#icons henry golding
tvstcff · 2 years
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behindfairytales · 2 years
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icons of Henry Golding in Persuasion (2022) as Mr. William Elliot
+10 on the source link
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starlightervarda · 5 months
There are apparently people saying Argylle was terrible and did we watch the same movie?
This is the kind of cinema-experience people have been whining about missing for years? The 'they don't make movies like this anymore'???
Like it's got everything! The camp! The silly twists! The fun twists! The snappy fight choreography! The refreshingly sweet romance! All the fun spy movie callbacks and tropes! The dance scenes! The killing-people-to-fun-music! The cat in the backpack! Bryce Dallas Howard and Sam Rockwell taking turns doing the whirly bird! Dua Lipa in a glittery gold dress―
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Oh, yeah Henry Cavill in an iconically terrible haircut too and the implication that his character is in love with John Cena's.
ffs if you are in need of a good time just go watch it and come back and discuss Elly/Aidan with me
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thepunkmuppet · 1 month
costumes / looks I desperately need gerard way to wear on stage (add your own in reblogs!!)
greek statue, he’s fully painted white including his hair with a white toga with a golden wreath thing on his head. I just think that would look sick
police uniform covered in blood
straight up zombie with full on green decaying gory make up
one of the heathers from heathers
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either the blue cheerleader outfit from the i’m not okay mv or the iconic red ones from teenagers. then we’d have a little trio!
ghostface. possibly cunty ghostface as a treat
vanya from umbrella academy - young version with the school girl fit and black mask OR the all white comic version of course
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also number five from umbrella academy (classic school boy fit)
this sounds weird but I think this would be really cool and meta for wwwy - a stereotypical mcr fan / emo. as in with that one black parade t shirt, heavy eyeliner, black nails, side swept emo fringe, studded bracelets and belts, skinny black jeans, vans or converse. again a very meta concept, after their old person looks in 2022 I can really see them doing this as a whole band this year and I would loooove to finally see gerard in the fashion style that’s so associated with him and his music
howl from howl’s moving castle
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possibly also sophie from howl’s moving castle
literally just satan. like the most stereotypical devil, give them fully painted red skin, horns, fangs, yellow or black eyes, maybe even goat legs. probably with a majestic black suit or something, or for a succubus vibe a black flowy dress with a slit down the leg. now that I think about it, this would be a SICK wwwy look to shock us all, esp if ray mikey and frank all dressed as other demons or the souls of the damned or some shit.
peni parker - he made her!!
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question mark jumper from doctor who
also missy from doctor who omg
jane doe from ride the cyclone, possibly with added marionette or cracked porcelain makeup like in some renditions
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classic majestic white-robed angel, with enormous fake wings and maybe even sparkly gold makeup and a big gold halo. also would be cool in all black, or all white but covered in blood (red, gold, or black, all would look cool)
buffy summers in prophecy girl, except he also has blood all over his neck from where the master bit her. I hope he’s watched btvs I think he would very much enjoy it this look would fit with their vampire vibe sooooo well
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classic frankenstein’s monster
mothman. not only is he a heartthrob but he’s also a hunched goblin cryptid to me. the duality of man (he/theys)
jane prentiss from the magnus archives. if you don’t know she is a living flesh hive of sentient worms, she’s decaying and full of holes. again with all the nasty decaying rotting prosthetic makeup plus THE RED DRESS!!!
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mr darcy vibes, sopping wet regency man with a big puffy white t shirt
opposite side of that, fuck it give him a full on ballroom gown
henry creel from stranger things (pre-vecna, nurse outfit)
any disney princess
crowley from good omens. my man looks GOOD in those anthony janthony aah sunglasses he has
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cute flowy summer dress with like a flowery pattern. either go cottagecore with it and have flowers in his hair, or go full white soccer mum and put him in huge cunty sunglasses a massive straw sun hat with a ribbon on it
all-black cowboy!!!! the fact I’ve never seen him in a cowboy hat is actual sacrilege. also would very much appreciate an all-pink sequin studded cowboy
any alice in wonderland character, especially alice herself, the classic disney movie look with the blue dress and the bow in the hair. he would also do a great chesire cat (spooky big grin makeup paired with his weird ass dramatic facial expressions?? inspired) or a super extravagant queen / king / knave of hearts. also 100000% the mad hatter omfg, he was BORN to do a jefferson from once upon a time look!!
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dykewithamashobsession · 10 months
these are the most iconic in my mind, if I forgot one, my apologies.
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siremasterlawrence · 5 months
A Ticket Of A Lifetime
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My Destination is upon after waiting for well what felt life endlessly unwinding weeks of hell on earth torture and it all comes down to this my dears.
I enter the stadium a long, humongous ever lasting walk to the stage in the center of the super ball for this moment and I climb this stairs.
My per view grows smaller as I see three guys who are competing with me for the grand prize of a surprise and I am not one of those who competes.
I am selected by some community of voters weird right. Anyway, he undoes the envelope opening it with a simple tear and reads off my name.
The lights descending on him in a hovering like fashion quelling the crowd with a single hand gesture my world is about to take one hell of gnarly change.
Handing my the letter adorn in pure gold it is lighting on fire, eviscerating in my hand a lovely ember red hue is left and fades leaving a key in my hand.
It’s hot to the touch consuming my thoughts which are now running a mile a minute and I never saw the crowd disappear nor the arena either.
All I have is a door in front of me front center for me to see and dead on arrival for the truly most spookiest event ever if you will ever get to see.
I doubt that though considering my key is in the key hole, I brace myself turning it as the door swung open and I cannot believe my eyes.
The air swallows me whole with one swoosh I am past the thresh hold and embrace in to a strange pair of arms and I know it all so good.
Strong masculine body that is so massive in its state wraps my waist in to his and drapes highly over me.
My nose accidentally digging in to his shirt I can’t help to love and savor his scent as it is now with me forever.
“That is not me “
“Henry Cavill?”
“You got it mate”
“Why are we here?”
“I have no idea…though you might”
“Anybody here?”
“Your guess is as good as mine”
“Commence, prompt, activate “
“Why did you say those…”
“Henry? Mate? Are you ok?”
“Soul transfer begins “
“What are you saying! STOP!”
“My body !”
“Why is changing?”
“Is this astral form “
“Your body too”
“How on earth are we flying?”
“Hello! This is a your new body speaking “
“Excuse me?”
“You won the universal gift a new life”
“Are you saying?”
“This body “
“Is yours now”
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“Henry? Is he?”
“No! Very much alive”
“Think of this one soul meets another “
“You are combined “
“Combined us both?”
“It’s only right “
“For the better”
“You deserve it”
“You are just “
“So godly!”
“Who me?”
“You are the most perfect”
“No one else as good”
“He will soon see”
“He is the other side to your coin “
“How can this be possible?”
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“Everyone has a match “
“Soul match!”
“Relax man “
“Close your eyes “
“We are one”
“Exactly one body “
“Body “
“Let it all surrender “
“Nothing to hold you back “
“Free falling in to one existential existence “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You are enjoying “
“I am now assembled “
“This is the best gift”
“I feel so sexy”
“I am fucking sexy”
The end
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crime-wives · 4 months
ouat 1x01 thoughts
god regina, you dramatic bitch. “I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do” ok darling, you can destroy me if you’d like
henry is so small, his tiny cheeks awww
not to be gay but… emma swan in the pink dress. fuck. i forgot how attracted to her i was. and the HAIR, the fucking princess curls. jesus christ her ARMS.
“bail bonds-person” i love her
yesss bitch, strut across the street like you own it. absolute icon behavior, slamming that asshole’s face into the steering wheel.
babe you’re so sad and pathetic with your vanilla cupcake. i bet she wished for family.
not her apartment door saying ‘cast a spell’
“My name’s Henry, and i’m your son” agevgsvegw STOP
her having a panic attack in the bathroom, so real.
once again, her ARMS, i want her so bad
henry’s cute little freckles, i can’t do this.
idgaf abt snow and charming “She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her” shut up bitch, you know that’s not why
“Oh kid, you’ve got problems” emma swan, insulting children since 1983
ok but the fact that they chose the name ‘emma’ in a fairytale world, lmao
evil queen theme song playing as they enter storybrooke
emma swan wearing the most dyke outfit possible. getting ready to impress milfs
not that there’s any significance, but emma’s license plate is: 836•M4X
snow and charming are so annoying istg
ewww the blue fairy, i hate that bitch (derogatory)
regina running towards henry and wrapping him up in a hug. her eyes are wet. good lord, her first reaction is concern and worry, not anger.
“I found my real mom” my HEART. her face after he said that, so stricken and hurt, baby…
emma’s little flustered, ‘hi’ when talking to a gorgeous milf. ok babe, we get it, you’re gay.
graham leaving bc of emma and regina’s immediate sexual tension. and regina’s eyes roving over emma.
first ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at exactly 21:00 minutes.
emma swan is so desperate to impress regina. it’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic (affectionate)
“Sneaky bastard” once again, emma swan insulting children since 1983
crashing into the storybrooke sign like the absolute icon she is
the cgi 💀💀
yay!! curse time :)
emma waking up in a jail cell. she just does not give a fuck about this shit.
her lips parting when she she’s regina, ok babe, she’s hot we get it
god mary-margaret pisses me off
go regina, knock over mary-margaret’s shit, absolute queen
“She’s kinda a hardass” yes but that turns you on, doesn’t it?
gina’s so hot when she’s evil
putting a newborn through the wardrobe to save themselves, a+ parenting
henry mills, once again, the most mature one in a situation “You don’t have to be hostile. You like me, I can tell. You’re just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty.”
“I wanted you to have your best chance. But it’s not with me. C’mon, let’s go.” go emma! be the mature adult i know you can be
petition to get emma swan a therapist so she can deal with all her issues (trust me, she’s got a lot of them)
“Look, your mom is trying her best. I know it’s hard, and I know sometimes you think she doesn’t love you, but at least she wants you.” emma swan, standing up for regina mills since the moment they met
mmm regina’s voice is so hot.
her unhinged laughter, i love her so much
“Where are we going?” “Somewhere horrible, absolutely horrible” takes them to maine
emma swan is so fucking desperate for regina’s approval. she wished to not be alone on her birthday, baby…
second ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 38:43 (i will be keeping count of all of them :D)
regina fidgeting with her blazer pockets, she’s so anxious
first “He’s my son” at 39:01 minutes
“I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do” babe, it’s kinda gay to have a nemesis, just saying
third ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 39:32
baby… gina is coming apart at the seems
god, not to be gay, but regina’s HANDS at 40:27 agevvegse
emma’s only staying because of regina’s provocations. she wouldn’t have stayed for henry.
gold is so icky.
she’s staying a *only* a week, sure babe, sure.
also side note, i forgot how good the coloring was in ouat. like its very faded, maybe indicative of storybrooke being stuck in the past???
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jefferson-starkid · 11 months
An incomplete list of things I loved about the RWRB movie
First and foremost he total of TWO (2) lil bicep kisses Henry gives Alex (my hearttt I will never shut up about this)
Their faces when Alex gets cake on Henry’s coat
That whole scene actually. Comedy gold
Zahra straight up attacking Alex with a pillow for being an idiot
Alex looking and acting like a 10 year old petulant child during the whole hospital closet scene lol
Heny’s little voice crack when he says “I didn’t say ‘get me out of here’ I said ‘I need to get out of here’ there is a difference” BABY
on that note you don't wanna know the amount of times I said 'oh baby' to Henry during this movie :(
The eyelashes thing making it in there even though it’s not henry who says it in the movie but idc because Taylor Zakhar Perez your eyelashes sir
Alex actually grabbing Henry’s hips at the party to show him how to dance WE LOVE A BOOK ACCURATE MOMENT
On that note GET LOW
And Henry saying ‘Did he say ‘sweat drops down my balls?’ I hollered I love that moment in the book
Henry’s lost puppy look when Alex kisses the girls
Nick Galitzine managing to perfectly portray Henry’s mannerisms in the first kiss scene ‘Henry’s whole face grimaces in frustration, his eyes casting skyward like they’re searching for help from an uncaring universe.’ Like he did that perfectly
Zahra being the iconic queen she is
“You’ve been wanting him to dick you down forever”
the Alexander Hamilton portrait good job movie
Alex being nervous and not knowing how to stand when waiting for Henry (ik in the book this detail was after the state dinner in his room, but idc I love that they at least kept it in this way)
Henry’s horrified little moment of realization when he sees Alex isn’t actually gonna yell at him for kissing him but he’s actually into this like Nick Galitzine your face sir!!! It’s so soft and sad and adorable arrgghhh
The detail of Alex hitching Henry’s tigh up around him like in the book
Amy’s ‘oh god!’ when she walks in on them
Henry immediately pretending to inspect the book case and Alex randomly playing with the flowers all ‘ACT NATURAL’ lol that made me cackle
Henry’s face as he leaves Alex’s room and lingers in the doorway a bit to just…stare at him UGH
The rich white people sex dungeon scene with the polo and alex just shamelessly thirsting after Henry lol
“Who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we like gonna listen to Lana Del Rey while we do it?” PLEASE
That sex scene was handled with so much care. It was so soft and sensual and they worked their asses off to show their connection and it paid off lemme tell u everyone say ‘thank you intimacy coordinator’
Like I could talk for 45 minutes about that hand shot alone
How small Henry looks lying on his side next to Alex afterwards
FIRST BICEP KISS everyone say thank you whoever wrote that in the script
Henry’s disorientated ‘sgoingon?’ when Zahra wakes them up lol just like the book
EVERYTHING ZAHRA SAYS after she finds Henry in the literal closet
You could feel the ‘Zahra does not appreciate being told to chill’ radiating off of her Sarah Shahi you absolute genius
Their faces when ‘oh and I told my sister!’ :D ‘Oh I didn’t know that!’ :D ‘Yeah she was really happy for us’ ‘I can’t wait to see her again she’s real-‘ “OKAY SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU” lol Zahra is going THROUGH it
‘Would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?’ ‘No.’ he said that so fast I’m gonna cry
Zahra calling Henry Little Lord Fuckleroy
Ellen at least mentioning the powerpoint even though they didn’t show it
Ellen giving alex the Queer Talk™
On that note ‘the B isn’t silent’ making it in there is so important to me as a bi person
Alex reading One Last Stop
I am NOT singing karao-
Cut to henry singing karaoke
HE DID IT HE SANG DON’T STOP ME NOW and he’s all smiley and real and open and Alex noticing it and falling more in love by the second
On that note Taylor Zakhar Perez your face sir
On the deck when Henry is slowly realizing what Alex is trying to say (aka ‘I love you) and nick’s face just goes so desperately soft as he starts to understand that this means he’ll have to leave Alex and then his face just slowly closes off like NICK GALITZINEs FACE ACTING don’t talk to meee
That little moment afterwards that Henry spends underwater with his hand on his heart just…ACHING. Ugh someone kill me
Henry is my absolute baby can you tell
David first appearing. A real ‘and everyone cheered’ moment even though the scene is heartbreaking
‘Do you love him?’ ‘What difference would it make if I did?’ and then that sad barely there smile *insert captain Holt ‘PAAAIIINNNNN’ gif here*
“I stormed a fucking castle to look you in the eye and tell you that I love you, knowing that you wouldn’t say it back. So no, Henry, in fact, this is costing me everything.” LORD
”I can love you and want you and still not want that life. I’m allowed, all right? And it doesn’t make me a liar. It makes me a man with some infinitesimal shred of self-preservation, and you don’t get to come here and call me a coward for it” is one of my favourite passages in the book and I am so fucking happy they kept it. Nick slayed that scene
In fact their acting in that whole sequence was amazing
“tell me to go” NOOOO I love that they kept it but it’s so sadddd
The fact that they actually filmed in the V&A
Henry mentioning dreaming of dancing there with a person he loved and Alex wasting zero time putting on a song (cry emoji)
Henry giving Alex his signet ring like in the book, but then them adding that Alex gives Henry his key in return I AM UNWELL
That little montage of cute intimate moments between A&H during Alex’ speech
YAYYYY they kept the Zahra and Shaan subplot
“Yeah I thought you might see it our way, I’ll hold” QUEEN ZAHRA
And then Henry’s little breathless ‘Alex?’ STOPPPP
I’m serious baby making it into the film had me WEAK I had to pause for a full 30 seconds to scream into my pillow
Running towards each other on the stairs :’)
“I’m white and upper class so my affection comes with strings” lol at least he's self aware
The hand holding during the meeting with he king
“I love you”  “I love you more “  “I think that’s up for debate”
Henry wearing the tie with the yellow roses of Texas :’)
In conclusion was the movie perfect? No! did I still love it? Yes!
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
i think one of the biggest let downs for me in ouat was the daily mirror (honestly my own fault for thinking too hard). i'm sure that this has been said a hundred times but i feel so much about it.
not to be captain of the obvious, but within the very first few episodes of season 1 the major power structures in storybrooke are established: mayor's office, sheriff's station, mr gold's shop, and the daily mirror. prior to emma's arrival as the saviour, all of these uphold regina's reign.
then over the course of the first season (with exception), you see the figureheads of these establishments lose their position some way or the other. graham dies early in the series, sidney glass loses his job and then gets arrested, and this all cumulates in the finale of season 1 and the beginning of season 2, where everyone's got their memories back and regina, while not formally losing her position as mayor, but does face the backlash of the entire town. gold is a notable exception to this since the writers always intended for him to be a major player, but it only takes him til season 3 to no longer own his shop cause he died, and then again in season 4 when he's banished.
but beyond this, everyone regina had in her pocket was replaced by someone on emma's side. emma herself takes over the role of sheriff when graham dies and that's where we see the first crack in the foundation of regina's authority. belle becomes the owner of the shop both times gold is indisposed. i'd like to reiterate for regina that while she never formally loses the role, david acts as a stand in during early season 2 to fill in that leadership role over the general town, and then in season 3 we see snow become mayor in title for a time (whatever happened to that plot...?)
circling back to the start, the only one that is never replaced is sidney in the daily mirror, which arguably should be the most important role to fill post breaking the curse since meta wise, the magic mirror is the evil queen's most iconic henchman, more than the huntsman ever was. additionally, i'm a very big fan of free press. it's SO influential and could have played a much bigger role in storybrooke. sidney had clearly been replaced, given we still see newspapers throughout the seasons, but i just wish something more could have been done with it.
my number one nomination AND expectation was that this was gonna be a slowburn of sorts to build up henry as he grew up over the series. not only would it be perfect for the obvious reason of henry's subsequent author storyline, but there would be something delicious about regina's most loyal confidant eventually being replaced by her own son. something it being some kind of foil, where instead of the loyalty being built upon obsession and coercion and control, it's built on mutual respect and love and trust. which would then ALSO tie in very nicely to the ending of season 6 when regina becomes mayor again, and of course her and emma are allies.
i assumed that this was pretty much confirmed during the whole author storyline, and that the second he became working age in the usa (forgive me idk what it is) he would start an internship at the daily mirror and eventually work his way up to becoming the most high profile journalist in storybrooke. season 5 touched on the author plotline nicely tho i wish we could have gotten a little something more. season 6 came and went, and if it touched on anything, it was so minor that i don't remember it.
this is probably what makes it most painful to me that SEASON 7 of all seasons was the closest (and yet simultaneously also the furthest) from achieving this. yes, his journey through the realms is important, but arguably defining his writing ability in season 7 to a novel of what he thought was completely imagined, serves almost the same purpose as the storybook from seasons 1-6, but undermines him and does a disservice to him. the whole podcast subplot was close but because this was seattle and not storybrooke, and so it's not a one for one replacement of sidney with henry.
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If Dorian is a swan, Henry Wotton is a peacock. He wears a sack coat; this coat would have just begun to grow popular in the early 1890s. The coat Henry wears over his shoulders is called an opera coat—I used an article from Vogue 1892 as reference. When it comes to fashion Henry is ahead of everyone—sometimes even being the one to set trends. Fashion is both a pleasure and tool for Henry and he uses them in every way he can, from genuinely expressing himself to creating pretentious outrage (yall just wait for when I get Henry in the Rudi Gernreich bathing suit!)
Henry’s status as a middle child (2 of 5) contributes to his desperation for attention. He loves being the center of attention—this man does not have a shy bone in his body. Because of this, he is the only one of the trio to consistently use color in his outfits, often accenting in golds or silvers.
Even the frame of his glasses (he is nearsighted and not happy about it) are plated in gold, catching in the light, because attention, like his glasses, is a necessity in his life. Henry also wears a cravat as a nod to Beau Brummel—the original dandy. My Henry idolizes Beau Brummel which is my excuse for not giving him facial hair; it’s just a dandy thing.
Henry’s hair, unlike Basil’s, loosely hangs around, only styled so it doesn’t catch on fire from his cigarettes. My version of Henry was directly inspired by Basil to have longer hair back when they were in Oxford. Until he met Basil, he hadn’t realized he was allowed to just have long hair. This realization was accompanied with further desire to break away from Victorian norms in the most flamboyant (but not openly illegal) way he could.
A lot of decisions that Henry makes are a result of something he fancied in Basil/something Basil did for him. In the Modern Reimaging AU, Henry lives to be 75, dying in 1940. But even when he was mostly with Dorian or living as an old ass man, Henry kept his hair long, never quite able to forget Basil.
Fun story: My friend and I were talking about cigarettes, so I showed them this page and they said they “no longer like cigarettes because that dude made them too pretentious.” Honestly iconic of them.
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jegulusposts · 9 months
I love all the depictions of James and Sirius being cool and wearing Converse and Sirius having his (iconic) leather jacket, etc. But you know what I find really hilarious? The idea of them wearing formal wizard’s robes with slippers, channeling the kind of fashions that are canonical - heeled slipper type shoes, flowing robes, gold chains (I’m imagining Henry VIII here but you get what I mean).
I just need somebody to draw this pretty please with sugar on top
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tvstcff · 2 years
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seekdevotion · 9 months
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*          𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒     𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃          :          mw fcs & personality types maybe ? this looks so good !
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first of all : love you sweat ! i will point you towards 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 meaty mw fc list, bc many good points were made. but ! i'll also take this moment to self advocate and some will b repeats ... i would go absolutely feral for ella purnell ( duh ), laura harrier, jessica chastain, avan jogia, ben barnes, zion moreno, cillian murphy, blanca padilla, oscar isaac, margot robbie, tom hardy, alexa demie, riz ahmed, samara weaving, zendaya, tom holland, mimi keene, logan lerman, adelaide kane, victoria pedretti, andrew garfield, penelope cruz, emma mackey, charles melton, bill skarsgard, adam dimarco, medalion rahimi, natasha liu bordizzo, dua lipa, archie renaux, robert pattinson, freida pinto, florence pugh, dev patel, jessica alexander, oliver jackson cohen, halston sage, kiowa gordon, lily james, madelaine petsch, jordan connor, hande ercel, phoebe tonkin, nick robinson, savannah lee smith, emily alyn lynd, henry golding, rachel zegler, josh heuston, paul mescal ( i actually can't talk about it... ), daisy edgar jones, rami malek, lily rose depp, aron piper, adria arjona, olivia cooke, and that's just off the dome... now as for personality or character types ? why don't you go ahead & read more for some that have come to me ;)
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any and all of the bunnies of mona awad's bunny - pretentious and beautiful budding literary icons , diehard devotees of "the aesthetic" ( or part of a cult most likely )
local carmy ? brilliant , celebrated , seemingly stuck in devo due to some unfortunate emotional ( or physical ) ties - maybe managing the diner or cheffin' it up at the whaler
ex - sea captain who is now devoted to hunting for treasure - both geocache and pirate style . some townspeople think they've lost the plot but others have noticed they really have a knack for this . obviously , quite the casanova
a well liked ghost therapist . came to town years ago as a ' spiritualist ' / more of a lowkey con artist medium but really came into their own in this environment
the seraphic matchmaker , wholesome , in love w love , just wants everyone to be happy , strikes gold every time to the point it is giving witchcraft , world's best and most in demand bridesmaid as a result !
charming and charismatic town official , great at drawing in a crowd and overseeing all the best local events . old money ( as much as you can be in this town , bc their family has always been here ) so obviously corrupt w very questionable morals
THE barber who does put everything you say in their chair on blast via their town meme page / finsta but customers stay loyal bc the only competition has a much darker reputation ( plot twist : and they were roommates ! )
ofc , new in towns / tourists with shady motives , to keep the locals on their toes
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mrdarcygenderenvy · 5 months
Recent Austen adaptations yelling
Ok I DID make this blog to review historical-set Pride & Prejudice adaptations (with an exception made for iconic B&P). But for everyone who was DEFINITELY WONDERING, yes I have also been storing away a lot of opinions about other recent Austen adaptations that I Must Tell Someone.
Fire island (2022)
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A modern gay party cheesy rom-com P&P that genuinely made me laugh. Having seen some other (whiter) cheesy gay romcoms that were extreeeemely PG & playing it safe, I was pleasantly surprised.
Also Bowen Yang and his story just came across really earnest in a way I was into - would watch this man cry again, 10/10.
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Personally as an extremely disabled british nerd (now tragically unable to travel and/or go to the club...) this gay scene is a long way from my queer scene. But I still had emotions, you know?
Kinda wanted more of the Mary analogue and generally just normal looking people (almost everyone is so ripped) but I appreciate that's how beautiful smooth people often look in mainstream american films, we can't have everything.
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DARCY WATCH: I do not want to dress like this adaptation's chinos Mr Darcy. But Conrad Ricamora was generally great and very hot and awkward and understood the assignment. Good ice cream throw.
Emma (2020)
I know I know, it's pretty... but I don't think that's enough!!!!!
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Lovely production, beautiful costumes, a candy wes-anderson cinematography that really suits the story, and it's fun to notice references to actual outfits and prints from the time but lads. LADS. UNPOPULAR OPINION TIME: Where is the chemistry???
You can’t make Mr Knightley a nice sweet boy (so funny to have cast a posh folksy singing man) and leave the plot the same and expect it to work!! Also I was personally pissed off that a lot of the promo/ ads for this made it look like ~forbidden love~ when it's the 2 richest white people in town getting together?? ? There's actually not even a class difference in this one, guys.
Basically this romance was nothing to me!!! I felt nothing!!!!!!!! WHERE'S THE DEPTH
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I did like the bit where he lies down though. Relatable.
Also why are you drawing so much attention to the servants when you don’t seem to have anything to say about class...? 'Wow look how many servants they had! Anyway, they don't get any speaking lines'... it's 2020 guys!!! like what are we saying here. 'isn't it cool to think about how people were rich'??
kind of the point of Emma (character) is she's pretty superficial, but the story does not, in fact, have to be
Persuasion (2022)
Weeping softly into a pillow........ did you know this version meant a version with Sarah Snook and Joel Fry got cancelled?? we could have had it all
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Honestly I actively liked all the entire secondary cast in this. Louisa and Mary were extremely charming fun takes to watch. ('I'm an empath' IS right for the character if you're doing modern jokes!!!) And nobody can deny this was a correct and powerful use of Richard E Grant.
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Henry Golding was naturally great. Apparently he got offered the lead and took the villain instead, which DOES mean the villain is super charming and fun to watch which is... hard to match and.... kind of shows up.... the main man.
It's been said before but the main two were WOEFUL imo. I have no beef with the actors I just question the DIRECTION and whether anyone making this knew (or cared) why people... enjoy things.
Book Anne is the quietest gentlest loser and I LOVE HER and so does basically every Austen nerd. Making her a quirky wine-bath girl who's honestly just cruel sometimes fully stops the main romance chemistry and plot from working.
And it means the main boy is still like 'god I'm so horny for how KIND AND CAPABLE YOU ARE' which is just 100% no longer true. You can't transplant a personality in a romance but leave the plot the exact same and expect it to work. The chemistry IS the plot in a romance..........
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you can't act morally superior to your siblings and still rate people out of ten.... also so funny to me that everyone else gets period outfits and hair whereas this protagonist looks like she just glanced at a picture of any time in the past and grabbed a couple shirts from primark. it doen't even look good or build character!!!!!
Anyway, not to be an elderly man like 'ohhh why does nobody care about character these days' but the reason something like Clueless works is because it has the heart of the story right, instead of just copying the surface level stuff.
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thetudorslovers · 1 year
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"Anne's gowns were made of richly ornamented silks, brocades, and velvets, frequently embroidered with gold and silver thread, and garnished with pearls, jewels, and precious stones." - Retha M. Warnicke, "The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn"
Anne was known for her exquisite sense of fashion and style. She was a trendsetter in her time, and her clothing choices were often imitated by the ladies of the court. One of Anne's signature fashion statements was her French hood, which was a headdress worn by women in the 16th century. Her French hood was often decorated with jewels, beads, and gold embroidery. Anne also wore gowns with wide sleeves, which were known as "French sleeves."
Her gowns were often made of luxurious fabrics such as velvet, silk, and satin, and were adorned with intricate embroidery, lace, and beading. She also favored vibrant colors, such as deep blues, greens, and reds.
Anne's fashion sense was not just about dressing up, but it was also about conveying her status and power. As a queen, she had to maintain a certain level of grandeur and sophistication, and her wardrobe reflected that. She also used fashion as a tool to express her individuality and assert her authority, which was unusual for a woman of her time.
However, her fashion sense also played a role in her downfall. Some of her detractors criticized her for dressing too provocatively and accused her of using her clothing to seduce the king. Her French hood, in particular, was considered by some to be too risqué and suggestive.
Despite the controversy surrounding her fashion choices, Anne Boleyn's legacy as a fashion icon has endured. Her influence can be seen in the clothing of her time, as well as in modern interpretations of Tudor-era fashion.
"Anne's clothing was an outward sign of her power, and her style was emulated by women throughout England." - Antonia Fraser, "The Six Wives of Henry VIII"
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Let's do serve, fuck and marry with an added bonus, you chan choose whatever you want for the fourth man. Your options are John Cena, Henry Cavill, Glenn Powell and Chris Hemsworth.
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28 / 02 / 2024
Wow! For this game you chosed great men! These 4 actors all are famous rich tall muscled straight white alpha men 🥵
Obviously I'd love to serve, fuck and marry all of these men, but if i had one choice for each, these would be my answers 😁
SERVE : His Imperial Majesty, God Chris Hemsworth, because he is a god and that's why i wrote many stories about him, and his most inspiring character, Thor, God of Thunder and Prince of Asgard.
Here is the link of almost all the articles and stories i wrote about God Chris Hemsworth :
His Imperial Majesty, God Chris Hemsworth, deserves to own as many slaves as he wants.
Compared to this gorgeous giant, i would look like a bug unworthy of licking his soles. So obviously I'd be enslaved as his asslicker.
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But at the same time i don't mind imagining His Imperial Majesty God Chris Hemsworth as a protective dom boyfriend to a twink. Can you imagine him being in couple with Tom Holland? I'll soon ask you this publicly...
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FUCK : It's more "HAVE SEX WITH" Glen Powell because he is hot, muscled and kind.
I recently discovered this living white god in the romantic comedy Anyone but you. I immediately felt jealous of Sydney Sweeney!
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Licking and smelling and massaging his chest, his balls, his armpits, his huge cock, his shoulders, his nose, his hairs, his ass, his neck, his back, his feet, his.... Everything!!!
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Do you imagine this white god with his gold?
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He is always classy with a great haircut 😍
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I wanted to write a gay version of Anyone but you where he would humiliate a fag to pretend he isn't in love with him. What do you think? Or should i write about G. Powell ?
MARRY : Henry Cavill, even though i know in real life His Majesty Henry Cavill would never looks at me, but what's great with Him is that you can imagine Him as a sadistic bully or as a kind lover, and that's how i described Him here.
On the contrary to Chris Hemsworth who will remains famous as Thor in the MCU, Henry Cavill has played several iconic characters, and maybe i should write about His others characters, except than Superman
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BONUS : Be the personal assistant of John Cena, that way i could serve Him and being fucked by him, He would humiliate me too. Honestly i would gladly live what i wrote about him in the story where he is a fart dom
@chrisevansxmalereader @chrishemsworht @chrishemsworthlookingadorable @glenpowellsgf @glenpowcll @glenpowellbr-blog @henrycavilledits @henrycavillworld @johncenalover2002 @johncenawwe81 @chrishemsworthservant @glenpowellsstargirl @henrycavillunited @johncena500 @rainykpoptravelcreator @innerpiratefun @lovefanfiction01 @gayhopefullove @tidodore2 @faggotdreams @feetslavelover69 @leftprogrammingroadtripdean
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