#id die for that guy hes really the sweetest
rabbiddog · 2 years
drunk texted my coworker friend a twitter meme. i hope he blocks me. 🥴
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koiir · 1 month
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Blue lock boys who are the BEST lovers ( I’m bias) Relationships with them { not proofread }
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ Chigiri, hiori, reo, isagi, kurona
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Chigiri is the definition of “best friend and partner” he’s rather open to you (having known for years) and also being the person who’s the best boyfriend you can could ask for.
The advice he gives is one of harsh criticism yet the most truthful, many would be surprised by how blunt he can be with you although it shows in how he cares and truly only wants the best for you. If opening your eyes with a hard truth will help then he will take that route.
Although of course, he isn’t heartless. He comforts you with a warm smile, heart beating at how attentive he becomes with you. Giving you the princess treatment one would die for. He knows comfort can differ in various ways, so he will always try and communicate on what you need.
I feel as though chigiri struggles with communication concerning his wants, so he tries to grow in order to be the best version of himself he can give you. Yet there will be moments where this can “problem” can arise and he will always realize his faults.
Other than that, his knack for his wellbeing swells into you as well. Hair is rather important for the guy, so when he comes to you with a grin about a new hair secret, expect a days worth of hair care. The two of you are seen as rather “gossipers” yet you two just find anything and everything interesting. Really, anything with chigiri can turn into an interesting conversation. Thus making him an amazing boyfriend and best friend in one<33 ( I could go on about him but I’ll save that for later)
SO UNDERRATED I LUV HIORI. Ugh he’s the sweetest I mean cmonnn…
With his already calm and polite demeanor, falling in love with him is that of a warm spring that flourishes into a bond greater than words can say.
A quick learner, can easily pick up your moods and will give it his all for you! Very much a giver and will cherish whatever you give him, hiori becomes emotional seeing how much you give to him, already viewing your love the best thing he could every ask for.
From his childhood, he was told he was loved, although feeling it would come and go. Yet when you come into the picture, it’s as if he experiences the feeling of being loved for the first time ever. His past one of hallow that now with you, it beams with hope and joy, making him the more doting on you with showing how much he truly cherishes what you have given to him.
The type of guy who would let you drag him anywhere, as his face is filled with adoration for you, soft smile evident as he lets your body take the lead as he follows you to no end. Out and about, would definitely rub your wrist gently before crossing the street whispering a faint “be careful” that causes your heart to race in seconds.
Can’t forgot how he would definitely, want you to game with him. Even if you don’t he finds a way for you to be near or engage with him. Whether that be you seated next to him or him lying across you, the peace hiori has in being close to you is infinite. A safe space he never wishes to let go of.
Seems squishy (don’t ask)
GREEN FLAG I REPEAT ULTIMATE GREEN FLAG. Might be bias but cmon it’s isagi
The boyfriend who literally will do ANYTHING you wish for (as long as it’s reasonable ofc) Follows you around like a lovesick puppy as he comments on places he thinks you would like or you two should go to. Will love to get stuff where it compliments the other, almost as if something that matches.
He once asked you what you were going to wear and showed up with a similar color combo, mind you he bought you two the same shoes for days where you want to match.
The kind of guy who will hold eye contact whenever you talk, even if you can’t hold it with him because of how intense his gaze is. He will continue looking at you as id you’re all he can stare at. How can someone make you flustered without anything at all?? That’s isagi for you
Isagi is someone you admire, someone you learn from even as you two grow in the relationship. His kind heart giving you the courage to try new things as he supports you all the way, words of encouragement making a hue of light shine in your life.
Overall, a loving caring guy who always has your back and a cutie
Bachira just like anyone has his…quirks. Although nothing severe to the point of destruction or hurting you. If anything he’s the most loyal and treats you with such care, fearing that one day you might perish or realize he’s not so called normal.
His insecurities one that you know from the beginning, tending the wounds he has held from years of the past. His reluctance to thank you with the best he can give you, his affection and loyalty to you one of scarce of losing you. He can’t fathom this, you with him. Together. So it’s only natural he wishes to show you what others cannot see.
There’s never a dull moment with him, his vibrant persona melting into you as you intoxicate in the newfound confidence he gives you. Bachira is the type to move you out of your comfort zone, making a break to see you in a new light that he’s lucky enough to see and be the cause for.
His affection spreads throughout every aspect, in public he resembles a dog that clings onto its owner that holds eyes filled with adoration.
His warm hands allowing for yours to bask in his warmth, feeling more as he squeezes yours and grins from ear to ear viewing your flushed expression. “There’s that face I adore oh so much!”
Eyes wander to your figure as bachira sees the shiver in your figure, cold winds swirling around causing you to feel the cold sensation of the winds. His embrace eternal, fitting like a puzzle as he snuggles up behind you swaying your bodies side to side. The norm would be teasing words, yet for now he embraces the delight with you in his arms.
Ah bachira
Cutest boy I mean cmon he has shark teeth
No matter the time being, kurona can’t fathom that you’re truly his, his mornings being filled with a lovesick smile at the thought of you.
His teeth hold many stories, the most memorable being how insecure he is because of them, smile showing less due to this fact. But the day you tell him to smile, hands on his cheeks as you gaze into his eyes, the crack in his lips breaking as he smiles at you softly.
It’s only natural for kurona to want to be the reasons for your smiles, indulging in what will make your smile come to fruition so he can also gift you with his smile.
His adoration for sharks weaves into you, no matter what he makes a correlation between you. Expect matching trinkets of any shark related item. Plushies that greet you in a pair that hold eachother, his lips spilling the words of “look, it’s us”
What may come to a surprise is his ability to make you swoon with his words, maybe not directly, but on paper. The reassurance kurona needs is spilled onto messages late at night, showing his vulnerability on text because he cannot bear with how you might respond. He knows you would comfort him, although he knows his heart will experience speed to limits unknown.
So when morning dew comes and you wake up with his messages, your heart grows fond seeing just how much the boy wants you to know, his heart is all yours and he wishes to hold it for the eternity to come.
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a/n; MONTHSS of not posting anything…prob cause I’m almost out of school and have inspo
edit; guys I’m sorry reo wasn’t added my ass was just tired after writing for bachira😞
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glasswingowl · 1 year
Uzi's wing backpack is really cute! hope it's not foreshadowing anything :)
also was Nori the one initially obsessed with doors? and doll's dad. he was in the photo too, but then again, so was khan. Was he infected or not? if he has an id card, i didn't see it
does. does no one know who uzi is?? she literally exploded a gun in the middle of class that isn't something you'd easily forget. i mean i guess no one would really "know" her considering her complete and utter lack of friends up until now
all the other drones immediately fawning over N and V lmao.
ooh uzi's got a much better grasp of her powers now. someone's been practicing
oh N and V playing nice with the workers is really cute (also lizzy gets to sit with V!)
(also was i not paying attention or did thad just straight up disappear halfway through the episode)
V's being weird and cryptic again... also girl you know you're bluffing stop pretending you can just get rid of Uzi without consequences.
is uzi... resentful? is she upset that two literal murderers are able to make friends easier than her? poor girl.
oh hey doll. we thought you were dead (and you might still be idk what your fucking deal is anymore)
the killing/not killing the bug symbolism carries over to this episode too.
this bug can communicate! and we know for sure that it's connected to the solvers now!
it called her 002. it thinks she's nori. Were the inital test subjects registered, but not their children? would doll scan as yeva's number? (can't remember it off the top of my head)
oh she just turned that arrow into flesh. oh dear god it's alive. i never thought i say this, but i'm with uzi's classmates on this one what the fuck was that
"i live in the woods now!" ah yes that'll solve everything great job
oh uzi :( so this is why doll had such a large supply of oil on hand. good thing she had the stomach to drink it
(ok yeah thad's not with the group anymore where did he fuck off to)
"she's a kid, like us V!" ... ok how old are they actually i want to know. "like us" implies similar age range at least and they kind of hinted at Uzi being 18-20 with the prom posters but i wish they'd just TELL us in canon or word of god it on twitter or something
I thought rebecca's bf was Brad? did they break up? quick rebound time damn
oh doesn't matter they're gonna fucking die
JCjenson made a tape about "zombie drones". what did they know.
Flashback images: Tessa (looking VERY drone like), a severed hand hanging from a chandelier, and an explosion (that looks VERY solver-esque.)
oh shit's going downhill very quickly.
OH DEAR GOD. REBECCA. sorry Rebecca enjoyers that's an L for you guys.
"Killing her, not saving you." it can be both V it's ok
did. did V just call her CYN? DID V JUST CALL HER CYN????
oh her tail's got teeth. no nanites though...
ngl N's pretty much the best person who could've possibly shown up at that moment
her wing joints are human arm skeletons. nope. don't like that.
ohh N is just the sweetest. very emotionally aware too
V what are you smiling at. V is there something you want to tell us
i know we were all joking about V x Lizzy but i'm not sure it's a joke anymore
i'm not going to ask how riding the bus like a stagecoach works
V taking blame for the murders? aww you do care <3
is n scared of his connection to uzi? worried that he might be dangerous to her? or is he secretly scared of her but not willing to leave his first real friend?
( i know i've mentioned this three times now but thad's not on the bus. where did he go. did he just decide fuck this i'm not dying here and walk home?)
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OMG!! oMG!! Ur dad!Mario kid!Luigi fic has me going insane. It's soo cute! Ur a genius!! i never imagined Mario as a buff dad b4 but it makes so much sense here in ur writing. All i can think about is a tiny baby Weeg and Mario alone in an apt. or house, doing everything they can for each other, feeling like it's just them against the world. Thinking about the way Mario gave up his dreams for baby weegi to live a happy life and how'd he do it again &again as many times needed. I'm pretty sure he'd straight up die for him(plz don't weegi and the audience would NOT like that) I love ur writing and how u set up the characters and interactions with each other. It Soo !!!!! Also the way u wrote Mario being so scared of not being enough and turning out like his shit parents. JEEZ if that didn't feel like a brick to the face. During the pandemic when I had just turned 17 i was left in charge of my baby niece (and younger sibs). No one wanted her cuz they claimed that taking care of an infant was too much, even worse with the added bonus of a virus. I didn't really get much of a choice but it didn't matter cuz I wouldve sold my limbs off they hadn't decided on me. Bcuz let me tell u the sec I locked eyes with her i had already fallen in love, and when she fell asleep cradled in my arms it was already sealed. (I absolutely melted when the bros met each other 4 the 1st time 🥺) They were the most stressful & tough times I've had but my God if it wasn't the best thing to ever happen in my life. I lost things & ive lost friends but not once did i ever regret having her in my life. Seeing ur Mario portrayed like this, as a guy carrying so much weight and insecurities with him, trying to do his best for his little brother, for his KID whom he loves with his WHOLE heart, just warms me up. Its so sweet and wholesome. Ur fic is always gonna have a special place in my heart.
I have questions but I feel like i already clogged up this ask lol so I'll do it later, hope u have a good day/night-🍊(<- me :DD)
I'm so incredibly happy you like my AU, and the way you talk about it is exactly the way I wanted people to see my characters, so this makes me so happy! Also, you're so amazing for doing that for your niece and your Siblings! I'm the youngest sibling myself but in some households, like you know, parents aren't the most present. 99% of my life has been me looking up to my older sisters, who have given so much to raise me and keep me safe rather than my parents, so this fic is dedicated to them in a way because of how much I love them for what they did for me.
Mario and Luigi are the sweetest boys ever and they're incredible, they have a lot of internal doubt because of their unfortunate living circumstances but I'm a sucker for a happy ending so rest assured, these boys will be getting one! Mario has buff dad energy and perhaps, POTENTIALLY, Peach will have buff mum energy soon 👀
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scourgethecat66 · 2 years
character break down for
pip pirrup
pip is like the sweetest, kindest character in south park, and thats like what makes him cynical like
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pip being cynical as always yall 💀
when i see him getting bullied i instantly say damn bro he betta beat these guys up. i feel like he would and hes worth that.
s1 episode 10 of south park kinda showed us that pip has some kind of anger issue. he started to explain to damien that he should see the guidance counselor for his anger. he even goes as far as breaking kyles nose with a dodgeball after being called frenchy and a frog.
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pip is a baddie? confirmed?
this gives us an idea that pip really isnt as kind and sweet as hes made to be. i mean, he said that he represses his anger. like pip could probably beat up a kid ngl. they spit in his eye and tell him to shut up, so id understand if he felt angry.
most of the information is from season 1-3 (i believe)
so as um portrayed here
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pip could be like “oh no pFFT its f i ne im all good.” but really i think he would want to punch a few children.
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pip pirrup is secretly the antagonist (?) jk he die- anyways-
this is why damien is so perfect for him they can just kinda fester in anger together
an au for this kid would be top tier, and i think its already been done with hell park but i have no clue
damien betrays him by like blowing him up for entertainment i mean 💀 child neglect??
his parents are dead and the boys laugh at it help 😭
estella please-
he is based off of i believe great expectations? estella didnt really love pip, and estella is from that story. same with pip and same with damien. their names are exactly the same, so that has some meaning. pip deserved so much more but never got it.
great expectations:
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rip pip😭😭😭
hes too precious for this world and thats why its scary. influence from bullying can turn someone into a monster and i believe pip has done that. i feel like his anger would over power him a bit and its just- pip 😭 hes one of my favorites helpppp
we will miss u
blonde baby boy 😔
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Rank the peaky men from who you'd want to sleep with the most to least 😬
So difficult for me near the top of the list because i can't pick between favourites really.
1. Bonnie would be the all round sweetest to sleep with i think, physically i find him most attractive (i am a sucker for that classic irish blue eyes black hair combo) Bonnie would definitely look after you, you know he'd be gentle with you your first time and hold back from going to hard unless you begged him... He'd be worried about hurting you. He'd be super cute afterwards as well, you know hed lie there with you, smothering you with kisses, lots of praise. He'd definitely accidentally fall asleep afterwards though and his snores would be v cute.
2. Alfie... Besties I've had such a silly wee daddy issues crush on Aflie since i was like 16 years old and i have not grown out of it. Now I'm the kind of girl who gets incredibly self concious and shy when i go on top and i tend to avoid it unless someone can make me feel comfortable enough with them... But i swear to god Alfie would just have to give me half of one of his little Alfie style speeches and tell me to come sit in his lap and id be all his.
Maybe he can't go on top or really go hard with you because of his injury but you know that doesnt mean hes gonna give up control of you. He'd be talking you through everything with one hand on your neck completely in control of you and hed be full of praise for you too.
3. This is where it gets kind of hard to choose but... Isaiah is 3rd because i am such a little bitch for arrogant and cocky classic bad boy stereotypes. Hes also just really. Fucking. Hot. If this man addressed me i would melt, id blush id trip over my tongue... Id be totally flustered and it would boost his ego and he'd be all the harder and faster in bed for it. Definitely going to treat u like a little whore and then sing your praises after.
4. Tommy - daddy issues again sorry guys. I want to misbehave, get myself into all kinds of trouble and then have him really calmly, sternly put me in my place. I read a fic on here once where he took y/n up against a wall, held her neck in his hand and forced her to look up at him. He points his finger between him and her and all he says is "respect the boundaries" and yh... Want Tommy Shelby to tell me to respect the boundaries.
5. John - I'm not gonna lie to you i always used to find john to be too sulky and childish for me, but there is something quite attractive about the thought of bringing him out of that sulk if you know what i mean? I also think hes the type to have a complex and need to tell you "youre mine" over and over whilst he's fucking you. As if him fucking you doesnt make that quite clear already.
6. Arthur - the same with the "you're mine" thing hes definitely growling/spitting that into your ear whilst hes taking you from behind. Also imagine being all snowed up in the bath with him and fucking, having a cigarette and then fucking again. His temper would scare me though, i get scared when someone's genuinely angry with me and arthurs angry sex would probably make me cryyyyy lolllllllll like if he shouted id just die.
But i do also think hes got a sweet side and would be devoted to you in a sense and that would be hot.
7. Freddie Thorne - sexy sexy communism mmmmm (see also, Ada Thorne)
8. Aberama - lowkey have a thing for an attractive but slightly sleazy older man and i would probably let him do anything to me)
9. Michael - would you believe this boy was once at the top of my list, my list used to go Michael, Alfie, Tommy... And then Bonnie, Michael, Alfie... And then one day i just stopped famcying blonde men 😭 (B says thats called becoming an adult haha) i also hate how he became so spoilt and entitled. I liked him when he still had some of the innocent in him. Being bad didnt suit him the way it suits Tommy and the others and i think it's because deep down the others actually do care about their families and their principles. In order to be a Blinder Michael has to lose all the principles he was raised on and take up a new set... He literally has to sacrifice his backbone to fit in with Tommy and i think if you can change urself that easy u have tiny dick energy and ur not to be trusted in or out of bed. He probably takes more than he gives.
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clarabowmp3 · 2 years
I had a boyfriend 3 years ago. I was really shy i dont think anybody knew i existed. He was kind of popular and so i said yes when his sister asked me out for him. (which was so stupid but i didnt know it then). My parents are really strict; so we hid our relationship from everyone. only a couple of our closest friends knew. After 4-5 months of dating, i started to see the real him. He always cursed so much. He punched the crap out of this other guy who jokingly said that he would date me if he got a chance. We started having a lot of fights and then broke up.
After a month, his best friend somehow convinced me to forgive him and we started dating again (which also was very stupid). He was nice for a couple of months but then we were back at cursing and violence.
So i broke up with him over text. i told him we are really young and we shouldnt be doing this right now; we should focus on studies and that i was scared of my parents if they ever find out im gonna die. (i wish i had done this way sooner).
January of this year, Somebody came late at night and wrote "i hate (my name)" on my father's car. My father asked me who do i think would have done something like that. I just said i have no idea but i lowkey suspected my exboyfriend could have done it; i wasnt sure cuz it had been over a year since we broke up and we had zero contact, why would he suddenly do something like this.
But it turned out that it was infact him and his cousin. The next night, my cousin who lives right next to me, caught him scratching the windows of the car. My father and brother went there and it was just a huge scene. My ex told everyone that we were in a relationship and that im talking to some guy (which wasnt true, he had just heard some false rumours). My whole neighborhood knows now. My parents are so disappointed in me. They said they'll never be able to trust me again. My mom cried. I hate myself so much. that psychopath made me hate myself and made my parents loose trust in me. My friends say i should just move on. Im so annoyed with myself for getting involved with him in the first place.
Ps. Thank you for the sweetest birthday wish ❤ ily. And id appreciate it if u dont try to find out who i really am. Thank you so much for reading this (you dont have to reply if u dont want to)
- blueberry anon (i really liked your reply on my last ask. So lemme give myself a name cuz i think im gonna vent/ bother you a lot from now on. I am sorry in advance <3)
Nooo its totally okay to vent/I wont be bothered, and I wont try to find out who you are or anything!! (I just meant that Idm if you wanted to dm me for more privacy but I’m okay w whatever youre comfy with :))
I totally understand rushing into that relationship and gosh it must have been so hard to have those conflicting feelings of wanting to be with him but also needing to stay away from him. and try not to beat yourself up over getting back tgt with him, I know how easy it is to get influenced by ppl close to us/who we value. think of it as you being able to be aware enough of ur situation and brave enough to extract urself which must have been so scary, what with his violent behaviour and scratching the car, so good job for getting out of there!
I dont know if you mean that you wish you permenantly cut things off with him because of him being so different than you thought or because you didnt like “deceiving” (for lack of a better word) ur parents anymore, but either way in hindsight a lot of us would have done things differently in teh grand scheme of things, but whats important is that you did what felt best to you at the time. sure, your emotions or other stuff may have swayed your decision, but youre only human, and its normal to have flaws, and we just need to learn to accept that. I’ve also done stuff behind my parents’ back cuz I also used to think they were strict (and they may still seem strict to anyone else but now I understand them better and just think they’re fair) and it also caused a lot of damage to my relationship with them and even a few years later it still hurts to think about it. but I try to look at it like if I hadnt made that mistake then, I would have made it eventually and I think I needed to make those mistakes to learn some lessons that bow prevent me from ever doing anything like that again. (life’s the best teacher, even though it can be painful.)
regardless of what you did, yeah that guy was def all sorts of messed up and I cant imagine how painful it must be to have someone mess up your life so much. depending on how long you take to process it, it might be year(s) until you can move on from this and you’ll feel all sorts of emotions and hurt but the important thing to remember is:this was not your fault. yes, there are things that you regret now and hopefully you wont make those same mistakes again, but what he did had nothing to do with your actions/mistakes (like not telling ur parents etc). you acted to the best of your ability and I’m so proud of you trying your best to turn the car around once you realised how everything was going downhill, but I suppose what I’m trying to say is whatever that has happened was extremely unfortunate, but unfortunately we cannot change the past and the best we can do is learn and try to move on.
Now, the hard part - moving on. Since the incident is still so fresh, your emotions and thoughts are going to be running wild for a while still, and although its difficult to see it now, but time heals most wounds, if not all. I thought my parents would never teust me again, that I had reached a point where I could just not turn back from, but bit by bit, the healing will automatically start on its own. From these same ruins, trust will slowly begin to grow back on its own, as unbelievable as it may seem now. I dont know your parents, but I’m sure that as upset as they may be with you right now, and the end of the day, youre still their child and everything they do, the sacrifices they make, being strict with you, is all because they love you and want you to have the best life long-term, even if that means giving up some things in the short term.
as for your friends, maybe try explaining to them how you feel about it, and they would at the very least be sympathetic if they were true friends. If not, I’m still here. Im sure it feels terrible that the whole neighbourhood knows, but like I said, time heals all wounds. In a few years, they’ll forget about it and still treat you normally. those who don’t and still judge you for it arent worth your time. besides, everyone messes up all the time. as embarrassing as this may feel, the good ones probably dont even judge you for this so much because I’m sure they’ve also messed up big time at some point in their lives.
I hope this helps and makes you feel better. it was strangely therapeutic for me too ahah. Families, relationships, growing up and mistakes are forever going to be messy, complicated things that I dont think will ever leave us. we can only learn how to tackle them better with each experience, good or bad, and try our best to pvercome the next hurdle a little smoother than the last. sending lots of love to youuu 💗💗💖
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violetnotez · 3 years
What would Hawks be like with a really small (like 4’9”-5’0”) s/o who basically has a heart attack everytime he makes a slightly flirty remark and is very shy and quiet who loves cuddles? I loved your hawks fic to deATH you do such a good hawks 🥺🥺
Omg I love this idea so so much!😍 I know it’s been a bit, but thank you for liking my hawks fics 🥺 I wanna write for him more, so hopefully that’ll happen soon! ☺️☺️
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Hawks x  reader 
Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Warnings: cussing, slight suggestive themes
*theres a part thats not  that GN, so just in case Im gonna seperate it from the fic with these symbols-  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*       I hope it doesnt make it hard to read!
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
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It painssss meee sm but Hawks is canonly short/average height
(Like isn’t he 5’5” correct my ass if I’m wrong 😂💀)
(*Somebody corrected my ass he is 5’8” YAY🤣🤣🤣🤣)
But if he had an s/o who is SHORTER
Ohoohohohooo get ready for the constant teasing and affection
Also him being so overly protective
For some reason you being smaller than him, his hero instincts kick in and he just wants to protect you 24/7
Wanna go grab yourself lunch? Hes coming
Walking by yourself? Has his hands wrapped around your shoulder
The man is clingyyyyyyyyyyy
He just finds you so adorable-calls you “his little dove” all the time
Especially when you get flustered OH MY GOD he livessss to make you flustered
May have crossed a few lines a few times- all in good fun tho!!!
In his eyes it was good fun lmao
Like the one time you tried to buy furniture for your guys’ apartment
One of the sales associates were helping you two find a bed set for your room, showing you this nice one in one of the show rooms
And this cheeky ass guy goes “Nah, that wont do...need something a little sturdier, know what I mean?” and then nudges you with a wink
You turn beet beet red, and the poor lady coughs and tried to ignore the comment
You never wanted to die more in your life
But get used to it though, cause this guy will do it constantly just to get a reaction out of you
Has this infactuation with grabbing your ass- 
You could be minding your own business, and this dude will just grab a handful
And will not just do it at home- in public too
He’s pretty sly about it- he’ll have his arm wrapped around your shoulder like he usually does, but then slowlllyyyyy just dips his hand between your shoulder blades, tracing your spine, 
and then next thing you know your squeaking in surprise cause he just groped your rear like it was nothing
His excuse is “You just looked cute- I had to!”
If you wear anything tight forming it just gets increasingly worse
Once you two were invited to this really formal hero’s gala type thing, where you had to wear a really nice dress
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You got this beautiful, glittering gown, a little more tight forming that your usual attire
You felt really good in it- and he took notice
Ngl when he saw you walk out in that gown he thought he was gonna go into heat early
“Damn, I dont think my little bird is so little anymore,” he said gruffly, pulling into a tight hug
*cue the flusterdness
Once he sees you flustered- the dude does not stop-
like at all
“You look beautiful you know that?” “Im so lucky to have you little dove,” “Man, wish we didnt have to leave right now, Id love to get under that dress of yours-”
At this point you were stuttering from your flusterdness and you needed some relief ASAP
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Even though he loves to make you flustered, 
making you flustered when your being clingy takes the cake
Somehting about you snuggling into him to hide your face after he tells you how beautiful you are or makes flirtatious comments is just so CUTE to him
Usually happens when he says something so flirty you literally feel all the heat rush to your head
You two were having a cuddle session one day, your legs wrapped your his waist and head just resting on his chest
And then he has the audacity to go-
 “You know I love you wearing my clothes...but what Id really like if they were on the floor-hows that sound?”
That particular comment made you really off guard, and you literally gasped 
You didnt want him seeing how affected you were by his words, so you ducked your face into his neck almost immediately
He can feel his heart just melting in his chest when you do that
“Aww did I make ya little too flustered, dove?” hed ask with a chuckle, petting your head
This man can never get caught off guard istg
You just mumble out a “maybe” and UGH its just so cute to him
“C’mon, babe its just me- you dont have to hide,”
Once you finally muster the courage to show him your face, you can barely keep eye contact cause youre afraid you’ll just turn into a stuttering mess on his lap
You cant hide anything from him though
He instantly notices, chuckling as he gently takes your face in his hands, brushing your cheek with his thumb
“Ya know I was only kidding, right? You dont have to do anything you dont want to, babe, ” he smiles at you with the most sweetest, endearing look on his face, his eyes lovingly looking at you
You give him a small smile, feeling a bit less flustered than before
“-but if ya want too, I wouldnt be against it....”
*dives back into his neck wiofhuiweruifhwruifhrwi-
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern hange zoe dating headcanons
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lowercase intended !
hange zoe x gn!reader
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- first, their love language is definitely a mix of physical touch and verbal affirmations
- idc idc theyre the best of both worlds 🤩
- you prefer verbal affirmations over physical touch (or vice versa) ? their immediately making a mental note and showing u love with whichever one u like more
- i think they'd be a scientist or researcher ?? maybe they'd study the human body or like global warming ?? idfk but would definitely go into the science field
- also i personally love the idea of moblit and them being together 😳🤚 idk i love the idea
- but since YOU are with miss hange id like to think they stayed friends after the breakup 😌✨ theyre both mature ppl (and hot)
- moblit is always third wheeling w you guys. you and hange could be making out and he'd sit there with his iced coffee like 😐
- hange i feel is a very forgetful person, so like, dates and stuff (things made on a sort of short notice) they tend to forget about, but things like birthdays and anniversaries are NEVER forgotten
- ofc they'll make it up to you after you call them from the restaurant youve been waiting in for over an hour
- but sometimes it does hurt that they value their work so much, you love that they find joy in what they do and are dedicated, but it just feels like they prioritize work over you
- and hange understands ! and they start trying to be on time for things like that. is also constantly reassuring you at random times that they love and care about you
- also loves to spoon you. will literally wrap around you like a koala in bed. doesnt matter if its too hot and youre both immediately sweating, will trap you with their insane amount of strength and never let you go until either they wake up or you wake up begging to use the restroom
- i feel like when theyre working from home (which is everyday in a pandemic 🙄 even tho these headcanons arent really structured around pandemic modern times) they forget to eat/drink when they get reeeaaaallllyyyy into what theyre researching
- could be on the verge of discovering a new genetic mutation (idk) while also being on the verge of passing out due to dehydration
- theyll come out for dinner and be like "yknow ive been having this weird headache all day"
- "probably because you havent drank any water today"
- will stare at you like "🤨" before replying "nah i dont think so 😹"
- you have to threaten letting them starve to get them to drink some water. and as soon as they do theyre chugging three cups
- five minutes later theyre like "babe ! it worked ! youre awesome"
- lots of pet names like babe/baby, my love, my darling (in a dramatic english accent), honey, and any others that youd prefer
- has a weird love for the cartoon archer (yknow that adult show with like 10 seaons ??)
- will literally no nothing about the plot or characters, and will only put the show on for background noise while theyre doing something, but will ALWAYS recommend archer to others and say its their favourite cartoon if asked
- also loves the amazing world of gumball (you got them into it) actually watches the show and loves it, yet never thinks of it when asked "what shows should i watch ?" or "what are some shows you like ?"
- if youre like, an artist or something like that, they genuinely LOVE anything you make
- you made them a little painting ? theyre hanging it up in their apartment. you created a clay vase or something ? buying flowers to put in it rn (doesnt even take care of the flowers but yk)
- if youre having a bad day theyre dropping everything for you (unless its super important then theyre saying "how about i move my work to the bed and we can cuddle ?")
- if you need to rant theyre actively listening while trying to work. will accidentally start typing what youre saying onto their word document. ends up having to delete three whole paragraphs about that bitch at work smh 🙄🤚
- loves taking showers/ baths w you (NEVER in a sexual way though) they genuinely find it fun to wash each other's hair and stuff. if you ask them to wash your back theyre shoving their hands in your armpits and tickling you like,, mf ill fall and take us both down 😐
- definitely an ass/thighs person. doesnt matter how big or small, loves it.
- also a dish collector in their room. their room and office are in the same space, so youll find them with cups and plates on their desk where their research is supposed to be like bae,,, i think youre growing a new kind of mold 😍🦠💥
- talks so passionately abt their work and coworkers to you. theres this new intern at their job and hes the sweetest and brightest kid they know. his names armin and they speak about him SO highly
- also has a really cold nose ?? u love to kiss it bc it makes them shiver bc of the temperature difference
- has weirdly soft hands. youd think theyd be kinda rough bc of all the weird shit they touch for "science" but no. the hands are perfect
- doesnt know how to take care of things around the house (like handy stuff) so they beg levi to come over.
- he reluctantly does bc hes their friend but will nod at you as soon as he walks in and says "i hope hange isnt being too annoying today"
- immediately youll defend them and say zoe hange could never annoy you bc hange is the love of ur life and all he'll do is say "youre lucky then. i envy you."
- you and hange both know hes using his dry humour, but as punishment hange follows him around the place and annoys him even further
- also tries to convince you to get a dog at the weirdest of times ???
- itll be three in the morning and theyll just whisper in your ear "we should get a dog"
- theyre allergic to cats so if you suggest that they say "no ill die if i go near one"
- if youre allergic to dogs theyll say "okay fine a baby then"
- "how will we get one ?"
- "we'll steal it. or go looking through a dumpster"
- what did they say 😳😳⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
- you shut down any ideas of a dog or baby for a long while after that
- loves squeezing your cheeks, and would love if you did it to them too
- will literally just sit in bed squishing them and request you do the same. so you both just sit facing each other criss crossed, squishing each others faces while giggling
- ive made this pretty long already so this is it ! but yes, they love u through and through
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second headcanon babyyy !!! hope u all enjoyed !! my asks r open if u wanna request something !! (also please request something 😭😭😭 )
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cinnaminsvga · 2 years
please i'm already emotionally attached to their little characters and so fond of them. like the game isn't even released yet and i'm like "id die for their little characters"
He really do be the sweetest boy like yeah he has his suga personality and his agust d personality but he's just a sweet soft boy in actuality who likes to hold hands and be told he's loved
but yeah when i saw their little characters i felt overwhelmingly like these emojis 🥰🥺 in one
[cont.] not to mention day preregister came out i was already clicking link and doing it. all i need was pictures of their little characters leading up to it and my fondness took over said bet.
no but seriously,,, it is peak game design,,, they were so right for giving all of them tummies,,, lil mochi guys,,,
i don't think i'll actually be playing the game bc i think it's mostly just a candy crush clone, but GOD their little characters,,, 2022 has been saved once again thanks to bangtan tummy
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ermbabyel · 3 years
hi hi hi !! may i please request a personality ship with bts and ateez !! i apologize in advance bc it's super long </3
I’m a 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) girl with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark on my bottom lip!), my long legs (that look so so so so good in skirts and dresses), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with), and i am an i/enfj (i got 51% extravert 49% intra the first time, then 50% for both the second time!! ) and i honestly agree—i’m an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up.
  i’m extremely passionate about the issues and people i care about and the goals and dreams i have. I’m creative, patient, an extremely good listener, caring, a social butterfly, and extremely hardworking. my friends always told me of my heart of gold and how perceptive i am of the people around me—noticing immediately when something is wrong and trying to make them feel better. I’m also very headstrong, detailed, and determined!! my friends also call me a nerd since i’ve had all a’s since kindergarten—i LOVE school and would describe myself as intelligent. i really like that i’m empathetic and motivational to those around me. it’s really easy for me to show my affection, adoration, and support for someone because i just want everyone to feel loved and safe :( i HATE seeing my loved ones sad, and when people usually have problems about anything (from family to just school), i’m the one they come to talk to because of my warm and openminded heart. I love sharing happiness with my friends in their goals and always hype them up no matter what, and it makes me so so so so happy seeing my loved ones content. im also really, really funny (my fave personality trait of mine tbh)!! I’m always cracking jokes and laughing (sometimes for no reason LMAOO). i would be in the library at like 7 am with my friends and struggle with stifling my laugh from jokes i told </3
  I also love to go out and explore—whether trying out a new restaurant in the city or a newly opened amusement park or trying something new, like skydiving (or some other crazy but fun idea), trying recipes from around the world, or trying sledding for the first time! at the same time, i like really chill, mellow spending-time-alone-or-with-one-other-person activities like baking (my favorite treat to bake is red velvet cupcakes and cheddar bay biscuits) and dancing !! (i’ve been a dancer for more than 12 years!!). i can also speak more than 5 languages (including korean!) and i’m always saying random phrases (like thank you, i love u so much!, gtfo my face, that sucks ass) in a random language too LMFAOOO. i often think being a coffee/cafe lover is a personality trait (i love love love love love coffee) i also love accessories (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings, etc) and would die of happiness when the day i can wear matching accessories with my s/o comes.
besides being my bestfriend who i can kiss and whatnot (hehe), my ideal type is a TALL (THEY DONT HAVE TO BE but 5’9+...i’m already tall but pls .5 of an inch taller would be enough) man who has eyes for me and only me !!! they may look cold/cool/mysterious/laid back at first glance (like “i dont like u lol” or “yeah haha 🙂" to any other girls but “hi baby what can i do for u today to please the loml” with me <3)  but turn into the sweetest, warmest, cutest honey bun once i get to know them! (kinda like me)!! ALSO a man who can pull off all black outfits like those are my FAVORITE omg. he needs to have a BIG sense of humor (like i want to laugh every second i’m with him and laugh so hard that our stomachs start hurting and we beg each other to stop making jokes type of humor), fashionable (so i can learn fashion pls and wear coordinated outfits with him). i just want a boy who i could talk to and listen to for HOURS. like i would follow him into the bathroom as he showers and sit on the toilet and just listen to him talk about his day or vent to him, but also a boy that loves comfortable silence!! like just cuddling with each other or im studying, and hes working on a personal project so that just being with him makes me feel warm <3 i want a s/o who’s willing to go out and travel with me so i could take off guard pics of him and make him my wallpaper until he begs me to change it. im also not good at conflict so if conflict arises, id love a boy who knows how to talk me down and open up the room for conversation and make me feel safe and not as if im confronted or wrong, someone where we can just talk, resolve our problem, and make it up with a hug or night out!! this kinda leads to me wanting a relationship where we both help improve each other and our flaws (for example some of my flaws are callousness, taking things to heart sometimes, and not opening up easily, etc), so i’d really appreciate a relationship where my partner and i can help each other grow as people. i also love love love to cook, so i’d love an s/o that loves cooking with me and teaching each other how to cook each other’s cultural foods (i would love to teach my bf how to cook jollof rice and have a cookoff one day). I like ALL 5 of the love languages but my top 3 tied for 1st are quality time (THIS i want to spend everyday with my bf at chinatown or a new city exploring), words of affirmation (someone who reaffirms me of their love continuously, supportively, and in sweet ways), and acts of service (cooking my favorite food when i’m down, doing chores that i cant do when tired). men who are really expressive through touch are also ideal <3 i'd shy away from pda, but inside the house i’d be so happy yet so shy and flustered when they express their love through touch (like laying in my lap so i can play with their hair, holding my hand while watching tv, cuddling while talking about whatever). OR like the SLIGHTEST compliment or act of love (LIKE BACKHUGS OR HOLDING HANDS OR KISSING MY BEAUTY MARKS OR FOREHEAD KISSESJSJSJSJ). i love a man who's goal oriented, know what he wants, and makes the move first (kinda like taking control of the relationship!!) in all, i’d just love to be really appreciated and loved and also show the same love, support, warmth, closeness, and happiness to my bf <3 tysm <333
Hi hi~! You sound like such a sweetheart and so cute 😍💕 I’ll be super happy to ship you~!
Yoongi 🥳
I thought of Yoongi right away while reading your submission. You sound like such a sweet and supportive person that I think Yoongi would benefit from being in a relationship with you. You also remind me a lot of hobi when I was reading your description so I think you two would be best friends too~! Yoongi would be intrigued by your appearance, your intimidating aura around you would make him want to know you more. Surely there’s more than meets the eye...and Yoongi was correct. After getting to know you more. He soon learned how such a happy and sweet person you are. He would love the duality of you. It’s keeps him on his toes and yearns to learn more o about you~! Yoongi is a very passionate person as well, especially with his career and his members. And I’m sure he’d be passionate with you too, but he’ll show you in his own little ways. For example, writing songs about you for bts’ new comeback, getting you your favorite foods and drinks when you both have had a long day...he just loves you so much. I can see you, and sope being the three musketeers of bts, you three would do SO much together. Yoongi can be a silly and goofy person as we’ve seen, but only certain people can drawl that aspect out of him, so you and hobi would do SOO well at making him feel comfortable to let loose and have fun~! I can see you and hobi goofing around at the studio with each other and Yoongi would shake his head and act unimpressed, but we all see right through him and he truly adores you in that state~! Yoongi would also think it’s super adorable how flustered and shy you get when he gets touchy with you 👀💜. Just a very cute and wholesome relationship~! 🥰
Seonghwa 🥳
You love when your partner takes control? You don’t need to tell Seonghwa twice! The boy would LOVE to take care of you and take the lead in the relationship. I think he’s also naturally dominate, so it would be no problem for him~! I can see you two going on cute coffee dates to local cafè shops close by. Seonghwa would absolutely adore how excited you are about coffee~! He would also think it’s hella attractive that you’re a dancer 👀. He LOOOOVES to watch you dance for himself maybe he would create a dance for only you two to perform. Your legs and lips are how absolute favorite physical traits of yours. Seonghwa would always have a hand on your leg or knee whenever you guys are sitting down. And if you’d let him, Seonghwa would kiss you all day long~! He just loves the feeling of your soft lips against his 💜. Seonghwa also adores how happy and cheerful you are. Especially on hard long days full of practices and performances, your cheerful and loving nature always makes him feel better and soooo much more relaxed. I can see both of you mothering the other members too~! He appreciates you taking care of him at times, but he’s also take opportunities to take care of you too~! Overall a very sweet and loving relationship~! ❤️‍🔥
Again, I am very sorry for the long ass wait 🥺. I hope you enjoy your ships love~! Stay happy and healthy~! 🤗💜
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mr007pennyworth · 3 years
Jason? Really? He's tried to kill nearly all of you.
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"ah yes, I know that, but not me"
He sighs. "He was upset, Bruce, Dick and myself mourned him for a long time but yes allowing the Joker to live angered me as well, he should have taken revenge whether I'd ingrained him to not kill, I take that fault, that's my fault, I should have perhaps gone after the bastard myself, but Bruce at that point refused to let me even go shopping alone...Bruce didn't really 'move on' he simply did as he been taught, cope. He'd not adopted Timothy to be a replacement but Timothy had been obsessed with Batman since before his parents got killed, it was going to be that the boy wanted to be a robin. I was against the whole idea, but I've stopped arguing, it's exhausting. I mean, Jason was nervous in those early days, he was closed off and unpredictable, but he was mine, he was a son and a grandson I could never pick which to have him as, I wish id done more, I look back and think 'fuck Alfred you were such a useless sod, why didn't you do something?' but, I mean look at me, I'm seventy, I've got half a leg missing and I don't cope well off my painkillers, I'm only useful as a butler and advisor these days...we NEVER considered Jason coming back to life, I mean I think I passed out when it eventually hit me that it was true, it's not like he turned up at the door a day later and went 'IM HOME' we found out by word and sighting, Bruce didn't know he was Red hood until...I-I don't know half of the shit went over my head, I've lost track it was all a mess, but he'd been fed lies and all sorts of bull by the time we'd known it was him...it was too late!"
"So yes, Jason, I chose him, because even before and now he looks at me with the affection I hope I showed him, he still shows me respect whether he's angry at the rest of the family or not, he came home to me, he apologized whether he ment it or not, I don't care, he matters to me and always will, they all always will, I carry a gun, Jason carries guns, I don't care, he shoots someone, I don't care, I've killed plenty as a Marines for heaven's sake, I'm not saint, I shot a guy for desertion that was actually innocent, never gotten over that but that's a long story, Bruce is no saint, neither are the rest of them, nobody here has right to hold themselves above another member of this family and never will, Jason is my son, my grandson call him what you will but, he was always be mine and he will always have me, he's kills Bruce, I might have an issue"
"Bruce means a lot to me as much as I think he can be an egotistical, batshit ignoramus at times and I won't lie, I hit him I actually pointed a gun at Bruce when he told me Jason had gotten killed, I was ready to shoot myself, I raised Bruce to be my own son and I curse Thomas out to this day for us finding the stupid cave...it's a mess, but ever since his parents died, nothing was going to be straight was it-I-I think if I had taken him to therapy? I don't know, we wouldn't be here, blame me if you have to, I created Batman I guess. I let Bruce adopt the boys, I let him make them become sidekicks...my Jason should have just come and blamed me, I might have talked him down, not that I'd have been any less blameless-"
"That's why I will always hope to see him, he's my son and I let him down, I can never fix any of what happened, but I can at least give him what he deserves and that is someone to rely on, all of them can, if I can be the one thing he finds safety in this mad city then I will take that, if he walks up to my door tomorrow covered in blood and tired, he'll have a reason and I'll be there and I don't care what you think, if that turns out to be the blood of one of my grandkids, he'll be sorry, he'd never intentionally murder one of my boys and then think he would be able to have me just accept that, he'd know I'd be disappointed, that id be heartbroken, that I might help him but he'd know he'd hurt someone who trusted him to be the BETTER man in this family because I wanted him to be, he's going to be, guns or not, Jason can always be better than all this family combined, I know he can, I trust that he can be, he will be the better man I wanted Bruce to be, I did't manage it. Bruce is his own man now and I can't change him, he'll still be my son. Just as Jason and all of the kids will be, I wouldn't abandon any of them, I need them as much as they need me, he'll be my favourite until I die, I mean-"
He chuckles. "I doubt he'd let Damien take his place, the boys in second after he walked up to me one afternoon with his cat and told me he was named after me....if that isn't the sweetest indirect way to say 'I love you' I don't know what is"
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aangfanclub · 4 years
liveblog s2 ep2: the cave of two lovers
sokka has the best hair. kataang stans get rights ig
Levi, before its even started: this one looks like its about love and uhh i dont like that. Thought love was canceled ever since yue turned into the MOON
Omg we love to see fun chill times with the gang
Ohhhhhh are we getting some kataang content rn??? Oh? I can get behind it
Sis: Momo and sokka DO have the same vibes. I refuse to elaborate
That hippie is keanu reeves !! specifically as bill or ted
Zuko said i was in a bush for 5 minutes and i wanna give up on life jskdfkls
Sis: zuko needs hair advice from sokka
Ooooooh appa looking SO cute with the hippies
Sokka be roasting katara at every turn djsfkjksd
The hippies said Sokka u need to learn to vibe for real
Wait hold on isnt omashi just a city?? How is bumi a king?? IS HE JUST THE MAYOR ?
Abby: i hope they keep these flowers in their hair for the rest of the show
Okay does Katara's hairline have a slit in it? Or are they really short bangs????
[Argument abt katara’s bangs. Eventually we just agree that sokka’s the only one with good hair in this show]
Aang is so happy this is all ive ever wanted
We are danging to the song these earth nation hippies are SO valid
The guy got the chorus and levi exploded “THAT’S WHAT THIS IS FROM??? IVE HEARD THIS ON TIKTOK SO MANY TIMES”
Omg this slaps SO hard
Aang deserves a flower crown and im so glad he got one
Yes. we always only need to be doing what makes appa comfy
[to the tune of secret tunnel] BUZZCUT ZUKO! UNCLE IROH
Someone adopt zuko and iroh and feed them. They’re like college boys who dont know how to do their own laundry
Sokka congrats on being the one with the braincell this episode
I love these hippies but they are all SO stupid
YES we’re travelsers,,,, of COURSE we have names,, zuko how have you managed to look so evil for so long when youre so stupid sjdlfkskl
Mushi and junior. Im going to die
Abby: this is how i feel at six flags trying to read the map
Bro: sokka hates this tunnel bc he doesnt believe in love
When u invite a random scarred child named junior into ur house and he spends the whole time eating ur food, giving 1 word answers, and staring at the wall dramatically thinking abt his tragic backstory
Yall are NOT making appa comfortable!! Get ur priorities straight!
Bro: appa’s bouta go sicko mode on that bat for real
Sokka imagined a world in which he was stuck with hippies and SCREAMED dkjsfsjdhk imagine,,
Is zuko gonna get? Human connection????
Matching burn scars? the Romance
We are vibing SO HARD to all of these songs dsjkfjkf u have no idea
[sis: imagine being named zucchini. Bro: imagine being named abigail. Sis: STOP IT THAT WAS SO MEAN]
Thanks sokka’s instincts!
The power of love always so strong omg
Katara said “what if we k’d in the secret love tunnel.. Hahah just kidding ....unless.?”
Aang said oh uhhh,,,, I suppose we could k for the greater good
Katara is so salty ksdjjkdsjklsdkljsdkjl
Sis: man BOTH the boys in this show have top notch game ive GOTTA say
[bro:: ok but he was frozen for 100 years, sis: that has no affect on his game!!!! Bro: maybe it DOES]
Im a sucker for zuko being polite. That boy says thank u once and i believe in goodness
Zuko just stole their horse thing?? Rough
Bro are they gonna K IN THE DARK?????
Kataang stans have rights i guess
Bro those badgers can earthbend??? Can animals earthbend??????
Sokka play a love song i swear its ur time to SHINE
Absolutely they kissed. 100% they kissed. This is the sweetest purest episode
“We let love lead the way” sokka did not even bat an eye jkdsjsdkl
Keanu stop pretending to have wisdom to give djsksdj
Oh katara is SO blushy they DEFINITELY kissed in there i am losing it
Oh no oh NOOOOO omashi!!!!
Bro: what about king annoying??
We stan kataang i guess. Sokka still has the braincell tho
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I’ll bite tell me about Ryan
Oh boy oh boy ok.
Aight, so for starters my boy Ryan's real full name is Ryan Taylors II (he was named after his uncle Ryan who died before he was born) and he's one of my Death Note OCs I made for a fic I'm writting. He's a serial killer and I heavily based his case of Jack the Ripper. He kills prostitutes, not because he has anything against them but because he knows the cops don't really care. He does this because he think violently mutilating people is fun. There's something very wrong with him. I tried to emulate every serial killer ever while still making him unique.
He had a shitty childhood. His mom got disowned by her mom for running drugs for the mob and she had to live her shitty boyfriend. He raped her and that's how Ryan came to be. Happened again and that's how he got his little sister. His dad was an abusive dick head and when Ryan was 9 he had enough so he just fucking killed the guy. When he want to court he got of with no punishment because it so insanely obvious that his dad was an abusive rapist qnd Ryan was a little kid so the jurry decided he was innocent. From age 9 to 15 he enjoyed not having a father until his mom got a new bf and he was an ass. Then when Ryan was 16 he officially could not handle it and snapped and killed someone. He enjoyed it like alot and after some moral debating with himself he kept on killing people.
Anyway to backtrack when he was 7 he met a guy named Jessie who's dad owned a bar and they became friends. Jessie had a kid his age (actually it was just a random orphan he found and adopted but still) and that kid was named Jerimiah. Ryan also had a friend named Courtney from school and Ryan, Courtney and Jerimiah all end up going to the same school after awhile and Ryan and Jerimiah date. Ryan also runs track and he's like really fucking good at it. He set records. Ryan also joined a gang when he was 7 because his neighbor was this sweet old Chinese lady who would babysit him and teach him Chinese (Ryan's part Chinese, it's never relevant except for the fact that he joined a gang when he was 7, which is mostly a joke thing) and her grandson was the leader of a biker gang and when they would come over Ryan would hang out with them and at some point they were like "hey your cool wanna join our gang?" And Ryan said yeah so he was in a biker gang when he was 7. They didn't actually do anything they just rode around and looked scary and Ryan doesn't know how to ride a motorcycle nor is he allowed but he's still a member and has his own bandanna all the gang members have. The gang thing is never important it's just a little joke to make Ryan seem tough.
Speaking of which Ryan is constantly trying to look tough. Ryan grew up in Compton in the 90's so he's constantly surrounded by crime so he tried to be as intimidating as possible and he is actually very intimidating. He's 5'11 and 180lbs, super aggressive with the knife skills to back it up and dresses in all black. He's already scary and 100% a true gangster qnd he doesn't need to pretend but he still has issues with intimacy and being nice. He's cold and apathetic all the time. He wishes he wasn't but he has a hard time finding things to be passionate about. The few things that do bring him joy include bread, horror and action movies, Sonic the Hedgehog, Transformers and exploring abandoned buildings. He's very shy about showing when he's actually happy (which is a shame because he has the cutest, sweetest nost amazing and gorgeous smile in the entire fukcing world.) The reason for his apathy is because he's got ASPD from all the abuse. Everyone says he puts the antisocial in antisocial personally disorder and they're right. His symptoms mostly include apathy, violent outbursts, recklessness and self degradation. Pretty much he's quiet and reserved and doesn't like people. He jas very little self confidence and doesn't care much for others unless he really knows them well and actually likes them. If he does consider someone a friend he's very protective and somewhat nice. It takes alot to deal with him but he's really a great friend.
Really he's an amazing guy who went through alot of traumatic shit and had been unfortunately fucked up by his shitty circumstances and has choosen to deal with it in the worst possible way: muder. Ryan absolutely loves to blame his problems on other people and for the most part he's right (it's not his fault he had to go through all that) however him choosing to kill people was 100% his thing and he can't really blame it on his childhood considering there's 100 different ways to deal with that stuff that don't involve killing people HOWEVER Ryan ignores that because he's a fucking seril killer and has no remorse for his victims. He is the epitome of "I love my garbage son who belongs in prison" because he does but he never gets caught.
There's two different ways Ryan's life goes and it depends on the fic I put him in. In the everyone lives one, he marries A and B and joins the mafia with them. He does repent for his crimes but has to live on a short leash (he can't have cash, he has to travel with A or someone qualified to babysit him, he has to keep his ID on him at all time ect.) Because the government doesn't want him to kill people anymore but wants to see if they can actually rehabilitate a fucking serial killer + A knows people *cough cough L* and will be very pissy if they put his boyfriend in prison. Ryan gets therapy and reconnects with his family and also he's set to die at like 87 here.This is the good ending.
In actual cannon, Ryan and B are friends with alot of homoerotic tension. Ryan and B are partners in crime for awhile but after B dies Ryan continues on with his life (Ryan is a massive crime buff and wants to be a forensic pathogist and that happens in both endings) but after awhile he decides life isn't worth living without B and goes on a full rampage through LA before writting an increasingly cryptic suicide note and slitting his own throat. He choose that method because in all his killings, he cut the vocal cords of his victims so they couldn't scream while he mutilated them (witch gave him the nick name the Silent Ripper, though he's more commonly the Los Angeles Ripper) but he'd usually end up slitting their throats in the process, so the most commom death for his victims drowning in their own blood, so he felt its how he should go out. This is clearly the bad ending.
Anyway yeah. There's him. If you want anything spicific please ask ms because once you tell me to write about my OCs suddenly I don't know them.
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It’s been a real fucking stressful week so I’m finally gonna be drunk-watching and reviewing Breaking Dawn Pt. 2. However, I will likely only be slightly drunk(ish) (if at all) because I’m all out of liquor and only have one beer at the moment, but hopefully it’ll be enough to counteract how terrible this movie is lmao. As usual, here is what I remember from the movie the first (and only) time I ever watched it: 
1. The battle scene happened but it was all in Alice’s vision and never actually happened.
2. Imprinting bullshit that none of us want to talk about. Let’s pretend it never happened.
3. Some weird dude makes fake IDs on demand.
4. All the vampires with cool powers get together, yet, sadly, they do not take down the Volturi to form a better, democratic government.
My thoughts as I’m watching are below the break: 
- The opening credits triggered a forgotten feeling of sadness. Was it sadness over a terrible plot or sadness over the series being over? I couldn’t tell you.
- This fucking soundtrack excuse me. The orchestral opening piece? BEAUTIFUL. I want to choreograph a ballet to this. Or do the TikTok twerk challenge to it. Idk. 
- I’m actually kind of sad that this was the last movie and it hasn’t even started yet. Most of the plot is shit and smeyer wrote some horrible garbage, but I want more of this universe. Can some of y’all who are creative write the next book and not be racist or sexist? Thank you.
- Fuck this part of the soundtrack I’m literally going to cry.
- I can’t believe smeyer produced this movie. Who let her? 
- When Bella opens her eyes that shit makes me want to be a vampire @Carlise. 
- Her first instinct is to grab Edward’s arm I’m crying. They love each other so much and it’s so fucking pure. I hate how they look at each other. It makes me sick but it’s all I want.
- This is the most relaxed Edward has been in any of the movies.
- I actually feel really bad for this deer and I wish they did eat mosquitos :(((((
- Edward’s so proud of her for her control. He loves her so much.
- aww fuck no now they’re gonna talk about the imprinting bullshit. I won’t even comment on this because y’all already know my thoughts. We hate it and we hate canon and smeyer is fucked up for what she wrote.
- Carlisle looking fine as fuck as usual, thank you. I don’t love the hairstyle here, but he’s still fire.
- Rosalie looks so happy and we love to see it. She deserves it.
- Emmett loves this fight and I love Emmett
- Damn Edward’s actually openly being turned on by something for once in his life
- The Loch Ness monster line isn’t that funny anymore tbh. I did not laugh.
- There was a lot of quivering.
- Bella literally said we’re gonna keep going for the rest of eternity. 
- Everyone knows when they get back. So far, Emmett is my favorite in this movie lmao. Even Carlisle who’s always sick of his kids’ shit cracked a smile.
- Poor Charlie. They’re about to tell him she died and they’re all moving.
- Jacob’s about to go tell his secret to Charlie and then shit gets lit. I remember this part now. 
- Taylor deserved an oscar for this scene. This movie might have been trash, but his conversation with Charlie deserved all the awards.
- “Jacob put your on clothes on” fucking SENT ME LMAOOOOO.
- Charlie’s so confused, poor man.
- Jacob straight up invited Charlie over with no warning while Bella was a newborn vampire lmao. 
- The way Carlisle opened the door and said “Hello Charlie” did something to me. I wish my name was Charlie.
- Charlie’s so happy to see Bella though. I’m happy Jake told him tbh. 
- Poor Charlie now he’s all upset because he saw Jacob turn into “a very large dog” and he’s concerned about what this means for Bella.
- She finally called Charlie dad and hugged him like she loved him.
- Emmett really is my fave in this movie lmaoooo. 
- Everyone is laughing and smiling instead of being all depressed. We lov to see it. This is my favorite scene in any of the movies now. 
- When Bella said she was born to be a vampire, it would’ve been way more effective to start playing “Born to Die” by Lana Del Rey tbh.
- Irina’s about to go tattle-tale to the Volturi. Tbh I’d be pissed too after what those racist fucks did to Laurent. He wanted to join the Cullens and adopt their lifestyle. And by racist fucks, I mean smeyer and the writers of the screenplay.
- Aro is such a dramatic bitch.
- Carlisle could read me the damn phone book and I would listen.
- Honestly smeyer is fucked up the fuck up and I’m starting to think she nejoys writing about children losing their childhood. The immortal children storyline is one of the most fucked up parts of canon and we really need to expose it more. 
- Carlisle and Esme are so damn cute. 
- Uh-oh Sammy boy’s there. Jasper and Alice just bounced? I completely forgot about this.
- The fucking volvo.
- Okay SUPER BIG FUCKING PLOTHOLE HERE. So when they were in Alaska, Edward basically said Renememe had a beating heart so like, wouldn’t the Volturi be able to hear it? Wouldn’t that end the battle before it ever started? Smeyer really just wrote shit without thinking it through lmao.
- We hate to see all the cultural appropriation but we love Rami Malek.
- Senna and Zafrina are STUNNING and the fact that Smeyer wrote them as being anything else is a fucking crime.
- I don’t remember this Garrett hoe but I’ve seen a lot of memes about him so I think he’ll be my second fave in this movie next to Emmett. He’s high key a bitch though for treating people how he did.
- Yeah, I’m with Jacob on this one. The red-eyed bitches don’t need to be killing people. ALSO FUCK SMEYER’S RACIST SHIT AGAIN. MORE WOLVES DUE TO MORE BIOLOGICAL WARFARE THIS IS BULLSHIT SMEYER.
- Garrett really fell in love with this bitch Kate and said idc what you do to me, just do it.
- Vladimir and Stefan are EXACTLY the vampires I’ve been waiting on. OVERTHROW THIS MONARCHY OLD ASS SHIT AND FORM THE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. This scene made me like Carlisle slightly less, but in my headcanon he did want to overthrow the Volturi. I would still stare at him all day and listen to him read the phonebook. But he could’ve been a little more badass. It wouldn’t have hurt.
- Edward actually grew a pair and asked everyone to fight. 
- Is Aro’s hair different in this movie? It looks different and I kinda love it.
- I hate the Volturi and all of them for varying reasons, but I do love Aro’s dramatics.
- Emmett is living for Edward being shocked by Kate which is why, again, he is my fave in this movie lmao.
- Bella reading to Renememe is the sweetest moment in this movie and it deserves more love.
- “Yeah I just do it so much better.” This cocky bastard.
- When Jake and Bella are laughing together it makes me smile. It’s so genuine.
- Sue knows what’s good. I can see it in her eyes lmao.
- Alice was smart af though for hiding that clue for Bella. 
- JENKS. That’s the dude’s name that makes the fake IDs.
- “Unusually well-preserved” that’s one way to put it lmao.
- This is so sad. Bella thinks she and Edward will die.
- Alistair is such a bitch. Why is he even here?
- This little house looks so cozy for Christmas. This is all I want.
- I love the Clearwater family so much and they deserve nothing but our love and respect.
- “No one does rebellion like the Irish.” I love this guy too lmao.
- DAMNNNNN 1500 years waiting on revenge?????? They really could’ve overturned the Volturi in favor of a democracy but Carlisle was too damn diplomatic. But he’s still my fave.
- They did Kristen’s eyebrows dirty in this movie.
- Garrett loves Kate so much and it’s so pure. 
- Emmett and Rosalie look so sweet.
- Look @ the Volturi dramatic asses wearing cloaks and shit. Hoe. It’s the 2000s. Not the 1600s. Fix your shit. If a human saw you, you’d expose the secret you’re supposedly trying to keep.
- When Carlisle raised his voice though.
- Bella tried to shield Edward but it wouldn’t stretch all the way to where he was :(((((
- I deadass would not let my child anywhere near Aro period. It would’ve been on sight at this point and the Volturi would’ve been cleared out for democracy.
- I wish Edward would just punch this hoe.
- Jacob seems more concerned than Edward and Bella and that’s really a problem for me. Her parents should’ve torn Aro a new one and that’s on period.
- Bella’s protecting all of them. YAAASSS QUEEN. DEFEAT THESE BTICHES.
- Aro basically verified the headcanon that Gen Z would expose vampires lmaoooo.
- Alice and Jasper save the day.  
- This whole fight scene is intense but I already know that none of it really happened and it was all a vision so I’m kind of just tuning it out lmao. 
- Y’all weren’t playing. When they get Seth that shit really does hurt.
- Alright I’m over this. They’re dragging it out. I’m fast-forwarding lmao. 
- BUT ANYWAY. Nahuel is actually cool af. Like most of smeyer’s characters, he deserved better.
- Good boy Aro, just walk the fuck away. 
- I really wish Carlisle would’ve just listened to Stefan and Vladimir and kicked the Volturi’s asses. 
- Everyone is so happy and in love. We love to see it. #simpasshoesfandom
- Oh fuck here we go with the flashback. I’m gonna cry for sure. It really would’ve been better with Flightless Bird American Mouth though.
- Damn I’m actually crying. #simpasshoesfandom 
- She showed him all her thoughts and love for him I’m crying. 
Ummm. So I really thought I would hate this movie. It is mostly problematic as fuck. But some parts of it were good. Like it had funny moments and sad moments and simp moments and it was not awful. Content wise I rate it like a 3/10. Overall rating I give it like an 8/10. If smeyer’s fucked up shit didn’t get in the way of the movie, it could’ve been a 10/10. 
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okayoonoh · 4 years
best part (1): lee taeyong
“you don’t know babe, when you hold me and kiss me slowly, it’s the sweetest thing.”
- PAIRING: lee taeyong x reader - GENRE: ANGST ANGST ANGST, a little tiny tiny smut in there but it barely counts tbh - RATING: it’s a good M for mature. - WORD COUNT: 4,514 - WARNINGS: it’s sad and there’s a little smut in here. it’s not super explicit tho.
a/n: this honestly makes me sad, but i need to learn to write angst and simply doing it is one of the best ways. i hope you guys like it :,)
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Knock, knock, knock
“Y/N please, let me in.”
Your heart aches at every knock. Every fiber of your being is telling you to keep that door shut, to keep him out and forget about him forever. It’s easier this way, for his career and your’s. Everyone knows that nothing about this is okay, you know it and he does as well.
And yet, why do you find yourself standing up and walking towards the door?
You take slow steps walking towards your front door. You hear his knocking becoming even more desperate, almost as if he thought that the louder he knocked, the quicker you would open your door. 
“Y/N please… just let me in. I just want to talk to you...”
Your hand comes in contact with the doorknob, tears still spilling out of your eyes. You keep telling yourself not to open that goddamn door, over and over like a mantra in your head.
And yet, you find yourself turning the doorknob and looking into those wide tear-stained eyes you told yourself you’d never see again. The second the door opened wide enough for him to enter, he wrapped his arms around you, holding the back of your head, pressing your sobbing form against his body. You grasped onto the grey sweater he was wearing, sobbing. You want to break away from him. You want to live far away so you’ll never have to see him anymore. You want to push him away. You want to live a life without him. 
It’s crazy, really. 2 months ago, your mindset about him was complete the complete opposite. 2 months ago, you thought you’d never push him away. 2 months ago you were his best friend, the one friend that stuck with him when he became an idol. You told him everything and he to you. Any little issue and accomplishment, he told you. Any little exam you passed and depressing mood you’ve been in, you’ve confided in him. You never thought you would ever want to let him go, he was your lifeline, the one and only thing you’ve ever wanted to hold onto for the rest of your life. He was your best friend, your ride or die. He made you feel so safe and accepted every when you were at your worst. So, why are you sitting here, the most confused you’ve been your entire life, about him? Someone you used to be so sure, so confident that you would never, ever, have to worry about him of all people. Why him?
4 months ago
“Y/N! Open your door! I have news!” 
You move your laptop to the side as you walk towards your door, rolling your eyes. You know that voice like the back of your hand. You twist the door handle and pull, greeted by the excited expression of your best friend.
“Hyunzie? Why are you here at 10:00 at night? I thought you were at Sicheng’s place?” you quip.
She rolls her eyes, already walking inside of your apartment, “Wow, I love you too. But I was at Sicheng’s place but this news is way too important for me not to tell you now!” 
She stalks over to your kitchen, making herself and you a cup of tea. 
“Okay, Hyunzie, if it’s this important, why are you making me tea?” You ask while accepting the mug she hands you. 
“Because I would like to ‘spill the tea’” Her eyes light up, waiting for your response. 
You give her a true, mint condition, authentic, fake laugh, “Ha ha. Seriously, Hyunzie. I was finalizing some reports while watching the last episode of ‘The Amazing Irish Cooking Show’. What is so urgent that you had to cut me off from Moira taking home the gold?”
“Okay, first of all, Moira doesn’t even win, second of all, why are you so sassy today?” 
“Fine Mr. Grumpy Pants I’ll tell you. So, I’m just going to tell you the most important thing now since I don’t think you want the build up. We’re moving to Seoul.”
“Hyunzie, stop messing around, just tell me the news and go home, it’s getting late.”
“No, Y/N, I’m being 100% serious. You remember how Sicheng and Taeyong sent in your song to SM? They’re offering us a job!”
You look your best friend directly in her eyes. You know when she’s lying, but none of those signs are being shown right now.
You stutter, “We-- We’re leaving? You’re not kidding me, right? And-- and us? Did they--”
She purses her lips and nods, “Yes! Sicheng sent in my artwork as well, they want me to work for them for their next comeback! We’re moving to Seoul!”
You open your arms, enveloping Hyunzie in the biggest hug. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You did it. You’re finally getting a chance to be heard. You can finally put an end to your mindless desk job and do the thing you’ve dreamed of doing ever since, well, ever. 
You separate from the hug and press your hand to your burning cheeks, trying not to freak out too badly. “So, when do we leave?”
Hyunzie doesn’t miss a beat, “As soon as possible. Sicheng has already laid out a place for us to stay until we find a place. I’m ready to go whenever you are. I know it’ll take a while for you to actually quit your job and stuff, but I’ll help you pack and everything! We’re in this together Y/N.”
You nod and grab your laptop from where you set it down. “I’ll send in the 2 weeks now.” Hyunzie nods back, grabbing the remote and pressing play, putting your favorite show back on. 
A couple hours past and Hyunzie fell asleep on the side of your couch when you added the final touch to your reports and your two weeks notice. You yawn, looking towards your best friend. Your heart fills with so much love knowing that she is sticking with you throughout this entire event. Ever since her secret relationship with Sicheng started, she’s been nothing but the best version of herself. No, Sicheng is not the man who “magically” changed her, he knows that, but he also knows that Hyunzie doesn’t need him. Hyunzie and Sicheng compliment each other so well, not one personality being overshined by the other. The sneaking around between the two is something that most couples would hate, but due to the secretive and private nature of the both of them, they find it thrilling to flirt in the shadows and act as complete “strangers”.  
If Hyunzie never took the chance to talk to the cute regular who showed up in the cafe where she worked, you would have never had the chance to even send in your music to SM. Sure, Taeyong could have given you the inside scoop, but you never wanted to seem like you were using Taeyong. Sicheng was willing to stop by and he felt the same about you and your music. He agrees that your music should be shared and with the help of Taeyong, your music now has a greater chance than ever before. 
Ring ring ring
Your ears perk as you look at the caller ID. Speak of the devil.
“Y/N, it’s me! Did Hyunzie tell you the news? I’m so sorry, I finally got a free chance to talk to you, I’m actually in the States right now with the rest of the member--”
“Hey Taeyong-ie, and yes, Hyunzie is actually sleeping on my couch at this very moment. She told be the information like an hour ago? Look, I can’t thank you enoug--”
“Nonsense, I’ve always known your music should be shared. I just didn’t know what time would be best and apparently Sicheng just sent it in today, and I wasn’t even there to see everyone’s reactions!”
You giggle, “Don’t worry about it, Youngie. I’m still in shock with everything right now.” 
“I know, it’s a crazy feeling isn’t it? I can’t even remember what went through my mind when I passed my audition.”
“I honestly am not sure with anything I’m feeling, but I have one thing for certain.”
“I can’t wait to work with you on the daily. It’ll be just like when we were kids.”
You can practically hear his smile through the phone, your heart flutters at the thought. 
“I know Y/N! It’ll be just like old times! I can’t wait for you to meet the rest of the members, I just hope Johnny and Jaehyun can turn down the flirtiness when you get here. We have no room for any relationships, except for the godly couple of Hyunzie and Sicheng, they are the exception.”
“Amen. Well, I just finished my two weeks. I’m going to send it in tomorrow and begin packing as soon as I can.”
“I’m glad! You can do so much better than that mindless job, Y/N. I always knew you could… You’ve always been so -- What? What do you mean Xuxi broke the entire light structure? -- I’m so sorry Y/N, I have to take care of this. Look, text me if you need anything, I’m down to help you with whatever you need. We leave the States in three days, so I’ll be home to help you by then. I’ll see you when I get home!”
“It’s okay, Youngie, you have your leader duties to attend to. Tell Lucas to be careful and take it easy on yourself, okay? I’ll see you soon, thank you for everything.”
“Thank you too, bye bye!”
The call ends and you hold your phone close to your chest. Even just the sound of Taeyong’s voice makes you happy beyond belief. Imagining spending everyday with him fills you with so much elation, it’s hard to hold back. Taeyong and you grew up together, best friends before you even met Hyunzie. Together, you and him could conquer the world. Your parents would say that, even his sister. You both were notorious for talking the ears off of anyone and everyone and even conducting elaborate pranks you pulled on his sister and even your family members. When he joined SM, he had to move away to Seoul while you stayed in your hometown. He knew that he didn’t want to lose contact with you, and did all he could to make sure you would never lose this close bond the two of you have. There are underlying feelings between you two, you just can’t quite pinpoint it. Or your mind simply won’t let you knowing about all of that negative backlash that you would receive. 
A loud snore shakes you from your thoughts as your eyes shoot towards Hyunzie’s sleeping form. You giggle lightly, grabbing the blanket that drapes off of the side of the bed and lay it on your best friend. You turn off the lamp then head off to your room, getting ready to start this new era of your life. 
2 weeks (and, like, 2 days) later
Surprisingly, with the help of your movers and all of the free members of NCT, you were able to move and unpack almost instantly. Hyunzie and you basically sold all of your old furniture to buy new ones, so the only things you both had to worry about was your clothes and such. The new apartment is filled with loud music and laughs all throughout as the members all work hard to help you build all of your new furniture from the iconic Ikea. Hyunzie and Sicheng occupy themselves with the coffee table, flirting and lightly arguing more than building the actual surface. You, Johnny, and Taeyong busy yourselves in the kitchen, sorting out all of the dishes and pans, Johnny’s main goal is carefully placing all of your important bowls and dishes in the high shelf. 
“Again, thank you so much for all of your help,” You say, handing Johnny a decorative bowl your mother gave you as a gift when you moved to your own place for the first time.
“It’s no problem! We’re in between comebacks right now, so all we really do is wait for the Dreamies to post ASMR videos or my JCC stuff, but sometimes taking a break and doing things like this is better than filming everything 24/7 y’know? It’s almost therapeutic.” Johnny says cheerfully, giving you a gentle smile. 
“So Y/N,” Johnny begins, lifting the next box and moving to the next set of cabinets, “How did you and Taeyong meet? I know you guys grew up together, but like what’s the history?”
You smile, looking at the boy in the living room who is currently settling the argument between Sicheng and his girlfriend. 
“Well, historically, we’ve just been close friends,”
“No, no. Like, romantically. I’ve seen the way Taeyong lights up when he talks about you. There’s no way there’s no history between the two of you.”
You hesitate when you hand him the next plate. He is right, it’s not like there wasn’t anything going between the two of you, there definitely was something, “Well… if I’m being completely honest, there was. But it all ended when he left.”
Johnny nods, “I see, I see. Well, never say never! You’re back now, so anything could happen. And I mean, if it doesn’t work with him.... I know this tall, Chicago man that is available…” 
He smirks at you suggestively. You pull the towel that rests on his neck then hit his side.
“Hey hey, don’t hate the player, hate the game.” He laughs. You roll your eyes as you grab the empty box and put it in the pile of empty boxes. 
The rest of the afternoon goes rather smoothly as everyone finishes up with your’s and Hyunzie’s apartment. You and Taeyong sit on the couch while Hyunzie and Sicheng sit on the ground, leaning against the coffee table they assembled together. Hyunzie leans her head on Sichengs shoulder, dozing off. A movie plays in the background while you and Taeyong talk softly.
You stretch while Taeyong grabs your attention.
“Y/N, I just wanted to let you know that I’m so happy you’re here now.”
You smile at you him, “I am, too. I finally feel like I’m doing something worth my time, you know?”
He nods at you, “I know what you mean. Look, I also want to apologize for not being there for you--”
“--Tae, I’m going to stop you right there. I completely understand, I wouldn’t still be your best friend if I didn’t understand. I love you, more than you could ever know, Tae. You never have to apologize to me for anything.”
He gives you a somber smile, then gently places his hand over yours, “Thank you for being you. I love you, too.”
Your heart clenches, hearing him say those words truly fills you with joy. You know that he said it platonically, but you for sure didn’t. You honestly don’t mind it being a one-sided love. It’s better this way for everyone. Well, everyone except for you. But you were at peace with it. You know that Taeyong simply can’t be with you; the repercussions are too extreme. But right now, he isn’t Taeyong, the leader of NCT. He’s Lee Taeyong, your childhood best friend and the man you’re completely and utterly in love with.
2 months later
Your life as a songwriter has been amazing for its first month. Your song was recorded with all of the boys singing it wonderfully; the head producer said the songs you wrote were some of NCT’s best. 
You sit in a studio, laying some tracks over each other when you hear a knock at the door. The clear glass door shows the handsome features of Taeyong and you smile at him, stepping out of your chair to let him in.
He lifts up a plastic bag filled, two boxes of sushi inside. Your eyes light up as you walk with him to the couch inside of the studio.
“I got you your favorite,” he smiles while taking out a box for you.
“You know me so well,”
“Of course I do! I also know that you’re not going to be able to break these chopsticks evenly.”
Snap. Right as he says that, you broke your chopsticks, unevenly at the top. You stick your tongue out at him, giving him some sass.
“Okay you, you’re right but you didn’t have to be.”
He laughs, “I’m sorry. I just can’t resist. Anyway, how is the song-writing going? Are you giving Renjun any insane lines?”
You shake your head, “I’m actually just working on the beat for the rap track right now. Jaemin and Jeno have really increased their rap game from what I can remember. They can deal with something super complex.”
Taeyong nods, “Who would you say is your favorite rapper right now?”
“Between Jaemin and Jeno?”
“No, just in general.”
“NCT in general? Or in general, general?”
“In general, general! Y/N, stop bouncing around the question,” he whines slightly. You snicker. You know he’s trying to get you to say his name, but you won’t give him that satisfaction.
“Well, my favorite rapper right now has to be the rap god of NCT.”
“See! Was that so--”
“Yes, Mark Freaking Lee. Baby Lion really knows whats up.”
“O-Oh…” Taeyong suddenly finds his sushi really interesting as his gaze isn’t on you anymore.
You punch his arm, “Stop pouting dummy, of course I’m kidding. You’re my favorite rapper by default.”
His expression lights up, “Hehe, thank you.”
You both finish up the meal, happy and full. A chime goes off on your phone and you check it, your stomach drops. Even though it’s only your second month working for SM, other companies have noticed your work and they want you to work for them. SM gives you a pretty paycheck, but these other companies want to give you more. After they saw your work with NCT’s comeback, they want to see what else you can do. Other companies are offering you more money for your songs and you genuinely don’t know what to do.
“Tae, I have to tell you something.”
He knows that tone. He knows that you want to talk to him about something serious. “Let’s go for a walk.” 
You walk outside, your breath coming out as puffs of clouds because of the cold air. Taeyong walks beside you, walking perfectly at your side.
You hide your head in your scarf, attempting to warm your cheeks, as you sigh.
“Yongie, JYP is offering me a job. They’re willing to pay me almost double what SM is paying me right now.”
Taeyong stops walking as you do too.  “Y/N! That’s amazing!”
You sigh, “That’s the thing. I want to take it, but I love working for SM and more importantly, I love working with you.”
Taeyong sighs and places his hands on your shoulder, causing you to look up at him, “Look, distance has never been an issue with us. Whatever choice you make, you’ll make the right one. I’ll be by your side no matter what happens.”
“Yeah bu--”
“No! No buts. No matter what happens, we’ll be okay Y/N, I promise.”
You look up at him. You take in his beautiful face, something you’re so glad you can see it up close. You look at his big doe eyes, his angled nose and jawline that seem like they were sculpted by the gods themselves. You pay close attention to his lips that are formed in a slight pout. You never realized how soft his lips looked before. You question how they might feel against--
Woah. Where did that come from? 
You sniff as the lump in your throat isn’t so tight anymore. You look back up to his eyes and nod. You know you’ll be happy with whatever you choose because you have him. He gives you a light hearted smile then he reaches for your cold hand, holding it in his warm ones. Your heart flutters, but you don’t question him. This is exactly the amount of comfort you need right now. 
You guys continue your walk, hand in hand, his warmth reassuring you that everything will be okay.
Click. Click. Click.
3 months later
This all leads you  here. That night, you were being reckless and you or Taeyong didn’t think about the repercussions. Taeyong walked you home that night and you woke up to your social media and your email and your texts all full beyond belief.
New SM employee already cozies up to NCT’S Leader, Lee Taeyong
“Who is this girl? She’s a nobody.”
“It finally makes sense how she got into SM! It’s all Taeyong’s doing!”
“I can’t believe someone is taking our Taeyong away from us! She’s not nearly good enough for him!”
“What does Taeyong see in a girl like her??? She’s not even pretty.”
You read all those comments and immediately shut down. You didn’t realize what had happened that night until you read who the source was from. Dispatch saw you and Taeyong that night and ran with the story. Your whole career and Taeyong’s career was ruined. Hyunzie ran into your room that morning, throwing your phone away from you. You cried. Because that one night, you were so reckless, you ruined your best friends career. You packed a bag then headed back to your hometown, you needed to be away from there for a while.
From that moment, you cut off all ties you had with Taeyong, not even talking to him after that event. You were only thinking for him. It’s better for everyone this way. You took the job with JYP and you have been working there ever since. 
You moved back in with Hyunzie after everything died down a bit. She promised you that she wouldn’t let Taeyong in when he came, but it seemed that he didn’t want to see you either. He didn’t visit you after he learned you moved away. He was away on tour when you came back, so you knew you didn’t have to avoid him.
Except for now.
He just returned from tour and it brings you back here, he’s knocking at your door. God, of all the times Hyunzie chose to be with Sicheng, it had to be now. You’re weak, you open the door and he lets himself in as he hugs you. Your tears spilling into his shirt. 
He holds you tight and he holds you close, seeming scared that you would float away from him if he let go. He holds the back of your head into his chest as he leans into your neck, crying himself.
“Y/N, why?” he sobs quietly. “What happened?”
You don’t answer. You quietly cry into his shirt. You don’t know why. You thought it would be best for everyone this way, but now, in his arms, you realize it wasn’t.
He breaks away from the hug and holds your face in his hands, his tear stained eyes staring into yours. You don’t think it’s possible for your heart to break anymore than it already has, but it does when you see his glossy eyes. He wipes the tears that spill from your eyes as he places his forehead against yours. 
He whispers so softly, “Please, don’t leave me.”
Again, you don’t respond. You gently brush your lips against his and he returns your kiss. He kisses you slowly, your heart clenches. This moment is the sweetest you’ve ever had, but it’s equally the saddest. You’re finally doing the thing you’ve wanted to do for the longest time, but why does it hurt?
You break away from the kiss as he keeps his forehead on yours. You close your eyes, trying to savor the moment. You feel safe, you feel protected, you feel love. 
You know none of this can’t last.
Those happy emotions you feel make everything so much worse. You know that he can’t stay. You know that it can’t be like this. You know that your heart will just break in the end.
He kisses you again, this time with more passion. It hurts, but you can’t stop.
“Y/N please, I’m sorry.”
“Prove it to me, then. Don’t stop kissing me.”
He doesn’t. He holds you so close because it’s almost as if he knows the second that he lets go, you let go too.
Your back hits your mattress, his lips still on yours. Clothes are shed, tears still fall. Your bodies mold as one as he proves to you, again and again, the extent of his love. You cry even more. You love him so much, but that’s why you can’t be with him. 
When he holds you, when he kisses you, it’s the sweetest thing. That’s why it hurts the most.
The life of an idol isn’t one for you and you know that. It fits Taeyong well, which is why this is your last night with him. You love him so much, that’s why you can’t keep him. He was never your’s to keep.
You look over at his sleeping form, his bottom half covered by your covers. You lean over and kiss his head one more time before you stand up. You quietly pack up your bag then head out the door. JYP has a branch in Japan that they want you to head and you were on the fence about it. 
Seeing Taeyong one more time helped you make up your mind. You leave a note for Hyunzie and send her a text. You found a last minute flight to Tokyo, you bought the last ticket, and you’re on your way.
You love Lee Taeyong too much to stay with him. Staying with him will only taint his image.
When he held you, when he kissed you, it was the sweetest thing. 
But it’ll just have to live on in that memory.
i hate writing angst for this exact reason....
this is my first official angsty piece tho! i hope you guys liked it :)
it’s been a while but my writer’s block is finally gone! i’ll continue on with more fluffy pieces for this series :)))
anyway, this part may have a part 2? we’ll see the vibes of the lyrics
- amy <3
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