#idk how the situation came to be. very in media res. if you have an answer id love to know
forecast0ctopus · 1 month
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putting those men in a Situation
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
This got very long and i understand if you delete without reading.
Earlier this year, I decided that I wanted to spend less time on social media and more time writing and catching up on my book/show backlog. But for some reason any time I say something about wanting to focus on my hobbies I get push back from a friend as if that translates to me avoiding them (it's not. I talk to them on a daily basis but a lot of that is them sending me videos/tweets they want me to look at) I don't know how to explain that I don't want to waste my minute free time when I have hobbies I want to work on/indulge in.
They're in Fandom too so it's not as if they're confused at the concept. IDK how to put it, but it makes me feel discouraged that I feel like I'm expected to sit around waiting in case they want to chat and that if I say I'm working on something it's not important and I need to pay attention to them now but if I message them then I'm interrupting because they don't want to have to stop what they're doing to answer me. This leads to me doomscrolling Twitter because at any second they might want to talk so I feel like I can't do anything else because I struggle at multitasking. I can't text someone and watch something at the same time or whatever.
I don't know what to do about this because when I try to mention that I'm busy or working on something it gets ignored or turns into an argument. I am at the point where I dread my messenger going off.
I'm asking you and your followers for any tips because I am at my wit's end and you all have always been an understanding bunch.
I don't want to be a hermit but sometimes I need a couple of hours to write or read on my own. This is someone I have known for years who i know very well so it's not as simple as "take a break from Fandom and do your own thing" though I suppose that is what my goal was this year. Which makes it feel worse because for years we were really supportive of each other's interests/creative works and now it feels more like I'm meant to be supportive of them and not the other way around.
I know this was long, so thank you for even reading it. I appreciate even being able to vent safely.
As I read over this to make it as vague as possible it occurs to me there are multiple issues that just came pouring out. 😑 but. . .how do I get someone to understand I should have SOME time to do my own thing? I am starting to feel like they forgot I'm a separate person from them. They even get upset that I write fic for fandoms they aren't in and I am so very tired of feeling like I need to walk on eggshells.
"This got very long and i understand if you delete without reading."
This sounds very unlike me.
Re the situation, it sounds to me like these friends are either not very good friends in the first place or have backslid into "everyone exists to comfort me" due to pandemic stress or the like.
My dad calls things like writing "chunk work" where you need to work up to getting in the flow and you need uninterrupted focus. The opposite are all those petty little tasks that eat your whole day, like answering trivial business e-mails or doing the dishes.
Whether you have an attention disorder or executive function problems or no, most brains fundamentally have different modes and aren't good at doing things like creative writing without some uninterrupted time. This has very little to do with how much time you do or don't spend with friends and a lot to do with more consciously managing your day and your brain.
If these friends refuse to understand this or conflate it with taking a month off from friendship, that's a them problem, and you need new friends.
It's perfectly normal and fine to send a meme or a random discord PM to a friend and for them to respond hours later because they were busy.
It seems like there are actually 3 things going on here:
Your "friends" are pretending they don't understand how high-focus tasks work.
Your "friends" demand you be available at the drop of a hat in a way that is unrealistic and that ruins most people's schedules.
Your "friends" would consider it a massive imposition to be on-call for you in the same way but learn zero lessons about it being unreasonable in the other direction.
Possibly a fourth is that they have no intention of changing how they interact with social media, and they know that if you do, it signals the end of your routine interactions. And this might be true. I've lost friends, at least for a few years, when our internet use diverged.
But there's no way around it: if you don't want doomscrolling eating your time, you need to extract yourself from friend circles that interact heavily in real time on twitter. You need friends who write e-mails and wait for the response or who send a PM and are happy to come back to the conversation once you've answered.
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TRANSFORGEES: the world of transformation (Literally) pt 1
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[no image for this one. this first part will talk about how transformation victims, dubbed "transforgees", are treated for their situation and how the live their day to day lives]
So, i’ve been wanting to actually talk about tranforgees, transformations, and traforgee centers for a while. And i think now that i’m beginning to worldbuild not just planet argonus but also just my strangeworld franchise (if you call it that..) in general. But first: a little history lesson about how this idea came to be.
[note: this part is edited to add extra context; ]
As somebody who’s been into the transformation genre for as long as i’ve been using the internet, it was bound that i would create things relating to it. One of these things is the idea of a place where fromer humans-turn-something-else go to get the care they need. This is where the idea of “Tranforgee Centers” come in.
Tranforgees center were an idea I had back somewhere in….2015? I think? Well, it was back with my original concept of topia.
topia was an old, old world idea that started as an unholy mashup of fnaf, paleofauna and whatever spec evo media/idea i had on hand. it also had a bit of post-apocalyptic stuff too, but it took place long, long after worlds healed form the big world war that caused it, and everybody was back to the modern day in terms of technology. it also briefly turned into an actual comic about a shapeshifting anthro doberman ("jane and the world of topia"), before being abandoned altogether.
Tranforgees (Portmanteau of “transform” and “refugees”) are people who were once something else, but has since been changes into something different (ie human turned animal), and tranforgee centers are just like what i said before: a place where tranforgees are sent to live at, whether only temporarily or permanently.
The original lore behind them was that the big, walled city of Gesidindo was a very inhospitable place for animals and something something “certain animals only” and “anything bigger than this is replace with a robot” (and also they were big racist against animatronics, of which the initial version's main character was one). Whether the animals were killed or just sent away, idk. But what i do know is that this weird rule also applied to people who turned into animals. So for whatever reason, they chose one of the abandoned mall in the equally abandoned city of Dezro as a safe place for them.
But, that was back in my early-mid highschool years. Now i’m re-working on this topic, and trying to make it work.
Also, a bit of a disclaimer: while i’m trying to make it “realistic” i’m not a professional or expert on some stuff, so bear with me.
So, like said, tranforgee centers are places to help tranforgees with whatever transformation-related problem they have; from getting used to their new bodies, to helping shifters (who are also considered tranforgees) regulate and control their (often new) abilities, and even provide a place for tranforgees to live whether temporarily or permanently. They are ran by various codag-based groups, though it’s often expected that the local government will provide some aid as well.
There are three major types of tranforgee centers: clinics and townships
Clinics are, as expected, single-building clinics almost akin to a large hospital. This is where tranforgees most likely end up going to first. Clinics are meant to temporarily keep tranforgees, as they figure out what cause them to transform, what they can do to reverse/control it (if at all), and alot more.
Clinics only keep tranforgees temporarily, as they monitor both their physical and mental health. Most are usually kept for no longer than a month, during which tranforgees are helped with not only getting used to their new form, but also planning out their future and where they go from there. There are typically two major outcomes for a tranforgee after being in the clinic:
1-they’ll be able to go home: sometimes they may need modifications to their living space, sometimes they may need help from other people (either by family, friends, or outpatient staff), and sometimes they may not need it at all.
2-if unable to go back home, they’re often sent to places which are equipped to keep them for longer periods of times, sometimes permanently. These are often in the form of apartments or communities, which leads us to the other option…
Tranforgee communities, also known as townships, are exactly what they sound like: a community for tranforgees to live in. all townships have at least these four things:
1-a tranforgee clinic, which doubles as the main place of healthcare (ie doctors, dentist, mental health, ect)
2-various forms of housing for tranforgees, often in the form of trailer parks, apartments, dorms or suburbs.
3-various stores, with at least one general store and a couple specialty stores for various things (groceries, clothing, ect.)
4-misc places, which depending on the township can be things such as restaurants, a small mall, simple attractions, parks, ect. Just really anything a normal town would possible have.
Interestingly, while tranforgees may have everything that they need in these townships, they’re not bound to these places. As a matter of fact, all tranforgee townships are located right next to large cities, and not only are tranforgees allowed to venture outside the townships, but are actively encouraged to do so.
Tranforgee townships have their own form of transportation for such ventures, and so long as you’re in their system and/or have an ID of sorts, it’s completely free. However, many places require tranforgees to wear some form of identification gear, such as a collar or vest. And, depending on the situation, they may need to have staff come along with them, especially if the individual is on the smaller side and/or has difficulty in wearing said identification gear.
Now that we got down what exactly what tranforgee centers are, we can now get down to the fun part: life inside the centers. Or, more accurately…
…since, like said, the clinics only will have you temporary while townships are commonly more permanent, or at the very least long-term.
Like said, housing take the form of trailer parks, apartments, dorms and suburbs. However, which one you end up in can depend not just on the township alone, but also your exact situation. But, as a basic overview, all tranforgees housing have all of the basics for their living space (i.e. a kitchen, bed, rooms, heating/cooling systems, ect). Housing for tranforgees are split into three major categories: size, species, and climate.
size tends to be a big factor in whether you get an individual house of your own or have the share the same building as other tranforgees. Bigger tranforgees will more than likely end up living in a building of their own. Likewise, smaller tanforgees will likely end up sharing the same building as others. The reason why can vary, but the two most common reasons are safety and efficiency. smaller tranforgees are often viewed as being weaker and more susceptible to landing themselves in danger (which to some extent is true), thus dormitories and apartment buildings tend to be safer. Plus, it is also cheaper to make them for the smaller individuals than it is for the larger ones. However, obviously this isn't the only determining factor.
what species you are can also be a major determining factor. Tranforgee centers will house you in districts alongside other related species. Most commonly, these districts will house species of the same taxonomic order and/or family. Some, like canines and felines, tend to get a district of their own (a canidae and felidae district respectively), while others such as waterfowl tend to live in a district that houses anseriformes (the order waterfowl belong to). If you’re a species that doesn't have a district of its own, you’re often placed with the closest related family. For example, if you’re a colugo, you’ll more than likely end up in the primate/lemur district, as primates are considered to be their closest relatives.
Many tranforgee centers that chose species-based separation will also have family/order districts neighbor other districts of the same taxonomic class (ie mammal, bird, reptiles, ect), creating mega districts. For example, you could expect parrot and passerine districts to neighbor each other in the aves mega districts. However, with these divisions, usually they take the form of apartments or dormitories, because like before they tend to be cheaper and more efficient.
Why do some tranforgee centers do this? Well, there are two major reasons: for one, it can help keep the place organized and easier to navigate when visiting individuals. The other reason for this is because it gives tranforgees some sense of community, allowing them to interact with other similar species and helping them further adapt to their new lives. However, there are many places who don't exactly agree with the idea of separating districts based on species, whether that be due certain difficulties in placing newcomers, the general cost of certain things (especially when applying it to climate and size), or the implications of segregation. Thus, many will either do this on a much smaller scale or not do it at all, and instead focus more on size and climate.
The final major determining factor is climate. This depends not only on the tranforgees themselves, but also the very location of the center itself. Tranforgees, like the animals they turned into, may be adapted for certain and specific environments, like a tree boa needing a warm, humid environment, or a chinchilla that needs a cooler, dryer home. Regardless, they tend to cater to those climates for the health and comfort of their own home, and often in the form of dormitories or apartments because, you guess it, cost and efficiency. It’s not uncommon for these “climate housings” to have not just the air quality (temp, humidity), but also some plants, decor, and other things to add to the environment to make it seem more like the real deal (much akin to most zoos).
However, one may not even need to live in these climate housings, either because they’re already a highly-adaptable species, or because the outside environment is the same as what their species needs, such as a township that lies in a desert environment.
While these are the three main categories for tranforgee housing, there are other things that will determine the place you live:
-are you a shifter?: whether you’re a free-shifter (shapeshifting at will) learning to get used to their power, a restricted shifter (need specific trigger like lunar phase, emotion, ect), or somewhere in between, most if not all tranforgee townships have specific housing for shifters themselves.
-are you the only one or are your family/friends also tranforgees?: there are, indeed housing options for more than one individual, mainly for families.
-do you have any pets?: depending on if said pet is allowed, you may be put into the pet-friendly parts of the township.
-what are the specifics of your transformation/species?: sometimes housing your kind may be determined by more than just size, species and climate. For example, dragon tranforgee may get a fire-proof home, or some of the more violent shifters may be put into a reinforced room.
[tumblr edit: some extra things to note: usually township housing tends to be "cheaper" because the homes already have the necessary accommodations without the need to pay for any additional modifications. however, if there are no specific needs that can only be fulfilled by the transforgee townships/center, they can easily just as comfterbly live in a regular (albiet modified) houses ouside of townships]
I’m sure there are many other things I could, list, but this is all that I could come up with. But anyways, while housing is typically free, there are some rules and limitations to it much like the outside world, and Perhaps one of the most talked about rules for the homeowner is all about pet ownership.
Pets seem to be a content of both controversy and arguments when it comes to tranforgees. However, most agree that simply banning pets altogether is a bad idea, since just like anybody else, tranforgees heavily benefit from having pets, whether the animals help them in some way (physically, mentally & emotionally), or just for simple companionship. Alot of pets have been with their owners even before they’ve changed, and are heavily attached to their owners as their owners are to them. However, like said, alot of tranforgee centers have some commonly laid-down rules about pet ownership:
1-cannot be of a certain size: obviously the animal can't be bigger than what the tranforgee’s home can allow. However, some places will also not allow pets that are as big or bigger than the owners for safety reasons, and especially if they break some of the other rules…
2-must be well-trained/friendly: while there are certain exceptions (ie aquariums and such), most pets are required to at least be well-trained enough, and to have a friendly disposition toward both the owner and, more importantly, others.
3-certain species not allowed: this is the most variable of rules, as exactly what animals you can keep can heavily depend on the exact location. Obviously most if not all places will not allow illegal animals, but they also might not allow certain/most/all exotics, or they may not allow predatory/carnivorous species (which may unfortunately include cats and dogs). However, this rule may or not apply if the animal in question fits the fourth rule…
4-only certified service or emotional support animals allowed: indeed, some places do go as far as to not allow pets at all unless it’s detrimental to the tranforgee’s way of life, whether physically or emotionally. This is a point of controversy, however, for alot of reasons. For one, it can be easy to fake the need for a service/emotional support animal (as it does happen in real life), and like said many would benefit from owning pets for companionship. Thus, this rule is often only applied to pets that break rules 1 and 3.
[tumblr edit: yes, animals can recognise their owners and any former human post-transformation. the second part will touched on that subject
Starting with basic necessities, all tranforgee centers are required to give out free food and supplies on a weekly basis, often delivered straight to their place of dwelling. These packages are known as “weekly care boxes (WCBs)”. As the name suggests they’re large boxes that contain pantry-level essentials, including (but not limited to):
-canned goods (veggies, fruits, meats, ect)
-frozen goods (again, meats, fruits and veggies)
-toiletries and personal hygeine.
-baked goods
-boxed drinks/drink mixes (shelf-stable milk, juice boxes, tea bags, ect)
-other items (species-specific, baby care, ect).
Granted, this is just a general list. What one can get depends on the personal preference/necessities of the receiver. While most tranforgees are still able to eat human food (we’ll get to tranforgees themselves soon enough), there are many who have specific dietary needs, such as needing food to be diabetic-friendly, vegan, or gluten free. Now, some places will have those specific items in their pantry, however alot of places will only give you that stuff for free if it’s an actual necessity. If deemed not a necessity, you’ll more than likely have to pay for it, which leads into the next topic of work & income….
Non-working Tranforgees could get a daily income below that of minimum wage, if they even get one at all. Because tranforgees already get free food, shelter, and often medical/psychiatric care, most places don't even bother with given them free money, as it’s too expensive. Thus, many tranforgees settle onto finding a job.
While the exact title depends on, of course, the species in question, there are alot of places both inside and out of townships that are able to (and often willing to) hire tranforgees. Actually, in cities that have tranforgee townships, it’s a pretty common site to see tranfogees working in jobs such as retail, customer service, workshops, ect.. And while not the most rewarding of places (especially customer service as any retail worker would tell you), it is one of the main forms of income for tranfogees.
Of all things tranforgee centers need, a place to be medically AND psychologically evaluated/treated is almost always at the highest priority when it comes to townships. Most townships will have the tranforgee clinics (the place where tranforgees go to first) as a part of the medical facility.
As seemingly degrading as it may initially seem, the rumors about tranforgees going to vets instead of doctors is actually correct..kinda.
When it comes to physical issues, tranforgee centers often employ veterinarians and other species-specific doctors, for the obvious reason being that they’re not dealing with humans most of the time. The doctors that work on tranforgees specifically are often called “doctor vets”, and while they may focus on a specific type of tranforgee, in general they know how to work with both people and animals.
However, normal, everyday vet techs are often employed as well. These people are often just starting in the field, and with the help of the doctor vets, will help, diagnose and treat tranforgees.
one’s own psychiatric and mental health is just as important as medical. After all, transformations are often unpleasant and even traumatizing.
Much like with the physical side of things, psychiatric care is run by people who deal with both people and animals. However, more often this is split between mental health professionals and animal behavior specialists (Both mental health and animal behavior tend to be connected in some way).
There are alot of other things going on in tranforgee townships, and while i cannot list them all, i can at least list some stuff that doesn't fit within the other categories:
-schooling: most if not all tranforgee centers have some form of schooling, whether it’s a public school on site, boarding school, or online classes. However, it’s not totally uncommon to see transforgee students go off-site, and often this is because on-site schooling is mostly for students who, for one reason or another, cannot go outside of the townships due to size, transformation specifics / triggers, ect. Thus, students who are able to go to off-site schools districts are more than likely going to end up there.
-visitations: visitors like friends and family are allowed in townships, and of course are encouraged if said person is allowed by both staff and the tranforgee in question (note: most of the time tranforgees must give consent to have said visitor). Of course there are some ground rules: no outside food/drinks (unless permitted by the tranforgee/staff), can only be there between certain times (most often during the daytime), no outside pets (shares some of the same rules as pet ownership), ect.
-off-site housing: Many tranforgee townships will have off-site housing, which much like with schooling, this is often meant for tranforgees who are able to live outside of the township for an indefinite amount of time. This is to help keep the towns less crowded, and if possible they’ll allow tranforgees to live in tranforgee-freindly homes outside of township limits. Of course, these homes are often still located right next to the townships.
Anyways, that all i can come up with, at least for now. I was going to also talk about tranforgees themselves, but this is already getting long and i’d love to work on my story. So, be on the lookout for part 2, where we actually talk about tranforgees, transformations themselves and whatnot!
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bisluthq · 3 months
Wasn't Sam the one who cheated on her? The picture to burn muse?
But yeah Joe J is known as the guy who broke with her on the phone and then dated someone else. How dare he? But things weren't exactly like that (or atleast it doesn't seem like he was as much as an asshole as he was made to be) lol
it makes you think how much Taylor creates this worse than reality narrative sometimes, people run with it as truth cause you often don't hear the other side, but then things weren't exactly like that. Like we are made out to think all the guys she dated were trash and she mostly suffered with them until the one came along (the one always being the guy she is seeing atm).
Just look at all the revisionist history people are doing now with Joe A. Suddenly their whole relationship was horrible and poor her she stayed because she loved him too much. He got advantage of her being low and then manipulated her the rest of the years, until she realized her worth because of her fans and escaped his claws. No joke, I see people saying this kind of stuff.
no Sam isn’t the guy from picture to burn lol that’s a whole other guy that came before Our Song Drew. Sam is the guy from should’ve said no. Sam and her dated after our song Drew and her and when she went on tour he cheated on her so she wrote should’ve said no. Sam SUCKS guys like he’s self-owned on Twitter multiple times because he brags he dated her even tho he cheated on her and he went on tv and to the media and just all round is a shitty man.
re the rest of your point idk that’s what makes her human and relatable? And she always reflects on other stuff too like she’s self-aware tbh. I love that her story changes over time because that’s what makes her a person. I love that she doesn’t say “eh this was okay but it could’ve been a bit better” that often because that’s how I feel a lot of the time and I don’t need an artist to tell me that. I want feelings and emotions and like vibes.
I have two playlists that are very sekrit and I won’t show even you but they’re my playlists for my boyfriend (he hasn’t seen them either). One is songs for when I’m very in love with him and it’s called ++++ and one is songs for when I’m very pissed off with him and it’s called ————. There are a couple of Taylor songs that are on both and that’s idk testament to her lyricism. Ultimately it’s not about her or her guy problems or her personal life, it’s that when I’m having a problem with someone False God hits hard and when I’m not having a problem with that same someone False God also hits hard in a different way lol.
Her fans are annoying. They are not very interesting to me. Now, fundamentally, fans aside - Taylor’s biography is deeply interesting to me. I’d legit love to write it tbh lol and put all this useless trivia in my head to good use and do more research even. I also love the fact that she’s not a dick powered jukebox and like her songs are often inspired by other stuff or whatnot. But what I love most about Taylor is her music and what it means to ME. And her music - more than any other artist’s - has applied to me in different situations and with different people because she is a GENIUS. That’s also why it can mean different things to her as well??? Because those are her words and they’re gorgeous and shit 💀💀💀
Her fandom is very annoying and boring for me personally and that’s why I’d not work at Buzzfeed because fandom coverage is just idk very annoying and boring.
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TRANSFORGEES: the world of transformation (Literally) pt 1
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[no image for this one. this first part will talk about how transformation victims, dubbed "transforgees", are treated for their situation and how the live their day to day lives]
So, i’ve been wanting to actually talk about tranforgees, transformations, and traforgee centers for a while. And i think now that i’m beginning to worldbuild not just planet argonus but also just my strangeworld franchise (if you call it that..) in general. But first: a little history lesson about how this idea came to be.
[note: this part is edited to add extra context; ]
As somebody who’s been into the transformation genre for as long as i’ve been using the internet, it was bound that i would create things relating to it. One of these things is the idea of a place where fromer humans-turn-something-else go to get the care they need. This is where the idea of “Tranforgee Centers” come in.
Tranforgees center were an idea I had back somewhere in….2015? I think? Well, it was back with my original concept of topia.
topia was an old, old world idea that started as an unholy mashup of fnaf, paleofauna and whatever spec evo media/idea i had on hand. it also had a bit of post-apocalyptic stuff too, but it took place long, long after worlds healed form the big world war that caused it, and everybody was back to the modern day in terms of technology. it also briefly turned into an actual comic about a shapeshifting anthro doberman ("jane and the world of topia"), before being abandoned altogether.
Tranforgees (Portmanteau of “transform” and “refugees”) are people who were once something else, but has since been changes into something different (ie human turned animal), and tranforgee centers are just like what i said before: a place where tranforgees are sent to live at, whether only temporarily or permanently.
The original lore behind them was that the big, walled city of Gesidindo was a very inhospitable place for animals and something something “certain animals only” and “anything bigger than this is replace with a robot” (and also they were big racist against animatronics, of which the initial version's main character was one). Whether the animals were killed or just sent away, idk. But what i do know is that this weird rule also applied to people who turned into animals. So for whatever reason, they chose one of the abandoned mall in the equally abandoned city of Dezro as a safe place for them.
But, that was back in my early-mid highschool years. Now i’m re-working on this topic, and trying to make it work.
Also, a bit of a disclaimer: while i’m trying to make it “realistic” i’m not a professional or expert on some stuff, so bear with me.
So, like said, tranforgee centers are places to help tranforgees with whatever transformation-related problem they have; from getting used to their new bodies, to helping shifters (who are also considered tranforgees) regulate and control their (often new) abilities, and even provide a place for tranforgees to live whether temporarily or permanently. They are ran by various codag-based groups, though it’s often expected that the local government will provide some aid as well.
There are three major types of tranforgee centers: clinics and townships
Clinics are, as expected, single-building clinics almost akin to a large hospital. This is where tranforgees most likely end up going to first. Clinics are meant to temporarily keep tranforgees, as they figure out what cause them to transform, what they can do to reverse/control it (if at all), and alot more.
Clinics only keep tranforgees temporarily, as they monitor both their physical and mental health. Most are usually kept for no longer than a month, during which tranforgees are helped with not only getting used to their new form, but also planning out their future and where they go from there. There are typically two major outcomes for a tranforgee after being in the clinic:
1-they’ll be able to go home: sometimes they may need modifications to their living space, sometimes they may need help from other people (either by family, friends, or outpatient staff), and sometimes they may not need it at all.
2-if unable to go back home, they’re often sent to places which are equipped to keep them for longer periods of times, sometimes permanently. These are often in the form of apartments or communities, which leads us to the other option…
Tranforgee communities, also known as townships, are exactly what they sound like: a community for tranforgees to live in. all townships have at least these four things:
1-a tranforgee clinic, which doubles as the main place of healthcare (ie doctors, dentist, mental health, ect)
2-various forms of housing for tranforgees, often in the form of trailer parks, apartments, dorms or suburbs.
3-various stores, with at least one general store and a couple specialty stores for various things (groceries, clothing, ect.)
4-misc places, which depending on the township can be things such as restaurants, a small mall, simple attractions, parks, ect. Just really anything a normal town would possible have.
Interestingly, while tranforgees may have everything that they need in these townships, they’re not bound to these places. As a matter of fact, all tranforgee townships are located right next to large cities, and not only are tranforgees allowed to venture outside the townships, but are actively encouraged to do so.
Tranforgee townships have their own form of transportation for such ventures, and so long as you’re in their system and/or have an ID of sorts, it’s completely free. However, many places require tranforgees to wear some form of identification gear, such as a collar or vest. And, depending on the situation, they may need to have staff come along with them, especially if the individual is on the smaller side and/or has difficulty in wearing said identification gear.
Now that we got down what exactly what tranforgee centers are, we can now get down to the fun part: life inside the centers. Or, more accurately…
…since, like said, the clinics only will have you temporary while townships are commonly more permanent, or at the very least long-term.
Like said, housing take the form of trailer parks, apartments, dorms and suburbs. However, which one you end up in can depend not just on the township alone, but also your exact situation. But, as a basic overview, all tranforgees housing have all of the basics for their living space (i.e. a kitchen, bed, rooms, heating/cooling systems, ect). Housing for tranforgees are split into three major categories: size, species, and climate.
size tends to be a big factor in whether you get an individual house of your own or have the share the same building as other tranforgees. Bigger tranforgees will more than likely end up living in a building of their own. Likewise, smaller tanforgees will likely end up sharing the same building as others. The reason why can vary, but the two most common reasons are safety and efficiency. smaller tranforgees are often viewed as being weaker and more susceptible to landing themselves in danger (which to some extent is true), thus dormitories and apartment buildings tend to be safer. Plus, it is also cheaper to make them for the smaller individuals than it is for the larger ones. However, obviously this isn't the only determining factor.
what species you are can also be a major determining factor. Tranforgee centers will house you in districts alongside other related species. Most commonly, these districts will house species of the same taxonomic order and/or family. Some, like canines and felines, tend to get a district of their own (a canidae and felidae district respectively), while others such as waterfowl tend to live in a district that houses anseriformes (the order waterfowl belong to). If you’re a species that doesn't have a district of its own, you’re often placed with the closest related family. For example, if you’re a colugo, you’ll more than likely end up in the primate/lemur district, as primates are considered to be their closest relatives.
Many tranforgee centers that chose species-based separation will also have family/order districts neighbor other districts of the same taxonomic class (ie mammal, bird, reptiles, ect), creating mega districts. For example, you could expect parrot and passerine districts to neighbor each other in the aves mega districts. However, with these divisions, usually they take the form of apartments or dormitories, because like before they tend to be cheaper and more efficient.
Why do some tranforgee centers do this? Well, there are two major reasons: for one, it can help keep the place organized and easier to navigate when visiting individuals. The other reason for this is because it gives tranforgees some sense of community, allowing them to interact with other similar species and helping them further adapt to their new lives. However, there are many places who don't exactly agree with the idea of separating districts based on species, whether that be due certain difficulties in placing newcomers, the general cost of certain things (especially when applying it to climate and size), or the implications of segregation. Thus, many will either do this on a much smaller scale or not do it at all, and instead focus more on size and climate.
The final major determining factor is climate. This depends not only on the tranforgees themselves, but also the very location of the center itself. Tranforgees, like the animals they turned into, may be adapted for certain and specific environments, like a tree boa needing a warm, humid environment, or a chinchilla that needs a cooler, dryer home. Regardless, they tend to cater to those climates for the health and comfort of their own home, and often in the form of dormitories or apartments because, you guess it, cost and efficiency. It’s not uncommon for these “climate housings” to have not just the air quality (temp, humidity), but also some plants, decor, and other things to add to the environment to make it seem more like the real deal (much akin to most zoos).
However, one may not even need to live in these climate housings, either because they’re already a highly-adaptable species, or because the outside environment is the same as what their species needs, such as a township that lies in a desert environment.
While these are the three main categories for tranforgee housing, there are other things that will determine the place you live:
-are you a shifter?: whether you’re a free-shifter (shapeshifting at will) learning to get used to their power, a restricted shifter (need specific trigger like lunar phase, emotion, ect), or somewhere in between, most if not all tranforgee townships have specific housing for shifters themselves.
-are you the only one or are your family/friends also tranforgees?: there are, indeed housing options for more than one individual, mainly for families.
-do you have any pets?: depending on if said pet is allowed, you may be put into the pet-friendly parts of the township.
-what are the specifics of your transformation/species?: sometimes housing your kind may be determined by more than just size, species and climate. For example, dragon tranforgee may get a fire-proof home, or some of the more violent shifters may be put into a reinforced room.
[tumblr edit: some extra things to note: usually township housing tends to be "cheaper" because the homes already have the necessary accommodations without the need to pay for any additional modifications. however, if there are no specific needs that can only be fulfilled by the transforgee townships/center, they can easily just as comfterbly live in a regular (albiet modified) houses ouside of townships]
I’m sure there are many other things I could, list, but this is all that I could come up with. But anyways, while housing is typically free, there are some rules and limitations to it much like the outside world, and Perhaps one of the most talked about rules for the homeowner is all about pet ownership.
Pets seem to be a content of both controversy and arguments when it comes to tranforgees. However, most agree that simply banning pets altogether is a bad idea, since just like anybody else, tranforgees heavily benefit from having pets, whether the animals help them in some way (physically, mentally & emotionally), or just for simple companionship. Alot of pets have been with their owners even before they’ve changed, and are heavily attached to their owners as their owners are to them. However, like said, alot of tranforgee centers have some commonly laid-down rules about pet ownership:
1-cannot be of a certain size: obviously the animal can't be bigger than what the tranforgee’s home can allow. However, some places will also not allow pets that are as big or bigger than the owners for safety reasons, and especially if they break some of the other rules…
2-must be well-trained/friendly: while there are certain exceptions (ie aquariums and such), most pets are required to at least be well-trained enough, and to have a friendly disposition toward both the owner and, more importantly, others.
3-certain species not allowed: this is the most variable of rules, as exactly what animals you can keep can heavily depend on the exact location. Obviously most if not all places will not allow illegal animals, but they also might not allow certain/most/all exotics, or they may not allow predatory/carnivorous species (which may unfortunately include cats and dogs). However, this rule may or not apply if the animal in question fits the fourth rule…
4-only certified service or emotional support animals allowed: indeed, some places do go as far as to not allow pets at all unless it’s detrimental to the tranforgee’s way of life, whether physically or emotionally. This is a point of controversy, however, for alot of reasons. For one, it can be easy to fake the need for a service/emotional support animal (as it does happen in real life), and like said many would benefit from owning pets for companionship. Thus, this rule is often only applied to pets that break rules 1 and 3.
[tumblr edit: yes, animals can recognise their owners and any former human post-transformation. the second part will touched on that subject
Starting with basic necessities, all tranforgee centers are required to give out free food and supplies on a weekly basis, often delivered straight to their place of dwelling. These packages are known as “weekly care boxes (WCBs)”. As the name suggests they’re large boxes that contain pantry-level essentials, including (but not limited to):
-canned goods (veggies, fruits, meats, ect)
-frozen goods (again, meats, fruits and veggies)
-toiletries and personal hygeine.
-baked goods
-boxed drinks/drink mixes (shelf-stable milk, juice boxes, tea bags, ect)
-other items (species-specific, baby care, ect).
Granted, this is just a general list. What one can get depends on the personal preference/necessities of the receiver. While most tranforgees are still able to eat human food (we’ll get to tranforgees themselves soon enough), there are many who have specific dietary needs, such as needing food to be diabetic-friendly, vegan, or gluten free. Now, some places will have those specific items in their pantry, however alot of places will only give you that stuff for free if it’s an actual necessity. If deemed not a necessity, you’ll more than likely have to pay for it, which leads into the next topic of work & income….
Non-working Tranforgees could get a daily income below that of minimum wage, if they even get one at all. Because tranforgees already get free food, shelter, and often medical/psychiatric care, most places don't even bother with given them free money, as it’s too expensive. Thus, many tranforgees settle onto finding a job.
While the exact title depends on, of course, the species in question, there are alot of places both inside and out of townships that are able to (and often willing to) hire tranforgees. Actually, in cities that have tranforgee townships, it’s a pretty common site to see tranfogees working in jobs such as retail, customer service, workshops, ect.. And while not the most rewarding of places (especially customer service as any retail worker would tell you), it is one of the main forms of income for tranfogees.
Of all things tranforgee centers need, a place to be medically AND psychologically evaluated/treated is almost always at the highest priority when it comes to townships. Most townships will have the tranforgee clinics (the place where tranforgees go to first) as a part of the medical facility.
As seemingly degrading as it may initially seem, the rumors about tranforgees going to vets instead of doctors is actually correct..kinda.
When it comes to physical issues, tranforgee centers often employ veterinarians and other species-specific doctors, for the obvious reason being that they’re not dealing with humans most of the time. The doctors that work on tranforgees specifically are often called “doctor vets”, and while they may focus on a specific type of tranforgee, in general they know how to work with both people and animals.
However, normal, everyday vet techs are often employed as well. These people are often just starting in the field, and with the help of the doctor vets, will help, diagnose and treat tranforgees.
one’s own psychiatric and mental health is just as important as medical. After all, transformations are often unpleasant and even traumatizing.
Much like with the physical side of things, psychiatric care is run by people who deal with both people and animals. However, more often this is split between mental health professionals and animal behavior specialists (Both mental health and animal behavior tend to be connected in some way).
There are alot of other things going on in tranforgee townships, and while i cannot list them all, i can at least list some stuff that doesn't fit within the other categories:
-schooling: most if not all tranforgee centers have some form of schooling, whether it’s a public school on site, boarding school, or online classes. However, it’s not totally uncommon to see transforgee students go off-site, and often this is because on-site schooling is mostly for students who, for one reason or another, cannot go outside of the townships due to size, transformation specifics / triggers, ect. Thus, students who are able to go to off-site schools districts are more than likely going to end up there.
-visitations: visitors like friends and family are allowed in townships, and of course are encouraged if said person is allowed by both staff and the tranforgee in question (note: most of the time tranforgees must give consent to have said visitor). Of course there are some ground rules: no outside food/drinks (unless permitted by the tranforgee/staff), can only be there between certain times (most often during the daytime), no outside pets (shares some of the same rules as pet ownership), ect.
-off-site housing: Many tranforgee townships will have off-site housing, which much like with schooling, this is often meant for tranforgees who are able to live outside of the township for an indefinite amount of time. This is to help keep the towns less crowded, and if possible they’ll allow tranforgees to live in tranforgee-freindly homes outside of township limits. Of course, these homes are often still located right next to the townships.
Anyways, that all i can come up with, at least for now. I was going to also talk about tranforgees themselves, but this is already getting long and i’d love to work on my story. So, be on the lookout for part 2, where we actually talk about tranforgees, transformations themselves and whatnot!
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Becoming a Family With Him, Part 3 // Shuichi, Hikaru, Rhion, Luke, Eisuke
so this came out, as further celebration for the anni. VERY GOOD, much more appreciated than the prior story set lol that one was kind of boring but i get it
they made the kids for all the... kid-less ones, and the eisuke one that used to be VIP-exclusive is now here for everyone to buy (rip those ppl who gacha for it)
my rambling behind the cut (spoilers!!)
shuichi // as ud expect, shuichi has a literal hime ass looking girl (kikyo) for a daughter. she’s only 6, but is pretty calm and ladylike. She even calls her parents with –sama so... ok luckily shuichi does not strip down all the way in the presence of her daughter and only takes off his suit coat. thanks dad
anyway since shuichi has a break coming up, he wants to have a family trip how nice. but then the dang girl wants to go over to see eisuke WHAT when soryu exists and lives a block away? unrelatable, im closing the app anyway eisuke is her first love, which wtf he’s like 20 yrs older than u. even worse, mc says she’s been in love since she was like 3.
shuichi is reconsidering the benefits of democracy in his mind but eventually relents. but then they’re still following the fucc-days rule they set years ago. well, as he says in the story, RULES ARE RULES
blah blah i don’t want to go over everything bc then it’ll be boring reading the story when it comes out in engl right? also im tired bc it’s 1 am and i just want to play toontown in bed but nothing really bad happens. they are a v cute family bc shuichi is a pleasant and mature dad. kikyo and mc even do a little surprise for him at the end and it is very sweet. i feel like out of all the families, this is the most ideal
mad hatter // so they have twin sons named Rui and Kai. Rui is the childlike one that resembles Rhion in personality, Kai is the more mature one that resembles Al. man i forget that boy’s name but u get me i know they only can use stock bgs but it’s killing me that these dang kids get to sleep in what looks like separate king sized beds.
even though rhion is now a father of two, he still acts like... 10. i mean he still horni but it makes me feel weird
later it’s revealed that Ota teaches them both as an art tutor bc they both showed an interest in art. this is cute bc ota is bad with kids in this universe LOL
the ending on this one was weird cuz the kids didn’t show up in the entirety of the last ep bc it was about WORK. so uh... interesting
hikaru // so their son is named akari. haha get it because it means light. like how hikaru also means light. can mc name her kids unrelated to their father or is that against the Geneva convention
this kid actually acts like an actual little boy. like what hikaru would’ve probably turned into if not for the whole sad backstory. the story starts with akari just bringing a dog randomly home one day. he actually saved the dog (it is very cute bc he did not want the dog to cry), and then after a talk they decide to keep the dog as long as akari knows the responsibility of taking care of an animal.
so next day, the bidders come over to their house and everyone’s like woaw a dog. lol they come into their house as guests and eisuke and mamo still demand for beverages, they all suck
akari names the dog... “Light” (Raito) and i want out of this nightmare. Naturally bc Light is an abandoned dog it’s still kind of bad with interacting with things. But then Light suddenly be giving the ( ╹ਊ╹) to soryu bc remember, animals love him. everyone clowns on soryu for being an unintentional dog whisperer and then akari is like “soryu san pls make me ur apprentice” and he gives some advice like approaching it slowly, and talking to it from the front instead of back.
blah blah there’s a situation where Light goes YEET after a Doberman gets all angry and then hides bc then another dog is scaring it. hikaru swoops in to the save the day as the Real Dog Whisperer. ok it’s cute when hikaru actually gets to look cool  for once LOL
luke // luke is cute on the bc “pre-story” scene he’s actually pretty open to the idea of having kids; he actually goes “well imo we should think abt it pretty soon, but i wanted to hear ur opinion on it” but then he gets horni. and then he’s like “our kids are going to have your collarbones. awesomeee im looking forward to that” ....ok
ok cut to the actual story and they’re in Japan. Luke’s kid looks... strange versus the others. why are his eyes so big? omg voltage his eyes arent going to be saucers just cuz he half white also the kid’s name is Yuri (Or Urey). They couldn’t think of any other Brit-styled names? Like Harry? Henry? William? Wilfred? hey stan be my princess btw he’s pretty cute, though he gives serious “timid kid that gets bullied in the children’s movie” vibes. He calls Luke “daddy” and mc “mammy/mommy”.
so luke talks about his relationship w/ soryu and eisuke and then yuri is like “i want friends like that” wow cute but also find less ethically-complicated friends
so luke lets yuri meet a young patient of his (haru) so they can be friends. they get along so it’s good. haru gets in critical condition later so luke zooms outta there to do the operation.
LOL but at the end yuri is like, “i want to make more friends. (...) can i go to the bidder’s room from now on?” this boy works fast
And then he’s like “Eisuke-san... please be my friend.” HIS POWER. even eisuke was like :O so then eisuke orders a whole bunch of food and books up to the penthouse. But then yuri’s like “...i like eisuke’s eyes” and everyone’s like oh man that’s gonna be his fetish
Baba: why have u started to have an interest in eyes Yuri: I read it from one of daddy’s medical books Hikaru: wtf u can read that at 4??? (...) Soryu: wat Yuri: um... i want soryu to be my friend too Yuri: bc soryu’s eyes are also powerfully cool...
eisuke // ok this gets an extended ramble bc the more annoying the story the longer i must complain
so you might be thinking, “oh so this is gonna be a flashback in some in media res styled story with your 2 kids, u know in the style of the others” and well, no you just go straight to white screen into the flashback, back when eito was smaller and thus a little more cute. well it’s not really false advertising bc they did say “reminisce” in the description. but i wanted to see eito be a good big brother for a moment! or... less good? man i wanted to see kaito go waaaah like a baby idk i wanted to see him exist
so back to the story they cut to small eito. even as a smaller punk he does fight with his dad a little, just w/ a more narrow vocabulary to work with. tho at this point he’s still pretty sweet so clearly eisuke clowning him day and night was a negative effect on his development. (doesn’t treat his child like a child) (child grows up to a punk that doesn’t respect him) (surprised pikachu) being the son of a billionaire means that this child has to go study at a very young age and listen to MOZART. no child of eisuke ichinomiya will be listening to degenerate bops like lee taemin’s criminal next day they all go to the very fancy school that eito will be attending. eisuke does a speech, but then eito is all like “why is papa over there all the time” in reference to how all the other parents in attendance are having fun with their children, but eisuke is busy talking to other people for business and connections etc. etc. mc kind of has a hard time trying to explain it to eito bc... it’s honestly poor parenting... eiji shows up after arriving late, and he’s like “gramps is gonna be with ya today! instead of papa” which is cute but then she’s like psst thanks for coming and im like oh... so grandpa just didn’t randomly come to the open house for fun he’s just gonna be surrogate dad while real dad is busy... aw... and then at the end eito’s like FUC THIS KINDERGARTEN. eisuke is like “(smh) don’t yell in public. (despite everything) you are still the eldest son of the Ichinomiya family”
and so afterwards it’s clear that eito does not want anything to do with this school. he just sits in the classroom until mc is there to pick him up instead of playing in the courtyard or w/e, wanting nothing to do with the other kids.
so later there’s a hiking trip for the students and both of their parents, and mc asks eisuke if he’ll be available for it. eisuke is like, “i have a business trip that day, so I’ll have to adjust my schedule” and he’s been very busy in the opening of a new business or w/e. mc tells him to not do so much for something like that and that it’s ok if she goes alone with eito on the trip.
it’s the day of the trip, and mc goes alone with eito. she notes that a lot of dads did indeed come along for the trip. she apologizes to eito and says that she did talk to eisuke about the trip before, but he’s simply busy for this day. and im like... but girl, you were the one who told him not to change his schedule for the trip. yes a trip may seem less important than business ventures, but don’t make it sound like you weren’t the one who stopped him. lol. idk why im pressed abt this single line of dialogue bc later she does realize she fucced up there well eito is just like w/e about it and has pretty much accepted that sort of thing
anyway eito goes missing later and one of the kids said that he told eito that his dad (eisuke) didn’t come bc his dad thinks that his work is more important than his son. so eito got mad and ran off somewhere
and then mc finally gets the lightbulb moment that eito... wants to see his dad!! he ran off to go try to see him somehow??? !! wow so sweet
it’s raining like a mf but then in her search for eito eisuke randomly pops out of nowhere. He’s like “ho i did not remember saying that i wasn’t coming” and she’s like “im sorrryyy” and both me and him are like “just find the dang kid”
ok yea they find eito, he starts being a good student, and u start to see where he starts being antagonistic towards his dad LOL etc. etc. lol this story annoyed me so i don’t feel like doing the rest of the play by play orz
anyway thanks for reading my garbage LOL
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faeriejukyung · 3 years
Dr. Romantic, Teacher Kim 2 Review
media type: kdrama
genre: medical drama, melodrama, romance
duration: 16 episodes, 70 minutes each
available on: viki (for free!)
faeriejukyung rating: 9.5/10 🍇
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I know that I’m very late to this, but please bear with me. this drama came out back in January, and at that time it didn’t pique my interest, since I’m not a huge medical drama watcher. as a matter of fact, this is the first medical drama that I’ve watched! I saw one of my close friends gush about the chemistry between Lee Sung Kyung and Ahn Hyo Seop (the actors playing the lead couple in DRTK 2) on her instagram story, so I decided to give it a watch. And to say that I was pleasantly surprised is an understatement. 
This is genuinely the best kdrama I have watched ALL year. Everything about it so amazing. I was initially a bit worried because I haven’t yet watched the first season of Dr. Romantic, so I thought I’d have trouble following the storyline. But that was not the case at all! I could understand pretty much everything perfectly, and even though there were a few references to older characters, overall I wasn’t confused at all. And I’m not gonna lie, this kdrama kind of made me reconsider my future career options LMAOOO I high-key wanted to become a surgeon after watching this,, idk man, might fuck around and do medicine after I graduate high school. (my mom would die to hear me say these words)
The story revolves around the extremely talented doctor with a passion for helping and saving people, Bu Yong Ju, or Kim Sa Bu (played by Han Suk Kyu), as he’s referred to in the drama, the extremely intelligent, hardworking and sincere, but anxious doctor Cha Eun Jae (played by Lee Sung Kyung), and the talented lonewolf Seo Woo Jin (played by Ahn Hyo Seop), who’s struggling with debt. Kim Sa Bu recruits Cha Eun Jae and Seo Woo Jin to help run the chaotic Doldam Hospital, which is situated at a countryside, the place where rest of the story takes place. 
All the characters in this kdrama are so well written, and all of them have reasons for doing the things that they do. All the side characters are so so so likeable (I particularly liked the Head Nurse’s Tigress mom-like character!) -- There is not one character that I can say is poorly written. Even the dude I hated the most (Dr. Yang Ho Joon) is a well written character
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The storyline in this kdrama is by far one of the most interesting ones. I literally could not stop myself from binge watching the whole thing in less than a week lmao. That's the only complain I have -- I could not put my phone down. Every time I would finish an episode, I’d practically be dying to know what happens in the next one. Every episode brings a new medical case, and I would feel my blood pressure heighten up during each and every emergency treatment. The tension that our characters feel during a surgery seems very much palatable through the screen. Like you can tell, that this is a life and death situation. And every sigh of relief that you’d take after the patient is saved would feel earned.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY adored the camaraderie and the sense of community the staff at Doldam Hospital shared. Honestly, I can talk about their loving relationship with each other for hours. These people are very much a family. These are the characters you get really emotionally attached to. And I particularly love them because found family is my favorite tv/movie/book trope :”) They are literally what I want my ideal work environment to be like! if our relationship is not like the staff at Doldam Hospital, I don’t want it. 🙄👎
My favorite character, most definitely would be the Romantic Doctor himself, Kim Sa Bu. Honestly, everyone deserves a mentor like Kim Sa Bu in their life. His wise teachings, his eye for talent, his way of teaching people and helping them overcome their flaws is literally all I want in life. He has this way of reassuring people, that it’ll be okay as long as he’s there. In the end of the kdrama, he tells us to always be in touch with our idealistic side and to never let go of the romanticism inside of us. People might call him a madman, crazy, impractical, but Kim Sa Bu always puts values and ideals like empathy, doing the right thing, selflessness at the top. He’s a character that I’ll remember for a really long time.
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And of course, I can’t forget Woo Jin and Eun Jae. These two are literally my babies. We see them grow as individuals, and as a duo/couple throughout the drama. They are legit one of my favorite slow burn couples ever. And their relationship is so beautiful, you can tell how much they care about each other. While Eun Jae teaches Woo Jin to be more open about his feelings, to sometimes rely on others, Woo Jin teaches Eun Jae to be more confident with her surgery skills. (CAN I TAKE A MOMENT TO JUST TALK ABOUT EUN JAE’S CHARACTER ARC? LIKE . OMG. I’m absolutely in love!! her character glow up is like the one I want. she went from being an insecure people pleaser with a good girl complex to a self assured and extremely skilled surgeon!! God I really want to have a character arc like her, because I really relate to how Eun Jae initially was lol) Anyway, I literally cANNOT stop fangirling over them. They’re always there for each other emotionally, every time one of them is going through something. Their emotional connection is just *chef’s kiss*. They’re in my “dream relationships” list. Also this is a quick disclaimer that you might feel like they’re a bit slow, but that’s because the story isn’t completely centered around their romance. That being said, I WOULD DIE TO SEE MORE OF THEM :(( like I literally go on youtube and re-watch all my favorite WooJae scenes. (I’m lonely can u tell)
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Overall, this kdrama is literally perfection for me (it’s my emotional support kdrama now ahaha). I recommend it to people who like frenemies-to-lovers trope, found family trope, along with some good adrenaline rush (lol)
Also quick viewer discretion: This show contains themes of violence, death and r@pe/s3xual assault. it also contains  A LOT of blood. Like, A LOT. I know this stuff triggers a lot of people, I advise those people to not watch it. please take care :( I love u <33
Thank you if you read through the whole thing, it means a lot! :D My name is Mahima, I’m 15 years old and I mostly geek out about kdramas, webtoon, at;la, and LOTR here, with occasional stuff about harry potter, pjo, and pokemon. hmu if u wanna be friends and talk about my stupid hyper fixations AHAH 
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universal-kitty · 3 years
Interest Check!!
   So I was thinking about reopening commissions again, getting those set up...and I’ve been thinking. I’ve really liked the idea of doing F/O letters (fictional other, is the definition for those unfamiliar) for people. However- especially in times like these- it’s hard to justify doing it for free, when energy is limited.
   So! With that in mind, I’m thinking of trying out F/O Letters [Email Edition]. For those interested...
Probably gonna start the price at $15 || $5 cheaper than my fics 
Back and forth letters CAN be a thing. Will be charged per response. IDK what the price on that is yet. 
Will only be accepting fandoms I know (for now; fandoms I don't know will eventually be an option, but more 'spensive bc I will have to research it...I’m dedicated to accuracy) 
this will eventually work towards the physical media aspect I wanted to do from the start (hand written letters + a few self-care goodies; self care packages later....maybe) 
I am also tempted to do a "G'raha Fund" where you can request the comm payment to go towards it; literally is just going towards getting me a G'raha plush to carry around with me for Comfort Reasons (for those unaware, I’ll put it under the read more)
Otherwise, all money will be set aside for me to move into my own apartment
For those who want to take a look at my comm sheet, here! (I’ll try to make a more easy-to-read/follow format when I re-work it...)
My writing tag is Aki Stories, if you’d like to see how I write!
Looking to open up in about a week’s time.
   As said, it’ll be done through email! Forms (that tell me about your OC/self insert) will be submitted that way and you’ll get your letters that way, too.
   As said, I’ll currently be only accepting fandoms that I am also into, as that guarantees that I know the fandom very well and can promise not only quality, but a quick delivery!
   If anyone wants the fandom list, send me an ask! If you’d like, reblog to spread the word!! But that aside... Gonna put down what happened fairly recently below the Read More, as it’ll explain my situation and the rather silly sounding “G’raha Fund,” LMAO.
(...seriously, transphobia/enbyphobia ahead.)
   So prior to November of last year, I’d been living in a mentally taxing environment. Four younger siblings, a stepdad who was racist, LGBTphobic (just...overall, to everyone in that community), and pushed his religion onto the people around him. My mother was marginally better, but I now realize...was still unsupportive of me in the way that I needed it. (As well who was one of those “Old Allies” who prided herself on having gay friends and going with them to Pride, but also deciding to make some questionable comments. But I won’t get into that.)
   The important bit is that in November, I decided I was sick of being stressed day in and day out. I knew my stepdad wouldn’t approve of me, my mom had tried assuring me he’d “still love and support me,” but I wasn’t buying that for a minute. Especially because I wanted to talk about it, and the time never came up. So. I made it happen.
   Only to hear my mother balk at trying to use singular they/them pronouns (”that doesn’t make sense” according to her) and refuse to use them for me. Ignoring outright that I also offered up he/him pronouns; it was simply too hard for her to comprehend and she wouldn’t budge.
   Stepdad overheard the conversation and it got worse; he confirmed my fears. Saying I was always going to be my birth gender, he thinks I hate my body...and then spun it back to himself. Y’know, he feels very attacked for being the only religious adult here. Is he next on the chopping block?
   My boyfriend got me out of there. I haven’t gone back since, nor will I ever. “My” room has already been cleared out for one of my younger sisters.
   There was a lot of other awful things going on there, but I won’t get into it. The point is...it was bad, and I need to make sure I never go back there. Better yet, move into an apartment where I can stay during the day, while my boyfriend is at work.
   These past few months, I’ve finally been able to have a place to stay... With my dad. (Prior to that, it was hiding out at cafes and occasionally my boyfriend’s work, when not getting a room under his discount. They’ve since gotten rid of employee discounts.) However, he is of the mind that I wasn’t “accepting” enough of my stepdad; things would’ve been better if I was. As well, I’m not “bad at math” I’m just not trying hard enough... Which is bullshit and I’d sure know it.
   So even though it’s a great place to stay....and I’m not allowed to be at home alone under his own dad’s rules... It’s still not great.
   The “G’raha Fund” will let me carry around my current inspiration (LOL) as a comfort item. I don’t have a shop in particular that I’m looking at- if anything, I have about 4 to 5 shops I’m eyeing- but the fund will likely cap at $100, giving me enough room to buy the plush and (hopefully) covering any S+H charges, too. Any remaining money from the G’raha Fund will just go to my bank and to the original plans: funding for an apartment. (And helping pay bills once I’m there.)
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
Why do you think Sunrise did that event in with Sesshomaru and Rin's VAs mirroring InuKag? They have already done that CD Drama, do you think they did that to give hope to the shippers? What if after so many hints, if they reveal in the anime that Sessrin isn't canon, aren't the shippers gonna be disapointed? This may be a dumb question and your answers are always smart and well-articulated, but i seriously don't understand their marketing strategy, do you care to explain for me?
Oh, hey there! I appreciate all the love you've been leaving on my blogs lately. I really hope I'm able to give you an answer you're satisfied with. Sorry it took some time to get back to you. I hope this makes up for it. 🙏
I'm not gonna lie, I'm up and down about how I feel about that livestream and what it means for the future of this ship. My brain has been on roller coaster mode since basically the moment the sequel was announced. We're in the home stretch now, and we better get the answers WE WANT the second that sequel comes out. Since it's evidently not going to happen anytime sooner- welp!
Before the livestream aired, I really thought us fans were on the verge of discovering the mom and that it was going to be Rin. We still had hope she wasn't, but at the same time most of us antis were "bracing for impact." lol
Then nothing happened.
We were pretty shocked but obviously relieved. The days before it came out, I was telling others (as well as myself lol) that just because Sesshomaru and Rin's VAs had a livestream together doesn't confirm anything. Besides, why does that have to automatically mean that both pairings need to be romantic? We all know how integral these characters are/were to each other's storylines, so these pairings make the most logical sense, wouldn't you say?
In the previous livestream with the voice actors who play Inuyasha and Kagome, they discuss the new character Moroha and introduce her as Inuyasha AND Kagome's daughter. Now let's compare that to the other livestream with Sesshomaru and Rin's VAs. When they described Towa and Setsuna, they did so as Sesshomaru's daughters NOT Sesshomaru and Rin's daughters. That to me is the most telling piece of evidence.
Like how could they not use that prime opportunity to tell us Rin's the mom when her voice actor was literally sitting right there??! We were all expecting it and they still insisted on giving us nothing! What this tells me is that it's possible this mom is a new character, and it even appears she is quite pivotal to the new series. I keep changing my opinion on that part though to be honest with you, because sometimes I think she won't be important at all in the grand scheme of things. (See what I mean about being up and down? lol) Idk about you, but it seems to me like we haven't even met her character. If it was Rin, why keep it a mystery? It's not like Sessrin's popularity is exactly a secret in this fandom. Why wait until the big reveal if it's "so obvious" in the first place? How does Sunrise benefit from hiding this information?
If it does end up being Rin, it would've been better to just come out and say it. If this ain't just pure fanbait like some of us still hope it is, why hold back? Give 'em what they want already and let us antis be at peace. If they hope to think that I'll change my mind and give this sequel a go just because I've waited this long so might as well, they're sorely mistaken. If anything, I'm going to be pissed they kept us in the dark this long when they could've just saved us all the trouble. I imagine that goes for a lot of us, shippers and antis alike. Whatever way you look at it, I won't be invested in this sequel if Sessrin goes canon- period. I cannot and will not be on board with a series that promotes such a harmful and insulting dynamic.
Which brings us to Sunrise's marketing strategy. Well, I definitely think they have been catering to the fans of this ship for quite some time now. Because, ya know, money. Whether that's because they plan to make this ship canon or not remains to be seen. "Show meee the moneeeeyyyy!" *yells in Jerry Maguire*
There was first the drama cd and more recently that calendar which included art of adult!Rin with Sesshomaru, but neither of those are canon first off. Also, does anyone know if it was actually confirmed to be pro-Sessrin fan art? I mean, I know it doesn't look very good when the artist who made it is a Sessrin shipper and certain fans are fawning over their OTP, but that doesn't necessarily mean the calender automatically is either last I checked. I wonder why it can't simply be Rin as an adult visiting with Sesshomaru. I believe in one picture she's seen giving him a flower, much like little Rin would've done, or just as any child does for a loved one. So if Rin is still bringing him flowers as an adult, I would assume that means their relationship dynamic hasn't changed at all. That's what's supposed to happen, too! If an adult's relationship was established with another person while they were just a child, then that adult will always view them as a child no matter what and vice versa. Even when those children become grown-ups, that won't change. That's just how things are, or how they're supposed to be rather. In other words, a normal healthy adult-child bond does not resemble one like Sessrin.
Both Sessrin fans and antis agree there haven't been any romantic implications between Sesshomaru and Rin in the original series. That's why I can't understand for the life of me why we're even having this discussion. Alas, here we are. This is what happens when society has conditioned us to believe that the only proper (aka "best") way an adult male and a young female's closeness can evolve is with romance. So maybe it's not obvious at first (because that would be illegal), but we should EXPECT their relationship to shift in that direction. Why, you ask? Well, simply because sexualizing young girls is the norm so why not, right? No clues or foreshadowing required! Because like I just said, that would be illegal. Fiction has loopholes for this kinda stuff, so problem solved?
Nope! Aging her up counts too, folks! When you look at a girl character and the first thing you think is, "I can't wait till she grows up so she can f*ck" then, yeah, you're a part of the problem. You may not realize it, but you are. That's not to say you're a bad person or that it's even your fault, just saying that there are times in all of our lives where we start to question some of our beliefs. If you not only support but desire the idea of a romance eventually forming between a grown man- yes, 19 is an adult- and a young girl, then you should probably ask yourself why that may be and re-evaluate. Please stop using cultural differences and history that dates back almost a thousand years to justify this so-called tradition.
"You all shouldn't think too deeply about this, it's just fiction! Ugh, you're ruining the fun! Antis should all just shut up! Only we can have problems, but when you do it's just complaining!"
And by the way, most of us are not even complaining. We're being critical of the content we're watching. Criticism isn't always pretty unfortunately.
If Sunrise and Rumiko do decide to go through with this, then I will disappointed, sure, but not surprised. Romanticizing these sexualized images of young or pre-pubescent girls has been happening for far too long, after all. We've become desensitized to it sadly enough, especially when the media continues to glorify it. I wish we'd realize how many young girls- or minors in general- we're putting in danger by sending messages such as this.
To you young teenage girls and even boys reading this, you may not fully understand right now, but it's never okay for anyone to tell you that your body being sexualized is a natural and beautiful thing. It's going through through a lot changes at your age, yes, but they should never use your curiosity to satisfy their sexual needs. Don't allow some of these stories to be an example of what is acceptable to occur in your own life if you were ever to encounter a similar situation, especially if fiction is all that you have to compare it to. It is not in any way, shape, or form okay for an adult to say or do sexual/romantic things to you. Even a conversation that may seem harmless at first could have dire consequences. No, not even if you trust them and they're one of your favorite people in this world are these things ever appropriate. What they're asking from you or showing you is dangerous, and even if it doesn't seem like it they are very likely taking advantage of you. If you're ever unsure about something, don't hesitate to come to me. Or maybe you have a loved one that you can go to, that works too. 😊
Idk if I even gave you a definite answer, but perhaps it's because I'm still figuring it out myself. If I ever do, ha! I hope by allowing you to get inside my head for a little bit you got a better idea. Or maybe not, and I just made it more confusing for you. Oops! lol Feel free to hit me up again, dear, and have a nice day/night!! 👋
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Potentially loaded question but do you think Frida was forgiven a little too easily? Like considering how much she lashed out at Hilda and David then turned to the marra. I know she's a kid and it's understandable to make mistakes, but from a story structure point of view was it earned or rushed? This came up in a discord chat and
you're the most active Hilda blog I've seen (also you're super cool and I accidentally hit send too early 🤣)
Hey there, anon! Okay, so... I had actually never given this topic much thought before, so after I read you ask this stuck in my head. I even re watched The Black Hound so I could remember things and answer you properly. I’m not the best at media analysis, but this is a very interesting point that you brought up so I’ll do my best to break it down so I can try to explain my mixed feelings about this subject.
(Also please forgive me but this is not at all a straight forward answer, I’ve rambled a bit so there’s even a cut😅)
First off, I think we should consider Frida’s mistakes as two separate things: one would be lashing out at Hilda and David, and the second one would be joining the Marra. It’s clear that they’re both connected and that one led to the other, but their orders of magnitude are so different that I think it wouldn’t be appropriate to consider them the same mistake.
So let’s begin by her lashing out. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that the argument scene was right after they fought a ghost. Taking that into consideration, I can understand why she lashed out. She was feeling scared after a life threatening situation, and that plus the emotional stress that she was going through, with questioning everything she’d ever thought she was, made her burst. But even though it was understandable, it wasn’t justifiable, specially since she told Hilda some things that didn’t even have to do with the ghost situation.
And stopping to think about it, it did sort of bother me that this happened, and then Hilda and David after long seemed to have forgotten it. In the Nisse episode, they’re worried about Frida missing classes and sparrow scouts meetings, and so they simply go to her house and... act completely normal. It is normal for people to be worried when they know someone they care about is going through a rough patch in life and it stops them from leaving their house. I mean, it’s a symptom of a few mental illnesses, even. But the fact that they just went to her house, no questions asked, and acted as if nothing had happened just didn’t sit well with me. Especially because it would have been a simple matter to solve. People lash out with some frequency, it’s nothing out of this world. If Frida had just apologized and explained why she had said what she did, things would have been fine, somewhat. But she didn’t really, and things only got worse.
And that takes us to the Marra issue. Not only did Frida all but discard her old friendships without amuch of a reason, she also looked for friendship somewhere else. But let’s think about it, though. Frida isn’t going to school. Frida hasn’t been leaving her house, we know this. So how could she have met Kelly? This whole situation gives me the feeling that somehow the Marra know when someone is vulnerable, and that Frida was manipulated to become Kelly’s friend.
Sounds reasonable, right?
But the thing is that Kelly isn’t just some mean girl that Frida wants to impress (probably because when you’re young you think teenagers are cool for some reason). Kelly is a marra and Frida knew that.
In the end of The Nisse, we see Frida around the campfire, feeding off of nightmares herself, and in the beginning of The Black Hound, we see Kelly throwing Frida forward saying “last to join, first to get eaten”. These two occasions make it clear that Frida didn’t only befriend her, she joined the Marra, even though it seemed like she was at some sort of apprenticeship stage still. And that’s something I can’t wrap my mind around.
This isn’t lashing out in the heat of the moment. She had time to form a “bond” with Kelly, and I’m assuming that she didn’t only learn that she was a Marra after Kelly brought her to the forest. I mean, if she’d just dragged Frida to the campfire and said “surprise, I’m a nightmare spirit and I’m recruiting you!” she’d definitely try and get away, because she’d be scared! So there was some time for her to get used to that idea, not only that Kelly was a Marra, but also that they wanted her to be one as well.
I could argue that Kelly groomed Frida to accept, and it’s a factor that we definitely should keep in mind; grooming is not something to be taken lightly. But after what we see in The Nightmare Spirit? I’m sorry to say this, but Frida should have known better. She saw those spirits torturing her best friends. She had already seen what they were. And I can’t get it in my head that she simply ignored that! That could have been some sort of revenge against them, but it wasn’t, because there seems to be no more resentment from Frida’s side after her blow up in The Ghost. So something that could easily have been vengeance (even though Hilda and David did nothing wrong) was actually just what she chose? Probably manipulated but otherwise unprompted?
And now we get to her “redemption arc”. Let’s take a look, shall we?
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This scene happened right after they ran away from the hound. Frida offers to help him, and this is what she says while doing it:
“You were right, you know? About my new, so called, friends.”
This quote actually made me realize something. I could be wrong, but has Frida, at any point in the series, said that David was right? Specially while saying that she was wrong? We see her look remorseful in The Sparrow Scouts, but I don’t think we’ve ever heard her saying that she was wrong before, and I think it was probably very hard for her to say it. Next, she says:
“I’m sorry, I’ve been acting like an idiot.”
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And to her credit, she really does look sorry.
For the next few minutes of this episode, there are other instances where she tries to take back what she’s said and done. When Hilda is with her by her door, she says she trusts her and comes up with a plan to help her get a badge. When she is collecting Kelly’s garage sale stuff, she tells him to keep her plushie, because “it’s never a good idea to throw away your real friends”. And while I loved those scenes (and that last one was quite the shade she threw at Kelly, ngl), I’m not at all sure that this serves as a redemption arc (amen, after eleven paragraphs I finally answered the question!)
If all of that had been said before her joining the Marra, I would have thought it perfect. Like you said, anon, she’s a kid, it’s understandable that she doesn’t have a good enough grip over her emotions not to lash out in stressful situations. But this was all done after a more complex and problematic action on her part.
So what would have been a good redemption arc? Well... I don’t think she’ll be completely redempted before she does something to earn their friendship back, instead of just saying apologizing. It would be super cool to have her actually, idk, “resist temptation” for her friends. Maybe if the marra came back and a tried to manipulate her into joining them again, and she refused, that would be a nice way to tie her redemption arc.
Since what you asked was an opinion and not an AU, let’s get back to it. I think it was really easy to have Frida just deliver a few meaningful lines and try to help Hilda earn a badge (though I think she would have done that regardless of trying to apologize, and so would any good friend) and write her off as redempted. But that really didn’t work completely, because it’s easy to be kind and nice when the problem has already passed. How will Frida react when their friendship goes through another tough situation? Will she lash out again or has she learned from her mistakes? We don’t know, because at no point was it shown that she learned.
And now we get to how I feel about it from a storytelling point of view. This redemption is what had been building up since episode 9, and since the Vittra episode we were shown that Frida needed a cold reality shower. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but if she didn’t realize that she couldn’t be perfect, and that putting her attempts at perfection above her friends was an awful choice, she would only have problems later in life.
What I mean is, with so much build up to this arc, and so much significance to it, it’s disappointing that we had what, half an episode for it? If only the time had been taken to put Frida in a situation where she proved that what she went through made her learn, but no, they didn’t take the time. Which is a shame, because seeing Frida’s character development is always delightful to me.
Summing it up: Frida’s lashing out made sense to me and it was a somewhat easy matter to solve. However if there’s no more said about this topic in season 2, her redemption arc will have been, in my eyes, rushed and incomplete, because nothing was done to show that Frida actually learned. It’s a shame that they didn’t dedicate more time to expanding on that arc, because it was a story that was due to being developed ever since the first episodes.
Thank you for this ask, anon! This was very fun to think about and write, and I’m happy to know I come across as cool :D
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janiedean · 4 years
Hi! I'm the Plato anon for before. First of, thank you so much for your offer, but I think I managed on me own. Second, could you elaborate on the "analysing as YA" vs "analysing as an adult" approach? I assumed that "discourse people" on this website generally don't go beyond "antagonist is bad because they are against the hero!" out of ignorance/lack of interest except to score Internet Fame Points, not that it was due a specific mindest. I also don't really read YA (except Tiffany Aching)
TIFFANY ACHING!! T_T ANON LET ME HUG YOU it’s like the only YA I actually liked in my entire life apart from nick hornby’s one book but that wasn’t typical lmao
THAT SAID, well your discourse people point is pretty much part of it but since I’m here and I can rant have the entire thing I was too tired to hash yesterday ;) so, in order:
first thing, we need to establish that ya books and **adult** books generally have different target audiences which is fine and good because obviously if you want to write a thing you’ll do that for An Audience That You Have In Mind; this doesn’t mean that adults can’t read ya or that teenagers can’t read **adult books** because everyone can read what they want (and personally for one I never cared for ya in my entire life not even when I was the target audience), but it simply means that some books are meant to be liked by one category first and eventual others later and they need to be talked about in that specific context first and everything else later - then there might be books that are aimed for kids/young readers or sold like that or that can be read on more than one level which can be appreciated for different things later in time (for example I read huck finn at sixteen and I absolutely loved it but it was a book that here is seen as good reading material also for eight year olds, and at eight I wouldn’t have liked it for the reasons I did at sixteen, and if I read it now I would still like it, while a bunch of the books for kids I read when I was seven is stuff I enjoyed then but forgot now and probably was good for that age but didn’t stick with me);
second thing, that means that when I discuss a young adult book aimed at teenagers I will never hold it to the standards I would hold a book aimed at a general adult audience, especially if it’s the kind of ya like dunno as stated the vampire diaries aimed at teenage girls which is obviously the kind where you have the fantasy world with the hot dark guy who swoons the high schooler protagonist off her feet etc because that stuff is basic teenage girl fantasy 101 and like... I’ll expect a bunch of romance tropes, the usual push and pull, the guy eventually being into her, the protagonist being someone a fourteen year-old can see herself in, probably a few sexual elements thrown here and there and so on, because that’s the shit marketed at fourteen year-olds who want to read that and like... it’s really not that deep. I can’t ask the vampire diaries to be moby dick because it’s not meant to be. or, if I read percy j/ackson - which is another thing I have zero interest in but I know about because I see tweets from the author - I expect to have a bunch of teens coming into their own coming from different backgrounds because the author wants to represent properly a lot of categories so most of his readers can have someone they can see themselves in and like if a thirteen year-old who suspects being lgbt or whatever sees themselves in the gay kid from per/cy jackson guess what that’s what that book is for, so I won’t judge it on like... being a faithful representation of greek myths or how good the style is or whatever, because even if to me it’s not top notch writing or has a plot idc about it has to be for teenagers and pre-teens, not for me, a thirty year old who again didn’t even like pre-teen aimed literature when she was a pre-teen;
third, I can extra clarify it using the damned hp discourse, as in: when I say I’m tired of people not reading anything else or reading everything like hp, it means that they read it when they were growing up/were teens and it was aimed at them which is fine, but then twenty fucking years later when the people in question are way beyond their twenties (guys I’m almost 32 and I remember when the first one came out come on) when talking about any single piece of media in existence (movies, comics, other books) use hp characters/situations as the terms of paragon - like guys I had to read sn/ape comparisons with theon and ky/lo ren on the basis that THEY’RE GREY CHARACTERS as if sn/ape is the only grey character that ever existed, people keep on talking about vold/emort as the only bad guy that ever existed and so on, and like... you can’t talk about, idk, asoiaf or any book aimed at an adult audience like you’d talk about hp, because at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if I read comparisons between sn/ape and ivan karamazov and I think I don’t need to specify how completely nonsensical that would be;
now, with all of this explained, what I mean is: ya in general - which is not a fault per se of the genre since it’s aimed at teens and pre-teens - tends to have... very fixed narrative schemes depending on which teens it’s addressing - like, stuff like tvd or twilight is obviously the romance teenage girl fantasy where you have the girl fighting to be with the dark beautiful supernatural creature in question, per/cy jackson is more like I’ll give you a bunch of relatable characters having cool adventures against bad guys with the occasional redemption so we can see that people are redeemable but you still have right vs wrong, hp is sort of like that in the sense you get relatable-ish protagonist with relatable friends growing up throughout the entire thing and fighting on the good side vs the evil side including the usual death of the mentor plus people who seemed bad actually not being bad™ except that PJ has more povs and better rep from what I gather but that’s not the point so it’s basically the growing up journey for the young protagonist(s) the kid sees themselves in, then there’s stuff like hunger games where you actually have the dystopian worldbuilding just written to be enjoyable by younger people who don’t want to get too depressed (and ngl I haven’t read the books but I’ve seen the first two movies and guys the way everyone ignores the classist commentary in thg to discuss the love triangle is... a staple of the problem tbh) but still try to introduce deeper themes and have more nuanced characters and at the same time are still written to be enjoyed maybe by the more adult side of the target, and at the same time I can’t say that thg is the same as 1984 when it comes to target audience because 1984 doesn’t make the ugly dystopian themes more accessible using the love story/teenage protagonist etc;
at this point the problem is: if you only ever read ya and nothing else in your life (which is what a lot of people here do - guys again when I got here in 2011 if people didn’t discuss hp they discussed john gr/een, the only *adult*-aimed book I see discussed on tumblr is asoiaf... because of got X°DDD) then you end up seeing every other piece of literature expecting what you do out of a young adult and then you expect adult literature out of young adults/ya to approach certain implications the way an adult novel would, which is... frankly ridiculous;
specific examples: I see blogs which are principally about like ya fantasy books ie acotar or shadow/hunters or whatever shitting on grrm because AAAAH HE’S PROBLEMATIC/MISOGYNIST/HE HAS VIOLENCE AND RAPE IN THE BOOKS BLAH BLAH and like... spoilers: if I wrote a fantasy series aimed at fourteen year-olds who want their fantasy romance with the hot dark guy who is maybe a tiny bit problematic but turns their leaf for them I would hold back on blood and violence, if I wrote a fantasy for adults where I want to be realistic about misogyny I will not, and the fact that grrm gets judged on what happens and not how he writes it (and again, saying that a guy who has 1/3rd of his pov characters female except that it’s actually 50/50 because there are no throwaway povs except for mel while guys have a lot more of them and all the female povs have narrative weight [and mel has it before she gets one] and all of them have a different personality and he also has the same trope [brienne and arya] in two people with wildly different personalities and needs which is basically a goddamned miracle is a misogynist because there’s misogyny in his fantasy world is ridiculous imvho) which is.... exactly expecting of asoiaf what you’d expect out of acotar, when grrm and acotar’s writer write for wildly different audiences. now, if I had read acotar at 15 and asoiaf at 15 I’d have had no doubt re asoiaf being more my thing because again the subgenre acotar goes for is not my thing because I never related to that fantasy while brienne is my rep, but in general a 14yo girl who likes the acotar-like stuff will not care for grrm.... which is normal because grrm writes for adults of both genders, not teenage girls (I mean teenage boys also have their own subgenres for which the same rules are valid), and someone who likes percy jackson (aimed at both genders but like... pre-teens early teens) who doesn’t gaf for grrm won’t because it’s not aimed at them unless they like grrm for other reasons ie idk they realize that they relate to jon snow idk but you see my point, so like tldr that’s what I mean with if you only read ya you’ll expect adult writers to handle their themes like ya writers would and like... sorry but if I write stuff for adults I won’t feel the need to specify that the bad guy is B A D with neon lights because an adult should grasp that from the narrative, I don’t need to make sure it’s obvious bc it’s aimed at kids;
reverse: when I see people saying ‘the vampire diaries is problematic because it’s about people who are a hundred years old preying on teenage girls so we need to stop teenage girls from reading that kind of thing because it makes them think it’s okay to go with someone that much older than them’, we’re at the opposite problem in the sense that you’re asking a young adult novel what you would ask of AN ADULT NOVEL when there’s no point in it. like, a teenage girl knows perfectly that damon salvatore doesn’t exist and vampires don’t exist and werewolves don’t exist - the entire point of tvd is that she gets to fawn over the hot supernatural dude who changes for the better thanks to the female protagonist she most likely sees herself in and she gets to have a few nice fantasies about that which is like... normal for people who are developing their sexualities, most people wouldn’t actually want damon salvatore the way he’s exactly in canon irl because they know it’s a fantasy and so it should stay. like, sorry but as someone who watched the show because ian somerhalder is hot in her twenties and tried the first book and gave it up at page 30 because I couldn’t do it, I can 100% assure anyone that the biggest issues with tvd books are that the writing is really fucking bad (for my standards at least), with the tvd show that from S4 the writing spiraled downwards and no one wanted the magical vampire pregnancy witch twins ridiculousness, but none of the content actually was shit that anyone would take seriously like that and I wouldn’t expect tvd to approach that subject realistically. if I read a vampire book aimed at adults who actually wants to write such a relationship as creepy WELL YES OF COURSE I’D EXPECT IT TO BE OBVIOUS ABOUT IT BEING CREEPY, but if it’s aimed at freaking teenagers... it’s a fantasy and not really that deep, take it for what it is and let teenage girls enjoy thinking about smooching damon salvatore (or stefan or whoever) without assuming they need to be protected from Horrible Vampire Fiction™, same as no one goes bitching about unrealistic sex scenes in serialized romance books because people read them because they’re unrealistic and escapism, not because they expect nobel prize worthy exploration of themes from them;
now, ^^^^^^ would not happen if people actually read variedly and studied some decent lit analysis in school - but like, after I had to read I think at some point that of mice and men is ableist... THAT’S the damned point - with ya you can take a lot of the plot at face value, with adult lit you can’t and you have to see motivation beyond the action of the characters and you can’t do that if you only read books aimed at pre-teens/teenagers where obviously that’s... more spelled out than it would be in a book aimed at an adult audience;
that by the way also means wildly missing actual adult themes discussion in ya, because again, I haven’t read thg but from the two movies I’ve seen it’s fucking obvious that the whole thing is an anti us-classism commentary from how the districts are built to how the games are rigged to pretty much everything in the worldbuilding, but all the discourse I see on tumblr is about either the love triangle or katniss being miscast or president snow being a jerk and whatever else, but I never once saw anyone saying ‘heeeeey the people in katniss’ district are an in your face metaphor of poor people in the us of a belonging to certain categories while the first few districts are absolutely the 1% and the entire point of it is that she wants to tell you A CLASSIST SOCIETY IS BAD AND WILL LEAD TO REVOLUTIONS’, which to me was... like, glaring, it was literally what 90% of the entire thing was about and no one ever discusses it in a fandom-wide sense (I mean... I saw a bunch of hg posts back when the movies came out, I never saw this brought out), which... is a problem because it means that the moment people are put in front of a ya product that actually tackles that kind of issue.... they go and worry about the love triangle (which seemed to me the excuse to draw the people in the story) not about the social commentary, and like, maybe a twelve year-old won’t catch on the social commentary, a twenty-year old especially from the us should, and I don’t see that happening;
and sorry but that is because if you only engage with content aimed at a younger audience than your target first you assume that every piece of literature should be consumable/readable/enjoyable by a younger audience (and sorry but no, some of us don’t want to write stuff making sure teenagers like it) and then ask of actual ya media to cater to their *adult* needs and not to the needs of the target audience because wow obviously if you’re 25 you won’t want out of literature what you wanted at fourteen;
and this also is valid for children’s media because again, I’m cutting it short, but adults watching st/even universe and sending people death threats because they don’t agree with their opinion of a cartoon aimed at an audience that’s at moooostttt eight years old is a thing that shouldn’t even fucking exist, and if you think steven/universe is that important at an adult age you need to re-assess your priorities;
tldr: adults should not expect media aimed at kids/teens to cater to their interests and shouldn’t analyze it the way they’d analyze a piece of media aimed at an adult audience and should not presume that every piece of media should have the scope/schemes of medias aimed at kids/teens because some of us don’t want to read that.
now, I’ll leave you with a nice short anecdote which hopefully will further clarify what I mean and add to another point which would be, kids and teens don’t give a fuck about what you, an adult, do: when everyone was in a frenzy about my little pony back in 2013 or so I had to see a ton of posts like ‘AAAAAH MEN/BOYS WHO ARE INTO MLP ARE STEALING THE SHOW FROM YOUNG GIRLS HOW DARE THEY ENJOY IT WE NEED TO KICK THEM OUT’ with added people saying that a ten year old male kid who tried to kill himself bc his friends bullied him bc he liked mlp deserved it and the likes, my only thought was that... when I was 8-10 in elementary school and was actually the target for cartoons and stuff, sailor moon was the rage between all girls my age me included, we’d spend recess playing pretend (and I’d get stuck playing sailor mars bc no one wanted her, sad) and our hugest first world problem in existence was that we needed technically a mamoru and of course no self-respecting boy in elementary school would have admitted under death threats to watching sailor moon because it was a girls’ thing (aaaaah gender roles in the early-mid 90s, how fun) so everyone despaired because ofc no one wanted to play mamoru... and the few times any guy actually showed up like HEEEEY I WANNA DO IT BUT PLEASE DON’T TELL MY FRIENDS I LIKE SAILOR MOON we’d all be like OMG YOU’RE OUR NEW FAVORITE PERSON PLEASE YOUR SECRET IS SAFE because we couldn’t believe we found the magical boy™ who wanted to do it, and if anyone had told us that the kid in question was stealing sailor moon from us we’d have laughed in their face.
kids don’t ask of media what you, an adult do, and it’s unfair of you, an adult, to ask children’s/ya media to cater to your damned interests, which are amply catered to by the tons of adult literature around which also forces you to push on your views and read more challenging things and to not read/watch stuff at face value, which is why I would really appreciate it if the amount of 20yo people on here who I consider adults engaged with more adult media and let themselves be challenged instead of just going back to ya/kids’ things, which are good for teens and kids and can be enjoyed by everyone but should not be the only goddamned genre you measure all other literature against because then you get people saying that lolita is pro-pedo when it’s exactly the goddamned contrary, but if you think that pov character = protagonist = good guy (which is... staple kids/ya stuff for obvious reasons) then you decide that humbert humbert is someone you’re supposed to root for. too bad that you’re not and the author was an actual csa victim so it’s a completely ridiculous reading that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t read lolita the way you read hp.
... okay, I’m done, sorry for how long this was, I hope it cleared things for good xD
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cindyburman · 4 years
What?Ppl love Cindy! Not just in evil fun way but lots of commentary about her traumatic upbringing and how she deserved better. In fact there‘ve been more cool motive still murder type comments re: Henry. With the last ep opinions have swayed, but it’s reasonable? He participated in shitty, misogynistic fuckery. does that invalidate the whole rest of his life? Is the point not to allow ppl opportunities to grow and rectify past mistakes?It sure seemed like the argument the show was making. Idk?
sorry that this took me so long to answer i forgot 😔 anyways where are you seeing people defend her??? i’ve seen a lot more ‘cindy is a coldhearted remorseless bitch and i hope she dies’ comments (which just. isn’t true bc we’ve SEEN her show remorse before over pushing courtney away and abt accidentally killing her mother?? and that’s just what’s been onscreen, we don’t KNOW if she feels remorse over sending out yolanda’s nudes bc they haven’t SHOWN us any more than that but i think it’s fair to say that she clearly has feelings of some sort abt all of the bad decisions she’s made and she knows that they’re bad. anyways) than positive ones abt her, esp on other platforms. tumblr’s a little bit better abt not immediately writing her off but on certain social medias i haven’t seen ANY positive cindy commentary whereas it’s an absolute guarantee that you’ll see henry apologists (even before he was redeemed!!!) everywhere you go. 
the thing that a lot of people in the fandom seem not to understand abt the henry/cindy thing is that yes, they could’ve ended up in each other’s place very easily and henry almost went down the exact path that cindy did, but henry didn’t turn out differently bc he was a better person than cindy or something. he joined the jsa and sacrificed himself bc he had POSITIVE/anti-isa outside influences (courtney, his dad when it came to his mom’s death/hating jordan) when he first learned abt the jsa/isa and was offered the opportunity to join the jsa almost as soon as he developed his powers. whereas cindy has always had nothing but NEGATIVE/pro-isa influences (her dad, mainly) when she first learned abt the isa/jsa and for years afterward and was NEVER offered any opportunity to join the jsa or switch sides. imagine how isolating it would be to have powers and not only does that cause you to inadvertently kill your mom, the only person who knows abt your powers is your creepy half-lizard dad who isolates you and blames you for your mom’s death even though he’s the one that gave a third-grader superpowers. and i’m not trying to justify cindy’s actions, i’m just saying that she’s not the cut-and-dry emotionless unredeemable villain a lot of people seem to think she is. anyways maybe i’ll fuck around and say that cindy could’ve been everything henry was and more if she had the same opportunities that he had bc they’re far more similar in motivation than ppl think.
and i don’t (completely) hate henry. i agree that his last eps rounded him out more and showed that he could be better. sure, he grew and developed a little, but we have to remember that this whole thing played out over a couple of days in canon and everyone was just expected to forgive him. the problem isn’t that henry’s being allowed to change and attempt to atone for his past mistakes, but that yolanda doesn’t HAVE the opportunity to forget abt the situation bc what henry and cindy did to her will follow her around forever. i’m sure it’s all good and nice for yolanda to finally get a confirmation that henry isn’t a complete piece of shit, but that doesn’t CHANGE anything for her bc while henry gets to be remembered as a flawed hero she’s stuck in a school and a family that blames her for HIS mistakes. plus, the way that he died (sacrificing himself to save them) makes it hard for her to even justify hating him to herself (even though she is ABSOLUTELY justified in not forgiving him, nostalgia is a liar and very few people want to speak ill of the dead, especially those so recently deceased) and so in a way she’s FORCED into either forgiving him or pretending that she has. bc really, if her (ex) best friend was willing to side w him and trust him and let him onto the team before he died for them, yolanda probably doubts that courtney or the others would react well or agree w her if she told them that she still hated him after his sacrifice. 
in truth, most of my negative feelings abt henry stem from how many more opportunities he gets to redeem himself and change his story in canon than characters who actually deserve it (yolanda) and how the fandom treats him like he’s some perfect angel who’s SO much better than cindy and if he had survived, yolanda should have still forgiven him and then gotten back together w him. anyways there’s my take on this whole situation.
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natsunoomoi · 3 years
Holy crap. So like with the previous post I was thinking about Fushigi Yuugi again and kind of checking up on what was up with Byakko Senki cuz I haven’t checked on it in awhile and it looks like it’s on hiatus right now and she’s working more on Arata Kangatari, which is cool cuz I thought she finished that, but I guess not and she just took a break to like finish Genbu and do Byakko or something.
But also I was scrolling through her Twitter to find that she is really into this Chinese movie “Legend of Luo Xiaohei” and so I was checking that out cuz so ironic that Japanese mangaka that got her big break writing manga about an ancient China setting is interested in a Chinese movie. So just looking through her Twitter thread and apparently she found out about Luo Xiaohei from watching a CM while watching Modao Zushi. LMAO It’s amazing, but this situation just feels like an ouroboros eating itself because I have a high suspicion that her work on Fushigi Yuugi imported into China back in the 90s was probably a huge influence on Chinese creators and artists to write their own stories about their culture and helped to popularize the xianxia and wuxia novel movements in more modern times. On top of that MXTX said she was inspired by a D. Gray-man fanfic and while she mentioned that title specifically, I think in the periphery Fushigi Yuugi itself and more recently Arata were probably an influence too. Growing up a number of my Chinese friends also said they got into anime overall because of Fushigi Yuugi because it was an anime and work from Japan about their culture and arguably done pretty damn well. 
In terms of the danmei movement as well, I’m pretty sure Fushigi Yuugi was included in what started the movement as the movement was influenced by Japanese BL that came in via Taiwan, and the beginning of Fushigi Yuugi had the whole thing between Nuriko and Hotohori even though that kind of went nowhere, Nuriko dies to everyone’s depression (I have several friends who refuse to watch the rest of the series after Nuriko dies because it’s not the same), and that whole ship goes off a weird deep end with Hotohori marrying a woman that looks like Nuriko. Also, the exact reasons for Nuriko being in the harem and all that. There was a whole lot of shipping in the 90s from Fushigi Yuugi and it was one of the first series that had a male cast that was almost entirely ikemen and I think the actual first reverse harem. A number of shows probably simultaneously popularized the female gaze in mainstream anime, but Fushigi Yuugi was definitely one of them. Like literally one or two years before there was a lot of manly men and guy’s guys kind of anime characters, but beautiful ikemen, no, not really. In 2021, there are some things about the series that are a bit problematic, but it’s influence on the world is pretty significant. It was one of the first shows I’d seen that had any kind of reference to homosexuality or transgender in it and although it’s not necessarily portrayed well, the fact that it was there and that Nuriko was such a beloved character it started a conversation and helped us to get to a time where the topics she represents can be more discussed. I’m actually not even sure what pronouns would be appropriate for Nuriko because of her reasons for what she did and in Japanese the pronoun problem is actually really easy to get around because you just don’t have a subject or speaking in 3rd person is totally normal. But still, without her the minds of thousands or even millions of fans around the world would not have been opened as early to LGBT topics. Her existence, even problematic as it might be, allowed people to consider and love a character of a different sexual orientation or gender identity than their own and just open their minds to just not being a homophobic, biphobic (cuz relationship with Miaka?), or transphobic piece of shit.
Then also Genbu Kaiden and Uruki’s powers. Yeah.... I mean, also kind of with the earlier discussion, the idea of dual cultivation I don’t recall even being brought up much before in most media, but such ideas were also banned and repressed in China at a certain point. Documentation shows it was more of an ancient practice that suddenly became known about again. The book I was talking about that has it more explicitly written is banned in China has its only original surviving copy in the Japanese National Library as it was one of the books brought to Japan by scholars escaping persecution in China and bringing with them books to escape one of the many episodes of mass book burning. According to my Chinese lit professor who had us read an English translation of that book as a part of our curriculum anyway. Supposedly the translator of said book had to go to Japan to read the original in order to write the translation. There’s apparently a number of ancient Chinese texts like that because book burnings were a thing at different points in Chinese history, so if you are a scholar of Chinese lit if you want a complete picture of your field for some texts you do actually have to come to Japan to do your research. But yeah, that power mentioned in that very book Watase-sensei gave to Soi, and also the story of Fushigi Yuugi takes place in that very library that contains that ancient copy of a banned and would have been lost to the world book. If you’re asking why a “dirty” book would be something a scholar would grab to save, ancient lit scholars do regard it as a rather well-written piece of literature even though the content of it is basically taboo.
But also the Fushigi Yuugi Suzaku Ibun game is a hot mess when it comes to this same issue because if you romance Nuriko you can save her from death and my friend Hikari said she wasn’t sure if she was happy about fucking with the universe like that. (I’m not either.) Nuriko’s death was such a huge impact on the story and everything. Also, notably, most of the Suzaku Shichiseishi died, but Nuriko had the LONGEST tribute. Like Chiriko and Mitsukake’s was like a tag on of a few minutes. Hotohori’s was too even, but it was addressed more in the later manga chapters the publisher pressured her to write and in the OVA series afterward.
Also, like Fushigi Yuugi other than the Neverending Story was one of the original sucked into a book holy shit how do I survive stories. Idk if SVSSS is influenced by it in that way, but it’s fair to draw the parallels because of the similar theme. It’s just canonically Taiitsu Shinjin is not behind the the system in the book and in a number of ways Shen Yuan is more competent than Miaka. Miaka gets a lot of shit though and when I re-watched FY a second time I actually found the gripes people generally have about it make up only a small part of the series. People just talk it up so much that it seems like a huge thing when it’s not. Plus the technical canon is only the original TV series because that’s where Watase wanted to end the story and that is an emotional rollercoaster that makes you cry so good. But like there’s some other kinds of parallels as well like how toward the end and like the last two episodes you hate Nakago up until the exact moment you find out why he’s an absolute asshole, and characters straight up criticizing him about how he’s an asshole the whole damn series just gives the same kind of feels that SY gave criticizing the original throughout SVSSS. Can’t say for sure, but Fushigi Yuugi has a lot of clout in a general sense.
But yeah, Watase-sensei said that she was really surprised by the animation quality of Chinese animation these days and she thought Japanese anime was going down in comparison. Same, yo. Same. But still, her work was probably a huge contributor to the movement that allowed MDZS to exist because her art is damn beautiful, Chinese influenced, and she had one of the first works in Asia to like bring the subject of LGBT issues into the mainstream after years of oppression from mostly Western influence because in pre-modern Asia no one gave a shit before and there’s a significant amount of classical novels that address some form of LGBT issues at least in Japanese lit and like even academic documentation that notes Confucius saying that doing it with a guy was better than with a woman. And the author of the work that probably was very influential to BL back in the 90s watches MDZS. She noted that there wasn’t any in the actual anime, which is true, but I think she helped that series to exist and she watches the anime so it’s kind of exciting.
I hope it influences her to go finish Byakko, but OMG I want her to finish Arata too because I like Arata. I should try to find time to read more of it because the anime is too short and the wiki descriptions of what’s happening are so damn confusing and incomplete.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
October 30: 1x21 The Return of the Archons
Took a break from Halloween-ing to watch TOS with my mom. Today’s ep, the rather lackluster Return of the Archons.
A very in media res beginning! Unsurprisingly since a lot of the drama of this episode hangs on the audience not knowing the whole story.
Sulu is looking damn fine. These weird outfits really do it for him.
Maybe O’Neill had the right idea in running instead of waiting for the transporter. (Or maybe not, seeing as we later find out they caught him too.)
Look at the heels on their boots lol. I always forget about that.
Today’s official adventure: looking for the missing ship Archon.
“Sulu’s mysterious condition requires that I, the Captain, collect all of the most important people on board the ship and beam down into a planet we already know to be full of dangers.”
“Materialization completed.” Uh good to know Kirk.
Why is Spock wearing that dramatic-ass cloak? (I know it’s because he needs a hood to cover his ears but he still looks very much not of a piece.)
Whereas McCoy looks like a down-home Georgia gentleman. He looks like he’s returned to his natural habitat.
I bet these are the sort of outfits AOS Kirk wished he was wearing when he was sighing wearily at his closet filled with uniforms.
I love that this planet is clearly the set of a Western. Or... Maybury. Or also Miri.
Not only did The 100 steal S3 from this episode, it also stole the Red Sun from it, didn’t it?
They keep saying they came for the festival and yet it is VERY clear they don’t know what the festival is. This disguise is not working.
It got dark damn fast. They’re outside, it’s almost 12--one would assume that’s 12 noon--and then they go inside, talk for about 3 minutes, go to another room, and it’s pitch black out!
Is this like The Purge? (I asked myself this while we were watching and--spoiler alert!--it is! The Purge was based, perhaps subconsciously, on this ep.)
Kirk looks very handsome in this ep. Like whoever directed it looks like he’s in love with him.
“Crewmen, here are your various assignments... Mr. Spock... come with me, somewhere private. To talk.”
Spock sleeping with his eyes open. (Meditating, my mom says.)
Oh look, it’s the secret police, in their brown robes.
Landru doesn’t seem too gentle lmao. “No dissent is allowed. You will be absorbed.” Randomly killing that guy who kinda said “maybe, uh, the festival...isn’t great??”
Kirk makes one comment about how everyone’s slow on the uptake here, and slow to respond to questions and denials, and Spock goes heart eyes. “Captain, how are you so smart and logical?”
“Fascinating, this is merely a hollow tube, Captain.” And uh I guess we’re never going to explain how that hollow tube kills people then?
They’re communing...
Love that Spock points out that the people are being communicated with through telepathy. Though... I remain sightly perplexed how the computer can do that. The next stage in Apple computing I guess.
Why isn’t Reger affected by all this? Like they imply that some people are spared the “festival” festivities because of their age, but that doesn’t seem to explain why he’s not “of the body.” Like being of the body isn’t a choice that people make, you’re ether absorbed or you’re not. They say later that he’s immune--but that in itself requires explanation. Like idk it seems a major plot hole that there can even be a resistance when the computer has controlled the society for thousands of years.
So I guess the backstory on the Archon ship is that they were all either absorbed or killed when they objected to the computer and its creepiness.
I do think the little hints that the society used to be way more advanced are intriguing.
“What should we do about this body that’s going to act as a tracking beacon right to us?” / “Uh, knock him out again.”
This planet is so peaceful.. no war or crime... except for people occasionally beating and raping each other nbd.
Was that Starfleet Officer really just going to shoot that projection? Not the best and the brightest being recruited nowadays I guess.
“The creature called Landru.”
“Enough analysis.” Spock always wants to talk through the whole backstory of the weird situations they’re in, while Kirk is a man of action!
Bones is really not being used to full capacity in this ep. He’s just kinda there in the background, until he’s absorbed.
Spock is very concerned about what will happen to the Captain, but also kind of... skeptical about this whole thing. For someone in control of his emotions he exhibits a lot of emotions imo.
“Happy communing!” Just gonna say this all the time now.
Time for another mind meld. So casual about it now.
Spock’s face during Kirk’s Landru-imitating speech is HILARIOUS. That eyebrow! The eye roll! I really think he’s amused by all of this.
He’s not very good at pretending to be absorbed. He sees Jim and he’s immediately like “Captain...!” all normal like.
“The peace of the factory, the tranquility of the machine.”
“You’re thinking the same thing I am. Mr. Spock... I love you.”
It’s pretty awesome that the same ep that introduces the Prime Directive also immediately finds Kirk forming loopholes in it. “We’re not supposed to interfere.... in living, growing cultures, which this isn’t! Moral conundrum solved.”
Spock actually straight up punched a man in the face lol.
Interesting that the communicators work like that--Spock is talking to the Enterprise on his, and Kirk just slides into the conversation on his device, without Spock abandoning his call. I think because they became cell phones irl that I think of them as cells but they’re not. It’s just weird to see them casually used in these totally bonkers ways.
Lol he returned them to a simpler, easier time. I guess you could say Landru made Beta III great again.
So Reger had second thoughts about actually destroying Supreme Leader once it got too real?
Interesting how Landru’s lair is so much more sci-fi-y in aesthetic than the town. Another hint of what the society used to look like.
Spock without the cloak. Damn son.
“We do not intend to die.” That’s a good attitude.
Revealing the Wizard behind the curtain...
“The whole society is a machine’s concept of perfection.”
A man programming himself into an all knowing machine that lives forever really does remind me of Becca and ALIE except with a 60s aesthetic--a large, physical computer rather than an AI.
“The good of the body is the Prime Directive.” Tbh I feel like what this whole ep is saying is that sometimes Prime Directives need to be bent if the reality of the situation doesn’t square with the spirit of the directive.
I love when Kirk destroys computers using Extreme Logic.
That should be a presidential debate question "What have you done to do justice to the full potential of every individual of the body?"
“Well, now that that’s done, we’re going to go. Have fun rebuilding your entire society from nothing. We’ll leave you a single sociologist to help out.”
So Mr. Sulu is back to normal, and he immediately returns to the bridge to give a little, goofy sitcom smile-and-shrug and kick some random extra outta his chair.
Why do they assume Landru was a good guy lol? I mean he solved their extreme violence problem but he instituted a plenty of other problems instead. Also he was clearly a megalomaniac.
This society’s backstory sounds an awful lot like pre-reform Vulcan. Maybe they should just send a Vulcan to teach them Surak’s ways.
Honestly they were left alone for like an hour and had a handful of fist fights. I think they really were a very violent people! Maybe destroying the dictator-computer was a bad idea!
I find it very odd that the whole festival thing was never actually explained. I guess it must have been a purge idea--that because they are so naturally violent and terrible aliens, they need to let off that steam in some way every now and again, and they do this through a “festival” of no-holds-barred violence. Still kinda wish they’d explicitly circled back on that in some way though.
I think the most interesting part of this episode was the planet’s back story. Kirk acts in the end as if they were basically human, but they’re not. Also, I got the impression that Landru convinced people to follow him first, and then only when he died, set himself up as an eternal God/Computer. So he must have been a very interesting, charismatic person. And that one of his ideas was to return to a “simpler time” in everything from dress to architecture, as if that had any real correlation with levels of violence is... fascinating. Was that the hook that he hung his reform on?
Overall, as I said, not a super strong S1 episode, but not bad at all. Next week is Space Seed, a classic episode that unfortunately was absolutely wrung dry by too many repeats over the course of the franchise. (...Yes I am referring specifically to STID obviously.) Still that shouldn’t take away from the brilliance of the original!
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tellmesomethinggg · 4 years
linking this here bc it was technically a journal? i just don’t want it on my notes anymore and if i ever (likely not to) want to re-read for whatever reason. please note that i knew people would read this so things are censored and are the basic version. also there was a switch at one point from **** to chris because i didn’t want things to be read
(for later when i got time lmao)
Matt is a piece of shit that just wants to fuck -Chloe
well fuck
here goes nothing
the plan: don’t get drunk bc i got shit to do early next morning and ill tell him tomorrow when i do get drunk. spoiler alert that didn’t work
Gaby (coles gf) came too btw
so i had a smirnoff ice and said no more than two shots after so id be buzzed but not fully drunk (i ended up having three and was very much drunk)
me jon and gaby we’re talking about guys and i mentioned something about liking a guy or some shit and gaby looks at matt and then me and confirms it with me. then she tells me that apparently when she met me and a few other friends at the beach last quarter, that she predicted the two of us would end up together and told cole this. im like wtf how and she claims she’s psychic lol
later, Matt and i are on the sack and he looks at me and goes do you like me and im thinking well fuck so i say yes and he’s like well shit sorry but (and then i forgot exactly what he said) something along the lines of it’s not mutual or it’s not the right timing (i forgot okay) and then he gets up after a bit to go to the bathroom (I’m pretty sure cole went out too) and then me gaby and Jon have a chisme session and they think that he does like me but whatever
so the guys come back and at this point i really need to pee again so matt offers to take me and we start talking and he’s all, oh im sorry if i led you on and shit and im like it’s alright ill get over it, it just might be a bit awkward for me for a bit. but then on our way back from the bathroom he asks me , do you wanna at least kiss your crush at least one time and im like uhh yeah so he kisses me and then we start talking but i forgot about what and im kinda dizzy so he says, oh let’s sit on the couches for a bit before we go back, so we do and somehow we kiss again and then start making out
and at this point im like bitch there’s no way you don’t like me like why would you do that if you didn’t
so we finally go back and it’s been some time so the rest of em are obviously curious
matt goes with cole to the bathroom again and the three of us have a chisme session otra vez and they’re like yeah he fucking likes you he’s prob just scared bc of his last relationship
cole comes back in and basically backs up their side based on his convo he just had with matt
and so it’s decided that we’ll both sleep on the sack, Jon sleeps on his bed and the other two together in coles bed
he comes back and we all “go to sleep” but I push for him to hold me like he usually does whenever we sleep together and around like 2,3 am we both start making out again and just like uhhhh
also we’re both very much drunk but of course i tend to remember things whenever ive gotten drunk, however, he did not and so now we gotta talk and figure shit out and go from there
also im not telling Emilou or Hanna yet until we figure things out so
alrighty, so after last night, ive decided to do absolutely nothing about it and decided to just let things play out the way things do. i don’t wanna say something and ruin our friendship that we have bc i trust him a lot and like hanging out with him, so, i guess the end of this note for now, unless the situation changes anytime soon
Can Tim see what I write on this?     -Chloe
Yes -Janet
Hi Tim!
Tim pls respond.
Hi Chloe! Sorry I have been busy at home LOL
He responded I’m so happy!
FYI im just going to add things at the top of the note so that its easiwr to see stuff when i add it bc then otherwise youd have to scroll a ton
and I’m dating shit so i know when I wrote stuff and my memory and yeahhh
FEB 15 1 pm
chillin in alp so lets get this chisme
alrighty so last night i stayed the night in pratts but it wasnt just me so calmate, it was me and jon bc long story short i was too lazy/dizzy to get up and jons roommate had her bf over. basically we both shared the bed, not a lot of physical contact but whateva
anyways, there was also one point where he was watching a movie from his childhood and idk what tf it was but he was shocked that i havent seen those movies, so apparently now im gonna watch them so i told him for payback we gotta watch disney movies lmao
oh also! i fucking got back to my room and took a shower to get ready for class, and when hanna gets back from class shes all like oh you slept in HiS rOoM huh and i was like uhhh yeah and told her the truth like i was too lazy and dizzy to get up and then she didnt really say anything but uhhhh yikes
and then i mentioned this to emilou later when we were walking to class and shes like yeah idk why she did that that was weird and i was thinking like thank God she doesnt think the same as hanna bc shes also slept in his room on the bean bag a few times
FEB 14 2pm
heyyy its valentines day and guess whos still single and workinggg
so uhhh last night, around 1, both me and pratt finished our shit (hw and studying) and im wide awake so im like hey, brooklyn 99? (because i got him into the show and i love rewatching the show bc its sooo good) and hes down so we start watching in his room. were both on his bed but were sitting (for the tie being) and eventually i decide to lay down and use one of his pillows but its the flat pillow so i attempt to steal his other one, which he protests and we lowkey wrestle over it and eventually i fail ugh and i fall over in frustration and land my head on his knee and then just quit and stay there, but get this, he just deals with it and lays on top of me, like his head is on my side. granted we both also have pillows so like his pillow is in between me and him and same for me but like ughhh
and eventually i fall asleep for like an episode (?) and wake up right before 3 am, and then decide hey sleep sounds important bc i have an 8 am and so does he, so i sit up but im too lazy to get up right away so i sit and go through twitter and shit so chris just lays down with his head on my leg and i set my arm down on his chest and he falls asleep for a few minutes and then i finish going through my social media and every part of me doesnt wanna move, but im also in a position that would be uncomfortable to fall asleep in so i wake him up and then go back to my room
oh and the other thing i forgot was that for a good couple hours we were texting and joking around and yeahhh
i feel like im reading a lot into what happens but at the same time, like i doubt id be this comfortable doing shit with guys like this and idk about him, but like sometimes i wonder you know?
also, saturday night, as far as i know, its just me and him going to the basketball game bc idk who else is going (eye emoji insert here bc im on my computer lmao) so we'll see what happens
FEB 10 11am
okay soooo last night,
the plan was to get buzzed, just me and matt and watch Brooklyn 9-9 but then Anthony and emilou joined us so never mind. after a bit, Anthony leaves so he can answer a phone call and pratt offers me shot #1 and not emilou (she’s laying on the bean bag, I’m on his roommates bed chillin behind her so she can’t see what’s up)
we take two and im slightly buzzed but i think “hey lets see how much we can take before she notices” and he’s down so uhhh let’s get this
later we have to include Anthony and he’s down to see how much we can take and he just lets us continue, i get to 4 shots and he finishes the bottle so i can’t have a 5th
brb im gonna go eat with him
okay im back now...
anyways were both pretty out of it, emilou still hasnt noticed and anthony finds this all funny i assume and so do i , and eventually she finds out and then the two of them leave i guess around 2 am and the two of us are both on the bean bag and were both tired and drunk and drunk me like petting his hair and apparently holding his hand and well yeah i kinda hate drunk me bc if that wasnt obvious enough lmao :/
continuin, we basically end up cuddled together most of the night until we both kind of sober up hella early in the morning and kind of separate a bit
and so in the morning guess who brought it uppp and i at least have an excuse that i was drunk and not thinking and just kinda doing whatever drunk me wanted to do (but omggg his hair is so fucking nice to play with omg) anyways imma just die real quick bc idk what happens now
also since no one else was in the room literally no one else knows about this and i think were keeping it that way bc lets be honest if anyone found out about that i think id be screwed for secret keeping and then well yeah
i remembered:
sunday 2-3
i forgot this happened but before I ended up in chris’s room i was chillin upstairs watching tv and then he came out on the phone with some one and long story short he said something on the phone to his friend along the lines of “you’re gonna have me in your life for a long time” and when he was saying that i was looking at him bc soy chismosa and i was curious and he winked at me and I died
Monday 2-4
so the other thing that happened was I had lunch/dinner with him before my writing class and no recuerdo que decimos, but uhhhh yeah
i like hanging out with him
also, just got back from his room and am more convinced that he may not like me but actually just sees me as a friend but at the same time maybe he does but IDK
i hate feelings and it’d be so much easier if i didn’t have them sometimes lmaooo
FEB 7 5-7 PM
so im currently in the room rn so im gonna try to make this as chronological as possible
saturday 2-2
alrighty so mind you this is the day ive volunteered with ship and have spent the whole day there, (i dont remember why i thought this was relevant :/)
so saturday night, i go to work in his room around 8 (?) so i can work on my essay and finish my shit bc he has a bean bag thats hella comfy to work on
andd so later on, jocelyn comes in to watch anime with him and then after i finish we all decide to watch gabriel iglesias and ended up squishing together on the bean bag with me in the middle of the two of them
and so were all chillin there, laughing whatever and at one point chris fucking pratt puts his head on my shoulder for a little bit and i dIeDddd
and eventually i fall asleep when we start watching emperors new groove and mind you im fucking next to chris pratt like uhhhh my GOD
so i wake up once the movies over and then go to the bathroom and come back and by then he has taken over the whole bean bag and im sad that i cant just get back and go back to sleep so i go back to my room
(hanna doesnt know what time i get back i think and im pretty sure it was around4 am) (emilous also not here bc she went home for the weekend)
sunday 2-3
so i decide hey i was productive yesterday and decide to return to his room to work on shit and try to get as much done before work in theevening
i finish around 1/2? and then i tell him im bored and i wanna do something before work but idk what so he says lets go to the rec room and its just the two of us and its chillin and he puts me on his story playing pool lmao
and then i go to work :(
but then THEN later after work i go for a run and end up back in his room and theres a couple other people there and so were all chilling (mind you this is around midnight)
and somehow i end up falling asleep on the bean bag next to this girl jon from my hall and (this is a secret in a secret) but i hear her get up at one point and then chris pratt then joins me and during the night im tossing and turning and leaning on him a bit (ughhhh i died a shit ton)
monday 2-4
so in the morning around 720 or so i wake up pay dumb and am like oh whend you get here and he explains and then hes like yeah i dont really know the girl who slept in my bed (one of jons friends) and i figured since im more comfortable with you id just move here (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me upppp) [please note that when i say fuck me up i dont mean that type of fuck]
alrighty thats what i remember that i havent told you, and then the other bit from the screen record was tuesday and now its thursday and here i am in guess whos room again
possibly staying the night lmao
but jons also here so its not like im staying the night staying the night
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sundaynightnovels · 5 years
i’ve been tagged by the ever-so-amazing @kidsarentallwrite , so thank you! love seeing your answers as always hahaha and am always thankful that you remember me for these games <3  1. Go to song when you need to get into the mood to write? sad songs. usually my favourite jay chou song, or some really sad hua chenyu pieces. but yea, always sad mandopop.  and then i write a funny scene right HAHAHAHA ok no not always (my recent snippet was following a sad hcy song and it is ... hm. is it sad? i don’t know.) 2. Dream director for a film/television adaption? taikaaaa yoooooo!!! shout out to my best boy i can’t wait to watch jojo rabbit!  edgar wright in the lines of the cornetto trilogy &/ scott pilgrim like man the cornetto trilogy was l i f e  stephen chow for the most ridiculous nonsensical situational comedy that takes place in my wip (i’m thinking the fish scene, yall know that elusive fish scene that i always name-drop but never go into specifics about - gimme that in the style of kungfu hustle’s strongest woman!) 3. If you ever saw your WIP go to stage, is more likely to be a play or a musical? musical. it’d be a very boring play since nothing happens, and it’s ridiculous enough for the characters to break out in random musical numbers and still be valid. on immediate thought i can imagine teng wailing into the night singing a song about a forlorn love while zhen throws a shoe at him and jun sings a bad back-up harmony and ren is just there in the corner, rubbing at his temples and shou will act the part of the audience on stage and cheer and throw flowers and wail equally loudly in tears of absolute astonishment and delight yes. 4. Favourite thing you’ve written? eh. in my wip, or in general???? honestly i can’t think of anything. sometimes when i’m re-reading my writing / drabbles / whatever, in hindsight im like ‘whoa i wrote that??’ and then i re-read it AGAIN and im like ‘ew, i wrote that?’ and the cycle repeats x100 my favourite thing from my wip so far though, i think i have an actual scene for that. it’s this scene after all of them listens to this story. they are really affected by it, though none of them show it, and the next day shou just goes wandering around the streets and has this sorta experience and  it’s written a little vague, a little dazed and confused but also really... hm. kinda magical-ish and surreal and i think it was written pretty ... nicely. yea. HAHA. (maybe i’ll let you read it someday *winks* HAHAHAHAHA) 5. Top five authors, go! ME.  jk hahahahahaha. do i mean just kidding or do i mean jkr? who knows?? okay in all seriousness i love leigh bardugo, i love marie lu, ofc i love my man rick riordan and my childhood hero roald dahl. the last one’s for grabs, who wants to throw their name into the hat?  6. Biggest influences to your writing? idk, a lot of things. music and musical scenery (as in, yknow, certain visualisations you get when listening to songs & its mood and atmosphere etc. also i was watching pavarotti the other day for work, yknow the film about italian opera tenor luciano pavarotti? and in that film they mentioned something pretty interesting, in that in italian opera they first write down the lyrics, and then only after do they compose music to go with the lyrics so that each music strand is as evocative of the feeling of the word as possible, and i think that’s really cool) humour, definitely. most of my OCs came about from a line of dialogue that i just needed them to say. yes they are all manifestations of words. isn’t that all characters?  but really. mostly just a sort of feeling. can’t really describe it. that’s why i have a hell of a difficult time getting inspirations huh? 7. What do you use more, first/second/third person? when i was younger i used to do first person, but now i can’t stand to do first person hahaha it’s just a little odd for me i need my third-person. sometimes i can’t really bear to read first-person either, at least since i’ve grown older. i don’t really know why, can’t pinpoint it. some first-persons are really good though. 8. What social media would your OCs have? uhhhh i’m not a big social media person, so i don’t really know. i’ve stopped using instagram since the beginning of this year, and it’s odd because people never remember that i don’t use instagram. it’s like a thing that everyone assumes that everyone has and uses, i guess -- it just can’t stick in their minds that i’m not anymore. just an interesting observation 9. Why do you write the genre you write? the more important question is, what is my genre? HAHAHA. okay i don’t know, i just like writing character and character interactions and i love introspective pieces (even though mine, arguably, isn’t particularly introspective since no one wants to think in that, tsk, typical humans) 10. Team Edward or Team Jacob? when i read the books i was a 100% team jacob, until he went and imprint on a newborn baby and i was like ew bro what’s wrong with you so i’m team no-one now. both sides are creepy, unfortunately. 11. What’s your guilty pleasure movie? no guilty pleasures! not ashamed of letting people know what films i enjoy watching HAHA  i am a very conventional film-viewer and i like commercial stuff with mass appeal. sue me. like even though i’m writing film reviews for my internship right now and you’d assume i’d be all art-house and stuff, but like, no that stuff takes up too much brain energy i like fun, mass-appeal commercial stuff that forces you to engage in it and use your brain, whether during / after the film. that’s why parasite is fking amazing and it’s my favourite film of this year. if you haven’t watched it, WHY THE HELL NOT?  tagging a few peeps at @coffehousecreations @bahay-kubo @insearchof-solace @kaigods @aslanwrites @bookenders @mvcreates @tenacious-scripturient @inexorableblob @focusdumbass questions under ‘read more’!
1. why did you choose writing as a medium instead of other artistic endeavours? 2. what language(s) would you love your wip to be translated into, and why? 3. how would you describe your own writing? 4. who do you look up to the most in the writeblr community, be it their energy or personality or writing? 5. give yourself three compliments in terms of your own writing ability! you deserve it!  6. how much does real-world events translate into your writing? 7. what is your all-time favourite film? 8. how would you rate your writeblr experience as of now? how has it differed from your prior expectations? 9. what trope / inspired scene do you want to put in your wip, but haven’t? 10. give us a summary of one of your earliest wips! 11. what do you enjoy reading most from another person’s writing? bonus question (for, ahem, personal reasons): have you watched parasite? why / why not? what do you think of it?
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