#within the truth/full metal alchemist
"Hello there!" Ervin smiles to the short man. "You look cuter in person than I thought!" He smiles. His tank top is loose so his pecs are in full view. (Ervin's a himbo)
[Edward Elric]
He looks hearing what was said but it only looks seeing Ervin. "Hmmm....thanks I think?" he mutters looking at the other but he didn't question it too much.
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novelmonger · 12 days
1-4 & 10-12 for The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep, 9-15 for FMA, 1 & 16-18 for Anne of Green Gables, 8-12 for Half-Magic, and 1, 3, 19, and 20 for The Little Riders, please?
The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry
what got you into this story?
My dear friend @rainintheevening recommended it to me, and I'm so glad she did! I wasn't even 20 pages in before I looked up from the page and went, "Ohoho, this book was definitely written for me!"
2. describe it in one or two sentences.
Charley Sutherland has always had the ability to read characters out of books and into real life. But when Uriah Heep, the villain from David Copperfield, begins to cause trouble, his older brother (who is perfectly ordinary in every way) will have to go to great lengths to help him out of his predicament.
3. quickly list 3 things you like about the story!
It started to look like the ending was going to be tragic, BUT IT WASN'T I CRYYYYYYYYYY T^T
4. assign this story a hyper-specific genre name, e.g. "inspirational religious semi-horror sci-fi western" (yes, that's Trigun)
Speculative literary brother fiction crossover thriller
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
"Brother" by Kodaline
I mean, would you look at these lyrics?
Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink Beneath the skin of our tattoos Though we don't share the same blood You're my brother and I love you that's the truth
;aldksj;sdkfl;sdkfldslkfj TT___TT
11. if you were put in the main character's position, how well would that go for you on a scale of 1-5?
Umm...maybe like a 4? Rob is a very normal kind of guy, and while I'm not a lawyer like him, most of the things he does are fairly ordinary, all things considered. (Well, it's not an ordinary situation at all, but I mean he doesn't have hidden magic or anything.) There's nothing particularly special about him except the lengths he's willing to go to for his brother. And I'd like to think I would do the same for my siblings if need be.
12. assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story?
YES. A world where I could potentially meet my favorite characters from beloved stories? Yeah, okay, some of the more unsavory characters show up too, but...like...I could have tea with Dumbledore. I could share crunchings and munchings with Gurgi. I could hang out with Pippi Longstocking! Maybe I could even give Kaladin Stormblessed a hug :')
Full Metal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
A fake human uses a double amputee, a tin can, a war criminal, a butcher, and some old guy to try to become God. He fails because he didn't brush up on meteorology enough.
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
Funny you should ask, because I've got several ideas floating around in my head that I could actually make a reality if I just sat down and took the time! The first AMV idea I ever got, years and years ago, was one set to "Memories" by Within Temptation.
11. if you were put in the main character's position, how well would that go for you on a scale of 1-5?
Lol. 1. I would die immediately. I don't have a head for numbers or science, so I would probably be horrible at alchemy. Even if I somehow got clap-alchemy from the Truth (though how I'd be able to manage human transmutation to get that far is anyone's guess), I would fail miserably to do the things Ed does, because I am very flabby and weak and cowardly. Also I don't think I would have the gumption to do half the things he does, like pushing through the pain of automail surgery. Yeah, sorry, the world is doomed if I'm put in Ed's place.
12. assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story?
As much as I adore this story, I think I'd actually say no. There's so much danger and war on every side, and I don't much fancy the thought of losing my soul to a whirling vortex (even if my soul does get put back!). I've already laid out how I wouldn't be an alchemist, so there wouldn't even be that to compensate. Maybe I'd visit after it's no longer a fascist military state, though.
13. tell me an out-of-context piece of worldbuilding or lore!
Did you know that Amestris was the wife of Artaxerxes, king of Persia?
14. how likely do you think this story is to break a reader's heart? If you're not done with the story, just guess.
I'm biased, but I think it's pretty much guaranteed. If your heart doesn't break at least a little bit at a certain little girl and her dog, I'm not sure you have one. And there are so many other parts where I cried really hard, not least at the ending of the first anime. All I wanted to do after I finished it the first time was lie in my bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out how to carry on with my life ^^'
15. what time are you most likely to be found reading/watching this story? (time of year, time of day, season of life, whatever makes sense to you)
Lol, that would have been my answer in my teenage years, but admittedly my attention has strayed to other fandoms more recently. I'm still down to read/watch FMA anytime at the drop of a hat, but these days I'm most likely to dip back into it this time of year, because I always try to have something to post for FMA Day on October 3rd. (Which reminds me, I need to get cracking on that D:)
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
what got you into this story?
I guess you could call it peer pressure, kinda? I just kept hearing people praising it over the years, until finally I decided I should probably see what all the fuss was about, rather than just writing it off as Not For Me because I decided that back when I was eight or something. And once I did start reading, it didn't take long for Anne to win me over ^_^
16. do you think this story has broad appeal, or is it meant for a very specific audience? if it's more "niche", what kind of person would most enjoy this story?
I do think it has broad appeal, though I'd still say it's not for everybody. Clearly, Baby Novie decided it wasn't for her because there wasn't enough high adventure in it. I think most people would be able to find something relatable or at least enjoyable about it, but some people might need to wait until they're mature enough to appreciate its merits ;)
17. compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed?
I usually prefer books with more fantastical elements in them, or at least adventuring, and that was especially true when I tried to read this book as a kid. I will certainly read the occasional historical fiction about ordinary, everyday ups and downs, but even so, I'm usually more inclined to reach for something like Austen or Dickens that has a more complicated, twisty-turny plot.
18. compare this story to your usual tastes. what parts of it are exactly the kind of thing you've always loved?
I'm actually kind of surprised this was never assigned for school, because it feels a lot like the kind of book I read a lot, and probably one I would have enjoyed more than some of the other stuff we had to read. If I'd only made the connection that it takes place around the same time as the Mandie books, I probably would have really latched onto it (even though Anne isn't about mysteries), because that was my bread and butter for several years as a kid. And Anne of Green Gables would have been much less embarrassing to return to as an adult ^^' Another element that is common to many stories I love is how friendship is treasured so highly.
Half Magic by Edward Eager
8. what questions are or were you most excited to learn the answers to while experiencing the story for the first time?
Oh man, it's been so long since the first time I read this book, I can't really remember. Especially because I was never really an "active reader" as a kid. I never stopped to ask questions, I just inhaled stories, and whatever happened in it, that was how it obviously had to be ^^' And by now, I've read the book so many times I know it back to front, and there aren't really any more questions that I care about.
At a guess, though, I might have wondered where the talisman came from and where I could get one :P
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
This book teaches you about fractions :)
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
Uhhhh...I really don't know. Probably some kind of instrumental track, maybe piano? And it would just be a montage of the whole story, I think.
11. if you were put in the main character's position, how well would that go for you on a scale of 1-5?
I'd say a 4 or a 5. I'd like to think I'd do pretty well at remembering not to say "I wish" out loud as much as they do, but that's never how these things go. But most of the times I say that, it's usually just things like "I wish I could remember..." or "I wish I knew why..." And I don't see how the consequences of that kind of accidental wish could be too dire XD
12. assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story?
A THOUSAND TIMES YES. How many times did I daydream about what my siblings and I would do if we got a wish-granting adventure like in the books? It might be a little annoying to have to put up with 1920s America or whenever it's supposed to be, but...wish-granting talisman. Come on.
The Little Riders by Margaretha Shemin
what got you into this story?
This was assigned for school. I don't remember when exactly that was, but I think it was a read-aloud rather than one I read to myself, so maybe first or second grade? And I just remember it being one of the books that stood out to me amongst all the others.
3. quickly list 3 things you like about the story!
It offers a unique perspective on WWII, humanizing the Nazi soldiers when most of the time, we're all content to just think of them as nothing but monsters.
It's tense and exciting - will the soldier find the little riders?!
Illustrated by Peter Spier, a staple of my childhood picture books!
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
What about a parallel story about the soldier's family? What was their experience like during the war?
20. what's the WORST thing about this story, in your opinion? (feel free to be positive, e.g. "it's not longer", if you want!)
Okay, yes, I could definitely do with a longer version of this book. I would have liked more exploration of Johanna's experience of being an American girl growing up in Holland with her grandparents. Did she have culture shock at first? Does she feel more at home in Holland now? For the lack of exploration they do into her unique situation, I almost think it would have been better to just have her be a Dutch girl who's lived in Holland all her life. The extra details of her father being in the U.S. Navy kind of feels superfluous.
Story Ask Game
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
Backstory time for MFL aka buildup to egg meeting;
The president was looking through intel on envy. A troublemaker who has escaped the organizations grasp for a while. He has been a top priority to handle since he was quite powerful. The president sighed having reached a dead end on ways to find the homunculus
Just then an agent comes in with news almost tripping with how fast they were going to get into the office pantin quite a bit.
The president would then incentivize the agent to speak. “You seem to be in a rush. You may speak agent “
“Sir sir!” The agent spoke out of breath. “Great news! The homunculus has been apprehended!” They say happily
The president was quite intrigued envy apprehended? By someone not of the organization? This he had to see. “Oh? Who apprehended them? Where are they now? Howd they get him?”
“Well sir! A third party got him! They lured him into a trap with a fake stone and used a circle or some other magic or whatever to keep him bound we believe the truth gate was used to take his powers”
The president was impressed and relieved that was alot of work off his shoulders. “Splendid! Who do we have to thank for this?”
“Someone named egg sir.” He says handing him a card with her info
“Hm. This public service should not go unrewarded! Any ideas on how to repay this egg agent?”
“Yes sir! They seem to have a fixation on the full metal alchemist!”
“That suit of armor? Why would she be interested in that?”
“No sir! The blonde one is the full metal!”
“Ah the one whos quite tall for his age? Okay then. Send some agents to secure him for miss egg”
“Yes sir! “ and with that their best stealth agent was sent to catch mr elric. A few days later another agent came to report what went down
“Sir! I have the report for the elric snatch plan!”
“Excellent! How did. It go?” He asks softly as the agent gulps before speaking
“Well sir… it was unsuccessful it seems hes already claimed.”
“What?! How were they bested? With magic? Extreme strength? Something else?”
“Well sir the blonde who has claimed mr ed … somehow got a wrench stuck in the agents head.”
The president looked horrified.. and perplexed. “A-a wrench?”
“Yes sir”
“They used a wrench against him.:. And it worked that well?”
“Yes sir we are all horrified”
“Good lord! Is the agent alright?”
“Yes sir. Just need a while to get the wrench out”
“Darn. Well we need to pay her back somehow.. no good deed should go unpunished. But how?”
Just then shawka comes in witb a bound nagisa. “Sir! We have finally caught the assassin tryin to break in! Id say we should send him to elise! She has a thing for soft boys such as this one and she s long overdue for a reward!”
“True true. Buttt this egg seems to have a thing for that one… perhaps he coild be a compensation gift. Yes thats what we will do. Toge! Gather a box of our best tools. We will bring miss egg her public service gift within the hour!”
“It will be done sir!”
And after the tools were gathered the president , toge, shawka, and the poor agent who had a wrench in his head were off to give egg the gift
(Anddd there yall are! Much more writings for the MFL soon to come!)
hahaaa i love it ! what a string of unruly but blessed events ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ tama-chan will provide much more “public service” in the future.
your sacrifices offerings to her are much appreciated. thank you for providing us with this tale of mischeif ! (also, i loved the “alphonse gets confused for the fullmetal alchemist” reference (๐॔˃̶ᗜ˂̶๐॓))
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33-108 · 6 months
"The green lion devouring the Sun is an ancient motif of alchemy. Contrary to the imaginations of many people, alchemists were not failed chemists. Rather, they were explorers of not only the chemical properties and reactions of substances but also practitioners of a sophisticated psychological art. Its goal was the total transformation of the personality into an agent of the divine...
...The Sun is a symbol of the ego. Shining and brilliant, it feels entitled that all else should revolve around it. Lo, there comes the green lion to devour it. The green lion, as king of beasts, represents the instincts. In this image, we witness an encounter of the ego with the instinctive, primal forces within us. We fear our instincts and know them to be dangerous, so we repress them. Civilization is an enterprise seeking to repress our instincts in exchange for peace and comfort. Much of this process is positive, but it has become inwardly weak, ignoring our inner experiences and separating us from our instincts to a detrimental degree. In our dangerous nature, there lies a power that can propel us forward.
The image corresponds to the releasing of primordial essence. That is why the lion is green, which is a primordial, unripe color. It also connotates fecundity. Eating the sun symbolizes the dominance of the Ego by instinctual forces. It is the beginning of a return to a more natural psychological state in which human beings flourish.
The ego perceives the encounter as terrifying because all transformational processes appear to be a kind of death to the ego. However, this process is the catalyst for an encounter with the Self. The instincts are amoral relative to human society and culture. Social conditioning aims to keep the instincts in check until the Higher Self is adequately present. Once present, our attitudes and feelings will be conditioned and directed by the Self. Otherwise, we experience a regression to the animalistic nature.
In the background, there is a new sun emerging from the waters. It is the new personality emerging from the encounter. The old Sun, having been killed by the lion, needs a replacement in the form of a new, resurrected Sun. Water is a feminine symbol and thus associated with the unconscious. Ultimately, all that we are emerges from the oceans of the unconscious, and our egos are but a bobbing cork on its waves. It is the unconscious that creates new patterns and modes of operation for the ego.
We see seven red stars in an arc through the lion's body. This evokes correspondence to the seven chakras, which would have been known as the seven inner metals to the alchemists or the seven interior planets to the kabbalists. Here, they align with the instincts, initiating the destruction of the current personality and providing the raw material for its rebirth...
...This image is the first stage. Eventually, the green lion must evolve into the red lion. Fearsome and matured, the red lion has come into the fullness of its power. The instincts, now ripe, become a fountain of libido, propelling the personality to new heights and revealing undiscovered realms within. Finally, the lion becomes the golden, old lion. At this stage of development, the instincts are fully sublimated in service to the Self.
Each of us must have such an encounter if we are to individuate. We must access the terrifying primal presence within the wilderness of our psyche. The encounter is a kind of death. It is a confrontation against the truth that the ego is neither the sole occupant of our minds nor ultimately who we are. It is simply the role we currently play. As we navigate into the inner wilderness, the savagery found there is a valid part of us, and once set in service to a higher power, it becomes a fountain of potential and possibility."
Tony Leguia
"The Green Lion
Devouring the Sun" (2021)
"The Green Lion Devouring the Sun"
Engraving 18
Johann Daniel Mylius
"Philosophia reformata" (1622)
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akashasananda · 8 months
Harmonizing with the Universe with TwinRay - The Art and Science of Spiritual Alchemy
Embrace the Cosmic Dance of Spiritual Alchemy
You are poised at the edge of an extraordinary expedition, one that ventures deep into the cosmic layers of spiritual alchemy. This sacred exploration, guided by TwinRay, invites you to journey into self-discovery, navigating the mystic realms connecting you to the universe's fundamental essence. As an adept in modern spiritualism, you stand ready to unlock the secrets of cosmic harmony and tap into the boundless potential residing within you.
At the heart of spiritual alchemy lies the art and science of self-discovery. It is a journey that invites you to delve deep into the recesses of your soul, to unravel the mystical activations that have been dormant within you for too long. This path is not for the faint of heart, but for those who seek to connect with their divine essence and master the alchemical process of transformation.
Embarking on this transformational journey, you will find yourself immersed in the threads of synchronicity, where the universe conspires to guide you towards your true purpose. Every moment, every encounter, every challenge is a part of the grand design, carefully orchestrated to aid you in your evolution of consciousness.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Alchemy
As you embark on this enlightening journey, spiritual mentors and master healers, such as TwinRay, serve as your guides. These enlightened individuals, having journeyed through the path of spiritual embodiment and mastery, are poised to share their wisdom and insights. Their guidance will assist you in deciphering esoteric alchemical scriptures, thereby deepening your understanding of the perennial truths inherited from antiquity.
One of the most profound aspects of spiritual alchemy is the concept of rebirth and initiation. Just as the alchemist transforms base metals into gold, you too will undergo a process of inner transmutation. Each initiation is a sacred rite of passage, a moment of divine union with your higher self, bringing you one step closer to the enlightened humanity that awaits.
Central to the art and science of spiritual alchemy is the concept of healing. It is through this process that you cleanse your energetic field, removing the blockages that have hindered your spiritual growth. The sacred rays of divine love and universal healing energy will flow through you, revitalizing your being and restoring your soul to its natural state of balance and harmony.
In your quest for spiritual mastery, you will discover the power of community support and the importance of gathering with like-minded souls. Mastery gatherings and community support calls provide you with a platform to share your experiences, receive guidance, and connect with kindred spirits on the same transformative journey. The collective energy of these gatherings amplifies your own spiritual growth and accelerates your ascension.
Astrological and Energetic Forecasts
Walking the path of spiritual alchemy under the guidance of TwinRay, the importance of astrological and energetic forecasts becomes evident. Considered as cosmic guides, these forecasts facilitate a better understanding of the universe's energies. They offer a deeper comprehension of celestial alignments and energetic trends that sway your spiritual voyage, enabling discerning decisions and effective utilization of divine energies facilitating your spiritual growth.
The full moon is a potent time for spiritual exploration and transformation. During this celestial event, the lunar energy is at its peak, illuminating the hidden aspects of your psyche and offering you the opportunity to release old patterns and beliefs. Full moon transmissions are powerful rituals that harness this lunar energy to accelerate your spiritual growth. They provide you with the guidance and support you need to align with the cosmic forces and elevate your consciousness to new heights.
In your spiritual alchemical journey, you will encounter the sacred rays and kunda rays, channels of divine energy that connect you with the universal life force. These rays carry the vibrational frequencies of love, healing, wisdom, and transformation. By attuning yourself to these energies, you can tap into their infinite power and integrate them into your being, facilitating your spiritual embodiment and mastery.
In your ongoing journey of spiritual alchemy, you'll understand that you form part of a larger cosmic blueprint—the Golden Age Ascension. This signifies the progression of consciousness, the collective arousal of humanity toward elevated levels of mindfulness and divine unity. Your path is an essential component of this ascension, and as you align with the cosmos under the mentorship of TwinRay, you aid in the metamorphosis of our entire world.  Shekinha Ma
Eternal Truths and Universal Love
Throughout your journey, you will encounter eternal truths that resonate deep within your soul. These truths transcend time and space, revealing the interconnectedness of all life and the power of universal love. As you embrace these truths, you will come to understand that the essence of spiritual alchemy is the cultivation of love and compassion, not only for yourself but for all beings in existence.
The art and science of spiritual alchemy is a profound and transformative journey of self-discovery and evolution of consciousness. It is a path that leads you to embrace your divine essence, connect with the universal energies, and contribute to the Golden Age Ascension of humanity. As you embark on this transformational journey, remember that you are never alone. The support and insight you need for your personal life are readily available through the guidance of spiritual teachers, the wisdom of master healers, and the loving embrace of your spiritual community.
Step forward with conviction onto this sacred path, utilizing the strength of the sacred rays and kunda rays to synchronize with the cosmos. Engage in the celestial rhythm of spiritual alchemy, and observe as the threads of synchronicity interlace to create a fabric of mystical experiences, introspection, and consideration that will permanently alter your existence. The universe is prepared to share its mysteries with you, and this remarkable journey of spiritual exploration and divine unity commences with a single decision—your commitment to embark. Shepherded by TwinRay, you are set to navigate this extraordinary expedition.
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silverandsoulbonded · 3 years
A Life of Stories - Soulbonding and My Story
It’s the late 90’s. A tiny child sits in the grip of wonder on the carpet two feet from the old, analog television screen. The volume is turned way down on a Saturday morning, so as not to wake the parents. And Digimon: Adventure is playing.
That kid was me.
I spent the next several days telling anyone and everyone I knew about the trials and bravery of my favorite new friends on the TV. Taichi and his Digi-pals.
Every Saturday morning I tuned in with wrapped attention to check in on my friends. Because that is what they were. I could not explain it at the time, and looking back I see that I did not understand just how powerful my love for them was, but over the years I began to notice the disparity between my experience and that of others. The glazed looks I received when I tried to communicate just how much the “stories” around me meant to my heart and spirit.
As I grew, so too did my well of worlds. When it was not Digimon, it turned to Batman and the DC Animated Universe. Over the years, as things became harder and harder for me in an unsafe household, I would reach out to those stories for safety and comfort. In the dead of night, listening to shouts, I would silently pray for Batman to come in and save me. I would think about Static, from Static Shock, and his bravery. I would long for the Justice League to show me hope.
I grew up in a conservative Protestant Christian household, and I was quickly taught from the moment I could understand stories that they were not real. It seemed a strange double-standard to me, as we read of Jesus and his amazing feats, recorded centuries ago by the hands of men but somehow “different” than the other stories I consumed, which also taught me and affected me just as emotionally.
It would not be until adulthood that I could finally articulate this incongruity I felt, much less possess the bravery and personal freedom to think about it on my own terms. To set aside the pre-packaged “truth” I had been fed growing up in order to find my own fresh fruits of wisdom and meaning.
Stories. Stories are what sustain humanity. All we have are stories. Even the perceptions we store in our brains are only that. Perceptions. Stories. We can never truly know what an orange is, or who a person is. We only can know our perception of them, and the story of them that lives on within us.
And, sometimes, those stories speak to us in the most fantastic and magical of ways.
Fast forward to 2021.
I am an adult. A practicing witch and pagan. An artist and writer. I am functional and thriving. And I have an unusual family.
Some of the most important people in my life do not exist on the physical plane of this Earth quite the same as other friends of mine. They exist in the subtle realms of Dream and thought and wonder. Over time I have come to find many names for them. Spirits, guides, and “soulbonds”.
I began my foray into the community of “soulbonding” when I began to sense, or rather, acknowledge the living quality of some of the “characters” I was writing about. One character in particular, a being who introduced himself to me in a dream, had me particularly flummoxed. I called him Asura, and from the moment he entered my life through that dream, my entire world changed. It was akin to stepping onto a roller coaster car while it was still moving—except this roller coaster had no track and no limits. His entire presence permeated my life, my thoughts, my daydreams. I wrote about him, and it was my writing about him that led me to thoughts, questions, and explorations I would have never dared otherwise. By finding him, he led me to find myself, and for that I shall be forever grateful.
At some point, I, and even my closest friends, became aware of a “spookiness” about my dogged pursuit of this mysterious character. I started to know things about him and his world, and make connections in his story, that seemed to come out of nowhere but which all cohered together perfectly. Without a fault, I would learn tidbits about him that would suddenly fit with another thing I learned later, though I never had to strain to achieve such things. It was not so much that I was “creating” the story so much as “recording” it. There were elements of his story that overlapped with our world’s history and it was spooky as all get out when I learned about historical facts through his story and later found them to also be reflected in my own world, which has a similar timeline to his. A sort of “sibling world” to his.
We also noticed the tremendous power of my emotional connection to him and his friends. My boyfriend at the time even became jealous of Asura, though I assured him that was absurd. “Asura is just a story,” I would say. And my boyfriend thought the same yet he, and others, seemed unable to ignore the fact that there seemed to be something weird going on.
And, one day, with horror, I realized I was in love with Asura—fortunately, by that time I had since broken up with my boyfriend—but the idea terrified me. Unsurprisingly, this sent a conservative Christian “good kid” such as myself down into a spiral of questions and disbelief.
I felt the imposter syndrome. I thought, “I must be insane.” Yet, no one, myself included, could deny the reality of this connection I felt.
Over time, Asura and his friends began to speak to me. They guided me and provided loving support to me. I, at the time, figured I was either crazy or eccentric.
“Maybe this is a writer thing,” I thought.
And it was that thought that led me to soulbonding. I learned of other writers who also had their “characters” come alive to them. Alice Walker, author of the famed American work, The Color Purple, allegedly purported that she had received her story straight from the characters’ mouths one afternoon, during which she sat down to tea with them and learned their tale. And that is when I found a forum site called “The Living Library” (now defunct), and learned the term “soulbonding”.
In that community I found others who echoed my story in various ways. Deep personal connections to entities from other worlds, many of whom they found depicted in the flourishing ecosystem of thought and imagination, stories, that surrounds the human race. Others, discovered their unconventional friends via dreams, visions, or odd circumstances just like myself. One person I met had actually found one such friend first, in this instance a version of Edward Elric from “Full Metal Alchemist”, before learning years later—with a start I imagine—that Edward actually had an entire manga and anime about him.
I say “version” because another amazing phenomenon I discovered was the occurrence of many instantiations of people, characters, from infinite worlds, all with slight variances from one another. That is when I was introduced to the idea of Multiverse Theory and Many Worlds Theory.
As my personal investigations led me down various spiritual rabbit holes, and eventually led me to spirit-working and witchcraft, I found more and more ideas that seemed to jive with my experience.
I discovered what are colloquially called “pop pantheons” in occult circles. Pantheons of spirits and deities who connect to pop culture figures in human society—and even figures from “fiction”. And there is a whole, thriving community of people who lead successful, fulfilled, and meaningful spiritual lives working with these entities. I learned that reality and “truth” are not objective like I had been taught so long ago. And I finally understood MY truth—all we have are myths and stories. Experience is subjective and the only measure of meaning and truth we have is in the effects we see in our own lives.
With tremendous wonder and happiness, and even love, I have seen the effects my unconventional friends and family have wrought in my life. Asura is my familiar spirit now, and I have a whole host of other beings whom I love. Some come from “personal gnosis”, or unique experience, such as Asura. Others are beings who have come to me from the vast world of collective Dreaming that permeates our world, evident in media sources, in the form of stories.
I still have moments of doubt. I sometimes wonder, “Gee-golly-whiz, am I NUTS?” But then I remember that my truth exists only in my own experience. My ethereal family brings me happiness, growth, and meaning. And there really is no difference between my relationship with them and the relationship I had with Jesus so long ago. Every experience is real to me, and brings with it change and good. And that is what matters.
In this blog I intend to share my experience, in hopes that it can offer a beacon to others in similar situations. Every person’s experience is unique, though I hope mine can at least offer some hope, understanding, and love to another.
And happy story-telling.
- Cosmic
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piduai · 4 years
this has been on my mind for a while, i feel like at this point women mangaka are generally just better people than their male peers. id love to hear some manga ud recommend by women, or even counterpoints, but series like Dungeon Meshi and Full Metal Alchemist (among others) handle almost every concept way better and with more tact, from writing complex stories and compelling characters, to treating women like people and not literal naked rubber dolls colored in and posed like p*rn
you are so correct and right and speak the truth. female mangaka are superior. the only thing i’d say women don’t do inherently better is technical skill, there’s a ton of men who are very artistically talented, but arts such as drawing and music are sexless because they come from within and aren’t influenced by external factors such as upbringing and culture like storytelling is. everything else though is done better by women.
the problem with female mangaka is that they’re gatekept in the industry big time. if you google ‘top selling manga of all time’ and go to the wikipedia page, there’s only one woman (kimetsu no yaiba) and she’s hiding behind a male pen name just like arakawa hiromi did when fma was publishing. neither of these are a coincidence. women are generally discouraged from pursuing writing, and if they do so they’re supposed to be kept to female-catering genres such as shoujo, josei and BL, which are all much less mainstream, aka much less known and much less money making, than shounen. women having to go behind male-sounding pen names just so men don’t feel emasculated when consuming their stories has been a thing since forever across many different cultures. misogyny is universal.
however since i personally am more into grittier stuff and i love gratuitous violence and other Mature Themes i just naturally gravitate more towards manime with all its faults. my favorite genre overall is comedy though and women ARE much funnier and wittier and more clever. female mangaka also typically avoid drawing gore, which i guess is cultural but a shame.
i’m not a manga person, i prefer watching anime, so i compiled a list of my favorite anime based on manga written by women a while ago. i am VERY picky and nitpicky and very, very difficult to please so keep in mind that the list is not comprehensive in the slightest, it’s just things that i personally liked. there’s tons of non-shoujo stuff written by women that generally have a good reputation (ao no exorcist, gangsta, kuroshitsuji, noragami, d gray man, magi, xxxholic etc etc etc) that didn’t stand out to me at all so again, short as it may be the list isn’t comprehensive in the slightest, i’m sure that people who are more easily entertained than me could come up with much more names. anyway everything else is copy-pasted, i know you know of fmab but it needs to be included because fmab is my favorite series of all times:
anime based on manga created by female writers that is in fact not heterosexual shoujo/BL garbage and i liked (bc i saw a post talking about female mangakas and all of the examples were in fact heterosexual shoujo/BL garbage that i unfortunately do not like and my anime opinions are super important obviously):
fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood (adventure/action) any comments on why fmab is the best product the anime industry has ever put on the market that will not be outranked ever is tired at this point. fmab is a masterpiece through and through. most of the cast including the mcs is male tho, which is sad
saraiya goyou (historical/drama) if fmab didn’t exist it would have been the best title out there. the word masterpiece was invented solely to have a concept to describe it. the ost makes up about 40% of its greatness and was also written by a woman. too bad all the characters are also dudes
acca: 13ku kansatsuka (drama/political) not quite as good as saraiya goyou but from ono natsume as well. pleasant is the word to describe it. relaxing. most of the cast is male.
dorohedoro (horror/gore/comedy) the best title since like 2006. everything about it is great. i don’t have a single criticism and that’s rare. the cast is actually balanced and the Female Characters™ all 3 of them are like, written like people and are also queens
hachimitsu to clover (slice of life) saddest shit i’ve seen in my whole life in a colorful packaging. heterosexual as hell but not in an obnoxious way. cast seems diverse but it’s predominantly male
3gatsu no lion (drama) from the same great umino chica who is a master at writing uncomfortable truths and playing on emotions. she’s great truly, her character crafting is genuine but it gets under your skin, it’s filled with melancholy. 3gatsu is actually better than hachimitsu to clover but 1) i have history with the former so i like it better and 2) it was produced by shaft which is a sin in itself. they did a great job and all, i just hate the studio. has 3 speaking female characters in total but all 3 are great.
hoozuki no reitetsu (comedy) it’s hilarious it’s fresh it’s pretty it’s original it’s creative it’s clever. i love everything about it. the whole cast is male with like 2 exceptions and a rabbit (best girl).
saiunkoku monogatari (historical) i know it LOOKS like heterosexual shoujo garbage but it in fact isn’t. fits the reverse harem trope solely because everyone is in love with mc, but there’s next to no actual romance in it. unironically a feminist power fantasy. i’m still shooketh at how incredibly pleasant it turned out to be. the mc is a young girl but the rest of the cast is almost exclusively male.
arakawa under the bridge (comedy) surprisingly… by shaft again. maybe i am prejudiced. anyway, hilarious to a fault. is technically centered around a str8 romance but it’s not too invasive so whatever. cast is pretty balanced and the women are written smartly.
saint oniisan (comedy) THE funniest thing i’ve ever watched, or nearly. it’s just great. same author as above. cast exclusively male
doukyuusei (gay romance) which i refuse to categorize as BL simply because it’s not BL. it’s a good gay story, arguably the best one yet. cast is exclusively male but i mean lmao
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun (comedy) straight to A FAULT but funny nevertheless. is, technically, heterosexual shoujo garbage. but SOME heterosexual shoujo garbage can stay i guess. cast is balanced, there’s still more male characters tho
gokusen (comedy/action) which i don’t remember much about except kumiko being best girl and me liking it. if i remember liking it it means it was good overall just not memorable. cast is exclusively male except mc.
kaleido star (sports) which is the ONLY good, or like decent, or like watchable sports anime, the rest don’t exist. not based on a manga but the writer is a woman which is strongly felt through and through. good story about perseverance and will and optimism and competition. cast is predominantly female and all of them are wonderfully written
michiko to hatchin (adventure) again no manga but main writer is the woman known for creating the skating BL people pretend isn’t BL. michiko to hatchin is way better than the skating BL, but i’m just a humble girl. tons of sexy sexy i could have lived without but otherwise good shit. cast predominantly female.
mushishi (mystery/fantasy) mushishi is just unique. it has similar vibes to saraiya goyou and natsume sure, but ultimately it’s one of its kind. it has what ghibli wants. again no criticism about it at all except that it’s SO chill that binging it is super tiring. cast is predominantly male but it has few reoccurring characters so who cares.
natsume yuujinchou (mystery/fantasy) again similar to mushishi but less grim. chill story, the definition of wholesome unproblematic etc whatever kids are into these days. cast predominantly male but not memorable in the slightest
petshop of horrors (horror) watched it a million years ago so don’t remember shit but i do remember liking it. cast is probably predominantly male
sakamoto desu ga (comedy) well THE actual funniest thing i’ve ever watched, it licherally had me in tears, i watched the new episodes like 3 times on the days they came out, including watching them on tv in real time at like 3 am or whenever it aired in shinya. just really really funny. cast predominantly male.
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soulalchemyacademy · 3 years
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Soul Alchemy ' When I comprehended my darkness, a truly magnificent night came over me and my dream plunged me into the depths of the millennia, and from it my phoenix ascended’. Carl G.Jung. The Phoenix is most often portrayed as a magnificent ascending bird with majestic gold, orange and red plumage, flying triumphantly towards the Sun. The fire of truth has eradicated the dross of unconsciousness. The resurrected Phoenix gathers the ashes of its former self and builds a new egg which it offers to the Sun god at Heliopolis. The Egyptians called the Phoenix Bennu, a heron with red and gold feathers. It is associated with both the sun-god Ra, and Osiris, god of the Underworld, who gave Bennu the secret of rebirth and Immortality, as it rises every morning just like the Sun. In Greek and Roman legends the Phoenix symbolises the journey of the human soul in its quest for rebirth and transformation. The Phoenix is a symbol for the Philosopher’s Stone, and represents the alchemical transmutation of the soul’s nature. “ For the alchemist, the one primarily in need of redemption is not the man, but the deity who is lost and sleeping in matter “. Carl Jung ( Psychology and Alchemy) The work of an alchemist is to transmute base metal into gold. It is also the endeavour of creating an Elixir of Life and Immortality, capable of curing any disease of the of the body and soul. The manifestation and building of the Philosopher’s Stone was encompassed within this work. It has become the key symbol of perfection and spiritual enlightenment. Efforts to discover the Philosopher’s Stone were called the Magnum Opus – or Great Work. We are all born alchemists and healers, and it is now time for us to reclaim the full potential of our true natures. Soul Alchemy offers us the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of our psyche and the way our unconscious manifests in our lives. Soul Alchemy Academy 🦉 🜃 🜁 🜄 🜂 🜨 #alchemy #soul #soulalchemy #phoenix #carljung #rebirth #transformation #transmutation #philosophersstone #enlightenment #spirituality #greatwork #elixir #alchemist #sun #gold #magnumopus #truenature #healers #healing #egypt https://www.instagram.com/p/CVdLfnShT71/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thesolitarystripe · 3 years
A Strange Meeting
I got ahead of myself in posting Tindyl’s reunion with her guild. Of course, she had a little persuading from an unlikely source.
Some days passed after Tindyl was reunited with her beloved; they went about making plans to continue in their duty to aid Oribos and the rest of the Shadowlands realms. It was a daunting task when done solely as a pair, but, if Tindyl wished it so—the warrior would be steadfast in his promises. Their siege upon Castle Nathria to end the tyranny of Sire Denathrius was plotted delicately and the birth of that mission would occur in the later hours of the day, when the sun hung low and shadows of the dismal trees that littered the courtyard before the castle, stretched thin upon the ground. Hours before, Tindyl kept busy within the markets of Oribos—crafting potions that might give them even the smallest advantage over their foes. She frequented the vendors often, especially with how often she managed to drop her vials and lose them among the hundreds of Alliance feet that tread through those halls.
“Preparing for a battle, young one?”
A voice came from behind the Archdruid, one she could not place to anyone she knew but in its delicate tone, there was an odd familiarity. Tindyl turn on her heel, having concluded her business with the local alchemist and affixed her eyes upon the one that spoke. Another night elf, one whose face was not known to her eyes. It was a female, with shoulder length golden hair, tied tightly up in a large bun upon the top of her head. Two flaming eyes blazed against hers, soft and pale like the color of the moon. The women held one another’s gaze in silence until the older Kaldorei spoke.
“That doesn’t seem like enough to support any army,” her voice was slow and thick, like expensive honey dripping down the side of a golden jar. The woman stepped forward and dared let a single finger poke beneath the leather flap of Tindyl’s satchel, where she had just placed her potions. “Perhaps and army of four,” she shrugged, glowing us flicking up to behold the bewildered expression on the druid’s face. Tindyl knew better than to disrespect her elders but pulled the leather pouch away hurriedly and slapped a palm over the top of it to dissuade the woman from attempting to touch her items again.
“There are many factions within the Alliance, some work in droves—others prefer to work alone.” Tindyl kept her voice steady and smoothed out her features to appear pleasant again.
“Do you prefer it?” One golden eyebrow rose even further up from where it laid across the woman’s brow. “Tindyl, isn’t it?” The female crossed one arm across her body, holding her elbow as her other hand waved upward and tapped a single finger against her lips.
“I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” Tindyl pointed out hesitantly, uneasy that this woman knew her name and yet she was sure she had never seen her here or anywhere else upon her travels.
“I assure you; we have been young druid but, please, don’t stray from the question.”
This woman spoke with authority and stood with an aura of arrogance swirling about her. Tindyl could feel the power emanating from her counterpart but dared not take a step back, though her legs urged her to. A mage, no doubt. Swift eyes took notice of the staff that hung from her back, fire lapping at the blade as if it were made of wood—a spell of sorts that made the metal burn and yet it spread nowhere else. Who was this woman?
“Perhaps there was a time I preferred the company of others, but those days have since passed.”
“You were a guild leader, no? Have you left your people? Strayed from the flock?”
“Excuse me?”
“A small but mighty guild, with just enough heroes to make miracles happen and save Azeroth. Archdruid Tindyl, the fearless leader with nearly no experience in battle when she signed the guild charter—yet she found those willing to follow and even better, succeeded. Is that not you?”
Tindyl paused, her mouth ajar as her breath evaded her. “No…well...not anymore—I’ve left, you’re correct.” Now, she did take a step back, her confidence dissolving as it had so many times over the last several months. She felt backed into a corner, the high rising walls of Oribos closing in on her as she admitted openly that she was only a shell of her former self; to a stranger nonetheless.
“Why?” These were the first words the mage asked that did not feel as if they were being pressed into Tindyl’s throat with the point of a dagger. They sounded, caring.
“It’s a long story,” was all she could think to say as that tiresome lump formed in her throat. She had been so easy to cry these recent days and it bothered her so.
Silence fell between them. Tindyl’s eyes fell to the floor, her hands still clutching her leather pouch as her shoulders fell along with her resolve to look composed. Heat spread like wildfire across her chin so suddenly, Tindyl thought perhaps the mage had whispered some incantation upon her but her senses told her that it was only the feeling of skin on skin that touched her face. The druid watched as pale fingers had grasped her face, lifting her eyes back up to meet the warm glowing embers that intimidated her so.
“A story that I know; I only hoped you would tell me.” The mage again seemed soft in the way she spoke now, holding Tindyl’s jaw tenderly.
“News travels quickly,” Tindyl sighed, knowing well that rumors and gossip were not below even a hero within the Alliance. Her business traveled from ear to ear and yet none had bothered to come to her for insight into what had caused her to leave her beloved guild.
“Unfortunately, so,” the mage sighed. “I know it is difficult, young one—to be different. There are many that would seek to harm you for that sole purpose. People, beings, do not think like you do. They are not within these ranks to save the world. As difficult as it is to understand, there are some only here for power, greed, and self-gain. They will allow nothing to stop them from obtaining that end goal even if it means defamation of someone else. Betrayal. Lies, deceit! For every good soul, there are the damned ones. They will seek out the light in you and destroy it.” Her fingers clenched Tindyl’s face almost painfully, pulling her in closer. “You cannot let them win.” This came as a whisper. It was not a threat but between those breathy words, Tindyl felt the challenge within them.
“Why.” It was Tindyl’s turn to inquire. Despite the minor ache in her jaw, she peered up at the mage, eyes glistening as she asked the very question that plagued her mind daily. At this, the mage’s hand loosened and for a moment the druid thought the mage was about to pull her in and embrace her.
“My dear, if you spend you days asking that question, you’ll go mad within these very walls. There are so many petty reasons that drive men to act—it will only hurt you to linger on it.”
“Why are people cruel! Why join a cause so noble if your aim is to harm! Why risk your life if you do not care for the living that surrounds you?” Tindyl yelled, the anger that she fought to keep locked away within her pouring out into the face of this intimate stranger. “I’ve lost so much,” her breath hitched, and she looked up to stop the flow of her tears but they rolled defiantly.
“You are not the first Kaldorei to experience cruelty of the world, dor’elah. Many of us have been wounded over the many years that our lives span—it is what you choose to do with that pain, that will forge you.”
“What if I’m tired,” Tindyl’s voice came weakly, embodying the very words she spoke.
“Tired of what?”
“Being wrong.”
“Who says that it is so?”
“I imagine, everyone.”
“Do not let your imagination speak for you. We live based on evidence and tangible truths—who has said you are wrong? The ones that have left? So be it, let them run along with their thoughts because they are exactly that, thoughts. Just because it exists does not make it truth.” Tindyl’s eyes fell back upon the face of her elder, her jaw still nestled in that all too hot palm.  “A hero would make nothing of themselves if they cared for what others thought of them, you would do best to learn that now at your age. I took was young when I learned that what others want, what they believe, will not always align with what is best for me. That does not make me wrong, does it?”
“Then why does it make you wrong? Why have you allowed one treacherous man unravel you? Because his allies follow him blindly and hang off his promises like babes to a teat? Hold your head up Archdruid, remember who you are and where you come from. You were not born of weakness. Have your tears and be done with it. Fight for what you are and what you believe in. Dragons do not heed the opinions of the cattle that they eat.” Finally, she released her hold on Tindyl whose tears had suddenly dried. “So, what will you do then druid? Will you be undone by someone who holds less worth and integrity than an old haggard boot? Or will you rise upon the horizon like your precious Mother Moon?”
The mage took a single step backward as if to take her leave, her eyes hard upon the face of the youth before her; that edge to her voice returned in full. She eyed the druid up and down, taking one last look before she spoke plainly.
“Make your decision Archdruid and remember—” Her hand reached out, her index finger finding the hard ridge of Tindyl’s chin just enough to tilt it back upward. “Head up.”
The golden haired Kaldorei turned then and took her leave within a small part of other mages, their cloaks fluttered behind them, her companions deep in conversation. They were gone around the corner before Tindyl could speak.
“Min’da,” her eyes were fixed forward as the realization washed over her. She had never seen her mother, not in her cognizant years. Her father spoke so little of her and Tindyl never dared broach the subject. That familiarity, the way with which she spoke, the fire in her veins—Tindyl knew. The Druid jumped forward after the small party but as she rounded the wall and stood in the entrance of the hall, they were lost among the crowds. Laurel Moonwillow was a powerful fire mage who worked within the Alliance and even had ties within the Kirin Tor; she had left Tindyl and her father not long after Tindyl’s first birthday. Her appearance had changed from the few stories Bai’len had shared of her—once blue haired with eyes to match, cool toned skin and bright yellow eyes. The fire magic had changed her. That was no surprise, Tindyl’s father had harped on that for years and it was one of the main reasons he had wanted Tindyl to fight only with bow and sword. Even as a babe when her affinity for nature magic and druidism began to blossom—he baulked at the thought of his daughter becoming a user of any magic.
Tindyl’s mind raced with all that had happened. After searching the halls for any signs of her mother, she eventually gave up and retreated to the outer edges of Oribos again.
What will you do then druid?
Deep within her heart, Tindyl knew what she must do—but was her heart strong enough after all it had endured, was what worried her.
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bloodymarryy · 6 years
Anime time
Literally, no one asked BUT MY DEAR CHILD sit down because imma show you my top 10 action/horror/splatter anime that are easy to enjoy for beginners!! Have fun!
#1: Tokyo Ghoul
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So if you follow me for a while now or just have some kind of taste in anime, you should know Tokyo Ghoul.
For everyone who doesn't know it:
It's about the 19-year-old Kaneki Ken who lives in Tokyo and is now, thanks to an organ transplantation and a miserable date, a half-ghoul. To learn how to take control of his now new powers and strength, he has to go through a lot of shit. It's a journey of him finding out where he belongs to and who he really is.
Great anime even greater Manga 10/10 would recommend!!
#2: Full metal Alchemist Brotherhood
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Action, romance here and there, sadness and humor... What do you want more?? Fma Brotherhood has it all!
For everyone who doesn't know it:
FmaB is about the two brothers Edward and Alphonso Elric that lose their mother to an incurable disease. With the power of alchemy, they use taboo knowledge to resurrect her. The process fails. Edward loses his left leg. Alphonso loses his entire body. To save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm. Both of them search for the Philosopher's stone to return themselves to their original bodies, even if that means becoming a "State Alchemist", one who uses their alchemy for the military.
FmaB is better than Fma so watch it!! Great ANIME!
#3: Zankyou no terror
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My HEART OMG! This anime has amazing quality, a sad story, likable characters and a lot of intense moments!
For everyone who doesn't know it:
Nine and twelve, the two boys behind the masked figures of the sphinx, should not exist. Yet they stand strong in a world of deception and secrets while they make the city fall around them after their successful terrorist attacks, in hopes of burying their own tragic truth.
#4: Attack on Titan
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This anime literally has no chill omg the ANIMATION!?! Sadness, gore, a lot of deaths, GREAT storyline, and badass characters!
For everyone who doesn't know it:
Attack on Titan is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by enormous Walls that protect them from Titanic, gigantic humanoid creatures that appear out of nowhere, kill humans and disappear. The story centers around Eren Jaeger, his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackermann, and their childhood friend Armin Arlett, whose lives are changed after the appearance of a Colossal Titan which destroys their hometown and kills of Eren's mother. The three friends join the Scout Regiment, an elite group of soldiers who fight Titans outside the Walls.
24/10 would recommend!!
#5: Death Note
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Okay but this anime is gold and known everywhere!!
For those who don't know it:
The anime centers around Light Yagami, a high school student who finds a death note. He decides to rid the world of evil with the help of the Notebook. The book causes the death of anyone whose name is written in it and is passed on to Light by the Shinigami Ryuk after he becomes bored within the Shinigami world.
A classic anime for everyone who is a beginner! This is gold! Watch it!
#6: One Punch Man
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Okay this anime is so funny but at the same time there is so much action, this is a must watch!
For everyone who doesn't know it:
The seemingly ordinary Saitama has a unique hobby: being a hero. To fulfill this childhood dream, he trained for three years,, and lost all his hair in the process. He now is incredibly powerful and no one is able to defeat him. In fact, he is so powerful that it takes one punch for him to win a battle,, that led to an unexpected problem- he is no longer able to enjoy the thrill and has become quite bored...
Really good anime! If anyone tells me Son Goku would win against him then bitch no??? Son Goku has no chance.
#7: Another
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Gore, gore and even more gore. This anime is horror pure and has a great story!
For everyone who doesn't know it :
In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Twenty-six years later, 15-year-old Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3. He finds himself drawn to the mysterious, eyepatch-wearing student Mei Misaki, however, the rest of the school treats her like she doesn't exist. He ignores every warning and gets closer to her. Kouichi, Mei, and their classmates soon are pulled into tragic events as they try to find out how to prevent everyone from dying- but unraveling the secrets and horror may just cost them the ultimate price.
#8: Code Geass
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Old anime style, but great story!
For everyone who doesn't know it:
Code Geass is set in an alternate universe where, during the French Revolution, the nobles of all Europe fled to American colonies and ruled there from that time on. The resulting country "Britannia", is the world's foremost superpower by the time of Code Geass. The main lead of Code Geass is Lelouch- a prince of Britannia. His goals: he wants to kill his father, the Emperor, for abandoning him and his crippled sister after the assassination of his mother. With his superpower "Geass" he can control everyone who looks him into his eyes. Power in hand, Lelouch starts his quest for revenge.
10/10 would recommend!!
#9: Assassination Classroom
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I really like this anime and the end is so sad????
For everyone who doesn't know it:
A strange new teacher is introduced to Class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High School. The teacher is a round-headed, tentacled octopoid creature that is capable to move at an insane speed. In a year, he plots to destroy the earth but decides to teach a junior high school class in the meantime for an unknown reason. The students greet him with assassination attempts in their journey to save the world by eventually murdering their own teacher, and to earn 10 billion yen from the government.
Really good anime!! Popular as well 10/10 would recommend!!
Last but not least
#10: Parasyte
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I love Shinichi omg gsgsgs this anime has so many cool gore scenes and is worth watching!!
For everyone who doesn't know it:
The sixteen-year-old high school student Shinichi Izumi falls victim to one of the parasites that descended to earth and quickly infiltrated humanity by burrowing into the brains of vulnerable targets. However, the parasite fails to take over his brain ending up in his right hand instead. The parasite, named Migi, has no choice but to rely on Shinichi in order to stay alive.
This anime is good written and modern, great for beginners!!!
That was it AND THIS TOOK SOO LONG!! But I love anime and wanted to share it!! I hope maybe this helped someone who wants to start watching anime! I tried to show a lot of action animes that are easy and interesting to watch!! (I will make a romance list soon)
Have fun with this new won Infos about these animes, BYEEEE!!
(I don´t own the gifs, credit goes to the rightfull owner, if you know who did these please tell me so I can tag them)
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||Single muse #2 tag list||
~Davion (DOTA: Dragon’s blood)
~Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
~Mark Grayson (Invincible)
~Link (Breath of the wind 2)
~Akira Fudo (Devilman crybaby)  
~Michael Afton(fNAF)
~Ballister Boldheart (Nimona)
~ Loki (Avengers Assemble, the animated series)
~Warumono-San/The General (Mr. Villain’s day off)
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therappundit · 4 years
***BEST OF 2020: The Best Rap Albums From a Historically Horrible Year***
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So much has been said about this year, so on the last day of 2020 I don’t need to dive any further into exploration of what made this year so challenging (both at a personal and global level), but on the bright side I will say that two unrelated forces saved this year for me: 1.) my amazing baby daughter, and 2.) the seemingly never ending cycle of new, interesting music releases.
Before we dive in, just two points on my criteria for this list:
- must be released within this calendar year (1/1 - 12/31/20)
- must consist of at least 7 tracks
- rankings are according to a combination of my own favorite albums, and other impressive pieces of work that might not be directly up my alley, but I still found truly impressive
So for my last post of 2020...here are the Top 100 Rap Albums/Projects of 2020 (and a more than worthy list of albums that belong on that same list, further down the page):
10. HOMME by Kipp Stone
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Without a doubt the most under-the-radar project on this list, and technically a mixtape and not an "album"...but that doesn't matter much to me, because this effort contains every bit of passion, every bit of perspective, and every bit of sheer love for rapping as any of the the best rap albums of 2020. It's hard to say whether East Cleveland is headed towards similar territory that Detroit, Buffalo, and Rochester now occupy, but with HOMME Kipp Stone captures the hunger, anxiety and forever shoulder-chipped struggle of having big dreams that seem more like unlikely fantasies. Kipp was buzzing a few years back, but making his grand return with this project is confirmation that he is next level talent and is more than ready to make a big splash in 2021.
9. Reasonable Drought by Stove God Cook$ and Roc Marciano
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Quotes, on top of quotes, on top of quotes. Not sure what else to say about Roc Marciano's protege at this point, who came out of nowhere to close out 2020 as one of the most sought after feature-verse assassins in the business today.  Yes, his bars are hilarious, but it's the outside-the-box references and unpredictable bar pairings that truly made this project such an impressive debut. Roc provided high quality instrumentals for Reasonable Drought, but it's clear that he was intentionally lurking in the background to allow the Stove God to stand on his own two. While the album is probably not at the level of Jigga's classic Reasonable Doubt debut that this project tips its' cap to, it's not hard to imagine that someday we will look back at Stove God Cook$' debut as the coming out party for one of New York City's finest MCs.
8. Àdá Irin by Navy Blue
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I never imagined that one of the biggest challenges at this point would not be whether or not Navy Blue deserves to be recognized as having one of the top rap 10 albums of 2020, but rather which album to choose for the top 10!? From Earl Sweatshirt affiliate and Soundcloud producer to standout solo talent, the west coast born by east coast stationed MC/writer/producer/model/skateboarder (!?) had himself a banner year. Of his many gifts, his strongest is his ability to craft beautiful, soulful soundscapes that blend the best elements of the NYC lofi scene with shades of late 90's L.A. underground. Dealing with themes of love, loss, joy, and depression, Navy seems to possess wisdom well beyond his years, and it enabled him to craft not one, but two of the most inviting and accessible offerings from lofi circles that I have heard, and I mean that in the best way possible.  
7. From King To A God (Deluxe) by Conway The Machine
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He did it. Griselda's top muscle came through to deliver his most well-rounded, and arguably strongest overall project yet. Everything from the bars, to the varied production, to the bleeding soul of this project exemplifies the difference between an album and a "tape". The Machine was a machine in 2020, blitzing an astronomical number of feature verses, but FKTG was the gem he needed in his crown to solidify himself as a contender for best MC in the game moving forward. While this is not his actual Shady Records label debut (who knows when that will arrive now), this certainly feels like his major league arrival.
6. Alfredo by Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist
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Two hip-hop specialists getting together to drop a project just for fun in the middle of a pandemic...what could go wrong? Well, almost nothing, actually. Freddie arrived dripping with soul and Al slid a nice little package of beats his way, and what we ended up with was a strong partner-project to FETTI (their previous stellar collaboration alongside Curren$y), only packaged with little snippets of personal revelations and free-flowing opinions throughout. Gibbs is one of the masters of hooking you in with his voice and contagious flow, so much so that his skills as a talented writer are often overlooked. While not necessarily the incredible revelation that his collaborations with Madlib have been thus far, there's enough strong chemistry here between MC and producer to lock Alfredo down as easily one of the best rap projects of 2020. And the Grammy's would certainly agree.
5. Descendants of Cain by Ka
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One of the genre's true master writers, Ka albums feel like audio literature placed over hard-nosed rap beats. Many rappers view themselves as true artists, but few can say they are capable of weaving the type of rhyme poetry that Ka seems to wield with casual ease. The truth is that it's not easy, we just aren't around to witness the care and editing that goes into Ka's work. Featuring too many stirring quotes to single out (and let us not forget an incredible surprise verse from fellow Metal Clergy-man, Roc Marcinao), Decendants of Cain is yet another impressive addition to Ka's catalogue, doing more to capture the paradoxical surroundings of environments that are equal parts harsh and loving - and often doing so through religious metaphors - than many MCs can do in a year. His lyrical paintings of the world may be bleak, but they are not without hope.
4. As God Intended by Che Noir & Apollo Brown
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Apollo Brown has been one of the most revered - albeit not loudly proclaimed - underground hip-hop producers of the past decade. He has joined forces with many talented MCs to drop full partner projects, but perhaps none as under-the-radar as Buffalo's Che Noir. But what Che Noir lacked in household name status heading into 2020, she more than makes up for with conviction, writing ability, and the skills of an elite MC. The result of this collaboration is a beautiful, personal, at times painful, and at times just straight badass album, and one that deserves recognition from top rap circles. In my opinion, this is the greatest production work of Apollo Brown's career thus far, and it's hard to say where it will rank for Che Noir since she seems to be a fresh talent that is very much still on the rise - but as of right now, you have to call her one of the best in the biz today.
3. Pray for Paris by Westside Gunn
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Westside Gunn is one of the masters of the volume game. That's not to say he - or anyone in camp Griselda - sacrifice quality over quantity, but it's safe to say that you know what you're gonna get with a Westside Gunn album. Welp, WSG rewrote the script with this one. What began as an art-inspired passion project between album releases ended up being the overall strongest Griselda project of 2020, and one of the year's most fascinating rap albums. Since his highly regarded Supreme Blientele album, Gunn has gradually been pulling his own lyrical content out of the spotlight, opting to play cook and curator, throwing a mixture of in-house producers and rappers in a pot with outside talent, to mirror the ambiance of a dark, gritty rap fashion show. His projects are less statements of content, than they are audio "scenes" that the listener is invited into, as if they’re Basquiat level exhibitions quantum-leaping forward in time to now live amongst a hungry, thriving rap scene in upstate New York. That's not to say that PFP isn't a lyrical feast as well, with everyone from Tyler, The Creator to Joey Bada$$ to Wale to professional dancer Cartier William having their turn in the spotlight. All thanks to Westside Gunn, the rare MC that enjoys being the host of his own party more than being the center of attention at one.
2. A Written Testimony by Jay Electronica (featuring JAY-Z)
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While some are waving the Act II flag as Jay Electronica's "real" debut album, I am less interested in a cool collection of mostly-finished old songs, and much more interested in a polished,  brilliantly produced project with (again, mostly) new verses from both Electronica and JAY-Z. It's easily the shortest selection on this list, but I feel like the quality of each individual song makes up for the brevity. I couldn't care less whether anyone thinks this is more of a duo-album or a solo piece, because the themes are certainly coming from Electronica's wheel house, and the fact that Hov was able to tweak his content to meet him there, is one of the things that makes AWT so special to me. 
1. The Price of Tea in China (Deluxe) by Boldy James and The Alchemist
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No, it doesn’t represent a seismic shift in the culture, and no it’s not *the album* that we heard blasting out of everyone’s (or anyone’s) car speakers this year, but when it came to sheer execution, and mastery over the style of music they were aiming to make, there just simply wasn’t one flaw in Boldy James and The Alchemist’s The Price of Tea in China. From the distinctly moody production, to the guest verses, to the steady hand of a wizened veteran of the street life, intent on sharing unfiltered tales of his underworld without any additional bells or whistles, it all clicks so well that I can’t picture taking the project out of my rotation. Uncle Al went deeeeeeep into his bag with this one, and Boldy seems to have returned from the industry grave to reach the highest level of recognition of his career. In a year stuffed with a plethora of high quality examples of every flavor of rap music imaginable, The Price of Tea in China is the ideal pick for album of the year, because it’s prestige is built upon it’s ability to simply be what it wanted to be without turning an ear to trends or reaching for broader recognition. TPOTIC’s broader recognition is made possible due to Boldy & Al’s artistic commitment to just making the type of music that a MC from Detroit and a legendary underground producer from Los Angeles love to make, and for that we should be very grateful.
Top 100  (all belong in the Top 25-50, but…there’s only 100 spots in the Top 100, so here we go):
11. FlySiifu by Fly Anakin & Pink Siifu
12. Song of Sage: Post Panic! by Navy Blue
13. Eastern Medicine, Western Illness by Preservation
14. Too Afraid To Dance EP by Chuck Strangers
15. Noise Kandy 4 by Rome Streetz
16. Mt. Marci by Roc Marciano
17. Burden of Proof by Benny The Butcher & Hit-Boy
18. Battle Scar Decorated by Monday Night & Henny L.O.
19. We Know the Truth (Deluxe) by Drakeo the Ruler
20. The Allegory by Royce Da 5′9″
21. Bag Talk by yungmorpheus & Pink Siifu
22. Innocent Country 2 by Quelle Chris
23. Weight of the World by MIKE
24. Kontraband by Rome Streetz & Farma Beats
25. BRASS by Moor Mother & billy woods
26. Try Again by ovrkast.
27. Shrines by Armand Hammer
28. The Smartest by Tee Grizzley
29. Good Energy by Grafh
30. Substance Abuse by Rigz & Futurewave
31. Cold Water by Medhane
32. King’s Disease by Nas & Hit-Boy
33. Milestones by Skyzoo
34. Young & Turnt 2 by 42 Dugg
35. My Turn by Lil Baby
36. Manger on McNichols by Boldy James and Sterling Toles
37. The OutRunners by Curren$y & Harry Fraud
38. Mach’s Hard Lemonade by Mach-Hommy
39. Sages by Henny L.O. & Ohbliv
40. E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front by Busta Rhymes
41. Lake Water by SeKwence
42. At the End of the Day. by Fly Anakin
43. Sole Food by Deniro Farrar
44. The Oracle 3 by Grafh
45. The Blue Tape by Tree
46. lo&behold by lojii
47. Who Made The Sunshine by Westside Gunn
48. RTJ4 by Run The Jewels
49. Whitehouse Studio, Pt. 2 by Various Aritsts [Detroit]
50. Carpe Noctem by Big Ghost Ltd
51. Infinite Wisdom by Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon
52. The Throwaways by The Opioid Era
53. Anyways by Young Nudy
54. PTSD (Deluxe) by G Herbo
55. Holly Favored by Monday Night & Foisey
56. THE GOAT by Polo G
57. Dump YOD: Krutoy Edition by Your Old Droog
58. The Face of Jason by ANKHLEJOHN
59. Two4one by Jay Worthy
60. Poetic Substance by RIM & Vinyl Villain
61. ve·loc·i·ty by H31R (Maassai & JWords)
62. UNLOCKED by Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats
63. Slim E and Friends by CHASETHEMONEY
64. Alone Time by YL
65. FLYGOD Is An Awesome God 2 by Westside Gunn
66. OBLIVION by Black Noi$e
67. Sleeper Effect by Sleep Sinatra
68. Savage Mode 2 by 21 Savage & Metro Boomin
69. Thug Tear by Big Kashuna O.G. & Monday Night
70. II - The Next Wave by Quakers
71. Demon & Mufasa by Yhung T.O. & DaBoii
72. Eternal Atake by Lil Uzi Vert
73. Miles by Blu & Exile
74. IMMORTALKOMBAT by Al Divino & Estee Nack
75. The Baltimore Housing Project by Jay Royale
76. I’m Still Perfect by Baby Smoove
77. The Grotesque & Beautiful by Teller Bank$
78. Crime Scenes by Ransom & Nicholas Craven
79. Streams Of Thought, Vol. 3. by Black Thought
80. Ways and Means by Rasheed Chappell & 38 Spesh
89. Sacred Psalms by El Camino & 38 Spesh
90. As Above So Below by ANKHLEJOHN
91. Tomorrow Is Forgotten by Stik Figa & Conductor Williams
92. So Help Me God! by 2 Chainz
93. Sauce Monk Volume 3 by Sauce Heist & Camoflauge Monk
94. A Beautiful Drug by WTM Scoob
95. Don’t Play It Straight by Small Bills (ELUCID & The Lasso)
96. No More Humble Fashion by Flee Lord
97. Pharaoh Chain by Planet Asia & Tha Musalini
98. Numb by Sha Hef
99. Interstate 38 by 38 Spesh
100. Get Money Teach Babies by Heist Life & Spanish Ran
THE REST OF THE BEST (all belong in the Top 100 releases of 2020, blame 2020 for being such a stacked year for music) - in no particular order:
Assata by CV$ a.k.a. Con$piracy & Teller Bank$, Spencer for HIGHER 3 by Vic Spencer & sonnyjim, Big Bad Boldy by Boldy James & Real Bad Man, Da 5th Power by Mooch, Muthaland by BbyMutha, Act II: Patents of Nobility (The Turn) by Jay Electronica, Long Story Short by Heem, Eileen by 14 Trapdoors, Free Drakeo by Drakeo the Ruler, Da Fixtape by Da Cloth, The L.I.B.R.A. by T.I.,  Sinners & Saints by Rasheed Chappell & Buckwild, Black Schemata by yungmorpheus............... Polly by the Powder Keg by Chuck Chan & Pad Scientist, High Off Life by Future,  Memphis Massacre 2 by Duke Deuce, LSD by The Leonard Simpson Duo & Guilty Simpson, Funeral by Lil Wayne............ RAW UNKNOWN by Spectacular Diagnostics,  Nezzie’s Star by Eddie Kaine,  ShrapKnel (self-titled),  The Bluest Note by Skyzoo & Dumbo Station,  WUNNA by Gunna,  Meet The Woo 2 by Pop Smoke,  Fresh Air by UFO Fev & Statik Selektah,  Vito by Vince Ash, Avenues by Tony Seltzer & Adrian Lau, Spilligion by Spillage Village, GRIMM & EViL by GRiMM Doza, Closer Than They Appear by Lyric Jones, RUDEBWOY by CJ Fly, Wired Different by Ty Farris & Bozack Morris,  Rocket to Nebula by Killah Priest,  NO Blade of Grass by V Don,  I’m My Brother’s Keeper by Yella Beezy & Trapboy Freddy................. Carhartt Champions by Tree Mason, No Hook 3 by Dunbar,  Rowhouse Whispers by Ray West & Zilla Rocca,  Magneto Was Right #4 by Raz Fresco, DUMP LIFE by Tha God Fahim, Jay NiCE & Left Lane Didon,  FNTG: From Niggaz to Godz by Squeegie O,  PANAGNL4E, Vol. 2 by Los and Nutty,  Thank You For Using GTL by Drakeo & JoogSzn,  Adjust to the Game by Larry June, BETTER by Deante’ Hitchcock,  No Cosign Just Cocaine 3 by Ty Farris, Vangarde by Mr. Lif & Stu Bangas,  MSYKM by Tsu Surf,  Your Birthday’s Cancelled by Iron Wigs.................. LULU by Conway & The Alchemist, No One Mourns The Wicked by Conway & Big Ghost, Talk Soon by Nolan The Ninja, FULL CIRCLE by Medhane, Detroit 2 by Big Sean, Juno by Che Noir & 38 Spesh, Send Them To Coventry by Pa Salieu............... Marlowe 2 by Marlowe (L’Orange & Solemn Brigham), The Versace Tape by Boldy James & Jay Versace, The Balancing Act by Statik Selektah, Capital Gains by Willie The Kid, Deutsche Marks 2 by Willie The Kid & V Don, Keep Going by Larry June & Harry Fraud, The Sharecropper’s Daughter by Sa-Roc, Seven Times Down Eight Times Up by Elzhi & JR Swiftz.................... The Ghost of Fritz by Jamal Gasol, Don’t Feed the Monster by Homeboy Sandman & Quelle Chris, Anime, Trauma and Divorce by Open Mike Eagle, Brentwood by Poloboy Nunu, The Listening Session by Billy Danze & TooBusy, Midnight Sons by Zilla Rocca & Chong Wizard, A Piece of Mine by Bub Rock, The Rock Period by Bub Rock, WINTER by DJ Muggs, Bartier Bounty 2 by Sada Baby, Cincorginals by Tobe Nwigwe, Director’s Cut (Scene Three) by Ransom & Nicholas Craven, Rather Be A Real One by Vic Spencer.............. Exhibit Q by Deniro Farrar, After 12 by Che Noir, Blank Checc by Baby Money, Jesus Is My Homeboy by YL, The People’s Champ by Flee Lord, In The Name of Prodigy by Flee Lord & Havoc, Culture Over Corporate by Uptown X.O., Sell Sole 2 by Dej Loaf, Progress by Struggle Mike, Merry Wickmas by Shawny Binladen, Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Donsmith, Serene by VRN Hayes, In My Life by Dat Boi Vic,  Ho, Why Is You Here? by Flo Milli, Limbo by Aminé........................................thank you, and cheers to a happier, healthier New Year. 🙏
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comicgoth666 · 3 years
10th Dimension Physiology!
Power/Ability to: Be a single, timeless "everything"
The ability to be absolutely everything in one. Variation of Dimensional Entity Physiology and Unity. Advanced version of Fifth Dimensional Physiology/4th Dimensional Physiology. Opposite to 0th Dimension Physiology. Not to be confused with Unity.
Also Called:
* All In God
* All/Everything-In-One
* Infinite Dimensional Physiology
* Infinity Physiology
* Manifold Physiology
* Omni-Dimensional/Omnidimensional Entity Physiology
* Totality Physiology
The user is absolutely and literally everything and every single of infinite reality, timeline, universe or dimension and everything within each of, i.e. absolutely all at once, no exceptions and limitations, all embodied in a single being and infinitely more. The user is essentially the 10th dimension: a single, timeless everything.
* All Absolute Powers
* All Concept Powers
* All Infinite Powers
* All Manipulation Powers
* All Meta Powers
* All Omni Powers
* All Omniverse Powers
* Absolute Change - Is the embodiment of change.
* Absolute Existence- User can control their own existence by switching among the endless existences they encompass.
* Absolute Will - Is everything in one and can do as it wills.
* Absolute Transcendence - Transcedes Everything
* Alpha Reality - User can manipulate the origin of All realities
* Complete Arsenal - User has all powers due to encompassing every single power there is.
* Meta Perspective Manipulation - Encompasses All Perspectives.
* Meta Probability Manipulation - Control every single potentiality, probable or not.
* Meta Space-Time Manipulation - Manipulate all of time and all spatial dimensions.
* Meta Variable Manipulation - User encompasses every single possible and impossible variable and can manipulate them.
* Conceptual Lordship - Is absolutely every concept.
* Logic Manipulation - User can manipulate all Logic.
* Omnifarious - User can shapeshift endlessly by showing distinct traits of any physiology, object, or being at once and muting the endless others that the user encompasses.
* Superior Adaptation - Instantly adapt to any external/internal entities or stimuli by taking on one of infinite traits, augmentations, or adaptations.
* Origin Manipulation - User can limitlessly manipulate origins due to encompassing the origins of infinity as well as the concept of infinity itself.
* Omniverse Manipulation - the user is one with infinite number universes thus can control all of them.
* Primordial Force Manipulation - User is the source of everything created.
* Self-Definition Manipulation - Change the definitions of anything and everything on a whim, simply by assuming a new identity.
* Singularity - Due to being everything at once, the user cannot be copied and is a completely unique existence.
* Totality Manipulation - User IS the totality and can thus manipulate it as easily as one might manipulate a body part.
* Power Manifestation(and all it's variations) - User represent all powers concepts and force.
* Supernatural Manipulation - User can manipulate and control the Supernatural
* Alpha Reality
* Definition Embodiment
* Omni-Embodiment
* Omni Identity
* Weak against Totality Transcendence
Known Users:
* Truth (Full Metal Alchemist)
* Ultimator (DC Comics)
* Buddah (Buddhism)
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akashasananda · 9 months
Awakening the Inner Alchemist with Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji - Embarking on a Transformational Journey
Unveiling the Inner Alchemy: Exploring Spiritual Transformation's Mysteries
Embark on the journey of spiritual evolution, standing at the precipice of a deep awakening. In the far-reaching cosmos of modern spirituality, we explore unseen dimensions, driven by a deep yearning for inner revelation and enhanced awareness. This journey, a sacred endeavor, is an alchemical process inviting you to connect with your divine essence and ascend towards enlightenment– a path illuminated by Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji.
As you step onto this path of spiritual exploration, you may find yourself drawn to gatherings of like-minded souls, seeking the golden threads of synchronicity that weave through our lives. Mastery Gatherings, community support calls, and divine teachers offer the support and insight you need for your personal life's voyage. These gatherings provide a safe and nurturing space to connect with others who walk the same mystical path, sharing their wisdom and experiences along the way.
At the heart of this spiritual journey lies the belief in the evolution of consciousness, the idea that we are collectively ascending towards a golden age of enlightenment. The concept of a Golden Age Ascension is woven into the very fabric of our ethos, guiding us toward a state of universal love and divine union with the cosmos. It is a transformative process that requires introspection and contemplation, a deep dive into the depths of your soul. TwinRay
Astrological and energetic predictions act as your guide in this spiritual journey, shedding light on your path with star-inspired wisdom. By understanding these cosmic influences, you can align your actions and intentions with the universe's rhythm, propelling your personal development and expansion. Specifically, Full Moon Transmissions provide a unique chance to channel the sacred lunar energy, intensifying your spiritual awakening and mastery, a journey elucidated by Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji.
Elevating Your Inner Alchemist
The journey of spiritual transformation is akin to the alchemical process of turning base metals into gold. Just as the alchemist seeks to transmute the ordinary into the extraordinary, you too can transmute your own being, elevating your consciousness to new heights. It is through the mastery of mystical activations and the guidance of master healers that you learn to harness the power of your inner alchemist.
Every step along this path is a rebirth and initiation, a shedding of the old self to make way for the new. The trials and tribulations you face are not obstacles but stepping stones towards your true self. As you embrace the challenges of this transformational journey, you unlock the secrets of the universe and tap into the divine paths that lead to eternal truths.
Mysticism is the key that unlocks the door to the hidden realms of existence. It is through mystical experiences that we gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. These moments of transcendence offer a glimpse into the higher dimensions of reality, reminding us of the infinite possibilities that await us on our spiritual voyage.
In the presence of like-minded individuals, you discover the essential community reinforcement required to guide you through the complexities of your spiritual journey. The relationships established in these revered assemblies, shaped by common experiences, cultivate a web of souls who encourage and invigorate each other on the path towards enlightenment, a journey illuminated by the wisdom of Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji.
As you delve deeper into the realms of introspection, you may encounter the concept of Kunda Rays. These energetic currents flow through your being, awakening dormant faculties and unlocking the hidden potential within you. Harnessing the power of Kunda Rays is a profound practice that accelerates your spiritual growth and allows you to tap into the infinite reservoir of universal love.
The essence of your spiritual journey lies in the process of healing and alchemy. Just as the alchemist transforms base metals into gold, you too can transform your wounds and limitations into wisdom and spiritual mastery. This journey of self-healing is a sacred quest that leads you to the depths of your soul, where you will uncover the divine truths that have always resided within you.
In the realm of spiritual exploration, mentors like Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji serve as invaluable assets. Their wisdom, culled from personal experiences on this intricate path, offers a beacon to those embarking on similar quests. Holding the keys to enlightenment, they pave the way for seekers to ascend to elevated states of consciousness.
Enlightened Humanity Ahead
At the heart of this transformational journey lies the concept of divine embodiment. It is the process of merging your human self with your divine essence, allowing you to embody the fullness of your spiritual potential. This state of spiritual embodiment is the culmination of your efforts, the realization of your true self, and the ultimate goal of your mystical quest.
In your quest for spiritual transformation, you may encounter moments of divine union, where you merge with the cosmic consciousness and experience a profound sense of oneness with all that is. These moments are the pinnacle of your journey, a glimpse into the enlightened humanity that awaits us all.
As you voyage through the boundless cosmos of new-age spirituality, bear in mind that you're never solitary. Assistance and wisdom for your personal life expedition are constantly accessible, whether it's through mastery congregations, community support discussions, or the mentorship of spiritual guides such as Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji. Engage fully with this mystical journey, for it is an enlightening odyssey that kindles your inner alchemist, and paves the way towards the discovery of your divine capacity.
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insomniacowl · 4 years
Doing philosophy with Full metal alchemist Brotherhood1: a Marxist analysis
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Full metal alchemist: Brotherhood is the story that takes place in a fictional nation of Amestris where Alchemy stayed relevant as a field of study due to the possibility of the Alchemist, by understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing the material around them, can change the shape/ composition of the material and use them in creative ways. It follows the Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse in their journey to regain the parts of their body they lost in Alchemical accident in the past.
That was a short introduction, but I would like to believe that many people have had already watched it. If you haven’t please do, it is a good series. I have recently finished a rewatch of the whole series, Brotherhood that is more faithful to the source material, and the 2003 version as well, and I have some thoughts. So I’m gonna talk about it here with a generally with Marxist concepts, but also with a tinge of post-structuralist and postmodernist point of view.
One theme in FMAB is that not everything runs on the principle of equivalent exchange. And it shows that it is a highly simplified view of the complexities in the world that results from the interaction of various subjects, with each other, and with objects that they spend their energy to change the form of. Many characters with labor, but also with the power of Alchemy.
In the FMAB universe, Alchemy, at least in Amestris, was thought to the people by the main antagonist “Father” in an attempt to create a nation filled with people that he can use as ingredients for philosopher’s stone, with the aim of him becoming a god. Throughout the series, we can see instances of philosopher’s stone being used by those in power: the “Father”, homunculus who is made of the stone, Cornello, and Kimberly. The property of the stone that allows the user to amplify their Alchemic abilities while ignoring the law of equivalent exchange, at the cost of lives of the innocent, make it analogies-able to the concept of capital, exploitation, accumulation, and the unfair advantage this relation of production provides for the status quo.
In Kalindi Vora's 2015 book: ‘Life support: bio-capital and the new history of outsourced labor’, the author studies the system of exploitation of what she calls ‘vital energy’ from India to the global north, mainly in three areas Surrogate pregnancy, Call centers workers, and IT development, whereby all three, in specific ways, requires many Indians to objectify their bodies to be sold on the market, for them to earn a living, while their product is exploited, directly, or indirectly, benefitting the inhabitants of the global north greatly, allowing capital accumulation. This accumulated capital is then turned into symbolic capital for the capitalists in the global north to enjoy almost god-like reverence by many.
The exploitation of the souls of peoples of Amestris to fulfill the goal of the “Father” mirrors the action of such capitalists in our reality. Then I would like to use the logic within the FMAB universe to try and draw parallels to the system of the world we live in.
To draw parallels, we need to conceptualize both the world of Amestris and our world of capitalism to be based on the Modernist philosophy. Modernism based itself on the values of rationality and a utopian vision of human life and society. Many thinkers, such as Adorno and Horkheimer posits that modernism devolves into its form of barbarism and refuses to admit the rationality that underlies the qualitative. This results in the tendency to simplify all observations, enacts epistemic violence, sacrifice morality for efficiency, and compels the people to comply. Modernism then is seen to have Fascistic tendencies, and the epitome of this tendency being Nazism.
Marx claimed that as capitalism develops, it will alienate people from their products and that human relations will increasingly become transactional. We can see the former happening in FMAB world. We hear the mantra of “Alchemy should be used for the good of all people”, but once it was entwined with the power structure of the state alchemist program, that very alchemy is used for death and destruction of said people. Showing alienation of the alchemists from the teaching of alchemy, and even alienating them from their humanity (species being). The latter can be seen with the rule of equivalent exchange prevailing all other forms of wisdom in the FMAB universe. This results in what seems to be akin to Michael Foucault’s idea of governmentality, whereby the individual’s agreeability with the idea of the state, corresponds with the amount of power the system equips them with.
Furthermore, the use of doll soldiers that mindlessly follow the biddings of “Father” reminds me of those who mindlessly follow the capitalist ideology that they are presented with the lie that they will be allowed prosperity but only if you take part in the system of exploitation.
Yet the state of Amestris itself uses this rule of equivalent exchange only when it is convenient for them. Such when during the Ishval war of extermination, when Fuhrer Bradly was offering the life of the Ishval high priest, he evoked the rule to equivalent exchange. Yet, in war, rather then this equivalent exchange, the rule of might makes right is applied. Such a convenient changing of the rules by those in power can be observed in our society of ‘Socialism for the rich, Capitalism for the poor’.
Then, the action of “Father”, exploiting the life energy of the innocent people, and the bureaucratic system that supports him can be drawn parallel with the capitalists of our world, we can also draw a parallel of the action of our protagonists, as well as using the system built by them for the very exploitation against them.
Marx posited the existence of contradictions of capitalism, and that it will sow the seeds to its destruction. WE can see this playing out in the FMAB universe. The countrywide transmutation circle used to turn the people in Amestris into the stone are used against “Father’s” plan twice, first by Van Hohenheim, second by Scar’s peoples with the reverse transmutation circle developed by Scar’s brother.
The protagonist’s team is made of diverse groups of people and non-people. Humans and Homunculus. Amestrisians, people of Ishval, and characters from Xing. Also, it is the Alchahestry from Xing, combined with Alchemy, that scar’s brother was able to develop the reverse transmutation circle.
But diversity alone did not help the heroes win the battle. Hu, Buccaneer, Greed, Hohenheim, Alphonse, Edward, and all the characters that fought alongside them, sacrificed their lives, part of themselves. But it is when Edward, when sacrificing his door, thus his ability to perform alchemy, with the assurance that he can overcome challenges without Alchemy if he was to cooperate with others, being the answer that the being called truth was satisfied with. This shows that it is not only diversity, but the desire to cooperate with, and fight alongside, even if it means to be hurt and sacrifice oneself, and through that painful labor and class struggle can we shape this society to be better.
 The last thing of note is the end of Bradly. Modernists, in their aim to rationalize everything, tends to categorize, thus restrict, and assign identities to individuals. This creating us – them binary therefore antagonism. In his battle with Scar, two contrasting characters, now, Bradly having had lost all of his identifiers, perhaps has the best fight of his life that allows him to be finally be content with his existence. Although it is immensely difficult to detach oneself from all, that’s what enlightenment in Buddhism is. But, perhaps by relinquishing some of the identities that place labels, thus weights down on our existence, refusing to be categorized but understand the fluid complexities of human existence can we achieve a better fulfilment of our lives?
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dungeonmemester · 4 years
Magic in Project TOF
A Discussion Post
What pieces of fiction contain your favorite interpretation of magic - in terms of what it is, where its power comes from, and how it works?
I'll start with some answers I've gotten from my working-draft playtest groups, with a focus on the parts that they liked about that piece of media's portrayal of magic (otherwise I'd be here all day).
Star Wars: The Force has both a degree of understood truths about its nature, and a degree of uncertain mysticism at the same time. While some people have more innate talent than others, its ultimately something anybody can learn to harness with enough discipline.
Avatar (TLA/LoK): Bending the elements is presented as a martial art that has to be learned and practiced just as much as learning any other skill in order to achieve excellence. There are different traditions within bending that add variety and depth.
Full Metal Alchemist: Alchemy's depiction as a science with fantastical elements is well-executed, as the setting has specific details on how alchemy works and consistently sticks to them. And just like science in the real world, even though alchemy is thoroughly explained to the point the viewer feels they can know what to expect; new discoveries and breakthroughs are constantly being made.
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