#idk dude. alien logic
earlywintermourning · 6 months
yaoiphobia im afraid 😔💔
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runthepockets · 4 months
I'm really surprised Welcome to the NHK hasn't garnered more traction in the modern day. I know it's an old show, but it tackles everything from self isolation to the unhealthiness of escapism to porn addiction to manipulative relationships to substance abuse to alienation and desperation under capitalism. I would honestly go so far as to say it predicted the logic behind incels and gamer culture considering the two central male characters are dudes who avoid going outside at all costs and have very delusional and bleak outlooks on the world. Idk all very relevant to the world rn.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Uh, you see, you kind of also proved my point here:
“HOW DARE YOU CALL US ALL RACISTS AND TELL US TO BE QUIET??! Like my dude, my pal, my friend. That's quite a logical leap and represents the exact thing we're talking about here, so thanks for helping us demonstrate it.”
I specifically mentioned that I am not USA American. In fact, I too am from a country that used to be a part of USSR :) I just straight up don’t believe in communism and usually think that they are morons and should be socialists instead. And while I am white by American standards I am visibly identifiable member of an ethnic minority and I’ve experienced a lot of xenophobia in my life. I get it. I however don’t understand why did you pile me up with white american leftists, i did not live that white american life, come on.
I find a lot of American leftists annoying. Like yes a 22 year old self-proclaimed Stalinist is very alienating to me, a person who can be considered to be a victim of Stalinism.
However, that person does not have a political strategy! They are just a person, a very annoying one and one that I will consider to be malicious (because come on, Stalinism?????), and is probably abusive in online spaces, but all of that is just them being a bad or misguided person (or both). They don’t have a political strategy. AOC does, and the fact that someone wrote a propaganda piece that alienated someone’s dad is not the responisibilty of idk let me think of a username…. stalinspussykitty.tumblr.com, however vile this hypothetical person is.
The left is a minority in USA, one that has experienced a lot of prejudice, and as far as I know a lot of USA leftists are from marginalized groups. And people are largely alienated from the left because of the massive influence of the right-wing in USA, not because of loud and stupid kids.
Stupid kids are just stupid kids, and are not responsible for anyones fathers, that’s what I’m saying. I really do understand your frustration, but your argument reminds me of the “weird women alienate men from feminism” argument tbh
Okay, cool. We can agree on that much at least. But since I'm talking about this phenom in the American context, and by your own admission you're *not* American, we can also agree that there might be some cultural context to this that is specific to spaces that are American-centered and have direct impact on American politics, from which (through no fault of your own) you are at more of a remove. Likewise, "communists are bad, be socialists instead," is ALSO not going to be a winning message in America. It's just not.
Loud and stupid kids aren't the core problem with this or anything, and they're certainly (as my last post pointed out) not the biggest issue with a fundamentally racist, right-wing, reactionary country that casts every move toward the left as an existential threat. But because they claim, at least theoretically, that they want to help, they're not doing that and they're instead often-actively paving the way for fascism to get more of a foothold. The right wing is the biggest threat, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize other Americans for ineffective and often dangerous strategy, even and especially when they want to claim to be all on the same side as me.
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Hi. Me again. So i read hail mary in a single additional sitting. Oh my god. Oh my g o d.
The first half was so fun, one of my fave things in writing is ' hey lets logic out how this unknown fictional thing works' and this really scratched the ol' brain. and speaking in music! how novel! and two dudes just being dudes!
So many ups and downs but the pace always felt .. idk soft? Calm but still very stakes-y. When i figured out what was happening mid ch28 i straight up just started sobbing and didn't stop until the whole thing was over. What a book, what a journey, what an experience.
This is literally the second BOOK-book ive read in like a decade and i used to devour them when i was younger. thank you so so much for leading me to it, it will probably live in my head for a very long time!!
It's a fantastic book, it inspired my current web serial. Have you read The Martian, by the same author? It's also very good, although a lot more grounded than Hail Mary (no world threats or cool aliens in it).
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corvinearcher · 2 years
So, I feel like since my art is already inconsistent, the way i draw and type about my headcannons is madddd confusing. Like, I know I don't draw ANY of them correctly. Or draw good in general lmao. But I just wanna share some of my headcannons or whatever idk I can't draw I'm on a road trip this is as good of a post you're gonna get.
So the Makaras, they're tall. Like okay I think all of the fuscias are tall as shit. I mean look at mommy- I mean Condescension, she's tall as FUCK. So I think that's just a grand blood thing. Like grandhighblood. He's obviously fucking HUGE. Tall, buff, all that horrifying shit that can murdle someone EASILY. So I mean, Kurloz imo is tall and lanky. But obviously we all see wtf he becomes so I mean, yeah. But gamzee, tall and scrawny as shit. He's got mental issues man, he probably forgets to eat for days on end. Dude eats slime for breakfast lunch and dinner, that ain't gonna do much. But yeah all the makaras and fuscias are tall as shit imo.
Colors. The whole nails and eyes being some derivative of yellow seems weird to me. Like I know they're aliens and shit but it just seems out of place. I think they all have tint of their blood color for their skin. Their nails are like either lighter or darker version of their blood color too, and their eyes are tinted the same way because ours do the same thing. I'm thinking about logical anatomy here you guys. And also the base of their horns, I put their blood color caus it's legit coming outta their head. THEY CAN FEEL THEIR HORNS THERE'S BLOOD IN THERE RIGHT? OR SOMETHING? IDK. But also, for those thinking "Karkat wouldn't survive if his skin was tinted" I don't understand that first part, but since his color is so close to rush bloods, one glance and you can't tell the difference. I headcannons it as Slsome trolls are darker shades, some lighter, some less tinted some more. That's why gamzees so dark compared to like, idk sollux. Lighter colors darker colors, y'all get it.
Also I'm gonna use this post to say, I don't portray the characters very well, and I'm sorry about that. I have specific and strong headcannons, and I don't know them all very well. I don't know how everyone sees and accepts people's versions of each character. I read this shit once. I'm going to read homestuck again (duh) but this is all off of information from one read. I also have ADHD I did NOT pay attention. Apologies for that, thanks for understanding.
Okay next one, I draw all of them veryyyy differently than the original. Like, I draw equius older than the original. Actually that's everybody. Nobody is 13 when i draw them unless it's specific. Take like, my sketches of Aradia and Sollux. They're look an assignment older because they are. So like with equius, i draw him with long hair, a lot taller, buffer, and overall change the personality if he got more comfortable with th people around him and how the world changes. That's why he talks so slack usually. I like to think he grows from his whole hemospectrum "I gotta live up to this" shit and learns to just live. Oh also I chang th outfits because I like to add more personality. The originals don't have much detail and it's fun to add them. Like nepetas outfit, crop tops an sweatpants cause that kitty be WORKIN. But yeah none of my interpretations of them are good nor correct. It's just how I see them, sorry if ya don't like em.
I forget the horns 99% of the time. I have no excuse I genuinely have no object permanence. I forget gloves, horns, nails, teeth, colors, clothing LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I'M JUST STUPID OKAY I FORGET A LOTTA SHIT. I usually run all my shit by my friend first before posting because I keep forgetting shit. It's a genuine problem. Hopefully it'll be fixed after drawing all of them for a while but, I just don't know.
(Before this paragraph, when I say "kin" I mean like I relate to and feel a lot alike a character. Okay kool)
The funniest thing is, I kin dave more than I do equius, but I drew him ONCE and never posted it. I was reading as dave the entire few weeks of the first read and I was like "damn these cats are kookin that's literally me I'm fucking dave." and like, love him, simp for him, he's fucking amazing. But I just find it so funny that I only post troll shit and never any human shit. I love Janey and Dave and John and shit but I never say anything about them lmao. I mean my blog name is CorvineArcher. Color of crows (Dave) Archer, we already know XD.
Gamzee is a hardcore stoner and nepeta joins him.
D -- > Nepeta, please, this is getting out of hand.
:33 < Stop being a fucking LOSER EQUIHISS JOIN US.
D -- > You're turning into foul creatures.
dAmN rIgHt MoThErFuCkEr :o)
Anyway another headcannon is like, all this shit took place in early 2000s,so that's how I make the style. Vriska has emo fringe hair I don't make the rules. There's an asston of jeans and converse and overall AMAZING fashion. Anyone who disagrees is a fucking loser who probably thinks shein is the only place to shop.
Alright I think that's it. If not I'll just make another post lol. In conclusion, my art is shit and I love fictional men. Thanks for hearing me out. Haha.
Thnks, mngmnt.
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trampohlena · 3 years
When Supergirl is over I hope there’s a “behind the scenes” / “tell-all” twitter thread explaining who in the FUCK is responsible for making these nonsensical writing/storyline choices. I want names so that I can never watch anything else they ever make ever again.
Like I sincerely hope it’s the network that is responsible for this disaster they call a final season. I’d love to think that the writers and show runners were just doing the best that they could with what they were allowed to create but there’s just too many plot holes and out of character moments that make me think they just don’t have good enough writers that are truly invested in the show and its characters.
Alex fighting with Kara? Why?? For what fucking reason? They literally go to each other for advice about almost everything. Why the fuck did Alex have such a negative reaction to her ALIEN sister’s logical/sound advice? “Because I know what it’s like to not live your truth!”...Umm. Okay. Sure, I get what you’re saying Alex but didn’t you come out like a week after realizing you were gay? Like you didn’t even know you were gay until you met Maggie and then it clicked and like a couple days later was like “Hey Kara, we need to talk I need your advice.”
I’m not saying her feelings are invalid or how soon someone comes out dictates what kind of experience they have. I’m simply saying that this bitch was acting like she has been hiding who she was for the last 30 years and actively pretending to be someone she’s not to conform to societal expectations when in reality she had no idea who she was. Which is OKAY!! But like...dude. She never went out of her way to pretend to be who she is not or hide who she was after she realized she was gay. She didn’t try date a guy. She didn’t try to dress more feminine. She didn’t change anything about her life to accommodate her struggle with identity. And good for her!! She shouldn’t have to!!...You know what I mean?
Whereas Kara, her ALIEN SISTER has literally hidden her entire life. Why wouldn’t she at least HEAR her sister out for the very real and very logical points she was making? Like yeah sure you don’t want Esme to have to hide who she is but she can at least be COMFORTABLE while living her truth! She can still be an alien and live as one but still have noise cancelling tech or lead-lined glasses to help with sensory overload! It’s like deaf people with cochlear implants. Are they not allowed to take it off to escape the noise of the world every once in a while when it becomes too much? Or must they always wear it so that other people know that they are deaf/hard of hearing because they’re “living their truth”?? Get the fuck outta here.
Also let’s not forget that Esme can literally imitate ANY and ALL alien powers and in an increasingly alien world that is A LOT to have to manage and learn to control and SHE’S ONLY SIX! It just seems like Alex was being written out of character and being a dick for no reason. “Don’t tell me how to raise my kid!” Shuuuut the fuuuuck up Alex. Just a couple episodes ago she was in over her head, asking for advice, and worried she was constantly making mistakes. Now she’s parent of the fucking year that has all the answers? I don’t get it.
It’s also the small things in the script that are too often over looked. Like for example, how Esme is super comfortable calling Kelly and Alex mom but can’t call Kara “Aunt Kara”? Bitch I use to call all of my mom’s close friends Aunt “insert name here” when I was little. Idk. It’s a small thing but still irksome. After all the writing is in the details.
Also Tower doesn’t have a better security system? One that alerts the members of the team when security is breached? There’s no homing beacon or super signal William could have pressed to get someone from the team over there to help? But he has time to set up his phone and record instead of jeez I don’t know, CALLING THE PARENTS OF THE CHILD THAT HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED? They just made William look worse because he was more concerned about getting it on camera and sticking it to Andrea one last time. Like cool, I get it, they now have Lex on camera committing a crime which could actually put him in prison but like...a little girl was kidnapped that he could have potentially saved by calling Supergirl instead of making one last dig at Andrea? But then again he was bleeding out so clearly he wasn’t thinking correctly. Also that was such a small amount of blood for being shot TWICE and so close to the heart but what do I know, I’m not crime scene investigator.
I just wish they cared more because it honestly just seems like they don’t. Also I’ve believed this entire time that Supercorp was definitely happening and now my hope, like the hope totem, has been tossed into the fucking sun. IF it happens it’s definitely going to be a korrasami cop out and that just fucking blows.
My prediction is as follows: It’s the bouquet toss. Alex and Kelly both throw their bouquets and Kara and Lena catch them and look at one another knowingly. OR only one of the brides tosses a bouquet and because Lena’s not the athletic type and her hand-eye-coordination could use some work, Kara catches it before it hits Lena in the face. She then hands it to Lena who accepts it with a smile and and says, “The Superfriends may have saved the world but Kara Zor-El, YOU are my hero.” And then Kara grabs Lena by the waist, pulls her close, and leans in...fade to black.
Oh who am I kidding, even that’s too much for them to come up with.
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
pls you belive in atlantis?? its a legend, a story made up by plato. and there are so many cities that sunk under the sea. atlantis is a racist theory just like aliens built the pyramids or the machu picchu because its unbelievable that people of color were capable of building those lmao. also the pseudo intellectual that wrote the most book about atlantis was a nazi 💀 look up frank joseph
Bittch youre already 200 steps behind me if you think by Atlantis im strictly referring to the plato concept and not like. The entire idea of a lost continent. Like PLEASE learn how to think in a dynamic way 😭 atlantis is literally just a name. Like i am BEGGING yall to learn how to intuit or think creatively/dynamically instead of just about Facts and Logic ala ben shapiro.
Like literally i write about discovering and exploring atlantis from my own perspective. When have i ever referenced plato or that other dude. Atlantis is LITERALLY just a name for a lost civilization. Just like Hy Brasil. And hyperborea. And the garden of eden.
Like i very much label when im discussing my Woo and if thats not your thing you can mosey on over to r/atheism. Idk what to tell you. 😭 like did you think you were gonna own the libs?
Im out here writing about my own experiences from the heart and soul and being the change i wanted to see in the world and youre writing anons 😭😭 ive literally been Like This (divinely touched/insaneeee in the membraineeeeeeee) since i was 5 talking about the same shit that i do now. Like thats my truth i can only live my truth n you should live YOUR truth. like nobodys forcing you to believe in atlantis i preface all my posts with “i KNOW this sounds crazy”.
Just wait until you hear about the shit i believe about antarctica. ENTIRE TEMPLES AND CITIES THAT WOULD BLOW YOUR TITS CLEAN OFF.
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(Please ignore this if it is too personal) When did you first know you were a man? How would I know whether I am a man or a woman? Is there certain feelings attached or something else? I’d like to hear more about your experience if you’re willing to share. Either way, thanks for your time and have a great day!
Oh boy gender stuff! Good luck anon!
I'll do my best to describe what it was like for me, but everyone's different and I feel like I had kind of a non-standard story anyway, maybe? (feelings were weird bc.... autism? trauma? depression?? all of the above??) But everyone's different, anyways. Some people know as soon as they have a concept of gender as small kids and some people find out super late in life, I figured it out the year after I graduated college.
There isn't really a specific moment I can remember, it was just sort of... steadily going "huh. hm. I think maybe.... huh..." and doing research and thinking about it. A couple days at the very end of August were the tipping point and I was sure by September, which is sort of a personal holiday for me figuring it out. For quite a while but especially for the year previous to this I'd been figuring out that I liked my hair short, and that I liked wearing more masculine clothes (my homophobic mom several times accused me of being queer and I was like WTF NO LEAVE ME ALONE I'M CLEARLY A COMPLETELY CISHET GOOD CHRISTIAN WAMEN WHO IS NOT SLOWLY DEVELOPING A GENDER CRISIS lol.) You can see why the um environment in my family might have contributed to me... not wanting to/feeling allowed to explore this earlier idk.
I was unsure for basically the first year of knowing I was trans, because I have issues with doubting my perceptions easily, but I logiced my way through it and was like. Why would I -want- to alienate my family and complicate my whole life if this wasn't real, like why would I choose extra inconvenience for funsies?? I wouldn't. I've gotten a bit more sure about myself and able to trust my perceptions since then, but also relaxed on knowing the specifics of everything. I'm still figuring out my gender and sexuality on some level (I'm some type of aroace but what fine print and where on the spectrum? idk but I'm something. I'm transmasculine, am I Completely Binary 100% Full Gender Man Dude or more nonbinary/agender? idk, I do know that I want to transition, for now I just tell people I'm a trans man and it's close enough and feels right.)
Emotionally, it's weird. For me, I didn't... at least I didn't notice dysphoria, at first? Because that was the way I'd always been, it felt normal. But here's the thing, "normal" felt dull and dead and just sort of empty. Like I wasn't interested in being my gender I was just sort of going through the motions because it seemed like I was supposed to. The big difference for me was realizing that I wanted masculinity and that it made me feel good about my gender, something I had not felt before. Before it had always just been like "eh, sure, okay, I guess. I mean, there's not another option, right?" (There was.)
I guess when I figured it out there was just sort of a sense of, oh, okay. There's nothing to go back to, because that was all just a lot of -nothing-, and now I've figure out how to actually feel alive, gender-wise. Like I didn't feel there was an option to turn that awareness off.
I don't know, it's confusing trying to explain it. Feelings weird. I want to say "you'll just know" but I did get super anxious and psyche myself out going "but what if I'm just completely deranged and making this all up for some incomprehensible reason?? or what if I'm POSSESSED??" (true story.) so like, it uh, took me a while to Know(TM) myself.
It might be easier to put aside the "am I trans" question for a sec and think about specific things that you do know that you are or want. Like this page! also this, and @transgenderteensurvivalguide in general. They're a good source. and I really like youtuber Jammidodger. There's sometimes a disconnect between finding community online and in the real world though, what I found out is that there were a lot more queer people and a lot more resources in my area than I thought! I was able to get top surgery like right down the street, I had assumed I'd need to travel to another state. So try to figure out if there's a local LGBTQ+ organization of some kind, they might have more information for what's in your area. I'm on a weekly zoom call with other trans people in the community, it's open to gender-nonconforming and questioning people as well as trans allies. I think a lot of trans groups generally are open for you to just come hang out and talk to other people and see other people if you're questioning your gender, you don't have to have all the answers on day one.
I hope some of this helps, it's really only something you can figure out yourself but @transgenderteensurvivalguide is a good compilation of resources to help figure it out. Good luck anon! Take your time, try not to freak out too much, I love you!
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lesbianklance · 3 years
There is so much about how they wrote keiths character that pisses me off
Even the fact that the most autistic coded character turned out to be a half alien... :( the fact that they tried so hard to show that he was The Best At Litteraly Everything Actually.. The black lion connection thing.. The Cursed Salute. Wtf
He is still my comfort character but :( i just wished someone else had written vld
yesss!!! yes to all of these pls it's so fucking ridiculous
like oh yeah everything he thought was "wrong" about him all his life was because he was half alien(: (nothing was actually wrong with him btw im saying it as how he sees it, all his life there was certain stuff about him and he felt like he didnt fit in and they just blamed it on him being half an alien instead of taking the opportunity to do a neurodivergent plot line. dont even get me started how they basically confirmed that yeah he never belonged on earth by making him stay in space afterwards. what kind of message does that send huh? yeah if you feel different it's cause you dont belong go out to space or whatever. no, just no)
and them making him the fucking golden boy? i hate that. especially since they showed him as the perfect dude since the begining with that lance and iverson scene
it would have been logical to show he has flaws, which was done very well in the balmera scene and season 3
then they screwed it up because instead of giving the spot light to other characters like, oh idk lance and hunk maybe, they kept having him be the "superior" paladin, giving him all sorts of cool new powers no one else had when he hadnt been a paladin for like 2 3 years
literally makes no sense and it really speaks in how fucking problematic voltron is, having their white character being the "superior" paladin or whatever the fuck, constantly having him be above everyone else, being the one to be able to take them out of sticky situations
ive already mentioned the example with the bayard power
let's take another: having him defeating sendak out of fucking nowhere
shiro was the one who was battling sendak, he got out of a fucking ship in space and fought sendak, badass right?
well, once again we have to have shiro being a damsel in distress for keith apparently cause hey! shiro the ex leader of voltron, 25-26 yo man, the best commander to come out of the garrison at the youngest age, the captain of the atlas sure needs a 18-21yo saving him all the time right?
in the end keith gets the props for defeating sendak when all he did was slash him, shiro was the one fighting him keith basically did nothing, he just caught him off guard
but noo we must show our very obvious bias for keith right?
anyway this is getting long: point is they fucking ruined keith, he had so much potential to be a cool character and yet they had to turn him into the captain america (as i call it) type of character that is always the highest of moral ground and the superior of them all. a character is fucking boring if he's perfect all the time and really irritating. give us back the real keith that we love cowards because that? that really was not it
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floof-ghostie · 4 years
Shaniac or Boogara: Class 1-B
Shaniacs: Awase, Shishida, Kaibara, Kendo, Kodai, Bondo, Fukidashi, Shoda
Boogaras: Yanagi, Tsunotori, Tokage, Tsuburaba, Rin, Shiozaki, Kuoiro, Komori, Tetsutetsu, Honenuki, Kamakiri, Monoma
Explanations under the cut
Awase: Doesn't really believe in ghosts. Has Shane's sense of humour, i.e making fun of the ghosts.
Shishida: My man is logical at all times, he firmly believes that it's all myth.
Kaibara: Dismisses all paranormal activity as a trick of the light, or the wind. Refuses to believe otherwise. A ghost could straight up smack him upside the head, or say hello, and he's be convinced it's the wind.
Kendo: Isn't really dismissive of ghosts or anything, just doesn't believe.
Kodai: Similar to Kendo. But she did get scared of ghost stories when she was little. Is cool with going on ghost hunts with Yanagi, or watching a conspiracy vid, though.
Bondo: Surprised a lot of people who found out about this. He just gives off the vibes.
Fukidashi: Makes a lot of jokes about ghosts and aliens, but doesn't believe in them.
Shoda: Also highly logical. Is a little nervous when going to places like cemeteries or where people have died.
Yanagi: This goes without saying. She's not the scared kind of Boogara though, my girl loves horror stories. She has taken Kodai on ghost hunts.
Tsunotori: Yeah she believes in them. Gets really scared of horror stories too. Yanagi please chill before you give her a heart attack istg.
Tokage: Lmao have you met her of course. Low key scared, but willing to go ghost hunting. Also does conspiracy theories.
Tsuburaba: It's Kosei we're talking about. Constantly blaming tiny things on spirits, aliens, you name it. He and Kaibara are like the Ryan and Shane of Class 1-B.
Rin: I feel like he himself is the type to be spiritually sensitive. Very wary of spirits, always whacks Awase upside the head when he's talking sh*t to them. He's not trying to get haunted because of his dumbass friend it's Bakugo all over again.
Shiozaki: Come on, do I have to say why? She is definitely sensitive to spirits and ghosts. Has weekly arguments with Shishida.
Kuoiro: Dude. It's Kuoiro. Need I say more? Goes with Yanagi to ghost hunts so he can "be among his kind" this emo right here.
Komori: Yeah she does. She also believes in fae.
Tetsutetsu: Yup. Believes in every ghost story, conspiracy theory, and urban legend no matter how improbable or stupid it is.
Honenuki: It's canon that he has a very flexible way of thinking. So I feel like he could see certain conspiracy theories and be like "huh, makes sense."
Kamakiri: Claims he'll fight any ghost, spirit, or entity that tries anything. Shiozaki and Rin are both shaking their heads. Me too, like my guy, how are you gonna square up to a GHOST?
Monoma: Idk. Gives off the vibes. Probably has a conspiracy board in his room. Kendo is tired of listening to his rants.
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it-sy-bit-sy · 3 years
The ending of Attack on Titan: a shallow analysis
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(I don't think I should have to put a spoilers alert on a blog about the ENDING OF AOT, but in general if you mind being spoiled on a series, I advise you to refrain from attending discussions about the body of work until you've finished it in its entirety/come up to speed on the current chapter/episode. Screw hype dude, do you like being hurt? Also for the TLDR, it’s that Attack on Titan explores the cycle of hatred (Eren’s journey) AND love which is why Mikasa and Ymir become relevant at the end of the story.)
Since the newly added panels of AOT’s ending have been likened by some to the ending of Naruto, I'd like to say that Naruto's end truly hurt me; the way it flows into Boruto is so contrived it burns. A story that's always centered around powerful ninja bloodlines fighting political wars suddenly introduced aliens that harvest planets for energy as the super antagonist, and additionally they're the source of all our characters' powers as well as the jinchuriki and tailed beasts themselves. Then when you look at the plot of Boruto which heavily relies on the Otsutsuki clan as an antagonistic force, their whole existence feels like the transition from Dragon Ball straight into the first DBZ arc with Goku learning he’s really part of an alien race that was meant to destroy Earth.
I didn't detect so forced a role in the ending of AOT, but it's absolutely plausible to speculate that the alternate ending was influenced for this reason, as we know Attack on Titan wasn't produced through Isayama's involvement alone. Certain compromises are made when operating as a team, though it would be wonderful if the original intent of authors were more absolute in the world of production than they are known to be.
And as much as I don't enjoy half-hearted continuations of series for a royalty check, I ALMOST can't blame them for doing it...it creates (many) happy fans, more jobs, and Isayama gets his royalty check. The rest of us suffer but hey, artists need money I guess... 🥀 Moving on. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#1. Eren's development as a character
I never saw Eren's goal steered in the direction of breaking the cycle of revenge or hatred. He was acting wholly in his own interests. He's intensely selfish, doesn't want to change his views, and exists in the story to further the cycle itself. According to me, Chapters 129 and 131 perfectly explain his motivations for the rumbling.
Now before I go on, I'd like to bring a particular scene to mind. I do remember him saying this once (to Historia who had just told him killing the rest of the world is unjustifiable and wrong):
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Yes, he said that, but I don't think that is what he ever intended the rumbling to be used for.
After he stated that 80% of humanity was wiped out so Paradis will be safe for the time being, he neglected to answer Armin's questions in 139: "Did you really need to go that far? Are you sure you did all of this for our sakes?" We may also consider the thoughts he chose NOT to share in chapter 131:
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That combined with this excerpt from 129 is pretty much all there is to Eren's convictions.
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Those are the same words he said in Chapter 2 after his mother died.
So despite his brief period of self-loathing when considering 1) the countless lives in survey corps sacrificed for his sake, 2) being confronted with his and his father's involvement in the Reiss family, 3) everything he learned about his enemy--that all titans are formerly human, that the titan shifters were just children deceived by their world--he even admits to Reiner during Tyburn's speech (Chapter 100) that they are indeed in the same boat--and on top of that, admitting that the rumbling will do nothing to fix the course of history, he settled with the same conviction he held the moment he decided to do something to change the world.
Again, here's his words from 139 showing us just how angry a boi Eren was.
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This was Eren Jaeger...he didn't even really know what he was doing.
As a human being, Eren was very much in the cycle of revenge as much as everyone else was. His course of action never deviated too far from that path. He knew better, but he lashed out at the world to protect the few people he cared about anyway. He took freedom away from the ones who threatened him. He was a mass murderer, and so were the other soldiers in this series fighting for their own reasons, since titans were people. Survey corps were always slaughtering these people whom they saw as monsters. Marley viewed Eldians as monstrously and with as much hatred as Eldians viewed the titans. Eren did not try to justify his actions to everyone. He simply stopped seeing the value of life in others not important to him, as humans often do.
So what did he sacrifice 80% of humanity for? From 129 again:
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Them meaning his immediate friends.
No, he didn't care about their children's children and beyond because there's no way to control what happens when you're gone from this world. It wasn't his problem. Eren had 4 years at most left to live, and he wanted to do what he could to ensure his friends were happy before he left.
And as jarring as it was to see Eren become undone in the last chapter, I didn't find it completely out of character, because for one he was talking to his closest friend moments before his own death, and secondly, Eren was just a stupid human like the rest of the people in this series. Obviously, most people just want a normal life that they can spend with people whom they love. Eren was the same way, but was denied that future (and happened to be able to do something about it). Very selfish goals, but those chosen few were his world. Along with a general distaste for humanity, that's how I understand his character motivations.
*Which is to say in relation to the extra pages, Ymir's curse returning a generation or two after the events of AOT doesn't entirely void his actions. I’m assuming the power of Ymir apparently exists as a force of nature on this version of Earth period, so I suppose this points us to an endless cycle of humans eventually finding the power and using it as they see fit *
#2 Why is Romance Relevant to Attack on Titan?
I wasn't expecting a romance factor to be relevant at the end of the story, however considering that Mikasa's affection for Eren WAS her most prominent personality trait as a character, then the events that followed, I was forced to look back to a few moments in the series that could lend light to why, in the end, a romantic subplot ended the curse of Ymir. My conclusions are as follows:
1. Quite literally, the cycle of hatred never ends. Humans will always have a reason to be unkind to one another. We are animals after all; this trait cannot be reasoned through with logic, bred out, or defeated. We are a self-aware species (Eren's even aware of his own hypocrisy in Chapter 131). There will always arise those who take what they want for themselves because they decide in the end they don't care about others as much as they care about their own interests.
2. To make this second point, I'm stealing these words out of a certain machine lifeform's mouth, but bear with me here:
"But the humans...? Now THEY are interesting. Because they are an enigma! They killed uncountable numbers of their own kind, yet loved in equal measure! It's fascinating, don't you think? What could possibly drive such behavior? We have dedicated ourselves to unraveling this riddle of humanity..."
--Adam from NieR:Automata
AOT uses Eren and Mikasa as a case study of humanity. Humans hate and love in equal measure.
In Ch. 129, Zeke's piece here foreshadows the significance of those two for the story, I guess?
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Now everyone reading this series as well as the characters in it had noticed how much fondness Mikasa always had for Eren, and how aloof he always was towards her in return...that's something for them to work out.
Despite never really reciprocating Mikasa's feelings, Eren told Armin at the end of the series that yes, he enjoyed receiving her attention; he would have liked to live a happy life with her. So, Mikasa just liked Eren, Eren liked her... And similar to Mikasa, Ymir just liked King Fritz. It doesn't matter whether we think these feelings were sound or not; they did what they wanted with themselves. I suppose that explains the reason she was a mega simp for Eren in the whole story. Yes, this turn in the story reads like a different plot now, not one about war and killing monsters, but I'm pleasantly surprised that this trait taken as a flaw of Mikasa’s actually served as a necessary condition to end the conflict of the titans.
Eren wouldn't let go of his hatred of the world for his own satisfaction, Ymir wouldn't let go of her love of King Fritz for her own satisfaction, and Mikasa is the only one who decided to let go of her convictions in the interest of someone other than herself. That's what moved the curse.
I think Isayama used the characters of Ymir and Mikasa to demonstrate that while there is a cycle of hatred and revenge running rampant in humanity, the cycle of love doesn't stop either.
In closing, and I truly apologize for such a lengthy post; I hope I didn’t reiterate my point too often here...I didn't think about any of this until I heard so many readers upset with the way AOT ended. I'm not personally left with any disappointment in where the story went. I didn't know where it was going to go in the first place, and I think it could have been much worse for us in different hands. 
AOT is a story about the nature of humanity.
*And in regards to Jean, if that is supposed to be him with Mikasa in the new panels, all I can say is dude likes his girl. He was a simp for her and she was a simp for Eren, but the fact that they shared their lives together means a lot even if Eren was never completely buried in her heart. He meant a lot to her man, idk...
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halfhappyhooligan · 4 years
a voltron au? in 2020? it’s more likely than you think
look. LOOK. i know that voltron is stupid and we hate it but lets be honest: everything up until season 3 was pretty good and had lots of potential !!
today i was rewatching voltron and a thought struck me: what if, instead of shiro being cloned, he was chipped and turned to the side of the galra?
so here it is, i did not blink since i thought of this
(warning, i have not seen voltron in a while and this is just knowledge i have stored in my moss brain and stuff i know from rewatching the first season)
au where shiro goes evil bc of what happens @ end of season one instead of the clone thing bc 1) haggar rly could not have made thousands of shiros after bumping into team voltron like what twice? its hella improbable and 2) just… weird
so instead they insert a chip in him that helps them spy and control him just like kuron (the clone) did minus the unlikely storytelling
eventually after the convo with sendak when he was in the pod trying to temp shirp, he does have thoughts about helping zarkon
(“im already infiltrated with the arm, i could just speed up the process by leaving now. save the team the trouble of investing in a leader that’s doomed to fail from the strart.”)
shiro ends up leaving team voltron in season 2 after zarkon goes crazy w the black lion n stuff
^^ this adds to Keith’s reasoning of joining the Blade of Marmora (shiro is his main stability and one of the main reasons he even stuck around with team voltron, so with shiro gone and keith questioning his place as the leader and paladin of the black lion, he decides the BoM is just.. what’s best for him) 
obviously lance isn’t happy with this (“you just told me that i’m a valuable member, now you don’t think YOU are? what logic is that?”)
ofc keith goes anyways
lance becomes paladin of the black lion
allura takes on the red lion
who has blue lion? ...idk this isn’t that thought out (maybe matt after pidge finds her family) (which will happen earlier in the plot since we can forget about the miniplot of black no longer responding to shiro)
enter lotor only this time he has a sidekick and what omg its shiro wow
shiro has that bigger version of his arm that was once offered to him
he’s stronger and scary, but his eyes aren’t the same, he has the strength of a galra but lacks the passion 
in the fight between lotor and zarkon, (and after, of course lots of self doubt and questioning) shiro comes between them and convinces lotor NOT to kill zarkon
then zarkon kills lotor
everyones like oh shit bc surely someone who’s life was just spared wouldn’t kill the person who seems to have the most power
but he did. bc he’s zarkon. and he’s fckn crazy.
shiro doesn’t go back to team voltron bc its too much too easily
instead he takes the place of lotor in the group of gals 
he convinces them all to rebel against the galra
eventually they teach him all about quintessence and all the shit lotor had planned that they can’t do anymore
(lotor wasn’t harvesting alteans in this universe bc what the heck even was that subplot that had little to no relevance to the main storyline?
instead he was trying to find a way to technologically bring back alteans (kinda like how allure’s dad was originally preserved in s1)
i know nothing about How Stuff Works and i dont remember much about quintessence n shit but the basic idea is that when tying in some of a persons artifacts with technology stuff and some quintessence then boom. a weird route from astral projection land to the team is created and ppl can come back or smth idfk
but lotor was never able to get the comet so shiro decides he and the gals will get that comet and try to bring back as many alteans as they can
^ all this while infiltrating as many galra fleets as possible + saving planets under galra empire
they personally visit every planet that lotor was in charge of and release them from galra control
they are able to bring back an altean (its romelle) and she talks abt her friend who lives on the balmera and they go to the balmera and its revealed that it was shay’s great grandmother so romelle asks where shay is and shay’s family is like with team voltron of course
they take her
obviously team voltron, the BoM and the Rebels r very hesitant to make contact but they decide to try it out
keith refuses to meet, instead he’s on the team that stands guard
reunions !! 
romelle and shay hit it off and hunk makes a dinner much like roselle’s past (allura and coran also hang out and they all vibe)
lance talks to shiro abt everything to do with keith and shiro is like dude do u??? like him?
and lance is like what? no ofc not—oh shit.
and keith ✨overhears ✨
pidge matt and shiro catch up n shit
meanwhile keith is like Hey Lance Uhhhhhh What The Fuck
they end up being like hey since we’re all here and we hate zarkon what if we make a plan to end the galra’s reign Right Now
so they do
and y’all.. it’s hella baller plan
except something is going wrong and in the middle of an attack zarkon is able to get the upper hand 
due to haggar’s magic and lance’s mental and emotional instability, zarkon is able to get in his head
everyone is trying to talk him down but they’re all under a lot of pressure
allura is also conflicted bc she wanted to be black lion bc she wanted to rub it in to zarkon’s face that she was stronger than he and that she could beat him at his own game
but the negativity and instability feeds into zarkon’s power and makes him and haggar stronger as they pull in voltron to finally take over the team and regain their status as the most powerful alien race
hunk realizes this and is like okay can y’all stop being negative? its clearly affecting them in a good way and it makes us an easier target
and pidge is like im literally a child pls i don’t wanna die i just got my family back it can’t end like this
shiro realizes what’s going on and he goes to save them
he uses all his energy, pulling in the positive memories (everything: first learning about space, becoming a teacher, meeting adam, meeting keith, first making team voltron, his friends and family--all of it) to push back zarkon and haggar’s powers and battle once more in the astral realm 
in defeating zarkon, shiro loses his life
afterwards keith enters the ship in a hurry and is like where the fuck is shiro where’s my brother what did you do what happened
and team voltron is like hey man.. we are so so sorry
and keith cries because the last thing he ever said to shiro was mean
lance feels like its all his fault since he was supposed to be a good leader
they talk about separately while hunk pidge and allura discuss
krolia is like keith we, ur family, are here for u
and axca is there and shes like um?? hey?? sry for trying to kill u bro
and he’s like i absolutely do not wanna talk i just lost my closest friend
they talk about it later
axca tells keith abt shiro finishing lotor’s work and abt bringing people back and well.. 
they use the methods to help keith visit shiro in the astral realm
shiro is like oh uh hey i was just having a drink w adam we r happy
and keith is like shiro u fuckhead why would u sacrifice urself
shiro sighs bc cmon keith you KNOW why “remember what i always said? we can’t focus on what went wrong..”
“we’ve got to figure out how to make it right” keith finishes
keith breaks tf down crying and screams apologizing
“i love u shiro. ur a like a big brother to me.”
and shiro is like yeah i know and ilyt but hey. everyone’s safe and happy. im safe and happy. & you deserve to be too. you don’t need me anymore.
so the galra rule is over and everyone goes to their respected planets
romelle and the other alteans as well as some galra babes hang in earth
romelle and shay r in an apartment together and have a garden
allura realizes she may not have been the strongest leader for voltron, and  couldn’t stop zarkon on her own but that physical strength doesn’t define her as a whole
her heart is strong enough to care for everyone, so thats what she does
allura starts running an inn for alteans filled with painted sceneries like altea in case anyone ever needs a reminder of home
when lance reunites with his family its a real tearjerker
rachel finally gets her jacket back and veronica is like So.. Axca 👀
the McClain’s host a huge party for everyone and it’s filled with lots of hugs and loud music and even tho lance was way too tired, he danced all night
he wouldn’t trade his family for the world—genetic and chosen
when hunk reunites with his parents they don’t let him out the house for hours, he tells them all about his new best friend shay as well as hundreds of his favorites stories from space
they are so, so proud of him
hunk spends the next days playing minecraft and animal crossing with pidge, giving their brains a rest from being on hyperdrive for 3 yrs straight
when pidge gets home she finally gets grounded by her mom, only being allowed to leave the house to see her old teammates
(same for matt and her dad)
(her mother cries so hard when they opened the door to the home)
the holt family holds movie nights filled with popcorn, cuddles, and tears
keith moves in with the holt family, and finally accepts that he has a home as well as a family
he often goes on trips with the BoM but mostly just stays on earth
after a Team Voltron sleepover in the altea inn keith and lance decide to get an apartment together and live their lives in love and in peace
everyone gets together once a year in celebration of shiro and the sacrifice he made for them
they use the ship to visit Astral Shiro and once they even met adam
everyone laughs and catches up and just... live their lives
everyone is happy
pls ignore any and all errors lmao
again, just a thought !! maybe i’ll write a fic abt it idk for sure but yeah
feel free to add anything <3
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Omg okay so I had this really friggin weird dream featuring Bubba.
I was browsing TV Tropes looking at the page for Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and that led me to watching some scenes from it on VHS...which I'm sure are very different from the actual movie here outside of dream land.
One scene involved this (THICC) woman stuck in a bent over position, while Bubba was feeling her thighs and ass kinda like...he was trying to see just how meaty she really was?? Idk. Then he had like...calipers?? Or something. To properly measure the size of her (considerable!) ass. (This involved a close up shot of said ass...which was the only part of this dream that made sense. Why wouldn't you include an ass shot right? 🍑)
After that, and establishing that she was fertile (I don't remember the details of that... probably a good thing, considering how weird the rest of this dream was), Bubba and the other Sawyers declared her fit to be Bubba's wife.
Flash forward through some gore scenes that I also can't remember many details of, and we have Bubba and Unidentified Thicc Lady dancing at their wedding.
(Also Bubba burst out of someone's body at one point. Like the chestburster from Alien. We love an homage!)
And that was the dream.
It all made sense at the time because of dream logic™, but looking back at it now after waking up...what thee FUCK was all of that lmao
Oh my god anon thats an insanely vivid dream holy shittttttt hsgsgshbshshgsg
Like dude im not super thirsty for Bubba but DUDE I fucking love this whole thing like uh first of all hot THICC gorl and second of all hot THICC gorl getting felt up like OOF we love but yeah dude legit I love all of this just for how wild it is zgshsbdbhdjsdb
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definitive VERY SERIOUS ranking of MCU characters, best to trash
Gamora and Nebula - tied for first place because prickly, traumatized assassin women? that’s my shit. prickly, traumatized assassin women working through their issues TOGETHER and growing closer as sisters? YEAH, babey! that’s the shit! I love them and they deserved arcs that loved them, too. biggest injustice in the MCU.
Thor - absolutely excellent. amazing work. distinguished slut vibes and a radiant beam on sunshine in this shithole world. again, never saw Endgame, but he deserved better.
Sam Wilson - going strong since 2014, babey. just an all-around great guy, good for him finally getting his own show. will I be watching it? absolutely not. not a force on god’s green earth could make me care enough to pirate a marvel television show in this the year of our lord and savior 2020, even if he is a very cool dude with wings. 
Bucky Barnes - all the fun of Steve but no moral quandaries because everything bad that he did happened when he was being controlled by nazis and he feels really bad about it uwu
Peter Parker - yes OBVIOUSLY the movies did Peter dirty, we’ve all seen a fucking essay about it, making him Iron Man Jr was wack and being poor doesn’t look like that, but he’s cute and fun and I like Tom Holland, who was the emotional anchor who forced me to keep giving a sliver of a shit during Infinity War. Far From Home was pretty not good but would I see another Spider-Man movie? fuck, maybe.
Steve Rogers - idk I just think he’s neat. really love how he’s shaped like a dorito and hates nazis.
James Rhodes - I don’t think Rhodey’s ever said or done anything that wasn’t iconic and for that he deserves to be exactly one spot above his idiot best friend.
Tony Stark - I hold possibly the most unpopular opinion on Tony Stark on this entire hellsite, which is that he’s just fine. he’s fun sometimes, he’s irritating sometimes, he made some points during Civil War. he should probably lose more points for being a former war profiteer but if I started digging into comic book logic too much I’d have to change my url because Batman cooperates with cops and endangers children, so idk.
T’Challa - I don’t remember a TON about T’Challa’s actual personality because it’s been like 4 years since Black Panther came out and he had like 2 lines in Infinity War, but he’s a powerful nerd/jock multiclasser who spends most of his time surrounded by women who are very smart and dangerous and much cooler than him and I really respect that.
Natasha Romanoff - Natasha is difficult to rank because for a long time her dominant defining characteristic was being The Girl One, which means she has a different personality in pretty much every movie, and it was never interesting. if Marvel had rubbed two brain cells together and given her a solo movie between 2012 and 2015 she might have fared better, but alas. press F in the chat for Nat’s potential.
Groot, Rocket, Drax, Mantis - I love these funky socially incompetent aliens. more of them, please.
Bruce Banner - only interesting in Ragnarok when he’s Thor’s anxious comedic foil and boyfriend; thank you for that small gift, Taika. I never saw Endgame because I love myself, so I don’t know anything about professor Hulk and I don’t want to.
Peter Quill - fun in theory but loses points for being such a painful walking embodiment of the extremely heterosexual “idiot manchild gets hot competent gf by virtue of being white cishet protagonist man.” shut the fuck up she’s way too good for him.
Wanda Maximoff - despite all of Joss Whedon’s best efforts I really liked her in Age of Ultron and then my love for her just decreased with each subsequent appearance. like Natasha she was increasingly a different character each time; by Infinity War she didn’t have her accent anymore as if Elizabeth Olsen realized nobody else on set would remember or care about Wanda’s previous portrayals. on god I liked her so much that I was even down to root for her and Vision but then the majority of it happened offscreen and lost me forever. 
Pietro Maximoff - mmm watcha saaaaaay
Hope Van Dyne - cooler than Ant-Man but not by much. should have been a lesbian and kissed Pepper Potts in the moonlight. 
Carol Danvers - fuck dude idk, I’ve never seen a movie she’s in lmao
Ant-Man - the recurring joke with this bitch seems to be “haha can you believe he exists? that’s dumb!” and it is. it is dumb. why did we need him? it could have all payed off with him crawling up Thanos’ asshole and exploding but we didn’t even get that. bullshit. 
Vision - man, fuck, I tried to put him higher on the list than Peter Quill and I couldn’t make myself do it. that’s how goddamn boring Vision was. and you know what? fuck it, we’re putting him lower than Pietro, too. and even Ant-Man! we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here and he deserves it because I can’t think of one thing this dude did that I enjoyed other than being bad at cooking when he was trying to impress a girl.
Doctor Strange - I’m not going to make a Benedict Cumberbatch joke because that’s low hanging fruit but all I know is that this is the dude who’s mean to Tony in a horny way for five minutes of Infinity War. I never saw his movie, heard it was racist tho. and they didn’t even learn their lesson before they made Iron Fist! smh bombastic colonialism.
Clint Barton - last place because in the absence of a personality or interesting character arc I’m forced to judge him on the fact that Jeremy Renner radiates bad vibes and that in Endgame he gets a makeover that makes him look like he’d call me slurs for telling him to stop hitting on 16 year old girls at a gas station.
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not related to recent posts of yours but i find it kinda crazy how there are so many right wing men who feel like failures socially but no one in their circles ever encourages them to really reflect on why that happens. like how for romantic relationships with women, they'll say things like "the reason i don't have a wife and kids is because all women are evil sluts" instead of something like "maybe i need to be a better listener, maybe i should put myself in other peoples shoe's more often, maybe i should talk to others before judging, maybe if i really put aside for a moment just the goal of getting into a woman's pants and becoming a family man, and instead just focus on putting effort into connecting emotionally with another human, maybe i'll meet someone nice" but none of these men actually think any of those things despite them being the type of person that "lives in their own head" (everyone does but you know what this saying means). do you have any thoughts on why these kind of thoughts barely appear in their heads despite them spending so much time alone with their thoughts (and when theyre not alone with their thoughts, theyre talking to other socially isolated men with the same thoughts)? like what happens that makes them just not reflect about themselves in a healthy way? in your opinion
i dont study incels so idk i dont have like a total explanation but i dont think its crazy at all. most of those men are probably not in environments that encourage healthy and reciprocal relationships or even the idea of being emotionally open with others, let alone women. american social and cultural life as a whole does not really encourage it, it encourages a male identity based on success, frequent sex (and furthermore sex as conquest), strength, charisma. ideals of physical beauty are pretty much inescapable in the us, and misery inducing for anyone who doesnt fit them. for guys who dont live up to that, who are depressed, isolated, who feel ugly, pathetic, awkward etc i think that is where it turns into resentment channeled at women. because of the internet they can all talk about it with each other and further compound their ideology and not think for a second about it. most incels seem like really alienated mentally unwell people who feel hated, powerless, marginalized and seek power in blaming their circumstances on women. i dont think theyre actually marginalized, except maybe in social situations by peers, but i do think this is the psychology. american culture puts huge emphasis on romantic relationships and sexual experience, but little emphasis on a healthy relation to the self and to a partner. american culture is also still very misogynist. if you fail to live up to the first part, never experience the second part, and ascribe to common misogynist views, i think the logical conclusion is a bunch of depressed dudes complaining about stacys and radicalizing each other further. i dont think this phenomenon would be anywhere near as extreme if werent for the internet because it gives them absolutely no reason to reflect on it. idk if your ask was about incels specifically but theres this article about incel plastic surgery that is actually so crazy the guys in it just seem really fucked up by capitalist beauty standards. anyways thats my explanation of why it exists, it doesnt excuse the stuff those guys say or do
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rro-bots · 3 years
NOR TO PICK THE OBVIOUS CHOICE BUT. izuru kamukura fpr the character thing lol
ITS COMPLETELY FINE TO SAY IZURU i have many thoughts abt him sorry if this is long
favorite thing about them: this is actually a rlly hard question for me but probably it’s the fact that underneath all the talent and the procedures hes gone thru he’s still ultimately human. also i find his rudeness endearing and funny
least favorite thing about them: hmm maybe hope peaks academy programming him into hating talentless people ? also partially his ego at times. aside from that i dont rlly have a lot i dislike abt him tho
favorite line: probably “something that has been born, acknowledged, and lived life can’t be denied its existence” during his utdp event with syo since while it’s in relation to syo he’s also talking about himself to a certain degree and i think it reflects how he thinks of himself ? idk. dude has intense identity issues but he still thinks of himself as a person at the bare minimum, even as he still believes he is a tool to be used by hpa (and then again by junko in the canon timeline). heem. also i like his interactions with kaede in their utdp event.
brotp: kaede and izuru will forever make me insane. their utdp is my favorite interaction of all of izurus events and aside from nanami this is THE nicest he had treated anybody. also i love kaede. another choice is izuru and the survivors and izuru and nanami although i have a Lot of thoughts behind both of those and dont wanna make this insanely long LOL
otp: this is fairly obvious but kamuegi!! kamuegi honestly just makes sense to me especially in a post-game scenario. not only would naegi’s luck interest kamukura (since as junko has stated, its unpredictable) i also think his similarities to nanami and his way of utilizing hope would intrigue him. also!! i think he wouldnt understand naegis logic behind giving him a second (or third) chance which (mirroring his confusion with junkos actions) would also interest him. i think this could eventually lead to kamukura unintentionally falling for naegi LOL especially as in a post-game scenario i think he’d feel/be alienated from the other survivors. i think naegi would be really good for him especially as they have common traumas and could try and heal together.
notp: an unpopular choice but kamu/koma makes me incredibly uncomfortable, id prefer not to get into it
random headcanon: he’s autistic with comorbid adhd :] i feel like he’d be very understimulated a lot and wld be hyposensitive to a lot of things except maybe touch. i have a lot of reasons for this but a lot of this is mostly just projection chdkxjdk also!! i hc him as agender (or genderfluid) pan and ace and that he uses she/he/they pronouns
unpopular opinion: hm. i think its weird that people make izuru straight up cruel and have him torture or kill a bunch of people out of boredom when in canon its . the exact opposite lol. i know a lot of ppl dont consider dr3 good and all but i honestly do think his actions in it make sense in regards to the little bit of character we’ve seen before in chapter 0 and in utdp. also ik utdp isnt Canon but its the most canon izuru we get outside of chapter 0 that isnt just hearsay from junko.
song i associate with them: es by crying or read my mind by j fernandez (and many many more)
favorite picture of them:
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maybe this one?? idk any of his appearances in dr3 are endearing to me but this one looks vaguely puppy-ish to me
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