2019 was shoma’s existential crisis. he went to several camps to try out coaches, to no avail.
enter coach stéphane! who started to work with him last winter. oh thank god. lo and behold, shooms has been consistently improving and getting very smiley (!) ever since. these two go together like fries and ketchup. 
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so, guess who is currently training in switzerland now. whole new world for the little guy 💕
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stéphane is eccentric, cheeky, and bold enough to uplift and inspire him but also “so friendly!” as shoma described him. he praises genuinely and knows how to foster shoma’s talent. their language barrier is also no problem, lambiel is a polyglot. i think that stéphane is off ice what shoma is on ice, this is the perfect exchange. i love this song. 
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the ice angel has quickly recovered from his misery thanks to the amount of positive feedback. on youtube, you find multiple fancams of stéphane getting very invested in uno’s performance from the sidelines 😄 shoma adores him and stéphane is a protective ice dad. just look at these two.
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there’s no better coach he could have. stéphane’s choreographies perfectly cater to shoma’s poetic interpretation. so satisfying. so impeccable. as dostoevsky said, beauty will save the world.
last japanese nationals in december, shoma even took gold and cried from relief on the podium. he’s improved so much. stéphane will make him go far. 
what convinced him to coach uno was simply this: “his eyes sparkled!”. and yes, there’s hardly anyone who won’t be impacted by this.
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this puppy has all of our hearts so let’s send out compliments to him. fingers crossed for shoma’s upcoming competitions and the next olympics where i am sure he will stun the world. i mean, he won gold in the baby boy hall of fame already. he’s a really great artist and soft person who deserves everything. thank you for attending my ted talk.
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