#idk I love making maniacal ocs
ssoupcup · 1 year
im cranking out the ocs. we have a bitch of a time traveller government official and her normie boyfriend, a victorian inventor who uses human body parts on occasion when she 'happens across them', and a vampire in the edwardian era who is pan and a shape-shifter so flirts with people to get them alone to consume them, and met their current partner because they're aroace and the flirting didn't work lmao
i may revive some of my old ocs, i have a fair few
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 4 months
who among your ocs has the worst and when i say worse, the absolute terror and flaming hot jealousy issues? Like idk, top 3 maybe? and who are the top 3 who can handle their jealousy pretty well, but still jealous?
Top 3 yandere men (my OCs) when it comes to jealousy
By the way, happy Valentines day everyone! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
New to my blog? Check out these jealous men's fics by clicking their names!
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Yandere men set 1
Top 3: Damon So, with Damon, we got a glimpse of how he is when it comes to jealousy, right? He had this maniacal, almost serial killer vibes as he killed Jupiter. Alongside with martial artist!Darling and the person darling got too close with. His himbo persona is just a front after all. He's genuinely a scary man who's full on intent on making sure you and everybody else doesn't know of his... Tendencies. So, the more you don't know about Damon, the more of a danger he is to society. So be wise, don't make him jealous, and don't fuck it up.
Top 2: Ignatius He wants your attention all to himself. He wants to hog it, and never let go. If you forgot, he killed off half his crewmates and yours because he absolutely hated it when your attention isn't on him. It wasn't with remorse too, he just straight up made them poisoned pie without hiding the fact. Yet, he's too good of an actor that the police didn't even suspect him. He wants you only for him.
Top 1: Hades When I made Hades, he and Rowan were based on two of the seven deadly sins, with Rowan being Greed and Hades being Envy. Envy and jealousy may not be the same, but they are interconnected, woven from the same thread. And Hades is envy incarnate, and in return, jealous incarnate. It may not be prevalent, but it's what his character is supposed to be, to the point that he suspected even his own men of wanting your love and torturing them.
I genuinely didn't expect top 2 and top 3, but while I was debating to myself about my yan OCs, it felt right having them there LMAO.
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Yandere men set 2 (as of Feb 14)
Top 3: Alpheus Alpheus, a man who never felt emotions nor feelings, would be clumsy at handling this newfound feelings. Meaning, he doesn't know how to reel in his actions that are now smeared with emotions. And he probably will not, since the fresh feeling of finally being able to feel was too euphoric to pass up on. So you bet your ass this man will be extremely jealous of all the people who you will talk to.
Top 2: Aeron One of this man's triggers to become the demon king was you not remembering him due to helping people other than him. He also went out of his way to corrupt the fae ring into a binding engagement ring to make sure you will never, ever take it off. So if you think about it, his overdramatic ass moaning about how you didn't remember him and being blinded by his jealousy made him from a Great Hero to the Demon King. SMH.
Top 1: Yuta This man, once revered as the greatest prosecutor, became a serial killer, just because he's jealous that your attention was focused on the mafia bosses (Rowan and Hades) your initial case had! And now, he's smiling like the damn perfect man he is because your attention is back to him. Although, I wouldn't put it pass him to not get jealous of his own serial killer persona too lol.
Okay. This one I somehow expected except for Alpheus. I was thinking of Uno, but no, the man is too secure and overconfident of his own charm to be that level of jealous. Also Viper and Orion, but no. They're not on the same level as these guys.
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All in all
Top 3: Aeron
Top 2: Hades
Top 1: Yuta
"Why Yuta and not Hades?"
Honestly, their positions are interchangable. But the reason why Yuta is in number one is due to their background and nature, and not their jealousy level (I know, sounds not right, but I swear I have a reason.)
Hades is envy incarnate, also jealousy. That made his character explainable as to why he has pretty high jealousy levels. He's also a bad guy, a man that crosses with the law.
But Yuta? Yuta is a prosecutor. A man of the law, somebody who upholds it and makes sure all those who opposes meet a fate behind bars. So what happens if he becames thoroughly jealous to the point that he's willing to become the enemy he swore to never be in front of lady justice just because? It's a juxtaposition, and honestly the best option. It goes against his supposed to be morals! (Thanks to 🌼anon for giving me the idea for Yuta! Yuta wouldn't be here w/o them!)
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decafdoodlez · 1 month
I just started drafting out the “source material accurate” RenRina livestream drawing, and I’m gonna be real, I’m kind of nervous to post any “sus” or gory content for BTD/TPoF.
I’ve been in this community since October of last year, and started actively posting about BTD/TPoF since only January of this year. BUT, I was in the MHA community actively before being here.
I still have mutuals and people I talk to from the MHA fandom, and I feel like the moment I start posting anything remotely “impure,” it’s over, they’ll start thinking “oh, Allie is actually a huge freak.” Which I know PROBABLY isn’t the case, but it’s just another thing for me to worry about.
I’ve always loved horror and macabre media, ever since I was a little girl. It was only a natural progression for me to go from reading Johnny the Homicidal Maniac as a teen, to now indulging in murdersim/horrorporn content as an adult, haha. But idk, I just don’t want to upset any of the previous connections I’ve made with the content I put out. Best case scenario is that they don’t care, the worst case scenario is call-out posts on IG or something, since those are ever prevalent in the MHA community, no matter how big or small your following is, haha.
Either way, besides one awful instance that happened back in March with that hateful anon who was also in the BTD community and told me i was a p*do for shipping Fox with my OC in her mid 20s (I’m 27, I personally find old men more attractive than men my age lmao so of course I was gonna make an OC around my age to pair with Ren), I’ve had a mostly positive experience creating in this space and I appreciate those that are sweet to me. 🤍
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kawaiijohn · 4 months
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Behold. OCs.
My agent 3 (or 4? I never finished story mode in either one or two), idk name yet but they're tired and adopt people who need it. Uses almost exclusively shooters but likes the splatana subclass.
Agent 8, or Ein. Mains goo tuber. Very much needing a vacation but also LOVES puzzles and killing. He's stuck in the fucking building right now but he's thriving.
Wake (splat 2 sona). Refuses to use any weapon besides the aerospray MG with the curling bomb rush. Cried the first time he did a salmon run shift. He's a cover idol trying to make it big and hosting the splatfest announcements with his partner in crime in a very small city outside of greater inkopolis. He's terrible at turf war and is like one of those streamers who sucks but you watch to see him scream and do dumb shit. His idol partner is a violent little octoling whom he is afraid of yet she's his bestie.
Crest (Splat 3 character/new agent 3). Very good at using gimmicky weapons but prefers splatlings or the custom jr. Wake's younger sibling who bullies him for being afraid of shit. This kid loves working in salmon run and cackles maniacally when in turf. Very very good at schmooving.
From this picrew
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skullytotheark · 2 months
Doodle Dump: part one i think
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Toby mask test: drew him with one of my oc's gas Mask as a test because I'm having a slight design crisis. Dunno he'll end up having it at the end though. The mask was heavily inspired by the reboot toby's mask but i made it into like a pyro tf2 style gasmask
The reason I kinda wanna change the mask is 1: To be kinda unique to my design 2: The half mask & goggles aren't really intimidating, I feel like if you see some maniac with a gasmask on holding an axe it's abit more scary then some emo w/ a pair of goggles in a hoodie
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Toby unmasked concepts:
Recently i thought of redesiging toby for my creepyhornets au. At first I was thinking of leaning more towards the reboot design for My Toby however I did end up going to the Right image. The first image ended up getting modified and turned into a "toby inspired oc" named Garfield robinson
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Garfield Robinson "The Woodland Maniac": This character was made for my "creepypastas but OCS" au. A big trouble im having w/ him is that idk if I should give the mask to Him or Toby... Tbh I think he might end up keeping it at the end. I do have more "creepypastas but ocs" characters but im gonna try & make two more ocs before i do a full post on the AU
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Silly Zalgo concept: Wanted to try & design zalgo in my creepyhornets canon. That's it tbh
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Thomas Watson "Dollface": Another character for the "creepypasta but ocs" au. From now on im just gonna call the au "Clear Skies 75" because i had that name laying around for abit. But as you can tell this character is inspired via "Masky" because I fucking LOVE masky.
Inspirtation: His face is semi inspired by Joel from ltou game and I kept Tim's bodytype from Marble hornets because I don't like twink masky at all [I WILL RANT ABOUT HOW I HATE FANON MASKY DONT EVEN RN]. The main theme of the au is that the characters are semi inspired by "creepypastas" [masky & hoody are rare exceptions] and I take my own little originality to it. As for the Mask I was sort of inspired by concept art for brahms in from the boy, Random stertypical dummies and halloween masks back in the 80s where it was just the character's face
Story: Thomas's story is kinda similiar to the story of marble hornets with the whole "Stopping the sickness" thing. But instead it's pretty much camping trip gone wrong. Will be expanded upon in a seperate post once i ACTUALLY write it down instead of being a lazy ass
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Bryan Hoffman "Null": Another clear lakes 75 oc. Heavily inspired by Hoody & Skully. Bryan starts off as a "hoody" character, dies then returns as Skully. I still havent designed "Hoody" yet but all i can really imagine is little spiral on a black spandex mask w/ a black hoode for the design
I'll probably do more drawing dumps eventually, I dont reallyyy wanna just repost my content from tiktok but we'll see i guess.
See y'all in the next post
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Scug oc for some AU i made ig info below
Some iterator from another local group who i dont have a name for yet is some kind of experimenter who fuses DNA from other creatures to make new ones. The four this AU is focusing on are slugcats who were experimented on. Their names are Ven, Lantern, Daydream, and Dive (all short for Vengeful, Lanterncat, Daydreamer, and Divirgionist). Eventually the can is running out of space, so the iterator moves some subjects into the same enclosures to make room. Ven, Lantern, Daydream, and Dive are moved to the same cage. Blah blah blah something really bad happens and those four were the only ones able to escape, and they end up exploring the dust desert of the Infinite Galaxies region.
About Ven
Ven is a slugcat that has the DNA of Spearmaster, and Saint. Dispite having Saints DNA he is actually extremely aggressive and will likely attack anything in his path. He sees everything as a threat. Exept the other three scugs he meets.
The gradient on his tail is actually gunpowder (or whatever is used to make bombs rw) and is used to make bombs, and explosive spears. The gunpowder is naturally growing on his tail (idk how that works either dont ask) so it is really easy to make strong weapons.
Speaking of weapons, he is VERY skillful with spears. Like, its scary how well he uses them.
Also he loves painting.
He doesnt smile often, but when he does he has such a wide grin. He looks like a maniac when he smiles.
His eyes, and lighter parts of his fur glow faintly in the dark.
The big spike on his tail is like a scorpion tail barb. He stabs his enemies and it stuns them temporarily giving him a quicker battle. Not like he needs it anyway.
He has a ripped ear because he got in a fight with a red lizard. "It was a tough battle, but i always win in the end." Is what he said to the others. Hes right. He has indeed never lost a fight.
Dive admires Ven a lot. They see him as an older brother.
Ok, im getting waay to into writing about this, so imma stop here ty for reading lol
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
Please could I ask you 10,11,12 and 23 for the positivity game?
Kate I love you so much. Thank you for everything 💕
10 - an oc that you can't get enough of?
Now I need to catch up on some reading! But I stumbled across this little old blog and something just caught my eye! @next-autopsy OC Birdie, now I don't like to brag but I called the love interest very early on! And I just loved the story and have been hooked ever since!
11 - songs that you associate with a certain character?
Well I have made a whole playlist for the boys bruh I just scrolled through my whole feed, I can't find it! But anyway a song I associate with my man Donald would have to be Shortline RY X, I feel like every time I write a scene with him and Em this is playing.
12 - songs that you associate with certain mutuals?
@footprintsinthesxnd I associate you with the song Bigger than the whole sky , you are a TS fan, and this song even tho sad it's soft and gently just like you. I love to sing it in the car, when I'm happy or sad. The lyrics are so poetic just like you, my love.
@next-autopsy IDK why but Karma Police I love this song so much, it's in my sad playlist but it gives me sad angry vibes, I feel like you would just jam to this. I feel this in my bones for you. I can't explain it. You are momma bear and you will fight for all of us, this song is you.
@panzershrike-pretz You are my sunshine and I don't think I have to say much more. You are a ray of sun on a cloudy day. You make me happy!
@sweetxvanixlla Only the vocals on this song are so haunting and beautiful, idk why it reminds me of you, just a vibe. I love this song so much never fails to make me cry, and I literally sent photos of me crying to you so! ahaha!
@xxluckystrike Chemtrails makes us bawl, sorry to have told you that was her dad ahaha. I love this song so much and I love you too! I listen to the song and think of you cause we talked about it ahaha!
@samwinchesterslostshoe I'm your man I love this song for you, I know you like this song for you. The lyrics are so good, and it just suits you!
@whollyjoly Come into my arms oml this so is sweet, awwww I love it and IDK why but it goes with you! Come and take my hand, is so you coded, you are a helping hand that picks us up when we fall.
23 - what's your fav wip of yours?
Can I say MEDIC! Because MEDIC! I love it she is my baby, makes me cry so hard and then laugh and im the maniac that is writing it!
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moonie-cake · 1 month
I sent you the first ask because I legit couldn't remember if we were moots and I wanted to see in my notifs. Then you got so excited to have asks to I'm sending more. :)
Do you have any OCS with an absurd amount of lore?
Hmmmmmmm not really as of now ...... I mean I did but that was years ago during highschool IDDJJD
Tho I do actually , and they are all from RWBY !!
Unfortunately I do not have their pictures anymore since it was all in my old school sketchbook ... But I can tell some !!
1) A group of 14-years-olds prodigy kids formed together over trauma-bond or something idk I can barely remember : Their group name is LZLI ((pronounced as "Lazuli"))
2) Their leader ((starts from the letter "L"))
L - Lynx Katari , is a Lynx faunus !! Quiet , mysterious ((most definitely not based or inspired by myself)) , agile , secretly shy and aloof .... She may look cool and composed most of the time but deep down inside she's just a trapped little kitty who wanted to be out and about and love helping anyone in need !!
3) Girlies family got attacked by the White Fang when she was 4 to 5 or soemthing , and the "X"-like scar around in the middle of her chest or collarbone were the proof of her getting kidnapped by them. She has something lurking within her and the White Fang wanted it
3) So Daddy Lynx ((most definitely not based or inspired by my own beloved Dad)) just kicked the door down just to see his only girl cub tied down like a maniac , began to shoot everywhere with his machine gun...Causing havoc. He and Lynx share the very same scar
((Daddy's girl y'alls SHUSHHH))
4) So , due to this , Lynx had to run away far from home with her orphaned best friend , Zac Wolf ((I cannot remember his name clearly, very sorry)) and they begun their journey living off of the streets like scrunkly kitty and puppy
5) Many years later , before her 14th birthday around Menagerie , she saw someone ... Oddly ... Familiar. She never knew. But it felt way too familiar for her to look away.
6) dun dun dunnn it's her mummyyyy
7) long story short , girly got her family back and reintroduced Zac to them but she was so quiet and suspicious of them ((and was also quite shy , people are N O T in her favourite playlists)) but mummy calmed her down a lot
8) found out she has a twin brother , Nix. Nix is a bit younger , 13. Clicked right away with Zac , who is a very great tutor to him and was like a big brother to him too
9) Forgot to add that both Lynx and Nix share their parents little traits ...... The both of them got full-set ears and tail but Lynx got her Daddy's eyes and Nix got his Mummy's eyes .... Basically their parents but make them younger and opposite genders but still got their own personality and such , you know
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hi i saw this post and i want to tell you some shit from experience
as a maniac who oscillates between " shit i love my work" to " i fucking hate this i fucking hate this when will it end fuck shit shit" i will tell you that BRO IT'S COMPLETELY FINE TO FEEL LIKE THAT.
idk i hope i know how you feel but obviously im not you. so im imagining some horrible gut stomach feeling, you're tired, you're burnt out and you feel so shit.
i am obviously not going to tell you to carry on writing. forcing stuff like that is not healthy at all and it's better to quit than to suffer. BUT!! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT WRITING IT DOESN'T MAKE RAMBING ABOUT YOUR OCS LESS VALID!!!!! YOU'RE SO SMART!!
you do realise that not many people have the ability to make ocs let alone make stories let alone make awesome ones!?;!?
who ever heard of a more angsty ship than mathew and alex??? and literally no one can make ocs like aria (kin frf) . and have you heard yourself talking about your wips??? the amount of backstory in power doesn't guarantee glory is insane. ajdjdjf vixen and antoine are so so adorableeee. your ocs are valid even if you don't write them down!!!!!!!
now for some advice for my tumblr bestie cool person:
pleaeolaseplase distance yourself from anything that's making you tired or burnt out.
spend time on pinterest!!! it's so soothing
listen to music!!!! turn up the volume and imagine cool scenes with your ocs!!!!
go out with people you like!!! talk to people!!!!
if it makes you feel any better i hadn't written in 3 weeks until yesterday, and i only wrote 10 words yesterday.
your ocs are valid. your worlds are valid. no one is forcing you to write them down. i would literally listen to you rambing about them and it doesn't matter if they're not being written.
lots of love <33333
okay wow this is alot and you have no idea how much it means to me
for a while with my writing i felt stuck, like i had been digging myself a hole without even realizing it and i had no idea how to get out, i didnt even know how i got there, i didnt know how i went from writing silly little ocs to calling myself a writer and stressing myself out over everything
it keeps shocking me that people actually perceive what i write, they listen to me rant and actually take that information in and have opinions and feelings about it and thats just insane to me because my writing has always been a representation of me and i am making absolutely no sense right now
ill try to distance myself from whats stressing me out but that might be hard because now that i think about it i somehow manage to find a way to stress myself out over anything and everything
i just seriously can not tell you enough how much all this means to me and thanks so much tea
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dimitrscu · 7 months
You'd be surprised by how much ppl love oc stuff in the Elden Ring fanfic community! I've found me killing an oc hurts people a lot more than canon characters do which makes me giggle like an evil maniac whilst also being touched by the fact they actually like my sillies.
We've all seen malenia caelid fics a hundred times, so its the ocs and non-canon stuff which people add to their stories which people truly enjoy and appreciate! Anyhoo, keep having fun with your stories! :D
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Thank you I appreciate ya 🥲
I know everybody seems really cool in the server (even though I’m too awkward to talk to anyone skfjdk) so that does make me feel a little better. Just seeing how positive you all are about each other’s work is really nice to see. And yeah maybe people would be up for seeing something different but at the same time I get a little nervous because of oc x canon stuff. I just know I’d get bombarded with the whole “but that doesn’t make any sense!!” Crowed lmao. Idk sometimes it feels like self indulgent content where this kind of thing is concerned is better kept in the drafts that’s all
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"I really am worried that the readers are gonna be offended by the future chapters and take it as me dismissing something as serious as rape and the prospect just makes me very demotivated. Ugh I could go on about this for pages but i just don't want anyone to come out of reading yamqn feeling hurt or even feeling like I'm downplaying how horrific rape is."
I really hope people don't take it the wrong way here and take you as dismissing rape, because really, Mort, you aren't :(
I know we have no control over how we feel or how we make others feel, but ik saying "don't feel unmotivated :(" won't make it any better, I know. But really, it's not your fault if anyone gets offended please don't stress it.
And I hope you feel better in your personal life outside :) as you've said in #3.
If anyone's not aware already, YAMQN is a piece of fiction, bro, so..
"But really, it's not your fault if anyone gets offended please don't stress it." i feel like it is to some extent the responsibility of the creator depending on how they present their work. like for instance if i present my fic as being from the perspective of a serial killer, the reader can't then come at me and be mad that i'm justifying murder and writing gore
like i said i have written rape before and had no problem with it even when people attacked for it because in those fics it was clear the actions were wrong and unforgivable and the justifications of it were the ramblings of a maniac, but yamqn is a unique case where i do want you to sympathise with the character of gyu and i wrote him as if he truly loves oc and was "forced" to rape her because of her actions. obviously that's nonsense but the oc loves gyu and she could come to forgive him and justify the rape as a one time thing which again is ridiculous but we're viewing this from the victim's POV and she doesn't know better
idk again i'm rambling but i just want people to separate the oc's pov and mine. this is always an issue i have with writing victims that have fallen for the abuser's tactics. i wanna portray the effectiveness of the manipulation but at the same time i'm afraid people will think these are my actual thoughts
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beejnbabes · 2 years
So I found a new way to ship with Death Note that it seems no one else is doing and it’s probably my only ship that’s like this…
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And I was thinking about how aggressively competitive B is toward L… If I can be NSFW for a moment here, I thought of a scene where L and B are going at Misa and Misora respectively… and if B for any reason thinks L is going faster or holding out longer, he would absolutely try to beat him on those things. And if they’re trying to have kids? Well, however many L has with Misa, B will want to top that with Misora. And then this goes beyond even that back into SFW territory… like… if L’s kids get an A in school, B will have a hard time dealing with his kids earning a lower grade than that.
As a side note, Misa and Misora would end up being BFFs from all the time spent together. They’d maybe annoy each other at first but they would grow on each other.
I was also thinking of a scene in a comic format in my head where Misa and Misora are both a few months pregnant and they’re meeting up to go out shopping or something. Misa almost immediately notices that Misora’s belly appears to be a bit bigger than hers is and just throws her arms around her in a hug like “oml, I’m so sorry, it looks like B got what he wanted- topping the number of kids L and I are having”. Possibly in a state of slight shock, Misora just hugs her back. Then L and B show up. L goes immediately to Misa’s side and honestly just wants cuddles because he’s not so competitive that he’d be blind to loving someone. B on the other hand just looks at L and Misa, then Misora, then back to L and Misa and gets this absolutely victorious grin. As he walks up to Misora’s side, he looks at L and is just like “Hahahahahaha!!!! I win!!!!!!!”. Immediately, L, Misa and Misora glare at him. L says to him, “Seriously? Did you just use your Shinigami eyes for this?”. B just looks smug and is like “Maybe I did… No. I did and let me just say that Misora and I have one more baby on the way than you and Misa do. I win!!!”. Meanwhile, everyone else is doing their own version of a face palm because of how inane this sounds. Misora’s facepalm is the angriest though because she’s like “great, more pain than Misa”.
Oh! I might mention that in this AU, the other most well known Wammy kids end up being L’s and Misa’s kids, with Matt being the eldest, Mihael Keel being a year younger, Maki being third eldest, Minako and Alastair being twins a few years younger than Maki and Nate Rivers being the youngest. So that makes it so B and Misora would probably end up with seven OC kids I’d have to work on making up. Because B would not be happy with less than L. He has to top him at everything.
And Watari would absolutely be the same kind of grandpa Dracula started off being on Hotel Transylvania 2. He’d be like “okay, let grandpa take the kids to Wammy’s so they can train to be just like L-“ and Misa and Misora would be there with their arms folded like “NO. They’re our kids. Not yours.” And maybe L might be around like “Yeah I kind of would like to get to be a dad to my kids? Idk about B, who’s over there in a corner laughing maniacally at the emotional strife this is producing but I was looking forward to getting to be Matt’s dad…”.
[Insert LOUD AF cackling from BB here.]
L throws a cake at him like “shut up okay this is an emotional moment and your hyena cackling is ruining it-“, which probably only makes him cackle louder. In a last ditch effort to shut him up, Misora takes her first born(s) ((there may be multis, idk)) over there and gets him to hold them for a minute, which absolutely melts him and immediately, he’s like “Touch my kid(s) and I will hurt you”. Watari would temporarily appear to give up pressing for Wammy’s but it wouldn’t be the last time they hear of it from him.
Come to think of it, I think I did make up an OC for B and Misora… I did!!! His name is Kumaru and I’ve got a playlist for him!!! I just have to make up six other OCs now… lol But here is Kumaru and his playlist.
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I’ll post some of the songs that are on it here as well.
Kumaru is not quite as chaotic. In fact, he’s actually an introvert, it seems. And he’s not as numb to emotion as B is. He just wants to be loved and accepted, especially by his dad and it eats him up inside when acceptance isn’t forthcoming.
He can still get competitive though… and after a point, he might stop at nothing to gain some semblance of acceptance.
I think he’d listen to this song a lot if he was at any time friends with a crush.
This is another song that I’d put to him getting competitive.
… He probably actually watches Full Metal Alchemist because of its “gray area” character portrayals and concept that things can only be gained at a cost of some kind.
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jasperlovesstarss · 1 month
VERY old Candy voice claims!
(I know Actor wasn't in there I'm sorry)
ima make new ones, suggestions are 100℅ welcome bc I have no idea😭🙏
NEW DESIGNS IN CASE THEY HELP WITH DECIDING!!! (except for Opposite Candy, I'll work on her redesign)
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Og Candy Cupid~Sweet, bouncy, always excited about something, really tries to be nice even if she ABSOLUTELY DESPISES YO AHH-, super loud and obnoxious sometimes, lovey dovey, hates Barnaby with a damn passion
Opposite Candy Cupid~Always angry at some mf (mostly Op!Wally-), loud, sassy, idk what else to put, just the opposite of Og ig💀
RF Candilyn Cupid~Mature, calm, collected, kinds quiet unless she's royally pissed off, scary asf
Actor/Actress Candy Cupid~Sassy mf, literal queen (period😒), pretends really sweet when she's actually a ***BIT-***, only person she doesn't pretend to be sweet around is Wally bc they always beefing over some shiiii
Og: Hates Barnaby bc he suspects something bad of her/Is suspicious of her, evil as flip, killed some of her friends in the old neighborhood because a demon (Arthrós) forced her too, kinda like Home & Wally in those animatics when WH was js starting lol, Evil but not @ the same time??
Opposite: Actually not pure evil, just fighting for her family. Got kicked out of the Cupid society (exiled) is now a heartbreaker (theres a difference between those who are exiled being anticupids, and heartbreakers, anticupids are vengeful and want the Cupid society and the gods taken down), anticupids start a war Candy is forced to fight in and she feels bad and runs away, but is guilty for leaving her friends and family (her sisters were anticupids)
RF: Actually insane, maniac, mental, wtv tf you wanna call her at this point she probably is. Also a cannibal 🤩, only likes kids (REALLY LOVES KIDS :3 not in the Drake way though...), spent 10 years in the factory trying to save her kid (Devin, who was 14 by the time she saved him), runs the terminal (secret place under tha factory where all the super dangerous experiments even Wally can't handle are sent, only person higher than Candy's authority in the terminal is Arthrós, who was evil but became nice (Father figure demon anyone ⁉️)
Actress: Sassy and mean to Wally only but really super nice to everyone else, divorced her husband (Brutus. Also she's the only one who left Brutus, NO, RF DOESN'T COUNT, SHE *KILLED* HER BRUTUS, THERE'S A DIFFERENCE), literally the hottest-💥🔫
ALSO, if this helps in any way-
Og: English, Roman, Greek
Opposite: English, Roman, Greek
RF: English, Roman, Greek, Russian (hints of German but only like 1℅)
Actress/Actor: English, Roman, Greek, Japanese (only a little, like 10℅ or so)
Alrighty, thank you for coming to my yapping session *dramatic bow*
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oneirataxia-girl · 6 months
If they had a kid for Delphi and Jonathan? 🩷
this is making me realize how many ocs I haven't properly introduced on here why am I like this ffs
Jonathi gives me twins vibes idk why, so here's the older twin!
Name: Maisie Atlanta Byers-Guerrero
Gender: genderfluid, she/they pronouns
General appearance: pale skin that doesn’t tan easily, her mom’s eyes and her dad’s jawline, tomboyish clothing, cuts her own hair, a light dusting of freckles on her face, a band-aid somewhere on her limbs 24/7, dimples when she smiles
Personality: cool with strangers but a literal maniac with friends, doesn't like being called out in front of people, wild imagination useful for DnD campaigns, honest and loyal to the core, poet coded
Special talents: creative writing, photography, taking care of the family vegetable patch
Who they like better: Jonathan, Masis is closer to her dad like how Delphi was with hers, plus since they're more similar in personality Maisie feels like Jonathan understands her better
Who they take after more: Jonathan, she has his tendency to be distant with people she doesn't know, and his steadfast dedication to her loved ones
Personal headcanon: even though Maisie often uses the stories Auntie Raon tells her in their stories, they don't actually consider any of it to be as real as Raon describes it -- they just think Raon is insanely good at it and wish that she could write it down
Face claim: Ruby Cruz
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chilewithcarnage · 2 years
I love JTHM
I made up a character for college assignment (like.. ‘make someone who is the complete opposite of u’ so I’m nice and I made him evil )
My friend is like ‘...ur oc sounds like Johnny the homicidal maniac’
‘I have the comics you can borrow them and find out’
Anyway yeah he’s cool
Also (it’s been a long time so I’m not trying to like.. oh what’s the word.. hm.. idk. I’m asking nicely as a ‘oh how did u know?’ Not ‘HOW DO U KNOW?!? Don’t assume he’s not white!’ Or whatever anyway)
How do u know he is Mexican? (Again I don’t mean that to sound bad, I’m just curious)
not a bad question lol. so during I think SDCC 2015 Jhonen did a panel for his works and said that Johnny is Mexican American like he is. Squee is also Mexican as well as Dib from Invader Zim.
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brightgoat · 4 years
Bright, how did you manage to become so popular and so good at storytelling? Is there any advice you can give to any aspiring creators out there who want to start their own ask blog?
If I could try to guess where my popularity came from, it’s probably from latching onto pop culture (indie games especially), making fanart for popular stuff will get you attention, and then once you’ve pulled in an audience, you can pull out your OCs. 
My biggest pull in so far was through my cuphead stuff and askblog.
As for storytelling - I don’t really know how to answer this, I wouldn’t consider myself that good because if someone actually sat down and idk,, analysed the pacing and order (and consistency) of my askblog there’d be ton of mistakes I bet.
more shit underneath cut i fuckin ramble like a maniac fuck me
To be good at storytelling - you gotta read stories. Read books and comics, watch shows, movies, animes, cartoons.... also watch videos of people on youtube ripping apart bad writing (KrimsonRogue is really entertaining) so you know what NOT to do haha
The only advice I can think of is (and I’ve stated this before):
If it’s an original universe or some very unique AU - make an introductory post with refs, plot and some little hints at something bigger, something sinister. Use these hints a lot. If it’s OCs you’re gonna have to have more posts/art already made I’d believe.
NOW, TO GET THIS OUT OF THE WAY: I don’t know if the kind of askblog you’re making is like,, a quick fun one with just a bunch of characters in an empty room forced to co-exist OR one with an active storyline and lore and shit. My one started out as the former and became the latter somehow. But I imagine the latter is much more interesting for people, so I’m assuming you’re going with that, but even if you don’t then this stuff can still be useful:
Try your best to make each ask have something important, and by important I mean either plot or character. 
Make their personality apparent as to not seem stale (but not too much, keep it somewhat like a realistic person), make it interesting, include an interaction, something in the background that defines them (like their room) or maybe they’re in the middle of doing something.
When it comes to plot, try to inject worldbuilding or story into the asks as well, maybe through a flashback, or the character brings it up. This can be hard with dumb asks that are dumb (what’s their favourite food, what’s their favourite colour blah blah) but try to find a way to connect it. Like maybe their favourite food is something made up and special to their world. Maybe they associate it with family or parents or somethin. Maybe their favourite colour holds some meaning, maybe they’re a painter or they just like symbolism because they’re lame like me nah jk ppftt
Also when it comes to character writing - I really recommend and I think more people should read on basic psychology. Nothing too extreme or PHD levels shit but just basic personality types, habits, patterns and stuff like that, it’ll really make your characters more realistic and interesting.
Base it off of stuff from your life or your own emotions, I do this and I think everyone subconsciously does.
FORESHADOW, fuckin include little hints, little bits, little somethings in the background that mean theres something more afoot, build MYSTERY, people LOVE THAT SHIT and SO DO I and it keeps viewers invested.
Of course, keep all of this balanced, don’t overdo it.
I don’t think askblogs are a very... conventional way of storytelling? Like I guess they’re just interactive comics in a sense but idk i have no idea how to write books, or make episode scripts (although I really wanna and have so many ideas) or write movie scripts and shit yeah so idk take what you will
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