#jfc I chat SHIT in my tags
ssoupcup · 2 years
im cranking out the ocs. we have a bitch of a time traveller government official and her normie boyfriend, a victorian inventor who uses human body parts on occasion when she 'happens across them', and a vampire in the edwardian era who is pan and a shape-shifter so flirts with people to get them alone to consume them, and met their current partner because they're aroace and the flirting didn't work lmao
i may revive some of my old ocs, i have a fair few
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I really don’t understand why people hate Tommy so much? Like. It’s okay not to like the guy, but if you think he’s just a temporary love interest anyways then literally why do you care???
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tirednotflirting · 5 months
the way i could only eat like half my dinner bc i still have insane leftover anxiety from watching the last like 15 laps of that race lowkey holding my breath and pacing my apartment watching lando get seven seconds ahead of max and theN WIN THE FUCKING RACE oh mY GOD
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malewifemanhunter · 1 year
(tag game i found bc i kinda miss them~)
15 questions for 15 mutuals
were you named after anyone?
one name is an old romanian name, and the other is supposed to mean "god is with us" in old hebrew lol
do you have kids?
god no shgashdgas
do you use sarcasm a lot?
i do, and it's real what they say, that men often can't tell when women joke bc jfc the number of times i had to explain to a dude that i was joking sfaghsd
what's the first thing you notice about people?
if it's just passing on the street, then clothes, bc more often than not, if they're dressed wacky or cool or idk, interesting, they're queer. and if it's someone i'm meeting then i guess their vibe, voice, like i'm trying to figure out if they like me or not lol
what's your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
happy ending all the ways. i'm a hurt/comfort kinda gal, and if the comfort is missing, my whole week is ruined
any special talents?
idk is creativity a talent? i think i'm pretty creative hgsdhagjsd
what are your hobbies?
i love drawing and writing, it's so fun to make old men yaoi art. also, i'm trying to get back into reading, i used to read so fucking much (i mean physical books, i read fanfiction on the daily sdagshdaghsd)
have any pets?
no but i want a cat so fucking bad
what sports do you play/have you played?
swimming. god i love swimming. it started with that swimming anime, Free!! but it's really so fun. plus i'm always faster than my brother and that's really fun bc he works out and it taller than me too
how tall are you?
175~ (5.7 for my americans gashdgas)
favorite subject in school?
i would say art, but we never really did that class. and the romanian class, i love chatting abt old authors and that kinda shit. philosophy too now that i think about it, it was really interesting
dream job?
i don't dream of labor <3
OK ok ok so if i tag u, you don't gotta participate of course, and if i don't tag you please feel free to still do it <;3 @officialbillhader @stglennfucker @headgehug @kod-lyoko @r0nnietherat @thetomboyeffect @ratcoffin69 @number-one-hog-hater @aanteater-nose @emodennis @nightcrawlerzincorporated uhhh idk i'm sure there's more ppl but i can't think of more usernames sorry my brain is fried hgshgashgdasdashgd
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 2x04 review
Honestly, for someone who is meant to push people away and not tell anyone what he's dealing with, Conrad is pretty open about the stuff he's going through. He straight up tells Belly's brother he's having a panic attack and what he can do to help instead of just yelling at him to go the fuck away or something. Idk man.
"Talk about anything" launches into a speech about the beach and how Conrad is the coolest person in the world. The funniest thing about things like this is dialogue about "inconsequential" things would make their bond seem more realistic instead of pointed talks about memories and how cool the other person is. One of the reasons why the gang in T70s works is because they just talk about dumb shit together
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"He's grown into quite the asshole" I mean has he, Skye? Your mother is being unnecessarily hostile about the whole thing, it seems like he's just matching her energy idk.
Like this isn't even me being team Conrad or anything because I don't care about him but he hasn't DONE anything for the way everyone talks about him.
Like he's isn't warm when she talks to him in his room but his energy is different because Julia's energy is different.
Jfc they're really trying to make me believe that Taylor and brother dude like each other with how they antagonize each other but this is as performative as Belly trying to be twirly and giddy around Conrad.
Steven. I'm not going to remember that.
"Let's do some drills down by the beach, volleyball camp is in five days." "I haven't touched a ball in months" isn't that why you do the drills, Belly?
"It was hard enough for me to get this one" *laughs* Why is that funny?
Belly actress does the Katie Holmes shrug. It was annoying then, it's annoying now.
"Well we're your family too" even though I kissed you then your brother then made the wake about me because Conrad lay his head on his ex-girlfriend's lap and I admittedly forgot to check up on you when Susannah died because I was too busy focusing on Conrad which consisted of me telling him to stop being sad at prom and then breaking up with him.
The only time Conrad's lack of a facial expression has worked is him looking at Belly when she's all "the magical sea breeze will cool you down"and his face is like that the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Did Belly tell Conrad her plan of schmoozing Skye and I just forgot it because it's very possible, I'm barely paying attention but if she hadn't, maybe she could. Or is this supposed to show how Belly and Jere are best friends now.
Skye doesn't come across as an introvert, they just come across as kind of an ass. "I don't smile, I don't high five, the corners of my mouth might turn up but I WILL NOT SMILE" we get it, you're cool.
No one on this show is likeable.
Them getting ready to play laser tag is literally the ONLY TIME they seem like friends.
I mean, we had pizza for *Christmas* dinner. OH THE HORROR.
Are whaling boats fancy?
I don't need to see this rock climbing scene. Next.
How many Taylor Swift songs do we NEED in a show. I understand I'm the only one who thinks this.
"It was supremely satisfying watching you wipe the floor with Conrad after everything he put you through" YOU MEAN BEING SAD??
"You used to cry every time you looked at the Tower of Terror" yeah but he's, like, seventeen now, Belly.
"He made it so hard not to love him." I MEAN HOW? BECAUSE HE SPOKE? Jesus Christ.
"Used to love him, I mean" JERE HAS ENTERED THE CHAT. I would appreciate this more if it was fun messy.
LMAO so when Jere is like "And what's the key to making me happy, Belly?" I was like oh OK because there was like a hint of innuendo in his voice, completely unintentional I think, but it was a bit like ooh, I hear that and then it was ENTIRELY ruined when she's like "correcting people who say bru-chetta" and he laughs and goes "Because it's bru-sketta!" and it was SUCH a corny delivery.
Skipping everything with the mom because I do not care.
So who's going to have a breakdown at the end of this episode?
"You're one of the most interesting people I've ever met" I'm laughing because the delivery came across as unintentionally sarcastic.
"Jeremiah is always there when I need him" it's a RIDE. I also love when she flashes back to him always being there for her the first instance is his mother telling him to stay inside with her because she's got a summer cold and him being like "MOM" and her being like "PLEASE" and him being like fine. Like that's not what you think that is. He should hang out with her and then be asked to go to the boardwalk and being like nah I think I'll just stay in with Belly. HOW IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS?
"And when he got sick two days later, I stayed home with him" so then wouldn't you two just be passing the cold back and forth to each other?
Ohhhhh they're looking at each other on this ride and she's feeling how much she likes him! and needs him! and they have NO chemistry!
"It feels weird having fun, like part of me feels guilty" if you were a good actress we would see that conflict in you the entire day but whatever, the show is really bad with showcasing how much Susannah's death is supposed to affect her.
Oh no breakdowns because that would require drama. Just the empty beach house which I know is meant to be a MOMENT but it isn't.
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redemptioninterlude · 2 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t means that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. 💙
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random love in the inbox ( always accepting ) + @wndrbcy
omg shayyyyy my sweet sweet baby! thank you so much, i mean i feel i’m trash™ but i will take this undeserved praise because you’re a darling and i adore you and i know you’d insist. i hope you know how much i absolutely adore and love you and - i’m gonna make sure i tag these other super deserving blogs down below because tumblr is a dick and caps you at 10 asks.
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@ofchaotics - oh my god elllll my sweet baby, my honey, muva made it home. but i think the memories of ATL are gonna hang with us for a while, like, we did that, we did the 12 hours and barricade and beautiful moments staring up at that beautiful man and just in general you are the realest fucking bitch of all time and i fucking love you for that. like, a true ride or die, and i’m seriously so fucking happy we met out of that absolute disaster of a group chat, and i feel that out of everything, it was definitely worth all of it for us to come together as an absolute menace duo. thanks for always indulging my absolute worst and best self at once, and keeping me humble. love you bestie!
@sunxsin - kayyyy jfc where did you come from, the last 2 months have been like??? incredible??? who are you??? like literally it was sewww funny thinking back to when i was like wait are you the ling i have from tumblr like... and you being like NAH, then not expecting everything that came to follow like ; seriously? you’re a fucking whole ass gem and i’m so so glad we connected through the gv and you’ve just been absolutely fucking brilliant and charlie is so right you NEED YOUR PASSPORT ALREADY, like wtf vancity would be a whole fucking trip and just urghhhhh i adore you, you can’t leave, thanks.
@prettydead - oh phantom. how many years now? we’ve really fucking been THROUGH IT babes, and honestly i think you know by now that i would absolutely stab a bitch for you. people are insane, but you manage to come through all of it as sensitive and lovely as you’ve always been and i think it’s such a beautiful thing for you and just - darling. you’re a peach, like, seriously for real. next time i’m in new york you ARE coming from jersey and we ARE going for a fabulous lunch and we WILL hug out what 5 years worth of knowing each other ought to hug out to. you’re beautiful. i love you. that’s all.
@killjoysanonymous - oh em gee. lmao. like honestly i’m... like you know what i’m gonna say. losing each other and finding one another again was just such - like yes. i’m glad. even with all the weird shit that went around it, i’m glad because it allowed us to open up and talk about so much more without all that heaviness hanging over everything and like. watching you grow, thrive, and become this like, amazing person ( well, you’ve always been amazing, but you know what i mean ) has been just a fucking treat. you’ve seriously conquered mountains and are living your best life, and i’m just lucky to be your friend.
@chmerical - fio! fiolicious! jk or am i, anyways, like, fio you’re such a brilliant rper and i’m literally left in awe of you like all the time. watching you play such layered, glorious, and amazing muses has been my little secret delight these last few months, and i’m like, really glad we got this chance to meet because i’ve always secretly loved reading your writing from afar with other people. i always felt shy because i never knew enough about the series before to know how to get involved but now i’m like, all in, all strapped, all ready, you know? plus lol, you’re my cunt in arms against the stupidity of the world.
@wiredsmile - abi! jfc can you believe we first met through another phantom original years ago? like i think what i love is how so much of your optimism, charm, and positivity has remained, you’re just like, this whole force of a human being and it literally is so cool. i wish i had that sometimes because i swear you’re always like, the first to shake shit off and be like KAY WHATEVER LET’S GOOOO, and you’re amazing for that seriously. also i mean i love your muses? the softest, sweetest fluffs? like?? the dynamics we make always shake my fucking heart omfg.
@feralsmile - siren! ok another new buddy but like??? what a girl, seriously, you’ve been so fun and so game and so great to plot with to try a bunch of shit and i love that our spaghetti throwing has come out with such great little dynamics through everything and that you’re so excited and wanna do more with it and i just love love love how just your creativity works. not to mention the like, 5-10 videos i get a day of you reminding me that you’re thinking of me LMFAOOOO you’re such a trip girl, i can’t wait to have you around for an age and then some.
@bubblaegum - evieeee omg ok so you already know i was out here like. i know this bitch, i know her, i KNOWWWW i know her, that then everything from there but like? i love how time has given us so much like, we got the chance to find each other at different stages and see all these great moments and just it’s so lovely being around you again and like - who could have anticipated you loving on bonnie so much LMAO it serious is amazing and like. so are you. and i mean that! i hope you really feel it on the day to day too, because i appreciate you a ton, and you are worthy of so so so much.
@sylkshe - heathyn you are just insanely creative. i have no other way to put it because it’s just like TRUE you know like, you come out swinging, you’re never one to shy away from putting complex stories together for people typically shunned, and you’re just... you know, this stunning person from end to end inside. i feel really glad we got to meet because i am adoring your take on all the muses you’ve been playing, and just ani in general like what a sweet little fluff of a girl who deserves the world, just like you! wishing your move all the best luck the planet can spit up!
@petitsdieu - mel. i don’t know where to start. you might be like wait why am i here but seriously you’re such a fucking force to write with and like. you really inspire some of my best writing whenever we throw our girls together. hara is just such a beautiful and chaotic soul and you are too along with her, and i feel really fucking thankful that after all these years we still manage to put out something so incredibly delicate and lush that my eyes just fucking water over it. you’re amazing. the end.
@xamassed - ariel i don’t know how else to put it but i’m just consistently in awe of how much you do. you’re amazing at everyone you write, your consistency is incredible, and just the amount you can do with everything in the chaos of life around you is like. superhuman. i aspire to be like you with all that seriously, like your quality and amazingness knows no bounds and i feel really lucky that you noticed me despite my mid-ass blog so like, thank you for being willing to take a chance on meeeeee!
@dangaer - jupiter you’re like. seriously one in a million. you have flawless taste and most of the time i’m like why are you even writing with a scrub like me, but i appreciate the fuck out of the fact that we do and that you’re just amazingly talented and so good at exploring really crazy topics with your muses. yeah it’s not always like sweet and nice but you give such colour to villains and i love all the things we’ve come up with and you’re just.. urgh. i love getting replies from you, period.
@finalsurvivorgrp - i hope it’s not weird i threw you on this! i’m just like, seriously wanted to reiterate just how great of a writer i think you are, how your muses are incredible, and just how i always have like, quietly loved your blog from afar. i’m glad that i picked up that random starter despite being nervous about it, because your grasp on horror is just peak amazeballs and i’m just really lucky to have the chance to write with you.
@temporalobjects - what can i say? just. in the years you’re just always dedicated, amazing, and your muses are great. i’m always so happy when we start writing again, and i’m always in lust with your fucking art. you’re just a consistently cool human being and i love whenever i see you on the dash, it’s like an instant smile and a, damn, i hope they’re doing well kind of feeling. can’t wait to do more with you as always! 
@wndrbcy - oh shay, my sweet little butterfly. of course you needed to get this back, and i wanted to make sure you were like damn am i really gonna get this, and the answer ofc is yet. it’s so funny that we’ve managed to connect over the years and carry on cool plots and seriously i fucking just love what we do and how we’re trying new things and how freaky it gets sometimes whenever you’re around because you’re just a lovely human. i know life is hard, but i hope us being friends maybe makes it a bit nicer because you definitely brighten my day. thank you for sending this, particularly on a day where i’ve felt like damn, i’m just nawt that great, and reminding me that i have a place here. love you, to the moon and back.
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sukirainbow · 2 years
Hi! I'm Nya ! I mostly write fanfics for me and my friends but they encouraged me to share them so here we are! I mostly write for fun and I started writing in 2022 so don't expect High Litterature(tm) lmao
I might do headcanons, chats, prompts and requests, ask away!
[AO3] | [Art Blog]
I interact from my main @ succikko-nebulae
My favorite characters are the Ame Trio and the Akatsuki in general.
My main ship is The rain polycule (Yahiko Konan Nagato and Obito) but I'm a multishipper so I'm good writing for any ship as long as it's not on my Nope list.
My fics
My headcanons
My ocs:
Suko Sapphire Kou Naka
First akatsuki characters
Characters are tagged with their first name only except on fics and things ill allow to breach containment off my blog lol
Enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to send me asks ^^
My Nope list:
Any ships that have a too large age gap (I'm not very comfortable with these dynamics)
no student/teacher, obv no minor/adult either
I'm not fond of Danzo and Hiruzen id never write anything serious for them but mayyyybe dumb shit with them
I don't hate itachi but I hate the interpretation the mainstream Fandom has of him so don't expect badass itachi moments from me
Ships I absolutely cannot understand and it pisses me off are Itachi/Nagato and Hidan/Konan don't even mention them to me lmao
I dislike Canon Jiraiya so much he didn't have to be so cringe jfc so if I write about him I make him more decent
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torreyadorable · 2 years
I've gotten a few DMs lately so here is a little about me!
single cis bi woman, not looking for anything serious, always up for fun
totally down to get anons/tumblr chat with people about whatever from my blog has gotten your attention but would rather keep it on here (I haven't had an instant messenger app since AIM)
I work in retail with variable hours so I'm not online at regular times but you can always say hi and I'll message back when I can
yes this includes monsterfucking, but also Critical Role and LA By Night and stuff
your lewd pics are welcome, I have some of mine I'll share back via chat, just not alot because I'm still getting used to taking pics of myself
I will not be posting face because I grew up online when stranger danger was a huge thing so YES you can see my tits NO you can't see anything that would identify me in a crowd
I love and respect all the lovely people who do post face with their lewds/nudes but jfc please stay safe
Shows and stuff I like:
The Witcher (TV... I'm not so great with games)
Stranger Things
The X-Files
Critical Role
LA By Night
World of Darkness in general but mostly Vampire
Stephen King (yes I am from Maine shut up)
a bunch of kinky shit, basically my blog speaks for itself there
Attracted to:
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson
Non-binary people
Ashley Johnson
like half of the Monster Manual
I don't have a dni because if you interact with me and annoy me I'll just block you.
Also I'm really bad at tagging but if you need anything tagged in this mess of fandom and filth let me know cause I don't want to hit anyone's triggers on accident.
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princessmo · 2 years
augh i'm so fucking tired 😭 just got home from work and jfc. we had a frozen food delivery that nobody knew would happen so i had to scan all 66 cases w the little scanner gun thing myself and then i had to load half of them onto a uboat, put them in the freezer, load the other half on, and put those in the freezer. all on my own bc there was one other worker in the store and she was running the register. and the mid-50s man truck driver just dropped off the shit, filled out the paperwork, called me "honey" in a demeaning way about 100 times, and left. took me like three and a half hours to get through that
rest of the afternoon went well until closing; the coworker i was working with is CONSTANTLY talking on the fucking phone. so ofc during the last few minutes she was chatting away and i'm like "uhh should we make closing announcements" and she ignores me. she doesn't make an announcement until 9, when we actually fuckin close. and 5 people come up to the register.
there are these two awful, absolutely annoying and completely oblivious women. i'm not sure if they were shopping together or not. the first one is at the front of the line and the second is at the end of the line. the first woman puts her basket on the belt and BEGINS SORTING the shit into what she does and doesn't want, taking up everyone's fucking time. she starts talking with me, saying it's her first time at DT, blah blah. i ring up all her shit and it's like $40 (at the DOLLAR store), she pays with card and then asks me to break a $50 for her, which i do, but i'm fucking annoyed that i did bc i don't work at a fuckin bank! this isn't the "change for a $50" store!
in between these chicks i ring up a couple who buys like 10 fuckin glasses i have to wrap up in our shitty flimsy bags. whatever. they wanna do an exchange and don't have the receipt. we're not supposed to do that but it's like 9:05 by that point and i just wanna go home so i let it slide. not too bad but just adding insult to injury. but a really mild insult, like "jerk" or something.
but this second lady. OH, this second lady. she's wearing a pair of the reading glasses we sell with the tag still on it and everything; she tells me it's bc she can't see well, which okay, fair, but like...i wanna know how she got there, i sure hope she didn't fuckin drive! anyway, she does the same thing as the first lady, begins sorting her shit out, whatever. as i'm ringing her shit up, she's going back through the store and continuing to get MORE SHIT! more stupid cheap shit for my underpaid ass to ring up! and it's 15 fucking minutes after we close! "we're closing, bring your items to the register and check out" doesn't mean "keep fucking shopping, take your sweet fucking time!" at the end her total is about $60 (at, and i cannot stress this enough, THE DOLLAR STORE). the lights literally dim to half-power while i'm ringing up her shit because that's how goddamn long she took. it went completely dark while my coworker was counting out the bank deposit.
whatever. i'm gonna go get high as balls
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Req: fluff + smut with Kyungsoo by @johnniverse​ Pairing: actor!Kyungsoo x baker!reader Words: 10,609k Genre: fluff, friends to lovers, smut Warning: cursing, smut, mature Summary: Your close friendship with Korea’s favourite actor is suddenly strained when he begins acting strange after returning home. Three nights of disappointment and several drinks later, the memory of a rhubarb Eton mess lingers in the air as you find yourself finally seeing your best friend in a different light. Tags: actor!Soo, slightly chef!Soo, baker!reader, cursing, flirting, sexual tension and fluffy smut A/N: To the req, I hope you like it and it isnt too cringy lol, I always struggle with fluff. Also P.S, I’m never doing the fake texting image thing ever again, I had to use both my phone and laptop to edit/upload the pics in order and it was a pain in the ass especially for a fic this long (and on a side-note, props to all the text-message fic authors, this sHIT IS HARD JFC SERIOUSLY Y’ALL ARE AMAZING AND DEDICATED AF, I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT)
The smell of butter and dough that surrounded you usually helped calm your nerves but tonight could perhaps be the first time that was an exception. After all, it had been months since you last saw your best friend, Kyungsoo.
There weren’t many people around at this late hour of the night and you were thankful for the silence, for the peaceful atmosphere that was usually a rare occurrence at the bakery’s kitchen. Only when your nerves had crept into your worried thoughts as the silence prolonged had you finally scrolling to the playlist of soft instrumentals that you usually had playing at the bakery during work hours, letting the music fill the empty kitchen while you worked.
You hum softly to Billie Eilish and Khalid’s ‘lovely' as you place the tiny specks of edible gold foil atop the chocolate tart. Kyungsoo didn’t love the gold foil—he called it “too bougie”—but you knew that he didn’t hate it either. Besides, you couldn’t help the dramatic flair that you always brought to your desserts; it was what you were popular for, after all.
You’d met Kyungsoo as a customer at your artisan café almost three years ago when he’d dropped by late in the night to ask for a full-sized cake. You’d heard your co-worker Yixing apologetically inform him that there weren’t any such cakes readily available just a few minutes short to closing hours and that customers usually pre-ordered them in advance but you’d stepped out of the back-kitchen then to ask the desperate-sounding customer whether a red velvet cheesecake was fine with him.
You can still recall how you’d stumbled over your own words as your eyes finally fell on the late-night customer—Do Kyungsoo, the upcoming handsome actor who had swept over the nation with his popularity after his latest movie. Your first thought had immediately been, ‘Holy hell, he looks more beautiful than he does on the screen’.
It was only much later that you’d revealed to him that the original recipient of the cake was a little girl turning eight the next day. Kyungsoo had been stunned at the revelation and even to the present day, he still wondered why you hadn’t turned him away to find another bakery instead of going to the hassle of giving away a pre-baked cake that resulted in you pulling an all-nighter to bake another for the actual customer.
But how could you have refused? With his warm earnest brown eyes that reminded you of the pools of dark chocolate batter that you’d been whisking back in the kitchen, his cheeks that shone like freshly glazed pastries with the sheepish heart-shaped smile that put even the sun to shame, you couldn’t help but relent and give him the red velvet cheesecake that you’d been preparing for a client to pick up the next morning.
Although Kyungsoo had left in a hurry after accepting the box that night, he had visited the bakery around brunch hour the next day to thank you personally—and “properly”.  Both of you had introduced yourselves and you’d been surprised at how down-to-earth and friendly he’d been, taken aback by his genuine interest in your bakery and all the desserts that you’d had. After conversing, there grew a mutual admiration—you’d never imagined that such a famous actor was also an incredible cook with an intense passion for food while having such an avid interest and genuine fascination towards your baking.
It had been the initial blossoming of a beautiful delectable friendship. You’d never thought you’d grow as close to him as you did but there was an instant connection after that first conversation at the kitchen of your bakery, a way in which both your personalities perfectly complemented each other and fit together just right. Of course, your mutual interest for food only fuelled the friendship further.
That was three years ago. Back then, it had started as a friendship but slowly bloomed to an unhealthy crush on your part. And who could blame you? Kyungsoo was unbelievably perfect—with his charming smile, his friendly and kind nature, his heart of gold and just by being an absolute sweetheart, you struggled to keep your emotions at bay as you got closer to him. He set the standard entirely too high and there was a small part of you that even blamed him for never being able to find a boyfriend. Every blind date and man that your friends introduced you to all paled in comparison to Kyungsoo, multiple meals and walks spent with them feeling extremely dreary when you spent the entire time drawing analyses of them in your mind based off of Kyungsoo as the yardstick.
However, it was a secret that you were certain you’d carry to your grave. He already had hordes of fangirls and half the country pining for him, he didn’t need to worry about you shooting heart-eyes at him too.
Besides, you cherished your relationship with Kyungsoo entirely far too much to risk losing all of it with a silly confession. You were close with his mother who called you more often than she even called him sometimes to chat with you idly about recipes, you knew how he hated parsley a lot more than he let on, how he’d admitted that your lemon meringue pies were his favourite dessert in the entire world and how he hated early morning shoots the most and could never get used to them no matter how many times he did it.
It wasn’t one-sided—he knew you like the back of his hand too. Kyungsoo knew about your coffee addiction that he always called unhealthy, how much you loved crafting recipes in your kitchen late into the night until you got it perfect, how you absolutely hated thunderstorms and could even tell whenever you were upset even from a mere text, prompting him to call you as soon as he could to talk about it.
It was too much to risk such a great friendship for a stupid crush. He meant too much to you which is exactly why you’d settled for never ever confessing to him.
You hum softly as you finally pulled your face away from the table, a satisfied smile coming upon your face as the finished tart lay atop the marble counter, gold flecks glinting in the yellow lights of the kitchen.
You picked up your phone then, frowning as you noticed the lack of texts. Kyungsoo had finally completed the premiere and tour for his latest movie, arriving back home early today morning for a well-deserved break, albeit short. You knew that his friends would most probably throw him a party—as per their tradition—but he’d texted you earlier that he would definitely drop by the bakery around midnight, at the latest.
Which was your tradition. He’d visit his mother, have a meal with his parents and then come straight to you, loudly yelling that you’d better have his favourite pies waiting for him, “or else”.
You stare at your phone, contemplating if you should send a picture of the tart and fully utilise his weakness for sweet treats against him but the screen suddenly lights up with an incoming message.
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You sigh as you place your phone back on the counter and glance dejectedly down at the tarts. Pursuing your lips, you wondered if there was something wrong and if Kyungsoo was okay—it was the first time that he’d cancelled on your tradition of meeting you on the day that he got back itself.
He’s at home, probably well-fed, pampered and completely spoiled rotten by his mother so you decided to not dwell further on it. You place the tarts into airtight containers and placed them in the fridge then, yawning softly as you decided to call it a day and head home.
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You were positive that you could see the colour red as you glanced at the clock hanging over the paintings on your wall, feeling more livid than you’d ever been.
It had been three days. Three days since Kyungsoo had arrived and your stupid “tradition” was in shreds—the both of you hadn’t met at all.
The day after the night he spent at his parents’ place, you waited for him all morning at the bakery before texting him. He’d called you immediately and apologised profusely, saying that he had to meet his manager at the company and that something urgent had come up. You’d let it go again but he hadn’t contacted you at all after that and you’d waited all day until finally calling him right before bed.
The conversation had been short, his words muted and seeming tired so you’d hung up without pressing too much.
But then you’d went over directly to his parents’ place yesterday. You’d been stunned to find that he wasn’t there, his mother cheerfully mentioning that he had left early in the morning “because of some work” and you didn’t have the heart to tell her that you’d lost your appetite. After stuffing yourself full with an entire lunch that his mother had not let you leave without, you’d called him. He’d apologised again, “another work thing” and finally ended the call after mutually agreeing that he’d come over to your place early the next morning, eat breakfast with him and heading back to the bakery later in the afternoon.
It was the next morning, the pancakes you’d made were cold and soggy now, the clock read 10:19AM and Kyungsoo was nowhere in sight.
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” you hissed murderously, grabbing your phone and pulling up your messages to text him.
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You shoved your phone away in fury, grabbing the plate of pancakes and hurriedly storing them back in the oven before grabbing the keys to your car and heading out of your apartment. You had half-a-mind to drive over to the company and ask his manager which goddamn hotel he was staying at before taking a deep breath, muttering a string of curses lowly to clear your head and pulling out of the parking space.
The entire day was a mess. Chanyeol, your commis baker, was surprised to see you head in earlier than you said you would, all of the kitchen crew and bakers flinching as you glared and yelled at them to get their shit together. You busied yourself in the kitchen, feeling Johnny’s wary eyes on you as you punched the dough like a possessed madwoman. Perhaps you weren't as good at masking your emotions as you thought you were, the entire staff catching onto the fact that their usually-cheerful patisserie chef was perhaps not seeing dough for fresh bread but instead visualising the mochi cheeks of the man whom Korea had lovingly dubbed as the actor with the most perfect heart-shaped smile.
Perfect, my ass, you thought derisively.
The day passed in phases. By 4PM, you’d baked way more puff pastries than necessary, waving off Chanyeol who meekly suggested to stop making so many since there was already a piling excess which would most probably be wasted if not sold by tonight. You told them all to just take some home, that there were your treat and involuntarily, your hands started to slow down as evening dawned, your upper arms beginning to ache slightly because you didn’t pace yourself in your rage.
You sighed as you headed to the back of the kitchen, walking through the smaller door that was alongside the pantry—a smaller space that was solely for you, a place that you lovingly called your own and was the birth of many of your sweet creations.
The anger shifted to the second phase in the evening, one that infuriated you more because at least you were productive with your fury. Now, you just slumped at the marble countertop while staring at the small fridge in the corner that still held the gold-leafed chocolate tart from two nights ago.
You sighed as you buried your face in your flour-stained palms. This has never happened and it was stressing you out in levels that you had never expected it to—because you’d never had a fight with Kyungsoo. Petty arguments, sure, but nothing that couldn’t be solved with his spaghetti or your macaroons.
Then again, he’d never been like this. Never had he avoided you, never had he cancelled multiple times on you repeatedly, never had he broke the sacred tradition of meeting you as soon as he was back. It had been too many times now to be a mere coincidence, he was definitely avoiding you. You could tell that he was lying and your anger from today morning had subsided to just an intense worry that felt like cramps in your lower abdomen, sighs falling from your lips as you wondered what was wrong.
You thought about calling his mother for a brief moment but you could already guess that she was just as oblivious as you, maybe even more. She hadn’t seemed fazed when you’d went over yesterday, hadn’t noticed the distress on your face as you realised that you’d missed him yet again.
The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever. Your limbs were sore and you knew your bed would be nothing short of welcoming right now but you didn’t want to go back home in a state like this where your thoughts would be louder than ever.
Around 9PM, you decided to call it a day and closed up early. You could see the relief in everyone’s faces, especially Chanyeol who looked like he wanted nothing more than to go home and pass out. Once the entire crew had left the bakery with a box of all your rage-fuelled treats—Chanyeol had been right, there had been way too many puff pastries, cake pops and enough cookies for the entire neighbourhood—you sat alone in your workspace with nothing but silence echoing around you.
Sighing softly, you stood up and connected your phone to the small Bluetooth speakers placed at the corner of the room, putting on your Coldplay playlist. You washed your hands in the sink before setting out to make the lemon meringue pie.
There was a reason why Kyungsoo loved it the most amongst every other dessert you made—it was your go-to dessert whenever you were upset. Although the recipe wasn’t challenging nor was it particularly difficult to make, it does require a lot of patience and dedication to get a flawless pie every time. Kyungsoo loved watching you create it; you’d lost count of the number of times he’d walked in to see you furiously whipping the cream filling for the pie. The amount of concentration it took at each step usually helped calm your nerves, distracting your noisy thoughts enough to focus on the dessert at hand.
Initially, you’d thought he called it his favourite only because he’d seen first-hand how much effort it took to bake it but then Kyungsoo had explained that he could taste the effort, that the tarty tanginess of the lemon filling which would first wash over his tongue slowly morphs into the subtle sweet aftertaste of the creamy meringue which was addicting enough to make you crave for more.
There was a small part of you that didn’t believe him when he’d said that and an even smaller part that had been too flattered to believe it, unable to even form a coherent response to it but baking the pie now made your chest ache as it occurred to you that it’d probably join the tarts in the fridge from two nights ago.
The lemon meringue pies tasted best when eaten immediately and he knew it—which was exactly why he often sat around to watch you make it.
You decided not to dwell on it. Once you were done with the pie, you’d call him one last time to ask if he could meet you wherever possible tonight itself. You’d use the pies as an extra leverage, perhaps as a ruse to just lure him out. Just so you could yell at him for being an idiot right at his face instead of at the phone.
You’d just lined the pastry base into the pan and chilled it for an hour before baking it in the oven while you whisked the lemon filling. The humming of the oven had involuntarily made your shoulders loosen up as you lost yourself in making the lemon filling and you were softly singing along to Yellow as it echoed around the small kitchen space.  
The song suddenly stopped and your hands froze reflexively as you turned around to see your phone lighting up with an incoming call.
You dropped the whisk immediately and grabbed the dishcloth, wiping your hands hastily as you strode around the counter. You threw the cloth aside, hands still feeling slightly sticky as you grabbed your phone and disconnected the Bluetooth connection.
Your voice was slightly breathless as you finally answered, “Soo? Hello? Kyungsoo?”
There was dull music faintly thumping in the background but at a distance, as if muted. You frowned as the pause on the other side of the call lasted for almost three seconds before finally hearing an unfamiliar male voice.
“Hello? Y/N? Is this Y/N?”
“Yes, yes, it’s me,” you said loudly, furrowing your eyebrows as you felt a sense of dread creep into you. “Who is this? Where’s—?”
“You were the first on his emergency contact list,” the man interrupted, making your heart drop to your feet.
“What’s going on?” You asked hurriedly in a panic, your eyes widening as you felt your stomach twist. “Where’s Kyungsoo? Is he okay?”
“Ma’am, my name is Woo Shik and I’m the bartender at Club Exodus. Your friend is really really drunk,” the man replied, sounding slightly exasperated. “He came in around 7PM and got a room alone although we told him that he can’t do that singly but he insisted and said he’d even pay more for it. And now-now he’s just really drunk. He’s been yelling your name for the past half hour and crying something about rhu.. rhu something? Itaewon mess?”
“Rhubarb Eton mess,” you deadpanned, sighing. “I’m… I’ll be there as soon as I can. Could you just text me the address of the club, to this number?”
“Yes, ma’am, I’ll send the location right now.”
“Okay, thank you, I’ll be there.”
You hang up quickly and your limbs feel like they’re frozen, uncoordinated from your brain as you will yourself to move. You feel disoriented, a thousand thoughts flying through your head as you quickly pull off your messy apron and grab your phone. You don’t bother fixing yourself much, knowing that you probably smelled like fresh dough and lemons as you hurriedly shut off the oven. You pause as you notice the halfway baked pie shell, wondering if you should call Chanyeol and ask him if he could clean up in here as a favour.
The large grandfather clock in the main lounge area of the bakery suddenly sounded, echoing softly in the back-kitchen and you glanced down at your phone.
He’s been drinking by himself for three hours.
“Fuck it,” you mutter, snatching the oven mitts and not even bothering to put it on as you use it just to shield your hand whilst grabbing the hot pie tray.
Your legs seem to move faster than your brain then, your body moving almost robotically as you threw the half-whisked lemon filling in its large glass bowl, the pastry shell and the cream for the meringue into the small fridge. It only held a few failed recipes and a couple of disfigured-looking pastries that you usually snacked on, along with Soo’s dark chocolate gold tart from two nights ago that you hadn’t had the heart to throw away, having expected him to walk into the bakery at some godforsaken hour and claim the dessert.
You felt a slight ache now as you stashed everything into the fridge, knowing how many ingredients that you’d just wasted because there was no way even you could resurrect or save this disaster after leaving this kitchen now.
Knowing that there was no time to regret it, you quickly cleaned up the counters and the rest of the workspace, grabbing your car keys and the lock to the bakery. You closed up the store and hurriedly got into the car, pulling up the location that the bartender had just sent you as you started driving to the club.
Your worry finally had a chance to fully materialise through the drive, your anxiety not allowing you to even play the radio as you raced to Club Exodus. It briefly occurred to you that there probably was a huge problem, something big that was worrying Kyungsoo if he was willing to go to the extent of booking a hotel room away from his parents and even avoiding you.
If there was anyone besides his mother who could read and see through him as well as she did, it was you.
God, Kyungsoo, what is going on?
You pulled up to the front of the club in almost half an hour, quickly jumping out and hurriedly gesturing to the car at the valet service guy standing at the entrance before heading in.
You approached the woman at the reception, your voice low as you asked, “I’m looking for Woo Shik? He’s with a friend of mine…”
“Oh yes, ma’am, hold on.” You weren’t even looking around the place, your senses almost numbed with tension as you followed the uniformed man to whom she gestured, one step behind him as he lead you away from what sounded like the main hall with its booming music that you could feel reverberating through the walls.
He showed you to a door and you could already hear Kyungsoo’s deep laughter even before entering. You pushed open the door and your eyes immediately fell on your best friend, his cheeks appearing redder than you’d ever seen them as he laid back on the black leather couches. A man in the dark burgundy uniform of the club who you assumed to be Woo Shik was trying to clear the table alongside the couch in a desperate attempt to save the bottles and glasses of alcohol from falling onto the floor.  
“Kyungsoo,” you said flatly and Woo Shik looked up from the couch towards you, wide eyes filled with exasperation.
“Y/N?” He asked hopefully and you nodded, sighing.
“Did he drink more after we called?” You asked, stepping into the room fully and scrunching your nose in disgust at the way the place was reeking with alcohol.
“No, but he’d been chugging for a while and they’re all settling in now, I think,” Woo Shik explained tiredly, stepping away to let you walk around the table towards your drunk best friend.
You forgot what to even say as you looked at Kyungsoo who was giggling giddily on the couch, his eyes closed as his hands flailed mindlessly. He looked almost smaller in the way that he was curled up on the leather seats and you could see that he’d grown thinner since the last time you’d seen him. His cheeks were very flushed and that’s when you realised that this was the first time you’d seen him so shit-faced drunk. Of the both of you, he was the one with the higher tolerance and he’d seen you blackout drunk more times than you’d seen him in the past three years and it occurred to you that he must have definitely had way too much than usual tonight to be like this.
“Soo,” you heard yourself mumble, your hands reaching for his that were still blindly reaching for something in the air. His eyes snap open when he feels your hands clasp around his, dark shining gaze shifting towards you. You watch as his eyes widen and even before you can react, his grip tightens fiercely around your hand as he yanks you to him with a high-pitched squeal of your name.
You curse as you almost collapse on top of him on the couch, feeling his body beneath yours that was radiating so much warmth that you would have mistaken him to have a fever if it weren’t for all the alcohol lying around.
“Hiiiiiiiiiiii,” Kyungsoo slurred, smiling happily up at you as he wrapped his arms snugly around your middle while staring down at you. You felt your heart slightly melt at his elated expression, your anger and worry momentarily dissipating as you gazed back into his shining eyes.
“Hi,” you replied softly, feeling almost shy from the way he was looking at you as you realised that Woo Shik was still in the room and probably waiting for you to collect the mess that you had in your arms who had caused him enough trouble.
“Okay, can you sit up?” You ask slowly like you’re talking to a child as you pull away enough to help him sit upright. He’s still gripping one of your hands tightly and you let him use your other arm as a support to pull him upwards slowly so as not to make him dizzy.
You look up at Woo Shik then, your tone apologetic as you ask, “How much is all of this?”
“He already paid, ma’am,” Woo Shik replied, shaking his head at you.
“Okay, I’ll just take him away then, I’m so sorry for the trouble,” You quickly say as you grab Kyungsoo’s arm and throw it around your neck. You put your own arm around his waist, holding him to your side while trying not to inhale the alcohol-stench reeking off of him. Woo Shik offers help but you shake your head at him as you help Kyungsoo out of the club. He suggests the back entrance then, mentioning that it’d be safer because of his actor status and quickly hurries to tell the valet to bring your car.
You manage, with much difficulty, to finally seat Kyungsoo inside your car and strap him in safely. Once he is settled, you sincerely thank Woo Shik for all his help and make a mental note to send him some treats tomorrow and finally get back into your car. After driving away from the club, you slow down at a secluded alley and turn to Kyungsoo whose head is turned to face the window.
You gently shake his shoulder, wondering if he’s asleep as you softly call out, “Soo? Kyungsoo?”
His eyes blink open slowly and he turns to you, appearing almost woozy. You watch then as his eyes widen and the same elated expression from earlier washes over his face, his arms reaching out to wrap tightly around your frame as he again exclaims, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii.”
“Yeah, yeah, hi, hi,” you mutter, rolling your eyes in exasperation as you try to pull away from his death-grip. Any other time, you’d have been taking videos of him like this to use as precious blackmail later.
“Soo,” you call out his name again as you try to get his attention on you. Once he is blinking at you while still grinning like an idiot, you enunciate slowly, “Your hotel. Where is it? Which hotel are you staying at?”
Kyungsoo blinks incomprehensibly and you see his grin widen, mouth opening excitedly to squeal your name again and you manage to grab his arms, stopping him from hugging you yet again.
“Kyungsoo!” You call out loudly, watching him flinch and you instantly lower your tone as you slump back in your seat while staring at him helplessly. There was no way you could take him back to his parents’ place when he was like this and you knew that his mother didn’t know the hotel that he was staying at either since she hadn’t mentioned it the last time.
Sighing, you turn with resignation towards the steering wheel and start up the car again, deciding to just take him home.
It wasn’t like he’d never been to your place before—he’d slept over on your couch multiple times but this would be the first time that he’d be doing it when absolutely wasted.
Kyungsoo hums softly beneath his breath as you drive and you’re quiet, listening to him as you chew on your lip nervously while wondering if you should talk to him. You knew he was drunk as hell and by the state that he was in, you guessed that his chances of remembering any of this tomorrow morning would probably be extremely low.
You decided to risk it.
“Soo,” you started tentatively and you were surprised when the humming stopped, knowing his attention was on you. You clear your throat before asking slowly, “Why didn’t you meet me?”
He frowns and you can hear the pout in his voice as he slurs, “Because you’re an idiot.”
You turn to look at him in amazement, eyes wide at the stupid response. “What?”
You turn back to the road as he continues, “It’s true. My mother says so too.”
“Your-your mother?” You sputtered, feeling more confused by the second. What the hell is he talking about? “She said not to meet me because I’m an idiot?”
“Nooooooooo,” Kyungsoo whined and you noticed him shift in his seat slightly from your peripheral as he explained, “I decided not to meet you. Mom told me that I’m an idiot. I think you’re the idiot but Mom says it’s me.”
You should just pull over and leave him on the roadside.
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to remain calm as you reminded yourself to treat him like a child. He is a child and you need information so you tried again, slowly asking, “Why are we idiots?”
There’s a pause then and Kyungsoo mumbles something in reply, incoherent again.
You slow to a stop at the red light as you turn to face him fully now, squinting at him. “What? Why are we idiots, Kyungsoo?”
“Because I like you,” Kyungsoo sighs loudly and your eyes widen then, heart jumping to your throat.
Everything freezes around you and you stare at him, certain that you’d heard wrong as he leans back against the headrest, sighing dramatically again as he softly explains, “I’ve liked you for a long time but you’re an idiot to never see it. Mom told me I’m the idiot for never telling you but you’re the idiot for never seeing the signs.”
“S-signs?” You repeated, your voice cracking in your throat. Your heart is pounding in your ears as you ask quietly, “What signs?”
Kyungsoo sighs again, longer this time and you’re almost tempted to grab him by his shoulders and shake him angrily to get him to speak faster. You felt like you were going to be sick and this idiot was putting on the show of his life, acting dramatically like his rent was due the next morning.
“Sooooooo many signs, Y/N,” he slurs your name, dragging his words tiredly as he turns to you. He faces you and pouts childishly as he asks, “You think I run to all my friends’ arms whenever I come home on break? You think I cook with parsley which I hate with all my heart for anyone else? It’s only for you, because of how much you love it on your spaghetti. Most of my friends don’t even know I cook. I never even had a thing for sweets until you and I told you that but you’re an idiot. You thought its cause I love everything you make that much but that’s only a part of it. You idiot.”
You stare at him speechlessly and jump when you hear a loud honk behind you. Dazed, you look ahead and realise the traffic lights had changed to green, slowly prompting you to shift the gear and start driving again as the cars continued honking noisily behind.
You swallowed loudly, hearing an internal screaming in your head as you tried to gather your thoughts and process the words you’d just heard. You’re about to ask more, you don’t even know what, when you hear him murmuring softly again. You catch the word ‘rhubarb’ and start to ask why he kept ranting about your Rhubarb Eton mess custard and that’s when it suddenly hits you.
The last time that he’d come home for break, the time that he’d spent with you before leaving for the movie that he’d just finished shooting, you’d made him the Rhubarb Eton mess custard. The call to travel to Japan had been abrupt, causing him to have to leave on short notice and he’d spent the night before his flight with you at the bakery. It was after working hours, close to midnight and you’d been experimenting and crafting desserts with rhubarbs since they were in-season and had whipped up the Rhubarb Eton mess custard quickly just for him.
He’d watched you in his usual seat opposite the counter as you made it and after having his first spoon, he’d scooped a spoonful of the creamy custard and fed it to you. After taking the bite, however, the blood-red juice of the rhubarb had stained your lips with a bit of the whipped cream at the edge of your mouth.
Kyungsoo had reached out almost reflexively, his thumb swiping against your lip and you’d gone still, both of your gazes locking as you’d felt the atmosphere shift. You thought it had only been in your head, that it had only been you wondering what the expression on his face would be if you leaned forward and sucked the cream from his thumb, if his eyes would dilate watching your lips wrap around his digit the way that you were sure your eyes had when his hand had reached towards your mouth.
You could still recall how terse the silence had been then, both of you in a silent stare-off as you waited for the other to make a move and Kyungsoo had finally broken the moment by retrieving his hand, flashing you an innocent grin as he licked the cream from his thumb and quietly finished the rest of the dessert.
Your heart had been hammering in your chest that whole night and you’d never even known.
“Oh god,” you breathed out involuntarily as understanding finally dawned over you. Kyungsoo had been humming beside you again but at your words, he went quiet and you continued, “The rhubarb custard. You’re talking about—”
Kyungsoo groaned loudly then, confirming your suspicions as he huffed in annoyance.
“I wanted to kiss you so bad that night,” he almost whined and you felt your cheeks reddening at his confession as he continues ranting, “You were just standing there with your lips looking all glossy and red from the syrup and that stupid whipped cream on your upper lip! I was already upset cause I had to leave you so soon and you were just standing there like an idiot and I just wanted to eat you instead of that damn custard.”
Holy fucking hell. “Kyung—”
“I’ve been whipped for you forever, Y/N,” Kyungsoo admitted, shutting you up abruptly. “I’m whipped for you like your whipped cream. Like your Eton mess. Like your perfect custard. Like your pies. Like—”
“Okay, okay, I get it, I get it,” you quickly interrupt him, desperately wanting him to shut up because you were certain that you’d cause an accident with the way your heart was pounding right now, your entire body feeling like it was on fire as your thoughts were disorienting. You were driving mindlessly, taking longer routes because you didn’t how much longer this conversation would go, if it would last all the way to your apartment or if he’d sober up once he got home. You felt like you were dreaming, like this conversation was unreal and wondered briefly if you’d gotten drunk with him too back at the club and this was just some cruel dream.
“Why…” you croak and you clear your throat before trying again. “Why didn’t you meet me?”
“Because you’re an idiot.”
“I swear to god, I’m going to—” You loudly inhale through your mouth, knuckles almost turning white around the steering wheel as you grit out, “Did. You. Avoid. Me. Because you like me?”
“Min Ah…”
He trailed off and you frowned in confusion, pausing as you faintly recognised the name. “‘Min Ah’? Jung Min Ah? Isn’t that your co-star for the movie you just did?”
Kyungsoo nods and he mumbles sleepily, “She said she likes me during the wrap-up party but I could only think of you. I didn’t want to see you until I got my shit together and sorted out my feelings because I didn’t want to accidentally confess to you.” He pauses then and you’re surprised when he lets out a loud humourless laugh. “Maybe I am the idiot.”  
You hesitate before asking, “Why don’t you want to confess to me?”
Kyungsoo is quiet for a while after that and you glance at him, wondering if he’d fallen asleep but he appears to be deep in thought. His words are almost unheard as he finally mumbles, “Because I don’t want to lose you.”
You fall silent at his heavy words, the intensity of the underlying meaning getting to you as you feel something break inside of you.
You don’t say anything for the rest of the ride then and Kyungsoo dozes off, falling asleep cutely with his mouth hanging open as he lays his head back against the seat while you drown in your thoughts.
Regardless of your feelings and how much you liked him too, the words that Kyungsoo had just uttered terrified you. Friendships were stable, they endured even the ugliest of fights and lasted longer while relationships were fragile; one slip and you could lose Kyungsoo. He didn’t confess to you because he didn’t know about your feelings but now that you knew that he felt the same, you didn’t know if you were brave enough to take the risk.
It could be the end to something beautiful.
But it could also be the beginning to something more beautiful, a small voice in your head reminded you.
Or it could be the beginning to something even more beautiful that would soon reach its untimely but inevitable end and leave you with only heartache and the absence of a best friend that you’d have to burden forever.
You sighed softly as you finally parked your car in front of your apartment. You glanced at Kyungsoo and realised he was sleeping soundly, looking so warm and comfortable that it made you hesitate in awakening him. You got out of the car and walked to his side, throwing his arm around your shoulder while softly calling his name. He woke up enough to step out of the car and you helped him up to your apartment, panting by the time you finally reached your door.
You lead him straight to your bedroom, resigning to spend the night on your couch since you knew he could definitely use the entire bed in the state that he was in. You help him out of the thickly-lined trench coat that he was wearing, holding your breath to not inhale the stench of the alcohol as you decided to just throw them all with the laundry tomorrow morning.
You remove his shoes and pull off his socks but your hands hesitate mid-air before reaching for his pants. It’s not like you hadn’t seen his legs before or anything—god knows he’d helped undress you from uncomfortable clothes on multiple nights when you’d gotten too drunk—but your stomach was twisting now as if he was a whole new person who you were stripping.
God, stop overthinking it.
You force yourself to help him out of his pants, purposefully not letting your eyes go astray as you decided to leave him in the thin black sweater that he was wearing and his boxers. You grabbed your blankets and tucked it around him, smiling slightly when you notice Kyungsoo immediately snuggle to the warm sheets like a child, making himself comfortable as he closed his eyes.
You went to the kitchen then, grabbing a tall glass of water and some aspirin pills before heading back to your room. You’d just placed them on the small bedside table and was turning to leave when you felt a fierce grip on your wrist.
Your breath stopped in your throat as you looked down to see Kyungsoo holding onto you, half-lidded eyes gazing up at you as he whispered one word.
You step towards the bed then, getting on your knees on the floor so that your face would be at the same level as his. You raised the hand that he wasn’t holding to stroke his cheek gently as you murmured, “Sleep, Soo.”
He was quiet, his eyes still dark and intense as they remained locked with yours. Your heart thudded as you briefly wondered if he’d come to his senses and if he remembered everything that he’d just revealed to you but then he opens his mouth again.
“Do you know something?” His voice is hushed, like he’s telling you a secret and you shake your head quietly.
“You always smell like the bakery,” he whispers, smiling softly in a way that made your heart ache. “You smell like fresh bread and sweet vanilla and strong coffee. You smell like happiness. Like home.”
A soft sigh of disbelief escapes your parted lips at his words, his eyes having closed off while he spoke as he slowly fell into deep slumber.
You were so goddamn blind.
“We’re both idiots,” you snort quietly as you gently loosen his grip around your wrist and walk out of the room.
But you decided to be the bigger idiot.
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You heard Kyungsoo shuffling inside your room around noon the next day, making you glance at your bedroom door from where you sat on the couch.
The night had seemed to last forever. After putting Kyungsoo to bed, you’d spent the entire night tossing and turning on the couch restlessly. You briefly considered waking up and baking something or even heading to the bakery so that you could angrily complete that lemon meringue pie you’d left half-baked but your body was extremely exhausted and refused to even move. All the activities of the strenuous day yesterday had completely worn you out yet your brain refused to cooperate, unwilling to grant you the bliss of sleep as your thoughts grew louder with each passing hour of the night. Kyungsoo’s words, his drunken confession all echoed like a haunting melody within your head, forcing you to reminisce and reassess every moment that you’d spent together, viewing it in a light that you’d assumed to only be exclusive to you but had perhaps been the same light that he’d been seeing you in as well.
You didn’t know what to do anymore. You felt more conflicted than you did when he had stood you up and you began to wonder if it had even been a good idea to even go to the club last night.
Should you have even brought him back to your place?
You could hear the shower in your room then and you knew he was probably washing off the events from last night, the stench of all the drinks that he’d downed. You sighed as you grabbed his chopsticks for the Chinese take-out that you’d just ordered—both of your go-to hangover food—since you knew he’d probably be hungry. You hadn’t bothered with breakfast because you knew that he wouldn’t wake up by then so you’d just settled on brunch.
The door opens and your heart jumps as you look up, eyes locking with Kyungsoo. He’d found one of his tees that he’d given you—“you stole it,” he insisted—and sweatpants that he’d left here from a previous sleepover. He looked better than he did last night and you cleared your throat, ignoring the nervous flutter in your chest as you asked blankly, “How’s your head?”
Kyungsoo nodded, stepping forward into the room. “It’s a lot better now. I woke up in the night with a headache and had the aspirin before sleeping again.” He hesitated before murmuring, “Thanks.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why’d you drink so much then, idiot?” You snort as you start to stand up, grabbing your phone.
You gesture to the food on the table. “I ordered Chinese. Have lunch and take another aspirin before you head back… home. Or to the hotel. Or wherever.”
Kyungsoo frowned at you as you searched for your bag. “Wait, what? You’re leaving?”
“I have a bakery to run, Kyungsoo,” you snort, finding your bag and grabbing your car keys as you head for the door while muttering, “I can’t keep coming in late because of you—”
“Y/N, I remember last night.”
You stop, hand freezing on the doorknob as your entire body goes still. Your back is facing him but you can feel his gaze on your back, feel the weight of it.
Kyungsoo’s usual deadpan tone sounds more wry than you’d ever heard it then as he says, “I remember last night so you can stop faking it and talk to me.”
Shit, shit, shit.
You take a breath, forcing yourself to slowly turn around and face him. You relent, throwing the keys and bag aside, crossing your arms in an effort to not reveal the way that your hands are slightly trembling as you nonchalantly reply, “I’m not faking anything, Kyungsoo, I am very mad at you.”
He rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to answer but you cut him off by asking, “How much?”
His gaze shifts to you and you clarify, “How much do you remember?”
“Enough,” Kyungsoo replies, carefully watching you now. When you don’t falter, he concedes, “Enough to know that I confessed to you.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath as you uncross your arms. “Look, it doesn’t have to be—”
“Is this your answer?”
You stop then, looking up at him with wide eyes. You frown at the shift in tone, noticing the despair that he was trying to hide in his expression as you ask, “What do you mean?”
“The fact that you’re pretending that nothing happened,” he answered, stepping forward as he spoke. “The fact that you’re ignoring everything I told you last night. Does it mean that this is never happening? That you’ve never liked me the way I’ve liked you?”
Your eyes are wide, back pressed to the door as he stood in front of you. The words that you wished to respond—even though you had no idea what they even were—were stuck in your throat as you gazed up at him, your breath growing shorter as you felt him raise his arm beside you to place it on the door as if to cage you in.
“Y/N,” he whispered your name, his close proximity and husky voice making your head feel like it was going to spin. Your lips parted of their own accord, head slightly arching back to look up at him as his plush lips hovered over your own. His face was close enough that his warm breath was mingling with yours and you could smell the minty toothpaste—your minty toothpaste.
Your heart was hammering so loudly in your chest that you could hear it, your eyes greedily drinking in the close proximity as they ran over his face with enough scrutiny to commit every detail to memory—the way his long lashes looked against his pale cheek, the tiny almost invisible mole right over his upper lip and the way his eyes looked like they were shining from within as they gazed at you.
Your breath audibly hitched in your throat as he leaned his head slightly to the side, angling his lips to yours until there was only a fraction of space between your mouths. You held your breath as he murmured, the words brushing against your parted lips, “Stop me, Y/N.”
And then Kyungsoo was kissing you.
Your eyes seemed to refuse to close, your body frozen like a statue and your arms were immobile at your sides as you felt his plush lips press against yours. It was light, hesitant and tentative like he was waiting for you to shove him off any second but you could feel the blood pounding through your head and coursing within every vein at that moment.
Fuck it.
You raised your hands tentatively, closing your eyes and almost collapsed back into the door as you started kissing him back. You felt Kyungsoo move his hand from the door then to gingerly place it on your hip and his other hand took your raised one that was hovering between your bodies to place it on his shoulder.
You made a soft sound of approval as you finally melted into the kiss, closing your eyes and digging your fingers into his shoulder to kiss him harder. Kyungsoo grabbed you by your hip then, holding you flush against him as he started kissing you more passionately while you dropped cupped his face with both your hands. You traced your tongue over his lower lip slowly and he was instantly parting his lips, slipping his own tongue into your mouth. Your guess was right earlier, you could taste the mint and as corny as it was, it had never tasted sweeter.
The kiss grew tender as he realised how breathless you seemed to be getting, both of your pulling away slightly while smiling against each other’s lips. Your eyes fluttered open to see Kyungsoo was smiling so hard that his eyes had become little crescents as they looked at you.
“You didn’t stop me,” Kyungsoo breathed out, sounding incredulous enough that you let out a soft laugh.
“You’re an idiot,” you repeated his words from last night, thumb stroking his cheek affectionately before correcting, “Well, we both are. I wouldn’t have stopped you ever, Soo.”
He pauses, gaze shifting from both your eyes as he asks quietly, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“For the same reasons you didn’t,” you replied with a sheepish smile. You suddenly grin with the memory of last night as you say, “If only you told me earlier, I could have said that I’m whipped for you too.”
Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed at that, nose scrunching cutely in confusion as he repeats, “Too?”
“You said last night that you’re whipped for me like whipped cream. That you’re whipped like my Eton mess, like my pies, like my custard—”
“Oh my god, stop!” Kyungsoo buried his face in the crook of your neck in embarrassment, making you burst out laughing aloud as you fully wrapped your arms around his back and held him to you. His voice was muffled as he mumbled, “Most of those things aren’t even whipped.”
“I know!” You laughed again and pulled him away enough from you to look at his face. His cheeks were faintly rosy and it reminded you of last night again.
His voice is grumpy as he asks, “What else did I say last night?”
“A lot of things,” you teased, grinning as you kissed the corner of his mouth. “Enough to torture you for at least a decade.” You gasp exaggeratedly, raising your voice dramatically as you wonder aloud, “Who would have ever thought that Korea’s favourite actor Do Kyungsoo who has an internal breakdown every time he has to do aegyo and act cute was actually so cheesy and corny? That he would look me in the eyes, with his chest out while proudly saying that he is whipped for me like my whipped cream, that he would rather eat me than my custard—”
Kyungsoo grabbed your face then and shutting you up by kissing you again. You grinned against his mouth as he wrapped his arms fully around your waist, lifting you up against the door so that your legs curl around his lean hips.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You murmured into the kiss.
“Yeah, for you,” he countered, kissing your jawline. His husky voice right in your ear made the small hairs on the back of your neck rise as he groaned, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do this?”
“Mm, show me,” you hummed, taking his face into your hands again as you kissed him harder. You thought Kyungsoo would lead you to the couch but he carries you to your bedroom instead, laying you down on the edge so that your legs are hanging off the edge of the bed. You blink up at him, pouting slightly as you clutch the front of your shirt—his shirt. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow then, smirking slightly as he asks, “In a hurry, are we?”
“You think you’re the only one who’s been waiting forever?” You retort, using your elbows to push yourself back further up the mattress. You grab his hand and yank him harshly towards you, making him stumble slightly as he almost fell over your body while you started lifting his shirt off of him.
Kyungsoo raises his arms, helping you pull off the thin shirt and you immediately grab his shoulders, pushing him onto the bed beneath you. He blinks up at you in surprise as you throw your leg over his waist to straddle him, his gaze questioning as he looks at the blouse that you still had on.
“I’m going to be so late for work,” you muttered, pulling the blouse off your neck and throwing it across the room as Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at you.
“Chanyeol can hold the fort down for one day, Y/N,” he snorts as he sits upright against the headboard to grab your hips and seat you on his lap properly. You feel the growing bulge beneath his sweatpants brush against your clothed core and your lips part open of their own accord, making him smirk almost dangerously at you as he murmurs, “Has anyone told you that you’re a workaholic, babygirl?”
The word is so foreign from his lips, his expression so foreign yet familiar as he gripped your hips tightly to adjust you right over the tent in his pants. He leans forward and kisses you with an almost vehement fervour, trailing his hungry mouth over your cheeks, jawline and down the curve of your neck. You sigh softly, eyes closing and head arching back as you feel his plush mouth suck on the sensitive soft spot on your throat, his tongue licking incessantly.
Kyungsoo’s hands move almost unnoticeably, curving around your back to unclasp your bra as he marks up your neck. There’s a fire coursing through your body, making you feel as if you’d been plugged into a circuit—every place on your body that he was touching; his lips, his fingers, his firm thighs spread beneath your own, his warm breath were all sending crackles and tingles of electricity through your veins.
You could feel the outline of his hardness against your thin shorts now, your wet heat pressed right up against him and his fingers expertly pull the bra off your body. His cool fingers are cupping your breasts then, thumbs stroking your nipples experimentally as he teasingly thrusts his hips up into you.
A loud moan leaves your lips unintentionally at the sparks of arousal ignited by his touch and your eyes snap open as you hear yourself, feeling Kyungsoo still slightly beneath you at the very porn-star-like noise that you’d just made.
He pulls away from your neck to look up at your wide eyes and you’re already opening your mouth to apologise, feeling the embarrassment swallowing you but he grabs the side of your neck then, kissing you fiercely.
“You sound so fucking beautiful,” he groaned huskily, closing his eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours, his voice a breathy whisper as he said, “To think that I could have been hearing those moans all this time.”
Your heart swells with an emotion that you can’t quite describe, an overwhelming need to feel as much of him taking over your senses as you crash your lips to his heatedly. Kyungsoo responds immediately, kissing you back just as hard as his fingers continue playing with your breasts and tweaking the nipples while you moan just for him.
Your own hand that had been on his chest lowers down his torso and slips underneath the elastic band of his sweatpants. Your fingers immediately wrap around his length, eliciting a groan at the back of his throat as you smile into the kiss while stroking him up and down.
Lips latching onto the spot beneath his ear, you kiss and suck at the skin gently while pressing him back against the headboard. Teasingly, you explore his length leisurely with your hand and feel the way that it is already slick with pre-cum, using your thumb to spread the fluid around the slit.
You gasp against his neck when his hands tighten harshly around your breasts, fingers squeezing your nipple roughly enough that you felt it all the way in your throbbing pussy. Quickening the pace of your wrist, you continue circling the soft bulbous head of his dick with your thumb while he gropes your breasts. You pull away then to look at him, watching the way his chest heaves with the movement of your hand and his eyes flutter dazedly at you.
His gaze is unfocused and you lean forward then, kissing him as you start stroking his length with repeated up-and-down motions. Kyungsoo grabs your wrist then, stopping you and he pulls away from your mouth enough to say, “You’re going to make me cum like this.”
Kyungsoo’s hands find your hips then, tugging at the black shorts that you had on and you let him slip his hands beneath the waistband, pulling both your shorts and panties down your bare thighs. You raise your ass off his lap and yank the material from around your ankles hurriedly before straddling him again.
You grab his erection then, holding your breath and watch Kyungsoo’s face, noticing the awe on his face as you rub his head over your slit that was glistening with arousal.
“Oh fuck,” he curses lowly as you guide his dick inside you, the head parting open your dripping slit and your eyes were already fluttering at the immense pleasure you felt with just his tip inside you. You didn’t even realise the way you’d been whimpering until Kyungsoo shifts his gaze higher to watch your face, staring at you as you arched your head back while slowly pushing yourself down onto his length.
Your free hand is on his shoulder, his own wrapped around your wrist as you whimpered his name breathily when you feel his thick length stretching your tight walls open in the most pleasurable way. Kyungsoo’s arms wrap around your waist then as you begin moving up and down on his lap, riding his dick at an already speedy pace while you felt your lower abdomen tighten with arousal.
His plush lips latched onto your breast then and you moaned loudly, grabbing the back of his head and holding it to your chest as he sucked your nipple into his warm mouth. The wet warmth of his tongue and lips, along with the way his dick felt inside you as the tip brushed against your clit with every movement you made all had you soon trembling on his lap as you tried to reach both your highs.
Growing impatient, Kyungsoo grabs your hips then and pulls you off of his length, making you gasp at the sudden feeling of emptiness, your walls desperately clenching around nothing. He shifts you around so that you’re lying back on the mattress, hands quickly removing the sweatpants that he still had on before crawling back atop you and spreading your legs wide.
His eyes are dark and heavy as they watch your face clearer then, memorising the way your lids flutter when he pushes his dick into your throbbing wetness again. You mewl softly as he fills you up again, already addicted to the way he feels inside you as you wrap your arms around his back.  
You don’t get a moment longer to relish in the feeling as Kyungsoo immediately starts moving his hips at a quick and snappy pace against you, thrusting into you roughly enough that you can hear the echoes of skin slapping against skin. The wet squelching noises of your core become louder with every thrust, your walls tightening with the looming orgasm as he fucks you and you don’t realise how loud you are until he lowers his face to your chest.
Walls clenching around him tightly as if to suck him inside you, he groans at how utterly tight you feel as he thrusts faster. Your pussy convulses as his teeth sinks into your sore breast, Kyungsoo realising how sensitive you are over there by the way your body instantly reacts to him as you feel yourself finally fall off the edge.
Your nails are digging into his back and you groan as Kyungsoo’s hips stutter against yours, the rapid way that your pussy clenches and unclenches around him as you cum setting off his own orgasm. You gasp as you feel his warm heat flood into your slickness, filling you up as he continues sloppily thrusting to draw out both your orgasms.
You’re whining his name into his flushed neck as you slowly come down from your high, hand lowering to the small of his back as he collapses on top of you. He buries his face in your shoulder, breathing hard as you wrap your other hand around the back of his head while trying to catch your own breath. Feeling him soften inside you, he begins to pull away slightly but you wrap your leg around him and push him to his side so that he is still inside you with your body still pressed up against him.
You’d always thought Kyungsoo looked beautiful but you don’t think you’d ever seen him as radiant as he was right now, basking in a post-orgasm glow as he smiles at you. His gaze is filled with so much warmth and affection, the same expression that he’d had yesterday at the club when he’d first seen you and you feel shy all over again.
“Hi,” you mutter embarrassedly and Kyungsoo laughs softly, nudging your nose with his own.
“Hi,” he teases back, grinning.  
He wraps his arm around your waist then, pulling you to his chest and you snuggle in that familiar warmth, smiling when you feel him bury his nose in your hair and inhale, remembering his drunken words from earlier.
‘You smell like happiness. Like home’.
You tightened your arms around Kyungsoo then, finally being able to realise the emotions that you always felt around him, that you always felt with him and that you felt now when you held him. The way that your heart had always swelled with every touch and gaze of his, that indescribable happiness that took over your entire body every time that he came back from a shoot and you had your arms around him again.
Best friend or boyfriend, Kyungsoo was your happiness.
He was your home.
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lils-of-the-valley · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
You know what time it it! ML reaction! Because these are fun to do
I'm very excited to see something revolving around Shanghai and China. I always loved ML because it was the first time I got to see my own heritage in a show (French and Chinese) so now I'm excited for the China part!
Already digging the prologue part of this
I thought it was Mari speaking at first, but nope
I'm both happy and disappointed in the hair stripe on the girl (Fei??)
Oh no! I just got Wu Shifu and he's already dead???
Poor baby, she's already got it so rough.....
Guardian Bug!
Summer vacation for the kids!!
Hawkmoth not being active is hella sus.... And Mari knows it too
"I'm going to be late, something came up" "why am I not even surprised?" Is so fucking funny to me???
Also the animation is beautiful here, just wanted to point it out
Adrien was shipped off to Shanghai?? Oh no, Mari, no, don't look at your package like that....
As we know, Gorilla does not like flying, but he seems so much calmer than in the NY special
"besides, I'm happy to spend time with you, father" BABY PLEASE! NO! YOUR FRIENDS ARE BETTER THAN THAT ASSHOLE
Nooroo, I don't think you understand. This man is psycho
Started 15 years ago??? What the fuck Gab???
Mari, I don't think you can--- you know what, go off. I respect your efforts
Tom wtf
Aw, Sabine and Tom are so happy and excited. That's so cute
Uncle is so happy but also so sad omg... He's so sweet
Gab is an asshole, again.
Wait, did he just tell his 15 y/o kid to go explore Shanghai alone? (I know Gorilla will be there, but still)
So I'm guessing the Cheng's speak Mandarin because I don't recognize the words
I really like that they included the fact that Sabine changed names when she immigrated.
Mari really said I will explore this unknown city all alone and find Adrien
Props to the person who did the subs. "[he may know how to speak Chinese - but I don't]" has got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen
CN merch and NY hero merch! I forgot Gorilla collects those
Soft Adrien! He loves Gorilla so so much!
Every time I see Gabriel Agreste, I want to punch him in the face
Master of disguises guardian girl!
Of course Gab cancelled on his kid
Oh Mari, you managed to spit him
Oh shit, Mari just got pick pocketed (which sadly is not uncommon in China...)
Aww, Adrien making dumplings! This kid needs a loving family
Mari, that's a shitty drawing of earnings.
Adrien is such a sweetie who wants to surprise Mari
200 yuan, that's like... 30$ no?
This is manipulation at its finest
Plagg's got a point, how is Chat gonna explain that he's in Shanghai?
Mari is really not great at disguises
I still can't believe they let 2 kids run along through Shanghai all alone
I really wish I knew Mandarin...
On one hand, I get Mari. On the other, this girl is a pro pickpocket
Chaton loves Mari si much 🥺🥺🥺
Ok, so is Wu Shifu not dead?
Honestly fuck Gabriel Agreste.
Does no one hear Hawkmoth's monologue?
Jfc Hawkmoth, stop yeeting children
I really dint like this Akuma. His face creeps me out
Other miracle box?
She a teddy bear who named herself LadyBear
Longg? There's two of them?
Oh shit, she almost punched him in the balls
Lol Hawkmoth's dead
Like I feel bad for Fei, but Kitty hurts
Also she doesn't live by the hide your identity philosophy it seems
I kinda wanna look up the meaning of the names now...
Here's my kitty????
Fuck Hawkmoth is back
Curious: how old is Sabine? If Uncle is 60?
Also, Uncle is an Adrinette shipper
So he raised Sabine? That's actually so cute
Wait, what the fuck did Mari say? I'm sorry, I never learned Chinese!
My final rating: again, I really liked it. I think I preferred the NY one, but might just because it was gayer and got really excited over that? And I'm more accustomed with American culture, but I really liked the Shanghai special. It brought up a lot of memories of when I went to China which was fun. Also I loved the animation. Just wished Gabriel stayed dead....
31 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 19:20:31 GMT
Sorry y'all, I know I'm late, but I didn't have time yesterday. So HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS AND REACTIONS REGARDING GUILT TRIP LETS GO!
Why am I not surprised that Rose had an imaginary friend that was a unicorn in 6th grade?
And she's so small, I want to hug her
She's so positive, I need that in my life
Juleka is so worried about her girlfriend :(((
Oop-- Mari, maybe that wasn't a good idea
Juleka, no, baby.....
I know I say this every time, but fuck Hawkmoth
The heart vision, I feel like it's been so long
I love how Mari can just turn off her nervousness because her friend's wellbeing is more important than her crush
What the fuck is that sketch place they're going in
The fuck is that portal thing???
Adrien is so kind and sweet, I love him
Oh, it's a boiler room
I know they're all worried about this chronic illness and that they are teenagers, but breath kids, deep breaths, you're all going to panic and I don't know who it will hurt more: yourself or already devastated Jules
Kim is such a dork, I love him
I love all the kids, that's no secret and I will never hide it
The class is so tight-knit, that's so sweet. They all care so much about each other, I wish we were like that growing up
Juleka is freaking out and I get it because they said they wouldn't treat Rose any different, but baby, I need you to breathe. I'm sure Rose loves to hear this, it's honestly really nice to be told that people care about you
See, she's so happy
Ok guys, maybe y'all are laying it a little thick here
An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Ok, Rose's like squinty "You're hiding something from me" is really cute
Aww, we stan an honest girlfriend
We really didn't have enough Rose content until now. I love her so much??? I love how positive she is about what she's going through and how she's not having any of the class's overprotective shit, all while not telling them off
The group hug!!!!
The fucking panic at a sneeze.....
I feel so bad for Juleka. It's not your fault, baby
"betraying a best friend" I think you mean girlfriend, sir (I know, I know, they won't make it canon...)
Can they not become new akumas? Because honestly, I do not like Reflecta
Miss Meldieve (idk how to spell her name) being sucked into the blackhole should not make me laugh so hard
There's something unsettling about the goob balls being spit out and I really don't like it. Makes me a little uncomfy
Yeah, the goobs makes me very uncomfortable. Should I talk to my therapist about this?
What Chaton gonna self destruct???
Rose to the rescue!!!
She doesn't have the magic of a magical girl wand, she has the power of positivity!
Did LB's suit power up?? I really like this new suit. Highkey wanna make a new LB cosplay with that design now
Daizzi is so cute, omg
That was so simple, we need more than those
Well shit, there's angry amoks
Ok, this episode had a simple solution to things. That's a nice change.
Wait, LB has that power now to give protective charms?? That's amazing
Aw, the class is back to normal
Ok, so final thoughts. I actually really enjoyed the simplicity of the episode, no big physical fights. I like the mental/emotional battle of the episode! And positivity always wins! So, remember y'all! You're awesome and I love you!! You might be feeling down, but don't give up! Positivity isn't always easy, but you can manage it, even if it's a little thing! I believe in you and so does Rose! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
43 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 03:32:52 GMT
Gang of secrets reaction time! I've been avoiding tumblr all day for this, so let's goooo!!!!
Forgetting the pound it? That's sad.....
Lol, Chat bringing Ladybug to see a movie
Uuuhhh, hey Ladybug? Are you projecting by any chance? Are you thinking about your Luka/Adrien (and maybe Chat) situation?
Oh, baby, you're heart broken because if your Luka and Adrien thing.....
I still don't get it why Juleka mumbles
Oof, no one knew about the break up until Luka (who looks devastated) told his sister about it
Alya baby.... At least she's not mad about it. Alya is such a good best friend!
The girl squad is so cute omg, I love them so much
Trixx is trying so hard to cheer Mari up
Aww, the bracelet idea is so cute
Alix really does not want to put up with this love affair bullshit, but she's also so understanding
Mari, baby, no, you can't live your life as Ladybug
Oof, Mari, that's a little harsh. I know you're hurt and hiding a secret, but girl. But like... I can't think of what she could have said.... Because I know if Mari said she wanted to be alone, they wouldn't have left bc they'd be worried, but also....
I'm honestly saddest for Alya because Mari was her first friend and her best friend
I liked that multi Akuma shot
Oh look, Juleka can talk
I love learning about what happens when kwamis use their powers without holders
The fuck did Trixx do? Oh-- lol, the Eiffel Tower
Plagg "hey it wasn't me this time!" The kwami
Mari is so sad :((( she knows she's to blame, that she was the one who provoked this, but like, what could she do
Alya and LB heart to heart 💖💖💖
I missed Rena so fucking much
Chat and Rena working together!!!
I love the team work
Bye bye little butterfly~~
Triple pound it
I still hate Hawkmoth
Aww, LB and Alya hug
Awww Mari saying she loves her friends and confiding in her friends about her heart break
Alya reminding Mari that she's her best friend
That hand grab!
Mari's mental break down is breaking me omg
Alya is so supportive, she's the best best friend
So final thoughts, HOLY FUCK. OMG. I don't even know where to start. The episode was great to build the girls' friendships, especially between Alya and Marinette (I've been missing them) but like, HOLY FUCK. I'm gonna need a few days to process this 1000000/10, best one so far
58 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 21:22:59 GMT
All I know of Miraculous now days is that Luka should legally be allowed to say fuck
78 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 14:36:05 GMT
It's been 24 hours and I'm still thinking about Gang of Secrets. I'm mostly thinking of what this will do to Alya and Marinette's friendship. And I know Mari was super worried that it would change everything, make things bad between them, but I think this will be great for their friendship.
We know that Alya has been super invested in LB since the beginning (see the LadyBlog being a thing) but now she'll have all this back scoop on the whole situation. And I'm not saying she's going to use it to her advantage, but in a way she can. Because now she can go to Mari/LB and ask her directly if publishing something is okay with her and if it's correct. I don't know what it's like running a blog on a celebrity, but I don't think Alya ever wanted to make LB uncomfortable, so now she can get Mari to proofread what she publishes to make sure it 1) doesn't compromise her secret (sometimes you can slip up without meaning to or even realizing you did), 2) doesn't make Mari uncomfortable.
And I want to talk about the LadyBlog a bit more.
Now that Alya knows, she will have to pretend that she doesn't know who LB is because she has to continue the LadyBlog (it would be sus if she shut it down just like that). Do y'all realize the shenanigans the girls can do with this now? Alya, knowing who LB is, putting out conspiracy theories like "What if Ladybug is actually [insert super famous celebrity]? What if the magic makes whoever is under the mask seem like a teenager just to cover up who they really are? Is it even possible for teenagers to be that strong and still manage class work? Thoughts?" and both girls crying at how dumb that sounds. They could fuck with Paris so easily and have so much fun with it (And y'all can't convince me that there isn't a dumb conspiracy theory page in the LadyBlog)
And the gossip column of the blog. We all know that Alya is a big LadyNoir shipper. Now that she knows that Mari is LB, she 100% will tease Mari about Chat, but she also will respect Mari's boundaries and not push that agenda onto her. If Mari says she doesn't like Chat, then that's that. But in the LadyBlog? Again, Mari will be there with her. Can y'all imagine the "Mari, look at how he's looking at you. And that boop you did! Can I please publish this?" "Only if you let me write the article that goes with it and I stay anonymous" and cue Mari writing this really shitty LadyNoir fanfic that half of Paris reads and love because "The characterization is amazing!" (Also, Adrien reads it every night because it feels so real)
The girls will have so much power after this, so much chaotic potential. I'm living for it
Also, more on the practical side, but Alya can totally help cover for Mari. In the past seasons, Mari has seemed like a shitty friend to her friends for being late and missing hangouts and all that, but now Alya will know why and can totally cover up for her. I know that everyone just goes "Well, it's Mari, of course she's late/not here" but after a while, it feels like shit, but with Alya being able to cover? It will make things a bit better. There's still going to be the whole "well, you know Mari, probably lost track of time," but she can also totally pull things like "Oh, shit, I'm so sorry! I forgot to tell you guys that Mari is going to be late! Her parents need her at the bakery for a little longer, so sorry I forgot to tell you guys!" so the burden is a little less on Mari. And that will lessen Mari's stress by a bit, at least. Having someone in her corner will help her so much
And this is just the girls in their day to day life. This isn't even taking in account what will happen with Alya helping out Mari as the guardian or as Ladybug. I just.... I love their friendship so much and I'm so happy Mari told Alya. I'm just... so happy.
176 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 19:57:31 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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“RYAN WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO?!” and other shit you might wonder
First off: I am so sorry for disappearing off of the face of the earth oh my god
Second off: I’m going on an indefinite hiatus as of Sundayish. Yes, you read that right, an indefinite hiatus. All the content on the blog will stay for our enjoyment, and I fully authorize use of my gifs anywhere and everywehre
Third off: if you’re struggling rn, shit gets better, PLEASE trust me on this.
TLDR of this post; I got better, so can you, and I’m heading out.
ENT GC: let me know if you want admin. Do what you want with the blog, and if you wanna make a new group chat, please do so since I won’t be around to add people.
How can I contact you/get your contact info before you go? Dallyn and Daphne have my contact info so if you ever need to reach me and I’m gone... yeah. Like I said, I’ll be heading out Sundayish, so I’ll periodically log in here if you wanna talk to me/get my info before I go.
What’s your actual name? That... that’s a long story, too. LMAO. Especially if you know me. DM me for the story if you know me.
Why are you leaving? So, as you guys know, I started college, which is completely and utterly whack. Everything is changed, everything is different and I have friends now? Like, WTF. I’ve been so wrapped up in work it took me forever to get on here after Dallyn texted me “your account got hacked” so... oops. I let everyone into the ent gc (oh my GOD i look back at that and have a love/hate relationship with it!) and let me know if you figure out a way to make admins on it??? I’m confused AF.
I’m going to be focusing off college and staying off Tumblr for a while. It was 2 am technically today and I was reading all my old posts like “jfc I was so depressed???” and now I’m just... not. I made friends, real friends, over the summer. People who understand and get it (and yes some of them are ent stans.)
Why did you disappear in May and why are you leaving again? Shortly put, and I don’t mean to sound mean, I made real friends. Real as in I will physically interact with them in real life (aka college friends). I kind of weaned off Tumblr slowly, and only kept going back for the ent gc (I LOVE YOU GUYS THOUGH!!!). And it kinda became a drag.
When I came back to Tumblr, it was like late January and early February. I’d just got out of the Instagram rping world and was so tempted to start one here, but I was scared and intimidated, and I’m glad I didn’t. Breaking off rp was the best thing I’d ever done for myself, and the best thing that this toxic girl ever did for me. My shitty mental health had been kinda dependent on this rp, it’s hard to explain, but I was being a jerk and kinda had been since freshman year with projecting my feelings onto my character’s and blurring the lines far too much between me and her. She was (and is!) still hella overpowered, hella perfect, and something that would absolutely never happen in canon.
Honestly, this whole situation was basically the lyrics to the song Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd. I love that song, go give it a listen.
Point being, I got myself off of that once I realized. The problem had started in January 2017, ran through October 2017, and then took a hiatus until junior year but only started to really manifest itself in February 2019. And honestly, mainly when school started back, in September/October 2019 and lasted until January 4 when she and I had our last fight. (She messaged me again, later- here- and since making that post, we’ve ended things on neutral terms.)
So I came here. Tumblr. I’d been here in 2017 right after the OTHER rp ended, and I think Tumblr became my new outlet then, too. I was a baby in the middle of my freshman year then. And then there I was, coming full circle. As a senior in high school. I read all of my old posts about how I’d never make it, and there I was. I’d made it. The end of HS was in sight.
I straight up vibed through all of May. Now, I was slowly making friends in college already, but it only really took off in April and May, which is when I left. I focused more on those, building those connections. I loved you guys on Tumblr, I still do, but I was definitely going to meet these college friends. And as I pulled my head out of Tumblr, I got a job, an actual paying job , in June- and I was already gone.
As I looked back on my posts last night/this morning I was thinking “oh my GOD what the fuck” because jfc, Tumblr had turned into the place where I vented. And then as I got through the months, I became happier. The pandemic was around, duh, and I didn’t have as much school stressing me out, there wasn’t as much craziness around. I was free, I didn’t have people from high school to deal with, and I got better on my own.
YEAH, I was talking to a college guy. And yeah, that was nice, but it was more of a side thing. He was my friend, and he played me, but I learned to be myself. Learned to love Enterprise wildly and give absolutely no fucks.
And it is oh so nice to give zero fucks. It’s an amazing feeling. I hope everyone gets there someday. And yeah, I’ve had moments where people don’t like me, and moments where I’ve felt down, depressed. That’s not saying life is always perfect 100% of the time.
But what I’m trying to say is: it gets better. And to me, Tumblr was like a crutch. Sometimes you need it to help you stand, but when you think you always need it, and can stand on your own, that’s where the problem is. In May, I became confident enough to let the crutch go. And I’m thankful that I did that.
I still love you guys, everyone reading this post, the people that know me and are going to miss me. It’s not that I hate this website or anything- I just stopped using it as a crutch, you know?
Where can I read this crazy fanfic? DM me, haha. It’s the classic “self-insert but NOT a self-insert” fanfiction originating form a fifth grade idea, reformatted by my depressed fourteen-year-old self. And I wouldn’t change it for the world. Yes, it’s Star Trek.
I also have one for the girl’s relative, too, which IMO is much better. She’s less overpowered, more of a real human being.
So why mention the fanfic and RP? It’s weird; I’ve come full circle. I wanted to be this perfect girl, and then I planned how she’d finish her story (and I’m finishing it. I am, I promise, because she’s a part of me that I wouldn’t trade for anything). As I’ve taken a break from the E/AP-verse (my public nickname for it haha, someone found out here) I’ve realized again, I came full circle.
All I wanted back then was to be happy and I thought a guy would do it. Popularity, a bunch of friends, a “hot body” (btw FUCK BODY SHAMING and you’re all perfect) and all that BS that the media tells you. What really gives you happiness (or at least me)? Confidence. The fact that I know I have friends I can count on here. Yeah, a relationship is nice, but complete yourself before you get into one.
And when I planned my OC’s ending back in February, that’s what she got. She’s married in my head now, to her (and my!) perfect guy, but the important part is that she’s happy, and she’s herself before she got married. Before she got in her relationship.
So, yeah. I think that covers it. In all honesty, if you have more questions, send them to the ask box and I’ll tag them and all this as “ry’s goodbye” and update my nav page. It’s 12:39 AM so please excuse any typos!
Bye, guys. For now, at least.
I love you.
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adonis-koo · 5 years
Three’s a crowd
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Plot: (CEO AU) When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was suppose to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation… Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin, Hoseok/Reader, Taehyung/Reader, Genre: Smut, angst, drama, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 13k
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Tags: so much smut jfc rough sex, dirty talk, daddy kink, degradation, humiliation highkey, infidelity, angry fucking, hair pulling, semi public sex, handjob, edging, punishment, sir kink, bondage, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, begging, orgasm denial, dom!jungkook
Warning ⚠️ This fic touches on drug use, alcoholism and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggers for you 🖤
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What a fucking unflattering way of introducing yourself Y/n, way to fucking go. You had hurriedly wiped your mouth sitting up in your seat with a bright red face, “Uh- Fiancée? It’s nice to meet you!” You frantically bowed your head slightly as you coughed, internally cringing at how painstakingly clear the shock on your face was,“I’m L/n Y/n.” 
Jae gave you a sniveling smile as if she was looking down her nose at your fumbling mess of a personality. And probably for good reason, everyone at the table seemed bewildered at your not so subtle reaction as you awkwardly pressed back in your seat slowly sinking down. Closing your eyes briefly as you sucked in a harsh breath of air. Way to go Y/n, just keep on making it worse.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You severely doubted she thought it was nice to meet you. It’s as if she had you already figured out and knew you had slept with her fiancé. But you didn’t know he was engaged! You wouldn’t have even breathed in his direction if you knew he was getting married. Why didn’t he tell you!? Who the fuck doesn’t mention they’re engaged, and furthermore who the fuck cheats on their fiancée? 
You had thought, for a brief moment in time, when you were wrapped in his arms not so long ago earlier that morning, he was different. From any guy you had ever met honestly, but it was obvious you were wrong. Swallowing thickly you put back on a stoic expression as you gave her a tight smile, “Of course! It’s nice to meet you as well.” You didn’t have the nerve to look at Jungkook though you were well aware of his gaze that bored into you, almost hoping you would glance back at him.
But you couldn’t manage his gaze at the moment. It was your mother who spoke up introducing herself and the conversation resumed after your awkward halt. Tightly you pulled out your phone, panic texting your friends for help.
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Pinching the bridge of your nose you closed your phone, that was last fucking thing you needed to hear.
Forcefully relaxing your shoulders you closed your phone. You couldn’t find your voice the rest of lunch as you tried to process your situation. You were basically a grade A whore now, sleeping with someone who was taken. Granted you weren’t aware of it but still, it didn’t make you feel any better. She’d send a menacing smile and glaring eyes your way every so often and you couldn’t blame her. You’d be pissed too if you knew someone you loved dearly was sleeping around- actually no. You’d be devastated more then angry. But everyone’s different and Jae was no exception. 
Her arm was securely wrapped around his bicep the entire time though you’d occasionally glance at Jungkook when he was in conversation, he didn’t seem to reciprocate the action a whole lot. Which was kinda odd given how clingy he was by nature, your morning memory came to mind as you tilted your head in confusion. 
You’d think he’d be a bit more clingy with her, granted if he cheated on her with you- and who knows who else you couldn’t say you were surprised after giving it some thought. You quickly glanced away after catching another heated look from Jae a silent warning to not even look at what was hers. Talk about possessive.
When lunch was finally over you had quickly stood up ready to go, Jimin had glanced over at you before finally making his way to your side, leaning down to your ear as he murmured, “What was that at the table?”
Swallowing thickly you shrugged shaking your head, “I’m not good at surprises. Tabloids everywhere say he’s single but he really isn’t. Kinda baiting don’t you think?” You leaned close to him as you replied back quietly, keeping your tone low and your voice as casual as you could make it.
Jimin glanced at you, reading your expression before giving a shrug of his own, “I don’t know the details but they go engaged around last month. It’s not public yet hence why tabloids haven’t exploded about him being off the market. Why the sudden interest? Hm?” He was testing you obviously.
“Like I said,” you answered casually, not letting him pressure you as you stood your ground, if there was one thing you could count on it was your nerves of steel in these situations. Looking back on it you couldn’t help but scold yourself, of course Jungkook was engaged, someone as rich as him and with the family he has, you shouldn’t have been surprised, “I’m not good with surprised.” 
Obviously you both knew that was a lie, in terms of your cover up but Jimin didn’t push the subject, he only wrapped an arm around your waist before asking, “You look tense, want me to take you back to the hotel?” 
You watched as Jungkook got up, pulling Jae’s chair out for her as she gave him an appreciative smile, a whole different look compared to what she gave you. Pressing herself against his side as she cooed out a thank you. Jungkook only nodded, looking reserved before expectantly wrapping an arm loosely around her waist, his eyes snapping to yours as if feeling your gaze. 
You instantly looked away biting your lip as his eyes glanced down at your waist where Jimin had placed his hand, his jaw clenched slightly but looked away regardless, pulling Jae along as she happily walked snuggled against his side.
“Yeah, no offense but this place blows.” You had meant your words too, why the fuck was everyone you liked so unavailable? Taehyung was right though, if all else failed you did have Jimin. Smirking he nodded leading the way, obviously not bothered a bit by your words.
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The rest of the day had dragged on, Jimin had left for awhile saying he’d be back but he had business to attend too. You had eventually found your way out to the outside pool, as expected it was huge with plenty of cushioned lay out chair to spare. You had spent most of the day texting your friends complaining about life though they weren’t exactly feeling sorry for you given you were currently laying out in the sun milking a margarita. 
The speakers thrummed a soft jazz tune and the pool had been relatively quiet besides the few people that had resided in it. For as much shit as you had put up with during these past few days it was nice finally having a moment to yourself. Relaxing into your chair as you took another sip on the tart drink.
Eventually the mid day bled into the afternoon and it was nearing six o’clock, the sun was setting and you never did hear back from Jimin. He really wanted to continue that sauna room experience, thinking back to when you saw him on your date with Jungkook you briefly wondered if he ran into someone more interesting to sleep with. 
A likely possibility, leaving you to your own devices. Sighing you had got up stretching as you pulled on your swim cover, hearing a ding from phone you had assumed it was your group chat until you saw the private number.
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You swallowed thickly, gripping your phone tight as you made your way back to your room. After the first initial shock you were now sent into anger, feeling slightly mislead and betrayed, you honestly came out here looking for a pretty good time. And all you got so far was a cheating scandal just waiting to happen and you did not want your face full blast in tabloid magazines. Furthermore you’d never be able to face your mom again should that happen. You closed the door to your room changing out into your shorts and top again as you sat down broodingly. 
How dare he just claim he was gonna come to your room and rectify why he cheated on his fiancée. That wasn’t redeemable in your book. Shortly you heard a knock rap against the door making you sigh, dragging yourself off the bed as you opened it. Jungkook had a determined expression as he abruptly came inside making you take a step back, he shut the door locking it before turning to face you. Suddenly becoming sheepish to find you with crossed arms and an expression to reckon with, “I have an explanation...” 
Whatever determination he had previously whittled away from your anger as he fidgeted slightly. With a clenched jaw you curved a brow before replying, “Jungkook I don’t care, I don’t want an explanation, I just want honesty. You have a fiancée, someone who clearly wants to be with you. Why the fuck would you cheat on her- god especially with someone like me.” You couldn’t even look at him you were so angry, angry rightly for her. 
Turning around as you ran a hand through your hair. He had no right to do that to her. Not one right. He had made himself sound like some wholesome fucking baby that was different from the rest but he was just the same, the most accurate thing you could describe yourself as was felt lied too.You felt like you had been mislead from the very beginning. 
You could hear Jungkook sigh as he shuffled presumably closer to you, making you whip around cautiously as you stepped back. “Look, yeah she likes me but this engagement?” His eyes turned dark again and his shoulders tense, “It means nothing to me. The only reason I proposed in the first place was because her dad’s a politician that’s funding one of my dads long term leading projects. If I married her that would seal the deal permanently. It’s just business transaction.”
You couldn’t even believe what you were hearing, you understood to a degree. As much as you could but still, pressing your lips together you hadn’t budged as much as Jungkook would’ve liked. What did it matter if he was engaged? That never stopped any other girl he ever slept with. 
“And? That still doesn’t make it okay,” you scoffed crossing your arms, “She really likes you. It’d be hard to miss that, does she know?” 
Jungkook rolled his eyes, scoffing as he curved a brow, “Of course she does, she knows I’m not interested. You wanna know a secret Y/n?” He suddenly leaned down, his hot breath tickling your face as he continued, “She sleeps around just as much as me. If I’m the cheater what does that make her? Hm? Don’t let her make you think she’s a fucking saint because she isn’t.” 
The anger in his eyes made you take an unsteady step back, feeling your shoulders tense slightly from your nerves. Had he tried to make it work in the beginning? The anger in his eyes didn’t make much sense if he didn’t care to begin with, “And what the hell does ‘sleeping with someone like you’ have to do with this?” Jungkook squinted his eyes into a harsh glare, though he was looking directly at you it seemed more savored for your quoted words. 
Crossing your arms more defensively then out of annoyance as you rolled your eyes, “Exactly what it sounds like Jungkook. Why sleep with someone like me when you have someone like her to go too.” 
You didn’t even know why you were arguing with him, you didn’t have your hopes set on dating him beforehand and you sure as hell didn’t have that expectation now. The righteousness you didn’t even know you had jumped out though, chastising him even if it wasn’t your place to.
“Because she doesn’t actually love me Y/n. She just wants a fucking side piece and I am not the guy for that. Even if I stopped she wouldn’t. She never did.” He spat out vehemently, and that’s when you realized there was a past history there. Had they been an item before? They must have been, taking a moment to step outside of your own anger you finally noticed the layer of hurt in his eyes while talking about her. 
The room had become silent as you took a quiet breath, sighing as you dropped your shoulders. What were you suppose to do with this? You didn’t want to sleep with someone who was spoken for, even if they both slept around that still didn’t make it okay. But he had obviously been hurt by her, wanting nothing to do with her. And by the looks of it Jungkook was wanting to seek comfort in you. Finally he broke the silence his voice weak noticing you were mulling over the situation, “Say something, please Y/n. I really enjoy talking to you, I don’t want to lose that over something like this...”
Finally you dropped your arms before running a hand through your hair sighing again, “Well what do you want me to say? I don’t know what to do with this.” You were being honest, you were at a loss for words and actions. Your morality was still ringing high in saying it wasn’t right but if they were only together because of their parents were they really together at all? With what little insight Jungkook had given you it almost seemed like a toxic relationship. 
You almost shuddered at the thought, thinking about it you couldn’t really blame him. Who’d want to marry someone who had cheated and hurt them? But still, wasn’t he doing the same thing to her now? Chewing your lip your eyes had finally fell to the floor. But did she really love him if she was the one who had first cheated on him? 
His shoes came into view before you felt his hands cup your face, flinching involuntarily at the gesture despite his soft grip. Making you glance up at his towering figure, Jungkook’s eyes had softened finally, leaning in close as he murmured, “Tell me you’ll stay anyways,” his thumbs gently stroking your cheekbones, “It isn’t right,” He finally agreed quietly as he leaned in closer his lips dangerously close to yours, “But I don’t care.” 
Closing your eyes you swallowed harshly before parting your lips, there was something so alluring about those dark oak eyes and his voice so hushed and gentle, but so deep and strong. Jungkook’s lips were just as soft as you remembered except they had now captured your own. Languidly brushing against yours in a soft passion as his hands lingered from your face down your shoulders and arms before placing against your waist. 
His large hands squeezed lightly before bringing you closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss as he began to bite against your bottom lip. Letting all of your concerns and thoughts fly out of the window as you opened your mouth granting him access. His tongue ran against yours slowly as if savoring every moment. 
Somewhere along the line Jungkook had began to back you towards the bed, his hands slipping under your top as he began to roughly stroke your skin. Your body had almost instantly responded, feeling your core flair up and a muffled moan leaving your lips. Taking that as a green light he had instantly tugged your top upwards, breaking the kiss for a split second to let him take it off of you before his lips instantly found yours again. 
This time rougher as his hands roamed your body, unzipping your shorts before letting them drop to the floor. Making you sit down on the bed as he kneeled between your legs. His tongue back in your mouth again though this time harsher dominating it as his hands squeezed against your exposed thighs making your core hotter. 
Your hands had tangled in his silky hair feeling yourself becoming needier by the minute, as if sensing that Jungkook had broke the kiss only to roughly trail his lips down your neck. Letting his tongue drag down your body as your hands massaged into his hair encouraging his movement. The air in the room had become laced with a new tension of lust that you should’ve stopped but found yourself too entranced to try.
Jungkook had let his hand stroke up your clothed core, the wet sound making your face heat up as he hummed out, “Ready for daddy’s cock so soon?”
Your body was burning up at just the idea of his thick long dick pulsing inside your walls as you whined nodding eagerly, “Come on help daddy get undressed.” He commanded making you spring into action. Feeling his fingers prod against your clit making your hips buck into him as your fingers trembled quickly undoing his tie while he discarded his jacket.
Your fingers had nimbly went to work on unbuttoning his top as his fingers begin to circle your clit making you meow out in neediness. Fuck why were you so weak? But his fingers felt so good, he felt good. You couldn’t stop now.
Jungkook let out a strained laugh, his shirt unbuttoned exposing his well built body as he unzipped his slacks, the large dent in them letting you know foreplay wasn’t going to be necessary today, “Ready for daddy’s cock babygirl? Want me to pound into you?”
“Please.” You nodded, your face flushed shy as you unclasped your bra, managing to get it off while you felt his fingers almost hurriedly pull down the band of your panties. Exposing you fully as he let his cock spring free from his pants, fuck he was big. It stood firm and proud as he gripped it, pumping it a few times as his jaw clenched before guiding it towards your wet throbbing pussy. 
Dragging it against your wet slick as you whined, feeling his tip drag against your clit as you tried to buck against it, “Don’t be an Impatient brat.” Jungkook snapped, slapping his cock against your clit as you withered beneath him whining, “You like that huh?” He slapped it again, feeling his tip make your clit fold slightly as the pleasure trembled through you.
Grabbing his tip he began to expertly drag it circling around your aroused bud making the pressure build in you core as you finally whimpered out, “Mmm fuck! Please fuck me! Please, please.” 
Feeling his tip drag down your slit as he coated himself in your arousal, “You sure you can take me baby?” Jungkook asked mockingly though his muscles strained beneath you.
“I-I can! Please just fuck me, please!” You nodded whining as you tried to buck your hips into his tip. Feeling him place his arms on either side of you he growled out frustrated before feeling his tip against your entrance, wasting no time to sink it in as you squirmed beneath him lacing your fingers in his hair again.
Hearing you so vocal made Jungkook quickly begin to buck his hips against you, thrusting further inside you, filling and stretching you out almost painfully but he didn’t wait for you to adjust before he began to slam his hips into yours, “Careful what you wish for brat.” He snapped out, grabbing your hips roughly to keep them still so he could fuck into you. You had been moaning loudly feeling his cock pulse inside you hitting your g-spot repetitively as you began to clench around him.
“Go on come on my cock you slut.” Jungkook growled out making you clench against him harder as he began to roughly thumb your clit. The pressure had built fast in your core as you obediently let the orgasm wash over you, your voice cracked as you gasped out.
Jungkook had suddenly pulled out, grabbing you to flip you over onto your stomach as he lifted your hips up, “I haven’t forgotten about this morning,” he growled out letting his cock fit back in your entrance before pounding into you again, “It’s not my dresser but it’ll do. Look at you taking my cock like a greedy little brat.” 
You could only hear him now as you whimpered, your legs shaky as he pounded into you from behind, the sound of skin slapping skin and the wet noises filled the room as you arched your back. 
Jungkook grabbed a fist full of your hair yanking it roughly as he pounded into you harsher, “For someone so concerned about my love life you sure as fuck don’t seem to care when I’m pounding my cock inside you. You like this don’t you?” He spat out, his cock painfully filling you to the rim as he pounded it inside you, “You enjoy fucking someone who’s taken? Ain’t that right baby? Go on say it, this cocks all yours.” He yanked your hair painfully as you sobbed out.
“Your cocks all mine, I’m such a greedy slut for fucking someone who’s taken.” Whatever dignity you had left had flew out the window as you felt his cock twitch inside you. Obviously he was the one getting off to this as he growled out thrusting rougher, “Look at that little hole taking all of me so well, fuck baby look at you. I hope she hears us fucking.”
You could feel his chest pressing against your back as you felt his lips ghosting against your ear, “I hope she hears how good I fuck you, how good I’m making you feel. Go on baby scream it, let her know.”
You had already begun to clench around him again whimpering as you squirmed beneath him, tears falling down your face from the overstimulation as you did exactly as you were told. Screaming from the orgasm as he began to erratically thrust inside you muttering a “Fuck.” To himself as his cock twitched before feeling a hot ropes of cum fill your pussy, he had let out a cracked moan as his thrusts weakened.
Taking a moment to regather himself before pulling out of you. Laying down beside you as he gently pulled you into a spoon, kissing the lobe on your ear, “Good girl.” 
Your legs shook violently and your mind was clouded with a haze from the pleasure but the back of your mind was still screaming. You just fucked him fully knowing he was engaged, if you weren’t a whore before you definitely were now.
Jungkook only gently stroked his fingers down the side of your waist, murmuring affirmations against your ear, obviously not the least bit bothered by what had happened, “Jae and me are strictly business partners. She sleeps with who she wants, and I do the same,” As though reading your mind Jungkook had calmly explained, “I haven’t released a statement to the public yet because I’m still seeing if there’s a better option outside of marrying her.” 
You could feel yours morals crumble with each stroke of his hand as you finally sighed, closing your eyes as you caved into his touch, “Well...I guess if no one is getting hurt...but why does she get so jealous?”
Feeling him shrug as his muscles relaxed, trading petting you for stroking your hair as he replied, “Don’t know to be honest. She probably just views me as an asset,” you couldn’t help but note the bitter tone in his voice, “If I found someone I actually liked she knows I wouldn’t hesitate to cut off our deal.” 
You tensed slightly at his words, someone he liked...? He couldn’t like you could he? Obviously not that much if he was casually talking about this to you. You relaxed once more, having dodged the commitment you were too afraid to ever crumble against.
You had stayed like this for awhile and you had even assumed Jungkook must have fallen asleep, his breath even and his nose digging into the crook of your neck, his grip relaxed and his heartbeat was steady. His arms for awhile were comfortable but you were slowly beginning to feel claustrophobic, not being particularly fond of how trapped you felt wrapped in them despite their lose grip. 
Good to see some things still stay the same. 
Carefully weaseling your way out of his grip you sat up, glancing down at Jungkook’s sleeping figure just as you suspected. His hair was messy and his bangs had become curly, he looked so innocent in his sleep, but he was anything but. His nose has crinkled slightly as he shifted, obviously not happy with you prying yourself from his grip. 
What were you supposed to do with this? It was too late to take back your actions. Getting up you ignored the dull pain between your legs as you pulled a new bra and panties from your bag. Pulling the oversized white long sleeve shirt over your head it brushed just above your knees. Sighing you glanced back towards the bed, Jungkook had shifted again though he slept soundless. It had been well into the night, or late evening as you noted the dark sky from the window wall. Picking up your phone you swallowed thickly at the three missed calls from your mom
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You cringed at the string of notifications, it was almost 9 o’clock and you had definitely missed any chance at dinner. Swallowing you glanced towards Jungkook again, you could only hope both family’s didn’t eat together. Would he wake up to a similar phone screen as you? You almost didn’t want to find out. Who to handle first was the better question. 
Obviously your mom, you had fumbled over your keyboard apologizing, saying you had ended up taking a nap longer than intended, you hadn’t gotten a drop of sleep but she didn’t need to know that. Next was Jimin who you told the same lie too. You had quickly got a new notification saying he was just checking on you to make sure. A small smile curved on your lips at his words, maybe he wasn’t a total asshole.
Leaning against the wall of the bed you had glanced out the large window towards the night life that had just begun to buzz. Sighing in relief you let your body relax again as you locked your phone, pressing your lips together in thought. He was engaged, but not by choice. Well he did have a choice, and that’s what confused you the most. 
This marriage was for one of his dads projects. For someone who couldn’t stand his father controlling him he sure did let his dad do it anyways. Or maybe there was something you still didn’t understand, it was beyond you, that was for sure.
Hands wrapped around you from behind making you jump at the unexpected touch, a yawn met your ears as Jungkook, who had been occupying your thoughts leaned down against your shoulder, “You left me.” 
“I’m not really a cuddler.” You replied shortly, shifting against his grip as though trying to tell him this really wasn’t your thing. Jungkook only ignored your words, closing his eyes as he inhaled against your skin, “Well I am.” It didn’t take a genius to figure that out. 
Rolling your eyes you tolerated the skinship as you glanced back at your phone, “We missed dinner, everyone blew up my phone because of it. What happened to making this discreet?”
“It is discreet,” Jungkook defended lazily, his voice gravelly and low from his sleepy state, “I only woke up to one text from my mom, and it wasn’t even about dinner. I doubt anyone thought anything of it.” 
You only huffed, crossing your arms, unable to do anything but lean back against his broad chest. The Jeon family probably didn’t stay with yours for dinner but still. You had been put under hot water for missing and you knew your mom would corner you for it later.
“Why so huffy? You aren’t still mad about earlier, are you?” Jungkook asked, his voice tired but curious as you felt his hot breath tickle against your neck.
Pushing your tongue against your cheek you sighed audibly, “Look, I don’t know how shit works in your world but in mine? That’s not okay, regardless of how it works. It’s just...a lot for me swallow I guess. I just slept with someone who’s getting married. Not something I’m exactly proud of.” It was the truth, you weren’t sure how you felt about this now. 
Jungkook had already reassured you no feelings were involved in either party between him and Jae but you were still suspect. And you figured honesty might as well be the best approach you could take. 
It was quiet for a moment before it was Jungkook’s turn to sigh, “Well I can’t make you stay, if you aren’t comfortable with this then I’m not gonna force you to do anything. But I’m not gonna stop sleeping with who I want until I’m officially married.” 
To that you furrowed your brow, what was the point in quitting once he got married? It wouldn’t change anything, the damage would have still been done. Deciding not to question it though you only soundlessly shrugged, “I don’t know, I need time to think about it...” glancing out towards the city lights a smile slowly crept on your face as the idea popped into your head, “But if you wanna help me decide quicker I have an idea...”
Jungkook’s lips curled into a smirk against your neck, having gotten the wrong impression as he pressed his crotch into your back, “Oh yeah? What can I do to help?”
Feeling your face flush you squirmed in his grip, “Not like that! Christ...” sighing you closed your eyes before explaining, “You wanted someone to show you what the average world is like right? Well let’s go out.” 
Jungkook paused his movement confused, you could feel his steady heartbeat as he murmured, sounding almost bashful and unsure at what your words implied, “What do you mean?”
“Into the city you dumbass. Just you and me, ditch the suits and champagne for the night. You wanna know what an average night for a 23 year old guy is like? Come on! Don’t just stand there.” You had wiggled out of his grip, ready to get moving as you pulled your shirt over your head throwing it at him, “Put it on, should fit. And regular jeans no fancy shit.” You demanded as you dug through your bag.
Hearing him laugh as he glanced at you curiously, peering over your shoulder though you wondered if it was to get a slip at your body on display, “And you think this is a good idea?”
“I think it’s a great idea,” you shot back indignantly as you pulled your clothes out from the back. Distressed skinny jeans, a cropped loose tank top and a gray flannel, “I’ve experienced plenty of your world. I think it’s time you party in mine.” 
Jungkook did as told, pulling the material overhead before making his way to his room, rolling his eyes when you mockingly asked if he even owned jeans. This was going to be a good night, you could feel it.
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Why were his jeans so tight? Did he choose them specifically because you were being a brat when you snidely remarked about it? Or did all of his jeans fit that tight. His thigh muscles were no joke and now all you wanted to do was rip them off to ride his bare- No! No, no, no stay focused. 
Glancing one more time at your phone you sighed,
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Naturally your friends didn’t approve of your actions and you couldn’t exactly blame them. Adjusting his face mask he curved an eyebrow at you, “Alright, where are we off too?” 
“No clue, I have my maps set for downtown, we’ll see when we get there.” You replied cheerfully, stepping out of the vast hotel as you trotted along with phone in hand, Jungkook quickly caught up to your side, his eyes darting between the moving crowd as he walked close by.
He seemed a bit hesitant in his body language, letting his shoulder brush against yours. You supposed this must’ve been a big deal for him. Jungkook had been told his entire life this wasn’t worth his time, the world wasn’t worth his time, you severely doubt he had ever been in a regular public area. 
With that in mind when you had arrived to the downtown of Dubai it was bustling with life. Flashing lights and scarce alley ways, for some this would be intimidating. But you had lived it your whole life. Jungkook had ended up grabbing your hand, lacing his fingers through yours as you shot him a look. 
He only shook his head slightly, not saying anything. Shrugging you let him keep hold of your grip as your eyes landed on the electric neon sign of an arcade room, “Oh! That’ll be fun! Have you played video games before?” You asked dragging him towards the building. Stumbling after you Jungkook shook his head, “No my parents always said there were more productive things to do then spend time at a TV.”
“Well you’re about to have your shit rocked then.” You glanced back at him with a shiteating grin, looking like an excited child as you dragged him into the busy building. Everything was dark and glow in the dark with eye melting colors, distorting but felt oddly adventurous when Jungkook was holding your hand.
He had to keep the fond smile from pulling on his lips at the sight of your expression as you took in the large room before going to one of the machines. Curiously Jungkook watched you dig your wallet from your pocket as you explained, “Quarters are gonna be your best friend here.” Pulling out a ten dollar bill you fed it to the machine before it spat out quarters upon quarters. Dividing them you had gave him half while putting yours in your pocket.
“Just quarters?” Jungkook furrowed his brows looking at the metal before glancing up at you. 
You nodded as you set your sights on an air hockey table that had just freed up, “Cheap entertainment is my middle name. Come on! I haven’t played air hockey in nearly a year.” Admittedly you played often with Hoseok when you had long breaks at the ward.
“How do you play?” Jungkook stood on the other side as he asked over the blaring music, looking curious as he glanced at the puck and handles. Smirking you grabbed your handle as you complied, “Simple, there’s two goals and one puck, get the puck in other goal while defending yours. First to a score of ten wins.” 
Jungkook nodded as you inserted the quarters turning on the table, his jaw was set and his eyes focused looking oddly cute in such a fixed state on wanting to win. The game breezed by and he’d let out a whine every time you’d score a goal. You had only got to four goals before he had reached ten though, turns out he was extremely competitive. 
He had a large bunny like grin on his mouth as he pumped his fists against his sides excited that he had won. It was hard to be mad seeing him so happy, you let the smile pull on your lips as you rolled your eyes. Jungkook had enthusiastically let you lead him on to the Skee Ball machines, he seemed a bit skeptical at first as he held the ball, “I just have to get it in one of the holes?”
“Mhm, preferably the 50 one.” You pointed to the top hole, picking up you a ball yourself before chucking it at machine, you had got it in the 30 hole, “Unless you can hit the 100’s then by all means, more tickets for me.” You added as you watched Jungkook give it a throw, landed it in the 20 just below yours as he fixed his jaw. Obviously not happy with the throw before picking up another one, giving it a harder throw that landed it in the 40 hole. You gave a whistle as you laughed throwing your ball as you landed it in the 30 hole again, “Are you just naturally good at everything?”
Jungkook laughed in good nature though you watched his ego inflate as he threw another ball hitting the 50 hole as he replied, “Not everything. I was called the golden boy when I was younger, I excelled in sports when I was in school.”
Throwing your own ball you hit the 40 hole as you shook your head despite your grin shaking your head as you snorted a laugh, “Oh of course you were good at sports. I should’ve known that.”
“Watch this.” Jungkook smirked confidently before throwing his ball, hitting it in the 100 hole making you do a circle around yourself as you rolled your eyes, “Okay show off I see how it is!” 
Grabbing another ball you sent a smirk his way in return, “Not to brag but I’m an arcade expert.” You gave the ball a toss rolling it right into the 100 goal across the one Jungkook had hit his in. Clacking your tongue you stuck it out as Jungkook narrowed his eyes challengingly, “Is that a challenge?”
“Hell yeah it is!” You prodded his chest with a confident smile. Jungkook store down at you before licking his lips determined, noting the small dimple pop in on his left cheek as he turned back to the Skee ball machine. The rest of the balls had been used with you both attempting to hit the 100 holes, to be fair you and Jungkook both had hit at least five each before you ran out of balls.
He was even a gentleman and let you use the last one, “So what’s the tickets for anyways?” Jungkook asked as if suddenly realizing the arcade machine served a purpose. The red tickets had piled out onto the ground in a mountain from how many shots you and Jungkook had made, turning it into any ten year olds dream. 
“You can get prizes up at the concession stand with a certain amount of tickets.” You gestured to the stand up at the forefront of the building, “They’re kinda shitty but kids go ape for them.”
But Jungkook’s eyes had lit up and he was the one dragging you to the concession stand as he pressed his hands against the glass box looking at the prizes, “What do you want?” He asked glancing down at you.
“Me?” You snorted out a laugh, something endearing about Jungkook being a billionaire who could afford anything yet looked like an excited kid for a 99 cent toy, “You’re the one with your face pressed against the glass.”
Jungkook’s lips pulled into the equivalent of a pout as he pointed towards the glass, “Pick something for me?” You rolled your eyes unable to look at the adorable expression on his face as he almost begged you to help him like an indecisive child.
Stepping up to the glass box you looked at all the prizes before seeing a double dice keychain. They were small and undoubtedly made out for plastic, cheap and shitty just like any prize in that stand. Holding onto your tickets you stepped up, due to the language barrier you had pointed to the dice which the employee seemed to understand. 
Handing your tickets over they gave you the keychain. Swinging it on your finger you turned around before handing it to him, “Happy?”
You didn’t think he’d have such a big smile on his face as he plucked the keychain from your hand, making it look smaller between his fingers as he nodded, placing it in his pocket, yawning as you both exited the arcade, “Can’t believe the nights already over, feels like time doesn’t exist in there.” Jungkook laughed loosely as he stretched his arms over his head
You smirked amused at him as you crossed your arms, “Over? The night hasn’t even begun Jungkook, better cancel any plans you have in the morning because we aren’t going back to the hotel any time soon.” 
Jungkook’s pupils widened at your words slightly before a smirk of his own placed over his lips, “Oh yeah? Where to next then?” 
Licking your lips you let the smile pull on your lips as you shrugged, “Fuck if I know. Oh!” You exclaimed suddenly grabbing your stomach, “I’m starving! Let’s go get some takeout, come on there should be a stand somewhere around here.” You hadn’t even gave it a thought when you grabbed his hand, pulling him along, the streets where just as booming as they were before. Fighting your way through the crowd as your eyes surfed the area until a mouth watering smell wafted to your nose. Letting your scent lead the way until you ended up at a japanese food truck. 
Sitting on the bench you howled out laughing as Jungkook looked at the food warily almost as if it was going to come to life and try to poison him, “Let me guess, takeout didn’t exist when you were younger?”
“Well I knew it existed,” Jungkook explained adamantly, his lips pressed together and his brows furrowed in disdain as he continued, “But I’ve always been informed it’s not exactly good for the body. Dietary speaking- my organs aren’t going to collapse from eating this right?” 
You had almost spit out your drink as you sniffled another laugh, “No! You’re talking to someone who lives on energy drinks and takeout. If my organs haven’t failed me yet they definitely won’t for you. Besides you’ve been missing out my dude, this is the shit.” You waved your chopsticks at him before taking a piece from the shared chicken teriyaki basket. 
Taking your word Jungkook finally caved, having not eaten as long as yourself. But the look on his face was like he was ready to orgasm when he first tried it, “See? It’s like crack but without fucking up your body.” 
He had already been shoveling food in his mouth when he nodded, closing his eyes as he sighed with a full mouth, “Fuck, this is good.” Picking up the soda he drank on his straw, absolutely indulging himself in junk food, “You don’t actually eat this everyday though do you? That can’t be good for your heart.” Jungkook pointed his chopsticks at you chastisingly as you curved a brow.
“I’m here for a good time Jungkook. Not a long time.” You snickered at your own words as you finished eating your side of the basket, “Besides I’m on my feet at least nineteen hours a day, I’d like to think I burn off the calories.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s good for you either.” Jungkook replied though he didn’t seem very set on pestering your bad habits as he shoveled another piece in his mouth, humming happily.
Plucking the extra large soda from the bench you huffed as you leaned back in your seat, glancing at him pointedly as you replied, “Don’t tell me how to live my life Jeon.” 
“Jeon?” He quirked an eyebrow up at the word before a smirk curled on his lips, “Guess I know what I’m gonna have you call me in bed next time.” 
He began laughing though as you cringed, groaning as you plopped the drink back on the bench, “Gross that makes me think of your dad no thanks, I’ll stick to daddy. Or tell you what, how about sir?” 
Jungkook’s thighs had suddenly begun to brush against yours, grabbing you chin with his fingers to make you look at him, “Then go on baby, I don’t have any problems with that.” His eyes were already glossed over with arousal at the term as you squirmed away from him.
“We’re in public! Miss me with that exhibitionism shit.” You had left him chasing after you as you plucked the empty drink from the bench throwing it in the garbage can by the food stand.
He tossed the empty basket in behind you before he grabbed you by the waist from behind, lips attaching to your neck as you squirmed, “Jungkook no! Public remember?” He whined at your words obviously not caring, “Someone could see us, you actually and no offense but I don’t want my face blasted on tabloids.”
It was true, you had seen Jungkook’s face on plenty of tabloid magazines before, his good looks and money at such a young age having earned him a respected place among celebrities as a heartthrob. 
“Fine.” He sighed sulkily, letting his chin rest on your shoulder though not letting you go, “Where to next?”
Licking your lips you gave it some thought before shrugging, “Clubbing? Kind of in the mood for a beer now. There shouldn’t be one far right? Actually let me look it up on maps.” Realizing finding a club wouldn’t be as easy as you’d like it to be you had pulled out your phones map.
There was a club not too far and it was about a ten minute walk which you and Jungkook had embarked on as he explained, “I’ve been to plenty of clubs before.”
“Yeah but those are private and expensive as hell, they don’t count.” You held up a finger tsking, “You don’t get the true experience until someone tries to mug you at least once or you end up throwing up on one of the strippers-“ your nose suddenly wrinkled in disdain at the memory before sharply continuing as you glanced at him “Don’t ask.” 
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Jungkook wrinkled his nose to match yours as he grimaced before suddenly snickering as if the idea sounded amusing, unable to help himself he raised an eyebrow at you with a smile, “But seriously? A stripper?”
You groaned whining, shuffling along the street as the memory came to mind. You had the night off and Taehyung had dragged you out wanting to go clubbing. You ended up six shots of whiskey in when it happened, “Her fault she tried lap dancing me when I explicitly said I had way too much to drink.” 
Jungkook seemed to lick his lips at the idea though, his mind in the gutter as he asked, “Lap dance huh?”
“You aren’t gonna last the whole night without one more fuck will you?” You laughed in good nature but you had a feeling your words were probably more true then you wanted them to be, “But yeah, actually that was the club where I got most of my experience. I worked as a stripper briefly.” You spouted it like a fun fact making Jungkook’s eyebrows shoot up as his lips parted, “But then my mom found out...” you gave a sheepish grin, “Pity though I made bank from it while it lasted. Anyways my mom didn’t want me ‘selling my dignity’ for the sake of us saving to move out.” 
But Jungkook only leaned in closer to you as he let his lips drag against your ear, “You know you’re only making me hornier talking about this right?” You couldn’t resist the urge to give a bratty grin as you crossed your arms at his words. It wasn’t your intention but you should’ve known he’d instantly put his mind in the gutter at the idea of you in slinky lingerie grinding against a pole.
“What? I was just giving some background about myself!” You defended cheekily as you threw your hands up in false surrender, “Like for instance people use to pay extra just to get lap dances from me. I was considered the best at them.” 
It wasn’t a lie to be honest. You had been desperate after you turned nineteen and only working at your day job at the time you had took up employment at the local night club. They were looking for trainees at the time and were willing to teach the pole trade so you had been patient. Not a month later you had been given the job and was making more than enough to be moving out soon. 
Then your mom has noticed how you had never been home and eventually followed you out one night. That ended your second career faster than you could blink. But when one door closes another opens, Hoseok had texted you not three weeks later talking about the psych ward. You had been working with him ever since.
“You’ll have to give me a show then.” Jungkook had wrapped an arm around your waist, his lips attached to the shell of your ear as he murmured, his fingers lingering against your open skin from the crop top. Obviously both aroused and frustrated at your words. 
“Maybe one day.” You replied smugly, approaching the club entrance, no bouncers needed due to it just being a local club. Jungkook naturally commented on the safety of the club but you ignored him, pulling him inside the bass vibrating club. The lights strobing and the music loud enough to pop eardrums. Whatever he had said had went unheard as you dragged him towards the bar.
Getting yourself and him a beer as you held up your bottle, clinking it with his as you took a drink. Jungkook’s nose wrinkled before his expression contorted into one of disgust as he put the bottle back down, “That’s disgusting.”
“It’s cheap club beer what did you expect?” You laughed at his expression before cockily smirking, gripping the neck of the bottle before bringing it back up to your lips. 
It was incredible how you hadn’t choked at the sight of Jungkook watching in mild horror as you began to chug the whole bottle, “How has your liver not shut down?” 
The last bit of beer trickled down your chin as you began to cough from laughing, placing the empty bottle back on the counter as you continued cackled at his horrified face, “Bitch I ask myself the same thing.” 
Jungkook’s expression had softened slightly, watching you grin like a dumbass with your frizzy messy hair and the liquid that stained your mouth and chin. You seemed so different outside of the hotel, so much more relaxed. He had thought you were just reserved but hearing you call him a bitch like an old friend made him realize you just really weren’t comfortable outside of what you knew.
But this scene? Those clothes? Even the beer you had chugged, it all suited you so damn well. He didn’t think you could look any more attractive in that wine dress on your date, and he was positive nothing would ever be able to top the lingerie you had worn underneath it. But now? It seemed this ratty ghetto version of you had totally side swiped all of those images.
“Well don’t just eye fuck me,” you laughed, grabbing his bottle before thrusting it into his hands, “Unless you want me to chug it for you.” You specifically rose your voice tauntingly, knowing he wouldn’t be able to refuse the challenge as his jaw clenched slightly. 
Huffing he grabbed the bottle before lifting it back to his lips, wow he had a really nice jawline from this angle. Watching his Adam’s apple bob as he effortlessly chugged the whole bottle, setting down as he smirked victoriously, “Get the next one baby, your lips would look better wrapped around something else but I never say no to a challenge.” 
You squeezed your thighs together at his words, of course he’d take every opportunity to talk about how much he wanted to be fucking you right now, “Don’t say I didn’t warn. I’ll have you know me and my friends are local bar hero’s when it comes to chugging.” 
You had called for the bartender to bring two more beers. It was the truth to be fair, while you didn’t go out drinking often with your friends so when you did, you could never remember the night that went on. You would’ve loved to go drinking with them more but it was more like you couldn’t, with Taehyung needing to be in the shop every morning 7 o'clock sharp. 
You and Hoseok were on duty more nights than less regardless and drinking on break was never a good idea. But even without your friends this was perfect, giving a cheeky grin you plucked the bottle, having a full stomach of food was going to make this a whole lot easier to keep down in the long run. But that meant if you drank to much it was gonna be a very long and unpleasant night. You could control yourself, you had no doubt about that. Right? 
Whether that was the truth or not you chugged the bottle anyways, coughing again as you placed a hand on your chest, “It does taste kinda bad not gonna lie.” You finally admitted as you shut your eyes tightly, wrinkling your nose at the burning after taste. You opened your eyes watching as he grabbed his bottle, wincing slightly making you confused. 
That was until your eyes had lingered down to his thighs that had been trapped in though tight skinny jeans, skin clinging to every piece of material there. It wasn’t his jeans that made your face red as you whined, “Jungkook what the fuck.” You muttered quietly, watching his hand grip the bulge that obviously indented his pants, he smirked slightly finishing the last quarter of his bottle but your eyes were locked onto his bottom hand that stroked against his length, concealed mostly by the bar top but not escaping your eyes as you forced yourself to look away. 
This guy was bat shit insane, “What?” He questioned, setting the bottle down, you couldn’t tell if the husky tone in his voice was from the boner he sported or the new drink he had just downed, “You look hot I can’t help it.” 
You scoffed with eyebrows shooting to your forehead, eyes looking ready to pop out of your head as you replied, “Physically you can.” Jungkook’s smirk widened further as he gripped the base of the dent again, his shoulders tensing from his harsh grip as he let his hand drag against it, “But you enjoy it, don’t you babygirl? Right? Go on put your hand on it, I know you want too.” His eyes were lidded slightly and lust had consumed his gaze. 
Your face, as if it couldn’t get any hotter did so as you looked anywhere but at him, “We’re in public! I don’t want to be charged as a sex offender.” You had to close your eyes as you tried to compose yourself, feeling him grab your hand as he hummed out, “You think I’d let us get caught? Trust me baby.” 
You couldn’t tell if it was his voice or the alcohol taking effect on you as you said no more, letting his hand guide you to the large dent that had twitched at the feeling of your placed over it, “Rub baby, come on,” you could feel his hot breath against the shell of your ear, his hand laying on top of yours as he guided you against the top of his length, “See baby? Not scary at all- Mmm fuck.” Jungkook closed his eyes briefly, a savoring look on his face as he continued to help your hand stroke him.
“Think we can take it out?” His words made you squirm as you violently shook your head, red cheeked at the idea making him chuckle, “I think we can, I wanna feel my baby’s hand against my cock.” He guided your hand to unbutton his jeans and unzip them, you were both aroused and terrified, yes you were into some kinky shit, but you had never, not once in your life met someone who could match you, let alone get even more freaky then you.
Jungkook was the only exception as he let his cock spring from, his boxers, thick and heavy with precum dribbling from his slit, his red bulbous and round with an irritated red, his shoulders far to relaxed for this to be the first time he’s done this, guiding your hand to the base of his veiny cock, excited to feel your touch once more, “Go on babygirl, I don’t think you need my help anymore, right?”
Swallowing thickly you nodded murmuring obediently, “Yes sir.” 
You were mortified but too aroused to stop, you had never tried anything like this before. No one in their right mind would ever be willing to try, except for you of course. And obviously Jungkook, who had even pulled out his phone, but you could tell by his lidded eyes, and the way his hips wouldn’t sit completely still as you dragged your hand against his hardened cock.
Squeezing his shaft making his breath hitch but his eyes stayed focused on his phone, that was until you realized he was casually lowering his phone down to your hands dirty work, “Jae wants to see me right now, should I let her know I’m already being taken care of baby?” Jungkook noticed your wide eyes, smirking as he licked his lips at the idea. 
You closed your eyes, feeling your hair cover your face as your cheeks furthered in color. Not trusting your mouth as Jungkook had took a picture, pulling his phone towards you as he showed you, “Look good enough? Hm? Would’ve been better if your lips were there instead.” He muttered out biting his bottom lip as you began to pump the base of his cock, making him give a small hum as he closed his eyes briefly, “Mm fuck, just like that babygirl.” 
Forcing his lidded eyes open Jungkook must’ve sent the message. Your arm was beginning to get fatigued but you pumped the base of his cock faster, feeling him twitch in your hand as you watched his shoulders tense. 
He was close, and despite being around so many people you had found a smirk curling on your lips, “You look so good sir,” you murmured, pressing yourself against his side, voice nothing but a whisper for only him to hear, “Wanting to cum in front of everyone. It makes me wish I could take you down my throat right now.” 
Jungkook sucked in a breath of air harshly, biting his lip as his arm suddenly wrapped harshly around your waist, leaning down against your ear as he replied, “What’s stopping you baby? I don’t give a fuck if they see. I want those pretty little lips around my cock baby- mmm fuck.” He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his cum shoot out as he orgasmed, thankfully meaning you wouldn’t get on your knees because for a frightening second you were actually willing to do it.
Licking his lips he as he came down from his high, letting you tuck his softening members back in his jeans as you zipped his up, his eyes still hazy from his pleasure as he pressed them against the temple of your head, “See baby? We aren’t going to jail.” Your shaky hand, which had missed most of his cum, that was now an absolute mess from beneath the bar top, shakily folded against your lap as you shyly refused to look at him. 
Glancing down at your hand that was speckled in the white substance. Jungkook grabbed your chin, as he glanced down at you, “Good girl, baby,” he praised, his smirk had twisted into a pleased half smile, “And good girls get rewarded, can you be patient?” He asked, curving a brow. Maybe knowing you weren’t ready for any sort of public sex just yet, and that was okay because he was right.
You weren’t sure you’d be as quiet and contain as him if he had stuck his hands down your pants right now, especially after the display he just showed. You were horny and severely needy right now, and that combo never went over well when you needed to be quiet. Nodding eagerly that made him laugh as he let go of your chin, looking back down at your hand as you’d swallowed thickly, “Shit I should go wash this off.” 
Jungkook nodded towards the rest area, “Don’t stay there too long baby, might have to visit if you do.” Your face reddened at his words, saying nothing as you got up and made a beeline for the bathrooms. Running your clean hand through your hair as before washing your hands, looking in the dingy mirror at your red face and wild hair. Anyone who wasn’t blind probably knew exactly what your hand was doing beneath the bar top. 
Hearing a loud gag and a grunt made you turned to one of the stalls that was locked, two pairs of shoes behind it, on standing and one kneeling. Lifting your hand you gave them a silent salute despite them not being able to see you. Gotta pay your respects though, that was probably gonna be you in less than an hour. 
Finishing drying your hands you had made your way back out to the bar, muddling your way through the mass of bodies, some attempting to grab you while others moved with ease. What you saw at the bar though instantly made you cross your arms, feeling the urge to become an absolute brat at the sight.
Jungkook was good looking, he was really good looking, he knew that, you knew that, literally everyone in the club probably knew that. But anyone would’ve been able to tell two minutes ago you had to be an item to the outside world, even if you weren’t. So who the fuck did she think she was getting so close to him? 
Her dress had rode up her already exposed thighs as she leaned in closer to him, laughing at something he said. Jungkook was relaxed, though the curious look in his eyes didn’t escape your view. Didn’t he just talk about your reward? Pressing your tongue against the inside of your cheek as you trudged over. 
You weren’t an item, and he wasn’t yours, he had every right to talk to who he wanted. You reminded yourself repetitively in hopes of it being effective but you still felt the urge to be a brat regardless. It didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter. You watched her hand slowly slide on top of his thigh as your jaw clenched. Just kidding, it fucking mattered. Feeling a surge of  jealousy cloud over you as you ran a hand through your hair gritting your teeth. 
No you weren’t gonna be a little bitch and leave him because that was your dick that you had just got off two minutes ago, you weren’t just about to let that go, “Excuse me.” 
She had been leaning over her seat to get closer to him, abruptly wedging yourself in between them as you sat down, shoulder brushing against Jungkook’s as you turned to her with a menacing grin. 
You had never seen someone’s face contort so offending as she furrowed her brows, giving you a once over obviously judging your non club apparel before flashing you a gritty fake smile, “I’m sorry, who are you?” But her voice came out more like a scoff then a question as she raised her eyebrows expectantly.
You knew what her question meant, who were you to Jungkook. You had paused for a half a second unsure, what were you to him? An acquaintance? Friends with benefits? Did he see you as just a friend without any of that included? You weren’t honestly sure. You couldn’t really answer her question but you returned the girls scoff anyways you raised your eyebrows grinning. 
Turning fully to face her as you replied animatedly, “Oh? Hasn’t he told you? I’m his babygirl.” 
That was the only true statement you could say with full confidence, if anything you were his babygirl and you weren’t sure what that meant, or what it entailed, but that’s what you were to him. The girl rose her eyebrows looking disgusted, rolling her eyes before getting up from her seat leaving. Satisfied you gave an innocent cute grin waving at her as she crawled back into the crowd. 
Turning to Jungkook with a scrunched nose and a content smile, obviously proud of yourself. Jungkook had a raised brow and couldn’t keep the amused smile off his face, “My babygirl huh?” Tilting his head down slightly as he probed, “Well then answer truthfully, was my baby getting jealous?” 
Whatever proudness you felt instantly dropped on your face into a childish glare, he was really going to ask that? “You didn’t think I was gonna leave my baby alone right?” Jungkook chided, his voice lowered into a patronizing one as he captured your chin between his fingers, giving it a gentle squeeze to gain your attention towards him again, “Do we need to go get baby her reward?” 
Your cheeks were red and a big angry pout on your face at his voice. Begrudgingly you nodded, not wanting to pass up the opportunity. Jungkook chuckled ruffling your hair as he pulled out his wallet, paying for the drinks before pulling you up by the waist, “It’s gonna be a long walk back so you’re gonna need to be patient baby.” He reminded as he lead you out of the club.
You groaned whining, not wanting to do as told. Not after seeing the way that woman’s hands had been grabbing at his thighs. Those were your thighs to ride, she shouldn’t have been touching them, “Please sir, I don’t want to wait.” 
You hadn’t even thought twice about your words as you whined them out, your arms wrapping around his waist as you let your head drop against his chest. Feet dragging against the floor as Jungkook opened the club door for you, “Well princess you’re just gonna have too. Unless you really want me to take you behind the club.” 
He paused forcing you to as well as he looked down at you waiting for an answer. Making you realize he was being serious, of course he was. Shifting against his side you rubbed your eyes and you could feel the few drinks you had affecting your decision skills. On a normal day you would’ve said no and just been a patient good girl. But this wasn’t a normal day and you weren’t completely sober. Feeling your face begin to redden you nodded, “Take me back please.” You murmured, unable to look him in the eyes as you buried your face into his chest. 
You could feel his chest moving as he laughed, glancing down at your figure as he began to walk you again. Lifting your face from the shelter of his chest as you glanced towards the back alley way, dark and sunken in making you press closer to his side, it was gritty and damp. Not necessarily a place you wanted to be getting a reward but your core was burning up and the friction against your thighs was a reminder that you really didn’t want to wait.
“Come on baby,” Jungkook coaxed noticing your apprehension, “The only thing that’s gonna eat you here is me.” You could feel his smirk that pressed against your ear as he lowered his voice. His words didn’t comfort you as much as they did arouse you, making you all the more eager.
Turning the corner towards the back of the club though it seemed you should’ve just been patient. Someone had zoomed past you- Well not so much zoom as they flew past in a tumble from being knocked down. Jungkook had quickly stepped back, instantly wrapping both of his arms around you, pulling you closer to him as you both glanced towards the main source of noise. 
The guy who laid in front of you was knocked out cold but the other was squirming in the grip of a man with dead eyes, platinum hair and bruised knuckles, “Tell your boss to get the fuck out of here before he regrets it.” He shoved the guy down, fingers ghosting to his leather jacket his gaze slowly coming down to your figures. Hands instantly dropped as the man's lips parted slightly, “Jungkook? What the fuck are you doing out here?” 
Jungkook knew this guy? His gaze was unreadable as he store the man down before nodding his head to you, “What does it look like? Did you get it took care of Yoongi?”
The man- Yoongi only grunted, taking a step closer but no more. His gaze still dead and if looks could kill you briefly wondered if you’d be six feet under, he seemed he just always looked like that. No exceptions allowed, “For now.”
He pulled something from his jacket making you weary noticing how his hands had lingered towards it earlier. Your shoulders relaxed slightly when you saw a pack of cigarettes, snapping the box before pulling one out, “Jeon,” he took a long drag, letting the smoke roll from his lips, “Get the fuck out of here. There’s a motel across the street, take her there.” Yoongi waved towards you briefly before turning over his shoulder, walking back further into the alley.
“Come on baby, you heard the man,” Jungkook gave a small squeeze to your waist in comfort, “I’m sure you can be a little patient.” You gave him a weary glance, unsure of what to make of the events you just saw. Jungkook really knew someone like Yoongi? Someone who seemed like you, just a regular person. He didn’t exactly give off the same vibe as you, but he didn’t seem to far off from your pay scale.
“You know him?” You finally asked after a moment of silence. Letting him lead you back out into the safety of the night crowd. The bigger question was how did he know Yoongi? Jungkook glanced around scanning the street until his eyes rested on the motel Yoongi had suggested, glancing down at you with a reserved look.
Something you weren’t familiar with when it came to him, he had always been an open book thus far, what changed? “Yeah,” he shrugged, his expression still reserved, “He works under me. Bit of a bad apple, do me a favor and stay away if you see him.” You looked skeptical but said no more as he pulled you closer, guiding you across the street.
The inside of the motel could’ve been worse really, all of the light bulbs were working and while the wallpaper was stained it hadn’t been peeling. Jungkook didn’t look as impressed as you but said nothing, tossing a half sincere smile at the old man who seemed to be checking him out more than you. Could you blame the guy though? 
It seemed wherever Jungkook went people would always flock to him. He just had that certain charm about him you honestly couldn’t place. Jungkook ignored the stares though, pulling out his wallet once more to rent a room. Letting him handle it, which he had no problems doing you turned away from the counter glancing over the motel again.
This must’ve been a huge side swipe compared to what you were both in three hours earlier. You stopped gazing around when you noticed two beady pairs of eyes lingering on you. They were drunk, definitely. Licking their lips with nothing but bad ideas in their minds. Your shoulders tensed slightly but this wasn’t something you hadn’t dealt with before, and that’s if you weren’t with Hoseok or Taehyung, both who were incredibly protective of you. 
You furrowed your brows at them, giving a cold stare before casually bringing your hand towards the mid of your stomach giving them the finger before turning back to Jungkook. Noticing them right away with a slackened jaw, “Come on, baby.” He wrapped his arm back around you, pulling you close to shelter you from their staring view. Who was the jealous one now? Your lips pulled into a brief smile but said nothing.
Stretching with a yawn as you stepped into the room, you had almost forgotten about the reason you had come here kicking off your shoes as you bounced the bed collapsing on it, “Don’t look so grossed out!” You whined with a laugh, opening an arm as you yawned again waving him over, “Come on the bed isn’t even that bad.”
It was true, you could feel a few of the springs in the mattress poking out and a few lumps here or there but it was over all decent. Jungkook shook his head, his eyes squinted while a weary smile played on his lips, taking his shoes off as well before sitting down on the bed, “You look tired baby, come here.” You crawled over obediently with sleepy eyes, making your way on top of him as you collapses again. 
Feeling his arms wrap around you as his hand stroked your back. Shit this was really nice, why did you ever say no to physical touch? Relaxing further into his grip you nuzzled the crook of his neck. Or maybe it was the alcohol that made you so cuddly? You weren’t entirely sure. 
Hands suddenly gripped your ass making your sleepy eyes shoot wide awake as you squeaked out a response. Wiggling against his stomach as he began to grope the soft skin, “Babygirl you still want your reward right? Don’t get sleepy on me now.” Jungkook chided while laughing at your reaction, soothingly stroking the skin before gripping it again making you whine, your core shooting with arousal as you brought your forearms to his chest, bucking your hips down into his thighs.
“Gonna ride my thigh again baby?” Jungkook asked almost tauntingly as you huffed with frustration, quickly stripping yourself of the flannel you wore. Your body flush and hot, your frustration getting the better of you as Jungkook laid back, that cocky smirk on his face watching you hurriedly strip, “So Impatient.” 
But he didn’t stop you as his eyes followed your hands, watching you pull off the top. 
“This doesn’t feel like a reward.” You murmured, pausing as your face flushed a bright red, fingers pressing against the fabric of his abdominal.
Jungkook clacked his tongue suddenly sitting up as he grabbed you by the waist, pushing you towards the bed as he hovered on top of you, “You haven’t given me a moment to try baby, don’t pout at me,” Jungkook chided at your lips that instantly quivered into an angry pout, his hands dragging down your stomach before working his fingers against your jeans, “If you still want your reward be a good girl for me and lift your hips.” 
Your reaction was automatic, lifting them as his burning touch dragged your jeans down. Your body was burning up as his every touch that dragged back up towards your inner thighs, you could feel Jungkook’s lips curl into a smirk as he pressed his lips against your inner thigh, “I haven’t even touched you and your soaked,” your body instantly withered at the feeling of his fingers dragging against your panties, letting your hips instantly buck against his hand needily, “Princess be patient.” His voice lowered into a growl making you whine, squeezing your thighs against his head. 
Jungkook had let his tongue drag against your panties, you let out a breathy moan at the wet feeling your hands catching against his silky hair. But that was your first mess up of the night, Jungkook finally huffed, sitting up from beneath your thighs as he growled, “Guess you’re gonna have to be taught to be patient.” He grabbed the discarded flannel a little ways away before placing himself on your stomach, grabbing your wrists before forcing them over your head. 
Your mind was all hazy with lust as you let him manhandle you, that bratty smile on your lips as you feel him wrapping the sleeves around your wrists, “You like testing me?” Jungkook asked, his voice dark matching his fiery gaze that glanced down at you, “We’ll see how much you’ll be laughing when I edge your soul out of that sweet little pussy honey.” 
His words made you swallow thick as he finished his work, your hands bound as he trailed his way back down your body. Jungkook’s hands roughly dragged down your body, thumbs hooking your panties before pulling them off.
Jungkook wasn’t in a playful mood anymore though as he opened your legs, diving between them as he lazily let his tongue drag up your embarrassingly wet slit, purposely licking around your clit making you whine.
Your body contorting as his tongue dragged back down, pressing lightly against the edge of your bud before ignoring it again, “Sir!” You whined out, not at all liking how this reward had quickly been turned into a lesson. The fabric around your arms rubbing against your skin as you twisted and turned, feeling his warm tongue finally lick up your clit.
“Use your words, I don’t reward brats.” Jungkook snapped out, his hands gripping your thighs with a bruising touch.
You had almost choked at the feeling of his fingers running against your arousal, coating his fingers before plunging them inside you, “P-please let me come sir.” 
In any other situation it would’ve been embarrassing begging like this but your body was burning at the sensation of his tongue lazily pressing into your clit, not invested at all in your words. 
Your hands tugged harshly against the fabric binding them as your back arched, trying to buck yourself into his mouth as you began to feel your orgasm slowly rising.
“You said the same thing when we were in the dressing room,” You whined loudly at the removal of his tongue, Jungkook’s lips glistening with your arousal as he licked them, his eyes amused as he slowly pumped his fingers into your g-spot, “I’m sure just like then, you can imagine the answer baby.”
Your body was greedily taking his fingers, clenching harshly around them as your hips kept attempting to rock into them, vocally though you let out a cried moan, “P-please, I’ll be a good girl.”
Jungkook had sped his fingers up, letting them hit against your g-spot faster as his other hand began to play with your clit, rubbing painfully slow in contrast, “Mhm you said you would be back then too, and you still didn’t obey. Go on,” he let the smirk coil on his lips, letting his eyes feast on your bound state that whimpered and withered beneath him, “Try and come babydoll.”
Your body was contracting and clenching around his fingers while the others finally began to hit your sweet spot, a loud moan slipping from your lips as your body chased it’s high.
And just as you arrived, so close Jungkook had removed both hands from your body making your throat bubble with a cry.
“Go ahead baby, cry those little tears all you want,” Jungkook cooed out, leaning down as he thumbed away the tears running down your cheeks from your body’s denial, “But until you learn to listen, you aren’t getting anything.”
Note: I hope y’all are still alive after that smutfest lmao 
Taglist: @sapphireprinces5 @jazzytfw @theslumberingcat @mrsfandomz
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paperinfinities · 4 years
5 Shows and Some Questions
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
I was tagged by @jessthebooklover thank you so much!! I love when you tag me in stuff I’m so sorry I forget to actually do these half the time but they’re so much fun
This post isn’t going to be spoiler free for me either but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum
1. Avatar: The Last Airbender 2. Brooklyn 99 3. Dragon Prince 4. Hunter x Hunter 5. Miraculous Ladybug
Who is your favourite character in 2? Amy <3 I identify with her a lot and I think she’s so cute and badass at the same time
Who is your favourite character in 1? Honestly I love Aang he’s my favourite but Zuko is a hella close second
What is your favourite episode of 4? jfc this show is so long it’s really hard to decide. Maybe the episode in season 5 where Killua thinks “Gon, you are light and sometimes you shine so brightly that I have to look away” it just breaks my heart 
What is your favourite season of 5? None of them are coherent because the fuckin release schedule for this show is so messed up but I think S2??? I think that one had the most cohesive plot progression but S3 was pretty good too
Who is your favourite couple in 3? Rayllum (Rayla and Callum)
Who is your favourite couple in 2? Jake and Amy/Holt and Kevin
What is your favourite episode of 1? dkjgfkgfkdfg it’s Avatar it’s so hard to choose so The Storm from S1, like all of S2 (The Guru, Cave of 2 Lovers, Tales of Ba Sing Se, Zuko Alone, Bitter Work), and from S3 probably The Firebending Masters, The Old Masters, and both Day of Black Sun episodes
What is your favourite episode of 5? Chat Blanc there’s not even a competition
What is your favourite season of 2? Oh god they’re all fantastic but I think S4 because it starts with Jake and Holt in Florida and I find that arc really memorable for some reason
How long have you watched 1? I first saw ATLA in early 2015 when I was 18 so it wasn’t really part of my childhood but I’ve watched it 3 or 4 times the whole way through since then so I guess it’s technically 5 years??
How did you become interested in 3? One of my roommates in uni showed me the first couple episodes because he knew I liked ATLA and told me that the head writer of ATLA was working on it and I got sucked right in
Who is your favourite actor in 4? Killua’s voice actress Mariya Ise because she does an incredible job
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? They’re all great shows but definitely 1 because it’s Avatar. That show is a masterpiece in every aspect there’s no show I’ve seen that uses its medium so well and tells such a timeless story. I get something new out of it every time I watch it and because it meant so much to me the first time it’s always going to have a special place in my heart
Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3 I think ATLA still has more episodes so probably 1 (whichever has more episodes I’ve seen them all for both)
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? I want to say Killua because I love him and to this day there’s no character I relate to more, but like, boy goes through so much shit I’d rather just not be anyone
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? No.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? I mean Aang and Zuko would be so interesting
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? I don’t think either of them are perfect but probably 3? It just has a way clearer direction I love Miraculous but the plot absolutely crawls
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? Departure! is an absolute bop and I had to listen to it for all 150ish episodes so definitely 4
I’m tagging : @wishforsomewherenew @crazyweirdbitch @just-a-teacher @sunsetxsilhouettedream @inkishly and @swanbooks
Go for it if you want to I think these are fun especially with nothing to do during self isolation :)
Take care of yourselves guys!!
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jessiefrance · 6 years
I wanna get a few things off my chest.
I’m not putting this in the tag. It doesn’t belong there and I don’t really care if anyone actually reads this. I just want to get a few things out of my system.
I have said before I regret not watching Seán earlier, but after thinking about it? I’m not. Why? It’s not that I don’t like his older videos. I absolutely do. Especially Undertale, NITW, etc. However, since I didn’t start watching him till 2018 I feel like instead of getting to know a caricature of Seán, that is Jack, I got to know him instead. I wasn’t overly affected when he started missing uploads now and again, I didn’t mind the one upload a day from two. This probably has to do with the fact a lot of the youtubers I watched didn’t have a schedule like his. Some uploaded almost every day but if they missed it wasn’t really noticeable. Most of them? Once a week to one a month uploads because of heavy editing. So when I watched Seán and he did two a day? It was almost too much. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of videos we were getting. Sure, I’m a bit sad if he misses a day but if that makes or breaks my entire day I probably oughta re-evaluate my life.
Also, his humor and personality. A lot of people miss his younger self, but I think a lot these are teens who forget that people change constantly. No one is who they were ten years ago, five, three, or even two. I think I even relate more to this Seán because we are the same age, grew up in the same generation (even though we lived in separate continents) and I think as we get older I will probably still relate to him because of that. Maybe not. But trying to tell a person they were better when they are younger is stupid. If you don’t like him any more go find someone who does have the personality you’re looking for. I know we call Seán a soft bean, baby boy, etc but he is an actual grown adult man. And he’s acting like one.
Lastly, I am so fucking tired of this ‘notice’ bull shit. Go ahead, get pissed at me. Like jfc. He’s one man. It’s gotten to the point that people don’t want to share their interactions with Seán. That friends are getting at each other’s throats about it. That people don’t want to make fun side accounts out of fear of people hating them. Stop. This. Shit. When Seán was off of tumblr for a week I noticed a lot of these people complaining were the ones that stopped posting because he wasn’t on. You ever think if you start posting for yourself, that if you just post things for FUN. That if you don’t think about interacting with him that maybe, just fucking maybe, he will see your posts? And even if he doesn’t it’s not the end of the world. I’m going to let you in on a secret. Getting ‘noticed’ by Seán is great but it doesn’t fix your life. It’s a single moment and rush and then it’s gone. And then if you were only posting to get his attention you start doing that MORE and then you start getting upset and anxious every time he doesn’t interact with you. Don’t do this to yourself. It’s not healthy. And stop attacking the people who do get noticed a lot (and yes I’m highly aware I fall into this category but let me explain) the ones who typically get the interaction are the ones that are posting constantly, at least daily. They are interacting with all of his tweets, his Instagram, posting here, in the twitch chats so on. So of course if you are more active it’s more likely he sees your stuff. It’s sorta like if you have a bag full of marbles. About 50 of them are red and 10 are blue. If you shove your hand in the bag and grab a few you’re most likely going to grab the red ones right? This is basically what is happening when Seán interacts with people. The people who interact and post a lot are the red marbles. I know this isn’t always true but it’s closer to the truth than favoritism.
So if you want to get that reblog, get that reply then start being more active, if you can. BUT DO NOT DO IT PURELY FOR THAT REASON. There are things I post that I know he will never interact with and that’s fine because it wasn’t just for him. I came here for THE COMMUNITY. I came here looking for friends and I found that. But I’m tired of seeing people pull each other part over such dumb trivial bull.
Ok, rant over.
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densoro · 4 years
#Quarantine things
Tagged by: @deadlock-rebel in a roundabout way :P
Instructions: Tag 10 followers ( or people you follow ) who you want to get to know better…
Name: Patrick
Gender: Not particularly
Star Sign: Leo sun, Sagittarius rising, Cancer Moon, Venus in Virgo -- year of the Yin metal sheep
Height: 5’11” on a good day (by which I mean a day where I stay in bed and gravity doesn’t shrink me to 5’10”)
Sexuality: bi????ual ace
Hogwarts House: The quizzes can never decide between Slytherin and Gryffindor but I think that’s mostly cuz I’ve got a really quiet, edgy aesthetic. but also fuck JKR
Favorite Animal: Used to be wolves and sharks but now I’ve chilled out and just accepted cats.
Average Hours of Sleep: god who even knows
Current Time: 2:05 pm
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Blankets You Sleep With: I think it qualifies as a quilt? idk. In colder months I like sleeping with a sheet and a heavy duvet.
Dream Job: Trauma counselor, game designer, fencing coach
When I Made This Blog: jfc December 2013 it’s been longer than I’ve realized
Followers: 779
Why I Made Tumblr: A lot of my friends in group chat were getting really inspired art prompts and socializing with a bunch of ask games and I felt like that kind of engagement could pull me out of my depressive rut.
Reason For URL: So in Japanese, they still call Link Link, but it comes out as Rinku, which was the name of a shit kid with awful fashion sense in Yu Yu Hakusho, so I went ‘ew no’ and looked for another translation. Densouro or densouji means a ‘transmission line’ like radio waves travel through. 
Picked the name when I was 11 and now everybody’s been calling me Den for most of my life. On the one hand it’s the equivalent of a ‘brave warrior’ tattoo that actually means ‘eggplant rice,’ but on the other hand I’ve come to believe so much in the value of connecting with others, and in my role as a medium for ideas to travel, that I feel like it kinda works? and mostly I just can’t imagine people calling me anything but Den at this point. I respond to it more readily irl than my own first name
if anybody wants to do this, consider yourself tagged! And tag me so I can see your answers :D
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