prfm-multiverse · 2 years
Ichibanka -YSTKxKPP Ver- (Yasutaka Nakata × Kyary Pamyu Pamyu presents SPECIAL DJ & LIVE TOUR 2020 YSTKxKPP Vol.02)
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questintheskies · 1 year
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nilesmoon · 7 months
rgg studios give me the arakawa family back please I miss them so much
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sapphichyperopic · 7 months
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Heartwarming: area woman asks a question on reddit and gets exactly the answer she was looking for (and then decides to repost it here bc i LOVE little details like this)
transcription below the cut!
Q: Why do the characters think Ichiban Kasuga is a fake name?
I'm a few chapters into Like a Dragon and when Ichiban is introducing himself to Nanba, Nanba seems certain that Ichi is using a fake name. After that, there are a few moments when he introduces himself, and preemptively assures them that yes, that's his real name.
I'm just curious to know if there's a cultural/translation note that I'm missing here? i know 'ichiban' means 'number one' but is it an especially unusual name?
A: Ichiban isn't really a name. Kasuga is, but it also has a slightly unusual reading, and more importantly forms a pun with Ichiban.
Kasuga Ichiban -> Kasu ga ichiban -> "The lowlife/dreg is number one". It symbolizes his "from the rock bottom to the top" motif and is also used as a sentence in the game's opening song Ichibanka ("Kasu ga ichiban toru gekokujou", roughly translating to "a revolution where the lowlife gets the #1 spot")
One of the bosses also makes fun of "Kasuga" because it contains "kasu" (lowlife, dreg, etc.), though that's just being petty (kasuga just means "spring day", though without knowing the reading you might instead read it as "haruhi", i.e that one anime character).
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crossyyt · 3 months
So i'm back to binging Storm Hawks again (been awhile but, we're back and motivated)
Music used: Ichibanka from Yakuza :Like A Dragon
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its-coda · 5 months
"Spell your username with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters."
Tagged by @abismalewife :3
I - Ichibanka (Shonan no Kaze)
T - Today is a Diamond (Yakuza)
S - Sayonara Silent Night (Yakuza)
C - Clock Strikes (ONE OK ROCK)
O - Our Light (Lyn Inaizumi)
D - Deadly Struggle (Yakuza)
A - Arpeggio ([Alexandros])
7 mutuals uhhh yall don’t have to do this and if i didn’t tag you and u wanna do it go for it <3
@artekai @okiroash @astrofiish @shadowspirez @catamaris @samthecookielord @thesquirrelqueer
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rhodezero · 5 months
One thing onlookers of Yakuza/Like a Dragon might not know about the series is how fucking GOOD some of the tracks are.
Specifically right now I'm thinking of the stuff that's contributed from Shōnan no Kaze, a Japanese band, including "Ichibanka" and "Bubble," the Japanese openings for 7/LaD and 0, respectively.
Their music video for Ichibanka even has cutscenes of the game with the band members replacing some of the party members!
They also contributed one of their songs to be used for the final boss fight of Kurohyou 2 (the PSP games), and it RIPS and has been on repeat while I've been working recently.
I'm hoping to finally play Kurohyou/Kurohyou 2 this year once I move. Two of the five RGG games I've yet to finish.
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Y7’s ending is so mean because after All Of That they play not only such an up-beat bop such as Ichibanka but ALSO FUCKING ODE TO JOY ???????
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dandorkity · 1 year
I was tagged in a meme by @allshesaidwasyes to list 10 songs i’m currently obsessed with. So here they are in reverse-chronological order (most recently obsessed first)
Paradise (Stay Forever) [Instrumental] by Barry “Epoch” Topping -- just one of many really fantastic songs from the Paradise Killer soundtrack, but the one I get stuck in my head most
Ichibanka by Shōnan no Kaze and Yasutaka Nakata -- I played Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and this ridiculous song about the main character played during the end credits and I’m so into it
Adamas Arrow by Jang Young gyu -- theme song to the show Adamas, so good it made me want download the whole soundtrack (which includes some weird like lounge music)
cellophane by FKA twigs -- I learned about the Let Me Do It For You meme, and even with the Miss Piggy voice I was like hmmm this song is great (also now obsessed with the music video)
Gravity by Ludovico Einaudi (et al) -- heard it in an episode of Unexpected Business, got the album
Be Sweet by Japanese Breakfast -- first heard a bad parody on a podcast (be sweet to me Homey, our daughter is Lisa, our other daughter is Maggie) and had it stuck in my head one night when I couldn’t sleep, then cured myself by listening to the actual song (which is good)
White Lines by Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five -- I don’t remember why I downloaded it, I think because I was reminded of the “BASE” part when I was listening to some other song, and so I downloaded it and realized I probably hadn’t ever heard more than the first 30 seconds
Twist King by TURBO -- just a good bad ‘90s song
Amor fati by Kim Yon Ja -- heard it referenced also in Unexpected Business, listened to it, it’s a powerful song
Cuff It by Beyonce -- still listening to this album, still way into this song!
I’m not tagging anyone else because I’m too tired after typing all that, but I do want to know what songs everyone is currently obsessed with so just consider yourself tagged
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colonel-chicken · 2 years
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I had Ichibanka playing in the background the entire time I drew this ! For Ikana on ArtFight.
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chrismcshell · 1 year
nothing makes me tear it up on the elliptical quite like the sound of ichibanka blaring through my cheap bluetooth earbuds in between zombies run mission clips <3
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draayder · 2 years
You said to ask however many I wanted for the yakuza ask game so!!
A8, B1, B4, B5, C5, C11, D9, F3
sweet! I just answered B1 so I'll skip that (especially cause it was already a hard question lol)
A8) Favorite song(s)?
Zetsubouchou Pride is my fave karaoke song, Ichibanka is SO good, and I love most Receive Yous but Receive and Bite You is my fave of those
B4) Who would you like to post more about but you don’t? Why don’t you?
<Banging my fists on the table> I want more Yasuko!! I want Yasuko content from other people! I've written just a teeny tiny bit of her but I really do love her as a character, and I do intend to expand on the Yasuko content in the world once I finish the behemoth that is The Devil He Knows
B5) Which character do you think you would bump heads with most if you knew them in real life?
Discounting the villains, if I had to work with Akiyama I would strangle him.
C5) Which character would you like to see as an antagonist?
Oh it would shatter me into a million emotional pieces but we've had protag Saejima fighting Majima, so let's have a protag Majima fighting Saejima.
C11) Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst?
MAJIMA. He has the trans masc swag. I also love Zhao's look. Special mention to Kido also, I love both his goon jacket and his Evil Suit. I wish I actually knew what Saejima's taste in clothes is, because he literally just wears whatever is required or given to him, and never changes. Akiyama has the worst taste for shilling a very ugly watch.
D9) Any hot takes?
Park inspired no strong feelings in me. Y4 has more coherency to its story than Y5, also rubber bullets is not some horribly written ass-pull thing Hamazaki is just as down bad for Saejima as the rest of that man's kyoudai.
F3) Who are you inviting to karaoke?
Any combination of Majima/Saejima/Kiryu 🥺👉👈 but if I just get one then probably Saejima because I would run out of energy long before Majima and he seems like he'd be more laid back about it
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imustbenuts · 3 months
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aaronieros · 4 months
guys will see ichibanka and go "is anyone gonna play that on loop all day" and not wait for an answer
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syncrime · 3 years
The sheer amount of effort that went into not only this video but the song itself as well. RGG Studios really out here making sure we itadake our Ichibans.
This is deadass a song about celebrating him and welcoming him in and hoping for a brighter future for him and I just
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rubiaryutheroyal · 4 years
Yakuza 7 Main Theme: Number One
[A/N: The title is actually a play on Ichiban’s name: “Ichiban Ka”, so “Ichiban’s Song” or “Number One Song”.]
Greetings, everyone! So I’ve been fumbling around lately when I’d finally found someone uploaded this track for the public:
Go visit the page and spread the word that the lyrics are now translated here.
Japanese Lyrics:
Game Over 誰も望まない(望まない) Take Over 負けは認めない(認めない) 
ぶっ飛べ クソアツい 粋な祭り 頂け一番 やってやれ 天晴れな人生 一から Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 
Why? なぜいつも すり抜けてく 近いようで遠い 殺されかけた夢を 嫌いになれない 一途な野良犬 
かつて無いほどのどん底 ふりだしまるで小僧の頃  何を背に向かうBig City 筋書きの無い未来 
ぶっ飛べ クソアツい 粋な祭り 頂け一番 やってやれ 天晴れな人生 一から Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 
何も喋らない奴ら 黙らせてるだけ 不安定なこの自律神経のシーソー 酒と麻酔吸う 
カスが一番取る下克上 正義も時に冷酷無情 ナイフを手に もがき苦しみ 切り開く新時代  
ぶっ飛べ クソアツい 粋な祭り 頂け一番 やってやれ 天晴れな人生 一から Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 
絶望で染まるシナリオ 狂い咲け闇の時代とFly 舞い上がれ光る未来の伝説となる日へ 
何度くたばっても くたばらずに 頂け一番 信じて立ち向かえ 今の位置から 
ぶっちゃけクソダサい 何も持たない 勇者でもいいんだ やってやれ 天晴れな人生 一から Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
English Translation:
Game Over, no one wants it (don’t want) Take Over, won’t admit defeat (won’t admit)
Blow it away, fucking passion, stylish festival, at the top number one Give it your all, splendid life, starting from beginning, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Why? Why always slipping through, faraway seems close Almost being killed in dream, but I don’t hate it, a straightforward stray dog
Never before been so low, completely at the start like when I was young Carrying nothing and heading to the Big City, a future without outline
Blow it away, fucking passion, stylish festival, at the top number one Give it your all, splendid life, starting from beginning, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Those guys who don’t say a thing are only kept quiet A seesaw of these uneasy uncontrolled nerves, drinking sake and taking narcs
Scum are first to overthrow, justice is sometimes heartless Knife in hand, writhing in agony, cut through a new age
Blow it away, fucking passion, stylish festival, at the top number one Give it your all, splendid life, starting from beginning, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
A scenario sunk in despair, to an age of madness blooming in darkness, Fly Soaring up to the shining future, to the day it becomes legend
However many times I’m told to die, I won’t drop dead, at the top number one Stand and face forward with belief, from this place right now
Even the fucking lame, don’t have anything but courage are fine Give it your all, splendid life, starting from beginning, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Now I challenge anyone who wants to, to turn this into an English “dub” version.
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